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» Finisher of wood products. Sociological professional profile of a wood product finisher. Features of professional activity

Finisher of wood products. Sociological professional profile of a wood product finisher. Features of professional activity


For friends!


Finisher of wood products - a specialist in the woodworking industry. The woodworking industry is a branch of the forest industry that carries out mechanical and chemical-mechanical processing and processing of wood and uses various timber products as raw materials for its production.

Description of activity

The activity of a wood products finisher involves the production of lumber, sleepers, plywood, wood boards, beams; products for construction needs; rough blanks and finished parts for railcar, auto, aircraft and shipbuilding, as well as agricultural engineering; matches, furniture, wooden containers; devices for textile production (drivers, bobbins, reels), shoe lasts; cases and enclosures for devices.

Job responsibilities

A wood product finisher deresins and bleaches wooden surfaces with various compounds. Moistens products to add fluff before varnishing. Performs varnishing or bronzing by electrostatic spraying, pouring or dipping on installations, lines, machines or manually. Levels the varnish film and dries it wooden surface in installations various designs. Performs wet or dry sanding varnish coatings. Performs artistic finishing under the background using airbrushing, photomask or manually. Applies mastic, wax, stain, primer, filler and putty under opaque surface finishes by spraying, dipping or by hand. Eliminates finishing defects, repairs polished surfaces of products and furniture. Performs equipment adjustments.

Features of career growth

Career advancement as a wood products finisher depends on promotion professional level(range of digits 1-6).



One of the final operations in the process of manufacturing furniture, household items made of wood, and interior parts is their finishing.

Wood finishing is the final, final operation in the process of manufacturing wooden products, which, for all their positive properties- beauty, hygiene, durability - have a big drawback, they are all susceptible to external physical conditions - temperature, air humidity, sun rays. Finishing is used to protect wood products from the influence of these factors. In addition, it should protect the material from pests and give the item a beautiful appearance. The purpose of finishing is to make the surface of the product as even and smooth as possible.

Many types of wood finishing (carving, burning, inlay, gilding), previously used for finishing products, have lost their industrial significance and are preserved only in decorative and applied arts, as well as in interior decoration.

IN modern meaning Wood finishing refers to the creation of decorative and protective coatings on its surface using paints, films and sheet materials.

The profession “finisher of wood products” is included in the profession “master of carpentry and furniture production"and is a working profession.

This profession is creative, interesting, related to wooden architecture. A highly skilled finisher creates works that have no less impact on consumers than painting. Wood products: polished or matte furniture, interior elements, souvenirs and much more delight the eye with the skillfully finished, skillfully crafted structure of wood.

The master has a keen sense of the material (wood) and can finish interiors and various household items made from it.

The process of finishing wood products is very complex and has several stages, so the profession of a finisher includes a wide variety of skills. First, the finisher de-resins and bleaches the wooden surfaces with various compounds. Then removes dust in a brush machine. Before varnishing, moistens the products to raise the pile. Varnishing is carried out by electrostatic spraying, pouring or dipping on installations, lines, machines or manually. Then the worker levels the varnish film and dries it in installations of various designs. To ensure that the surface of a wooden product is perfectly smooth, wet or dry sanding and polishing is performed after priming.

He also applies mastic, wax, dye, primer, filler and putty by spraying, dipping or manually for opaque surface finishing of parts and products. Eliminates finishing defects, repairs polished surfaces of products and furniture, and adjusts necessary machines and equipment.

The profession of a finisher of wood products, according to respondents, is creative, it is a profession of a master. “Of the many woodworking professions, this is perhaps the most interesting. People sometimes have no idea how much work is put into this or that piece of furniture. They just come to the store and see a beautiful kitchen furniture from natural wood and buy it. And our task is to make this furniture beautiful,” says the professional.

Professional self-identification

All interviewed finishers are focused on a specific type of activity aimed at practical work. By profession, all respondents consider themselves woodworkers. “The profession of a finisher is my life’s work.” “We work as finishers at a joinery factory. The work is interesting and varied.”

Reasons for choosing a profession

The workers interviewed entered the profession in different ways. Some were advised by their parents, others were helped by professional tests. “My father was a carpenter. Since childhood, I have been planing and sawing something. After graduating from school, I entered PU No. 8 and studied to be a carpenter. Worked for furniture factory, when the enterprise was liquidated, I moved to the carpentry shop at LDK, where I have been working for more than 10 years.” “I am a machine operator by profession. I chose the profession of a machine operator because I liked working with wood during labor lessons at school. Currently I am engaged in finishing window and door blocks, which is very financially beneficial.”

All respondents noted that they made the right choice of profession.

Ways to acquire vocational education

The required level of education is primary vocational.

Most finishers of wood products have primary vocational education as a woodworking machine operator or carpenter. They all believe that vocational education is necessary.

The heads of woodworking enterprises noted that “in production, I would like to see a worker (a machine operator, or, in extreme cases, a carpenter) who could work on any woodworking machines as a finisher.”

To successfully master the profession, a finisher must know: technological process and modes of operations performed; operating principle and operating rules of the equipment used; basic physical and mechanical properties of wood; type, properties of finishing materials and requirements for them.

1. Preparation of a finisher of wood products is carried out in

in primary vocational education.

2. The profession of finishing wood products can be obtained directly in production; there is no training in training centers.

Persons with primary professional or secondary (full) qualifications are accepted for work. general education(grade 11) who have reached the age of 18.

Prospects for professional growth and career: increase in rank (profession has 1-6 ranks), salary, complexity of work performed, expansion of professional skills by increasing the types of work performed, retraining for related professions. To do this, it is necessary to continuously improve qualifications, learn the specifics of organizing production, technological and labor processes, and become thoroughly familiar with the requirements for the quality of products and work performed.

The higher the rank of a finisher, the more complex species he can do the work. Thus, a 2nd category finisher can carry out finishing of window and door blocks, baseboards, and a 5-6th category finisher can carry out particularly complex work on polishing, grinding and varnishing furniture products.

In order to work as a technologist or engineer, you need to enter a technical school or institute.

Related professions: woodworking machine operator, carpenter, carpenter.

Features of professionals and professional activities

Features of professionals

The profession of a finisher of wood products makes certain demands on the psychological, psychophysiological characteristics of a person, as well as on his state of health.

Experienced machine operators noted that to work it is necessary to have good health and endurance. The finisher also needs a certain amount of physical strength to, for example, secure a workpiece.

The work of a finisher is an entire art that requires great attention and aesthetic taste, dexterous, skillful hands and a significant volume special knowledge and skills. For example, a finisher needs good coordination of movements when operating machines, since he has to perform different movements simultaneously.

He is also helped in his work by high visual, auditory and tactile sensitivity. Good eyesight and hearing are required when identifying machine faults. To control the operating mode of the machine and the condition of the surface of the parts, the accuracy of auditory perceptions and a developed sense of touch are required.

A finisher takes a significant amount of time to control the quality and accuracy of the workpiece and product, so he needs a well-developed linear and volumetric eye. Color perception helps determine the readiness of the product by changing the color of the workpiece.

The finisher needs to constantly keep a working machine in sight, so he needs to be extremely attentive and careful.

Long-term memory allows you to access the drawing and the technological process less frequently (which gives you time savings), as well as remember with great accuracy a large number of colors (colorful compositions that differ in color) and features of their preparation.

The machine operator must be able to read drawings, calculate the processing modes of parts from various materials using reference materials, set up and adjust machines, process wood parts, check the dimensions of parts using measuring instruments. Therefore, he must have good technical thinking and spatial imagination.

To successfully perform production functions great importance have certain personal qualities: caution, attentiveness, accuracy, conscientiousness. Personal qualities such as hard work, activity, responsibility, and initiative also provide invaluable assistance in work.

Medical restrictions: work is not recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, visual impairment, hearing impairment, neuropsychiatric diseases, disorders of the vestibular system.

Peculiarities professional activity.

Wood finishers are skilled workers in woodworking and furniture manufacturing.

The interviewed finishers talk about their activities like this: “ Traditional material for the manufacture of window frames and doors have long been a wood that can be easily processed. First, we prepare the wood for finishing. To do this, we level the surface (seal cracks, dents, fallen knots). Large, deep cracks, crevices and voids are sealed with wooden inserts with glue, small ones - with putty. Having leveled the wooden surface, we sand it manually or on a sanding machine, then apply mastic and primer.” “The work of a finisher is very responsible. Conifers The wood from which doors and windows are made is first deresined. Using a rag or brush soaked in a solution of acetone and water, wipe the surface of the wood and dry it. Only then do we prime the product with drying oil or wax mastic. It is recommended for finishing window frames and door blocks. If the product is small, we do not apply priming, but cover the surface with a thin layer of very liquid wood glue and sand it.”

A finisher's workplace is a machine or several machines.

Finisher uses hand tools, mechanical equipment (gesso, grinding machines, brushing and priming machines).

Typically, finishers work in pairs - a higher-skilled finisher and a lower-skilled assistant worker.

As a rule, a finisher working in woodworking has a normal working day: from 8-00 to 17-00 with an hour break for lunch. However, depending on the enterprise and the work plan, machine operators may work in shifts.

The result of the work of finishers is the production of finished wooden products: window and door blocks, platbands, window sills, baseboards.

The problems, according to respondents, in woodworking are the same - “old, worn-out equipment.”

All interviewed finishers like their work. “The craftsman’s attitude to work is clearly visible in wood products. We process wood according to orders. We try to find a finishing method in which the product, while maintaining original appearance, leaves a feeling of the living natural beauty of wood.” “You feel real satisfaction when you see a finished, skillfully finished wooden furniture and you understand that you took a direct part in its creation.”

Working conditions. Finishers work at woodworking industry enterprises in specially equipped premises. The main working position is the “standing position”. Harmful factors are dustiness of the air, the smell of varnish and paint.

While working, the finisher has to use physical strength, that's why men work in the profession.

The salary depends on qualifications, rank and company. Professionals are relatively satisfied with their remuneration. Many people would like to be paid more. Wage, according to respondents, is from 15 thousand rubles per month.

Labor market.

According to those surveyed, the profession of a finisher of wood products will always be in demand, since “ wooden crafts are in demand: they are environmentally friendly and preserve the natural beauty of the natural material.”

Due to the specifics of the work, the demand for the profession is limited. A representative of this profession can find a job in any sector of the economy where it is necessary to carry out wood processing work. The range of activities is wide; Possibility of working from home, individual work activity. Workers can work in complex teams with joiners, carpenters, and plasterers.

Occupational risks: the work of a finisher involves machines and mechanisms, varnish and paints, so there is always a risk of health hazard.

§ 30. Finisher of wood products, 3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Applying varnish and gesso layers to simple-shaped baguette bars, assemblies and furniture products by hand or by dipping. Application of mastic, wax, dye, primer, filler and putty under an opaque finish on large surfaces of parts, assemblies and products manually, by dipping and spraying. Bringing the gesso mass to the required consistency according to the sequence of applied layers. Preparation of templates for simple baguette profiles. Sanding surfaces after priming, puttying, filling and intermediate sanding of varnish film manually or on machines of various models. Dusting the surfaces of the slabs in a brushing machine before finishing them. Service automatic device loading slabs into the brush machine. Adjustment of brush rollers to the thickness of the workpiece. Imitation of valuable wood species using a photomask method. Deresining the surface before finishing. Putty on priming machines for pencils with wood defects. Installation of parts, assemblies and products on devices for drying varnish film and monitoring the progress of the process in natural conditions.
Must know: technological process and modes of operations performed; principle of operation, rules of operation of the equipment and devices used; basic physical and mechanical properties finishing materials and requirements for them; permissible dimensions of baguette bars of simple configuration; gesso mixture recipe; drying modes of gesso layers; methods for determining the readiness of gesso mass.
Work examples
1. Barrels - enameling of the inner surface.
2. Baguette bars of a simple profile - applying gesso layers and bronzing.
3. Necks, buttons, bow tailpieces musical instruments- grinding.
4. Details of trolleys, pins, stocks, butts and oval overlays for training small arms, skis, seats and backs of chairs - varnishing.
5. Furniture panel parts - filling on machines.
6. Panel and timber parts of kitchen and children's furniture - puttying for an opaque finish in a spray booth.
7. Panel parts and furniture products - intermediate sanding of varnish film.
8. Shoe lasts - wax finish.
9. Bodies of violins, violas, cellos - varnishing.
10. Housings of televisions, receivers, radios - glossing of all surfaces.
11. Stocks and butts of repaired small arms - subpolishing to the required color of the old paint with the preparation of a polishing composition.
12. Scabbards of checkers - puttying and varnishing.
13. Furniture benches - dyeing.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards, if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain job function are established Labor Code, federal laws or other regulations ( the federal law dated May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use

A wood product finisher is engaged in the work necessary to give wood products the appropriate surface quality and appearance: painting, puttying, sanding, applying gesso, priming, coating with drying oil, applying mastic, etc. He also operates finishing machines and finishing lines that automate these types of work, and sets up and repairs these machines.

Depending on the category, a wood product finisher performs the following functions according to ETKS:

3rd category: Applying varnish, gesso layers on baguette bars of simple configuration, components and furniture products manually or by dipping. Application of mastic, wax, dye, primer, filler and putty under an opaque finish on large surfaces of parts, assemblies and products manually by dipping and spraying. Bringing the gesso mass to the required consistency according to the sequence of applied layers. Preparation of templates for simple baguette profiles. Sanding surfaces after priming, puttying, filling and intermediate sanding of varnish film manually or on machines. Dust removal of surfaces and slabs in a brushing machine before finishing them. Maintenance of the automatic device for loading slabs into the brush machine. Adjustment of brush rollers to the thickness of the workpiece. Imitation of valuable wood species using a photomask method. Deresining wood surfaces before finishing. Puttying pencils with wood defects using priming machines. Installation of parts, assemblies and products on devices for drying varnish film in natural conditions and monitoring the drying progress. Removing overhangs of edge material along the length and width of panel elements manually. Removing chamfers using sandpaper along the width of the panel. Softening edges. Straightening defective areas, removing hot melt adhesive from the faces and edges of panel elements. Porous filling of the edges of panel elements unprotected by edging material. Removing defects with a solvent in panel elements around the perimeter.

4th category: Management of lines for finishing joinery and construction products. Leveling the varnish film of furniture parts, assemblies and products, parts and baguette products on machines and manually. Polishing and bronzing of parts and products made from complex profile moldings. Application of gesso layers on baguette bars of complex configuration. Dry or wet sanding by hand or on varnish and enamel coatings. Imitation of valuable wood species using airbrushing. Painting of parts, components and products with mordant solutions in tones that imitate valuable wood species, manually, by spraying and dipping. Whitening surfaces with various compositions. Refreshment and elimination of finishing defects in varnished components and products. Setting up a gesso machine and eliminating minor problems in its operation. Preparation of templates for complex baguette profiles. Manually cleaning varnish drips in parts, components and furniture. Paraffinization of recesses in shields.

5th category: Control of the work process on finishing lines, lines for grinding and polishing varnish films. Applying varnish to parts, components and products by pouring on varnish-filling machines and drying it in installations of various designs. Sanding varnish, enamel coatings and putty surfaces on wide-belt machines of various models. Polishing parts and products manually on installations, lines and machines of different models. Refreshes the polished surface and removes oil from it. Repair of polished surfaces of furniture. Preparation of mordants, paints and colors. Artistic application of a pattern to the details under the background and imitation of the texture of valuable wood by hand.

6th category: Varnishing of parts, assemblies and products by electrostatic spraying on installations and lines. Polishing of components and products manually, on installations, lines, machines of various models in the 1st category of furniture finishing, export furniture and furniture for individual and special orders. Artistic application of designs to components and products under the background and imitation of the texture of valuable wood by hand. Setup and participation in current repairs equipment.