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» Running in place helps. How many calories does running on the spot at home burn or how to run at home without a treadmill. What you need to know when jogging in place

Running in place helps. How many calories does running on the spot at home burn or how to run at home without a treadmill. What you need to know when jogging in place

Running is effective method weight loss, as it allows you to actively burn and expend calories. With regular running training, you can significantly lose weight, and at the same time improve your health and tone your muscles.

Many people mistakenly think that a walk in the park or a leisurely run on the track at the gym will immediately produce positive results that will be visible after a few sessions. How great is their disappointment when the visible effect of weight loss does not occur even after several months. The thing is that running burns a certain amount of calories, which leads to weight loss. Simply put, the more calories you burn, the more weight you lose.

In this article we will try to answer the actual question: “How many calories do you burn when you run?”

Calorie loss during running training depends on age, weight, physical fitness, health status, metabolic characteristics, and nutrition. There is no doubt that their consumption is also affected by the training mode, their intensity, duration and frequency. However, there are averages that allow you to accurately calculate calories lost per workout.

Beginners just embarking on the path of fighting overweight through running exercises, questions are often asked about how long to exercise and which type of running is more effective for losing weight. The answer is very simple - you need to start with small loads, gradually increasing the time and intensity of training. Heavy loads without special training are dangerous to health.

There are several types of running that help fight extra pounds:

  • running in place;

  • jogging;

  • running at medium speed;

  • sprint running;

  • trail running;

  • running with intervals.

Each of these types of running exercises is effective in its own way. The choice depends on the preparation of the trainee and on the tasks that he has set for himself. It is important to realistically assess your physical capabilities and not chase records. If you choose the wrong load and overdo it in the first workout, you are unlikely to cope with the second. And, conversely, if a physically resilient, young and healthy person trains superficially and not to the full extent of his or her capabilities, you should not expect results.

Active calorie burning begins after 20 minutes of exercise, and after 40-60 minutes it is better to stop it, since the body gets tired and the effectiveness of exercise decreases. Thus, the optimal training time is 30-40 minutes. During this time, fat burning processes are launched, which leads to the long-awaited weight loss effect.

If you are in good physical shape, then the duration of the workout can be increased to 60 minutes, sometimes switching to walking to get some rest.

Approximately 500-600 calories are spent in 1 hour of running training. This is the most optimal energy consumption, which does not harm the muscles, heart and does not negatively affect overall well-being.

There is a lot of information on this issue on the Internet and in specialized literature, but it is presented very vaguely. We will try to answer these questions as clearly as possible.

- Jogging, how many calories can you burn?? The most popular type of exercise, jogging, can burn 600-700 kcal per hour. This is a very good indicator, which, if you train regularly, will help you quickly get in shape.

- Running in place, how many calories does it burn?? If you run on a treadmill in the gym or at home, you burn calories more slowly. Considering that a person runs with average speed 8 km/h, then he can spend 6.5 kcal per 1 kg of his weight for an hour of training, which on average is about 325 kcal for 30 minutes of running.

- Trail running, how many calories does it take?? When running on terrain with difficult terrain, calories are burned very intensely. In an hour of such training you can burn up to 900 kcal.

The most optimal and effective distance is considered to be a distance of 1 km, which can be covered in 7 minutes and burn up to 250 kcal. This is the most suitable distance for beginners.

Another popular distance is 3 km. If you cover this distance in 16 minutes, you can lose up to 500 kcal.

Only the most fit people can run a distance of 4-5 km. Running this distance in 20 minutes can burn up to 800 kcal.

Thus, on average, one minute of running burns from 30 to 40 kcal, depending on the degree of load. It is recommended to start training with short distances, gradually increasing the distance and speed. It is this approach that will ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of running exercises.

If the issue of losing weight is urgent for you, then there are several tips on how to make your workout more effective:

  • Proper nutrition. Systematic training will not bring results if it is not supplemented with proper nutrition. In your daily diet, it is advisable to reduce the intake of fats and carbohydrates, and give preference to foods with increased content protein and fiber;

  • Additional loads. Fats are burned faster if jogging is supplemented with auxiliary exercises. This could be swinging your arms, raising your arms above your head, or running with your knees raised high. You can also take small dumbbells in your hands and attach special weights to your feet;

  • Changing the training intensity mode. Alternating sprinting with fast walking is also good for burning calories.

Following these simple rules can be achieved good results in a relatively short period of time.

It is recommended to start training with a 20-minute jog. The jogging pace should be moderate and comfortable for you, since too high a speed will quickly leave you exhausted, as well as with shortness of breath and pain in the side. Gradually, the duration of training can be increased to 40-60 minutes, since it is after the first 20 minutes of running that adipose tissue begins to burn more intensely. During this period of training, it is recommended to alternate sprinting with walking or simply increase the speed.

It is best to exercise 2-3 times a week. To lose weight, you should exercise in the evening, since it is at this time of day that energy is consumed the most. Be sure to watch your diet; a balanced diet low in fat and carbohydrates is the most important key to weight loss.

Running is a popular and effective method of combating excess weight and excess calories. You can jog almost anywhere and at any time of the year. You choose the time and place for training, and financial costs only involve the purchase of suitable shoes and clothing.

In addition to burning calories and losing weight, regular running exercises help develop endurance, strengthen the heart and lungs, and improve muscle tone. If systematic jogging becomes a habit, it will significantly improve the quality of your life.

Running is very effective exercise to combat excess weight, to strengthen muscles and stabilize the functioning of the body as a whole. But what if you can’t run outside? Is it possible to go jogging without leaving home? Is running in place effective or is it unable to bring real benefits? Let's figure it out.

Why do you need to run in place?

Running in place is a rather rare exercise that some athletes consider simply strange and useless. However, everything is not so hopeless. Running in place is primarily useful for those who, due to various circumstances, do not have free time to go for regular runs outside. In particular, these are people who live far from their place of work or study, spending a total of several hours a day on the road. Indeed, if a person lives, for example, in the Moscow region, 50-60 kilometers from Moscow, and works or studies directly in the capital, then a one-way journey can take up to an hour and a half. It is these people who will benefit from running in place, which requires minimal space. You can do it, for example, in the office during a break.

Benefits of running in place

Running in place has several advantages over classic street jogging:

  • No special one is required (just have it on hand).
  • A person is absolutely independent of weather conditions.
  • There is no need to look for a special place for running (like a stadium), because you can run on the spot at home or in the office.
  • There is no need to carve out time in your daily routine for exercise, since you can run even during a break from work.
  • Running in place virtually reduces the possibility of injury. Agree, it is quite difficult to trip and fall while running in place.

Disadvantages of running in place

Despite all its advantages, running in place has several disadvantages that make it a loser in a duel with street running:

When running in place, there is no movement in the horizontal plane, so the body burns significantly fewer calories, which is ineffective for weight loss.
  • Uneven load distribution. Running in place mainly loads the calf muscles, while the muscles of the thighs and shoulder girdle receive virtually no load due to the aforementioned lack of movement in the horizontal plane.
  • Absence fresh air. Running in place is usually running indoors, that is, in a place where fresh outdoor air can only enter through open window, which, of course, is not enough to fully saturate the body with oxygen.
  • Monotone. When running outdoors, the scenery surrounding the athlete is constantly changing. When running in place, a person is deprived of this pleasure, so the workout becomes very boring and monotonous.
  • What muscles work when running in place?

    When running in place, as mentioned earlier, . To a lesser extent, the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteal muscles are used, as well as the abdominal muscles and lower back as stabilizer muscles. In addition, the arms and shoulders are included in the work, but, naturally, not as actively as with classic running.

    In order to include the hips and gluteal muscles at least a little more actively in the work, and also to add variety to the training, you can add options for running in place with high hip lifts and shin overlapping. This approach will give additional load to the hamstrings and quadriceps, respectively.

    Technique of running in place

    As before any other running workout, before running in place it is necessary to perform a small set of rotational and pulling movements with an emphasis on the ankles and knees in order to prepare the muscles, ligaments and joints for upcoming work.

    First of all, you need to understand the technique of running in place. To do this on initial stage It is recommended to lean your hands against the wall, and move your body forward slightly to “catch” the position in which running will take place, and then begin to alternately move your legs, creating an imitation of running. Having grasped the technique of movements, you can move away from the support and continue running in place on your own.

    It is important to ensure that the landing is not on your heels, but on your toes, this is necessary to maintain healthy joints.

    Try to raise your knees higher, thereby increasing the intensity of your workout.

    After completing the session, stretch your quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles, if possible, knead them with your hands.

    How many calories are burned when running in place?

    Running in place, of course, is not as effective in burning calories as classic running, but it can still give certain results. It is estimated that a person can burn between 200 and 300 calories in half an hour of running in place. It is important to understand that this is an average and may vary depending on weight, height, gender, age, physical fitness, metabolic rate and other factors.

    The heart rate when running in place should be high, but not beyond 140 beats per minute, so as not to overload the cardiovascular system.

    To increase energy expenditure while running in place, you can:

    • Actively use your arms bent at the elbows, simulating the efforts of classic running;
    • Swing your arms above your head;
    • Use weights (both for legs and arms).


    Running in place is an alternative to classic running, even if it is a less effective exercise. By regularly jogging on the spot at home or in the office, gradually increasing the load and training time, you can achieve some progress in losing weight. But it is important to understand that this is only a temporary alternative to street running, and not its permanent replacement.

    Running in place in video format

    Everyone knows that running is extremely effective way healing the body. Its benefits are obvious to everyone: regular intense training helps to increase blood flow, harden and strengthen muscles, stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular and many other systems. But in some cases there is no opportunity to run on the street - or there are no suitable places, or there is no time to get to them. There is no need to despair - you can run at home and effectively burn calories. Jogging in place is an excellent alternative to street jogging, although it has some disadvantages. How to run in place and how long should you run? Let's try to figure it out.

    What are the benefits of running in place?

    The benefits of jogging in place have many similarities to regular street running, but the stress on the muscles is gentler, which will avoid the dangers of injury. Basic useful qualities running in place:

    • the heart and blood vessels train and develop;
    • sweat is actively released, with which toxins and waste are removed from the body;
    • intensively burned a large number of calories, so such workouts contribute to weight loss;
    • the load on the kidneys is reduced, since they have to remove less toxins;
    • The mood improves, the nervous system is strengthened, and the energy tone increases.


    Running in place for weight loss has many advantages over regular street running:

    • no special clothing is required - this is especially important when racing in winter;
    • running at home allows you to avoid the dangers of encountering hooligans in parks or alleys;
    • there is no need to find a time and place for training - you can run anywhere and as much as you want;
    • independence from weather conditions;
    • there is no excess load on the joints and spine, since the feet land on the toes, which ensures good shock absorption;
    • when running in place, it is impossible to trip and fall and get injured;
    • for classes you only need small area apartments and comfortable shoes.


    But running in place also has its disadvantages:

    • the load is much weaker than with street running, since there is no horizontal movement, so fewer calories are burned;
    • The main load is placed on the calf muscles, so they develop the most.

    If you do your workouts at home incorrectly, running can only cause harm. In addition, running in place to lose weight is a rather boring activity. While running through the park or in nature, you can look at the surrounding landscape as much as you like and enjoy the beautiful changing landscape. There is no such opportunity at home, and many people often quit classes because of their monotony and monotony.

    How to turn the disadvantages of running in place into advantages?

    Despite the many disadvantages of home running, they can easily be avoided by following simple rules:

    • A special technique will help you increase the load, burn more calories and make your workouts more effective: every minute you need to change the pace of running, raise your knees and heels high, and alternately move your legs overlapping. In addition, to increase the load, you can use special weights for the legs or dumbbells for the arms, which burn much more calories. How many kilograms to “hang” on yourself during training is something everyone chooses according to their own feelings.
    • To prevent running in place from causing boredom, you can turn on pleasant music, or run in front of the TV while watching your favorite TV series or exciting movie. Jogging on the balcony will help diversify your workouts, where you can watch the movement on the street and the changing landscape as much as you like. In addition, running on the balcony helps to saturate the body with oxygen, provided that the house is located far from major highways. You can avoid monotony by frequently changing the rhythm and tempo of movement.

    To ensure that all the muscles of the body get a workout when running at home, it is recommended to combine running with other exercises. And if you follow a certain diet, more calories are burned. This will allow you to quickly achieve high results and gain a slim figure.

    How to run in place correctly?

    Running in place for weight loss is not particularly difficult. You just need to follow a few simple conditions that will help you get the maximum benefit from exercise:

    1. Running technique. Before you start jogging, be sure to stretch your muscles. It is necessary to raise your legs to a height that will provide sufficient load on your shins. The location of the knees is strictly above the feet, the back must be kept straight, without deviation forward or backward. You can pull your stomach in a little, press your arms to your body and bend them at the elbows, relax your shoulders. To avoid possible errors, it is recommended to consult with an instructor, or watch a training video. If you run correctly, the benefits will be maximum. You cannot make sudden lunges, body movements, or jumps.
    2. Duration and frequency of training. How much should you run to burn more calories? You should start with short runs, gradually increasing the time of exercise. The optimal frequency of running in place is 20 minutes every day. During this time, approximately 100 kcal are burned. With this regimen, you will be able to see the first results within a month. To increase the effectiveness of training, it is recommended to include exercises for other muscles of the body in the complex.
    3. Individual approach. When choosing a running technique, you need to be guided by the state of your body. If you have certain chronic diseases Wrong way running can be harmful to the body. For example, if you have diseases of the spine, it is recommended to run with your arms folded back and your head tilted back. For people whose work requires daily mental stress, slow jogging is suitable, in which you need to raise your legs high and swing your arms widely.
    4. Breathing and pulse. When running in place, you can breathe freely, trying not to lose your breath. It is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. It is important to control your pulse - it should not be higher than acceptable levels.
    5. Access to fresh air. Jogging is best done in a ventilated area - the body is actively saturated with oxygen and more calories are burned. Ideal option is running on a loggia or balcony. If they are not there, it is recommended to at least open the window.

    To increase the effectiveness of your training, you should follow a certain diet. It is recommended to exclude fried, fatty foods and other foods high in calories from the diet, and consume more boiled or steamed food. You need to drink more during exercise clean water, as it will promote increased sweat production. It is better not to eat food 2 hours before running training.

    For some diseases, running in place is contraindicated. It will be harmful in case of severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, recent heart attacks or strokes, damage to the musculoskeletal system, cancer, or in the acute phase of infectious diseases. Jogging to burn calories can only be started after consulting a doctor.

    It cannot be said that running in place is a popular exercise used for weight loss.

    Most of us last performed it during physical education lessons or sports sections.

    In this article we will try to answer in detail the question - is running in place effective enough to take it into service and fight extra pounds.

    In this case, it is worth immediately putting the dots in their places and understanding what is meant by the term “running in place.”

    If you think that running on a treadmill is also “running in place,” then this is far from true. Running on the treadmill of a simulator is a real running, comparable in action and results to running around a stadium.

    Muscles working while running in place

    Running in place should be considered as an imperfect replacement for classical running, due to forced conditions. These conditions are well known - bad weather, no time to go to the stadium or go to the park, etc.

    When running in place, the calf muscles are the ones that work the most, and they develop first. The quadriceps are also involved in the work. But in general, almost all the muscles of the body are involved in the work.

    Contraindications and benefits

    Contraindications to running in place

    You should not run in place if you have a severe curvature of the spine, injuries to your knees, ankles or hip joints, pregnancy, obesity with a BMI of 35.0 and above, varicose veins of the legs and hypertension in the acute stage.

    Benefits for the body

    So, let’s get rid of illusions - running in place is not a complete replacement for classic running; if this were so, no one would run in parks and stadiums.

    Running in place, like any cyclic load of sufficient intensity, has a training effect on the cardiovascular system, increases aerobic capacity, and overall endurance.

    Work performed (periodic lifting and lowering general center heaviness of the body) requires the expenditure of energy, which is ultimately taken, if we ignore intermediate processes, from fat reserves.

    This, of course, if you do not immediately compensate for the costs with food. It is impossible to lose weight from just running in place; you also need to follow a diet with a predominance of energy expenditure (for vital functions, production work, running in place) over the energy supplied with food.

    The energy deficit for optimal weight loss should be about 400 kcal per day. We will try to provide these 400 kcal not by cutting the diet, but exclusively by running in place.

    However, an intermediate option is also possible - if you don’t have enough time to run in place, you can cut your food by 200 kcal, and spend 200 kcal running in place.

    It is generally accepted that a person weighing 60 kg spends 500 kcal of energy per hour of running on the spot. However, this is a very approximate value, since costs depend significantly on the intensity of running. Running, even if it is stationary, can be of different intensity, and the intensity is determined by the height of the jump when running.

    And the height of the jump is far from being such a visible value as the speed during classical running, which is recorded in the stadium by the time it takes to run one lap. So it comes to light main drawback running in place - there is no feedback, the result of the work is not visible.

    But man is lazy by nature, and, from the point of view common sense It’s hard to think of a more meaningless activity than running in place. There may be a desire to save on costs. To avoid this (after all, the goal is to expend the maximum number of calories), you will have to control your pulse.

    An optimal heart rate when running in place is the only guarantee that the exercise was not in vain.

    Heart rate during exercise

    We calculate our individual heart rate zone in the following order:

    • determine resting pulse;
    • calculate the maximum heart rate;
    • calculate the lower limit of the pulse zone;
    • We calculate the upper limit of the pulse zone.

    Let's use an example to calculate the boundaries of the pulse zone:

    A person losing weight (age 35 years) determined in the morning, after waking up, lying in bed on his back, his resting pulse was 65.

    Maximum heart rate is calculated as 220 minus age: 220 - 35 = 185.

    The lower limit of the pulse zone lies in the middle between the resting pulse and the maximum pulse: (65 + 185)/2 = 125.

    The upper limit of the pulse zone lies in the middle between the lower limit of the pulse zone and the maximum pulse: (125 + 185)/2 = 155.

    Thus, for jogging in place to be effective for weight loss, the heart rate (by example) during exercise should be in the range of 125-155 beats per minute.

    At the same time, you should stick to the lower value if you are just starting to exercise; you will reach the upper value after a few months of training, as your level of fitness increases.

    Running in place is far from walking in place. When walking, one leg constantly rests on the floor; when running, a person lifts off the ground completely for some time.

    When walking in place, a person's center of gravity increases quite insignificantly, only due to the raising of one leg, the weight of which (about 1/6 of the body weight) is insignificant compared to the weight of the body.

    Accordingly, the pulse increases slightly compared to the resting pulse - by 30-40 beats, but when running, an increase of 80-90 beats is quite possible.

    Before you start running in place, you need to stand up straight, raise your bent arms, with one arm positioned lower and the other higher.

    When running, the legs alternately come off the floor - the higher they are, the higher the heart rate, the more energy-intensive the workout. At the same time, the arms move synchronously in time with the movements, the back should be kept straight and level.

    Helps you lose weight and tone your figure active species sports, the most popular of which is running. If you don’t have the opportunity to exercise on a treadmill or special tracks, you can master running on the spot, which is done at home.

    Experienced athletes argue that running at home cannot completely replace a treadmill or jogging in the park, since the necessary physiological amplitude is not maintained during all movements. But they agree that running at home allows you to prepare the body for stress and start metabolic processes.

    This exercise must be performed every day and control the landing of the foot. If you follow the running technique and systematic training, you can lose excess weight and restore the respiratory function of the lung tissue. Cases of remission of bronchial asthma and a decrease in the frequency of blood pressure surges in people suffering from them have also been reported.

    Running in place for weight loss promotes improved blood circulation in the body.

    When doing exercises at home, the mental and emotional condition patients with dysfunctions nervous system. Scientists have proven that running in place helps increase stress resistance and reduce the risk of heart attack.

    How many calories does running in place burn?

    The number of calories burned while running in place depends on the person's weight and time of exercise.

    Average energy consumption:

    Weight, kg Number of kcal for a certain period of time
    5 minutes. 10 min. 20 minutes. 30 min. 40 min. 50 min. 60 min.
    40 26 55 108 161 238 267 319
    50 32 68 135 201 303 335 410
    60 41 80 163 241 364 400 480
    70 48 95 188 279 423 467 561
    80 54 108 214 323 482 533 642

    The number of calories burned may vary depending on the intensity of the exercise.

    To increase energy consumption it is necessary:

    • actively move your arms while running;
    • raise your legs high;
    • use leg or arm weights.

    What are the benefits of running in place?

    Running in place differs from classic running in a gentler load on the spine and leg joints, which helps reduce the risk of injury.

    For example:

    • tendon rupture and sprain;
    • dislocation ankle joint;
    • inflammation of the Achilles tendon;
    • luxation of the patella;
    • narrowing of the intervertebral space;
    • plantar fasciitis;
    • fractures of small bones.

    Running in place allows you to:

    • train the heart muscle;
    • strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity;
    • remove toxic substances and slag compounds along with sweat;
    • stimulate metabolic and metabolic processes;
    • reduce the load on the urinary system;
    • increase lung volume;
    • stabilize the nervous system;
    • increase immunity;
    • improve mood;
    • accelerate blood flow and gas exchange in tissues;
    • increase the tone of the muscular system;
    • increase endurance;
    • activate mental activity;
    • prevent anemia and tachycardia;
    • get rid of excess weight;

    • improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
    • increase skin elasticity.

    Benefits of running in place

    Running on the spot at home to lose weight or prepare for more serious exercise has a number of advantages over exercise on a machine:

    • there is no need to buy specialized clothing, since a regular tracksuit is suitable for running in winter and summer;
    • you can exercise at any convenient time, without spending it on the road to the park or gym;
    • there is no need to look for a place to train, as any flooring;
    • no dependence on weather conditions;
    • the spine and knees experience less stress due to landing on the toes;
    • there is no possibility of falling and getting injured;
    • The training plan and type of running can be selected for a person with any level of training.

    Disadvantages of running in place

    Among the disadvantages of these trainings are:

    • less physical activity, which is not suitable for advanced athletes;
    • monotony of training;
    • rapid loss of motivation;
    • increased work of the calf muscles;

    • lack of oxygen when exercising indoors;

    To maintain training tone, you need to monitor your running technique in place and use additional stimulants: turn on any programs on TV or listen to music.

    It is very important to ventilate the room well during cardio training, as a lack of fresh air can lead to hypoxia and shortness of breath.

    Contraindications for running in place

    Running in place has fewer contraindications than classic running. Before starting training, you should consult a therapist.

    Direct contraindications include:

    • obstructive pulmonary disease;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • dystonia;
    • ischemia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
    • intervertebral hernia;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • arthritis;
    • hyperthermia;
    • acute respiratory failure;
    • allergic hay fever;
    • flat feet;
    • unhealed fractures;
    • coccygeal bone cracks;
    • fasciitis;
    • increased or decreased arterial pressure;
    • any surgical interventions performed shortly before training;
    • thyroid diseases;
    • kidney pathologies;

    • ulcerative lesions of the digestive system;
    • progressive myopia;
    • retinal detachment;
    • glaucoma;
    • pathologies of the central nervous system, in which impaired coordination of movements is observed;
    • muscle and tendon strain;
    • osteoporosis;
    • pregnancy;
    • spinal column injuries;
    • cirrhosis;
    • obesity;
    • coxarthrosis;
    • acute heart failure;
    • epilepsy.

    Technique of running in place

    Running on the spot at home to lose weight or increase physical endurance requires adherence to technique and certain training rules.

    Before you start running you should:

    • do a little warm-up for the joints and stretch the muscles;

    • provide oxygen access to the room;
    • Depending on your state of health and level of training, choose the type of training.

    It is also worth monitoring your heart rate; the number of contractions should not exceed 80%. To do this, you can use modern heart rate monitors or calculate the value using a simple formula: heart rate 80% = 220-age. The intensity of your workouts can be varied by speeding up or slowing down the pace. When running in place, you need to breathe through your nose or diaphragm.

    Normal running

    This type is the simplest and is a simulator of classic jogging. This kind of running in place is recommended for beginner athletes.

    Running technique:

    1. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to chest level.
    2. Start running, landing on the front of your feet.
    3. It is necessary to watch your knees, they should not go beyond the line of your feet.
    4. Breathing is carried out through the nose:
    • when inhaling, relax your stomach;
    • As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles.

    Running with high knees

    Technique for this type of running in place:

    1. Stand up straight and straighten your back.
    2. Pull in your stomach and slightly tighten your abdominal muscles;
    3. Raise your arms, bent at the elbows, to chest level.
    4. Start running in place, paying attention to your knees: they should not go beyond the line of your feet.
    5. Hands should work synchronously for each step: one hand down, the other up.
    6. The legs must be raised one at a time until a parallel line with the floor is formed.
    7. Breathing should only come through the nose.
    8. You need to land only on the front of your foot.

    Running with knees up is one of the most difficult techniques. During the exercise, the gluteal, thigh and calf muscles work, and the load on the muscles of the lumbar back increases, so it is recommended to take short breaks between approaches.

    Running with shin sprains

    The main load during this type of running falls on:

    • gluteal muscles;
    • knee-joint;
    • rear end hips;
    • abdominal muscles.


    1. Stand up straight and lean your body forward slightly.
    2. Raise your bent arms to chest level.
    3. Start running by alternately bending your legs at the knee and throwing them back as far as possible, that is, you need to touch your buttock with your heel.
    4. The supporting leg should be straight.
    5. Landing during this run should occur on a full foot.
    6. Hands should work synchronously: one - down, the other - up.
    7. You need to breathe through your nose, exhaling through your mouth is allowed.
    8. It is necessary to watch your shoulders: they should not be tense.

    This type of running in place does not place large loads on the spinal column, as there is a smooth rocking on the feet. At the same time, the intensity of the load decreases insignificantly.

    Running in place for weight loss

    Running on the spot at home for weight loss will have a great effect when using additional exercises. The process of burning calories increases significantly during interval running, and continues for another 4-6 hours after the end of the workout.

    Can be used ready-made diagram classes:

    1. Simple running in place at an average pace - 3 minutes.
    2. Running in place with the shin whipping backwards at a high pace - 2 min.
    3. Simple running in place at a high pace - 2 minutes.
    4. Jumping run for 3 minutes:
    • push strongly off the floor with each foot;
    • land only on your toes;
    1. Simple running in place at a slow pace- 5 minutes.
    2. Walk in place for 2 minutes.

    When adapting to this training plan, it is necessary to gradually increase the time of each exercise or add leg weights or dumbbells, the weight of which does not exceed 1.5 kg. You can also add running with high knees and arm swings.

    Running in place for endurance

    To increase the adaptive characteristics of the body, it is necessary to perform all exercises at a high pace for as long as possible. For these purposes, two types of running are used: interval running and running with high knees.

    It is worth noting that:

    • when raising your legs, you must maintain parallelism with the floor; to do this, you can stretch your arms forward;
    • breathing should occur only through the nose.

    Interval training to improve endurance:

    1. Simple running in place at an average pace - 5 minutes.
    2. Running with high knees at a high pace - 7 min.
    3. Running in place at a high pace - 7 min.

    All 3 exercises are one approach; during training you must perform at least 2-3 approaches with a break of 60 seconds. When adapting to loads, it is recommended to increase the number of approaches or the time for performing each exercise.

    Mixed media

    Running on the spot at home can be of a mixed type. This type of training is used for weight loss by people who are accustomed to short interval training. The technique involves performing all exercises at the same pace: slow or medium. This is necessary to maintain strength for the entire workout and activate a long period of calorie burning.

    Sample workout in mixed type:

    Muscle work when running

    Running in place uses the muscles of the upper body and legs to varying degrees.

    Buttock area

    The muscles of this part of the body help keep a person upright. During training, they are used at only 10%. Simple running in place allows you to tighten your buttocks and round their shape, but it is not enough to add volume to this area.

    For more effective work gluteal muscles affect:

    • increased running pace;
    • Ben with a shin wrap and knee lift.


    The muscles of this part of the body are responsible for flexion knee joint and movement of the legs relative to the pelvis. They are represented by 4 bundles. This area works actively while running in one place.

    Training affects:

    • quadriceps, which consists of:
    • 3 vastus muscles: intermedius, lateral and medial;
    • 1 rectus muscle;
    • posterior biceps muscle.

    Shin and calves

    Running on the spot at home to lose weight in the lower leg area is often used, since this part of the legs is used the most during exercise.

    When running in place, the following are developed:

    • soleus muscle;
    • 3rd fibula;
    • tibial posterior and anterior;
    • calf muscles.


    The muscles that are located in the foot work less actively than the lower leg.

    Running in place has a strengthening effect on:

    • vermiform muscle;
    • short flexor and extensor muscles;
    • interosseous muscles from the back.

    Upper body

    Running in place activates the work:

    • intercostal muscles with rapid or deep breathing;
    • press, which allows you to maintain balance;
    • iliacus muscles, which regulate the movement of the pelvic region;
    • lumbar muscles, which allow you to hold the body when bending;
    • the broad muscles of the back, which allow you to move your shoulders and regulate your breathing;

    • arm muscles:
    • triceps;
    • triceps and biceps brachialis;
    • biceps.

    Running in place uses most of the upper body musculature and can build muscle correct form and relief.

    The functioning of the respiratory system when running

    The respiratory system is considered adaptive because it regulates the frequency and depth of breathing depending on the oxygen demand of cells. If there is insufficient supply of this gas to the tissues, the load on the heart increases, which causes an acceleration of its rhythm. To stabilize the condition, the body begins to increase the number of sighs by reducing the inhaled volume of air.

    When running in place, the respiratory system can operate in 2 modes:

    • Adapted or aerobic when sufficient gas exchange occurs in tissues during physical activity. This type of breathing is observed at an average pace of exercise and a heart rate of about 60%.
    • Hypoxic, in which the body is unable to adapt to muscle activity and experiences oxygen starvation. In this case, the number of small capillaries and the volume of blood vessels in the lungs begin to increase. This allows the body to overcome the hypoxic threshold due to better release of oxygen from a small volume of air.

    How much and how often should you run?

    To achieve the maximum effect from training, you need to exercise regularly. The first results will be noticeable after 1 month of training, and if you follow proper nutrition and performing additional exercises - after 2 weeks. The first workout should not exceed 5 minutes.

    As you get used to the loads, the running time should be increased by 1-2 minutes. every 3 days. The duration of running in place depends on the person’s well-being and the presence of concomitant diseases. It can vary from 30 to 60 minutes. On average, if a person weighs 60-70 kg, in 1 month of training you can lose about 3-5 kg.

    Overall, running in place is a worthy alternative to classic running. It is suitable for people who do not have a lot of free time or the opportunity to visit a fitness center. It is worth remembering that training at home does not allow you to work out all muscle groups and quickly lose weight, so they need to be supplemented with other activities.

    Article format: Anna Vinnitskaya

    Video about running in place

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