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» I can't get my daughter married. The daughter is getting married. Such different girls, their desires are so different

I can't get my daughter married. The daughter is getting married. Such different girls, their desires are so different

So it had to happen someday, and it did. There is a reason for joy and for sadness. But first of all, of course, you need to be happy that your daughter is getting married. Nowadays it is not so easy to find a worthy life partner, and we are always worried about our children about this.

Of course, sadness is also present in this event - as expected, the daughter is now creating her own, separate family, after which the mother usually fades into the background. But we shouldn’t get too hung up on this, such is our destiny as mothers.

So, now the main tips for mothers who are marrying off their daughter will be described.

  1. Help young people with advice, but don’t poke your nose into their lives too much. This is perhaps the main thing that I would like to say to all mothers. It often happens that after her daughter’s wedding, a mother begins to “live her life” and gets involved in the affairs of the newly-made family, and this can lead to conflict at a minimum and even to a break in your relationship with your daughter at a maximum. Therefore, be more restrained, your daughter has grown up and wants to build her life on her own. Of course, sometimes you need to help with advice, but don’t do it often, and don’t insist on your decision.
  2. Love your son-in-law. Your daughter, who got married, now really needs support, primarily moral. And your approval in choosing a lifelong partner will help your daughter cope with the changes.
  3. Help young people financially. But don't overdo it. Of course, you need to help, after all, a newly created family still doesn’t really have anything at all, so if they need financial help, help the young people if possible. But. Sometimes parents completely put all the financial issues of the young people on themselves, this is wrong. So, the newlyweds will understand that they already have everything, and will simply stop striving to improve their skills, to advance in career ladder etc.
  4. What to do about the wedding? Should I share the budget with the groom's parents? Of course, here you need to look at the financial well-being of both families. If you can help with this, help, if not, then take on at least the most necessary expenses, such as Wedding Dress, welcome guests to your home.

While you are around, teach your daughter to be a good housewife, teach her how to clean, give her, show her good example. And finally, a verse of instruction for a daughter getting married:

Daughters for a wedding...

I look at you and I can’t believe it
You are standing in a bride's outfit.
How much happiness shines in your eyes,
You soar across the sky like a swan...

Your thoughts flew away with you,
Somewhere in the sky of dreams far away...
I’m so happy for you, even though I’m sad.
And it’s so easy for me to understand you.

I'm very sorry to part with you,
You will leave home forever.
But I can’t be so upset,
Life is life, because it has always been so.

So it should be, so it was and will be,
The chicks fly away from the nest.
Only mother will never forget
About happy lives of the year.

So recently, you, just a baby
I held it so tenderly in my hands.
A little later I held my palm,
To learn to walk in onesies.

Childhood passed quickly, flew by,
Quietly youth approached you.
You blossomed and sang inside,
I always walked next to you.

I remember how you and I laughed,
They cried together and were close.
We trusted each other everything, everything,
If something is wrong, forgive me.

I'm so sad, but what can you do?
You are so happy, I am doubly happy.
I let you go with hope:
You will be the light in your family.

A beautiful daughter lived with her wonderful parents in a small but cozy two-room apartment. Smart, beautiful, kind soul. A little lethargic, a little weak-willed, but sweet and obedient. School, School of Music, institute
There are no problems with school. Without a medal, but also without humiliating triples.
With the music, yes, I had to push it a little, but afterwards the girl was only grateful. Now on any family holiday she could safely sit down at the piano and play Oginsky’s Polonaise or even the Moonlight Sonata without shame.
Things turned out a little worse with the institute. But, really, why fill your head with something empty? Medical? What kind of nonsense? Everyone knows HOW MANY people there are for one small place.
Here in a simple technical university - we understand that. Moreover, my father was graduating from it, and a couple of acquaintances remained at the department.

Following the established track, the girl reached the third year, and then a certain limit came. The diagnosis is “nervous exhaustion.” But they survived the hospital. Parents redoubled their attention. Dad himself, devoting time and effort, taught his daughter the disciplines she didn’t like, and after several years of study, the desired result was achieved - a diploma and assignment to the department of her father’s research institute.
What happened next? Job. Not very interesting, but worthy and respected. Life in the same apartment surrounded by a loving family. Well-established life. Moonlight Sonata.
And the mother’s growing bewilderment: how can this be, all my daughter’s friends, all the girls of friends and relatives are married and raising their children, and only our wonderful one is all with us.

I must say that my grandmother grew old in the same wonderful family. She grew old in a separate apartment on the former outskirts of the city and reached the point where this process could no longer continue alone. The fact is unfortunate, but common.
The family council tried and decided how to combine further aging with family care, but all proposals were frustrated by the old woman’s stubborn reluctance to move from her separate apartment to a two-room apartment with her children and granddaughter. The only option that the old lady agreed to was to exchange her living space for her granddaughter’s room, with her (the granddaughter’s) obligatory move to a new place of residence. This proposal was accompanied by a playful wink and not entirely indecent hints, to the great awe of both the parents and the thirty-year-old girl by that time.

Perhaps everyone would have been tormented by doubts for a long time, but the ending was spurred by the unexpected illness of the grandmother. The move has been completed. The girl found herself alone, far from her mother, father and the city center.
At first it was horror-horror-horror, right down to lonely tears in the pillow, short-term journaling and nightly hours-long telephone conversations with distant relatives.
Then there was just the horror of attending classical music concerts and realizing the need to buy new curtains.
Then... Then old institute classmates came to the conclusion that an apartment separate from parents, husbands, wives and children is a great place for friendly meetings and peaceful parties.
And then she got married. Suddenly. For a wonderful person, an old friend of mine who studied on a parallel course. By the way, as modest, sweet and quiet as she herself. It’s just that after another feast he stayed too long, they talked all night and realized that it was not necessary to part. By that time, he owned a room in a communal apartment on the other side of the city.

They gave birth to a beautiful daughter, changed apartments and rooms closer to her parents and live in peace and harmony. But that is another story. Oh, here’s another thing: the grandmother is still alive and continues to grow old happily to the delight of herself, her children, her granddaughter and her new great-granddaughter.

Text: Tatyana Hein

Instead of an epilogue - a commentary from a psychologist

But not everyone is so lucky with elderly relatives. And there are countless girls like our heroine. Nice, quiet, a little apathetic, very comfortable. They are always loving daughters and devoted confidantes. They are attractive, but even real bitches are not afraid to be friends with them. They are often smart and well-read and almost always decent, modest and thrifty. They live with their parents and are very lonely.

Mothers cannot understand why there has not yet been a line lined up for their angels, and these lively neighbor sluts (“no skin, no face, no shame, no conscience”) have been married for a year (five, ten, a quarter of a century). Why is there no queue?
Firstly, because already now, without any applicants for your hand or offerors of your heart, everything is arranged in the life of your angel. Familiar and filled. Social roles distributed. Affections are distributed, connections are established and there are no vacancies.
Secondly, an adult child living with his parents, from year to year, does not increase, but loses, the skills of responsibility, independence and initiative, and becomes a kind of beautiful dead fish. Who needs dead fish?
Thirdly, your request is missing. You can be surprised and indignant at the blindness of today's men as much as you like, but you are much calmer while your daughter is nearby. It's very convenient - home child. There is no risk and no reason to worry. And it’s okay that the child is already 20, 30, 40 years old. Maybe even good. As a last resort, there will be someone to bring you a glass of water in your old age, even if you are never thirsty.
But all this is deep inside (after all, we are not monsters and want happiness for our child) and rarely “pops up” to the surface. And outside: yes, we are very lucky with our miracle child, but for some reason she never develops her own separate and happy life. Or maybe unhappy, but her own and separate. And it seems like what can we do? And for some reason I feel a little guilty.

Just as in the case of deep and severe depression, sometimes simple cleaning by shaking out carpets and washing windows helps, so this protracted and painful situation can be resolved by simple means. Rent it, buy it, exchange it, but move the child away. No, a separate apartment will not provide any guarantee of marriage, much less a successful one. But chance...
For many it is the only one.

(c) magazine

My daughter is not getting married, why? This question often becomes painful for the mother. Just recently, my daughter was very little, and now she has already become a beauty of marriageable age. And, it seems, it’s time, but time goes on, and the girl cannot get married, which means she cannot give up her destiny, be happy. In any case, it seems so to us. Maybe she was not given something in childhood, maybe she was raised incorrectly? We, mothers, begin to delve into ourselves, in our mistakes, or, on the contrary, we rush to condemn our daughter’s behavior, or even turn to fortune-tellers to remove the “wreath of celibacy.” But this way and that way, we remain in suffering, which only increases from year to year. What to do if your daughter cannot get married? How can I help both her and myself?

My daughter is not getting married, what should I do: sound the alarm or sit quietly?
For what reasons does the daughter not want or cannot get married?
How to help your daughter get married?

The heart of any mother is torn to pieces by the fact that her daughter cannot get married and experience the joy of motherhood. After all, she herself knows that the birth of a child, this very daughter, was the most beautiful moment in her own life. We wish only the best for the dearest part of us, our daughter. But it doesn’t work out for her. Why is this happening?

The difference between eras, or why daughters are in no hurry to get married

More recently, the world was much simpler than it is now. Any girl needed little to be happy: get married, have a child and, of course, learn how to cook delicious borscht. Everything else: work, career, hobbies, recreation, friends - this was also, of course, important and necessary, but without marriage and motherhood there could not even be any talk of female happiness. To remain an old girl, to be of no use to anyone, lonely and old - this is a real horror story. They were afraid of such a fate, so couples formed quite quickly, we got married at 17-18 years old, and gave birth already at 19-21. In fact, there was no special search for a husband. Only time came - at work or at a dance, at the institute or through an acquaintance, we found our betrothed, and then it was one step before the wedding. And very rarely it was great love, and for everyone else it was just agreement with what is.

Today the world is a little different. Firstly, we have already removed all the restrictions and attitudes of society, which means you can do whatever you want and not be ashamed of anyone - you don’t have to get married, you can live together without getting married. And once they start living like this, few people even get to the registry office. Secondly, each girl’s circle of acquaintances has expanded significantly - the Internet has appeared, where there are many more candidates for marriage than there were before. And the greater the choice, the more questions for each candidate, the more complaints, the more expectations.

Today girls can choose, have the right to liberties outside of marriage, and this is natural changed their behavior. Now they no longer strive to get married as soon as possible. Just like it was when their mothers were young.

Perhaps, at first glance, it will seem that the world has changed for the worse. But in fact, it’s the other way around, the world is developing for the better. The new world gives girls much more opportunities than their mothers had. And today, in the 21st century, a new horror story has appeared - scary to marry not for love, to live in a couple with a person without emotional intercourse, without spiritual intimacy, without sexual harmony, without very close, truly family relationships.

Modern girls are internally ready for completely new relationships, which for now are best built on the basis of marriage. But making a fetish out of marriage and running away to marry anyone just to be a wife - stupid and reckless.

Such different girls, their desires are so different

The modern world has changed not only the girl’s behavior, but also her inner desires have increased. And since there are no special external restrictions from society, the girl has the freedom to set priorities for herself and choose life at her own discretion. Let's say, if a girl prefers a career and truly enjoys moving up the ranks, then why not let her do it? Or a scientist daughter, absorbed in science and spending days and nights in laboratories, also cannot but cause tenderness and joy. If she doesn't want to get married, don't force her.

We must not forget that among us there are special, skin-visual girls who have a special role and a special psyche. Marriage and motherhood often become a heavy burden for them, bringing pain and apathy. And today they have many opportunities to realize themselves, not paying attention to social principles, as was the case in the past.

What to do if your daughter doesn't get married?

The world is a complicated place. When we are given a lot, a lot is always asked. Having received many advantages, one cannot help but understand that this also entails greater responsibility for one’s destiny. And, unfortunately, not every girl can really modern conditions get your bearings, open up, find your soulmate. And, yes, yes, get married.

Thus, it often happens that owners of a sound vector cannot find the appropriate implementation for themselves. They are oppressed by depression, they cannot find common topics for conversation with others - it is natural that in their detachment and apathy they cannot find a mate.

Viewers often face another unfortunate scenario. Having read romance novels and watched enough romantic films, they are waiting for their prince. But he still doesn’t show up. And it won’t appear, because it is overly idealized, which means it does not exist in principle.

Another global problem is that modern young people are not in the mood to build relationships. At the slightest conflict, they break ties and do not get married. But everyone knows that there are no ideal couples - people must get used to each other, learn to respect and love their partner.

There are many more negative factors, which lead to the daughter not getting married. And almost all of them lie in the sphere of the subconscious and psychology, which means that in order to solve them, a girl needs to understand herself, understand her problems, and determine the real criteria of a man who is suitable for her. Does a great job of solving all of these issues. latest science in the field of psychology - system-vector thinking. More details about this.

If you have a desire to help your daughter get married, first of all, show respect for her and her feelings. And also invite me to come to introductory lectures on system-vector psychology, as an opportunity to better understand myself and my desires. The introductory part of the lectures is absolutely free and available to everyone at

Sometimes it happens that children remain unsettled in life for a long time, causing great concern to the mother. If your daughter can’t find a loving young man, don’t despair - just use a special plot to get your daughter married, which will help her improve her personal life.

At the same time, you can use various rituals, including if she has no desire for a quick wedding. First you need to determine what the purpose of witchcraft will be, and only then start planning the marriage of your child.

Quite often it happens that a daughter does not attract good men, or she does not come across any on her life path. There can be a lot of reasons for this - from non-compliance with modern beauty standards to banal bad luck or even damage.

Of course, in the latter case, an ordinary conspiracy will not help - your daughter will be able to get married only after a cleansing ritual, which must be carried out by an experienced specialist. Under other circumstances, everything remains in the hands of the mother, who can use magical ways to solve such problems.

It is necessary to take a large amount of holy water and divide it into three parts.

We draw your attention to the fact that marriage will be successful only if the water has been blessed during the feast of Epiphany.

One part is given to the daughter to drink, the second is used to wash her, and the third is poured outside the house. After this, you must pray for thirty-three days, reading the Our Father at least seven times a day.

In addition, the following spell must be recited twice a day:

“The devilry is terrible and dashing,
let go of my little blood.
Mother of God, give my daughter a groom,
don't let me live alone.
Help me find a husband, young, kind,
Yes, in the bed of the good man.
Give our family a protector -
both rich and a glorious warrior.

It is worth noting that the plot will only work if the daughter herself wants to get married and does not resist your will. Unfortunately, this does not always happen - some girls despair when they cannot find a worthy match for themselves and push away all potential suitors.

If this happens, help your daughter - talk to her like a mother and explain that the most important thing is the right attitude and healthy optimism in life.

When you need persuasion

As a last resort, you can resort to a special method, thanks to which your daughter will forget that she did not want to get married. For this, a special conspiracy is used, which involves the creation of an effective potion. Perfect option its preparation is the use of a drop of blood or a hair of the person you are going to marry her to. If you cannot do this, or there is no suitable candidate, feel free to use a simplified ritual - it will help you find the right mood.

You can create the mentioned potion for your daughter by collecting the following ingredients:

  • a drop of your blood;
  • tincture of wormwood (it’s better to create it yourself using alcohol);
  • holy water;
  • sugar.

Take water and place blood in it, which will symbolize your relationship. To push a daughter away from her mother, pour in half a teaspoon of bitter wormwood elixir. Then you need to use the symbol of marriage by warming the drink a little and adding two teaspoons of sugar per cup, stirring thoroughly. When preparing this remedy, do not forget to pronounce the spell with the following words:

"Dear blood
My daughter
Get away from your mother
Look at the world
You will find suitors
Anyone you like
Dear daughter,
Don't hold on to me
More bitter than steppe herbs
I will have your love,
When you're lonely
My husband's love is sweet
Yes, it's nice
My daughter,
Get away from your mother
Find a house
Get rich
And please me

After this, all that remains is to cool the resulting repellent potion and give it a teaspoon at a time, adding it to the drink in the morning. Be sure that in just a week, marriage will no longer seem like such a terrible disaster to your daughter and will not cause disgust. If you provide her with moral support and give her self-confidence, then the creation of a new happy family will not be far off.

However, after you have used such a conspiracy, you cannot use the method described above for at least a year so as not to create severe disruptions to normal energy.

There are such powerful prayers, and there are many of them. For example, Christian prayer for my daughter to get married, addressed to the miracle worker, the great Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker - guardian home well-being and a healer. This is one of the most revered saints in Russia, “the second intercessor after God,” people resort to him in all cases of life, including taking care of the marriage of their daughters.

Orthodox prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra for his daughter to get married.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper!
Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Love is a big and bright feeling in the life of any person. It can be different. But at the same time, we can say with confidence that the goal of a person in love is always a wedding. Love spells for marriage are a means of white magic. They are in great demand in the modern world. Moreover, such rituals are often used not by the applicants themselves, but by their relatives, who strive with the best intentions to help. So, a white love spell for a daughter’s marriage is very popular.

Options for marriage rituals

There are a huge number of rituals that can speed up a daughter’s marriage. They can be used in a wide variety of situations.

So that my daughter gets married faster

If you think that your daughter has been too long a wench, then you can speed up the marriage by performing a ritual using honey. To do this, the natural product needs to be spoken in these words:

“The hard-working bees collected sweet honey, and for a long time they flew over the flower fields. So the Servant of God (daughter’s name) will circle around this house, surround the family with affection and keep the house in order. Just as bees work all day, so she will work and never tire. And her husband will bring money into the house and fill it with wealth. So that he would love the Servant of God (daughter’s name) very much, so that she would be sweet to him, like this honey. So that everything goes well in their family and works out. My word is strong, maternal. No one will cancel or change my order. Magic words cannot be cut or chopped. As I said, so it will be. Amen".

With the charmed honey you will need to drink tea with your daughter. At the same time, you need to persuade her to eat more honey.

Ritual with candles

There is also a stronger ritual with candles that will help your daughter get married. For the ceremony you need to first prepare:
    Three red candles; A lock of daughter’s hair; Oatmeal jelly.
The ritual should be performed at a time when you are alone at home. You must first divide a strand of hair into three parts, then place three candles on the table and light them. Nearby you need to place a bowl of jelly. After this, you need to burn the hair: one strand at a time over a separate candle. In this case, the following words should be spoken over each candle:
    Above the first:

    “I, the Servant of God (proper name), am my daughter’s mother, so my business is not to take, but to give.”

    Above the second:

    "I, the Servant of God ( given name) gave life to the Servant of God (name zhocheri), took care of her for the rest of her life.”

    Above the third:

    “My mother’s heart hurts, my daughter orders the Servant of God (daughter’s name) to get married.”

Hair should be burned in such a way as to collect the ashes. You need to pour it into oatmeal jelly, saying the following words:

“Let the care from my soul be removed from my heart by the one my daughter marries.”

You need to feed your daughter with the enchanted jelly.

To speed up the proposal and engagement

If your daughter has been dating a young man for a long time, but he is in no hurry to propose to her, then the mother can speed this up by performing a special ritual. It must be performed in the first week after the full moon. This ritual is very powerful, but it requires mandatory preliminary preparation. It consists in the fact that three days before the ritual it is necessary to observe strict fasting. In addition, during this period it is necessary to find peace of mind, it is important to avoid stress and nervous tension, as well as conflicts with other people. The ritual takes place early in the morning. It will need to use the following attributes:
    A white new tablecloth; One candle, blessed in the church; A vessel with water; A vessel with honey.
The table should be covered with a white tablecloth and a candle placed on it, next to which should be placed vessels with water and honey. After all the preparatory steps have been completed, you should light the candle. And read this magical plot twelve times:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), am the mother of my daughter, therefore my word has power. I light one candle, I unite two destinies into one. From now on, the Servant of God (daughter's name) and the Servant of God (boyfriend's name) will live the same life. They are connected by love and will always be faithful to each other. Amen".

These words should be spoken until the candle burns out. To enhance the directed effect, it is important to visualize the day of the future wedding. After the ceremony, you should give some of the water that was used in the ritual to your daughter and ask her to wash herself with it. And the second part of the water should be used to sprinkle all the door and window openings. With the charmed honey, you just need to drink tea with your daughter and her chosen one. If this can be done, then soon the partners will unite themselves in legal marriage. When deciding to cast a love spell on your daughter’s marriage, you should understand that happiness is a state of mind. And this does not depend on having a husband, an apartment or wealth. Therefore, it is unlikely that one should interfere with the fate of a daughter if she does not strive for marriage.

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A beautiful daughter lived with her wonderful parents in a small but cozy two-room apartment. Smart, beautiful, kind soul. A little lethargic, a little weak-willed, but sweet and obedient. School, music school, institute.
There are no problems with school. Without a medal, but also without humiliating triples.
With the music, yes, I had to push it a little, but afterwards the girl was only grateful. Now, at any family holiday, she could safely sit down at the piano and play Oginsky’s Polonaise or even the Moonlight Sonata without shame.
Things turned out a little worse with the institute. But, really, why fill your head with something empty? Medical? What kind of nonsense? Everyone knows HOW MANY people there are for one small place.
Here in a simple technical university - we understand that. Moreover, my father was graduating from it, and a couple of acquaintances remained at the department.

Following the established track, the girl reached the third year, and then a certain limit came. The diagnosis is “nervous exhaustion.” But they survived the hospital. Parents redoubled their attention. Dad himself, devoting time and effort, taught his daughter the disciplines she didn’t like, and after several years of study, the desired result was achieved - a diploma and assignment to the department of her father’s research institute.
What happened next? Job. Not very interesting, but worthy and respected. Life in the same apartment surrounded by a loving family. Well-established life. Moonlight Sonata.
And the mother’s growing bewilderment: how can this be, all my daughter’s friends, all the girls of friends and relatives are married and raising their children, and only our wonderful one is all with us.

I must say that my grandmother grew old in the same wonderful family. She grew old in a separate apartment on the former outskirts of the city and reached the point where this process could no longer continue alone. The fact is unfortunate, but common.
The family council tried and decided how to combine further aging with family care, but all proposals were frustrated by the old woman’s stubborn reluctance to move from her separate apartment to a two-room apartment with her children and granddaughter. The only option that the old lady agreed to was to exchange her living space for her granddaughter’s room, with her (the granddaughter’s) obligatory move to a new place of residence. This proposal was accompanied by a playful wink and not entirely indecent hints, to the great awe of both the parents and the thirty-year-old girl by that time.

Perhaps everyone would have been tormented by doubts for a long time, but the ending was spurred by the unexpected illness of the grandmother. The move has been completed. The girl found herself alone, far from her mother, father and the city center.
At first it was horror-horror-horror, right down to lonely tears in the pillow, short-term journaling and nightly hours-long telephone conversations with distant relatives.
Then there was just the horror of attending classical music concerts and realizing the need to buy new curtains.
Then... Then old institute classmates came to the conclusion that an apartment separate from parents, husbands, wives and children is a great place for friendly meetings and peaceful parties.
And then she got married. Suddenly. For a wonderful person, an old friend of mine who studied on a parallel course. By the way, as modest, sweet and quiet as she herself. It’s just that after another feast he stayed too long, they talked all night and realized that it was not necessary to part. By that time, he owned a room in a communal apartment on the other side of the city.

They gave birth to a beautiful daughter, changed apartments and rooms closer to her parents and live in peace and harmony. But that is another story. Oh, here’s another thing: the grandmother is still alive and continues to grow old happily to the delight of herself, her children, her granddaughter and her new great-granddaughter.

Text: Tatyana Hein

Instead of an epilogue - a commentary from a psychologist

But not everyone is so lucky with elderly relatives. And there are countless girls like our heroine. Nice, quiet, a little apathetic, very comfortable. They are always loving daughters and devoted confidantes. They are attractive, but even real bitches are not afraid to be friends with them. They are often smart and well-read and almost always decent, modest and thrifty. They live with their parents and are very lonely.

Mothers cannot understand why there has not yet been a line lined up for their angels, and these lively neighbor sluts (“no skin, no face, no shame, no conscience”) have been married for a year (five, ten, a quarter of a century). Why is there no queue?
Firstly, because already now, without any applicants for your hand or offerors of your heart, everything is arranged in the life of your angel. Familiar and filled. Social roles are distributed. Affections are distributed, connections are established and there are no vacancies.
Secondly, an adult child living with his parents, from year to year, does not increase, but loses, the skills of responsibility, independence and initiative, and becomes a kind of beautiful dead fish. Who needs dead fish?
Thirdly, your request is missing. You can be surprised and indignant at the blindness of today's men as much as you like, but you are much calmer while your daughter is nearby. It’s very convenient to have a child at home. There is no risk and no reason to worry. And it’s okay that the child is already 20, 30, 40 years old. Maybe even good. As a last resort, there will be someone to bring you a glass of water in your old age, even if you are never thirsty.
But all this is deep inside (after all, we are not monsters and want happiness for our child) and rarely “pops up” to the surface. And outside: yes, we are very lucky with our miracle child, but for some reason she never has her own separate and happy life. Or maybe unhappy, but her own and separate. And it seems like what can we do? And for some reason I feel a little guilty.

Just as in the case of deep and severe depression, sometimes simple cleaning with shaking out carpets and washing windows helps, so this protracted and painful situation can be resolved with simple means. Rent it, buy it, exchange it, but move the child away. No, a separate apartment will not provide any guarantee of marriage, much less a successful one. But chance...
For many it is the only one.

(c) magazine

For the resourceful man she loves? How can I prevent her from marrying a scoundrel or a simpleton? - ask mothers, concerned about the personal life of their beloved daughter.

At the same time, many girls are puzzled by another question: “How to neutralize his friends (parents, relatives and other “benefactors”, through whose fault he has not yet married me?”

This article is addressed to both young girls and mature mothers, since the basis of their problems lies in the same “root of evil” - the influence factor.

Why we prefer resourceful men

In matters of the heart, young people listen to dad, mom or friends only if they are morally and materially dependent on them. Morally and financially, he decides everything himself. To parental blackmail: “If you marry her, you’ll be as naked as a falcon!” - are carried out only by M.H., behind whom there is nothing except parental investments.

Friendly: “Look, you’ll become henpecked!” or “Your girlfriend looks like a whore!” - especially impressive are boys without an inner core, dependent on other people's assessments. Let weak, dependent boys go to hens. “Boys” are afraid of problems - they need crystal clear “mother-wives” who will always be ready to substitute a bib, forgive everything and understand everything.

This is one of the reasons why we prefer men who are financially independent. Until a person becomes financially independent, he simply does not belong to himself.

“He would marry, but his father doesn’t tell him to, his friends don’t let him, his neighbors don’t approve...” If your loved one is led astray from the path towards you by damned “well-wishers”, either he is “femininely” weak, as in the article, or he doesn’t care about you. So, instead of wasting energy fighting “well-wishers,” just wish them well.

How to influence young man or a young lady with character.

If young people strive to show their character, the influence on them is not at all the way that furious mothers and principled fathers usually take.

The secret of influencing people with “character” lies in the understanding that such people love to overcome obstacles, prohibitions and solve problems. Why don't you play on this? The article shows a vivid example of how a person overcame the “obstacle” in the form of the uncle of his beloved girl.

Religious reading: most strong prayer mothers about their daughter's marriage to help our readers.

In the last century, scientists conducted a curious experiment with a human heart cell: it was isolated from other cells, as a result of which it died.

The same experiment was done with another cell, but its reaction was the same. Then the two cells were placed side by side and a miracle happened. The cells synchronized and began to oscillate in unison. The heart of a mother and child resembles these two tiny cells communicating with each other. There is no stronger connection in nature.

Prayer for a daughter and protection over her

The power of mother's love needs no proof. The story of how a mother lifted a car to save a child stuck between the wheels has spread around the world several times. Scientists explain such phenomena by the action of adrenaline. Trying to explain all life phenomena through the prism of science, they even found hormones responsible for maternal feelings - prolactin and oxytocin.

But still, there is something more in the world that does not fit into the usual biological framework. People call it motherly love. Unity is established at all levels - spiritual, energetic. A common psycho-emotional field arises between mother and child, especially in relationships with her daughter.

In addition to the authority over their children assigned by the Almighty, the responsibility for their well-being falls on their shoulders. This power should only be used for good. There are known cases when words spoken with anger in the hearts came true and caused harm to the child. Cursing children is prohibited, as is any other creature of God.

If you want to protect your daughter through prayer, start with yourself. What the vessel is filled with is what it gives away. Keep your thoughts pure and your intentions sincere, follow the commandments of God, and your daughter will grow up healthy, happy and prosperous.

Most strong amulet- This is my mother’s prayer. The power of her desire, multiplied by love, can work miracles. With the intention of protecting her daughter from the evil eye, damage and all sorts of misfortunes, she uses the divine word to build an invisible defense that is stronger than any fortress. The mother turns her intercessory prayer to the Guardian Angel of her successor.

Heavenly Angel, sent down by our Almighty Father, walking beside the servant (name) by the will of God! Save my child from the tricks of the evil one, save me from evil people, take away misfortune and sadness from the servant of God (name). Accompany her on every path and point her to the righteous path with your holy finger. Do not leave her in sin, but teach her to piety. I humbly ask you to pray with me to our All-Merciful Father for the protection and forgiveness of God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

About health

Maternal prayers create a protective sphere around the child, where the forces of evil cannot penetrate. Wishing your child health, you need to turn to the Lord every day with the following prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, let Your mercy be on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil, take away every enemy from them, open their ears and eyes, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creatures, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Your Gospel, and guide them on the path of Your commandments, and teach them, Father, to do Your will, for You are our God. Amen.

About marriage

Any caring mother wants her daughter to realize herself as a mother and as a wife and wishes for her daughter good husband and family happiness.

With thoughts of a successful daughter’s marriage, prayer is addressed to Saint Matrona and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

I beg you, Saint Matrona, for the happiness of your beloved daughter. Help her not make a mistake in her choice and remove unfaithful people from her. Grant her a bright marriage and a married life according to God's Laws. Thy will be done. Amen.

Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, protect my daughter from a destructive marriage and give her a faithful chosen one. Not rich, not married, not partying, not drinking, not heavy hand not hitting. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for the marriage of a daughter to Nicholas the Wonderworker

I trust in you, Wonderworker Nicholas, and I ask for your beloved child. Help my daughter meet her chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measured. Protect my daughter from sinful, lustful, demonic and careless marriage. Thy will be done. Amen.

Nikolai Ugodnik, Defender and Savior. Help my daughter with a miraculous sign in her face faithful husband. Do not be angry at my request, but do not refuse my bright mercy. Let the marriage come true, and let it be decided in Heaven. May the marriage work out, by a miracle of God. Let it be so. Amen.

About assistance in childbirth and the birth of a healthy child

This prayer addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos helps relieve a pregnant daughter’s pain during childbirth and gives her strength to give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who weighed the birth and nature of mother and child, have mercy on Thy servant (name), and help in this hour, that her burden may be resolved safely. O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, even though You did not require help in the birth of the Son of God, grant help to this Thy servant, who requires help, especially from You. Grant her blessings at this hour, and give birth to a child like her and bring her into the light of this world; grant her, at the right time, the gift of light in holy baptism with water and spirit. We fall down before you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: Be merciful to this mother, the time has come for her to be a mother, and beg Christ our God, who has become incarnate from you, to strengthen you with His power from above. For His power is blessed and glorified, with His Beginningless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to read prayers for your daughter?

Your daughter is your continuation, she is so tender, fragile, and really needs your care. In addition to the everyday issues that you help her solve, you need to take care of her spiritual well-being. Try not to let her feel your support as an overwhelming burden that she has to bear.

Express your love not with reproaches and prohibitions, but kind words and a tender heart. Help her understand and reveal her feminine essence.

While reading the prayer, you need to feel all the love that you feel for your child, mentally imagine its image and turn to the Lord. There should be three candles burning in the room and the corresponding icons should be standing. In between prayers, you should maintain purity and clarity of thoughts, go to church and help those in need.

Remember, an exemplary family is like a church, and the relationship between parents and children is akin to interaction with our Heavenly Father. May your family temple be filled with love and grace. And don’t forget, prayer is not just a set of words. The most important thing lies in the power of your intention.

Prayer to Matrona for her daughter’s marriage

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Every mother wants happiness for her children. What mother doesn’t dream that her daughter will find her chosen one and get married successfully. The true purpose of a woman is to prolong the human race, and this requires the love and trust of a man’s other half. A prayer for the marriage of her daughter Matrona of Moscow will help fulfill the mother’s hopes.

Why you should pray to Mother Matrona

The girl was born in poor family with a flaw and saved her from the orphanage only prophetic dream mother. She dreamed of a wondrous bird with a human appearance and closed eyelids.

Matrona was offended by fate in physical sense, had no eyes, and subsequently her legs gave out. But she was grateful to her mother for giving birth. Therefore, Matrona helps all women who ask for a successful marriage for their daughters. Physical disabilities did not give her happiness family life, but she helped other people find their soul mate, heal spiritually and physically. God heard Matrona’s prayers of gratitude. She was never angry with the Lord and was grateful for giving her the opportunity to serve people.

How to address the great Saint

A mother's heart and soul always ache for her children. Worries and anxieties do not allow you to sleep peacefully at night. Only a mother’s prayer has miraculous power and the ability to help children.

In the old days, when a girl was born into a family, it was customary for the family to pray for her successful marriage and also send her good man, and not a walking or drinking man.

Before reading Matrona’s prayer for her daughter’s marriage, you should rid your mind of worldly vanity and set your spirit positively, imagine marriage as a happy union of two loving hearts. A prayer service is said daily in the evening. A mother should not tell anyone about her prayers, not even her daughter.

If a daughter has problems with her marriage, she has been with girls for a long time, the best solution will visit the holy places of the Matrona of Moscow or the Intercession Church. Touching her remains while reading a prayer in your soul will be the best blessing. It is also important to thank the blessed saint for listening, and when the wish came true, the daughter arranged her personal life, to thank Matrona. This is exactly what the healer was like; she offered prayers of thanks.

Diseases are trials for humans

When a child is sick, it is a difficult test for a mother's heart. Every woman’s house should have icons of saints, for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, and the Matrona of Moscow. According to Christian faith The Lord sends those trials that a person can overcome. But this also means punishment for the Fall. Therefore, when turning to Matrona of Moscow in prayer for the health of her daughter, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness for sins and support in difficult moments.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

“Oh, blessed Elder Matrona. I turn to you with a heartfelt request. Give strength and health to my child (name), who is dying from witchcraft damage. If someone has bewitched him or put the evil eye on him, cleanse the child of anger and envy. I ask not for myself, but for a small, sinless child. Take away spiritual turmoil from him, take away sorrow and suffering, deliver him from the weakness of the body. Pray for him before the Lord God and ask him to forgive me for my maternal sins. Let it be so. Amen!"

The blessed Saint will definitely help, because the woman herself suffered, she was blind and could not walk. Who else but a woman will understand other women. She did not become embittered at the whole world and people for her physical disabilities and found a purpose in life. She stood firm against persecution during the times Soviet power and died in 1952. Matrona predicted many events, and even the day of her death. Some historical sources they claim that she secretly gave advice to Joseph Stalin himself, and he listened to them.

Many women visit the Intercession Monastery to pray for the health of their children, for the birth of babies, and for a successful family life for girls. They sincerely believe in the power of the great martyr. It is people like Matrona who are blessed and made saints.

Text of the prayer to Matrona for her daughter’s marriage, a strong prayer:

“I beg you, Holy Matrona, for the happiness of your beloved daughter. Help her not make a mistake in her choice and remove unfaithful people from her. Grant her a bright marriage and a married life according to God's Laws. Thy will be done. Amen".

“Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, protect my daughter from a destructive marriage and give her a faithful chosen one. Not rich, not married, not partying, not drinking, not being dealt a hard hand. Thy will be done. Amen".

Prayer for marriage, strong prayer to Matrona for her daughter’s marriage

I bring to your attention a strong prayer to Matrona for her daughter’s marriage.

The Prayer for Marriage is a heartfelt text that a healer friend of mine recommends reading to fearful parents.

If your daughter’s personal life is full of suffering, and no one is asking you to marry you, then you can try turning to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow with a prayer.

The power of any prayer lies in uncomplaining faith, so you should not approach it with a “cold soul.”

To ask Matrona for God’s intercession for the speedy marriage of your daughter, you will have to strictly follow the following instructions:

Orthodox prayer to Matrona for her daughter’s marriage

1). Go to the Temple and buy 6 good candles. Don't forget to wear a consecrated cross.

3). If not in stock, buy it there Orthodox Icon Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

4). Take holy water into a pre-prepared container.

5). Place 3 candles at the image of the Matrona of Moscow and read the memorized prayer to yourself:

Oh, blessed Elder Matrona, ask the Lord God for the speedy marriage of my daughter. Forgive her all her grave sins and illuminate the path with your grace. Amen.

6). Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple without turning around.

7). You should have holy water, an icon and 3 candles.

8). Exactly at midnight, close yourself in the room and light candles. Place the Icon of Matrona, a prayer book and a container with holy water nearby.

9). Look closely at the burning flame and imagine your daughter’s marriage. Believe that nothing will happen without your participation.

10). Read the Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” and Psalm 90 seven times in a row. A total of 14 readings. Cross yourself diligently and drink holy water.

eleven). Read the Matrona’s Prayer for her daughter’s marriage seven times in a row from the page:

Oh, blessed Elder Matrona. I come to you with prayer and ask for my own daughter. Help her with a faithful marriage and send down from heaven a single chosen one. Just as the Lord God created Adam and Eve, so may my daughter find her other half. If the enemy has tried, pray for him in God’s palace and cast off all the shackles of evil celibacy. Let it be so. Amen!

12). Drink the holy water again in small sips.

13). Wait until all the candles have completely gone out.

14). You get rid of their cinders, and put the rest of the accessories, including the prayer text, in a church corner.

15). Don't tell anyone about your midnight reading.

16). After some time, all activities must be repeated.

This was a strong prayer for the marriage of her daughter, addressed to the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

You must firmly believe, then everything will definitely work out for you.

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How to get married faster?

What is it like, women's happiness? Cozy home, beloved husband, small children. This is probably what almost all representatives of the fair half of humanity dream about, especially those who have not yet met their betrothed. And if you consider yourself one of these girls, then prayer for marriage will help you! As such, there is no prayer aimed at marriage in the canonical collections.

However, many people know that Holy Mother of God always helps girls with their requests regarding family happiness. Therefore, praying for family happiness, it is worth turning specifically to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Icon of the Mother of God

The most powerful icon for those who dream of meeting a man and marrying him is the icon “ Everlasting Color» Mother of God. This image symbolizes love, which should always live in the human heart.

Young girls who want to quickly meet the most suitable guy for marriage can also ask for marriage and start life together, and divorced women, and widows. Also, prayer words are considered effective for getting rid of sinful dependence on a married man. By reading them, you free your heart to new love and let go of everything old.

Only girls and women who dream of marriage can seek help. The appeals of mothers who pray for the speedy marriage of their daughters are considered effective. It’s not for nothing that they say that there is nothing stronger than a mother’s word, her request.

Therefore, if you want to marry your daughter, you can safely use prayers and requests addressed to the Saints. Important condition- your daughter should not be against it, since prayer is not a solution to any problems, and if a girl does not feel ready or does not want to get married in principle, then it will not be possible to force it with the help of prayers.

It is also worth remembering that you should not pray to attract busy, married men into your life, since by doing this you can bring grief upon yourself. And in general, it is believed that married man and asking for it is a sin!

Mother's prayer for daughter

These magic words are read by a mother who wants to marry off her daughter. For greater effectiveness, it is worth leading a righteous lifestyle, not slandering, not envying, and giving alms.

The words are read early in the morning, several times a week:

“Most Holy Mother of God, refuge for sinners and intercessor of Christians!

Save and protect those who come running to You in misfortunes,

Hear our groans, prayers and requests, incline Your ear to our words!

Do not reject our requests, enlighten and teach Your servants!

Be our Patron Mother, trusting in Your help,

We are all moving towards a quiet and serene life, we are asking for it.

Mary, Mother Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession,

Protect from enemies and enemies, soften evil hearts and thoughts!

For my daughter, God’s servant (name), I ask for her family happiness!

Take her to a quiet harbor, reward her with a faithful husband

For all your efforts, for your requests, for your good deeds!

Guide me on the right path, help me to fulfill the commandments,

On the Last Judgment stand up for her!

The text of the prayer is repeated seven times, at which point the ritual is considered completed. Naturally, this ritual is performed only if the girl is baptized.

Prayer for yourself

If you dream of marriage, then prayer for marriage will help you with this. All girls and women of any age can read magic words. By the way, you can perform the ritual both when you are alone and when there is a man with whom you would like to connect your future life.

Don't just do it magic ritual on a person whose heart is occupied by another affection or official marriage. Indeed, in such situations, everything can turn out the other way around.

“Lord God, I direct my word to You, I trust in Your help!

My great happiness depends on You, on Your will, on Your command!

Guide my soul, fill it with purity, because I will please You!

I want to live according to Your commandments, in goodness and light!

Save me from pride and pride, guide me on the right path!

I ask for family happiness, for a worthy groom, for eternal love!

So that we can live as a family, not know sorrows, and give birth to children!

After all, You yourself said that it is not good for a person to be alone,

To live and wander alone! And he created a woman to help him,

His wife, the keeper of the hearth, the mother of his children!

So I want to become a wife and mother, to honor my husband

Yes, surround with love, take care and protect!

Hear my prayer from the girl’s heart, directed to You, sent to You!

Give me an honest, kind, pious husband!

To fulfill Your will in harmony and happiness with him!

Magic words must be repeated seven times. It is recommended to perform the ritual every day, early in the morning, before you wash your face! Ideally, every day should begin with this prayer.

While you turn to God for help, it is not recommended to resort to other types of magic, do bad things, drink alcohol, and the like. The girl must show that she is ready for marriage and will be a good wife.

Prayer to Saint Catherine

Saint Catherine is the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria of Egypt, an incredibly beautiful and intelligent girl who decided to devote her life to the Lord. A sincere appeal to this Saint is unlikely to go unheard, especially if marriage is what you want most.

“Saint Catherine, I direct my voice to You, I say my prayer!

I beg you for women’s happiness, I ask you for reciprocal feelings!

Intercede for me before the Lord God,

Say a word for me, ask for my well-being!

He will not refuse the request of a girl who dreams of marriage,

About happiness, about spouse, about children -

About fulfilling destiny, human destiny!

He will listen to Your word and send His grace to me!

The appeal to Saint Catherine is repeated three times. It is believed that you can turn to her for help several times a week until the girl meets a suitable guy and marries him. It is very important to believe in the Holy Power and the help of the Lord.