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» Folk signs of planting vegetables. Folk signs of planting a vegetable garden. When and what to plant

Folk signs of planting vegetables. Folk signs of planting a vegetable garden. When and what to plant

Folk signs planting a vegetable garden suggested what to plant and when. We have been using them for many years and they have never let us down.

Folk signs have always helped gardeners in planting seeds and seedlings. IN lately The weather has become unpredictable, so it is better to check the sowing dates according to nature. So today, we invite you to familiarize yourself with these signs in order to get a rich harvest.

Folk signs of planting a vegetable garden - what and when

You cannot plant potatoes - on Palm Week, on Wednesday and Saturday - they will be spoiled. And when the elderberry or bird cherry blossoms, they plant it. Inquire.

As soon as the coltsfoot begins to bloom, this is the beginning of spring for the gardener. It is from this day in the old days that you need to count 11 days and whitewash the trees, rake the leaves, loosen the soil, and plant tree seedlings. On day 14, they plowed the ground and marked out the beds. And on the 23rd day you can already plant early vegetables:

  • turnips and beets;
  • radishes and radishes;
  • carrots and peas;
  • parsley and onion.

In early spring, onions and cabbage are sown in the fourth and fifth weeks of Lent. In late spring - last days Holy Week, best on Saturday.

Planting vegetable crops according to folk signs

When sunflowers are planted, they are silent and do not bite the seeds. This must be done on Saturday before the sun rises. Better after sunset.

You cannot sow beets during Palm Week.

Peas are sown at dawn. It is possible both on Holy Thursday and on Saturday. Best time– late April or early May, when the oak develops.

Soak carrots early in the morning. Sow seeds without outsiders.

The pumpkin is planted on Tuesday or market day.

You need to sow bread when the birch catkins burst.

For radishes, red cabbage, early radishes, lettuce, kohlrabi, the time is when the daffodils begin to bloom or fluffy “lambs” appear on the willow.

Corn, dill - for cherry blossoms.

When to plant seeds and seedlings according to folk signs

Nature gives every seed the opportunity to express itself in the harvest.

  1. Onion seedlings are sown when the frogs begin to croak.
  2. Carrots and parsley - when violets and hazels are blooming.
  3. The head lettuce is sown as soon as the lilac begins to bloom and the meadow bathing suit turns yellow.
  4. It is better to sow oats as soon as the frogs start croaking. Late date – when apple trees are in blossom.
  5. Barley - when oak trees have leaves the size of a penny.
  6. Cucumbers and tomatoes - in the color of rowan or viburnum. At the same time, squash and pumpkin are planted.

The hazel is covered with inflorescences - it’s time to plant open ground:

  • spinach;
  • radish;
  • poppy;
  • calendula.

Folk signs of planting a vegetable garden will help seeds, seedlings and seedlings take root.

When not to plant and sow. Video

If you don’t know when and what to plant in your garden, turn to the folk wisdom of gardeners. From Pro100garden in the “All about seedlings” section.

In the past, gardening was determined by numerous rules dictated by the agricultural calendar. Each day of the year had its own name and purpose. Many folk signs for gardening have survived to this day.

In this topic:

After all, there has not yet been a period in the history of Russia when people could massively refuse to grow garden crops on their property. Even wealthy segments of the population do not hesitate to have a country house a bed with dill.

Signs about the sowing period

In conditions middle zone In Russia, and even more so in its northern regions, the issue of sowing dates is always very acute. If you put seeds in the ground ahead of time, they may not sprout due to cold weather and excess moisture. And if you are late, the earth will dry out, and then you won’t be able to wait for the shoots anyway. Previously, sowing time was determined in two ways. First, they took off their shoes and felt with their own feet whether the ground was warm enough. Secondly, they dug for testing. If the lump rises whole from the ground and then easily crumbles, it means it’s time for sowing.

There are other folk signs that make the life of a gardener easier.
  • Snowdrops blooming is a sign to sow petunias, aster, and carnations for seedlings. Tomato seedlings are also sown.
  • The willow branches are covered with fluff, which means it’s time to sow carrots, parsley, lettuce, radishes, and asparagus.
  • The singing of the cuckoo and the arrival of swallows are signs that determine the beginning of sowing beets, peas, beans, and white cabbage seedlings.
  • The flowering of crocuses signals that delphinium and onion can be sown.
  • If the leaves on the birch trees have become the size of a centimeter, the bird cherry tree has bloomed, then they begin to plant potatoes.
  • Lilac blossoms are the time to plant cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, marjoram, and tomatoes in greenhouses.
  • The appearance of the 2nd row of leaves on the nettle indicates that late cabbage can be planted.
  • If the rose hips have bloomed, then tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers can be planted in open ground.
  • Cherry blossoms - you can start planting spicy herbs accustomed to warm climates.
  • The final sign that there will be no more frosts this season is the flowering of rowan trees.
  • It has been noted that root crops planted on a full moon will bear fruit well.

Superstitions about sowing seeds

Garden signs are based on observations of nature and its characteristics. For centuries people have been comparing various facts and identifying correspondences. As a result, a whole system arose that has been used to guide the cultivation of vegetables and flowers for centuries. But not only signs have reached our time, but also folk superstitions, which are almost impossible to explain from a logical point of view. Among them are the following:

  • Sunflowers are sown after sunset, and the law of silence must be observed.
  • It is better to sow peas at dawn.
  • Carrots should be sown so that no one can see.
  • Pumpkins are sown on market days.
  • Watermelons cannot be planted in boots.
  • It is better to plant any crops so that neighbors do not see.
  • During the sowing season they do not borrow money.
  • It is better to sow on women's days - Wednesday, Friday.
  • And most importantly, any sowing and planting work must be carried out in good location spirit. If you are angry, nothing will grow.

Signs for increasing harvest

The main goal of any gardener and gardener is a rich harvest. Folk experience in increasing productivity is entrenched in signs and superstitions.

  • In order for potatoes to grow well, it is better to plant them on a day when the sky is blue and there are small snow-white clouds on it.
  • On Ivan Kupala, the willow is broken and the branches are laid out in the beds.
  • To prevent thieves from depriving the harvest, the garden is surrounded by aspen stakes driven into the ground. You need to drive them in the corners.
  • To make the garden and vegetable garden happy with fruits, husks from easter eggs and cones from the consecrated willow. Crushed sacred prosphora from the Annunciation are buried in every corner.
  • When cucumbers do not bear fruit for a long time, they get rid of empty flowers like this: they pick the flowers and at dawn they take them to the road along which cows walk.
  • To save cabbage from being eaten by caterpillars, they collect caterpillars from a neighboring garden, boil them together with milkweed, and spray the cabbage with the resulting decoction.

Signs about behavior in the garden

There are a number of beliefs about how one should behave while on personal plot so that the harvest is rich. But pests and diseases did not affect the plantings. The most common folk signs are listed below:

You need to go to the garden on a full stomach. Therefore, first they eat, then they start working. If you work hungry, there will never be a good harvest.

Signs about weeds and pests

Weed and pest control plays an important role in the successful cultivation of valuable crops. This also has its own beliefs that help keep the garden in order. It is believed that all collected weeds should be stored in one place and burned at the stake on Kupala night.

Then weeds will not overrun the garden until the end of the season. In the area, it is believed that it is forbidden to crack seeds; this leads to the appearance of insect pests, which are very difficult to get rid of.

  • To grow good harvest, you need not only to know gardening agricultural wisdom, but also to be able to appease nature, the weather, the earth - and to do this, cast a spell!
  • . The main attention should be paid to the earth and the sun. In the spring, on any Friday, you need to leave the house and, standing on the ground, say:
  • “The earth-earth should not be angry with us, let everything be born on it, let everything be multiplied. We have honor and respect for her, and we are saved from her gifts.”
  • Address the sun at dawn like this: “The sun warms with warmth, protects everything. Without warmth, nothing is born, lives, or multiplies. I conjure you - there will be a harvest, there will be a warm summer throughout the world.”
  • . To get a good harvest of all crops, you need to go out into the garden on one of the nights of the waxing Moon (before the start of field work) and, stretching out your hands to the sky, say:
  • “The moon has silver sides, it grows itself, it invites others to grow. The stars poured out for clear days, for a good harvest! How many stars are next to the moon, such will be my harvest. Let everything I plant in the ground grow, whatever I command to grow.”
  • . The potato harvest will be much greater if you burn a bunch of wormwood in an old frying pan in the basement where the seeds are stored and smoke a little. And also say this spell:
  • “Sprout, sprout, sprout on time, but for now wait for the boundary, for the time being lie down, for the time being, until warm days.”
  • . Tomato seedlings will be healthy, and then the bushes will give a good harvest, if the first shoots are sprinkled with holy water, saying the following:
  • “Holy water, you are always the protection of my seedlings, so that I will not be annoyed with it. Tomatoes gain strength, fill with healthy juice, produce generously, I’m amazed at tomatoes.”
  • . The harvest of garlic and onions will be especially pleasing if you run a juniper or bird cherry branch over the heads and bulbs intended for planting and say the following:
  • “We spent the winter, gaining strength, the time will come - give a sprout, another sprout after another - not frail, not rotten. The sprout will strengthen, a noble harvest will be born.”
  • The branch should then be stuck into the ground not far from the place where these crops will be planted.
  • . From the last puddles of melt water you need to take a bottle and bury it at the edge of the garden with the following words:
  • “Water is life-giving water, water for all living things, stay in the ground, rain down neither less nor more, but exactly as much as necessary.”
  • After this, you don’t have to worry about the crop being burned by the sun or, conversely, rotting from excess moisture.
  • . You need to take a dry birch broom and sweep it over the cobwebs in the barn, and then shake this broom over the berry bushes and, turning your face to the sun, say:
  • “Just as a spider weaves a web, so the sun brings its light to the earth, weaves the earth with its rays, warms every bush. Strength, accumulate in them, good berries, be born.”
  • There will be an incredible amount of berries that year.
  • . In order for the cabbage to grow thickly, you need to go around the area where you will plant it in the last snow (if possible), and say so:
  • “I walk through the last snow, carry water with me, and also warm summer and more sunlight. There will be cabbage here, a great harvest will happen.”
  • . In order for everything to be born richly, after hearing the first thunder, you need to say three times: “The thunderstorm is thundering on the full carts, on warm field, for a well-fed share, for generous arable land, for a lush kneading plant, for a full mouth, for a satisfied people!”
  • . Weeds will not choke the beds, which means the harvest will not be lost if, even before planting crops, you walk around the garden with a hoe in your left hand and say the following words:
  • “I’ll sharpen the hoe sharply, I’ll teach the weeds a lesson, I’ll beat them and break them, I’ll protect my garden. Get out of my land, weeds, I will create a barrier for you, I will cultivate good things, but I will not let bad things come near.”
  • . You won’t have to grieve about a harvest lost due to pests if, before planting your garden, you take 3 seeds of each crop that you want to plant today (cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.) and put them on the edge of the bread. This edge should be placed behind the fence (according to reverse side area) and say:
  • “Let the beast or the bird treat themselves to this, and that’s it. Neither a beetle, nor a mouse, nor any other pest, a waste of my garden, should eat my harvest. Whatever I grow, I’ll collect it myself and put it away in the bins.”
  • . In order not to suffer damage due to late frosts, you need to put a handful of straw on the uncultivated soil in the spring and pass it over it. right hand three times clockwise and say the following words three times:
  • “Frost, go away, don’t ruin my harvest. The sprouts will reach towards the sun, the bitter cold will remain for winter, and the warmth will remain for spring, so that everything will grow.”
  • This straw then needs to be burned and the ashes scattered around the area.
  • . Plants in a greenhouse will bear fruit well if, even before digging the soil, you light a church candle and place a cup of water next to it. The following words must be said over them:
  • “Candle, burn, create a gift for me, reflect in the water - turn into luck. Let everything that is planted drink the juices from the earth and grow well, blossom into flowers - it will come true as a harvest.”
  • Then the water from the cup needs to be sprinkled in the greenhouse.
  • . To get a rich harvest of apples and pears, you need to take some ash from the bathhouse during the full moon and scatter it in the garden. At the same time say the following words:
  • “Bath ash, unprecedented power, you fertilize the earth, direct the trees to harvest, and don’t leave them without fruits.”
  • . It is considered very important to notice and cast a spell on gardening tools. On one of the spring days, you need to take out all the shovels, rakes, hoes, garden shears (all the tools that will be used this season) from the shed, resharpen, re-clean, and putting them back, so to speak:
  • “So that you don’t get stupid, I don’t have to be lazy at work. The tool will not fail, the year will be fruitful

Weather forecast and future harvest by signs
(folk calendar and traditional types of work):

April 17 – Smotriny Olkhovye. On this day we went to see the alder blossom. They watched the trees to predict the weather: “If the birch tree opens its leaves in front of the alder tree, then the summer will be dry; and if it’s alder first, it’s wet.” Usually the cricket began to sing and creak, and the crane raised its voice for the first time. It was believed that after the arrival of the cranes, real spring comes: “The first swallow is not spring yet, but the real spring is brought by the crane on its wings.”

April 18 – Fedul Vetrennik. On this day, warm spring winds usually begin to blow: “Fedul came - a warm wind blew”, “Fedul pulled the heat, promises the women warmth on Marya (May 8).” In case of possible bad weather they said: “Fedul pouted his lips.” With the warm spring wind, crickets fly in and settle in the gardens. On this day (not earlier!) they took out the double frames, opened the windows and said a spell to protect the house from evil spirits: “On Fedula, dissolve the window.” “Whoever opened the window before Fedul opened the window was hit by bad weather,” “Before Fedul opened the windows wide, you blocked the way for the spring warmth.”

April 19 – Eutychius Quiet. On this day they judged the grain harvest: “If Eutyches is quiet, it means an early harvest of grain, and when Eutyches is blown by the wind, then this one is later, otherwise he will knock off the ear.” On this day, apple trees were glorified: “Eutychius the Quiet awakens the apple trees.”

April 20 – Akulina. “If it rains on Akulina, then the spring crops will be bad, but the viburnum will be good,” “Frost and sun promise harvests of buckwheat and bread.” “If there are a lot of stars in the sky, then there will be a lot of mushrooms and berries,” but you can only look at the stars while being outside. By popular belief On this day, mermaids wake up and can turn into beautiful water lilies. It was believed that a person who picks a water lily ends the fragile life of a water maiden, and therefore commits a great sin.…

April 21 – Rodion-Icebreaker. By this day, “the earth is moving away from the frost,” grass begins to grow, ice on the rivers breaks and melts. “If the ice on the river becomes piles, and there will be piles of bread, but if it’s smooth, then the bread will be smooth.” “If it’s a sunny, bright day, a warm evening and quiet night“The summer will be good (moderately hot and dry), but if it’s cloudy and foggy, then there’s no point in expecting a hot summer.” It was believed that on this day the sun meets the month, and such meetings are not only good: “A good meeting is indicated by a clear sun and a bright day - then the summer will be good. A bad meeting promises a cloudy day; which means it will be a bad summer.” If the month and the sun come to the point of quarreling, it ends in an earthquake.

April 22 – Vadim-Klyuchnik, Vadim – soak the springs. On this day we went to the springs and cleaned them. And then they lovingly took water from the spring, washed themselves and drank to their health. “If the weather doesn’t settle, the summer will be dry”

April 23 – Terenty Marevny. “If the sun is hazy, as if in a haze, it will be a harvest year, but if the sky is clear, the field will have to be plowed and sowed again.”

April 24 – Antip-Vodogon (Vodopol). The opening of the rivers on this day promises a good harvest, a prosperous summer, “If the waters are not free of ice, it’s a bad summer,” “Snow after a flood is bad luck for winter crops.” “If Antip is without water, it’s cold, the granaries are without grain, the summer is bad,” “If it rains on Antip, then there will be a lot of mushrooms. And if suddenly frosts hit, then a lot of milk mushrooms will be born.” It was believed that sowing and planting should not be carried out on this day - it was considered unfavorable for working with plants.

Review of the coming days according to the lunar calendar
(for mid-band conditions):

April 17 (Tuesday) - waning Moon in the sign of Pisces. Trees are being pruned, indoor plants(who require it), picking seedlings. Feeding developing plants is beneficial. Stepsoning vegetable crops. Sowing greens, legumes and root crops. Sowing, planting and replanting strawberries.
These types of work can continue until Wednesday evening.

April 18, 19, 20 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) - on Wednesday evening (at 19:58 Moscow time) the waning Moon enters the sign of Aries. Sowing and planting are not recommended these days. You can carry out sanitary and formative pruning of trees and shrubs, remove unnecessary shoots and extra strawberry tendrils, and thin out crops. Laying out spring garlic, gladioli corms, and early ripening potato varieties for vernalization. Effective control of pests and plant diseases.

April 21 (Saturday) - in the morning (at 08:04 Moscow time) the waning Moon moves into the sign of Taurus. Exact New Moon - at 11:20 Moscow time. A barren day, nothing to sow or plant. You can do repairing tools and other household chores. Tidying up spring garden- cleaning old leaves and tops from the garden, loosening the soil around plants: strawberries, perennial flowers and tree trunk circles trees. Removing winter covers from heat-loving plants. Whitewashing of tree trunks, removal of old trees and shrubs.

April 22, 23 (Sunday, Monday) is better days for sowing and planting a variety of plants. Sowing seeds of vegetables and herbs (cabbage different types, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini and melons, etc.), various spicy crops (rosemary, marjoram, onions, dill, parsley, fennel, basil, perennial savory, anise, caraway, chervil, watercress, thyme, mint, monarda, lovage, etc.) for setting up a garden herbs. For further cuttings and ensuring early flowering, plant dahlia root tubers in pots. Planting a variety of bulbous and corm plants in pots (begonias, gloxinias, tuberous anemones, tuberous ranunculus, etc.).
If the weather and soil allow, planting seedlings fruit trees and shrubs, sowing in open ground cold-resistant greens, root crops and annual flowers (cornflower, calendula, godetia, etc.), sowing lawn grass, lawn repair. Dividing and replanting overgrown bushes from awakened perennials: phlox, pink pyrethrum, delphinium, Siberian iris, etc., cuttings of conifers. Planting cuttings of mock orange and spirea into the ground. Reproduction of shrubs by layering.
From now on, it is possible to plant spring garlic, cold-resistant bulbous and root-tuberous flower plants into open ground. Watering and fertilizing plants with organic matter.
These types of work can continue until Monday evening (until 21:04 Moscow time), until the Moon moves into the sign of Gemini.

April 24, 25 (Tuesday, Wednesday) – waxing Moon, if necessary, it is possible to sow and plant some plants: with creeping, hanging and climbing shoots (various vines, strawberries, leguminous plants and herbs - perennial onions, dill, fennel, parsley, valerian, mint, horseradish rhizomes, etc.).

Nature will tell you what and when to plant. Be sure to save this information for yourself!

IN last years the weather is very unpredictable, so sowing dates cultivated plants It is best to check by nature itself.

The beginning of the gardener's spring is the day when the coltsfoot blooms. From this day in the old days they counted the time to begin spring work.

On the 11th day, they whitewashed the trees, loosened the ground, raked leaves, planted seedlings fruit trees.

On the 14th day they began to plow the land and prepare the beds.

On the 23rd day, it was possible to plant early vegetables: onions, beets, turnips, parsley, carrots, peas, radishes, radishes.

After 30 days, early potatoes were planted. But if the coltsfoot blooms before the Annunciation (April 7), then it is better to postpone planting potatoes until the bird cherry blossoms. In general, potatoes have their own time-tested rule: they are planted no earlier than the leaves on the birch tree bloom, but no later than the bird cherry blossoms.

There are other natural tips for gardeners.
As soon as the hazel is covered with fluffy inflorescences, you can begin to sow in open ground. Radishes and early spinach are the most suitable crops for this time. From flowers you can sow calendula, cornflowers and poppy.

The flowering of forsythia and violets indicates that it is time to sow carrots and parsley, godetia and iberis flowers.

The appearance of fluffy willow clumps and blooming daffodils means it’s time to sow lettuce, early radish, kohlrabi, savoy and red cabbage. Flowers that are planted at this time include daisies, lupine, mignonette, annual phlox, and sweet peas. And after a few days you can plant peas and beets.

As soon as the leaves of the oak tree bloom, it means there will be no more frosts, and the time has come to sow heat-loving crops: beans, zucchini, cucumbers, and pumpkins.

Rowan and lilac have bloomed - you can safely sow cucumbers and seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and physalis.

Let these old tips help you correctly navigate the timing of sowing and get a good harvest.

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