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» Wheel of fortune tarot advice. Arcana Wheel of Fortune: meaning in various Tarot layouts. wheel of fortune and man

Wheel of fortune tarot advice. Arcana Wheel of Fortune: meaning in various Tarot layouts. wheel of fortune and man

The lasso of the Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot is very ambiguous. The card received in the layout should be interpreted depending on its position, neighboring cards and the area to which the question is asked. So, the Wheel can have a variety of meanings. You can't call a card positive or negative.

General description of the map

In the Tarot deck, the lasso Wheel of Fortune is listed at number 10. The card belongs to the senior group of arcana.

She personifies the fate of a person, destined for him from above. Symbolizes the life path on which the questioner is a traveler. The karmic power of the symbol demonstrates that nothing happens by chance. All events in our life, one way or another, are destined. A person makes his choice, but this choice is within the limits of the options provided by fate.

On the canvas of the card is a disk symbolizing the karmic wheel. It is surrounded by eight characters. At the top of the structure is a sky-colored sphinx. There is a sword in his paws. Below is a red dog that supports the wheel.

In addition to the sphinx and the dog, there are five golden winged creatures on the map. They don't touch the wheel. This is a man, an eagle, a bull and a snake. Each of them has an open book.

The image is quite symbolic. It is interpreted in different ways, but the main points are the same for all interpreters. Man is only a reader of his book. He lives according to the outlined scenario, although the ending of the story as a result depends on himself.

On a modern deck, you can see figures of people, some of whom the wheel lifts up, while others drop down. This is how Fortune itself can be interpreted, which gives glory to some, and overthrows others from the pedestal.

The meaning of the lasso Wheel of Fortune

The card demonstrates the Wheel of Fate, personifying the cyclical nature of life, the infinity of the universe and inevitability.

The main meanings of the map:

  • Uncertainty, unpredictability.
  • Cyclic life.
  • Favorable outcome.
  • Uniformity and dependence on it.
  • A symbol of the coming changes.
  • Constancy (in personal relationships).
  • The beginning of a new stage, the completion of the work begun.
  • Gambling addiction.
  • Decision-making.

Direct position

A card drawn in this way portends the querent's coming changes. She talks about a new stage in life or a matter of interest to him. It will be a bright band, the appearance of which was provided by external forces. The new period will be devoid of routine, some unexpected events will happen in it, because this is how rock manifests itself.

The Wheel that appeared in the layout testifies to the favor of fate. A person has worked hard enough to receive a gift from karma. Obstacles on the way to the desired will be overcome. Perceive the coming changes from the point of view of philosophy, do not look for logic in them. Some changes in our lives are beyond our control.

The card warns that one should seize the chance given by fate. Don't miss the opportunities that open up to you. It is possible to decipher what kind of chances a person will have when interpreting neighboring cards in a layout. For example, the Empress portends the beginning of a new business, as well as a kind of birth in the literal or figurative sense.

In most cases, in the upright position, the interpretation of the card is positive. Fate favors you, trust her.

Reversed position

The inverted Wheel of Fate acquires radically different features, tarologists prefer to interpret its meaning in different ways. However, they all agree that the symbol warns a person about future trials.

If the question concerned a specific case, then the card indicates that there will be a pause in its execution. Stagnation is provoked by the emotions of a person, a change in his attitude to business. This lasso in this position indicates a black streak in life, bad luck and karmic failures.

At the same time, the inverted Wheel indicates that the person needs to stop. Don't take on more than you can handle. And you should not rely on fate too often. She turns away from those who are completely at her disposal.

The Wheel of Fortune in an inverted position indicates upcoming events that will delay your plans. With the implementation of the plan will have to wait. You have no control over this situation, so arm yourself with patience and try to make the most of it.

If a person is interested in the question of the troubles in life that are pursuing him at the moment, then the Wheel of Fate, even in an inverted position, acquires positive features. It means that the problems will end soon.

Interpretation of the card in layouts

The meaning of the card should be interpreted, paying attention to the alignment in which it fell out. The wheel has a different explanation in other areas of life.

Divination for relationships

In the upright position, the meaning of the Wheel of Fortune in relationships should be interpreted depending on the marital status of the questioner. For the lonely, the card may mean that this state of affairs is chosen by fate itself. You are alone and there is nothing you can do about it yet. If the relationship has recently ended, then you need to give up trying to get your partner back. Let go and move on.

If the querent is in a relationship, then the interpretation can be both positive and alarming. Either a favorable future or some kind of test awaits your couple. The correct position of the card indicates that circumstances will be on your side. A love union will be able to overcome the obstacle. To determine what the tests will be associated with, pay attention to the neighboring arcana.

In any case, the card portends that the current state of affairs will be preserved. If the questioner is happy, then his happiness will last. If he experiences difficulties in communication, then they will persist further.

An inverted Wheel in a love spread means that a person is in a routine relationship (or will soon enter into one). This union is full of boredom and monotony. Relationships are difficult, but it is impossible to break them for any reason. The person has become a prisoner of the situation.

If there is a Pair of Wands next to the inverted Wheel of Fate, then there is a hidden rivalry between the partners. Five of Cups indicates that one of the allies is feeling disappointed. The Four Swords testify to accumulated grievances. Partners in a relationship harbor too much anger at each other.

The appearance of an inverted Wheel is still somewhat favorable, because it suggests the weaknesses of the relationship and warns of possible problems.

Schedules for work

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card demonstrates the influence of fate even in areas that seem to us completely controlled. Our professional activity, one way or another, depends on karma, so fateful events cannot be denied.

So, a card in a straight position falls to lucky people. If you received this symbol in the layout, be sure that "fortune" is on your side. Most likely, you are engaged in the work of your life, and this is your calling.

The card can also fall out to those who are trying to find their destination. The symbol promises the changes that rock has prepared for you. Don't resist and let them happen. The correct position of the card proves that you have nothing to fear.

Pay attention to neighboring cards. They will indicate what plan of change to expect. The minor arcana can suggest the right decision. For example, the Ace of Wands encourages impulsiveness. Be guided by momentary desire and you will not lose. The Ace of Swords, on the contrary, advises you to think about your actions more carefully. Do not give in to emotions, but listen to the voice of reason.

If next to the Wheel is the lasso Court or the World, then changes in the professional field are inevitable.

The meaning of the card completely changes if it falls upside down. The professional activity of a person is mired in a black stripe. The Wheel of Fate indicates problems. It is also possible that there are no prospects in the chosen direction.

Possible meanings of the inverted symbol:

  • The antics of competitors that hinder growth.
  • Missed chances and prospects.
  • Reckless steps.
  • Investments that will be lost due to lack of profit.

The proximity of the map is important in determining the source of problems. If the lasso is next to the Devil, then the querent is expected to be demoted or even dismissed. The hermit points to an independent struggle with the difficulties that have arisen. You will not find an ally in solving problems.

Divination for health

The wheel can also fall out in the layout of the state of health. Its value should be regarded as usual, in accordance with the nearest cards.

The symbol in the upright position indicates good human health. Your well-being is excellent, even if sometimes you feel unwell. Remember that everything in our life is cyclical, so a period of weakening will be followed by a rise in strength. Enhances the favorable meaning of the card and the proximity to positive arcana. For example, the Sun shows longevity and inner strength.

The inverted Wheel of Fate reminds us that everything in life repeats itself. Pay attention to diseases that you got rid of earlier. Relapse or chronic malaise is possible. The Wheel of Fortune may indicate allergies or depression. Some predictors tend to associate the card with the female cycle, which also tends to fluctuate and return to normal.

Near future

In the scenario for the near future, the Wheel of Fortune may also fall out. The card of the day in this case has an optimistic interpretation. The symbol also reminds that it is impossible to influence fate. If some events are persistently knocking on your life, open up, because for you these changes will be of an exceptionally favorable nature.

If the card of the day fell upside down, take the initiative in business. Don't let events take their course. Fate does not like to be relied upon too much.

Combination with Major Arcana

In any scenario, all cards are interconnected, and therefore they should be interpreted together. The significance of the direct position of the Wheel of Fate is especially strong when paired with the major arcana:

Thus, the appearance in the layouts of the lasso of the Wheel of Fate can have both positive and not very significant meanings. It all depends on the neighboring cards, as well as on the sphere of life to which the question of the fortuneteller belongs.

Attention, only TODAY!

The Wheel of Fortune is the tenth Major Arcana of the Tarot. From the position of astrology, the map corresponds to the planet Saturn, which is responsible for the cyclical nature of time, the eternity of being, and also indicates mentorship, which in turn refers the Wheel to the karmic plan (not so much a specific person, but the entire World). In this article, we will look at what the Tarot Wheel of Fortune tells about.

Card in reverse position

The Wheel of Fortune upside down indicates that you are living consciously, recommends that you make efforts and wait for future changes. It also denotes unforeseen actions in incomprehensible situations, a person tries to resist change.

  1. Sphere of events: no opportunities to expand, but no losses either.
  2. A person has been looking for a job for a long time or has been working for the same job for a long time. One theme is being developed.
  3. The state of health is normal, stable (it can be both bad and good).
  4. The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot in the personal sphere: everything is unchanged, you need to pay attention to other arcana.
  5. Describes a person who is used to acting on his own.
  6. The reverse position of the card advises you to continue doing what you are currently doing.
  7. The answer to your question depends on its specificity: if the question is about an unexpected event or future prospects, the answer is no. And if - the continuation of something old - then positive.

The Sacred Meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot

The sacredness of the image of the Wheel depends on a large number of images and symbols that the lasso depicts.

  • The wheel is the main symbol of the map. The superficial meaning of the Wheel is an endless movement that no one can stop, because it turns around by the will of the Almighty. The deeper meaning of the Wheel is that it divides all things in our world into internal and external. And their border is the rim of the Wheel, which is identified with the Universal Wheel (it can be depicted as a snake biting its own tail).

What is inside the Wheel is the material world. Due to the movement of the wheel, a centrifugal force arises, indicating the desire of all living beings to get to the center - to reach a place of peace and bliss.

  • The downward movement symbolizes the low animal instincts in a person, and the upward movement indicates their combination with a high level of consciousness. The deep meaning of this card is that a person, if by the will of circumstances, finds himself at the bottom of life, does not become an animal. And if, on the contrary, he went up, he did not forget about the material world, suppressed the animal instinct in himself and transformed it into the necessary experience.
  • The theme of karma, the law of cause and effect (retribution), is also remembered here. In the lasso, this process is controlled by the Sphinx, which ensures that a person, having risen to the top, is not deceived by his chosenness and does not show pride. And if he notices such a violation, he immediately sent the person back down.

The symbol of the Sphinx in the map harmoniously combines the animal and human principles. He has a human head, has the paws of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a bull. The combination of these images indicates the main animal instincts donated in the process of Creation.

  • The eagle is associated with inspiration, creative self-expression.
  • The lion is its complete opposite, symbolizing aggression, quick attack and ferocity.
  • Ox - indicates the ability to concentrate on something, thanks to which a person can realize various ideas.

The combination of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot with other cards

Now you know the meaning of the 10th Tarot Arcana, but in order to get a complete picture of the prediction, you also need to pay attention to the rest of the cards in the layout. Next, we will look at examples of combining the Wheel of Fortune with other arcana.

With the lasso "Jester" - the combination will tell about unforeseen changes that do not carry any guarantee.

With the lasso "Magician" - changes that call you to action.

With the “High Priestess” lasso, events take you in a whirlpool.

  • With the lasso "Empress" - someone must be born.
  • With the lasso "Emperor" - a time of change that will change the usual order (in business and family spheres of life).
  • With the lasso "Hierophant" - changes relating to the family or life position.
  • With the lasso "Lovers" - changes in the personal sphere.
  • With the lasso "Chariot" - chaotic changes.
  • With the lasso "Strength" - it is difficult for a person to adapt to change, he is not tuned in to them.
  • With the lasso "The Hermit" - the combination portends retirement, changes that will provoke loneliness, poverty.
  • With the lasso "Justice" - changes regarding legislation.
  • With the lasso "The Hanged Man" - the beginning of a crisis as a result of change.
  • With the lasso "Death" - changes are intensifying.
  • With the lasso "Moderation" - over time, everything will normalize.
  • With the lasso "Devil" - loss of status, position in society.
  • With the lasso "Tower" - time to pay old bills.
  • With the lasso "Star" - a person hopes that changes will save him.
  • With the lasso "Moon" - plans of an indefinite nature.
  • With the lasso "Sun" - changes that will be followed by success and glory.
  • With the lasso "Court" - luck is now on your side.
  • With the lasso "Peace" - you will receive rewards as a result of change.
  • With the lasso "Ace of Wands" - the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the light one.
  • With the lasso "Two of Wands" - moving.
  • With the lasso "Three of Wands" - your position will improve.
  • With the lasso "Four of Wands" - new housing, new work, changes in the house.
  • With the lasso "Five of Wands" - mood swings.
  • With the lasso "Six of Wands" - the combination indicates a career increase.
  • With the lasso "Seven of Wands" - a person is desperately trying to save what he has.
  • With the lasso "Eight of Wands" - receiving unexpected news.
  • With the lasso "Nine of Wands" - a sign of warning.
  • With the lasso "Ten of Wands" - you will have to suffer from the blow of fate.
  • With the Page of Wands lasso, you will receive a tempting offer.
  • With the lasso "Knight of Wands" - you will be drawn into the maelstrom of events.
  • With the lasso "Queen of Wands" - over time, the situation will change for the better.
  • With the lasso "King of Wands" - your authority grows.

If you got a Tarot Wheel of Fate card, then now you need to carefully follow the signs from above, non-random accidents (in a direct position). Or continue what you are currently doing (inverted).

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The fortuneteller is waiting for change. They can be different - favorable and unfavorable. In this case, nothing depends on the person. It is a destiny that he cannot influence. You can't avoid change either. In addition, the Wheel of Fortune is the card of the game. This means that luck can “smile” at a person, but luck will be doubtful.


Lovers have a bright, positive feeling. For a lonely person, such a card means a new acquaintance. However, how it will end is unknown. The arcanum also heralds a new cycle in love. At the same time, it is not known what it will bring - good or bad. The wheel of fortune simply indicates that a new cycle cannot be avoided, even if the fortuneteller makes every effort to do so.


The card says that in general there will be no health problems. From time to time, pain may appear, which will quickly pass. Weaknesses - the circulatory system, the gastrointestinal tract, the organs of vision.


Arkan indicates that the fortuneteller has a penchant for gambling and adventures. The card also says that a person expects a large profit received by chance. The wheel of fortune can also indicate that an unpleasant, confusing situation awaits you, from which it is difficult to find a way out.

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✚ For the future

The most mysterious card of all. She tells the fortuneteller that he will soon be lucky. This is a natural solution to problems, which is bestowed from above. You will consider it an accident that came at just the right time. The smile of fortune will be the beginning of a new stage for you, which will open up new opportunities. Many people do not believe that fortune can help, and all accidents are not accidental. This is what you will learn in the near future. Try to thank fate for the chance.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The Wheel of Fortune, when fortune-telling on relationships, means stability, that is, there is no need to wait for cardinal changes in existing relationships.

If the couple has harmony and understanding, then the relationship will continue to proceed in a positive direction, but if there are any problems in the relationship, then a solution will not be found soon.

If fortune-telling is performed on a lonely person, then the Wheel of Fortune can mean that either loneliness is not broken until it is broken, or the relationship will not be of interest to both parties and will soon come to a logical end.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

This card is a symbol of fate and inevitability; promises you constant change. Regarding health, it indicates a certain instability, possible problems with the eyes and intestines. Despite the meaning of the card, no changes are expected in the relationship: everything will be stable. Various adventures and gambling are waiting for you in the future, accidents with unforeseen outcomes will follow you. Pay attention to the signs from above and trust the case.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

The lasso, personifying the intervention of fate, the smile of fortune, good luck, which was not expected, but can also mean trouble, a fateful lesson taught by the universe.

In the layouts for the future, it also means a turn of fate, but you need to look at the surrounding cards, otherwise it is difficult to understand this turn in a positive direction or not.

In business matters, the card speaks of a lack of stability, the inability to control the situation.

In the layouts for love, it promises the appearance of a fateful person, relations with which can both positively affect the life of the questioner and negatively, but this is always a strong influence that leaves an imprint for life

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

The card is very neutral, so it is impossible to understand the future of relations from it. She is a symbol of major changes that will soon occur. If you want to stop this process, then it will not work. You are not the writer of your story, for a while you will be ruled by fortune, which will determine the future of your personal life. Try to come to terms with this thought and wait for the decision of fortune. This is very difficult to do, but in this situation it is extremely necessary. Your actions can only worsen your condition.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Listen to your intuition. If she tells you that something is going wrong, then try to figure out what it is and change it. Only the person himself knows what he needs now. This does not mean that you need to neglect the opinions of people who are important specifically for you. Just start listening to yourself and pay attention to the signs of fate. If the path to achieving the goal has already begun, then now a bright streak is coming. Difficulties will end, rapid positive changes will come.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Everything has already been decided by fate. You are waiting for change and a fateful turn in life. Possible travel, change of activity, place of residence. Everything goes by itself. There are mood swings.

On the path of life, you will find the help of fortune and incredible luck. There is a change of white and black stripes in life. Trust fate. Everything that seems unfair will actually lead to the best result!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes a sharp change or overcoming any barrier in a relationship. Perhaps together you will get through the crisis. Most often, such a turning point leads to a new stage of the relationship. If the relationship was at a high level, then most likely it will be marriage. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, because luck will not always be on your side.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

It is changeable: after the drought, the long-awaited heavy rains will come, sadness and disappointment will be forgotten with the advent of a sunny day.

Whatever happens, the Guardian Angel protects from euphoria in days of jubilation, does not allow despondency to take possession of the soul in days of despair.

Sunset always comes after a sunny day. When celebrating a victory, remember about possible defeats - the fickleness of Fortune, as an inevitability, will always remind you of itself. Take care of the times when she decides not to gift you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

The person with whom you have mutual feelings is not accidental, like everything in life. The meeting will give a lot to both and depends on the couple, favorable events or not await her. It is important to realize the importance of union and the depth of feelings. A reminder to appreciate each other. If you are single, then get ready to meet a fateful person in your life who will completely turn your world upside down.

A full description of the map is available at

Wheel of Fortune - X Major Arcana

Astrologically, the Wheel of Fortune is influenced by the planet Saturn. This influence is due to the belonging of the planet to the cyclicity and infinity of time. The second aspect of the planet that affects the X Arcana is mentorship, which indicates that the Wheel of Fortune belongs to karmic processes, not only of the individual, but of the Universe itself.

Description of the Arcana

In the center of the Arcana there is a wheel with eight spokes coming out of its center. The driving forces of the wheel are Anubis and Typhon. We can say that these are symbols of good and evil that affect the course of life, the movement of fate, and karmic developments. Typhon follows the downward movement of the wheel, and Anubis accompanies the ascent of the wheel. But each of these forces makes the movement itself continuous.

Above the top point of the Wheel of Fate sits a proud Sphinx, who holds a sword in her hands - an instrument of retribution. He always applies it justifiably and when, having reached the highest point, a person is not ready to accept a worthy experience. How often a person is controlled by pride, which can destroy his personal achievements in imaginary laurels! It is this pride that makes the Sphinx resort to the sword of retribution.

Rider Waite gave special meaning to other animal images by placing them around the ring. They denote human qualities, and these qualities are positive and uplifting during the movement of the wheel up. When moving down, the antipodes of these qualities appear.

In the deck of the Age of Aquarius, the Wheel of Fortune is depicted, perhaps, the most atypical. The Arcana lacks the main symbolism - the control force and animal qualities. But the sacred meaning of the Arcana is observed. The wheel itself is presented here in the form of a continuously rotating ball, which resembles snake skin with its texture.

This is a direct indication that the entire material world is enclosed within this ball. There are two jesters in the Arcana, which rise and fall as the ball turns. This suggests that a person is not subject to the laws of the Universe, according to which the Wheel of Fate rotates. The very laws of the universe are symbolized on the Arcana by the mountain from which the ball rolls.

The symbolism of animals lies in jesters. Here the instincts are presented in the form of human qualities that jesters are endowed with by nature. Moving up reveals positive qualities, moving down reveals their opposites.

There are decks in which the Wheel of Fortune is depicted as floating across the endless ocean. The water here symbolizes the unmanifested world that surrounds the wheel from the outside. The secrets of the Universe are hidden in its depths. They are hidden from the material world inside the wheel.

Among other names of the Arcana, you can find the Wheel of Fate, the Wheel of Happiness, the Lord of the Forces of Life.

The sacred meaning of the Wheel of Fortune

The sacredness of the Wheel of Fortune is due to the many images and symbols depicted on the Arcana. The most important symbol, which became the basis of the name of the Arcana, is the Wheel. Its superficial meaning is the infinity of movement. Any point on the wheel makes cyclic revolutions, changing the top to the bottom position. No one can stop this wheel, because it rotates by the will of God.

The deep meaning of the Wheel is that it divides everything that exists into two worlds - internal and external. The border of these two worlds is the rim of the Wheel. This symbol is not accidental, it leads us to the Universal Wheel, which also has a different appearance - a snake biting its own tail. This is also a sign of the continuity and cyclicity of events.

Everything that is inside this Universal Wheel is material, in fact, this is the manifested material world. The movement of the wheel creates a centrifugal force, which means the aspiration of all things to the center, where, according to the Buddha, there is a place of rest, causing an “exit” from the material world. In the Arcana, this exit is proposed to be made on one of the spokes of the Wheel of Fortune. Moreover, in this case, the person chooses the direction independently.

In different schools there is a different interpretation, and, consequently, the images of this Arcana in the decks are different. However, they all speak of the transformation of a person, his spiritual component, in the process of incarnation, depending on the direction of the movement of the Wheel.

The downward movement shows the awakening of low animal instincts in a person, and the upward movement gives an understanding of the unification of animal instincts with human consciousness. It is, in fact, a combination of Consciousness and Spirit. The animal instincts here are in the nature of the spiritual instincts that the Spirit brings with it into incarnation. When united with Consciousness, they give a certain doom to karmic processes, which can be resolved only by rising to wisdom.

The importance of this Arcana lies in the fact that a person, having descended, does not turn into an animal, but, having risen, retains the experience of the material world, without suppressing animal instincts, turning them into experience.

It should be remembered that the law of cause and effect is the law of retribution. The arbiter of this retribution in the Arcana is the Sphinx, which zealously ensures that the person who has risen up, in fact, who has passed the test, is not seduced by his chosenness, for it is a manifestation of pride. As soon as the Sphinx sees these manifestations, it sends the person down.

The Sphinx in Arcana is a harmonious combination of animal and human principles. It has the head of a man, the paws of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the tail of a bull. All these images gathered together tell about the main animal instincts that were bestowed in the process of Creation.

The eagle symbolizes inspiration, including its source. Its antipode at the lowest point of the Wheel is aggression and lightning attack. The lion is morality with its antipode - ferocity. The bull means the possibility of productive concentration, which makes a person embody ideas, the opposite is focusing on one thing - the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfixation, when everything unimportant at first glance disappears from view. A person is impartiality or a calculating mind, its opposite at the bottom of the wheel is indifference.

Mythological correspondence of the Wheel of Fortune

In mythology, this Arcana corresponds to the Goddess of Luck or Fate. So, in Greek mythology it will be Fortune, and in Roman mythology it will be the goddess Tyche. In Slavic mythology, the Wheel of Fortune corresponds to the goddess Makosh with her assistants Share and Nedolya. Also in Scandinavian mythology, the Wheel of Fortune is depicted by the Norns, weaving the threads of Fate that create karma.

The appeal to the goddesses as the female prototypes of the Higher Forces is due to the fact that entry into the material world is possible only through the feminine principle. The woman is the gate through which the immaterial enters the material.

Another telling myth is the tale of Oedipus, or rather the vicissitudes of his fate. Fate generously endowed him with a rich throne and power. Oedipus accepted her gift, but instead of surrendering to this gift completely, he decided to get to the bottom of the truth. He was interested in the path along which Fate had led him.

In his search for the truth, he learned what Fate carefully kept from him in order to lead him to the pinnacle of success. And the truth was very painful. Terrible secrets were revealed to him: he became the murderer of his father, and the woman he took as his wife was his own mother.

Opposing Fate, Oedipus lost her gift, and he did it on his own and consciously. He gouged out his eyes, left the throne, renounced power and decided to become a vagabond. Thus, Fate prepared for him a comfortable existence and great power over people, and resistance made him unhappy.

The value of the direct Arcana in the layout

The Wheel of Fortune shows a situation that is not subject to the external actions of a person. She gives an indication to submit to circumstances and wait for the next position of the wheel. Any resistance to the will of Fate can become a hindrance to her plans, which are difficult to predict.

If the card falls out at the moment of life's upsurge, it says that you need to be very attentive to your surroundings, incoming ideas, to your own behavior. You need to be very careful about the signs that come. If there are any negative manifestations, then this is a sign that the wheel is entering a new phase, a phase of decline.

If a person is not in the best period of his life, then this is an indication that it is necessary to rethink his behavior here and now, not to commit rash physical actions, but to reconsider his attitude to the spiritual component of life. Only then can the wheel enter the lifting phase.

The wheel can indicate a quick change of circumstances if it falls in a scenario for a short time or a specific situation that is happening at the moment. If the alignment is done for a long time, then this Arcana means gradual changes, the results of which will become visible only at the end of the year.

It should be remembered that the Wheel of Fortune means cyclicity. Do not despair of bad events, just as you should not "rest on the laurels" of good ones.

You cannot control this wheel, but you can adapt to it, finding in yourself a correspondence with the four manifestations of the Arcana symbols. At the same time, there is a wise saying that a person is the master of his own destiny. This saying does not call for resisting fate, but only indicates the need to more closely follow its signs.

The meaning of the inverted Arcana in the layout

The inverted Wheel of Fortune indicates that for a person the wheel of fate has stopped rotating, stopping at its lowest point. This state has become habitual and stable.

A person stubbornly does not want to understand the problems that caused the current situations. He does not seek a way out within himself, but relies on outside help. Thus, all the actions that a person takes and the advice that he heeds are the punishing sword of the Sphinx, because the Sphinx requires inner awareness and acceptance of conscious responsibility upon itself.

This position of a person can be compared to a squirrel in a wheel, when the wheel does not stop its run, but the squirrel continues to be in its lower position. An inverted Wheel of Fortune shows a complete lack of change. This position of a person is very well displayed in the X Arcana of the Loginov deck. He is depicted there as a rabbit, which is spinning inside the wheel.

You can get out of this state only when a person finds the strength to move to the center of the wheel, where the movement is suspended, which means that the run of negative events will be slowed down. This shift, in fact, is the acquisition of a state of rest, a state of exit from the situation and observation of it from the outside.

Such a position will help to consider in more detail the entire environment that influences the event, make a pragmatic analysis and take effective measures, which are nothing more than a symbolic movement along the spokes of the Wheel of Fortune from the center to the desired point.

If a person does this in the near future, then the cycle of the wheel will change quickly enough, but if he is careless about the inherent concentration, then the changes will not happen soon.

Direction of self-development

The Wheel of Fortune teaches a person two most important points: not to be deceived, not to calm down at the top and not to lose heart at the lowest point. The most important thing in these cases is acceptance of the situation.

At the top of the wheel, a person must learn to accept achievements with dignity, without slipping into the arms of pride, and always be aware of the possibility of a decline. It is the awareness of a possible downturn and the inner readiness for it that keep a person on top of the wheel. They resist pride and prevent a person from resting on the laurels of victory.

At the bottom point, a person must accept the necessity for himself of the existing state of affairs, and perceive it not from the position of inevitability, but from the position of a given. When a person understands that any situation can turn out to be good, he begins to look for internal levers, the causes of such a situation. This search moves a person to the center of the wheel, when he finds peace, which makes it possible to get out of the situation.

The impetus for a way out of the situation may be the realization of one of the four qualities inherent in the symbolism of the Arcana - an eagle, a lion, a bull and a man. The found quality, which will help to get out of the situation, a person must connect with spirituality, giving it strength and significance.

Having passed along one of the spirals of the wheel, a person gets on its rim and again begins to move towards the Sphinx. The circle closes, and only the Sphinx can determine whether a person needs a repetition of such a situation, or whether he has learned a lesson from it to the end.

Since the Wheel of Fortune is Eternity, manifested in the cycle of incarnations, a person in his self-development must take care of spirituality, which will become the source of his subsequent karmic lesson that affects the level of the incarnated Spirit. In addition, spirituality is the path to mutual understanding with the Sphinx, an appeal to its wisdom.

An inverted card in a self-development lesson suggests that you need to stop and stop taking any action. This is where self-awareness comes into play. In this position, the Wheel of Fortune says that the person is not ready to accept what is happening to him, as a result of which the person is always at the bottom of the wheel and has a feeling of a vicious circle.

His fixation leads to an aggravation of the situation, the only way out is the same as with the direct Arcana - to gather his thoughts, concentrate on his qualities, find internal leverage to change the situation. But everything is aggravated by the fact that four of its antipodes rule over a person, which prevent an exit from a stable bottom point.


The Wheel of Fortune indicates that events will move along a sinusoid: a certain rise will be followed by a decline. But this is the case if you look at work over a long period of time. If the viewing is for a short time or for now, then the Wheel of Fortune will show the routine of the work that the person is doing. Or the need to do routine work at the moment.

On the issue of the financial component of the contract, enterprise, business, the Wheel of Fortune will show profit for a certain time. This does not mean that the enterprise as a whole is profitable, but that for some time it will generate income, but after a while it will certainly begin to decline. Therefore, the card gives a direct indication that after some time there will be a need for additional efforts, financial injections or in attracting new people and new methods of promoting the business. If this is not done, the company will suffer losses.

Oddly enough, the Wheel of Fortune says that all means will be good to keep the achieved goal. This means that you need to consider not only one aspect of making a profit, but try to use all possible forces and methods. At this moment, there is a release from the influence of the Wheel of Fortune, from its changeability. The state of a person passes to the next Arcana - Strength.

If a person is not able to add anything to the methods already chosen, he just needs to take a time out and just wait out the period of forced decline: it will be followed by another rise.

In the inverted position, the Wheel of Fortune still remains a wheel, but in this case the card shows the point of decline or that its limit has already been reached. You can understand this from the situation. If unfavorable conditions last for any length of time, this will mean that the situation itself has almost reached a critical point.

If an inverted Wheel of Fortune falls out, a person can no longer do anything. He should just wait for the turn of fate and not strive for independent changes. In this case, there is no need to change work, even despite the apparent stagnation. This could start a new wheel that will get him into even more trouble. It should be remembered that the Wheel of Fortune in business is never personal, it entails some part of the people who can aggravate the situation.

It is best to consolidate the situation, move to the center of the Wheel of Fortune, so that the critical point is not so palpable. In this case, the person becomes an observer. The wheel itself will carry a person to the top point.

Personal relationships

In terms of relationships, the Wheel of Fortune shows that there are periods of both understanding between people and periods of different opinions. The Wheel of Fortune always speaks of the presence of feelings, but these are not feelings of bright love that Arkan Lovers describes, but deeper feelings - affection, friendship. These are feelings that can only be in union.

But the Wheel of Fortune also indicates the difference in characters that have the ability to get along with each other. The reason for their long union with opposite character traits lies in the fact that at some point they moved to the center of the Wheel and this allows them to observe the status quo of feelings acquired at the beginning of the relationship and served as an impetus for the creation of the union.

In such a union, not love and carnal pleasures prevail, but friendship and mutual respect. It is they who underlie the strength of such an alliance. Contrary to public opinion, which is trying to separate people who are inherently different, they themselves do not want to interrupt such relationships. They are completely satisfied with this state of affairs. It can be said that an unspoken agreement on mutual non-interference was concluded between them.

If we are talking about a lonely person, the Wheel of Fortune says that a person is on the verge of a new acquaintance, which will become fateful for him. Here the man is on the rim of the wheel. This meeting will bring him an explosion of emotions and feelings, it will become very bright and important.

An inverted Wheel of Fortune for people in an alliance suggests that at the moment it is impossible to maintain the status quo. An unspoken agreement, of course, is present, but it is rather forced and very emotionally affects the person on whom the alignment is being made.

There is no question of mutual respect here, resentment and mutual accusations, unwillingness to put up with the opposite opinion, rejection of the difference in characters come to the fore.

For a lonely person, the inverted Wheel of Fortune promises a continuation of the period of loneliness, but this does not depend on the person himself, or on his personal qualities, or on his behavior. Perhaps fate is preparing some kind of gift in the future, so the most correct thing in this situation is to be patient and wait for changes from above.

Active actions in this case can be perceived by holding as unwillingness to accept a gift of fate. If a person does not listen to the advice of the Arcana, then he jumps out from under the influence of the Wheel of Fortune and moves back to the IX Arcana, becoming a hermit.

Personality characteristic

Under the influence of the Wheel of Fortune, a person's character becomes changeable. Very often this person is in a good mood, leads an active lifestyle, loves noisy companies and an abundance of friends. But he is very strongly influenced by situations that can plunge him into despondency and even into depressive states.

This is a person with an unstable psyche, which changes according to circumstances. This person is not able to withstand the blows of fate. It is very often said about such people that all his qualities are manifested 50/50: in some moments he can be sincere, in some he is not. He can not say something, while not lying.

Upon closer acquaintance with such a person, a “second bottom” is very often discovered, that place into which a person never lets anyone in, regardless of the closeness of the relationship. His behavior is dictated by this deep secret. Because of this, it is very difficult for others to understand a person, since actions are performed under the influence of what is hidden from analysis.

Quite often, a person under the sign of the Wheel of Fortune is called the minion of fate. He can be lucky in life even when he does not make the slightest effort. But such luck is not always appreciated, because no energy was spent on it. Ease in obtaining some benefits, sooner or later, can be replaced by a period of failures, so it is very important for a darling person to learn to thank fate and pay tribute to the participation of conduct in his life.

In rare cases, a person is in the center of the Wheel of Fortune. The behavior of such a person never changes. It is always even, calm, benevolent. He will never impose his opinion, will not interfere in other people's affairs and relationships, but at the same time, he is always happy to give advice or provide assistance only when he is asked for it.

The inverted position of the Wheel of Fortune does not speak about the character of a person as a whole, but only makes it clear that now is such a period when a person is in a serious condition, depression, which also affects his behavior. He is closed, irritable, blames someone for his problems. He becomes unbearable, because he is quite capable of meanness in relation to another person.

This is good because a person is not really such, but only reflects the circumstances of his life. When circumstances change, a person’s attitude towards himself and others changes completely.

The main thing is that a person finds the strength in himself to accept the help of others even when he is led by distrust. They will help to get him out of a losing streak, returning him to a normal state in which he can choose his own attitude to fate: go with its flow or move to the center of the Wheel of Fortune in order to turn to inner wisdom and correctly prioritize.


Health layouts are considered according to the question asked and can have three options:

  • a single card of the Major Arcana will indicate the general condition;
  • understanding the processes occurring in the body will give a layout involving 2 cards of the Major Arcana;
  • The alignment of the Major Arcana by chakras will help to conduct a complete diagnosis and see a holistic picture of human health.

General state

When looking at the general state of health, one must take into account that this Arcana means 50/50. This is also the case for human health. It cannot be said that he is sick, but it cannot be said that a person is healthy. He has chronic diseases that can worsen at any moment. The Wheel of Fortune itself says that you need to prepare for this if the disease is known.

If the disease is in the acute stage, then the direct Wheel of Fortune will show that the process is on the way to recovery and relief will come soon.

In an inverted position, the Wheel of Fortune indicates that a person is on the verge of a disease, even if he does not feel any symptoms. If a person is already sick, then the Wheel of Fortune draws a far from optimistic picture of the disease. It says that the disease will last a long time and will be quite difficult to proceed.

ongoing processes

The layout of 2 cards with the participation of the Wheel of Fortune shows the processes in the body related to water. In this, the Wheel of Fortune is similar to Arcana XIV and XVII. If the XIV Arcana (Temperance) characterizes the blood, the XVII Arcana (Star) characterizes the urinary system, then the X Arcana shows the state of the lymph, its movement through the body.

Both upright and inverted in the first position, the Wheel of Fortune shows the lymph as such.

In the second position, the Wheel of Fortune in the upright position shows the normal functioning of the lymph nodes and lymph ducts. He talks about the absence of inflammatory processes in the body.

An inverted card shows an increase in lymph nodes, therefore, inflammatory processes in the organs. The organ itself will show the card in the first position.

Chakra diagnostics

The Wheel of Fortune, which fell on one of the chakras, will give a picture of the state of the organs related to this chakra. Both the direct and inverted position of the Arcana are important here.

Muladhara. The Direct Wheel of Fortune shows healthy processes in the lower part of the body, the absence of inflammatory processes. An inverted card will show inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes. The reason for this must be sought in other cards on the chakra system: a negative card on one of the chakras.

Svadhisthana. Direct Arkan shows the healthy functioning of organs, all processes go according to the rhythms of the body, for example, a clear schedule of critical days for a woman. An inverted card indicates an increase in the functions of the genital organs, as a result of which a malfunction in their work and inflammatory processes may result.

Manipura. The Wheel of Fortune in a straight position will show the normal operation of the pathways, the connections between the internal organs. An inverted card will show a violation of any connections, all kinds of refluxes, for example, when the flow of fluid is disturbed, and it gives a reverse outflow, as a result of which intoxication of the body can begin.

Anahata. Direct Arkan speaks of normal processes in the stomach. This means proper digestion. When inverted, this can mean stagnation in the stomach, the onset of inflammatory processes, conditions that contribute to them. If some “heavy” Arcana lie on neighboring chakras, then the Wheel of Fortune indicates a violation of the connections between them. For example, the "Tower" on Vishuddha will tell about the disruption of the esophagus-stomach connection. This may be due to mechanical trauma.

Vishuddha. Direct X Arcana will tell about the normal functioning of the lymphatic system in the throat area and the absence of inflammatory processes in the organs of Vishuddha. An inverted Wheel of Fortune will show an increase in the submandibular and parotid lymph nodes, which indicates the danger of inflammation in the throat or ears.

Ajna. The Wheel of Fortune on this chakra indicates the condition of the maxillary sinuses. The direct position indicates the absence of inflammatory processes, and the inverted position can warn of sinusitis. Also, the Wheel of Fortune indicates problems with the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Sahasrara. For the physical condition, the Wheel of Fortune on this chakra is not very indicative, but here you can see the attitude of a person to his own illness. If the direct Wheel of Fortune speaks of a person’s desire for recovery and faith in the end of the disease, then the inverted one will indicate that the person has given up, “put an end to himself.”

Situation breakdown

When the Wheel of Fortune falls out in the layouts of the situation, it should be understood that changes are coming ahead, which are completely impossible to influence. It looks like luck, good luck, promotion, important development, rise, opening up the possibility of implementing one's plans, climbing the career ladder. An unexpected lucky turn of events awaits a person.

What exactly will happen, in which area changes will be made, will be shown by the location of the Minor Arcana nearby. If the Minor Arcana is negative, then this will indicate that the meaning of the events was misunderstood or there was an incorrect reaction to them. In most cases, when there are Doubt cards nearby, the Wheel of Fortune will become a "heavy" card. She says that a person perceives the upcoming changes negatively, but he just needs to accept it as fate and wait for the outcome of events.

At the household level

At the household level, this Arkan most often speaks of fateful luck. It is possible to win the lottery, meet the right person who can influence the course of events, a successful and significant trip in life that can answer many questions.

Very often, with adjacent positive cards in the layout, the Wheel of Fortune speaks of a serious purchase. We can assume the purchase of a car, since the Wheel of Fortune is a movement card.

The Wheel of Fortune may portend a long trip, both business and personal. The nature of the trip will help to decipher the Arcana lying next to it. It can even be a move if real estate cards fell out nearby. This is a change of residence and even a country, if the next card is XXI Arcana.

The Inverted Wheel of Fortune also shows a change in the situation, but says that the circumstances of these changes are rather difficult. There is no way to influence them. Most likely, everything leads to a worsening of the situation. In some cases, if accidents on the road can be expected near the XVI Arcana, and if the Ace of Swords or Ten of Swords is also nearby, then it is better not to advance on such a road at all.

Very often, the inverted Wheel speaks of a delay in time: the events that a person expects are postponed for reasons beyond his control. In this case, a person needs to understand that this event may be the worst option for him. Thus, fate protects him, choosing the lesser of two evils. For example, a postponed trip, in which a person will go, making every effort and forcibly overcoming obstacles, may be fatal for him. Fate itself knows when to provide a person with this or that event, you just need to trust it.

At the everyday level, this is failure, unfortunate circumstances, bad luck, stagnation in business, a feeling of falling out of the rhythm of life. A person may resist change without realizing that it will lead to a better outcome. This is a state of loss of meaning, both locally and globally. Perhaps disappointment.

The Wheel of Fortune suggests that a person should not always resign himself to his helplessness in the face of the vicissitudes of fate. He can take the course of events into his own hands, but this must be done on the basis of his inner awareness. Being at rest, a person begins to more clearly and in detail evaluate the signs that fate gives. He does not contradict her, does not try to break, but only reads her clues more carefully.

Such an attitude to everything that happens will help to get out of the situation proposed by fate with the least losses and with a good life lesson, because sometimes many situations are given just for such lessons. This is a reward with which the Sphinx helps to go through life.

Map of the day

If the Wheel of Fortune falls on the card of the day, then we can say that some important event should happen today, regardless of the person’s plans. You don't need to take any action not to miss this event. It will overtake itself and happen by itself as it should happen.

The Wheel of Fortune advises against resisting what is happening on this day. This can be a day of good luck that will start something new and significant in life. Sometimes fate gives gifts without counting on waiting for them.

On this day, unexpected trips can take place, they should also not be resisted. They will be successful and fruitful.

The inverted Wheel of Fortune on the card of the day indicates that failure may befall this day. Do not schedule important events, purchases, serious meetings on this day. It is not necessary to make fateful decisions. This will most likely lead to disappointment due to a different than expected result. In some cases, it can even change the situation for the worse. For example, lead to a breakdown on the road, loss of money, a quarrel between partners.

Card of the year

It is advisable to look at the card of the year on the person’s birthday, unless a special annual alignment is made.

The Wheel of Fortune that has fallen on the map of the year predicts a generally very favorable year, although the upcoming changes may be alarming. In other words, the year will pass under the flag of good luck, and sometimes fate will even forcibly push them towards them.

A person only needs to carefully watch the signs so that at the end of the year he does not feel regret about missed opportunities. Sometimes events will take place unpredictably, which can be a painful moment for a person who is used to planning everything to the smallest detail and strictly following his plans. Such people will have to learn to go with the flow and follow the direction of fate.

An inverted card does not bode well for the year. A person will constantly feel a state of helplessness, all his actions will either bring undesirable results, or will be completely ineffectual. At such a time, a person says that luck has completely turned away from him.

This year should not be given to despondency and in no case should one negatively perceive the predictions of the inverted Wheel of Fortune. This Arkan not only warns, but also gives very effective advice: to find a state of peace, consider all the reasons and break out of the circle of failures.

A person who does not listen to the practical advice of the Wheel of Fortune dooms himself to an unsuccessful year, after which the rise will come anyway. You can wait for it, resigned to your fate, or you can resist the movement of the wheel, shifting to its center - to a point of rest.

Timing of the Wheel of Fortune

If the Wheel of Fortune falls out in general layouts, then you need to look at what position Arkan is in. If he fell into the positions of the past, now the fruits of the situation that occurred a year ago are being reaped.

If in the position of the future, then the situation caused by the Wheel of Fortune will happen a year after fortune-telling. In the position of the present, the Wheel of Fortune says that a person is already in a situation, and it will last throughout the year.

Arcana Council

Arkan advises in any situation to find an opportunity to move to the center of the Wheel of Fortune. This means that you need to gather your courage and try to get out of the situation, having a chance to observe it from the side. This can be done only when a person completely trusts the situation and ceases to resist external circumstances. He must come to the practical realization of the phrase "So it is necessary!".

Such a state will bring the nervous system to rest and help you concentrate on solving the problem, see the prospects for its result. This makes it possible to act, which means to get out of the state of the changeable Wheel of Fortune and move to the XI Arcana, gaining strength.

Interpretation of the tarot card wheel of fortune (wheel of fortune) in the upright position

Luck, happiness, mutual love. Pleasant surprise, status upgrade. Positive shifts and solution of all issues.

  • good fortune, good fortune, reward, luck, victory, success, luck, happiness
  • obstacles will be successfully overcome, an unexpected turn of events for the better, promotion or promotion

The Wheel of Fortune (Wheel of Fortune) tarot card is an optimistic card. The Wheel of Happiness, when properly oriented, means the end of one cycle in a person's life and the beginning of another. Often this is due to events or circumstances beyond the control of the Questioner, but the changes are still positive. The place of the card in the layout is very important for determining those areas of life where changes are most pronounced.

The Wheel of Fortune (Wheel of Fortune) tarot card is considered a symbol of progress, good omens, good change, good luck and problem solving. This is a turning point. Some part of your life ends - a new one begins. The card predicts an unexpected smile of fate.

Interpretation of the tarot card wheel of fortune (wheel of fortune) upside down

Instability, lack of confidence, problems, quarrels. Beware of extravagance, hard times ahead.

  • obstacles, problems, inability to realize emerging opportunities
  • bad luck, bad luck, unexpected difficulties, failure, bad luck, unexpected blow
  • extra purchases, delaying the pocket

An inverted Tarot card of the Wheel of Fortune (Wheel of Happiness) means turning the wheel down and the beginning of a negative phase for a person. The catalysts for these changes are unmanageable or unexpected, but again, other cards can reveal aspects of them or influence these troubles. The wheel continues to turn and the difficult period will end.

An inverted tarot card, the Wheel of Fortune (Wheel of Fortune), can mean resistance to change and failure.

Map Description

In most tarot decks, the axis of the Wheel is supported by two pillars. In some decks, the Wheel is depicted on the edge of a cliff. There are usually three figures on or near the Wheel, one on top, another on the ascending side, and a third on the descending side. In some tarot decks, the figure on the descending side breaks off the Wheel and flies into the abyss. The figures can represent a person or animals. In the latter case, these are some symbolic figures, such as a sphinx or dressed ape-like creatures. The figure at the top of the Wheel looks significant - in a crown, with a sword, or clearly celebrating a victory.

In some tarot decks, the Wheel is depicted separately on the card, although it is obvious that it rotates. In others, a blinded young woman turns the Wheel. Notice that not one of the figures on the Wheel, even if it falls into the abyss, notices it. In fact, no one, including the blinded woman, watches the Wheel and controls its rotation.

Rarely the Wheel is depicted simply as a disk with letters or symbols inscribed around it against the background of the sky. In such cases, in addition to the three figures associated with the Wheel, there are four more symbolic figures in the corners of the map: on top - a man and a griffin, below - a lion and a bull. All four figures are winged.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

Your future is decided NOW. Control your life or fly out when blind fate chooses you.

All events - good or bad - do not depend on what you deserve. They just happen. If you like it, let them. If you don't like it, fight, but you won't be punished or rewarded in this situation. In fact, nothing depends on you.

We are all connected to the Wheel of Fortune. Some of us make our way up, others fall down. Some sit on top, apparently unaffected by the vicissitudes of fate. But the Wheel of Fortune is turning for everyone, whether they know it or not. For each, the result is pure chance, which does not depend on the individual in any way. The idea of ​​the card is the exact opposite of Justice.

On both cards, a person is treated absolutely impartially. However, in the case of Justice, the result is legitimate: you are rewarded according to your deserts. The Wheel of Fortune gives you what you need - no matter what you deserve. Even worse, the forces that rule your life do not consider you or anyone else, they do not even notice you. Basically, you end up as an object on the magician's table that throws you up at random, since he doesn't care about anyone but himself.

The Wheel of Fortune (Wheel of Fortune) tarot card teaches that there are things in life that no one can influence. You must be aware that the Wheel is constantly turning and your life depends on it.

If you want to succeed, you will have to fight to master the uncontrollable, to force Fate to give you a choice, whether you deserve it or not.

The secret of success lies in the ability to use one's psychic or inner energy to control one's destiny, and not be carried away by gusts of wind. Blind Fate doesn't care who wins and who loses. She just turns the Wheel. If you want to be at the top, you must watch what happens to you in order to take control of the Wheel of Fortune.

Tarot cards have a very strong energy. When studying them, you should try to feel them, to pass them through yourself. One of the most important cards in the Tarot is the Wheel of Fortune. Let's consider it in more detail.

The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most important tarot cards.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card, when dropped out in a layout, indicates that everything that happens around a person depends not on himself, but on fate. It doesn't matter if the person is in a good environment or a bad one. All the same, fate will slowly change.

direct meaning

The wheel of happiness in a direct scenario says that a happy streak awaits a person, a successful start and a successful outcome in any business. The appearance of the 10th lasso indicates the impossibility of controlling fate, therefore, any incidents should be perceived with humility.

Fortune is very ambiguous, it can give a person undeserved luck or punish for an insignificant act. The ancient sages, when this card fell out, always insisted that everything in life happens for a reason.

This card has strong karma. Her loss in the layout promises the successful overcoming of any barriers, the emergence of fateful turns. The main thing to remember is that when fate gives us a chance, it should not be missed. It is worth interpreting this card only in combination with other Tarot.

Fortune can both bring good luck and punish a person

Reversed position

The inverted position of this card is not very positive. Most magicians claim that the loss of this card indicates the emergence of various obstacles, interference, enemies. Fate has prepared a cruel joke.

And also the card can give advice to stop and not make more mistakes. A person began to take on a lot and assumes that luck always smiles at him. But when you rely on fate very much, she can get angry and turn away.

Another card can say that fate has not yet prepared any changes for a person. Improvement will not come soon, it will take a very long time to wait.

But not everyone thinks the card is too bad. Some magicians are sure that in an inverted state, Fortune predicts not only negative events. She says that while a person has a black streak, which is worth waiting out. As soon as the negative ends, luck will begin.

Career and money

There was a chance to do what you love. And no matter what industry it belongs to, success will still be achieved. New opportunities will appear for the development of your business, luck will accompany a person in any endeavors. Profitable sponsors, a large number of clients and partners will appear on the horizon. A high probability of obtaining the most important information, which can easily be sold for a significant amount. With a persistent and responsible approach to your work, the reward will not be long in coming.

Another Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune indicates the right moment to start climbing the career ladder. There will be enough energy to infuse into a new living environment. At the initial stages, you will have to work hard, but it will not take long to wait for the result. The result will exceed all expectations. Job satisfaction and good finances can be obtained from activities that are seasonal or repetitive.

There is an opportunity to improve your financial situation. There will be ideas for expanding the business. It is possible that a person is waiting for a move to a new place of residence. You can risk buying a lottery ticket, good luck with you, there is a high probability of winning a large amount.

The card promises a good moment for a successful career.


The Wheel of Fortune in relationships is dual in nature. For some, this alignment will not bring any life changes. If a person is happy, then happiness will continue to surround him. Lonely people will not be able to find their soul mate yet. This interpretation is peculiar only to the relationship between a man and a woman.

If the question is asked about attitudes in society, then there is a high probability of making new acquaintances, attracting interesting personalities.

When dealt with legalized relationships, the card promises a stable future, a good financial atmosphere and well-being. Sometimes the Wheel of Fortune can mean that the relationship in the present tense is very similar to the past, if all the mistakes are not taken into account. If the Lovers card falls nearby, a successful marriage is possible and subsequently a strong family. And Moderation does not advise legalizing relations yet, everything should go slowly but surely,


The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card, when guessing health, promises a favorable outcome for any situation. You can definitely count on a complete recovery if positive cards fall nearby. In the near future there will be no health problems. But life is very cyclical, so at times there will be a breakdown or a sharp change in mood.

If the card falls upside down, then the probability of getting cyclic diseases. These include seasonal allergies, various exacerbations, remissions or relapses. If the alignment is done on female energy, then the value indicates PMS, delay, change in weight category, etc.

The Wheel of Fortune card is good for health

Interpretation when dropped with other main cards

Consider the meaning of the Wheel of Fortune in Tarot when combined with other main cards. The main interaction that indicates a positive outcome of any situation:

  • Jester - a change in events that are customary to meet with an open heart, but in fact do not guarantee a good turn of fate;
  • Magician - the occurrence of circumstances that will force you to act;
  • High Priestess - constant changes, chaos that will involve a fortuneteller;
  • Empress - someone or something should be born; the time for fulfillment of obligations has ended;
  • Hierophant - changes relating to the family or worldview;
  • Lovers - relationships will become different;
  • Chariot - chaotic events are approaching;
  • Sun - the probability of gaining recognition and success;
  • Court - fate smiles, everything will be fine;
  • Peace - a person will be rewarded for their deeds.

Unfavorable combinations of the Wheel of Fortune card with the rest of the main cards:

  • Hanged Man - in any field of activity, a crisis is possible;
  • Death - the card enhances the value of any combination;
  • Moderation - it's worth waiting a bit, fate will decide everything;
  • Devil - down the career ladder; any plans will fail;
  • Tower - it's time to pay for your deeds;
  • Star - a way out of a difficult situation appears;
  • Moon - there are no specific actions to solve plans;
  • Strength - fate will make adjustments to life that a person will perceive with difficulty;
  • Hermit - receiving retirement benefits; finding loneliness or poverty;
  • Justice - there will be events regarding legislation.

It depends on the surrounding cards whether Fortune is favorable to the fortuneteller

Interpretation when falling out with wands

First, consider the meaning of the elder wands:

  • Ace - the sudden appearance of a solution to a problem;
  • King - getting a new position; obtaining recognition;
  • Queen - it is worth tuning in an optimistic mood;
  • Knight - acceleration of all events;
  • The page is a good deal.

Wands of the lower rank are also worth paying attention to:

  • Two - moving to a new place of residence;
  • Three - speaks of an improvement in any circumstances;
  • Four - the purchase of a new home; overhaul; moving to a new office;
  • Five - change of mood;
  • Six - getting a new status; career;
  • Seven - the results achieved will be difficult to maintain;
  • Eight - unexpected news will come;
  • Nine is a warning sign;
  • Ten - fate will present a strong blow.

Feature number 10

No wonder the Tarot card Fate is located at number 10. One means personality, zero speaks of suspense and great abilities. In the Tarot deck, the tenth Arcana completes the circle begun by wisdom. In this cycle, the personality will have to be a hermit before ascending to appear.

People who have the number ten at birth are endowed with extraordinary luck. Ten is considered a dual symbol. In an even form indicates female energy. But when adding prime numbers, a unit is obtained, which indicates male energy.

The dual meaning of the card comes from a close relationship with Jupiter. And as you know, this planet is a symbol of great happiness. Its conqueror is the element - fire. This combination attracts good luck in all areas.