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» New Year horoscope for the dragon. Dragon - Taurus. Love horoscope and family relationships

New Year horoscope for the dragon. Dragon - Taurus. Love horoscope and family relationships

The dragon has long been considered a very mysterious sign eastern horoscope. He is impulsive and cocky, but at the same time, the Dragon is successful in many matters and is also endowed with virtues. Harmony and long life are the “trick” of people born in the year of the Dragon.

Confident in its superiority, this symbol will always be able to achieve its goals and emerge victorious from the most seemingly impenetrable scrape. Endowed with some very special worldly wisdom, the Dragon is the unquestioning leader in his environment. But, nevertheless, he lacks breadth of perception, and the lack of sophistication prevents the Dragon from living life to the fullest.

A lover of grandiose projects in which the Dragon puts himself at the center of the undertaking, he can be overly boastful. The dragon is distinguished by its sincerity and extraordinary intelligence, which, of course, allows it to manipulate friends, family and acquaintances.

If on the way of the Dragon he encounters a worthy opponent, obviously stronger than himself, the Dragon will never organize “undercover” games, fighting bravely and desperately. It can be called good friend, the Dragon’s advice is worth listening to.

If you were born under this wonderful eastern sign, then Horoscope for Dragon for 2018 will be able to help you understand how to act in a given situation and what is best to pay attention to in the coming year. for this sign?

General horoscope for the eastern sign – Dragon

It promises to be full of a variety of events. Moreover, these can be both good and bad incidents. The latter will clearly be connected with family matters - perhaps one of your family members will upset you with their misconduct, for which you will have to answer.

The beginning of the year will not bring satisfaction in financial matters, so tighten your belts and get to work with special zeal. By spring, a friendly Dog will bring the Dragon a promotion at work or a new money project.

Even if the cash flow flows like a stormy river into your pockets, you should not spend it right away - in the near future, a major acquisition will loom on the horizon, which will require almost all the funds you have saved.

Autumn will pass in some tension. There will be quarrels with friends and conflicts in the family. All this will not have the best effect on the psycho-emotional state of the Dragon. In December, there will be an opportunity to make the “necessary” acquaintance, which will affect the improvement of your financial condition.

Man - Dragon

The Dragon knows how to please a woman and 2018 will give him every chance to do this. Starting from the first days of January, representatives of this sign will have no end to the beautiful half of humanity. Knowing the character of the Dog, you should think about changing tactics - if you do not establish a strong relationship with your new chosen one, then by the end of the year all the advantages will change to squabbles and quarrels on every occasion, and sometimes without it at all.

In the year of the Dog you are with high probability you will be able to acquire new interesting connections, which will later develop into strong ones male friendship. It is possible that the Dragon will have to make a lot of effort to win over a new person. Innate sincerity and selflessness will help in this difficult matter.

It is better for Dragon men to give up excessively in 2018 active rest associated with the risk of injury. Recklessness has never brought anyone any good. Try to put off adrenaline-filled entertainment for the time being, especially in the second third of the year. Spend more time with your family, relatives and friends.

Dragon Woman

The Mistress of 2018 favors all representatives of the fair sex. Dragon women also deserve special favor, so the Dog will not create tricks. Overall, the year will go well, with the possible exception of a few not-so-pleasant moments.

Among the surprises prepared for you in 2018, there is one very interesting acquaintance with a romantic background. A man will appear in your life who will have feelings for you. However, the feelings will not necessarily be exclusively “tender”; the Dog is a friendly and sociable sign, so it can also attract the appearance of a new friend.

In the fall, representatives of the sign may find themselves in the grip of blues or even depression. Unfortunately, the latter often amazes the cheerful disposition of Dragon women. You should put all your efforts into strengthening your own love of life.

The recipe for happiness is simple - drive away anxious thoughts, enjoy pleasant little things, enjoy communication with friends and do not let the autumn melancholy get to you.

Health in 2018

Dragons have always had excellent health. The coming year will not bring surprises, so many representatives of the sign will be able to avoid even banal acute respiratory infections.

However, you shouldn’t relax, because in the summer a cautious Dog can test you - fans of high-energy recreation will be susceptible to various types of injuries, which can be avoided if you exercise extreme caution. Then not only fractures and serious injuries, but also dislocations and cuts will bypass you.

At home, it is also worth following basic safety rules, so that a fair and correct Dog does not teach the careless Dragon a memorable lesson.

In autumn, the most restless time of the year will come for you. Due to frequent conflicts at home, at work, among friends, disorders are possible nervous system. Peace of mind should be supported especially carefully, because depression in the Dragon is very difficult.

Your main task is not to take minor troubles to heart. A little rest and a change of environment will help you avoid the blues. By the New Year, everything will definitely get better, and the cheerful, cheerful Dragon will once again become the soul of the company.

Love horoscope for Dragon for 2018

For free Dragons, the Dog will give a lot of flirting, a lot of new acquaintances and a lot of pleasant meetings. To keep a new person, you will have to work hard. By changing their approach to relationships, lonely Dragons will settle down and find their soul mates. You just have to want it - and love will burst into your life in a swift stream.

Autumn will bring unpleasant surprises to the romantic life of the Dragon. Family representatives of the sign are expected to have ugly quarrels with their spouses. Some couples will end up getting divorced. In order not to quarrel over a trifle, you need to control yourself and show truly Dragon patience.

For those Dragons who are just building their love relationships, the eastern horoscope recommends moderating their ardor and not provoking their other halves. Otherwise, you will have to look for a new pair. And quarrels and disagreements will occur for a banal reason - flirting, which in 2018 the Dragons are expected to have in abundance.


One can only envy the willpower and determination of the representatives of the sign. The Year of the Dog will give the Dragons some special tenacity. Rest assured, your efforts will not go unnoticed. The management values ​​such personnel.

Anyone who puts in a lot of effort and is planning a promotion can breathe easy in 2018, as the next step will be conquered. The work and effort spent in the first half of the year will bear fruit in the second half of the year.

New acquaintances, useful connections and inevitable success await those Dragons who show their efficiency and determination not in words, but in deeds. In the fall, you should be careful - there is a high probability of ill-wishers appearing in the workplace.

Take a closer look at your surroundings, slightly dampen your friendliness and loyalty - perhaps you do not notice obvious envious people.

Finance and business

The dragon, like no other, loves to be in sight and attract attention. And according to the 2018 horoscope, the Dragon will have its finest hour. The Yellow Dog will give you the opportunity to express yourself in all its glory.

You can even become famous throughout the world if you realize yourself in literature, music, artistic arts. But, nevertheless, the Dog is not a great friend for the Dragon and you should not relax. Don’t give up what you started halfway and don’t rely only on the smile of fortune.

The years of birth of the Dragon are 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

For the noble and energetic Dragon, one of the brightest and strongest signs of the Eastern horoscope, the Yellow Dog, the mistress of 2018, will bring a lot of new and interesting things.

Moreover, the key word is “A lot”: the year will be full of events, both good and bad. According to the Dragon horoscope in 2018, your life will be like a swing, then take off sharply, then fall back to where it all began.

The main thing in this case is not to complain about fate, but to carefully analyze your behavior. a rather weak trait, and the Dog really doesn’t like people who don’t have a clear plan of action. Therefore, if you want to achieve success this year, you will have to develop a detailed plan for the implementation of your plans.

Be attentive to the little things and nuances and you will minimize the negative impact of the year. Astrologers advise Dragons to learn to pay attention to things that they tend to consider unimportant. Remember that life is made up of little things. This is also a good time for you to get rid of bad habits and shortcomings. Do not indulge your weaknesses - they only hinder your development. But the Dog supports the family and everything connected with it.

If the Dragon makes an impulse to make his home more harmonious, then the economical and homely housewife of the year will definitely help you with this. For example, it will give you a chance to purchase an apartment with excellent layout V good area, purchase reliable car or, at a minimum, make a major overhaul.

According to the 2018 horoscope, it will be important for representatives of the Dragon sign to devote enough attention and time to the older generation. Joint leisure time with parents and grandparents should not be limited to feasts.

The Dragon's mind, rich in inventions, will help diversify entertainment, surprise and delight loved ones. If you have been thinking about moving to another country for a long time, prepare the ground for this. The dog promises you help and support in this matter.

In 2018, Dragons will tend to spend a lot of time, money and energy on all kinds of pleasures. The dog will not tolerate such extravagance, and you risk spending the second half of the year with empty pockets. To prevent your personal financial crisis, you need to take money more seriously. Avoid unnecessary expenses, because all that glitters is not gold.

It is very important for the Dragon to gain new impressions and for this good decision there will be a vacation. Try to choose a place where you have not been before and select a rich entertainment program, but be careful, this year your risk of domestic and sports injuries is increased. Screw down loose doors, be careful in icy conditions, and do not engage in extreme sports.

For a Dragon man, the horoscope for 2018 will provide unique opportunity to win women's hearts. During this period he will be more charming than ever.

However, in order not to fall into the snare of frivolous people, you need to change the tactics of your behavior. The dog is very disapproving of frivolity in his personal life. and astrologers recommend starting a relationship only with the goal of starting a family. Also, in 2018, some of them will turn into true and strong friendships.

Men born in the year of the Dragon are attracted to adrenaline, but in 2018 you should be careful and restrain your desire for risky entertainment. Gambling in the Year of the Dog, which prefers reliability and stability, is likely to bring losses. And physically extreme activities are associated with high probability getting injured. Find alternative ways for entertainment and free time.

According to the Dragon woman's horoscope, 2018 will be successful and productive. The dog protects the feminine principle and will accompany you in almost all important matters.

In 2018, Dogs will lead them to the coveted leadership chair. A responsible position will be the reward that she has been waiting for and, of course, deserves. But it is worth noting that the Dog is very fair and will reward only those who have a clear conscience, responsibility and dedication.

Year of the Dragon horoscope 2018 – Love, family

A person born under the sign of the Dragon, in his personal life, as well as in other areas, cannot stand routine and primitivism. The dog is generous with gifts and does not like to waste time on trifles.

Dragon and have a nice meeting. Personal relationships that began during this period will develop quite successfully, but in order for the hobby to develop into family relationships, you will have to work hard.

Autumn, complications in the love sphere are possible. Family representatives of the sign expect ugly quarrels, and some may even lead to divorce. To maintain a relationship, you need to moderate your ardor, be patient and not provoke your other half.

By the way, quarrels and disagreements will occur for a banal reason - flirting, which the Dragon will have in abundance in 2018. IN family relationships The Dragon is recommended to learn to hear his partner, give in to him and think about his feelings, and not put himself on a pedestal. Many people are thinking about expanding their family.

Horoscope of the Year of the Dragon 2018 – Health

Dragons have long been famous for their good health. And 2018, in this regard, will be quite stable. But, nevertheless, you should not treat yourself with a disregard. Special attention Pay attention to the emotional sphere, since tension will remain almost all the time.

Those who become too fixated on the fact that everything should work out only as planned may have a nervous breakdown. This is especially true for women, since they are the ones who are susceptible to large mood swings. High requirements to yourself - this, of course, is good, but you shouldn’t go too far in this. All serious illnesses that may appear or worsen at this moment will be provoked only by a nervous condition.

Also, the 2018 horoscope gives Dragons another warning: many Dragons may face the problem of a sharp and rather large gain excess weight. Stressful situations and workaholism have direct roots in this problem. Junk food at work, snacking in front of a computer monitor and a complete lack of sports, all this will leave its mark on your figure and, of course, on your health. Provide yourself with a clear schedule of work and proper rest. Pay attention to your diet, and try to eradicate bad habits.

Horoscope for 2018 Year of the Dragon – career, finance

In the first half of the year, the Dog will be very picky about the Dragon and create all sorts of financial difficulties for him. The thing is that she loves work, and most of all, physical work. The dragon, due to its nature, prefers other ways of earning money; it is especially good at leadership positions.

Also, it is worth noting that according to the 2018 horoscope, it will be especially difficult for Dragons to be hypocrites and liars. The dog fights for the truth and is favorable only to sincere, persistent and hardworking people. If the mistress of the year understands that the Dragon is actually working honestly, just in a way that is unusual for her, she will reward him a hundredfold.

And already in the second half of 2018, the Dragon can expect income from a variety of sources: return of old debts, salary increases, bonuses. Also, large expenses are possible during this period.

For the Dragon, a large and long-awaited purchase is very likely, for which he has been saving money for a long time. Moreover, the purchase will definitely be successful, since the Dog loves useful acquisitions that take into account the interests of the family.

In 2018, there is a favorable opportunity to develop new profession and for studying foreign languages. Be attentive to your ill-wishers at work. Perhaps one of them may try to steal your idea or take credit for your achievements, denigrating you in the eyes of your superiors. Be vigilant and stay away from such people.

The end of 2018 may be successful for those Dragons who want to change their field of activity or want to start their own business.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Dragon according to the signs of the Zodiac

Horoscope for 2018 Aries-Dragon

The 2018 horoscope for Aries-Dragon promises career takeoff and good luck in all areas of life. Energy and determination, many plans and ideas, acquaintances and changes - all this has been prepared for you by the mistress of the year.

Feel free to implement your plans and don’t be afraid of competition. You are full of brilliant ideas and your rivals will not be able to resist such pressure. Moreover, infecting other people with your attitude and enthusiasm, your colleagues under your leadership will also show good results.

However, remember that human resources are not limitless. Give yourself a good rest, and it’s better if it’s away from home and work. In your personal life, also take the initiative into your own hands, but do not rush things and do not breathe fire on your chosen one. Try to be patient and moderate in everything.

Horoscope for 2018 Taurus-Dragon

The horoscope for 2018 for the representative of the Taurus-Dragon combination has prepared many pleasant surprises and adventures that will take him out of his monotonous life and will not let him get bored. There will be a lot of things: chance encounters, unexpected acquaintances, stormy emotions.

The stars promise you a wonderful time when everyone around you adores, respects and invites you to visit. The main thing in all this is not to lose your head and maintain a sober mind. Also, do not neglect rest, allow yourself to relax, get new experiences by going on a trip. Moreover, even on vacation, you have a high probability that you will meet a person who will be useful to you in business or at work.

A surprise awaits too. Lonely representatives of the combination will meet their person, and those who already have a partner will meet new level relationships. By the way, when communicating with the opposite sex, be strict, otherwise you won’t even notice how they sit on your neck. This year it is important for you to learn to notice little things and nuances, and by fully mastering these skills, you will eliminate the possibility of failure and significantly improve your relationships with others. Just don't let yourself be manipulated!

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini-Dragon

In 2018, Gemini-Dragon will have a lot of opportunities to reveal their talents. This period will be full of stormy emotions and numerous meetings. In 2018 you will be forced to find mutual language with new acquaintances, because your success will depend on this.

So, alienation and the desire to be alone with yourself will have to be put aside, especially since you have a very useful quality– the ability to understand other people. In addition, your insight, intuition, and ability to foresee several steps ahead will help you in solving many problems.

Be bold, realize your dreams, but beware of being led by emotions. Serious control is needed over words and feelings. If energy overwhelms you, direct it to your personal life.

Horoscope for 2018 Cancer-Dragon

Cancer-Dragon will enjoy real popularity in 2018. The dog, the owner of the year, will be delighted with your talents and abilities. She will like your ability to solve trivial problems. in an original way and never walk on beaten paths.

This year, and, moreover, it will be able to win even its rivals over to its side. Of course, some difficulties are possible, but your optimistic outlook on life will help you cope with them. To achieve your goal, use all the means available to you. It is better to regret what is done than what is not done.

In the love sphere, an almost ideal period begins, but, nevertheless, the horoscope recommends that the family representatives of the combination pay more attention to their partner. You definitely won’t regret it if you devote all your free time to strengthening your relationship. And single people will have a great chance to meet their soul mate. Many will decide to formalize their relationship by the end of the year.

Horoscope for 2018 Leo-Dragon

For Leo-Dragon, the horoscope for 2018 predicts a good period. Many will be able to get what they have long dreamed of. Someone will receive the position of governor, someone will take the vacancy of a plant director or open their own company.

The patroness of the year will regularly introduce you to important people, whose influence will help you reach career heights with less time. You can achieve a lot, but don't stop there. The ability to bring things started to completion and the ability to accept help from loved ones will be extremely valuable. The dog should not neglect the support of relatives, since a lot depends on them in 2018.

In love relationships, everything will also work out well, but family members should beware of affairs at work. Such a fleeting hobby will jeopardize everything that has been created over many years and incredible patience. This can not only destroy a marriage, but also have a negative impact on building a career.

Horoscope for 2018 Virgo-Dragon

The Virgo-Dragon may seem formidable and serious from the outside, but at heart you are true romantics. And in 2018, you will want to love and be loved more than ever. This will especially affect women born with this combination. Men, on the other hand, will periodically switch their attention to getting “easy” money.

But if stars refuse to participate in scams and dubious schemes, not only their reputation will suffer, but also their budget. Your perseverance, calmness, and confidence will allow you to achieve incredible results in an honest way. During this period, your tenderness, charm and charm will have an irresistible effect on others.

Singles will definitely meet their soulmate, and a strong financial situation will allow you to arrange a magnificent celebration and a beautiful honeymoon.

Horoscope for 2018 Libra-Dragon

Libra-Dragon will receive a lot of pleasant news in 2018, both from colleagues and relatives. In the Year of the Dog, you will become a very sentimental person. Don't worry and don't be shy about your tears of joy and happiness.

Those around you will really like your sensitivity, and they will rush to your aid. But in business, try to carefully weigh and think about each of your actions. This will allow you not only to avoid troubles and subsequent regrets about what you did, but also to significantly increase your income.

In 2018, pay attention to your appearance, visit a beauty salon, fitness center. This is especially true, because this year you will have a fateful meeting with your soul mate and you need to appear in a new, charming image. In family relationships, show tenderness and care for your partner.

Horoscope for 2018 Scorpio-Dragon

The 2018 horoscope for Scorpio-Dragon predicts many pleasant surprises for you. There will be a rapid rise in career, success in creativity, and an idyll in love. The Earth Dog, the mistress of the year, will be a faithful assistant in all your endeavors.

Decisiveness and unpredictability will play main role in your achievements. If some things are born in your head creative ideas, be sure to implement them and carefully monitor current events. Many people have several things to do at the same time, just be a little softer and at least occasionally compromise. With this approach you will achieve much more.

In the love sphere, many romantic acquaintances and adventures await you. But, don’t play with fate and don’t give in to temptation every time. It’s better to direct your ardor towards internal self-development, and then real love she will find the way to your heart.

Horoscope for 2018 Sagittarius-Dragon

According to the horoscope for 2018, Sagittarius-Dragon will finally be able to relax. Tests recent years have strengthened your character, so you will perceive any changes calmly and as a given.

An opportunity to gain new experience will appear - do not miss it, because changes in the professional sphere are possible only if you yourself make an effort and move forward all the time. Remember that your frivolity goes against many grandiose plans. It is difficult for you to predict the future and therefore you often find yourself in ridiculous situations. In 2018, the fate of this quality. Don't neglect your lessons and don't try to shift responsibility onto someone else.

In the love sphere, you are lucky to have admirers and admirers, but in the year of the Dog it is time to seriously think about creating a home. But family representatives of the combination should follow the example of the mistress of the year and show loyalty and compliance in relationships with their loved ones.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn-Dragon

The horoscope for 2018 predicts a huge number of opportunities for Capricorn-Dragon, which are important not to miss. Don’t hold yourself back – feel free to embody your brilliant ideas. You yourself are quite unusual, and with your natural eloquence and oratorical abilities it is difficult for anyone to compete.

This year life will confront you with the most different people and your task is to figure out who can be trusted and who cannot. You should not make important decisions in the first half of the year; postpone them until the summer.

Also, during this period you should not invest money in real estate. Family representatives are about to start a joint business, and single people will have a great opportunity to start a family.

Horoscope for 2018 Aquarius-Dragon

The horoscope for 2018 promises Aquarius-Dragon the discovery of talents that were not previously suspected. The main thing is not to waste your internal energy on trifles. To achieve great success, do something really big. This will make you feel inspired and inspired.

Thanks to your balance, foresight and great intellectual abilities, you can really achieve a lot professionally. The only thing that can get in the way is your laziness. Therefore, do not miss this opportunity, overcome yourself, because you can do it.

At the end of the year, you may have to make difficult choices that will affect your entire life. future fate. Your personal life will also be successful, while those in relationships can expect a new addition to the family.

Horoscope for 2018 Pisces-Dragon

The horoscope for 2018 recommends that Pisces-Dragon take a break from career plans and direct all their energy to their family. It is vital for you to feel the warmth and support of your loved ones. Without this, you simply cannot move forward. Therefore, do everything to strengthen your relationship with your family, especially with your significant other. Of course, you shouldn’t completely forget about work, because it also requires solving problems in a timely manner. You are talented, thoughtful and have amazing intuition.

The stars recommend that you be more attentive to your competitors and not succumb to their provocations. Do not allow quarrels under any circumstances, and, moreover, do not show aggression, otherwise even reliable partners may run away. Single representatives in favor of permanent relationships. Fate will give you a chance to start a family, just don’t miss it.

The Year of the Yellow Dog will be full for Dragons pleasant troubles related to the arrangement of your home and life. Many representatives of this sign, having objectively assessed the picture of their own lives, will decide at the beginning of 2018 to change their place of residence. Of course, the property issue is not one that can be resolved in short time . However, the Yellow Earth Dog herself will volunteer to help with all the Dragons’ plans, and therefore there is every chance that both the move and the purchase and sale of real estate planned by representatives of this sign will go both easily and surprisingly quickly. When planning a move, Dragons will get rid of many unnecessary things, and we are not just talking about some items. Representatives of this sign, without pity and without regret, will tear away all thoughts about the past (including about unsuccessful novels and about imaginary friends who betrayed them more than once or twice). It turns out that in the second half of 2018, a new chapter in life will begin for Dragons, filled with ease and incomparable spiritual comfort. Many Dragons will now decide to revive their love affair (we are talking about stable couples who have previously managed to avoid the threat of divorce). In such couples, peace and tranquility will settle in the year of the Yellow Dog, and moving to a new place of residence will only contribute to this in every possible way. At the same time, lonely Dragons, freed from memories of their past love, will immediately become eager to let a new person into their hearts. True, Dragons are so wise that they obviously will not appoint anyone to the role of their soulmate. Thus, the search for new love for representatives of this sign threatens to drag on for an indefinitely long time. In the lives of non-family Dragons, there will still be many people willing to brighten up their loneliness, and therefore they will not be bored. Another thing is that representatives of this sign will not yet be able to realize their dreams of creating a strong family home. But many new victories await each of the Dragons in 2018 in matters related to their career and finances. Under the auspices of the Yellow Dog, Dragons will have many unconventional ideas on how to become more successful and richer. Climbing to career Olympus will complicate the move for many Dragons, but they will resolve this issue quickly enough. Many representatives of this sign will see undeniable advantages in their move (for example, the opportunity to transfer to a thriving branch located near their new place of residence). Whether in their old place or settling in among new colleagues, Dragons will one way or another manage to achieve major career success and a long-awaited increase in salary. Representatives of this sign will most likely be promoted in mid-autumn 2018. It turns out that, fighting for career success, the Dragons will have to forget about traditional summer leisure. However, a complete refusal of legal leave will be fraught with major troubles for their body. The conclusion is this: as soon as the Dragons win a number of major career victories, they should still seriously think about complete relaxation. Horoscope for 2018 for the Water Dragon (1952, 2012) In the year of the Dog, Water Dragons will not tend to waste their time on trifles or waste their precious leisure time on a range of useless activities. Another thing is that representatives of this sign will include their personal life, pursuing their old hobbies, and other important things on the list of optional things to do. Providing an obvious example of what real careerists look like, Water Dragons will spend both days and evenings intended for leisure and their legitimate weekends at work. Of course, such diligence will bring very rich fruits, and Water Dragons will be able to make significant progress in financial affairs and careers. However, if representatives of this sign do not remember their family life, this will be a big mistake for them. The advice is this: Water Dragons need to periodically break away from their intense struggle for career success in order to be in the arms of a loved one, rejoice at the achievements of their common children, or take part in a move that was started with them. light hand, and which the ever-busy Dragons have made the responsibility of their other halves.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Wood Dragon (1964) For Wood Dragons, the main priority in the year of the Yellow Dog will be stormy social activity. And in the past, it was not common for representatives of this sign to stand aloof from everything that happens around them, but in 2018, the Wood Dragons’ penchant for publicity will reach its highest point. For this reason, they will constantly “shine”, attracting interest both with their daring outfit and with their extraordinary judgments about the life of society. Many Wood Dragons will begin to actively use the Internet in order to convey their unusual ideas regarding the picture of this world to a wide audience. One way or another, the ideas put forward by representatives of this sign will have both fans and opponents. While Wood Dragons enter into endless disputes, their personal lives will be covered in cobwebs. This will not be easy to admit to everyone who is in love with representatives of this bright sign. We can only wish their deprived other halves patience and more patience. There is a possibility that at the beginning of winter, Wood Dragons will still remember their personal lives and return in the arms of those who sacrificed a lot for them.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Fire Dragon (1976) For Fire Dragons, the Year of the Yellow Dog will not be a very eventful period of life. Representatives of this sign will be consumed by harsh everyday life, as well as the need to make a number of important decisions every second, again related to everyday life. It’s good that Fire Dragons are endowed with a strong, persistent character, which means that all these everyday troubles will not take away their optimism and will not make them scream from fatigue. However, quality rest will be simply vital for the Fire Dragons. Those representatives of this sign who will start planning their future vacation from mid-spring will be right. It is recommended that Fire Dragons spend it away from the bustle of the city, and not even at a noisy resort, but best of all at own dacha or in rural house from your close relative. Close contact with living nature will inspire Fire Dragons new life and will allow them to realize many important things. Thus, lonely representatives of this sign will understand that it was in vain that they always met people by their clothes, without deeply penetrating the essence of their character.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Earth Dragon (1988) Earth Dragons will easily gain great respect from the Yellow Dog. Representatives of this sign are characterized by mercy, humanity, and kindness (all the same qualities that the hostess of 2018 especially honors). It is not surprising that the Dog will be imbued with great warmth towards the Earth Dragon and will begin to patronize all the projects he has started. Among the projects that the Earth Dragons will take up, there will be many ideas designed to ensure the triumph of justice. While the Dragons are trying to eradicate evil, the Dog will diligently take care of the financial sphere of life of the representatives of this sign. As a result, in 2018, the Dragons will not win any new career victories, but their usual income will not become lower.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Metal Dragon (1940, 2000) The Yellow Earth Dog will actively encourage Metal Dragons to become more tolerant and calmer towards others. In order to teach the representatives of this sign a clear lesson, the Dog will leave them face to face with the fact - either change your hot-tempered nature, or you will not be able to achieve great success in some collective project. Metal Dragons are not only very impulsive, but also very wise, and therefore, for the sake of potential victories, they will, of course, agree to work on their intractable disposition. The result of this work on one’s own “I” will please both Wooden Dragons and their colleagues in work projects. Around mid-summer, work on this project will be behind us, and from this time on, a period of steady career growth will begin for the Metal Dragons.

The eastern horoscope for 2018 for the Dragon zodiac sign is generalized astrological forecast events for 2018 typical for all representatives of your zodiac sign. For a more accurate representation of the upcoming events of 2018, it is necessary to draw up a personal horoscope for 2018.

Years of birth of representatives of the Dragon sign: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

Dragon: briefly about the sign

The Dragon has natural strength and magnetism and has a passion for everything unusual and extravagant. The dragon is always full of energy and enthusiasm, so it is often difficult for household members to tolerate its excessive activity. Dragons never have enough; they constantly want more. The Dragon is an idealist who strives to realize all his ambitions, and those who dare to stand in his way can seriously suffer from the red-hot flames of all-destroying anger. The dragon does not tolerate failure; he is always confident in himself and in his superiority. The dragon always gets what he wants, even if he doesn't really need it and doesn't act wisely.

Eastern horoscope for the Dragon for 2018: the main thing

For the Dragon, 2018 is an ideal period to rethink their life values ​​and get their finances in order.

2018 Score for Dragon: 5/10

Motto for the Dragon for 2018:"Be careful!"

Dragon Predictions for 2018

In the compatibility tables of the eastern horoscope, the Dog sign is opposed to the Dragon sign, so for the latter, 2018 promises to be tense, at least harder than 2017. However, the elemental sign - "Earth Yang", the main element of 2018, is in harmony with the stable element of the Dragon, which also belongs to the element - Earth. This combination suggests that in 2018 the Dragon will be able to confidently cope with the problems that it will face, especially if it can foresee them in advance. In 2018, the Dragon needs not only to closely monitor his finances, but also his love. Perhaps events will not develop in the direction you would like, but often you will not be able to change the situation in any way, even with additional efforts. The Dragon must understand how important useful connections and acquaintances are, since they can influence his decisions and choices. Old enemies or rivals from the past may reappear and interfere with your life plans. To get fewer bites from the Yellow Earth Dog, the Dragon must learn to be softer and tame his pride and stubborn nature. Unaccustomed to compromise, the Dragon must understand that sometimes he must show humility, otherwise he may lose much more than he will concede.

Family and love relationships

Throughout most of 2018, the Dragon will face unpleasant situations and encounters that he will regret, but it will be too late. A dragon who is married or has been living with a loved one for a long time will face numerous conflicts and disputes in the family. You may even have to live separately for a while or return to your parents. Dragons in a couple should not overly criticize their partner in order to avoid the “Boomerang effect”, which can lead to a break in the relationship. Betrayal of a loved one or loved one is also possible in 2018.

Single and lonely Dragons will avoid love relationship and they will not be able to open their hearts and truly trust anyone. A single dragon may have to face unrequited love, because of which he will be very worried and suffer. It is in the Dragon's interests to lock the doors to his rich inner world and do not let in unfamiliar people and ill-wishers who like to feed themselves with other people’s energy and failures. Obviously, for marriage or the birth of children, the Year of the Dog cannot be called successful for representatives of the Dragon sign. A child born in the year of the Dog will never be able to become close to his mother or father Dragon, so it is better to wait.

Work and social life

In the professional sphere, you should also not expect great success. It is high time to abandon unnecessary and frozen projects that require a lot of time, financial investments and do not bring profit. In 2018, Dragons need to try to change their views on their profession and really evaluate their ambitions. The Year of the Dog is an ideal time to conduct various studies and develop one of the many hidden talents of the Dragon. In 2018, you can lose money, but at the same time gain a very dear person, and this will happen at the most unexpected moment. Financial investments can be very risky, so it is better to wait until next 2019 to invest. Now is the time to listen to the wise advice of friends and put them into practice. In 2018, the Dragon will still experience positive emotions, for example, when he goes on vacation, and it is recommended to discover new countries. We also advise Dragons to prepare in advance and thoroughly for the trip, and not to grab the first last-minute ticket they come across, in order to avoid fuss, haste and, as a result, a spoiled vacation. Unfortunately, the Dog does not get along with the Dragon in any way, so you will have to be alert and careful throughout not only the entire vacation, but throughout 2018.

Lucky and favorable months for the Dragon in 2018: month of the Dragon (April 2018), month of the Monkey (August 2018), month of the Rooster (September 2018), month of the Rat (December 2018).

Unfavorable months for the Dragon in 2018: Month of the Dog (October 2018).

2018, the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, will be a busy period for Dragons. Many good and bad events will happen in their lives, which will strengthen their spirit and give them confidence in their abilities. You should not be upset about minor troubles and look to the future with a positive attitude.

From the beginning of the year, the Dragons will have to get to work. They will be faced with many responsibilities and projects. For their conscientious implementation, they will receive a worthy reward. Those born in the year of this animal will resort to manipulation of colleagues and financial fraud. Cunning and deception will not bring the expected result, but will result in a damaged reputation.

In summer, you should pay attention to your health. A quiet, relaxing holiday in the mountains or on the seashore will restore strength and energize you.

In the fall, a difficult period will begin in relations with relatives. Quarrels and disagreements will begin to arise frequently in the family. Close person will be upset by his actions and will lose trust in the eyes of the Dragon.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Dragon woman

For Dragon women, the Year of the Dog will be a calm and rich period of achievements. On their way there will be minor troubles that can be easily overcome.

The year will be full of new acquaintances and communication. A person will appear nearby who will play a significant role in the lives of these ladies. His support will inspire them to new projects and help them unleash their creative potential.

In the fall, these women will find themselves in the grip of despondency. To avoid depression, it is recommended to stock up on optimism and positive thoughts. Gather good mood It will be possible from communication with family, a favorite hobby or a spontaneous trip.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Dragon man

For Dragon men, the Year of the Dog will be a favorable period. It will be full of new impressions and acquaintances. In the first half of the year, these men will be the center of attention among representatives of the opposite sex. Those in relationships need to be careful and not give in to fleeting feelings. Innocent flirting will serve as a reason for gossip in society and cause quarrels with your other half.

Those born in the year of this animal will meet an influential high-ranking person. Sincerity and pure intentions will help you get closer. A new friend will turn into a mentor and like-minded person. He will help with wise advice and assist in business.

Love horoscope

2018 for free Dragons will be full of love adventures and romantic dates. Thanks to their inner charm, these women and men will win many fans. They will gladly accept signs of attention and immerse themselves in a romantic atmosphere.

Family individuals will experience strained relationships with their other half. The horoscope advises not to give reasons for jealousy. On this basis, a scandal will break out, which could lead to a break.

Dragon Woman. Free Dragon women will be popular among people of the opposite sex. Several gentlemen will begin to pay attention to them at the same time. Such ladies will enjoy a series of romantic dates. Unexpected gifts and surprises will delight and inspire. Such relationships will be frivolous. To find a reliable partner, these women will have to make efforts and show seriousness of intentions. Married ladies will face family quarrels.

Dragon Man. For free Dragon men, the Year of the Dog will be a favorable period in the love sphere. They can easily find a partner for several dates or a woman with whom they want to start a family. The horoscope advises not to waste time on fleeting affairs and think about the future. Men who decide on a serious relationship will find harmony and understanding in union with their loved one. Family people will have quarrels with their other half.

Business horoscope

In 2018, Dragons will be purposeful and persistent. They will responsibly begin to implement job responsibilities, which will win the respect and favor of their superiors. In the second half of the year, these men and women will advance career ladder. Those involved in business will acquire new useful connections that will help expand their sphere of influence. In the fall, strained relationships will develop in the work team. Envious colleagues will want to appropriate the Dragon's works. They will begin to spread gossip and weave intrigues. To avoid such a situation, you should not show excessive trust in others and talk about your plans and successes.

Money horoscope

The year will begin with financial difficulties. The Dragons will be short of money. The horoscope advises not to despair, but to make more efforts in the professional sphere. In the second half of the year, your efforts will be generously rewarded. Increase to wages, extraordinary bonuses and bonuses will cover losses in the first half of the year. Additional sources of income will appear: the return of old debts, a share of an inheritance, or a successful investment. It is better to plan large purchases at the end of the year. During this period it will turn up profitable proposition, and the purchase will last for many years.

Health horoscope

In 2018, Dragons will be satisfied with their health. In winter, colds are not excluded. However, they will pass unnoticed. Periodically, states of apathy and fatigue will occur. A good rest will help you overcome them.

Those born in the year of this animal will think about maintaining physical fitness. It is recommended to choose group training or classes with a trainer.

The year brings the threat of domestic injuries and accidents. Therefore, you should avoid active recreation and take precautions when using electrical appliances.