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» Painting decorative plaster: application methods. How to add color to decorative plaster What is better decorative plaster painting

Painting decorative plaster: application methods. How to add color to decorative plaster What is better decorative plaster painting

Not all types of decorative plaster are tinted before application. Therefore, there is often a need to paint the plastered surface. If you approach this problem creatively, you can achieve various interesting effects and make the surface of the plaster even more attractive.

Painted decorative plaster

Below we will look at the basic rules by which decorative plaster is painted, and also get acquainted with some design techniques interior decoration, which allow you to make even the most ordinary decorative plaster effective and aesthetically pleasing.

Surface preparation

Before you start painting, you need to prepare the surface. If plastered walls have been left unpainted for some time, you need to wipe them with a damp cloth to remove dust.

Some types of coatings (usually cement-based) are prone to crumbling. In this case, the surface must be treated with a transparent primer. deep penetration, which strengthens the finish.

In the photo - deep penetration primer

The priming process is as follows:

  1. the container with the primer must be thoroughly shaken or its contents mixed;
  2. then the soil must be poured into the roller tray;
  3. then the paint roller must be moistened in the priming liquid, lightly squeezed and treated with it on the plastered surface;
  4. if there are hard-to-reach places that are difficult to get to with a roller, you should use a paint brush;
  5. After the soil has dried, the procedure must be repeated.


Below we consider three options for painting decorative plaster:

Below we will take a closer look at all these color options.

Paint roller with tray


You need to start work by preparing the following tools:

  • long-haired paint roller;
  • roller tray;
  • hard paint brush;
  • damp cloth;
  • fine grit sandpaper.

As for the paint and varnish material, polymer water-dispersion compositions are used for these purposes. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the scope of their application.

For exterior work, façade paint should be used. Decorative plaster or wallpaper for painting should always be painted exclusively with interior paint, i.e. intended for interior work.

Plain painting of plaster

Plain painting

First of all, let's look at how to do a single-color painting with your own hands. This work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. You need to start work by preparing the paint and varnish material. To do this, the composition should be thoroughly mixed. If the coating is white, then to give it a certain color it is necessary to perform tinting, i.e. add the required amount of color.

To determine the proportions of the latter, you should first tint a small amount of paint, and then add the color to the main part of the paint material. In order for the color to be uniform, the composition after tinting must be thoroughly stirred;

Tinting paint

  1. Then the liquid must be poured into the roller tray. It should be noted that the tray is in in this case practically necessary tool, as it allows you to dispense a set of paint with a roller and press the tool on a special platform.
  2. After this, you need to dip the roller into the tray and treat the plastered surface with it. The composition should lie in an even layer, without drips. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that all the indentations of the texture are painted. As necessary, the roller should be dipped into the tray and squeezed out.
  1. A few hours later the procedure is repeated again.

Note! You can paint decorative plaster only after it has completely dried. This may take from 8 to 48 hours, depending on the type of coating.

This completes the work.

Dry brush painting

Dry brush effect

So, we figured out the monochromatic coloring. Now let’s look at how to paint decorative plaster in two colors with a “dry brush” effect.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. first of all, the plaster must be painted in the main color according to the scheme described above;
  2. after this you need to wait until the coating dries;
  3. then you should prepare the paint by adding a little less color to it so that it is a tone or two lighter than the background;
  4. then apply the second layer paint coating using a short-haired brush or roller. The painting tool should pick up a minimum amount of paint, which will allow you to paint only the protrusions of the texture.

Advice! You can tint the protrusions not only with a lighter paint than the background, but also with all kinds of metallics, for example, bronze paint, silver, etc.

Blurring a painted surface

Blur method

To implement this method, it is advisable to use different paint coatings:

  • for the background it is better to use expensive waterproof paint;
  • For the second layer, it is more advisable to use a composition intended for dry rooms. As a rule, the price of such coatings is much lower.

Instructions for painting using this method look like this:

  1. first of all, you should apply a base layer of moisture-resistant paintwork, which should be lighter than the tint;
  2. after the surface has dried, a tinting layer of paint and varnish material is applied, which should completely cover the surface, including the recesses;
  3. After the second layer has dried, the protrusions should be rubbed with a hard, damp sponge. If the second layer is also moisture resistant, you can use a sanding pad soaked in water. sandpaper. The only thing is that the work must be done carefully so as not to erase the first layer.

As a result, the dark layer should remain only in the depressions.

Blur example

It should be noted that this method is more labor-intensive and time-consuming. However, in this way you can achieve a very interesting result.

Here, perhaps, everything is original and at the same time quite simple ways painting the plastered surface.


Although decorative plaster looks attractive in itself, painting can significantly improve its decorative qualities. Two-layer volumetric painting looks especially beautiful. As we found out, achieving this effect on your own is not at all difficult.

See the video in this article for more information. If after reading the material you have any questions, leave them in the comments and we will be happy to answer them.

How to paint decorative plaster - the final stage of finishing a room? This coating can be white or gray, with the exception of those purchased in ready-to-use form, where a colored pigment is added. Plaster white or gray intended for painting. This article will tell you how to paint decorative plaster.

For most, plaster is a solution of high-quality sand and cement, used to seal cracks, unevenness, and other defects and level the walls for further wallpapering and painting. But after adding dye to it, the material takes on a modern look for room decor. There are several types of plaster.

She may be:

  • Structural(cm.). This:
  1. "bark beetle";
  2. "fur coat".

The material has a peculiar appearance; after processing, the surface becomes heterogeneous and grainy. The basis of the composition is quartz granules, which can be coarse-grained or fine-grained. The size of the structural grain can range from 0.5 to 3.2 millimeters.

  • Invoice(cm.). In its raw state, it resembles a white mass of dough, which can be tinted and then coated with paint after finishing. Its main advantage is its plasticity, which allows you to create various effects:
  1. beautiful bas-reliefs;
  2. panel
  • "Venetian"(cm.). This is a universal material that, on the one hand, can imitate valuable stones, and on the other hand, designers use it to create images and other decors on the walls. There are certain difficulties in working with this coating: application is carried out in several layers, then grouting is done.
  • Mineral(cm.). It is based on crumbs, which are often used when decorating rooms. Material Features:
  1. durability;
  2. environmental friendliness;
  3. small price.

Features of applying decorative plaster are:

  • Plaster containing coarse filler must be applied only by hand.
  • Liquid materials should not be diluted with water.
  • Water-based plaster is less toxic, but it is quite sensitive to the environment.
  • Too difficult to apply by hand marble chips, during the coating process, the structure of the material may be lost.
  • A composition with high adhesion readings may peel off from the surface due to loss of coating strength.

What are the methods for painting plaster?

Advice: It must be borne in mind that not all plaster compositions can be tinted before applying it to the surface. Such plaster always needs to be painted after application and then drying on the facade.

Decorative plaster for painting in white color is painted with special facade or other paints.

Tip: Painting decorative plaster on walls should be done only after it has completely dried. This may take up to 48 hours, depending on the composition of the solution.

Cement-based mixtures are prone to coating shedding or peeling in some places.

To strengthen the coating before painting, you should:

  • Treat with a special colorless primer.
  • Allow the primer to dry completely.
  • Paint the relief plaster.

A few secrets of painting art to make painting easier:

  • Purchase the necessary equipment and tools.
  • , you will need a tray. This will allow you to use paint sparingly and make it easier to distribute it onto the plaster more evenly. Using the tray you can easily remove excess paint from the roller.
  • When painting the surface indoors, it is necessary to provide for the laying of a protective protective layer that covers floors, furniture, windows, and door jambs.
  • When painting the facade, protection is needed for windows, the front door, and to protect the path that runs along the wall being painted from paint.
  • Painting should be carried out with chaotic movements so that there are no sharp transitions of shades and different areas of the painted surface.

There are several ways to paint the material:

  • Painting in one pass. This is the simplest method of painting decorative plaster. In this case, with a long-haired roller or a regular brush, all surfaces are painted, including recesses and protrusions. You will get a “base” shade.
  • Dry brush painting.

This rather complex effect (relief coloring) is obtained if, after a darker base coat has dried for at least two hours, a composition of a different shade, usually half a tone lighter, is applied to the protruding reliefs. Painting is done with a brush or roller with small bristles. A minimum of paint is applied to them - the “dry brush” technique. This relief painting technique gives the surface greater “volume”.

You can tint the “volumetric” elements of the relief layer with decorative metallics:

  1. bronze;
  2. silver;
  3. golden.

These types of paints are applied:

  1. dry brush method;
  2. with a mitten, shading the decorative layer. Using a mitten makes it easier to achieve smooth color transitions.

Tip: Metallics do not tolerate any excesses. This will indicate a lack of taste on the part of the owner of the house. Bronze or gold can only slightly shade the base color.

  • "Blur"

Unlike dry brushing, this method highlights the depressions. After painting with your own hands, the surface will look more advantageous when applying paint in the depressions of a darker tone, compared to the background.

The essence of the “blurring” method is as follows:

  1. a darker layer of paint is applied to the surface;
  2. stays on a short time for drying;
  3. this upper layer wipe off with a damp cloth from the bumps of the plaster.

After this, the dark layer will remain only in the depressions, which will create a three-dimensional pattern.

Tip: The background layer for washing is done with good quality paint that is resistant to wall washing. For the filler, you should use a cheaper paint that is not resistant to moisture and is easily washed off from the surface of the plaster.

After watching the video, painting decorative plaster in any way can be done faster, taking into account all the nuances of the operation.

The last “chord” when painting plaster is to apply a protective layer of varnish over the paint layer after it has completely dried, as in the photo.

For plaster, you can use any varnish that is based on water.

For this:

  • Before use, the varnish is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, this greatly facilitates its penetration into the cavities of the plaster.
  • The finished composition is applied to the surface with a wrung-out wide brush in two or three passes, without taking into account drying breaks.

Tip: The mixture should be applied to the entire surface at once, avoiding any smudges on the wall.

  • The consumption of the varnish composition is approximately 2.5 liters per 50 square meters.
  • Varnish for decorative plaster:
  1. adds exquisite shine;
  2. makes the color more noble:
  3. facilitates surface care;
  4. protects against the influence of atmospheric factors that destroy paint and plaster design relief.

How to paint plaster

After the decorative plaster for painting the walls has been applied, a set of tools has been prepared, and you can begin painting.

The instructions for performing the work are as follows:

  • If the base on the surface is not strong enough, it must be strengthened with special colorless primers.
  • The base is dried.
  • The walls are being painted.
  • The paint in the jar is carefully mixed well.
  • A small amount is poured into a plastic tray.
  • Floors and furniture are covered with plastic film.
  • Paint is applied:
  1. with a brush in the vertical and horizontal directions;
  2. roller vertically from bottom to top, overlapping the previous strip by 5 centimeters, which will allow the coating to be applied without the formation of unpainted areas. If necessary, increase the pressure on the roller, which will allow you to obtain a uniform coating against the overall background.

Tip: During the work process, you should periodically shake the paint with a brush to avoid the formation of a frozen film on the surface.

Is it possible to paint decorative plaster with a spray gun?

To reduce paint consumption, make the surface better, without smudges or sharp transitions of stripes, it is better to use a spray gun to apply decorative plaster. This is a special device with which paint is sprayed over the surface in a dense stream.

How to properly apply varnishes, paints, decorative plasters and their types will be shown in detail in the video in this article. High-quality and correctly applied paint on decorative plaster gives the walls an original and beautiful look.

is the final stage of finishing the plastered surface. Ultimately, the overall impression of the plastered surface depends on how well the painting is done.

This stage is extremely important, so this material we will devote ourselves entirely to technology .

So why? paint plaster?

  • Firstly, as we said above, painting plaster will allow you to create a unique design image of your interior or facade. The choice of color directly depends on your imagination and your sense of beauty.
  • Secondly, and importantly, facade paint protects against external influences - moisture, temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation.
  • In addition, light facade paint prevents excessive heating of the building walls on a hot summer day - which will allow you to significantly save on air conditioning.

As you can see, painting decorative plaster , in addition to purely design advantages, it carries quite practical functions. Competent and high-quality painting will make the already obvious advantages of monolithic plaster even more striking.

White and colored plaster

When starting plastering work, you will inevitably face the question of which decorative plaster to choose: white (suitable for further painting) or colored (including a tinting component).

Indeed, in addition to the actual painting, it is possible to immediately apply a colored plaster composition to the wall. To do this, add color to the plaster mixture and mix thoroughly.

Note! The tinting component should be selected in the same place where you purchase the plaster base for body-painted decorative plaster. When choosing, take into account the fact that after drying, the color of such plaster will become half a tone lighter.

Plaster, tinted in mass

After the tinting of the plaster composition has been completed, you can begin leveling the walls with plaster.

However, some types of decorative plaster do not require coloring in the mass.

Therefore, after applying them it is necessary to paint. Various interior or facade paints, which are applied directly to white plaster.

However, in addition to painting white plaster, it is also possible to paint individual sections of plaster that are tinted in the mixture. This combination of methods can give a very interesting design effect.

Technique painting decorative plaster

Now that we have understood the types of decorative plaster, it’s time to answer the question - how paint decorative plaster?

Painting decorative plaster is done as follows:

  • Any work on You can start only after the plastered walls have completely dried. To do this, after finishing the formation of the decorative relief on the plastered surface, we wait from 8 to 48 hours. The time until complete drying depends on the composition of the plaster mixture.
  • If the plastered surface has a tendency to crumble or peel off particles of plaster (sometimes cement-based plasters suffer from this), to strengthen the surface, treat the plastered wall with a colorless primer for painting.
  • After the primer has dried, we proceed directly to painting the decorative plaster.

In order for the painting to be not only successful, but also with minimal inconvenience, it is necessary to acquire several devices that will greatly facilitate our painting work:

  • If we plan to paint with a roller, then it is better to purchase a special paint tray. By pouring paint into such a tray, we will save ourselves from the need to scoop paint from the can with a brush, or try to squeeze a roller into the can.

Paint tray

  • A special plate with spikes on the edge of the tray will allow us to quickly and effectively remove excess paint from the roller.
  • If you plan to paint with a brush, then a nylon cord stretched over a bucket of paint will help to avoid splashing of excess paint. We will use this lace to remove excess paint.

Getting started painting decorative plaster indoors, cover the floor, furniture, windows and door jambs with covering material. For facade plasters, according to the application technology, such precautions are not needed, however, windows and the path near the wall should still be protected from paint drops.

Relief coloring

  • On top of the base layer, using a brush with a small amount of paint (the so-called “dry brush” technique) or a short-haired roller, apply darker paint (half a tone - a tone darker) to the relief protrusions. This application technique allows you to emphasize the relief of decorative plaster and makes the surface more “voluminous”.
  • Instead of dark paint, decorative metallics - gold, silver, bronze - can also be applied to protruding relief elements. They can be applied either with a “dry brush” or with the help of a special mitten, which provides shading of the decorative layer and creates smoother transitions between shades of paint.

Note! When applying metallics, the main thing is not to overdo it. Excess gilding can look quite tasteless, while a small amount of gold or bronze will highlight the base color favorably.

The final stage of painting is the application of protective varnish. This varnish prevents wear of the outer layer of decorative plaster, so the application of such a composition is necessary primarily for plasters painted in the mass.

Now you know how paint decorative plaster with minimal effort. We hope this material will be useful to you, and when you can successfully implement all your design ideas!

Painting decorative plaster is usually done at the final stage when finishing walls with plaster. This stage is extremely important, since the overall quality will fully depend on the quality of painting. appearance, as well as the aesthetic appeal of the walls.

Painting decorative plaster allows you to create a unique image of the interior or facade. By choosing paint and color, you can recreate the most various interiors that are worthy of admiration. In this case, it is not at all necessary to make only one tone. At the right approach Several tones can harmonize very successfully at once, which will fit perfectly with each other.

In addition, the paint provides some protective functions. It protects the surface from ultraviolet radiation, excessive exposure to moisture, and temperature changes. And light paint prevents excessive heating of the walls on hot summer days. This allows you to significantly save on air conditioning.

Paint selection

The paint should be chosen depending on where it will be applied (outside or inside the house). Both interior and facade paints can be made on the basis of organic solvents, including acrylic, silicate, and silicone. There are also water-based formulations.

After choosing the paint, you need to calculate how many cans you need to purchase. To do this, measure the surface area to which the paint will be applied. The paint can always indicate its consumption. It is better to take the maximum value and multiply it by two (since you will need to paint in two layers), and then add about 20% more to the resulting volume. Decorative plaster, as a rule, has a relief, and the higher this relief, the greater the consumption. The plaster itself can be either white or colored. Colored plaster already has a tinting element, but white plaster needs to be painted. Keep in mind that the color of dried decorative plaster will be slightly different, since after drying this finishing material becomes slightly lighter.

Applying paint to decorative plaster

Before starting work, the purchased paint must be thoroughly shaken. Paint is applied to the wall surface using a wide brush, roller or special mitten. When painting walls with a brush, the paint is applied both vertically and horizontally in strokes.

First, the paint is applied to the surface with horizontal strokes, and then they are shaded with vertical strokes. In order to obtain a uniform color, it is necessary to shake it periodically with the same brush with which the paint was applied, so that during the work the paint remains uniform in thickness and color, and no sediment forms at the bottom. The roller painting technique is also not particularly difficult. First, the roller is dipped into the paint and rolled over a special spiked plate along the edge of the tray to remove all excess paint from the roller.

Paint is applied to the wall surface using movements from top to bottom, and then, conversely, from bottom to top. The stripes of paint are applied so that they overlap each other by approximately 4-5 centimeters. As paint is consumed, the pressure on the roller should gradually increase so that the paint applies evenly. The wall can be painted in one or two steps. In both cases, the paint must be thoroughly shaded.

Perfect flat surface can be obtained if, when applying, you first use a brush, thoroughly shade the paint, and after that “roll” the surface with a roller. The simplest option for painting decorative plaster is painting the surface “in one pass,” that is, painting the surface in one tone. You can also use a combination of several paint colors. In this case, using a roller, the first light tone is applied to the surface - the base layer of paint. Then, when it is completely dry, paint of darker tones is applied to the protruding areas of the relief. This technique of applying paint is called the “dry brush method”.

Instead of dark paint, metallic paint (gold, bronze, silver) is also often used. They are applied using a special mitten or dry brush.

In order to soften color contrasts on a wall that has a finer texture, you can additionally rub the paint with a rubber sponge or mitten. The same method is used to enhance the effect of deep relief, or when it is necessary to give the decorative coating an antique look. Protruding relief details can also be emphasized by applying gold, bronze or silver paint.

Using a short-haired roller, you can achieve a rather interesting relief when painting decorative plaster of the “bark beetle” type. The grooves, remaining unpainted, form a contrasting “bark beetle” pattern on the surface. This difference can be muffled or enhanced if you first add to the plaster composition coloring pigment, then paint the wall surface the same color, only with a different shade.

  • Work on painting the applied plaster relief on the wall surface should begin only after it has completely dried. This may take 8-48 hours. It all depends on the composition of the plaster mixture;
  • The more textured the surface of the decorative plaster and its deeper relief, the greater the paint consumption;
  • To highlight the relief, it is better to use lighter, contrasting tones. And in order to emphasize textures and washes, on the contrary, you should select darker tones;
  • To the calculated volume of the coloring composition, it is necessary to add about 10 percent of the material for various unforeseen events.

Similar materials

This is not a new trend at all, which received a rebirth after the spread of modern finishing materials -. This is a truly unique external finish, and additional protection walls from external influences, and the ability to highlight certain stylistic or color solutions. This method is also very common for painting facades, and on the Internet you can find many tutorials on painting decorative plaster in two colors: videos, photos, detailed instructions.

Not all plaster can be tinted before being applied to the surface., some of its types are painted after application to the base and drying (i.e. 8-48 hours after application of the coating, depending on the composition of the plaster mixture). For this they use special paints for the interior or facade, and the plaster itself may require additional processing. For example, cement-based plasters, which are prone to partial peeling and crumbling, should be treated with a colorless primer before painting.

Decorative plaster: colors, photos

Painting plaster is when all other tasks must be completed. Best option to implement this stylistic decision– “bark beetle” plaster.

How to paint decorative plaster in two colors? Methods

First you need to clean the walls, prepare the mixture, and level the base.

The tools you will need are a brush, a roller, a tray, protective materials for furniture, window sills, door jambs and other surfaces.

The easiest way to paint is in one pass. The method is more complicated - with a dry brush, or relief painting. Paint of a different shade is applied to the relief protrusions of the dried layer, using a minimal amount. This way you can do both contrasting painting and tinting, choosing a shade a little darker or a little lighter than the base.

Mechanized methods - . This perfect option for plastering flat surfaces, which allows you to achieve very High Quality staining.

Risks when decorating yourself

First of all, it's difficult. The texture of the “bark beetle” is non-standard; the coating has a lot of depressions, irregularities, and pits. Yes, it is these elements that make plastered walls look so stylish, but they are very difficult to process.

Secondly, unprofessional finishing can simply make the surface unattractive.

Decorative plaster. Color combination: what's trending?

IN Lately very fashionable. As designers say, they reflect a sense of order and peace. As an example - gray decorative plaster in combination with pink or reddish-brown, a heavenly shade in tandem with sand, etc.

Thus, shades of pink convey the meaning of impeccability and delicacy, blue - relaxation and peace, green - renewal and tranquility, pastel shades associated with peace and serenity. In the center of the interior palette there is also red, symbolizing perseverance and courage, neutral tones, embodying harmony, all muted cold shades, elegant mustard, rich dark colors - from purple to olive.

Not bad when in interiors

Decorative painting of walls is one of the popular types of finishing. It is very diverse, individual, and with its help you can create a unique, beautiful room that will have no analogues. Nowadays, this type of wall decoration, such as decorative painting, has become a strong competitor to ordinary wallpaper.

Dyes for wall decoration, as a type finishing material, is characterized by many advantages:

  • The service life of painted coatings is several times higher than that of wallpaper or plaster.
  • There are no joints on the painted surface, resulting in a perfect continuous picture.
  • A huge range of different colors and effects.
  • Moisture-resistant properties help make walls unique even in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • In case of repainting, there is no need to clean the existing paint layer.
  • The use of water-based paint when decorating guarantees an environmentally friendly surface that does not emit toxic substances and does not cause allergies, and is an ideal solution for decorating a child’s bedroom.
  • Regardless of the base surface (be it concrete, drywall, plaster), it fits equally well on the wall.

Decorative painting of walls has only one requirement for the coating - it must be even.

Painting tools

Apart from the paint itself, painting walls in an apartment is done using the following tools:

  • roller;
  • spatulas (metal, plastic, toothed, rubber);
  • sponges;
  • hard brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • stencil (for the effect of a pattern on a painted wall).

Before you start decorating the walls, you need to decide what decorative effect you want to achieve, so as not to buy extra tools. Although the price of rollers and brushes is low, you can use them more than once.

Preparing the walls

If decorating a wall with paint is being done for the first time, you need to prepare the surface for this. design solution. Preparing walls for primary painting is carried out in stages:

  1. Cleaning the coating from old finishes.
  2. Surface priming.
  3. Inspection for flaws, which are repaired if necessary.
  4. Uneven surfaces are puttied and sanded.
  5. Re-priming.

After all the work done, the wall is ready for decorative painting.

In order for the paint to lay evenly on the walls and to avoid any defects on the coating, you must wait until the putty mixture and primer on the wall have completely dried.

Types of wall decoration with paint

Due to the fact that decorative paint is too expensive, an alternative is in demand among construction professionals - artistic painting of walls with ordinary cheap paint. There are several varieties to create a unique room using ordinary paints. Let's take a closer look at them.

This is the name for painting walls with decorative paint, which creates the effect of an old, shabby surface. To create such a masterpiece you need:

  1. Cover the surface with the chosen color.
  2. Apply acrylic painting to create a shade contrast.
  3. Apply colored glaze to the surface in combination with the shade of the painted wall, smooth it evenly over the surface with a wide brush, and when all surfaces are covered with glaze, touch the uncured paint with the same brush.
  4. A round paint brush should be poked in a chaotic manner over the surface, thus making the walls look antique.

There is only one drawback to this method of application: all irregularities and bulges become more noticeable.

This decorative coloring is a great idea for decorating an office; it gives the impression that the walls are covered in leather. After preparing the surface, you need to start finishing:

  1. We cover the walls with latex paint of our favorite color.
  2. Making a suede tassel.
  3. Mix the glaze with latex paint, slightly darker than the tone of the surface.
  4. We cover a piece of the surface with the mixture, moisten a suede brush in water and squeeze it out, lightly touch it over the not-dried coating, making streaks and partially removing it.
  5. We blot the existing noticeable lines with a piece of wet suede to give a natural leather finish.

Venetian plaster effect

One of the most beautiful and decorative ways painting walls. To recreate the Venetian effect, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Place latex paint in a wide container. Sprinkle a little pigment for paint on one side, carefully stir half with a stick so that the dark and light sides come out in the container.
  2. We take a lighter paint on a spatula and apply it to the coating like regular plaster.
  3. Dip the spatula in dark color and cover a piece of the wall.
  4. When light and dark spots appear on the wall, we begin to move the spatula along the wall in different sides to spread the colors evenly for a harmonious look.

At the finishing stage, Venetian plaster is sanded with fine sandpaper and rubbed with a special wax composition.

To create the “Venetian plaster” effect, you must use only a plastic spatula during the work process.

Wrinkled skin effect

This effect is easy to create, but requires patience, because everything is done slowly, gradually.

  1. Take a piece of paper and paint a piece of the wall according to its size.
  2. We crumple the sheet, apply it to the surface, begin to smooth it, while creating the outline of a crumpled coating.

The entire wall is gradually processed in small pieces.

In the video: the effect of wrinkled (worn) leather on the wall.

For decorative painting of walls, you can use not only purchased tools, but also improvised means. A simple rag roller creates an interesting indoor effect that is suitable for children's rooms. If this method is used, the surface preparation may not be ideal, because this type of finish hides all imperfections on the wall.

Roller painting steps:

  1. Apply the first layer of paint and wait for it to dry.
  2. Dilute another shade of the base color (slightly darker than the previous one).
  3. We soak a rag in paint, twist it to make a tourniquet, and wrap it around the roller.
  4. We paint from the very top of the wall to the bottom in different directions to obtain a textured pattern.

Types of paints

Decorating walls with special dyes for wall decoration is a variety of materials. They have many color tones and look beautiful. Types of decorative paint differ in properties based on their composition.

According to the components of the paint composition, they are divided into:

  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • water-based;
  • alkyd and oil.

Acrylic paints

They are most often used for painting walls in an apartment. They are popular due to their price-quality ratio. They have the following properties:

  • fireproof;
  • make walls strong and durable;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • dry quickly, create protective film on the walls;
  • adheres well to the coating;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • have an assortment of more than a thousand.

Latex paints

  • no pungent odor;
  • high degree of fire safety;
  • the paint does not react to sudden changes in air temperature;
  • possible dilution with plain water;
  • dries quickly after application;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • environmental Safety.

In addition to positive qualities, there are also negative ones. The color range of this type of paint does not have bright colors, and under the resulting film, good conditions for living biological organisms. Before using latex dye, the surface must be well primed.

Water-based paints

They are in demand for painting rooms without creating an interior, their price is low, and they cope with the direct purpose of painting surfaces. The advantages of water emulsion include:

  • low cost of material on the construction market;
  • low consumption during application;
  • harmless to health;
  • have good permeability to moisture.

Among the disadvantages of water-based coating, experts highlight the speed of washability from the coating, as well as the need for a certain temperature in the room during painting.

Alkyd and oil paints

Dyes based on alkyd and oil based are characterized rich color finishing, durable layer. The positive qualities of these types of finishes are:

  • rich beautiful colors;
  • very durable layer when dry;
  • long service life.

Negative qualities are also present: a very strong smell during painting, high consumption of material, high price, small range of colors.

Many people, in order to save money, want to paint the walls with their own hands, without the help of professionals. But how to apply decorative paint on one's own? There are some recommendations from experts regarding the application of decorative paints to walls:

  1. Before painting the surface, it must be primed to avoid mold.
  2. Prepare the room by covering the floor with protective film.
  3. Stir the paint well after opening it.
  4. When using a brush, apply horizontal stripes and then spread them vertically.
  5. If you use a roller, you need to roll it over the tray with the material, then from top to bottom, then cover the walls with paint, pressing the tool well (for a uniform color).

In order for the coating to be evenly colored, you must first apply a layer with a brush, and then go over the painted surface with a roller. If desired, you can use a variety of decorative painting methods.

Decorative painting of walls with your own hands is quite real challenge. The main thing is to follow the instructions for use of the material along with recommendations for application.

Learning to decoratively paint surfaces (2 videos)

Various decorative painting effects (28 photos)

Finishing with decorative plaster is becoming an increasingly popular way to decorate the interior of residential premises and building facades. To achieve more decorative effect decorative plaster is painted. The technology for applying such solutions is quite complex. In this regard, amateur finishers who decide to apply textured plaster with their own hands may have many questions during the process, including how to paint decorative plaster and which painting solution is best to use.

Advantages of decorative compositions

The popularity of this finishing material is due to a number of positive qualities:

  • The main advantage of this finishing option is its high aesthetics. The richest choice of all kinds of textures and the widest range of colors allows you to easily fit it into almost any interior of a residential or public premises. and plasters can also create a unique and unique design for an apartment or office.
  • Durability of use. Decorative plaster compositions are made on the basis of materials that are highly resistant to aggressive external influences. They tolerate sun well ultraviolet radiation, physical exercise, exposure to chemical detergents.
  • Environmental friendliness. Plaster mixtures do not interfere with free gas exchange through the walls of the building. Thanks to this feature, interior spaces A comfortable microclimate with normal concentrations of oxygen and moisture is always maintained.


The term “decorative plaster” is a collective name for several types of plaster compositions that cover walls in the form finishing. According to the method of achieving a decorative effect, such compositions are divided into the following types:

  1. Textured or structural.
  2. or textured.

In the first case, external aesthetics are imparted to plastered walls using the relief of the coating, in the second - due to the beautiful texture of the smooth surface, imitating polished stone.

Textured plaster is also called “Venetian” after the place of its invention.

Structural compositions

Textured (structural) compositions include fillers various sizes. Thanks to this, after applying the mixture, unique drawings are created on the wall, many of which have their own names: “bark beetle”, “Leonardo”, “rain”, “fur coat”, etc.

The relief of the pattern depends not so much on the composition of the mixture, but on the method of its application. To create a visual effect, use the most various devices: corrugated rollers, stamps, stencils, etc.

Most often, such compositions are supplied to the market without additional tinting in a natural color - white or gray, and are intended for painting. Coloring allows you to emphasize the structural pattern of the surface and give it additional depth.

Painting walls finished with structural mortars is done using a special technology, which will be discussed below. Less common is already colored in the mass structural plaster.

Venetian plaster

This type finishing mixtures is the most expensive among all plaster compositions. It was developed back in the Middle Ages in Venice as a successful alternative to finishing walls with polished stone slabs. The “Venetian” contains crushed particles of natural minerals: marble, basalt, granite, and especially expensive exclusive options may include powder of amber, jade, jasper, malachite.

After processing the walls Venetian plaster they take on the appearance of a polished stone slab. This effect is achieved using mineral powder and a special finishing technique, when the applied composition is leveled using a metal trowel dipped in water.

Venetian plaster mixtures not intended for painting. They are tinted during the production process by adding natural pigments from ground minerals into powder.

Chemical composition

In my own way chemical composition decorative plaster mixtures can be polymer and mineral. Based on the type of binder component, polymer plasters can be divided into:

  • Silicone. They are best suited for finishing building facades due to their moisture resistance and weather resistance.
  • Acrylic. A universal composition that is resistant to dampness and solar radiation.
  • Vinyl. Thanks to the inclusion of polyvinyl chloride in their composition, they perfectly protect walls from the formation of fungus and mold, excessive dampness and ultraviolet radiation. The only negative is that walls treated with vinyl and acrylic composition become airtight and no longer allow air to pass through.

Mineral compositions are made based on either cement or gypsum. Classic look plasters - cement. In their production, Portland cement or white cement is used, which determines the shade of the ready-to-use solution: gray or white.

A solution of slaked lime is used as an additional binding additive. Gypsum is used for interior work, as it is resistant to dampness. All of the above types of plaster compositions are coated with paint for external or internal work.

Before that, you need to find out which chemical component forms the basis of the paint and plaster mixture. Many chemical components do not interact well with each other, which can result in paint cracking and peeling.

Painting plastered walls

Despite the apparent complexity, painting decorative plaster with your own hands is not particularly difficult even for non-professionals. The main thing in this matter is to follow the finishing technology and choose the right paint.

Selection of coloring composition

Many amateurs, encountering plastering and painting work for the first time, select paint for decorative plaster primarily by its color. Undoubtedly, it is very important that the color scheme fits organically into the existing interior or matches the preferences of the home owner, but we should not forget about others no less important factors choice.

Before treating with decorative plaster, you should pay attention to the composition of the paint and varnish solution. Like plaster mixtures, paints can be based on polymer components. These types include silicate, acrylic and silicone compounds.

To achieve the best compatibility between the plaster base and the paint, it should be made from the same polymer as the plaster. If it is not possible to purchase exactly such paint, then you should use the table of correspondence of paint and varnish compositions.

Using this method, it is also necessary to select primer compositions used for application to polymer plaster.

Oil paints and nitro enamels are produced on the basis of organic solvents: drying oil, acetone, white spirit. They are excellent for painting surfaces finished with mineral plasters.

Consumption of paint and varnish material

When purchasing paint and varnish and primer compositions, you need to pay attention to the consumption of one or another material for painting 1 m2 of wall. But when choosing a paint or primer, you should take into account that the packaging gives the “ideal” consumption option - for painting a smooth, dense surface. The consumption for painting in one layer is for:

  • Acrylic paint - 1 liter per 8 sq.m. walls.
  • Water emulsion - 1 liter per 8-18 sq.m.
  • Oil enamel - 1 kg per 10-20 sq.m.

In reality, this indicator depends on several aspects:

  1. Relief and density of the treated surface.
  2. Thickness of paint.
  3. The number of layers applied to the wall.
  4. Application method.

The greater the porosity and texture of the wall, the more paint will be needed to process it. The highest rate is for structural plaster made on the basis of cement. The porous surface absorbs a lot of excess paint, and in order to reduce consumption, decorative plaster for painting is first primed.

For greater efficiency, the walls should be covered with a primer composition in 2-3 layers. Its consumption also largely depends on the thickness of the paint - the thicker it is, the more it will take to paint 1 sq.m. surfaces. To make the paint solution more fluid, it is diluted with an appropriate solvent. Data on their compatibility are presented in the instructions for use on the packaging.

When diluting paint with a solvent, you should remember that too liquid paint will not paint the surface well. In this regard, in order to achieve the desired result, you will have to apply large quantity layers.

When paint is applied to a wall using a spray gun, its consumption is reduced by 10-20% compared to the painting method using a roller and a paint brush.

Painting procedure

To produce high-quality painting of a plastered surface, you must strictly follow the work technology and procedure.

Preparatory work

Before you start painting the wall, you should make a series of preparatory work, without which it is impossible to achieve excellent result. When the plastered wall is completely dry, it will need to be thoroughly cleaned of small construction debris and dust.

Since structural plaster has a pronounced relief, it is not possible to thoroughly clean it with a rag or sponge. It is best to use a powerful vacuum cleaner for this.

When the wall is cleaned, it should be primed. Treatment with primer compositions in this case allows you to achieve three goals at once:

  1. By filling small pores on the wall surface with primer, paint consumption will be significantly reduced.
  2. The adhesive components included in the primer make it possible to strengthen the plastered surface and prevent it from cracking during operation.
  3. Thanks to the fine quartz filler, a rough layer is formed on top of the plaster, which perfectly holds the paint.

Applying paint

Various paints may be suitable for painting decorative plaster. But the best aesthetic effect is achieved with the help of non-moisture resistant aqueous emulsions. Water emulsion allows you to perfectly emphasize the beauty of the wall relief.

The technology for painting textured plaster with water-based paint is as follows:

  1. Using a brush or roller, the wall is painted twice so that the paint and varnish composition gets into all the cavities of the wall.
  2. When the paint fills the entire relief of the plaster, it is left for 2-3 hours to dry.
  3. Then, using a damp sponge, the layer of paint on the protruding parts of the relief surface is washed away. The paint in the recesses remains intact, maintaining its original saturation.

As a result of these actions, a two-color composition is obtained: the darker color remains in the recesses of the relief, and the light, blurred one covers the convex parts of the wall. Thanks to this method of painting, it is especially possible to emphasize the decorative structure and the play of light and shade.

Painting textured plaster with your own hands requires care and patience. But by strictly following the recommendations for choosing and applying paint, you can give the interior of your home a truly unique flavor.

The video shows one of the options for painting plastered walls.

When renovating apartments and houses, owners try to make them look not only neat, but also beautiful and original. Many property owners today, of course, have already abandoned simple whitewashing of walls. For finishing enclosing structures indoors and facades, it can be used, including decorative textured plaster. In some cases, this design may also be two-color. Later in the article we will look at how to paint decorative plaster in a similar way.

How to choose paints and varnishes

There are two main ways to paint decorative plaster in two colors:

  • tinting the mixture itself before application;
  • painting the finished plastered surface.

The first design method is used very rarely. Decorative plaster for almost all modern manufacturers It should be painted after application to the walls.

There are many ways to do this. In this case, the answer to the question of what paint to paint decorative plaster can be, for example, the following:

  • water-based;
  • latex;
  • acrylic.

When choosing paints and varnishes for painting walls, you should definitely pay attention to what type of work they are intended for. To decorate facades, of course, choose paints whose composition allows them to be used outdoors. For indoor use cheaper and less resistant to high humidity and temperature changes of the product.

Preparing the walls

Is it possible to paint decorative plaster with paint? The answer to this question is obvious. Of course yes. However, before using such a product, the surfaces themselves must, of course, be prepared in the most thorough manner.

Whatever paint and varnish material is chosen for the decoration of premises or facades, the plastered surface must be primed before using it. Otherwise, the paint will subsequently begin to peel and peel off quickly.

You should start painting decorative plaster only after the primer has completely dried. A product that increases wall adhesion is applied to the surface, usually in two layers.

Painting methods

So, we found out how to choose paint and varnish materials for decorating walls in two colors. But how to paint decorative plaster correctly when choosing this finishing method? Enough original walls look in the rooms even when using the usual method of contrasts. In this case, some parts of the rooms or facades are simply painted one color, and others another.

But very often, more complex technologies can be used to decorate walls in two shades, making it possible to obtain very original design. In this case, at the first stage, paintwork materials of the same color are usually applied to the entire surface. Next, on top of this layer, the walls continue to be decorated with paint of a different shade. The following finishing methods can be used:

  • star dust;
  • old surface;
  • abstract pattern;
  • wrinkled skin.

Also, painting walls finished with decorative plaster can, of course, be done using a stencil.

star dust

In this case, simply apply to the painted surface. paint material a different color using a very hard brush. The main task of the painter when performing this technology is to obtain clearly defined specks of different sizes on the walls. Surfaces are finished using this technique as follows:

  • the brush is dipped into the paint and wrung out thoroughly;
  • bring it to the wall, bend the pile back and release it.

As a result, small drops of paint begin to fly onto the wall, thereby achieving the stardust effect.

How to paint decorative plaster in two colors: old surface

This technology of painting decorative plaster in two colors is also called stippling. In order to “age” the surface of the walls, in this case a wide flat brush is used.

For decoration, a special glaze is first applied to an already painted wall. Next, without waiting for this layer to dry, the master begins to touch the surface in different places flat brush. Ultimately, an original texture is formed on the walls.

Design using abstract pattern technique

Next, let's see how to paint decorative plaster using this chaotic method. For this type of wall decoration home handyman You will need to make your own special tool - a roller with a “torn” surface. To do this, you just need to take a regular roller and secure the tissue flagella folded several times along its entire length. Such elements need to be secured with fur or foam rubber using two simple knots. The strips of fabric on the working part of the roller should be held as firmly as possible.

By painting a wall with such a tool, you can get a very unusual chaotic pattern. In addition to the fact that the surfaces in this case turn out to be unusual and original, the work can be done very quickly when using a torn roller.

How to paint decorative plaster with your own hands: the effect of wrinkled leather

Using this technique, you can also design very original rooms or facades in the house. Vinyl paint is most often used for this type of decor. To perform work using this method, paper is also prepared.

In this case, the walls are painted using approximately the following technology:

  • apply the first layer of paint to the walls;
  • apply and crumple decorative paper;
  • apply a second layer of paint;
  • remove excess from the folds.

Using a stencil

Many apartment and house owners would probably like to learn how to properly paint decorative plaster in two colors. The technologies described above make it possible to obtain quite beautiful surfaces. But, of course, pronounced drawings with specific subjects can only be applied to the walls using a template.

You can develop stencils for decorating walls using paint of a different color yourself or buy ready-made ones for the appropriate theme. Today there are many different patterns and designs for decorating walls.

The technology of painting using stencils is very simple. The template is simply applied to the wall and then painted over.

How to apply the first layer correctly

Of course, a beautiful two-color finish on plastered walls will only work if they are decorated correctly, including at the initial stage. Before applying the first coat of paint on the surface, you need to wait until the primer has completely dried. In this case, the actual wall finishing itself is performed as follows:

  • The corners of the room and those areas where the furniture will subsequently be located are the first to be painted;
  • They try to apply the paint on the surface evenly in thickness and at the same speed in different areas.

The wall is painted before applying the second color, usually in several layers. Most paints used for decorative plaster have a fairly liquid consistency. This is necessary so that all sorts of sagging and pieces do not remain on the treated surfaces. However, from the first time white plaster when using such liquid products may not be painted over.

Color combinations

Of course, before you start decorating the walls, you should decide what color to paint the decorative plaster. Paintwork materials of any shade can be used to decorate such surfaces. However, combinations of tones when decorating surfaces in this way should be chosen correctly. It is believed that the following are best suited for decorating rooms and facades in this way:

  • close or related colors (beige and gray, white and black);
  • gradients (paints of the same color, but different shades).

You can also select paints for finishing that are similar in temperature, saturation and sound. For example, orange goes well with green paint, and olive paint goes well with peach.

How to tint the mixture correctly

So, we found out how to paint decorative plaster correctly. Most often, this coating is finished in two colors after the mixture has been applied to the walls and it has completely dried. However, sometimes such plasters are tinted at the preparation stage. In this case, the technology is usually used as follows:

  • mix the plaster itself in a bucket;
  • draw into a large syringe (color), focusing on the divisions;
  • squeeze the paint into a bucket of plaster;
  • mix the solution thoroughly with a construction mixer.

Decorative bark beetle plaster is usually tinted this way. By preparing solutions of two different shades and using a little imagination, you can effectively and originally decorate rooms or facades with a colored composition.