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» Easter service: beginning and duration, traditions. Easter night. Christ is Risen

Easter service: beginning and duration, traditions. Easter night. Christ is Risen

Easter night

Local residents remember how in recent times, on Easter, detachments of activists went from house to house and, snooping around other people’s homes, as if they were at home, looking for Easter eggs and Easter cakes. Those caught red-handed were later branded at meetings and expelled from work. Perhaps because of these morning searches, it then became customary in these parts to celebrate Easter as New Year. That is, late in the evening on Holy Saturday they sat down to festive table, and after libations they went to the procession.

In short, there was enough work for the police at Easter. But there has never been such a difficult Easter as in 1993 in Optina - a crowded church buzzing with conversations and many drunk people in the courtyard. And at 11 o’clock in the evening, as the investigation later established, the killer came to the monastery.

Optina icon painter Maria Levista says: “On Easter night, many felt an incomprehensible anxiety. And I kept imagining that there was a man standing in the temple with a knife and preparing to attack the priests. I even stood closer to the priests in order to rush to cross him. Suspicion is a sin, and I repented of this in confession. And the priest says: “Mary, don’t throw yourself at the knife, but pray better.”

I remember the incident. A boy, Seryozha, stood on the pulpit at the entrance to the altar and involuntarily disturbed the employees. In the world, this boy served at the altar and now, crowded by the crowd, huddled closer to the altar door. Monk Trofim, who carried notes to the altar, constantly bumped into him and finally, unable to bear it, asked: “Why are you hanging around here?” “I think,” the boy answered, “can I enter the altar?” “No,” said the monk Trofim. “And so that I don’t see you here again.” The boy was very surprised when the monk Trofim later found him in a crowded church and said guiltily: “Forgive me, brother. Maybe this is the last time we see you on earth, and I offended you.” It was really the last time they saw each other on earth.

Nun Irina and others recall that on that Easter night the monk Ferapont did not stand in his usual place, but as he stood at the funeral table, he froze, with his eyes downcast, in prayerful sorrow. The monk was pressed and pushed, but he did not notice anything. They remember how a certain tipsy person asked to light a candle for the repose, explaining that his relative had died today, and he himself, since he was drunk, had no right to touch the shrine. The candle was handed over to the monk Ferapont. He lit it and forgot himself, standing with a burning candle in his hand. They looked back at the monk in bewilderment, but he still stood with his head bowed, with a funeral candle in his hand. Finally, having crossed himself, he put the candle on the eve and went to his last confession in his life.

Hieromonk D. says:“A few hours before the murder, during the Easter service, the monk Ferapont confessed to me. I was then in terrible despondency - and was already ready to leave the monastery, and after his confession it suddenly became somehow light and joyful, as if it was not he, but I myself who had confessed: “Where should I go when there are such brothers here!..” So and it turned out: he left, and I stayed.”

On his last Easter night, Fr. Vasily confessed before the start Procession of the Cross, and then went out to confession in the morning - at the end of the liturgy. A humble person is always inconspicuous, and about Fr. Vasily only learned posthumously that he had already acquired the special power of prayer and, it seems, the gift of clairvoyance. Confessions from Fr. Vasily left an unusually strong impression on many, and in order to convey it, we will break the chronology by talking not only about the confessions on that last night.

Muscovite E.T. says: “Father Vasily was perspicacious, and a few hours before the murder he revealed to me the outcome of one story that was bothering me. The story was like this. I have a friend from my youth, whom I refused to marry at one time. “To spite” me, he immediately married the first woman he met, but he could not live with her. Only much later did he finally have a real family. And on Easter 1993, my friend came to Optina with donations from his organization. And at the meeting he said that he had recently come to faith, but his wife was an unbeliever, and he left the family a year ago.

He had a conflict at home, and out of resentment towards his wife, he asked me to marry him. But I saw that my friend was grieving for his wife and his little daughter. He just doesn’t want to admit it out of pride and is again eager to “prove” something.

All this was so depressing that when I went to confession to Fr. I came to Vasily almost in tears. “Yes, this is a serious temptation,” said the priest. “But if you carry it with dignity, everything will be fine.” “Pray, father,” I asked. Father Vasily silently prayed with detachment, and then said, beaming and with extraordinary firmness: “Everything will be fine!” And so it happened.

The murder on Easter was such a shock, when it burned out everything superficial from the feelings. And my friend returned to the family, writing to me later that he and his wife got married, go to church together, and their little daughter is the most happy, endlessly repeating: “Daddy is back!”

Regent Olga says: “Before Easter, such a temptation happened that I was literally thrown off track. On Easter I had to sing in the choir, and I wanted to confess and receive communion on Holy Saturday.

I stood up at the liturgy to confess to Fr. Vasily, but the line of communicants was so huge that by the end of the liturgy it became clear that I would not get to confession. I even left the queue in disappointment. I'm standing behind Fr. Vasily and I thought: “Well, how can I go to the choir in such a state?” And suddenly Fr. Vasily said to me, turning around: “Well, what do you have?” And immediately took me to confession. After confession, not a trace of my temptation remained, but it fell to me to sing a memorial service for my father on Easter.”

Nun Zinaida tells the story, and at that time a pensioner Tatyana Ermachkova, who worked for free in the refectory of the monastery from the first day of the revival of Optina: “How well Fr. confessed. Basil! Father was kind and loving, and you go after confession with such light soul as if she had been born again.

Before Easter we worked in the refectory and at night. There is no time to straighten up. Where is the rule for Communion here? And so on the morning of Holy Saturday I speak about. Vasily: “Father, I really want to take communion on Easter, but I have no time to prepare.” - “Take communion.” - “What is it like - without preparing?” - “Nothing,” he says, “you will pray a lot later.” And it’s true - how much we prayed at the funeral of our brothers! And to this day I pray for them, my dear ones.”

Hierodeacon L. says:“Before Easter, I was so busy with things that I was essentially not ready for communion. He said this in confession to Fr. Vasily, and he responded: “And you be ready, like Gagarin and Titov.” This was said seemingly as a joke, but I only remembered Gagarin’s sudden death, also in the midst of his labors.”

Icon painter Tamara Mushketova says: “Before Easter 1993, I experienced two big shocks - my grandmother died. She was a nun. And then people close to me slandered me. I closed myself off then. And suddenly she burst into tears in confession with Fr. Vasily, and the priest listened silently and nodded sympathetically.

Previously, I was embarrassed to confess to Fr. Vasily - after all, we are almost the same age. And then it was forgotten that he was young, and everything disappeared except our Lord Jesus Christ, before whom the soul trustingly revealed itself. I was then preparing for communion and said to Fr. Vasily, that with all my desire, I cannot completely forgive the people who slandered me.

- How are you going to take communion? - Fr. was surprised. Basil. - I can’t allow you to take communion if you can’t forgive.

- I try, father, but it doesn’t work.

“If you can forgive, take communion,” said Fr. Basil. And he added quietly: “We must forgive.” Just like before death.

I asked Fr. Vasily prayed for me and moved away from the lectern, trying to evoke a feeling of repentance in herself. But the feeling was far-fetched and empty of resentment towards others. This went on for about ten minutes. And suddenly I cried again, seeing everything and everyone as before my death - I no longer needed to forgive anyone: everyone was so dear and loved that I was only surprised at the worthlessness of the previous grievances. It was such an overwhelming love for people that I realized that this was beyond my measure and came from the priest, through his prayers. And I didn’t hesitate to go to the Chalice.”

Artist Irina L. from St. Petersburg says: “I first came to Optina Pustyn in 1992 for the patronal feast of the Entry into the Temple. Holy Mother of God and went to confession at the nearest analogue. K o. Vasily, as it turned out later.

Before this, I had recently been baptized and did not know how to confess. But, I remember, I suddenly began to cry when Fr. Vasily covered me with the stole, reading a prayer of permission. I was ashamed of tears, but they flowed naturally from the feeling of God’s great mercy. My name is Fr. Vasily didn’t ask, I didn’t call him myself, and therefore I was very surprised when I heard him say my name, “Irina,” while reading the prayer of permission. “How does he know my name? - I was perplexed. “Maybe someone told him?” But there was no one to tell him - no one knew me in the monastery.

It would seem that there was something special that connected me with Fr. Vasily? One confession, one communion and one blessing for the journey. But after his death, he repeatedly appeared in my dreams. One day I see - oh. Vasily stands at the lectern, as if in confession, and says to me: “Irina, you have taken thirty-two splinters out of yourself, but there is still one left.” You usually don’t trust dreams and don’t even remember them. But this dream gave off such a sense of reality that in two years I went to Optina twenty-five times, looking for the thirty-third thorn in myself. And I had no peace until I left the world and went to the monastery with the blessing of the priest, who became my spiritual father here. But at that time I didn’t even know the name of my spiritual father: Fr. Vasily on the fortieth day of his death - on Ascension.”

The Venerable Optina Elder Nektarios wrote: “Our Lord Jesus Christ, praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, is to some extent the image of every confessor in relation to his spiritual children, for he also takes upon himself their sins. What a great thing this is and what he has to go through!”

It is not given to us to know about those inner experiences of Fr. Vasily, when, pressed by the crowd, he stood at the lectern on his last Easter night, beginning to confess with early morning and not sitting down until midnight. And at night there was a moment that was remembered by many: “Look, the priest is feeling bad,” someone’s child said loudly. And everyone looked at Fr. Vasily - he stood at the lectern already in a pre-fainting state with his face pale to blue. Hieromonk Philaret at that time finished blessing the Easter cakes and walked through the church, cheerfully sprinkling everyone calling to him: “Father, sprinkle me too!” In passing, he sprinkled Fr. Vasily and was already moving on when he called out to him: “Sprinkle me stronger. Something’s hard.” He sprinkled it again; and seeing Fr.’s nod. Vasily, sprinkled him so heartily that his whole face was flooded with water. “Nothing, nothing,” sighed Fr. Vasily is relieved. “Now it’s nothing.” And he began to confess again.

So this Gethsemane loneliness of the shepherd stands before our eyes in the crowd, leaning on the lectern with their sorrows, and more often - mourners: “Father, she told me this! How can we live after this?” Nothing, we live. But there is no father...

The dean of the monastery, Abbot Paphnutius, recalls how in Good Friday he suddenly thought at the sight of Fr., emaciated to the point of transparency. Vasily: “No longer a tenant.” The load on the hieromonks was then incredible: Fr. Vasily served and confessed throughout Holy Week, and after a sleepless Easter night he was scheduled to confess at the early liturgy in the monastery, and then at the late liturgy in the Church of St. Hilarion the Great. “Who was to be appointed? - Abbot Paphnutius complained. - Many priests were already sick from overwork, but Fr. Vasily willingly undertook to replace the sick. He loved to serve." The Lord gave him plenty of time to serve in the end, but his face was already visible.

Many people remember that during the procession on Easter, Fr. Vasily carried the icon of the “Resurrection of Christ” and was the only one of all the priests in red vestments. The Lord chose him this Easter as his high priest, who will slaughter the Paschal Lamb at the proskomedia. They remember that the proskomedia of Fr. Vasily always did it clearly, cutting the Lamb's prosphora with a quick and precise movement. But this Easter he hesitated, tormented and not daring to begin the proskomedia, and even retreated for a moment from the altar. “What are you, oh. Basil?" - they asked him. “It’s so hard, I feel like I’m stabbing myself,” he replied. Then he performed this Great Sacrifice and sat down on a chair in exhaustion. “What, oh. Vasily, are you tired? - those in the altar asked him. “I’ve never been so tired,” he admitted. “It’s as if the carriage was unloaded.” At the end of the liturgy, Fr. Vasily went to confession again.

Pyotr Alekseev, now a student at the St. Tikhon’s Theological Institute, and at that time a youth working in obedience in Optina, tells: “At that time I had a music teacher in Kozelsk, Valentina Vasilievna. She is a wonderful person, but like many, it is difficult for her and she has to earn a living by performing concerts. Just on Holy Saturday there was a concert at the House of Officers, and after the concert there was a banquet. Now Valentina Vasilyevna sings in the choir, but then she had just come to faith, but strictly kept the fast, preparing to receive communion on Easter. And when they raised a toast to her at the banquet, she, at the general insistence, took a sip of champagne.

On the way to Optina, she told a Muscovite friend about the temptation with champagne, and she said such accusatory words to her, forbidding her to take communion, that Valentina Vasilievna cried all Easter night. And at dawn Fr. went to confession. Vasily, and she came to him. And now Valentina Vasilievna cries, telling how she sipped champagne, having lost the sacrament, and Fr. Vasily hands her a red Easter egg and says joyfully: “Christ is risen!” Take communion!” How glad Valentina Vasilyevna was to receive communion on Easter! When the next morning she heard about the murder in Optina, she immediately ran to the monastery. And the Easter egg of the New Martyr Vasily of Optina has been cherished since then as a shrine.”

Easter 1993 was unusually crowded and noisy. But the fatigue of the night took its toll - talkative people left the temple. And during the Liturgy of the faithful, the church had already stood still, praying in silence.

There is that moment on Easter night when the inexplicable happens: it would seem that everyone is tired and exhausted from drowsiness. But suddenly such grace strikes the heart that there is neither sleep nor fatigue, and the spirit rejoices in the Resurrection of Christ. How to describe this wondrous grace of Easter, when the sky is open and “Angels are singing in heaven”?

A draft description of Easter, made in 1989 by the future hieromonk Vasily, has survived. But before we bring him, let's talk about that moment of the last Easter, when at the end of the liturgy Fr. Vasily went out to canonish the choir. “Father, but you are tired,” the regent, Hierodeacon Seraphim, told him. - You rest. We can handle it ourselves." “And I am obedient,” said Fr. cheerfully. Vasily, the governor’s father blessed me.” This was Optina's best canonarch. And many remember how, overwhelmed with joy, he canonized his last Easter, saying in a clear young voice: “May God rise again and let His enemies be scattered.” And the brethren sing, and the whole temple sings: “The holy Easter has appeared to us today; Easter is new holy: Easter is mysterious..."

And it’s as if an exclamation bursts from his lips: “May God rise again and His enemies be scattered,” he wrote on his first Optina Easter. - What great and mysterious words! How the soul trembles and rejoices hearing them! What fiery grace they are filled with on Easter night! They are as vast as the sky and as close as breathing. They have a long wait, transformed in the moment of meeting, life's troubles, absorbed by eternity, age-old yearnings of the feeble human soul, disappeared in the joy of possessing the truth. The night parted before the light of these words, time fled from their face...

The temple becomes like an overflowing healing cup. “Come, let’s drink new beer.” The wedding feast is prepared by Christ himself, the invitation comes from the lips of God himself. No longer Easter service goes to church, and the Easter feast. “Christ is Risen!” - “Truly He is Risen!”, cries ring out, and the wine of joy and gladness splashes over the edge, renewing souls for eternal life.

The heart understands more than ever that everything we receive from God is received freely. Our imperfect offerings are eclipsed by God's generosity and become invisible, just as fire is invisible in the blinding radiance of the sun.

How to describe Easter night? How to express in words its greatness, glory and beauty? Only by rewriting the rite of the Easter service from beginning to end is it possible to do this. No other words are suitable for this. How to convey the Easter moment on paper? What can I say to make it clear and tangible? One can only throw up one’s hands in bewilderment and point to the festively decorated church: “Come and enjoy...”

Whoever has lived this day does not require proof of the existence of eternal life, no interpretation of the words of Holy Scripture is required: “And time will be no more” (Rev. 10:6).

The service ended at 5.10 am. And although the sleepless night is behind us, there is such vigor and joy that you want one thing - to celebrate. Almost everyone today is a communicant, and this is a special state of mind: “Easter!” Let us embrace each other with joy...” And upon leaving the church, everyone celebrates with Christ, hugging and inviting each other to Easter cakes.

Everyone is cheerful, like children. And just like in childhood, the eyes notice the fun. Here the short Hierodeacon Raphael shares Christ with the huge Fr. Vasily:

Well, what, dad? - the hierodeacon laughs. - Christ is Risen!

Truly risen! - Fr. beams. Basil.

And the air rings with the gospel, and the bell ringers glorify Christ - Monk Trofim, Monk Ferapont and Hierodeacon Lavrenty. The monk Trofim rejoices and beams in what seems to be unbearable joy, but the monk Ferapont has a shy smile. Before Easter, it seems his eye hurt, and there was a trace of green paint on his eyelid. This time the hood is not pulled down over his eyes, and therefore you can see how childishly open his eyes are. nice face and huge eyes.

And then the celebration spills out into the city. It was a custom among Optina parishioners in those years to leave Optina singing. The people in the villages here are vociferous, and buses went from Optina to the city, where they sang and sang, without getting tired: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs!”

“Easter is coming,” they said on this occasion in the city, rejoicing at the new custom of singing publicly on Easter. And if the evening of Holy Saturday was darkened, it happened, by drunken fights, then Easter itself in Kozelsk and the villages always proceeded surprisingly peacefully - everyone was smart, decorous, men in white shirts. Everyone goes to each other to celebrate Christ, and even speech on this day takes on a special decorum - on Easter you cannot say a rude word or offend anyone. Easter is a holy day."

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The celebration of Easter for all Orthodox people is the brightest and most important event of the year. They always prepare for it in advance, bringing cleanliness and order not only to their homes, but also to their souls. In addition, people believe in the signs of Easter night and observe the customs associated with this great church holiday. On the eve of Easter night, any work is prohibited, except for preparing Easter cakes and painting eggs. People on this day usually pray while waiting Christ's Resurrection.

Signs and customs on the night before Easter

On the night before Easter, there are signs and customs that will bring peace and tranquility to your home. So, for example, you cannot perform any work: washing and ironing clothes, cleaning, and handicrafts are also prohibited. Celebrating an event is also considered bad omen on the eve of Easter.

Another unfavorable omen is to swear or quarrel on the eve of the Easter holiday. Another belief says that if the Saturday before Easter is sunny, then the summer will be warm. And if the weather is cloudy, summer will be cold and rainy.

On Holy Saturday you can eat only vegetables, fruits and... A strict diet on this day is replaced by an abundant breaking of the fast on Easter night. As a rule, on Saturday, Easter products are illuminated: Easter cakes, eggs, sweets.

What should you not do on Easter night?

The question of what not to do on the night before Easter worries many believers. This partly happens because over time, people tend to forget their original traditions. But on Easter night I want to do everything according to the rules or something, so that You can become closer to Jesus on this holy holiday.

So, you cannot throw the shell of a peeled, colored egg out the window onto the street. It is believed that Christ and the apostles walk the streets and you can accidentally get into him. You cannot visit or speak with the departed on the night of Easter. For this purpose, there is a day called Krasnaya Gorka, a week after Easter.

There are signs for girls: if you get your period on Easter night, then it is not recommended to enter the temple. You can ask someone to come in and light a candle for you, or just stand outside the temple itself. As a rule, the lighting of Easter products does not take place in the church itself, but on the street. You can also stay here on critical days.

For more than thirty years - from March 1953 almost until his death in December 1983 - my father appeared weekly on Radio Liberty. His conversations were devoted to the most important, central Christian faith- the relationship between God and man, the world and the Church, faith and culture, freedom and responsibility.

On Easter night, when the procession of the cross, having gone around the church, stops at its locked doors and the last minute comes before the explosion of Easter joy, in the depths of our hearts we ask ourselves the same question that was in the hearts of the women who came early in the morning, as soon as the sun rose () , to the tomb of Christ. This question is: Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us? (). Will this miracle happen, will the night once again become brighter than the day, will this inexplicable joy, independent of anything in the world, fill us once again, which all this night and so many more days will sound like an Easter greeting: “Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!”

This minute always comes. The doors open. We enter the church flooded with light, we enter the jubilant Easter Matins, but somewhere in our souls the question remains. What does all of this mean? What does it mean to celebrate Easter in a world filled with suffering, enmity, hatred, wars? What does it mean to sing “trampling death upon death” and to hear that “not one dead man is in the grave,” when death still remains the only earthly certainty? Is it really Easter, all this bright night, all the rejoicing - just a momentary escape from reality, only for short time the possibility of spiritual oblivion granted to us, followed by the same everyday life, the same gray reality, the same count of inexorably passing days, months, years, the same race towards death and oblivion?

After all, we have long been told that religion is a fiction, self-deception, opium that reconciles a person with his difficult fate, a mirage that is constantly dissipating. And isn’t it more worthy for a person to abandon this mirage and soberly face reality?

What can I say to this? Perhaps something like this: “This can’t all be just fiction! It is incredible that so much faith, so much joy, so much light for two thousand years was just opium, an escape from reality, a mirage! Can a mirage last for centuries?

This answer, of course, is weighty, but still not final. And it must be said frankly that there is no such final and comprehensive answer as could be printed in the form “ scientific explanation"Easter faith - there is no such answer. Here everyone can only testify to own experience, speak only for yourself. But, peering into this experience, when you suddenly find in it something on which everything else is based - something that illuminates everything with a dazzling light, in which, indeed, like wax from the face of fire (), all doubts, all questions melt away .

What kind of experience is this? I cannot describe it otherwise, or define it otherwise, as the experience of the living Christ. It’s not because I believe in Christ that since childhood I was given the opportunity to participate in the Easter celebration once a year, no! But that’s why Easter is possible, that’s why this single night is filled with light and joy, that’s why this greeting “Christ is Risen!” sounds with such victorious power. Truly He is Risen!” that my faith itself was born and is eternally born from the experience of the living Christ. How and when was she born? I don't know, I don't remember. I only know that every time I open the Gospel and read the words of Christ, I mentally, but with all my heart, with all my being, repeat what the servants of the Pharisees said, who were sent to arrest Him and did not do so: Never has a man spoken like this Human ().

So, the first thing I know is that the teachings of Christ are alive and there is nothing in the world comparable to it. But this teaching is about Him, about eternal life, about victory over death, about love that conquers and overcomes death. And I also know that in life, where everything seems so difficult, one thing will never change, will never fail - the inner conviction that Christ is with me. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you (), - He says and comes, and the heart knows this coming. In prayer - in this trembling of the soul, in its undoubted joy about the mysterious presence of Christ both in the temple and in my life - this experience, this knowledge, this evidence grows all the time: Christ is here. In joy and sorrow, in crowds and loneliness, this certainty of His presence, this power of His word, this joy of faith in Him is the only proof. “Why are you looking for Zhivago and the dead? Why are you crying into the aphids?” And therefore all of Christianity is nothing more than a new experience of this faith, its embodiment in words, sounds, colors.

To an unbeliever, all this may indeed seem like a mirage. He hears only words, sees only “incomprehensible ceremonies” and tries to explain them from the outside. But for believers they shine from within - not as proof, but as the fruit of their faith and its life in the soul, in the world, in history. Easter is not a memory of an event from the distant past, but a real meeting in happiness and joy with the One in Whom our heart has recognized and always recognizes, has met and always meets the Life of all life, the Light of all light. The entire Easter night is evidence that Christ is alive and abiding with us, that we are alive and abiding with Him. All of it is a call to see, experience, accept the “dawn of the mysterious day,” the Kingdom of love and light. “Today spring is fragrant and the new creation rejoices...” sings the Church, rejoicing in faith, hope and love.

Christ is Risen!

The most solemn service throughout the year is the Easter service in the church, which always takes place at night. It is for this reason that this service is also called the all-night vigil. The service begins in different churches differently, but you can focus on the time somewhere an hour before midnight. Because a lot of people gather in the temple from ten in the evening, if the goal is to stand closer to the altar and take an active part in everything that happens in the temple, then it is important to come early.

Advice! After midnight there is a religious procession. That is, the priests leave the temple in an organized procession and walk around the temple three times along with the entire flock, after which the priest congratulates everyone on the arrival of Easter and pronounces the most important words for every Christian: “Christ is Risen.” To get to the beginning of the procession, it is better to stand at the beginning of the service not closer to the altar, but closer to the exit of the temple. Because this is how the flock will follow the procession of priests out of the church. Whoever stands at the altar will be the last to leave the temple and will complete the procession of the Cross.

Easter sermon

Christ is Risen!

Out of an abundance of unearthly joy, I greet you, scorching with the power of the Divine words: “Christ is risen!” The Holy Fire of this saving message, again flaring up with a bright flame over the Holy Sepulcher, flowed throughout the world.

And the Church of God, filled with the light of this fire, gives it to us: “Christ is risen!”

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ! You, of course, have noticed yourself that among many of our great and joyful Christian holidays, the holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ stands out with special solemnity, special joy - holidays, a holiday and a triumph of celebrations!

Not in ours Orthodox Church a service more majestic, more heartfelt than Easter Matins. And that is why all believers strive to go to the temple of God on Easter night.

The Easter service is truly like the most magnificent feast that the Lord has prepared for all those who come under the gracious canopy of His House.

Think about the content of the “Catechetical Word” of St. John Chrysostom! With fatherly affection and cordiality, the Lord receives those who love Him with all their being. “Blessed is he who has labored from the first hour”—these are those who, from their youth, have strictly followed in His Divine footsteps.

But he does not reject those who, having overcome doubts in their souls, approached God only in adulthood and even old age. “Let them not be afraid of their slowdown; the Lord lovingly accepts the latter, just as he did the former—he accepts deeds and kisses intentions.”

Undoubtedly, all of you who were in the temple on Easter night experienced extraordinary delight... Our souls rejoiced, filled with a feeling of gratitude to our Lord Savior for the eternal life He had given us all.

After all, the Risen Christ raised the human race from earth to Heaven and gave a sublime and noble meaning to human existence.

The human soul longs for eternal happy life. He is looking for her... And that is why people are so eager for the bright matins in the temple of God. And not only believers, but also those who are far from the Christian religion in their consciousness.

They come here not just to see the solemnity of the Christian service. Their soul, given by God to every person at his birth, reaches out to the light of the never-setting Sun of Truth, strives for truth.

And believers on this holy night feel with special strength the abundantly poured out bright joy of the Resurrection of Christ.

And no wonder. The Resurrection of Christ is the basis of our faith, it is an indestructible support in our earthly life.

By His Resurrection, Christ allowed people to comprehend the truth of His Divinity, the truth of His lofty teaching, and the salvific nature of His death. The Resurrection of Christ is the completion of His life's work. There could be no other end, for this is a direct consequence of the moral meaning of Christ’s life.

If Christ had not been resurrected, says the Apostle Paul, then our preaching would be in vain, and our faith would be in vain. But Christ rose again and resurrected all humanity with Himself!

The Savior brought perfect joy to people on earth. And therefore, on Easter night we hear hymns in church and we ourselves take part in this singing: “Thy Resurrection, O Christ the Savior, the angels sing in heaven, and grant us on earth with a pure heart to glorify Thee.”

He asked His Heavenly Father to grant people this great joy in prayer before the sufferings of the cross: “Sanctify them with Your truth... so that they may have My complete joy in themselves” (John 17, 17.13).

And with the Resurrection of Christ, it was revealed to man new world holiness, truth of bliss.

During His earthly life, the Savior repeatedly uttered words precious to the believing soul: “...I live, and you will live” (John 14:19), “My peace I give to you” (John 14:27), “These things I said I am for you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11).

A new life has opened up for man. He was given the opportunity to die to sin in order to be resurrected with Christ and live with Him.

The Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Romans says: “If we are united to Him in the likeness of His death, we must also be united in the likeness of His resurrection... If we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him.”

“Easter, which opens the doors of heaven to us,” we sing in the Easter canon.

There is no joy, my dears, brighter than our Easter joy. For we rejoice that in the Resurrection our eternal life was revealed.

Our Easter joy is the joy of the transformation (change) of our entire life into imperishable life, in our striving for undying goodness, for imperishable beauty.

We are now celebrating the fulfillment of the greatest sacrament - the Resurrection of Christ, the victory of the Life-Giver over death! Our Savior triumphed over evil and darkness, and that is why the Easter service of our Orthodox Church is so jubilant and joyful.

The believers awaited this solemn service, preparing themselves for it during the long weeks of the Holy Pentecost. And it is natural that now their hearts are filled with inexplicable joy.

The deepest meaning of the Resurrection of Christ is in the eternal life that He granted to all His followers. And for almost 2000 years, His followers have unshakably believed not only that Christ was resurrected, but also in their future resurrection for eternal life.

During His earthly life, Christ the Savior spoke many times about Himself as the bearer of life and resurrection. But then these words of the Divine Teacher were incomprehensible not only to the people who listened to Him, but also to His disciples and apostles.

The meaning of these words became clear only after the Resurrection of Christ. Only then did both the apostles and His disciples understand that He was truly the Lord of life and the Conqueror of death. And they went preaching all over the world.

We, beloved, these days joyfully greet each other, saying: “Christ is risen!” - and we will greet you like this for 40 days, until the day of the Ascension of the Lord.

Just two words! But these are wonderful words, expressing unshakable faith in the most gratifying truth for the human heart about our immortality.

Christ is Life!

He spoke many times about Himself precisely as the bearer of life and resurrection, as the source of eternal life, endless for those who believe in Him.

Christ is risen! - and may our soul rejoice in the Lord.

Christ is risen! - and the fear of death disappears.

Christ is risen! - and our hearts are filled with joyful faith that after Him we too will be resurrected.

Celebrating Easter means knowing with all your heart the power and greatness of the Resurrection of Christ.

Celebrating Easter means becoming a new person.

To celebrate Easter means to thank and glorify God with all your heart and mind for His ineffable gift - the gift of resurrection and love.

And you and I these days rejoice and joyfully celebrate, praising and glorifying the feat of victory of Divine love.

Christ is risen!!!

Let us open our hearts to meet him who suffered and died and rose again for our sake. And He will enter and fill our lives with Himself and His Light, transforming our souls. And we, in response to this, will lovingly rush after Him in our own way. way of the cross, for at the end of it, undoubtedly, our resurrection into eternal life also shines.