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» Landscaping and phytodesign: The best ideas for an apartment. Plants in the interior of the house Phytodesign of the interior of the apartment with your own hands

Landscaping and phytodesign: The best ideas for an apartment. Plants in the interior of the house Phytodesign of the interior of the apartment with your own hands

If you are not the kind of person who loves the closeness of nature, or if you don’t often get the opportunity to visit the countryside, use a great alternative for city residents - interior landscaping.

One has only to remember the positive that houseplants. This is a positive emotional mood, and an improvement in the home microclimate, and beneficial effect on health. A green color the first assistant in relieving stress.

Home greenhouse with its greenery and refreshing appearance will make any room warm and cozy, emphasize the comfort of the room and bring a touch of lively brightness to any interior.

Long forgotten are the days when our window sills could only boast of geraniums and violets, and cabinets of unchanging Tradescantia. The current range of room flora is so diverse that anyone can choose the plant that they like.

True, it is not necessary to approach the purchase and placement of home beauties thoughtlessly. Plants should harmoniously fit into the interior, enhancing or smoothing out individual details, and not shift all the accents on themselves. However, if you get to know and take into account the basic principles of phytodesign, it is quite possible for everyone to plant a house on their own.

single plants

The happy owner of a spacious dwelling should take a closer look at a separately located tapeworm plant. They can become a small tree, which has voluminous beautiful leaves. It is important that the tapeworm has ideal condition and a beautifully decorated crown. You can use a planter, but its shape and colors should be in harmony with the interior of the apartment. As a rule, large plants are placed on the floor or on a low stand, placing them in a niche or corner.

The main purpose of this phytodesign method is to save as much free space as possible in small rooms. At the floor level in pots, the desired number of climbing plants is placed, and a mesh is pulled along the wall, for the cells of which the stems can cling to create a lush green wattle fence. Another option is a narrow rack, where on the shelves different heights plants stand. If you install additional lighting from above, decorative effect will be much brighter, and it will be possible to put here plants that require more Sveta.

Vertical gardening using shelving can also be used to divide space into zones. This will help, in addition to decorative, also solve a functional issue.


A phytowall is a plant structure attached to a wall next to light sources and has special devices for watering and fertilizing.

This method of vertical gardening is one of the most popular today. Using hydroponics, you can create wonderful living paintings or lush islands of greenery at home.


A similar method of phytodesign of premises should be highlighted in a special way, because the main emphasis in it is not on greenery, but on the roots of trees. The name comes from English word"root", which means root. The main thing is that these underground parts of plants have an original shape. For rutaria, they require one or more, and specially processed, in order to be able to preserve the wood structure and color for a long time. Further in the composition, they are complemented by various plants.


To create a florarium, you need a glass or Plastic container. You can use an aquarium, a wide bottle, a jar. That is why the florarium is often called the "bottle garden". Usually it consists of a transparent container where the plants are placed. This design makes it possible to maintain high humidity inside the container, which is very important for tropical sissies.

The main requirements for florarium plants are unhurried growth and similar care. Because glass absorbs some sun rays, the container is optimally placed in places with sufficient lighting so that the plants can develop normally. To create a brighter composition in the florarium, you can use dried flowers or multi-colored pebbles. Such a colorful island, no doubt, will give the space of your room a special uniqueness.

indoor garden

This variant of phytodesign of interiors is represented by group placement of plants in a low container. Almost any container can be used as a container: a basket, a basin, a wooden or plastic box, a special ceramic flowerpot. The plants that will make up the composition can be planted together, or separately, each in its own pot.

When choosing joint landing it should be noted that the selected plants must have the same requirements for soil, light, humidity. Only in this case, your tiny garden farm will delight for a long time with its healthy and beautiful view. The most optimal would be to use relatives from the same family for the kindergarten.

When garden members grow in separate containers, they are placed on a drainage layer of expanded clay pebbles and fill the empty space between the pots with peat so that the edges are invisible. Separate placement gives greater freedom of choice when buying plants, because each is cared for individually. In this case, plants can be selected according to their external qualities and lighting requirements. In addition, if desired, you can get the required plant and change it to another, thus updating the garden.

Regardless of the technology for placing plants in a container, one should adhere to uniform layout rules. The overall height of the composition usually depends on the main plant. Foliage color and stem height should be in harmonious combination between themselves and the size of the container. In the center of the garden is best placed shade tolerant plants, and cover the edges of the container with ampelous ones.

Skillfully selected plants, complementing the composition with pebbles or shells - this is an opportunity to create many options for indoor gardens that repeat the natural landscape. They will become a bright note in the perception of your interior and create coziness and comfort in the house.

It is very difficult to imagine the interior of a house in which there are no indoor plants. Such a room seems boring, gloomy and monotonous. My friend once said a very interesting expression: "A house in which there is not a single green leaf is deprived of life." And you can't argue with that. Agree, it's nice to go into a room that is filled with indoor plants, the greenery of which always gives comfort and freshness, demonstrates hospitality.

You can green your home both on your own and with the help of specialists in this field. The latter will help you choose plants, plan their arrangement in the rooms, and also provide advice on the care of green spaces (watering, fertilizing, transplanting, etc.). All of the above services can be summarized in one word - home phytodesign.

Of course, such services will not be cheap, so if you want to save your family budget and you have a large number of free time - take care of gardening your home yourself, using the tips that I have prepared for you.

Living room

The living room is the calling card of your home. Most often, it serves as a place of rest after a hard day's work, or as a "call point". The living room should always be warm and cozy atmosphere, which in turn will help you or your guests relax.

For landscaping large living rooms, it is best to use tall green plants, with which you can create conditional partitions - divide the space into zones. This is necessary so that you do not have an empty space in the middle of the living room. Green plants that are suitable for us for this purpose:

  • Shefler;
  • Ficus Banjamina.

If you want to create a phytodesign of a small living room, where it will be noisy and a lot of people, it is better to place plants on shelves or stands. With this technique, you will create a constant visual visibility of green spaces. Shelves and stands are best placed in places where children cannot access them, and also depending on the “sunny” preferences of green plants.

Do not forget about creativity and imagination - for landscaping, use plants not only with in green leaves, but also with other brighter colors. This will help avoid monotony in your design. For example, such plants are suitable for the living room:

  • Croton;
  • Echmei;
  • Vriesia.


The bedroom is a room of happy dreams, serenity and solitude. In it, green plants should only emphasize this atmosphere, while creating a relaxing effect. When phytodesigning a bedroom, it is best to use plants that will deplete a light aroma. These include:

  • Lavender;
  • Pelargonium.

Indoor plants can enhance any bedroom interior design while creating a harmonious ensemble with surrounding objects. On bedside table best to place miniature plants:

  • Cryptanthus;
  • Fitonia;
  • Primrose;
  • Begonia.


Plants in the office should create a working atmosphere, while not distracting the owner with their smell or size. Since green is considered a neutral color, it is perfect for you. Sometimes in the office it is enough to place just one small houseplant on the desktop. And do not forget that bright colors and catchy shapes of pots should be excluded, since the office should have a strict and businesslike look.


Properly selected phytodesign of the kitchen will help emphasize its interior, as well as give an atmosphere home comfort. Usually placed in the kitchen warm plants, such as:

  • Akalifa;
  • Ivy;
  • Tradescantia;
  • Chlorophytum.

Near the sink, because next to it is always high level humidity, you can put a pot of ficus or fern. Also in the landscaping of the kitchen, you can include decorative fruit plants, the best place for which there will be a well-lit window sill.


Because of high humidity and temperature, phytodesign of the bathroom is very often neglected. This situation can be corrected by choosing plants for which such an environment would be ideal. For example, for such a “difficult” environment, such tropical plants are suitable:

  • Orchid;
  • Ficus;
  • Pogonaterum;
  • Fern.

Important! Keep your plants away from soap or other soapy chemicals you use when bathing or doing laundry.

Since the dimensions of the bathroom are not large, it is worth using hanging planters rather than ordinary pots. As for the care of plants in the bathroom, this is undoubtedly laborious process, and if you don’t have much free time, it’s better to refuse gardening this room of an apartment or house.


The hallway has no less "difficult" conditions for plants than the bathroom. Representatives of the flora placed in the hallway may be exposed to drafts. When choosing plants for phytodesign of the hallway, it is worth considering that they should be “not light-loving”. These include:

  • Cissus;
  • Aspidistra.

Particularly dark corners are best decorated with artificial flower arrangements.

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"Living flower" great teacher» (Dina Dean)

Take a look around - we are surrounded by a beautiful world, and it can be made even better (even with your own hands). How and with what help this can be achieved is described in this article.

General information

The word itself appeared in the 19th century, but its practical use happens much earlier, since it is known for sure that people have been decorating their houses with flora since ancient times. Ancient people knew that plants help to create a certain aura in a house or garden. For example, residents ancient egypt they decorated the palaces with the cyperus plant with their own hands. The Romans preferred laurel trees for this purpose. True, in those days, plants were considered the privileges of only the rich. Today, floristry and phytodesign are available to everyone.

This innovation came to Russia from the West during the reign of Peter I. Then the first Winter Gardens began to appear. However, the harsh climate of our country was taken into account, and all this was created taking into account all the nuances.

For modern offices, shops, restaurants, hotels and other companies, not only functionality and ergonomics are important. The atmosphere in the room should be comfortable and psychologically comfortable. At the same time, it is important to observe a unique style, because the phytodesign of each particular room is unique. Achieving this goal is very simple - you need to use the services of a phytostudio or create an artistic phytodesign of the interior with your own hands.

Your office is a "visiting card" of you and your activities. Getting into the office, customers form an opinion about the status of the company. The “correct” plant compositions or, in other words, a competent phytodesign of the office will help you create a favorable impression on visitors and help strengthen the image component of your activity.

It is also worth remembering that plants have an amazing ability to freshen the air in the room and maintain an optimal level of humidity.

By placing several flower arrangements in the office, you will double the efficiency of work processes and create a harmonious and cozy atmosphere in the room.

Skillful use of basic knowledge of phytodesign can come in handy modern man in various areas of his life: not only at work, but also at home.

Your home is a special place, and a small one created with your own hands or with the help of a phytodesigner and only your piece of paradise will help you relax after a busy day, and if you design it yourself, you will also get it economically.

Modern floristry and phytodesign

Modern floristry and phytodesign (floristry is an integral part of phytodesign) is the decoration of various rooms with living plants, vertical gardening with the effect of “living” walls is becoming popular today.

  1. The functions of the plants in these compositions are not limited to creating a beautiful picture, they produce the necessary oxygen to make it easier for people to breathe.
  2. In addition, the green color helps to relieve fatigue, give the opportunity to relax the eyes and relieve nervous tension.
  3. Delicate greenery on a cloudy day or winter time helps to overcome depression.

Often, when using the term “room phytodesign”, people think that this is a room completely filled with plants, but in fact it is not only the number of plants, but also their competent selection, combination, placement and use.

Phytodesign planning starts with understanding what you want to improve in your space. The most common option is still the window sill, but this is only suitable for not too big plants. Dense and tall crops will obscure the light.

On the balcony you can create cozy corner greenery in your home. Both palm trees and creepers can fit here, but the phytodesign of the balcony has several disadvantages:

  • this is a seasonal option: even if the balcony is glazed, plants in winter period it will be inconvenient, and heating according to the rules cannot be carried out on the balcony;
  • if people close to you have such a negative habit as smoking, then they should get rid of it so as not to ruin the composition.

Finally, the third option is the phytodesign of the room. As a rule, tropical plant species and small trees (for example, bonsai - small trees take up little space) or landscaping on vertical panels are most often used in the phytodesign of apartments and offices. If we are talking about the bedroom, then it would be appropriate to add flowers to the composition that emit a subtle and delicate aroma. Such compositions can serve as zoning in a room, dividing it into various areas. The location can be easily customized to your liking.

It must be remembered (especially if you plan to make an arrangement in the office) that plants should be chosen not only for aesthetic reasons, but also based on whether you are ready to take care of them. If for decoration you can use the services of specialists in this field, then you should take care of the greenery with your own hands - this is not furniture, but a creation of nature, so if you are not ready to devote a lot of time to caring for your home green area, you should choose the most unpretentious culture. Hardy indoor plants include ficus Benjamin, ivy, fittonia, spathiphyllum.

If you plan to create a composition in the hallway, then it is worth remembering that there is little light in such places, so shade-tolerant crops should be preferred.

What are the rules for creating phytodesign?

It is necessary that the flora in your home is harmoniously combined with the size of the rooms and with each other.

The larger the plants, the smaller they should be. If there is a lot of large furniture in the room, then, accordingly, there should be more small representatives of the flora. Any elements on the walls (wallpaper, etc.) should ideally be paler than plants.

Lazy or very busy people can be advised to use the florarium.

It is a container with plants, more precisely - a greenhouse, in your home. It looks beautiful and requires minimal maintenance, as it has already been created with an optimal microclimate for plants. This simple little thing will delight you and your guests for many years.

This room decor will not only decorate your interior, but also help improve the air and atmosphere in the room. The main thing is to choose for the design of apartments such representatives of the flora, which will not only saturate the room with oxygen, but will also release special substances into the air that can cleanse it of bacteria.

Phytodesign elective

Today you can explore this area at special courses, and from the most young years(such knowledge is taught today at school, and even in some kindergartens).

What is an elective?

This is a course that will help you master a very interesting, creative direction of modern design - the art of decorating various rooms with living plants - from an apartment to winter gardens, from green spaces on the balcony to relaxation zones in offices and cafes.

After learning the basics this direction, you will gain knowledge that will help you avoid possible errors when planning and implementing it in the interior.

The elective should be useful and interesting not only for those who are taking their first steps in this field, but also for experienced professionals who would like to keep their knowledge in a constant tone.

The standard elective program in phytodesign is as follows.


  1. Phytodesign theory.
  2. Phytodesign in the ancient world.
  3. Living plants in a modern apartment.
  4. What you need to know about plants, as well as some of their useful features.

Why do we use phytodesign?

Such classes, in addition to the main goal, will help make your life better and broaden your horizons, so we advise you to check if there are such courses in your city.

What is PHYTODESIGN? How to combine personal desires and tastes with interior features and needs ornamental plants? What is better - to trust a specialist or "play" with the plants yourself?This page of the site is devoted to the answers to these and other important questions.

PHYTODESIGNand FLORISTICS are fashionable "green" trends in modern design interiors, they organically combine utility and beauty. Today, when we all live at high speeds, experience stress and lack of time for a good rest, “live islands" in the house or office become the only oases of calm and relaxation.

Why do we need winter gardens, plant compositions and "green walls" in the interior? What are their advantages, because they are not cheap?

1. Health benefits:

  • Improving air quality and increasing indoor humidity.
  • Plants are a natural antidepressant.
  • Increasing the comfort and coziness of the room.
  • Improved performance and concentration.

2. Improving the organization of space:

  • Save space by combining plants into compositions and vertical walls.
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Improving the aesthetic properties of the interior.

3. Image advantages:

  • Exclusive design and uniqueness of phytocompositions.
  • The modern concept of interior ecodesign is fashionable!
  • Reducing the formality of the interior, bringing "live notes" into the modern interior.

Agree, those times when window sills were filled with violets and cacti, and a traditional ficus stood in the corner, have long sunk into oblivion! New forms of gardening modern interiors strike the imagination. The assortment of ornamental plants is now very diverse, therefore, in order to deal with it, you need the help of a specialist who will help you take into account all the nuances and create a unique interior phytodesign suitable for you.

Remember that plants are alive and errors in their selection and layout can cost them their lives, and you - the money and effort spent. In addition, they will cause negative emotions!
Thanks to many years of successful experience in landscape design and landscaping of interiors and professional knowledge about the characteristics of plants, we can offer you our services in creating an original phytodesign for your home or office. More about services here

Let's talk in more detail about the types of phytocompositions and what we offer you in order to bring a new "green stream" to the interior design of your home or office.

Modern styles and options for "green oases" in the premises are very diverse. Let's take a look at some of them:

1. Florarium, or "garden in a bottle"

Today, one of the promising areas in phytodesign is the creation of a "mini-garden in a bottle." After all, it is very interesting to have a miniature thicket in the interior. rainforest or your own arid desert, and all this can be created in the florarium.

The main advantage of the "garden in a bottle" is the minimum maintenance: it does not require frequent watering and replanting.

In the classic version, the "bottle garden" is a closed transparent container with plants placed in it. Thus, high air humidity is always maintained inside the florarium, which is optimal for gentle tropical guests.

A characteristic feature of the unique "garden in a bottle" is that the plants are complemented by stones, snags, moss and other elements - this allows you to create a corner wildlife in miniature. Checked: even one such composition will make your interior unique and colorful! More variety of bottle gardens here .

2. Paludarium, or water garden.

Maybe you like to listen to the babbling sounds of water or you like a mini lake and a ringing mountain stream? In that case, you'll like paludarium or water garden.

Paludarium is a kind of florarium with moisture-loving plants. Such an exotic water garden will undoubtedly decorate your interior, but it is somewhat more difficult to care for than a classic bottle garden. A specialist should work on the manufacture of such a “natural miracle”, he will also give you recommendations on caring for the pludarium or provide its maintenance. The paludarium will bring a very bright touch to the design of the room, because it combines an aquarium, even with live fish, and a florarium with exotic plants.

3. Kokedama and the String Garden

Compositions in the original Japanese technique of kokedama are another way for plants to "green invade" our modern urban habitat.

Small pieces of moss and delicate blades of grass sprouted on man-made moss balls are wonderful compositions in original technique kokedama, a kind of "bonsai in miniature". This type of phytodesign is great for decorating a small room. Kokedama will become a spectacular and unusual "green accent" in the interior of any home or office.

Kokedamas or small florariums can be hung from thin lines or strings to create a floating garden. "String gardens" are a super new word in phytodesign and they look fantastic!

This is an incredible sight: the flowers seem to float in the air and seem to be airy and weightless, while they not only grow, but also bloom. Such beauty can become a real highlight of your interior! Interesting details read about kokedama and "string gardens" and care for them here

4. "Epiphytic tree"

A stylish “epiphytic tree” will perfectly enliven any interior! It is easy to create it: picking up the basis unusual shape and attaching some original tropical plants to it, you can make a stylish composition that will bring a bright tropical touch to your interior.

We will help you turn a dry snag found in the forest or nearby park into a piece of the rainforest of the Amazon or Malaysia. With its bizarre shape and sophistication of plants, the "epiphytic tree" will attract attention as a very unusual element interior design. Read more about how to select and arrange the plants of the "epiphytic tree", read here. .

5. Phytowalls and "living pictures" of succulents.

Are you the proud owner of a large apartment or house? Or maybe you want to create a spectacular green element in the office? pay attention to plant phytowalls. This is one of the most popular areas of vertical gardening, which is to create "green walls" of plants based on hydroponics.
Structurally, the phytowall is made on a panel with many pockets where plants are placed. They don't need soil, but the system drip irrigation provides supply nutrients to the roots. The technology used allows making "green walls" of almost any size.

A mini version of the phytowall is a "living picture" of succulents. She looks great in the interior. small room and surprises with amazing combinations of shapes and colors. "Living Pictures" do not require special care and Maintenance and less whimsical than phytowalls.

Currently, professionals are engaged in the creation of phytowalls and "green paintings". In order to create them, you need special knowledge on the selection of plants and technical skills for their installation indoors. We would love to help you create these stylish elements phytodesign and give detailed recommendations to care for them. Read the details here

6. Winter garden

The winter garden is a separate world of plants, and to create it, you need a separate room in which a certain temperature and humidity will be maintained. Compositions winter garden can be different: plants are planted together in one container or in separate containers. Groups of plants are often complemented by other design elements: a decorative waterfall or mini-lake, a rockery made of stones or a spectacular snag imitating the natural landscape, which will certainly decorate the interior and create a stylish and harmonious atmosphere. The composition of the winter garden should be carefully thought out, taking into account not only aesthetics and design, but also the specific requirements of plants.

For many years we have been offering our services in creating original and exclusive interior design and decorating it with plants. Filling your interior with plants, making it a favorite vacation spot for you and your loved ones - this is the main task that we solve when working on interior gardening.

  • Read more about our team here
  • You can view our work and buy ready-made phytocompositions by clicking on the link

Sure that our perennial successful experience gives grounds for excellent result, therefore, I propose to confirm this in practice by joint creativity. Joint, because harmonious and stylish interior can only be created in mutual understanding!

To transform the room, you can use ordinary indoor flowers. But how to arrange them correctly in order to create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness? The answer is simple - to master the secrets of phytodesign. If you creative person and rely on your taste, it is enough to look around the room and evaluate the place where you want to place a potty with a pet. It should be noted right away that do-it-yourself phytodesign is an exciting activity and requires creativity.

Flowers in the interior of the bedroom

For decoration, cacti, graceful orchids are quite suitable. You can even make flowers from polymer clay. This is a great option for those who like to always see flowering creatures on shelves and window sills. In our section "Flower Workshop" you will be interested.

Decorating the living room and bedroom

Using only your hands and indoor plants, you can bring to life the most creative design. Let's start with the living room, which usually performs many functions at the same time. The whole family gathers here to relax, meet guests, sometimes a small work area is placed in this room. Therefore, the completed phytodesign of the premises should create a special atmosphere for a comfortable and cozy stay.

Depending on the level of lighting in the living room, you can use them to decorate the walls and zone the space. Great option are small flowerpots with flowering pets, they can be placed on special shelves, hung from the ceiling.

Using indoor flowers, you can completely change the atmosphere in the bedroom with your own hands, giving it serenity and peace. To do this, experts recommend taking plants that emit a light, unobtrusive aroma, have a pleasant shade of petals. The ideal option for the bedroom is lavender, violets, ripsalis, inorgenia, primrose.

When arranging flower pots, you must remember that you should not put them near the bed, it is better to evenly distribute them around the room, creating an attractive, sophisticated design.

Attention should be paid to the general style of the room. For example, for modern style hi-tech is best suited for flowers with strict forms and large decorative leaves. For classic interior it is recommended to use ficuses, chlorophytums, fittonia, begonias. One or two flowerpots are allowed to be placed on bedside tables near the bed, flowering ones are best placed on window sills, and high ones - in the corners of the bedroom.

How to transform your office?

Do you think that it is impossible to create a business environment with the help of flowers? This is far from true! The phytodesign of the house that you decide to organize should not be excluded from the list working space. IN this case you need to put pots with green beauties wisely, but take into account the fact that they should not interfere with work. In most cases, a low and not so lush plant on the desktop is enough, but there is another idea.

So that the atmosphere at work is completely favorable, but bright colors do not distract attention, you can put flowerpots with decorative pets behind the desk chair. In this case, they will freshen the air, creating a small home oasis. Suitable for this purpose tall palm trees, but it is not recommended to use creations with bright buds and leaves.

Cozy kitchen in a couple of hours

The kitchen is the place where every hostess usually spends quite a lot of time. Making the interior with fresh flowers can make the space more cozy, bright, comfortable. It is not recommended to put tall and lush palm trees in the kitchen; it is best to make compositions from low pets that tolerate high humidity, temperature changes.

Orchids in the decor of the living room

Excellent options are climbing plants. For example, ivy, chlorophytum, tradescantia will help decorate the walls. Not far from the sink, you can put a ficus or fern, which not only prefer moisture, but can also tolerate some lack of lighting.

It is permissible to place plants in the kitchen that are not appropriate in the bedroom or living room. It's about about ornamental vegetables. For example, on the windowsills you can create unusually beautiful compositions from dwarf varieties tomato, decorative pepper. Bright green onion feathers will add coziness to any kitchen. You can use for this purchased or home-made pots and boxes, which are easy to decorate in accordance with common style premises.

Phytodesign of the interior is an opportunity to transform any room in the house. In order for the space to be decorated correctly, the process should be approached with great care, otherwise it will be the simplest arrangement of flowerpots on window sills and shelves.