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» Do-it-yourself panels: a master class on making beautiful wall decorations. How to make a wall panel from scraps and scraps of fabric. What can you use to make a panel with your hands?

Do-it-yourself panels: a master class on making beautiful wall decorations. How to make a wall panel from scraps and scraps of fabric. What can you use to make a panel with your hands?

Modern panel on the wall - this is often the work of the whole family, when bright decoration All household members work. These are the options that are in fashion today, when they appear in the interior. beautiful work created by collective labor. But you can start not with such a large-scale event; try making a panel with your own hands in an artistic style close to you.

A panel is a decorative element that serves as a wall decoration. A wall panel will be appropriate in any interior. Sometimes it decorates not only the wall, but also, for example, the ceiling or facades. A wall panel differs from a painting in that it can either be a work of sculptural genre or belong to a technique such as mosaic, appliqué, etc.

Panels on the wall - types:

  • Fabric. Embroideries, appliqués, tapestries - everything that can be done on fabric belongs to this type of panel.
  • Stone. Making panels from stone is a labor-intensive process, it is usually used a natural stone, for example, basalt or marble.
  • Wooden. This type of wall panel is usually characterized by an abstract plot. This wall panel is often complemented by inlaid stones.
  • Sculptural. A three-dimensional panel, a kind of mini-sculpture on a plane.
  • Ceramic. These are mosaic paintings made of ceramic tiles.
  • Graphic. Are used modern views printing, photo printing is increasingly being used, which looks organic in today’s interior.
  • Other. And here is a huge layer of other techniques that use, for example, puff pastry, grains and cereals, seashells, pebbles, etc.

You can add a panel to the bedroom, the living room, and other rooms; it never goes out of fashion, and can become the brightest element of the interior.

Panels from paintings (video master class)

DIY panel for mom

For Mother's Day and other holidays, when you want to congratulate your mother, one of best gifts You can make just the same wall panel.

Panel options for Mother's Day:

  • Panel made of cotton pads. The simplest option is one that the youngest children can do for their mother, although they will, of course, need help.
  • Paper panel. Popular options for Mother's Day are sakura sprigs or quilting-style crafts.
  • Salt dough panel. Children love to tinker with dough, and seeing how it turns into interesting colorful crafts, they are delighted. For Mother's Day, you can make a composition with flowers or even an image of the mother, stylized and simplified.
  • Panel applique. A floral bouquet made from bright scraps of fabric, such as cheerful sunflowers.

You can also make beautiful crafts for Mother’s Day in the form of an unusual panel, for example, with intertwined techniques. Applique + embroidery, origami + quilting, patchwork + beadwork. Such a panel can be hung in both the bedroom and the living room, so that intended for Mother’s Day, it will delight you for a long time.

More than one master class tells how to make a panel for Mother's Day, the idea may be yours, but various tricks learn from the instructions of other masters.

Pool wall panel

You don’t have to wait for a holiday, like Mother’s Day, for an original panel to appear in the interior of your home. Crafts for the pool, or for the bathroom for those who don’t yet have a pool, are popular today. As an option for a bath.

All these crafts actually have one thing in common – the theme of water. You can use a master class on marine-themed panels. This will also be true for the pool and the bathroom.

Panel in the sea style will suit and for the bathhouse, if you use other marine decor there. For the bathhouse, you can also make a panel applique in the form of kind grandfathers with brooms, in the naive art genre. It's fashionable today and similar style can also be used to decorate the walls of the pool, not only for the bathhouse.

A pool panel is also:

  • Playing on the theme of the seabed - with all sorts of beautiful inhabitants of the deep sea;
  • Sports theme;
  • The element of water - mosaic best conveys this idea.

Materials that are not afraid of water are used for the pool and bathroom. You can take a master class in making crafts from shells as the basis for a pool panel. Or, to decorate the walls of the pool, you can take a master class on salt dough panels.

Panel of toilet tubes in the interior (video)

DIY panel: sunflowers

Often, it is sunflowers that become the theme that you definitely want to use in your decor. Almost all types of panels can be used, except that forged and metal panels will look rough.

The sunflower panel can be different:

  • Sunflowers made of satin ribbons;
  • Felt sunflowers;
  • Sunflowers made from buttons.

Even such a technique as steampunk can be used

DIY panels: steampunk

This is a special technique, the essence of which is to assemble waste unnecessary trifles in the form of a craft. Sometimes steampunk is mistaken for wrought iron panels, but these are completely different things.

A small master class on working in steampunk technique:

  • You need a base for the future panel, for example plywood;
  • Most often, some kind of textured background is made, but this is not necessary;
  • Everything you use - buttons, nuts, pins, zippers - needs to be glued to the base;
  • You can paint everything with one color, for example gold spray paint, or use a combination of several layers;
  • Frame decor.

This, of course, is not a full-fledged master class, but only short stroke work. Maybe not every steampunk panel can be hung in a bedroom or living room, but in apartments with loft or fusion interiors, these crafts will be appropriate.

DIY New Year's panel

Another month before New Year's holidays, or even earlier, you can watch more than one master class that talks about making a New Year's panel. It could be a voluminous Christmas tree or a snowman, a large panel for the living room or a miniature one.

New Year's panel options:

  • Snowman made of cotton pads;
  • Snowman made of foam chips;
  • Snowman made of buttons;
  • Snowman made of lace and bugles;
  • Snowman made of napkins;
  • Snow Maiden made of beads;
  • Snow Maiden made from salt dough;
  • Snow Maiden made from scraps of thread;
  • Christmas tree made of crepe paper;
  • Christmas tree made of sequins;
  • Christmas tree made of twine;
  • Christmas tree made of tulle;
  • Eggshell Christmas tree;
  • Christmas tree made of pistachios.

All of the above is an application from different materials, which can become the basis for a DIY wall panel.

also in New Year You can give an unusual educational panel to your baby. It is educational because it combines objects of different textures, such as felt, silk, cereal, etc. Such crafts are of great benefit for the development of the child.

You can find a master class on panels for combs. This is a functional panel that will serve as a clever storage for combs. It can be made for the living room, or for the nursery - like original place for the little princess's combs.

How to make a panel (video)

DIY panels - good gift, elegant decor, great creative work. You can follow certain instructions, use more than one master class, or adhere to your own author’s methodology. There are no strict boundaries in this genre, so for those who like creative experiments, panels are the best option.

DIY wall panel (photo)

For many, a fabric panel is an unremarkable decor. But often simple craft in the hands of a talented craftsman it can turn into a work of art. It is impossible to give specific templates here, since everything is built on one’s own imagination and idea. The main factor remains mastering the technique; various master classes will help with this. In the future, everything depends only on the flight of fancy.

Choosing a theme to create a panel

Before you start work, you should understand that the panel must be designed in a certain style. It should resonate with the decor of the room in which it will be located. Otherwise, the product may stand out from the general theme and amaze everyone present with its tastelessness.

Many ideas and stylistic decisions can be found in various articles that are accompanied big amount photo. All that remains is to choose the idea that you like best and that fits the existing interior.

Classic, country, Provence

The ideal theme for panels for rooms decorated in classic, country, and Provence styles are various still lifes or floral motifs. Compositions in the form of landscapes also look good. Try to avoid pretentiousness, it is better to give appearance products of maximum simplicity and cheerfulness. The composition should bring an atmosphere of relaxation to the interior and evoke only positive emotions.

Abstraction is also appropriate in the interior of the appropriate style. It may be noted that she is universal option, as it suits basically any style.


Modernism is distinguished by the presence of strict geometric lines. That is why panels in the Art Nouveau style should contain compositions with different clear patterns. The design of the product should also be moderate. The frames used to frame the panels are quite simple, almost invisible.

Scandinavian style

One of the rare topics in the Slavic expanses - Scandinavian style. It implies brightness and practicality, and is distinguished by the presence of appropriate ornaments and motifs. Even a novice craftsman can create such a fabric panel for the wall using various available materials, such as beads, shells, and ribbons.

Also on the fabric panel there can be images of deer, Christmas trees, letters, lines, cages and other things.

Loft style

They are very popular in modern interior design. design solutions in loft style. There are also certain requirements here. The subject matter is quite varied, but the panel should be done only in two or three colors.

Despite the strict and laconic lines, the loft-style panel attracts the eye and looks perfect in the interior.

Fabric on fabric (basics of work)

Paintings on fabric began to come into fashion relatively recently. But, in Lately, the panel is increasingly beginning to occupy a leading niche in the interior of the room. There are many admirers of such art. Some needlewomen try to make compositions with their own hands.

After the base is ready, they begin to select the elements from which the drawing will be created. To do this, you can use both multi-colored textiles and any other accessories that are appropriate in the composition and combined with the main elements. The applique is complemented with all kinds of beads, buttons, rhinestones, etc.

New Year themed fabric panel

Even adults expect miracles from the New Year holidays. And for kids, New Year is the most long-awaited holiday. Therefore, they try to decorate the room in an original and truly festive way to create New Year’s comfort. One of the successful decorative elements is a New Year's style panel, with the help of which you can easily achieve your goal.

To perform the composition with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • frame for framing the panel;
  • fabric in a blue shade for the background;
  • felt scraps, fabric cuts of different colors;
  • thick cardboard as a base.

To begin with, the cardboard is covered with blue fabric, firmly securing the edges of the textile with reverse side. Then the elements of Santa Claus are cut out of cardboard to form his three-dimensional figure. An outfit is prepared: clothes and a hat are cut out of red material, a mustache, beard, and cap lapel are prepared from white fabric or a piece of fur. For the sleigh, fabric of silver or gold color is used.

Having prepared all the blanks, they begin the general assembly of the composition on cardboard. You can glue parts using silicone glue, which is heated and applied with a special gun. You can see options for New Year's themed panels in the photo below.

Composition with fabric flowers

Before you start making more complex picture on a panel, you need to be well acquainted with the technology of its creation. First you need to prepare all the necessary materials and select or draw the appropriate diagram. This will take you no more than an hour, but then it will significantly help in your work.

Let's imagine step by step instructions how to make a floral panel from fabric with your own hands:

1. First, select pieces of fabric with which you can create flowers. Circles of different diameters are cut out of them.

2. If you want to give the flower petals a beautiful wavy shape, then you must first burn the edges of the circles over a candle.

3. Collect each flower in this way: fold the circles in descending order of diameter.

Flowers don't have to be round shape. Turn on your imagination, creativity and experiment. Panels made of different fabrics, photos of which are presented below, can help with this.

On the video: a panel with roses made from ribbons with your own hands.

Creative panel made from patches

Any housewife will have colorful scraps of fabric in her house that don’t have to be thrown away. You can create a chic panel from multi-colored textiles, especially if we are talking about fans of abstraction. By tinkering a little with the scraps, you can get an original composition, which will later become the pride of the owner of the house.

For the process of making a patchwork panel you will need:

  • several scraps of fabric in contrasting shades;
  • thick cardboard for the base;
  • wooden frame (you can make it yourself from slats);
  • threads and sewing machine;
  • fabric glue.

All the work will not take much of your time and consists of the following steps:

1. Initially, a schematic picture is formed, then blanks are selected. To avoid confusion, it is better to number them according to the diagram. The resulting composition can be transferred directly to cardboard.

2. Blanks are cut out from the scraps and begin to be placed according to the diagram. To do this, each piece of fabric must be folded in half so that the cut part is not visible on the other side of the future picture, and placed on top of the previous ones.

3. To achieve the required brightness and realization interesting solution, it is necessary to approach the selection responsibly color range. The shade of the base must be in full accordance with the theme and style of the interior.

4. To fix the patches, you can use either the standard method - sewing on a machine, or use glue designed for working with textiles.

5. The finished composition just needs to be inserted into the frame. You can make several such decorations from scraps, then you will get a modular panel on the wall.

As you can see, making a panel with your own hands is quite simple. This entertainment can also be done for families. This is especially true for children. When working with children, do not forget to control their actions, since scissors are used in the process, and the child may get hurt.

Different techniques for creating paintings from scraps (3 videos)

The desire to update a recently renovated, but already tired kitchen interior often visits many of us. One of the ways to add bright touches to the interior without drastic alterations, thereby breathing into the room new life, – decorate a section of the wall with a panel with elements of painting. A panel made by yourself is the “highlight” that can reflect the character and preferences of the kitchen owner, setting the atmosphere in the right way. Let’s take a closer look at what types of panels would look appropriate in a kitchen interior and how to make such a decorative element with your own hands.

Some people mistakenly believe that the panel is the same painting. In fact, the painting is a work of pictorial art. The panel does not have to be a masterpiece. It is intended only to act as a bright “spot”, which serves as the finishing touch in the decoration of the kitchen, giving integrity to the appearance.

Panels are a stylish way to decorate your kitchen interior

Kitchen panels can have any shape and size. Depending on the material used, they come in several types:

  • Fabric. Appliqués, embroideries on fabrics and tapestries can be made serially or by hand.
  • Graphic. Thematic images and reproductions of works of art are created using modern printing techniques.
  • Wooden. Carved panels from deciduous and coniferous species often complemented with inlays of semi-precious stones.
  • Ceramic. Mosaic paintings are laid out from small elements and fragments of ceramic tiles.
  • Sculptural. They are mini-sculptures made of metal, textured plaster or ordinary plaster.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the panel self made, which are made from a wide variety of materials: clay and salt dough, dried flowers and cereals, beads and sea shells.

To protect the surface of fragile materials that suffer from high humidity and temperature fluctuations in the kitchen, the compositions are coated with transparent or tinted varnish of the selected shade

The main thing to consider when choosing or making a decorative element with your own hands is that the kitchen is functional room. All sorts of odors often hover in her space, and they settle on the walls. tiny particles edible fats. For this reason decorative elements must be made from practical materials, able to withstand moisture at frequent washing.

Accessory Arrangement Options

Wall panels are placed in those areas of the room that you want to visually highlight. This could be an apron on a work wall or a place near the dining table.

Carved panels look great in a classic interior

When decorating a kitchen large sizes designers recommend using several similar elements from the same series, suspended on different walls rooms.

Tip: mosaic paintings made from ceramic tiles are resistant to moisture, and therefore are best used to decorate the kitchen work area.

Ceramic panels, combined with others finishing materials, are able to create a unique interior

When choosing a panel for the kitchen, it is important to consider its size. Walls small kitchens worth decorating with small compositions. They will not attract too much attention, thereby visually reducing the space.

Leave large images for large kitchens. They can occupy a significant part of the wall, be built into niches and decorated with lighting. Small paintings can easily get lost on the spacious wall of a large kitchen.

It will be interesting to look at a fake panel depicting a spiral staircase

Drawn spiral staircase, located in the corner of the room, visually pushes the boundaries. To achieve the desired effect of creating the illusion of additional space, it is important to correctly fit the panel so that the staircase organically complements the interior and does not look like an unnecessary element.

Decor for different interior styles

When settling in kitchen interior You should be guided by the rule: each room has its own appearance, design and size. The theme of the decoration should match the style of the interior.

For kitchens decorated in classic style, panels depicting ripe fruits and vegetables, alluring picturesque landscapes and reproductions of works by great artists are perfect.

A panel with aromatic coffee beans will lift your spirits every time, reminding you of a pleasant meeting with friends

Carved wooden and ceramic panels will organically fit into the interior of a kitchen decorated in country or Provence style. These can be wall compositions using dried fruits, spices and flowers.

Panels for country and Provence style

A worthy addition to modern high-tech or minimalist interiors are dynamic pictures depicting evening cityscapes or unusual abstractions. Graphic panels in a minimalist, strict frame will fit well here.

Kitchen panel for interior in modern style

Wall compositions made from old posters, yellowed book pages and illustrations from magazines can highlight the refined rigor and beauty of a loft-style kitchen.

It's hard to believe what it is original decoration made from regular wine corks

All kinds of collages, abstractions and landscapes are perfect for the dining area.

Modular compositions in which the image is split into several separate parts look interesting.

Images hung side by side create a single, holistic picture.

A correctly selected panel in design and style can favorably emphasize the interior design, giving it its own “zest” and individuality.

Creating a still life from eggshells

In modern art, the effect of artificially aging a surface, called “crackle,” is very popular. It is obtained by coating products with special aerosol paints or carcelure varnish. But you can create such an unusual effect using ordinary eggshells.

The convex surface of the crushed pieces allows you to create three-dimensional mosaics

Manufacturing technique decorative panel made from eggshells is not too difficult to make; anyone can master it. It includes a number of main stages.

Selection of required materials

To make a bright and appetizing still life you will need:

  • 2 pieces of fiberboard;
  • napkins or rice paper;
  • cleaned eggshell;
  • transparent file A4 or A3 format;
  • acrylic primer;
  • decoupage glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue.

It is convenient to use hardboard as a solid basis for creating a composition. It holds its shape perfectly and has excellent moisture-resistant properties. The size of the workpiece depends on the dimensions of the composition being created.

It is convenient to apply the image with a brush and foam sponges

It is necessary to prepare the shells of several eggs in advance. Shells from both raw and boiled eggs of any shade are suitable for work. The shells removed from eggs should be cleaned of traces of organic matter by removing the inner film and washing them in a soda solution.

Forming egg crackle

Laying out the blank cut from the slab front side up on flat surface, cover it with a primer composition. It is convenient to apply acrylic primer with a foam sponge. This way it is distributed more evenly and dries faster.

The process of creating egg crackle is quite labor-intensive. He takes away greatest number time. They start laying out from the center or from the corner of the sheet, placing the eggshell with the convex side out.

Place a small piece of eggshell on the workpiece area covered with PVA glue and press lightly

When pressed with a finger or a toothpick, the shell will become covered with a network of cracks and break into several pieces, covering part of the surface of the base. Using a match or toothpick, move the pieces, giving them the desired position and filling the voids on the sheet.

Having covered the sheet with pieces of crushed eggshells, to give the surface strength, the product is covered with another layer of PVA

Pieces of shell cover the entire surface. The base with the finished shell mosaic is left for 5-8 hours until completely dry.

Applying an image

After the glue has completely dried, the workpiece is coated with acrylic primer and dried again.

To speed up the process, the surface can be dried with a hair dryer.

As an image for decoupage, you can use any beautiful multi-layer napkin or printout taken from the Internet. Rice paper is perfect for these purposes; it can be easily purchased in specialized stores. When creating a panel, you can not take the entire design on a napkin, but only cut out a piece from it the right size.

Your task is to glue the napkin without wrinkles

To obtain a smooth, wrinkle-free surface, you need to place the top layer of the napkin on which the image is applied, face down on the file. The file is carefully applied to the dry workpiece so that the pattern takes the desired position. The applied fragment is leveled with your fingers. Carefully remove the file.

The image is covered with decoupage glue

When the glue dries, all that remains is a couple of touches: paint on some elements in the picture, giving them greater expressiveness, and cover the panel with varnish.

Installations from scrap materials

Self-made panels are a real original work that can be a worthy decoration of the interior and a source of pride for its owner.

Fabric “paintings” using patchwork technique

A textile panel using the patchwork technique can be an elegant decoration for a kitchen in the shabby chic or Provence style. Wall compositions sewn from fabric scraps that echo the design of furniture and windows will harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Original compositions from textile accessories

To make such a panel on a sheet of paper, you need to draw a full-size sketch. Then, from separate paper sheets, make patterns for the design elements for the applique. After making sure that the sizes match, the patterns are transferred to pieces of fabric. Having laid out the applique elements on the base, adjust them to each other, carefully securing them with pins.

Threads for fabric applique are selected to match or a contrasting outline is made

When using figures in a composition to give voluminous shapes, they are stuffed with the remnants of thin synthetic padding. The composed composition is glued or sewn to the base.

Pockets for small items and hooks for towels would look appropriate on a patchwork panel

To create a functional composition, the fabric “picture” can be supplemented with spacious pockets for storing kitchen accessories.

“Delicious” compositions of dry berries and spices

The use of dried flowers, fruits, nuts and aromatic spices is a trendy theme.

To create the composition you will need a frame with a backing and the contents of your cabinets. Feel free to use:

  • coffee beans;
  • candied citrus fruits;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • dried flower heads;
  • nuts and beans;
  • any types of cereals;
  • even bagels and bagels.

The process of creating a composition is quite simple. A piece of cardboard, the size of which corresponds to the size of the frame, is covered with burlap or any other selected fabric. The material is fixed to the base, fixing it with nails or “planting” it with hot-melt adhesive.

Large compositional elements are laid out on the front side of the fabric, choosing the most attractive arrangement: a general pattern or an ornament from individual mini-paintings.

Having determined for yourself what it will look like finished composition, the materials laid out on the canvas are alternately lifted above the base and, after applying glue, laid out in their original place. You can hang the “picture” on a regular cord, or attach it to a metal surface using magnets.

The basis for the production of luxurious installations can be any available materials: yellowed satins, bottle caps, cutlery... The choice is limited only style direction kitchen interior and your imagination.

Video master class: three-dimensional panel for the kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most favorite places in the house; This is where the family spends a lot of time cooking, having lunch or just sitting around with a cup of tea. The desire to refine and add some zest to the interior of this room is understandable. Today I will tell you, perhaps, the most a budget option to decorate the kitchen decor, namely, how to make a panel with your own hands from scrap materials.

Decoration features

What is a wall panel? This is a themed decoration (most often in beautiful frame), which can not only become a bright decorative accent, but also divide the room into functional zones.

But the main thing to remember is that it is not enough just to create a cute picture of kitchen appliances; you need the panel to fit perfectly with the existing interior.

Here are some examples of successful combinations:

  1. For classic interior or Provence-style kitchens, paintings depicting fruits, vegetables or rural life are perfect. Panels made from dried flowers, cereals, spices or dried fruits look very impressive.

  1. The Art Nouveau style welcomes stylish graphic panels in which rigor and minimalism prevail.

  1. A Scandinavian kitchen can be decorated with homemade paintings made in contrasting bright shades. Create your own panel and decorate it with sparkles, buttons, rhinestones, threads, shells or pebbles.

  1. A panel for a loft-style kitchen can be made from the simplest materials at hand: newspaper clippings, wine corks, pieces of chalk wallpaper, yellowed book pages.

Creating a kitchen panel

Well, I’ll move on from theory to practice. In this section, I have collected the most popular master classes on creating stylish and original panels. After reading the instructions, you will understand that you do not need to have any exceptional skills to create beautiful things.

Method 1. Decoupage

Thanks to the decoupage technique, you can refine literally every accessory in the house, giving it elegance and uniqueness. Creating a panel for the kitchen will require from you not so much special skills as accuracy and precision in movements.

To decorate the wall you need to stock up on:

  • a small piece of fiberboard on which you will place the drawing;
  • decoupage glue or regular PVA;
  • eggshell;
  • napkins with a selected pattern for decoupage;
  • primer;
  • sponges and brushes;
  • clean file;
  • acrylic paints.

Let me clarify right away that before work you still need to stock up on some patience, since time will have to pass between some stages.

  1. We begin decoupage by applying a primer to the fiberboard. It is better to do this in a thin layer so that the product dries faster.

  1. Next, you will need to give the future panel a voluminous texture. For this purpose, crackle is created - an eggshell crushed into many small pieces. Glue the base of the panel with shell, making sure that there are small gaps between it.

  1. When the shell is securely fastened and the glue has dried, go over the surface with a primer.

  1. Prepare a napkin for decoupage. Place it on the set file with the pattern down and gently moisten it with water using a wide brush. Apply a napkin to the primed surface, smooth out any unevenness with a brush and remove the file.

  1. If necessary, you can highlight some fragments of the pattern with acrylic paints. After the drawing has dried, treat the surface with decoupage glue.

The main beauty of decoupage is that you are not limited in the theme of the patterns - in special stores you can buy a lot of napkins with patterns for every taste.

Method 2. Seashells

Beloved by many marine theme can be easily embodied in a stylish panel. It will help remind you of a pleasant vacation or simply immerse you in memories of a warm summer.

What is needed for a marine panel:

  • liquid Nails;
  • a rigid base, preferably round in shape (you can use old vinyl plastic);
  • flat pebbles and shells;
  • dark paint;
  • varnish for final coating.

The instructions for creating it are quite simple, and its implementation will not take you much time:

  1. Cover the solid base with a layer of your chosen paint and let it dry.
  2. Select pebbles and shells that are approximately the same size and make a random composition out of them.
  3. Starting from the center and moving towards the edges, begin gluing the material onto liquid nails.
  4. Like the finishing touch decorative works open the panel with varnish. It will give the surface an attractive gloss.

Method 3. Buttons

How about an abstract wall mural made from small bright buttons? Such an installation looks simply amazing, while the costs of its creation are minimal.

All you need is:

  • buttons various sizes and flowers;
  • background paint of any color;
  • a piece of thick cardboard or fiberboard;
  • universal glue (not PVA);
  • beautiful frame for the composition.

So, when everything is ready, you can start creating the panel.

Follow the following sequence:

  1. Cover the fiberboard with a thin layer of selected paint. It will serve as the background for the future composition.
  2. Start gluing the buttons to the surface, trying to fill the entire plane. You can show your imagination and use buttons to create a more specific image: fruit, a tree, or whatever comes to mind.
  3. Place the panel in a frame and hang it on the wall.

Method 4. Spices

Perhaps the most appropriate option for arranging kitchen designbeautiful picture, where the main elements are all kinds of cereals and spices.

To create such beauty you will need to stock up on:

  • frame;
  • cardboard;
  • baking paper or decorative paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • double-sided tape;
  • favorite spices on hand (coffee beans, tea, bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, barberry, all kinds of cereals, etc.).

The process of creating a culinary panel will not cause you any problems and will not take much time:

  1. From decorative thick paper (preferably coffee color) you need to cut a rectangle that fits the size of the frame. Lightly knead it to make it softer. To make the base more dense, glue it to a piece of cardboard of the appropriate size.

  1. Glue pieces of dark and light paper to the base, which will highlight the selected elements. Attach pieces of double-sided tape to them for large elements of the composition.

  1. Lubricate the designated areas generously with glue and sprinkle with the selected spices. After the glue has dried, carefully shake off the excess spices so that they do not mix with each other and the panel looks neat.
  2. When all the grains and spices you have chosen are in place, we insert the panel into the frame and hang it on the wall.

Method 5. Sand

You won’t have any problems finding a base for a sand panel. You can stock up on it at the nearest beach or at a hardware store.

In addition, to make panels on the kitchen walls you will need:

  • a piece of beautiful fabric;
  • stylish frame;
  • stencil with the selected pattern;
  • pen or marker;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue.

  1. We stretch the fabric over the frame and secure it.
  2. Carefully transfer the design onto the fabric.
  3. Thoroughly coat the areas needed for the pattern with glue.
  4. Gradually pour sand onto the previously glued areas.
  5. Using a toothpick, we add the final polish and correct the contours of the design if sand gets behind them.
  6. After waiting for the glue to dry, shake off the remaining sand and enjoy the result.

In principle, this simple technique can be slightly varied by painting the sand with bright colors. But don't forget to let it dry and sift it thoroughly again.

Additional decor ideas

Creating panels from scrap materials is fertile ground for the manifestation of all your imagination. The examples above are just a tiny sampling of what you can create as a decorative piece.

Finally, I will give examples of several more original installations that can decorate your kitchen.

  1. Unnecessary cutlery can easily become wall decoration. From them you can lay out an imitation of a watch dial or create several identical small compositions.

  1. Panels with dried plants and flowers will become a real highlight in a shabby chic, Provence or country style interior.

  1. Remaining wine corks, glued to the base and inserted into the frame - no less original decoration. In addition, they can serve as a board for attaching small notes or recipes.

  1. Volumetric paper panels or sheets of leftover magazines look unusual and cute.

  1. A picture created using lace looks very elegant. Attach a piece of fabric to the base of the panel and paint them with a can of paint. Then separate the lace and enjoy the intricate pattern it leaves behind.

Bottom line

As you can see, creating an original and beautiful decoration for the kitchen without any special financial costs is more than possible. It’s enough not to be lazy and don’t be afraid to fantasize, and the rest will help you with the suggested master classes and videos in this article.

This is not only a way to apply all the accumulated ideas and give vent to wild imagination, it is also a great opportunity to truly create individual design walls in your home, and as a gift you will always like such a thing! A sea of ​​ideas and implementations, the most interesting options, the use of various, sometimes very unexpected materials, useful tips and recommendations - from someone you already know Elena Bessmertnaya! Meet, study, implement! Enjoy watching!

Fast, cheap and easy. Fourteen ideas on how to make your home perfectly beautiful. Panel on a quick fix. All ideas are for NON-ARTISTS, that is, extremely simple. And they are designed to help you believe in yourself and make a panel with your own hands.

What is a panel, you ask, and what is it for? :) There are a lot of different things that fit the definition of “panel”. You need to start from functionality. But all panels have the same function, and the homespun truth about it was uttered by Uncle Fyodor’s mother from the famous cartoon “Prostokvashino” many years ago. Remember, there was such a dialogue. Dad asks, what is the use of this useless picture on the wall? And my mother replies: “This picture is very useful. She’s covering the hole in the wall!” It’s said rudely, of course, but it’s a fact: the panels cover up design gaps. This is still far from being a painting, but it is no longer a piece of wall. This is an item that seems useless, but at the same time remove it and you will understand how the entire interior has been fragmented into fragments. The panel is the final touch in the decoration of the house, adding chic and completeness to the appearance. These are several items beautifully arranged and placed in a frame. That's all. The mystery is what and how to decompose.

Panel made of plastic micromosaic and rhinestones

No one owes a panel a masterpiece. It should be a good spot of color and be located in in the right place. It should fit exactly your home, so it’s stupid to buy something more or less suitable. It’s better to make a panel with your own hands, using what you have at your disposal and purchasing only what is necessary.

Let's look at several ways to make panels. Absolutely different. When you practice and understand what the principle is, then anything else will not be a question! The only thing they may have in common is the frame. The frame and base are canvas, like a painting. So.

We make the panels ourselves

Idea No. 1. Using lightning

We find several zippers for clothes. We intertwine them in random order, focusing on color. Glue it onto the backing with super glue. The panel is ready!

Idea No. 2. From the most common hair ties

We buy a lot of them, bright and different. Or we make it, if we have something to use. We attach them to the substrate in random order. I wouldn’t even glue it, but secure it with pins. Such work will sooner or later become a gorgeous gift for hundreds of girls.

You have already realized that the feature of these panels is the variety of colors with the uniformity of shape. That is, there are many identical objects of different colors. You can make your own from buttons, ribbons, bottle caps... the list goes on!

Idea No. 3. Variety of shapes

The central part of the composition is silicone spiders. About the same as in the photo. Next, take three identical empty frames and paint them in White color, we imitate birch bark with black paint. We use “iris” thread to weave a “web”: we cross 6 threads in the center and attach them to the sides of the frame with buttons. Then we tie it in knots concentric shapes, which form a web. We glue insects on top. You can decorate the birch tree with leaves, or you can leave it like that. Voila!

Idea No. 4. Different size frames

In order not to be unfounded, we take 13 of them. Frames, not too different in size. And a Chinese ordinary alarm clock. At 12 we make appliqués based on the patchwork principle in country style. That is, such funny pictures are primitive. In the thirteenth, we make a hole in the center, insert the clock mechanism, turn it over, attach the hands, and they can be anything, even cocktail straws. We attach the arrows through the hole to the mechanism. Do not screw it tightly, the clock must run!

If you are too lazy to do even such simple things, attach the finished clock to the wall and 12 frames with patchwork around it. Very cute decoration for the kitchen wall.

Idea No. 5. Marine panel

A favorite topic for many of us. Need a sisal frame. We buy it or make it ourselves. And a lot of sea souvenirs brought from vacation. We arrange it beautifully and glue it with superglue. It is only important not to shift the center of gravity. A hollow shell or round bead will be difficult to glue with a small amount of glue. And if you pour a lot, even the most transparent, the untidiness of the work will simply repel. For this type of work we only use a glue gun. He holds the parts together with silicone-based hot glue.

When we attach hollow parts with a heat gun, we apply hot silicone so that it covers the edge well and goes into the middle of the part, and not out.

Idea No. 6. Triptych

Three stretchers of the same size are covered with fabric. Different flaps communicating with each other either by color or pattern. This option is called textile decor.

Or fabric with large drawing divide into three parts. In this case, stretchers can be taken different shapes. We fasten the fabric with buttons. It is better not to take very thin and transparent ones. But it’s very interesting when such a triptych matches the curtains.

Option: three shapes - one design

Idea No. 7. Black and white panel

Whatever you want, but in black and white. The perfect solution for decorating a multi-colored interior.

Idea No. 8. Arrangements of artificial or dried flowers

You need a frame with or without a backing and floral material. Flowers, even fake ones, are beautiful in themselves. So you have to work hard to ruin the composition. When inspired, she will always be beautiful. Since dry petals are very fragile, feel free to cover the finished ikebana with Presto-type aerosol car varnish.

Idea No. 9. Fruits, berries

A very fashionable topic is dry and artificial fruits, berries and spices. Sisal (palm fiber), nuts and branches will also fit well here. The principles are the same as in flower bouquets, but the emphasis is more on crisp lines rather than color.

Idea No. 10. Panel of CDs

Give a second life to vinyl CDs. They lend themselves perfectly to painting and decoupage (details in the article Decoupage master class ), have a perfect round shape!

Idea No. 11. Embroidery

It is not necessary to embroider with cross stitch or satin stitch. The wonderful crazy style provides ample opportunities (for more details about the crazy technique, see the article Crazy technique in the interior ). This means that we attach what we want and how we want with the help of threads. So much for embroidery. The main condition is stunning beauty.

Idea No. 12. Feng Shui panel

A beautifully designed hieroglyph with a good meaning attracts happiness into the home, according to the Chinese sages. Looking at how quickly China is conquering the world, maybe it's worth a try? Saw a bamboo stick into 4 parts, tie it into a frame with a rope, pull a piece onto the frame thick fabric, cardboard or leather. And draw a beautiful hieroglyph - happiness, love, wealth, luck!

Hieroglyphs "happiness" and "money"

Idea No. 13. Mosaic panels

We buy decorative mosaics at an art salon; one set costs about 20 UAH. And post a nice picture. Mosaic is always a winner (details about working with mosaic are in the article DIY mosaic ). It is also difficult to do poorly, as in the case of flowers. Just don’t rush to glue it tightly, first lay out the drawing “dry” several times, play with the mosaic. When you think that it can’t get any better, then use glue.

Idea No. 14. Abstract speed painting

We paint any bright things with construction paints and construction brushes. The main thing is to repeat this several times and remember that the colors should emphasize the interior color scheme. Add an accent for volume in the form of buttons, glass pebbles, etc. What a delight!

As you yourself already understood, a panel is something done in one go, without painful preparations and efforts. Go ahead and decorate your home!

Many thanks to Elena for a very interesting article!

Good luck to everyone and endless creative inspiration!!