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» Example of a written auditor's report for the company's management. Written information from the auditor to the management of the economic entity. Auditor's opinion and procedure for its preparation

Example of a written auditor's report for the company's management. Written information from the auditor to the management of the economic entity. Auditor's opinion and procedure for its preparation

Auditing rule (standard)
"Written information from the auditor to the management of the economic entity based on the results of the audit"
(Approved by the Commission on Audit Activities under the President Russian Federation December 25, 1996, protocol No. 6)

1. General provisions

1.1. This rule (standard) has been prepared to regulate auditing activities and complies with the Temporary Rules for Auditing Activities in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2263 of December 22, 1993.

1.2. The purpose of the rule (standard) is to unify the requirements for an audit firm or an auditor working independently as individual entrepreneur*(1), regarding the content, form and procedure for preparing written information (report) of the auditor to the management (owners) of the economic entity based on the results of the audit.

1.4. The requirements of this rule (standard) are mandatory for all audit organizations when carrying out an audit that involves the preparation of an official audit report, with the exception of those provisions where it is expressly stated that they are advisory in nature.

1.5. The requirements of this rule (standard) are advisory in nature when conducting an audit that does not provide for the preparation of an official audit report based on its results, as well as when providing services related to the audit. In case of deviation when performing a specific task from mandatory requirements of this rule (standard), the audit organization must note this in its working documentation and in a written report to the management of the economic entity that ordered the audit and (or) related services.

2. Principles for preparing written auditor information

2.1. In all cases of mandatory audit, audit organizations are required to prepare and provide the addressee with written information (report) from the auditor to the management (owners) of the economic entity being audited based on the results of the audit *(2). Auditing organizations may prepare and communicate orally or in writing Interim information as the audit progresses. The procedure for transmitting such information is regulated by paragraphs. 4.3 - 4.6 of this auditing rule (standard).

2.2. The data contained in the auditor's written information is provided for the purpose of bringing to the attention of the management of the audited economic entity information about shortcomings in the accounting records, accounting and internal control system, which can lead to significant errors in the financial statements, and in order to make constructive proposals for improving the systems accounting and internal control of an economic entity.

2.3. In the case of a proactive audit, audit organizations are required to prepare and provide written auditor information to economic entities in the following cases:

a) if the contract for the implementation of a proactive audit provides for the preparation of an auditor’s report based on the results of the audit:

b) if the contract for the implementation of a proactive audit, although it does not provide for the preparation of an auditor’s report, does provide for the preparation of written information from the auditor.

2.4. The audit organization is obliged to indicate in the written information of the auditor all related facts economic life of an economic entity, errors and distortions that have or may have a significant impact on the reliability of its financial statements.

2.5. The audit organization may provide in the auditor's written information any information relating to the audit performed and the facts of the economic life of the economic entity that it deems appropriate.

2.6. The auditor's written information cannot be considered a complete report of all existing deficiencies. It is devoted only to those that were discovered during the audit process.

3.1. The auditor's written information must be addressed to the managers and (or) owners of the economic entity.

3.2. The auditor's written information must be signed by the auditors and other specialists who directly conducted the audit (in the case of an independent auditor, by this auditor). If the audit was carried out by a group consisting of a significant number of employees of the audit organization, the auditor’s written information must be signed by the head of the entire group of employees and may not be signed by all employees personally, but by the heads of individual subgroups (teams, units, etc.) in as part of the general group.

3.3. The auditor's written information must have continuous page numbers. It is recommended that the first page of the auditor's written information be drawn up on the audit organization's letterhead, either with the audit organization's corner stamp, or in accordance with the audit organization's requirements for the preparation of official correspondence.

3.4. Each audit organization is obliged to develop, taking into account the requirements of the law, this rule (standard) of auditing activities and Appendix 1 to it, uniform (in-house) requirements for the form of preparation of written information from the auditor. Such internal requirements must ensure accurate and uniform execution of this document for various economic entities and must be approved by the head of the audit organization and must be complied with by employees when preparing this document. Auditors who carry out their activities independently are required to develop (or adopt, taking into account qualified recommendations) an accurate and uniform form of presentation of written information, which is subsequently used on an ongoing basis.

3.5. The auditor's written information must necessarily contain the following information:

3.5.1. details of the audit organization, namely:

a) the official name and legal (postal) address of the audit firm or the surname, initials and address of an auditor operating independently;

c) number and date of issue of the license to carry out auditing activities;

d) list and specialization of all auditors and other specialists who took part in the audit, their names, initials, numbers and dates of issue of qualification certificates, if any, indication of responsibilities during the audit;

3.5.2. details of the economic entity being inspected, namely:

a) official name and legal (postal) address legal entity or last name, initials and address individual- individual entrepreneur;

b) number and date of the registration certificate;

c) a list of officials (surnames, initials, position) responsible for the preparation of financial statements of a legal entity;

3.5.3. an indication of the time period to which the documentation of the economic entity verified during the audit relates, the date of signing of the auditor’s written information;

3.5.4. significant violations of the procedure for maintaining accounting records and preparing financial statements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which affect or may affect its reliability, identified during the audit;

3.5.5. results of checking the organization and maintenance of accounting, drawing up appropriate reports and the state of the internal control system of an economic entity.

3.6. In addition to the mandatory information specified in clause 3.5, depending on the volume, scale and specifics of the audit, as well as the size and characteristics of the audit firm (whether the audit is carried out by an auditor working independently), the size and characteristics of the economic entity subject to audit , the following information should be included in the auditor's written information:

3.6.1. features of the audit provided for in the agreement (contract, letter of commitment) between the audit organization and the economic entity, as well as features of the work that became known during the audit;

3.6.2. data on the number of employees performing accounting, on the structure of the accounting department and on the features of the applied accounting system;

3.6.3. a list of the main areas or areas of accounting that were subject to verification;

3.6.4. information about the audit methodology, confirmation that the audit organization followed the rules (standards) of auditing activities, an indication of which sections of the accounting documentation were checked in a continuous manner and which were checked in a selective manner, and on the basis of what principles the audit sample was made;

3.6.5. a list of comments, indications of shortcomings and recommendations as such;

3.6.6. assessment (if possible) of the quantitative discrepancy between reporting and (or) tax indicators according to the data of the economic entity and those predicted based on the results of the audit by the audit organization;

3.6.7. in the case of an audit of large economic entities with a complex organizational structure - information on the implementation of audits of branches, divisions and subsidiaries of such an economic entity, a statement of the general results of such audits and an analysis of the impact of these particular results on the results of the audit of the entire economic entity as a whole;

3.6.8. during subsequent audits - assessment and analysis of the implementation or correction by the economic entity subject to the audit of comments contained in previous documents containing written information from the auditor;

3.6.9. in case of deviation from the requirements of the rules (standards) of auditing activities (when conducting an audit that does not provide for the preparation of an official audit report based on its results, as well as when providing services related to the audit) - the very fact and reasons for such deviation.

3.7. The information contained in the auditor's written information must be clear, concise, meaningful, and free of factual inaccuracies. IN necessary cases The auditor's written information must contain justification for quantitative calculations and assessments, and links to documents of current legislation.

3.8. The auditor's written information must necessarily indicate which of the comments made are significant and which are not, whether or not they affect (or may affect) the listed comments and deficiencies on the conclusions contained in the auditor's report. If an audit organization prepares a conditionally positive opinion, a negative opinion or a refusal to express an opinion, the auditor’s written information must contain a detailed argumentation of the reasons that led to such an opinion of the auditor.

4. Procedure for preparing written information from the auditor

4.1. The auditor's written information is prepared during the audit and presented to the manager and (or) owner of the economic entity subject to the audit at the final stage of the audit.

4.2. The auditor's written information may only be communicated to the following persons:

b) the person directly indicated as the recipient of the auditor’s written information in the agreement (contract, letter of engagement) for the provision of audit services;

c) to any other person - in the case of a written instruction to this effect addressed to the audit organization, signed by the person who signed the agreement (contract, letter of commitment) for the provision of audit services.

4.3. Certain issues of the auditor's written information can be discussed orally or through an exchange of letters with employees of the economic entity during its audit, taking into account the degree of responsibility, access to information and the level of competence of such employees. At the same time, auditors must necessarily attach all written incoming and outgoing documents of this kind to their other working documentation.

4.4. Based on the results of the audit, in agreement with the management of the economic entity, a preliminary version of the auditor’s written information can be prepared. A preliminary version of such written information can be transferred only to the persons specified in clause 4.2 of this rule (standard).

4.5. The preliminary version of the auditor's written information may contain requirements for making (following the rules established for this purpose) corrections to accounting data and preparing a list of clarifications to already prepared financial statements. Compliance with such requirements, if they relate to corrections of a significant nature, is mandatory so that the audit organization can subsequently provide the economic entity with a positive audit report.

4.6. The management of an economic entity may prepare a written response to the preliminary version of the auditor's written information, reflecting the auditee's point of view on the comments contained in the version of this document. The management of an economic entity can hold a meeting with the auditors who carried out the audit, inviting for their part those persons whom they deem necessary to discuss a preliminary version of the document.

4.7. The audit organization is obliged to prepare, within the same time frame (unless otherwise specified in the agreement (contract, letter of engagement) for the provision of audit services) as the audit report, the final version of the auditor’s written information. The comments of the economic entity are taken into account by the audit organization only if the auditors deem it necessary. If the preliminary version of the auditor’s written information contained comments of a significant nature, the final version of the written information must evaluate and analyze the corrections made by the employees of the economic entity in order to fulfill the requirements of the auditors.

4.8. The auditor's written information is compiled in at least two copies. One copy of this written information is transferred against signature only and exclusively to the person specified in clause 4.2 of this rule (standard), the second copy remains at the disposal of the audit organization and is attached to other working documentation of the auditor. Disagreement of the recipient of the auditor's written information with the contents of its final version cannot serve as a basis for refusal to receive this document. By agreement with the person specified in clause 4.2, written information from the auditor may be sent by mail or other similar means. In this case, documents confirming the fact of mailing or another method of transmitting this written information are filed with the second copy of the auditor’s written information during archival storage in the audit organization.

4.9. The auditor's written information is a confidential document. The information contained in it is not subject to disclosure by the audit firm, its employees or an auditor working independently, except in cases expressly provided for federal laws Russian Federation.

4.10. An economic entity has the right to dispose of the information contained in the auditor’s written information at its own discretion. The audit organization is not responsible for the disclosure of confidential client information that occurred through the fault or with the knowledge of employees of the economic entity subject to the audit.

4.11. The audit organization may prepare copies from its copy of the auditor's written information for purposes related to subsequent audits. The requirements for confidentiality of information are maintained.

4.12. In the event of a change in the audit organization, the management of the audited economic entity is obliged to provide the new audit organization with copies of written information based on the results of audits for at least three previous financial year, prepared by the previous audit organization (audit organizations). The new audit organization is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of information contained in documents prepared by the previous audit organization (audit organizations).

2. Written information from the auditor to the management of the economic entity on the results of the audit

The results of the audit must be presented in two documents: the audit report and, as follows from Federal Rule (Standard) No. 22, information obtained from the audit results, the management of the audited entity and representatives of its owner.

The preparation and presentation of the audit report is regulated in the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities” in Art. 6 and federal rule (standard) No. 6 "Audit's report on accounting (financial) statements."

The second document - information obtained from the audit results, is not clearly regulated by the provisions of Federal Rule (Standard) No. 22, and therefore we will provide recommendations in the preparation of this information.

The purpose of written information is to inform the management of the audited entity of information about shortcomings in accounting records and internal control systems that can lead to significant errors in the financial statements, and in order to make constructive proposals for improving the accounting and internal control systems of the economic entity.

The auditor's written information must indicate everything related to the facts of the economic life of an economic entity, errors and distortions that have or may have a significant impact on the reliability of its financial statements, i.e. any information relating to the audit performed and the facts of the economic life of the economic entity, which was considered appropriate.

The auditor's written information cannot be considered a complete report of all existing deficiencies - it reflects only those that were discovered during the audit process.

The auditor's written information must be signed by the auditors and other specialists who directly conducted the audit. If the audit was carried out by a group consisting of a significant number of employees of the audit organization, the auditor’s written information must be signed by the head of the group of employees or the heads of individual subgroups (teams, units, etc.) as part of the overall group.

The auditor's written information must have continuous page numbers. It is recommended to draw up the first page on the letterhead of the audit organization - either with a corner stamp, or in accordance with the requirements for the execution of official correspondence in the audit organization.

The auditor’s written information must necessarily contain the details of the audit organization and the details of the economic entity being audited, as well as an indication of the period of time to which the documentation of the economic entity verified during the audit relates, the date of signing the auditor’s written information and significant violations of the established rules identified during the audit. legislation of the Russian Federation on the procedure for maintaining accounting records and preparing financial statements that affect or may affect its reliability.

Written audit information contains the following information:

ü features of the audit provided for in the agreement (contract, letter of commitment) between the audit organization and the economic entity, as well as features of the work that became known during the audit;

ü data on the number of employees performing accounting, the structure of the accounting department and the features of the accounting system used;

ü a list of the main areas or areas of accounting that were subject to verification;

ü information about the audit methodology; confirmation that the audit organization followed the rules (standards) of auditing activities; an indication of which sections of the accounting documentation were audited in full and which in a selective manner and on the basis of what principles the audit sample was made;

ü list of comments, indications of shortcomings and recommendations

as such;

ü assessment (if there is such a possibility of a quantitative discrepancy between the reporting and (or) tax indicators presented by the economic entity and the predicted indicators based on the results of the audit by the audit organization;

ü during subsequent audits - assessment and analysis of the implementation of recommendations or correction by the economic entity subject to the audit of deficiencies specified in previous documents containing written information from the auditor.

The auditor's written information must indicate which of the comments made are significant and which are not significant, and whether they affect (or may affect) the conclusions contained in the auditor's report.

The auditor's written information is prepared during the audit and presented to the manager and (or) owner of the economic entity subject to the audit at the final stage of the audit.

The auditor's written information can only be transferred to the person who signed the agreement (contract, letter of commitment) for the provision of audit services; to the person directly indicated as the recipient of the auditor’s written information in the agreement (contract, letter of commitment) for the provision of audit services and, finally, to any other person who signed the agreement (contract, letter of commitment) for the provision of audit services - in the case of a written instruction for this purpose the audit organization.

Certain issues of the auditor's written information can be discussed orally or through the exchange of letters with employees of an economic entity during its audit, taking into account the degree of responsibility, access to information and the level of competence of such employees. At the same time, auditors must necessarily attach all written incoming and outgoing documents of this kind to their other working documentation.

Based on the results of the audit, in agreement with the management of the economic entity, a preliminary version of written information can be prepared.

The management of an economic entity may prepare a written response to the preliminary version of the auditor's written information, reflecting the auditee's point of view on the comments contained in the version of this document. It may hold a meeting with the auditors, inviting on its part those persons whom it deems necessary to discuss a preliminary version of the document.

The audit organization is obliged to prepare, within the same time frame (unless otherwise specified in the agreement (contract, letter of engagement) for the provision of audit services) as the audit report, the final version of the auditor’s written information. The comments of the economic entity are taken into account by the audit organization only if the auditors deem it necessary. If the preliminary version of the auditor’s written information contained comments of a significant nature, the final version of the written information must provide an assessment and analysis of the corrections made by the employees of the economic entity in order to fulfill the requirements of the auditors.

The auditor's written information is compiled in at least two copies: one is handed over against receipt only (and exclusively) to the person indicated above, and the second copy remains at the disposal of the audit organization and is attached to other working documentation of the auditor. Disagreement of the recipient of written information with the content of its final version cannot serve as a basis for refusal to receive this document. Upon agreement, written information from the auditor may be sent by mail. In this case, documents confirming the fact of mailing or another method of transmitting this written information are filed with the second copy of the auditor’s written information during archival storage in the audit organization.

The auditor's written information is a confidential document. The information contained in it is not subject to disclosure by the audit firm, its employees or an auditor working independently, except for cases expressly provided for by the federal laws of the Russian Federation.

An economic entity has the right to dispose of the information contained in the auditor’s written information at its own discretion. The audit organization is not responsible for the disclosure of confidential client information that occurred through the fault or with the knowledge of employees of the economic entity.

The audit organization may prepare copies from its copy of the auditor's written information for purposes related to subsequent audits. The requirements for confidentiality of information are maintained.

In the event of a change in the audit organization, the management of the audited economic entity is obliged to provide the new audit organization with copies of written information based on the results of audits for at least three previous financial years, prepared by the previous audit organization. The new audit organization is required to maintain the confidentiality of information contained in documents prepared previously.