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» Blows air from a plastic window - practical recommendations. What to do if it’s blowing from the window: simple instructions There’s a draft blowing through the window, what to do

Blows air from a plastic window - practical recommendations. What to do if it’s blowing from the window: simple instructions There’s a draft blowing through the window, what to do

The determining factor for replacing old ones wooden windows on new ones, metal-plastic or PVC, is their ability to retain heat in a house or apartment. Naturally, when installing double-glazed windows, few people were interested in how they would behave in the future. Will the cold be allowed in, is it possible to insulate plastic windows if necessary, and is this necessary? If so, how to prepare windows for winter and the better way to ensure thermal insulation of windows and openings.

A plastic or metal-plastic window, like any composite structure, has weak points. They are the potential “gates” for heat leakage from the room.

Blowing from a plastic window - find and eliminate

Where can it blow from plastic windows?

To understand why it blows from a PVC window, you need to inspect the components, and for this you need to know the design principle of the window unit.

The most common places for blowing:

  • window glazing bead (glass unit holder);
  • rubber compressor;
  • window fittings(for example, blowing from under the hinges, into the handle);
  • the perimeter of the window frame - the junction of the slopes, window sill, walls.

How to determine where it is blowing from a plastic window?

The presence of a defect in one of the components of the window unit leads to the fact that plastic windows blowing There are three ways to determine the exact location of heat loss from metal-plastic windows:

  • tactile hand. To identify a gap, just run your palm over the surface of the window block;
  • lighter. The search procedure is similar to the previous one, but the light is more sensitive to drafts and can detect even the weakest blowing.
  • paper. A regular sheet of paper is pressed against the window (put into the open window and clamped by completely closing the sash), if you pull the corner of the sheet and it easily pulls out, then the seal is not pressed enough (this may indicate that the old seal is not pressed well against the frame in this mode) .

Why does it blow from plastic windows - reasons for heat loss

  • installation error. This is the most common reason due to ignorance or non-compliance the right technology installation of a plastic window. 15 years ago, this service was so in demand that everyone who had at least some idea about installing window units became installers. Naturally, PVC installation Few people performed windows according to GOST;
  • window distortion due to shrinkage of the house. A pressing problem for residents of new buildings and wooden houses;
  • an attempt to save money. One of the weighty arguments in competition is always price, especially during an economic crisis. The price reduction often occurred at the expense of quality: saving on foam, on insulation, ignoring the need to protect the heat insulator, using low-quality components when assembling windows - all this over time led to the fact that the consumer is forced to change or additionally insulate PVC windows;
  • physical wear of window components, in particular sealing rubber bands, or weakening of the pressing force of the sashes;
  • violation of the operating rules for plastic windows, which include the need to wash the window seal and treat it with glycerin. This care prevents the seal from losing its elasticity and cracking.

What to do if it's blowing from a plastic window

Of course, eliminate the source of the draft. From a practical point of view there are two simple options– call a specialist to repair and adjust (expensive) windows or do it yourself (cheap).

The desire to seal all the cracks yourself using improvised means is nullified because: firstly, it is not aesthetically pleasing, and secondly, there are no guarantees.

When is it advisable to hire professionals:

  • The plastic window was recently installed. The installer company is responsible to the consumer for the reliable operation of the windows (if the warranty covers this period);
  • the window opening is located at a considerable height (in a multi-story building). It is better to entrust any high-altitude work to professionals (industrial mountaineering services). If the window is located on the second floor or higher, the work will be associated with increased risk;
  • if there is a manufacturing defect. For example, obvious manufacturing or installation defects that appeared during the warranty period;
  • if necessary, replace parts. It is better to install “original” fittings if replacement is necessary individual elements window block;
  • work is carried out in winter period time. Knowledge of installation technology and how to insulate plastic windows for the winter allows installers to complete the work quickly, without significantly cooling the living space.

However, often, the cost of hiring specialists is equal to the cost of installing a new window, and this fact makes it more profitable to do the insulation work yourself.

What you can do yourself:

  • internal insulation of the window opening;
  • insulation of the frame contour;
  • window sill insulation;
  • replacement of seals.

How to insulate plastic windows with your own hands

When to insulate windows for the winter

Repairs and insulation must be carried out before the onset of cold weather. This is due to the following requirements:

  • material requirements. Some building materials, such as dry mixes and sealants, can only be used in a certain temperature range. Otherwise, they lose their characteristics;
  • optimal humidity;
  • no draft;
  • the ability to simultaneously perform internal and external insulation;
  • reducing the risk of catching a cold among apartment residents.

How to insulate plastic windows at home

The choice of insulation depends on the location of the blower.

1. Insulation of window openings for the winter

To insulate a window opening, you can use different materials and methods:

  • polyurethane foam. As the foam expands, it fills all the voids around the perimeter of the window opening, preventing air movement. Due to the fact that foam is 90% air, it is an ideal insulation material. However, the foam needs protection from ultraviolet radiation, high and low temperatures. This means that it is not advisable to use it by itself;
  • mineral wool. Excellent thermal insulation material for insulating window sills and internal slopes. Cotton wool has a more limited range of uses when insulating windows;
  • polystyrene foam/expanded polystyrene. Used for insulating slopes of plastic windows;

Note. Rigid insulation is used when the thickness of the installation seam is no more than 3 mm; in other cases, it is better to give preference to mineral wool.

  • dry mixtures for finishing slopes, used if necessary to insulate the window from the outside;
  • construction tape. Glues on top of the sealant or instead of it;

Advice. It is not recommended to use ordinary masking or window tape; after sticking it, unattractive marks remain on the plastic of the window frame that are difficult to remove without damaging the front covering.

2. Insulation of the window unit

  • seal;
  • construction tape;
  • sealant;
  • heat-saving film for windows (energy-saving);
  • mechanical methods insulation, for example, tightening (adjusting) fittings.

After the question of how to insulate has been resolved, we will deal with the question of how to insulate a double-glazed window, frame, plastic, aluminum profile etc.

How to insulate plastic windows from the outside

External window insulation is carried out in the following areas:

1. Insulation of slopes of plastic windows

The first step to increasing the thermal insulation properties of the window. No matter what insulation measures are taken in the house, until the slopes from the street are insulated, the cold will still flow inside. At the same time, external insulation allows you to shift the dew point, which will prevent the appearance of dampness and the development of fungus. Covering the cracks is a temporary measure, because... Over time, the layer of plaster will begin to crack and expose the mounting foam, which will collapse under the influence of atmospheric conditions. But as protection for insulation, plaster is an excellent solution.

How to insulate the slopes of plastic windows from the street

Work order:

  • preparation of material (rigid insulation);
  • cleaning slopes from dirt and protruding parts;
  • surface primer;
  • installation of insulation on an adhesive solution or special adhesive foam. It is preferable to use foam because it eliminates wet work, has a minimum setting time, and holds the insulation sheet more securely;
  • sealing all cracks with glue;
  • installation of perforated corners;
  • installation of polymer mesh;
  • finishing with plaster.

Advice. When installing insulation, you need to make sure that it covers part of the window frame and completely covers installation seam.

2. Insulation of plastic window sills

To insulate the ebbs, it is enough to foam all the cracks or place heat-insulating material in them. To avoid water getting on the heat-insulating material, a metal strip of window sill is installed on top. The plank is installed at an angle (at least 5°), its horizontal edge extends from the facade (by 20-30 mm), and the side edges are turned up. It is recommended to treat the area where the plank joins the surfaces with sealant.

Internal insulation of plastic windows

Insulation of windows from inside the room is carried out in the following areas:

1. Insulation of internal slopes of plastic windows

Internal slopes are less affected external factors, but they put forward more demands on the aesthetic component. Therefore, it is important to know how to insulate the slopes of plastic windows without losing the attractiveness of the window.

Work order:

  • treatment of cracks: removal of dirt, removal of old foam, falling parts, etc.;
  • applying a primer;
  • sealing cracks with foam;
  • removing excess foam after it dries;
  • installation of thermal insulation materials (foam or cotton wool);
  • installation of drywall;
  • finishing drywall with putty and paint.

2. Insulation of the window sill of plastic windows

The gaps between the wall and the window sill are one of the places of significant heat loss. Before deciding how to insulate the window sill of a plastic window, you need to determine its weak point, i.e. where is it blowing from? For example, blowing is possible between the plastic parts of the window and window sill. In this case, it is recommended to use a sealant.

Heat loss between the window sill and the wall is also possible. In this case, insulation is carried out before installing the window sill by laying a layer thermal insulation material. And also after its installation - by foaming the distance between the window sill and concrete wall or brickwork.

3. Insulation by adjusting the plastic window

Elimination of distortion of the PVC window sash

To reduce heat loss, you need to adjust the fittings (components) of the window unit.

How to adjust plastic windows for the winter - video

Replacing the seal in plastic windows

Elimination of blowing of plastic windows is possible by replacing the rubber seal. You can change the seal yourself, everything is simple - just pull out the old seal and insert a new one into the groove (groove).

Which seal is better? Please note that there are black and black window insulation on the market. gray colors. The black seal is more plastic, but attractive light color, is due to various additives that reduce the cost of the window seal, and at the same time, worsen its properties (tightness of pressing).

Replacing the seal in plastic windows - video

Additional ways to insulate plastic windows

  1. Washing windows. Paradoxically, cleaning the glass unit helps save heat. After all, dirty glass loses its ability to transmit sunlight, but continues to transmit rays in the infrared spectrum.

  2. Thick curtains. Which also trap heat indoors.

  3. Insulating windows with improvised means. This method is somewhat damaging appearance windows, but in critical cases, can be a very worthy alternative to replacing the window unit. The following materials are used as insulation: foam rubber, soaked paper, window tape, strips of white fabric, etc.

  4. Insulation of windows with heat-saving film. The energy-saving film is glued to the entire surface of the window (on the sashes). The main thing is to do the gluing correctly, without air bubbles or folds. The film reduces heat loss through glass by 75%.

  5. Electric window heating. IN in this case There is a heating cable around the window that heats the heating coil, or an oil radiator is installed on the window.

  6. Electric heating of double-glazed windows. The most technologically advanced way is to install plastic windows with heated glass. The technology is applied at the window production stage. It involves installing a special conductive film (transparent film with conductive threads) on the inside of the glass, which heats the glass from the inside.

  7. A complex approach. The most appropriate for insulating windows in an apartment or private house, since it allows you to eliminate all possible causes of heat leakage through metal-plastic or PVC windows.

Insulation of window glass with energy-saving film - video


Insulating windows often negatively affects ventilation in the room. Complete tightness is protection from the cold, but it also causes fogging of the glass, which leads to the destruction of slopes and the appearance of fungus. The problem is solved by periodically ventilating the room, micro-ventilation, installing forced ventilation, etc.

– I installed new “breathable” double-glazed windows.

- Well, how?

“Yesterday, in 20-degree frost, they inhaled and exhaled so much that my cat was frozen to the radiator.

A life anecdote, isn't it? Many consumers face the problem of draughts coming from slopes or blowing from under the sill of a plastic window. The causes of the defect must be clarified and definitely corrected, otherwise in the cold season the street will be heated, not the living space.

Causes of drafts

You won’t have to figure out why it’s blowing if the warranty period has not yet expired after installing the double-glazed window. You just need to contact a company whose specialists will fix everything for free.

If the warranty has expired, you will have to solve the problem yourself. It is possible to follow the path of least resistance: block the flow of cold air with some kind of barrier (blanket, books).

Even a small gap can be the cause of blowing

However, this is a temporary measure. It is not the consequences that need to be eliminated, but the causes. They are different:

  1. Defect due to violation of plastic window production technology.
  2. Low-quality materials, as well as materials that do not suit our climate. Thus, the profile loses its strength under the influence of low temperatures. At the same time, even small crack leads to blowing.
  3. Seal wear.
  4. Incorrect installation window design.
  5. Subsidence polyurethane foam or the use of low-quality adhesive-sealant.
  6. Warping of the glass unit due to shrinkage of the house.

Having discovered one or more causes of blowing, you need to begin to act depending on the nature of the defect. You can eliminate it in several ways:

  • Remove the gap using sealant;
  • Close the cracks with a profile;
  • Insulate the window sill.

Cover with sealant

This method is suitable if the gap between the window sill and window frame not very big. In addition, compared to other methods of combating drafts, this is the cheapest.

Defects are eliminated using a transparent sealant. Before using it, the gap should be cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased, and dried.

The gap between the frame and the window sill must be cleaned of dirt

Then, using the tube nozzle, apply the maximum possible amount of the substance until it is completely filled.

For the easiest way to eliminate the defect, use a sealant

For getting beautiful seam, run the edge of a 10-ruble coin along it. Do this in a continuous motion to avoid crooked seams.

The advantage of this method is that all the work takes a matter of minutes. Disadvantage: fragility. After two years, the sealant begins to peel off and darken.

Closing the gap with a profile

This method is based on creating additional protection sealed seam using a plastic profile.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Transparent silicone sealant;
  • Stationery knife, sharp scissors;
  • Plastic profile in internal corner configuration.

Armed with everything you need, get to work.

Algorithm of actions

  1. First, measure and cut the profile to the length of the window frame with a margin of 2-3 cm.
  2. Then cut off its perforated part so that there is a distance of about 1 cm from the curved plate, and from the bend right angle– 2 mm.

    The profile cutting line must be sharpened

  3. By using stationery knife sharpen the cutting line by scraping off the corners on both sides. This is done so that this part of the profile easily fits into the crevice, thereby creating a barrier for air entering the room.
  4. Make holes in the lower corners of the window with a depth of one to one and a half centimeters.

    Holes must be made in the lower corners of the window

  5. Clean the joint between the frame and the window sill from debris, wash, degrease, and wipe dry.

    The joint between the frame and the window sill must be clean and free of grease.

  6. Seal the gap by filling it with caulk.

    The gap is sealed with sealant

  7. Apply an even layer of sealant into the holes made and onto the joint.
  8. Apply a thin layer of sealant to the profile, insert one end into the hole, and insert the pointed edge of the cutting line into the slot.

    The profile is installed in the joint between the window and the window sill

  9. This way the entire profile is adjusted. Its opposite edge is inserted into the second hole.
  10. Press the corner tightly and hold for several minutes for better fixation.
  11. Sealant that has squeezed out can be carefully removed after hardening.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is labor-intensive and time-consuming. However, the result is impressive: a beautiful, durable corner in place of the black gap.

Now you know exactly what to do when it blows between the window sill and the plastic window. But sometimes this knowledge is not enough, since the source of the draft may be under the windowsill. A completely different method will be used here.

Let's start with insulation

Insulating the window sill of plastic windows will provide additional thermal insulation and eliminate blowing. The materials used are polyurethane foam and acrylic sealant. If you find a gap between the window sill and the wall, you cannot do without dismantling it.


Arm yourself with a hammer, hammer drill, chisel, hacksaw, knife. Dismantling can be done in two ways.

Method No. 1

First of all, remove the wallpaper. Then, using a chisel and hammer, beat off the plaster under the window and in places where there is a junction between the side parts of the window sill and the slopes.

Cut off the mounting foam and carefully pull the canvas towards you, tilting it down a little.

To insulate the window sill you will need to dismantle it

Method No. 2

Using this method, you will not need to beat off the plaster. Run a long-bladed knife under the window sill and cut away the foam and sealant near the slopes. The blade should not come into contact with the plastic. After getting rid of the fastening elements, pull out the canvas.

After dismantling, clean the work surface of debris with a broom or vacuum cleaner. This will allow you to see all the cracks through which you entered cold air.

Polyurethane foam is used to fill cracks

Fill all cracks with foam. And if there are significant deformations, use silicone sealant.


Having done everything necessary procedures, you can install a window sill. To do this, apply along its perimeter front side, as well as polyurethane foam along the diagonals of the product. Lay the canvas on the work surface.

To ensure that the canvas adheres to the base, lightly press it and hold for a few minutes. Attach building level to make sure everything is level.

The correct installation of the window sill is checked using a level

For better fixation, place something heavy (for example, books) on the windowsill, as it may warp as a result of foam expansion.

More reliable insulation is achieved through the use of sealant. It is applied to every area where there is a joint.

The final stage in the installation is plastering the slopes. It is made from cement mortar, and from a regular dry mixture.

By insulating a plastic window in this way, you will forever forget about the cold window sill and drafts in the house.

Lack of drafts is the cause of condensation

When you start fighting against the blowing of double-glazed windows, everything turns out like in medicine: you treat one thing, but you cripple the other. It’s the same here: as soon as the blowing stops, condensation appears on the glass.

The tightness of the PVC window can cause condensation on the glass

The reasons for this are:

  • Lack of air circulation;
  • Increased humidity in the house;
  • Wide sill that prevents leakage from the radiator warm air on glass;
  • Low indoor temperatures;
  • Poor quality installation.

To avoid this trouble, you need to ventilate the rooms more often, clear the window of everything unnecessary, and change the radiator.

  1. Be responsible when choosing a company that installs double-glazed windows.
  2. Contact a professional for annual preventative care.
  3. Do not violate the operating rules.

By observing these simple rules, you may never encounter a problem when the wind blows from under the sill of a plastic window.

Every person understands how important it is to keep their home warm when cold weather sets in. Heating today is an expensive pleasure, so it is extremely unwise to waste heat left and right. As you know, the main heat loss in a house occurs through windows and doors. For now we are only interested in windows. Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid heat loss, but you can reduce it. In addition, if it is still blowing from the window, then eliminating this problem, you can save significantly on heating.

Why does the windows blow at all? The popularity of this problem grows exponentially with the onset of winter. People often come to us with this kind of trouble. But we know what needs to be done with all this. Do you also want to be in the know? In this case, start studying this issue right now. However, we still recommend that you first contact a Teplo Doma specialist.

Blows out plastic windows: reasons

Before you sound the alarm, you need to understand everything. Is not it PVC windows is it blowing? Maybe it’s just too cold outside, and the frame and glass unit are too thin? If this is so, then there is little good here. The installers made a mistake and installed the wrong ones temperature conditions plastic windows. This is precisely why it is better to immediately contact proven and reliable companies.

If it really blows through plastic windows, then here are the main reasons:

  • Defective window design. The window should be returned to the manufacturer, of course, if it is under warranty.
  • Installation errors. Unscrupulous installers quite often make mistakes when installing plastic windows. Subsequently, these mistakes cost the owner a pretty penny. If it blows from the slopes or from under the window sill, then this is definitely an installation error. You should contact the company that performed the work and ask them to redo everything.
  • Incorrect adjustment. If the window blows from the hinge side, this is most likely due to incorrect or untimely adjustment. The window sash needs to be adjusted 2 times a year. If this is not done, then over time it will not close tightly. As a result, questions arise as to why plastic windows are blown out. Also, the windows may not be adjusted correctly to begin with. In this case, it is blowing from the window from the first day of installation, but it only becomes noticeable with the onset of cold weather.
  • Violation of window geometry. This is more related to improper installation.
  • Accessories. To prevent wind from blowing from the window, the window structure should be regularly maintained: adjustment, lubrication. If the fittings jam, it will be impossible to close the window tightly, and as a result, the owners will face the problem of ventilation.
  • Sealant. If plastic window hinges are blown out, then the fault may be a poor-quality seal. Also sealing rubber may become unusable over time. If this element has lost its properties, it should be replaced, otherwise blowing cannot be avoided.
  • Violation of the integrity of the frames. Window frames modern windows, as a rule, are made of plastic. However, this is not always plastic highest quality. Plastic can melt from the scorching summer sun, and then become extremely fragile with the first frost. If there is a crack in the frame, then it will definitely start to blow from the window.

In fact, we could talk more about the reasons. There are a lot of, sometimes even extremely ridiculous situations in which owners find themselves because of their trust in unscrupulous craftsmen.

You need to order the installation and repair of plastic windows only from a reliable company, which has been tested not only by time, but also by people.

The window is blowing: what to do?

So, you are faced with a blowing problem. What's next? The easiest way is to call us. This is really the most the best option. We will send a specialist who will assess the situation and quickly fix everything. Why do you need extra hassle?

Do you firmly believe that you can cope on your own? In this case, you will have to first determine the cause of the blowing and then eliminate it.

The most harmless case is when it is blowing from the windows, because they are not converted to . You probably have never heard that plastic windows have winter and summer modes. So, if all the trunnions at the end of the sash are turned to the desired position, the window will begin to press against the frame much more tightly. As a result, the draft will disappear.

If the window is blowing from below, then you should take a closer look at the window sill, or more precisely at how it is installed. Correctly, the cavity under the window sill should be filled with polyurethane foam, and plaster should be applied on top. You can try to eliminate the draft from under the window using sealant. If this does not work, the window sill will have to be reinstalled.

If a plastic window is blowing from the hinge side, then, as already mentioned, good adjustment will be required.

Windows in a new building are blown out at the junction of the frame and the impost; this is most likely a manufacturer’s defect. You should call the company that did the installation and ask to replace the windows.

If the cause of the blowing is a dried out seal, then it should be lubricated with artificial petroleum jelly. Did not help? .

Blowing between the window sill and the adjacent frame will be more difficult to cure. In most cases, dismantling of the structure will be required.

When air leaks were detected between the wall and the frame, this was again due to poor-quality installation. How to fix it? You can try to seal the seams, however best result can only be achieved if the window structure is reinstalled.

The specialists of our company filmed for you excellent material- “plastic windows blow out: what to do, video.” After watching this video, you will know exactly why it is blowing from the window.

A fairly common problem that occurs in a huge number of people who live in private houses and apartments is blowing from a plastic window.

Very often modern plastic windows have a “sin”. But the manufacturer assures that they are all sealed and have high quality. The question arises, why does this happen? And also, what causes a draft from a plastic window?


Experts identify several reasons that can cause blowing.

These include:

  1. Manufacturing defects;
  2. Using low-quality plastic, which deforms over time and can even burst at different temperatures.
  3. . If it is of poor quality or heavily contaminated, the tightness decreases and micro-cracks appear through which air can pass.

A bad effect on the quality of windows occurs due to improper storage of metal and plastic items under open air or in rooms where there is no heating. As a result, the quality of the installation deteriorates, which then contributes to the occurrence of blowing.

One of the most common reasons for problems with plastic windows is poor-quality fittings.

Therefore never no need to save money on purchasing and installing windows. It also blows from PVC windows due to incorrect adjustment, which does not allow the sashes to adhere well to the surface.


Blows from the hinges

Blowing in this place occurs due to incomplete filling of the mounting hole. To get rid of this problem, take a good look at the doors and close them tightly.

In addition, the cause of the draft may lie in the technological gap for fastening mosquito nets or other additional holes that are located with outside window.

If a draft appears from under the handle of plastic windows, this indicates that they have lost their full functions.

The sash does not completely begin to press against the base; as a result, a small gap is formed through which air can pass.

Blowing between the window sill and the plastic window

The main reason in this case is that the window was installed poorly.

During installation, the master used little polyurethane foam, which is “responsible” for reliable and correct fixation in the opening.

Elimination of blowing

To properly troubleshoot, it is important to clearly understand the cause of the blowing.

If air passes along the entire perimeter of the sash, then the window has not been moved to winter time, that is, the fittings do not fit sufficiently to the frame. The system needs to be regulated.

To do this, the trunnions, which are located along the perimeter of the valves, must be simultaneously moved to the maximum position (move clockwise). The tools you will need are a screwdriver or pliers.

This type of operation must be carried out when open window. The main thing is to detect and turn all the pins, because the structure may break.

Some window manufacturers do this process automatically - the fittings are equipped with a roller with special rings. It rotates itself and easily changes mode from winter to summer.

Other reasons that provoke blowing, can be eliminated like this:

  • If it siphons from below from under the window sill, the reason is the installation (not airtight).
  • The space underneath needs to be foamed and then plastered.
  • To prevent wind from blowing from the window, use sealant. You may also have to reinstall the window sill.

Briefly about installing a window sill in a draft:

  1. It is necessary to insulate and seal the window sill with foam.
  2. If the slopes show through, this means that the assembly seam is damaged. Polyurethane foam in slopes functions for 5-10 years. To fix the problem, you need to dismantle the slopes and seal the frame with foam again.
  3. If it comes through from the junction of the frame and the impost of the window structure, this indicates a defective product. The gap must be sealed with sealant.
  4. If it blows from the hinges, you need to look at the sash and close it tightly.
  5. If the seal has dried out and become inelastic, then blowing appears here too. This problem can be solved by replacing the seal. You can easily do this operation yourself. The main thing is to choose the right seal.

How to seal plastic windows to stop it from blowing

There are situations when all the ways to fix problems with blowing are not effective and do not give any results.

This means that you need to fix this problem in other ways. One of them is insulating a plastic window in the winter.

First you need to improve the slopes. This can be done using:

  • Foam plastic;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Sandwich panels;
  • Glass fibers.

Choose the material based on the size of the cracks. Glue material assembly adhesive, then putty and paint.

There is also an option to seal the cracks in the plastic window. For this purpose, regular tape or a self-adhesive seal made of rubber or foam rubber is suitable.

But this needs to be done when a strong draft remains after all the above criteria have been corrected. Plastic windows are practical and easy to use, but there are also problems with them, which lead to certain hassles. A special moment when the windows were not installed correctly and were not adjusted correctly.

To avoid such problems, order plastic windows only from trusted manufacturers, and trust installation only to specialists in their field.

It is written about how to choose plastic windows.

Today, plastic windows are installed everywhere, as they reduce heat loss from the room. But in order to avoid problems during operation in the future (draft, cold), it is necessary to carry out preventative work. However, this is not always a solution, since there are many reasons why it blows from plastic windows. If we determine which of the factors takes place in specific situation, you can correct the situation.

The main reasons for heat loss through windows

If you feel a draft from a window, you should consider the problem from different angles:

  1. Manufacturing defect. Product quality control must be carried out in production. But it cannot be ruled out human factor and unfavorable storage conditions. This means that temperature changes, cold, moisture and direct ingress of water can affect the properties of a metal-plastic window or its components. If a double-glazed window with such characteristics was installed in a house or apartment, then a draft will arise coming from leaks in the deformed profile. This also includes the use of low quality materials and fittings. One of the most common reasons is poor-quality sealing rubber. Over time, under the influence of external factors (temperature changes, cold, moisture), it cracks. Therefore, you should not save when buying windows.
  2. Errors during installation. Today there are many organizations offering services for installing window and balcony units. If you choose the wrong office, the result will be a draft that will become an eternal companion for the residents. This will be facilitated by poor insulation of slopes, errors when installing the window sill, cracks and leaks in different areas.
  3. Lack of preventive maintenance throughout the entire service life. This includes cleaning the seal from dust, which affects the tightness of the sash and the service life of the rubber. In addition, window fittings should be adjusted periodically: once every six months or a year.

How to determine the source of a draft

If cold constantly emanates from the window unit or air flow is felt, what should you do in this case? First of all, you need to determine where the draft is coming from.

To solve this problem you will need a lit candle/lighter. You need to bring it as close as possible to window frame and observe the behavior of the flame.

Strong vibrations of the fire are evidence that the problem exists and that it is actually blowing from plastic windows. If the flame practically does not fluctuate, then the reason for the draft is something else, and everything is in order with the tightness of the window unit.

The feeling of cold occurs for a number of reasons: single-chamber double-glazed windows, insufficiently warm battery. In winter, the window becomes cold, the air in the room comes into contact with the surface of the glass unit and cools. Hence the feeling of coolness.

In this case, nothing needs to be done, since the seal of the double-glazed window is not actually broken. It is recommended to compensate for the lack of heat from the battery with a heater.


Some problems can be solved on your own, while other factors can be eliminated by professionals. If the windows are still under warranty, then it is better to invite specialists.

This solution will not require additional costs and is more reliable. Otherwise, you will have to do everything yourself or look for third-party craftsmen.

Source of draft - loops

First you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon:

  • poor quality fittings;
  • installation errors;
  • loose filling of holes for fasteners.

If cheap fittings are installed, then there is only one way out - replacement. There are no other options in this case. In situations where the installation was carried out with errors, it is recommended to carry out preventive work (adjustment).

Considering that over time the window or balcony door“sag”, it is also recommended to adjust the fittings at some intervals.

There is one more point that can cause a draft. These are technological gaps when installing a mosquito stack or holes for its fastening. If it was removed for the winter, the holes must be closed. This can be done using available materials.

The area where the frame adjoins the window sill

In this case, there was probably a clear violation of window installation technology. IN similar situations Most often it turns out that an insufficient amount of foam was used during the installation of the window unit. When the tide breaks, it may happen that it is almost not there. This factor not only affects the quality of the installation, but also the tightness of the structure.

The solution to the problem is to remove the ebb from the outside of the window. The old foam is removed and the exposed area is foamed again. Then the ebb is put in place.

It is better to do this by professionals, and proven ones, so that in the future you do not have to solve the same problem again. If the draft is insignificant, then you can try to eliminate it by using sealant in the area where the frame meets the window sill.

Cold source – slope

The main disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its destruction under the influence of external factors. This means that all seams when installing windows must be carefully puttied. Therefore, a draft from the slopes may occur against the background of the destruction of the polyurethane foam in the seams. What to do in this case? You will have to disassemble the slopes and re-fill the assembly joints with foam.

You can influence the outflow of heat from the room by adjusting the window pressure and fittings. In the first case, using a hexagon, they act on the eccentrics (there are 3 of them) located on the end side of the window.

Depending on where they are turned, the pressing force will increase (left direction of movement) or, conversely, decrease (right direction of movement). The fittings are adjusted different ways, which is affected by its type.

If it blows from the window handle

This may mean that the mechanism has ceased to be effective, resulting in leaks between the sash and the block. You can solve the problem by tightening the handle fasteners hidden under the decorative strip.

If this does not help, the old handle must be removed and replaced with a new one. You can open the mounting points by turning the decorative strip 90 degrees.

other methods

If you have tried various options solutions and all to no avail, there are only two options left:

  • insulate slopes;
  • seal the cracks in the windows with tape or adhesive sealant.

Can be used as insulation different materials: polystyrene foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, fiberglass. You need to choose based on the compliance of their properties (moisture resistance, level of efficiency, etc.) with operating conditions.

Considering that the thermal insulation will be located on a small area, important criterion when choosing is the thickness of the material. The insulation is glued to the surface with an assembly adhesive, the surface is puttied, after which the structure is painted.

Thus, if there is a noticeable blowing from plastic windows, there can be many reasons, starting with a manufacturing defect and ending with the lack of timely prevention. It is important to correctly identify the problem, otherwise all efforts to eliminate it will be in vain.

However, there are situations when none of the effective measures brought results. In this case, you need to either insulate the slopes or seal all the seams with tape/insulation with an adhesive base.