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» Wallpaper for painting non-woven smooth germany. A simple and stylish option for updating your home interior: how to choose smooth wallpaper for your walls. Nuances of decor of different rooms

Wallpaper for painting non-woven smooth germany. A simple and stylish option for updating your home interior: how to choose smooth wallpaper for your walls. Nuances of decor of different rooms

A huge problem for almost any home owner is the need to select suitable wall coverings for renovations. So many nuances have to be taken into account, up to color range And technical characteristics. Smooth paintable wallpaper can be used in almost any room. These finishing materials are a kind of base, which is devoid of a foamed top layer.
There are several varieties of such wall coverings. They can be glued or unglued, for example. If you choose wallpaper for painting, smooth ones are perhaps the most universal solution. Consumers are also attracted to them by their affordable cost.

Useful properties of smooth wallpaper for painting

Smooth wall coverings have a number of excellent advantages, which include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • no deformation (they do not stretch or shrink during repairs);
  • camouflage function (hide small irregularities in the walls);
  • ease of use (they can be painted with water-based paints).

All this makes for a comfortable and pleasant use of such wall coverings in any interior.

During a full renovation, you cannot do without finishing the walls in residential premises, including the walls. And for exquisite design remains one of the best options plain wallpaper, capable of emphasizing more important elements interior Therefore, non-woven wallpaper for painting is increasingly leading among building materials with a textured surface. And as a main background, their base is great for repainting over and over again. Fiber-based wallpaper is much easier to glue to the wall, since it does not need to be pre-treated with glue. Their advantages over other finishing materials can only be assessed during application and long-term operation.

What do paintable non-woven wallpapers look like and what are they made of?

Non-woven fabric is inexpensive natural materials as a base for painting. They are elastic and hypoallergenic, have a porous structure, due to which the material “breathes”, that is, it tolerates temperature changes and increased humidity well. This is like a fabric produced on the basis of a different technology - non-woven. They look like a thin pressed layer cellulose wool, rolled out in several layers, where the outer one has an interesting textured pattern. For example, non-woven wallpaper for painting, photo:

Thanks to their unique properties, textured and smooth non-woven wallpaper for painting are leaders in the building materials market. They have a more natural, eco-friendly appearance than vinyl, and can easily withstand small expansions - they can stretch a little. And this is an indispensable quality when covering a base, which can gradually become wet and dry out, crack, or even mix when shrinking. No other material can hide microcracks and defects in the articulation of wood with plasterboard or brickwork. Therefore, they are used where construction needs to be completed quickly, without waiting for the house to completely shrink.

Non-woven wallpaper is produced on the basis of non-woven fabric, familiar to many dressmakers, which is used as a working material for strengthening from the inside - the sides of jackets, pockets, fur seams, etc. For painting in construction, this base is produced in rolls, like any other wallpaper. They are often coated with vinyl or polymer with front side. White non-woven wallpaper for painting or yellowish, cheaper and transparent ones are most often offered for sale. This makes it possible to paint them in any color, including spraying white enamel.

Non-woven fabric is a single-color fibrous base that is applied to the prepared surface. And although advertising says that they hide wall defects, in reality this is not entirely true. Any base for painting can hide only minor errors, but the walls must be carefully plastered or otherwise prepared for their application. There should be no areas of different colors or textures on the walls underneath them, as this will be immediately noticeable, even after painting. The base affects the final result when painting walls, so the shade of smooth non-woven wallpaper for painting should be close to the expected color of the walls.

Attention: This is a fairly transparent base, so if there was any decor or design on the wall, it must be painted over! All bulges and dents must be removed as for any other wallpaper. It is also necessary to remove old wallpaper and knock down tiles before plastering.

Fully non-woven or vinyl coated - it is fundamentally important only when choosing paint and glue. When gluing wallpaper, there is no need to wet it or soak it with glue, since it does not need to be soaked. This is very convenient when working with a large area, for example, on walls covering several floors near the stairs. It is enough to smear the wall with glue and mark a vertical line with a plumb line so that the cut part of the roll can be applied to the prepared base.

The main pros and cons of non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper enjoys well-deserved success not only among interior designers, but also among ordinary consumers, due to a number of properties:

  • wall finishing technology is extremely simple;
  • there is no need to apply glue to the panel, only the wall is coated;
  • the textured base does not require scrupulous adjustment to the “pattern”;
  • minor stains can always be painted over;
  • if there is a lack of finances during the repair, they can be left after pasting until the next stage - painting;
  • suitable for interior spaces any area and number of floors;
  • do not stretch, shrink or sag when applied;
  • do not support combustion and do not emit toxic fumes in the event of a fire;
  • retain high strength after several repaintings;
  • if necessary, the panels can be glued horizontally or at an angle, for example, under the stairs;
  • high noise absorption, especially with a noticeable relief, which is especially valued by musicians and music lovers;
  • repairs are relatively economical, especially with secondary painting;
  • the ability to frequently change the appearance of the interior;
  • hide small cracks and other defects in the surface of the walls;
  • are not afraid of shrinkage due to plasticity;
  • a natural hypoallergenic material based on cellulose fibers with fastening additives, making it recommended for bedrooms and children's rooms.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • big specific gravity- large canvases have to be glued together with an assistant;
  • you need to level the wallpaper on the wall carefully, there should be a little glue, and the glue that appears on the panel should be wiped off immediately so that there is as little as possible on the front side, from where it is difficult to remove;
  • the finely porous, unexpressed texture loses its properties after 2-3 paintings, especially when using heavy oily paints.

How to choose non-woven wallpaper for painting?

Not only non-woven wallpaper is used for painting, but also rolls of fiberglass, which has other technical specifications. Therefore, all these points need to be clarified when purchasing, especially from online catalogues. The instructions should indicate how to glue non-woven wallpaper for painting and what glue to use. Most often they use a special adhesive composition and water-soluble paints (emulsions) or enamels for vinyl with added pigment. The paint should be slightly darker than the translucent base (painting non-woven fabric).

Attention: Before purchasing, check the packaging to calculate the consumption. Wallpaper for painting such as Sintra, Marburg, Rasch is sold in boxes, and Practic in rolls.

When purchasing glue, you need to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for the wallpaper. If you couldn't find suitable composition V hardware store, use universal wallpaper glue, which is usually diluted warm water.

Today there are at least 150 varieties of paintable wallpaper from different manufacturers. When choosing painting non-woven fabric or wallpaper for painting, you should pay attention to:

  • length and width of rolls;
  • textured pattern;
  • composition (with or without vinyl);
  • shade options.

Attention: Some catalogs have a special option for selecting the color and recommended pigment. Computer tinting makes it possible to most accurately automatically match the shade of paint and base.

Among the manufacturers the most quality wallpaper for painting you can select:

  • German companies Marburg, A.S. Creation and Rasch Textile;
  • British Cole
  • French Casamance;

Some collections demonstrate a new design approach, innovative textures and protective coatings, 3D effect for extravagant interiors. There are also “anti-vandal” offers of increased strength and with an “anti-marker” coating that protects against children’s “arts”. And ERFURT produces wallpaper without a vinyl layer and without chemical components, and although they are less impressive, they are leaders in terms of environmental friendliness.

Wallpaper cutting

All cutting work is carried out on a clean floor, free from foreign objects, where it is convenient to roll out rolls. The reference length is measured along a plumb line in the center of the wall, since small errors are possible at the corners. The resulting value is measured on the first roll with a margin to allow for trimming at the baseboard.

Paintable wallpaper without a textured pattern does not require the selection of pattern repeat, which is required in a clearly patterned base. The reference piece is not pasted on - the rest of the panels are measured from it so that there is no error. Then it can be used at the end of the work. At the same time, the direction of the drawing is observed - top and bottom, if it is expressed.

Preparing the surface of walls and ceilings

Any wallpapering specialist will confirm that the final result and overall impression depend on the quality of the prepared surface. To avoid having to redo the work, tighten up loose corners or remove entire panels, it is worth carefully leveling and plastering the walls.

The whitewash needs to be washed off as much as possible, since the lime does not hold the non-woven material. It is important to strengthen any unstable base, and remove dust and dirt. It wouldn’t hurt to putty the walls again to level out all the cracks, nail marks and seams at the drywall joints. When the layer dries, it is sanded with sandpaper. in a circular motion, then you should apply a primer.

Old wallpaper and peeling paint are removed with a spatula, paper sheets are moistened with warm water and removed after soaking. Not everyone knows how to remove old non-woven wallpaper from a wall, especially if the painted vinyl layer on it is damaged. They can be removed even when dry, by prying the edges with a spatula, after which you must carefully pull them towards you.

Attention: Wallpaper falls off with a characteristic crunch, but this should not be taught to children so that they do not experiment in your absence!

Smooth painted walls After washing with a neutral soap composition, they are also treated with sandpaper so that it becomes rough. This makes it easier to apply non-woven wallpaper to the wall for painting, video at the end of the article.

The use of non-woven wallpaper for painting in the interior

Visually, this finishing material is 10-meter or 25-meter rolls of the usual width for wallpaper, about 1 m and 0.53. The catalogs have all kinds of textured patterns and a completely smooth base for painting. But they have their own varieties:

* vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven base for painting in the form of a thick canvas, onto which foamed vinyl is sprayed using a special technology;

* entirely fiber non-woven wallpaper, which is less common and differs in price.

When decorating large premises, designers often deal with the client’s desire to avoid colorful and repetitive options. And wallpaper on a non-woven basis for painting of different textures makes it possible to safely combine different textures in a single-color wall design. This is an indispensable property for noble and exquisite interiors different styles:

  • classic;
  • modern;
  • minimalism;
  • ecostyle;
  • historical styles.

Attention: The low cost of this base of domestic production or expensive imported products does not matter, all varieties are durable. They can be repainted several times, so these wallpapers are economical finishing materials. But if over time the surface vinyl has crumbled and peeled off in fragments, then there is no point in re-painting the wallpaper!

The embossed top of various textures can be selected from catalogs, and the best non-woven wallpaper for painting, imported, looks very impressive, especially in combination with certain paints. They can be painted in the traditional way or created an original decor:

  • spray drawings or shadows with an aerosol;
  • give the appearance of “golden” coinage;
  • paint the walls striped;
  • apply a stencil design to smooth non-woven wallpaper for painting, etc.

Another property is that you can make the walls neutral. This is the ideal background for expensive accessories, leather upholstered furniture or collections in glass cases. Such walls will suit almost any style, while their naturalness and environmental friendliness are felt. But remember that a fine texture looks lighter, while a large texture will make it visually heavier and better hide surface imperfections.

Another visual property of them is the creation of a cozy homely atmosphere, as they appear warm and welcoming. This is especially felt when painting in a warm, friendly color:

  • lactic;
  • caramel;
  • peach;
  • soft olive;
  • orange;
  • pale pink.

However, their advantage is also in the compromise option - when family members cannot come to a consensus on design solution. You can stick on a non-woven base for painting to complete a certain stage of the repair, and eventually decide on the color of the walls. Or make light walls for a while, and then repaint them more rich shade. The main thing is to immediately decide on the texture of the base, and then choose a paint for non-woven wallpaper for painting.

But this applies to a greater extent to non-woven wallpaper with vinyl.

Smooth wallpaper for painting- functional and profitable solution. You just need to select them once and easily change the design of the room many times using different kinds and shades of colors.

Smooth wallpaper for painting - a modern, environmentally friendly finishing material

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of materials for interior wall finishing. Smooth paintable wallpaper is always in demand. They are actively used for decorative cladding premises by professional interior designers. These coatings are good because they allow you to quickly and relatively cheaply not only change color scheme premises, but also transform the overall interior.

Smooth wallpaper for painting is good because gluing it ensures absolutely flat surface for painting. Smooth canvases can be repainted several times. The most common types of smooth wallpaper for painting are fiberglass and painting non-woven fabric. Both materials have proven themselves to be excellent quality finishing coating walls prepared for painting.

Fiberglass and its use for preparing walls for painting

Fiberglass, as a smooth wallpaper for painting, appeared on domestic market finishing materials relatively recently, but almost immediately it began to enjoy popularity both among individuals and among contracting teams professionally engaged in internal repairs premises. TO undeniable advantages This wall covering can be classified as:

  • Long service life, ranging from 10 to 50 years;
  • Versatility - fiberglass is suitable for finishing walls for painting in both residential and non-residential premises;
  • Good vapor permeability, thanks to which the walls can “breathe”, which completely eliminates the risk of mold and mildew;
  • High fire resistance - fiberglass not only does not burn, but also stops the spread of flame;
  • Resistant to temperature changes and high humidity indoor air.

Fiberglass is in the collections famous manufacturers decorative wall coverings, for example – Vitrulan, Brattendorf, Wellton and others. This modern environmentally pure material It is a smooth fabric consisting of fiberglass and an adhesive composition. Fiberglass for painting usually has a density of at least 130 g/m2. Fiberglass canvases with a lower density can be used for painting, but it should be kept in mind that the painted surface will not be completely smooth.

When gluing fiberglass, the canvases are glued vertically from ceiling to floor using special glue. After the glue has dried, fiberglass is extremely difficult to tear off from the wall, so it is used not only for final leveling surfaces for painting, but also for its additional reinforcement.

Painting non-woven fabric and its use for preparing walls for painting

Painting non-woven fabric can be called traditional alternative fiberglass. It also belongs to the category of smooth wallpaper for painting. This material, which is a non-woven fabric that looks like a sheet of Whatman paper, consisting of polyester textile fibers and long-fiber cellulose bonded together with acrylic polymer is widely used for:

  • Wall leveling;
  • Preparing them for painting without using finishing putty;
  • Prevention of cracks;
  • “Disguise” existing wall defects;

Painting non-woven fabric is excellent for finishing walls for painting in offices and inside public premises. This material has good wear resistance, it is not afraid of temperature changes and high air humidity. Average term The service life of painting non-woven fabric is at least 10 years. It withstands many stains, has no odor and does not emit into the atmosphere harmful substances. And, most importantly, the painting non-woven fabric is easy to work with; when gluing it, it does not stretch, tear, or shrink when dried.

Anyone can understand the nuances of covering walls with smooth wallpaper for painting, the main thing is to show the desire and ability to do something with your own hands.

Today there are many wallpaper options that allow you to paint your walls any color you like. All of them may differ in material, texture and pattern. Smooth paintable wallpaper, which is the subject of this article, is very popular among them.

General information

As you might guess, unlike embossed or structural wallpaper, which contain a certain pattern; there is no pattern on smooth canvases. Many people often have a question: why use such a coating if the walls can be painted on their own?

In fact, their purpose is not so much to decorate walls, as is the case with the use of conventional roll coverings, how much is involved in preparing the foundation. They are able to hide various imperfections in the walls and provide a perfectly smooth surface.

In fact, this material is an alternative to putty. It is often used not only for further DIY painting, but also as a substrate for decorative wallpaper.

Types of smooth wallpaper

Today there are two main types of smooth canvases for painting:

  • Non-woven;
  • Fiberglass.

Now let's take a closer look at their features.


In contrast, smooth canvases represent one base, without a top foam layer of vinyl, i.e. they are single-layer.

The fabric can be made of different types of cellulose fibers:

  • Modified or unmodified;
  • Glued or unglued.

The advantages of this coating include a number of advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Good susceptibility to water-based paints;
  • The ability to mask many wall imperfections;
  • No shrinkage when drying.

Note! Such fabrics can vary in density, on which their rigidity directly depends. The higher the density, the better they hide the flaws of the walls.


Fiberglass is a modern environmentally friendly material, which is a continuous, smooth non-woven fabric made of mineral fiberglass and organic resins. People also call it “cobweb”.

Unlike ordinary fiberglass wallpaper, fiberglass threads are arranged randomly. The coating may also vary in density. The higher it is, the higher the price of the material. Accordingly, the strength of the coating depends on the density.

Among the advantages of fiberglass, the following points can be highlighted:

  • The coating does not burn and even prevents combustion;
  • High durability;
  • Environmentally friendly, the material is vapor permeable and does not cause allergies;
  • It has heat resistance, water resistance and acid resistance;
  • Does not attract dust;
  • Resistant to fungi and mold.

Note! When working with fiberglass, you must wear gloves, since when cutting the fabric, small glass fibers can cause skin irritation. In addition, it is recommended to protect your eyes and respiratory system.

In the photo - gluing fiberglass to the ceiling

As for the use of the coating, it can be used on plastered or plasterboard-finished surfaces. Like non-woven fabrics, fiberglass can prevent cracking and other defects in the finish.

In addition, the “web” reinforces the surface of the walls or ceiling, giving them even more strength.

Liquid wallpaper

In addition to the options discussed above, there is also such a material as smooth liquid wallpaper. They are not roll coverings, but rather even belong to decorative plaster than to wallpaper, in the traditional sense of the word.

The composition is applied to the wall in a liquid state using a spatula, like plaster, but after drying it resembles a surface fabric wallpaper. However, this material should not be confused with decorative plaster, since its composition is completely different. In particular, there is no sand, and the base is made of cellulose or silk fabrics.

It must be said that the color of the material, unlike conventional roll coatings, is given before application to the surface, by adding color to the composition. The similarity with the materials described above lies in the ability to hide minor wall defects and the possibility of application without prior putty.

Other advantages include the following:

  • Environmental friendliness, the ability to “breathe”;
  • Applying the coating yourself is even easier than gluing rolled materials;
  • Possibility to restore the surface or even reuse the material. To do this, the coating must be scraped off with a spatula and soaked in water.
  • Attractive appearance.

They are most often sold in the form of a dry mixture. They should be mixed with water before use. Exact cooking instructions are available on the package. Here, perhaps, are all the points you should know about smooth wallpaper.


Smooth fabrics are an excellent alternative puttying, as they can significantly speed up the finishing process, and also have some other advantages. Therefore, their use in Lately is becoming more and more popular. In addition, alternative modern and original version is the use liquid wallpaper.

From the video in this article you can get some Additional information on this topic.