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» Rules for transplanting currants in the fall. Features of autumn and spring transplantation of currants. Is it possible to transplant a currant bush?

Rules for transplanting currants in the fall. Features of autumn and spring transplantation of currants. Is it possible to transplant a currant bush?

Sometimes a gardener needs to transplant an adult currant bush to another place. He does not always know whether such a procedure is possible without the risk of losing the entire bush, when to replant the currants and what is needed for success. A similar procedure is carried out infrequently, because currants are usually grown from seedlings. But there is no need to be afraid. Dividing an adult bush is a classic case of plant propagation.

    Reasons for transplantation

    Best transplant times

    Stages of transplantation work


Reasons for transplantation

Is it possible to replant an adult black, red or white currant bush without damaging it? Of course you can. If currently boarding young garden carried out with the help of young seedlings, then in the last century, propagation of currants usually occurred by dividing the bush.

The following circumstances may be the reason for transplanting an adult bush:

  • rejuvenation old bush;
  • propagation of the desired variety;
  • the bush has grown too much and takes up a lot of space;
  • depletion of the soil under the old bush;
  • propagation of a rare variety;
  • strong darkening of the bush by overgrown tree crowns;
  • moving and the desire to take the plant with you.

The choice of the best time to replant currants depends on the region of residence. Transplanting currants in the fall with seedlings or when dividing a bush is preferable for the southern regions: from the latitude of Voronezh to the Krasnodar Territory.

A warm and long autumn with regular rains allows the transplanted plants to take root well before frost.

In areas of the middle zone and to the north, it is better to replant currants in the spring. In these parts, spring is prolonged; currants are covered with green leaves 2–3 weeks later. Therefore, there is enough time to dig and plant the plant before the sap begins to flow.

This season it is worth regulating the number of new shoots, keeping them to a minimum. Therefore, when choosing the season when to replant currants, it is worth taking into account the region of residence.

In any case, replant mature plant with division better in autumn or in the spring. Transplanting in summer in any area is very painful and difficult for an adult plant.

After all, disturbed and weakened roots must provide food and water to a huge mass of leaves with berries, as well as thick perennial branches. Without pruning and significant shortening of the branches, the roots simply cannot cope with such work. It should be noted that red currants can be transplanted in the same way as black currants.

Best transplant times

Often, when deciding to replant an adult bush, a gardener decides the question: when is the best time to replant currants?
Transplanting black currants, like replanting red currants, is carried out throughout the entire growing season: spring, summer and autumn. Each period has its own advantages and disadvantages.

How to properly replant currants in spring? This work must be done before the buds open. Since currants wake up very early, replanting in the spring can only be done in the southern regions of the country. North of Voronezh, the soil thaws when the currant buds are already opening. If transplanted at this time, they may wither and the plant will recover and be sick all season.

The advantage of this time for replanting is that the plant is given quite a lot of time to take root. All season it grows roots, develops and grows.

The disadvantages include the fact that you need to dig up and plant a currant bush as soon as the ground thaws. In early April, before the buds open, a transplant is done. In this case, it is better to prepare the planting hole in the fall.

How to replant a currant bush in the summer? This is the worst time to transplant. Even if you water the transplanted bush well, there are too many leaves on it, and the temperature is too high for the greenery to be preserved in full.

Therefore, when replanting currants in the summer, the current year’s harvest is lost, the branches are shortened, and some of the leaves are torn off. High summer temperatures dry out the bush, the roots of which cannot cope with the supply of sufficient moisture.

The reason for replanting in an unfavorable season can only be transporting currants to a new place when moving. If you have the opportunity to choose the timing of transplantation, then it is better to do this in the second half of summer - in July or August, when the growth of young shoots has already stopped.

During forced summer transplant It is advisable to dig up a bush with a large lump of earth and carefully replant it. It is not recommended to divide the bush into parts this season.

How to transplant currants to a new place in the fall? This season there are no particular difficulties in replanting an adult plant. You just need to choose the most favorable time: after the leaves fall and before the arrival of persistent cold weather.

At this time, the leaves have already been shed, the roots are not busy delivering food and water. All the strength of the roots goes to take root elsewhere.

Autumn is the most favorable time to transplant an adult plant. At the beginning of October, the leaves have already fallen and the roots do not have to work to provide them with nutrition and moisture. The job of roots is to anchor in a new place. Warm but not hot weather and sufficient natural watering have the most favorable effect on rooting.

The only drawback to choosing this time for replanting may be an unexpected and sharp cold snap, which will not allow the plant to take root. However, such an anomaly is rare.

Stages of transplantation work

Transplanting currants to a new place is quite a troublesome task. It is much easier to plant a young seedling. But if you had to replant an adult bush, then you must follow all the rules to successfully complete the job:

  • choose a suitable location;
  • prepare a planting hole;
  • dig up the bush to be transplanted;
  • divide it into parts;
  • transplant to a new place;
  • trim the top of the bush;
  • care for the planting until it is completely rooted.

For currants, you should choose a well-lit place, without darkness from trees, a fence or a house. At the same time, it must be protected from the winds. You cannot plant currants in a damp lowland, in a place overgrown with weeds.

It is advisable to prepare the planting site in advance, getting rid of perennial weeds. It is very good to keep it fallow during the summer and only start planting in the fall. There is no need to prepare the planting hole in advance, since there is no danger of deepening the root collar of the plant. On the contrary, it is deliberately buried during planting.

The planting pit is made large for better development roots. Its dimensions are 50x70 cm in fertile land, and 50x100 cm in poor soil. The top layer is mixed with 1-2 buckets of humus or compost, 200 g of ash and 100 g of double superphosphate are added.

2 buckets of water are poured into the hole and after it is absorbed, a drainage layer is poured: crushed stone, broken brick, pieces of thick branches.

The currant bush is dug up on four sides and carefully pulled out of the ground. We must try to damage the roots as little as possible. Then the young branches are shortened, the old branches are completely removed. When transporting and planting, it is advisable to tie the bush.

After carefully examining the bush, cut it into several parts. Each part of the bush should have 3-4 shoots and a large root. It is imperative to maintain the ratio of roots and crown, avoiding leaving a powerful crown on a weak root when replanting.

It is very good if it is possible to prepare the bush for replanting in advance. Then, early in the spring, the entire bush is cut “to the stump,” that is, everything is cut to a height of 5 cm from the ground. This allows you to get rid of old large and bare branches and grow young branches on the bush.

The prepared bush can be safely replanted at the end of summer (if necessary) or in the fall after leaf fall. Of course, currants will bear fruit only next season, but they will tolerate replanting much easier.

The divided bush is planted like an ordinary seedling: a mound of soil is poured into the planting hole, the currant roots are spread on it and carefully covered with prepared soil. The bush is planted at an angle of 45 degrees, deepening it when planting. This will allow the buried branches to grow new roots and increase the feeding area of ​​the bush.

It is imperative that when the planting of the shrub is completed, it is pruned by 4–5 buds, cutting off almost the entire crown. Good, healthy buds will produce strong new growth once the roots have developed sufficiently.

Otherwise, the powerful crown will inhibit the development of roots, drawing off all the nutrition. The bush will develop poorly, the leaves will be half dry, and the plant will suffer for the whole season.

The replanting ends with watering, the currants are mulched, and the trunk circle is covered organic mulch. Care consists of regular watering and feeding the bush until it is completely rooted.

If you use a layer of manure as mulch, which is covered with sawdust, peat or just earth on top, then the bush is provided with food for the entire next season.

In general, black and red currants are difficult to destroy when planting. Currants are very easy to propagate different ways and easily takes root in any conditions. However, it should be remembered that if the agricultural technology of this shrub is violated, it grows poorly and produces meager yields.


To successfully transplant an adult bush to another place, you just need to know well when to replant black currants and how to do it correctly.

Carrying out the work correctly and on time will not only help you get several bushes of your favorite variety, but will also ensure a quick start to fruiting compared to planting a young seedling.

Sometimes there are situations when a bush or tree should be transplanted to a new location. This can happen for several reasons:

  • the plant doesn’t like it in the same place,
  • high density of plantings,
  • the plant often gets sick,
  • rejuvenation of an old bush,
  • shrubs can occupy an area necessary for other needs (for example, building a building),
  • it is necessary to increase the yield of the bush (the soil in the old place has become impoverished).

We replanted the currant bush last fall due to the growth of neighboring bushes. They began to interfere with each other.

Red, black and white currants are extremely unpretentious shrubs, so they usually take root well in a new place. But in the first years they may remain weakened and more susceptible to pests.

Black currants can be transplanted into almost any soil, but red currants are best transplanted into loamy soil (they do not like stagnant moisture).

Rules for choosing a place:

  1. Choose an open, sunny area. Currants love light. Black currants can also be planted in partial shade.
  2. The site should be flat with an average level. In the lowlands, the currants will rot, and on the hills and slopes the bush may lack moisture.
  3. Try to keep the place not too windy. We grow currants in a sunny area near the fence.
  4. There should be sufficient distance between the currants and neighboring bushes. And the point here is not only about the dangers of thickening. Currants are easily infected by many diseases and pests from plants of other species.
  5. Choose an area with light loamy soil. Be sure to check the acidity level - the pH should be neutral or slightly alkaline. Be prepared to further deoxidize the soil if necessary.
  6. Please pay Special attention on what plants grew in the chosen place before. Good predecessors for currants are beans, potatoes, and corn.
  7. The place should not be surrounded big amount thoroughly overgrown weeds.

When to replant currants in the fall to a new place

You can transplant currants to a new place almost any time from spring to autumn. However, the plant receives much less injury from this procedure when sap flow is slow and the shrub is in the dormant stage.

There are 2 options left - spring and autumn. Let's list the advantages of each period:

  • In spring, plants awaken from a long sleep. If you perform a transplant before active sap flow in the roots and shoots begins (from March 10 to 20), then in most cases the transplant will be well tolerated by the plant. The disadvantage of this approach is that you will have to skip the current season, there will either be no fruiting at all or it will be weak - the plant will adapt. On the other hand, shrubs that have not matured in a new place are not threatened winter frosts. For residents of the northern regions of Russia, only spring replanting of currants is suitable.
  • In autumn, many plants tolerate transplantation much easier than in other periods. Currants in in this case is no exception. Already next season in a new place the bush will be able to produce a good harvest. It is important to carry out this procedure at least a month before the arrival of persistent frosts so that the roots of the plant can take root properly.

In central Russia, currant transplantation is usually carried out from mid-September to mid-October, focusing on the long-term weather forecast from weather forecasters. While the temperature remains moderately warm, the plant is actively growing lateral roots, which it needs for rapid rooting.

Transplanting too early can play a cruel joke - the currants will begin to produce fresh foliage this season and will suffer greatly when frosts arrive. Late planting is fraught with complete freezing of poorly rooted bushes.

Preparing the seat and planting

Approximately 2-3 weeks before the expected transplant date, it is necessary to prepare the area:

  1. They dig it up to the depth of a spade bayonet, simultaneously removing everything from the ground weeds and roots.
  2. Dig a planting hole. On average, its dimensions are 60x60x50 cm (length, width, depth).
  3. If you are planting several bushes, leave at least 1.5 m between adjacent planting holes.
  4. On heavy soils, organize drainage. For these purposes, you can use pebbles, crushed stone, and broken bricks.
  5. To the bottom landing pit pour a layer of turf soil, a bucket of compost or rotted manure, 250 g of superphosphate, 1 liter of crushed wood ash. Formed fertile layer It is advisable to mix. The pit is left in this form for several weeks until planting.

Preparing currant bushes, transplanting

Before transplanting, you need to take care of the currant bushes that are awaiting this procedure. The plant should be pruned in the spring. The height should be shortened to 50 cm. All old branches must be completely cut off, and young branches must be shortened by a third.

If you prune later, please note that at least 3 weeks must pass between pruning and replanting.

To remove a currant bush from the ground, dig it to a depth of 30 cm, retreating 40 cm from the trunk. Then they carefully take it by the lower part and try to drag the plant up. If the currants do not yield, then use a shovel to cut off the side roots that interfere with the process. Do not touch the branches under any circumstances, they will break.

The plant removed from the ground is carefully examined. First of all, pay close attention to the roots of the plant - there should be no rot or other diseases on them (the affected areas must be cut off with a reserve). All pests and their larvae are removed along with part of the roots surrounding them.

In case of severe infections, the roots of the plant are immersed in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes.

Planting stages:

  1. 2 buckets of water are poured into the planting hole.
  2. At the bottom of the planting hole, a small mound is formed in the center.
  3. The bush is placed on a mound and the roots are spread evenly on all sides. As a result, the plant should be located relative to the cardinal directions in exactly the same way as in its previous location.
  4. While one person holds the correctly positioned bush, the second begins to fill the hole. To prevent the roots from ending up in air voids, gently shake the plant several times without lifting it.
  5. The soil around the planted bush is lightly compacted. Be sure to make sure that the root collar ends up 5 cm below the surface of the ground.
  6. A trench is dug around the trunk and 20 liters of water are poured into it.
  7. Tree trunk circle and the trench are mulched with straw, dry leaves or peat.

If after planting the weather is dry without rain, the transplanted currants are watered once every 2 days with 20 liters of water for each bush.

Around the end of November, when constant frost sets in, the currants are carefully tied and covered with spruce branches. The fallen snow is raked up to the bushes from all sides.

Kira Stoletova

Transplanting currants to a new location in the fall can be unexpectedly difficult if you don’t know a few gardening secrets. So that the bushes grow luxuriantly and give big harvest delicious berries, it is necessary not only to move the plant correctly, but also to care for it after the procedure.

Autumn transplant conditions

In cold regions, transplantation is planned for the spring so that the plant has time to adapt to the new location. The move is carried out at above-zero temperatures, when the ground has thawed a little and no return frosts are expected. If the currant has already begun to grow, then it is better to replant it next year.

IN warm regions You can replant the bush in the fall. Procedures at this time are more energy-intensive and require patience.

It is important to choose the right moment to move the bush, otherwise it will “confuse” the seasons and weaken. And this, in turn, will have a detrimental effect on the harvest.


To reduce stress for the bush and perform the manipulations as painlessly as possible, replanting should be done:

  • 2-3 weeks before the onset of frost;
  • after the movement of plant sap has completely stopped;
  • after the establishment of stable cool weather without thaws.

For each region there are approximate procedure times:

According to the lunar calendar

Planning a currant transplant lunar calendar allows you to increase the speed of rooting in a new place.

The celestial satellite affects not only human biorhythms and tides, but also the sap flow of shrubs:

  • The new moon and the next 3 days are counted unfavorable time For garden work. The juice moves upward, which is good for the ripening of the crop, but bad for the survival of the plant.
  • The waxing moon has a beneficial effect on the bush. While it is in the sky, you can safely replant the currants.
  • During the full moon, it is recommended to refrain from such procedures. But fertilization, weeding and disease prevention will go well.
  • When the moon is waning, sap flow is directed to the roots, so you should not dig up the plant from its previous location.

As you can see, the best period for transplantation is considered to be the time of the waxing of the moon. As a last resort, it is allowed to move currants during the full moon.

Stages of the procedure

Selecting a location

You cannot transplant currants to the first place you like - future life and the amount of harvest that can be obtained from it depend on it. It is worth looking in advance for the ideal site for placing the plant.

Good location parameters:

The soil is dug up and disinfected 2 weeks before replanting, and the remains of old roots, debris and weeds are removed. In 5-7 days organic or mineral fertilizers to speed up the adaptation of the shrub. Gardeners recommend fertilizing that guarantees a long-term effect.

The planting hole is small: depth is from 30 to 40 cm, planting pattern is 40x50 cm.

  • humus and compost in equal portions;
  • wood ash or 30 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 40 g superphosphate.

The substrate is placed in the hole, but not compacted: currants prefer loose soil.

Preparation of the bush

It is necessary to make sure that the sap flow has stopped at the bush: all branches should be approximately the same color and hardness, and there should be no foliage on the plant.

Young shrubs are additionally pruned so that they are no more than 45 cm in height. This pruning helps the root system to nourish the branches even under changed conditions. For adult currants pruning is carried out after moving.

The bush is examined for diseases and pests. Only a healthy plant can be replanted, otherwise it will not take root and may infect other plantings.

The relocated shrub is watered and after 2-3 hours it is dug in 50-60 cm in diameter from the central shoot. To do this, the ground is pierced with sharp shovels around the circumference to cut the roots, and then carefully dug up. The more earthen coma remains, the easier it is for the currant to take root in a new place.


The root collar is buried 7-10 cm for further root growth and stronger rooting.

Planting for standard and ordinary shrubs is somewhat different:

  • Traditional bushes are planted at an angle of 45° to the ground. The side of the slope does not matter. The next season, the currants will give a new shoot and quickly spread out in breadth, taking root.
  • It is recommended to plant standard plants vertically, so as not to trim the bush again in the future.

The root system is covered with soil and watered generously. When the neck is exposed and when the soil subsides, it is necessary to cover it with additional portions of earth.

  • Before planting, it is recommended to pour 1-2 liters of water into the holes to sufficiently moisten the soil.
  • Dividing a bush for its propagation is not recommended, as it injures the plant. As a result, both parts may not take root.
  • The red variety survives movement in the fall worse than the black variety.
  • If the currant is weakened, then it is better to replant it in the spring (autumn replanting is allowed only if the bush is suppressed in its original place of growth).
  • For adult and old bushes, replanting is more traumatic than for young ones. They require more care and caution when moving.
  • If the plant has dropped its leaves earlier than usual, then it is better not to move it this season. After the procedure, it can produce new buds, which then freeze and fall off. This is a terrible blow for the health of the bush.

White, red, burgundy and black berries behave approximately the same. However early varieties It is recommended to move them in the fall so that they have time to take root and produce a harvest for the next year. They must be covered for the winter even if the weather remains mild.


It’s not enough to plant a bush; it still needs to be helped to take root and take root in another place. For this:

  1. After transplantation, the shoots of the plant are immediately cut off. Traditionally, 2/3 of their length is left. Even if you cut a little more, next spring the currant will completely grow back the cut off part.
  2. Watering is needed frequently; some gardeners advise creating a real “swamp” under the roots of the bush for 1-2 weeks.
  3. As soon as the time of abundant watering has ended, the plant is insulated for the winter. Methods vary: some use mulching and burlap, others sprinkle the bushes with compost and fallen leaves. At the same time, the survival rate of currants in a new place is good with any method.

Transplanting currants. How to transplant correctly.


Transplanting black currants in summer

A full harvest can be expected next summer, but only if agricultural practices are followed.

This procedure is almost mandatory. If it is not produced, then the leaves on the currant bush begin to turn yellow and quickly fall off, because they do not have enough nutrients. In addition, the berries become small, their taste deteriorates, new shoots do not appear, which also leads to a decrease in yield. Currant transplantation can be done in spring or autumn. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, but most gardeners are convinced that replanting the plant should be done in the spring. At this time, there is less chance of damage to the bush, and if all recommendations and rules are followed, it remains possible to get a harvest this year.

Reasons for transplanting currants

Transplanting currants in the spring to a new place is usually done in the following situations:

  • The need to propagate your favorite black or red berry variety. To do this, you can bend the branch to the ground, wait until it takes root, and then cut off the shoot from the main bush, dig it up and plant it in a new place. The second way is to separate part of the growing bush and plant it in another area. As a result of such manipulations, instead of one berry bush, the gardener will have two, which will bear fruit equally;
  • Separation of diseased plants from healthy ones. If one of the bushes is sick, and its treatment with chemical and organic means has not yielded results, it is recommended to plant it so that it does not infect healthy berries. To do this, the plant is also dug up and transplanted to a new territory;
  • Excessive development of the crop (bushes interfere with each other’s normal growth). This situation leads to a decrease in yield, since plant branches block light from each other, there may be a lack of necessary substances in the soil, and so on. The solution is also to transplant currants;
  • Changing the layout of the site. For this reason, the decision to transfer currants is also quite often made. In addition, it is recommended not to violate the rules of crop rotation and periodically change plantings and plants in places so as not to deplete the soil (the process of soil restoration is very labor-intensive and expensive).

currant bush

Important! The transplantation procedure is stressful for the crop, so it must be carried out as correctly as possible, following all recommendations, the most important of which is the absence of damage to the root system during the transfer process (damage to the main root can even lead to the death of the plant).

Features of transplantation in spring

Many gardeners and gardeners are interested in the question: when can currants be transplanted to another place? It is recommended to carry out this procedure in spring or autumn period. The main thing you should pay attention to when replanting a crop is the condition of the plant itself. If you replant currants in the fall, then optimal period for this purpose - October or November, when the foliage has completely fallen, so that the plant does not need to waste energy on providing it with nutrients.

In the spring, the deadline for transplantation is the month of May, while the buds have not yet swelled, for the same reasons (so that the plant spends energy only on the development of the root system, and not on ensuring the growth of foliage and the ripening of currants).

Replant in the spring

Majority experienced gardeners prefers to replant currants in the spring, since at this time the plant is not so susceptible to stress (the movement of juices along the branches has not yet begun, which means that the probability that the crop will take root is higher). Before spring transplanting, you should look at the ground temperature. As soon as it reaches 5 degrees above zero, work can be done.

Note! In the spring, it is recommended to replant only those bushes that emerged from last year’s cuttings (they took root and took root in the ground). You can also plant shoots dug up in the fall and stored in a cellar or greenhouse.

To increase the survival rate of bushes, you should not shake off the soil from the roots of the plant. In addition, after planting, mulching the holes with sawdust or grass and feeding the bushes with fertilizers containing potassium will be useful. The survival rate is increased by adding humus and other similar organic substances to the soil during transplantation. Proper watering carried out with water at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius, otherwise the roots may freeze and the plant will not take root. Therefore, for irrigation, it is recommended to leave the water in separate containers in the sun.

Preparing a new place

After deciding when to replant currants, you should prepare a place for planting them. First, you need to choose the right site. It should have good sunlight and be spacious enough so that the bush has room to develop. Before transplanting, prepare a hole of such depth that there is room for the root system. The soil should be loosened first to ensure free access of air and moisture to the roots. Fertilizers must be placed in the hole, then water is poured in so that planting is carried out in moist soil.

We prepare the soil in two weeks

Soil preparation begins two weeks before planting. It must be cleared of the roots of other plants. Optimal size The hole is considered to be a square with sides of 40 centimeters (these parameters are suitable for young shrubs). If the bush is old, then the size of the hole should be determined based on the size of its root system. As a rule, it is placed at a depth of 30 to 50 centimeters. When planting several shrubs, you can make a trench, and the distance between the bushes should be about 1.5 meters.

Additional Information. For heavy soil, the hole should be prepared differently. It is necessary to arrange drainage, which consists of sand, crushed stone and plant cuttings. The hole is filled 2/3 with soil, then humus and compost are added to it.

Promote survival and good harvest nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. When transplanting currants to areas with acidic soils It is recommended to add chalk, dolomite or ash to the soil.

An important element of the work is digging out the bush. It needs to be dug around the main branch. The shovel should be inserted to a depth of no more than 50 centimeters so as not to damage root system. When removing a plant from a hole, it is recommended to pull it near the root. If you hold onto the top, it may break off and damage the plant. After this, the bush is transferred to a new area and placed in the prepared hole. It is recommended to treat the roots before planting. chemical composition against pests and diseases.


There are many nuances about how to transplant currants to a new place in the spring. Gardeners are most often interested in the following features of this process:

  • Is it possible to transplant three- and five-year-old bushes? This can be done, you just need to follow the procedure and certain recommendations. Firstly, the bush is dug well so as not to disturb the roots, and then, together with the soil, is transferred to a new place. Such bushes should be deepened into the hole as much as possible, and the upper part should be trimmed. Critical to the survival of such plants is high-quality watering after transplantation;
  • Is it possible to plant young plants where the old bushes were? This is not recommended, since there is a possibility of seedlings being infected with diseases and the soil being depleted;
  • What plants are better neighbors for currants? Optimal choice for planting next to the berry there will be onions or garlic, which will protect it from attacks by pests and diseases. It is not recommended to plant currants next to fruit trees, since it may end up in the shade, which will significantly reduce the yield;
  • Is hilling necessary when transplanting shrubs in the fall? The procedure can be carried out for insulation. However, in the spring it is better to make the hole level to allow side shoots to develop and to avoid damage to the plant by frost next winter;
  • Is it necessary to prune the ground part of the replanted bush? This procedure can be carried out, but it will significantly increase the survival time.

Basic mistakes

The most common mistake is planting shrubs at the same depth as in the old place. To improve survival rate, it is recommended to place it in a hole that is 5-7 centimeters deeper than the previous one.

In some cases, the transplanted shrub is not watered enough. After transplantation, watering should be very plentiful. Only in this case can you get a high-quality currant harvest in the future.

Note. However, you should not get carried away with watering. If you overwater a plant, it may begin to rot. You should not over-fertilize, since all the excess fertilizer will be contained in the berries, and instead of vitamins you can actually get poison.

So, the question of how to transplant currants is quite complex. Firstly, you need to choose the right time for the procedure (under no circumstances should it be carried out in the summer, when the berries are ripe and the foliage is green). Secondly, you should decide which method of transplantation will be used: it is necessary to prepare shoots, graft cuttings or transfer an existing bush. All actions must be carried out as carefully as possible: one wrong move, and the root system will be damaged. As a result, the plant may even die. It should also be noted that the transplantation process is absolutely the same for both red and black currants.

Currently hard to find country cottage area, on which currants would not grow. The white, red and black beauty managed to win the love of gardeners not only due to its pleasant taste, but also to a number of useful properties.

However, in order to get bountiful harvest, behind the bushes is necessary as proper care, as well as timely propagation of favorite varieties. When should currants be replanted: in autumn or spring? In this article we will take a closer look at all the advantages and disadvantages of replanting shrubs at one time or another of the year.

Let's look at some reasons for transplanting shrubs to a new location:

  1. To propagate your favorite variety.
  2. For some plant diseases, if they cannot be overcome in the old place.
  3. If overgrown bushes are in the way normal development each other.
  4. When the groundwater level rises.
  5. When shading occurs as a result of an increase in the crown of a nearby tree, a built object or overgrown grapes.
  6. For planned renewal of shrubs at a certain age.
  7. Transplantation from depleted soil to fertile one.

Despite this, it should be remembered that even the most successful transplantation of adult shrubs to another place is a huge stress for the plant, accompanied by pain, and therefore often leads to death. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out taking into account the annual cycle of currants and its biological characteristics.

What is the best season for replanting?

Most gardeners cannot find an answer to the question: in what month is it better to replant currants to get a full harvest as early as possible?

There is simply no categorical answer to this; in each individual case, both spring and autumn transplantation may be preferable. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the main thing - the condition of the bush. So, it should be in a “dormant” state: either in the fall after the leaves have fallen, or in the spring before buds form and growth begins.

In addition, it is necessary to choose the appropriate season for transplanting currants, taking into account the area where it grows. For example, in the northern regions of the country, it is advisable to transplant currants in the spring after the snow melts and the temperature reaches above zero.

If the bushes have already begun to grow, replanting will have to be postponed until autumn. However, autumn replanting also requires patience, since the bush must completely shed its leaves and the sap flow in the shoots must stop.

Transplanting currants in autumn

When can you transplant currants to another place? For middle zone In our country, the ideal time for transplantation is the period from September 10 to 15, since it is then that the most active root growth is observed, and this significantly increases the chances of currant survival.

In northern regions, deadlines may shift by 2-3 weeks. So, if you transplant a shrub too early, it can “confuse” the time of year and throw out buds that will freeze in winter and begin to grow, thereby weakening the bush.

During dry and warm autumn, transplanted shrubs require regular and abundant watering.

In addition, it should be remembered that winter shelter is required. To do this, you can pour 2-3 buckets of humus, previously mixed with tree leaves, into the base of the bush. By spring, a fertile layer of soil will form around the bush, in which it will be possible to build a special watering bowl.

It is worth recognizing that there are many more favorable factors in the autumn transplantation of currant bushes.

First of all, it is a stable temperature until the first frost, thanks to which the roots of the plant have time to adapt to the new place. Moreover, in the fall, a downward current prevails in currant cells, at which time it contains more nutrients that promote rapid healing of various root wounds and give strength for recovery.

Transplantation in spring

Is it possible to replant currants in the spring? Yes, but still at this time of year it is better to replant rooted cuttings, moving them from a special trench to a further permanent place.

How to replant currants in spring? If the cuttings were planted in the fall, then in the spring they will turn into twigs with several leaves. If the shrub was cut from last spring, that is, a year ago, then at the time of transplantation, full-fledged bushes with 2-3 shoots should form.

These young bushes are quite easy to replant according to the rules described below. It should be remembered that transplanted bushes in spring require abundant watering and constant care throughout the summer.

When to replant currants in spring? Currants should be transplanted to a new place in the spring as early as possible - in March, immediately after the ground has thawed. Currant bushes that are transplanted in the spring take a relatively long time to take root, so they produce a harvest only after a year.

In case of urgent need, you can replant currants in the summer. However, in order to reduce stress and trauma to the plant, it needs to be dug up with a large lump of earth on the roots, which should remain there until further planting.

Choosing the Ideal Location

Transplanting currants is a short process, although it can take a lot of time to find suitable place. However, it is worth it, since the basis for successful replanting of shrubs is precisely right choice places, as well as preparing the bush itself and the soil.

Let's look at the main points of choice ideal place for transplanting currants:

  1. The soil should be moderately moist. If the root system of a shrub is constantly in a damp place, then, of course, it will quickly rot.
  2. Avoid dark places. Since currants love the sun, the disadvantage sun rays may affect the amount of harvest, and the bush will often suffer from all kinds of diseases and pests.
  3. It is recommended to replant currant bushes into sandy soil. Thanks to this, the bush will develop quickly and will delight you with a rich harvest. To do this, dig a small hole, pour 15 cm of sand and 5 cm of crushed stone into it.
  4. Do not plant anything near currants. The fact is that the foliage of the bush is very susceptible to various fungal diseases that are transmitted from other crops.

After choosing a suitable location, you must first prepare the soil. If possible, this should be done 2-3 weeks before the planned planting date.

Stages of proper shrub transplantation

When replanting, make sure that the root collar is 5 cm above the surface of the substrate

How to replant a currant bush?

Let's look at how to fully prepare a new place:

  1. Dig up and clear the soil of weed roots and grass. Level it well upper layer soil.
  2. In the selected area, dig holes at a distance of 1 meter from each other. The size of the holes should be about 30-40 cm deep and 50-60 cm wide, but it is still better to focus on the size of the roots of the currant bushes.
  3. Fill approximately 2/3 of the hole with soil previously mixed with humus and compost. Of the fertilizers for currants, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are most suitable in the following dosage: potassium sulfate 30 g, wood ash 400 g, superphosphate 300 g - for black currants, and for white or red - 200 g.
  4. Cut the young shoots on the transplanted bush by half and cut off the old branches. Dig up the bush and carefully remove it from the hole. At the same time, under no circumstances pull the plant by its shoots - this way you risk damaging the branches or roots.
  5. 1-2 buckets of water should be poured into the prepared hole immediately before planting.
  6. Dip the bush into the very slurry and carefully cover it with a dug-out layer of earth about 5-7 cm above the root collar.
  7. Re-pour 1-2 buckets of water.

Good survival rate of planted bushes is achieved by regular watering, this is especially important in the first fifteen days after planting. The seedlings should be watered every other day, so that the moisture reaches at least 60 cm in depth.

To do this, you will need up to 4 buckets of water, and you do not need to rush, but gradually pour the water from the bucket under the bush.

In the future, soil cultivation should be carried out to improve its fertile qualities. To do this, it is necessary to cut the weeds with a sharp bayonet tool at a depth of up to 3 cm. These simple measures will have a depressing effect on the root system of the grass, but if it is dried and rotted top part It will additionally nourish the soil and also act as mulch.