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» How to get a stuck pump out of a well. How to remove a stuck pump from a well - effective ways to solve the problem. Wrong Methods for Solving Problems with Stuck Pumps

How to get a stuck pump out of a well. How to remove a stuck pump from a well - effective ways to solve the problem. Wrong Methods for Solving Problems with Stuck Pumps


If broken and stuck submersible pump, it's always annoying. In addition, such a problem is not always easily and successfully solved. Often, the pump can jam so hard that it won't lift or push through. Similar situation can result in the loss of both the most expensive pump and the equally expensive well. To exclude such an outcome of events, it is necessary to carry out preventive actions at least once every three or four years. The frequency depends on the type of water intake used, the condition of the water-lifting water pipeline, and the safety material. If you still needed to get the pump out of the well, then this should not be a significant difficulty, since Istok is able to successfully solve even the most difficult problem.

How to get a stuck pump out of a well?

When a decision is made to raise the well pump from the water intake on its own, the consequences can be very different. And many of them end up even worse than before the start of work.

So the most common negative situations when a stuck pump is lifted from the well:

  1. During the rise, a sag is formed electric wire. It provokes the formation of loops that overlap the pump housing. As a result, the cable is jammed between the walls of the casing pipe and the pump casing. A similar situation will end in failure even when using a winch. There is only one outcome - a break in the cable attachment.

To exclude such an outcome, it is necessary to fasten the electrical wire with bundles to the water-lifting pipeline.

If the downhole pump is lifted not by a cable, but by a pipe or wire, then the simultaneous exit of all elements from the casing should be controlled so that none of them weakens. Otherwise, you can get a very deplorable result.

  1. A shallow well (most often “on the sand”) has not been exploited for a long time. During this period, active silting took place. Sometimes the level of sludge can reach up to two meters above the position of the pump. In this case, when trying to remove the pump, jamming occurs. In this case, you can try the "jumping" method. If it is possible to slightly move the pump from its place and water penetrates into the formed cavities, then the chance to remove the equipment, continuing to swing, increases.
  2. When you try to get the pump out of the well, it suddenly rests and does not move up. There are no sagging wires and cables. In this case, a casing shear situation may occur. On your own, you can only extract it if you try to slowly move it up while simultaneously rotating the pipeline around the axis. Perhaps he will slip around the barrier and continue moving.
  3. Ingress of foreign objects from above. In such a case, at the beginning of the movement, a stop occurs immediately. This is a very complex situation and, most likely, video diagnostics will be required. Basically, independent attempts lead to cable breakage. It is best to immediately turn to professionals and solve the problem as quickly and painlessly as possible. Istok specialists are able to quickly get the pump out of the well and the price will definitely please.
  4. The situation in which the cable broke and the pump fell into the well. In this case, the internal cavity is also examined with special video equipment to determine its location and condition. This requires clarification of the possibility of capture by fishing tools.

Professional removal of stuck pumps from wells

The company "Istok" specializes in servicing water intakes of all types. We are confident that competent preventive maintenance of pipes and pumping equipment can significantly extend the service life of the facility, prevent various kinds of breakdowns that provoke long, expensive repairs and restoration. It should be understood that every well needs professional maintenance. Otherwise, non-professional actions lead to unnecessary breakdowns and defects.

If you have already encountered one of the problems listed above, then immediately call our company. We will help you get the pump out of the well, service it, restore the water supply and do everything necessary to prevent a recurrence of the problem. Contacting our organization contributes to fast, high-quality work at minimal cost.

Modern technological equipment allows you to remove the pumps in even the most difficult situations. Statistics show that almost 80% of ruined wells are associated precisely with inept attempts to extract. We hasten to assure you that only our specialists reliably know how to get a stuck pump.

The situation with stuck equipment is very common. First of all, the owner comes up with the idea of ​​self-extraction. But we strongly advise you not to do this, because it is easy to aggravate the situation. Most right action there will be a call of specialists of the Istok company. As a result, you will receive prompt assistance at an adequate price.

How to place an order in the company "Istok"?

In order to avoid non-professionalism, it is worth asking in advance about the qualifications of the master who takes the order and plans to visit the site. In this case, you can confidently ask simple questions:

  • What are our technical capabilities?
  • What skills do our masters have and what is their experience?
  • What challenges might workers face during extraction?
  • What guarantees can we provide?

We will answer each of them with confidence and professionalism. Many years of experience allows us to provide a guarantee for the quality of the services provided, and hundreds of satisfied customers are the guarantee of our qualified activity.

Don't delay solving your problem, call now!

Individual water supply is quite convenient to use and has a number of advantages: it provides independence from central systems water supply, and always clean and compliant water flows in the right volume. At the same time, the cost of performing work, equipment and materials fully pays off over time. At the same time, the equipment used in autonomous systems, is not insured against breakdowns and requires periodic maintenance.

A pump stuck in a well can be a serious problem, because the wrong action in this situation can lead to serious damage to the equipment.
  1. Sagging electrical cable.
  2. Accumulation of silt in the well.
  3. Casing pipe damage.
  4. Ingress of foreign objects into the well.
  5. downhole during installation.

If the pump is stuck in the well, it must be removed with the utmost care and caution. Illiterate actions cause the final breakdown of the pump and lead to failure of the well. In some cases, only specialists with the necessary skills and with the help of special equipment can get a stuck pump. The simplest causes of jamming can be tried to eliminate on their own.

  • An indication of a stuck electrical cable between the pump housing and the inner casing wall is the wire sagging when attempting to lift the pump to the surface. Additional physical effort or the use of auxiliary mechanisms (winch, jack or other) will not solve the problem and will lead to cable breakage or equipment damage. In this case, it is worth trying the initial position, lowering it lower, and carefully select the wrapped cable. Then remove the pump from the well, controlling the tension of the wire.

As preventive measure, preventing sagging, the cable is fastened to the pressure hose using clamps. Each time the pump is removed, the clamps will have to be disconnected, but, compared to the solution emergencies, this process does not take much time.

  • If sludge accumulates, the pump cannot be lifted from its location. Depending on , the cause may be water stagnation and silting of the lower part of the pump (sand well) or the formation of mineral deposits above the casing (limestone well). In both cases, the swing of the included pump with a small amplitude is used, as a result of which the incoming water gradually flushes out deposits and makes it possible to lift the equipment. To prevent the formation of deposits, periodic cleaning of the well should be carried out, as well as at least once every 3-5 years, equipment should be raised for inspection and maintenance.
  • Casing damage, deformation or misalignment occurs as a result of shifting soil layers, the use of an initially deformed or damaged pipe, or a poor-quality connection. When you try to get the pump, you hear the sound of a blow or tapping of the housing against the pipe walls. The passage of damaged areas can be helped by giving the pump when lifting rotational movements. In this case, it should be borne in mind that excessive efforts will not help to pull out the equipment and will only exacerbate the problem.
  • Ingress of foreign objects (stones, tools, etc.) between the pump casing and the casing pipe, leading to jamming. In this case, getting the pump out of the well without the help of specialists is quite problematic. The use of special video diagnostic equipment allows you to accurately determine the location and type of an interfering object and select best way problem solving.
  • If in the process, together with the cable, hose and cable, you can try to pry the cable with a steel “cat” fixed on a metal wire with a diameter of at least 5 mm. To do this, the free end of the wire, the length of which exceeds the depth of the well by 5-7 m, is attached to the boom of the lifting mechanism (crane, winch), and the second end is lowered into the well, after which it performs rotational movements until the hook is performed. It should be borne in mind that all work is done blindly and there is a high risk of equipment damage.

In order to pull the pump out of the well with minimal risk of damage to the equipment, it is important to maintain the same degree of tension on the cable and rope when lifting. For convenience, it is recommended to use a drum, on which the selected cable and cable are wound at the same time, preventing them from sagging.

"Folk" ways to remove a stuck pump

Attempts to save money and solve the problem on their own, with the help of improvised means and devices, are not always justified. Often, as a result of rash and hasty actions, it is required complete replacement all pumping equipment, and even drilling a new well. At the same time, there are several "folk" methods that allow you to try to solve the problem with minimal risk of irreversible damage.

To push the equipment down, a hollow steel meter pipe with a welded metal loop. A separate cable is attached to the loop, and the “native” cable, hose and cable are threaded inward and brought to the surface. If with the help of an additional load it is possible to move the equipment from its place, all structural elements rise at the same time.

The relatively safe method also includes the method in which tension is created on the selected cable, and the stretched section is periodically tapped until slack appears. After that, the slack is selected and the tapping procedure is repeated. Such manipulations are performed from several hours to several days and are not effective for all cases.

  1. Use of high quality cable and stainless steel mounting bolts.
  2. The hose and cable must not have connections or knots.
  3. How more distance between the pump casing and the casing wall, the less risk of jamming.
  4. Be sure to use a cap to protect the well from foreign objects.

The pump is stuck in the well, how to pull it out

Having spent many years in the water well drilling industry, we have seen countless various situations and one of the most unpleasant is the one we are going to talk about now.
We recommend that you take what happened seriously and do not rush into action, here you can easily create more big problem than the one already available.
First, we will deal with the causes of the jam, describe popular situations and tell you what to do if the pump is stuck in the well and how to pull it to the surface. Everything from experience, no theory and conjectures, only what we have seen over the years of work.

Why is the pump stuck in the well

To begin with, we will understand the reasons for this phenomenon, so as not to run into something similar in the future.

  • main reason stuck in too deep immersion of the well pump, deeper than recommended.
    We have seen cases when people feel sorry for the money spent for each meter, and they lowered the pump to the maximum possible depth.
    There are situations when the customer saves money and invites his workers to complete the arrangement, but they did not calculate the depth, for example, they forgot that the caisson had already eaten 2 meters from the total depth of the well.
    Or read the tips where it is recommended to put the pump at a depth of 1-2 meters from the bottom.
    All this leads to the submersible pump entering the open wellbore. In the process of work, it is slowly covered with sludge, maybe something else from above will break off and fall. As a result, when you try to get it, you pull up, and the pump is stuck and what to do is unknown.
  • The second reason why submersible pump stuck in the well: non-compliance with the clearances between the pump and the casing. For example, in an attempt to give you the best price, many drilling companies say you can fit a 4" (98mm) pump in 117mm casing. The inner diameter of this pipe is 101 mm, and in cold water it narrows to 100 mm. Furthermore, plastic pipe can easily be deformed and, when you try to get the pump, it is tightly wedged.
    We wrote more about pump diameters and how they are combined with casing diameters in this article.
  • In some cases, the pump may cling to casing string or maybe the column broke.

The main reason for the appearance of everything written above is excessive savings and, as a result, the admission to work of unskilled performers, coven workers or people with no experience at all. And also, unwillingness to follow what is written in the technical passport for the well.
As a result, we have incorrect installation of the borehole pump.

The pump is stuck in the well, how to get it

In the case when the pump got into an open barrel, there are not many chances to pull it out, but you can pull it propylene pipe and try to get it up. It is quite strong and occasionally it turns out to get it. In 99% of cases, the safety cable will not help you remove the pump from the well, the cable attachment to the pump is very flimsy, you will simply pull it out of the pump ears.

The safety cable will save only if the pipe has fallen off or some other little thing has happened.If you still manage to raise it, then the pump will be all mangled and inoperative, but the main thing is that the well is intact.

A common situation from experience: the owner decided to get a stuck deep-well pump on his own, the workers pulled, pulled for everything that was possible. The cable and cable broke, all this fell into the well on top of the pump. The cable wedged itself, and the pump got stuck even more. As a result, drillers had to be called in to eliminate the consequences and restore working capacity.
There were similar situations with vibration pumps, like Malysh. When trying to get it, they fell into the well and the cable, and the cable and even the hose.

The main danger in trying to get a stuck pump is to do it. bad situation completely hopeless. There is no universal advice, there is no device for getting a stuck pump in a well ... Therefore, do not bring to drilling a new well to lift stuck pumps call the drillers. All manipulations with the well are performed using a drilling rig. The drilling crew will come with their own tool, take a passport for the well and decide how and what tool to use. Perhaps they will try to drill it out with a core barrel so that it goes into it and lift it up in this way. But there is a danger that the pump is at an angle and it will push the core barrel sideways, after which it will drill a hole in the casing.
There is also an option to try to wind the pump with the help of a machine and pull it out in parts, or lower it to the bottom of the well so as not to interfere with the new one. The decision will be made by experts, looking at the passport for the well. If there is no passport, then it is necessary to conduct a study of the well, and these are additional costs. Moreover, the drilling company does not guarantee 100% delivery of the pump, the chance is always 50/50, but you must pay money for the trip and work. This is understandable: people will spend time for which they could drill and get money. Therefore, it is cheaper to abandon a small well (up to 50 meters) and drill a new one.

  • And the most hopeless option: they try to knock down a periodically jammed pump with a crowbar. Workers lower the crowbar on a rope into the well and knock on the pump. Often this scrap remains in the well, after which you can safely drill all over again. Getting scrap out of the well will not work.

How to pull a broken pump out of a well

If the pump just fell into the well or the wire fell on the pump, then it will be easier to get it. The pump itself does not hold anything, it does not cling to anything, which means you can try to build a wire hook and try to pry the wire. Very rarely, but it works. Then the pump itself will slowly rise. The main thing is not to drop the wire into the well. The more iron falls there, the less likely it is to save the situation. Therefore, be careful with fittings, wire and other metal products.
But, given the not the most difficult nature of the work, it is better not to put the well at risk and call the drillers who will bring the equipment and try to resolve the issue.

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Let's now try to figure out together how to pull the pump out of the well and whether it should be done at all in cases where it has stopped functioning. Perhaps the reason for stopping the water supply is not at all in it, but in the electrical cable or the process automation system.

In order to understand this, you need to clearly understand the source device and the connection diagram, which will be discussed now, and, in addition, you can watch the thematic video in this article as additional material for clarification.

Arrangement and repair of the water supply system

Some possible reasons for stopping

Note. A borehole primarily differs from a water well in its small diameter and, in almost all cases, greater depth.
Drilling can be carried out "on the sand", or to the aquifer artesian layer, which is much deeper.

  • If your pump does not pump water from the well, then this does not mean that it is out of order and needs to be changed, so let's go in order. First of all, you should take into account the factor which well you have - “on the sand” or artesian, since in the first case, the filtration layer may be heavily silted and the pump may not be able to cope with the thick liquid.

  • One more possible cause the fact that the pump does not work in the well, there may be problems in the terminal box at the head of the well, if the cable was connected through it (there could be splicing using a heat-shrink sleeve, and there are practically no problems). Anyway electrical cable it will be short and it will have to be increased and the instruction suggests doing it through such terminals, although this is not the best option.

  • Before pulling the pump out of the well, you should also pay attention to the pressure switch, as the unit may not start due to the fact that there is no minimum start limit. There may be several reasons for this, including a failure of the settings, and oxidation of the contacts, and a complete failure of the sensor. In addition, you need to determine whether voltage is supplied to the electrical cable at all (this can be done with an ammeter voltmeter (tester)).
  • Only after checking all these components and factors can the unit be pulled out of the well. Please note that this will have to be done along with the main pipe, so at least two people are needed for such work.

We get the pump from the well

The question of how to hang the pump in the well is identical to the question of how to remove it, since installation and dismantling are carried out according to the same scheme. The main fixator for the unit is a steel cable, one end of which is attached to the eyelet on the body, as shown in the photo above, and the other to the wellhead.

In the diagram, you can see the structural components of the borehole head, and although its cover may not be round, but an elongated shape (cable entry may go to the side), everything else remains the same. So, the steel cable is attached to the eyebolt and, in the same way as on the pump housing, it is clamped with special clamps (the cable clamp is made taking into account its diameter).

Note. In most cases to steel cable using clamps or ordinary copper or aluminum wire, an electric cable is attached, so you will pull them out together.

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We figured out the cable and now we need to find out how the water intake is carried out - through a caisson (pit) or an adapter, since this will radically change the way the unit is dismantled from the well.

If the highway is brought out through the caisson, then in 99% of cases this polyethylene pipe 32 mm diameter. And the first thing you need to do is cut this hose in the pit, stepping back from the casing 15-20 cm.

After that, you need to fill the protruding pipe into the service pipe and only then lift the pump itself with a cable, pulling it up.

To do this, unscrew the cover, but do not remove the cable from the eyebolt - if it slips out when you lift it up with your own hands, it will still linger on this mount, so you will not experience force majeure.

But if the main pipe for water intake is connected through an adapter, then here you cannot do without a rod with external thread at one end. The fact is that the adapter consists of two parts, where one is tightly attached to the production pipe, and the other to the branch pipe that connects it to the submersible pump.

Between themselves, these two elements are connected by a sled connection - the clutch turns out to be quite tight, especially since there is always a special waterproof lubricant there.

On the top of the adapter part, which is attached to the nozzle, there is a special hole with internal thread for fixing the rod. Therefore, you will have to find the right rod (a metal pipe, and you can cut the desired thread yourself) and, lowering it into the well, screw it to this hole.

After you get on the thread and screw on the rod, try to pull it all up, just do not swing it, so as not to damage the thread or the adapter itself.

Most likely, the adapter will not disconnect the first time, since it is rather difficult to remove the pump from the well - the salts contained in the water slug the connection, and it needs to be moved.

Therefore, you will have to make several strong upward movements to disconnect the adapter, and perhaps even use some kind of homemade winch or jack to do this.

Recommendation. If you cannot separate the adapter, then use two ordinary car jacks to help.
To do this, you will need a crossbar with a clamp that will grab the barbell and two T-shaped supports under it.
Place jacks under these supports or instead of them and gradually raise them to avoid a strong distortion - the adapter will definitely disconnect.

Most likely, those who were involved in the installation knew which pump to put on the well and its diameter is several centimeters smaller than the pipe section. Therefore, the rise should occur without complications, except that in the first case the pipe will rub against the production pipe.


In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that you are not in a hurry to get the submersible pump when it stops, but first make sure that the remaining components are working. Still, the price of such a unit is not cheap, and the labor costs associated with its dismantling are also considerable. Good luck!

During the operation of the source, it is often necessary to get pump equipment from the wellbore of the casing pipe. However, when carrying out this procedure, they often encounter a problem: the pump gets stuck in the well.

  • mine deposits;
  • sagging power cable;
  • siltation of the bottom of the source;
  • reverse siltation;
  • obstacles, got debris;
  • casing string deformation;
  • pump skew;
  • snagged on pipe joints.
  1. Deposits in the well. The reason is the soil in which the casing is embedded. Limestone rocks in interaction with metal case apparatus plus oxygen give a durable stone plaque. Deposits can form both on the device itself and on the pipe walls at the location of the equipment. If, when lifting the device by the cable, there is no movement either up or down, and the cable and cable do not move when tensioned, this is a sure sign that there are salt deposits in the mine.
  2. Sagging cable. The pump is held suspended in the pipe with a cable and a reliable bolted connection. In addition, a hose or pipe and a power cable are attached to the device. Not infrequently, when pulling the device by the cable, we forget to pull out the cable in parallel, and after a few meters it sags and wraps around the pump housing. This can happen if the power cable was not attached to the rope with special clamps when the equipment was first immersed. It sagged during the operation of the well and wound around the device due to vibration. If, when trying to pull the device by the cable, it goes tight and constantly gets stuck, the reason is the cable sagging.
  3. Silting of the bottom of the well. Casing pump set too deep after drilling and installation. Almost always, equipment gets stuck in the sludge. It goes in the pipe natural process formation of silt at the bottom. In the first years of water consumption, the problem of silting will not be identified, because it comes clean and soil has not yet accumulated at the bottom. After prolonged use, the water from the apparatus may go with an admixture of liquid clay and change its color. This is a sure sign that he drowned in the mud.
  4. Reverse silting. In addition to the accumulation of silt at the bottom of the source, there is the problem of completely blocking the body of the device inside the casing with silt. This happens due to the displacement of the seams in the joints, or due to improper installation of the casing. It also occurs in the mine at sandy ground, since sand and eroded soil enter the holes above the location of the pump along with water. Gradually, the silt covers it completely and envelops it, preventing it from being pulled to the surface. If the cable in the taut state gradually moves, then up, then down, it means that the pump is bogged down in silt, and reverse silting has occurred in the well.
  5. Got trash. There is little space in the water well, pumping equipment barely passes into it, however, during use, debris or a foreign object may get into the well for any reason. It is not always possible to keep track of the pipes. Children throw stones, toys, small animals and birds are found in the chimney (although this rarely happens). Foreign objects make it difficult to remove the pump from the well. Debris that gets into the barrel falls to the very bottom and rests against the pump. A clear sign of a hit foreign object into the mine there will be a characteristic snort and rattle when trying to pull the cable.
  6. Casing string deformation. Incorrect installation, dishonest attitude to work lead to problems in the wellbore. Deep water-bearing pipes are assembled with a screw connection or a tongue-and-groove method. Therefore, there is a risk of detachment at the joints. This happens due to the negligence of workers, or because of the characteristics of the soil. Pipes move away from each other and stand upright. A shelf is formed in the trunk, and accordingly, the channel narrows. characteristic feature casing deformation - knocking and sudden stop when lifting.
  7. Pump skew. The decision on the need to remove the device from the shaft has been made, and it's time to start pulling it out. But after several movements in the upward direction, it is stuck and does not move, which means that a skew has occurred. The reason is the cable or cable, which caught on the bottom of the equipment or the side connection when lifting, as a result, the device became a wedge.
  8. The device caught on the joints of the pipe. In the process of lifting, perhaps he rested on the butt joint. Determining the cause is quite simple. Average length metal pipe 6-8 meters, polyethylene - 4-6 meters. It is necessary to measure the appropriate length on the cable, when pulled out, it will become clear what the depth is and what seam the pump rested against.

Several ways to pull out the device

Salt and limestone deposits

Pull the cable several times without maximum effort, gradually moving the cable up and down like a fishing rod. If this does not help, there is another way - to break the deposits with a pneumatic impact. Quite an expensive method, but positive characteristics. Need powerful compressor and long tube 15 mm in diameter. It is lowered to the level of the unit and attached to the compressor. Then a stream of air is fired into the body of the equipment or along the wall of the pipe. The shot should break the plaque and release the device.

cable slack

Cables are different. They are selected depending on the power of the unit. For stronger devices, a rigid reinforced cable is required. In case of sagging, it will not wrap around the body, but simply warp the device, which will make it impossible to lift it to the surface. It will be enough to pull out the cable along with the cable and hose. If the cable is still wound around the pump housing, it thickens it. In this case, you need to feed it down and also move the cable like a fishing rod. The cable will gradually unwind and allow the pump to continue moving.

Bottom silting

When silt and dirt form at the bottom of the well, the apparatus is pulled out by gradually swinging from side to side by the rope and hose. However, if the depth is large enough, the length of the cable will not allow necessary measure swing the device. To get the stuck unit, you need to dilute the sludge large quantity water. Preferably under good pressure. An additional source of water and equipment to supply it to the mine shaft will be required. It is advisable to lower the tube to the very bottom and use a pump to pump water under pressure into the well. Simultaneously with the supply of fluid, the cable must be pulled up, creating tension in the soil lock. After a few minutes, the equipment should be free. But do not rush to immediately pull it up. To rinse the sludge a little, the pump must be dipped several times in water without stopping its supply.

Reverse siltation

In this case, the apparatus is completely blocked in the ground, and often a soil cap is formed over it; more water. Just swinging and pulling out the device will not work. Otherwise, the cable will break and it will be more difficult to get it. To dilute the sludge, you need to lower a tube with a diameter of 15-25 mm into it, and then, using another pump, pump water down from the surface, and the more water, the better. Now the stuck unit can be safely pulled out.

Important: a fire engine is sometimes used to pressurize the well. This is expensive, so before pulling out the pump in this way, it is necessary to calculate the profitability of the procedure to the cost of the device.

Got trash

A foreign object in the barrel is one of the few reasons not to take any action to remove the stuck device. If, after passing a few meters, the pump stood up with a characteristic snort or knock, you can try to pull it out along with the object. Of course, the garbage itself is not visible, which means that one can only guess what is there. Translational movements up and down can loosen it and move it. It didn’t work out - you have to throw the pump inside.

Casing deformation

AT this case there is a narrowing of the diameter of the mine shaft. When moving up, the device rests against a bulge in the pipe. Any work to remove the pump has to be done blindly, but there is an excellent method that will work when the column is deformed.

It is necessary to make a special pencil case with your own hands, a mini-video camera is placed in it, pointing down. The camera must be in a waterproof case. A flashlight, also waterproof, is tied to it. The diameter of the case with the camera should be 1.5 times smaller. The pencil case is tied to a rope and lowered into the well. The camera clearly shows the place of narrowing and the possibility of moving the device further.

Skew and hook for joints in the pipe

This happens quite often. If the pump has become a wedge, it needs to be swung. With one hand we pull on the cable, and with the other on the hose or cable in turn. And they can not be pulled too hard or sharply, they can come off. Movements such as swings will loosen the equipment and bring it into the correct vertical position.

The same applies to the case with the hook of the pump at the joints. Almost similar movements contribute to the buildup of the pump and its release. You can lower the device half a meter lower and try to raise it again by moving the rope or cable along the walls of the entire circumference of the pipe.

Jamming on the rise

If the device has stood across the pipe, and when the cable is loosened, it sags and does not feel tension, you will have to resort to another method.

You will need a long pole or tube with a diameter of 15 - 20 mm. You can use propylene pipe. It bends and will easily enter the shaft of the mine. Having placed the bar inside, you need to try to push the pump down, while loosening the cable and cable so as not to break them. A small spatula is attached to the end of the rod. Having lowered the device, the device is lifted up, pushing from below.

In sand and limestone wells

In the first case, siltation of the pump and the bottom of the pipe occurs. Especially if water is rarely used, and the well has stood idle for several months. It is clear that it is difficult to remove the unit from wet sand. But there is a way. In order for water to penetrate between the wall of the pump and the ground, it must be gradually, not jerkily, pulled up, and then briefly loosen the cable. Then do it all over again, it can take a long time. It all depends on how thick a layer of sand has formed around the device. So, by several centimeters, the device is gradually removed from the sand captivity.

Important: do not try to wash the sand with water pressure, this will only lead to its compaction.

In the second case, the situation is similar with sand. Lime deposits when interacting with oxygen and metal, forming stone walls. To release the apparatus from back siltation, do not attempt to pump water or mechanically break the stone. This may damage the equipment. When swinging, it must be turned on. Vibration from the unit will help it free itself faster.

How to get the unit if the cable breaks

This is a disaster in which the owners throw the equipment right in the trunk and lower the new one there. Of course, this can be done if the unit fell to the bottom and drowned. And the depth of the mine allows water intake to be higher than before.

When the break occurred above the water level, the unit will still have to be removed. You need to make a special device yourself. By analogy with a mixer or a kitchen whisk, we twist a spiral with a sharp end slightly larger than the pump itself from the armature. We lower it into the well and weld the rod, immerse it again and attach another rod. So to the very bottom. Armature is needed to twist the spiral and capture the device. If the device could not be hooked, after rotational movements, the remainder of the cable will twist onto the trap and the pump will rise.

Important: to avoid problems with cable breakage, it is chosen from the very beginning with a sufficient margin of safety. A safety bolt is installed in the hitch with the unit.

What Not to Do

  • Pull firmly on the hose or cable. They can come off.
  • Continue to operate the pumping equipment. This will aggravate the situation.
  • Start actions to lift the pump without finding out the cause of its jamming.
  • Work with the included power cable leading to the pump socket.
  1. When installing pumping equipment, the cable must be chosen very durable. It is better if it is stainless steel covered with a silicone braid. At the ends of the cable, locking rings with bolts are tied.
  2. The well must be flushed and cleaned every two to three years of use.
  3. If water is not used, the equipment must be pulled out of the mine shaft.
  4. The pumping device is selected according to technical specifications that are suitable for different type wells separately.
  5. The diameter of the flask is chosen less by 40-50 mm.
  6. To prevent the supply cable from sagging in the column, it is tied with special clamps to the cable and pipe.
  7. Do not pull on the hose.

Advice: when the pump is stuck in the well and it cannot be pushed through, the principle of pressure on the lever will come to the rescue. The mash is shallow and you can see where the flask is. We take a pipe or fittings with a diameter of 32-40 mm and immerse it in the mine. On the edge of the casing, we weld or fasten a strong eye, into which we thread another tube 2-3 meters long. Now just press the lever on the axial pin. Gradual pressure on the flask will ensure a smooth downward push.

Useful video

Step-by-step scheme, we get the deep one:

Details of the submersible vibrator: