Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Presentation on how to build a house. Presentation "How to build a house" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (2nd grade) on the topic. Continuing work on a new topic

Presentation on how to build a house. Presentation "How to build a house" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (2nd grade) on the topic. Continuing work on a new topic

The lesson begins with an organizational moment. This stage made it possible to quickly include students in the course of the lesson and intensify cognitive activity.

Second stage (check homework) - was conducted in the form of a test, which helped students remember the secrets of certain things and activate their knowledge.

The setting of the educational task took the form of listening to a poem (Journey through the house), a problematic question (How to build new house?) pronouncing the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered and the topic of the lesson.

At the next stage (discovery of new knowledge), work was carried out on the meaning of the proverb (brainstorming), the question “Is it easy to build a house?” there was a discussion of its draft resolution.

Task this stage. Reproduction in your own words types of houses, differences between houses, history of houses. During the initial assimilation of new subject and meta-subject knowledge, group work(with self-test of the textbook page) Checking the level of knowledge in the studied section was carried out in the form of a game: “Who works at a construction site?”, also a project game work - home made of paper, the difference between a city house and a rural one, with self-testing - protection of projects according to the standard and self-assessment. A presentation (by Veronica Boldyreva) was used about dad being builders.

To determine the level of knowledge of students, they were offered a creative task - to draw their house, remembering their favorite corners of their home.

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“Presentation on the surrounding world “How to build a house” 2nd grade”

“How to build a new house?” Lesson about the world around us in 2nd grade

Name the branch of the economy in which clay is turned into a vase.

a) Industry b) Agriculture c) trade

2. What are the scissors, spoon, pan made of?

3. Find material that doesn't come from plants.

a) paper b) fabric c) iron

4. What are the cabinet, table, pencil made of?

a) metal b) clay c) wood

5. Find a material that is not used to make kitchen utensils.

a) paper b) glass c) aluminum

6. Find the material from which the notebook is made.

a) plastic b) wood c) metal

7. What are the scarf, hat, and mittens made of?

a) paper b) wool c) clay




We invite you on a journey

We enter the house

And in that house,

Warmth, water and light.

Beautiful, cozy, durable house,

How old is the house?

Five years ago the house was built

And the house and the whole block,

But who built this house?

And how did it become a home?

Read the old proverb.

Building a house is not putting a hat on your head.



concrete plates







Who built this house?


excavator operator

parquet floorer

crane operator



What materials are needed to build a city house?


What materials are needed for construction rural house?

Lutsenko Lyudmila
Integrated lesson about the environment and technology in grade 2 “How to build a house?”

MKOU "Average comprehensive school No. 4 art. Zelenchukskaya"

Teacher: Lutsenko Lyudmila Olegovna


integrated lesson on the surrounding world and technology in 2nd grade

The name of the program: "School of Russia"

Textbooks: « The world » , 2 Class, author A. A. Pleshakov; « Technology» , 2 Class, N. I. Rogovtseva

Subject lesson about the world around us: How build a house.

Subject technology lesson: Construction. Working with paper. Semi-volume plastic. Product "Izba".

Subject goals of the teacher’s activities Give an idea of technologies construction of urban and rural houses; introduce types of construction equipment and materials; develop the ability to create paper applique; teach how to achieve a three-dimensional effect in appliqué;

Meta-subject goals of the teacher’s activity Form an educational task together with the teacher lesson, try to fulfill it and evaluate your achievements; develop the creative abilities of students by working on creating a composition.

Type ONZ lesson

Planned subject results Students will learn to identify characteristics construction of multi-storey urban and one-storey rural houses; will create a semi-volume application.

Planned meta-subject results Use their observations in different types activities; read the text and find in it necessary information; propose questions about the content of the text; consciously build speech utterance in oral form; formulate a learning task lesson; carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Planned personal results Demonstrate observation and ability to listen to others

Equipment Textbooks, pictures depicting rural and urban houses, samples of flat and semi-volume appliqué, colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors, pencil, paper clips, glue.

Methods and forms of teaching Explanatory and illustrative; individual, group, frontal work, work in pairs.

Organizational structure lesson

Stage lesson Activities of the teacher Activities of students UUD

1. Organizing time. - The bell rang for us

Begins lesson,

Will you check if everything is in order?

Check readiness for lesson Personal: mood for the upcoming work

2. Motivation (self-determination for cognitive activity). - Guess the riddle.

My relatives live there,

I can't live a day without her.

I strive for it always and everywhere,

I won’t forget the way to him.

I can hardly breathe without him,

My home is dear, warm... (house)

Where can you hear these words: foreman, brick, concrete, cement, log?

Guess what we will talk about lesson. Slide 2

What learning objectives do we let's set ourselves?

Read the tasks lesson in the textbook. Are you correct them put?

Can we create our own home?

What task still lies before you? we'll deliver?

Will the knowledge and skills acquired today be useful? lesson in life?

Slide 5 Guess the riddle, answer questions

Formulate the topic and objectives lesson.



Regulatory: goal setting.

3. Updating of basic knowledge. - How many of you watched how the house was being built? Share your observations.

About which houses (rural or urban) we're talking about in a poem? Children's answers

Poems are read by students prepared in advance.

("Your house". K. Murzaliev,

"House with a Chimney" Yu. Moritz) Personal:


4. Organization of cognitive activity. - Read tasks 1-3 on p. 112-113 textbook. Discuss them in pairs.

Test yourself. Find and read the answers to p. 141

What conclusion can you draw?

What is needed to build a house? Slide 7


Slide 8 Read the assignments and answer the questions in pairs.

Check your answers using the textbook key.

Draw a conclusion: in cities and villages people build houses, they are different. A variety of building materials and construction machines are used to build houses. Communication:

Cooperation, control, correction, assessment of a partner’s actions, the ability to express one’s thoughts

5. Physical education minute. Slides 8-15

6. Continuation of work on the topic. - What material did people use for construction in the villages? Slide 16

Let's see how a multi-storey city house is built. Slide 17

Who works at a construction site?

Read the text on p. 114-115 in the textbook.

What machines work at a construction site?

At home, you will read the text in the textbook again and complete the tasks in the workbook.

For a long time in Rus', all houses were built from wood. Why?

But each master always decorated the house in his own way.

Slide 26 - 31

Open the textbook technologies on s. 45. Consider a Russian hut.

What is the name of the profession of a woodworker?

Let's see what tools he uses. Open the textbook on p. 46 Answer questions.

They look at the illustrations, read the names of parts of the house, explain, if the children cannot explain, the teacher explains. Cognitive:

read the text and find the necessary information in it; propose questions about the content of the text; consciously construct a speech utterance in oral form.

7. Work plan for making a paper hut. - Are you ready to create your own hut?

We will try to create it, but not from wood, but from paper using three-dimensional appliqué.

Let's make a work plan.

Let's compare your work plan with the plan in the textbook on p. 46.47

What tools will we need for the job? What are the rules technology Do we know the safety with them?

They examine them, tell them what is unusual about them, what is special about them, and compare them with flat appliqué.

Draw up a work plan in groups of 4 people.

Present a work plan.

Each student reads the work plan, all stages of the work are discussed.

Tell the rules technology safety when working with scissors and glue. General education:


Regulatory: planning.

Communication: collaboration in a group.

8. Creative work. Provides individual assistance, gives advice and clarification. Children make the product themselves, working according to the plan.

9. Summing up. Reflection. - What new things did you learn at lesson?

What learning objectives were set at the beginning? lesson?

What parts of the Russian hut do you remember?

What is the name of the type of applique that we used in our work?

What was the task? interesting?

What was difficult for you?

Regulatory: highlighting and awareness of what has been learned and what still needs to be learned.

I suggest looking at the illustrations on the board

Look and tell me: are all houses the same?

It’s true, there are different types of houses: brick, wood, panel.

Why do we call them that: wooden, brick, panel?

That’s right, certain building materials are used to build each house.

So we have a question:

How to build a strong house? As we work on this question, we will fill out a table that will help us formulate a conclusion.

House name

Construction material

Connection method

Construction time

Words: wooden, panel, brick, wood, brick, panels, mortar, notch-groove, long-term, short-term, warm in winter, cool in summer.

The whole class is divided into 3 groups:

Group 1 prepares a conclusion about brick houses, group 2 - a conclusion about panel houses, group 3 - a conclusion about wooden houses. Each group has an assistant captain. Children work with cards.

1st group:

Wooden house - this is a fortress for every family man, and a wooden one is also an environmentally friendly, “breathing” housing. For many centuries, people have chosen wood as a building material, and all because such structures are durable, thermally conductive, cozy and attractive. The house will be warm and cozy in winter, cool and refreshing in summer, so the owners are guaranteed comfort at any time of the year. When starting to build, they planned where the foundation of the furnace would go, and the building was erected around this place. Hence the expression - “dancing from the stove”, which means starting over. A coin was placed at the base of the house - to wealth. The logs were connected using special recesses - grooves. One row of logs was called the “crown.” Building a house was like weaving a wreath. The end is the crown of the matter. They crowned the house with a roof. The windows were protected with shutters, decorated with paintings, carved platbands. In old times wooden houses The whole village built it, so the house was erected in a matter of days. The only inconvenience was that the wood was easily flammable, but now special non-flammable materials are used to process wood.

Group 2:

Brick house

Nowadays, practice proves that brick houses are considered the most desirable during construction. Brick walls “breathe”, and in a brick house with such walls a microclimate that is favorable for the owner is created. They are fireproof, durable, not susceptible to rotting and insect pests, durable and durable. Is not thatched house Nuf-Nuf, brick house, creates a feeling of protection and reliability. After all, as they say in the old proverb, “my home is my castle.” Brick houses erected from various types bricks, which are connected to each other using a solution of sand, cement and water.

Group 3:

Panel houses

The construction of a multi-storey residential building today is the main option for solving the housing problem. The advantage of the technology is that not one, but several families will move into a house, even if the construction is carried out on a small plot of land. Several types of construction are popular: panel, brick, monolithic. The choice of type of development is carried out in accordance with soil conditions, seismological conditions, climatic conditions, availability of materials, means and capabilities. Before to build panel house It took years, but with our modern technology and new technologies, houses are built in a few months. Panel houses have poor thermal insulation than brick and wood ones.

House name

Construction material

Connection method

Construction time








Topic: How to build a new house? Lesson about the world around us in 2nd grade

We invite you on a journey. Sit down, my friend, on a magic carpet, Let us fly over the whole earth, Let's look at the houses where the People who inhabit the blue globe live.

What are these houses called? h a t a Khata is the traditional dwelling of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians living in the south of Russia. The frame of the hut was made of rods, which were coated with clay. The top of the hut was whitewashed with lime.

yurta Yurt is a portable dwelling of some peoples of Asia and Southern Siberia leading a nomadic lifestyle. The yurt has a cone shape and is covered with felt and animal skins.

ch u m Chum is a portable dwelling made of poles and reindeer skins with a conical roof among some peoples of the north. eastern Siberia engaged in reindeer husbandry.

Saklya is the home of the Caucasian highlanders. The saklya is built from stones and clay and can be attached directly to the rocks. To protect the home from the wind, they tried to choose the leeward side of the mountain slope for construction. s a k l i

An igloo is a house made of snow blocks that Eskimos build in their winter camps. The igloo is all made of snow. Even the beds on which people sleep. Transparent pieces of ice are inserted into the windows instead of glass. and g l u

In hot countries, in humid places, reed huts are built on stilts to keep them cool and dry. And it's hard for snakes to reach. x i z i n a

Wigwam is the home of the Indians. It is a structure made of posts driven into the ground in a circle. The outside of this structure was covered with a covering made from the skins of animals, most often wild bison. c and g in a m

Izba is a traditional Russian dwelling. Master carpenters cut the hut from spruce or pine logs and covered it with a plank roof made from hewn boards, with a carved wooden ridge on top. The roof is sloping so that snow does not linger in winter. i z b a

Test yourself Dwelling hut chum saklya igloo hut wigwam hut Building material twigs, clay poles, animal skins stones, clay snow blocks reed poles, animal skins logs, boards

Construction machinery dump truck truck crane forklift excavator bulldozer tower crane

Building materials bricks sand slate concrete slabs boards logs cement

Who built this house? bulldozer operator excavator operator crane operator bricklayer roofer carpenter painter parquet floorer

Town house 1. They dig a large hole - a foundation pit. 2.Lay concrete base– foundation. 3. Lay walls of bricks. 4. To speed up construction they use concrete blocks. 5. Cement and concrete are used to hold materials together. 6. The roof is covered with tiles and tin.

Rural house 1.Lay down brick base– foundation. 2. The logs are fastened to the base using grooves. 3. The logs are covered with boards. 4. The roof is covered with slate and tiles. 5. Windows are protected with shutters and decorated with platbands.

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Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak - for children! Literary reading lesson in 2nd grade.

From the biography of S.Ya. Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was born on November 3, 1887 in Voronezh. Early childhood and first school years the future writer spent his time in the small town of Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh province. His family lived poorly, but amicably.

Since childhood, the boy was drawn to knowledge, to books, and began to write poetry early. First he studied at the gymnasium, then graduated from the University of London. The writer's first books of poetry appeared in 1923. From the biography of S.Ya. Marshak

Riddles of S.Ya. Marshak He makes noise in the field and in the garden, But he won’t get into the house. And I’m not going anywhere while he’s walking. Rain

Riddles of S.Ya. Marshak What is in front of us: Two shafts behind the ears, A wheel in front of our eyes, And a nurse on the nose? Glasses

Riddles of S.Ya. Marshak In Linen Country A steamboat is sailing along the Sheet River, back and forth. And behind him there is such a smooth surface - Not a wrinkle to be seen! Iron

Riddles of S.Ya. Marshak I rule a horned horse, If I don’t put this horse against the fence, it will fall without me. Bike

Riddles of S.Ya. Marshak They beat him with a hand and a stick, No one feels sorry for him. Why are they beating the poor guy? And for the fact that he is inflated! Ball

My Cheerful, Sounding Ball, Where did you Jump off to? Ball Yellow, Red, Blue, Can't keep up with you!

Where did you have lunch, sparrow? - In the zoo with the animals. - First I had lunch Behind bars at the lion. - I refreshed myself at the fox's, drank some water at the walrus's...

This is how absent-minded there was. There lived an absent-minded man on Basseynaya Street. In the morning he sat down on the bed, began to put on his shirt, put his hands into the sleeves - It turned out that these were trousers. That's how absent-minded he is from Basseynaya Street!

The lady checked in a sofa, a suitcase, a suitcase, a painting, a basket, a cardboard and a small dog... Luggage.

Here is the briefcase, coat and hat. It's Dad's Day off. Dad didn't leave today. So, he will be with me. What are we going to do today? We will discuss this together. I’ll sit with dad on the bed - Let’s discuss it together.

Once upon a time there was a girl. What was her name? Whoever called knew it. But you don't know. How old was she? How many winters, So many years, - Not forty yet. And only four years. And she had... Who did she have? Gray, Mustachioed, All striped. Who is it? Kitty. Mustachioed - Striped.

Who is knocking on my door With a thick bag on a belt, With the number "5" on a copper plaque, In a blue uniform cap? This is him, This is him, the Leningrad postman. Today he has a lot of Letters in the bag on his side - From Tashkent, Taganrog, Tambov and Baku. At seven o'clock he started the business, at ten the bag lost weight, and by twelve o'clock he delivered everything to the addresses...

Carbon monoxide smoke began to billow. Gary's room is full. In the arms of Kuzma the fireman He carried Lena out of the window... On the market square, At the fire tower All day and night The watchman at the booth Looked around - To the north, To the south, To the west, To the east - Is there any smoke visible... Fire

The quitters were going to class, and the quitters ended up at the skating rink. A thick satchel with books on the back, And skates under the armpits on the belt... The cat and the quitters The gray cat answers the quitters: - I, a mustachioed cat, will soon be one year old. I knew a lot of lazy people like you, and I met such people for the first time!

If you are Polite and not deaf to your conscience, You will yield to the old woman without protest... And if you are Polite, Then, sitting in class, You will not chatter like two magpies with your friend...

For the first time in the arena For Moscow schoolchildren - Scientists seals, Dancing lions. Bear jugglers, Acrobatic dogs, Elephant tightrope walker, World champion. The only strongmen in the world Throw weights like children's balls...

The firefighters are looking, the police are looking, the photographers are looking in our capital, they have been looking for a long time, but they can’t find some guy about twenty years old. Of medium height, broad-shouldered and strong, he wears a white T-shirt and cap. The "GTO" sign is on his chest. They don't know anything about him anymore...

A bear of five or six years old was taught how to behave: - Visiting, bear, You can’t roar, You can’t be rude and swagger. You need to bow to your acquaintances, take off your hat to them, don’t step on their paws, and don’t catch fleas with your teeth, and don’t walk on all fours...

Snowy blizzard, blizzard, Spin yarn for us, Whisk fluffy snow, Like swan fluff. You, nimble weavers - Whirlwinds and blizzards, Give rainbow brocade for shaggy fir trees. Snowstorm. Work hard, blacksmith frost, forge us today a Necklace for birches for New Year's Eve!

Marshak is a storyteller. Twelve months Teremok Cat's house Fear of grief - no happiness to be seen Parsley - a foreigner Smart things Tale of a goat Magic wand Golden wheel...

A mouse sang in a hole at night: - Sleep, little mouse, shut up! I'll give you a crust of bread and a candle stub. The mouse answers her: “Your voice is too thin.” It’s better, mom, not food, look for a nanny for me!.. A fairy tale about a stupid mouse

The cat took the mouse away and sang: “Don’t be afraid, baby.” Let's play cat and mouse for an hour or two, dear! The frightened little mouse answers her, half asleep: “Our mother didn’t tell us to play cat and mouse...

You will read this fairy tale Quietly, quietly, quietly... Once upon a time there lived a gray hedgehog and his hedgehog. The gray hedgehog was very quiet and the hedgehog too. And they had a child - A very quiet hedgehog... A quiet fairy tale

On holiday, on Sunday, before going to bed for the night, the hostess began to fry, cook, stew and bake. It was autumn in the yard, and the wind was blowing damp. The old man says to the old woman: - Old woman, close the door!... Old woman, close the door!

Whatever a fool does, he does everything wrong. He doesn’t start from the beginning, But he ends up at random... He builds a house from the ceiling, Carries water with a sieve, Catches the sun in the field with his hat, Erases the shadows from the walls with a rag, Takes the door with him into the forest, So that the thief does not break into him. Not so... And she pulls a brown cow onto the roof by a rope, so that she can graze a little Where the grass has grown...

Why doesn't the moon have a dress? The tailor took the crescent's measurements and invites him to try it on. But in just fourteen days the month became twice as full... The crescent moon looked to the tailor, Not to the heavenly, but to the earthly. - Sew me, master, an elegant dress. I will walk across the sky on holiday.

Find out the fairy tale! Teremok

Find out the fairy tale!

Find out the fairy tale!

Marshak - translator Marshak is one of the best translators foreign poetry of that time. While still a young man, he was able to go to study in England. He was deeply touched by folk songs, ballads and poems of English poets and he began to translate them into Russian. S.Ya.Marshak also translated from Latvian, Polish, Jewish, Czech, Kazakh, Hungarian, Italian, Ukrainian and Armenian.

Robin-Bobin Robin-Bobin Somehow refreshed himself on an empty stomach: Ate a calf Early in the morning, Two sheep and a ram, Ate a whole cow. And a counter with a butcher, A hundred larks in dough, And a horse and cart together, Five churches and bell towers - And even dissatisfied!

Where were you today, pussy? - From the Queen, from the English. - What did you see at court? - I saw a mouse on the carpet! Visiting the Queen English song

Brave men English folk song Translation by S. Marshak One day twenty-five tailors entered into battle with a snail. Each of them has a needle and thread in their hands! But they barely carried their feet away, fleeing from the enemy, when they saw Snail’s horns in the distance.

Here's the house. Which Jack built. And this is wheat. Which is kept in a dark closet in the house that Jack built. And this is a cheerful tit bird, Which deftly steals wheat, Which is stored in a dark closet In the house that Jack built. The house that Jack built

Samuel Marshak Wishes to friends I wish you to bloom, grow, save, and improve your health. It is the most important condition for a long journey. May every day and every hour bring you something new. Let your mind be kind and your heart be smart. I sincerely wish you, Friends, all the best. And everything good, friends, is not cheap for us!

Thanks to Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak for a wonderful gift for children!