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» Description of the pink radish variety, beneficial and harmful properties. Varieties and types of radish: early ripening and late ripening

Description of the pink radish variety, beneficial and harmful properties. Varieties and types of radish: early ripening and late ripening

One of healthy vegetables in our gardens there are radishes. Usually they grow black ones, but there are several types of radishes. The skin of the root crop can be white, green, or red, although the flesh of all varieties is often white and dense. There are winter and summer varieties of vegetables depending on the time of consumption of the product. And all varieties of vegetables bring benefits. The root vegetable is used to cleanse the body and improve the functions of the gallbladder. But it’s difficult to cure a cough without radishes.

Radish belongs to the members of the Cruciferous family.

For open ground, two-year vegetable varieties, or winter and annual varieties, have been bred. If you sow the plant early, it will bloom in the summer, ending its growing season.. Winter varieties take longer to develop, so they lack warm days to form seeds.

Features of the root crop include:

  • resistance to frost and low temperatures;
  • demands on light, soil fertility;
  • moisture-loving;
  • ease of care;
  • productivity subject to the rules of agricultural technology.

The vegetable does not like dense plantings. For correct height and the formation of large root crops, you need to plant the seeds at a distance of 30–45 centimeters from each other with planting to a depth of 2–3 centimeters.

To store radishes all winter, you need to plant the seeds in open ground no earlier than mid-June, possibly early July. For use in summer and autumn - at the end of April.

For culture, you need to feed the soil with mineral complexes with ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium chloride. Before planting, it is better to fertilize the area with humus or compost in an amount of 3–4 kilograms per square meter.

During the summer, radish beds need weeding, loosening, and watering.

Radish varieties

Radishes are divided into varieties according to the speed of ripening. There are early, mid-season and late species. In addition, the vegetable is divided according to the color of the root into black, white, green and red. They differ in the shape and size of the fruit, as well as taste.


Black radish varieties produce round, conical or oblong shaped roots. And the weight of the product varies depending on the variety. Black radish has a dense skin with a smooth or rough surface. Beneath it lies the white, juicy flesh. The taste of black radish is pungent and bitter. The fruits contain essential oils, lots of vitamin C.

Winter round black

The variety is a late-ripening variety, as it ripens 110–120 days after planting the seeds. It has a black peel covered with grooves and white flesh with a spicy taste. Stored until spring.


Radish ripens in 75 days. The round root vegetable reaches a weight of up to 200 grams. The pulp has a sharp, sweetish taste.


The winter variety of black radish is valued for its excellent keeping quality. The fruits have juicy pulp with a slight bitterness. They reach a weight of up to 250 grams.


One of the later varieties produces root crops round shape, reaching a diameter of 10 centimeters and a weight of 300 grams. The vegetable is stored in the cellars until spring.

Uncle Chernomor

The vegetable reaches technical ripeness in 75–90 days. The round root vegetable has a pungent, sweetish taste. The dark skin is smooth or furrowed. Used for food in the autumn-winter period.


Is different mid-season variety elongated cylindrical fruits. The optimal weight is 200–20 grams. The sweet-spicy pulp is pleasant to the taste, so it is used in salads. Advantages include resistance to cracking.


A variety has been developed for winter storage. The root vegetable with snow-white pulp weighs 260 grams and has a diameter of up to 10 centimeters.


A recently developed species of black radish is famous for its large, half-kilogram root vegetables. The round fruits are used in salads and slices. They save useful qualities until the next harvest.

Black medicinal

The black, flat-round fruits reach ripeness in 70–90 days. Underneath the smooth flesh is white, dense pulp. The weight of one specimen reaches from 200 to 500 grams with a length of 10 centimeters. The vegetable is used in medicinal purposes. It keeps well in winter.


White root vegetables are not as spicy as black ones, but are suitable for eating raw, reminiscent of radishes in taste.

Most often the fruits are elongated. Unlike other varieties, white radish, or daikon, can be consumed by those who suffer from gastrointestinal dysfunction and loss of appetite.

Minowasi A subspecies of Japanese daikon is delicate in taste, with a sweet top part fetus High yield of the variety - up to 12 kilograms per, moreover, the weight of one root crop can reach 1.5 kilograms. The variety is afraid of low temperatures.

Moscow hero

Mid-season daikon of domestic selection reaches maturity within 80–85 days. Cylindrical root crops 75 centimeters long are immersed one third into the ground. The weight of the fruit reaches 1–2 kilograms.


Radishes need about 70 days to reach ripeness. The variety has an excellent taste - delicate, with a slight bitterness. The snow-white pulp is used to make salads. The fruits are characterized by good keeping quality.

Dragon tooth

The elongated conical root crop, 60 centimeters long, goes completely into the ground. The variety tolerates frost well and does not bolt. Ripens in 70–75 days.

The Dragon

The mid-season variety is famous for its cylindrical-conical root crops weighing up to 1 kilogram. The vegetable is distinguished by high yields, the fruits are well preserved throughout the winter.


The variety is suitable for growing in open ground. Daikon pleases with white juicy fruits after 50–60 days. The vegetable is recommended for fresh consumption and winter storage. It is suitable for dietary and baby food, as it has tender pulp without bitterness.


Daikon ripens quickly, in 53–57 days. Long root vegetables with a rounded greenish head extend into the soil a third of their length and are easily pulled out. The juicy white pulp has a sweetish refreshing taste without pungency. Daikon yields are up to 7 kilograms per square meter.


One of popular varieties white radish is early ripening. The first product is obtained after 35–45 days. The round daikon fruit has a juicy, crispy flesh with a spicy-sweet taste. Fruits weighing 200–400 grams are stored for 2 months.


Green radish is considered the record holder for the amount of minerals. It is called Margelan or Chinese after its place of birth. One of the most unpretentious plants gained popularity due to its delicate taste.

Green Goddess

Correct round shape and pleasant green color characteristic of the variety. Fruits weighing 400 grams contain a small amount of bitterness. The root crop ripens after 60–63 days. Radish is resistant to flowering and is famous for its versatility.


An early ripening product is characterized by high yields, better taste and medicinal properties. The oval-round root vegetable weighing 250 grams is covered with a rough greenish peel, with juicy, white flesh.


The first harvests are obtained in 60–65 days. Up to 6 kilograms of root crops are dug from one square meter. The fruits are small in diameter and have a greenish color on top and inside.


The red vegetable obtained by crossing has many advantages: a sweetish taste without bitterness, white flesh. There are varieties with a pink center and white skin.

Lobo Troyandova

Chinese radish, or lobo, has large fruits with delicate, sweet flesh. The growing season of the variety lasts 80 days. The fruits are oval-shaped and pink in color, reaching a weight of 700 grams. Up to 6.5 kilograms of root crops are harvested from one square meter.

Red long

The summer variety has an elongated root crop weighing 150 grams and 14 centimeters long. Beneath the thin red skin is juicy white flesh. Low calorie product suitable for those who want to lose weight.

Mantang Hong

The hybrid is distinguished by its high marketability of fruits and their rapid growth. The flattened fruits are covered with a white-greenish skin on top, and crimson-red inside. The taste of the pulp is close to radish: crispy, juicy, slightly spicy.


The advantages of the variety include resistance to low temperatures and short daylight hours. Radish is resistant to flowering. The culture development period is 68 days. The root crop is red, round in shape with a conical head, weighing 100 grams. The pulp is white and juicy.

Red winter

The fruits ripen 75–90 days from germination. Round in shape, they are red in color, weighing up to 200 grams. Radish with white flesh, sweet taste. The product is recommended for use during autumn and winter.

Red radish, probably one of the most controversial representatives of this type of vegetable. Numerous disputes are caused by differences of opinion, for example, some scientists say that the red radish is a hybrid that arose from crossing radishes and radishes. Other experts believe that this is an ordinary radish that has simply grown to large sizes. So far, scientists have not been able to reach a consensus.

Red radish has fairly large fruits, which weigh about 300 g. The root vegetables have a round or cylindrical shape. Behind the thin red skin is white dense pulp, which is also very juicy. In addition, at the moment hybrids have been bred in which, on the contrary, the peel is white and the flesh is red (see photo).

Red radish has a less pungent taste compared to, for example, the black version of this vegetable.

Beneficial features

Red radish has many beneficial properties. Thus, it has the ability to have a positive effect on digestion, since this vegetable contains a lot of coarse fiber. Root vegetables improve appetite, and they also have the ability to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. Thus, this vegetable is an excellent prevention of constipation. Since red radish has strong antibacterial properties, it helps cope with various intestinal diseases.

Regular consumption of this vegetable helps remove excess fluid from the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of edema.

Considering the low calorie content of red radish, it is recommended to use it during weight loss.

Use in cooking

Useful red radish in cooking most often used fresh. It serves as the basis for a variety of summer and winter salads. In addition, crushed root vegetables can be used in various dishes, both vegetable and meat.

Thanks to the use of red radish, other foods are digested much faster.

Root vegetables give the final dish an incredible taste and spicy aroma. In some countries, red radish can be cooked, e.g. it can be boiled, stewed and fried.

Benefits of red radish and treatment

The benefits of red radish are due to the rich composition of vitamins and microelements. They make it possible to use this vegetable in folk medicine.

Some doctors recommend using the juice of such root vegetables for anemia. If you mix it with honey, you get an excellent remedy to get rid of colds. If you combine radish juice and vodka, the resulting composition can be used to treat radiculitis, rheumatism, and this infusion will also help get rid of pain in the joints.

Due to the fact that red radish has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect on the body, it is recommended to include it in their diet for people who are being treated for diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.

Harm of red radish and contraindications

Red radish can be harmful to pregnant women, since the essential oils contained in root vegetables have the ability to accumulate, which can cause uterine tone, which in turn can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Women who are breastfeeding should avoid eating this vegetable, as the root vegetable can cause the development of allergic reactions The child has. It is strictly contraindicated to eat red radish if you have heart disease, as well as ulcers, gastritis and enterocolitis.

All over the world. For many centuries, peoples have appreciated its characteristic taste, nutritional properties and its healing qualities. The culture is quite unpretentious. Breeders different countries They are constantly working to create new species and varieties.

Types of radish

Different sources give different information about the number of radish species. Part of them:

White radish -Raphanus candidus Worosch.

Seaside radish -Raphanus maritimus Sm.

Wild radish(aka - Field radish) — Raphanus raphanistrum L.

Radish, Garden radish, Radish -Raphanus sativus L.

Some experts classify them as groups of varieties, others as varieties. Among the groups of plants of this species, the most famous are Margelan radish (“loba” or “lobo”), black radish, and daikon.

Oilseed radish

Oil radish is annual plant from the Cruciferous family. It can reach 2m in height. Cold-resistant, shade-tolerant and moisture-loving. Capable of giving big harvest. The flowers are white and purple in color. From the moment of germination to the moment of flowering, approximately 40 days pass. Best time for sowing seeds it is June-July. Optimal depth for sowing seeds: 2-3 cm.

The plant adapts well to the most different conditions. Grown on any soil. Tolerates drought well. For this reason, the process of growing it does not present much difficulty. In addition, the plant does not require large quantity. Overgrown crops can be used as compost. Due to its rapid growth, radish is capable of killing and actively suppresses nematodes. In vineyards it can stimulate the growth and development of grapevines.

Margelan radish or Chinese

Margelan radish, which is also often called Chinese radish, as well as “Loba” or “Lobo”. Its root vegetables are juicy and dense. They can have a round or elongated shape. They occupy a middle place between daikon and between European varieties. “Loba” is stored worse than European varieties and its pulp does not have such a slightly pungent taste. All its varieties and hybrids are salad varieties. Root vegetables can vary in size and color. Pink-red, light green, lilac-violet, dark green. But the top of the heads in any case has an intense green color. Root vegetables are not bitter or spicy. Elderly people and people suffering from liver and heart diseases can eat them. “Loba” stimulates appetite and activates intestinal motility. It is recommended to use it for kidney stones or bladder stones, gout, scurvy, and cough. "Loba" is used as antiseptic– for the treatment of purulent ulcers and wounds. And as a local sedative - for neuritis, radiculitis and muscle pain.

Root vegetables contain many beneficial and nutrients. Mineral salts, carotene, vitamins, calcium, magnesium. Essential oils, fiber, proteins, enzymes.

“Loba” removes cholesterol, toxins, and salts from the body.

It is better to plant it after legumes, potatoes, onions and tomatoes. The seeds must be full. It is better to sow them in the second half of summer. In this case, the risk of early flower stalks appearing is reduced. The plant is demanding of moisture. Regular watering is especially important during the period of formation and formation of root crops. In dry weather, regular watering is required.

The highest yield can be obtained from fertile soils. The plant responds well to organic fertilizers. Caring for plantings is to prevent thickening. In addition, they should be protected from pests. The beds must be kept clean.

The best varieties: Zareva, Elephant Tusk, Margelanskaya, Oktyabrskaya-1. Pink Ring, Oktyabrskaya-2, Severyanka 9809457, Troyandova.

Separately, we can highlight the Red Heart variety. It has a light green surface. And its inside is very similar to a watermelon. The pulp is soft, juicy, practically without bitterness. The harvest can be stored all winter.

Black radish

Black radish is inferior in taste compared to other varieties, but at the same time it healing properties are highly valued. She uses roots and seeds. A biennial plant forms a root crop in the first year and seeds in the second. The root crop usually grows weighing 2-3 kg. The plant blooms in April – May. Root crops ripen a month after flowering. They treat arthritis, dispersion, cough.

It is rich in enzymes, carotene, vitamin C, choline, magnesium, essential oils, proteins, fats. It was popular even among the ancient Egyptians. The pyramid builders generously added it to their diet. Other varieties are also used to combat many diseases, but the black one is considered the most effective.

Green radish

Green radish is not as valued for its healing properties as black radish, but it is also quite useful. Its taste is more delicate and pleasant. She is originally from Uzbekistan.

It is rich in amino acids, vitamins, carotene, phytoncides, sodium, phosphorus, potassium. Sulfur, essential oils, calcium. It can support weakened immunity and improve well-being. It helps with coughs, bronchitis, dysbiosis, colds, whooping cough, and improves intestinal function. Removes cholesterol from the body, destroys microbes, and has bactericidal properties. Improves appetite. The grated pulp is rubbed on the body for muscle inflammation, neuritis, gout and rheumatism.

Daikon radish is a large white radish.

The daikon plant is becoming increasingly popular. In Russia it is called “white radish”. Sometimes “white radish” is a “relative” of both of them. Daikon radish roots can reach 60 cm in length. Their diameter is 5–10 cm. They are valued for their unpretentiousness, excellent taste and healing properties. Just 100 g of root contains 40% of the daily requirement of vitamin C. Daikon is also rich in other vitamins, sulfur, beta-carotene, folic acid, magnesium and copper. Potassium, iron, selenium, iodine, fiber. It wonderfully strengthens the body. Improves digestion, dissolves kidney stones and gallbladder. Daikon phytoncides fight microbes and also slow down the growth of dangerous bacteria. Long-term use of the root vegetable in its raw form improves heart function, cleans blood vessels, and rids the body of cholesterol.

A distinctive feature of daikon is that when it is grown in dirty soil, it accumulates little harmful substances. Three times less than other vegetables - for example, than carrots or beets. It is believed that consuming it raw neutralizes radioactive effects.

If you cut daikon into thin slices and sprinkle it with sugar, after a while it will give delicious juice. For breastfeeding women, this juice will help improve lactation. If you mix warm juice and honey, you will get an excellent remedy that helps with bronchitis. Root vegetables are healthy, but it is better to consult a doctor before consuming them.

Not only the root, but also the seeds and greens are eaten. The seeds are sprouted, and the pubescent green leaves are added to salads. The root is boiled, baked, pickled, fried, and added to soups and cabbage soup. Prepared as an independent dish.

It is added to rice dishes and is a component in the making of sushi and sandwiches. The pickled fruits are called takuan. According to legend, the monk Soho Takuan came up with the idea of ​​preserving root vegetables for the winter in this way.

It is better to consume the crop immediately after harvest. Useful material are quickly lost. But daikon can last for several days in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Wild radish

Wild radish is common in all Central Russian regions. This is an annual herbaceous plant. It is considered a good honey plant. Weedy. Found in fields, wastelands, and vegetable gardens. Its branched stem, pubescent with simple hairs, reaches a height of 15 to 70 cm. The root of the plant is thin. The leaves are lyre-pinnately dissected, covered with stiff hairs. Petals are yellow, less often white. Flowering occurs in May - August. The plant bears fruit in June-September. The fruits are pods with a long spout. When they mature, the pods split into individual segments.

Sweet radish

The vegetable is characterized by its bitterness and pungency. But, nevertheless, you can also find sweet root vegetables. Most often they are bred and grown in China and Japan. For example, the Sakurajima variety. It allows you to collect huge sweet root vegetables up to 16 kg. He is a masterpiece of world selection. Daikon and loba are considered sweet radishes. They contain almost no bitter oil.

Plants do not adapt well to new places. Therefore, seeds collected from sweet radishes are unlikely to yield tasty and sweet harvest. Breeding sweet types of root vegetables is considered a very great achievement.

The peculiarity of pink radish is that it is quite large in size. The weight of one fruit reaches 300 grams. Disputes about the origin of the daikon are still ongoing. Some scientists believe that this is the result of crossing radishes with radishes. Others stubbornly consider it an ordinary large-sized radish. This crop is characterized by juicy pulp, which is why it has become a favorite of many gardeners.

The root vegetable has dense and juicy pulp. As a rule, radishes are round in shape, but some varieties are characterized by oblong fruits that resemble a cylinder in shape. The inside of the fruit is white, and the thin layer of the peel is red. Although many hybrids have already been bred that have opposite characteristics, namely red flesh and white skin.

The taste of the fruit is moderately spicy. The advantage of radish is that it is a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body. The coarse fibers contained in its composition are known for their positive properties on the digestive system. In addition, radish cleanses the body of harmful toxins, improves appetite, and prevents constipation. The antibacterial properties of the vegetable allow you to cope with pathological processes in the intestines.

If you regularly eat vegetables, you can prevent swelling, as it helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Calorie content of red radish

100 grams of daikon contain only 20 calories. This allows you to consume the vegetable in diets aimed at combating overweight. In addition, radish contains many vitamins and minerals, such as copper, phosphorus, sodium, and calcium.

Beneficial features

The rich composition of daikon makes it possible to use it in folk medicine. Pink radish juice is prescribed for anemia. If you add a little honey to it, you will get an effective and tasty medicine for colds, which children take with pleasure.

Red radish tincture has been used for many years for radiculitis, rheumatism and joint pain. To do this, radish juice is infused with vodka and rubbed into the affected areas.

But even on this beneficial features cultures don't end. The components of its composition have many useful actions:

  • volatile phytoncides contained in daikon cleanse internal organs from pathogenic microorganisms, protect against fungal and viral infections;
  • ascorbic acid strengthens the body's resistance to bacterial and viral infections, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • fiber cleanses the body of toxins, improves food absorption and stimulates intestinal motility.

Harm of daikon

Despite many beneficial properties, the vegetable can also cause harm to the body. This is especially true for pregnant and lactating women. Daikon contains essential oils that accumulate in the body and cause uterine tone. This condition often ends in miscarriage. During lactation, root vegetables should be avoided for the reason that they can provoke allergic reactions in infants.


In addition to pregnant and lactating women, people with ulcerative diseases of the esophagus, gastritis, enterocolitis, heart disease and genitourinary system should avoid consuming daikon.

Features of cultivation

Caring for and growing red radish is not much different from agricultural practices of other crop varieties. Root crops are planted by seed in open ground. Daikon is practically not grown in greenhouses. To obtain good harvest and juicy, large fruits, you need to know the peculiarities of growing daikon.

The culture needs daylight, which lasts at least 10 hours. Thus, the sowing of seeds is carried out in early spring. But some gardeners prefer to sow crops in the second half of summer, while getting no worse harvest. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked. They should be in water for at least a day, this will speed up their germination. The culture loves loose, fertile soil with neutral acidity. But it also grows well in other soils.

Gardeners plant seeds at a distance of 20 cm from each other. It is recommended to plant round root crops a little further, at a distance of about 30 cm. In this case, the distance between rows should not be less than 50 cm. Oblong root crops can be planted closer: the distance between rows is 40 cm, the distance between plants is 20 cm.

The soil for the radish is dug up and fertilized in advance. Seeds are sown 3-4 pieces in holes, the depth of which is at least 2 cm. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered without fail. To prevent the growth of weeds and drying out of the soil, the planting area can be mulched using hay or straw.

Radish care is standard: weeding, watering, regular loosening of the soil. Despite the fact that daikon is characterized by a love of moisture, its excess will lead to cracking of the roots. But its deficiency will result in the radish becoming very bitter. Thus, watering should be done correctly, 2-3 times a week, but in moderation. It is also important to pay attention to weather conditions.

Since the crop tends to protrude above the soil, it must be hilled up. This way the fruits will not dry out.

Only late varieties of daikon need fertilizing. For this they use mineral mixtures. Fertilizing is carried out at the stage of fruit formation. Early varieties this procedure is not needed.


Red radish is not intended for long-term storage. The fruits soften and spoil after 5-6 days. But if you put them in the refrigerator, the shelf life will increase several times. But before that, it is important to properly prepare the daikon:

  • remove spoiled areas, or better yet, sort such fruits altogether;
  • pack the harvest in plastic bags;
  • Make holes in each package to allow air to enter.

Optimal temperature The temperature at which radishes are stored ranges from +1 to -2 degrees. Relative humidity also plays an important role. Her optimal performance- no more than 90%.

Later varieties of daikon can be stored for a long time. They are piled up and covered with earth. They remain in this state for up to 15 days until they are completely dry. Winter varieties Store in the basement or refrigerator. Before storage, the fruits are sorted and sorted in the same way. It is also important to regulate the air temperature in the basement; it should not fall below 0 degrees.

Use in cooking

Some countries use radish stewed, fried and even boiled. However, in our country, daikon is consumed exclusively fresh. As a rule, it is added to salads. The number of recipes with the addition of radish is constantly increasing. If, for example, you add a vegetable to a salad of boiled eggs and cheese, its absorption will occur much faster. An ingredient such as radish gives the dish lightness, spicy aroma and rich taste.