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» Yellowstone National Park in the USA - an unforgettable trip to Yellowstone National Park. Why is the Yellowstone supervolcano dangerous for humanity?

Yellowstone National Park in the USA - an unforgettable trip to Yellowstone National Park. Why is the Yellowstone supervolcano dangerous for humanity?

When the whole of Europe was experiencing political catastrophes, in the United States the earth's surface began to tremble in the most literal sense - an earthquake occurred in a national park in the state of Wyoming, the strength of which was almost 5 points, and reports appeared in all media that the end of the world would soon come.

What happened in April of this year in a national park in a US state?

This spring, experts around the world began to sound the alarm that the Yellowstone volcano in America began to become active and awaken. The reason for this was several earth tremors, the strongest of which was 4.8 points, and a significant increase in water temperature in the geyser lakes. According to experts, this could cause catastrophic consequences, even the Apocalypse. So far no end of the world has happened, although this volcano is waking up in America, but how long will this continue? quiet life? No one can even imagine this. In fact, people know no more about the processes that occur underground than about what is happening in the far ends of space, and, perhaps, when they wake up Yellowstone volcano, we are all in for an unpleasant surprise. As we have already said, we can only guess about this.

What volcano is waking up in America? What's special about the Yellowstone volcano?

It is located in Wyoming, in Yellowstone National Park. The park itself is very beautiful, and in particular the photos of these places speak about this. The volcano is so huge that not everyone will even notice it up close. You may simply not understand that what you are looking at is the crater of a volcano. Essentially, this is a huge “bowl” in the mountains, which are located within the national park. In scientific terms, this “bowl” is called a caldera. It covers an area of ​​4 thousand square kilometers. For a more accurate idea, let’s say that the area of ​​the “bowl” is one and a half areas of Moscow and two areas of Tokyo. At this time, it is the most powerful volcano active on Earth. According to scientists, the force of the eruption of this volcano will be comparable to the force of the explosion of a thousand atomic bombs.

A volcano that just can't calm down

Scientists have also found that over the past 17 million years, with a periodicity of approximately 600 thousand years, this volcano has been awakening in America. During eruptions, gigantic amounts of ash and lava are thrown to the surface. The thickness of the caldera is only 400 meters, and on average on the planet its thickness is 40 kilometers. According to researchers, the last time the Yellowstone volcano erupted was 640 thousand years ago. So, perhaps soon we will be talking about the Yellowstone volcano waking up in America. And on Earth another large-scale catastrophe begins, as a result of which all living things die.

Will the world end when the Yellowstone volcano erupts?

Some researchers believe that the risk of disaster is very high. According to them, the force of the eruption will be comparable to the force of the cataclysm that occurred during the origin of life on Earth. Many thousands of cubic kilometers of lava will be poured into the United States. Those places where the lava does not reach will be covered with volcanic ash. All North America will turn into a sparsely inhabited desert.

Other countries, according to experts, cannot avoid disaster either, because the ashes will rise in earth's atmosphere and will cover the entire surface of our planet from sun rays. It will be a very long night all over the Earth. It will be impossible to see anything even at arm's length.

On Earth, deprived of the sun's heat, winter will reign. Temperatures in different parts of the planet will drop to levels from -15 to -50 degrees. Plants will die, agricultural production will sharply decrease. People will begin to die from hunger and hypothermia. According to experts, 99% of the world's population will die, and the countdown to the beginning of these terrible days has already begun...

What signs indicate that an eruption is near?

It’s far from a fact that the experts are right and everything will end as badly as described just above. However, since the beginning of 2014, according to various sources, from 60 to 200 tremors have occurred in Yellowstone. The strongest of them was recorded on March 30, its power was, as already mentioned, 4.8 points. The temperature of many geyser lakes in the national park sharply increased by 20 degrees. This means that magma moves across the Earth's surface.

According to scientists, in the event of a volcano explosion in Yellowstone, a gigantic mass of magma, the size of which would be somewhere around 80 by 20 kilometers, could spill onto the ground. The world may not end, and not many people will die, or even everyone will survive, but the American economy could take a significant hit. It is possible that other countries will have to help the United States cope with the consequences of a disaster that could arise due to the awakening of the Yellowstone volcano in America.

What else could happen if the Yellowstone volcano explodes?

As is already clear, reports of the imminent end of the world after the earthquakes in Yellowstone are somewhat premature. It definitely won't start right now or anytime soon. However, it cannot be guaranteed that it will not happen at all. It is possible that a giant earthquake will occur in Yellowstone, which will also no doubt cause significant damage.

In general, one cannot say for sure about the possibility of an eruption and the consequences that will occur when the Yellowstone volcano wakes up; one can only guess. Perhaps ordinary people are not told everything and something is hidden from them. Nobody can say anything about this for sure. We only know that in the spring the American government did not evacuate people from areas close to Yellowstone National Park.

Those who believe in the Lord's punishment hanging over the sodom of the United States today have a very serious argument. Located in the heart of the USA Yellowstone national park, famous for its forests, grizzly bears and hot springs, is actually a bomb - a supervolcano that is ready to explode in the next two years...

According to American volcanologists, the eruption of the largest volcano in the world, whose caldera is located in Yellowstone National Park, may begin in the near future. The volcano has not erupted for about 600 thousand years and with its eruption it can destroy two-thirds of the US territory, which could even begin a world catastrophe - the Apocalypse, as American scientists believe.

The super-volcano beneath Yellowstone National Park in the US state of Wyoming has begun to grow at a record rate since 2004 and will explode with a force 1,000 times more powerful than the catastrophic eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington state on May 18, 1980.
Layout of the giant volcano.
According to volcanologists, lava will rise high into the sky, and ash will cover nearby areas with a layer of 3 meters and a distance of 1,600 kilometers. As a result, 2/3 of the US territory may become uninhabitable due to toxic air, millions will die, and the rest will have to leave their homes.

Experts predict that the volcano will erupt in the near future and will be no less powerful than all 3 times the volcano has erupted over the past 2.1 million years. Now the magma has come so close to the earth's crust in Yellowstone Park that the ground has risen by more than one and a half meters, and in some places heat is literally emanating from it, which cannot be explained by anything other than the impending eruption of a huge volcano.

July 22, 1980: Mount St. Helens explodes in Washington State. The Yellowstone Caldera volcano can explode with a thousand times more force during an eruption and cause many more casualties.

Yellowstone National Park is a bomb that may explode in the coming years. If this happens, the entire North American continent may perish. And the rest of the world will not find it enough.

It all started quite innocently. If not happy. In 2002, several new geysers with healing properties were simultaneously released in the Yellowstone Nature Reserve. hot water. Local tourism companies immediately promoted the natural phenomenon, significantly increasing the number of visitors to the park, which had previously numbered about 3 million people a year.

However, already in 2004, the US government tightened the regime for visiting the reserve. The number of security guards on its territory has sharply increased, and some areas have been declared closed to visitors. But seismologists and volcanologists frequented them. They have worked in Yellowstone before, because the entire reserve with its unique nature- nothing more than a huge patch on the crater of an extinct supervolcano.The entire park has an area of ​​3825 sq. km and is a caldera measuring about 55 km by 72 km. And it was precisely because of its gigantic size that scientists initially did not even recognize it. Actually, this is where hot geysers come from, the water in which is heated by hot magma.

The concern was primarily caused by three new geysers, although before that the number of hot springs had not changed since the discovery of America.

Commissions to study volcanic activity increasingly visited Yellowstone. What they discovered there was not reported to the general public, but it is known that in 2007, under the Office of the President of the United States, a Science Council endowed with extraordinary powers. It included several of the country's leading geophysicists and seismologists, as well as members of the National Security Council, including the secretary of defense and intelligence officials.

The monthly meetings of this body were headed personally George Bush. In the same year, Yellowstone National Park moved from departmental subordination to the Department of the Interior under the direct control of the Scientific Council.

The increased attention of the American authorities arose because they realized that the giant volcano was waking up. And the newly gushing hot springs are just the beginning. Because seismologists discovered a sharp rise in soil under the reserve. From 2007 to 2011, it swelled by 1.78 meters. This is despite the fact that over the previous 20 years, the rise of the soil was no more than 10 cm. The conclusions of seismologists were confirmed by mathematicians. Based on information about previous eruptions of the Yellowstone volcano, they developed an algorithm for its life activity. The result was shocking.

The fact that the intervals between eruptions are constantly decreasing was known to scientists before. And, given the astronomical duration of such intervals, this information is of no use practical significance for humanity did not have. The volcano erupted 2 million years ago, then 1.3 million years ago and the last time 630 thousand years ago. The Geological Society of America expected its awakening no earlier than 20 thousand years later. The following calculations showed that a new catastrophe should be expected in 2074.

In 2008, Professor of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Utah Robert Smith"reassured" by saying that " long as the magma of the supervolcano (although it has been rising by 8 cm per year since 2004) is located at a depth of 10 kilometers from its vent, it is too early to worry, but if it rises to a level of 2-3 km, we will have serious reasons for concern».

Meanwhile, back in 2006, volcanologists Ilya Bindeman(Ilya N. Bindeman) and John Valey(John W. Valley) in the magazine "Earth and Planetary Science" They claimed that the eruption would be very soon.

New measurement data showed that the rate of magma rise has increased, tthe soil temperature in some places rose to the boiling point, cracks opened, through which hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide- volcanic gases contained in magma. All this made us say that the terrible date was approaching. And the eruption will occur before 2016.


A typical volcano is a cone-shaped hill with a crater from which lava, ash and gases erupt. It is formed. When magma boiling in the depths breaks out to the surface through cracks and faults in the earth's crust. As the magma rises, it releases gases, turning into volcanic lava, and flows through top part a fault, usually called a vent. Solidifying around the vent, the products of the eruption build up the cone of the volcano.

Supervolcanoes have a feature that, until recently, no one even suspected of their existence. They are not at all similar to the cone-shaped “caps” with a vent inside that are familiar to us. These are vast areas of thinned earth's crust, under which hot magma pulsates. A simple volcano looks like a pimple, a supervolcano looks like a huge inflammation, on the territory of which several ordinary volcanoes can be located. Today, there are 20-30 supervolcanoes known in the world. They may erupt from time to time, but these emissions can be compared to the release of steam from an overheated boiler. The main problems begin when the “boiler” itself explodes. Because supervolcanoes do not erupt, but rather explode.


From below, the pressure of magma on the thin surface of the earth gradually increases. A hump is formed with a height of several hundred meters and a diameter of 15-20 kilometers. Numerous vents and cracks appear along the perimeter of the hump, and then its entire central part collapses down into the fiery abyss.

The collapsed rocks, like a piston, will sharply squeeze out giant fountains of lava and ash from the depths.

The force of this explosion exceeds the charge of the most powerful nuclear bomb. According to geophysicists, if the Yellowstone mine explodes, the effect will exceed a thousand Hiroshimas. The calculations, of course, are purely theoretical. During its existence modern man, we have not had to deal with such a phenomenon.One of the last eruptions, approaching the scale of the future, occurred in Sumatra 73 thousand years ago, when the explosion of the Toba supervolcano reduced the Earth's population by about 15 times, when only 5-10 thousand people remained alive. The number of animals decreased by the same amount, 3/4 died flora Northern Hemisphere. At the site of that explosion, a pit with an area of ​​1775 square meters was formed. km, which could fit two New Yorks or Londons.

Yellowstone is twice the size of Toba. " Against the backdrop of a supervolcano eruption, everyone else seems dwarfed, and its power is a real threat to everyone living on this planet", noted Bill McGuire, professor of geophysics and climate change expert at University College London. According to his calculations, produced in 1999, the volcano was supposed to wake up by 2074. The last time a supervolcano exploded in Yellowstone occurred during the time of the dinosaurs. Perhaps this is why they became extinct.

The other day Yellowstone National Parkbegan to rapidly abandon the bison herds, known for their sensitivity to future disasters. This behavior of wild animals has caused many rumors and fears among residents of the north-central states of the United States, Now the park has increased the concentration of helium approximately 1000 times and the number of daily mini-earthquakes.

Moose ran after the bison - in huge numbers, which amazed even the park rangers:


A few days before the explosion Earth's crust above the supervolcano will rise several tens, or even hundreds of meters. The soil will heat up to 60-70° C. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide and helium in the atmosphere will increase sharply.

The first to erupt is a cloud of volcanic ash, which will rise into the atmosphere to a height of 40-50 km. Then lava will begin to erupt, pieces of which will be thrown to great heights. As they fall, they will cover a gigantic area. The explosion will be accompanied by a powerful earthquake and lava flows reaching speeds of several hundred kilometers per hour.

In the first hours of a new eruption in Yellowstone, an area within a radius of 1000 kilometers around the epicenter will be destroyed. Here, residents of almost the entire American northwest (Seattle) and parts of Canada (Calgary, Vancouver) are in immediate danger.

On an area of ​​10 thousand square meters. kilometers, streams of hot mud, the so-called, will rage. “pyroclastic wave” This most deadly product of an eruption will occur when the pressure of lava shooting high into the atmosphere weakens and part of the column collapses on the surrounding area in a huge avalanche, burning everything in its path. It will be impossible to survive in pyroclastic flows. At temperatures above 400° WITH human bodies They will simply cook, the flesh will separate from the bones.

The hot liquid will kill about 200 thousand people in the first minutes after the eruption begins. In addition, a series of earthquakes and tsunamis triggered by the explosion will cause huge losses. They will already claim tens of millions of lives across the globe. This is provided that the North American continent does not go under water at all, like Atlantis.
Then the ash cloud from the volcano will begin to spread wider. Within 24 hours, the entire US territory up to Mississippi will be in the disaster zone. At the same time, volcanic ash is no less dangerous. Ash particles are so small that neither gauze bandages nor respirators protect against them. Once in the lungs, the ash mixes with mucus, hardens and turns into cement...

As a result of falling ash, territories located thousands of kilometers from the volcano may be in mortal danger. When the layer of volcanic ash reaches a thickness of 15 cm, the load on the roofs will become too great and buildings will begin to collapse. It is estimated that between 1 and 50 people in each home will die immediately or be seriously injured. This will be the main cause of death in the areas around Yellowstone bypassed by the pyroclastic wave, where the ash layer will be no less than 60 cm.

A thick layer of ash will cover almost the entire US territory - from Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, which will be wiped off the face of the Earth, to Iowa and the Gulf of Mexico. The ozone hole over the continent will grow to such a size that the level of radiation will approach Chernobyl. All of North America will turn into scorched earth. Southern Canada will also be seriously affected.

The Yellowstone giant will trigger the eruption of several hundred ordinary volcanoes around the world. Other deaths will follow from poisoning. The eruption will continue for several days, but people and animals will continue to die due to suffocation and hydrogen sulfide poisoning. During this time, the air in the western United States will be poisoned so that a person will be able to breathe in it for no more than 5-7 minutes.

Thousands of cubic kilometers of ash released into the atmosphere will cross the Atlantic by air in 2-3 weeks and Pacific Ocean, and a month later the Sun will be obscured throughout the Earth.


Soviet scientists once predicted that the most terrible consequence of a global nuclear conflict would be the so-called. "nuclear winter". The same thing will happen as a result of the explosion of a supervolcano.

First, incessant acid rain will destroy all crops and crops, kill livestock, dooming the survivors to starvation. Two weeks after the sun disappears into dust clouds, the air temperature on the earth's surface will drop in various areas globe from -15° to -50 ° From and below. average temperature on the Earth's surface will be about -25° C.

The “billionaire” countries – India and China – will suffer the most from famine. Here, in the coming months after the explosion, up to 1.5 billion people will die. In total, in the first months of the cataclysm, every third inhabitant of the Earth will die.
Winter will last from 1.5 to 4 years. This is enough to forever change the natural balance on the planet. Due to long frosts and lack of light, vegetation will die. Since plants are involved in the production of oxygen, it will become difficult for the planet to breathe. Animal world The earth will die painfully from cold, hunger and epidemics. Humanity will have to move from the surface of the earth for at least 3-4 years...

For the population North America chances of survival are minimal. In general, the inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere will be almost completely destroyed. The greatest chances are in the central part of Eurasia. Most people, according to scientists, will survive in Siberia and the Eastern European part of Russia, located on earthquake-resistant platforms, remote from the epicenter of the explosion and protected from the tsunami.


If American authorities are aware of the problem, why are they not doing anything to prevent it? Why hasn’t information about the upcoming catastrophe reached the general public yet?

The first question is not difficult to answer: neither the States themselves nor humanity as a whole can prevent the impending explosion. Therefore, the White House is preparing for the worst-case scenario. According to CIA analysts, " As a result of the disaster, two thirds of the population will die, the economy will be destroyed, transport and communications will be disorganized. In the context of an almost complete cessation of supplies, the military potential remaining at our disposal will decrease to a level sufficient only to maintain order on the territory of the country».

As for notifying the population, the authorities recognized such actions as inappropriate. Saving an entire continent is an almost impossible task. The population of the United States is now close to 300 million. There will simply be nowhere for such a number of people, especially since after the disaster there will be no prosperous places on the planet. Each state will have big problems, and no one wants to aggravate them by accepting tens of millions of refugees.

In any case, this is the conclusion reached by the Scientific Council under the President of the United States. According to its members, there is only one way out - to abandon the majority of the population to the will of fate and take care of preserving capital, military potential and the “elite”. Therefore, a few months before the explosion, the best scientists, military, high-tech specialists, and, of course, billionaires will be taken out of the country. To ordinary millionaires you will have to save yourself. Ordinary people will actually be left to the mercy of fate.


The other day information has appeared that the US government is allegedly offering to pay foreign countries$10 billion a year for 10 years, if they agree to provide urgent shelter for Americans when the Yellowstone supervolcano begins to act (this is the date of the next eruption that Dr. Jean-Philippe Perrillat from the National Center scientific research in Grenoble, France).

The African National Congress (ANC) government in South Africa has already received a request from the United States, according to which South Africa will receive a specified sum of $10 billion (about R100 billion) over 10 years, in exchange for providing temporary housing to millions of Americans. Countries that will participate in the plan include Brazil, Argentina and Australia.

The South African Cabinet has decided to reject the US request for now. South African Department of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Dr. Sipho Matwetwe(Matwetwe), said that South Africa « will not be part of the plan because there is a risk that millions of white Americans could be sent to our country in emergency, and we believe that this is a threat to black national culture and identity... We are sympathetic to America's Yellowstone problem, but we have our own problems in South Africa. 200 million white people in America, and if too many of them move to South African countries... it will destabilize the country and perhaps even bring back apartheid. South Africa is not for sale».


The above information became known thanks to the efforts of an American scientist and journalist Howard Huxley, who has been dealing with the problems of the Yellowstone volcano since the 80s, has established connections in geophysics circles, like many well-known journalists, he was associated with the CIA and is a recognized authority in scientific circles. Realizing what the country was heading for, Howard and his like-minded people created the Foundation for Saving Civilization. Their goal is to warn humanity about the impending disaster and give everyone a chance to survive, not just members of the elite. Over the course of several years, Foundation employees have accumulated a wealth of information. In particular, they calculated exactly where the cream of American society would go after the disaster.

Liberia, a small state in West Africa, traditionally following in the wake of American politics, will become an island of salvation for them. There have been massive injections of money into this country for several years now. There is a network of excellent roads, airports and, as they say, an extensive system of deep, very well-maintained bunkers. In which the American elite is going to sit out for several years until the situation stabilizes and they begin to restore their influence in the world. Probably, the same plan can be attributed to - a huge armored safe in the rocks of Spitsbergen, built with the money of American billionaires to store seeds of most plant species.

This is supposedly why the White House and the Scientific Council are now trying to solve urgent military problems. The coming catastrophe will be perceived by most religious people as God's punishment for America. Surely many will want to finish off “Shaitan” while the Judeo-Protestant “elite” licks its wounds. You can't think of a better reason for jihad.

This is one of the reasons why, since 2003, preemptive strikes have been carried out on a number of Muslim countries in order to destroy their military potential. The problem is that due to the aggressive policy, the United States has more and more ill-wishers...


More in 2006 the BBC celebrated, supervolcanoes can claim billions of lives and devastate continents:

Yellowstone's explosion is 2,500 times more powerful than Etna's last eruption.
The Yellowstone caldera will emit 15 times more ash than the Krakatoa volcano, which killed 36 thousand people.
Visibility will decrease to 20-30 cm due to the resulting ash curtain.
The caldera formed after the explosion of the Yellowstone volcano will accommodate Tokyo, the largest city in the world.
The radius of total destruction of all living things in the first minutes after the start of the eruption is 1200 km.
The force of the Yellowstone volcano eruption is estimated at 1000 atomic bombs exploding simultaneously.
After the Yellowstone disaster, 1 in 1000 earthlings will survive...

American scientists are alarmed to report that the Yellowstone volcano, the largest in the world, is active. This supergiant erupts every 600 thousand years, and each time it redraws the map of the continent. Is the volcano about to make itself known again?

One at a time, in pairs and in groups, bison flee Yellowstone National Park. Without being distracted by anything, even cars and people, the animals do not slow down. The video recording made by a bystander seriously alarmed the whole country. Many believed that the bison were not just running, but fleeing for their lives.

Local residents seriously thought about whether to run after the animals. After all, beneath Yellowstone National Park lies the largest volcano on the continent.

The size of the volcano is, of course, amazing. Four thousand square kilometers is 20 times larger than Washington with all its suburbs. The territory of the entire US capital is just a small part of the so-called “caldera” of the volcano, that is, the crater. And under it is a huge bubble filled with hot magma. Depth - like 15 Ostankino TV towers.

IN Lately The super-volcano reminds itself more and more often. The water temperature in the geyser lakes is now above normal, and the soil has risen. But the main thing is that since the beginning of this year, six dozen tremors have already occurred. Each time the vibrations become stronger.

“We had an earthquake of magnitude 4.8. This is the strongest tremors in more than 30 years,” says Al Nash, head of the press service for Yellowstone National Park.

Experts believe that the volcano can destroy life within a radius of one thousand kilometers, and the entire territory of North America will be under a 15-centimeter layer of ash. Global climate change will follow. Volcanologists believe that Yellowstone should erupt approximately once every 600 thousand years. 640 thousand have already passed since the last awakening.

"65 million years ago, the eruption of a similar super-volcano coincided with the fall of a meteorite in the Mexico region, and this was quite likely the one Double punch which caused the dinosaurs to become extinct. In the current situation, the United States will die out,” says New York University physics professor Michio Kaku.

Yellowstone National Park staff are trying to reassure the Americans, saying that the bison are driven by hunger and nothing more.

"We're seeing an exodus of bison, elk and other animals out of the national park. But we think it's a migration in search of food," says Al Nash.

But looking at the buffalo running en masse, it’s hard not to remember the stories of residents of Southeast Asia about how, in December 2004, for no apparent reason, the animals suddenly rushed inland. And soon a giant wave came, generated by an earthquake. About three hundred thousand people died then.

Under the territory of Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming) there is an outbreak large volcano, which has now become more active.

According to experts, the volcano woke up after a recent earthquake, which provoked an increase in the number of magma eruptions. Today, Yellowstone Volcano is considered one of the most dangerous active volcanoes on Earth.

What kind of volcano?

Yellowstone Volcano is a supervolcano. As a reminder, a supervolcano is not strictly a scientific term; it is usually a volcano that formed in a depression in the ground called a caldera.

Another difference between a supervolcano and an ordinary one is that when an ordinary volcano erupts, lava gradually accumulates in the mountain, and only then begins to come out.

At a supervolcano, magma, approaching the surface, collects in a huge underground reservoir. It melts nearby rocks and becomes even thicker as the pressure continues to build.

The Yellowstone supervolcano is located just above the hot spot, where the hot molten rock is closest to the surface.

The last day of Pompeii

The Yellowstone supervolcano has long worried scientists, and ordinary people. People began to talk about its danger back in April 2016, when experts had their first suspicions about a possible catastrophe.

Then, in April 2016, when a series of earthquakes swept across America, many were horrified by the news in the media: “The most dangerous volcano has awakened,” “America will fly into the air,” the journalists were frightened.

Or maybe it was not in vain that they were scared?

Then in April, a Reedus correspondent spoke with Andrei Lukashev, a professor at the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University, who had no intention of scaring anyone again, but was not in a positive mood either:

The consequences of the upcoming eruption will lead to the so-called nuclear winter effect: people will not see the Sun for several years, Lukashev said then.

Even then, scientists began to sound the alarm, pointing to a catastrophe that could happen at any moment.

Kill zone

As you know, a dangerous volcano is located in Yellowstone National Park, in the state of Wyoming (USA), the dimensions of its basin are 55 by 72 kilometers, which is about a third of the entire territory of the park and almost twice the size of New York and Moscow.

This size and power of the volcano seriously worries not only geologists, but also ordinary people, because if an eruption begins, it will not only destroy the United States, but also cause great environmental damage to the entire Earth. According to a number of researchers, the consequences of the eruption will lower the temperature on Earth by 21 degrees, but will also destroy huge populations of animals and plants, which will become a catastrophe on a universal scale.

The eruption will kill at least 87,000 people, experts say.

The Yellowstone volcano is active once every 600 years, and now these 600 years have just passed. This is a normal action of standard volcanoes, so I don’t see anything strange in this, and neither do all geologists - this was predicted a long time ago. In addition, it is not a fact that there will be an eruption, Peter Shebalin, a researcher at the Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory and Mathematical Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told Reedus. Old servant

And yet, recently the dormant volcano has begun to show more and more obvious signs of activity, which only further intensifies the situation around it. So, quite recently - on the night of October 3-4, 2017, black smoke poured out of the volcano, which completely frightened the residents of the state. It turned out that the smoke was coming from the Old Faithful geyser, the most famous geyser of the volcano.

Usually a volcano ejects jets from a geyser hot water the height of a 9-story building with an interval of 45 to 125 minutes, but then instead of water or at least steam, black smoke began to pour out.

Why black smoke comes out of the volcano is not clear. Perhaps this is burning organic matter that has approached the surface. But it’s too early to worry, since the burning of one geyser doesn’t mean anything yet, Shebalin explained. Can't you fool the animals?

For example, before the earthquake, many pet owners noticed that their animals were behaving extremely strangely: dogs were barking incessantly and cats were rushing around the house, etc.

In September 1927, in Crimea, 12 hours before the start of the tremors, cows refused to feed and began to moo anxiously, horses broke from their leash, cats and dogs huddled close to their owners, howled and meowed.

In Ashgabat (1948) at a stud farm, the behavior of animals before the earthquake was even more violent. The horses knocked down the stable gate and broke out. Two hours later the building collapsed from an earthquake.

As for Yellowstone, animals behave strangely there too. When news about the possibility of a supervolcano eruption began to increasingly alarm people, a video of bison escaping from Yellowstone appeared online. National Park. This caused concern among people who decided that this could be a sign of an imminent eruption of a supervolcano.

And although experts claim that these are just seasonal migrations of animals in search of food, the public still does not believe in such coincidences.

Should the United States be afraid?

From all that has been said above, it is obvious that if the eruption does begin, then the fate of at least the United States looks clearly unenviable. The leading state in the world is unlikely to survive a possible catastrophe. However, the danger is enhanced by the fact that the apocalypse will not be limited to the United States alone. After the eruption, the temperature on the ground will drop by 21 degrees, and due to the emissions, visibility will not exceed one meter. The territory of the United States itself will be completely filled with lava.

Analysis of molten rock from the Yellowstone supervolcano shows that an eruption is possible without any external influences, so disaster can strike at any moment.

The Yellowstone volcano in the United States is considered a hot spot on the Earth, like Hawaii with its Kilauea or Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland. They, of course, are very dangerous during their eruption, both because of their size and power, since they will throw out millions of cubic meters of magma, and there will be a lot of ash. But we do not yet have sufficient data to talk about the exact or at least approximate date of its eruption, said Vasily Lavrushin, an employee of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

It is precisely the determination of the date of a possible eruption that scientists are engaged in. This is necessary in order to be prepared for the upcoming disaster. The problem of the volcano is being dealt with by NASA, volcanologists from the University of Victoria, as well as New Zealand geologists.

However, not all experts believe in the fatal nature of the alleged disaster.

Residents of the United States, and you and I, definitely don’t need to worry about a volcanic eruption. At least in the next 5 years for sure. The volume of the spread mass is not enough for a volcanic eruption, which everyone is afraid of, to occur, says Pyotr Shebalin.

The most pessimistic scenario for the awakening of a supervolcano is this: it will be an explosion comparable to the explosion of 1000 atomic bombs. The ground part of the supervolcano will collapse into a crater with a diameter of fifty kilometers. will happen on Earth ecological catastrophy. For the United States, the eruption of Yellowstone would mean the end of existence.

The saddest thing is that not only alarmists, but also experts talk about such consequences. Jacob Löwenstern from the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (USA) said that during all previous eruptions of the supervolcano (there were three), more than 1 thousand km³ of magma fell out. This is enough to cover most of North America with a layer of ash up to 30 cm (at the epicenter of the disaster). Löwenstern also noted that the air temperature throughout the Earth will drop by 21 degrees, visibility for several years will become no more than half a meter. An era similar to nuclear winter will come.

Hurricane Katrina showed that the US civil defense system is not prepared for such large-scale disasters - and no country’s defense system can prepare for them.

Domestic scientists never tire of predicting the eruption of a supervolcano. Nikolai Koronovsky, head of the Department of Dynamic Geology, Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University, in an interview with Vesti, told what will happen after the eruption:

“Winds are predominantly westerly, so everything will go to the eastern United States. Will cover them. Solar radiation will decrease, which means the temperature will have to drop. The famous eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in the Sunda Strait in 1873 lowered the temperature by about 2 degrees in the equatorial region for a year and a half until the ash dissipated.”