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» What does the icon of the Virgin Mary of Vladimir help with? Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir: description and symbolism

What does the icon of the Virgin Mary of Vladimir help with? Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir: description and symbolism

For a long time, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God has been considered the patroness of Rus'.

Its history dates back to the 1st century, when, according to legend, the Evangelist Luke wrote it on a board from the table at which the Holy Family ate when Jesus was still a child.

History of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

The original location of the icon was Jerusalem; in the 5th century it was transported to Constantinople. It is known how the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir came to Rus': the Patriarch of Constantinople gave it to Prince Mstislav at the beginning of the 12th century. It was placed in the Vyshgorod monastery near Kyiv and soon became famous as miraculous.

Having heard about this, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky decided to transport it to the north, but on the way a real miracle happened: not far from Vladimir, the horses with the cart on which the icon was being transported suddenly stopped, and no force could move them. Deciding that this was a sign of God, they spent the night there, and at night during prayer the prince had a vision: the Mother of God herself ordered to leave her icon in Vladimir, and at the site of the parking lot to build a monastery with a temple in honor of Her Nativity. This is how the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary got its name.

Meeting of the Vladimir Icon

In 1395, the hordes of Tamerlane descended on Rus', advancing towards Moscow, taking one city after another. At the request of Grand Duke Vasily I Dimitrievich, who was expecting an attack by the Tatars, they sent to Vladimir for the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, and within 10 days it was brought to Moscow in a religious procession. Along the way and in Moscow itself, the icon was met by hundreds and thousands of kneeling people, offering it a prayer to save the Russian land from its enemies. The solemn meeting (presentation) of the Vladimir Icon took place on September 8.

On the same day, Tamerlane, who stopped with an army on the banks of the Don, had a vision: he saw a Majestic Woman hovering over the saints, who commanded him to leave Rus'. The courtiers interpreted this vision as the appearance of the Mother of God, the great protector of the Orthodox. The superstitious Tamerlane carried out her order.

In memory of how the Russian land was miraculously delivered from the enemy invasion, the Sretensky Monastery was built and on September 8 the celebration of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was established.

The meaning of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The significance of this icon for Rus' and all its Orthodox Christians cannot be overestimated - it is our national shrine. Before her, in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, the anointing of sovereigns to the kingdom and the election of high priests took place. More than once, the Queen of Heaven, the patroness of Rus', saved her: in 1480 she delivered her from the Horde Khan Akhmat (celebration on June 23), and in 1521 - from the Crimean Khan Makhmet-Girey (celebration on May 21).

Our Lady saved not only the state, but also many people with her power.

The fact that the Vladimir Icon was miraculous was widely known, and people from all over Rus' flocked to it with their prayers.

There are many stories of miraculous healings and other help in troubles and misfortunes. Moreover, not only the icon itself, located in Moscow, had miraculous power, but also its numerous copies, such as the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God of Oran, which saved Nizhny Novgorod from the plague epidemic or the Vladimir Zaonikievskaya Icon of the Mother of God, famous for its numerous healings, etc.

Currently, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Tretyakov Gallery, namely in the Church-Museum of St. Nicholas at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Description of the icon

Before characterizing the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, it should be noted that from the point of view of iconography it belongs to the “Eleus” type, which developed in Byzantine icon painting in the 11th century. This is translated from Greek as “merciful,” but in Ancient Rus' It was called “Tenderness”, which conveys the essence of the image much more accurately.

And indeed, the image of the Mother with the Child would only express Her tenderness, if not for the eyes, filled with incredible tragedy in anticipation of the torment to which Her Child is doomed. The baby, in His innocent ignorance, hugs the Mother, pressing his cheek to Her cheek. A very touching detail is the bare left leg peeking out from under His robe, so that the sole is visible, which is typical for all copies from the Vladimir icon.

What does the Vladimir Icon help with?

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God saved Holy Rus' more than once. In difficult times, religious processions and national prayer services with this icon brought deliverance from enemy invasions, unrest, schism, and epidemics; Before this image, the Russian monarchs were crowned kings and took the oath of allegiance.

Prayer to the Mother of God in front of Her Vladimir Icon will strengthen the spirit and faith, give determination and help choose the right path, drive away bad thoughts, calm anger and bad passions, and bring healing from physical ailments, especially the heart and eyes. They also pray to her for strengthening family ties and family well-being.

Prayer to the icon

To whom shall we cry, Lady? To whom shall we resort in our sorrow, if not to You, Queen of Heaven? Who will accept our tears and sighs, if not You, Most Immaculate, the hope of Christians and our refuge? sinful? Who is in mercy more than You? Incline Your ear to us, Lady, Mother of our God, and do not despise those who require Your help: hear our groaning, strengthen us sinners, enlighten and teach us, O Queen of Heaven, and do not depart from us, Thy servant, Lady, for our grumbling, but Be our Mother and Intercessor, and entrust us to the merciful protection of Your Son. Arrange for us whatever Your holy will pleases, and lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life, may we weep for our sins, may we rejoice with You always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Vladimirovskaya Icon of the Mother of God is the main Orthodox Russian shrine, the most revered Christian image of the Mother of God. This is the earliest of all known miraculous images that has been preserved since the times of Ancient Rus'. Great Orthodox shrine has a long history of veneration. It has come to us thanks to detailed records made by chroniclers and monks in their works. The veneration of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary demonstrates the inextricable spiritual connection between the history of the country, the life of the Russian state and church events.

The bright face of the Mother of Jesus Christ many times became an invisible shield for people and their country from enemies, misfortunes, and troubles. It is not surprising that it is in honor of this holy image that the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the largest number of holidays:

  • Remembering the salvation of the main Russian capital in 1521 from the invasion of the army of the Crimean Khan Muhammad-Girey - May 21 (June 3, old style).
  • About the miraculous deliverance of Russian lands from the attack of Akhmat in 1480 - June 23 (July 6, old style).
  • On the deliverance from Tamerlane's troops (1395) - August 26 (September 8, old style.

Iconography of the image of the Virgin Mary

The image of the Vladimir Mother of God is classified as the “Tenderness” type of icon painting. On Greek sounds like "Eleusa" (ελεουσα), which means "Merciful". The icon has the most lyrical composition of all the iconographies of the Most Pure Virgin. The image reveals the close spiritual and physical communication of the Mother of God with her Infant Son. The images of the Virgin and Child, who tenderly pressed their cheeks to each other, seem deeply human and intimate.

Two figures appear before us - Mother Mary and the Infant Christ, who closely cling to their faces. The Virgin's head is tilted towards Jesus. He gently hugs Mother’s neck with his hand. A distinctive feature of the Vladimir Icon from other images belonging to the “Tenderness” type is the position of the left leg of the Infant Jesus. It is so bent that the sole of the child's foot is completely visible.

This image of the Mother of God with her Son, in addition to the direct meaning of love and tenderness in a relationship, contains a deep theological idea. Firstly, Mary symbolizes the Christian soul of man, which communicates closely with the Lord. Secondly, the tender touches and gaze of the Blessed Virgin Mother remind us of the future sacrifice of Jesus on the cross in the name of every person. The Mother humbly accepts her destiny, mourning and rejoicing at the fate of the Son of God.

The Vladimir icon is double-sided. On back side On the board you can see the image of the Throne and the instrument of Christ's Passion.

Origin of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Tradition of the 15th century dates the creation of this icon of the Mother of God to the time of the appearance of the first lifetime images of the Mother of Christ, written in the 1st century by the evangelist and apostle Luke. The drawing was made on a special material - a board from a table at which the Most Pure Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ could probably have sat.

Some researchers believe that the image shows the features of Byzantine art. And the icon that has survived to this day is an early copy of Luke’s creation, the authorship of which belongs to a master painter of Polish origin who lived approximately in the 11th century. Other scientists argue that the analysis of artistic and stylistic features, as well as some historical facts indicate that the Vladimir Icon dates back to the first half of the 12th century (approximately 1130). This does not detract from the significance and value of the holy face, which for centuries has helped people, answered their requests and prayers, and protected the Orthodox people from evil spirits.

Finding of the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God by the Russian people

The image created by the Evangelist Luke remained in Jerusalem almost until the middle of the 5th century. Later, during the reign of Theodosius the Younger, the icon was transported to Constantinople. In 1131, Patriarch of Constantinople Luka Chrysoverg sent an image of the Mother of God to Yuri Dolgoruky as a gift. The precious gift was placed in the convent of the city of Vyshgorod, near Kiev. The icon received the name “Vladimir” after it was placed (1155) by Andrei Bogolyubsky in the new Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir (the center of the Vladimir-Suzdal land).

From the first days, the icon showed numerous miracles to parishioners and pilgrims, and became famous as an intercessor and helper. According to the legends left behind, the Vladimir holy image of the Mother of God, showing its strength, left its place in the altar and hovered in the air, supported by an invisible force. The most important thing it helps Christians with antique icon– save people, a temple, a city from harm, encroachment, destruction by enemies or fire.

So, in 1164, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky went on a campaign against the Volga Bulgarians, taking with him the holy Vladimir image of the Ever-Virgin. Prayers and veneration of the shrine helped Russian soldiers win a military victory. In April 1185, a terrible fire engulfed the Vladimir Church. All the property of the temple burned down. And only the sacred Vladimir image of the Mother of God did not dare to be touched by fire. The parishioners revered the icon as their powerful amulet. While she was in Vladimir, the city grew, became stronger and prospered.

On February 17, 1185, the icon, together with the townspeople, survived the devastation of Batu Khan. But this did not break the people of Vladimir, because the Defender remained next to them. The image of the Mother of God became the divine inspiration for the victory (1380) of the Russian army led by Dmitry Donskoy.

Moscow history of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

By the will of the Lord, since 1395 the fate of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Pure One has been connected with Moscow. The holy image was installed in the temple dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. After the destruction of Ryazan, Tamerlane decided to march on Moscow, causing destruction along the way. It was decided to strengthen the Divine protection of the capital by bringing the miraculous Vladimir Icon to it. A solemn procession with Metropolitan Cyprian of Moscow, along with the clergy, members of the princely family, ordinary people and people went outside the city to meet the icon. They accepted the shrine and placed it with honor in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Protector from enemies

The defense of the Mother of God turned out to be so strong that Tamerlane first stopped his army and remained in one place for two weeks. And then he quickly turned south and left Moscow. Hearing about what had happened, people said that the enemy fled, driven by the power of the Most Holy Protectress. To celebrate this significant event of the miraculous deliverance of the Russian land from the army of Tamerlane, it was established church celebration September 8 (old style August 26). This is the day of the solemn arrival in Moscow and the meeting of the Vladimir image of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the feast of the Presentation. Soon, at the site of the transfer of the bright face, the domes of the new temple, the new home of the icon, shone. Over time, the Sretenskaya monastic monastery was formed around the church.

Thus, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God was not returned to Vladimir, leaving Moscow forever. Since that time, Mother of God of Vladimir has not left the capital of Russia, protecting it from troubles, deprivations, and attacks from enemies. The second remarkable incident occurred in 1480, when the image of the Virgin Mary saved the country and its heart from the countless horde of Khan Akhmat. A meeting between Russian defenders and Tatars took place near the banks of the Ugra River. The opponents stood on both sides of the river, waiting for a sign to begin the battle. The Vladimir icon was with those who were going to be the first to rush into battle with the enemy. A miracle happened - the army of the Golden Horde fled.

The church celebration on July 6 (June 23, old style) perpetuated the glorious memory of the great intercession of the Ever-Virgin. On this day every year (before the events of 1917) a solemn ceremony was held procession priests and parishioners with icons and banners, but the central place, of course, belonged to the holy ancient image of the Russian Defender. The procession took place festively large cluster people from the Assumption Church to the Sretensky Monastery.

In 1521, the united army of the Kazan Khanate and Mehmet Giray approached the city walls of the capital. Huge fires were already burning around the city, threatening to destroy everything in their path. The townspeople were preparing for the siege, turning their gaze and words of prayer to the merciful Vladimir Intercessor. And again the Mother of God did not turn away from her children. The enemy army left Moscow without harming it. Thus, the third great holiday was established in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. It is still celebrated on June 3 (according to the old style on May 21). Orthodox Christians commemorate the miraculous deliverance of the country's main city from enemy desecration.

Before the holy face of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Russian tsars and princes prayed before setting out on a campaign. They asked for God's will to be fulfilled, for blessings before the election of Moscow metropolitans, and then patriarchs. The Merciful Mother of God, who more than once became a shield and support, was entrusted with the solution of the most important issues of spiritual and secular life - the lot of each candidate was placed in front of the icon. It was to her that the most noble and respected Muscovites swore an oath to be faithful to the sovereign and the faith.

Fire in Moscow 1547

The devastating fire of 1547 became a real tragedy for Moscow. The merciless fire destroyed a third of all buildings in the city. As Karamzin wrote, wooden buildings simply disappeared, and stone buildings crumbled, iron melted, copper flowed. Moscow lost 1,700 of its residents in the fire.

Raging flames engulfed many buildings of the Moscow Kremlin. Saving what was most precious, people wanted to bring out the miraculous image. Strong, brave men were sent to remove the icon and hide it safely from fire outside the Kremlin. But the shrine resisted, not moving an inch. Eyewitnesses testified that a vision of a radiant woman appeared in the skies above the temple, the light from her falling on the domes of the Assumption Cathedral. When the fire died down, everyone saw an amazing picture. Among the smoky, terrible ashes stood the Assumption Cathedral, preserved from the elements. Since that time, the Miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God has remained in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

The Defender left Moscow for a short time in the rebellious year of 1812. She was temporarily moved to Vladimir, then to Murom. And soon the shrine returned again to the altar of the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral. They carried out Vladimirskaya only on holidays: religious processions and coronation Russian Emperor. At this time, the empty space of the church iconostasis was occupied by an exact icon. And today it is precisely this that can be seen when visiting the Assumption Cathedral.

New story

In difficult, atheistic times for the Orthodox Church, the Russian shrine (since 1928) ended up in the Tretyakov Gallery. To the great joy of Christians, the icon was not destroyed or lost, like many other Orthodox shrines.

In 1999, the Vladimir face of the Blessed Virgin Mary was transferred to the State Tretyakov Gallery for careful preservation in the Church of St. Nicholas (in Tolmachi). The Russian relic is kept in special conditions. The special icon case in which the image is located is covered bulletproof glass. The devices installed in the room control and maintain ideal parameters of humidity and air temperature. Such serious measures are designed to protect the shrine from aggressive external conditions.

What to ask from the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The Vladimir image of the Most Pure Mother of God is revered by Christians all over the world as miraculous. Since the time the icon was painted, people have bowed before the Virgin Mary and the Son of the Lord, praying for help in business, direction on the right path, healing from illnesses, and protection from enemies. The notes left behind suggest what the holy face helps with most. People testify that the Mother of God helps in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. They offer petitions before the icon to protect themselves from various tragedies, problems and enemies.

Since ancient times, the icon of the Queen of Heaven has protected Kievan Rus, and later Russia from enemy attacks. She strengthened the military spirit, instilled courage and courage into the hearts of the defenders of the homeland. And today the shrine protects from quarrels, discord within the family, in relationships between people, from international conflicts, enemy threats, and unrest within the country. The Mother of God protects from disagreements and quarrels, helps people with different views to reconcile with each other, to find common ground.

Orthodox Christians rush to the shrine to pray before the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, to tell her about their troubles, problems, to ask for the right advice and help. Often for adoption complex solution and starting a new business, you need to strengthen your spirit, the Mother of God will give you strength, help you separate the important from the secondary. Shrine:

  • She is able to suggest the right path, save a person from uncertainty and doubt, and give peace and tranquility instead of confusion and tossing.
  • It will strengthen the spirit, faith, and give strength to survive difficult times.
  • Improves health. He will heal all who sincerely believe from illnesses. People with heart disease and eye problems get better especially often.
  • Gives physical health and spiritual insight.
  • Protects from all enemies - political opponents, militant invaders, ill-wishers, envious people. It pacifies those who sow discord and confusion.
  • He will definitely tell you what to do if you have problems with your work.

The Vladimir Icon of the Most Pure One is a strong talisman hearth, prosperous family, a union of two people sealed by God. Don't know how to improve personal relationships? Be sure to pray to the Vladimir Icon and keep such an icon in your home. The Mother of God will support mutual respect, love, unity of souls, and will help to better understand each other. And it will help single people choose the right match.

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God depicts the Mother of God. It is one of the most revered relics of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God: legend

According to pious tradition, the image of the Mother of God of Vladimir was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Savior dined with the Most Pure Mother and the righteous Joseph the Betrothed. The Mother of God, seeing this image, said: “From now on, all my people will please Me. May the grace of Him who was born of Me and Mine be with this image.”

Until the middle of the 5th century, the icon remained in Jerusalem. Under Theodosius the Younger, it was transferred to Constantinople, from where in 1131 it was sent to Rus' as a gift to Yuri Dolgoruky from the Patriarch of Constantinople Luke Chrysoverkh. The icon was placed in a nunnery in the city of Vyshgorod, not far from Kyiv, where it immediately became famous for its many miracles. In 1155, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, St. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, wanting to have a famous shrine, transported the icon to the north, to Vladimir, and placed it in the famous Assumption Cathedral, which he erected. From that time on, the icon received the name Vladimir.

During the campaign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky against the Volga Bulgarians, in 1164, the image of the “Holy Mother of God of Vladimir” helped the Russians defeat the enemy. The icon survived the terrible fire on April 13, 1185, when the Vladimir Cathedral burned down, and remained unharmed during the destruction of Vladimir by Batu on February 17, 1237.

The further history of the image is entirely connected with the capital city of Moscow, where it was first brought in 1395 during the invasion of Khan Tamerlane. The conqueror with an army invaded the borders of Ryazan, captured and ruined it and headed his way to Moscow, devastating and destroying everything around. While the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich was gathering troops and sending them to Kolomna, in Moscow itself, Metropolitan Cyprian blessed the population for fasting and prayerful repentance. On mutual advice, Vasily Dmitrievich and Cyprian decided to resort to spiritual weapons and transfer the miraculous icon of the Most Pure Mother of God from Vladimir to Moscow.

The icon was brought into the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The chronicle reports that Tamerlane, having stood in one place for two weeks, suddenly became afraid, turned south and left the Moscow borders. A great miracle happened: during a procession with a miraculous icon, heading from Vladimir to Moscow, when countless people were kneeling on both sides of the road and praying: “Mother of God, save the Russian land!”, Tamerlane had a vision. Before his mind's eye appeared high mountain, from the top of which saints with golden rods descended, and above them the Majestic Woman appeared in a radiant radiance. She ordered him to leave the borders of Russia. Waking up in awe, Tamerlane asked about the meaning of the vision. They answered him that the radiant Woman is the Mother of God, the great Defender of Christians. Then Tamerlane gave the order to the regiments to go back.

In memory of the miraculous deliverance of Rus' from the invasion of Tamerlane, a solemn ceremony was established on the day of the meeting in Moscow of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God on August 26 / September 8 religious holiday The meeting of this icon, and at the meeting place itself a temple was erected, around which the Sretensky Monastery was later located.

For the second time, the Mother of God saved Rus' from ruin in 1480 (commemorated on June 23 / July 6), when the army of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Akhmat, approached Moscow.

The meeting of the Tatars with the Russian army took place near the Ugra River (the so-called “standing on the Ugra”): the troops stood on different banks and were waiting for a reason to attack. In the front ranks of the Russian army they held the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, which miraculously put the Horde regiments to flight.

Third celebration Vladimir Mother Bozhei (May 21 / June 3) recalls the deliverance of Moscow from the defeat of Makhmet-Girey, Khan of Kazan, who in 1521 reached the borders of Moscow and began to burn its suburbs, but suddenly retreated from the capital without causing harm to it.

Before the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, many of the most important events in Russian church history took place: the election and installation of St. Jonah - Primate of the Autocephalous Russian Church (1448), St. Job - the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (1589), His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon (1917 .), and also in all centuries, oaths of allegiance to the Motherland were taken before her, prayers were performed before military campaigns.

Iconography of the Vladimir Mother of God

The icon of the Vladimir Mother of God belongs to the “Caressing” type, also known under the epithets “Eleusa” (ελεουσα - “Merciful”), “Tenderness”, “Glycophilus” (γλυκυφιλουσα - “Sweet kiss”). This is the most lyrical of all types of iconography of the Virgin Mary, revealing the intimate side of the Virgin Mary’s communication with Her Son. The image of the Mother of God caressing the Child, his deep humanity turned out to be especially close to Russian painting.

The iconographic scheme includes two figures - the Virgin Mary and the Infant Christ, their faces clinging to each other. Mary's head is bowed towards the Son, and He puts his hand around the Mother's neck. Distinctive feature The Vladimir icon differs from other icons of the “Tenderness” type: the left leg of the Infant Christ is bent in such a way that the sole of the foot, the “heel,” is visible.

This touching composition, in addition to its direct meaning, contains a deep theological idea: the Mother of God caressing the Son appears as a symbol of the soul in close communion with God. In addition, the embrace of Mary and the Son suggests the future sufferings of the Savior on the cross; in the Mother’s caressing of the Child, his future mourning is foreseen.

The work is permeated with completely obvious sacrificial symbolism. From a theological point of view, its content can be reduced to three main themes: “the incarnation, the predestination of the Child to the sacrifice and the unity in love of Mary the Church with Christ the High Priest.” This interpretation of Our Lady of Caress is confirmed by the image on the back of the icon of the throne with the symbols of the Passion. Here in the 15th century. they painted an image of the throne (etimasia - “prepared throne”), covered with an altar cloth, the Gospel with the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, nails, a crown of thorns, behind the throne there is a Calvary cross, a spear and a cane with a sponge, below is the floor of the altar flooring. The theological interpretation of etymasia is based on Holy Scripture and the writings of the Church Fathers. Etymasia symbolizes Christ's resurrection and His judgment over the living and the dead, and the instruments of His torment are the sacrifice made to atone for the sins of mankind. The juxtaposition of Mary caressing the Child and the turnover with the throne clearly expressed sacrificial symbolism.

Arguments have been put forward in favor of the fact that the icon was double-sided from the very beginning: this is evidenced by the identical shapes of the ark and the husks of both sides. In the Byzantine tradition, there were often images of a cross on the back of Mother of God icons. Starting from the 12th century, the time of the creation of the “Vladimir Mother of God,” in Byzantine murals, the etymasia was often placed in the altar as an altar image, visually revealing the sacrificial meaning of the Eucharist, which takes place here on the throne. This suggests the possible location of the icon in antiquity. For example, in the Vyshgorod monastery church it could be placed in the altar as a double-sided altar icon. The text of the Legend contains information about the use of the Vladimir icon as an altar icon and as an outside icon that was moved in the church.

The luxurious attire of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which she had according to the news of the chronicles, also does not testify in favor of the possibility of its location in the altar barrier in the 12th century: “And there were more than thirty hryvnias of gold on it, in addition to silver and in addition to expensive stones and pearls, and Having decorated it, put it in your church in Volodymeri.” But many of the external icons were later strengthened precisely in iconostases, like the Vladimir Icon in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow, originally placed to the right of royal gates: “And having brought in<икону>to the supreme temple of her glorious Dormition, which is the great Catholic and Apostolic Church of the Russian Metropolis, and placed it in an icon case on the right side, where to this day it stands visible and worshiped by all" (See: Degree Book. M., 1775. Part 1 552).

There is an opinion that the “Vladimir Mother of God” was one of the copies of the icon of the Mother of God “Caressing” from the Blachernae Basilica, that is, a copy of the famous ancient miraculous icon. In the Legend of the Miracles of the Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, she is likened to the Ark of the Covenant, like the Virgin Mary herself, as well as her Robe, which was kept in the rotunda of Agia Soros in Blachernae. The Legend also speaks of healings that are accomplished mainly thanks to the water from the ablutions of the Vladimir Icon: they drink this water, wash the sick with it, and send it to other cities in sealed vessels to heal the sick. This miracle-working of waters from the washing of the Vladimir icon, emphasized in the Legend, could also be rooted in the rituals of the Blachernae sanctuary, the most important part of which was the chapel of the spring dedicated to the Mother of God. Constantine Porphyrogenitus described the custom of washing in a font in front of a marble relief of the Mother of God, from whose hands water flowed.

In addition, this opinion is supported by the fact that under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in his Vladimir principality, the cult of the Mother of God, associated with Blachernae shrines, received special development. For example, on the Golden Gate of the city of Vladimir, the prince erected the Church of the Deposition of the Robe of the Mother of God, directly dedicating it to the relics of the Blachernae Temple.

Style of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The time of painting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the 12th century, refers to the so-called Komninian revival (1057-1185). This period in Byzantine art is characterized by the extreme dematerialization of painting, carried out by drawing faces and clothes with numerous lines, whitening slides, sometimes whimsically, ornamentally placed on the image.

In the icon we are considering, the most ancient painting of the 12th century includes the faces of the Mother and the Child, part of the blue cap and maforium border with a gold assist, as well as part of the ocher chiton of the Child with a gold assist with sleeves to the elbow and the transparent edge of the shirt visible from under it, a brush left and part right hand The baby, as well as the remains of the golden background. These few surviving fragments represent a high example of the Constantinople school of painting of the Komnenian period. There is no deliberate graphic quality characteristic of the time; on the contrary, the line in this image is nowhere opposed to volume. The main means of artistic expression is built on “the combination of insensible flows, giving the surface the impression of not being made by hands, with a geometrically pure, visibly built line.” “The personal letter is one of the most perfect examples of “Comnenian floating”, combining multi-layered sequential modeling with the absolute indistinguishability of the stroke. The layers of painting are loose, very transparent; the main thing is in their relationship with each other, in the transmission of the lower ones through the upper ones.<…>A complex and transparent system of tones – greenish sankira, ocher, shadows and highlights – leads to a specific effect of diffused, flickering light.”

Among the Byzantine icons of the Comnenian period, the Vladimir Mother of God also stands out as characteristic of the best works of this time deep penetration into the realm of the human soul, its hidden secret sufferings. The heads of Mother and Son pressed against each other. The Mother of God knows that Her Son is doomed to suffer for the sake of people, and sorrow lurks in Her dark, thoughtful eyes.

The skill with which the painter was able to convey a subtle spiritual state most likely served as the origin of the legend about the painting of the image by the Evangelist Luke. It should be recalled that the painting of the early Christian period, the time when the famous evangelist icon painter lived, was flesh and blood of the art of late antiquity, with its sensual, “life-like” nature. But, in comparison with the icons of the early period, the image of the Vladimir Mother of God bears the stamp of the highest “spiritual culture”, which could only be the fruit of centuries-old Christian thoughts about the coming of the Lord to earth, the humility of His Most Pure Mother and the path they traversed of self-denial and sacrificial love.

Revered miraculous lists with icons of the Vladimir Mother of God

Over the centuries, many copies have been written from the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Some of them became famous for their miracles and received special names depending on their place of origin. This:

  • Vladimir - Volokolamsk icon (memory of Mr. 3/16), which was the contribution of Malyuta Skuratov to the Joseph-Volokolamsk monastery. Nowadays it is in the collection of the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art named after Andrei Rublev.
  • Vladimirskaya - Seligerskaya (memory D. 7/20), brought to Seliger by Nil Stolbensky in the 16th century.
  • Vladimir - Zaonikievskaya (memory M. 21. / John 3; John 23 / Ill. 6, from the Zaonikievsky monastery), 1588.
  • Vladimirskaya - Oranskaya (memory M. 21 / John 3), 1634.
  • Vladimirskaya - Krasnogorskaya (Montenegorskaya) (memory M. 21 / John 3). 1603
  • Vladimir - Rostov (memory Av. 15/28), XII century.

Troparion to the Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, tone 4

Today the most glorious city of Moscow is shining brightly, / as the dawn of the sun has received, O Lady, Your miraculous icon, / to which now we flow and pray to You we cry out to You: / O, most wonderful Lady Theotokos, / pray to You, our incarnate God, / may He deliver the city this and all Christian cities and countries are unharmed from all the slander of the enemy, // and our souls will be saved by the Merciful.

Kontakion to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, tone 8

To the chosen victorious Voivode, / as those who were delivered from the evil ones by the coming of Your honorable image, / Lady Theotokos, / we brightly celebrate the celebration of Your meeting and usually call You: // Rejoice, Unmarried Bride.

Prayer to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking Thee for all the great blessings that the Russian people have received from Thee throughout the generations, before Thy most pure image we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy monastery) and Thy coming servants and the whole Russian land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, O Lady, our Great Lord and Father Kirill, His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and our Lord (name of the rivers), His Eminence Bishop (or: Archbishop, or: Metropolitan) (title), and all Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops. Give them the Church Russian goodness to rule, to keep the faithful sheep of Christ indestructible. Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for More Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, and on the terrible day of Judgment, grant us through Your intercession to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.


These long and numerous movements of the icon in space are poetically interpreted in the text of the Legend of the Miracles of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which was first found by V.O. Klyuchevsky in Milyutin’s Chetya-Minea, and published according to the list of the collection of the Synodal Library No. 556 (Klyuchevsky V.O. Tales of the Miracles of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. - St. Petersburg, 1878). In this ancient description, they are likened to the path that the sun's luminary takes: “When God created the sun, he did not make it shine in one place, but, going around the entire Universe, illuminates with its rays, so this image of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary is not on one place... but, going around all countries and the whole world, it enlightens..."

Etingof O.E. TO early history icons of the “Vladimir Mother of God” and the traditions of the Blachernae cult of the Mother of God in Rus' in the 11th-13th centuries. // Image of the Mother of God. Essays on Byzantine iconography of the 11th-13th centuries. – M.: “Progress-Tradition”, 2000, p. 139.

There, p. 137. In addition, N.V. Kvilidze unveiled the painting of the deacon of the Trinity Church in Vyazemy late XVI century, where on the southern wall there is a liturgy in a church with an altar, behind which is an icon of the Vladimir Mother of God (N.V. Kvilidze. Newly discovered frescoes of the altar of the Trinity Church in Vyazemy. Report in the Department of Ancient Russian Art in State Institute art history April 1997).

Etingof O.E. To the early history of the icon “Our Lady of Vladimir”...

Throughout its history it was recorded at least four times: in the first half of the 13th century, at the beginning of the 15th century, in 1521, during alterations in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and before the coronation of Nicholas II in 1895-1896 by restorers O. S. Chirikov and M. D. Dikarev. In addition, minor repairs were carried out in 1567 (at the Chudov Monastery by Metropolitan Athanasius), in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Kolpakova G.S. Art of Byzantium. Early and average periods. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Azbuka-Classics”, 2004, p. 407.

There, p. 407-408.

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Among Russian believers, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is considered the most beloved and revered. Its significance for Rus' is enormous. She saved the country from enemy attacks more than once, thanks to her the Russians avoided enslavement.

History of the icon

Church tradition says that the Holy Face was painted by the Apostle and Evangelist Luke after the Ascension of the Lord to Heaven on regular blackboard from the table at which Mary, Joseph and Jesus ate. Until 450, the image rested on Jerusalem soil, and then was transferred to Constantinople. In the 12th century, the icon was brought as a gift by Patriarch Luka Chrysoverkh to Grand Duke Yuri Dolgoruky.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

In the monastic monastery of the city of Vyshgorod, Lik became famous for many miraculous events. But in 1155, Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, transported the icon to Vladimir. For this occasion, the shrine began to be called Vladimir. The image was decorated with gold and silver, pearls and precious stones.

In 1164, during the military campaign of Prince Andrei against the Bulgarians, the Mother of God helped the Russians defeat the enemy. Her Face was preserved even in the strongest fire that raged in the cathedral. It remained safe and sound during the destruction of the city by Batu in 1237.

In 1395, the icon began to be kept in Moscow so that it would survive the invasion of Tamerlane. He invaded the Ryazan lands, ruining them, and soon went to Moscow, destroying and ruining everything that came along his route. Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich gathered troops, at the same time Metropolitan Cyprian was blessed for the post and service. The Moscow prince and metropolitan decided to use spiritual powers, so the image of the Most Pure Virgin was transferred from Vladimir to Moscow. The icon was kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. A miracle happened and Tamerlane left the Moscow borders. As it turned out, during the procession with the Mother of God of Vladimir to Moscow, pilgrims and people standing on both sides of the road along the procession’s route prayed to the Mother of God to grant peace to the Russian Land.

In turn, Tamerlane had a vision: he saw a huge mountain, with saints descending from its top, holding golden rods in their hands. The radiant Virgin rose above the saints, commanding him to leave the Russian borders. Later he realized that the Wife is the Mother of God, a Christian protector and intercessor. He understood everything and ordered his army to go back. In memory of this event, a church celebration of the icon was established.

In 1480, the Mother of God saved Russia from the invasion of the troops of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Akhmat. Russian troops met the Tatars near the Ugra River. The fighters positioned themselves on both sides of the river and waited for the attack to begin. Russian soldiers held the Vladimir Icon in their hands and the Queen of Heaven put the Horde horde to flight. In honor of the miraculous event, a second celebration of the image was established.

In 1521, the Kazan Khan Makhmet-Girey moved to Moscow. The area through which the Tatars passed was a terrible sight: ruins could be seen on the sites of cities and villages, the property of the inhabitants was plundered, the elderly and children were mercilessly beaten, and then killed or sold into slavery. The attack was unexpected and people were very afraid that Moscow would also be ruined. Meanwhile, the khan reached the borders of Moscow and began to burn the city. But suddenly a miracle happened and the enemy troops began to retreat from the capital. And again the Mother of God helped. On this occasion, the Church established a third celebration.

Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

Important events in Russia took place before the face of Vladimir:

  • election of patriarchs;
  • taking an oath of allegiance to the Fatherland;
  • prayers before military campaigns.

And at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War people day and night begged the Queen of Heaven for the intercession of Christ. Even Stalin himself came to the temple at night, furtively from prying eyes, and prayed to the Mother of God for help, and then gave the order to load the Holy Face into a plane and personally flew with it around the capital.

Iconography of the image

The icon depicts the tender “communication” of the Mother of God with the Son - the human side of family relationships. The Virgin and Child are in close contact, Jesus puts his arm around Mary's neck.

A special feature of the Vladimir Icon is the image of the Baby’s heel.

The icon has two sides, on the second the throne and symbols of the passion are depicted. This idea is not accidental and means the upcoming sacrifice of Christ and the mourning of the Son by the Mother.

This is interesting! No ancient icons like the Vladimir icon have survived to this day. Over many centuries, the image was restored several times, several layers of paint were applied to it. But what is surprising is that the faces of Christ and the Virgin Mary still remain in their original form.

During the entire existence of the image, none of the icon painters decided to tint or correct them.

What does Vladimirsky Lik help with?

The main thing is sincere faith in the power and mercy of the Queen of Heaven, which She reveals to humanity through the iconographic image. The Most Pure Virgin helps:

  • prayer before the icon affirms the Orthodox spirit and gives it perseverance;
  • delivers the prayer book from heretical attacks;
  • protects Rus' from enemies, instilling courage and bravery in the hearts of warriors;
  • protects against military conflicts, external threats and internal unrest;
  • promotes reconciliation with the enemy;
  • provides guidance before making a difficult decision;
  • eliminates uncertainty and doubts;
  • gives peace and tranquility;
  • protects marriage and family from discord;
  • grants spouses love, unity, understanding and respect;
  • heals diseases;
  • grants spiritual and physical insight;
  • helps in difficult childbirth;
  • protects mothers and their children in a special way;
  • heals infertility and ailments of the female genital organs.

The image of the Vladimir Mother of God is the greatest fruit of reflection on the life of Christ on earth, the great humility of His Most Pure Mother, the earthly path they traversed and sacrificial love.

Important! The miraculous Face is kept in the Moscow Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. His memory is celebrated annually on June 3, July 6 and September 8.

Video about the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Our Lady of Vladimir is the most beloved, revered and oldest of the Mother of God icons. The people of Rus' have long perceived her as their intercessor before God; her veneration has always been of great importance and was a striking manifestation of Russian piety.

Russians have constantly turned and are turning to the intercession of the Mother of God through her images. There are more than 150 miraculous icons depicting the Mother of God, whose days the church celebrates annually. But the Vladimir icon is the first among them all.

Coming to Rus'

Since ancient times

The icon was brought from Byzantium together with another significant shrine - the Mother of God of Pies. The very one to whom he would later come to bow, returning from captivity, main character Words about Igor's Campaign.

This event took place in the 12th century, around 1130. A temple of stone was built for Our Lady of Pirogoshcha in Kyiv, and Our Lady of Vladimir, which, naturally, no one had ever called by that name, was placed in the Mother of God Monastery not far from Kyiv.

After Prince Yuri Dolgoruky captured Kyiv, his son Andrei Bogolyubsky, without his father’s consent, secretly decided to take the shrine to Rostov.

Driving past Vladimir, the horses carrying the relic stopped and could not budge.. An attempt to replace them did not bring results and the prince realized that he had received a sign: the icon wished to settle in Vladimir.

The prince erected the Cathedral of the Assumption and declared the city of Vladimir the capital city. An image richly decorated according to Byzantine tradition was transferred to the temple. The robe contained about one and a half kilograms of gold, not counting stones, pearls, and fragments of silver casting.

Already during the time of Bogolyubsky, the Vladimir Mother of God began to be revered as a talisman and talisman of the Russian lands. Chroniclers devoted to the icon increased attention. Extensive records are dedicated to her, explaining many historical events by the influence of the Vladimir icon.

In 1237, Batu’s soldiers set fire to and plundered the cathedral, the precious frame disappeared, but the miraculous icon survived. The cathedral was soon restored and prayers continued.

A series of wondrous miracles

The history of the icon is full of miracles. Having defeated Khan Tokhtamysh near the Terek in the summer of 1395, the Great Emir of the Timurid Empire Timur Tamerlane pursued the defeated ruler of the Golden Horde all the way to Muscovy.

He ravaged the Ryazan lands, conquered Yelets, and approached Moscow. And then Metropolitan Cyprian decided to call on the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos for help. The miraculous icon was delivered from Vladimir. They carried her for ten days in their arms without stopping to read prayers.

On August 26, 1395, Muscovites greeted the icon at their walls. With continuous prayers she was carried into the Kremlin. A miracle happened. Timur unexpectedly deployed his troops and left the Moscow Principality.

Eyewitnesses said that Tamerlane appeared during his sleep. a beautiful woman at the head of an army of thousands, which, at her command, rushed towards the ruler of Samarkand. A terrible horror came over the brave man and Timur decided not to tempt fate.

From this day on, the icon is revered as the patroness of Moscow. She was returned to Vladimir several times, again transported to Moscow, until she took her place for many years in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

In 1451 a new miracle happened. Moscow was surrounded by Crimean steppe Tatars. The huge army was led by the Nogai prince Mazovsha.

Metropolitan Jonah organized a religious procession with the icon along the city walls, and the besiegers left. Hearing an unusual noise, the Nogais thought that the well-armed and numerous army of Prince Vasily was moving towards the city and retreated.

In 1480, the shrine was delivered to the Russian camp in the area of ​​the Urga River. The victory of Moscow Prince Ivan III on the Ugra over the army of Khan Akhmet ultimately led to the fall of the rule of the Golden Horde.

In 1521, thanks to the intercession of the miraculous image, Khan Makhmet-Girey left Moscow along with his army, which gave rise to the establishment of another holiday in honor of the icon.

In total, the church annually celebrates three holidays dedicated to the icon: May 21, June 23 and August 26 according to the Julian calendar.

With the image of the Mother of God of Vladimir, Boris Godunov was called to the kingdom by the people. In 1613, Moscow Metropolitan Arseny overshadowed the victors of the Poles, the militias of Kozma Minin and Prince Pozharsky.

From recent history

The story of how, during the war years, obeying the verbal order of the Father of Nations Joseph Stalin, is still controversial. a plane with an icon that defended the capital flew over the sky over Moscow Soviet Union from treacherous invaders.

Different versions of the legend attribute the honor of saving the capital of the USSR to different icons. They point to the image of the Tikhvin Mother of God, the legendary Kazan Mother of God.

But many enthusiasts trying to find at least some documentary evidence of this miracle are inclined to believe that Moscow, like hundreds of years ago, survived with the help of the Vladimir Icon.

One of the possible eyewitnesses said a year after the war that as soon as the Douglas transport with the miraculous image of the Mother of God on board flew around the capital three times, the weather instantly changed: thick snow began to fall, the air temperature dropped sharply.

Nature itself came to the aid of the defenders of Moscow.

Where is the image now?

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin until the revolution. Before her, emperors were crowned and patriarchs were elected, they prayed to her for victories, and they took the military oath.

After the legendary robbery of the Patriarchal sacristy in 1918, it, among many Kremlin valuables and relics, was removed from the cathedral. The icon was placed for storage in the Armory Chamber.

According to another version, it underwent another restoration in the workshop of Igor Grabar. In total, the icon was rewritten more than four times, not counting minor repairs to the image.

According to the description, the icon that has come down to us is absolutely not similar to the original work of the Byzantine master. In 1926, the Historical Museum became her refuge. In 1930, the management of the Tretyakov Gallery managed to convince the authorities to transfer the icon to the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Today the icon is constantly located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi. It is the house church of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

In addition to this icon, it also contains other exhibits from the gallery’s collection.: liturgical utensils, icons, crosses. Every year on the feast of the Holy Trinity, Andrei Rublev’s “Trinity” is handed over to the Temple for temporary storage.

The icon case for the Vladimir Mother of God was made by Belgorod carver V. Aksenov and V. Panteleev. The temple is open to visitors and services are held there.

On patronal feast days, the image is transferred to the Kremlin and exhibited in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow for public worship.

How does an icon help?

Its miraculous power is manifested not only in protection from enemies. Since the time of Prince Bogolyubsky, very a large number of people receive spiritual and physical healing sincerely asking the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God for help.

    Protects against accidents.

    When Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky took the icon to the Rostov lands, a deep river stood in his way. The prince sent a man to look for a ford, but finding himself in the middle of a stormy river, he sank to the bottom like a stone.

    The prince prayed to the icon, and a miracle happened - the man got out of the water unharmed.

    Makes childbirth easier

    The chronicles claim that Prince Andrei's wife suffered greatly and could not be relieved of her burden for more than two days.

    The prince defended the service and when it ended, he washed the icon with water, and sent the water to the princess. Having taken a single sip, she immediately gave birth to a healthy child and recovered herself..

    Treats heart and vascular diseases

    It shows greatest power in the treatment of diseases associated with blood vessels and the heart. There is a lot of evidence about this from times almost forgotten to the present day.

    There is a well-known story about a woman from Murom who suffered from a heart disease. Having sent all her jewelry to Vladimir, she asked for holy water from the icon of the Mother of God. And when she drank the water that was brought, she was immediately cured.

    Saves you from fatal accidents

    Prince Bogolyubsky built the Golden Gate in Vladimir. Many people came to see them. But suddenly, with a large crowd of people, the gate separated from the walls and fell.

    The reason for this was undried lime. As many as 12 people remained trapped under the rubble. Having learned about the tragedy, Prince Bogolyubsky began to pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God.

    The sincere prayer was heard. The gates were raised and all the people were alive, no injuries were found on anyone.

And in front of the icon it will help you understand yourself and your experiences. Allows you to see the correct one life path, The Mother of God will strengthen faith and soften anger. We are so lacking in goodness.


O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking Thee for all the great blessings that the Russian people have received from Thee throughout the generations, before Thy most pure image we pray to Thee: save this city (or: this whole, or: this holy monastery) and Thy coming servants and the whole Russian Land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, O Lady, our Great Lord and Father (name of rivers), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', and our Lord (name of rivers), Most Reverend Bishop (or: Archbishop, or Metropolitan) (title), and all the Most Reverend Metropolitans, Orthodox archbishops and bishops.

May they govern the Russian Church well, and may the faithful sheep of Christ be preserved indestructibly. Remember, Lady, the entire priestly and monastic order and their salvation, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on all Thy servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish.

Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, give us patience in adversity, abstinence in prosperity, love for our neighbors, forgiveness for our enemies, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, on the terrible day of Judgment grant us, through Your intercession, to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. . Amen.