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» A sample of a questionnaire form. Job applicant application form: important legal aspects

A sample of a questionnaire form. Job applicant application form: important legal aspects

In order for the employer to assess the qualifications of a potential employee, a questionnaire is filled out by applicants when applying for a job. They answer questions and go through an interview, helping the boss evaluate the person.

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What it is

A questionnaire is a questionnaire that a person fills out independently by hand according to the specified points. The answers will help the employer get necessary information about the applicant and form an impression of the qualifications and character of the possible employee. If a citizen receives workplace, the questionnaire is filed with your personal file.

Each document is drawn up according to the company form, so it is characterized by several points:

  • the questionnaires are semi-closed in nature, since the applicant fills out most of the fields independently, but sometimes the answer is selected from the options offered;
  • the distribution method is determined by the communication method, since a certain citizen receives a document to determine the skills and knowledge for the position;
  • the questionnaire is developed taking into account individual characteristics workplace.

The employer does not have the right to publish or send out questionnaires en masse. Each enterprise can develop its own questionnaire. For example, some bosses are interested not only in qualifications, but also in the unique skills of the employee.

What is it for?

The questionnaire allows you to achieve several important goals:

  • provide the employer with information that will determine the feasibility of employment;
  • allow you to evaluate the qualifications and qualities of the candidate.

For citizens looking for work, the questionnaire is also important:

  • You can provide additional information that is not included in your resume;
  • gives you the opportunity to get to know your place of work better.

Is it obligatory

Article 65 Labor Code it was established that the questionnaire is not mandatory document during employment. The employer has the right to give the document to applicants and require completion before hiring.

Where can I download the form for free?

This will help the applicant prepare to fill out this questionnaire, and the employer will develop his own form based on the example.

How to compose correctly

There are 3 main questions that are asked in each questionnaire:

  1. General information.

Employers always ask for standard passport information, criminal records, current residential address, children, etc.

  1. Goals for the workplace.

In this section, the employer wants to hear about the applicant's motives. For example, what position is he applying for, is he planning career growth, can he work overtime or go on business trips, etc. In addition to the citizen's personality, many people ask about preferences, for example, advantages in a particular position, and hobbies.

A citizen can establish that he is interested in a decent salary, a good relationship in a team, on-site training, proximity to the workplace, etc. The applicant must put his preferences in order of importance, for example, the work schedule should be in first place, and a high salary in second place.

  1. Education information

Employers do not always ask about education, but for some, documented skills are important. Here you can enter not only your main diploma, but also completed courses and lectures relevant to the desired position.

Basic data

Typical information employers request includes:

  • Full name, citizenship, residential address;
  • education;
  • work experience, professional skills;
  • previous employment;
  • preferred salary level;
  • level of foreign language proficiency;
  • Family status;
  • whether there is a criminal record;
  • hobby.

Standard information may be the same as what is included in the resume, but additional information, such as lifestyle or habits, must be included. The better the employer gets a picture of a person, the better his chances.

For different specializations

Most questionnaires differ in the category where professional skills are required. They differ for different specialties. The information is entered in the “Information about work skills” column.

The employer wants to learn highly specialized skills. For example, a computer typing operator is asked about knowledge of certain programs and typing speed.

It is important for the driver to indicate the category and driving experience. A furniture specialist talks about past projects and furniture assembly experiences.

What questions should not be asked?

Article 86 of the Labor Code establishes that the employer does not have the right to demand information regarding certain personal data: religion, nationality, etc.

If you need to obtain this information for work (for example, to obtain access to state secret), then it is confidential and cannot be published.

How to fill

The form may be filled out using a blue or black pen on the form provided.

First, the accuracy of the information is checked, passport and diploma data are verified. At the end, you need to re-read the information about yourself for errors.

Sample filling:

What is better to remain silent about?

There are several nuances that are not recommended to be discussed:

  • It is undesirable to talk negatively about your previous place of work;
  • no need to talk about past mistakes;
  • there should be no doubt about qualifications or professionalism.

Application form for employment in the civil service

Government No. 667-r established the form for accepting documents for the civil service. It can be used when participating in an election campaign.

Form 4

The standard questionnaire contains the following columns:

  1. The word “Questionnaire” is placed in the middle.
  2. There is space for a photo in the upper right corner.
  3. The main part is a column with 2 columns.
  4. Below the table there is free place, where you can indicate your time of study and past work experience. It is required to indicate the years of entry and departure from the position. It is recommended to add the address and name of the organization.
  5. Below you need to write down information about military duty, relatives, traveling abroad.
  6. At the end there is a personal signature and date. Just below there is space for the employer’s signature and the date of acceptance of the document by the HR department. The employee puts a stamp between the two dates.

How to fill out and sample

It is required to provide detailed information about labor activity and relatives, including their dates of birth, names, places of work and addresses.

There is a separate block 3 in the form where you need to enter:

  • trips abroad with dates;
  • Availability military rank or duties;
  • actual address of residence and as in the passport, if they differ;
  • basic data of a civil and foreign passport;
  • TIN and SNILS.

If there is space in the questionnaire, you can provide additional information. This column is the last, then the applicant confirms the accuracy of the data with a signature.

For sales consultant

Should include several important blocks. The first to fill out the section on personal information is to enter your passport details. Then the work experience is recorded with the start and end dates of the activity.

Information is briefly written about the previous employer, what responsibilities and achievements the person had. It is recommended to pay attention to the results of work, confirming them with numbers.

For example, a sales consultant can enter:

  • served more than 200 customers at the checkout daily, accepted non-cash and cash payments;
  • helped customers choose a product of a certain category, so sales increased by 25%;
  • daily displayed goods on designated shelves, won a competition for window dressing;
  • was involved in unpacking and arranging price tags for goods, which made it possible to serve customers faster;
  • Reported monthly to the employer regarding new products.

Then the key skills of the employee are filled in, it is necessary to clarify what affects the person’s professionalism. For example:

  • involved in the sale of cosmetics for 5 years;
  • has excellent knowledge of a range of specific products;
  • knows how to find contact with customers;
  • knows the cash register, understands the rules for issuing and accepting money;
  • understands the importance of customer-oriented service;
  • knows how to work in a team and achieve goals together;
  • knows the rules of trade and understands the law on protecting the rights of buyers.

The sections with achievements are filled in last. The citizen is asked to indicate professional differences. It is recommended to express yourself clearly and provide specific information. For example, a citizen can work in a high-traffic store and calmly serve many customers without rest.

What should an employer do with the application form?

If a citizen is refused to sign an agreement, the application is retained by the employer and the information remains confidential. If the applicant has received a position, the application form is filed in a personal file and stored at the enterprise.

Filling out the application form is one of the mandatory steps when looking for a job. Based on the information received, the employer will draw conclusions about the professional and personal qualities of the citizen, his work experience and expectations.

It is important not to forget that the document is official, so you need to fill out the fields compactly and with confirmation of the words spoken.

During the preliminary interview, one of the essential tools selection becomes a questionnaire. It helps to get to know the applicant better.

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How to correctly compose an applicant’s application form when applying for a job in 2019? An employment questionnaire allows the employer to form an initial opinion about the candidate.

But for this you need to choose the right questions. How to write a job applicant application form in 2019?

Important aspects

Large companies conduct surveys of candidates on own rules, dictated by the characteristics of immediate activity.

At the same time, the applicant is rarely informed about the upcoming survey. The emphasis is on surprise; it is believed that in this case the applicant’s answers will be more honest.

Labor legislation does not contain special standards that would regulate the content of such a questionnaire.

The information depends entirely on the employer’s goals. However, there are some generally accepted and mandatory fields.

One of the employer's requirements is to fill it out in your own hand.

Based on the information received from the questionnaire, the employer gets an idea of ​​the applicant’s work experience and his personal characteristics.

Basic Concepts

An applicant's application form for employment is a questionnaire containing questions of interest to the employer. As a rule, such a questionnaire is compiled by the personnel department.

There is no single template for the questionnaire, and there cannot be one, since the specific nature of the activity is of primary importance in this case.

Each organization develops a questionnaire for the applicant based on its own needs, including the truly necessary information.

For example, someone collects information on the basis of which an employee’s personal file is subsequently created. For others, it is more important to find out through a questionnaire whether the applicant has the qualities necessary for the job.

An applicant questionnaire is an indispensable tool for a recruiter, since even the most detailed one may not display the necessary information.

Typically, an applicant's application form consists of several blocks. The very first contains standard information:

  • Full Name;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • registration and residence address, contact details;
  • passport data;
  • educational level;
  • previously held positions, work experience;
  • Family status;
  • hobbies.

This block is present in almost all job application forms, since it allows you to collect factual data about the applicant.

But further content is determined based on the needs of the employer. Depending on what is more important to get in the end, questions are drawn up.

If a company wants to hire a highly qualified specialist, then the questions relate to professional activity and knowledge in a certain area.

When is it more important for an organization to set certain personal qualities, then the survey concerns precisely this area.

For what purpose is it formed?

By correctly questioning potential employees, the recruiter receives Additional information, which is not customary to find out during an interview or you don’t want to spend extra time on it.

Such information includes, for example, marital status and contacts of relatives. Typically, the questionnaire is filled out by the applicant directly during the interview or immediately after it.

The completed application form is stored in the employee’s personal file if it is. The applicant questionnaire allows you to conduct more qualitative analysis applicant.

By comparing the answers given during a personal interview and the answers to the questionnaire, you can determine how well a candidate fits a particular role.

But you should know that the questionnaire is an internal document containing the personal data of the citizen. Therefore, this document cannot be provided to third parties.

Only an HR specialist or other authorized person has the right to work with him. When compiling a questionnaire, it is important to clearly indicate the purpose of its use in work.

You need to understand whether the questionnaire is simply a formality of office work or an additional tool for assessing the candidate.

The purpose of the applicant questionnaire depends on who is using it:

The HR inspector is interested in the applicant's profile from the point of view of completeness of information about the employee Indicating data from personal documents in the form allows you to use it in the future in your work. In this case, there is no need to “raise” your personal file or look for the necessary information. All necessary information indicated in the application form
The manager and HR manager can obtain additional information about the candidate from the applicant’s application form In general, this contributes to a more adequate assessment, especially against the background large quantity applicants, when all applicants “merge” and it is impossible to make a choice
For a job seeker, a job application form is no less important. By answering the questionnaire, you can get to know your future employer. By assessing the content of the questions, you can draw some conclusions about the requirements and characteristics of the company, its corporate culture

Ideally, the applicant's application form should include questions that allow the candidate to be assessed from the standpoint of compliance with his personal and professional specifications.

That is, based on the answers, it should be clear whether the person’s qualities allow him to successfully perform a certain job.

There is no point in compiling a separate applicant profile for each position.

Questioning in personnel records management often involves drawing up three forms of questionnaire:

  • for workers and junior service personnel;
  • for specialists and technical performers;
  • for managers.

But it is more convenient to create one general questionnaire and create several applications, depending on the categories of employees.

Normative base

The labor legislation does not approve a single standard template for a job application form, nor does it regulate the content of such a document.

Therefore, the main points of the questionnaire are developed in accordance with legal norms and the practical activities of the business entity.

The law does not prohibit an employer from collecting necessary information about employees. The main thing to remember is the provisions.

This contains a ban on the collection and processing of personal data relating to religious, political and other beliefs.

Disclosure of personal data, transfer of such to third parties or public access is already punishable by criminal law.

Employers whose questionnaires are quite detailed need to foresee in advance the voluntary nature of providing personal data.

Moreover, when the applicant agreed to fill out the questionnaire, he is obliged to provide only truthful information.

The employer has the right to terminate employment contract in case the employee provides false information.

How to fill out a standard job seeker application form

Knowing how to correctly fill out a standard application form for an applicant when applying for a job will definitely not be superfluous. The practice of questioning is used by most employers today.

To fill it out correctly, you should know a few rules:

You should not refuse to fill out the form Some applicants refer to the presence of a resume. But often the questionnaire contains questions that are rarely disclosed in a resume. You should notify the employer about the availability of your resume, and he will decide whether the application is needed or not
You must read the entire form before filling it out. Often the same questions are duplicated at the beginning and end of the survey. This is done deliberately in order for the applicant to distort the transmitted information.
The form must be filled out in legible handwriting No one will bother to sort out incomprehensible scribbles, and such a questionnaire will simply be excluded when selecting an employee
You need to be careful when listing your previous places of work. You may need to list your jobs starting with your first or most recent. This is important, confusion in answers will indicate inattention
If the previous employer worked under a well-known brand But first you need to indicate exactly trademark, and only then the legal name
If contact details of previous employers are required Ignoring this point may cause the employer to think that the review will be negative
You must fill out all fields of the form Before adding a dash, it is better to think about how you can fill in the column. An empty questionnaire indicates an attitude towards work in general.
When you need to express your opinion It is better to avoid “water”, to be specific and concise
Questions about hobbies, achievements, failures, etc. must be answered. Lack of answers may indicate that the applicant is closed or limited
The question about the expected salary level is contained in almost every questionnaire. The price should not be too high, but the price should not be too low either. It is better to indicate 10-15% more expectations. In this case, you need to consider how such a position is paid in other companies.

What data is included in the form?

When preparing for an interview, the applicant should be prepared for the possibility of filling out a questionnaire. To do this, you need to know what is most often included in such questionnaires.

All information can be divided into several categories:

general information This includes personal identifying information, marital status, family composition, contact information, residential address, family composition, citizenship, etc.
Data on the company's prospects It contains questions about the desired position and salary level, motivation, convenience, transport accessibility, desired development prospects
Information about educational level The questions in this block concern completed educational institutions, form of training, additional education, availability of certain knowledge and skills
Work experience information Standard questions relate to previous places of work and positions held. The employer can evaluate how often the applicant changed jobs, what was the reason for leaving previous jobs, and how responsibilities changed. In general, this block allows you to analyze career development and psychological characteristics applicant
Information regarding professional skills Here you can find out what knowledge you have that may be useful in your work.
Recommendation data The contact details of previous employers are indicated here. If the applicant does not fill out this block, the employer has reason to think about the suitability of the applicant
Health information The questions are designed to determine not only the candidate’s ability to work, but also his addiction to addictions. Based on the answers, the issue of employment in general and an individual work schedule can be decided.
Information about hobbies and interests Questions may sound different, their purpose is to find out how the applicant spends his free time

In addition, the application form may include other data, for example, information about one’s own self-esteem, opinion about the company, a list of strengths and weaknesses etc.

When filling out the application form, it is advisable for the applicant to answer as honestly as possible, since similar questions may be asked during the interview.

At the same time, if some questions seem too personal or incorrect, the applicant is not required to answer them.

You can write “I consider this information to be purely personal” as an answer. This answer also reflects the personality of the applicant.

What is better not to indicate in the document?

Some questionnaires may contain very tricky questions, and sometimes simply incomprehensible. Before giving an answer, you need to think carefully about what the employer would like to hear.

Before each answer you need to clearly formulate your thought. But main principle This is to answer honestly, without hiding existing shortcomings and without embellishing advantages.

Both will become clear sooner or later. It is not advisable to indicate the following information in the applicant application form:

Sample filling

The applicant's application form when applying for a job can be shortened or expanded. The shortened version contains questions that allow you to evaluate a candidate in cases where there are no special requirements for the position.

If the applicant has many requirements for complex work, then it is more convenient to use an extended questionnaire.

This contains in addition general information and questions that reveal the candidate’s personality more fully.

The standard questionnaire consists of the following questions:

  1. FULL NAME. applicant.
  2. Date and place of birth.
  3. Family status.
  4. Registration and residence address.
  5. Passport data.
  6. Education.
  7. Experience.
  8. Additional skills and knowledge.
  9. Desired position and salary.

The extended questionnaire additionally includes questions about personal characteristics, work and life goals, life position and other significant moments.

Based on the completed questionnaires, the most suitable candidates are selected, who are then invited for an interview or selected for the position.

As a sample application form for an employee when applying for a job, a template form for a shortened type of applicant when applying for a job and an extended application form for an applicant when applying for a job.

Nuances during employment

The form of the applicant's application form and its content are determined by the specifics of a particular position. When filling out the application form, you need to focus on professional skills and personal qualities.

It would not be superfluous to indicate such qualities as:

  • communication skills;
  • politeness;
  • accuracy;
  • decency.

In the professional and educational sections, you can provide information about your knowledge of the principles of successful activities, communication, and participation in various trainings and seminars.

But basically, the indication of certain information depends on the profession. So, in the driver’s profile, you need to indicate the presence of driving skills, open categories, and the absence of emergency situations.

For a security guard, it is desirable to indicate experience in the army, proficiency in martial arts, and good physical fitness.

For a hairdresser, in addition to experience and work skills, communication skills and cleanliness are important.

The accountant should indicate the absence of a criminal record and knowledge of special software. That is, each profession has its own nuances.

In a restaurant

Working in a restaurant rarely requires higher education As a rule, the educational block is not important at all. Although receiving special knowledge inquiries regarding vacancies are welcome.

But the main attention is paid to attentiveness, politeness, communication skills, good memory, and competent speech.

Restaurant activities require employees to be neat and presentable. appearance. When hiring a restaurant, special attention is paid to the health of the candidate.

Every employee in the catering industry is required to have a health certificate, and without one, employment is simply impossible. Temporary opportunities can also be significant.

Video: how to fill out forms correctly

Working in a restaurant may require overtime. It is advisable for management to know in advance whether the employee will be able to work overtime if necessary.

Sales Manager

The specifics of the position of sales manager require compliance with a number of specific requirements:

  • age – from 18 to 30 years. It is believed that at this age employees are most active and capable of development;
  • marital status - the absence of family ties is desirable, since this profession assumes
  • irregular working hours and frequent absence of days off;
  • presentable appearance;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • sociability;
  • stress resistance;
  • negotiation skills.

If the first two points are desirable, then all the rest are required. Typically, a sales manager's questionnaire consists of a standard questionnaire about personal data and a questionnaire with specific questions.

Often the question presents a situation that the candidate must resolve.

Sometimes the questionnaire includes passing various tests. As an example, a sales manager’s application form for employment.

For administrator

When applying for an administrator position, an applicant application form is drawn up to determine the candidate’s suitability.

The administrator is required to:

  • communication skills;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • a certain level of education;
  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • management skills.

The administrator's questionnaire includes questions such as:

  • level of education (graduated institution, acquired specialty);
  • knowledge of languages ​​(with or without knowledge, spoken, perfect);
  • additional education;
  • knowledge of PC and certain programs;
  • previously held positions;
  • reason for changing jobs;
  • indication of people who can give professional characteristics.

A person is hired for a new job not only on the basis of the results of the conversation. Questioning is the first stage of acquaintance between an employer and a potential employee. The latter is asked to fill out a short questionnaire. The employment application form is issued directly at the interview. The results obtained allow management to form a primary opinion about the skills of the future employee.

Current legislation does not provide for a specific form of this questionnaire. The job interview questionnaire is drawn up by the employer taking into account his preferences. The main thing is to take into account the requirements for privacy. You can get acquainted with them in the corresponding legal acts(Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The applicant's application form should not cover topics such as:

  • religion;
  • race;
  • nationality;
  • origin;
  • financial position.

They may well become a stumbling block if the candidate is rejected. Referring to the articles of the Criminal (Article 136) and Labor (Article 64) Codes, he can go to court.

Another important nuance is compliance with the law “On Personal Data”. A job application form (if it is very detailed) cannot be filled out by the applicant without his written consent. More detailed information is provided in the specified legal document (clause 4 of article 9).

Do you need a resume?

In the process of filling out a job application, an applicant may encounter questions already covered in the resume. The possible solutions are:

  • Make a reference in the application form to the provided paper, thereby unwittingly complicating the actions of the personnel officer.
  • Rewrite information from your resume.

The second option is not convenient for the candidate himself. However, he can use a marker to focus the recruiter’s attention on more important points of the resume.


To make it convenient for the applicant to fill out the questionnaire, its items should be grouped into categories. It is better to start the questionnaire with standard questions, and place highly specialized questions a little lower. You should further consider sample possible questions.

Employee information

This section is the simplest. It is filled out based on the following information:

  • Date of birth.
  • Place of stay.
  • Contact details.
  • Family status.
  • Presence of offspring.
  • Military duty.

Sometimes employers are interested in whether there are problems with the law.

Goals regarding work

Here you should place items regarding the desired salary, position, etc. The candidate’s attitude towards work trips is also determined at this stage.

Sometimes employers include a list of qualities or advantages in the sample application form. The applicant is asked to rank them in an order acceptable to them. This allows management not just to get a dry answer, but to understand what the applicant focuses on most when choosing a job.

Education, work experience

Not all employers ask about the applicant’s diploma. Many people are interested in having experience and working skills. For example, if you want to get a job as a secretary, the applicant should indicate your skills in using office equipment and computer programs. The candidate’s indication of previous places of work allows the employer to draw a conclusion about his stability as an employee.


In some enterprises, a sample application form for employment contains items about the candidate’s health. To prevent this topic from being equated with interference in personal life, it is necessary to correctly formulate the question. For example, check with the applicant whether he requires special conditions labor for medical reasons? The candidate, in turn, must also indicate whether he has a disability (if any) or other ailments. The latter are important if they involve regular treatment in a hospital setting. Concealing this kind of information will deprive the future employee of the right to benefits, etc.

You can download a sample application form for employment here.

Filling out the questionnaire

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of how to correctly fill out a candidate’s application form for a position. There are a number of recommendations that a potential employee should adhere to. Here are their examples:

  • Honesty. When filling out the questionnaire, the candidate should answer the questions as truthfully as possible. Otherwise, the employer has the right to terminate the employment agreement if it received false information. This is stated in Art. 81 Labor Code.
  • Accuracy. Filling out the proposed job application form is done manually, so you need to first skim through the text. It is better to think in advance what to write in each answer. This will help avoid blots and typos.
  • No passes. It is considered extremely impolite to ignore any point. If the text of the question is not relevant to the candidate, do not be afraid to indicate this (or you can put a dash).
  • There is no need to try to invent non-existent qualities in order to appear smarter and please management. This will not help you get hired. But adequate humor, tact and goodwill will quite play into the hands of the applicant.

To make this procedure more comfortable for the applicant, you can provide him with a sample form. Knowing how to correctly fill out the proposed job application, the candidate will be able to avoid common mistakes.

Before the interview, the applicant can prepare in advance. The right thing to do is to learn how to fill out a job application.

When a crisis occurs, the market is filtered. Weak companies leave, strong ones remain.

A pre-assembled customer base is one of the tools that makes the company more resistant to changes in financial weather.

Because you already know by sight the clients who have already bought something from you or who were at least once interested in your products, and you can quickly and effectively restore contact with them.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you have wholesale, services or a store - a customer profile and the formation of a database through it is necessary for everyone.

formation of the base. Why is this?

Just don’t immediately say that it is impossible for you to conduct customer surveys. At one time, we collected contacts and customer reviews even in a butcher shop.

Where people most often go after work, tired and with a great desire to quickly get home, and not do their writing, and for an ordinary counter.

You can collect contacts anywhere and anytime. And first of all, you must decide what information you will collect.

You need to think and decide what information about the client will be useful for you and will bring practical benefits, and what is just for show.

The questionnaire is just a stepping stone before your further actions in which you will use this information.

If we take the minimum marketing package as a basis: calls, mailings, birthday greetings. Then you must collect the following items:

  1. Company name (B2B only);
  2. Birthday;
  3. Cellular telephone;
  4. Email.

You take further points from your needs. For example, in a store you can also find out the birthdays of loved ones.

This is necessary in order to make special offers for your buyer. sentences with the text: “Your wife/friend/mother’s birthday is coming up.

You can buy a gift for them from us with a 30% discount.” By the way, we successfully practiced this in a flower salon.

In the B2B segment you will need to work a little harder, since the more information you collect, the better.

Examples of questionnaires in action

There is a big difference in data collection in trading floor and over the phone, now I’ll tell you more.

In the case of a telephone, you can say that you fill out the questionnaire yourself and most often weave in additional questions to identify client needs during a conversation.

Based on the results of the communication, the information is also entered not on a printed sheet of paper, but directly into it, in order to simplify further work with the data.

Therefore, this section will be most interesting for stores or companies where the client fills out the questionnaire himself.

In addition to the fact that you only need to collect useful information, You also need to know that the fewer fields there are in the questionnaire, the more willing they will be to fill it out.

Don't think that additional fields give the questionnaire credibility. No, they only irritate the client. Therefore, the “colder” the client, the shorter the client profile should be.

Below you can see a survey questionnaire template (unformatted version). This is the most minimal version of a new client profile that you can create.

It’s not difficult to supplement it, but we first need to implement this fundamental part according to the rules and laws of marketing, and only then move on.

Example of a questionnaire

  1. Name. We specifically emphasize that this questionnaire is only for special people.

    This flatters the client and eliminates the reluctance to fill it out, because everyone wants to be classified as a VIP client.

  2. Purpose of collection. Under the title you must write why you are collecting contacts.

    In our example, it is no coincidence that “Closed sales” is at the beginning; this once again emphasizes the client’s status and shows his future benefit, that this is a questionnaire for receiving various bonuses.

  3. FULL NAME. This item combines three components - first name, last name and patronymic.

    You also don’t need to split it into several parts, because each answer is an additional field that visually makes the questionnaire more massive.

  4. Birthday, phone number and e-mail. We help the client understand in what format to enter his data, so that he has a minimum of thoughts and a maximum of actions.

The printed form must contain consent to receive mailings and process data (below).

This is very important point! Without it, don’t even launch the profile “to the people.” The fines are now huge, and people who take advantage of your omission are just waiting for it.

Therefore, we received a signature on the form and put it in a distant box (do not throw it away).

Important. The database needs to be constantly updated. People leave, lose their phones, change their email, and if you don’t track this, then you can make hasty conclusions about efficiency and generally work in vain.


Additional feature

Remember what I said about collecting birthday dates for friends and family? This is a very useful feature.

But I have an even more advanced mechanic for you, where the client leaves, instead of dates (after all, they are not so easy to remember), contact information of your potential clients who may be interested in your product.

The mechanics are very simple. You promise to give a gift to three people whom he indicates in the questionnaire.

To do this, you just need to write their names and contact numbers/emails. Moreover, you can also give him an additional gift for leaving these contact details. This will be the second motivation.

Another example of a questionnaire

And then attention. After receiving a completed form with the contacts of three friends, you need to contact them with the words: “Your friend Ivan Ivanovich has prepared a gift for you s_____, you can pick it up at the store s_____ at the address: s_____.”

The phrase is not verbatim, but just an idea to think about, that you need to refer to the recommender and do it as if he was great, and not just handed over your contacts.

5 motivations for filling out a questionnaire

It’s not enough to just do it and place the form near the cash register. It will just lie there and no one will fill it.

You also need to motivate people to fill it out. Moreover, you must come up with additional motivation even for those who have at least some contact with you, and not just buy from you.

To do this, I have prepared for you 5 of our most popular methods of collecting and forming a database.

Database collection methods
  1. Proposal to inform customers about new products. This method is especially relevant in wholesale.

    Almost all wholesalers love to receive SMS about new arrivals of goods and, accordingly, to be among the first to purchase them, because they think that new items on their shelves are the key to a chest of money.

  2. Questionnaire for receiving a bonus card. In Russia, people still love discounts and will willingly fill out a form if you offer a discount or bonus card in return.

    And there is one more little trick. You don’t have to give the cards right away, but take the completed form from the client and call him after 2-3 days and invite him to pick up the card. T

    Thus, the client will appear at least 2 times, and even better, he will leave with a purchase.

  3. A small gift in exchange for filling. Everything is simple here, the client fills out a form and receives a gift in exchange.

    The gift must be valuable (note, not expensive, but valuable). In each niche, valuable gifts can be different products, but as a rule, this is what you always need, but it’s a pity to buy it yourself.

  4. Lottery. You are launching a win-win lottery, where to participate you just need to fill out a form (even those who haven’t purchased).

    The lottery can be instant and the person will immediately receive the prize, or you can schedule it for a specific day and time if the gift is significant and you are sure that people will come for it.

  5. Competition for staff. Effective method, if you launch it simultaneously with the lottery.

    The idea is simple - the seller/manager who brings the most completed questionnaires within a certain time will receive a reward.

    As a reward, trips to a camp site or trips to a beauty salon for women sell well.

In order for a potential client’s questionnaire to be filled out well and the database to be collected, there must be some kind of pretext.

And this excuse should be valuable to your customers. Don’t just put the forms next to the sales manager, but hang up the appropriate information signs.

Launch sweepstakes and staff competitions at the same time. Believe me, the client base is not something you should skimp on.

Important. You don't need a customer satisfaction survey right away. First, collect a database, and only then use it to conduct a quality survey of clients.

Your gifts from partners

Briefly about the main thing

Every day people are less willing to leave their data. I am proof of this myself. Therefore, do not expect 100% completion and collection in the “as it goes” format.

You need to approach this systematically and a little creatively, especially if you have a lot of competition.

But I assure you, when you gather a base of your clients and it helps you out at the right time, you will never underestimate this process again.

Just don't rejoice too early. Collecting the database is only half the battle. What is more important is not the quantity of questionnaires, but the quality.

And this indicator is measured by how positively your base reacts to promotions and offers.

This is not easy to achieve and will require other work from you. But no one said it would be easy.

Questionnaire, translated from French, means investigation. Employers use surveys to form a team of employees capable of performing assigned tasks as efficiently as possible, without conflicts or clashes of interests. A properly compiled questionnaire is the key to success in achieving this goal.

Questionnaires serve different purposes than resumes. A resume is a representative document from a candidate to an employer, in which he focuses on his professional qualities. The questionnaire is compiled by the employer to determine not only the level of professionalism, but also the personal and psychological state of the applicant.

According to the Government Order, filling out a questionnaire is mandatory when applying for a job in the state and municipal service through a competition. In other cases of employment, the survey is done at the discretion of the employer.

The document can be short (no more than 10 questions) or extensive (up to 30 answers). The higher the position, the requirements for knowledge and experience, the more information the employer wants to receive.

Thanks to a well-designed questionnaire, it is determined:

  1. Psychological stability. Indirect confirmation will be information about marital status, presence of children, place of residence.
  2. Professional interest: reasons for joining, proposed projects, working overtime, business trips, training.
  3. Sociability, non-conflict.

The document contains several subsections, each of which has its own meaning. General information and a photograph are required parts. Data on residence, marital status, education, qualifications, specialty, position, work experience must be confirmed by relevant documents in case of hiring. In this case, the questionnaire is included in the employee’s personal file.

If a vacancy is rejected, the document is stored in the enterprise/organization database. In any case, the questionnaire must contain a clause regarding consent to the processing of personal data. The employer is responsible before the law for maintaining their confidentiality.

Who compiles the questionnaire

The standard questionnaire was approved by the Government Decision for applicants for positions of state and municipal employees. It has its own peculiarity and cannot be used in full by other employers. Each enterprise has the right to develop its own templates for filling out employment questionnaires, taking into account the specifics of its activities and requirements for candidates.

In large, multi-industry enterprises, it is not practical to use one type of questionnaire. It should contain two parts: with general information and highly specialized.

The general or standard section contains the data necessary when hiring an applicant for a job to draw up a personal file and an employee card - this is:

  • personal information,
  • information about relatives,
  • education,
  • experience,
  • questions about criminal records,
  • opportunities to work full time (for disabled people of group 3),
  • driver's license.

The motivational part of the document, which contains a request about the candidate’s professional ambitions, is appropriate for vacancies with prospects for career growth. This block also includes a question about the expected level of wages.

The questionnaire is completed by asking whether the applicant agrees to the processing of his personal data.

Specialized issues are included upon the recommendation of the manager in whose department the vacancy exists. Here you need to specify specific types activities: knowledge foreign languages, programming, accounting, financial reporting and the like.

Where can I get the application form?

Ready-made application forms for employment can be downloaded from the Internet, selecting the most suitable option. Specialized sites offer ready-made forms, to use which you just need to print them on a printer.

You can familiarize yourself with the questionnaire of companies related by type of activity, taking it as a basis or completely copying it. For example, questionnaires from Sberbank and Aeroflot are posted on the Internet. Reputable enterprises have on their staff highly qualified personnel of lawyers, psychologists, and personnel officers who have developed samples for internal use.

How to fill it out correctly

Attention! You are asked to fill out the questionnaire immediately before the interview.

At the same time, it is assessed how quickly, competently, and accurately it is completed. Carelessness, unclear handwriting, and corrections will create a negative impression of the candidate. To avoid such a mistake, you must first familiarize yourself with the standard content by downloading the job application form. Prepare documents from which information will be entered.

There should be no inaccuracy, typos, or omission of questions. The applicant must understand that the personal information will be checked against the submitted photocopies of the passport, diploma, and certificates. And the documents themselves will be checked for authenticity.

Sample filling

An approximate version of the questionnaire begins with a table of contents and a photo, for example: vacancy _______________ photo.

Then, after the title of the document, follow:

  1. FULL NAME _______________________________.
  2. Data on date of birth, citizenship, place of residence-registration, passport information, contacts (home, mobile phone, e-mail).
  3. Family status and information about parents and children.
  4. Educational qualification: indicating the period of study, name educational institution, diploma specialty. Then, if any, advanced training courses and a second specialty are listed. Knowledge of languages ​​and use of software products are indicated.
  5. Work experience (countdown): periods of work, company name, position.
  6. Additional information regarding driver's licenses, criminal records.
  7. Point about consent/disagreement of storing personal information in the database.

Attention! The document should not contain questions of a discriminatory nature: about nationality, faith, state of health.

Filling out a job application form is an intermediate step before the interview and making a decision on choosing a candidate. There are survey requirements for both parties: the employer and the candidate. Questions should be concise, understandable, and not infringe on rights. Answers must be written to the point, without allowing distortions or corrections, in legible handwriting.