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» Korean fir. Varieties of Korean fir for landscape design. Distribution in nature

Korean fir. Varieties of Korean fir for landscape design. Distribution in nature

The dacha has practically ceased to be a place for growing vegetables; now many modern summer residents enthusiastically decorate their property with various ornamental plants. Korean fir ( abies koreana) is one such plant.

Korean fir has a number of differences from its popular relatives, so it is important to indicate its description. In conditions natural environment This ornamental plant appears to be a giant tree, up to 14 m in height. And the trunk can have a diameter of almost 1 m.

Korean fir (abies koreana)

But decorative varieties have much smaller parameters, but the general features are similar:

Varieties for growing abies koreana

If you plant Korean fir at random, then perhaps the chosen variety will not take root in the region and will disappoint with its decor. In addition, the tree has two varieties - low-growing varieties similar to a flattened ball, and tall with cone-shaped and pyramidal crowns.

There are species that differ in the color of their needles, the shape of their cones, and their preferences in conditions. Let’s look at the most popular varieties in more detail:

Choosing a landing site

Fir does not take root in all areas, because its homeland is subtropical and temperate zones . Therefore, the landing place is on its own The site should be chosen carefully, sometimes making significant changes.

The choice of planting location will depend on the type of tree chosen. But the basic requirements are:

  • good lighting, because partial shade and shade are destructive for many varieties;
  • lack of large trees nearby, especially if you plant tall fir;
  • absence strong winds and drafts, seedlings are especially intolerant to them.

Soil requirements

When grown, Korean firs do not require much nutrients, so almost any soil is suitable for planting. Even heavy soils and loamy soils are suitable; over time, plants can improve the soil, making it more structured.

But it is best to plant Korean fir on sandy soils and other light soils with a high content of organic matter. Acidic soils are also suitable for this purpose..

Please note that firs do not like wetlands, areas that are flooded with water. If your site is like this, then take care of the drainage system.

How to plant Korean fir correctly

Early spring is considered the ideal time for planting, a time when young shoots and buds have not yet appeared on the seedlings.

For a seedling, the age must be at least 4 years; even ten-year-old trees are also excellent. It is not recommended to use even younger seedlings, because in the summer they will suffer due to strong lighting, and in the winter they can die from frost.

For the seedling, prepare a deep landing hole. Consider the characteristics of the variety, the more root system, the larger the hole should be. Its depth on average can vary from 40 to 80 cm. You fill the hole with soil and peat dug from it.

Let the mixture set, then start planting - straighten out the roots Korean fir mound and cover with soil. Water the fir thoroughly after planting with several buckets of water.

It is important that the root collar does not go deep when planting in the soil. A tree will not grow if it is underground.

Soil and Korean fir care

Abies koreana requires care, which is based on the needs of the tree, based on the time of year and the characteristics of the soil on the site. Trees that are planted in decorative containers require special attention. They require more frequent feeding and watering.

Young seedlings need more moisture, especially those with a strong root system. After planting, it is worth adding moisture to the soil every 15 days. The same should be done with trees that are grown in containers.

Add moisture large trees costs no more than 3 times during the growing season, because fir is drought-resistant. If the summer is extremely dry, then organize twice a day of watering within a month.

Do not forget to loosen and weed the soil around the tree after each watering. In autumn and spring time cover the circle around the trunk with mulch to better preservation moisture in the soil. Use sawdust or pine needles as mulch. The soil will become more permeable for air and moisture thanks to this, and you don’t have to worry about your teammates.

Feeding and pruning

You should not apply fertilizer often, because the tree is not demanding of it. Carry out the first fertilizing no earlier than 3 years after planting the tree. Use special liquid preparations that are intended for coniferous trees.

Korean fir does not need pruning. But to achieve the thickest possible and branched needles, it is important to trim the shoots in the center. Every year, dried needles, branches and cones should be removed, this will improve the decorative appearance of the tree.

Korean fir is quite simple to care for and grow, but you should first choose the right variety for planting and a place in which the tree will feel extremely comfortable. And if everything goes well and the tree takes root, it will become the most beautiful and trouble-free decoration on your site.

Korean fir can rightfully be called a beauty with stunning decorative properties. From the name of the plant it becomes clear that its homeland is Korea, namely its southern highlands. This is an evergreen tree with a dense, luxurious crown. The buds are quite original appearance, significantly different from spruce trees in its cylindrical shape and violet-purple palette. TO undeniable advantages can also be attributed to a persistent tart aroma that has healing properties- This is a real storehouse of substances that kill pathogenic microbes.

Main types of Korean fir

Today, about 50 varieties of Korean fir are known, which are represented as dwarf decorative varieties, the height of which does not exceed half a meter, and tall. They are united by pyramidal crown shapes and spreading branches with oval cones. The following varieties stand out among the most cultivated:

Aurea- a small tree with a canonical crown. Young shoots are golden, and adult needles have a rich green color. A medium-sized fir reaches one and a half meters in height by the age of ten;

Piccolo- an even smaller variety, the height of the trunk of which does not exceed 35 cm at maturity, but the crown grows up to 1.5 m. The plant protrudes excellent option for the landscape of alpine slides;

Brevifolia- a slow-growing genus, which reaches 1 m at the age of ten. Lush branches boast shiny green needles and small purple cones;

Taiga- a miniature variety belonging to the creeping category. It is quite in demand in gardening. The height of the tree does not exceed 1/3 m, and the crown branches in diameter a little more than half a meter. The plant has an original bright green color with a noticeable bluish tint;

Diamond– one of the most valuable relic crops. The plant is a small cushion-shaped tree with a mixed palette - top part covered with green needles, and the lower ones are silver.

In addition to the varieties discussed, many other species are grown in European countries, for example, Thordis, Pancake, Blue Heat, etc., photos of which can be found in the following photo gallery.

Proper care of Korean fir

Create favorable conditions It’s not at all difficult for a plant. It is important to choose a suitable site for planting, monitor the condition of the soil, its moisture, and carry out periodic loosening. To form a beautiful Korean fir correct crown, it is necessary to remove damaged and dried branches in a timely manner. Following some of the rules given below will help you avoid diseases.


Korean fir is a fairly shade-tolerant crop, but it is still better to plant it in well-lit areas. The plant needs partial shade in the first years of its life, and then it can be transplanted to open areas without being careful of being in direct sunlight.


Although Korean fir is a native of the tropical zone, its growth high in the mountains has affected its ability to withstand significant seasonal temperature fluctuations. Most plant varieties are frost-resistant and can tolerate winter frosts down to -28C, and some even down to -35C. The exception is young specimens, which are covered for the winter for the first few years.


The plant feels more comfortable in conditions high humidity Therefore, in summer, when there is no rain for a long time, in addition to watering, it is necessary to moisten the crown at least once a week. Soil swampiness has a negative impact on crop development. To avoid this, even during planting it is necessary to provide a high-quality drainage layer and mulch the soil.


In autumn and spring, Korean fir is watered periodically, when upper layer The soil will begin to dry out, but for the most part, rainfall is enough for the crop. In hot summers, abundant watering is required: 20 liters of water per specimen every week. The young plant also needs more frequent drinking during the first month after planting. At this time it is watered every day.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

The first two years after planting, Korean fir does not need additional feeding - the soil is sufficiently nutritious for it. In the future, every spring it is necessary to add to the soil mineral fertilizers in a complex composition. To accelerate the growth of the plant to some extent, it is necessary to sprinkle the top layer of soil with mulch, a layer of about 5 cm, with the addition of peat and sawdust.

Pests and diseases

A common cause of Korean fir disease is sudden temperature fluctuations, when needles fall and loss of decorative properties is observed. Sometimes this even leads to irreversible consequences. The plant can be affected different types rot arising due to improper maintenance conditions.

Much more damage to the plant is caused by pests, for example, aphids and their larvae that feed on pine sap. Hermes disease manifests itself as a white coating on the needles. Also dangerous are moths and silkworms, which can be destroyed by treating the plant with insecticides.

Plants change their place of residence in the spring, when the buds have not yet bloomed. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a planting hole in advance, no deeper than 80 cm. Pour a couple of buckets of water into it and fill it with a drainage layer of crushed stone or crushed brick. Separately, you need to prepare the soil by mixing clay, peat, sand and humus, and add sawdust and soluble mineral fertilizers.

With this soil, the planting pit is filled to half its depth, and a low mound is formed on which the tree is placed. The roots should be carefully spread around the mound and covered with soil. In this case, the root collar should remain visible above the ground. The planting site is thoroughly watered and mulched.


Korean fir reproduces safely at home. To do this, use one of several methods.

Growing fir seedlings from seeds is one of the most difficult methods. First of all, planting material it is necessary to get it, and often the seeds simply fly away from the ripe cones. It is necessary to take the still unopened cone, dry it, remove the seeds and send them to a cold place for stratification. The material is sown in the first ten days of April and the bed is covered with film, creating a greenhouse. When the first shoots appear, the protection must be removed. The bed is regularly watered, weeded and loosened. Transfer to permanent place produced in a year.

Korean fir cuttings are a fairly popular method among gardeners, although they take a long time to form roots. The material chosen is annual shoots no longer than 8 cm. They must be plucked so that a fragment of the mother wood (heel) remains.

Before planting, the cuttings are treated with foundationazole to eliminate possible infections. It is also advisable to sterilize the soil mixture for half an hour in the oven. The cuttings planted in the container are covered with film or glass. For the wintering period, the bed is moved to a basement with a lower temperature, and in the spring it is left to fresh air. Rooting will occur no earlier than in the second year.

This method is considered one of the simplest. The bottom line is that you need to lightly dig in one of the lower branches of the tree and fix it in a previously prepared trench. Rooting will occur within two years. An interesting fact is that in this way the fir can reproduce without human intervention - it is enough for the branch to come into contact with the ground. The disadvantage of this method is the risk of the newly created crop losing its cone-shaped crown.

Korean fir - photo

Korean fir occupies special place in landscape design. Its characteristics such as slow growth (about 5 cm per year) and decorativeness at any time of the year make it possible to preserve the desired landscape compositions for a long time. Its various varieties are perfect for landscaping suburban areas. adjacent areas, are successfully combined with both conifers and deciduous trees and bushes. The photo gallery will tell you more about the fir. Enjoy watching!

Korean fir is always green and lives for a very long time without additional pruning and crown formation. Belongs to the fir family and is native to the south of the Korean Peninsula. Hence its name. The shape of the plant resembles a pyramid (cone). The tree can even live up to 150 years.

It can be found in the Northern Hemisphere and in South Korea. Its growth rate is much slower than that of spruce, with an average increase of 3-5 centimeters every year.

Description of species: leaves in the form of needles flat shape, 1-2 centimeters long and 2-2.5 millimeters thick, shiny greenish in the upper part, and with two stripes of a bright white shade in the lower part, with a small amount teeth at the tip.

Its cones can range from blue to purple. Their size, for the most part, is 4-7 centimeters in length and up to 2 centimeters in width.

It is very hardy and grows well in both sunny and shaded areas, but does best when exposed to direct sunlight. Sun rays, as its crown becomes more attractive.

Propagation by seeds and cuttings is acceptable. Fir of this species grows up to 10-18 meters in height with a trunk diameter of up to 70 centimeters.

Korean fir varieties for landscape design include several species with the greatest splendor and beautiful decorative properties throughout the entire calendar year.

Look at the photo of some varieties of Korean fir, the trees are beautifully decorated personal plots in different zones:

Description and photos of Korean fir varieties

A brief description of the varieties of Korean fir allows you to make right choice, and the photos will illustrate the external aesthetic properties.

Korean fir “Brilliant” and “Silberlocke”.

Korean fir “Diamond” is a very valuable plant, as it is not an artificial, but a natural dwarf. The dwarf variety feels great in containers; this plant has a neat cushion-shaped crown.

Its needles are short, but have signs of density and softness. The needles are shiny, colored in the upper part with dark green or bright green, and in the lower part with white-blue or silvery longitudinal stripes.

The needles of this variety of Korean fir are quite aromatized, the edges are curled towards the bottom and reach two centimeters in length.

This is a slow growing tree, growing three to four centimeters in length per year. And at 10 years old, the height is only 40 centimeters with a width of 60 centimeters. This dwarf plant can even live up to 300 years.

To plant it, it is advisable to choose semi-shaded or sunny places for it, but without wind. It is recommended to place young plants in partial shade, and in spring and summer periods hide from the sun.

It is better to choose slightly acidic soil for planting, with adequate drainage. Fir is quite cold-resistant. Temperatures of minus 29 degrees are not scary for her.

Korean fir "Silberlock" has a cone-shaped crown, often with several peaks. At the age of 10 years, the length grows to 120-180 centimeters. Its needles are curved, their lower part is white.

This is a slow-growing fir, as it has overly curved needles, which, if you look at it from afar, appear silvery. This is where this variety of fir got its name - “silberblocke” means “silver curl”.

In some cases, the tree may appear to be covered in frost. Cones of this variety of Korean fir violet shade, cone-shaped, 7 centimeters in length.

Prefers acidic soil with a small amount of alkali. Loves light, but, in turn, is shade-tolerant. Cold-resistant plant.

In the snowy winter periods Due to the fact that snow sticks to the branches, they may break, so a holding frame should be installed.

Korean fir "Molli" and "Blue Magic"

Korean fir "Molly" can grow up to seven meters in length with a three-meter crown. Trees of this variety are covered in large quantities with cones. They have a blue-violet hue. Their length is 5 centimeters.

It grows quite slowly. Over the course of a year, he gains 6-7 centimeters, no more. The trunk is straight and even. The crown has a conical shape and does not require pruning, since it initially independently forms the correct shape.

The needles of the plant are flat, but thick, have a bright green color with a bluish tint. The lower part of the needles is bluish-white. Its cones are large and blue-violet in color.

The plant feels much better in illuminated places and does not like sudden changes in ambient temperature. If it is in a dark place, the shoots begin to stretch out and the crown becomes loose.

Cold resistant. Needs moist soil with drainage.

Korean fir "Blue Magic" is dense bush, annually grows in length by 6-10 centimeters, and at 10 years its height is 1 meter with a width of 80 centimeters.

Crown in the shape of a pyramid. The needles are dark blue-green, the lower part is silver. The cones are purple. Prefers a semi-shaded place.

The soil should be acidic or slightly acidic, moist and equipped with drainage. The place where it grows must be protected from the wind.

"Dark Hill", "Oberon" and other varieties

Korean fir "Dark Hill" prefers to be in direct sun or partial shade. The soil should be equipped with drainage, slightly acidic and moderately moist. Frost-resistant.

In 10 years it reaches 40 centimeters. Crown diameter is 50-70 centimeters at the age of 10 years. Dwarf, shaped like a pillow, asymmetrical. The needles are hard, short, dark green in color, and shiny.

"Oberon" is dwarf variety Korean fir, its crown has the shape of a dome. The needles are bright green. At 10 years old, its height is approximately 40 centimeters with a width of 60 centimeters. Needs moist soil.

It prefers a semi-shaded area at first, and then it is advisable to provide it with full lighting. Grows well in soils equipped with drainage, without excess moisture.

The cones are small in size, but there are quite a lot of them, and they all grow vertically. The cones are thickly impregnated with resin; they appear in the first year.

It is advisable to plant in the ground in spring or autumn period. To do this, it is initially recommended to dig a hole twice as large as the volume of the entire fir root system.

You need to put compost at the bottom, and then place a pre-moistened ball of roots there so that it is level with the surface of the earth.

Around the trunk you will need to make a small depression through which to water the seedling well so that the soil near the roots is sufficiently saturated with moisture. Finally, it is advisable to mulch the soil.

Korean fir "Doni Tajuso" prefers sunny or semi-shaded places. The soil must be equipped with drainage, slightly acidic and moist. Frost-resistant.

At 10 years old, its height is a maximum of 30 centimeters. The crown diameter is about 30 centimeters at the age of 10 years. The shape of the crown resembles a pillow. The needles are not soft, short, light green in color, with shine.

"Ottostrasse" prefers a sunny or semi-shaded place; there are no special requirements for the soil; it is moderately moisture-loving and frost-resistant. It grows up to 50 centimeters in height. The crown is 120 centimeters in diameter, cone-shaped. Every year it grows by 3–5 centimeters.

The needles are soft, short, bright in the upper part. Green colour, shiny, in the lower part there are two longitudinal silver stripes. The cones are arranged vertically, shaded, about seven centimeters long and up to two centimeters wide.

Korean fir "Select" prefers sunny or semi-shaded areas that are protected from the wind. Grows well in slightly acidic, well-drained soils. Grows up to 4 meters. The crown is up to three meters in diameter. It has the shape of a wide cone. It grows 10-20 centimeters per year.

The needles are short, 2-3 centimeters in length, soft, the upper part is dark green and glossy, the lower part has two silver stripes. The cones are purple-blue, up to three centimeters long.

Korean fir "Cis" (Cis) loves sunny or semi-shaded places, is not demanding on the soil, and is cold-resistant. It reaches a height of 80 centimeters. The crown grows up to 120 centimeters in diameter, so it has the shape of a ball. Every year it grows by 3-5 centimeters.

The needles are soft, the upper part is green, glossy, and the lower part has two silver stripes. The cones are violet-purple in color, 5-7 centimeters long and approximately 2 centimeters wide.

Korean fir "Kristallkugel" grows well in sunny or semi-shaded areas. It is not demanding on the soil and is frost-resistant. Its height is up to 50 centimeters, a dwarf. The crown can be 2 meters in diameter. The shape is pillow-shaped.

The needles are soft, the upper part is bright green, the lower part has two silver stripes. The cones are violet-purple in color, 5-7 centimeters long and approximately 2 centimeters wide.


Abies korean

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Synonyms: Korean fir

A species of evergreen trees from the genus Fir of the Pine family. Range: southern part of Korea, including Jeju Island. It rises into the mountains to a height of 1000-1850 m above sea level. Forms pure and mixed forests with and. The species is similar to, differs by short needles, deeply cracked bark and bent, prominent covering scales.

It was introduced to Europe in 1905. Lives up to 150 years. The root system is powerful, well branched and penetrates deeply into the ground.

It is an evergreen tree with a wide cone-shaped crown. It reaches a height of 15 m, 3-4.5 m in width, with a trunk diameter of 50-80 cm. At a young age it grows slowly, later - faster. Annual growth reaches 5 cm per year. The bark of young trees is ash-gray with a purple tint, smooth, while that of old trees is red-brown, with deep cracks. Young shoots are yellowish, later acquire a purple tint, slightly furrowed, sparsely hairy, later glabrous. The buds are almost spherical in shape, slightly resinous.

The needles are short, 10-15 (20) mm long and 2-2.5 mm wide, densely spread, arranged radially, saber-curved, rigid, often slightly pitted at the apex. Young plants often have prickly needles. The needles are dark green above, shiny below, with 2 wide stripes, internal resin passages.

Korean fir Silberlock

The first pollination and fruiting is observed at 17 years of age. Dusts for 3-4 days at 18.V ± 3.

The cones are cylindrical, 5-7 cm long, 2-2.8 cm wide, purple-violet before ripening. They ripen at the end of August. Seed scales are 4-4.5 mm long and 12-13.5 mm wide, narrowly kidney-shaped, with a short stalk 4-5 mm long. Covering scales are slightly longer than seed scales, oblong-obovate in shape, expanded into a round plate from 5 to 5.5 mm in diameter, with a small tip 2-3 mm in length. The seeds are light or dark brown in color with a purple tint, ovoid-wedge-shaped. It bears fruit annually, but not abundantly every year.

Varieties:"Adelba", "Alpin Star", "Blue Standard"), "Brevifolia", "Silberzwerg", "Piccolo", "Aurea", "Blaue Zwo", "Blauer Eskimo", "Blauer Pfiff", "Blue Cones" , "Blue Magic", "Blue Standard", "Bonsai Blue", "Compact Dwarf", .

Frost resistance: 5-7

Location: Prefers sunny places, but can tolerate partial shade. Prefers fresh, fertile soil, evenly moistened. Prefers sandy or loamy soil. Needs protection from cold winter winds. Does not like drought and air pollution.

Landing: in alley plantings the recommended distance between trees is at least 4-5 m, in dense groups - 2.5 m, in loose groups - 3-3.5 m. Optimal time for planting: in spring in April, in autumn - end of August and until September. Minimum dimensions of the planting hole: 50x50x60 cm. The root collar should be at ground level. Recommended soil composition: peat, sand, clay, leaf soil or humus in a ratio of 1:1:2:3. On heavy soils, drainage is required - broken brick or crushed stone is poured into a 20 cm layer at the bottom of the hole. When planting, it is recommended to add 250-300 g per hole and 10 kg of sawdust. The optimal age for planting is 5-10 years.

Care: 2-3 years after planting, it is recommended to add Kemiru-universal (150 g/sq.m). Loosening of the soil is carried out to a depth of 25-30 cm. The tree trunk circle can be mulched with sawdust, peat or wood chips in a layer of 5-8 cm. Young plants need to be covered with spruce branches in harsh winters.

Trimming: Sanitary pruning is carried out in early spring.

Diseases and pests: resistance to pests and diseases is high. Preventative treatment against Hermes is recommended.

Reproduction: propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Seed germination rate is 30%. Cuttings without treatment do not take root.

Usage: used for landscape and gardening purposes. Looks good in compositions. Suitable for landscaping small areas. Combines well with other coniferous, deciduous shrubs and trees. Can be used as a New Year's tree.

Korean fir will decorate the garden with incredible golden, bluish or silvery shades of needles. Colored fir needles combined with purple, lilac or pink cones that stick up like candles are an amazing sight!

A witch’s broom is a fragment of the crown where a mutation occurred, after which a spherical “broom” of thin branches and shortened leaves (needles) grew on the plant. Most varieties of Korean fir are derived from witches' brooms, which were found by breeders and grafted onto seedlings of the same species. If the result satisfies the breeder, then the name of the plant can be registered and propagation continues.

Varieties of Korean fir with colored needles

The variety of needle colors of varietal Korean fir is simply amazing: silver, blue, bluish and even yellow. Firs are interesting because the color is often two- or three-color, where the lower surface is light and the upper surface is dark.

Fir variety Silberlok

One of the most famous varieties is Silberlock. This is an ornamental tree with thick needles that are effectively curved inward, the upper part of which is dark green in color, and the lower part is silvery-white. Due to this shape and color, the plant seems to be covered with frost. The maximum decorative effect is achieved when dark purple cylindrical cones appear against the background of light needles.

The crown is cone-shaped, asymmetrical, sometimes with several peaks. This low-growing fir has a maximum height of 5 m, at the age of 10 years 1-2 m. Due to the unusual color illusion, the Silberloke variety is widely used in landscape gardening.

Photo: two-color fir Silberlock

Fir variety Kogouts Icebreaker

Perhaps this is the undisputed star among the varieties of Korean fir. The variety was obtained from a witch's broom discovered on Silberlock by a German collector. This is a dwarf 0.2 m high and 0.4 m wide with needles of two colors - snow-white inside and green outside. The needles are bent to such an extent that the branch is shaped like a cylinder, and the needles themselves show only the light underside.

Photo: silver-blue fir Kogouts Icebreaker

Aurea fir variety

Surprisingly, there is also a fir with yellow colored needles - Aurea. This is a compact bush-like plant with thick golden needles and vertically standing lilac cones. At the same time, the old needles on this fir are green.

At the age of 10 years, the plant has a height of about 1.5 m. Aurea can also be used in single plantings, but it is especially good in bush groups.

Fir variety Golden Glow

It is a charming dwarf with hard yellow needles. The shape of the plant is cushion-shaped. At 10 years old, it reaches a height of only 0.4 m. The plant is stable and unpretentious, ideal for small gardens.

Dwarf varieties of Korean fir

There are a huge number of miniature varieties of Korean fir that will barely grow to the knee of an adult. Most of them are derived from witches' brooms.

Dwarf plants of various crown shapes, colors and lengths of needles will be an excellent decoration for a small garden.

Fir variety Brilliant

This dwarf variety (up to 0.6 m) is very interesting. Unlike others, this is not a selected form, but a natural “dwarf”, which belongs to rare and valuable plants.

The shape of the crown is oval, the needles are dark green above and light green below with two longitudinal silver stripes. The plant shines like a diamond. The diamond takes root well in tubs and containers.

Photo: dwarf fir Brilliant

Other varieties of Korean fir less than 0.5 m in height:

  • Crystalkigal with a nest-like crown,
  • Silberperle oval shape,
  • popular in landscape design Alpinstar with an irregular crown and short needles,
  • easy to care for Blauer Eskimo with a spherical crown and bluish needles,
  • Cis- a dome-shaped plant with dark green glossy needles.

It is worth noting that, despite its dwarf size, there are usually a lot of cones on the plants. They are located vertically on last year's shoots.

High varieties of Korean fir

Tall varieties of fir include plants with a height of more than 1.5 m. Species fir looks no worse than its newfangled varieties. It stands out among others with its thick branches, symmetrical cone-shaped shape, bright green needles and an abundance of cones.

Fir variety Blue Emperor

Blue Emperor (Emperor) has a conical shape and reaches a maximum height of 1.5 m. The needles are very attractive: silver-green, with a blue tint; there are two white stripes on the underside.

Photo: tall Blue Emperor fir

Fir variety Select

Fir of the Select variety does not exceed 4 m in height. The needles are soft, two-colored: dark green above, silver below due to two longitudinal stripes. The tree is simply strewn with vertically standing cones.

The plant is attractive, especially as a tapeworm.

Fir variety Molly

Molly reaches a height of more than 5 m in adulthood. This variety is excellent as a New Year's tree and does not require shaping: the crown is regular, symmetrical, the shoots are thick and branch well, especially at the ends. In addition, Molly's needles are wide, fragrant, rich green in color with a bluish tint on top and soft blue below.

The tree is covered with numerous large bluish-purple cones. When the variety is shaded, the decorative effect is reduced, because the shoots become excessively elongated and do not look as thick.