Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» List of closed military camps for the year. Registration of housing in military camps. The apartment was previously a service apartment, but then the data about it was lost

List of closed military camps for the year. Registration of housing in military camps. The apartment was previously a service apartment, but then the data about it was lost














In accordance with Part 7 of Article 86 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 53 (Part I), Article 7598; 2015, No. 51 (Part III), Article 7241) I order:

1. Determine the procedure and cases of providing students with general educational organizations with special names "presidential cadet school", "Suvorov military school", "Nakhimov naval school", "cadet (naval cadet) military corps", "cadet (naval cadet) corps", "Cossack cadet corps" and professional educational organizations with the special name “military music school”, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport (appendix to this order).

2. To finance expenses related to the implementation of this order at the expense and within the limits of budgetary funds allocated according to the consolidated budget estimate of expenditures of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the relevant areas of activity.


to the order of the Minister of Defense












1. Students of general educational organizations with special names “presidential cadet school”, “Suvorov military school”, “Nakhimov naval school”, “cadet (naval cadet) military corps”, “cadet (naval cadet) corps”, “Cossack cadet corps" and professional educational organizations with the special name "military music school", which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as students, educational organizations, Ministry of Defense), in order to exercise the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and by road (except for taxis) military transportation documents or funds are issued in cases of travel from the location of the educational organization:

a) to places of practice, olympiads, sports competitions, training camps, competitions and other organized events provided for by curricula and academic calendars, and back;

b) to the place of use of the summer vacation ( summer holidays) and back, and to students who are orphans, children without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, as well as students of the federal state educational institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Boarding house for students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation" - to places where summer vacation (summer vacation) and winter vacation ( winter holidays) and back;

c) to the place of use of leave for personal reasons in the event of serious illness or death of a parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee, sibling and back;

d) to the location of the medical organization (when referred for treatment) and back.

In the cases specified in subparagraphs “b” and “c” of this paragraph, military transportation documents or funds are issued to students for travel to the place of vacation (vacation) and back across the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Students who are orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, in the case of a free trip to a sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense, are issued military transportation documents or funds for travel on one of the routes:

from the location of the educational organization to the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense and back;

from the location of the educational organization to the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense, from the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improvement organization of the Ministry of Defense to the place of use of summer vacation leave (summer vacation) or winter vacation leave (winter vacation) and from places of use of summer vacation leave (summer holidays) or winter vacation leave (winter holidays) to the location of the educational organization;

from the location of the educational organization to the place of use of summer vacation leave (summer vacation) or winter vacation leave (winter vacation), from the place of use of summer vacation leave (summer vacation) or winter vacation leave (winter vacation) to the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense and from the location of a sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense to the location of an educational organization;

from the place of use of the summer vacation (summer vacation) to the location of the sanatorium-resort organization or health-improving organization of the Ministry of Defense and back.

3. Military transportation documents or funds are issued to students for travel in a direct direct connection, and in the absence of a direct connection - with the least number of transfers along the shortest route.

4. If students use vacation (vacation) in several places, they are issued military transportation documents or funds for travel from the location of the educational organization to one of the places of use of vacation (vacation) and back from one of the places of use of vacation (vacation) to the place location of the educational organization.

5. Military transportation documents or funds are issued to students for travel:

by rail - in second-class cars with seats for lying down or cars with seats for trains of any category (service class "3"), 3rd class cars of fast commuter trains with seat indication, economy class cars of Aeroexpress trains;

by air - in economy class cabins;

by sea transport - in cabins of category IV ships of transport lines;

internal by water transport- in cabins of category III ships on transport routes;

by road - on buses general type, and in their absence - in buses with soft reclining seats.

6. Military transportation documents or funds are issued to students in accordance with the order of the head of the educational organization, issued on the basis of an application from the student or one of his parents or adoptive parent, guardian, trustee, which indicates travel routes taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 3, 4 of this Procedure.

In the case specified in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of this Procedure, the application is accompanied by a document confirming the fact of serious illness or death of the student's parent, adoptive parent, guardian, trustee, sibling.

7. Students who did not use military transportation documents or used them partially, in the event that they or their parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees of travel documents (tickets) purchase at their own expense, the costs of travel for students by rail, air, water and road (for excluding taxi) transport in the amount of actual travel expenses (including fees for using a set of bed linen, fuel surcharge, airport taxes, fees for issuing travel documents (tickets), fees for the provision of services of automated booking systems), confirmed by travel documents (tickets) , other strict reporting documents or cash receipts.

These expenses are reimbursed by the educational organization based on the application of the student or one of his parents or adoptive parent, guardian, or trustee.

The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the expenses incurred, as well as unused military transportation documents, if they were issued.

8. In the case of travel by a student on a route different from the shortest one, or with a break in the route (with a transfer) in the presence of a direct connection, as well as in the case of travel with classes of service higher than those specified in paragraph 5 of this Procedure, reimbursement of expenses is made in an amount not exceeding the cost travel of a student in direct non-stop communication under similar actual travel conditions (mode of transport, class of service, date of departure) and acquisition of travel documents (tickets) (name of organization, date of purchase) for travel in accordance with the classes of service specified in paragraph 5 of this Procedure.

Codes of the Russian Federation

Popular materials

Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ

For a five day work week

Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 230-FZ

Federal Law of July 3, 2016 N 226-FZ

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090

Federal Law of July 26, 2006 N 135-FZ

Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99-FZ

Federal Law of January 17, 1992 N 2202-1

Federal Law of 02/08/1998 N 14-FZ

Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ

Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ

Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ

Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 275-FZ

Federal Law of 02/07/2011 N 3-FZ

Laws of the Russian Federation

"On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the introduction of the possibility of using standard charters by legal entities"

"On Amendments to the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs"

"On amendments to part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation"

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation

"On approval of the composition of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for state awards"

"On approval of the List of strategic enterprises and strategic joint-stock companies"

"Questions of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, emergency situations and disaster relief"

Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation

"On the Chairman of the Russian part of the Intergovernmental Russian-Bangladesh Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation"

"On the provision in 2017 of a state guarantee of the Russian Federation in the currency of the Russian Federation to ensure the fulfillment of obligations of the joint stock company "United Engine Corporation""

"On the draft federal law "On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses""

Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

Free consultation
Federal legislation


  • home
  • "Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities", N 51, 12/17/2001
  • "Russian newspaper", N 248, 12/21/2001

Accounting for military transportation documents

28. By order of the commander of a military unit from among military personnel undergoing military service under a contract or employees<*>a responsible person is appointed for receiving, recording, storing, processing, signing and issuing military transportation documents.

When he leaves on vacation, on a business trip, for treatment, etc. military transportation documents, accounting books and other materials are transferred according to the act to another person temporarily appointed responsible for military transportation documents, who is appointed for this period by order of the commander of the military unit.

When the person responsible for military transportation documents departs for a new place military service, his dismissal, etc. an extraordinary audit is carried out by a representative of the military communications institution or an audit by an internal audit commission.

The availability of military transportation documents during their transfer and revision is checked page by page.

The act of transfer of military transportation documents, accounting books and other materials, as well as the audit report, indicates the number of unused, issued and damaged military transportation documents, their series and numbers.

29. Military units receiving military transportation documents to supply them to attached military units and for current needs, keep records of these documents in journals of strict reporting forms of the established form.

30. In the journal of strict reporting forms, a separate personal account is opened for each military unit, consisting of the supply of military transportation documents. The personal account keeps records of issued military transportation documents.

Spent military transportation documents are debited from the personal account on the basis of the annual report of the military unit, and their balance is displayed on January 1 of the year following the reporting year. The journal of strict reporting forms is numbered, laced and sealed.

31. Military transportation documents received by military units for current needs are entered on the day of their receipt in the journal of strict reporting forms based on the invoice.

Spent military transportation documents are written off from the register at least once every six months on the basis of an act of the internal inspection commission. The act of writing off military transportation documents is approved by the commander of the military unit.

At the end of the year (before January 5), military units make the following entries in the journal of strict reporting forms:

military transportation documents were received during the reporting year (by series and numbers);

transferred to other military districts and fleets (by series and numbers);

used military transportation documents for the reporting year, including spoiled ones (by series and numbers);

balance of military transportation documents at the end of the reporting year (by series and numbers).

32. A report on the availability and movement of military transportation documents is submitted by:

by January 10 - commanders of military units, military commissars of districts, cities without district division or other municipal (administrative - territorial) entities equal to them - commanders of formations, military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, respectively, who are responsible for supplying forms of military transportation documents;

by January 20 - chiefs of staff of formations, commanders of military units, military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - heads of the military communications service of military districts, fleets, chief of military communications in the Caspian Sea basin, respectively.

The rest of the military transportation documents are deciphered by series and numbers.

Heads of the military communications service of military districts, fleets, the head of military communications in the Caspian Sea basin, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, responsible for supplying forms of military transportation documents to the Central Directorate of Military Transport of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a report on the availability and movement of military transportation documents are presented to the boss Central Administration military messages of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by February 1.

I used VPD to travel on my main vacation for 2015. The vacation ticket was issued from June 29 to August 1, I purchased a ticket for June 28 since it is Sunday, and for the return trip on August 3 due to the lack of tickets. The traffic police inspector, guided by Moscow Avenue number 200, paragraph 45, made a charge in the amount of 67 thousand for the illegal use of traffic police within the limits of a vacation ticket. According to Article 20 of the status of military personnel, military personnel are provided with free travel once a year. Are the inspector's demands to collect the full amount from me legal? And why did I cause damage to the state that I am obliged to compensate. Why can't I be disciplined? Do I have the right to purchase a ticket a day earlier if it is a legal holiday?

Lawyers' answers (5)

Good afternoon. Formally, he is right if you traveled outside of your vacation, since this right can only be used within the time period specified in the vacation package.

The situation is not new.

But I also believe that you have not caused any damage, since the Ministry of the Russian Federation would still have to pay for your travel, that is, no damage has been caused, but there is a violation of the rules for using the VPD, for which you can be subject to disciplinary action.

In your case, it makes sense to appeal this charge in court.

Client clarification

No measures have been taken yet. What measures make sense to take?

Have a question for a lawyer?

Has the money already been withheld?

Client clarification

An accrual was made, and now they are demanding compensation. Tickets were issued according to the VPD earlier.

" Military personnel have the right to use military transportation documents only within the time limits specified in the leave ticket."

In your case, it makes sense to appeal the invoice, citing


1.1. Military personnel undergoing military service under contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with unfavorable climatic and (or) environmental conditions, including remote ones, as well as on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts, cadets of military professional educational organizations or military educational organizations higher education before concluding a contract with them for military service have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport once a year across the territory of the Russian Federation to the place of use of the main (summer vacation) vacation and back. Military personnel performing military service under a contract outside the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) once a year to the place of use of their main (summer vacation) leave on the territory of the Russian Federation and back.

Federal Law of July 12, 1999 N 161-FZ “On the financial liability of military personnel” (as amended and supplemented)

Article 1. Subject of regulation and scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law establishes the conditions and extent of financial liability of military personnel and citizens called up for military training (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), for damage, caused by them in the performance of military service duties to property that is federally owned and assigned to military units, and also determines the procedure for compensation for damage caused.

Article 3. Conditions of financial liability of military personnel for damage caused

1. Military personnel bear financial responsibility only for the damage through their fault real damage.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 N 200 “On approval of the Guidelines for the preparation, use, storage and handling of military transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (with amendments and additions)

Military personnel have the right to use military transportation documents only within the time limits specified in the leave ticket.

In your case, the law establishes the right of a serviceman to travel to his place of vacation, which is what you did, no material damage was caused, the RF Ministry of Defense would still reimburse Russian Railways for your expenses.

The indication in paragraph 45 of PMO 200 on the terms of use is not aimed at establishing the right, but at regulating the use of the VPD, since formally you left the garrison without the permission of the commander. To exclude such situations, clause 45 requires the use of VPD only within the limits of vacation pay.

However, your right to free travel should not be violated.

In your case, you are deprived of it.

Client clarification

Thank you very much, this is what I need.

When did the passage take place? During vacation?

Suggest they go to court

Article 8. Compensation for damage by military personnel

An order for compensation for damage caused by the commander (chief) of a military unit is issued by a superior commander (chief) of the military unit in the order of subordination.

The question of compensation for damage, the amount of which exceeds one month’s salary monetary allowance military personnel and one monthly bonus for length of service, decided by the court according to the claim commander (chief) of a military unit. A claim for compensation for damage caused by the commander (chief) of a military unit is brought by a superior commander (chief) of the military unit in the order of subordination.

In any case, more than one ODS and no additional payments will be collected.

But I think this shouldn’t happen either.

Looking for an answer?

It's easier to ask a lawyer!

Ask our lawyers a question - it’s much faster than looking for a solution.

Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 200 on VPD with amendments 2017

Military transportation documents are documents on the basis of which a serviceman can travel by train or plane to the destination indicated in them. Previously, such documents were also provided to military personnel and members of their families for an annual vacation trip, however, the VDP year is only required for military business trips, moving to a new duty station, trips for treatment and rehabilitation, and also, once, upon dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation . In addition, the issuance of VPD has a number of features, which we will try to describe in this material.

What laws and orders govern the provision and use of VPD in 2017?

As is usual in the armed forces, quite a lot of documents have been published regarding the VPD. However, only some of them are regulated by VPD. So, the most basic document is, of course, Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998 “On the status of military personnel.” This law defines the basic and most important principles. Article 9 of the Federal Law states: “Costs associated with the transportation of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, members of their families and the transportation of personal property by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport, booking rooms in hotels when sending military personnel to work business trips are reimbursed at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.”

In addition, Article 20 of the Federal Law states that: military personnel have the right to travel free of charge :

By road (except taxis).

On business trips,

To a new place of military service,

To places of use of additional leave (only military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription),

To the places of rehabilitation holidays,

To and from treatment

To the chosen place of residence upon dismissal from military service.

Thus, it is obvious that military personnel have the right to reimbursement of travel expenses in all of the above cases. This applies to both the rank and file of conscripts and contract soldiers from privates to generals. But the procedure for registering military documents is regulated by the Guidelines for registration, use, storage and handling of military transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 N 200. In addition, there is a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2004. N 704 "On the procedure for compensation of expenses incurred by organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" and Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 2013 N 400 "On approval of the Instructions for organizing military transportation by air of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

All these documents complement each other, therefore, when deciding on the issuance of VPD, one must be guided by the norms from all of them.

When is a military personnel entitled to VPD?

As mentioned above, VPDs are not issued if the serviceman and his family go on annual leave. In this case, a different system applies travel compensation. And it applies only to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions, including remote ones, and on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal district, as well as outside the Russian Federation. Together with the serviceman, only one member of his family is entitled to compensation.

Some features of VPD

Due to the fact that transportation documents are serviced only by those airlines that have entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and their number is constantly changing, before issuing a flight document for the chosen route, it is necessary to clarify the possibility of using a flight document for such a flight and only then submit a report for the issuance of transportation documents .

Friends! If you found this article helpful, PLEASE share it with your friends in any social network so that as many military personnel as possible know about their rights!

Form for free legal consultation (please indicate your telephone number)

A military serviceman is a citizen who is maximally dependent on the government.

Even the smallest change in legislation can lead, if not to a revolution of the entire system, then to noticeable fluctuations in the masses.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that military personnel, both active and retired, closely follow the rules of the law.

Legislative regulation

The Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” describes a number of benefits, guarantees and compensations provided to the military due to the fact that they have special responsibilities, namely, the armed defense of the country.

In addition, the serviceman is obliged to complete the assigned task, regardless of external conditions and even if it poses a risk to life.

Scroll guarantees, benefits and compensation are specified in various regulatory legal acts, namely, in federal constitutional laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.

Implement privileges established for the military must be state power, military administration, as well as local government (within the limits of their powers).

In accordance with international law, the Constitution of the Russian Federation obliges the state to pursue policies aimed at ensuring a decent life and free development of man.

WITH 2017 there was an expansion of social guarantees in relation to certain categories of military personnel whose military service is carried out in accordance with the contract. Their family members can also count on benefits in terms of health care and medical care.

List of benefits and assistance

The coming year has prepared the following significant things for military personnel: benefits and payments:

In 2019, the Russian military will provided free of charge all necessary medications, a full list of which can be found on the website of the Russian government and military command. At payment for housing and communal services The essential benefits provided to all military personnel must be taken into account.

The right to priority (in comparison with the “civil” family) and significant state assistance in the event of individual construction. Well, of course, free pass on absolutely any transport, also no one has canceled it.

Registration procedure

To fully utilize all entitlement benefits, a service member must collect the necessary package of documents. Military highest rank(for an officer, captain, etc.) it is enough to provide an identification card, and for a cadet or soldier - a military ID.

The validity of the certificate is confirmed by the pasted photograph and clearly stated rank and position held.

A military personnel wishing to take advantage of tax benefits must collect certain documents and submit them for review. tax inspector.

The place where this issue is resolved depends on where the citizen permanently resides or on where the preferential property is located. The new period begins on November 1 of the current year, therefore, all papers must be submitted before this time.

Tax payments will be calculated as before, but military personnel will be automatically granted an exemption from paying them.

An officer, midshipman and warrant officer, as well as a soldier, sergeant, sailor, in general, any military serviceman under a contract are entitled to this benefit.

To register with a government agency, you will need to provide next package of documents:

  • Statement;
  • Passport;
  • Military ID;
  • A document evidencing ownership.

A military retiree has the right to a benefit subject to compliance with following conditions:

  • Retirement was associated with the achievement of ;
  • Serving led to the acquisition of disability;
  • Military service lasted 20 years or more;
  • The dismissal happened due to downsizing.

If a pensioner filled out the application late, then do not be upset, since a certain amount is still subject to return, although only during the last 3 years.

Tax benefits

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, citizens undergoing military service are not required to pay property tax.

This privilege also applies to those who quit due to reaching the maximum age, for health reasons or due to layoffs. In this case, the total service life must be at least 20 years.

To exempt from paying property tax, the serviceman must write a corresponding application to the tax office in accordance with the place of permanent registration.

You must also attach the following supporting documents:

  1. Military ID/identity card, drawn up on a special form, equipped with a photo card and all the necessary details;
  2. A certificate containing information about the rank, position held and full name.

Family members of a military personnel who have lost their breadwinner can also count on exemption from property taxes. IN in this case the inspection may require: a certificate of a military unit, a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, as well as a pension certificate that has the appropriate stamp or record, certified by the seal and signature of the head.

If the family of the deceased does not have pensioner status, then the basis for granting the benefit will be a death certificate.

Help for large families of military personnel

Military personnel and citizens discharged from military service who have 3 or more children, have the right to receive out of turn:

  • Residential premises in accordance with the contract;
  • Lived my own. square;

In general, Art. 15 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” guarantees housing for military personnel with many children under contract. If we're talking about about a service apartment, it must be provided in the locality where the military unit is located or in the closest territory. By the way, a serviceman with many children has the right to receive service housing out of turn.

Besides, large family military The contract provides the following benefits:

Benefits for parents and wives

The parents and wife of a serviceman who died defending the country or due to an illness associated with being at the front have the right:

In the event of the death of a serviceman, the country's Ministry of Defense pays for the travel of the family (no more than 3 people) to the funeral site and back.

All expenses associated with the funeral are also covered by the above ministry.

Social guarantees for contract military personnel are described in the following video:

In accordance with the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2017 No. 815 and April 24, 2017 No. 248, citizens studying in presidential cadet schools, Suvorov military, Nakhimovsky Naval, Military music schools and cadet (naval cadet) corps, students of military units and military bands, military transportation documents are issued for travel to the place of summer vacation (summer vacation) and back, and for orphans - for travel during the winter holidays .

Military transportation documents (VDP) are documents of strict accountability. VPDs are valid for three months from the date of issue! The series and numbers issued by the VPD are indicated on the vacation tickets of Nakhimov residents.

Military transportation documents are issued in accordance with the following categories of travel:

  • by rail - in reserved seat carriages of any category of train;
  • by sea transport - in cabins of category IV ships of transport lines;
  • river transport - in places of category III vessels of transport lines;
  • by air transport - airplanes in economy (lower) class cabins;
  • by road - in buses, and in their absence - in soft buses;

VPDs are issued by order of the head of the NVMU branch (Murmansk) on the basis of an application from one of the parents (legal representative) for the issuance of VPD indicating the travel route and type of transport in direct non-stop communication across the territory of the Russian Federation, and in the absence of such - with the least number of transfers along the shortest route across the territory of the Russian Federation.

An application for issuance of a VPD is written in person according to the established template and sent in any of the following ways:

  1. Handed over personally to the teacher (class teacher).
  2. By fax (8-8152)-56-80-71 (followed by sending the original by mail to the address: 183052, Murmansk, Shevchenko St., 30).
  3. Scanned and sent to email: [email protected](followed by sending the original application by mail).

After receiving the VPD, tickets to the vacation location are purchased by parents (legal representatives) and educators.


The legality of using VPD is confirmed by marks on registration/deregistration at the place of vacation indicated on the vacation ticket. If there are no marks on registration/deregistration on the vacation ticket, payment for travel to the place of vacation is reimbursed at the expense of the parents (legal representatives).

Marks on registration/deregistration in the vacation ticket are affixed at the military commissariat, military commandant's office, and in their absence - at the city (village council) administration; marks from other government bodies are considered invalid.

Upon returning to the branch of NVMU (Murmansk), Nakhimov students are required to submit to the teacher (class teacher) within three days:

  1. Vacation ticket with the appropriate notes on being at the point of vacation (registration and deregistration).
  2. Travel documents received under the VPA in ticket offices transport organizations (if traveling by air - air ticket and boarding pass).

If VPDs were issued but not used, the following documents must be provided:

  1. Application from a parent (legal representative) according to the established template.
  2. Certificates from transport organizations about the cost of travel on the day of travel.
  3. Issued VTD or a document confirming the return of travel tickets indicating the series and number of the VTD for which the tickets were previously issued.

Travel expenses are not reimbursed in the following cases:

  1. If travel tickets and documents confirming travel are damaged, crumpled, hard to read, or photocopied.
  2. If the point of departure and destination do not coincide with the vacation destinations indicated on the vacation ticket.
  3. If the vacation ticket does not contain marks on registration/deregistration at the place of vacation.
  4. If tickets for the VPD were previously issued, but not handed over to in the prescribed manner to the box office, and tickets were purchased again using personal funds.

a) senior officers:

by rail - in soft carriages with double compartments (SV) of any train category;

by sea transport - in cabins of category I ships of transport lines;

river transport - in luxury cabins of transport line ships;

b) colonels, lieutenant colonels, captains of 1st and 2nd ranks:

by sea transport - in cabins of category II ships of transport lines;

river transport - in places of category I vessels of transport lines;

by air transport - airplanes in economy (lower) class cabins;

by road - in soft buses.

by rail - in compartment cars with four-seater compartments of any train category;

by sea - in cabins of category III ships of transport lines;

river transport - in places of category II vessels of transport lines;

by air transport - airplanes in economy (lower) class cabins;

by road - in soft buses;

d) military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription:

by rail - in reserved seat carriages of any category of train;

by sea transport - in cabins of category IV ships of transport lines;

river transport - in places of category III vessels of transport lines;

by air transport - airplanes in economy (lower) class cabins;

by road - in buses, and in their absence - in soft buses;

e) family members of military personnel - in accordance with the same categories of travel established for military personnel;

f) citizens discharged from military service and members of their families - in accordance with the same categories of travel established for military personnel during the period of their military service;

g) persons accompanying military personnel and family members of military personnel:

when traveling with an accompanying person - in accordance with the same categories of travel established for military personnel and family members of military personnel;

when traveling separately from an accompanying person - in the manner prescribed for this category of citizens.

Citizens who do not have the military ranks of officers, warrant officers and midshipmen, sent to perform military duties and entering military service under a contract (except for persons specified in subparagraph "e" of this paragraph), citizens sent to perform alternative civil service and entering the military educational institutions professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, presidential cadet schools, Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval, Military music schools and cadet (naval cadet) corps and students studying in them, students of military units and military bands, citizens passing military training in military training centers, faculties of military training and military departments at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, military transportation documents are issued in accordance with subparagraph "d" of this paragraph.

37. Family members of military personnel who have the right to travel and transport personal property at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation include:


minor children;

children over 18 years of age who became disabled before they reached the age of 18;

children under the age of 23 studying full-time in educational institutions;

dependent persons of military personnel.

Military transportation documents are issued for the travel of children under the age of 23 years studying in state educational institutions on a full-time basis, when transferring them to educational institutions closest to the new place of military service or the place of residence of a serviceman in connection with his transfer to a new place of military service , or to the place of residence chosen by the military personnel upon his dismissal from military service.

38. The issuance of military transportation documents or funds is made in all cases before travel and transportation of personal property, and the final payment is made after their implementation.

Travel for citizens conscripted or enrolling voluntarily
(under contract) for military service, and citizens,
those in reserve, called up for military training

39. Citizens of the Russian Federation conscripted or entering voluntarily (under contract) for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens in the reserve called up for military training, military transportation documents are issued for travel:

from the place of residence to the location of the military unit, where they are sent to conclude a contract for military service, and back to the place of residence in case of failure to conclude a contract;

to the place of military service, military training;

to the place of residence upon completion of military service on conscription and military training.

40. Citizens who entered military service under a contract and officers called up for military service are issued military transportation documents by military commissariats for travel from their place of residence to the place of military service in accordance with their assigned military ranks, in the manner prescribed by paragraph 36 of this Manual.

Military transportation documents for travel of family members of said military personnel and transportation of personal property from the place of residence of family members to the place of military service of military personnel are issued by military units.

41. Citizens undergoing military training at military training centers, at military training faculties and military departments at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, when sent to the place of training camps (internships) by military commissariats, are issued military transportation documents for travel from the place of study to the place of training camps (internships) and back according to lists prepared by the head of the military training center (faculty of military training, military department) and approved by the rector of the relevant educational institution.

Graduates of military training centers at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, who have entered into a contract for military service and are appointed by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to military positions with the assignment of the first military rank of officer, are issued military transportation documents for travel for them and their family members to the place of military service, as well as for the transportation of personal property.

Issuance of military transportation documents when sent to official
business trips

42. When sent on official business trips, military transportation documents for travel are issued:

a) Suvorov, Nakhimov, students of cadet corps, Military Music School, military units and military bands; military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription; listeners who do not have officer ranks and cadets of military educational institutions of professional education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for internships (practice) provided for by the curriculum;

b) military personnel when transporting documents and military equipment classified as classified;

c) military personnel to travel in rented service cars (lounge cars);

d) military personnel sent as part of guard duty to the place of acceptance of military transports or cargo under guard, as well as those returning to the military unit after their delivery. Military transportation documents in this case are issued in the manner prescribed by subparagraph “c” of paragraph 38 of this Manual;

e) military personnel assigned to accompany (convoy) those sentenced to disciplinary military units, those arrested in guardhouses, as well as suspects, accused, defendants and sentenced to military courts;

f) sent to receive and accompany teams of military personnel undergoing conscription military service.

In other cases, when sent on official business trips, military transportation documents are not issued.

Travel for military personnel when transferred to a new place of military service,
change of location of a military unit

43. When military personnel are transferred to a new place of military service or change the location of a military unit, military transportation documents are issued for travel from the previous place of military service to a new place of military service or location of a military unit. These military personnel (except for military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription) are issued military transportation documents for the travel of family members and the transportation of personal property from their place of residence to a new place of military service. If military transportation documents are not used, they are exchanged for new military transportation documents at the new place of military service.

44. For military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, who registered a marriage outside the place of permanent deployment of a military unit, military transportation documents for the wife’s (husband’s) travel from the place of marriage registration or the place of residence of the wife (husband) to the place of military service of the serviceman are issued at the place of his military service (or expenses are reimbursed) on the basis of a report and a copy of the marriage certificate (documents confirming the fact of travel).

Issuance of military transportation documents when granting leave,
following for treatment, admission to educational institutions
and training in them

45. Military personnel are issued military transportation documents for travel from the place of military service to one of the points of main or additional (vacation) leave *(10) and back from one of the points of main or additional (vacation) leave *(10) to the place of military service service once a calendar year on the basis of an order from the commander of a military unit *(11). A serviceman has the right to receive military transportation documents for vacation travel for the past year in the first quarter of the next year, if, in accordance with Regulation *(12)

Military personnel have the right to use military transportation documents only within the time limits specified in the leave ticket.

Military transportation documents are issued to the place of use of that part of the leave, which is increased by the additional number of days required for travel to the place of leave and back.

For military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in formations and military units of permanent readiness in positions subject to manning by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, and who entered military service under a contract after January 1, 2004, military transportation documents for travel to the place of use of the main Leaves and returns are not issued. The specified military personnel are paid financial compensation according to established order.

46. ​​In the event of a recall of a serviceman from leave by decision of an official, from the commander of a formation, his equal and superior, who is his direct superior, and his subsequent use of the remaining part of the leave *(13), military transportation documents are issued for travel to the place of use of the remaining part leave, but not further than the point from which he was recalled.

47. Military personnel who are granted leave while in training centers (camps) or in units stationed separately from military units, during their military service on ships (vessels) located outside their permanent base, military transportation documents may be issued by decision of commanders military units with a visit to the place of permanent deployment of a military unit or the place of permanent base of ships (vessels) both when leaving on leave and when returning to the place of military service.

48. Military personnel are issued military transportation documents for travel on additional leave (to the place of leave and back):

a) educational - for preparing for entrance exams and passing entrance exams for postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies, civilian educational institutions of vocational education and during the period of study in them (for orientation classes, for performing laboratory work, passing tests and exams, for preparing and defending graduation projects (works), for performing work on a dissertation) or passing state exams (candidate exams) in accordance with the curriculum and the call of the educational institution;

creative - applicants for academic degrees of candidate or doctor of sciences;

b) due to illness on the basis of the conclusion of a military medical commission;

c) for personal reasons for a period of up to 10 days - in the event of a serious health condition or death (death) of a close relative of a serviceman (spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, sibling, sister, father, mother of the spouse or person under whose care the serviceman was; in case of fire or other natural disaster that befell the family or close relative of a serviceman; in other exceptional cases, when the presence of a serviceman in the family is necessary, by decision of the commander of the military unit, on the basis of relevant documents confirming the fact of what happened;

d) for personal reasons, lasting 30 days - in one year out of three years before the military personnel reaches the age limit for military service or in the year of dismissal from military service for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events, as well as after reaching the age limit for stay in military service and not previously using the specified leave;

49. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract who have graduated from military educational institutions of professional education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are issued military transportation documents for travel from the location of this institution to the place of vacation (if desired - back) and to the new place of military service.

50. Citizens studying at presidential cadet schools, Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval, military music schools and cadet (naval cadet) corps are issued military transportation documents for travel to the place of summer vacation (summer vacation) and back, and for children - orphans and citizens studying at the federal state educational institution "Moscow Cadet Corps "Boarding House for Pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" - and for travel during the winter holidays.

51. Citizens who graduated from the presidential cadet schools, Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and military music schools, cadet (naval cadet and music cadet) corps, military transportation documents are issued for travel to the place of vacation and from the place of vacation to the military educational vocational education institution to which they are sent for further training.

52. Students of military units and military bands are issued military transportation documents for travel upon transfer to another military unit; during annual summer vacations to the place of residence of parents or guardians, during summer health camps, leave for personal reasons and back, and for orphans - and for travel during the winter holidays.

53. Military personnel sent for treatment to military medical or civilian medical institutions, military transportation documents are issued for travel to the place of treatment.

When transferring military personnel to continue treatment from one military medical institution to another or from a military medical institution to a civilian medical institution, military transportation documents for travel are issued by the military medical institution on the basis of the conclusion of the military medical (medical) commission.

When transferring military personnel to continue treatment from one civilian medical institution to another civilian medical institution or to a military medical institution, military transportation documents for travel are issued by the military commissariat at the location of the civilian medical institution on the basis of decisions of medical commissions, copies of which are kept in the files of the military commissariat .

Military transportation documents are issued in the same manner for military personnel during their subsequent transfers from one medical institution to another.

For military personnel discharged from a military medical or civilian medical institution, military transportation documents for travel to the place of military service are issued, respectively, by a military medical institution or a military commissariat on the basis of a document on discharge from the medical institution.

54. Officers discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service in preferential terms is 20 years or more, and with a total duration of military service of 25 years or more, regardless of the grounds for dismissal, expenses for travel by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) for inpatient treatment in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission or to sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions and back (one time) are reimbursed in year). Family members of these officers, as well as warrant officers and midshipmen dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more, in the same travel expenses to and from sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions are reimbursed once a year.

These expenses are reimbursed by military commissariats from the funds provided in the consolidated budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for social security of discharged military personnel (Article 006226 Classification of expenses according to the budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

56. Family members of military personnel performing military service under a contract are issued military transportation documents for travel:

a) to the place of use of leave and back once a year when traveling together with a serviceman or separately (with the exception of family members of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in formations and military units of permanent readiness in positions subject to recruitment by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen , and entered military service under a contract after January 1, 2004).

Military transportation documents can be used by them until the date of exclusion of a serviceman from the lists of personnel of a military unit in connection with dismissal from military service, death, recognition as missing or declared dead.

Family members of military personnel can use military transportation documents to travel to the place of use of leave and back for the past year in the first quarter of the next year when traveling together with a military serviceman in the case when, in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for military service *(14), main or additional leave for the past year provided to the serviceman in the first quarter of next year.

If military transportation documents are used for the current year for travel of military children to children's health camps, re-issuance of military transportation documents for their travel to a place of rest in the same calendar year is not carried out;

b) for treatment in medical institutions according to the conclusion of the military medical commission, and where there is none - on the direction of the doctor of the military unit, and back. When transferred to continue treatment from one medical institution to another, as well as when discharged from a medical institution, military transportation documents are issued in the manner prescribed for military personnel.

57. Family members of military personnel who served under a contract and died (died) during military service are issued military transportation documents by military commissariats for travel to the place of use of leave and back (once) and for treatment in medical institutions based on the conclusion of the military service. medical commission within one year from the date of death of the breadwinner on the basis of documents proving their identity, a certificate of death of a serviceman, the conclusion of a military medical commission.

Family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner, parents who have reached retirement age, and disabled parents of senior and senior officers who died (died) during their military service, as well as senior and senior officers who died (died) after dismissal from military service their reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures that had total duration military service for 20 years or more, expenses for travel to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment and back by military commissariats are reimbursed from the funds provided in the consolidated budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the social security of discharged military personnel (Article 006226 Classification of expenses according to the budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Federation), if they enjoyed the specified social guarantee during the life of the serviceman. Reimbursement of expenses is made on the basis of documents proving their identity, a certificate of death of a military personnel, vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment, certificates of stay at spa treatment, travel cards and other documents confirming actual travel expenses.

For widows (widowers) of military personnel who died (died) during military service under a contract or after dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing events that had a total duration of military service 20 years or more, the specified social guarantee remains until re-marriage.

58. Family members of military personnel who permanently live separately from military personnel use military transportation documents for travel from their place of permanent residence in the cases provided for in these Guidelines. In this case, military transportation documents are issued at the place of military service of the serviceman.

59. In the year of dismissal from military service, the serviceman and his family members use military transportation documents to the place of vacation and back until the day the serviceman is removed from the lists of personnel of the military unit.

60. Military transportation documents for travel of persons accompanying military personnel traveling to medical or sanatorium-resort institutions, on sick leave or to their chosen place of residence upon discharge from military service, if the need for escort is recognized by the conclusion of a military medical commission, are issued for travel to place of treatment (use of vacation), chosen place of residence and back.

Persons accompanying family members of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract going to medical or sanatorium-resort institutions, if the need for escort is recognized by the conclusion of a military medical commission, is issued military transportation documents for travel to the place of treatment (use of leave) and back.

Travel for accompanying persons is carried out in the manner prescribed by subparagraph "g" of paragraph 36 of this Guide.

61. Military personnel performing military service under a contract who have been granted sick leave, military transportation documents for travel to said leave and back are issued regardless of their use for travel on the main leave, if the military medical commission recognizes it as necessary to change the place of stay of the serviceman.

62. Military personnel and citizens sent for admission to military educational institutions of professional education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are issued military transportation documents for travel from the place of service (residence) to these institutions or to the location of the admissions and military medical commission.

For persons not admitted to military educational institutions of vocational education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military transportation documents for travel to the place of service (residence) are issued by these institutions or military units at which admissions and military medical commissions have been created.

Military personnel leaving for training without exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit are issued military transportation documents for travel only to the place of study. For return travel, military transportation documents are issued at the place of study.

Payment for travel of military personnel sent for training with retention military positions at the place of military service for courses (to centers, for training) of the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel outside the point of permanent deployment or temporary quartering of a military unit, to units (including in state educational institutions of vocational education and units of the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel - full-time education), is carried out at the expense of funds provided in the consolidated budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for business trips (Article 000323 Classification of expenses according to the budget estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

63. For employees studying by correspondence studying in educational institutions of higher professional education, once per academic year funds are issued for travel to the location of the educational institution and back to perform laboratory work, pass exams and tests, as well as to pass state exams, prepare and defend diploma projects (works) in the manner prescribed by subparagraph “c” of paragraph 36 of this Guide.

Employees studying by correspondence in educational institutions of secondary vocational education are given money once a school year for one-way travel (round trip) to the location of the educational institution to perform laboratory work, take exams and tests, as well as for passing state exams, preparing and defending diploma projects (works) in the manner prescribed by subparagraph “c” of paragraph 36 of this Guide.

64. For military personnel enrolled in adjunct or military doctoral studies, military transportation documents for travel to the place of study are issued from the place of military service to the place of study.

65. Candidates entering the presidential cadet schools, Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval and military music schools, cadet corps, military transportation documents are issued by military commissariats for travel from the place of permanent residence of the parents (or persons replacing them) or from the place gathering of organized groups established by the military commissariat to the location of schools and cadet corps.

Candidates not accepted for study, as well as those expelled from schools and cadet corps, are issued military transportation documents at schools and cadet corps for travel to the place of permanent residence of their parents (or persons replacing them).

Transportation of personal property of military personnel and members of their families

66. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, officers undergoing military service on conscription, in connection with a transfer to a new place of military service, or moving to a new place of residence upon discharge from military service, are issued military transportation documents for the transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in universal (3-, 5-, 10- or 20-ton) containers by rail, small shipments, luggage or cargo luggage in any combination of tonnage, but the total cost of their transportation should not exceed the cost of transporting one 20-ton container, in the absence railway transport - other modes of transport (except air).

Transportation of personal property is carried out from the serviceman’s previous place of military service (family residence) to the new place of military service (new place of residence).

Military personnel who have graduated from military educational institutions of higher professional education, as well as members of their families, are issued military transportation documents for the transportation of personal property from the location of the educational institution, or, at the request of these military personnel, from the place of residence of the family or parents of the serviceman to the new place of military service of the serviceman .

67. In cases where a husband and wife are military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, or one of the spouses is serving in other troops, military formations or bodies in which military service is provided for by law, military transportation documents are issued for travel in the cases provided for by these Guidelines, for each of the spouses at the place of their military service. Military transportation documents are not issued to them as family members of a military personnel. Military transportation documents for travel of members of their family are issued at the place of military service of one of the spouses on the basis of the requirement of Form 1 (certificate, if the issuance of requirements at the place of military service of the serviceman is not provided), issued by the military unit at the place of military service of the other spouse, indicating in it about that at the place of military service military transportation documents (cash) for travel of family members were not issued.

In cases where a husband and wife are military personnel for whom different categories of travel are established, one of the spouses is issued military transportation documents at the place of his service at his request in accordance with the category of travel established for the other spouse, on the basis of a certificate of the established form about those included in personal file of a military member of his family members, issued at the place of service of the other spouse.

68. Costs for the delivery of personal property in containers from the place of residence to the station (pier, port) of departure and from the station (pier, port) of destination to the new place of residence are reimbursed on the basis of documents confirming transportation.

Travel and transportation of personal property of military personnel being discharged
from military service, and members of their families, as well as family members of the deceased
(deceased) military personnel to their chosen place of residence

69. Military personnel performing military service under a contract, and officers undergoing military service on conscription, discharged from military service, as well as members of their families have the right to receive military transportation documents for travel and transportation of personal property from their previous place of residence to a new permanent place residence chosen by the serviceman upon discharge.

The same right to travel and transportation of personal property from the previous place of residence to the new place of residence chosen by the family is enjoyed by family members of deceased or deceased military personnel.

This right can be used once, regardless of the time that has passed since the date of dismissal from military service (death) of the serviceman.

The military transportation documents (money) issued to the discharged serviceman for travel and transportation of personal property are recorded in the monetary certificate or order.

If military transportation documents were not used within their validity period (the validity period of military transportation documents is established by paragraph 26 of this Guide), then they can be replaced with others at the military commissariats at the place of registration of discharged military personnel, taking into account changes in the age of family members, its composition and choice of permanent residence that occurred from the date of issue of these documents. Previously issued military transportation documents are canceled and stored with copies (stubs) of newly issued military transportation documents.

70. For military personnel who performed military service under a contract, who upon dismissal from military service did not choose a place of residence, and in connection with this are registered with the military commissariats at the place of dismissal from military service, military units issue Form 1 requirements, in which the entry is made that upon dismissal, military transportation documents for travel and transportation of personal property were not issued to the serviceman. This record is certified by the signature of the relevant officials specified in paragraph 23 of this Manual and the official mastic seal.

The same procedure applies to family members in the event of the death of these military personnel.

Military commissariats at the place of registration of discharged military personnel, on the basis of their reports or statements from family members and the specified requirements of Form 1, issue them military transportation documents for travel and transportation of personal property in the prescribed manner to their chosen place of residence once, regardless of the time that has passed since the date of dismissal from the military services.

Issuance of military transportation documents to certain categories of citizens

71. Military transportation documents for travel are issued:

a) officers seconded to federal government bodies, others government agencies and institutions, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, international organizations in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, state unitary enterprises whose property is in federal ownership, joint stock companies, 100 percent of whose shares are in federal ownership and who perform work in the interests of the defense of the country and the security of the state (while remaining in military service), to the place of secondment - by military units, and when seconded to the disposal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, moving to the chosen place residence upon dismissal from military service - by military commissariats at the location of the above-mentioned federal bodies, institutions, enterprises, societies to which the military personnel were assigned;

b) two family members or two close relatives of a serviceman, in the case of a serious illness of a serviceman - from their place of residence to the location of the patient and back once during the illness;

c) family members of a serviceman (no more than three people) in the event of the death of a serviceman - to the place of his burial and back;

d) one family member of a deceased (deceased) serviceman and buried on the territory of the Russian Federation to the burial place and back once a year;

e) military personnel escorted to a military court as suspects, accused, defendants and convicts, as well as military personnel escorted to a disciplinary military unit to serve a sentence under a sentence of a military court;

f) military personnel sent (escorted) to a guardhouse: sentenced by a military court to arrest and detention in a guardhouse, suspected, accused, defendant and sentenced to detention in a disciplinary military unit or imprisonment in the absence of a guardhouse at the point of cantonment of the military unit;

g) to the parents of a serviceman-citizen once a year on the grounds established for military personnel - to the place of burial and back in the event of the death of a serviceman and his burial on the territory of the Russian Federation, regardless of the date of his death (death);

h) citizens sent to perform alternative civil service - to the place of alternative civil service * (20) .

The issuance of military transportation documents to persons named in subparagraphs “b”, “c” and “h” of this paragraph is carried out at the military commissariats at their place of residence.

The issuance of military transportation documents to persons named in subparagraphs "d" and "g" of this paragraph is carried out upon their application to the military commissariats at the place of residence on the basis of burial documents and notification of the death of a serviceman, on the reverse side of which the military commissar makes a record of the issuance of military transportation documents, certified in the prescribed manner.

72. Military personnel undergoing conscript military service in military construction detachments (military construction units), state unitary enterprises under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, based on the right of economic management, are issued military transportation documents for travel:

to the place of military service after the end of sick leave - by military commissariats on the basis of a resolution of the military medical or medical commission on fitness for service;

when transferred from one hospital to another to continue treatment, when sent to a place of military service after completion of treatment in a hospital or to a place of residence when discharged from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation into the reserve directly from the hospital - by the hospital where they were treated, on the basis of a resolution military medical or medical commission;

to the place of residence upon dismissal from military service - by the relevant military commissariat or military unit. Military transportation documents for discharged military personnel undergoing conscription military service are issued on the basis of a list certified by the official seal, indicating the place where they are sent after discharge, the series and numbers of their military tickets, the number and date of the order of the commander of the military unit on exclusion from the military lists parts of these persons.

The issuance of military transportation documents is carried out by the relevant military commissariat or military unit on the instructions of the head of the military communications service of the military district or fleet.

73. Transportation of the bodies of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, who died during military service (military training) or died as a result of mutilation (wounds, trauma, concussion), illness in peacetime, from the place of death (death) to the place of burial, carried out on the basis of a written decision of the relevant officials entrusted with organizing the funeral *(15), carried out at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

To accompany the coffin with the body of the deceased on its way to the funeral site, two to four people are appointed by order of the commander of the military unit or the head of the garrison (military commissar).

For travel of persons accompanying the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased), military transportation documents are issued at both ends of the journey in accordance with the travel categories specified in paragraph 36 of this Guide.

To transport a coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased), military transportation documents are issued: when transporting by rail - a baggage pass for the established weight limit; when transported by air, sea, river transport - demand-waybill form 2, in which the entry is made: “Coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased)” indicating the actual weight of the transported cargo.

The type of transport for transporting the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased) is determined by the commander of the military unit.

The specified military transportation documents are issued to persons accompanying the coffin with the body of the deceased (deceased), separately for each type of transport and with a break at points of transportation by rail, air, sea and road transport.

Travel of employees during hiring, transfer, dismissal, to the place
vacation use, as well as their family members

74. Employees are paid the cost of travel in the manner provided for in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 36 of this Manual when transferred to another job in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or when sent to military units in the order of assignment to work of persons who have completed graduate school, clinical residency, educational institutions professional education, when it is associated with moving to another area (to another locality according to the existing administrative-territorial division), as well as when changing the location of a military unit.

In these cases, family members of employees are paid the cost of travel in the manner established by subparagraph “c” of paragraph 36 of this Manual if they move to the employee’s new place of residence before the expiration of one year from the date of actual provision of living quarters to them.

75. Employees sent, invited or transferred to work in military units stationed in regions of the Far North, areas equated to regions of the Far North, from other regions and localities and who have concluded employment contracts, as well as members of their families, are paid the cost of travel from their place of residence to a new place of work, and those who arrived in the specified areas and localities on their own initiative and entered into employment contracts (to work in military units) are reimbursed for moving expenses in the manner prescribed by subparagraph “c” of paragraph 36 of this Manual.

76. The employees specified in paragraph 75 of these Guidelines and members of their families are paid the cost of travel in the manner prescribed by subparagraph “c” of paragraph 36 of these Guidelines for travel to their previous place of residence in the following cases:

expiration date employment contract;

termination or termination of an employment agreement (contract) for any reason, with the exception of dismissal for guilty actions.

77. Employees are paid for transportation costs at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation up to five tons of personal property by rail, water and road transport in the cases provided for in paragraph 76 of this Manual.

With absence specified types transport, the costs of transporting this property by air from the nearest railway station to the place of work or from the nearest sea or river port open for navigation at a given time may be paid.

This procedure also applies to this category of persons in the event of their moving to a new place of residence in connection with the termination or dissolution of an employment agreement (contract) for any reason, with the exception of dismissal for guilty actions.

78. Employees of military units financed from the federal budget located in the Far North and equivalent areas, and non-working members of their families actually living with them (wife, husband, minor children) are compensated once every two years from the funds of the Ministry Defense of the Russian Federation expenses for payment of the cost of travel within the territory of the Russian Federation to the place of use of the employee's annual paid leave and back by any type of transport (except taxi), including personal, as well as transportation of luggage weighing up to 30 kg in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation Federation.*(21)

Transportation in separate compartments (cabins)

79. Transportation of documents and military equipment classified as classified is carried out according to military transportation documents in separate compartments of rigid compartment cars of all categories of trains, cabins of the third category and places of the second category of ships of transport lines with the permission of commanders and chiefs of staff of associations equal to them and higher, as well as in cases where transportation is established by the relevant technical specifications transported military equipment.

80. For the transportation of military cargo in a separate compartment (cabin) in excess established norm weight transported free of charge, a baggage pass is issued.

Preliminary applications for the transportation of military cargo in separate compartments of rigid compartment cars of fast or passenger trains must be presented to military commandants on the routes of communication, and where they are not available - to the heads of stations (stations) no later than 5 days before the start of transportation.

Military cargo must have packaging that prevents damage and contamination of the compartment (cabin), and have dimensions that ensure quick loading and convenient placement in the compartment (cabin).

81. Patients requiring isolation, by decision of the military medical commission or by the conclusion of the doctor of the military unit, are transported with accompanying persons in separate compartments of rigid compartment cars of fast or passenger trains, in category III cabins and in category II places of transport lines.

Use of military transport documents

82. Registration of military travel documents, travel, payments for unused or partially used military travel documents are carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of passengers in force on the relevant types of transport.

83. The right of passage on military travel documents is checked by officials of military communications institutions.

84. Used military travel documents upon arrival at the place of military service (work, residence) they are surrendered to a military unit (military commissariat) within three days. Travel documents, which should not be recalculated in a centralized manner and do not require additional payments (withholdings), are stored together with instructions, vacation tickets or are glued to copies of the requirements of Form 1, on the basis of which military tickets were issued.

Travel documents for which additional payments (deductions) are made, together with other supporting documents (instructions, vacation tickets with appropriate notes on stay at vacation destinations *(19), certificates of stay in a sanatorium, rest home, hospital, etc. .) together with the calculation made by the person responsible for receiving, recording, storing, processing and issuing military transportation documents, are stored in the financial authority of the military unit.

85. Persons who have the right to travel or transport personal property at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, who have not received or have not used military transportation documents, are reimbursed based on actual expenses incurred, but not higher than the norms established for the corresponding categories of military passengers.

The basis for reimbursement of expenses in these cases are a report (application), documents confirming the right to travel or transport personal property at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (prescription, vacation ticket, travel certificate with appropriate notes on stay at vacation destinations *(19 ) or a business trip, a certificate of stay in a sanatorium, rest home, hospital, etc.) and documents on expenses incurred (travel tickets, receipts for additional payments, invoices, luggage and cargo receipts, etc.), unused military transportation documents or certificates issued on the claim form Form 1, indicating that the benefit for travel or transportation of personal property was not used.

86. Reimbursement of expenses for loss or damage to travel documents (tickets) used for travel is not made if restoration or identification of travel documents (tickets) cannot be carried out by transport companies.

Expenses associated with the use of bedding, travel in luxury carriages, payment of additional fees established for transport (with the exception of expenses associated with delivery of tickets to your home, reissuance of tickets at the initiative of the passenger) are reimbursed on the basis of documents confirming actual costs for travel and transportation within the limits established for the relevant categories of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, as well as members of their families (close relatives).

Military personnel undergoing military service under contract in military units located in the Far North and equivalent areas, and non-working members of their families actually living with them (wife, husband, minor children) are reimbursed once every two years for travel expenses within territory of the Russian Federation by personal transport to the place of use of the serviceman’s leave and back, regardless of the time of use of the leave.

Expenses for travel by personal transport are reimbursed instead of granting the right to travel free of charge on transport common use on the basis of a report from a serviceman with documentary evidence of the stay of the serviceman and his family members at the place of use of leave in the amount of actual expenses incurred to pay for the cost of consumed fuel, confirmed by receipts from gas stations, but not higher than the cost of travel calculated on the basis of fuel consumption standards established for the corresponding transport funds, and based on the shortest route.

87. Unused military transportation documents, travel documents purchased using military transportation documents, as well as transport documents (waybills, luggage and cargo receipts, etc.), for which final payment should not be made upon arrival at the place of military service (work, residence) within three days they are handed over to the military unit and stored with copies of the relevant military transportation documents, on the basis of which travel and transport documents are issued. Travel and transport documents for which the final payment has been made are kept in the files of the financial authority of the military unit.

88. Persons guilty of transferring or selling military transportation and travel documents to other persons, their illegal use, and failing to return unused military transportation and travel documents are held accountable in the prescribed manner.

89. Reimbursement to transport organizations for expenses associated with the travel of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families (close relatives), as well as the transportation of their personal property under travel and transportation documents issued in exchange for military transportation documents, is carried out by the Ministry defense of the Russian Federation at the expense of funds allocated from the federal budget, on the basis of invoices presented by transport organizations *(16) .

Dear readers, I suggest you figure out what the VPD for a container is “and what it’s eaten with!”

To begin with, we will decompose the entire regulatory framework governing the receipt and use of high-pressure products into a container, and at the end we will examine some pressing issues that many have encountered in practice.
Article 20 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” No. 76-FZ establishes 2 categories of persons and certain conditions for the emergence of the right to use a container:
1. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, upon transfer to a new place of military service and dismissal from military service, have the right to transport free of charge up to 20 tons of personal property in containers from their previous place of residence to a new one by rail, and where there is no railway transport, - other modes of transport (except air). In the case of transportation of personal property in a separate carriage, baggage and small shipments, they are reimbursed for actual expenses, but not higher than the cost of transportation in a container weighing 20 tons.
2. Family members of a military-citizen, when moving to their chosen place of residence in connection with the death (death) of a military-citizen, have the right to free transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in containers by rail, and where there is no railway transport, by other modes of transport. (except for air). In the case of transportation of personal property in a separate carriage, baggage and small shipments, they are reimbursed for actual expenses, but not higher than the cost of transportation in a container weighing 20 tons.
The above-mentioned article also establishes that expenses associated with the transportation of personal property by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport are reimbursed from the funds of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive body in which federal law military service is provided) in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Order No. 200 of the Minister of Defense dated June 6, 2001 approved the Guidelines for the registration, use, storage and handling of military transportation documents in the RF Armed Forces, which determines, in particular, the procedure for issuing and using military transportation documents issued for the transportation of personal property.

So what can you do with the container?

1. They gave the VPD to the container, and transported it, for example, by the Perevozoff company to truck. And I didn’t use the VPD, and paid the money. Anything can happen, was there no time or something? Maybe there are no trains between these stations. How to conduct things?

We need to reimburse the costs! We write a report addressed to the unit commander with a request to reimburse the costs of transporting luggage, attaching to it: a contract for transportation, an invoice, a certificate of the cost of services, a receipt for payment, a copy of the certificate of registration of Perevozoff as legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
And don't forget about Art. 20 Federal Law “On Status”, your transportation should not be more expensive than transportation of a 20-ton container by train along the same route.

2. Is it possible to sell the container?

Can't sell.
It is possible to issue a notarized power of attorney to the interested person. It will also be necessary to report for the use of VPD, providing all receipts.
And don’t forget - the container goes where it was indicated in the report for its release, and that in the territory of the CIS countries, the use of the container is possible only if the carrier acts in accordance with the contract for transportation in the CIS territory.

3. Is it possible to take one 3-ton and two 5-ton containers instead of one 20-ton container?

You can vary it in any way, the main thing is not to break this rule:
military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, officers undergoing military service by conscription, in connection with a transfer to a new place of military service or moving to a new place of residence upon discharge from military service, are issued military transportation documents for the transportation of up to 20 tons of personal property in universal ( 3-, 5-, 10- or 20-ton) containers by rail with small shipments, baggage or cargo luggage in any combination of tonnage, but the total cost of their transportation should not exceed the cost of transporting one 20-ton container, in the absence of rail transport - other modes of transport (except air).
When determining the total tonnage of a container provided for the transportation of personal property, it should be assumed that the cost of transporting a 3-ton container is 18%, a 5-ton container is 36%, and a 10-ton container is 50% of the cost of transportation 20 -ty ton container. The transportation rate does not depend on the composition of the serviceman’s family.

4. And if I don’t go anywhere, but stay to live where I served, what should I do with the VPD for the container?

It's simple. Paragraph 70 of the Guide will help you:
military personnel who performed military service under a contract, who, upon discharge from military service, did not choose a place of residence, and in connection with this are registered with the military commissariats at the place of discharge from military service, the military unit is issued requirements f. 1, in which a record is made that upon dismissal, the military personnel were not issued with travel allowances and transportation of personal property. This record is certified by the signature of the relevant officials and the official mastic seal.
Military commissariats at the place of registration of discharged military personnel on the basis of their reports or statements of family members and the specified requirements f. 1 they are issued with a permit for travel and transportation of personal property in the prescribed manner to their chosen place of residence once, regardless of the time that has passed since the date of dismissal from military service.
The main thing is to write in your dismissal report that you need a certificate of non-use of the VPD for the container.