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» On which hand is it correct to wear a watch? On which hand do women wear a watch - rules, tips

On which hand is it correct to wear a watch? On which hand do women wear a watch - rules, tips

Clock not found yet. Each woman is forced to decide it on her own. Some girls find it convenient to wear a watch on left hand, others - on the right. Some people even prefer to wear a watch in the form of a pendant on a chain or a ring on their finger. How to wear a watch correctly?

A little history...

Proponents of the traditional opinion that women should wear a watch on their left hand explain this for several reasons:

The winding mechanism on the watch is located on the right, which means it is more convenient to use when the watch is worn on the left hand. Today this argument has lost its relevance, since most watches no longer require winding. For example, on an electronic watch the buttons are located on both the right and left, although it is still more convenient to set the watch with your right hand.

A watch is a thin and fragile accessory that requires careful handling, so it should be worn on the hand that is less involved in everyday work, that is, on the left. However, this rule only works for right-handed people; for left-handed people everything should be the other way around.

Psychological factors

It is believed that women should wear a watch on their left hand as it promotes good heart function. The origins of this recommendation originate in the ancient Chinese teaching of Fukuri. Its essence lies in the fact that the coordinated functioning of the body depends on the correct stimulation of the important vital points of Tsun, Chi and Guan. In particular, the Tsun energy point, which is responsible for the functioning of the heart muscle, is located on the right wrist in women. Therefore, in order not to cause harm through improper stimulation, ladies should wear watches on their left hand.

You may not listen to the advice of Chinese sages, but many researchers note a mystical connection between a watch and its owner. Who knows, perhaps wearing your watch incorrectly actually has a negative effect on your heart function.

According to psychologists, wearing a watch on one hand for a long time can affect your perception of life. For example, women who wear a watch on their left hand make dozens of head turns from right to left every day. Because people associate the left side with the past, such movements can provoke thoughts about how much time has already been wasted. If you move the clock to right hand, the woman will begin to think that there is still a lot of things to do. This will increase her productivity, and therefore will contribute to a successful career.

Stylish and confident women who are not inclined to trust prejudices and strive for self-realization will most likely prefer to wear a watch on their right hand. This is a great way to demonstrate your independence and self-sufficiency. In addition, original designer watches are fashion accessory, which will look more advantageous on the right hand.

Wristwatches entered our lives in the 20s of the twentieth century. With the development of new technologies, it seemed to everyone that they had outlived their usefulness, became a relic of the past, because now you can see the time on a mobile, laptop, tablet and other gadgets with which we have become inseparable. But it turned out - no, they wear watches, although, of course, not everyone they meet.

Now this thing carries a slightly different meaning. This is not a chronometer first and foremost, but a fashion accessory, an integral part of a business suit for a gentleman, as well as a fashionable look for a lady.

In the highest spheres of society, the trained eye of the average person can determine your status and creditworthiness in a minute, just by looking at your watch. We will not delve into such aspects as whether it is necessary to wear a watch at all, which brand of watch is better to choose and how to choose the right watch. Now let’s discuss the question of which hand a woman should wear a watch on, and whether it is really important to adhere to generally accepted norms.

Which hand should women wear it on? Practical Considerations

It is believed that women wear watches on their left hands:

  1. First of all, this is due to practicality, because most people working hand- right. To prevent them from interfering with work, the watch was worn on the left hand.
  2. There was another one important aspect: Previously, chronometers were mechanical, so they required frequent winding. Naturally, it is more convenient to turn the miniature head of the winding mechanism with your right hand. Yes, and unfasten and fasten the strap as well.

Important! For left-handed people the opposite is true, but previously this part of society was little taken into account. Therefore, the norm has somehow taken root that girls should wear watches on their left hand. This was even recorded in strict rules of etiquette in the middle of the last century.

Nowadays, many models do not require winding; you just need to change the battery on time. Therefore, on which hand to wear the watch is up to you, based only on personal convenience and practicality.

Psychology of the issue

Psychologists believe that a person’s left hand symbolizes the past, and the right hand symbolizes the future. Based on these considerations, if you want to build your future, keep up with the times, and open new horizons in your personal life and business, you should wear such an accessory on your right hand.

Psychologists noted the following picture:

  1. On the right hand they wear a stylish watch that is purposeful, self-confident, business women. They are not afraid of obstacles and difficulties, they go through life confidently and with their heads held high.
  2. Wearing a watch on the left hand is preferred by girls who value stability and love romance.

What else should you know? Bioenergy issue

Representatives of Chinese medicine, rooted in the distant past, claim that there are certain energy points on the human body. They can be manipulated to influence health. It’s difficult for our compatriots to understand exactly how, but it really works!

Probably everyone has heard about the healing benefits of acupuncture and the magical results of acupuncture. Eastern traditional healers They know very well that the human body, and especially the limbs, are dotted with such points. If you know where to press, you can get rid of pain or improve the functioning of a specific organ in the human body.

The body, from their point of view, is permeated with special meridians through which vital energy circulates. In certain areas there are reflex points located shallow under the skin that can be affected by acupressure or acupuncture.

There are also such energy nodes on the wrist under the thumb. According to the ancient Chinese teaching "Fukuri", the active points responsible for the work of the heart in men and women are located on different hands:

  1. For men, it is on the left, so they should wear bracelets and watches on their right hand.
  2. And for women, such points are located on the right hand, so it is advisable to wear the watch on the left, so as not to interfere with the work of the heart with a tight strap or other parts.

Important! The energy flow must circulate freely and unhindered. This is the key to the correct and stable operation of our “engine,” the ancient Chinese believe. Believing it or not is a personal matter for everyone.

Aesthetics and style

If you have already decided on which hand to wear the watch, then do not forget about some of the rules that fashion dictates.

For a woman, a hand chronometer is, first of all, an accessory, so it should be combined with the style of clothing as a whole:

  1. If you go for a walk with your child in the park, head to the gym, or, wearing a tracksuit, go out with friends, then you can get by with a simple electronic watch on a silicone bracelet.
  2. Are you going to a celebration? Then the accessory must be graceful and elegant.
  3. It is undesirable to wear watches, bracelets, or visible rings on the same hand. Distribute decorations evenly.
  4. For a party or disco, you can choose a creative watch with an unusual dial and strap decorated with rhinestones, chains, beads and other similar details. Young ladies today prefer watches with multi-tiered bracelets.
  5. According to etiquette, the dial should correspond to the wrist of the “mistress”. Tiny watches look ugly on full hand and “Kremlin chimes” on a thin hand.

As you can see, there are no strict rules regarding which hand a woman should wear a watch on, so be guided, first of all, by your own comfort and personal preferences.

The topic of wearing a wristwatch correctly has a long history. Initially, miniature chronometers that could be carried with you were pocket-sized. They were attached to a special chain and placed in a miniature pocket on the front shelf of the vest. Typically this pocket was located on the left side to make it easier for right-handed people to take out the watch and check the time.

Buttons on men's clothing were sewn in a similar way, which made them significantly different from women's clothing. All details of the costume, as well as the way of wearing a pocket watch, were specially “sharpened” for right-handed people. Left-handers were not taken into account, since the ability to write and do anything with the left hand was considered abnormal. Little left-handers at school were mercilessly and sometimes cruelly retrained to meet general standards.

Now there are a large number of theories answering the question “which hand should you wear a watch on?” Let's look at the most common ones.

Mechanics and electronics

First mechanical watches on the strap appeared during the First World War. Due to their convenience, they immediately became popular with officers and then with soldiers. All watches in those days were hand-wound only. The head for it was again located on the right for the comfort of right-handers. It was at that time that the tradition of wearing wrist chronometers on the left hand developed: it was convenient to wind them and fasten them this way (of course, if a person’s right hand is dominant).

In 1957, the first electronic watch was finally invented. They were created simultaneously by two companies: the American Elgin Watch Company and the French Leap Besancon. The first electronic “Hamiltons” are now considered a real legend. They were equipped with a quartz movement, so you could forget about manual winding.

But gentlemen continued to wear such watches on their left hands, which was nothing more than a tribute to tradition. In the 60s, respectable citizens tried not to stand out from the crowd, so even wearing a wristwatch was strictly regulated by social norms.

Mystical theory

This theory is based on the teachings of Fukuri, according to which three significant energy points are located on the wrists of both hands: Guan, Cun and Chi. They are directly responsible for human health. They are located under the thumb on the wrist, one after another. By influencing them you can control the condition of the human liver, intestines, lungs, kidneys, bladder, and heart. Improper stimulation of the points can lead to poor health. The Tsun point is directly related to the work of the heart and is located on the left hand in men and on the right hand in women. This is due to the fact that supposedly the blood in men from the heart flows to the left side, and in women - to the right. Therefore, the last one, for example, wrist watch It is better to wear it on the left hand.

Even criminologists recognize frequent mystical coincidences between the time of the owner’s death and the stoppage of his watch.

"Thief" theory

In addition to theories, there is a legend on the topic of wearing watches, born after the war. According to her, real thieves wear watches exclusively on their right hands. Therefore, if you wear a watch on this hand, you can be sure that it will not be stolen, since they will not steal from their own

So right or left?

Only many years after the invention of electronic wristwatches did people begin to think about why, in fact, wear them on the left hand if a person is left-handed. It is much more convenient for him to fasten the strap with the left hand, and place the watch itself on the right. This opinion was consolidated after psychologists recognized that left-handedness is not a mental disorder, and little left-handers at school were no longer taught to write with their right hand.

According to statistics, 15% of the world's population are left-handed. This is every seventh inhabitant of the planet. It is hardly reasonable and correct not to take into account the interests of such large quantity of people. Nowadays everyone wears a wristwatch in a way that suits them. And this is the most correct option.

When choosing a hand for wearing them, it is important to focus on your own feelings and comfort, as well as your type of occupation. If you have to use your right hand a lot and your wristwatch may get damaged, it is better to put it on your left hand, and vice versa.

The question of which hand to wear a watch on has been worrying the fair sex for decades.

Currently, there are several theories that guide the girl.

Why on the left?

If we look at history, we can observe the following. Previously people had to constantly wind the watch mechanism manually by rotating the watch head. This action it was more convenient to do it with the right hand, because most people are right-handed. In addition, there were few left-handers because in those days they were retrained. Since then, it has become common practice to wear watches on the left hand.

Practicality factor

But along with traditions, the factor of practicality of wearing a watch on one hand or another is now taken into account. If the watch is worn on the active hand, i.e. on the left - for left-handers, on the right - for right-handers, then it will be inconvenient for a person to write and perform any activity. In addition, you risk scratching the watch glass or simply breaking it.

On which hand should girls wear a watch: signs

There is a sign of wearing a wristwatch, which stems from the ancient Chinese teaching about energy zones. According to him, a person has three very important points on the wrists, when exposed to which you can influence the entire human body, worsening or improving it.

The first point, called Cun, is associated with the cardiovascular system. In men and women it is in different places. For representatives of the stronger sex, this point is located on the left hand, on its wrist, and for women, on the contrary, on the right hand.

Consequently, it is customary for girls to wear a wristwatch on their left hand, and for men - on their right, in order to avoid improper stimulation and a negative impact on the functioning of the heart.

For some, such a theory sounds strange, but some take the advice of Chinese sages quite seriously. After all, surely each of you has heard about a strange relationship when, after the death of the owner, a wristwatch stopped. It turns out that the watch stopped working when the heart stopped. WITH scientific point At present, this phenomenon cannot be explained in any way.

The psychological explanation for choosing a hand to wear a wristwatch is very interesting. By which hand the owner is wearing the watch, one can judge the character and aspirations of the person.

If a person wears a watch on his active hand (on the left - for left-handers, on the right - for right-handers), then he can be characterized as a careerist. He is very purposeful and is ready to do anything for his own success. According to the provisions of psychological theory, a watch on the active hand is a predisposition to businesslikeness and activity of its owner.

There is an opinion that it is correct to wear a watch on your right hand, regardless of whether you are left-handed or right-handed. This is due to the fact that a person’s right side is connected with his future, and the left side with his past.

Here again, psychology plays a big role: if a woman pays attention to her left hand, then she will concentrate on her past and on the fact that it will seem to her that time cannot be returned, and she is unable to change anything.

But if she pays attention to her right hand, then this will symbolize a focus on the future and her activity.

In photos on the Internet, from passers-by on the street, from your colleagues, you can see that watches are worn on different hands. Thus, it is impossible to say unequivocally on which hand the wristwatch should be worn.

To determine how to put on your watch correctly, try wearing the watch alternately on one hand or the other. And then you will understand how it will be more comfortable and convenient for you to wear a wristwatch.

Video on the topic of the article

A girl should always look beautiful and stylish. And this applies not only to clothes, but also to hairstyles, makeup, and also accessories. In this article I would like to talk about girls and which ones are better to choose for a particular style.

Everything is thought out to the smallest detail

Are you planning to purchase such a useful and very cute accessory? Are you thinking about a girl? After all, there are probably certain rules on how to do this correctly. To understand this, you can look a little into history. The fact is that the first watches, which were intended to be worn on the hand, had a mechanical winding mechanism, which was located on the right side of the dial. That is why, in order to conveniently wind their watches, people simply felt comfortable putting them on their left hand, while performing certain manipulations with their right hand. It is important to say that at that time left-handers were not favored at all, they were not singled out as a group of special people, so they had the same accessories as everyone else. It is worth saying that during Soviet Union everyone, without exception, had to wear a watch only on their left hand.

The practical side of the issue

Modern realities give a completely different assessment to left-handed people, and, indeed, to all other individuals. Therefore, today the question of which hand a girl should wear a watch on is completely irrelevant and, in principle, does not bother anyone. No one will be surprised if a person has a watch on both his right and left hand. The main rule of modern times: maximum convenience. You should not forget about this if you want to comfortably wear an accessory such as a wristwatch. The same applies to left-handed people; they can wear such an accessory exactly on the hand that is comfortable for them, and in the way they want.

Version of ancient Chinese teaching

The ancient Chinese teaching “Fukuri” can also tell you which hand a girl should wear a watch on. It says that there are three important energy points near the wrist of every person, when exposed to them you can either improve your health or significantly worsen it. The most important of these points is Cun, which is directly connected to the heart. By influencing it, you can have both a positive and negative effect on the heart muscle. The fact is that for men this point is on the wrist of the left hand, for women - on the right. From this we can draw a logical conclusion that guys should wear a watch on their right hand, and girls - on their left. How to relate to this theory is up to each individual to decide for himself. However, we should not forget that scientists know that watches are connected in a certain way to the human heart. But how exactly - they still have to figure it out.

Psychological point of view

You can also ask psychologists about which hand a girl should wear a watch on; they can also tell you a lot of interesting things about this fact. So, in their opinion, a girl who wears this accessory on her active hand is considered purposeful, independent, and a careerist. There is another very interesting theory in this regard. So, many scientists believe that a watch should be worn on the right hand. Why? It’s simple, because subconsciously people associate the left side with the past, and the right side with the future. Therefore, if a lady looks at the clock to the left, that is, at her left hand, she will think about what she did not have time to do, but if she looks at the clock to the right, she will think about how she can do what is still left. That is, from the point of view of the right attitude, it is better to put the watch on your right hand. However this theory is not scientifically proven, you should also be aware of this.

About beauty

Today it is very common to see girls with watches on their hands. And this applies even to those ladies who are not business and active in labor activity. And all because today watches are not only useful device, which helps determine time, but also stylish accessory. The question of which hand to put a watch on is practically not the main thing for anyone today, because everyone does it exactly as they see fit, without paying attention to any advice or recommendations. By the way, the public is completely calm about this, not trying to change the “wrong” ones.

Types of watches

There are several simple rules, how necessary it is for ladies to wear certain watches. So, as for skeleton watches (an accessory in which the entire mechanism is visible through the transparent back cover), they are most likely preferred by girls who adhere to the rock style of clothing. This look is perfectly complemented by leather jackets and short skirts with all kinds of metal studs. As for watches decorated with rhinestones, they are preferred by ladies who closely follow all fashion trends and always remain in trend. This accessory can be worn not only on the hand, but also over a glove (and with a coat with three-quarter sleeves). The look will be perfectly complemented by a beautiful black crocodile leather bag. Special attention deserves masculine women's clothing, it is the masculine type that is usually worn by emancipated ladies who are actively fighting for the rights of the fair sex. It is also good for business women to wear such watches; today this is allowed and, by the way, looks very nice. Refined people prefer watches with a thin metal strap yellow color. It can either hug your hand or sag a little, this is allowed. This look should be complemented by a romantic dress, or other accessories. creative personality. Watches on a leather strap that wraps around the arm several times are also very popular today. This more youthful version of this accessory is suitable for people who prefer a casual style.


What other watches do girls wear and how? So, people with creative thinking They can make a watch strap themselves. To do this, you just need to decide what you want to see in the final result. So, it is best to decorate leather straps, remembering that today they exist in almost all colors and shades. This can be done using beads, rhinestones, beads - this will be worn by a girl with a romantic look. It is also good to decorate the straps with various metal buttons and pendants - all this is also allowed and greatly decorates the lady’s hand. What else can a wristwatch be? Photos of self-made products (they are easy to find on the relevant resources) show that they can be decorated with bracelets, which can even be woven from colored wires, threads and even thick laces. Such a bracelet will definitely be original and unusual, which will immediately attract attention not only to the lady’s hand, but also to her entire person. However, it is always worth remembering the size of such accessories. If the girl is small, she should not overload her hand, it will look ugly. Ladies of large sets are not recommended to wear watches that are too small on a thin strap, because they will simply get lost and will not give the effect of decoration.