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» Why shouldn't you store tomatoes in the refrigerator? How and where to store tomatoes, why you can’t store tomatoes in the refrigerator. Can fresh tomatoes be stored in the refrigerator?

Why shouldn't you store tomatoes in the refrigerator? How and where to store tomatoes, why you can’t store tomatoes in the refrigerator. Can fresh tomatoes be stored in the refrigerator?

Tomatoes are one of the most famous vegetables that are canned for the winter. You can easily keep them fresh for 10-15 days if you place them in a paper bag and put them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. How to properly store tomatoes at home so that they remain fresh until the New Year or even longer? The answers can be found in this article.

Shelf life of tomatoes

Having no idea how long tomatoes can be stored, it is better not to purchase them large quantities. They just won't stay fresh for long. You should definitely know how to properly store tomatoes. And then you can keep the vegetables fresh for several months or all winter.

If you need to buy a large batch of tomatoes, it is better to choose those varieties that:

The storage conditions for tomatoes are chosen based on the stage of ripening they are at. Brown fruits require one storage temperature, and red fruits require another. And they are not at all capable of ripening at low temperatures.

There are some types of tomatoes that tolerate storage better. These are mid-late and late ripening varieties.

So, the shelf life of tomatoes in a city apartment before they are processed:

  • green fruits – from 25 to 70 days;
  • ripe red ones - from 7 to 10 days.

If the tomatoes are overripe and have already become soft, they will not be able to be stored.

Storage conditions for tomatoes

Fruits at different stages of ripening require individual storage temperatures:

  • milk-ripe tomatoes are stored at a temperature of +8°C -+10°C;
  • red - +4°С - +6°С;
  • brown – 0°С -+2°С.

Tomatoes should be kept in cool, dark places. It is best to store tomatoes in an apartment in the freshness zone of the refrigerator. In my house optimal place This basements or cellar.

  • Tomatoes should be stored at a humidity of 80%, in a room equipped with ventilation.
  • The fruits are placed with the stalk up, trying to prevent damage, in containers made of wood or plastic.
  • Tomatoes are very sensitive to temperature changes thanks to volatile substances that provide their taste. Therefore, any change in climate where tomatoes are stored will cause them to become soft, wrinkled and lose their flavor.

Preparation for storage

First, the tomatoes are sorted: whole, dent-free fruits that have reached milky ripeness are selected. These are vegetables that have grown to normal size and have already begun to turn red.

Before sending tomatoes for storage, they should not be washed. It is better to lightly wipe with alcohol, applying it to a piece of cotton wool. This “disinfection” will get rid of various bacteria and microorganisms that may be on the surface of the fruit.

When preparing tomatoes for storage, the stems are not removed. You can cut them only immediately before use.

Storage in cellars and basements

Tomatoes are placed in layers in wooden or plastic containers, sprinkled with chopped wood or covered with paper. If there are not many tomatoes, it is better to wrap each tomato in paper. Afterwards the boxes are sent to cellars or basements. The temperature in the basement must correspond to the storage standards for fruits of a certain degree of maturity.

In containers made of cardboard or wood, tomatoes are placed in no more than 3 layers. Otherwise, the fruits located at the very bottom will be deformed under the weight of the upper layers.

You need to check the condition of the crop at least once a week. Then it will be possible to notice in time if some fruit begins to deteriorate. In this case, you should immediately isolate it from the rest of the crop.

Cold storage

Tomatoes, stem side up, are placed in layers in plastic container refrigerator intended for vegetables. The layers are separated using paper, and for greater safety they wrap each fruit with it so that they do not touch. This will significantly increase the shelf life of tomatoes. You need to place the fruits in the container in a maximum of 2 layers, and if they are already ripe, in one.

Tomatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.

These vegetables cannot be kept in a plastic bag. It is not capable of allowing air to pass through, and condensation forms very quickly inside the bag. In such conditions, the fruits will soon deteriorate.

If tomatoes have been at too low a temperature for some time, their taste may change. But if after a cold you let them lie for a day in room temperature, some of their taste will return.

Freezer storage

You can store tomatoes for the winter in the freezer. Tomatoes are frozen by first cutting them into rings, pieces or slices. Small fruits can be frozen even whole. But large tomatoes are not recommended to be frozen entirely. You can peel them and freeze them in the desired form:

  • The peel is removed with a knife from a well-washed tomato using crosswise cuts in its upper part.
  • The tomato is immersed in boiling water until the cut skin begins to curl up (20 seconds).
  • After which it is quickly removed and cooled with cold water.
  • Then they are carefully removed from the skin and frozen in food containers or special ziplock bags.

To freeze tomatoes whole, you don't need anything other than ripe, firm fruits with firm skin. Small tomatoes are placed several pieces in one bag. Remove as much air from the bags as possible, tie them up and put them in the freezer.

Freezing in pieces

  • In order to freeze tomatoes cut into circles, you will need fleshy fruits with a dense peel.
  • Washed and dried tomatoes should be cut into slices up to 1 cm thick. If the slices are very thin, they will lose their shape during defrosting.
  • Then the slices are laid out in layers in a food container, not forgetting to separate the layers with foil or cling film.
  • Then put it in the freezer for 6 hours.
  • After 6-12 hours, the frozen tomatoes are transferred to bags and sent into the cold for long-term storage.

When freezing tomatoes into pieces or cubes, you can first remove the skin, then cut them and place them in small batches into portioned bags. It is not necessary to ensure that the pieces are crumbly. They are added without defrosting to already prepared dishes.

You can make a homogeneous mass from tomatoes and freeze it in special molds. To do this, the fruits are crushed using a blender or meat grinder to a puree consistency. Then put into molds for freezing. As a last resort, you can use silicone baking molds or plastic ones for ice. It is important not to put tomato puree in each mold all the way to the top: when freezing, the mass will expand and go beyond its limits.

After freezing (8 - 10 hours), the puree should be removed from the molds and placed in freezer bags, packaged in small portions.

Correct defrosting

Only if the tomatoes were frozen entirely, they need to be thawed at room temperature for up to 20 minutes. Other types of frozen tomatoes (mugs, pieces, briquettes, stuffed tomatoes) do not need defrosting.

Now you know how to store tomatoes at home. And if you have any questions, wishes or suggestions, be sure to leave them in the comments to the article.

A fresh tomato is delicious, but once it sits in the refrigerator, this wonderful fruit turns into a dull tastelessness. Why is this happening? Science answers.

Chemistry of tomato

The taste of a tomato is the result of a combination of sugars, acids and volatiles (compounds perceived by our senses as aromas). It is in volatile substances that the cause lies. They are extremely sensitive to temperatures, and it is exposure to these substances that kills the wonderful flavor of tomatoes.

The French know a lot about food, and it was their scientists who conducted research on the effects of temperature on the taste of tomatoes. In particular, the effects of storing fruits at room temperature and in the refrigerator were compared. The result is:

At a storage temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, a ripe tomato not only does not stop the release of volatile fragrant substances, but also enhances their production. Simply put, the tomato became even more aromatic.

A completely different situation was observed at a storage temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. The fragrant substances not only ceased to be released - similar compounds already contained in the tomato began to break down. Moreover, at different connections different resistance to low temperatures. First of all, and more than others, the substances that give the taste of the fruit the so-called “herbaceous” or “green” tint were destroyed. This is what we perceive as a sign of a fresh tomato, and the substances responsible for this quality are destroyed in the refrigerator first.

The problem here is not just chemistry. The structure of the fruit also plays a role. Tomatoes are delicate, and not only sub-zero temperatures can harm them. Cool enough environment up to 10 degrees Celsius, and the fruit begins to collapse at the cellular level. In fact, it's a massive frostbite that results in a bland, tasteless tomato.

Exceptions: soups and sauces

Against the backdrop of such a negative impact of the refrigerator on fresh tomatoes It seems strange that soups and sauces based on the same tomatoes, when stored in the refrigerator for a short time, not only do not lose their taste, but often even become even better. Why?

The fact is that in the case of a mixture, we are no longer talking about the pure taste of one product, but about a mixture of tastes, and, in fact, the taste of tomatoes is no longer there.

Harold Klee, a professor at the University of Florida, studies flavor compounds in vegetables, fruits, berries, and especially tomatoes. He explains everything clearly.

In processed tomatoes, water is first removed. Naturally, during heat treatment there is no talk of any volatile fragrant substances - they are not there. So why don't manufacturers isolate these substances before processing and then put them back into the finished product ( tomato paste)? This is done with orange juice, and why not do a similar process with tomato products? It turns out that manufacturers simply don't rely on the true taste of tomatoes. Taste is added using herbs and spices. The paste doesn't taste like fresh tomato. There's just a mixture of seasonings + the residual taste of the tomatoes themselves. Just add fresh grated tomatoes to the tomato soup at the very end - and you will feel the difference with tomato paste.

If you still need to cool it down

Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, but if you really need to refrigerate them, consider the following fact:

Even if the tomato had been in the refrigerator for 6 days, after it was placed at room temperature for a day, a renewal of the activity of releasing fragrant substances was observed. Of course, in a smaller volume, but still.

Scientists are trying to develop special varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to low temperatures. To do this, wild varieties of plants that successfully grow in the Andes are being studied.

Reader, have pity on the tomato, it suffers in the refrigerator!

Storing tomatoes involves many nuances. These vegetables are sensitive to foreign odors, so they should be placed away from other foods. In addition, some fruits can speed up the ripening process of tomatoes, and they will spoil faster than the standard shelf life. In addition, the period of preservation of freshness of tomatoes is influenced by their variety. Mid-season and late varieties will last longer than early varieties.

The nuances of storing tomatoes:

  • when storing a tomato, it should be placed with the stalk facing up (the skin in this area is more delicate, so the weight of the tomato can cause it to deteriorate faster);
  • tomatoes in supermarkets are pre-stored in refrigerators, so they will be stored at room temperature less than tomatoes grown independently or purchased at the market;
  • after a tomato is exposed to low temperatures, its taste properties change, but some of them can be returned if, after cold conditions, the tomato is left at room temperature for 24 hours;
  • tomatoes grown independently last longer than those purchased in stores;
  • It is necessary to store only tomatoes with the hardest possible skin, on which there are no mechanical damage or signs of disease;
  • overripe tomatoes cannot be stored;
  • if there are a lot of tomatoes, it is better to store them in wooden boxes(from time to time it is necessary to turn the tomatoes over and inspect them to identify the first signs of rotting);
  • when storing tomatoes in boxes, the bottom should be covered with paper, and it is better to sprinkle the tomatoes themselves with sawdust;
  • Before storage, tomatoes do not need to be washed, and their surface must be completely dry;
  • if you cannot avoid storing tomatoes in the refrigerator, then before placing them in the cold, each vegetable should be wrapped in paper or regular newspaper;
  • tomatoes ripen quickly at home; to extend the shelf life of tomatoes, you need to separate them with paper or sawdust, preventing them from coming into contact with each other;
  • It is not recommended to store tomatoes in a plastic bag or in the refrigerator (condensation in the bag will cause signs of rotting, and low temperatures will accelerate it);
  • if the tomatoes are picked along with the branches, it is better not to remove them (this will extend the shelf life);
  • Alcohol will help keep the tomatoes fresh a little longer (with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, carefully wipe each tomato and wait for the substance to evaporate, after which the tomatoes are placed in a place for potential storage).

How long and at what temperature should tomatoes be stored?

Tomatoes are best stored at room temperature.. For 5-7 days, medium-ripe tomatoes do not lose their taste and shape. If the tomatoes are not ripe, then it is better to place them in the open rays of the sun on the windowsill and periodically turn them with their unripe sides up. In other cases, tomatoes should be stored in cooler and darker places.

At temperatures below +15 degrees, tomatoes lose their taste characteristics and the structure of their pulp changes. Store tomatoes in the refrigerator only as a last resort. When exposed to low temperatures, they will begin to deteriorate within a few days.

The process of rotting a tomato begins from the inside. Most often this happens within 6-7 days. It is possible to extend the shelf life of tomatoes, but the additional period will not be long and will be limited to a few days. Optimal conditions For storing tomatoes, the temperature range is considered to be from +12 to +15 degrees with an average air humidity of 80%.

Late and mid-season varieties tomatoes can be stored for up to two weeks at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Main role V in this case plays a role in the degree of ripeness of tomatoes. If the tomatoes are not ripe, they can be stored for two weeks after reaching full ripening.

There are two other ways to preserve tomatoes for 3-4 months. The tomatoes must be thoroughly washed and placed in a jar so that they do not fit tightly together and remain free place. Add a few tablespoons of alcohol or mustard to a jar of tomatoes, and then close the lid tightly. After this procedure, the jar must be thoroughly shaken so that additional ingredient completely covered the skin of the tomatoes. If alcohol was added, then it must be carefully set on fire and the lid rolled up in the traditional way. The jars must be pasteurized and the tomatoes clean. In this state, the tomatoes will retain their freshness and after a few months they will still remain juicy and ripe.

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Until recently, tomato lovers did not think about where to store tomatoes. After all, from childhood we were taught: it is better to store food in the refrigerator. It is believed that there they deteriorate more slowly. But in Lately There is an increasingly common assertion that this rule does not work for tomatoes. Let's figure out who is right and who is wrong in this matter.

Gardeners and housewives are in desperate debate over whether to store fresh tomatoes in a refrigerator. Some say yes, others categorically disagree with them and believe that tomatoes have no place in the refrigerator. Both are partly right.

Proponents of the theory that the refrigerator is not the best place for tomatoes say that low temperatures kill the aroma and taste of the fruit. This is why many people don't store tomatoes in the refrigerator. And there is confirmation of this. It was experimentally established that at low temperatures the aroma of the fruit is lost. But does this mean that tomatoes absolutely cannot be stored in the refrigerator?

Necessary storage conditions

Scientists have experimentally established that optimal temperature for storing tomatoes +12-13 degrees. Neither the room temperature nor the air temperature in the refrigerator corresponds to this level. At home, especially in summer, the temperature reaches 25-30 degrees. And in the refrigerator it is always less than 12 degrees (depending on the settings from +2 to +8). Therefore, neither the first nor the second option for this product is optimal.

Where to store

The most the best option consider a dry, cool room with a temperature no higher than 12 degrees. For residents of private houses the best place- cellar. There, tomatoes can be stored fresh and aromatic for several months.

Reference. Some gardeners manage to preserve their harvests in the cellar until the end of autumn - beginning of winter.

In apartment conditions, tomatoes are stored well for up to 10 days, hung on a cool wall. Usually such a wall is on a balcony or loggia.

Experienced housewives, in order to preserve them for as long as possible, advise first of all to pay attention to the degree of ripeness of tomatoes. If the fruits are already fully ripe, then a warm place can be their storage for no more than a few days. Then they will start to deteriorate.

It is still better to place ripe fruits in the cold. This is correct to extend their shelf life. How long do tomatoes last in the refrigerator? They can stay there for up to several weeks.

If we are talking about still unripe (green) tomatoes that are harvested ahead of schedule, then the storage rules have special features for them. A refrigerator won't do any good. They need a warmer place to ripen. A few weeks at room temperature will allow the fruit to ripen. At the same time, both the taste and aroma will be worthy.

Important! It will not be superfluous to review the stored fruits every few days. If some copies begin to deteriorate, you need to detect them in time and remove them from the storage location.

If the tomatoes go bad

Tomatoes that are not suitable for preservation can be:

  1. Recycle. For example, make a batch of homemade tomato sauce or ketchup. Fruits can also be cut into halves or pieces. It will be very useful in winter.
  2. Wither or dry. This is done both in the oven and in an electric dryer. Sun-dried tomatoes are usually stored in jars, filled to the top vegetable oil.
  3. To freeze. Small tomatoes are frozen whole in bags, large ones - cut (for example, pizza rings). The fruits are also twisted in a meat grinder or pureed in a blender. In winter they are added to sauces and gravies.

Here are some tips from experienced housewives:

  1. When storing in the refrigerator, it is better to place ripe fruits not near the far wall, but closer to the door or in special box for vegetables. It's a little warmer there.
  2. When storing unripe tomatoes, it is good to transfer them with dry hay or sawdust.
  3. It is better to calibrate the fruits. Medium-sized tomatoes with thick skin can be preserved for a long time without damaging its integrity.

The best varieties for long-term storage

Breeders have developed many varieties of tomatoes with a long shelf life:

  • New Year;
  • Lying;
  • Winter Heart;
  • Winter miracle;
  • Christmas;
  • Gift of autumn;
  • Snowfall, etc.

Attention! Medium tomatoes, thick-walled and with thick skin, last a long time. It is important that the fruits are not damaged.

Let's sum it up

If you are the happy owner of a private home, then you probably have a cellar. This is the best place to store tomatoes. Alternative options for apartment residents - a refrigerator or a cool place near the balcony.

If the tomatoes are still green, do not store them in the refrigerator. Feel free to leave the fruits on the windowsill. And if the tomatoes are already fully ripe, opt for a vegetable drawer in the refrigerator. The aroma will weaken a little, but you will extend the shelf life of the fruit. And don’t believe those who say that tomatoes absolutely cannot be kept in the cold. Ripe - yes.

Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable for many, used as the main component of salads and as an addition to hot dishes. At the end of the season, I really want to find the best way to store tomatoes so that they remain juicy and tasty longer. In our article we will talk about how to properly preserve the harvest of ripe tomatoes at home, and also talk about storing green fruits at the ripening stage.

Storage conditions

To keep tomatoes fresh for a long time, you need to create the right conditions. Without meeting certain requirements, for example, in a package in kitchen cabinet, tomatoes only last a few days, after which they begin to quickly deteriorate.

Many people are accustomed to storing tomatoes in the refrigerator, where they can last up to 10 days. But if you want to save tomatoes longer, for example, until the new year, you need to consider the following factors:

  • choose for storage only whole fruits, without the slightest damage or traces of deterioration;
  • give preference immature tomatoes, not ripe specimens;
  • take care of a suitable one temperature conditions . It will depend on the degree of ripeness and the specific storage method;
  • ensure regular air ventilation in room.

Methods for long-term storage of tomatoes

Each of the methods below is suitable for tomatoes varying degrees ripeness - from completely green to ripe and overripe fruits. Both homemade tomatoes, just picked from the garden, and those purchased at the market are suitable for saving.

Check the tomatoes where they are stored at least twice a week. The point is not only in the possible spoilage of fruits, but also in the speed of their ripening. Ripe (or already ripening) tomatoes emit ethylene, which activates the ripening process of the rest. Therefore, specimens that begin to turn red must be removed from storage as quickly as possible. For the same reason, apples or pears from the autumn harvest should not be kept next to tomatoes.

Ripe fruits Stores well in clean lattice boxes made of plastic or wood. Cover the bottom of the container with clean paper/parchment and place the tomatoes on it, additionally placing each row with paper or wrapping the vegetables in it. When all the tomatoes are laid, fill the contents with peat or sawdust. In this form, tomatoes can last for several months if the room temperature is maintained at no more than +8...12 ℃.

To keep tomatoes fresh for the winter, it is important to harvest at the stage of milk maturity. If weather permits, it is best to harvest green fruits from the garden as late as possible, for example in October. Wrap each vegetable in thin black paper and carefully place it in a wire box, layering each row with straw. The workpiece should be stored in a dry, dark place with good ventilation system at a temperature of +10 ℃. If all conditions are met, the tomatoes will gradually ripen and last until January.

To destroy microbes and extend the shelf life of tomatoes, before storing the boxes should be treated with pharmaceutical alcohol and dried.
  • in vegetable oil. Place the tomatoes in glass jars and pour in sunflower or other vegetable oil so that it completely covers the vegetables. The layer of oil on top should be at least 1 cm. Cover the workpiece with an iron or plastic lid;
  • in brine. Mix water, salt and vinegar in a ratio of 8:1:1. Place the washed tomatoes in a container and fill with the prepared solution.

For fast ripening green fruits (5-10 days), place the tomatoes on the floor in a well-lit place with a temperature of about +25 ℃. You can pick the fruits directly with the stalks and stalks and hang them in a ventilated room. A small amount of unripe vegetables can be laid out in the apartment right on the windowsill so that they turn red.

To keep tomatoes fresh longer, do not wash them before storing them.

A proven method for storing ripe tomatoes - pickling. Select strong red fruits for harvesting, free them from the stalks. Separately prepare overripe tomatoes: they need to be cut into large pieces. Place a layer of chopped tomatoes 8-10 cm thick in a pan or jar, add a little salt, place a layer of whole fruits on top and sprinkle with salt again. Fill the container to the top so that the last layer is salt. Seal the container tightly and store in a cool place.

For detailed recipes for preparing tomatoes for the winter, see this section of our website.

Where to store tomatoes in an apartment?

Still wondering how to store tomatoes at home in an apartment? If in rural areas there is almost always a cellar - the best place to store tomatoes - then city residents have to choose between storage in the refrigerator and storage at room temperature. The following principles will help you decide on the best option:

  1. Suitable for storing tomatoes intended for use in the near future. any place protected from the sun. Place the tomatoes flat side down on a windowsill or kitchen table. In a couple of days they will become more tasty and will not lose their aroma.
  2. To store ripe red tomatoes for 5-7 days, place them on the vegetable shelf of the refrigerator closer to the door.
  3. It is recommended to keep slightly unripe fruits at room temperature until they ripen, and then move the refrigerator.
  4. It is convenient to preserve ripe tomatoes in autumn and winter on glassed balcony or loggias, where the temperature ranges from +10 to +20 ℃. In such conditions, it is enough to lay out the tomatoes in one layer on the floor or another flat surface, covering on top thick fabric to avoid direct sunlight.


Regardless of where and at what temperature you decide to store tomatoes, some tricks can extend their shelf life:

  • The variety of tomatoes is important (plan storage at the stage of selecting seeds);
  • store ripe tomatoes separately from unripe ones and at different temperatures;
  • keep in mind that large fruits ripen faster than small ones;
  • when sorting tomatoes, conduct a thorough inspection of each vegetable, because even the slightest traces of late blight can lead to damage to the entire crop;
  • remember that tomatoes are stored longer without stems;
  • Dry vegetables before storing;
  • To keep fresh tomatoes longer, treat them with a 0.3% solution boric acid or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).


In the following video you will learn about three in different ways storage of tomatoes:

Has considerable experience garden work– starting from sowing seeds and seedlings and ending with harvesting and storing the crop. Each sowing season begins with the search for new ways of growing, because cucumbers can be collected not only from the garden, but also, for example, from... a barrel and even grown on a windowsill in winter. Plant care is considered one of the the best ways stress relief.

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Do you know that:

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main selection work The development of sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvath (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it received its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

New American developers– Tertill robot, weeding in the garden. The device was invented under the leadership of John Downes (creator of the robot vacuum cleaner) and works in any weather conditions autonomously, moving around uneven surface on wheels. At the same time, it cuts off all plants below 3 cm with the built-in trimmer.

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. By properties and appearance they are very similar, but they should not be confused. Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a higher quality fertilizer; compost is more accessible.

"Frost-resistant" varieties garden strawberries(usually simply “strawberry”) need shelter just as much as regular varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners should remember that root system No one has ever managed to change the strawberries.

Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. It is prepared like this: the manure is piled up in a heap or pile, layered with sawdust, peat and garden soil. The pile is covered with film to stabilize temperature and humidity (this is necessary to increase the activity of microorganisms). The fertilizer “ripens” within 2-5 years - depending on external conditions and the composition of the feedstock. The output is a loose, homogeneous mass with a pleasant smell of fresh earth.

Natural toxins are found in many plants; Those grown in gardens and vegetable gardens are no exception. Thus, the seeds of apples, apricots, and peaches contain hydrocyanic acid, and the tops and peels of unripe nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) contain solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments in cloning several varieties of grapes grown in cold regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

You need to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the contents useful substances they are as high as possible. Flowers are supposed to be picked by hand, tearing off the rough stalks. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattered in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have “negative calorie content,” that is, more calories are consumed during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.