Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Determination of the social orientation of the individual. Social orientation of enterprise strategy

Determination of the social orientation of the individual. Social orientation of enterprise strategy

  • Shchukina Elena Vladimirovna



annotation scientific article on public education and pedagogy, author of the scientific work - Elena Vladimirovna Shchukina

The article discusses the problem of forming a positive social orientation student youth in the educational process of an educational institution of the third and fourth levels of accreditation. The relevance of this process is shown in the conditions of the emergence of a market economy and the implementation of the Bologna process, which generates significant changes in the organization, goals, and objectives of the educational process. In the context of socio-pedagogical research, the dominant role of the student body in the formation of a positive orientation is presented. The importance of the targeted influence of the educational system on the formation of a holistic, positively oriented personality is noted. Essential component modern model The education of a specialist is the formation of a creative person, oriented towards social, humanistic and universal values, capable of making independent choices, working in a team and leading it, accepting effective solutions in various production and life situations. During the study, it was demonstrated that, provided that effective cooperation between teachers and students and small groups of students (academic group, training course, faculty, including student government, volunteer youth associations, small interest groups) is ensured, the formation of a positive social orientation optimized. This branched and complex hierarchy of small groups determines the system of socio-pedagogical influences that ensure the effectiveness of personality development in the direction of a positive attitude. This interpretation does not exclude the possibility and significance of the targeted influence of full-time educators of an educational institution (group supervisors) on the development of positive social orientation student youth. The effectiveness of the work carried out is confirmed by the longitudinal nature of the study.

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Creation of a Positive Social Orientation Among Students

The paper is concerned with the problem of positive social orientation among students in educational institutions of higher learning (third and fourth levels of accreditation). This problem is especially topical during the evolution of the market economy and implementation of the Bologna process, which generates significant changes in the organization, goals and tasks of the educational process. The dominant role of students’ collective in shaping positive social orientation in socio-pedagogical context is examined. Importance of purposeful impact of educational system on the formation of a comprehensive, positively oriented personality is underlined in the article. Research has shown that small interest groups are optimized for the formation of the positive social orientation, providing the effective cooperation between teachers and small groups of students, groups of academic, educational courses, faculties, including a student government or volunteer youth groups. The system of the social and educational impacts of small groups is determined by an extensive and complex hierarchy, which provides efficiency and development of an individual towards a positive direction. The author emphasizes the importance of targeting of the influence of the educational system on the formation of a completely positively oriented person. The effectiveness of the work done was proven by the longitudinal nature of the study.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Formation of a positive social orientation of student youth”

^^^^YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION. T. 19, No. 1, 2015 ШМ™ UDC 159.92-057.875 DOI: 10.155077Inted.078.019.201501.030


E. V. Shchukina (Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine)

The article examines the problem of forming a positive social orientation of student youth in the educational process of an educational institution of the third and fourth levels of accreditation. The relevance of this process is shown in the conditions of the emergence of a market economy and the implementation of the Bologna process, which generates significant changes in the organization, goals, and objectives of the educational process. In the context of socio-pedagogical research, the dominant role of the student body in the formation of a positive orientation is presented. The importance of the targeted influence of the educational system on the formation of a holistic, positively oriented personality is noted. An essential component of the modern model of specialist education is the formation of a creative person, oriented towards social, humanistic and universal values, capable of making independent choices, working in and leading a team, and making effective decisions in various production and life situations.

The study demonstrated that, provided that effective cooperation between teachers and students and small groups of students (academic group, training course, faculty, including student government, volunteer youth associations, small interest groups) is ensured, the formation of a positive social orientation is optimized . This branched and complex hierarchy of small groups determines the system of socio-pedagogical influences that ensure the effectiveness of personality development in the direction of a positive attitude. This interpretation does not exclude the possibility and significance of the targeted influence of full-time educators of an educational institution (group supervisors) on the formation of a positive social orientation of student youth. The effectiveness of the work carried out is confirmed by the longitudinal nature of the study.

Key words: social orientation; modern market economy; human rights; social education; socialization; small group.


E. V. Shchukina (Institute of Problems of Upbringing of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine)

The paper is concerned with the problem of positive social orientation among students in educational institutions of higher learning (third and fourth levels of accreditation). This problem is especially topical during the evolution of the market economy and implementation of the Bologna process, which generates significant changes in the organization, goals and tasks of the educational process. The dominant role of students" collective in shaping positive social orientation in socio-pedagogical context is examined. Importance of purposeful impact of educational system on the formation of a comprehensive, positively oriented personality is underlined in the article.

Research has shown that small interest groups are optimized for the formation of the positive social orientation, providing the effective cooperation between teachers and small groups of students, groups of academic, educational courses, faculties, including a student government or volunteer youth groups. The system of the social and educational impacts of small groups is determined by an extensive and complex hierarchy, which provides efficiency and development of an individual towards a positive direction. The author emphasizes the importance of targeting of the influence of the educational system on the formation of a completely positively oriented person. The effectiveness of the work done was proven by the longitudinal nature of the study.

Keywords: social orientation; the modern market economy; human rights; social education; socialization; small groups.

On the path to the establishment of market relations in front of the educational system higher education The problem of educating a qualified specialist and leader, a socially competent person with a democratic worldview is becoming increasingly urgent.

nium, an individual striving for self-education, self-development and being competitive in the labor market. Among the components inherent in the modern model of specialist education, the formation of a creative, oriented person is of particular importance.

© Shchukina E. V., 2015

on social, humanistic and universal values, capable of making independent choices, working in a team and leading them, making effective decisions in various production and life situations.

Higher education, which trains a qualitatively new generation of specialists, should help solve these problems. Against the background of these fundamental changes that require pedagogical support, the problem of a positive social orientation is becoming increasingly relevant at all levels - from the student academic group to the state scale. The growth of a person’s social role, the possibilities of its influence on society and at the same time the growth of dependence on society are so significant that there is a need not just for qualified specialists, but for socially oriented, highly cultured and responsible citizens with a developed sense of self-esteem and collective communicative consciousness. This confirms the need to educate students to have a deep understanding of the mutual connection between the ideas of personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen and civic responsibility.

However, it is obvious that there is a contradiction between the social needs to ensure rights and freedoms, the social conditions for their satisfaction, the state social consciousness modern society and moral attitudes of each person. These contradictions are explained by long-term neglect universal human values, inattention to students and teachers as individuals, absolutization of technocratic thinking, excessive and imposed politicization, unjustified disregard for collectivist education, discarded by some modern theorists and practitioners of pedagogy. This situation is aggravated by insufficient attention to the educational role of the educational institution.

Higher education has a decisive influence on the quality and means of implementing social policy. This influence is reflected not only in ensuring scientific progress, but also in general cultural development, the formation of civic virtues, the formation of high morality of the country's intellectual elite, a responsible attitude towards public values, the growth of personal creative activity, active participation in self-government, activities public organizations, including volunteers.

The goals and objectives of educating students, the content, methods and conditions of social development of the individual have radically changed. The effectiveness of a student during training and a specialist engineer upon graduation is determined by the system of competencies that he (the student) acquires within the walls of the educational institution and during extracurricular activities. In such conditions, the formation of a positive personality orientation of students as an objective social and pedagogical process acquires special importance. The positive orientation of an individual determines her desire (motivation) to obtain a high level of qualifications, which includes an optimal level of knowledge, skills and abilities as a specialist (musician, agronomist, metallurgist, teacher), and an equally high level of communicative and corporate competence. The future graduate must not only have an excellent understanding of the basic principles of his profession, but also be socially competent - be an engineer-manager, a production organizer, who knows the basics of creating and developing a team.

The formation of a personality’s orientation is a multidimensional process that includes pedagogical (upbringing and self-education), social (objective living conditions, social environment), mental (peculiarities of mental organization, mental type), socio-pedagogical influences. These influences determine the essence


significant characteristics and dynamics of changes in the views, guidelines, and behavior of students, providing both direct and indirect influence on the development of the student’s personality.

It should be noted that the immediate environment in which the formation of a positive social orientation of students in extracurricular activities occurs is the sphere of direct communication between students. The proposed research was carried out in the subject field of social pedagogy. Therefore, those small social groups in which the student carries out social communications are recognized as determining the formation of a positive social orientation of students in extracurricular activities. Such small groups in the context of socio-pedagogical research are the academic group, training course, faculty, student government, volunteer youth associations, small interest groups, as well as the educational institution itself. It is this branched and complex hierarchy of small groups that determines the system of social and pedagogical influences that ensure the effectiveness of personal development in a positive direction. This interpretation does not exclude the possibility and significance of the purposeful influence of full-time educators of an educational institution (group supervisors) on the formation of a positive social orientation of student youth.

The methodological basis for the formation of a positive personality orientation in the context of social pedagogy is primarily the research of A. S. Makarenko. Research in this context was carried out by such famous scientists as B. G. Ananyev, I. D. Bekh, L. I. Bozhovich, L. P. Bueva, T. E. Konnikova, A. N. Leontiev, V. N. Myasishchev, V. S. Merlin, M. S. Neimark, B. D. Parygin, A. V. Petrovsky, K. K. Platonov, S. L. Rubinshtein, D. N. Uznadze, V. E. Khmelko, V. E. Chudnovsky, E. V. Shorokhova, P. M. Yakobson and others. Important foreign studies on this issue

millet were carried out by A. Maslow, K. Rogers, J. Guilford, R. Likert, M. Argyle, A. Kretschmar.

Despite the scale of the research, the problem of optimizing social and teaching experience, theoretical justification and practical testing of new educational methods aimed at developing positive social guidelines for student youth. It is possible to realize this strategic task of higher education through the active inclusion of the individual in socially significant activities.

The study showed that in modern scientific literature there is no unambiguous definition of the term “social orientation” (English: “personality trend”). The variety of existing conceptual approaches and areas of study determine some differences in the basic definitions of this concept. More fundamental is the characteristic of orientation from the point of view of a person’s attitude towards himself and towards society in the context of the contradiction “altruism - egoism”. Depending on what motivates a person to a greater extent (motives of personal interest - egoism, or motives related to the interests of other people - altruism), other features of his personality are formed: interests, character traits, desires and experiences. Another aspect that characterizes the social orientation of a person is his attitude to the problems of the relationship between collectivism and individualism.

It is important for each student to develop an optimal balance of interests, which will allow him to defend his own position, taking into account the interests of the team, to motivate the individual to positive activities aimed at both developing his own personality and supporting social interactions.

Let us consider the essence of various approaches to determining social orientation. S. L. Rubinstein, based on the research of D. N. Uznadze, introduced the term “personality orientation” into scientific

In turn, he considered orientation as a separate side of the personality, a set of properties that make up an independent structure.

From the point of view of D. N. Uznadze, the concept of “direction” is identical to the concepts of “attitude”, “need”, “interest” used in psychology. He considers the orientation of the individual as a holistic personal state.

K.K. Platonov and G.G. Golubev analyzed in detail the relationship between orientation and worldview. According to researchers, the main form in which orientation is manifested is the needs of the individual, the formation of which largely depends on the worldview, beliefs, moral principles, characterological and typological characteristics of the individual. At the same time, the worldview, ensuring the activity of orientation, makes the personality valuable in social terms, i.e., socially oriented.

V.S. Merlin understood personality orientation as “mental properties that determine general directions human activity in various specific circumstances of life."

This conceptual approach basically coincides with the views of V.N. Myasishchev, who considered orientation to be the structural basis, foundation, core of personality, which determines the level and nature of the holistic functioning of all components in a single mental organization of a person. Direction is a system of subjective-evaluative individual-selective relationships of this person to reality. Such relationships are determined by a set of specific actions and interactions that a person considers possible, desirable and acceptable in his activities.

L. I. Bozhovich defined direction as a specific component of the structure inner world personality, its “internal position” through clarification of such components as the role of the individual, social experience and social conditions. It is from this relationship that arises

and internal position, i.e. that system of needs and aspirations, which, refracting and mediating the influences of the environment, becomes immediate driving force development of new mental qualities."

Thus, the orientation of an individual determines the integrity of this individual and ensures the stability of the vision of the world and corresponding activities in the context of transforming the social environment and at the same time adapting to social laws. L. I. Bozhovich and M. S. Neimark classified people according to their orientations into the following groups: social, collectivist, business, organizational; focused on personal experiences and satisfaction of one’s own needs; persons with a mixed type of orientation. It should be emphasized that L. I. Bozhovich considers direction in the context of an emotional phenomenon, since it is emotion that directs a person to one or another form of behavior.

The problem of directionality was also studied in the works of L.P. Bueva. Direction was defined by her as an internal factor that mediates everything external influences on the individual and interprets them in the world of vision of the person himself.

From the point of view of Sh. A. Nadirashvili, orientation is the installation of practical behavior. The behavioral plans and programs themselves, the implementation of life goals and the main means of achieving them are formed at the level of social attitudes and value orientations, require rational coordination with the team and appropriate planning of actions in a certain sequence, i.e., they require the formation of a program of social behavior.

The attitude is not a purely subjective factor; it arises in the individual under the influence of certain objective conditions and primarily meets the requirements of the collective. When objective conditions change, the effect of the installation is manifested in the fact that new


conditions are perceived in the light of previous experience and act as a kind of prism that refracts the swim to new conditions.

Thus, the orientation of the individual is interpreted as a relatively stable formation in the motivational system of the individual, which determines the dominant attitude of a person towards himself (the formation of selfhood), as well as towards the processes and results of his own activities in society. Orientation is characterized as a specific holistic-personal state of a person that meets both his needs and the situation of the external social environment.

Social orientation presupposes a special concentration of attention to social symbols that are significant to the individual, personally determined motives and corresponding actions aimed at achieving a specific goal that is relevant for the individual. Thus, social orientation determines both the individual’s perception of the social situation and the choice of the appropriate course of action and behavior.

It is important to note that value orientations largely determine the direction of a person, since they are a real reflection of his inner world, integral part and the basic determinant of its formation. Based on the fact that the content of orientation is a complex of socially conditioned relationships of the individual to reality, we can conclude that value orientations occupy not only a significant place in the formation of consciousness, but also determine behavior.

The social orientation of an individual can be considered as a system of personal value orientations, life attitudes and preferences formed in the process of education and the procedure of interpersonal communication. Such a system is not just a certain amount of extrapersonal and extramoral knowledge, but an integral system of ideas, concepts, ideas associated with specific emotional

but-volitional components; forms internal beliefs on the basis of which prohibited and permitted methods of activity are implemented.

The described system consolidates the entire set of beliefs, ideals, norms and rules accepted by the individual as his own internal guidelines. Moreover, it should be considered in the context of the unity of independence, selfhood of the individual and the sociogenicity of beliefs and activities in accordance with social expectations. The leading components of social value systems are moral norms, aesthetic ideals, political and legal principles, philosophical and religious ideas that form internal beliefs and guide all human activities.

“The integrity of the individual” in social terms acts as a stable and relatively complete established formation of its value orientations, around which the individual’s attitudes, interests, needs and beliefs are grouped. A person who is at a high level of social and mental formation is characterized by a high level of self-regulation of his own activities and behavior, the strength of concentrated feelings, as well as aspirations and their social and moral orientation.

It should be emphasized that the team can change the direction and value orientations of the individual, contribute to their formation, while simultaneously cultivating the motivation for self-education and self-improvement. However, the orientation of the individual, the effectiveness and level of perception by the individual consciousness of social values ​​and their implementation in behavior depend not only on objective conditions, relationships formed in the social environment, family, team, but also to a large extent on the level of education, culture and the nature of moral and psychological properties of the personality itself. It is no coincidence that society has a deep interest in the formation and improvement of the high morality of its citizens,

The establishment of moral and value orientations in their consciousness and behavior is associated with the upbringing of a high culture, reasonable needs, and comprehensive development of the individual. Depending on his own orientation towards certain spiritual values, a person chooses goals for his activities in one or another sphere of social relations. Social education (education in a team and through a team) is unthinkable without the transfer of personality through the educational system of the basic moral principles of human society, based on the awareness of the need to fulfill the generally binding laws of human society. This understanding ensures the positive social orientation of the individual.

The study made it possible to apply the theoretical basis in practice educational institutions. The organization of student self-government, conducting systematic trainings with a social orientation, dialogues with students on current political, economic, social issues, participation in volunteer events aimed at ensuring a healthy lifestyle for students, solving environmental and economic problems made it possible to significantly optimize the positive nature of the social orientation of students youth. The study was longitudinal in nature. Experimental groups were observed

not only during the training process, but also after its completion in order to determine the effectiveness of the training pedagogical interaction. The conducted studies fully confirmed both the adequacy of the theoretical justification and the effectiveness of the proposed practical technologies. Analysis of the process of forming a positive social orientation of students will allow optimizing the educational process and contributing to the formation of a future qualified specialist and manager.

As a result of the study, the essence of the social orientation of the individual was revealed as the totality of knowledge and beliefs of a person that determine his activities. The orientation of the individual is formed as a result of a complex system of social interactions in social communication in small groups and the targeted influence of qualified educators. This system of self-development and education determines the positivity of the social orientation, which is defined as the ratio of individualism focused on achieving personal success and collectivism, as well as maintaining social balance and order. A person’s correct understanding of the mutual influence and interdependence of the personal social presupposes the positive nature of the social orientation of student youth.


1. Bozhovich, L. I. “Meaningful experiences” as a subject of psychology / L. I. Bozhovich, M. S. Neimark // Questions of psychology. - 1972. - No. 1. - P. 130-135.

2. Bozhovich, L. I. Personality and its formation in childhood: psychological studies / L. I. Bozhovich. - Moscow: Education, 1968. - 464 p.

3. Bueva, L.P. Social environment and personality consciousness / L.P. Bueva. - Moscow: Publishing house Moscow. University, 1968. - 268 p.

4. Personality and work; edited by K.K. Platonova. - Moscow: Mysl, 1965. - 365 p.

5. Merlin, V. S. Essay on personality psychology / V. S. Merlin. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1959. - 172 p.

6. Myasishchev, V. N. The problem of human relations and its place in psychology / V. N. Myasishchev // Questions of psychology. - 1957. - No. 5. - P. 142-155.

7. Nadirashvili, Sh. A. Social orientations of personality / Sh. A. Nadirashvili // Social psychology of personality. - 1979. - P. 165-183.

8. Natadze, R. G. Experimental foundations of the theory of attitude D. N. Uznadze / R. G. Natadze // Psychological science in the USSR. - Moscow, 1960. - P. 144-168.


9. Platonov, K.K. Psychology / K.K. Platonov, G.G. Golubev. - Moscow: Higher School, 1973. - 256 p.

10. Rubinstein, S. L. Fundamentals of general psychology: textbook / S. L. Rubinstein. - Saint Petersburg; Moscow; Nizhny Novgorod; Voronezh: Peter, 2008. - 705 p.

Shchukina Elena Vladimirovna, graduate student of the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kyiv, M. Berlinsky St., 9), assistant of the department in English National Agrarian University (Ukraine, Kiev, Heroes of Defense st., 15), lecturer Italian language Kyiv Institute of Music named after Glier (Ukraine, Kiev, L. Tolstoy str., 31), [email protected]

For citation: Shchukina, E. V. Formation of a positive orientation of student youth / E. V. Shchukina // Integration of Education. - 2015. - T. 19, No. 1. - P. 30-36. DOI: 10.15507/ Inted.078.019.201501.030

1. Bozhovich L. I., Neymark M. S. "Znachashhie perezhivanija" kak predmet psihologi ["Meaningful emotional upheavals" as a subject of psychology]. Voprosypsihologii. 1972, no. 1. pp. 130-135.

2. Bozhovich L. I. Lichnost" i ee formirovanie v detskom vozraste. Psycho. Issledovanie. Moscow, Prosveshhenie Publ., 1968, 464 p.

3. Buyeva L. P. Social "naja sreda i soznanie lichnosti. Moscow, Moscow University Press Publ., 1968, 268 p.

4. Lichnost" i trud. Ed. by K. K. Platonov. Moscow, Mysl" Publ., 1965, 365 p.

5. Merlin V. S. Ocherk psihologii lichnosti. Perm", Permskoe knizhnoe izd-vo Publ., 1959, 172 p.

6. Myasishchev V. N. Problema otnoshenij cheloveka i ee place v psihologii. Questions psihologii. 1957, no. 5, pp. 142-155.

7. Nadirashvili Sh. A. Social "nye orientacii lichnosti. Social "naja psihologija lichnosti. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1979, pp. 165-183.

8. Natadze R. G. Jeksperimental "nye osnovy teorii ustanovki D. N. Uznadze. Psihologicheskaja nauka v SSSR. V II t. . Moscow, 1960, pp. 144-168.

9. Platonov K. K., Golubev G. G. Psihologija. Moscow, Vysshaja shkola Publ., 1973, 256 p.

10. Rubinshteyn S. L. Osnovy obshhej psihologii: uchebnoe posobie. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhnij Novgorod, Voronezh, Piter Publ., 2008, 705 p.

About the authors:

Shchukina Elena Vladimirovna, post-graduate student of Institute of Problems of Upbringing of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (9, Berlinskiy Str., Kiev, Ukraine), assistant of English Language chair of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences (15, Geroev Oborony Str., Kiev, Ukraine), lecturer of Glier Kiev Institute of Music (31, L. Tolstoi Str., Kiev, Ukraine), [email protected].

For citation: Shchukina E. V. Formirovanie pozitivnoj social"noj napravlennosti studencheskoj molodezhi. Integracija obrazovanija. 2015, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 30-36. DOI: 10.15507/Inted.078.019.201501.030

Under personality orientation in psychology it is usually understood as focus on certain areas of life. All areas in which a person acts are of significant value to him. If you remove at least one of them, the personality will not be able to fully develop and move forward.

Determining the direction of an individual basically implies a clear adherence of the individual to his needs. What is directionality? This is a consciously carried out movement towards solving a specific problem.

Types of personality orientation

Psychologists talk about presence of several directions that determine how a person behaves in different situations. Each type affects one area of ​​activity, so it cannot be called good or bad.

Personal focus

It is characterized by the desire for one’s own self-realization, the implementation of personal goals and aspirations. Such people are often called selfish, because they seem to care little about others, but think more about themselves, build constructive plans in their heads and meaningfully move towards their implementation. characteristics characteristic of such people: self-confidence, determination, the ability to focus on an important problem, responsibility for the actions performed. People of this orientation will never blame others for their own failures. They do not expect help from others, but prefer to take everything into their own hands. Sometimes they develop a so-called desire for loneliness and have difficulty entrusting their affairs to anyone. This difficulty is dictated by the individual’s lifestyle, his strong-willed character ( read the article " "). These are inherently incredibly strong individuals who are able to move forward, relying only on their own support, counting on their own strength.

Focus on other people

Characterized by an increased need for communication and approval from other people. Such a person is too strongly guided by the opinions of others, and therefore is not able to build own plans and realize individual aspirations and dreams. Before taking any action, a person will mentally or vocally coordinate his actions with the opinion of society. He is afraid to go beyond what is considered acceptable or normal in society, so he most often does not express his own opinion.

Focus on other people is also accompanied by a great desire to participate in public life, to fulfill requests at the request of relatives, friends and colleagues. Such people are very popular in teams - they are trouble-free, easily get along with almost any person, and are ready to help at the right time. A healthy psychological climate in the team and at home is a fundamental component for them.

Business orientation

Characterized by high requirements to one’s own personality, the ability to organize affairs in such a way that both the individual himself and the society in which he lives are in an advantageous position. Such a person is distinguished by a businesslike approach to everything that surrounds him. He does not necessarily seek to engage in business or develop his own business. The ability to find benefits in different situations (not only for oneself, but also for other people) puts a person in an advantageous position in front of colleagues and friends. As a rule, this is a sociable person who really loves the company of other people, however, at the same time, he is quite freedom-loving and always plays by his own rules.

Emotional orientation of the individual

Characterized by a tendency to worry about everything. Such a person is most often responsive and not indifferent to the sorrows of other people. His ability to empathize is developed to a fairly large extent, so those who are in great need of it at the moment often turn to him for advice. People of this type are characterized by increased impressionability, emotional instability, and their mood often changes. Any minor incident can bring them out of their state peace of mind and give rise to a lot of anxiety.

In addition to the above, they are well versed in art, in particular music and literature, as they have a bright, unique ability to feel the experiences and moods of fictional characters.

Social orientation of the individual

Characterized by increased attentiveness to the outside world and people. Such individuals always notice what is happening around them, delve into the essence of social and political changes. As a rule, people of this type cannot live outside society. They can be both managers and subordinates, the main thing is that their activities develop within society.

Personality orientation structure

Whatever a person strives for, he, one way or another, goes through several steps to achieve what he wants. Any activity occurs as a result of strong motivation, and it, in turn, is formed thanks to the following structural components, which determine the orientation of the individual.

  • Attraction helps to “find” the initial moment of building activity, determine the motives and preferences of the individual. On at this stage there is no movement towards the goal, since the need itself is not yet so clearly realized.
  • Wish- This is a conscious need. It arises when an individual already clearly understands what he wants to do, what goal to achieve. The ways to achieve what you want have not yet been built, but the need itself can be called mature.
  • Pursuit is formed through the activation of the volitional element. At this stage, the person not only realizes his need, but begins to make the first efforts so that the desire can be fulfilled.
  • Interests They determine a person’s needs and help him build direction in such a way that it brings the expected results. Interests help to determine and understand what a person really wants and to adjust his activities ( read about).
  • Tendencies characterize the orientation of a person towards a particular activity.
  • Ideals are significant characteristic human worldview. In fact, it is ideals that can lead us forward; we are guided by their values ​​when we make important decisions ( read about).
  • Worldview helps the individual build a system of views on himself, society and the world around him ( read about).
  • Beliefs represent a system of motives that guide any actions of an individual. They are designed to help people different situations act in a certain way ( read about).

All forms of personality orientation are closely interconnected. Without passing one stage, it would be impossible to reach the next. The perception and orientation of personality depend on the individual efforts of a person and the characteristics of his mental state. His performance and belief in his own capabilities depend on how strongly a person is motivated.

Direction and motives of the individual’s activity

The degree of success in solving assigned tasks largely depends on how well the individual himself is motivated to obtain favorable result. There are several factors that have a huge impact on any activity carried out by a person.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

External motivation is called motivation aimed at external events and surrounding people. For example, if you need to immediately prepare a report on history just to get the manager’s approval and close the session, then there is external motivation. In the case when it is necessary to carry out research work because it represents the scientific or creative interest of the researcher himself, then we talk about internal motivation.

It must be said that internal motivation is much stronger than external motivation, because it encourages a person to self-development, some new achievements, discoveries.

Awareness – unawareness of motives

When there is a clear understanding of why this or that activity is being performed, the effectiveness of its implementation increases several times. Monotonous work, devoid of much meaning and significance, only brings melancholy and despondency. It happens that a person for a long time cannot realize the true motives of his actions and this leads him to error.

Interests and significant needs

Acting out of one's own interests, a person always increases his or her labor efficiency. In other words, when what we do excites the imagination, evokes pleasant feelings, and works much better. Satisfying the needs for recognition, approval from the team, and self-realization, the individual grows, learns and expands his own capabilities. New prospects for further advancement and development are emerging. When the activity being performed is in no way connected with the leading needs, the personal and spiritual components are not satisfied, a person gradually begins to doubt himself, his strength decreases over time.

Ability to set a goal

Whatever we strive for, it is extremely important from the very beginning to correctly determine the direction, the final goal, and understand what we want to achieve as a result. It is also necessary to set the appropriate rhythm to the movement and maintain it throughout the entire period - then any work will be effective. The ability to see the end result of an activity will help you predict possible difficulties in advance in order to cope with them in a timely manner. It would be a good idea to keep in mind the so-called ideal of achievement, that is, to track how much the current reality corresponds to a given model.

Self confidence

No business can be accomplished if a person is not confident in his own abilities. Even if a person has rare and exceptional talents, he will not be able to achieve success as long as he engages in self-flagellation and doubts that he will succeed. Self confidence is necessary tool to build strong and trusting relationships with the outside world. It is possible to cultivate self-confidence, but only when a person is ready to devote time to working with feelings, studying educational issues, and gaining new knowledge - this cannot be avoided.

Professional orientation of the individual

Each of the professions known to people, assumes that a person applying for a particular position must have the appropriate character qualities. After all, when making decisions and acting in the workplace, we are often required to have a high concentration of attention ( read about), greater stress resistance, etc. If these qualities remain undeveloped, the person will not cope with his responsibilities. Professional orientation is a whole system of motives that drive a person.

Below is a classification of personality types with characteristics showing in which area they are most likely to achieve success.

  • Realistic type. These are people with a stable nervous system. They strive for everything maximum accuracy and prefer to work with real objects. Most often, they engage in physical labor. Suitable professions: technicians, mechanics, builders, sailors.
  • Conventional type. This group includes people who are focused on precision and accuracy. They are great performers and like to do everything on time. They often engage in activities that require great concentration and attentiveness. Professions: librarian, economist, accountant, merchandiser.
  • Intellectual type. These are real thinkers. People of this type can sit in one place for a long time, immersed in thought. They make far-reaching plans for the future and carefully plan their activities. Most of all, they are attracted to research work that allows them to get closer to discovering the truth, some particular law. Professions: teacher, scientist, writer.
  • Enterprising type. Here you can meet excellent leaders who love to manage and strive to take a leading position in everything. The desire for primacy determines their personal success. Professions: business manager, businessman, administrator.
  • Social type. These people are different with an open heart and a willingness to care for others. They structure their professional activities in such a way as to help as many people as possible. They have a highly developed sense of responsibility, humanism, and empathy. Professions: doctor, veterinarian, social worker, teacher, educator.
  • Artistic type. Here are perhaps the most unpredictable people who find it difficult to maintain a certain schedule at work. In their activities they focus more on own feelings, do not like boundaries, highly value freedom and independence. Professions: actor, artist, poet, designer.

Thus, the orientation of a person entirely determines his success. Diagnosis of personality orientation largely depends on how satisfied the person himself is with what he does.

Each person has his own views on life, aspirations, ideals, interests, desires and goals, and in psychology the totality of this has a name - personality orientation.

Orientation is formed depending on upbringing and environment, because any person is influenced by society to some extent.

Personality orientation is an important characteristic of a person; in psychology it is also replaced by the term “dynamic tendency”, which affects his character and activity.

Directional forms

  • A person’s main life orientation is expressed in his goals for life, priorities, hobbies, worldview, and beliefs. Let's consider all forms of directionality:


  • This form implies not only the desired object, but also the methods of obtaining it. Also, the desires of the individual give rise to the formation of goals.


  • It is a desire with a deliberate choice and a plan to achieve what you want.


  • This is a focus on learning new information, a manifestation of a person’s cognitive needs.

It is expressed in a person’s desire to engage in any particular activity. As a result, he improves his skills in his chosen field to achieve success.

  • Worldview

Includes views on life, as well as a person’s place in it.

  • Belief

A form of direction that encourages a person to act in accordance with his views on life.

  • Ideal

An ideal image for a person, which he strives to embody.

  • Installation

The attitude can be: positive, negative, neutral and consists of a person’s outlook on life and values.

  • Position

Includes the motives and desires of a person that guide him in life.

The result that a person wants to achieve in his activities.

Types of directionality

In psychology, the presence of several types of orientation is noted. It can be determined by a person’s behavior in various situations. Main types of focus:


People with this orientation consider self-realization to be the main thing in life and are always busy achieving their own goals. They are often called selfish, because they do not care about the problems of others. Such people have character traits such as determination, confidence, responsibility, and independence. They do not ask for help from others, but prefer to deal with all problems on their own.


It is focused on communication and mutual actions; such people are usually sociable. For such individuals, communication is extremely important, and they do everything to maintain good relations with others. They participate in collective work, but do not take a leadership position and avoid responsibility. Such a person depends on the opinions of the people around him, does everything to gain approval and usually does not express his own opinion.


Such people are extremely demanding of themselves and others and are always looking for benefits for themselves and their team. They prefer to lead, while always providing help and support to their subordinates. Such people love society, communicate a lot with people, but at the same time they love freedom and always express and prove their point of view.


Such people often worry, even without reason, and are not indifferent to the problems of others. They have a well-developed sense of compassion, so they can always listen and support. People often turn to them for advice, because such people are relatable and inspire trust. Also, basically this creative personalities who love music, literature and painting. They are able to live the life of a hero, experiencing all his experiences.


Such individuals cannot live without society and always lead active social activities. They are always aware of all events and love communication. People with a socially oriented personality can be both bosses and subordinates, but their work must be connected with society.

Professional orientation

Each profession requires the possession of specific character traits that are necessary to achieve success in that field. In psychology, several personality types are defined:

  • Realistic type

They prefer physical labor and working with real objects. The following professions suit them most: builder, technician, mechanic.

  • Conventional type

The personality is attentive, focused and calm in nature. Such people are responsible and always complete their work on time. Preferred professions: librarian, merchandiser.

  • Intelligent type

These people love to think and learn new information. They love to do research work. The most suitable professions: teacher, writer.

  • Enterprising type

Such individuals have leadership qualities and are excellent leaders. The following professions are suitable: manager, businessman.

  • Social type

People with a well-developed sense of empathy who strive to help others. The following professions are suitable: doctor, social worker.

  • Artistic type

Such individuals do not like to work according to a schedule and put themselves into any kind of framework. They are unpredictable and creative. Best professions: artist, poet.

Focus and motivation

The result of an individual’s activity depends on motivation, which can be external and internal. Extrinsic motivation may involve gaining approval from others. Intrinsic motivation lies in the interest of the individual himself to complete a specific task. Internal motivation has a much better effect on a person, because in this way he develops himself. The more motivated a person is, the more he believes in own strength and the more desire he has to work to achieve the goal.

It is extremely important that a person understands why he is doing his work, only in this case he will do it efficiently. If work does not provide any benefits and does not bring you closer to the goal, then any person will quickly get bored with it.

Correct goal setting and self-confidence

In order to achieve success, a person needs to decide on his desires and goals. It is also important to come up with a plan to achieve them. To improve your work efficiency, you should present the result of your work and the achievement of your goal.

Also, in order to achieve success, you need to be confident in your abilities. Only a self-confident person can take concrete steps towards achieving a goal. Self-confidence can be developed, because it is also necessary for building relationships with others.

Personality orientation is formed from childhood during training and education. Each personality develops in society and is influenced by it, while some later develop independence from the opinions of others. Personality orientation is the motives, desires and goals of a person that influence his activities and behavior. Therefore, the orientation of a person determines how successful he will be and how he will achieve his goals.

There are many scientific definitions of the concept of “personal orientation”; psychologists understand it differently. But what is certain is that focus– one of the leading characteristics and the most important personality trait, which expresses the dynamics of the development of the individual as a social being.

Many Soviet psychologists made a significant contribution to the study of the phenomenon of personality orientation. The concepts of S.L. are world famous. Rubinstein (about the dynamic tendency), A. N. Leontyev (about the meaning-forming motive), B.G. Ananyev (about the main direction of life).

In fact, personality orientation is the totality of a person’s motives or motives. Simply put, focus – this is what a person wants and what he is so accustomed to striving for that these aspirations have become the “support”, the “core” of his personality. The orientation of a person, like a trend in fashion, determines the style in which a person will live.

Focus– this is a complex personality property that allows you to understand the goals and motives of a person’s behavior, as well as predict them. After all, knowing what the subject is oriented towards in life, what his attitudes and orientation are, one can guess how he will act in a given situation. Conversely, by observing a person in any significant situation, you can understand his personal orientation.

Focus is being formed in the process of education and self-education and is always socially conditioned, that is, it depends on the foundations of society and is assessed from the point of view of morality, ethics, and traditions.

Forms personality orientation:

  • goals,
  • motives,
  • needs,
  • constant subjective attitude,
  • value guidelines,
  • ideals,
  • interests,
  • principles,
  • likes and dislikes,
  • tastes,
  • inclinations,
  • attachments and so on.

Focus influences on character, abilities, temporary mental states, and even on temperament, which is practically incapable of changing throughout life.

The most important function personal orientation – meaning-forming. Man is a creature in need of meaning. If there is no meaning, there is no motive, and without motive there is no activity. Focus organizes human activity and makes it meaningful in all areas, be it personal life or work.

The direction of a person, as well as a person’s desire for a specific goal, does not appear out of nowhere and is not something stable.

The direction is formed step by step. Step by step, step by step appear structural components personality orientation:

Interests as structural components of personality orientation can say much more about a person than his drives, desires and aspirations. Knowing what a person is interested in, you can already get a rough idea about him.

  1. Addiction. Inclinations determine not a contemplative, but an active orientation. The tendency encourages you to act in one direction not just once, but by returning to a certain activity again and again. An inclination arises when interest is supported by will; it can be called interest in specific species activities.
  2. Ideal. This is a concrete image of the ultimate goal of inclination, a personal guideline, support in making important decisions and the basis of a worldview.
  3. Worldview. This is a set of views on the world, society and oneself, combined into a single, holistic model. Worldview is a set of personal laws of life that help you adapt in the present and plan for the future.
  4. Belief. Highest form orientation, which is a system of conscious life motives that encourage one to act in accordance with the principles and worldview. Without beliefs, a person would have to learn and comprehend each time again and again. own experience how to act. Beliefs help you quickly determine the correct model of behavior in a given situation. A set of beliefs is a set of groups of stable motives, which form the “core” of a person’s orientation.

This sequence - from attraction to belief - is similar matryoshka: each subsequent structural component contains the previous ones.

The orientation of a personality, depending on the main object of aspiration, can be several species:

  1. Personal or direction to myself. With this orientation, a person strives for self-realization, satisfaction of personal needs and achievement of his own goals.

These are purposeful, responsible, organized, self-reliant, thinking and planning, and at the same time active individuals.

Such people are strong and self-confident, but from the outside it may seem that they are self-confident and selfish. Their problem is often the inability to delegate authority, ask for help, and the desire for loneliness.

  1. Collectivist or direction on others. The main need of people with this type of orientation is communication and contact with other individuals.

Such individuals are non-conflict, courteous, respectable, ready to help, empathize and participate, focus on others, listen to other people’s opinions, and wait for approval. A collectivist orientation makes a person an excellent partner, reliable and easy to get along with people both in a team and in a family.

The problems of those directed at other individuals lie in their inability to express their own opinions, resist manipulation, and fight for personal happiness. Unfortunately, such people do not know how to plan, are afraid of serious responsibility, and are not able to determine personal goals.

  1. Business, direction to the point. Activity-oriented people combine personal gain with the benefit of society.

They are self-demanding, serious, reliable, sociable, friendly, but at the same time independent and very freedom-loving individuals. They love to study and learn something new.

To determine the type of personal orientation, it was developed (by the author of the technique B. Bass), since accurately determining it on your own is quite problematic.

There are other classifications of personality orientation types. For example, suicidal and depressive tendencies are distinguished separately. This type of orientation has a pronounced negative connotation and undoubtedly requires psychological correction.

As for the three main orientations (toward oneself, to others, and to the cause), they cannot be assessed as clearly positive or negative. All we can say for sure is that the orientation of a person directly affects the success of any human activity and his life in general.

We recommend reading the classic work by B.G. Ananyeva “Man as an object of knowledge”; for parents who want to successfully raise their child - the book by A. Moiseeva “Altruistic orientation of the individual and its formation in the family”; We recommend to teachers – A.V. Zosimovsky

One of the most important psychological characteristics of a mature personality is its value orientations (VA). In fact, this is the problem of the meaning of human existence. Approaching the meaning of life as the need for its psychological justification, A. N. Leontiev noted: “... the leading motive - the goal rises to a truly human level and does not isolate a person, but merges his life with the lives of people, their good... such life motives... are capable of creating an inner the psychological justification of his existence, which constitutes the meaning of life" (1975, p. 221).

Value orientations, being one of the central personal formations, express a person’s conscious attitude to social reality and in this capacity determine the broad motivation of his behavior and have a significant impact on all aspects of his activity (B. G. Ananyev, 1968; G. M. Andreeva , 1980; I. S. Kon, 1967; E. V. Shorokhova, 1974; V. A. Yadov, 1975; Thus, the development of value orientations is closely related to the development of personality orientation. S. L. Rubinstein pointed out: “In human activity to satisfy immediate social needs, a social scale of values ​​appears. In satisfying personal and individual needs through socially useful activities, the individual’s attitude to society and, accordingly, the relationship between the personal and the socially significant is realized” (1976, p. 365). And further: “The presence of values ​​is an expression of a person’s concern for the world, arising from the significance various sides, aspects of the world for a person, for his life" (ibid., p. 366).

A number of studies note that adolescence is sensitive and very favorable for the formation of CO as a stable personality trait that contributes to the formation of students’ worldview and their attitude to the surrounding reality (N. A. Volkova, 1984; V. D. Ermolenko, 1984; B. S. Kruglov, 1983, 1987; A. S. Sharov, 1986). These studies have established that personality centers can be studied from the point of view of identifying their psychological essence, causes of occurrence, formation mechanisms and considered as a certain result of personal development, as a result of the interaction of subjective and objective determinants of this development. In the first case, the main subject of research is mental processes, which determine the emergence in a person of one or another system of values ​​and the central character of the individual (G E Zalessky, 1971; B. S. Kruglov, 1978; Personality Formation., 1987), in the second - the content of this system, its hierarchical structure, regulatory function in social behavior(V. A. Yadov, 1975; A. G. Zdravomyslov, 1986).

Both approaches to the study of CO can be equally used in the study of age and individual characteristics personality formation However, if in the first the genesis of the actual psychological mechanism of a given property, the structural component of personality, is placed in the center of our attention, then in the second the assessment of personality development from the point of view of its moral, socially significant qualities comes to the fore. It is the latter, to the greatest extent, as it seems to us, that can characterize an individual’s readiness to find a place for himself, for his system of values ​​in the system of value coordinates of society. Depending on what values ​​the student is guided by (what he strives for in life, what he wants to create or receive in this life, what he sees as the personal value of communication, his activities, etc.), we can talk about his social and civic maturity In other words, we can judge the personal maturity of high school students by how much the content side of the central education system, characteristic of this age period, will correspond to the interests of society.

Everyone can have their own value system, and in this system values ​​are arranged in a certain hierarchical interdependence. Of course, these systems are individual only insofar as individual consciousness reflects social consciousness.

From these positions, in the process of identifying the characteristics of students’ ACs as an indicator of a certain level of development of their personality, it is necessary to take into account two main parameters: the degree of formation of the hierarchical structure of the ACs and the content of the ACs (their orientation), which is characterized by specific values ​​included in the structure. The first parameter is very important for assessing the level of personal maturity of a student. The fact is that the internalization of values ​​as a conscious process occurs only if a person has the ability to select from a variety of phenomena those that are of some value to him (satisfy his needs and interests), and then transform them into a certain structure depending on the conditions of existence , near and distant goals of one’s life, possibilities for their implementation, etc. It is easy to notice that such an ability can only be realized at a sufficiently high level of personal development, including a certain degree of formation of higher mental functions, consciousness and socio-psychological maturity. The second parameter, which characterizes the peculiarities of the functioning of the CO, makes it possible to qualify the substantive side of the orientation of an individual who is at a particular level of development. Depending on what specific values ​​are included in the structure of the CO of the individual, what is the combination of these values ​​and the degree of greater or lesser preference for them relative to others, etc., it is possible to determine what goals of life a person’s activity is directed towards. Analysis of the content side of the hierarchical structure of the CO can also show to what extent the identified student learning centers correspond to the social standard, and how adequate they are to the goals of education.