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» What are the main types of complex sentences? What is a complex sentence

What are the main types of complex sentences? What is a complex sentence

Difficult sentence- this is a sentence that contains at least two grammatical bases (at least two simple sentences) and represents a semantic and grammatical unity, formalized intonationally.

For example: Ahead of us, a brown, clayey bank descended steeply, and behind us a wide grove darkened.

Simple sentences within a complex sentence do not have intonation and semantic completeness and are called predicative parts (constructions) of a complex sentence.

Difficult sentence is closely related to the simple sentence, but differs from it both structurally and in the nature of the message.

Therefore, determine difficult sentence - this means, first of all, to identify the features that distinguish it from a simple sentence.

The structural difference is obvious: a complex sentence is a grammatically formed combination of sentences (parts), somehow adapted to each other, whereas a simple sentence is a unit functioning outside of such a combination(hence its definition as a simple sentence). As part of a complex sentence, its parts are characterized by grammatical and intonation interconnectedness, as well as interdependence of content. In communicative terms, the difference between simple and complex sentences comes down to the difference in the volume of messages they convey.

A simple unextended sentence reports one single situation.

For example: The boy writes; The girl is reading; It's getting dark; Winter came; We have guests; I'm having fun.

Difficult sentence reports about several situations and the relationships between them or (a specific case) about one situation and the attitude towards it on the part of its participants or the speaker.

For example: The boy writes and the girl reads; When the boy writes, the girl reads; He doubts that you will like this book; I'm afraid that my arrival will not please anyone.

Thus, difficult sentence- this is an integral syntactic unit, which is a grammatically formed combination of sentences and functions as a message about two or more situations and the relationships between them.

Depending on the way simple sentences are connected as part of a complex All complex sentences are divided into two main types: non-union (communication is carried out only with the help of intonation) and allied (communication is carried out not only with the help of intonation, but also with the help of special means connections: conjunctions and allied words - relative pronouns and adverbs).

Conjunctive sentences are divided into compound and complex sentences.

In complex sentences, simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, a, but, or, then... then etc. Parts of a complex sentence are semantically equivalent, as a rule.

In complex sentences, simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions what, so, how, if, since, although etc. and allied words which, whose, where, where etc., which express different meanings dependencies: cause, effect, purpose, condition etc.

As part of a complex sentence, the main and subordinate clauses (or, what is the same, the main and subordinate parts) are distinguished.

Subordinate clause the part of a complex sentence that contains a subordinating conjunction or a conjunctive pronominal word is called; The main sentence is that part of a complex sentence to which the subordinate clause is attached (or correlated).

In the schemes of non-union and complex sentences, simple sentences are indicated by square brackets, the main sentence in the complex is also indicated, and subordinate clauses are enclosed in parentheses. Diagrams indicate means of communication and punctuation marks.

For example:

1) Seagulls circled over the lake, two or three longboats were visible in the distance.

, . – non-union complex sentence (BSP).

2)The driver slammed the door and the car sped off.

AND . – complex sentence (CSS).

3) I knew that in the morning my mother would go to the field to reap rye.

, (What...). – complex sentence (SPP).

A special group of complex sentences consists of sentences with different types communications.

For example: Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard.(Leonardo da Vinci). This is a complex sentence with composition and subordination.

The scheme of this sentence: , (which...), and , (which...).

Coordinating and subordinating connections in a complex sentence are not identical to coordinating and subordinating connections in a phrase and a simple sentence.

Main Differences boil down to the following.

In a complex sentence, a sharp line cannot always be drawn between composition and subordination: in many cases, the same relationship can be formalized by both a coordinating and a subordinating conjunction.

Composition And subordination of the proposalth - these are such ways of detecting the semantic relations existing between them, of which one (essay) conveys these relations in a less dismembered form, and the other (subordination) in a more differentiated form. In other words, creative and subordinating conjunctions differ primarily in their identifying (formalizing) capabilities.

So, for example, if, in a subordinating relationship, concessional, cause- or conditional-effect relationships receive a specialized, unambiguous expression with the help of conjunctions although, because if, then when composing, all these meanings can be formalized by the same connecting conjunction and.

For example: You can be an excellent doctor - and at the same time not know people at all(Chekhov); You came - and it was light, the winter dream was blown away, and spring began to hum in the forest(Block); Winter is like a magnificent funeral. Leave your home outside, Add some currants to the twilight, Douse with wine - that’s kutya(Parsnip); We didn’t bother with the child - and he doesn’t know music(V. Meyerhold).

Likewise, adversative conjunctions A And But can formalize concessionary relations: The boy was small, but he spoke and behaved with dignity(Trifonov); He's a celebrity, but he's a simple soul(Chekhov); conditional: My enthusiasm may cool, and then everything will perish(Aksakov); investigative: I know you are saying all this in irritation, and therefore I am not angry with you(Chekhov); comparative: You should laugh until you drop at my antics, and you are on guard(Chekhov).

When prompted, disjunctive conjunctions can formalize a conditional meaning, within the framework of a subordinating connection, expressed by the conjunction if (not)... then: You get married or I'll curse you(Fluff.); Either you get dressed now, or I'll go alone(Letters); One of two things: either he takes her away, act energetically, or give her a divorce(L. Tolstoy). Precisely because, by the nature of the relationships expressed, composition and the subordination of sentences are not sharply opposed to each other, close interaction is revealed between them.

2)The coordinating connection in a complex sentence is independent ; in a simple sentence it is associated with the expression of the relation of syntactic homogeneity. Another difference is also significant: in a simple sentence, the composition serves only the purposes of expanding and complicating the message; in a complex sentence, composition is one of two types of syntactic connections that organize such a sentence itself.

3) Composition and subordination relate differently to non-unionism.

The essay is close to non-union. The revealing (formalizing) possibilities of composition, compared with the possibilities of subordination, are weaker, and from this point of view, composition is not only not equivalent to subordination, but is also much further away from it than from non-union.

An essay is both a syntactic and a lexical method of communication: the relationship that arises between sentences on the basis of their semantic interaction with each other, as already noted, does not receive an unambiguous expression here, but is characterized only in the most general and undifferentiated form.

Further specification and narrowing of this meaning is carried out in the same way as with non-union - based on the general semantics of the connected sentences or (where possible) on certain lexical indicators: particles, introductory words, demonstrative and anaphoric pronouns and pronominal phrases. In some cases, differentiating functions are taken over by the relationships between species, temporary forms and inclinations.

Thus, the conditional consequential meaning in sentences with the conjunction And appears more clearly when combining forms imperative mood(usually, but not necessarily - verbs perfect form) in the first sentence with forms of other moods or with forms of the present-future tense - in the second: Experience consistency in good deeds, and then just call the person virtuous(Griboyedov, correspondence).

If coordinating conjunctions easily and naturally combine with lexical means of communication, forming unstable conjunctions with them ( and so, here and, well and, and therefore, and therefore, and therefore, therefore and, and therefore, and means, and therefore, therefore and, and then, then and, and on that condition etc.), then subordinating conjunctions themselves quite clearly differentiate the semantic relationships between sentences.

4) At the same time subordinating connection less clear in a complex sentence than in the phrase. It very often happens that some component of the meaning that is created by the interaction of sentences as part of a complex remains outside the revealing capabilities of the subordinating conjunction, counteracting its meaning or, on the contrary, enriching it in one way or another.

So, for example, in complex sentences with the conjunction When, if there is a message about emotional reactions or states in the main sentence, elements of causal meaning appear with greater or lesser force against the background of the actual temporary meaning: The poor teacher covered his face with his hands when he heard about such an act. former students their(Gogol); [Masha:] I am worried and offended by rudeness, I suffer when I see that a person is not subtle enough, soft enough, kind enough(Chekhov); The native, ocher-painted train station appeared. My heart sank sweetly when I heard the ringing of the station bell(Belov).

If the content of the subordinate clause is assessed from the point of view of necessity or desirability, the temporary meaning is complicated by the target one: Sweet things like this are said when they want to justify their indifference(Chekhov). In other cases, with an alliance When comparative values ​​are found ( No one has ever gotten up when I was completely ready. (Aksakov) or inconsistencies ( What kind of groom is there when he’s just afraid to come?(Dostovsky).

The third type of connection in a complex sentence is often distinguished non-union connection .

However, with the exception of one particular case, when the relations between non-conjunct sentences (conditional) are expressed by a completely definite relationship of predicate forms ( If I didn’t invite him, he would be offended; If a true friend had been nearby, the trouble would not have happened), non-union is not a grammatical connection.

Therefore, the distinction between composition and subordination in relation to non-union is impossible, although in semantic terms a very definite correlation is established between different types of non-union, complex and complex sentences.

So, for example, by the nature of the relations, combinations of sentences are very close to the sphere of subordination, of which one occupies the position of an object distributor within the other ( I hear someone knocking somewhere), or characterizes what is reported in another sentence, from the point of view of certain accompanying circumstances ( What a snow it was, I was walking!, i.e. (when I was walking)). The relations that develop between sentences in the absence of a union can receive ungrammatical expression with the help of certain, in varying degrees specialized elements of vocabulary: pronominal words, particles, introductory words and adverbs, which are like aids are also used in complex sentences of conjunctive types, especially complex ones.

The combination of two or more sentences into one complex sentence is accompanied by their formal, modal, intonation and content adaptation to each other. Sentences that are parts of a complex sentence do not have intonation, and often substantive (informative) completeness; Such completeness characterizes the entire complex sentence as a whole.

As part of a complex sentence, the modal characteristics of the combined sentences undergo significant changes:

firstly, here the objective-modal meanings of the parts enter into various interactions, and as a result of these interactions a new modal meaning is formed, which relates to the plane of reality or unreality the entire message contained in the complex sentence as a whole;

secondly, in the formation of the modal characteristics of a complex sentence, conjunctions (primarily subordinating ones) can take an active part, which make their own adjustments to the modal meanings of both parts of the complex sentence and their combination with each other;

thirdly, and finally, in a complex sentence, in contrast to a simple one, a close connection and dependence of objective-modal meanings and those subjective-modal meanings, which are very often contained in the conjunctions themselves and in their analogues, is revealed.

A feature of sentences that are part of a complex sentence may be the incompleteness of one of them (usually not the first), due to the tendency to non-repetition in a complex sentence of those semantic components that are common to both of its parts. Mutual adaptation of sentences when combined into a complex sentence can manifest itself in the order of words, mutual restrictions on types, forms of tense and mood, and in restrictions on the target setting of the message. As part of a complex sentence main part may have an open syntactic position for the clause. In this case, the main part also has special means to indicate this position; such means are demonstrative pronominal words. Types and methods of formal adaptation of sentences when combined into a complex syntactic unit are considered when describing specific types of complex sentences.

All sentences are divided into simple and complex.
Simple sentence, as we have already said, contains one grammatical basis. All of the above classifications are created for simple sentences. For example: Private owners make up about a third of entrepreneurship.
Difficult sentence contains two or more grammatical bases, that is, it consists of two or more simple sentences. For example: Politicians, who have secured support of a significant part of the population, boldly are coming for the elections.
Complex sentences may include simple sentences that are different in structure and composition.
Complex sentences, in turn, have a complex classification.

1. Compound sentence
It consists of several simple, equal in meaning, independent sentences connected by coordinating conjunctions. For example: Blowed through the window strong wind, and the documents scattered around the room.
Coordinating conjunctions:
- connective: AND, YES (= AND), NEITHER... NOR, AS... SO AND;
- connecting: YES, YES AND, ALSO, ALSO;
- explanatory: THAT IS, NAMELY;
- gradational: NOT ONLY... BUT ALSO, NOT THAT... BUT.

2. Complex sentence
It consists of several simple sentences, one of which is the main one, and the rest are dependent on the main one, i.e. subordinate clauses (you can ask a question to them from the main one). They are connected with each other by subordinating conjunctions or allied words. For example: Every crooked nail thinks (what?) that a real nail must be crooked(V. Shwebel).
Subordinating conjunctions:
- temporary: WHEN, HOW ONLY, BETWEEN, WHILE, JUST, JUST, etc.;
- consequences: SO WHAT, etc.;
- conditional: IF, IF, WHEN, HOW SOON, etc.;
- concessive: AT LEAST, AT LEAST, LET, DESPITE THAT, etc.;
- comparative: AS, AS, AS, AS, AS, AS, AS, AS, AS, EXACTLY, etc.;
- explanatory: WHAT, SO.
Conjunctive words differ from conjunctions in that they are interrogative-relative pronouns and are members of a sentence, in contrast to conjunctions that connect, but are not members of a sentence.
Thus, subordinate clauses are divided into temporal, spatial, attributive, explanatory, etc. For example: The greatest influence on humanity came from books that almost no one read; We are not perfect because we do not know how to resist temptations; Where the road turned, he looked back.
Subordinate clauses can come before the main clause, after it, or in the middle. Parts of a complex sentence are always separated by commas and other marks (see section: “Punctuation”).

A complex sentence can have several subordinate clauses. Then there are three types of submission:
1. sequential subordination - one in which one subordinate clause is subordinated to another according to the principle of links in one chain. For example: Makar knew (what?) that the severe frost does not joke with people (what?) who are lost in the taiga.

2. homogeneous subordination - one in which several subordinate clauses depend on one main one. For example: We realized (what?) that we were mistaken, (realized what?) and that products for sale must be ordered in bulk.

3. combined submission – one in which both of these methods are present. For example: I read to such an extent (to what extent?) that I did not immediately understand (what?) who came, (what?) who was ringing the doorbell.

3. Non-union proposal
This is such a complex sentence in which its parts are connected only in meaning without the participation of additional words. For example: The wind swayed the branches, the leaves rained down; For business - time, for fun - an hour; If you hurry, you will make people laugh and etc.

4. With different types of communication
In such a complex sentence it is possible to combine allied and non-union parts. For example: Some entrepreneurs have certain superstitions: some, for example, do not make deals when the sun has not yet risen, while others always carry a talisman with them.

Using Conjunctions

When using conjunctions, you need to take into account not only their meaning, but also their stylistic coloring.
- Conjunctions used in colloquial speech: YES, YES AND, EITHER, NOT THIS, NOT THAT, ONCE, etc. For example: No, I haven’t seen him, and you can’t see him.
- Conjunctions used in book speech: THANKING THAT, IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT, IN CONNECTION WITH THE FACT THAT, SO THAT, etc. For example: He got there on time thanks to taking your car.
- Conjunctions that are colloquial or obsolete in nature: IF, KABA, KOLI, DOKOL, etc.
The use of conjunctions YET and UNTIL is different.
The conjunction WHILE is used in the meaning of the conjunction “WHEN”: While he crawled, the cannons continued to fire at the battery.
The conjunction WHILE is used in the meaning of the conjunction “BEFORE”: I changed my job many times until I found the right one.
The conjunction UNTIL is not used to indicate that the action of the subordinate clause occurs as a result of what is said in the main clause: And they talked until the father brought the samovar(Wed until father brought the samovar).

Errors in complex sentences

1. Structure displacement
Sometimes the main sentence is “interrupted” by the subordinate clause inside it, for example: The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the ideological side of the issue. Wed: The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the ideological side of the issue. The essence of the error is that the main predicate becomes similar to the subordinate predicate and ceases to be consistent with the subject to which it refers.
It may also be that the main clause “interrupts” the subordinate clause if it is inside the latter: But these quotes are unknown where the author borrowed them from (instead of: It is unknown where the author borrowed these quotes from).

2. Incorrect use of conjunctions and allied words
a) The use of a conjunction or allied word that is inappropriate for the given context: It was possible to agree only with those provisions of the report that did not contain any internal contradictions(need: in which), etc.
b) Statement of a series of unambiguous conjunctions: Conditions for further growth livestock farming exists however nevertheless a turning point has not yet occurred.
c) Use of a conjunction after an introductory word: The speaker presented arguments that seem to What have already been used somewhere.
d) An error may be the unsuccessful use of a comparative word: Indicate the shortest distance that separates both points.
e) The particle should not be repeated in subordinate clauses in which the predicate is expressed in the form of a conditional mood: If would proposals from the Western powers were would accepted, nothing has changed would, unless there was would a commission for inventory of weapons was created.
f) A mistake is cluttering a complex sentence with the same conjunctions or allied words when consistent subordination subordinate clauses: The commission refused to accept the object for construction whom were released necessary funds, which were largely misused.

3. Wrong word order
In a sentence with a subordinate qualifying clause, incorrect order creates ambiguity: Students had an internship in one of the plant’s workshops, which was recently reconstructed(it is not clear whether the workshop or the plant as a whole was reconstructed).

4. Mixing direct and indirect speech
This error is that the subordinate clause forming indirect speech, retains elements of direct speech (forms of personal pronouns and verbs): The author of the project rashly remarked to the reviewer that how can you not notice the new things that I put into it.

All our communication occurs through words. You can talk with your interlocutor, or you can write letters. Words are formed into sentences, being the basis for written and oral speech. And often when composing a complex sentence, doubt arises about its infallibility.

Definition of a complex sentence

A complex sentence can be represented as a unity of several simple sentences. Connected by semantic and grammatical unity, formed intonationally, a complex sentence contains at least two grammatical bases (subject and predicate).

For example: It rained in the morning and the roads were covered with shiny puddles . There are two grammatical bases in this sentence – it was raining and the roads were covered.

Types of complex sentences

All types of complex sentences that exist in the Russian language can be represented in the form of a diagram:

The formation of allied complex sentences occurs with the help of a union. They are different for each type.

Complex sentence

In such a sentence, the parts are equal and independent of each other; questions are not asked from one to the other.

Depending on the conjunctions present in the sentence, complex sentences are divided into three groups:

  • Connecting. Events occur sequentially or simultaneously. These include conjunctions AND, ALSO, ALSO, YES, NEITHER...NOR, NOT ONLY...BUT AND, YES AND ( It was already completely dark, and we had to leave).
  • Nasty. Actions are opposed to each other, conjunctions BUT, A, YES, HOWEVER, THEN, SAME are used ( We waited for them for a very long time, but they never came).
  • Separating. Events alternate or are mutually exclusive. Inherent conjunctions are EITHER, OR, THAT...THAT, NOT THAT...NOT THAT, EITHER...OR ( Either the sun is shining or it's raining).

Complex sentence

The main difference between such sentences is the presence of a main and dependent (subordinate) part. Simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions and allied words WHAT, THAT, IF, WHEN, WHY, ALTHOUGH, WHICH, BEFORE, etc., which are always placed in the subordinate clause. It, in turn, can be located in front main part, and in its middle or at the end ( We'll go sunbathing if the weather is good).

Non-union proposal

The connection of simple sentences occurs without the help of conjunctions or allied words, but only with intonation and meaning. Non-union complex sentences are divided into two types: equal - the order of arrangement of parts of the sentence is free ( Spring has come, the birds began to sing louder songs), and unequal - when one of the parts carries the main meaning of the statement, and the others reveal it ( I like spring: the sun warms up, the snow melts, the first snowdrops appear).

Punctuation in complex sentences

When deciding which punctuation to use in complex sentences, you should adhere to the rule that simple sentences are always separated. In most cases this is a comma. But there are exceptions.

In a compound sentence, a comma is not placed if its parts are separated by the conjunctions AND, OR, OR and have a common subordinate clause or a common minor member ( The earth was shrouded in a white blanket of snow and dried up by frost.). Also, a comma is not placed between two interrogative sentences ( What time is it now and when will father come?).

A complex sentence does not have a comma when several similar subordinate clauses are connected by the conjunctions AND, OR (I think today is a beautiful day and I can go for a walk). Expressions such as AT ALL THINGS, WHO IS GOING TO WHAT, AS WELL AS NOTHING HAPPENED, etc. are not subordinate clauses and are not separated by a comma.

IN non-union proposal There is always a punctuation mark, the main thing is to figure out which one it is. A colon is used when the subordinate clause contains a reason, explanation, or addition to the main clause. In this case, the colon can be conditionally replaced by conjunctions THAT, BECAUSE, NAMELY ( I love summer: (=because) you can walk longer). A dash is usually used where there is a contrast, conclusion or result, and also indicates the time of the action. When events change quickly, a dash is also placed ( The cheese fell out - there was a trick with it). In all other cases, a comma is placed in the non-union sentence.

Perhaps the expression complex sentence sounds a little scary. But there's nothing really complicated about it. Having remembered the signs by which they differ, you can easily compose a beautiful and literate text.

Complex sentences- These are sentences consisting of several simple ones.

The main means of connecting simple sentences into complex ones are intonation, conjunctions (coordinating and subordinating) and allied words (relative pronouns and pronominal adverbs).

Depending on the means of communication, complex sentences are divided into allied And non-union. Union proposals are divided into compound And complex.

Compound Sentences (SSPs) are complex sentences in which simple sentences are linked to each other by intonation and coordinating conjunctions.

Types of compound sentences by nature of the conjunction and meaning

SSP type Unions Examples
1. connecting unions(connective relations). AND; Yes(in meaning And); no no; yes and; Same; Also; not only but.

They opened the door and air from the yard steamed into the kitchen.(Paustovsky).
Her face is pale, her slightly parted lips have also turned pale.(Turgenev).
Not only was there no fish, but the rod didn’t even have a fishing line(Sadovsky).
He didn’t like jokes, and even her in front of him left alone(Turgenev).

2. Compound sentences with adversarial conjunctions(adverse relationships). A; But; Yes(in meaning But); however(in meaning But); but; but; and then; not that; or else; particle(in the meaning of the union A); particle only(in the meaning of the union But).

Ivan Petrovich left, but I stayed(Leskov).
Beliefs are instilled by theory, behavior is shaped by example.(Herzen).
I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry(Tendryakov).
It rained in the morning, but now the clear sky was shining above us(Paustovsky).
You today gotta talk with his father, otherwise he will worry about your departure(Pisemsky).
The boats immediately disappear into the darkness, only splashes of oars and the voices of fishermen can be heard for a long time(Dubov).

3. Compound sentences with dividing unions(separation relationships). Or; or; not that..., not that; then..., then; either... or...

Either eat the fish or run aground(proverb).
Either he was jealous of Natalya, or he regretted her(Turgenev).
Either the silence and loneliness had an effect on him, or he just suddenly looked with different eyes at the environment that had become familiar(Simonov).


1) Coordinating conjunctions can connect not only parts of a complex sentence, but also homogeneous members. Their distinction is especially important for punctuation marks. Therefore, when parsing, be sure to highlight the grammatical basics to determine the type of sentence (simple with homogeneous members or complex sentence).

Wed: A man walked from a smoky ice hole and carried a large sturgeon(Peskov) - a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates; I'll give you money for the trip, and you can call a helicopter(Peskov) is a complex sentence.

2) Coordinating conjunctions usually take place at the beginning of the second clause (the second simple sentence).

In some places the Danube serves as a border, but it serves and is expensive people to each other(Peskov).

The exception is unions, too, also, particles-unions, only. They necessarily occupy or can occupy a place in the middle of the second part (the second simple sentence).

My sister and I cried, my mother also cried(Aksakov); His comrades treated him with hostility, but the soldiers truly loved him.(Kuprin).

Therefore, when parsing, such complex sentences are often confused with non-union complex sentences.

3) The double conjunction not only..., but also expresses gradational relations and is classified as a connecting conjunction in school textbooks. Very often, when parsing, only the second part is taken into account ( but also) and are mistakenly classified as adversative conjunctions. To avoid making mistakes, try replacing this double conjunction with the conjunction and.

Wed: Language should not only be understandable or simple, but also language must be good (L. Tolstoy). - Language must be understandable or simple, and language must be good.

4) Compound sentences are very diverse in meaning. Quite often they are close in meaning to complex sentences.

Wed: If you leave, it will become dark(Shefner). - If you leave, it will become dark; I didn't eat anything, but I didn't feel hungry(Tendryakov). - Although I didn't eat anything, I didn't feel hungry.

However, during analysis, it is not this specific meaning that is taken into account, but the meaning determined by the type of coordinating conjunction (conjunctive, adversative, disjunctive).

Notes. In some textbooks and manuals for compound sentences classify complex sentences with explanatory conjunctions that is, namely, For example: The board authorized him to speed up the work, that is, in other words, he authorized himself to do this(Kuprin); Bird flights developed as an adaptive instinctive act, namely: it gives birds opportunity to avoid unfavorable winter conditions(Peskov). Other researchers classify them as complex sentences or separate them into independent type complex sentences. Some researchers classify sentences with particles only as non-union sentences.

A sentence is a syntactic unit characterized by semantic and grammatical completeness. One of its main features is the presence of predicative parts. According to the number of grammatical bases, all sentences are classified as simple or complex. Both of them fulfill their purpose in speech main function- communicative.

Types of complex sentences in Russian

A complex sentence consists of two or more simple sentences connected to each other using conjunctions or just intonation. At the same time, its predicative parts retain their structure, but lose their semantic and intonational completeness. Methods and means of communication determine the types of complex sentences. A table with examples allows you to identify the main differences between them.

Compound Sentences

Their predicative parts are independent in relation to each other and equal in meaning. They can be easily divided into simple ones and rearranged. Coordinating conjunctions, which are divided into three groups, act as a means of communication. Based on them, they distinguish the following types complex sentences with coordinating connections.

  1. With connecting conjunctions: AND, ALSO, YES (=AND), ALSO, NEITHER...NOR, NOT ONLY...BUT AND, AS...SO AND, YES AND. In this case, the parts of the compound conjunctions will be located in different simple sentences X.

The whole city was already asleep, I Same went home. Soon Anton Not only I re-read all the books in my home library, but also turned to his comrades.

A feature of complex sentences is that the events described in different predicative parts can occur simultaneously ( AND thunder roared And the sun was breaking through the clouds), sequentially ( The train rumbled And a dump truck rushed after him) or one follows from the other ( It's already completely dark, And it was necessary to disperse).

  1. With adversative conjunctions: BUT, A, HOWEVER, YES (= BUT), THEN, THE SAME. These types of complex sentences are characterized by the establishment of opposition relations ( Grandfather seemed to understand everything, But Grigory had to convince him of the need for the trip for a long time) or comparisons ( Some were fussing in the kitchen, A others started cleaning the garden) between its parts.
  2. With disjunctive conjunctions: EITHER, OR, NOT THAT...NOT THAT, THAT...THAT, EITHER...EITHER. The first two conjunctions can be single or repeating. It was time to get to work, or he would be fired. Possible relationships between parts: mutual exclusion ( Either Pal Palych really had a headache, either he just got bored), alternation ( All day long That the blues took hold, That suddenly there was an inexplicable attack of fun).

Considering the types of complex sentences with a coordinating connection, it should be noted that the connecting conjunctions ALSO, ALSO and the adversative SAME are always located after the first word of the second part.

Main types of complex sentences with subordinating connections

The presence of a main and dependent (subordinate) part is their main quality. The means of communication are subordinating conjunctions or allied words: adverbs and relative pronouns. The main difficulty in distinguishing them is that some of them are homonymous. In such cases, a hint will help: an allied word, unlike a conjunction, is always a member of a sentence. Here are examples of such homoforms. I knew for sure What(union word, you can ask a question) look for me. Tanya completely forgot What(union) the meeting was scheduled for the morning.

Another feature of NGN is the location of its predicative parts. The location of the subordinate clause is not clearly defined. It can stand before, after or in the middle of the main part.

Types of subordinate clauses in SPP

It is traditional to correlate dependent parts with members of a sentence. Based on this, there are three main groups into which such complex sentences are divided. Examples are presented in the table.

Subordinate clause type


Means of communication



Which, which, whose, when, what, where, etc.

There was a house near the mountain, a roof whom I'm already pretty thin.



What (s. and s.w.), how (s. and s.w.), so that, as if, as if, or... or, who, like, etc.

Mikhail didn't understand How solve the problem of.


When? How long?

When, while, how, barely, while, since, etc.

The boy waited until Bye the sun hasn't set at all.

Where? Where? Where?

Where, where, where

Izmestiev put the papers there, Where no one could find them.

Why? From what?

Because, since, for, due to the fact that, etc.

The driver stopped for the horses suddenly began to snort.


What follows from this?

By morning it cleared up So the detachment moved on.

Under what conditions?

If, when (= if), if, once, in case

If the daughter did not call for a week, the mother involuntarily began to worry.

For what? For what purpose?

In order to, in order to, in order to, in order to, if only,

Frolov was ready for anything to get this place.

Despite what? In spite of what?

Although, despite the fact that, even if, for nothing, whoever, etc.

Overall the evening was a success Although and there were minor shortcomings in its organization.


How? Like what?

As if, exactly, as if, just as, as if, just as, as if,

Snowflakes flew down in large, frequent flakes, as if someone poured them out of a bag.

Measures and degrees

To what extent?

What, in order, how, as if, as if, how much, how much

There was such silence What I felt somehow uneasy.


what (in the oblique case), why, why, why = the pronoun this

There was still no car, from what The anxiety only grew.

SPP with several subordinate clauses

Sometimes a complex sentence may contain two or more dependent parts that relate to each other in different ways.

Depending on this, the following methods of connecting simple sentences into complex sentences are distinguished (examples help to build a diagram of the structures being described).

  1. With consistent submission. The next subordinate clause depends directly on the previous one. It seemed to me, What this day will never end, because There were more and more problems.
  2. With parallel homogeneous subordination. Both (all) subordinate clauses depend on one word (the entire part) and belong to the same type. This construction resembles a sentence with homogeneous members. Between subordinate clauses there may be coordinating conjunctions. It soon became clear What it was all just a bluff So what no major decisions were made.
  3. With parallel heterogeneous subordination. Dependents are of different types and belong to different words(the whole part). Garden, which sowed in May, already produced the first harvest, That's why life became easier.

Non-union complex sentence

The main difference is that the parts are connected only in meaning and intonation. Therefore, the emerging relationships between them come to the fore. They are the ones who influence the placement of punctuation marks: commas, dashes, colons, semicolons.

Types of non-union complex sentences

  1. The parts are equal, the order of their arrangement is free. To the left of the road grew tall trees, to the right stretched a shallow ravine.
  2. The parts are unequal, the second:
  • reveals the contents of the 1st ( These sounds caused concern: (= namely) in the corner someone was rustling persistently);
  • complements the 1st ( I peered into the distance: someone’s figure appeared there);
  • indicates the reason ( Sveta laughed: (= because) the neighbor’s face was smeared with dirt).

3. Contrasting relationships between parts. This manifests itself in the following:

  • the first indicates a time or condition ( I'm five minutes late - there is no one anymore);
  • in the second unexpected result ( Fedor just got up to speed - the opponent immediately remained behind); opposition ( The pain becomes unbearable - you be patient); comparison ( Looks from under his brows - Elena will immediately burn with fire).

JV with different types of communications

Often there are constructions that contain three or more predicative parts. Accordingly, between them there can be coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, allied words or only punctuation marks (intonation and semantic relations). These are complex sentences (examples are widely presented in fiction) With various types communications. Mikhail has long wanted to change his life, But Something was constantly stopping him; As a result, the routine bogged him down more and more every day.

The diagram will help to summarize information on the topic “Types of complex sentences”: