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» Novosibirsk region. Brief historical information about the Novosibirsk region

Novosibirsk region. Brief historical information about the Novosibirsk region

NOVOSIBIRSK REGION is a subject of the Russian Federation.

Ras-po-lo-na in the Asian part of Russia. It is part of the Siberian federal district. Area 177.8 thousand km2. Population 2686.9 thousand people (2012; 2298.5 thousand people in 1959; 2779.0 thousand people in 1989). The administrative center is the city of No-vo-si-birsk. Administrative-territorial division: 30 districts, 14 cities, 17 urban villages.

Government departments

System of state authorities of the Novosibirsk region op-re-de-la-et-sya of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Us-ta-vom of No-vo-si-bir Las-Ti region (2005). Government in the region there are gu-ber-na-tor, Za-ko-no-dat. council, government and other bodies formed in cooperation with the Constitution and for -ko-na-mi ob-las-ti. Governor-on-tor - the highest official. From-bi-ra-et-sya citizen-da-na-mi, pro-li-va-va-schi-mi on the territory of the region. In rya-dok pro-ve-de-niya vy-bo-rov and tre-bo-va-niya to kan-di-da-there us-ta-nov-le-nym fe-de-ral-nym for -ko-nom (2012) and the Us-ta-vom region. For-co-but-dative co-b-ra-nie about-las-ti - in-sto-yan-but acting highest and single-st-ven-ny for-co-but -dative (representative) body of state power. So-sto-it of 76 de-pu-ta-tov, from-bi-rae-myh on-se-le-ni-em for 5 years. The number of de-pu-ta-tov working on a permanent professional basis, op-re-de-la-et-sya behind the law -las-ti. Government - the acting highest executive body of state power, heads the system of executive bodies of state power and implements the general management of their activities. For-mi-ru-et-sya gu-ber-na-to-rum about-las-ti.


Ter-ri-to-riya is located in the south-east of the Western Siberian Plain, for-no-ma-et ch. arr. The Ba-ra-bin-lowland and the southern part of the Va-syu-gan-plain. The length from the west to the east exceeds 600 km. In the relief, one's own unique me-ri-dio-nal “zonality” is traced. In the west, there are pre-la-da-low low ancient-not-lake-like (e.g., Pri-ir-tysh-skaya), os-ta-exactly-lake-like ( Su-ma-Che-bak-lin-skaya), young al-lu-vi-al-nye and all-lu-vi-al-no-lake-mane plains ( Cha-novskaya, Ba-ra-bin-skaya with ridges 2-6 km long, height 6-15 m). To the center. part-spread-countries are uva-lo-o-different, weakly-divided for-bo-lo-chen-nye (Kras-no-zer-skaya , Pri-tar-skaya) and uva-li-hundred-lozh-bin-nye, the most-under-lying, equal-to-ancient lodge-bi-na- mi hundred shi-ri-noy 10-30 km, to which at the level of the rivers Kar-gat, Chu-lym, etc. In the east on There are north-western corners of the Sa-la-ir-skogo ridge (height up to 510 m - the highest in the Novosibirsk region). From the se-ve-ro-za-pa-da to him we come to the Bu-go-tak-skie hills (height up to 381 m), crossing into height of So-kur (up to 248 m). In the south of the Novgorod region, the Ku-lun-din plain and the Pri-ob-skoye plateau are partially covered. East End ob-las-ti per-re-se-ka-et r. The Ob is in a wide range with a complex of different levels of ter-races. Among the non-ga-tive natural processes in the Novosibirsk region, pre-ob-la-da-yut for-bo-la-chi-va-nie (northern and central regions ), ov-ra-go-ob-ra-zo-va-nie (Pri-ob-skoe plateau and northeastern part), deflation and za-so-le-nie (Ku-lun -din-skaya plain, south of the Ba-ra-bin-skaya low-men-no-sti).

Geo-logical structure and useful resources.

The Novosibirsk region is located in the central part of the Ural-Okhotsk sub-moving belt. In the south-eastern part of the las-ti region there are structures of the Al-tae-Sa-yan warehouse of the las-ti region. In the east you are a fragment of the Her-Qin-sk warehouse-construction of the Sa-la-ir-sk zha, ob-ra-zo-van-no-go osa-doch-ny-mi and vul-ka-no-gen-ny-mi po-ro-da-mi kem-briya - or-do-vi-ka and de-vo-na - lower-ne-go-kar-bo-na, which-ry ditches gra-ni-ta-mi and on the extreme east-ke per-re-kry -you kon-ti-nen-tal-ny-mi ug-le-nos-ny-mi from the lower and middle Jurassic. For the construction of the Sa-la-ir-skogo ridge with the se-ve-ro-za-pa-da above-vi-nu-that late-non-Ger-Tsin-skaya Tom- Ko-ly-van-skaya warehouse-cha-taya zone, complex ter-ri-gen-ny-mi (from some ug-le-nos-ny-mi) and vul-ka -but-gen-ny-thick-mi from the middle de-vo-on to the per-mi, torn-by in-tru-zia-mi gra-ni-toi-dov . Warehouse-ra-zo-va-niya in the north-western on-right-le-nii are gr-u-ha-y under the cover of oli-go-tsen-neo-ge-no- high lakes with a thickness of 1-3 km of the Western Siberian platform. Among the quaternary regions, the most wide-spread of forests, also developed lakes but-al-lu-vi-al-nye and al-lu-vi-al-nye (in the valleys of rivers) from-lo-zhe-niya, in mountainous regions - eo-lo- in-de-lu-vi-al-nye and inclined-new-on-co-p-le-niya.

The most important mineral resources of the Novosibirsk region are oil, coal, ores of gold, titanium and zirconium. Places of oil (Verkh-Tar-skoe, Vos-toch-no-Tar-skoe, Malo-ich-skoe, etc.) and gas-condensation -sa-ta (Ve-se-lovskoye), as well as promising areas for oil and gas in the north-western part ob-las-ti. The main reserves of hard coals are found in the Gorlovsky coal basin (one of the largest in the world according to the an-tra-tsi-tov; the most important places - Ko-ly-van-skoye, Gor-lov-skoye-1, Ur-gun-skoye), as well as in the Za-vya-lovsky and Do-ro-ninsky districts of Kuz-bass. Many dew-rich places of gold; the main ros-sy-pi - on the rivers Mos-to-vaya, Cross-river Tay-ly, Kin-te-rep, Small Tay-ly, Ka-men-ka Ba-ra- ba-nov-skaya, etc. Significance of the Or-dyn-skogo ti-tan-tsir-ko-nie-in-go dew-syp-no-go place -ro-zh-de-niya (Ucha-stock Fi-lip-pov-sky). There are place-sto-ro-zh-de-niya bok-si-tov (Ok-Tyabr-skoye, No-vo-god-nee), kas-si-te-ri-ta (ros-syp - places of Bar-lak-skoe, Ko-ly-van-skoe), cement clay shales (Cher-no-re-chen- skoe), ob-li-tso-voch-nyh mar-mors (Pe-te-nev-skoe), from-vest-nya-kov, tu-go-melting and fire-resistant clays, quartz sands, underground freshwater and minerals. waters (Do-vo-len-skoe, Kara-chin-skoe, Yuzh-no-Ko-ly-van-skoe, Ta-tar-skoe).

On the territory of the Novosibirsk region, the climate is moderate, con- ti-nen-tal. Average monthly temperatures reach 40 °C, absolute temperatures reach 95 °C. Winter-temperature changes are smoothed out due to recurring qi-clones. Average temperatures in January are from -18 °C to -20 °C (can drop to -45 °C, absolute minimum -54 °C, Mas -la-ni-no), July-la 18-20 °C. The annual amount of precipitation is 500 mm on the Sa-la-ir ridge, more than 400 mm in the north and about 300 mm - in the south. Mak-si-mum is coming for the summer. The thickness of the snow cover ranges from 45-50 cm in the north and Sa-la-Ir Ridge to 25-30 cm in the south. How long have you been? The duration of the ve-ge-ta-tsi-on-no-go period ranges from 145 days in the north to 160 days in the south, without -mo-ros-no-go period - 72-78 days in the north, 92-95 days in the center and 105 days in the south. Un-blessed climatic factors - su-ho-vei, dusty storms in the south of the region, early autumn for- mo-ros-ki, winter-bu-ra-ny.

Inland waters.

In the Novosibirsk region there are 430 rivers more than 10 km long, of which 21 are more than 100 km long. They are from the basin of the river. Ob (Berd, Inya, She-gar-ka, etc.), its river. Ir-tysh (Om, Ta-ra) and bass-sey-nu of the internal sto-ka (Ka-ra-suk, Chu-lym, Kar-gat). The most dense river network is from the right-hand side of the Ob River. Feeding rivers before them. snow. In the spring of September, when up to 85-95% of the year's flow occurs (April-Rel-May ), the water level due to ice dams is 4-6 m below the ditch (for example, on the She-gar-ka river). In the south-west of the pas-de-ki, the rivers with a water area of ​​6-9 thousand km2 are re-sy-ha-yut in the summer, pro-measure in the winter -za-yut to the bottom. On the river Ob - No-Si-Bir-skoe-storage. Hundreds of ponds have been built on small rivers.

There are 3,500 lakes with an area of ​​more than 1.5 km2. According to the origin, the lakes of ancient lakes are formed (Kho-ro-neck, Che-ba-che, Kri-voe), about -sa-doch-nye (Uguy, Zhu-rav-le-vo, Ka-ban-skoye), flood-men-nye (Tru-ba, In-der, Uryum), re-lik-to-vye - os -tats of ancient lake systems (Cha-ny, Small Cha-ny, Ubinskoe, Sart-lan), which are the largest ones- mi. The range of salty and salty lakes increases to the south. The mud of a number of lakes is used for medicinal purposes (for example, Lake Kara-chi).

At the beginning of the 21st century, there is an increase in the level of groundwater, which intensifies the process for-bo-la-chi-va-niya, especially in the central regions of the Ba-ra-bin-low-men-no-sti. The active withdrawal of water in a number of cases led to the formation of local de-pressure and reduction lower groundwater levels - up to 9 m or more in the areas of the cities of Kui-byshev and Bara-binsk.

Soil, plant life and living world.

The Novosibirsk region is located in the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones. Regional feature of the forest zone (its south-no-ta-hedgehog-no-go va-ri-an-ta) - re-re-uv-lazh-nyon- ness. Significant areas for-nya-you bo-lo-ta-mi: grya-do-vo-mo-cha-zhin-ny-mi, oso-ko-vo-hyp-but-you-mi . -you. Tro-st-ni-ko-vye and oso-ko-vye bo-lo-ta (zai-mi-sha), rya-we (sphag-new bo-lo-ta with co-sna) ha-rak -ter-ny for the sub-hedgehog sub-zone and northern forest-so-steppe. Swampy soils account for 22.5% of the total area of ​​the region. Indigenous cedar-ro-vo-el-vo-pih-the green-le-no-mosh-no-tra-with-forests on the der-no-under-the-zo-li -styh, places of glee-tyh soils were preserved in the form of small masses in the upper reaches of the rivers Icha, She-gar- ka. On the river-dre-ni-ro-van-the-tops there are dark-coniferous high-elevations. Ko-grass forests on der-but-under-grey-leafy gley-va-tyh soils. To the south of the pro-tya-gi-va-et-sya under-that-hedgehog-naya under-zo-on the be-ryo-zo-in-the-axis-new forests in the co-che-ta-nii with lu-ga-mi and bo-lo-ta-mi. The soils are gray forest, der-but-under-golden, der-but-gley, swampy. In the pre-de-la of the Sa-la-ir-skogo ridge there are dis-pro-countries of fore-mountain and mountain forests - be-re-zo-on-axis. new, spiking-in-the-axes (black-not-new) you-with-herbs with a mixture of spruce, pine-trees and a lot of bits tar-ni-kov. Forests for-ni-ma-yut 26% of ter-ri-to-rii ob-las-ti; 2/3 comes to li-st-ven-nye-ro-dy, mainly. be-ryo-zu (66% of the forest-covered area).

A significant part of the Bar-ra-bin-skaya low-men-no-sti and Pri-ob-skogo pays for the forest-steppe. In the northern part there is a co-occurrence of axis-but-be-re-zo-k-s, various-grass-but-evil meadows on gray forested, lu-go-in-black-earth, places with so-lon-tse-va-tyh soils with behind-bo-lo-chen-ny-mi lu-gas -mi, tra-vya-ny-mi bo-lo-ta-mi on peat-fya-but-and peat-fya-nor-a-hundred-glee-vyh soils. In the south-west of the pas-de-deux there are weakly voluptuous trees on top with halo-fit-but-different-grass lu -ha-mi on meadow-salt soils, meadow-salt-lons. Po-no-female students for-no-ma-yut lake-ra, bo-lo-ta, special-co-borrows, ha-lo-fit-but-times- but-grass-meadows. The southern forest-steppe is located in the Ob-Chu-mysh-sky region. In the place of meadow steppes and steppe meadows with vy-sche-lo-chen-mi black-no-ze-ma-mi state-dominated ag -ro-tse-no-zy. In the south-west of the Novosibirsk region there is a steppe zone, the surface of which is mainly ras-pa-kha-na. There were some small areas of the type of steppe in the southern blacklands. In the no-same state, ga-lo-fi-you on so-lon-tsakh, so-lon-cha-kah, so-lon-cha-ko-va-tye bo-lo-ta. From time to time there are birch trees and axes.

The living world of the forest zone is rich and diverse. Here live elk, ko-su-la, honey, so-pain, squirrel. A beaver was spreading across us. The most common birds are the capercaillie, hazel grouse, and te-te-rev; a lot of water-swimming ones (duck, goose, merganser, ly-su-ha). In the forest-so-step-pi there is a li-sa, there is a ko-su-la, many sus-lik, ho-myak, po-lion -ka. Water-but-bo-lot-lands of God-you are before-sta-vi-te-la-mi per-na-tykh. In the Cha-ny lake system, more than 200 species of birds appear during the nesting period, 8 of which for not being included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation; on the lake In the summer there are up to 220 thousand ducks. On the Pike lakes in the period of mi-gra-tion there are up to 2000 geese and 1500 cranes. In the steppe zone, sus-lik, tush-kan-chik, po-lev-ka are common. Among the predators - steppe li-si-tsa, wolf, ferret. Of the birds - the great bustard, the steppe eagle, the little strider, the red-crowned crane.

Condition and protection of the environment.

The ecological state of the Novosibirsk region is tense. The total volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere is 548.3 thousand tons, including from a hundred -cio-nar-nyh sources - 228.4 thousand tons, from the auto-mobil transport port - 319.9 thousand tons (2010). The main sources of pollution are Novo-Sibirskaya CHPP-4, Bara-binskaya CHPP, PA “Is-ki-tim-ce-ment” , No-vo-si-bir-skiy olo-vo-kom-bi-nat, No-vo-si-bi-skiy electric plant. According to the level of pollution, Novo-Sibirsk is close to the 20 dirtiest cities in Russia. Practically in all places, water bodies are contaminated, 25% of drinking water samples are not from the vet. st-vu-yut stan-dar-tam according to sa-ni-tar-no-hi-mic in-ka-za-te-lyam and 10% - according to bak-te-rio-lo-gi-che-che-skim ( Ba-ra-binsky, Kar-gat-sky, Kuy-by-shevsky, Do-vo-lensky, No-vo-sibirsky districts). Discharge of wastewater into surface water bodies exceeds 560 million m3; The volume of polluted water increases without treatment. The main sources of pollution are “Gor-vo-do-ka-nal” (No-vo-si-birsk), Kuy-byshevsky chemical plant etc. The share of normally treated wastewater is less than 50%. On-co-p-le-nie of pheno-lovs, oil-te-pro-duk-tov, nitrogen-nit-rit-no-go, am-mo-ni-no-go, etc. for- polluted substances occur in the lakes Uryum, Cha-ny, Malye Cha-ny, Yar-kul, Sart-lan, Ubinskoye, as well as nearby zi flats of the No-vo-si-birskaya hydroelectric power station and at the dep. learning how to store. The highest toxicity in the river. Ob na-blue-et-sya in av-gu-ste below the city of No-vo-si-birsk. Over the past decade, the area of ​​valuable cedar, spruce, and fir trees has decreased by 2 times. owls De-gra-di-ro-va-ny eco-si-ste-we are dry steppes, indigenous complexes of which were replaced by ag-ro-tse -but-behind-mi, there were problems with the decline in soil fertility as a result of water and wind erosion -zii, ac-ti-vi-za-tion of processes of opus-you-ni-va-niya.

On the territory of the Novosibirsk region - 25 orders (including Kir-zinsky), 50 natural monuments (including . Gus-kovsky ryam, Pe-te-nevsky fir-ni-ki, Tro-its-kaya steppe).


Russians make up 93.1% of the villages in the Novosibirsk region. Also living are Germans (1.2%), Ukrainians (0.9%), Tatars (0.9%), Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Tajiks and others (2010, re-write).

From the beginning of the 1990s to the beginning of the 2000s, the de-mo-graphic si-tua-tion of the Novosibirsk region ha-rak-te-ri-zo-va-las decreased in number. but-sti in the village (more than 120.0 thousand people in 1990-2008), mainly due to natural decline (max. 5.7 per 1000 inhabitants, 2000). Since 2005, the natural decline has been increasing (0.7 per 1000 inhabitants, 2010, census). Since 2008, the population of the village has increased slightly due to migration influx (36 per 10 thousand inhabitants, 2008; 38 per 10 thousand inhabitants, 2010) - one of the highest (next to the Tomsk region) in the CBC. The birth rate (13.2 per 1000 inhabitants) is not much higher than the Russian average, the mortality rate is slightly lower than the Russian average po-ka-za-te-ley (13.9 per 1000 inhabitants). The share of women is about 53%. In the age structure of the village, the proportion of persons younger than 16 years of age (up to 16 years) is 15, 7%, older working age - 21.7% (2009). The average life expectancy is 68.9 years (men - 63.0, women - 75.0). The average population density is 15.1 people/km2. The share of the urban population is 77.6% (2012; 74.5% in 1989). Largest cities (thousand people, 2012): No-vo-si-birsk (1498.9), Berdsk (98.8) and Is-ki-tim (59.1), some from the city of Ob (26.1), in urban-type villages Kras-no-obsk (19.0), Koltso-vo (13.0) and rya- house of other villages in the so-called villages. New-Siberian urban ag-lo-me-ra-tion with a population of about 1.9 million people (over 70% of the region's residents ; the largest in the CBC). Dr. large cities (thousand people, 2012): Kui-byshev (44.8), Bara-binsk (30.1), Kara-suk (28.5) .

Prehistory and the beginning of Russian colonization. The history of the appearance of people and their settlement on the territory of the modern Novosibirsk region goes back many millennia. Ancient inhabitants gave their own names to rivers, steppes, settlements in the territory of the upper Ob region, which have survived to this day and have become integral part cultural space. During Mongol conquests XIII century The Turkic-speaking population of Southern Siberia mixed with the Mongols, but retained their language. The Baraba Tatars lived in the western part of the Novosibirsk region, and the Chat Tatars lived in the northeastern part, along the banks of the Ob. At the end of the 15th century. The lands of the Baraba Tatars and their relatives, who settled along the Tobol and the middle reaches of the Irtysh, united into one khanate. The lands of the Tyumen Khanate joined it, and this public education with its capital in the city of Isker (Kashlyk) received the name Siberian Khanate.

The annexation of Siberia to Russia, which began in the last decades of the 16th century, is associated with an important event that occurred on the territory of our region. Here, in the summer of 1598, on the left bank of the Ob River near the mouth of the Irmen River (near modern Ordynsk), the defeat of the Siberian Khan Kuchum took place, which created the preconditions for the deployment of peaceful colonization. Active resettlement of Russians to Siberia began, mainly from the northern regions of the European part of the country. The government sent here peasants, exiles, and city residents (townspeople) “cleaned up” (recruited) by the tsarist governors. Free settlers played a decisive role in the formation of a permanent peasant population. They were attracted by rumors of free fertile lands and free life. The government actively stimulated arable farming, since the import of food from the central regions of the country was burdensome.

The first mentions of settlements. Krivoshchekovo

The settlement of the region began from the Tomsk-Kuznetsk agricultural region, which was located along the Tom River and around Tomsk. The bread produced here at the end of the 17th century was not enough, and the governors, instead of giving salaries to servicemen, gave them land. At the end of the XVII. early XVIII centuries Russian villages began to appear in the basins of the Oyash, Chaus, Inya, and Barlak rivers. The first zaimka was founded in 1695 by the boyar's son Alexei Kruglik. The village of Kruglikovo still exists in the Bolotninsky district. The villages of Gutovo and Izyly in the Toguchinsky district have been preserved. The village of Kubovaya in the Novosibirsk rural region (16 km from modern Pashino).

A document from 1708 mentions the village of Krivoshchekovskaya, a settlement on the territory of the future Novosibirsk. Its founder is considered to be Fyodor Krenitsyn, nicknamed Krivoshchek. Krivoshchekovo in early XIX V. was the center of the volost of the same name, and the peasants living in it were assigned to the Altai mining plants to work off the state tax.

In 1823, 88 revision souls lived in 30 courtyards of the village, and the total population was 194 people. In the structure of the family structure, the Pogadaevs (6 families) were in first place, then the Karengins (5 families), the Shmakovs, the Nekrasovs, the Kuznetsovs (4 families each). The remaining 12 surnames consisted of 1-2 families. Compared to other volost centers, Krivoshchekovo looked poor. On average there were 4 dessiatines per yard. crops, 5 horses and 4.5 cows. The main occupations of the population were arable farming, fishing and transportation.

Forts and defensive lines

Peasants settled under the protection of defensive lines created in the southern regions Western Siberia. They were based on military engineering structures. In 1703, the Umrevinsky fort grew near the mouth of the Umreva River. In 1713, the Chaussky fort was erected on the banks of the Ob, and in 1716, at the mouth of the Berdi River - the Berdsky fort. In 1722, in the Barabinsk steppe along the road connecting Tara with Tomsk (and which later became part of the Moscow-Siberian tract), Ust-Tartas, Kainsky and Ubinsky fortified points were founded. The presence of defensive lines created the prerequisites for the industrial development of the territory.

In August 1764, the foundation of a unique enterprise began with the construction of a dam on the Nizhny Suzun River. Suzunsky copper smelter. In 1765, the plant produced the first copper melts, and at the end of 1766, a mint began operating on its basis, minting copper coins with an admixture of silver until 1781. At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. the fortress cities of Kainsk and Kolyvan began to lose their military significance. Their location in favorable natural and climatic conditions contributed more to the development of agriculture and cattle breeding than to industry and trade. In 1830, a gold placer was discovered on the southwestern slope of the Salair Ridge and the Yegoryevsky mine was founded.

Kuznetsova F.S. History of Siberia. 2nd ed. Novosibirsk, 1999. Part I: Accession to Russia. P. 68.

Kuznetsova F.S. History of Siberia. P. 154.

Novosibirsk: encyclopedia. P. 460.

Mamsik T.S. The village of Krivoshchekovo in 1823: population and economy // Pages of the history of the Novosibirsk region. People, events, culture: The first regional scientific and practical conference of local historians. M., 1995. Part I. P. 124, 125.

Historical encyclopedia of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 2009. T. II. P. 386

Zuev A.S. Siberia: milestones of history. Novosibirsk, 1998. P. 198.

This order was given by the head of the region, Vladimir Gorodetsky. Why is it interesting? new textbook what amazing facts from history native land will be able to tell, the site’s correspondent found out.

Ancient city of Chicha

From the history course we know a lot about the ancient cities of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India. On the territory of the Novosibirsk region in the Bronze Age there also existed a huge settlement, with an area of ​​up to 240 thousand square meters with a population of up to two thousand people. At that time, this was a huge figure, a real metropolis. This proto-city, located in the Zdvinsky district, was named Chicha after the name of the nearby village. The settlement has defensive ramparts and other structures dating back to the 8th-7th century BC. And the very first settlers came to this territory 15 thousand years ago.

Bronze Age men's fashion

An amazing find from the Bronze Age (8th-7th century BC) was discovered by archaeologists in the Vengerovsky region. During excavations at the Sopka-2 archaeological complex, scientists found an object resembling a real razor.

This is a thin sharpened metal plate, which, among other things, could be used as a surgical instrument. Not far from this place, on Vengerovo-2, scientists unearthed another interesting artifact - a ceramic one, which brought to us the sounds of antiquity. It is quite possible that this is the very first children's toy on Earth.

Big Crossroads

Novosibirsk owes its rapid development to its favorable location. The city exists as a transport hub, a place where roads running from east to west, from south to north, from Europe to Asia and in other directions intersect. Finds from antiquity and the Middle Ages in this territory are also represented by artifacts of various cultures and civilizations.

This chinese coins, Iranian household and luxury items, a bronze Indian image of Buddha and even an iron sword made on the island of Gotland (modern Sweden), where in the Middle Ages there was a famous weapons workshop. The Carolingian type of sword means that the weapon dates back to the era of Charlemagne. The blade is engraved with a dedication to the Virgin Mary. How he got here still remains a mystery to historians.

Thus, even in ancient times, our city was at the intersection of various paths.

Three Kolyvani

The name “Kolyvan” was the first in Siberia to receive (and still retain) a village founded near Lake Kolyvanskoye in Altai. Here, since 1727, the first Demidov copper smelter was located, as well as the office of the district of Kolyvano-Voskresensky factories.

Trading shop of the Vassinsky Consumer Society (Toguchinsky district). From the exhibition of the Toguchinsky Museum of Local Lore

When three governorships were established in Siberia in 1783, the Berdsk fort located in the center of the region was made the capital of Kolyvan. It was renamed and became the second Kolyvanya. However, the new province did not last long; three years later Berdsk was returned to its original name. But during the city reform of M. M. Speransky in 1822, “the city of Kolyvan was re-established, and it was appointed from the Chaussky fort.”

Delivery of oil by the peasant artel "Red Eagles in the Chulym region (1920s)

This is how the third Kolyvan appeared, this name has stuck to the settlement on Chaus to this day.

Peasant uprising near Novonikolaevsk

The Bolsheviks rolled back the New Economic Policy (NEP) after a peasant uprising in central Russia. Much less is known about another uprising that took place in the village of Kolyvan in June 1920.

Kolyvan peasants, impoverished from the endless surplus appropriation carried out by the “red” government, almost captured Novonikolaevsk, as a result of which a state of siege was declared in the city.

Together with the Kolyvan residents, peasants from the villages of Kochenevo, Chik, Vyuny, Novotyryshkino, Oyash, Dubrovino and others rose up to fight for bread. All scattered demonstrations were brutally suppressed, many participants were shot.

World record for brick laying

On December 7, 1945, in Novosibirsk, during the construction of houses No. 5, 7 and 11 on Mira Street, Semyon Maksimenko set a new world record for bricklaying. With his assistants, he laid 121 thousand bricks in eight hours.

For greater clarity, a clock dial and boards were installed on the transformer booth, on which the number of laid bricks was displayed. For rationalization proposals that made it possible to speed up construction and save materials, Maksimenko was awarded the Stalin Prize.

Three French Presidents and Nixon

The capital of Siberia was visited by many high-ranking guests from abroad, in particular, US Vice President Richard Nixon (1959), Finnish President Urho Kekkonen (1961), French Presidents Charles de Gaulle (1966), Georges Pompidou (1970) and François Mitterrand (1986), Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito (1968), Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme (1976), future Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi (1983).

Visit of Charles de Gaulle (left) to Academy Town. June 1966

In 1997, the then First Lady of the United States visited Novosibirsk. Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev visited Novosibirsk several times. The first came four times (in 1956, 1959 and 1961), the second - two (in 1972 and 1978). Mikhail Gorbachev visited Novosibirsk in 1979, but during the years of leading the country he never came to the city.

The first man on the moon set a mandatory visit to Novosibirsk as one of the conditions for his visit to the USSR. Here he collected a handful of soil near the house where Yuri Kondratyuk, the first scientist to develop the optimal flight path to the Moon, worked. And man’s flight to the Moon took place along the “Kondratyuk route”.

The editors of the site would like to thank the authors of the textbook for their assistance in writing the material – Elena Solovyova, an employee of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, and the head of the Department of Russian and general history NSPU Olga Khlytina. Photos provided by the authors of the textbook.

They indicate the settlement of people in this area in the final Pleistocene (- thousand years ago). The most typical representatives of the fauna of the West Siberian Plain at that time were the mammoth, reindeer, bear, bison and woolly rhinoceros. All these animals were commercial species for the population of the region; their meat was used for food, and their skins and bones were used for economic purposes.

Paleolithic era in the south West Siberian Plain was replaced by the Mesolithic era in the 8th millennium BC. e. The Ice Age is over and climatic conditions became similar to modern ones. Mammoths and other representatives of the “mammoth fauna” disappeared. A new stage of economic development of the region began. Man widely used bows and arrows, with which he hunted fast-moving animals. Its main prey was deer and elk. The importance of fishing has increased. The arrival of new settlers from the south and west continued.

The economy of these Neolithic cultures was appropriative. Hunting for elk, deer, hare, fur-bearing animals and waterfowl played an important role. Their bone remains were found in settlements on the banks of the Ob and its tributaries. They hunted with bows and arrows, and possibly with the help of various traps. One of the main activities was fishing, which was facilitated by the presence of lakes (including flowing ones), rivers and oxbow lakes, very rich in fish. Fish were caught with nets, “locks” were installed, and harpoons were well known. At the end of the Neolithic era, fishhooks appeared. Numerous finds of flakes at Neolithic sites are evidence that stone tools were made by local craftsmen. As in the Mesolithic era, they were made of low-quality quartzite. There are also products made from higher quality rocks: flint, jasper, crystal, etc. They were obtained from Eastern Kazakhstan or from the spurs of Altai. The population of the Kuznetsk-Altai culture, who lived in close proximity to Northern Altai, could more freely manufacture large tools. Stone processing techniques were further improved, and new tools adapted for woodworking appeared. The first artificial material began to be used - ceramics.

In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. e. From west to east, along the steppe and forest-steppe corridors, Caucasian pastoral tribes of the Andronovo cultural and historical community penetrate into Western Siberia - presumably speakers of Indo-Iranian languages. They come into contact with the local forest-steppe tribes of the Krotovo culture and gradually assimilate them, a special cultural phenomenon emerges Samus-Seima metallurgical province. In -VIII centuries. BC, as a result of the synthesis of the alien Andronovo and a group of local cultures of the Bronze Age, a cultural formation was formed, called the Irmen culture, the area of ​​which covers the territory from the Irtysh to the Minusinsk Basin. Anthropological material, according to V. A. Dremov, allows us to classify the bearers of the Irmen culture as the Caucasoid type. They developed on the Andronovo base, but a population that had a noticeable Mongoloid admixture took part in their formation. Cattle breeding played a leading role in the economy of these people. They raised large and small cattle and horses. A characteristic feature of Irmen cattle breeding was keeping livestock indoors in winter. For winter consumption, a significant part of the livestock was slaughtered, leaving the number of individuals necessary for reproduction. The remaining animals spent the winter in houses. Staying animals under the same roof with people provided additional warmth and saved energy on fuel preparation.

On the Irmen farm great importance There was also agriculture. This is evidenced by the imprints of wheat grains and weeds on the surface of clay vessels, as well as the finds of not only numerous fragments of grain grinders, but also rotating millstones, which usually appear only at a sufficiently high level of agriculture. Some scientists even suggest the possibility of the existence of arable farming.

Hunting and fishing were of secondary importance. Judging by the spindle whorls, the Irmen people were also engaged in weaving. Bronze foundry production was developed, as evidenced by numerous bronze items and traces of bronze on the walls of vessels. Bronze knives were used to process bone, wood and horn, making various objects from them.

The transition period from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age on the territory of the Novosibirsk region falls on average at the end of the 8th - beginning of the century. BC e. In its content, this time was a continuation of the Bronze Age for Western Siberia, but to the south and west of it the Iron Age had already begun, and a new Scythian-Siberian world was taking shape. In the Western Siberian archaeological material of this era, imported objects of this world begin to be found: typical “Scythian” bronze arrowheads, fragments of bronze cauldrons and other artifacts. An important archaeological site of this transition period is the settlement of Chicha-1.

Middle Ages and Modern Times

Traditionally, in the archeology of Western Siberia, it is generally accepted that the Early Iron Age in this region is followed by the Middle Ages, so called conventionally, by analogy with European historiography. During this period, Turkic-speaking peoples played an exceptional role in the life of the population of the territory of the modern Novosibirsk region. The appearance of Turkic-speaking tribes in the forest-steppe and southern taiga zones of the West Siberian Plain was a consequence of complex political conflicts that occurred in the early states of Southern Siberia. The formation of various empires of nomads led by khans (khagans) - Turkic and Eastern Turkic, Uyghur, Kyrgyz kaganates) - also affected historical destinies population of more northern territories.

It is possible to talk about the direct penetration of significant groups of the Turkic-speaking population into the Western Siberian forest-steppe, apparently, starting from the 8th century. It was the Turkization of the region, according to ethnographers, that led to the emergence of those ethnic groups that the Russians encountered when they appeared on the territory of the Barabinsk steppe and the Upper Ob region, namely the Chat and Barabinsk Tatars.

There are different approaches to determining the age of currently existing settlements on the territory of the Novosibirsk region. According to the historical information provided on the official website of the Filoshenkovsky village council, this settlement was founded by the Tatars under the name Aryntsass, and only after the arrival of Russian settlers there received a new name after the first Russian resident of Filokha.

However, traditional historical science claims that the mention of such early dates can only be a consequence of recording the history of villages from the words of old-timers. Objective data indicate that even after the Battle of Irmen in 1598, when in political history The independent Siberian Khanate was put to an end, the Baraba and Chat Tatars continued to suffer from constant raids by the Oirats and Teleuts. Russian settlements also found themselves under this threat, so the colonists preferred to settle further north, in the Tomsk region. Thus, despite relatively favorable climatic conditions by Siberian standards, the territory of the Novosibirsk region began to be settled by Russians only in the middle of the 17th century. Around 1644, the village of Maslyanino was formed on the Berd River. In 1695, the zaimka was founded by the boyar's son Alexei Kruglik - it later became the village of Kruglikovo, which still exists in the Bolotninsky district. Soon after this, several more villages arose - Pashkova, Krasulina, Gutova, Morozova (in the Berdsk region).
At the end of the 17th century, the first military fortifications appeared on the territory of the region - forts: Urtamsky and Umrevinsky, near which settlers from the European part of Russia began to settle. Russian villages began to appear on the banks of the Oyash, Chaus and Inya rivers. Around 1710, the village of Krivoshchekovskaya was founded - the first Russian settlement on the territory of modern Novosibirsk.


Until 1921, the territory of the Novosibirsk region was part of the Tomsk province, from 1921 to 1925 - the Novonikolaevsk province, from 1925 to 1930 - the Siberian region and from 1930 to 1937 - the West Siberian region. On September 28, 1937, by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Novosibirsk Region and the Altai Territory. This date is considered the official day of formation of the region. On January 15, 1938, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the creation of the Altai Territory and the Novosibirsk Region. In 1937, the region included 36 districts, including the territories of the present Tomsk and Kemerovo regions. In 1943, the Kemerovo region was separated from the Novosibirsk region, and in 1944, the Tomsk region.

On October 23, 1956, for the outstanding achievements of the workers of the Novosibirsk region in increasing grain production and delivering 100 million poods of grain to the state in 1956, the Novosibirsk region was awarded the Order of Lenin. The region was awarded the second Order of Lenin in 1970.

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An excerpt characterizing the History of the Novosibirsk Region

When everyone drove back from Pelageya Danilovna, Natasha, who always saw and noticed everything, arranged the accommodation in such a way that Luiza Ivanovna and she sat in the sleigh with Dimmler, and Sonya sat with Nikolai and the girls.
Nikolai, no longer overtaking, rode smoothly on the way back, and still peering at Sonya in this strange moonlight, looking for in this ever-changing light, from under his eyebrows and mustache, that former and present Sonya, with whom he had decided never again to be separated. He peered, and when he recognized the same and the other and remembered, hearing that smell of cork, mixed with the feeling of a kiss, he deeply inhaled the frosty air and, looking at the receding earth and brilliant sky, he felt himself again in a magical kingdom.
- Sonya, are you okay? – he asked occasionally.
“Yes,” answered Sonya. - And you?
In the middle of the road, Nikolai let the coachman hold the horses, ran up to Natasha’s sleigh for a moment and stood on the lead.
“Natasha,” he told her in a whisper in French, “you know, I’ve made up my mind about Sonya.”
-Did you tell her? – Natasha asked, suddenly beaming with joy.
- Oh, how strange you are with those mustaches and eyebrows, Natasha! Are you glad?
– I’m so glad, so glad! I was already angry with you. I didn't tell you, but you treated her badly. This is such a heart, Nicolas. I am so glad! “I can be nasty, but I was ashamed to be the only happy one without Sonya,” Natasha continued. “Now I’m so glad, well, run to her.”
- No, wait, oh, how funny you are! - said Nikolai, still peering at her, and in his sister, too, finding something new, extraordinary and charmingly tender, which he had never seen in her before. - Natasha, something magical. A?
“Yes,” she answered, “you did great.”
“If I had seen her before as she is now,” thought Nikolai, “I would have asked long ago what to do and would have done whatever she ordered, and everything would have been fine.”
“So you’re happy, and I did good?”
- Oh, so good! I recently quarreled with my mother over this. Mom said she's catching you. How can you say this? I almost got into a fight with my mom. And I will never allow anyone to say or think anything bad about her, because there is only good in her.
- So good? - Nikolai said, once again looking for the expression on his sister’s face to find out if it was true, and, squeaking with his boots, he jumped off the slope and ran to his sleigh. The same happy, smiling Circassian, with a mustache and sparkling eyes, looking out from under a sable hood, was sitting there, and this Circassian was Sonya, and this Sonya was probably his future, happy and loving wife.
Arriving home and telling their mother about how they spent time with the Melyukovs, the young ladies went home. Having undressed, but without erasing their cork mustaches, they sat for a long time, talking about their happiness. They talked about how they would live married, how their husbands would be friends and how happy they would be.
On Natasha’s table there were mirrors that Dunyasha had prepared since the evening. - Just when will all this happen? I'm afraid I never... That would be too good! – Natasha said getting up and going to the mirrors.
“Sit down, Natasha, maybe you’ll see him,” said Sonya. Natasha lit the candles and sat down. “I see someone with a mustache,” said Natasha, who saw her face.
“Don’t laugh, young lady,” Dunyasha said.
With the help of Sonya and the maid, Natasha found the position of the mirror; her face took on a serious expression and she fell silent. She sat for a long time, looking at the row of receding candles in the mirrors, assuming (based on the stories she had heard) that she would see the coffin, that she would see him, Prince Andrei, in this last, merging, vague square. But no matter how ready she was to mistake the slightest spot for the image of a person or a coffin, she saw nothing. She began to blink frequently and moved away from the mirror.
- Why do others see, but I don’t see anything? - she said. - Well, sit down, Sonya; “Nowadays you definitely need it,” she said. – Only for me... I’m so scared today!
Sonya sat down at the mirror, adjusted her position, and began to look.
“They’ll definitely see Sofya Alexandrovna,” Dunyasha said in a whisper; - and you keep laughing.
Sonya heard these words, and heard Natasha say in a whisper:
“And I know that she will see; she saw last year too.
For about three minutes everyone was silent. “Certainly!” Natasha whispered and didn’t finish... Suddenly Sonya moved away the mirror she was holding and covered her eyes with her hand.
- Oh, Natasha! - she said.
– Did you see it? Did you see it? What did you see? – Natasha screamed, holding up the mirror.
Sonya didn’t see anything, she just wanted to blink her eyes and get up when she heard Natasha’s voice saying “definitely”... She didn’t want to deceive either Dunyasha or Natasha, and it was hard to sit. She herself did not know how or why a cry escaped her when she covered her eyes with her hand.
– Did you see him? – Natasha asked, grabbing her hand.
- Yes. Wait... I... saw him,” Sonya said involuntarily, not yet knowing who Natasha meant by the word “him”: him - Nikolai or him - Andrey.
“But why shouldn’t I say what I saw? After all, others see! And who can convict me of what I saw or did not see? flashed through Sonya's head.
“Yes, I saw him,” she said.
- How? How? Is it standing or lying down?
- No, I saw... Then there was nothing, suddenly I see that he is lying.
– Andrey is lying down? He is sick? – Natasha asked, looking at her friend with fearful, stopped eyes.
- No, on the contrary, - on the contrary, a cheerful face, and he turned to me - and at that moment as she spoke, it seemed to her that she saw what she was saying.
- Well, then, Sonya?...
– I didn’t notice something blue and red here...
- Sonya! when will he return? When I see him! My God, how I’m afraid for him and for myself, and for everything I’m afraid...” Natasha spoke, and without answering a word to Sonya’s consolations, she went to bed and long after the candle had been put out, with her eyes open, she lay motionless on the bed and looked at the frosty moonlight through the frozen windows.

Soon after Christmas, Nikolai announced to his mother his love for Sonya and his firm decision to marry her. The Countess, who had long noticed what was happening between Sonya and Nikolai and was expecting this explanation, silently listened to his words and told her son that he could marry whomever he wanted; but that neither she nor his father would give him his blessing for such a marriage. For the first time, Nikolai felt that his mother was unhappy with him, that despite all her love for him, she would not give in to him. She, coldly and without looking at her son, sent for her husband; and when he arrived, the countess wanted to briefly and coldly tell him what was the matter in the presence of Nicholas, but she could not resist: she cried tears of frustration and left the room. The old count began to hesitantly admonish Nicholas and ask him to abandon his intention. Nicholas replied that he could not change his word, and the father, sighing and obviously embarrassed, very soon interrupted his speech and went to the countess. In all his clashes with his son, the count was never left with the consciousness of his guilt towards him for the breakdown of affairs, and therefore he could not be angry with his son for refusing to marry a rich bride and for choosing the dowryless Sonya - only in this case did he more vividly remember what, if things weren’t upset, it would be impossible to wish for a better wife for Nikolai than Sonya; and that only he and his Mitenka and his irresistible habits are to blame for the disorder of affairs.
The father and mother no longer spoke about this matter with their son; but a few days after this, the countess called Sonya to her and with cruelty that neither one nor the other expected, the countess reproached her niece for luring her son and for ingratitude. Sonya, silently with downcast eyes, listened to the countess’s cruel words and did not understand what was required of her. She was ready to sacrifice everything for her benefactors. The thought of self-sacrifice was her favorite thought; but in this case she could not understand to whom and what she needed to sacrifice. She could not help but love the Countess and the entire Rostov family, but she also could not help but love Nikolai and not know that his happiness depended on this love. She was silent and sad and did not answer. Nikolai, as it seemed to him, could not bear this situation any longer and went to explain himself to his mother. Nikolai either begged his mother to forgive him and Sonya and agree to their marriage, or threatened his mother that if Sonya was persecuted, he would immediately marry her secretly.
The countess, with a coldness that her son had never seen, answered him that he was of age, that Prince Andrei was marrying without his father’s consent, and that he could do the same, but that she would never recognize this intriguer as her daughter.
Exploded by the word intriguer, Nikolai, raising his voice, told his mother that he never thought that she would force him to sell his feelings, and that if this was so, then this would be the last time he spoke... But he did not have time to say that decisive word, which, judging by the expression on his face, his mother was waiting with horror and which, perhaps, would forever remain a cruel memory between them. He did not have time to finish, because Natasha, with a pale and serious face, entered the room from the door where she had been eavesdropping.
- Nikolinka, you are talking nonsense, shut up, shut up! I’m telling you, shut up!.. – she almost shouted to drown out his voice.
“Mom, my dear, this is not at all because... my poor darling,” she turned to the mother, who, feeling on the verge of breaking, looked at her son with horror, but, due to stubbornness and enthusiasm for the struggle, did not want and could not give up.
“Nikolinka, I’ll explain it to you, you go away - listen, mother dear,” she said to her mother.
Her words were meaningless; but they achieved the result she was striving for.
The countess, sobbing heavily, hid her face in her daughter's chest, and Nikolai stood up, grabbed his head and left the room.
Natasha took up the matter of reconciliation and brought it to the point that Nikolai received a promise from his mother that Sonya would not be oppressed, and he himself made a promise that he would not do anything secretly from his parents.
With the firm intention, having settled his affairs in the regiment, to resign, come and marry Sonya, Nikolai, sad and serious, at odds with his family, but, as it seemed to him, passionately in love, left for the regiment in early January.
After Nikolai's departure, the Rostovs' house became sadder than ever. The Countess became ill from mental disorder.
Sonya was sad both from the separation from Nikolai and even more from the hostile tone with which the countess could not help but treat her. The Count was more than ever concerned about the bad state of affairs, which required some kind of decisive measures. It was necessary to sell a Moscow house and a house near Moscow, and to sell the house it was necessary to go to Moscow. But the countess’s health forced her to postpone her departure from day to day.
Natasha, who had easily and even cheerfully endured the first time of separation from her fiancé, now became more excited and impatient every day. The thought that it is so, in vain, lost for no one best time, which she would have used to love him, tormented her relentlessly. Most of his letters angered her. It was insulting to her to think that while she lived only in the thought of him, he lived a real life, saw new places, new people that were interesting to him. The more entertaining his letters were, the more annoying she was. Her letters to him not only did not bring her any comfort, but seemed like a boring and false duty. She did not know how to write because she could not comprehend the possibility of truthfully expressing in writing even one thousandth part of what she was accustomed to express with her voice, smile and gaze. She wrote him classically monotonous, dry letters, to which she herself did not attribute any meaning and in which, according to Brouillons, the countess corrected her spelling errors.
The Countess's health was not improving; but it was no longer possible to postpone the trip to Moscow. It was necessary to make a dowry, it was necessary to sell the house, and, moreover, Prince Andrei was first expected in Moscow, where Prince Nikolai Andreich lived that winter, and Natasha was sure that he had already arrived.
The Countess remained in the village, and the Count, taking Sonya and Natasha with him, went to Moscow at the end of January.

Pierre, after the matchmaking of Prince Andrei and Natasha, without any obvious reason, suddenly felt the impossibility of continuing his previous life. No matter how firmly he was convinced of the truths revealed to him by his benefactor, no matter how joyful he was during that first time of infatuation. internal work self-improvement, which he devoted himself to with such fervor, after Prince Andrei’s engagement to Natasha and after the death of Joseph Alekseevich, about which he received news almost at the same time, all the charm of this former life suddenly disappeared for him. Only one skeleton of life remained: his home with his brilliant wife, who now enjoyed the favors of one important person, acquaintance with all of St. Petersburg and service with boring formalities. And this former life suddenly presented itself to Pierre with unexpected abomination. He stopped writing his diary, avoided the company of his brothers, began to go to the club again, began to drink a lot again, again became close to single companies and began to lead such a life that Countess Elena Vasilievna considered it necessary to make a stern reprimand to him. Pierre, feeling that she was right, and in order not to compromise his wife, left for Moscow.
In Moscow, as soon as he entered his huge house with withered and withering princesses, with huge courtyards, as soon as he saw - driving through the city - this Iverskaya Chapel with countless candle lights in front of golden vestments, this Kremlin Square with untrodden snow, these cab drivers and the shacks of Sivtsev Vrazhka, saw old Moscow people who wanted nothing and were slowly living out their lives, saw old women, Moscow ladies, Moscow balls and the Moscow English Club - he felt at home, in a quiet refuge. In Moscow he felt calm, warm, familiar and dirty, like wearing an old robe.
Moscow society, everyone, from old women to children, accepted Pierre as their long-awaited guest, whose place was always ready and not occupied. For Moscow society, Pierre was the sweetest, kindest, smartest, cheerful, generous eccentric, absent-minded and sincere, Russian, old-fashioned gentleman. His wallet was always empty, because it was open to everyone.
Benefit performances, bad paintings, statues, charitable societies, gypsies, schools, subscription dinners, revelries, Freemasons, churches, books - no one and nothing was refused, and if not for his two friends, who borrowed a lot of money from him and took him under their custody, he would give everything away. There was no lunch or evening at the club without him. As soon as he slumped back in his place on the sofa after two bottles of Margot, he was surrounded, and talk, arguments, and jokes ensued. Where they quarreled, he made peace with one of his kind smiles and, by the way, a joke. Masonic lodges were boring and lethargic without him.
When, after a single dinner, he, with a kind and sweet smile, surrenders to requests fun company, got up to go with them, joyful, solemn cries were heard among the youth. At balls he danced if there was no gentleman available. Young ladies and young ladies loved him because, without courting anyone, he was equally kind to everyone, especially after dinner. “Il est charmant, il n"a pas de sehe,” [He is very cute, but has no gender], they said about him.
Pierre was that retired good-natured chamberlain living out his days in Moscow, of which there were hundreds.
How horrified he would have been if seven years ago, when he had just arrived from abroad, someone had told him that he didn’t need to look for anything or invent anything, that his path had been broken long ago, determined from eternity, and that, no matter how he turn around, he will be what everyone else in his position was. He couldn't believe it! Didn’t he want with all his soul to establish a republic in Russia, to be Napoleon himself, to be a philosopher, to be a tactician, to defeat Napoleon? Didn’t he see the opportunity and passionately desire to regenerate the vicious human race and bring himself to the highest degree of perfection? Didn't he establish schools and hospitals and set his peasants free?
And instead of all this, here he is, the rich husband of an unfaithful wife, a retired chamberlain who loves to eat, drink and easily scold the government when unbuttoned, a member of the Moscow English Club and everyone’s favorite member of Moscow society. For a long time he could not come to terms with the idea that he was the same retired Moscow chamberlain whose type he so deeply despised seven years ago.
Sometimes he consoled himself with thoughts that this was the only way he was leading this life; but then he was horrified by another thought, that so far, how many people had already entered, like him, with all their teeth and hair, into this life and into this club, and left without one tooth and hair.
In moments of pride, when he thought about his position, it seemed to him that he was completely different, special from those retired chamberlains whom he had despised before, that they were vulgar and stupid, happy and reassured by their position, “and even now I am still dissatisfied “I still want to do something for humanity,” he said to himself in moments of pride. “Or maybe all those comrades of mine, just like me, struggled, were looking for some new, their own path in life, and just like me, by the force of the situation, society, breed, that elemental force against which there is no a powerful man, they were brought to the same place as I,” he said to himself in moments of modesty, and after living in Moscow for some time, he no longer despised, but began to love, respect and pity, as well as himself, his comrades by fate .
Pierre was not, as before, in moments of despair, melancholy and disgust for life; but the same illness, which had previously expressed itself in sharp attacks, was driven inside and did not leave him for a moment. "For what? For what? What is going on in the world?” he asked himself in bewilderment several times a day, involuntarily beginning to ponder the meaning of the phenomena of life; but knowing from experience that there were no answers to these questions, he hastily tried to turn away from them, took up a book, or hurried to the club, or to Apollo Nikolaevich to chat about city gossip.
“Elena Vasilievna, who has never loved anything except her body and is one of the stupidest women in the world,” thought Pierre, “seems to people to be the height of intelligence and sophistication, and they bow before her. Napoleon Bonaparte was despised by everyone as long as he was great, and since he became a pathetic comedian, Emperor Franz has been trying to offer him his daughter as an illegitimate wife. The Spaniards send up prayers to God through the Catholic clergy in gratitude for the fact that they defeated the French on June 14th, and the French send up prayers through the same Catholic clergy that they defeated the Spaniards on June 14th. My brother Masons swear on blood that they are ready to sacrifice everything for their neighbor, and do not pay one ruble each for the collection of the poor and intrigue Astraeus against the Seekers of Manna, and are busy about the real Scottish carpet and about an act, the meaning of which is not known even to those who wrote it, and which no one needs. We all profess the Christian law of forgiveness of insults and love for one’s neighbor - the law, as a result of which we erected forty forty churches in Moscow, and yesterday we whipped a fleeing man, and the servant of the same law of love and forgiveness, the priest, allowed the cross to be kissed by a soldier before execution.” . So thought Pierre, and this whole, common, universally recognized lie, no matter how accustomed he was to it, as if it were something new, amazed him every time. “I understand these lies and confusion,” he thought, “but how can I tell them everything that I understand? I tried and always found that deep down in their souls they understand the same thing as me, but they just try not to see it. So it must be so! But for me, where should I go?” thought Pierre. He experienced the unfortunate ability of many, especially Russian people - the ability to see and believe in the possibility of good and truth, and to see too clearly the evil and lies of life in order to be able to take a serious part in it. Every area of ​​labor in his eyes was associated with evil and deception. Whatever he tried to be, whatever he undertook, evil and lies repulsed him and blocked all paths of activity for him. Meanwhile, I had to live, I had to be busy. It was too scary to be under the yoke of these insoluble questions of life, and he gave himself up to his first hobbies just to forget them. He traveled to all sorts of societies, drank a lot, bought paintings and built, and most importantly read.
He read and read everything that came to hand, and read so that, having arrived home, when the footmen were still undressing him, he, having already taken a book, read - and from reading he passed on to sleep, and from sleep to chatting in the drawing rooms and club, from chatter to revelry and women, from revelry back to chatter, reading and wine. Drinking wine became more and more a physical and at the same time a moral need for him. Despite the fact that the doctors told him that, given his corruption, wine was dangerous for him, he drank a lot. He felt quite good only when, without noticing how, having poured several glasses of wine into his large mouth, he experienced a pleasant warmth in his body, tenderness for all his neighbors and the readiness of his mind to respond superficially to every thought, without delving into its essence. Only after drinking a bottle and two wines did he vaguely realize that the tangled, terrible knot of life that had terrified him before was not as terrible as he thought. With a noise in his head, chatting, listening to conversations or reading after lunch and dinner, he constantly saw this knot, from some side of it. But only under the influence of wine did he say to himself: “It’s nothing. I will unravel this - so I have an explanation ready. But now there’s no time—I’ll think about all this later!” But this never came afterwards.

Novosibirsk region is a subject of the Russian Federation. It is part of the Siberian Federal District. The administrative center is the city of Novosibirsk. On September 28, 1937, by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Novosibirsk Region and Altai region. This date is considered the official day of formation of the region. Map of the Novosibirsk region

Coat of arms and flag of the Novosibirsk region The colors and symbolic meaning of the flag are interconnected with the coat of arms of the region, historical background and the current state of regional heraldry. White color- a symbol of purity, devotion, faith, as well as the color of the harsh Siberian winter. Green color is a symbol of hope, abundance, rebirth, vitality, personifies the generous Novosibirsk land, its natural diversity and beauty. Red color is a symbol of courage, courage, memory of the heroism of Novosibirsk residents who defended their Motherland. Blue color- symbolizes the Ob River and numerous lakes and rivers, occupying almost a third of the region’s territory. Flag of the NSO. Adopted on July 29, 2003. Coat of arms of the NSO. Adopted May 29, 2003

History of the Novosibirsk Region Despite the relatively favorable climatic conditions by Siberian standards, the territory of the Novosibirsk Region began to be settled by Russian colonists quite late. The indigenous inhabitants of the Novosibirsk region are the Baraba and Siberian Tatars. Ancient settlements, mounds, battle sites and the first Russians settlements on the territory of the Novosibirsk region

History of the Novosibirsk region In September 1582, a detachment of the legendary Ermak set off for Siberia. The decisive battle with Kuchum took place on October 26, 1582 on the banks of the Irtysh. In it, Ermak won and then took Isker (Kashlyk) without a fight. After the death of Ermak in 1584, the surviving 150 Cossacks left Siberia and went “to Rus'.” On August 20, 1598, Andrei Voeikov’s detachment defeated Kuchum’s army at the mouth of the Irmen River in the territory of what is now the Novosibirsk region. Having suffered defeat, Kuchum could no longer recover from it. The Chat and Baraba Tatars accepted Russian citizenship. A new period has begun in the history of Siberia. Cossack ataman Ermak Conquest of Siberia

History of the Novosibirsk region The settlement of our region by Russians began from Tomsk. At the beginning of the 18th century. near the mouth of the Umreva (today the territory of the Moshkovsky district), the Umrevinsky fort grew and Russian villages appeared in the Oyash, Chaus, and Ini basins. Currently, this is the only undeveloped Russian fort in the Novosibirsk Ob region. The surviving tower of the Umrevinsky fort General form Umrevinsky prison

History of the Novosibirsk region In 1713, the Chaussky fort (modern Kolyvan) was built on the banks of the Ob, and 3 years later the Berdsky fort grew at the mouth of the Berdi. In 1722, in the Barabinsk steppe along the road connecting Tara with Tomsk, Ust-Tartassky, Kainsky and Ubinsky fortified points were founded. Berdsky fort

History of the Novosibirsk region Further settlement of the Barabinskaya Plain was facilitated by the construction in the years. Siberian tract (hereinafter – Moscow tract).

History of the Novosibirsk Region Manufacturing production in the region appeared only in the middle of the 18th century, when the famous Ural industrialist Akinfiy Demidov built a copper smelter on the Nizhny Suzun River. Coins of the Suzun Mint The building of the Suzun Copper Smelter, which has survived to this day. Since 1766, the Suzun Mint began to operate.

History of the Novosibirsk region In 1893, in connection with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the railway bridge across the Ob, the Aleksandrovsky village appeared (since 1895 - Novonikolaevsky). Aleksandrovsky village, 1894 Railway bridge across the Ob

History of the Novosibirsk Region Until 1917, Novonikolaevsk remained exclusively a commercial and industrial point. It developed mainly a manufacturing industry, the leading industry of which was flour milling. In 1910, there were ten mills with a total productivity of 12 million poods per year. The largest industrial enterprise was the Trud plant, founded in 1904. It produced spare parts for the mechanisms of mills, oil factories and simple agricultural machines. Coarse mill of the Flour Milling Partnership Mechanized brick factory Mill on the Kamenka River

History of the Novosibirsk region On April 17, 1917, Novonikolaevsk became a district city of the Tomsk province. At this time, there were 58,987 women, 48,142 men, including 152 hereditary nobles and 141 clergy. Altai Station railway(today Novosibirsk-Yuzhny station) Military sugar factory

History of the Novosibirsk region In December 1917, the power of the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies was established in the city and district. May 26, 1918 under the onslaught of counter-revolutionary forces Soviet authority the activities of the City Duma are liquidated and restored. On December 17, 1919, after the Red Army entered the city, power passed to the emergency body Novonikolayevsky Revolutionary Committee (Revolutionary Committee). Civil War in Novonikolaevsk and the district

History of the Novosibirsk region Having restored power in Western Siberia, the Bolsheviks announced food appropriation. Food was forcibly confiscated from the peasants and sent to Central Russia. The policy of “war communism” caused a deep crisis in the Siberian countryside. Peasants reduced acreage, slaughtered livestock, and reduced grain harvest. A stream of people flocked to Novonikolaevsk from everywhere. There was not enough housing, shacks were built and dugouts were dug; such villages were called “nakhalovki”. Food appropriation convoys in Berdsk Nakhalovka. Disorderly development of the banks of the Ob in the area of ​​the former resettlement point

History of the Novosibirsk Region With the formation of the Siberian Territory on May 25, 1925, Novonikolaevsk became the administrative center of all of Siberia. February 12, 1926 The resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR approved the decision of the Regional Congress of Soviets to rename the city of Novonikolaevsk to the city of Novosibirsk. Improvement of Lenin Square Officers' House on Krasny Prospekt

History of the Novosibirsk region In the 30s. The history of industrialization of Western Siberia began. The Kuznetsk plant, a giant of metallurgy, was built in 23 months. In Kemerovo, a coke and nitrogen fertilizer plant and a plastics plant were built. Shipyards appear on the Ob and Irtysh. Until 1921, the territory of the Novosibirsk region was part of the Tomsk province, from 1921 to 1925 the Novonikolaevsk province, from 1925 to the Siberian Territory and from 1930 to the West Siberian Territory. September 28, 1937 West Siberian The region was divided into the Novosibirsk region and the Altai region. Subsequently, in 1943, the Kemerovo region was separated from the region, and in 1944, the Tomsk region. Kuznetsk Iron and Steel Works Novonikolayevskaya Pristan Exploration of coal deposits

History of the Novosibirsk region In the first months of the war, specialists and equipment from more than 50 plants (including the defense industry) and factories arrived in the Novosibirsk region, design organizations, and four research institutes, 26 hospitals are being organized. At the plant named after Chkalov installed equipment from five factories that arrived from Moscow, Leningrad, and Kyiv. Defense industry and weapons enterprises in Novosibirsk have become advanced in the production of various optical instruments. Plant named after V. P. Chkalova Issue military equipment and ammunition

History of the Novosibirsk region Teenagers from 13 to 18 years old were drafted into all defense industry enterprises. The unfinished building of the Opera and Ballet Theater houses exhibits from the Tretyakov Art Gallery, the Hermitage, museums of Moscow, Leningrad, Novgorod, Sevastopol and other cities. By the end of 1941, 70% of the total production of enterprises in Novosibirsk and the region was products for the front. Opera and ballet theater building under construction

History of the Novosibirsk region From the first days of the war, residents of vast Siberia stood up together with everyone else to defend their Motherland. In total, during the war years, the region was equipped with 4 divisions, 10 brigades, 7 regiments, 19 battalions, 62 companies, 24 different teams. Scouts of the 22nd Guards Siberian Division Among Novosibirsk residents and residents of the region who were awarded high military awards for feats of arms, more than 200 people became Heroes Soviet Union, for our fellow countryman fighter pilot A.I. Pokryshkin became the first warrior in the country to be awarded this title three times. Of those drafted and volunteered for the army, 180 thousand Novosibirsk residents did not return from the war. A. I. Pokryshkin

History of the Novosibirsk Region After the end of the war, the creation of a powerful military-industrial complex was considered the most important direction in the development of Siberia. In the development of the country's aviation industry, the role of the plant named after. V.P. Chkalov, who in the 1950s began producing MIG-19 high-speed jet fighters. Plant named after The Comintern was the only enterprise in the east of the country that produced radar stations. The Elektrosignal plant and others have completely switched over to the production of military radio equipment. Plant named after. V. P. Chkalova Plant named after. Comintern Plant "Electrosignal"

History of the Novosibirsk Region For agriculture, the post-war period is characterized by the massive development of virgin and fallow lands. In the region in 1954–1960, 1,549 thousand hectares were plowed. Already in 1954, collective farms handed over to the state three times more grain than in the previous year. For this record, the Novosibirsk region was awarded the Order of Lenin.

History of the Novosibirsk region in the years. Novosibirsk continued to live up to its fame as the “Siberian Chicago”. Construction of the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station Sibelektrotyazhmash plant July 12 is the birthday of Tolmachevo airport Siblitmash plant

History of the Novosibirsk Region Major “shifts” have occurred in the development of culture, education, and science. One of the most significant events was the creation of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. The experience of creating the Academy Town was then used in organizing the Siberian Branch of the Agricultural Academy. In 1970, the Siberian branch of the Academy began work medical sciences. By Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR in 1970, the Novosibirsk region was awarded the second Order of Lenin for success in the development of industry, science and culture. Academgorodok Krasnoobsk (VASKhNIL) Research Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics SB RAMS

The Novosibirsk region is one of the most industrially developed in Siberia: it produces about 10% of all industrial output, the bulk of which comes from heavy industry enterprises located mainly in Novosibirsk, Iskitim and Berdsk. Novosibirsk region today In structure industrial production manufacturing industries dominate. 21.7% falls on mechanical engineering and metalworking, 24.9% - on food industry, 18.3% - for the electric power industry and about 10% - for non-ferrous metallurgy.

There are about 50 enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex located on the territory of the Novosibirsk region. The largest defense state-owned enterprise is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Novosibirsk Aviation Production Association named after. Chkalov, which produces Sukhoi fighter-bombers and An-38 aircraft for local airlines, and also repairs and modernizes Su-24 aircraft. Novosibirsk region today An-38 Su-24

The Novosibirsk region has a developed energy and heat supply system, represented mainly by large coal-fired thermal power plants. The installed capacity of power plants in the Novosibirsk region is 2582 MW, including the Novosibirsk HPP MW. Novosibirsk region today Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station

Novosibirsk region today Novosibirsk is the largest transport hub in Siberia: the Trans-Siberian Railway, railways and highways pass through it. The administration of the West Siberian Railway is located in Novosibirsk. Novosibirsk connects Siberia, Far East, Central Asia with the European regions of Russia. The Novosibirsk-Glavny railway station, one of the largest in the country, is an architectural landmark of the city. According to the architectural design, its building reproduces the shape of an ancient steam locomotive. Department of the West Siberian Railway Station "Novosibirsk-Glavny"

There are 12 airports in the region, including Tolmachevo and Novosibirsk airports of federal significance. Novosibirsk is the first city in Siberia in which the metro was launched (December 28, 1985). Currently, its two lines, 14.3 km long, consisting of 12 stations, operate. The covered metro bridge across the Ob is famous, the length of which, together with the coastal overpasses, exceeds 2 kilometers, which is a world record. Novosibirsk region today Tolmachevo Airport Metro station “pl. Marx" Novosibirsk metro bridge

High level education is one of the advantages of the Novosibirsk region over other regions. Almost 250 thousand children study in schools in the region, and 170 thousand students are educated in universities. Higher educational institutions such as Novosibirsk State University(NSU), Siberian State Transport University (SGUPS) and Novosibirsk State Technical University(NSTU) are widely known in Russia. In total there are 47 higher education institutions in Novosibirsk educational institutions(12 of them are branches of universities in other cities): 13 universities, 22 institutes, 12 academies. Novosibirsk region today NSU SGUPS NSTU

The Novosibirsk region accounts for a quarter of all agricultural land in Western Siberia. Agriculture The region specializes in growing grain, potatoes and vegetables. Meat and dairy farming, poultry farming and beekeeping are developed. Flax production plays an important role. Novosibirsk region today

The population of the Novosibirsk region according to the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, in terms of population, the region ranks 3rd in Siberia and 16th in Russia. Population density 14.9 people. by 1 square kilometer(the average for Siberia is 4.0, and for Russia 8.4). In terms of population density, the region is in third place in the Siberian Federal District. Novosibirsk region today