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» Projects of two-story houses with a garage. Beautiful projects of two-story houses with a garage: photos, catalog Projects of compact two-story houses with a garage

Projects of two-story houses with a garage. Beautiful projects of two-story houses with a garage: photos, catalog Projects of compact two-story houses with a garage

A two-story house with a garage is the embodiment of a modern dream of comfort and security. In such a room there is also room for big family, and for a garage that will be securely protected from snow and rain.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are many options for the location of the garage on the site. Some people prefer it to stand separately, under a canopy, while others prefer to have everything under one roof. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

One of the main advantages of a single structure is the saving of free space. Since the garage is located close to the house, the area is freed up, which is important for small areas. It is also most often possible to withstand uniform style, which makes the yard look neater and more beautiful.

The advantage is that this type of garage is very multifunctional. It can be converted into storage space, a workshop, and so on. Even if the main space is occupied by a car, some garden supplies, tools or fishing rods will still fit in it.

Among the undoubted advantages of garages of this type:

  • heating from house communications;
  • the presence of one roof for the entire building;
  • access to the car without going outside, which is convenient during the cold season.

There is only one drawback to a house that is located under the same roof as a garage. If the septum is not very dense, there is ventilation holes, then the unpleasant smell of gasoline and exhaust gases can gradually penetrate into the living space. To avoid this, you need to finish the inside of the garage walls very well and install a good ventilation system.


To build a 2-story house with a garage space, different building materials are used, but the same for the entire building. The final choice, as a rule, depends on what resources the family has. The most environmentally friendly ones include natural wood and brick.


Wood allows air to pass through, but does not let heat out of the house, so in such a building you can sleep well and breathe easily. The atmosphere there is healthy and conducive to relaxation. And it's worth building wooden house small sizes are relatively inexpensive. Especially considering the fact that you can get by installing a lung foundation.

Houses built from timber look beautiful. There are several types of it used in construction. Most a budget option- This is a rectangular beam. But it also has an obvious drawback - the material is short-lived. In order to extend its life even slightly, the surface must be varnished.

The second option is high-quality profiled timber. It does not look nearly as attractive as all other types of wood. As a rule, it is used simply for additional insulation of the room, which eliminates the need to waste time caulking cracks. Thanks to the profiled timber, the walls are reliably protected, do not rot and retain heat better.

The last type of timber is laminated veneer lumber. This is the most expensive and quality option. It is used to decorate garages and two-story houses those who are willing to pay for quality. Building a house from laminated veneer lumber is much faster.


Brick house considered the most reliable and durable. This material does not require any additional protection. You don’t even need to paint it; the brick itself looks attractive.

Types of garages

In relation to the main part of a two-story building, there are three main types of garage locations.


Above-ground garages can be divided into two subtypes: side - in the form of an extension, and lower box. The first option is a room that is located close to the house, on the right or left. Such a garage is convenient because it can be added even several years after the main building was erected. Often, homeowners complete the garage with a door that leads into the house. As a rule, the entrance is combined with the hallway, rarely with the kitchen.

The lower above-ground garage is part of the first floor. Its construction must be thought out in advance, because other rooms will be located above it. This arrangement of the box can increase the height of the entire building, but the good option is that the garage is part of the house, which means the space in the yard remains free.


This type of garage is located under the house. It is allocated either ground floor, or basement. So that the car can freely drive inside, you need to arrange a flat driveway under right angle. It is worth considering that in the cold season such a descent can be slippery.

As a result of the efforts made, home owners save space and reduce the amount of work with soil, and often also reduce the height of the entire building. In some cases, the garage may be combined. You can attach a sauna or a workshop to it, for example. This saves space.

Planning and construction

The plan of a two-story house with a garage is always much more complicated than a regular one. There are many nuances that should never be forgotten. After all, comfort and safety depend on this.

Selecting a location

The first stage of building a house with a garage is choosing a location. First you need to decide: it will be an above-ground building or an underground one. At the same time, we must not forget that according to safety rules, residential premises cannot be located above the garage.

The size of the building is also calculated in advance. If the family has not one car, but several, this is also worth taking into account, and not only allocating a larger area for the garage, but also making a driveway for two cars.

The gate can go directly onto the street or into the yard. You need to decide on the entrance in advance. Everything is done to make the car owner more comfortable. So, if a house is being built closer to the road, then it is more rational to make a garage with access to the street and save on the driveway

Project preparation

In order to build a two-story house with a garage on a plot from scratch, it is not enough to simply decide to take this step. You must obtain the necessary permits and collect all the papers.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the drawing documents. Their list includes floor diagrams with precise markings and the correct scale, and diagrams of communications in the house. You will also need Additional Information about the design of the foundation, stairs and other elements.

Communications and security

For comfortable use, the rebuilt garage must be adapted to your needs. Their list is usually short, and is enough to make the room warm, bright and safe.

It is at this stage that, if necessary, they are carried out to the garage heating pipes, plumbing is being installed. If you are planning to make the box heated, then you must not forget that you need to calculate all the costs so that you do not later face financial problems due to high tariffs.

It is also worth conducting good system ventilation. All unpleasant odors and gas vapors must be vented outside and under no circumstances enter the house. This can lead to health problems.

For added comfort, the compact garage can also be equipped with soundproofing panels. This way, fiddling with the car will not disturb those who are in the house or want to sleep longer.

Arrangement of the second floor

It is also quite possible to place some kind of room above the garage. Safety rules only prohibit placing a living space on top. But the workshop, or, for example, winter Garden No one is stopping you from setting up the upstairs room.

It is convenient to use the space above the garage to place an attic there. You can do the same with a balcony. A greenhouse with a garden is set up in the attic or balcony, albeit smaller than in a full-fledged room. This technique will fill an uninhabitable space and at the same time create a beautiful corner that will enliven the house.

Despite the existing disadvantages and prejudices associated with the location of the garage and the house under one roof, many still choose this type of construction. To ensure that the chosen result does not disappoint, you need to listen to the advice of professionals.

Many developers are wondering which house design will be best for them: an attic or a two-story house with a garage. This choice is very important, because not only the cost of building a house, but also the layout of the first and second levels, the design of the building and the convenience of living in it depend on the decision.

The difference between an attic house and a two-story house

A house with two tiers is considered multi-story, and it makes no difference whether the second tier is presented in the form of an attic or an entire floor.

There are many criteria for comparing houses with an attic and houses with a full second floor. So, when choosing the first option, developers must understand that interior spaces the attics have a broken shape. This makes it possible to create original ideas design design. Provided that the main premises are planned on the first level of the building, the attic is a rarely visited room. At the same time, it differs from the attic in that it is still a living space.

If the attic is a tier, the height of the walls varies according to roofing slopes, then the floor has the same wall height along the entire perimeter.

Two-level houses with a garage are most often built for the following reasons:

  • A spacious house is needed, but the building plot is small;
  • The construction of two-tier buildings is regulated by local regulations and specified in construction permits;
  • Desire to look at beauty landscape design from the windows of the upper floors.

If the developer is satisfied with at least one of the listed reasons, then he needs to decide how to build the second tier of the future house with a garage.

Design of two-story houses with a garage

Developers who consider a house with an acute pitched roof th, covered ceramic tiles, decorated with lucarnes, can safely choose projects attic houses. These are the cottages that will be beautiful and comfortable for them to live in. Attic houses are popular among customers who choose them as country houses.

Projects of two-story houses with a garage (photos, diagrams, videos, sketches, drawings are posted on the website) look more modern and urban. Thanks to modern architectural techniques two-story houses freed from the “cube” stereotype and characterized by a design no less attractive than attic houses. Thus, project plans for two-story houses with a garage are complex, quite interesting shape buildings.

When choosing between two options for houses, it is necessary to take into account such points as the layout of the upper tiers and the features of the site.

Layout of projects for two-story houses with a garage: distribution of area between tiers

  • The premises that include the functions of the daytime part of the house (living room, kitchen, bathrooms, etc.) are located on the ground floor.
  • The upper compact tier houses the bedrooms.

Effective area attic floor less than the area of ​​the first floor. If developers want the floors to have the same area, then they need to choose projects of two-story cottages with a garage.

If we talk about the nature of the premises of the upper tier of attic and two-story houses, then the rooms of the attic floor have different heights walls For this reason, the use of special design techniques, more imagination, and also more funds is required. To make the attic rooms cozy and comfortable for living, an individual approach is required even in the choice of furniture. Attic houses allow creative individuals express your inner world and enjoy the unusual atmosphere created by the sloping walls.

For clients with more conservative views who prefer high ceilings And smooth walls, it is worth buying projects of two-story houses with a garage.

Selecting a project depending on the size of the plot

Having assessed the number of required premises and their area, they must be compared with the parameters of the site. There is no point in building up half the plot with a house, because there will be no room left for a garden.

For a plot of compact size, a two-story house plan with a garage is suitable, with the maximum number of rooms located on the second floor. In this case, the area required to build a new house will decrease. If the parameters of the land plot are limited, but the developer dreams of a beautiful pitched roof, then you should pay attention to the projects of small attic houses.

Attic houses or plans for two-story houses with a garage: expert opinion

Before choosing a project attic house or two-story, it is advisable to compare the costs of their turnkey implementation, taking into account the design stage. So the cost estimate for an attic house can be reduced due to a lightweight foundation.

If you want to reconstruct your an old house, the developer must pre-order a calculation bearing capacity foundation under the house. Only then can you choose the appropriate one architectural project. In many cases, calculations show that the foundation can only withstand the load from the attic floor. But the construction of walls, their finishing and additional insulation are quite large expense items. Therefore, choosing an attic floor may not be so cheap.

It is not entirely correct to compare the price per square meter of a two-story and attic house. The main indicator in Everyday life is the usable area of ​​a private house, which in two-story house much bigger. While a large area of ​​the attic remains unused.

According to experts, savings due to the implementation of the attic are possible. But the costs square meter usable area attics, the height of which is at least 2 meters, will increase significantly. If the developer chooses the layout of two-story houses with a garage, then in addition he will receive an attic, which can also be decorated and used.

We wish you a good viewing of our catalog updated in 2016! If you do not find a suitable ready-made project in the collection, then it is possible to order an original project.

Projects of houses with a garage are in constant demand among developers. After all, imagine life modern man Without a car, and even living outside the city, it’s simply not possible. That is why the presence of a garage in a house project is important factor at the time of buying. Naturally, you can order a garage project separately. But a garage in the house is much more convenient. And most importantly, it will cost less than a separate

The house and garage are planned so that the car can be accessed not only from the street, but also directly from the residential area. There is no need to go outside in bad weather. As a rule, the entrance to the garage is located from the kitchen or hallway. There is one more positive point in this arrangement: if you brought, say, groceries from the store, then transferring them directly to the kitchen is very convenient.

Projects of houses with a garage for the whole family

It must be remembered that a garage for a modern car must be at least 18 m2. In this case, it is advisable to maintain all the distances recommended by experts: from the wall to the car - 50 cm, on the left and right - 70 cm, at the back you can limit it to 20 cm. Usually the project provides for a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is done to make it more comfortable to get out of the car. Then on the right side of the garage you can place racks with tools and car parts. Standard width gate - 2.5 m. The height is designed so that an adult can pass - 1.8-2.0 meters.

In order for the garage to be comfortable, the room must be properly designed. It is necessary to provide easy access to shelving and think not only about electrical, but also about natural light. It would be nice to provide a sufficient number of sockets into which it will be possible, if necessary, to turn on power tools, and in the cold season - a heater. And if you plan to use more serious electrical equipment, then take care in advance to install an outlet designed for three-phase current.

By the way, a heater may not be needed if you plan to heat the garage. Moreover, connect it to common system Heating a house is quite simple. And, in addition, in the garage you can set up an additional workshop or storage room for equipment.

And for those customers who have two cars per family, our company can offer a house project with a garage designed for two cars. This choice will allow you to solve your car parking problems once and for all and save you from searching suitable place under the garage for a second car.

Why should you give preference to a house with two tiers? Occupying less space on the site, he also has large area. This allows you to functionally divide the house into zones: as a rule, projects of two-story houses with a garage provide a day zone (living room, kitchen) below, and a night zone (bedrooms, children's) above. This, however, does not prevent you from providing a guest bedroom downstairs in case of a visit from elderly relatives, who will feel much more comfortable on the ground floor.

A two-story cottage will cost less, since its roof and foundation will be smaller than in a one-story house of the same area. And these, as you know, are the most expensive elements of construction. In the projects of two-story houses with a garage, the space for a car fits very organically - it can be located on the ground floor in the house itself or in an extension. Choosing this option makes it easy to fit parking into the heating system and provide access to the car directly from the house, which is very convenient.

Why should vehicle space be included in the design documents?

Often, those who want to build new housing do not initially think about the need to build a room for a car, since they believe that it can be easily added at any time or part of the living space can be converted into it. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. Having a car, it is better to consider projects of two-story houses with a garage, since only in this case can you be confident in your future comfort and safety.

Even if you are just planning to purchase a car, it is still better to plan a place for it in advance. Before purchasing a car, this area can be used for other purposes - as a workshop or a place to store tools. If you have neglected the projects of two-story houses with a garage in order to save money, you should know that subsequent alterations to the house will cost much more - for garage space ventilation and drainage will be required. Integrate these systems into already finished building- a difficult and expensive task.

Architectural projects country cottages It is impossible to imagine without a garage in it. This section contains best projects guest houses Z500. They are distinguished by comfortable layouts of guest houses, solutions that help save money during the construction of a guest house, and subsequently low costs of maintaining the house.

Although developers cannot always decide which garage costs less - one combined with a house or a separate one. But in addition to the issue of price, the individual needs of the individual developer must also be taken into account. It is important to note that the layout of a house with a garage for 1 car provides homeowners with greater comfort and benefits than designs of houses with a detached garage. But this condition is only feasible if competent design and professional calculation of the structures have been carried out. It is also better to trust the design of house projects with a garage for 1 car to specialists.

Scheme of a house with a garage for 1 car. Why choose a house plan with a garage?

Projects of houses with a garage for 1 car, photos, drawings, sketches and videos of which can be viewed in this section, are attractive because:

  • A ready-made cottage with a garage for 1 car is very convenient when there is a need to unload large items. In addition, the layout of houses with a garage for 1 car allows you to get rid of unpleasant runs to the garage in unfavorable weather.
  • The construction of private houses with a garage allows you to save money. The savings are due to the fact that by combining a garage with a house, there is no need to build one wall and a supporting foundation. When the garage is completely built into the house, you can save on the roof. At the same time, for laying garage walls you can buy simpler and cheaper Construction Materials than for a main residence. Designs of houses with a built-in or attached garage and on a single network of engineering systems allow you to significantly save money.

Standard project plans for houses with a garage for 1 car: important points when building a private house

When building a house with a garage for 1 car, it is important for developers to consider the following aspects:

  • If the developer liked the design of the house, which does not have a garage, it is highly not recommended for him to implement this idea with a garage on his own. After all, a garage project is quite complex and necessarily meets increased reliability requirements, and also takes into account a lot of nuances and constructive solutions to combine a house with a garage. While creating heating system in a house with a garage, designers take into account the heat loss of the building through the garage. To prevent gasoline combustion products from entering the house through the garage, it is necessary to design ventilation system. In order for the garage to look harmonious against the general background of the image of the house, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of the garage, right choice roof and its angle of inclination.
  • Before embarking on a project for a house with a 1-car garage, the developer is advised to assess the funds required for it. Foundation and earthworks are quite expensive, the costs of which amount to a third of the total estimate for the construction of the structure. Using a garage can be better and more comfortable if you use an additional snow melting system in the driveway and make its inclination angle optimal (within 12°).
  • The developer needs to be prepared for the fact that the garage combined with the house takes up a large area, especially if the garage is attached to the side. To implement such a project you need a good wide area. On a wide plot with shallow depth, houses with garages look more compact.

The catalog of house projects with a 1-car garage also includes new projects for 2018.

Projects of houses with a garage: documentation composition

When purchasing a house project with 1 garage from our company, the client is provided with all project documentation, which includes 5 sections: engineering, which consists of 3 parts (electricity, water supply, heating and ventilation wiring), structural and architectural. This page contains one of the design options for such a house.

Engineering sections project documentation available for an additional fee.

Example of design documentation for a Z500 house

Each of our house projects with a garage for 1 car is protected by copyright, which also ensures your legal security when implementing a house project from the Z500 company. The certificate presented below confirms that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd.

We wish you to find in our collection a house plan with a garage that meets your requirements!