Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Panoramic windows. High cost of installation and maintenance. Types of PVC windows by number of sashes

Panoramic windows. High cost of installation and maintenance. Types of PVC windows by number of sashes

Handsome and unusual house- a dream that many strive for. One option to make your home different from others is to use panoramic glazing. A house with panoramic windows looks different. Even if it is simple in architecture, it is unusual, and if there are also unusual details, it is clearly out of the ordinary.

What is panoramic glazing

Panoramic windows are those that occupy a large area and, as a rule, occupy the entire space from floor to ceiling in height. This type glazing requires accurate calculation and well-thought-out design solution. Large windows mean a large window flight, which means you need a powerful beam that will serve as support for the roof and walls of the second or third floor (if there are any).

Standard solutions when designing houses with large windows are practically inapplicable, since each case is unique and requires its own solution. Every house with panoramic glazing is individual project, and it costs a lot of money.

If it is not possible to order an individual project, you may be able to find a ready-made one that generally suits you. It is better to use it entirely, without major changes. Only adjustments can be made where the supporting structure is not affected. You can only change the position of non-load-bearing partitions. It is not advisable to even touch the position of doors and windows in load-bearing structures without recalculation - the aftereffects can be unpredictable.

Features, advantages and disadvantages

A house with panoramic glazing looks unusual and stylish. And this is exactly what attracts people in such buildings. So a memorable appearance is the first of its advantages.

Where can you see

In private houses, panoramic glazing is installed in living rooms, less often in bedrooms. Sometimes this way open veranda they turn it into a covered one, sometimes they turn the room into a winter garden. More possible application— make one of the walls of the pool glass. In general, there are many applications and they are non-standard and interesting.

Balcony with panoramic glazing - for residents of high-rise buildings great view secured

In apartment buildings, balconies or loggias are decorated with panoramic windows. Much less common in high-rise buildings big windows in residential premises, but such houses also exist. True, in our country it is extremely rare.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you are thinking that it would be nice to have panoramic glazing in your home, consider the following features:

In general, both advantages and disadvantages panoramic glazing in the House there is. When planning to build a house with panoramic windows, take into account such an important factor as the picturesqueness of the landscape overlooking it. If this is a neighbor’s fence, the cost of panoramic glazing is unlikely to be justified...

House with panoramic windows: features

There are also some features that cannot be classified as either advantages or disadvantages. Firstly, glass in panoramic windows can be with or without imposts (beams). Solid glass from floor to ceiling looks stylish, but is expensive, as increased demands are placed on it.

Divided windows look different, but no worse. The cost of such panoramic glazing is lower, but the division into parts by imposts must also be supported by the remaining windows (of normal size). It's worth remembering.

When planning a site, a house with panoramic windows in our latitudes is recommended to be located so that big square the glazing faced south with an accuracy of ±30°. In this case, the adjacent room will be light and warm. But there is another disadvantage - the walls, floors, and furniture will fade. One way out is to choose colors where the color loss is not so noticeable. The second way out is to turn the house around so that the panoramic windows face east or west. This is an acceptable position in which there is enough light, and it does not pour into the windows all day long. In general, it's up to you.

In order to winter time there was no cold coming from the windows, they put heating devices, which create a thermal curtain. Traditional radiators You can’t install it here, but you can install built-in (in-floor) radiators or convectors. They can be electric or part of a water heating system, but their installation is complicated, and their price is considerable.

Types of panoramic windows

Panoramic windows There are two types: cold and warm. Cold glazing is used on unheated balconies, loggias, and terraces. They are framed or frameless. Frameless ones are simply thick glasses of a certain size that fit tightly one to the other. Panoramic glazing with frames is what we are used to. A wooden or plastic frame into which glass is inserted. But cold glazing is rarely installed; much more often they use windows that can protect against cold and heat.

Most often today they install plastic or metal plastic windows. Depending on the climate, you can select the required number of cameras, the type of glass (tinted, mirror-coated, energy-saving, reinforced and even armored). As a result, with proper installation, you can get windows that, in terms of their thermal characteristics, are no worse than the adjacent walls.

A house with panoramic windows may have windows with different types opening:

Using doors of various opening methods, you can achieve the functionality that you need. Wooden houses with panoramic windows are rare. The fact is that wood constantly changes size and ordinary windows are placed in special casing boxes that compensate for this movement. If the window area is very large, this may be problematic. If a solution has been found, you can install wooden or plastic windows. And so that white plastic does not look alien, they install frames laminated with a film that imitates wood.

Projects of houses with panoramic glazing

It’s worth saying right away that the cost of building such a house, at least, will not be cheaper. This impression is due to the large area occupied by the windows. But the windows must be of good quality, and this is not cheap.

Panoramic windows in houses are often made in the bay window. This decorative extension itself gives the house unusual look, and in combination with large windows, the building acquires individual features.

A house with panoramic windows can have flat roof. Such buildings are built in modern style, high-tech, minimalism and others with laconic architecture. They have a memorable appearance. They are distinguished by the presence of broken lines, the absence of smooth and rounded ones. And floor-to-ceiling windows only emphasize this feature.

Panoramic windows on two floors - interesting option The roof is flat, but not level. This happens too

And metal-plastic glazing. This variety of names is explained by two reasons: misunderstanding of the term and an advertising ploy. What designs can be called panoramic windows in the correct understanding of the word?

Panorama is a Greek word that means “I see everything.” And you can see everything from the room only when the wall does not interfere with the view. This means that all of the above terms, no matter how pleasant and mysterious they may sound, are ordinary panoramic windows. Whether they have a frame or not, what materials the structures are made of, swing or sliding, warm or cold, it doesn’t matter. Of course, structures that have doors, even though they are transparent, cannot be called panoramic windows.

If the wall is large, then the windows are large. And for small gazebos or verandas, windows are required of ordinary height and length, the main thing is that they are from ceiling to floor and do not interfere with viewing the panorama outside the room. This means that panoramic windows can have different sizes; this indicator is not the main factor for them. Another nuance is that a partial panoramic view can be achieved when the length of the window is much greater than the width. But such options are rare in residential construction. The house looks strange, the windows resemble loopholes of pillboxes or other military structures, it’s difficult to talk about any kind of design appeal. Although these options also have a right to life.

Panoramic windows - photo

Depending on the installation location, some designers change the name, but this does not have of great importance. Panoramic windows are recommended for glazing the following objects.

  1. Loggias and balconies. The parapets are completely dismantled, panoramic windows are made from separate sections (some can be sliding). As a rule, the lower part is made of especially strong glass. In order to increase resistance to mechanical loads, a special polyethylene film can be glued or triplex glass can be used. The second option is more reliable, but has the highest cost. Opens only top part balcony panoramic windows, the lower one is always motionless. This is done for safety reasons.

  2. Pools. An indoor pool has its own advantages, and panoramic glazing has its own. Each owner chooses the best option for himself.

    Pool area - panoramic glazing

  3. Terraces. The most common option has several advantages. First, there is no need to use expensive heat-saving double-glazed windows; in most cases, terraces are not heated. Secondly, savings are achieved on anti-vandal measures. The entrance to the house is protected by doors; entry of unwanted persons onto the terrace does not cause large losses. Third, terraces are smaller in height than rooms; the manufacture of windows requires few expensive materials. Fourth, installing panoramic windows on terraces is not difficult for architects; there is no need to reconstruct the load-bearing façade walls. Fifth, the effect of terraced panoramic windows is maximum; the owner of the house can observe an unlimited panorama of the adjacent landscape.

  4. Bay windows. These original elements the architecture itself decorates the buildings, and panoramic windows turn them into a real highlight. In addition, the comfort of living increases. As a rule, bay windows are not big size, heat losses due to glazing are not critical and do not have a noticeable negative impact on the cost of maintaining the premises in winter period time.

  5. Glazing covered gazebos . Rarely used and only by the most affluent developers. The panoramic window in the gazebos increases the time the building can be used and protects from rain and insects. From a technical point of view, the work is the simplest.

  6. Glazing interior spaces . The entire wall or most of it is made transparent. The most complex option for panoramic windows from all points of view. Used only in prestigious luxury buildings. You can use such a window to glaze the corner of the facade walls on both sides - the building acquires lightness and special attractiveness.

It is even theoretically impossible to give specific advice on where it is best to install panoramic windows. There are too many options for buildings, and each owner has his own tastes. In addition, you cannot find two designers who would have exactly the same opinion; each of them gives professional and reasoned advice that is difficult to refuse.

Pros and cons of panoramic windows

There are no structures in nature that have only positive sides. If inexperienced developers have a different impression, then this is the consequence of competent advertising by manufacturers. We give an objective assessment of panoramic windows, we hope that the knowledge will help beginners.

The advantages of panoramic windows are given below.

  1. Significant visual magnification room area. The absence of opaque walls makes even a small room look huge.
  2. Designer look. The building merges with the surrounding landscape, and this is very popular with all city residents without exception.
  3. Significant increase in natural light. Human eyes are accustomed to the full spectrum sun rays, none of the most modern lighting cannot completely replace it. As a result, not only vision deteriorates, but also mood.
  4. Great possibilities for decorating rooms in various styles. A panoramic window is a real gift for architects; it helps them implement the most daring projects.

This is where the advantages of panoramic windows end; it’s time to consider the less pleasant consequences of installing such structures.

  1. Heat losses increase noticeably. Not even the most expensive double-glazed window can compare with the thermal conductivity parameters of ordinary polystyrene foam only 5 centimeters thick. What can we say about insulated façade walls?
  2. High price. Compared to other types of glazing, this is the most expensive option. Panoramic windows in most cases need to be made according to individual order, which further increases the cost of installation work.
  3. Difficulties with installation. Large double-glazed windows are almost impossible to install manually; you have to use special lifting mechanisms. As a result, the installation price increases even more. In addition, any mistake during the assembly or installation of structures is very costly.
  4. Insufficient security. The most expensive glass is triplex or armored; the cost of a panoramic window with such glass increases significantly. But even this option cannot be compared in terms of safety with brick or wooden walls.
  5. Difficulty of care. Wash the panoramic window with reverse side– a problem not only for ordinary residents, but also for employees of specialized cleaning companies. And if it is set to high-rise building? You can’t do without industrial climbers; there’s no need to remind you how much their services cost.
  6. Limited possibilities for arranging furniture. Wardrobes cannot be installed along panoramic windows; the problem also arises with beds.
  7. Some people are very afraid of open spaces. This is a clinical disease; they physically cannot be in rooms with floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows.

Having factual information about the pros and cons of panoramic windows will make it much easier for you to make an informed decision.

Table. Materials for manufacturing frames of panoramic windows and their brief characteristics.

Name, photoPerformance indicators

Natural materials are rarely used; frames are often made from laminated wood. It is much stronger, does not bend, and can withstand equal loads in all directions. Such indicators are very important for panoramic windows. To prevent putrefactive processes, the wood is impregnated with antiseptics. The service life reaches several decades. For the price, this is one of the most expensive options.

It is used more often and has high performance indicators. External surfaces can be covered with decorative self-adhesive polyethylene films imitating the structure of natural wood. The profile thickness increases to 1 mm or more; a specific choice must be made taking into account the dimensions and technical characteristics glass units used.

In terms of price, it belongs to the cheap category, used for medium-sized panoramic windows. During production, environmentally friendly brands of plastics are used.

The most expensive option for manufacturing load-bearing frames. The operating time is practically unlimited. Used only in the most prestigious buildings.

Used to create designs for small panoramic windows. During installation, you should only buy products from reputable and responsible companies.

When choosing a window material, you should take into account the dimensions and design features windows, parameters of double-glazed windows and requirements of designers for interior design. With profiles load-bearing elements We figured it out, now we should talk about double-glazed windows.

Double-glazed windows for panoramic windows

The choice of glass and double-glazed windows must be made consciously and taking into account all factors that influence operating conditions. Let's consider what glass is used to make double-glazed windows and what has a decisive influence on the choice.

Table. Types of glass for panoramic windows.

Type of glassSpecificationsPlace of use

The most durable material, not afraid of significant dynamic loads and blows with sharp objects.Installed in panoramic windows on the verandas of luxury buildings. It has minimal heat saving characteristics and is not used in heated rooms.

It has a special coating that does not transmit infrared rays.Recommended for installation in regions with warm climates or on the south side of façade walls. Minimizes the likelihood of room overheating and improves the microclimate. In addition, solar control glass limits the possibility of unwanted persons inspecting the premises.

The most new development scientists, makes it possible to save a significant amount of internal thermal energy. Can save up to 50% heat compared to ordinary glasses.
For northern regions, it is recommended for the manufacture of panoramic windows in residential premises.

The cheapest (besides the ordinary one), in terms of physical strength is much inferior to the armored one, but superior to the ordinary one.Universal purpose, the most used material for the manufacture of double-glazed panoramic windows.

Important! The better the glass, the more reliable and expensive the panoramic windows. As for the number of double-glazed windows, the main criterion during selection is the climate zone of residence and the specific location of the window installation (residential or non-residential premises).

How to deal with fogging of panoramic windows

A big problem for panoramic windows. Whatever bags you use, their heat transfer will be much greater than the walls. This means that the surface of the glass always has a lower temperature, and as a result, the appearance of condensation on them in the cold season is almost inevitable. The parameters of moisture formation depend on the temperature of the glass surface and the relative humidity in the room. There are several ways to combat the formation of condensation on panoramic windows.

  1. Maintain the room temperature within such limits that the glass is always warm. The method is only theoretically effective for several reasons. Firstly, to create such conditions in winter you will have to spend a huge amount of heat, which significantly increases the cost of maintaining premises in the winter. Secondly, the temperature in the room is considered comfortable for the body within the range of +18–21°C. It is unlikely that anyone will like to relax at a temperature of +25°C and above.

  2. Reduce indoor humidity. When relative humidity is below 30%, the dew point is significantly reduced, minimizing the likelihood of condensation on panoramic windows. But there are SanPin requirements, which consider humidity of at least 60% favorable; if the indicators are lower, this has an extremely negative impact on health. This means that this method is difficult to consider acceptable in practice.

  3. Locally increase the glass temperature of panoramic windows. This method is often used in practice. Installed next to the windows heating batteries or air heaters. Another method is to use electric heating of double-glazed windows. Heating cables are mounted under glazing beads; power is turned on/off manually or automatically.

  4. Accelerate the process of condensate evaporation. The easiest way is to install ordinary fans along the windows, if necessary. Thus, the convection of air flows improves, the glass surfaces heat up better, and the rate of evaporation of the formed condensate increases significantly.

As for various films, mastics, etc., they are ineffective. At best, these devices make condensation invisible, but it is there, moisture flows onto the window sills or onto the floor. Why does it seem like there is no condensation on the glass? Everything is very simple. On ordinary glass, water accumulates in small droplets and is clearly visible. And various films and coatings distribute water in a thin layer over the entire surface of the window. The thin layer is not visible. But it is always there, moisture flows down the window and hits the floor. There is no need to repeat what the consequences of a wet floor are.

Installation instructions for panoramic windows

Important! Never convert ordinary windows into panoramic windows in existing buildings. The fact is that facade walls are always load-bearing; slabs or other structures of the upper floor lie on them.

The possibility of installing panoramic windows should be provided for at the design stage. Architects are thinking about other ways of building ceilings. This remark does not apply to the glazing of verandas; panoramic windows can be installed here at any time.

Step 1. Choose an option for panoramic windows, measure their width and height. Classic panoramic designs should open the entire space from the top to the bottom of the wall.

Step 2. Collect window profiles. Follow the manufacturer's instructions during assembly. Do not simplify some steps - the load on the frame is large, you need to take all measures to ensure its strength. If you have no experience in assembling profiles, then it is better to turn to professionals for help. Moreover, double-glazed windows cannot be installed without special vacuum suction cups, but only have them specialized companies. And another problem is the large weight of double-glazed windows. If it is two- or three-chamber and made of impact-resistant glass with a thickness of within 6 millimeters, then it is impossible to manually install it in place; lifting mechanisms are needed.

Step 3. Along the perimeter of the window opening, clean the surfaces from dust and construction debris, and level them if necessary. It is highly desirable that the lower profile of the panoramic window lie on the floor slab with its entire surface. It is prohibited to install windows on the floor. The exception is flooring from ceramic tiles and laid on a strong cement screed. If there are coolants underneath, then they cannot be located under the frame of the panoramic window.

Step 4. Measure the places where the frame is fixed in the opening, and use these marks to drill holes in the profile. It’s better to drill the profile and the opening separately - it’s much easier to work this way.

Step 5. Insert the frame into the opening, level it and secure it firmly with wedges. Please ensure that the structure does not wobble. It must be stable throughout the installation.

Step 6. Using a drill and hammer drill, drill holes in the wall for the anchor bolts. If the panoramic window is relatively small and light, then you can use durable dowels; in all other cases, fixation is done only with anchors. The distance between the holes is selected taking into account the material of the walls and the size of the panoramic window. In most cases it is within 40 centimeters.

Step 7 Fix the frames, check the stability of their position. If in doubt, increase the number of anchors.

Step 8 Replace the glass or double-glazed windows. Do not forget to use plastic linings that compensate for the linear thermal expansion of the glass.

Step 9 Blow foam into the gaps between the frame and the opening, and thoroughly moisten the surfaces before foaming. In this case, water performs two functions: it increases the coefficient of adhesion of the foam to surfaces and accelerates the time of its (foam) hardening. Unscrupulous craftsmen rarely wet surfaces; for them, the main thing is not the quality of work, but time. If you use the services of a company, be sure to control the quality of installation and force workers to carry out all stages of installing panoramic windows.

Step 10 After the foam has hardened, use a sharp knife to carefully cut off the material protruding beyond the plane of the wall. The foam can then be covered with wallpaper, plastered or leveled with putty. The specific method is selected taking into account the existing decoration of the walls of the room.

Do not rush to make a decision on installing panoramic windows. Their real advantage is the original appearance of the building. All other performance indicators are inferior to traditional methods of glazing buildings. One more thing. The cost of panoramic windows even without installation is high. If you don't have enough manufacturing experience construction work– don’t study self-installation, contact specialists for help. Their services will ultimately cost less than the possible damage from inept actions.

Stained glass windows have delighted the eyes of our ancestors since ancient times. Their relevance does not decrease today, despite a wide variety materials and decorations. If earlier the manufacture of stained glass was the domain of a few craftsmen, then in the modern world almost anyone can master separate methods their creation. More details.

Video - Installation of panoramic windows

The sophisticated French, accustomed to everything light and airy, introduced the idea of ​​panoramic glazing into architecture. These are glazed openings covering the entire wall, giving a feeling of flight and spaciousness, even if behind is a modest, typical Khrushchev-era building.

Of course, spending effort and money on panoramic glazing makes sense when the view captivates and lifts your mood, and does not completely depress it. Therefore, such delights are in demand either in high-rise buildings, when the number of storeys rises above the dullness, or in country houses and cottages. A forest, a river, and even lovingly cultivated flower beds and lawns deserve constant review.

Judging by the number of branches on the most popular construction resource FORUMHOUSE, continuous glazing is in demand in the private sector. There is no doubt that visually such a facade looks amazing, and it will fit perfectly into any design. But it is also a fact that there are many technical, practical and financial problems associated with the panorama. It’s worth figuring out what, how, why and how much.

Scope of application

Panoramas are universal, which determines their demand in different situations:

♦ Glazing of balconies and loggias. For city dwellers who do not aspire to belong to the elite stratum, there is only one opportunity to expand the horizons of residential meters - to visually increase the space due to a balcony or loggia. This may be partial glazing of the upper part, which is most common. Or maybe complete assimilation of the balcony, when it becomes part of the room, and panoramic windows occupy the entire plane.

♦ Pool area. When, instead of blank external walls, in a room with an internal pool, thanks to glass, a feeling of unity is created: it seems like both in the house, but also on the street. That is, garbage does not fall into the bowl, and the temperature is always comfortable, and the wind does not blow, and the walls do not press. Forum member Kirill A from Moscow performed cantilever panoramic glazing around the pool and was pleased with the result.

♦ Roofs. Not a very common option, but it is found, for example, in winter gardens, greenhouses, swimming pools, and terraces. But the glazed canopies are interesting design move, it was used by a participant in the discussion about panoramic windows, a Muscovite Amotkov.

♦ Terraces. They are the leaders in the use of panoramic glazing. This is a favorite family gathering place, what could be better than sipping tea and admiring nature, rather than beautiful wallpaper.

Circular panoramas. Usually they decorate bay windows: glass facade it opens up the view and decorates the building.

♦ Greenhouses and winter gardens. Plants need natural light; no fluorescent lamps can replace it. Glass walls allow you to maximize even short daylight hours in cold seasons. And why hide such beauty behind walls, it is worth demonstrating.

♦ Partial glazing. You can make any wall or several walls glass, for example, corner ones or those facing the garden. In this case, it is also fulfilled glass door. The vast majority of forum members who used panoramic glazing opted for partial glazing, when bends replace one wall of the facade, or, less often, a couple of corner ones. That's what I did Taneco, from Sosnovy Bor, she has a chic corner stained glass window on the second floor of a wooden frame.


Panoramic glazing is very popular for a reason; it has a number of positive properties.

  • The view is impossible to compare the picture from an ordinary window, even a large one, and the view obtained through a panoramic view of the entire wall.
  • Spatial expansion - the panorama unites the room and the street, visually increasing the area. Even a modest-sized room with glass wall becomes visually larger and airier.
  • Lighting quality – daylight necessary for our body, and through the panoramic glazing the maximum amount enters the room.
  • Design possibilities – for those who like dark tones in the interior, the panorama compensates for the gloom.


Unfortunately, there is no perfection in the world, but it is necessary to strive for it, so panoramic windows have a solid list of shortcomings.

  • Expensive. Yes, a panorama is not a cheap pleasure; the cost of construction or repairs will jump if such windows are installed. It will not be possible to significantly reduce costs, but it is possible to look for a manufacturer who can customize the design. There are representatives of similar companies on the forum, you can ask users who shopped and where.
  • Difficult to install. If you can actually perform many construction manipulations yourself, you won’t be able to save on panoramic glazing. Due to the considerable weight of large windows, you will most likely have to use special equipment, but for high-quality assembly of such a complex system you need knowledge and experience, which most people do not have.
  • Care. It’s difficult, but doable, to clean the panoramic windows on the first floor from a stepladder, but to clean the panorama on the second floor you’ll either have to call a professional or rent it out.
  • Safety. Many forum members are concerned about the issue of security: a floor-to-ceiling window looks like a good invitation to visit the property in the absence of the owners. This question was raised Nikasan, who planned large windows along the entire perimeter of the first floor. The topic was picked up, and many options for executing panoramas were expressed. Gave good advice Gagsuv from Moscow, it offers impact-resistant glass, roller shutters and alarm systems. What is characteristic is that he is the most active participant, his professional recommendations found in all forum threads on panoramic topics.

Technical component

Anyone who is thinking about panoramic glazing at home is concerned about the choice of double-glazed windows. The price of the issue and the appearance of the windows depend on their variety. In addition, both the installation method and the formula are important.


There is also a frameless option, but it is usually used for loggias, where the size of the glass allows you to do without a rigid frame, just with guides. For glazing houses, the following variations are more in demand:

  • PVC – a budget option, but has dimensional restrictions.
  • Wood - laminated veneer lumber, otherwise - LVL beams.
  • Aluminum is strong, durable, lightweight, expensive. Most reliable option panoramic performance designed for massive windows. It is recommended by both manufacturers and the majority of users, among them Rexther, he specializes in glazing and how experienced master knows what's best.

Installation method

In private construction, two main methods are used.

  • ODS: window-door system. Internal glazing and stained glass windows are enclosed in frames; in fact, these are huge windows mounted to the ceilings.

  • Structural glazing (facade) - there is no protruding frame from the outside, the mullion-transom sheathing remains inside, and the glass is mounted with a special glue, the joints are sealed with sealant.

Both methods allow you to make both monolithic panoramic windows and sliding ones, and combine glazing with doorways. The monolith is easier to install and costs less, but the opportunity to open access to air in the warm season and not bother with additional ventilation will pay for everything.


Increased demands are placed on panoramic double-glazed windows, because they are obviously thinner than the wall, transmit solar radiation and give off heat. To avoid getting fried in the summer and freezing out in the winter, like dinosaurs, special glass is used for panoramic glazing.

  • Triplex (3.3.1 or 4.4.1) – laminated glass obtained by gluing glass 3 mm or 4 mm thick and a special polyvinyl buteral film (PVB, pvb). The properties of triplex depend on the type of glass in the layer; they can be either shockproof or multi-format.
  • N – thanks to sprayed silver oxide, glass has heat-shielding and energy-saving properties. It is also called low-emissivity or i-glass. Depending on the manufacturer, you can find markings: CLGuN, Top-N, Top-N+. It is used in both triplex and conventional double-glazed windows.
  • MF – multi-format, with energy saving and sun protection functions. This is what both manufacturers and craftsmen recommend for use in a panoramic triplex.
  • Z (zak) – tempered, shockproof glass, characterized by increased strength. The best option outer glass of stained glass puff.

As for the air layers that provide sound insulation and minimal thermal conductivity, SPD - double glazing is more effective. Especially if the air frames are different sizes, although in a village remote from the highway in a warm climate zone, an SPO package with one air chamber will be sufficient. Many manufacturers offer double-glazed windows with an inert gas inside, most often argon (Ar). But if you’re going to overpay, then choose krypton (Kr), its performance is lower.

The specific formula depends on many factors, climate, wind load, and the presence of children are taken into account, but there are general recommendations.

  • The thickness of the glass - four-piece is not enough for a panorama, its area limit is two squares, experts advise 6 mm and higher, plus the outer layer is preferably shockproof, and the remaining layers are optional, but multi-format and low-emissivity are preferable.
  • Air gap– recommended frame width – from 12 mm.
  • Class - M1 is suitable for stained glass; it is the most transparent glass with virtually no optical distortion.

The following averaged structural formula of panoramic SPD is obtained: 6 Zak (MF) – 12 (Ar, Kr) – 6 M1 – 12 (Ar, Kr) – 6 Zak (MF, i) for single glasses. SPO formula with internal triplex: 6 M1 Zak – 12 – 6 Top-N. If you use heat-saving triplex, you can do without gas and use a single glass unit.

The weight of the structure is no less important; SPD is much heavier. If the second floor, SPO is preferable.

It's possible, just be careful

If the issue of finances is not an issue, and the main thing is aesthetics, panoramic glazing is an excellent design move. The fact that many people are confused by the “aquarium” mode, in which everything is visible, can be solved with multi-format glass or ordinary curtains. The technical side of the issue will not become an obstacle, provided you follow certain recommendations from the forum craftsmen.

  • The panorama is laid out at the design stage in order to take into account both the specifics of installation and the requirements for floors, since regardless of the type of glazing, stained glass cannot serve as a support.
  • In addition to conventional heating, you will need underfloor heating in the area of ​​panoramic windows or convectors. Even heated windows by themselves will not heat the room.
  • You shouldn’t skimp on materials and professional installers; with the total cost of glazing being hundreds of thousands, a couple of dozen won’t make a difference and will spoil your blood.

Specific calculations, formulas, stained glass options and a lot of debates in which the truth is born are available on FORUMHOUSE, in the branches: and. This is where the flight of creative thought and professional advice from respected Rexther, Gagsuv, Wonderdesert, RuslanR, Glazier 152 and other aces.
And be sure to watch our video, where a carpentry technology specialist explains how to make

Panoramic window structures were first installed in France. Later they became widespread in other countries, but retained the name “ French windows" Houses and apartments with panoramic windows look status and solid.

Most often, panoramic windows are designed in such a way that their width is many times greater than their height. These proportions apply if the entire wall is completely glazed, or when the window opening itself is small in height and length.

Advantages of panoramic glazing:

  1. Panoramic windows, photos of which you see below, offer the viewer a luxurious view of natural beauty or city landscapes, and let a lot of light into the room. This is especially important in the cold season, when daylight hours are significantly reduced.
  2. The appearance of an apartment or house is made unusual and sophisticated. The home becomes, if not exclusive, then at least non-standard.
  3. Double-glazed windows are almost impossible to destroy. They are made from particularly durable glass coated special film. Even if someone manages to damage it, the coating will prevent the glass from breaking into fragments. And the moving parts of the window are usually protected with an alarm.
  4. Panoramic windows provide a very high level of sound insulation.

Disadvantages of panoramic glazing:

  1. If a private house is not surrounded by a high fence, and the apartment is not located on the upper floors, then strangers will be able to see everything that happens in the house from the street. To protect yourself from this, you will have to resort to window tinting.
  2. A significant drawback of panoramic windows is the price, which is much higher than the cost conventional designs, due to the complexity of installation, labor costs and high material consumption.
  3. IN warm time year, it can be very hot in a room with panoramic windows, especially if they face the sunny side.
  4. Due to the unhindered penetration of sunlight into the room, furniture upholstery and wall decoration will most likely begin to fade.
  5. If whole glass is installed, then washing it will be very inconvenient and difficult, as well as ventilating the room.
  6. To prevent condensation, you will have to install a separate heating system.
  7. To install panoramic windows, you will need to demolish the entire wall or part of it. This will entail a lot of problems with the approval of this operation in the relevant authorities, as well as additional costs.

As can be seen from the above, before installing panoramic windows in a house, you need to carefully consider all the pros and cons and only after that make a final decision.

Decorating a bay window with panoramic windows

A bay window is a section of a wall protruding from the general plane. It is usually in the shape of a polyhedron, semicircle or rectangle.

The bay window itself gives the building beauty and originality, and if it is equipped with panoramic windows, it will look even better. If it opens onto a beautifully designed courtyard or garden, then it will be very convenient, with the help of panoramic glazing, to focus the attention of a person standing at the window on the most beautiful element of the view, such as, for example, flower bed, a statue by a fountain, a romantic gazebo or a pond with colored fish.

But it must be remembered that such windows, due to which part of the street landscape becomes an element of room decoration, should not be tinted, hung with thick curtains, closed with blinds, etc. Therefore, it is advisable that the area around the house be protected by a high fence.

Types of panoramic windows

The main types of panoramic windows include:

  • ordinary;
  • corner;
  • garden;
  • false windows.

1. Conventional window designs are used most often and are the simplest. They differ from the standard ones found in all houses only in their shape.

Ordinary windows are good because, despite their simplicity, they are very beautiful and, in combination with modern finishing materials, such as siding, can change the appearance of a house beyond recognition.

With the help of low but wide windows, it is quite possible to adjust the opening view, or rather to focus attention on its most beautiful areas, leaving less attractive ones without attention.

If such windows are placed sufficiently high level, then they will be quite appropriate both in the bathroom and in the toilet.

In addition, an ordinary panoramic window is often equipped with a window sill. In this case, it becomes possible to give the room additional coziness through flower pots, various figurines and other decorative elements.

2. The structural features of some houses make it possible to install luxurious floor-to-ceiling corner windows. They create a completely different mood than usual. The meaning of their installation appears when there is a shady garden, a patch of forest or a quiet lake. Therefore, corner panoramic windows are most often chosen by owners of country houses. The fact is that in the city limits, underneath them, instead of a noisy forest, there is often a construction site or a highway.

3. Installation of panoramic windows is carried out not only in residential premises, but also in various garden and park buildings, for example, in outbuildings and gazebos. In this case, the usual classical buildings take on a completely different look and immediately become a place of relaxation and pleasant pastime.

Such a gazebo will not only allow you to take a break or hide from the rain, but also at the same time enjoy the surrounding natural beauty. Buildings equipped with panoramic windows are built not only on local areas, but also in in public places– parks and protected areas, city gardens, etc.

4. False windows come to the rescue when the view outside the window is not beautiful or there is no way to coordinate the redevelopment with the authorities, but you really want to have panoramic glazing. They are illuminated panels in which a printed best quality scenery. Due to the glow and realism of the image, an illusory appearance of a window appears.

This imitation is good because it allows you to periodically change a boring picture. In addition, there is a varied selection of device shapes and dimensions. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that it makes sense to use only a high-quality picture printed in an expensive printing house, otherwise the “view from the window” will not be close to reality. In addition, energy costs will increase.

Materials from which panoramic windows are made

Profiles for panoramic windows are:

  • of steel;
  • made of wood;
  • made of aluminum;
  • made of plastic;
  • from glass composite.

1. Advantages of steel panoramic windows:

  • increased strength, elasticity and compactness of the material;
  • structural rigidity achieved by connecting its elements by welding;
  • high heat transfer;
  • possibility of making windows various sizes and shapes, including round and arched;
  • fire resistance of the material;
  • high anti-vandal properties;
  • very long service life;
  • possibility of using anti-corrosion material;
  • the ability to adapt the design of the window structure to the interior of the house using wooden decor of various colors.

The use of steel profiles significantly affects the cost of panoramic windows. In this case, their price increases significantly, but they are installed once and for all, unlike windows made of other materials.

2. Wood, as a material for making windows, is in demand because it is environmentally friendly natural material, evoking pleasant emotions and carrying positive energy.

For the manufacture of panoramic window structures, two types of wood are used:

  • hardwoods treated with all kinds of chemical compounds that protect the material from fungus, make it fireproof, and protect it from deformation and fading;
  • laminated wood is a very high-quality material that has a long service life and is not subject to deformation.

But both of the above materials, after being treated with various kinds of chemicals, in the first case they are compounds that impart various useful properties, and in the second case they are glue between the layers of wood, are no longer 100% environmentally friendly.

The advantages of wooden frames include:

  • high, in comparison with other materials, thermal insulation performance;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • high strength;
  • stability when exposed to adverse weather conditions;
  • it is possible to produce windows non-standard forms and sizes;
  • provided that modern mechanisms are used, window sashes will open in different planes;
  • Wooden windows are installed on inclined walls, as well as in attics.

Disadvantages of wooden frames:

  • high cost;
  • after impregnation with compounds imparting fire-resistant properties, wooden frames still do not become 100% so;
  • due to the lack of internal cavities, the material is heavy;
  • When installing, it is necessary to use fittings and mechanisms designed for heavy weight.

3. When aluminum frames are manufactured at a factory, special additives are added to their composition, giving the material high strength. At the same time, it remains lightweight and, when used in panoramic windows, ensures that the maximum amount of light enters the room. Aluminum frames look very appropriate on buildings and rooms with a modern look.

Advantages of panoramic aluminum windows:

  • the material is not subject to combustion, rotting, has a long service life and does not emit hazardous substances when heated;
  • painting possible aluminum profiles in a shade that matches color scheme premises or buildings;
  • If desired by the customer, the frames are equipped with wooden overlays;
  • it is possible to install double-glazed windows with several cameras;
  • profiles are produced in two types - warm and cold, they are used depending on whether the room is heated or not;
  • frames can have a curved shape due to the plasticity of the material;
  • manufactured sashes can swing open, recline, move apart, or be blind.

Disadvantages of aluminum windows:

  • if aluminum comes into contact with other metals, such as copper, in wet weather, this can lead to its destruction;
  • the load-bearing capacity of aluminum is low, which is why it is necessary to reinforce the panoramic structure with steel profiles;
  • low level of thermal insulation.

4. Due to the large size of panoramic windows and significant loads, including wind, plastic windows must have increased rigidity. This can be achieved:

  • by reinforcing profiles with galvanized steel elements;
  • by strengthening the structure using special power connectors mounted between the sashes.

To protect plastic windows from wind blowing, it is necessary to increase the number of locking points and equip the sashes with a special seal.

In the case of panoramic windows, you should under no circumstances skimp on fittings, otherwise there is a chance that the sashes will sag and stop closing.

Before installing a plastic panoramic window in an apartment, you should carefully consider its structure, the design of the sashes, in order to make it convenient to clean and open.

Types of opening sashes of plastic windows:

  • the most common ones are tilt and turn;
  • hinged, used for access to a loggia or veranda;
  • parallel-sliding, equipped with a folding mechanism;
  • sliding according to the accordion type;
  • parallel alignment followed by moving to the side.

One panoramic structure, if desired by the customer, is equipped with sashes related to different types opening.

5. Fiberglass composite windows do not have the disadvantages inherent in windows made from other materials. They are reliable, light in weight, and provide high heat and sound insulation. Fiberglass composite is the most modern material, which is the best choice for panoramic glazing, but at the same time has a very high cost.

Advantages of the material:

  • fire resistance;
  • when heated, it does not emit harmful substances, unlike plastic;
  • not subject to deformation under the influence of high and low temperatures;
  • there is no need to adjust the fittings due to the change of season;
  • it is possible to paint the frames and trim them with wood;
  • not afraid of corrosion, rotting, fading, UV irradiation;
  • has a long service life.

Disadvantages of glass composite:

  • impossibility of creating curved frames;
  • Corner joints are not welded, but twisted using fasteners.

Each of the materials described above has its own strengths and weaknesses. If difficulties arise in choosing material for panoramic windows, reviews left on sellers' websites can help you make the right decision.

Stages of installing panoramic windows

You can get an apartment or house with panoramic windows in two ways:

  1. Destroy the wall or part of it and install it.
  2. Plan installation at the design stage. House designs with panoramic windows are made to order by many companies and organizations.

Oversized windows themselves are expensive, and in addition to them, you also need to pay for installation. If the budget is limited, savings are possible by self-installation. Then you will only have to pay for double-glazed windows.

Installation sequence:

  1. After obtaining permission from the appropriate authority, demolish the wall or part of it, including the existing window and the masonry below it.
  2. Place the frame in the resulting opening, secure it evenly, leaving a gap between it and the wall.
  3. Use a drill to make holes in the frame and wall around the entire perimeter of the window. There should be enough fasteners so that the frame does not warp over time. Attach the sashes to it and adjust their height and degree of fit.
  4. Treat all gaps between the frame and the wall polyurethane foam. It should not reach the profile by 1-2 cm. When the foam swells and spreads to the sides, it will reach it on its own. Allow enough time for it to dry completely and cut off any excess sticking out of the seams.
  5. Apply vapor barrier tape to the seams.
  6. At the last stage, plaster the slopes.

To better understand what panoramic windows look like in an apartment, photos and videos are presented in the article.