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» Why did the Lithuanian principality adopt Catholicism. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian lands. What agreement was signed by Vitovt and Jagiello

Why did the Lithuanian principality adopt Catholicism. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian lands. What agreement was signed by Vitovt and Jagiello

Hello guys. Is everyone ready for the lesson? Who is absent today? Let's start.
Today in the lesson we will consider the formation of the Lithuanian state and its relationship with the Russian lands. At home, you studied paragraph 20 "Russian lands under the rule of the Golden Horde." Let's check our homework.

The first task is to solve the crossword puzzle. On the board you see a crossword puzzle made up of concepts on a home topic. I will call the number of the word, those who wish to answer raise their hand.


  1. Descendants of Genghis Khan

  2. Capital of the Mongolian state

  3. The dynasty founded by the Genghisids in China

  1. Head of the Mongol Empire

  2. Grandson of Genghis Khan, who founded the Golden Horde

  3. Capital of the Golden Horde

  4. Supreme Council of Nobles and Warlords

  5. State religion of the Golden Horde

Second task. On the board you see the contours of the Golden Horde. You need to fill in the empty space. I call a student who names the territories that were part of the Golden Horde, and I fill it in with the contours of these territories. As a result, on the board we see which lands were part of the Golden Horde.

And now you need to show on the map the Golden Horde and its capital.
Third task. Using the diagram on the board, tell about the Horde power in Russia. In the course of his story, I ask the class what labels are, who the Baskaks are.

The fourth task. I read the text about Alexander Nevsky, and the students need to correct the mistakes and say correctly: “Prince Alexander Nevsky believed that to be at enmity with the Golden Horde. No matter what sought to unleash a war with the Horde. In 1252 he became the Grand Duke Galician. Never went to the Golden Horde. Died Houses in 1263."

So, guys, we examined the power of the Golden Horde in Russia, which had a different impact on the Russian lands, now let's see what this influence led to in the Southern and Western Russian lands, which were in the vicinity of the Lithuanian state.

Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook: "The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Russian lands." (slide1)

The state of Lithuania dates back to the first half of the 13th century. Prince Mindovg is considered its founder. (slide 2)

The basis of the state was the Lithuanian tribes Samogitians and Lithuanians, who lived along the Neman River and its tributaries. Initially, some Russian lands became part of the Lithuanian state. Mindovg was subject to Eastern Lithuania and the lands of modern Western Belarus.

Look at the map of the Lithuanian state. (slide 3)

Its capital was the Russian city of Novgorodok. I show the territory of the Lithuanian state, the land.

Significantly strengthened the Lithuanian state under Gediminas (1316-1341) (slide 4)

During the reign of Gediminas' son, Prince Olgerd (1341-1377) (slide 5), huge territories entered the Lithuanian state, whose capital was the city of Vilna (now Vilnius).

Look at the map in your textbook on page 143 and say which Russian lands and principalities became part of the Lithuanian state.

Thus, almost all of Southern and Western Russia ended up as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which since then has become known as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian and Samogitian. (slide 7)

This state contributed to the unification of Russian lands. Often Russian princes voluntarily recognized the power of the Lithuanian rulers. Why do you think?

True, because the Russian lands that joined the Lithuanian principality did not pay tribute to the Horde, and the Lithuanian state also protected them from Mongol raids.

Find in your textbook the state structure of the Principality of Lithuania. Let's write it in a notebook in the form of a table. We look at the screen and write down: (slides 8-9)

The head of the Lithuanian state was the Grand Duke of the Gediminids dynasty. The highest layer of the aristocracy was made up of princes - the descendants of local rulers. The next step in society was occupied by pans - wealthy landowners. The gentry are the owners of small plots of land, often received for service to the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke ruled the state with the help of a council - a council of nobility and senior officials. The administration was headed by the Chancellor. The hetman was at the head of the army. The territory of the country was divided into voivodeships headed by princely governors - governors.

(slide 10) In the 14-15 centuries, the ancient Russian people disintegrated, the formation of the Ukrainian people began on the outskirts of the Lithuanian state (Ukraine), to the north, on the territory of White Russia - Belarusian. On the northern and northeastern lands of Ancient Russia, the modern Russian people was formed.

After the death of Olgerd, a struggle for the throne began between the Gediminids. The son of Olgerd Jagiello married the Polish queen, converted to Catholicism and became the Polish king Vladislav II. (slide 11)

The Union of Poland and Lithuania was sealed by the Union of Krevo, concluded in the village of Krevo in 1385. Do you remember what a union is?

Now the Grand Duke of Lithuania became at the same time the Polish king. Catholicism became the official religion of the Grand Duchy.

Jagiello's cousin, Vitovt, opposed the union. He achieved autonomy within the new state, and then independence. (slide 12)

We already know that the crusaders made campaigns in the Baltic states, on the territory of the Lithuanian principality. Union did not save either Lithuania or Poland from the aggression of the crusaders. The order continued its advance on the Polish and Lithuanian lands.

(slide 13) On July 15, 1410, near the town of Grunwald, a decisive battle took place between the Polish-Lithuanian army and the knights of the order. Russian regiments, Tatars, Czechs took part in this battle on the side of the Polish-Lithuanian army. (slide 14) Therefore, it is called the "battle of the peoples." As a result of this battle, the crusaders were defeated, the knightly aggression came to an end.

The lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania again came under the control of Poland.

As a result of the Union of Lublin in 1569, the state of the Commonwealth was formed (in translation into Russian, the republic: the kings in the Commonwealth chose to know). (slide 15)

Since that time, a new era began in the history of the Lithuanian people. Find in the textbook and read the changes that came to the state of Lithuania after the formation of the Commonwealth.

So, when was the state of Lithuania formed?

Who is considered its founder?

According to the diagram on the board, tell about the state structure of the Lithuanian state.

So, in the 14th century, a significant part of the Old Russian lands became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the formation of the Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples took place here. The unification of Lithuania and Poland created a new state - the Commonwealth.

I announce grades for the lesson.

Paragraph 21, repeat paragraphs 18-21. (slide 16)

First, you need to understand that the phrase Lithuanian principality is used in the article only because of its wide distribution, while the real one had the full name in modern transcription - - when it appeared, which would later be transformed into Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Russian and Samogitian.

In Europe, the Latin name was fixed, which only shows us the ideas of medieval Europeans about the Principality of Lithuania as part of Russia, because in translation from Latin into Russian the name means - Rus Litvinskaya grand duchy.

Formation of the Principality of Lithuania

The place of creation of the Principality of Lithuania was the northwestern outpost of Russia, called Black Russia, - a wedge between the Polish lands (once conquered from the Balts) and the lands of continuous residence of the Baltic peoples. The very territory of Black Russia was also once the original territory of the Balts, where from ancient times there was penetration from the union of Slavic tribes, which had the name krivichi who created the Principality of Polotsk, which became the hegemon in the entire Baltic region. Here, Yaroslav the Wise laid the foundation around which the city of Novy Gorodok grew up, which became under the name Novogrudok the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The territory of continuous residence of the Balts was a coastal strip along the Baltic Sea, poor in natural resources, which forced the Balts tribes to make predatory raids deep into both the Polish and Russian principalities that arose on the border lands. There is no doubt that the lands of the Balts would have been divided between Russia and Poland, if not for the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, which coincided with the crusades of the Catholic European empire against the Baltic pagans. To pacify the Prussians, who were the most numerous tribe of the Balts, the Polish prince Konrad I of Mazovia invited the crusaders, and in the Russian Novogrudok principality chose the path of seeking an UNION with the Lithuanian tribes, for which they invited one of the tribal leaders by name to reign in the city of Novogrudok.

As a result, taking advantage of the difficulties of Poland and Russia after the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars, it was the Teutonic Order that would capture the entire Baltic. As it turned out, the Polish prince, at the instigation of his Russian wife, made a strategic mistake by inviting the Catholic German knights, who became the main enemies of both Poland and Russia for hundreds of years. Therefore, I believe that reasons for the emergence of the Principality of Lithuania- in joint reaction Baltic tribe called Lithuania and the Russian specific Novogrudok principality to the danger of being captured, from both the Catholic order states, and from the Galicia-Volyn principality.

The geopolitical position of Black Russia, which became the center of the birth of the Principality of Lithuania, was determined by the history of the Principality of Gorodensk, which early separated into an independent inheritance from the Principality of Polotsk. Actually, historically, Black Russia was the land of the Dregoviches, and not the Polochans (Krivichi), which, along with the impenetrable forests that separated the region from Polotsk, only contributed to isolation. In the northern part, bordering Lithuania, Slavic settlements alternated with settlements of Lithuanian tribes, therefore there was a kind of mutually beneficial symbiosis that protected the local Slavs from the robberies of the Balts. It is this union at the level of a mixed population that will serve as the basis for inviting a Litvin to the place of princes in Novogrudok, which emerged as an independent inheritance from the Gorodno principality.

Russia and Lithuania

Lithuanian tribes through the lands of the Turov-Pinsk principality made numerous sorties to Volhynia, without destroying the settlements of the Slavs in Black Russia itself. All this forced Daniel of Galicia to make retaliatory punitive campaigns against the Yotvingians and Lithuania, because the capture of Black Russia was of strategic importance for the Galicia-Volyn principality. We have little information, but judging by the rejection of the Kletsk inheritance from the Principality of Turov, a similar task - the elimination of the threat from Lithuania - was also set by Mikhail Chernigov. At the beginning of the 13th century, only the Galicia-Volyn and Chernigov principalities could claim Black Russia, but the second Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russia in 1237-129 allowed the leader of the Lithuanian tribes to seize all of Black Russia with impunity.

Personally, to me, the official version about the peaceful nature of the invitation of Litvin Mindovg to reign in the Russian Novogrudok principality seems more like a myth that the great Lithuanian princes would later introduce into the public consciousness to whitewash the ancestor.

Today, the year of the "invitation" of Litvin Mindovg to reign in the Novogudsk Principality is not exactly known. calls the year 1236, which coincides with the beginning of the weakening of the political influence of the princes of the Chernigov principality on Black Russia in connection with the outbreak of war with the Galician principality. The weakening of attention from the Russian princes allowed the boyars of Novogrudok to invite Litvin Mindovg, which grossly violated the previously unquestioningly sacred rule of reigning in Russia, which allowed only descendants to take the place of the prince. When, as a result of a new Mongol invasion in 1238-39, the Chernigov principality was defeated, a second “window of opportunity” opened up for the formation of a Lithuanian-Russian state, which Litvin Mindovg successfully took advantage of, capturing the rest of the Russian specific principalities in Black Russia with impunity. The death of Prince Mikhail of Chernigov in Sarai in 1246 did not coincide by chance with the date of the Orthodox baptism of Mindovg, if we consider it as preparation for the proclamation of formation of the Principality of Lithuania. Therefore, to rename the Novogrudok principality into Great Principality of Lithuania 1246 - is quite acceptable, although the year of the formation of the state of the Great Principality of Lithuania Encyclopedia still calls the year 1248.

On old maps you can find the name Lithuanian principalities, used as a designation for all the lands of the Balts, which is completely wrong, since the Balts in the 13th century did not have feudal principalities, since they themselves were still at the stage of tribal relations. The statehood of the Balts was at the level of tribal unions, and only one of the unions was called the word Lithuania, while others are Yotvingians, Samogitians, aukshtaites- did not identify with the tribe Lithuania. In Russia, not all the lands of the Balts received the name Lithuania, but only a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence of the Lithuanian tribes, bordering on the Principality of Polotsk and Gorodensk, as the northern part of Black Russia.

History of the Principality of Lithuania

History of the Principality of Lithuania begins on Russian soil, when the boyars of the Novogrudok principality invite Litvin Mindovg to reign. The scenario for inviting Mindovg to reign in Novogrudok resembles the plot of calling a Varangian, but this was already common practice for many escheated Russian principalities, whose princes died without leaving sons heirs. Another thing is that the choice of the prince was a feature not from the descendants of Rurik, but one of the leaders of the neighboring Baltic tribes. In the article I will try to explain why the choice fell on a representative of the Baltic people, and what conditions allowed Mindovg not only to become a prince in the Russian principality, having no family ties with the Rurik dynasty, but to stay in the place of the prince and create Russian-Lithuanian state.

Actually, the scenario of the military capture of Novogordok and other principalities of Black Russia by the Lithuanian tribes would lead to exactly the same result.

However, whatever the nature of the seizure of power by the Mindovgs in Novogrudok, when studying the history of Lithuanian Rus, we must always take into account the fact joint participation of the Balts and Slavs in formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. If Litvin Mindovg had not annexed the lands of the Balts to the Russian principality of Novogrudok, then most likely, no state with the name Lithuania wouldn't even show up. Midovg himself could be at least a Moor, at least a Varangian, but he came to the ready-made infrastructure of the Russian principality and his merit is not that he inserted into the name of the principality word Lithuanian(which is what his merits among Lithuanian historians are limited to), but in the fact that he successfully implemented a successful foreign policy situation to create an independent Russian-Lithuanian state, uniting the Lithuanian Balts with the Rusyns of the Novogrudok principality.

The neglect of the history of the Principality of Lithuania on the part of Soviet historians should be explained, who viewed the history of Russia through the prism of the program for the reunification of the Russian lands, in which the Muscovite kingdom succeeded, while Lithuanian Rus has always been a nuisance. I hope the reader understands the legitimacy of my use of the terms - Galician Rus, North-Eastern Vladimir Rus or like here - Lithuanian Rus as a synonym Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the context of the struggle waged by these parts of Russia for the collection of lands Kievan Rus.

Certainly, formation of the Principality of Lithuania was only an alliance of Russian boyars of the Novogrudok principality and the leaders of the Baltic tribes, but the name Vyalіkae Principality of Lithuanian and Russian was not accidental, since it obviously had a focus on the inhabitants to explain the nature of the new state as a union of two peoples. used a name that simply and clearly indicated to the citizens the allied character of the principality, respecting the ethnic balance, as they would say today. In the same vein, the addition to the name of the epithet took place Zhamoitska - Vyalіkae Principality of Lithuania, Russian and Zhamoitska, when the leaders of the Jamoits, who did not identify themselves with the Lithuanian Balts, entered the elite of the principality.

Name Lithuania

origin of name Lithuania it is not clear, since it was most likely temporary and accidental, but it got into history for the same reason as the word Rus. We don't even know if the word Lithuania self-name, and the fact that the Eastern Slavs called this region so was recorded in the Russian chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years" among the peoples of the "Japhetic part". I think that the word Lithuania to designate the country of the Lithuanian tribes was known in Russia much earlier than it was mentioned in the annals. Another thing is that the Russian chronicles themselves will begin to be compiled later than the first mention of Lithuania in the form of a Latin word Lithuania in the Quedlinburg annals of the convent in connection with the murder in 1009 of the Catholic missionary Bruno of Querfurt. Moreover, this first mention does not give us the exact name of the country, since the meaning of the entry is "Bruno of Querfurt was killed by pagans on the border between Russia and Lithuania", because the word Lithuania is the indirect case of the name. Later, in European languages, the word for Lithuania began to be used more often. Lithuania, which in Russian will sound like Litvinia, which correlates well with the name of the neighboring Livonia.

With a high probability, we can say that the name of the territory inhabited by Lithuanian tribes was known much earlier from Rusyns or Poles traveling in Europe. Obviously, the news of the death of the monks contained a mention of the Russian name, as a kind of Lithuania, on the border with which the murder took place, because it was not the pagans themselves who told the Catholics. If not Lithuanian pagans, then only Rusyns remain as a source of news.

The name Lithuania was lucky to be preserved in History, since it managed to pass into the name of the first state of the Balts, the very possibility of the appearance of which was given by the boyars of the Russian city of Novogrudok, inviting Litvin to reign Mindovga- one of the five leaders of the Lithuanian tribes. And only then Mindovg annexed the territories of the rest of the Baltic tribes to the Novogrudok principality, creating Russian-Lithuanian principality. Word Linvins, which was originally the collective name of several Baltic peoples, from which the new elite of the Lithuanian principality originated, soon passed to the Russians of all Black Russia, just the understanding of citizenship in those days prevailed over the understanding of belonging to some ethnic group.

If we analyze the meaning of the title Mindaugas used by him in diplomatic correspondence - rex Litwinorum, then translated into Russian it means " king of litvins", what immediately excludes the word "Litvin" from ethnic terms. Word litvin became the designation of a subject of the Lithuanian-Russian state, since Mindovg himself knew for sure that his subjects belonged to two different ethnic groups. Therefore, consider that ancestor of Lithuanians or ancient Lithuanians by nationality" - Lithuanians, is just as true as the statement that the same Litvins - ancestors of Belarusians.

However, the official name of the Principality of Lithuania, adopted in Europe - Magnus Ducatus Ruthenia Lituaniae- translated into Russian means Grand Duchy of Russia Litvinskaya, as an adjective Lituaniae- it's clearly not Lithuanian. Russian adjective Lithuanian was used by Litvin Mindovg when renaming the already existing Novogrudok principality into Grand Duchy of Lithuania for the reason that he was originally going to build a common state of Russians and Balts, for which he attached to Novogrudok as his capital - the lands of Lithuanian tribes, where he was considered a tribal prince, but the adjective Great clearly raised Mindovg himself not so much above the rest of the tribal princes, as it was a frank application for political independence from Russia and equality with the dynasty of Russian princes Rurikovich.

The reason why the successors of Mindaugas abandoned the title rex Lituaniae, probably consisted in the fact that the Catholic title meant little in the Russian world, which surrounded the Lithuanian-Russian principality, where much more powerful lords were limited to the title of prince.

For Russian history, something else is more important - that medieval Europe perceived the Principality of Lithuania as Russia, as the title Magnus Ducatus Ruthenia Lituaniae- means Rus Litvinskaya with clarification of the title of the monarch - grand duchy.

Reasons for the formation of the Principality of Lithuania

I remind readers that the activities of the Lithuanian princes are covered in a special article, and the main article is.

The first Lithuanian princes

In the light of the Byzantine cunning with which Mindovg deceived the pope and the emperor with their crown - characterization of Mindovg it turns out not quite crystal clear, rather, on the contrary, Mindovg became great due to the elimination of other leaders of the Lithuanian tribes from the crown lands, moreover, he began with his relatives. Apparently, the Baltic lands closest to Novogrudok were directly included by Mindovg in his principality, since the chronicles directly indicate that Mindovg forces the Lithuanian leaders, among whom his nephews are listed, to go on a campaign against Pskov, promising to leave the conquered lands behind them. When the campaign failed, Mindovg uses the defeat of the leaders to further expand the lands annexed to Novogrudok. Accusing the leaders of the defeat, in order to punish them, he himself goes with the army, expelling even his nephews from Lithuania to the neighboring tribes of the Balts, where, however, they do not descend to the level of ordinary members, but soon make their way to the leaders. Probably, interpersonal relations did not interfere with supporting members of the same family to take the places of leaders and not only, since, most likely, Mindovg contributed to the occupation of many leaders by princely places in the nearest Russian lands, like the same Tovtivil - to the place of the Polotsk prince.

The political somersaults of Mindovg in order to weaken the positions of the crusaders in the form of flirting with the Catholic pope, baptism and taking the title of king of the Litvins, and then returning to paganism and concluding an alliance with Daniil of Galicia, whom Mindovg recognizes as his master and puts the son of Daniil of Galicia to reign in the capital Novogrudok - Roman Danilovich, led him to a confrontation with his eldest son Voyshelok, who was displaced just from the place of the appanage prince of Novogrudok. Voyshelka, devoted to Orthodoxy, headed the pro-Russian party in Novgorod, but did not rebel against his father, therefore, left out of work, Voyshelka goes on a pilgrimage to Athos and even takes monastic orders in an Orthodox monastery in Moldova. However, even before the death of his father, Voyshel would return to the Principality of Lithuania and play his role as the leader of the pro-Russian party, becoming the Grand Duke of Lithuania.


In line with the controversy with the official historians of modern Lithuania, I want to note that they are trying to keep quiet reign of Prince Mindovg, nominating Vitovt to the place of the most famous Grand Duke. However, this is easily explained, since the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania under Vitovt reached its maximum size - from sea to sea - which amuses Great Lithuanian pride, and the founder of the Principality of Lithuania, although he was a Litvin, acted like a typical Russian prince. The reign of Prince Mindovg does not make it possible to squeeze out at least a drop of nationalism, since he himself transferred his principality under the rule of the Galicia-Volyn prince, who is already being pulled to his side by Ukrainian nationalists. A particular headache for Lithuanian nationalists is the son of Mindovg - Voyshelk, who was noted as an ardent supporter of Orthodoxy and the Russian principle in the Lithuanian principality. Voyshelka's biography shows how, already in the second generation, Litvin became Rusyns. Actually, such a shift occurred not only with the Litvins, who were accepting the way of life of the Rusyns in the Novogrudok Principality, but also with the Rusyns of Black Russia themselves, due to the fenced off borders of the Grand Duchy from mainland Russia, which began to form into the future nationality of Belarusians.

Formation of the Lithuanian-Russian state

Today we have little information about the balance of power in the Principality of Lithuania at the time of the return of Wojšelok to Lithuania, which took place two years before the assassination of Mindovg. It is known that Voyshelk settled with his cousin, the Polotsk prince Tovtivil, with whom he organizes a conspiracy against the Novogrudok prince Roman Danilovich, and then his murder. However, Voyshelk had every reason to remove Roman in the form of betrayal of his father Daniil of Galicia, who had previously planned a joint campaign of the Litvins and Galicians against Kyiv, but under pressure from the Khan, who sent the Galicians against Lithuania. The news about the preparation of the campaign of the Horde and Galicians against Lithuania allowed Voyshelok to eliminate Roman and return to reign in Novogrudok.

Mindovg himself, apparently, did not personally participate in repelling the campaign of the Horde and Galicians, organized by the Khan of the Golden Horde, who did not forgive Mindovg for his coronation, as did his relative, Daniil Galitsky, who, by the way, had personal reasons in connection with the murder of his son Roman. The Galicians in the campaign against Lithuania were led by the brother of Daniil Galitsky - Vasilko Romanovich, who later repelled the return campaign of the Litvins to Volhynia, in which (like) neither Voyshelka nor Mindovg participated

For all reasons, during this period, Mindovg did not have a permanent residence, moving to organize a war against the crusaders through the fortresses on the lands of the Balts, in one of which he was killed as a result of a conspiracy of his own nephews, of whom Tovtivil (the former prince of Polotsk) from among the pretender to the reign will be eliminated almost immediately after the murder of Mindovg and his younger sons by another nephew - Trainee(Russian Troynat).


Probably, it was precisely the strengthening of the role of the Samogitians in the squad that became the factor in the transfer of power to the family of the Samogitian leaders, or, at least, who had a huge influence among the Samogitians, since Samogitia itself retained autonomy for a long time, not uniting with Lithuania. The historical incident is that Samogitia did not consider itself a part of Lithuania, for a long time lagged behind its independence so that the Samogitians (Zmotians) even considered themselves an ethnic group different from the Lithuanian tribes.

The policy of the princes of the founders of the Gediminovich dynasty was allied with the southern Galician Rus, in opposition to the order states and predatory in relation to the neighboring eastern Russian principalities - and Berestye, Vitebsk, Minsk, Turov and Pinsk, which are fragments of the Polotsk Grand Duchy (Polotsk itself and Gorodno were included in composition of VKL earlier). Such expansion caused opposition from the descendants of Alexander Nevsky, who ruled in North-Eastern Russia.

Lithuanian prince Gediminas

Today's popularity of Gediminas is due to a series of victories over the German knights in alliance with the Polish king, which will become the basis for the subsequent alliance with Poland. The dynastic marriages of the children of Gediminas with the monarchs of neighboring states will have political consequences. Having supported the Principality of Tver against Moscow, Gediminas gave his eldest daughter to the prince of Tver, and when an alliance was concluded against Novgorod, the youngest daughter became the wife of the Moscow prince Simeon the Proud. The fourth daughter was the second wife of the Polish king, and the third married the last duke of Galicia-Volhynia, Yuri II Boleslav. Actually, a complex dynastic knot of kinship began around the inheritance of Galician Rus, since the son of Lubart Gediminovich would marry the only daughter of the Galician-Volyn Duke (King) Andrei Yuryevich.

It is Gediminas who begins the seizure of the empire of the Galician princes with his campaign to Kyiv (disputed for some inconsistencies), where he imprisons the local prince Fedor, who falls into double dependence - on the Golden Horde and Lithuanian Rus. Almost simultaneously, his son Lubart Gediminovich, as the son-in-law of the Galician king, occupied the vacant seat of Prince Volynsky. With the imminent death of the last king of Russia, he will declare his claims to the entire Galician duchy as the domain of Russian kings, since, in addition to the fact that his wife was the only child of the previous prince-king of Russia Andrei Yuryevich (ruled with his brother Lev Yuryevich) and cousin the sister of the last prince-king, so also the sister of Lubart became the widow of the deceased Yuri Boleslav.

Once again, let us recall that the feudal states of that time, which was itself Grand Duchy of Lithuania, - were a union (confederation) of smaller feuds, which, however, could fight with each other as part of one state. The war for the Galician-Volyn inheritance, important for the history of Russia, will begin as a war between the specific Volyn prince Lubart Gediminovich and the Polish king, who captured Lvov and the western lands of Galicia. It was then that the title of the Polish king will be added with pretensions - "King and Dedich (hereditary ruler) of Russia", indicating the expansionist goals of the Kingdom of Poland in relation to the lands of Southwestern Russia. Poland, as a result of the war, will tear away the western part of the Galician principality, which will be the beginning of the long wanderings of these primordially Russian lands in different states, together with Carpathian Rus, which ceded to the Kingdom of Hungary in 1418.

The recognition of the strengthening of the Principality of Lithuania should be considered the occupation by Narimunt Gediminovich of the place of prince in Novgorod, as the first prince who was not a Rurik, which happened for the first time in Russia since the demonstrative execution of Askold and Dir by Prince Oleg the Prophet. This exception either (1) confirms the version that Gedimin was still a relative of Mindovg, who, as a member of the dynasty of Polotsk princes, had the right to take the place of a prince in the Russian principality, or, according to the Novgorodians (2), the rights of the Gedimin dynasty were equalized with Rurikovich. The independence of the Principality of Rus of Lithuania was confirmed by the formation of a separate Orthodox metropolis with its capital in the city of Maly Novgorod (Novgorodok) from the Kievan metropolis with its capital in the city of Vladimir-on-Klyazma in North-Eastern Russia.

Even earlier, a special diocese was allocated for the territories of Southwestern Russia, which was controlled by the Galicia-Volyn principality, which in the documents of the Patriarch of Constantinople received the name - in Greek. Μικρὰ Ῥωσσία - In terms of junior in relation to the Kiev metropolis, which, after narrowing it to the borders of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus (with the residence - the "seat" of the metropolitan - in Vladimir) became known as senior- i.e. Great Russia (Μεγάλη Ῥωσία - Megalē Rhōsia). Actually, after the inclusion of the territory of the Galician diocese, which had the church name Little Russia, coinciding with the Ukrainian lands for the Commonwealth (Małopolska province), the name of the diocese Μεγάλη Ῥωσία - translated into Russian as Little Russia- approved as the Russian name of the region. - this is a geographical Polish word, similar to the Russian "outskirts", which the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks will take to designate the region they have captured. The choice of the word UKRAINE as a proper name to designate the land of the Cossacks was not accidental, since it carried the political slogan - the separatism of the region (Zaporozhian Sich) from the base (Poland). The Cossacks perfectly catch (unlike the Bolsheviks) that by putting forward the word Ukraine as the name of the outskirts, they declare their desire for independence. When joining Russia, the word "Ukraine", which had a separatist meaning in relation to Poland, was not used. The lands of the Cossacks became part of Russia under the neutral name of the church diocese - Little Russia.

Moreover, we must remember that the designation of Russia in Greek - Ῥωσία - comes from an error in the ideas of the inhabitants of the Eastern Roman Empire about warriors from an unknown country with the self-name Rus, who appeared at the borders of Byzantium, as warriors from the country of a mythical prince Roche, located according to the myths of Byzantium also in the East.

It is also believed that Gediminas is the founder of the new capital - Vilna (modern name - Vilnius), the wooden castle of which became his residence no later than 1323. Gediminas was the second after Mindaugas to use the title of king, calling himself "King of Lithuania and Russia" in agreements with German orders and the magistrate of the city of Riga. However, for the reason that Gediminas himself remained a pagan until the end of his life, he did not have the right to the title of king, but carried on diplomatic correspondence with the pope, promising to accept Christianity and invited German knights, artisans, merchants, farmers, priests to Lithuania.


Questions in the text of the paragraph

What were the consequences of the entry of part of the Russian lands into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

What Russian principalities did not fall under the rule of the Golden Horde?

The Polotsk, Vitebsk, Pinsk, Minsk, Brest lands, Smolensk did not fall under the authority of the Golden Horde or subsequently left it.

What influence did the Russian lands have on the development of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

The Russian lands had a great positive impact on the culture and traditions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Together, the principality managed to resist threats from both the West and the Mongols. The highly developed culture of the Russian lands, rich experience in public administration brought the culture and statehood of Lithuania to a new level. In addition, the Russian language was the state language of the principality, the Russian Orthodox Church enjoyed great prestige, and the nobility of the principality for a long time consisted mainly of Russians or Lithuanians who had converted to Orthodoxy. True, since the adoption of Catholicism, Russians have become second-class people in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Over time, the Orthodox population began to be subjected to religious and national oppression.

Why do you think the Lithuanian state adopted Catholicism?

Lithuania was essentially sandwiched between Orthodox Russia and Catholic Europe. The Lithuanians actively fought against the Germans - the Livonian and Teutonic Orders, who occupied an anti-papal position (Ghibellines), and therefore supporters of the Guelph Party, primarily the Catholics of Poland, could become their objective allies in the fight against the orders. Probably in connection with this, Gediminas allowed his subjects to accept the Catholic faith. In addition, he probably took into account that, in addition to ideological unity, the Lithuanians had another basis for an alliance with the Poles. Lithuanians constantly raided Poland, from where they brought Polish girls. The final transition of Lithuania to the Catholic faith began after 1385, when the union of Lithuania with Poland was concluded, and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello himself converted to Catholicism, marrying the heiress of the Polish crown Jadwiga and taking the throne of Poland.

Questions and tasks for working with the text of the paragraph

1. What are the features of the formation of the State of Lithuania?

The peculiarity of the formation of the Lithuanian state is that the principalities of North-Western Russia voluntarily united with the Lithuanians to jointly repel threats from the east and west. Most of the lands of the Lithuanian state were precisely Russian principalities.

2. What was the religious policy of the Lithuanian princes inXIII-14th century?

At first, no faith was oppressed in the state of Lithuania. Orthodoxy was very popular. Lithuania successfully resisted attempts to impose Catholicism. Later, after the signing of the union with Poland, Catholicism was recognized as the state religion and the Orthodox population began to be subjected to oppression.

3. Why and how did the formation of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities begin?

4. What changes took place in the State of Lithuania at the endXIV - early15th century?

In 1385, the union of Lithuania with Poland was signed. Jagiello became the ruler of Lithuania and Poland. The process of the final transition of Lithuania to the Catholic faith began. The Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello himself converted to Catholicism, marrying the heiress of the Polish crown Jadwiga and taking the throne of Poland, and in 1387 officially baptized Lithuania into Catholicism. This decision was negatively perceived by the Orthodox population of Lithuania. The struggle for the independence of Lithuania began, led by Jogaila's cousin, Prince Vitovt. In 1392, Vitovt achieved the actual independence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and was recognized as the Grand Duke of Lithuania. At the same time, Vytautas formally recognized the supreme power of the Polish king Jogaila. Vitovt continued the policy of expanding his possessions at the expense of Russian lands. In the south, his possessions reached the Black Sea, in the east - to Smolensk. In the end, Vitovt and Jagiello signed an agreement under which, in exchange for recognizing the independence of Lithuania, Vitovt declared Catholicism the state religion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The signing of such an agreement led to the fact that gradually Russian families began to convert to Catholicism. And the Orthodox population began to be subjected to religious and national oppression.

Working with the map

Consider the map on page 38 of the second part of the textbook.

1. Show on the map the territory of the Principality of Lithuania in the 13th century; Russian lands that became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the XIII - early XV centuries.

Territory of the Principality of Lithuania in the 13th century. painted on the map in bright orange with red dots and circled in blue.

Russian lands that became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 13th - early 15th centuries. outlined on the map with a thick orange line, that is, these are territories painted in bright orange (without red dots), light orange, yellow, swamp (green) and territories painted over with yellow-pink stripes.

2. On the map, determine which states were neighbors of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Neighbors of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania were the following states: the Crimean Khanate, the Principality of Moldavia, the Kingdom of Poland, the Teutonic Order, the Pskov Land, the Novgorod Land, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the Grand Duchy of Ryazan.

3. Show on the map the location of the Battle of Grunwald.

Site of the Battle of Grunwald circled in red on the map.

Thinking, comparing, reflecting

1. Make a chronological table "The emergence and strengthening of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania" in your notebook.

1230s Mindovg became the head of the Principality of Lithuania. The composition included the lands of Samogitia, Lithuania, as well as Grodno, Brestye, Pinsk.
1251 Mindovg established relations with the Pope and accepted Catholicism, which he later renounced.
1253 The state was recognized as a full-fledged European kingdom.
1255 Complaints of the Bishop of Lithuania to the Pope of Rome against Mindaugas. Mindovg makes a trip to the Polish city of Lublin and burns it. The Pope announces a crusade against Lithuania (crusades were also declared in 1257, 1260, 1261.
1260 Mindovg broke the peace with the Teutonic Order.
1260-1263 Mindovg makes several devastating campaigns in Livonia, Prussia, Poland.
1263 Mindovg is killed by the conspirators.
1265 Voyshelk, the son of Mindovg, invited Orthodox priests and founded a monastery to spread Orthodoxy in Lithuania.
1267-1316 Change of dynasties, the period is little discussed in the sources
1316-1341 The reign of Gediminas. The structure of the Lithuanian principality included almost all the lands of Western Russia: Polotsk, Vitebsk, Minsk, Brest
1330 The power of Gediminas was recognized by the Principality of Kiev (some sources deny the historical accuracy of information about the subordination of Kyiv by Gediminas). The state became known as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
1340-1392 The struggle of Lithuania with Poland for the Galicia-Volyn principality
1341-1345 After the death of Gediminas, Lithuania practically disintegrated into independent lands, which were controlled by Gediminas' brother War and Gediminas' sons.
1343 The crusaders conclude an agreement with Poland and prepare a campaign against Lithuania.
1345-1377 An agreement was concluded according to which the sons of Gediminas recognize the authority of Olgerd. Bryansk, Seversk, Chernihiv, Podolsk lands and Volhynia were annexed.
1385 Union of Lithuania with Poland. Jagiello became the ruler of Lithuania and Poland
1387 Jagiello officially baptized Lithuania into Catholicism
1392 Independence of Lithuania led by Prince Vytautas.
1395 Vitovt captured Smolensk
1399 Vitovt, who supported the deposed Horde Khan Tokhtamysh against Tamerlane's henchman Timur-Kutluk, suffered a hard time from the Tatar Murza Edigey in the battle on Vorskla. As a result of the defeat, Vitovt was forced to make peace with the Novgorodians, and Smolensk was lost.
1405 Vitovt re-captured Smolensk with the help of Polish troops.
1405 Vitovt began military operations against Pskov. Pskov turned to Moscow for help.
1406 The Moscow principality declared war on Lithuania. However, there were no major military actions. Vitovt and Prince of Moscow Vasily I concluded an "eternal peace", for the first time establishing a common border between the two states.
1410 The combined troops of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated the troops of the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunwald.

2. Compare the state orders that existed in the XIV century. in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and in Russia.

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was somewhat reminiscent of Russia from the time of the first princes. The Lithuanian prince did not set as his goal to establish strict control over the Russian lands. They retained their customs and traditions, the former order of government. Gedimin replaced only the rulers of the principalities, placing his relatives, the Gediminovichs, on the local thrones, which were previously occupied by Russian princes. The governor-princes collected tribute and paid it to the Grand Duke of Lithuania. The Lithuanian tribute was less than the Horde output. The population considered it as a payment for maintaining calm on the territory of a huge state. It was very important for the development of agriculture, crafts, and trade. Many Lithuanian princes, in order to get closer to the Russian population, converted to Orthodoxy. Gediminas did not infringe on the rights of the Russian Orthodox Church.

3. Using the Internet and additional literature, prepare a short biography of one of the Lithuanian princes mentioned in the paragraph.

Almost nothing is known about the childhood and youth of Prince Gediminas. He became the Grand Duke at the age of 41. Some historians believe that Gediminas was the son of the Lithuanian prince Viten, others believe that he was the younger brother of Viten.

Gediminas, uniting many Russian lands under his rule, relied heavily on the Russian element (for example, he appointed Russian people to foreign embassies; his most prominent associate, David, the elder of Grodno, was also Russian). The principle of state government under Gediminas was as follows: "Do not destroy the old, do not introduce new things." This meant respect for the lands of the feudal lords and the preservation of the historical traditions of the population, continuity in political and public life.

Therefore, many lands were annexed to the Principality of Lithuania by peaceful means. In addition, Gediminas actively used dynastic marriages to expand his influence. For 23 years of his reign, Gediminas created a strong and large state. Russian lands accounted for two thirds of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Orders of chivalry increased pressure on Lithuania. Gediminas also intensified his policy. In 1325, he made peace with the Polish king Vladislav Loketok, sealing his royal son Casimir with his daughter Aldona. Peace was concluded with Novgorod. So Gediminas created a coalition against the Orders: Poland, Riga, Novgorod, Pskov. Until the last years of his life, Gediminas fought the German knights and fell during the siege of the Bayerurg order castle.

Remaining a pagan himself until the end of his life, Gediminas was distinguished by religious tolerance: the inhabitants of the Russian regions subject to him freely professed the Orthodox faith, and he did not prevent the Lithuanians from accepting it.

4. What was the historical significance of the entry of part of the Russian lands into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

1) liberation from devastating Horde raids;
2) successful opposition to the threat from both the east and the west;
3) mutual influence and interpenetration of Russian and Lithuanian cultures;
4) part of the Lithuanian nobility adopted the Orthodox faith.

Possible questions in the lesson

What threat hung over the North-Western Russia?

The northwestern lands of Russia, protected by forests and swamps, escaped the invasion of the Mongols, but they were also under the threat of conquest by the crusaders.

The neighbors of Russia in the northwest have long been Lithuanian tribes. By the beginning of the 13th century, many of them were weakened by strife and were conquered or exterminated by the crusaders. Independence was preserved only by the tribes that lived along the Neman River and its tributaries.

What are the main reasons for the formation of the State of Lithuania?

To resist the German invaders, the Lithuanian tribes united and created the Lithuanian state.

Who was the head of the Lithuanian state?

Mindovg became the head of the Lithuanian state.

What policy did Mindovg pursue?

As a ruler, Mindovg was distinguished by cunning and resourcefulness. In 1250 he converted to Catholicism, but "his baptism was flattering," says the chronicler. After 10 years, Mindovg abandoned the religion forcibly imposed on him and became the worst enemy of the crusaders and Catholics.

Why did the inhabitants of Western Russian cities voluntarily recognize the power of the Lithuanian prince?

The inhabitants of the Western Russian lands voluntarily recognized the power of the Lithuanian prince, hoping for protection from the Mongols and crusaders.

For what purpose did the Russian and Lithuanian lands unite into a single state?

Russian and Lithuanian lands united into a single state in order to resist enemies both from the West and from the East.

How did the relations of the Lithuanian state with the crusaders develop during the reign of Gediminas?

Gediminas had a difficult relationship with the Crusaders. The order was advancing on the Lithuanian principality and Gediminas had to enter into an open struggle with them. In 1320, Gediminas, using the support of the Mongol and Russian troops, defeated the crusader troops led by Heinrich von Plocke. Then he turns to the Pope with a letter, in which he talks about the bloody nature of the conquests of the Order and promises to baptize Lithuania. The father did not answer the letter. In 1323, ambassadors of the Archbishop of Riga and representatives of the Livonian Order arrived in Vilna. The ambassadors asked Gediminas if he would keep his promise. The Grand Duke deviated from a direct answer. Gediminas either changed his mind about accepting the Catholic faith, or doubted the correctness of his decision, and serious reasons arose for this. As soon as it became known about the desire of Gediminas to baptize Lithuania, the Zhemoyt feudal lords opposed him. They threatened the Grand Duke to seize him and his family and, with the help of the crusaders, drive him out of the state or kill him. Despite everything, peace was concluded with the Livonian Order, but it was not always respected. However, this allowed Gediminas to transfer forces to fight the Teutonic Order.

In 1324 papal legates came to Gediminas. However, Gediminas, realizing that the baptism of Lithuania would not bring the desired peace with the Order, but would only lead to discord with Zhemoitia and the Orthodox population of the state, abandoned his intentions. “I am ready to respect the pope, for he is the eldest for me, and I also respect the archbishop as a father, for he is the eldest for me, and I will respect my peers as brothers, and those who are younger for me as sons. I do not forbid Christians to serve God according to their customs. Russians - in their own way, we serve God according to our custom, and everyone has one God, ”Gedimins answered.

The Order was not going to keep peace with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and planned to raise Europe against it. Gediminas also intensified politics. In 1325, he made peace with the Polish king Vladislav Loketok, sealing his royal son Casimir with his daughter Aldona. Peace was concluded with Novgorod. So Gediminas created a coalition against the Order: Poland, Riga, Novgorod, Pskov. Until the last years of his life, Gediminas fought the German knights and fell during the siege of the Bayerurg order castle.

Thus, we can say that Gediminas alternated diplomatic receptions and open struggle in confrontation with the crusaders.

What are the reasons for the growth of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

Gediminas pursued a policy of unification of Belarusian lands. After his death in 1341, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania included the Polotsk, Vitebsk, Mensk, Pinsk, Brest lands and Podlasie, as well as the Galicia-Volyn land. Historical documents do not say anything about how this unification took place. Therefore, we can assume that this process was peaceful. It is assumed that various lands were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania because the principality was a single state entity with a strong army, low taxes, and a tolerant attitude towards various religions. Residents of different lands believed that under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, they would receive protection from the Mongols and from the crusaders and order in their lands.

What are the main directions of the internal policy of the Russian-Lithuanian state?

The Lithuanian princes did not pursue the goal of establishing strict control over the annexed lands. On these lands, the old order of administration and old customs and traditions were preserved. So, Orthodoxy was one of the most authoritative religions in the Russian-Lithuanian state, and the Russian language became the main language in this state. The governor-princes collected tribute from the population. However, the size of this tribute was not too large. The Russian population considered this tribute as a payment to the Lithuanian prince for protection from foreign invaders and maintaining order on the territory of the state.

The beginning of the formation of the Russian people

North-Eastern Russia, although it became dependent on the Golden Horde, most fully preserved the ancient Russian culture and language. Gradually, local features in language, culture and way of life were smoothed out here. At the same time, broad ties with the peoples of the Volga region, the Golden Horde led to the fact that the Russian people here began to use some of their words, elements of clothing, and adopt the customs of these peoples. A common language, features of economic life, culture and way of life united people into the Great Russian, or Russian, people.

The beginning of the formation of the Belarusian and Ukrainian nationalities

The lands of Southwestern and Western Russia were included in the possessions of Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary. But their inhabitants did not dissolve among the peoples of these states, largely because they were united by the Orthodox faith. At the same time, not being able to communicate with North-Eastern Russia, they retained the peculiarities of local dialects, life and culture. The peoples with whom they ended up in the same state also had a significant influence on the Russians here. In the southwest, speech features common to the entire population have developed. In the western lands of Russia, a characteristic acane and hardness appeared. Gradually, some customs and traditions, culture and art, preferences in food and clothing, character traits, different from the Great Russian ones, began to take shape.

Why did the Lithuanian nobility decide to unite with Poland?

The Lithuanian nobility decided to unite with Poland, as the Teutonic Order intensified the onslaught. Lithuania and Poland decided to unite in order to jointly fight against the crusaders.

What caused outrage among the Orthodox population of the principality?

The indignation of the Orthodox population of the principality was caused by the decision of Jagiello, who became both the Polish and Lithuanian kings, to declare Catholicism the state religion.

Who led the struggle for Lithuanian independence?

The struggle for the independence of Lithuania was led by the cousin of Jogaila, Prince Vitovt.

What are the results of the activities of Prince Vitovt?

In 1392, Vitovt achieved the actual independence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and was recognized as the Grand Duke of Lithuania. At the same time, Vytautas formally recognized the supreme power of the Polish king Jogaila.

How did the territory of the Principality of Lithuania expand under Vitovt?

Vitovt continued the policy of expanding his possessions at the expense of Russian lands. In the south, his possessions reached the Black Sea, in the east - to Smolensk.

What agreement did Vitovt and Jagiello sign?

Vitovt and Jagiello signed an agreement according to which, in exchange for the recognition of the independence of Lithuania, Vitovt declared Catholicism the state religion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

What did it lead to?

The signing of such an agreement led to the fact that gradually Russian families began to convert to Catholicism. And the Orthodox population began to be subjected to religious and national oppression.

Answer left the guest

This century was for the Smolensk land more
favorable than the previous one. There were no serious epidemics (in the XIV century
it was twice), there were no debilitating strife between Smolensk
Rurikovich, because the senior among them in position was Yuri Svyatoslavovich
fled, while others remained in their possessions and with their rights, recognizing
the supreme power of Vytautas.
There is an opinion that in the so-called "Lithuanian period" in Smolensk they had
place of religious oppression. This is a misconception. notice, that
"Lithuania", "Litvins" in Muscovite Russia were called everyone who lived in
within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia (VKLR), Smolensk including
number. In the VCLR, the Orthodox population retained their faith, in fact
Lithuanians - former pagans accepted the faith of their choice, many
The Olgerdovichs became Orthodox, like their mothers. According to the terms of Krevskaya
union (1385), when Jagiello - Jagiello Olgerdovich became Polish
king, it was supposed to introduce Catholicism in the principality and the principality itself
be incorporated into Poland. However, soon Jagello, fearing an uprising,
deviated from part of the provisions of this union.
In 1392, it was signed, and in 1401, the provision was confirmed, according to which
the old order was preserved, without Catholicization and incorporation into Poland.
It was beneficial to accept Christianity according to the Catholic rite to the feudal lords: on
they extended all the rights and privileges that the feudal lords had
Poland, and they were such that, perhaps, the Muscovites dreamed, but
which never existed either in the Moscow principality or in the Russian
centralized state, nor in the Russian Empire.
In the Kingdom of Poland there were very rich feudal lords who had both money and
sometimes there were more troops than the king - magnates (from lat.
"rich"), the poorer feudal lords and the very poor were called gentry (from
old name. "genus", "breed"). All of them had their rights and obligations, as,
however, the king. Their property could not be taken away, they could not
punished without trial, and even in court it was impossible to subject to humiliating
punishment. They had the right to agree among themselves (create
confederation), raise an uprising against the king (rokosh), if he does not
fulfilled his obligations. They had the right to drive off with all their
land to another ruler (which the Orthodox princes did later), and
no one considered them traitors. And if the Orthodox Vishnevetsky and
Catholic Mnishek supported the pretender to the throne of a neighboring state, and
gentry, desiring military glory and booty, went to his army, this is their
a private matter, not a state or royal one. Their rights, for them
no one is the answer.

Question to point I 1. Which Russian principalities did not fall under the rule of the Golden Horde?

The Principality in the Neman basin, as well as its tributaries: Polotsk, Turov, Pinsk, Novogrudok, Grodno, and others did not fall under the rule of the Golden Horde.

Question to point I 2. What are the reasons for the growth of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

The military power of the Lithuanian princes grew, they simply captured some cities;

Other cities voluntarily submitted to them on various terms to deal with common dangers.

Question for point III. What influence did the Russian lands have on the development of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

Basically, the state received culture, the state language, institutions of power and much more from the Russian lands.

Question to point V. Why do you think the Lithuanian state adopted Catholicism?

Catholicism did not accept the principality as a whole, but specifically Jagiello. At that time, he fought for the throne with his relatives and was forced to seek help abroad. He found it in Poland, and the transition to Catholicism became a prerequisite for the Poles.

Question for paragraph 1. What are the features of the formation of the Lithuanian state?


It arose on the basis of both the Russian principalities and the tribes of the Balts;

The culture and other achievements of civilization were inherited by the new state from the Russian principalities;

The subordination of the Russian principalities to the Lithuanian princes was often voluntary;

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania coped with several threats at once, the main of which came from the German crusaders and from the Mongols (originally from the Galicia-Volyn principality, which was subordinate to the Mongols and often acted with their support);

Lithuanian princes, despite formal baptism, remained pagans for a long time, therefore they were tolerant of all religions.

Question for paragraph 2. What was the religious policy of the Lithuanian princes in the 13th-14th centuries?

Lithuanian princes were formally baptized, but in fact they remained pagans. So, for example, the body of the deceased Olgerd was burned at the stake; the victims were burned at the same stake, including three living German knights in their own armor. Like other pagans on the throne, Lithuanian princes tolerated all religions. But Orthodoxy remained the main thing in their state until the Union of Kreva, because it was the faith of the Russian principalities, which eventually began to make up most of its territory.

Question for paragraph 3. Why and how did the formation of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities begin?

These peoples began to separate when they fell under the rule of different states. The ancestors of the Russians in the northeastern principalities remained under the rule of the Mongols. The ancestors of Belarusians and Ukrainians in the northwestern, western and southern principalities ended up in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, partly also under the rule of Poland and Hungary. It is for this reason that the ancestors of Russians stood out, the ancestors of Ukrainians and Belarusians separated later.

Question for paragraph 4. What changes took place in the Lithuanian state at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century?

In 1385, the Grand Duke Jagiello signed the Union of Krevo, according to which he accepted Catholicism, became the king of Poland, and attached his former possessions to the new ones.

As a result of the struggle between Jagiello and Vytautas, many conditions have changed. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania retained its independence, but now it turned out to be closely connected with Poland and one dynasty was established on the throne of both states. Because of this, the union was then repeated.

In addition, the spread of Catholicism, the struggle between it and Orthodoxy, began in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The tolerance of past princes was forgotten.

However, the alliance with Poland strengthened the principality. In particular, thanks to him, it was possible to win such a significant victory over the German crusaders in 1410 at the Battle of Grunwald that the Teutonic Order with difficulty (and for a relatively short time) retained its independence, while ceased to be a threat to its neighbors.

We think, compare, reflect: question number 1. Make a chronological table in your notebook "The emergence and strengthening of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania."

1230s - Mindovg becomes the head of the Lithuanian tribe;

1253 - Mindovg takes the royal crown;

1316-1341 - the reign of Prince Gediminas, who greatly strengthened his state;

1320s - 1330s - subordination of Kyiv to Gediminas;

1345-1377 - the reign of Olgerd, who expanded the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the Baltic Sea almost to the Black Sea;

1340-1392 - the gradual fall of the Galicia-Volyn principality and the division of its lands between neighbors, including the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which received many South Russian principalities; conditionally called the War for the Galician-Volyn inheritances;

1385 - Union of Krevo, the transition of the Grand Duke Jagiello to Catholicism and the subordination of the Grand Duchy of Poland; the beginning of the struggle of Vitovt against Jagiello for the independence of the principality;

1392 - the Ostrov agreement, according to which the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, headed by Vitovt, became virtually independent from Poland, headed by Jagiello;

1399 - the defeat of Vitovt from the Tatars in the battle of Vorskla, the end of his program to join the Grand Duchy of new Russian lands;

1410 - the joint victory of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania over the Teutonic Order, the age-old threat of the crusaders actually ended.

We think, compare, reflect: question number 2. Compare the state orders that existed in the XIV century. in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and in Russia.

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania received the orders of the Western and Northwestern principalities. The head of state was the prince, but at the same time he reckoned with his boyars (in time they became known as pany-radas), just as the princes before Batu consulted with their boyars from the senior squad. The cities were subordinate to the Grand Duke, but at the same time, as in the period of fragmentation, they had their own councils, at which all their internal affairs were decided. That is, self-government was preserved in the cities. So it was before the rise of Lithuania. For example, the veche expelled the princes from Polotsk several times during the period of fragmentation and invited new ones, although there was no real republic like in Novgorod.

We think, compare, reflect: question number 3. Using the Internet and additional literature, prepare a short biography of one of the Lithuanian princes mentioned in the paragraph.

Levitsky, G. Jagiello - Prince of Lithuania. - M., 2013;

Shabuldo, F. M. Lands of South-Western Russia as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. - Kyiv, 1987.

We think, compare, reflect: question number 4. What was the historical significance of the entry of part of the Russian lands into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

Firstly, it was precisely because of this that the Muscovite state (later the Russian kingdom) and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (and when it united with Poland, the resulting Commonwealth) fought for those lands for many centuries. Russian rulers over and over again tried to subjugate all the lands of the Old Russian state.

Secondly, largely because of this political division, the ancient Russian people were divided into Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.