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» Production of rubber tiles as a business: calculations. Production of paving slabs from rubber crumbs of car tires How to make tiles from rubber crumbs

Production of rubber tiles as a business: calculations. Production of paving slabs from rubber crumbs of car tires How to make tiles from rubber crumbs

Tiles and paving stones from crumb rubber- it is low-cost and quite high quality products.

The material does not require expensive raw materials and large quantity work force.

For manufacturing, it is enough to simply purchase several special machines and rent a small workshop.

Rubber paving slabs and paving stones are at the peak of popularity today. It is easy to sell not only at retail to individual companies and individuals, but also sell in large quantities trading enterprises.

In this article we will talk about the production technology of these products and give characteristics of the equipment.

This product has many advantages. The crushed rubber tires from which it is made are high-quality material. To make it Good synthetic rubber is used, expensive fillers and oils.

Advantages crumbs from such rubber:

  1. It is durable, “does not bend” under heavy weight, it can be laid in workshops, garages and car washes.
  2. It serves for a long time and faithfully up to 35-40 years, and at the same time does not wear out or “shed”.
  3. It is resistant to moisture, remains intact and dries quickly even after tropical downpours, which is why it is used in water parks and saunas.
  4. She is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature, she is not afraid of any very coldy(up to -40), nor the sweltering heat (up to +50).
  5. Shoes do not slip on it - it is difficult to get injured on such tiles; “sports” surfaces are paved with it – tennis courts, playgrounds.
  6. The material is not damaged by aggressive substances; it is used to cover the floors of chemical laboratories.
  7. The tiles are easy and inexpensive to install and clean. It is used to pave stairs, entrances to buildings, shopping centers and many other “public” spaces with a large flow of people.

Also, paving slabs made from rubber crumbs can be given a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors, beautifully fit into the interior of the premises and landscape. She is placed on summer cottages and in elite cottage villages, on balconies and terraces.

Technology for manufacturing tiles and paving stones

Cold and hot pressing are the two most popular technologies used to produce tiles and paving stones today.

Hot way

Using hot-process manufacturing technology, tiles can be produced cheaply and quickly.

It should be borne in mind that such products are not durable and are “afraid” of severe frosts.

Finding a buyer for such a product is realistic only in temperate climate zone.

To perform hot pressing you need:

  1. First, give the raw materials the desired condition. To do this, in a special mixer it is necessary to create a continuous mass of crumbs and binder– polyurethane glue.
  2. Distribute the mixture into molds and send it under a special volcanic hot press, which is heated by electricity or steam. He heats the mass and gives it the desired shape using pressure exceeding 5 tons. After such pressing, the material is ready - nothing else needs to be done with it.

Process duration and temperature depends on the thickness of the mixture:

  • if this indicator is 8-15 mm, you need to press for 3-7 minutes at a temperature of +120-130 degrees;
  • if 15-25 mm – 5-10 minutes. at +140-150;
  • if 25-40 mm – 15-18 minutes. At +150;
  • if 40-50 mm – 20 min. also at +150.

Cold way

“Cold” pressing is a more labor-intensive and expensive process. But it’s much more realistic to make good money on it, since “cold” tiles have all the above advantages.

To produce cold-pressed products, you must:

  1. Prepare raw materials. To do this, you need to do the same as in the case of hot pressing: create a continuous mixture from a polyurethane adhesive binder and crumb rubber. Plus add coloring matter. Important point The problem is that you will need an order of magnitude more glue.
  2. Move this mixture into molds and send it to be pressed under 5 tons of pressure in a volcanic cold, unheated press.
  3. Next, the material is sent to a special chamber (heat cabinet) to dry at a temperature of +50-60 degrees. How long it stays there depends on the thickness. The thicker the material, the longer it takes to dry. On average, this process takes 5-7 hours.
  4. After heat treatment in a special chamber, the material is “completely dried” at normal room temperature.

The thickness of the crumb rubber fractions depends on how crushed the raw materials are. The finer the rubber, the finer the fraction. This thickness can vary by more than a hundred times– in the range from 0.1 mm to approximately 10-12 mm.

From thin fractions (up to 4 mm) they produce relatively expensive single-layer colored tiles, from thick ones - more cheap material from several layers of original black color.

The quality of “large” crumbs is lower because it contains unwanted impurities (“inclusions”) of metal or fabrics.

But it is also cheaper to produce for two reasons:

  • firstly, it is not painted;
  • secondly, to create a single-layer “solid” product, it is necessary that the adhesive binder completely envelops each individual chip.

Therefore, than bigger size individual rubber particles less binder needed to connect them.

Tiles can also be “combined” when upper layer The “high-quality” one is thin, and the lower one is cheap and thicker. This material is usually about one and a half centimeters thick.


For manufacturing you will need the following components:

  1. Directly crumb rubber. The tile consists of 80-90% of it.
  2. Polyurethane binding adhesive. It accounts for about 10% of overall size material. This glue not only binds the chips into a solid tile, but is also used to connect it to any surface.
  3. Dye. There is 5% of it in the tiles. Usually the coloring matter looks like a powder.
  4. Colored rubber granules. This substance is used to create on the surface finished products drawings and make it aesthetically pleasing. It is quite possible to do without this component.

Rubber crumbs can be purchased at:

  • special processing plants;
  • enterprises producing rubber goods (rubber products). For them it is a by-product of production;
  • factories that restore damaged tire treads. One of the waste products from this process is crumb rubber.


For small production you will need:

  • volcanic press, which can produce up to 100 m 2 of products in 1 day. Its cost is around 300 - 400 thousand rubles;
  • drying chamber (heat cabinet). Its price is 100,000 - 150,000 rubles;
  • compression molds for crumb rubber – 40,000 rubles. each. You will need at least 3-4 of them;
  • construction mixer (centrifuge type) – 120,000 – 220,000 rubles. You will need 2 of them.

Also, during production you cannot do without such equipment as:

  • table (for molding) and platforms for mixers;
  • carts for moving barrels of glue;
  • a spatula to trim the mixture in the molds when laying;
  • scales (electronic);
  • specialist. a drill equipped with an attachment to mix the components;

Price of raw materials for the production of rubber tiles:

  • 1 ton of black rubber crumb costs an average of 20,000 rubles;
  • ton of colored – 25,000 – 40,000 rubles;
  • 1 kg of polyurethane glue – 150 rubles;
  • dyes – 8-10 rub. for 1 kg.

Electricity consumption will be approximately 15 kW/h.

You can purchase equipment from such manufacturers, like Alfa-SPK, ECO-TOP, Alfa-MSK LLC, intermediaries delivering it from other countries (Far East Trans and others) at an affordable price .

Tile molds

Rubber tile molds can be purchased from the equipment manufacturers listed above. Common sizes: 550x550x55 (45) mm, 1100x1100x55 (45) mm.

Business plan

The production of rubber tiles from crumbs is not very expensive. To create a small plant, you will need approximately 1,200,000 rubles.

To provide production process required:

  • an area of ​​approximately 120-130 m2 for a workshop and warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products;
  • 3-4 workers for one shift;
  • accountant and manager.

1 m2 of tiles can be sold for 1,700 rubles, and 100 tiles can be sold wholesale for 62,000 rubles.

The profitability of such production is quite high - around 20-40%, and if up to 35 m 2 of products are produced per day, then costs incurred will pay off in 4-6 months.

During this time You can get sales revenue of about 7.5 million rubles.(35·1700·21 days·6 months = 7,497 thousand rubles).


  1. Income 35·1700·21 days. = 1,249.5 thousand rubles.
  2. Expense 920 thousand rubles.
  3. Profit 1249.5-920 = 329.5

Profitability will be:

329,51249,5∙100%= 26,4%

By gradually developing your business and increasing productivity, you can achieve a higher level.

Is it possible to make tiles at home?

It is impossible to produce high-quality products that are manufactured using a cold method “at home”. But "hot" cheap option quite realistic.

For making rubber paving slabs with your own hands large areas, no money or time is required - it will be enough to buy equipment such as a hot press, molds, and, of course, raw materials in the form of crumb rubber and other components.

If you buy the cheapest used equipment, then the starting investment will not exceed 200,000 - 250,000 rubles.

Thus, mini-production of slabs from crumb rubber with your own hands is possible even in the garage. Problems may begin later - at the sales stage. “Hot” tiles are a product with not a very good reputation, so there may be problems finding customers.

Video on the topic

The author of this video talks about how to implement a business idea for the production and sale of tiles and paving stones from rubber crumbs, about choosing a machine and equipment for its production at home, as well as about the advantages of this material and its advantages over other types.


As you can see, making tiles from crumb rubber is a very profitable business, especially if you draw up a business plan correctly.

This business does not require large expenses and quickly pays off.

In contact with

The business idea for the production of paving slabs from rubber crumbs is attractive for its simplicity, profitability and, most importantly, the useful product produced. After all, the production raw material is based on crumb rubber, which is produced by recycling old car tires. And this is durable and durable material, the properties of which are included in this tile. You can set up a production line even in garage conditions. And the demand for these products is constantly growing, as well as for other universal building materials. Next, let's look at the benefits and profitability of a business idea in numbers.

Advantages of crumb rubber paving slabs for covering

The main advantages of tiles made from crumb rubber compared to paving slabs made of concrete or other types of coatings:

  1. Durable. Tiles with rubber crumbs have high resistance to any temperature influences of the atmosphere. Maintains the integrity of its form when exposed to any climatic conditions(does not crack or crumble due to frost). This resistance to negative environmental influences makes it attractive to consumers. And also the high durability of the material, which lasts up to 20 years in conditions of intensive use.
  2. Injury-proof. The tile not only softens any impact when falling, but also produces an anti-slip effect on its surface, which is very important snowy winter or rainy autumn.
  3. Does not require maintenance. Ease of maintenance due to the ease of cleaning the surface from dirt. It has excellent resistance to various motor oils, chemicals and other reagents, allowing the tile to be used more widely. It is also worth noting that tiles made of rubber crumbs successfully pass water through themselves; puddles will never form on them. And at the same time, the porosity of the coating is quite low, which prevents moisture from penetrating inside. Water and moisture flows into the space between the tiles, without being able to linger on the surface.
  4. Easy to install and install. Lie down on any level base: sand, soil, concrete, wood. There are no difficulties during installation. Hassle-free ability to replace a damaged slab without extensive dismantling.
  5. Aesthetic. Retains its shape and color brightness throughout the entire period of operation. Few coatings have such high color retention and aesthetically pleasing. For example, ordinary concrete paving slabs very quickly fade, turn pale and lose their brightness of color.

Such coating advantages allow crumb rubber tiles to cover wide range Applications:

  • children's and sports grounds;
  • GYM's;
  • parking lots, garages and car services;
  • warehouses and basements;
  • cowsheds, chicken coops, sheds and other premises with animals;
  • courtyards and parks.

The sales market for such universal building materials constantly growing.

Equipment for the production of tiles from crumb rubber

Rubber production floor coverings does not require large financial investments. The minimum set of equipment and materials for a successful start of a business producing colored tiles from crumb rubber consists of:

  1. Hydraulic press with a force of up to 12 tons – 1 pc. It is used for cold pressing technology with subsequent processing of the material in a heating cabinet. And for hot pressing technology you will need a volcanic press (also called a thermoforming press). It is more expensive, but then you will not need to purchase a heating cabinet. Therefore, hot pressing technology requires less time (4 hours saved).
  2. Mixer with dispenser for preparing raw materials - 2 pcs. In one mixer the mixture is prepared for the top layer of tiles, and in the second - for the bottom.
  3. Thermal cabinet – 1 pc. If you have a volcanic press, it is not required.
  4. Unforming table - 1 pc.
  5. Molds (matrices) - 20 pcs. Be sure to be new without chamfers with straight sides.
  6. Carts for molds - 2 pcs.
  7. Scales - 2 pcs.
  8. Tools for work and installation (shovels, buckets, scoops, etc.) - one set.
  9. Instructions and training materials (technology and formulation of the composition).

1 worker himself manages to cope with a production volume of 40 m2 per shift. 2 workers on the same equipment double the productivity of the line. Despite the fact that the price of tiles made from crumb rubber starts from $19 per 1m2.

Technology for the production of tiles from rubber crumbs of recycled tires

Crumb rubber is the main raw material for tile production. This raw material is produced by processing tires of any size by grinding into small fractions. The rubber is sent to the shredder cutters, which tear it into small pieces, after which it goes through many degrees of purification to remove other non-rubber particles. For example, metal wire court tires, dust and other debris. The purified raw materials are weighed in bags and prepared for shipment to the workshop for the production of crumb rubber tiles. First, clean the mold from dust and lubricate it with stripping lubricant. Next, colored and colorless raw materials are prepared in different mixers.

Recipe for the composition of components for production

It is rational to produce colored tiles in two layers - this will save on dye and expensive rubber crumbs with a fine fraction. Let's consider the composition recipe for covering 1 m2 of tiles with a height of 40 mm.

For colored tile top layer The following composition is used:

  • rubber crumb small fraction 1-2 mm 13kg. – price per kilogram $0.38;
  • pigment dye (for example, red) 350g. – price per kilogram $1.33;
  • polyurethane glue 1.25 kg. – price per kilogram is $2.5.

The structure of colored tiles is two-layer. Therefore, black rubber crumb (without dye) is already used for the base (bottom layer). It is done in the second mixer.

For the second bottom layer Cheaper crumbs are used, but in large fractions of 3-5 mm (13 kg) at a price of $0.28/kg. and polyurethane glue 1.2 kg. After mixing, the crumbs are poured into forms that have been cleaned and greased with stripping agent, smoothed out, and covered with a polyethylene layer and a wooden board.

Next, the forms are placed on a cart under a press, compressed under a pressure of 70 atmospheres and fixed in a compressed state. After that, the clamped cart with the forms is taken to a thermal chamber where the air temperature is constantly maintained from 60 to 70 ° C to speed up the drying of the glue. For tiles measuring 500*500*40mm, you need to hammer one cart (1 cart is 10 molds, 2 tiles in each mold). The tiles dry in the chamber for 4-5 hours. Immediately after drying, the tile is ready for use.

In general, the cost of raw materials for the production of two-layer colored tiles from rubber crumbs is $15.17. Naturally, additional production costs should be included in the cost amount: electricity, fuel for the heating cabinet, stripping lubricant, employee salaries, etc.

Requirements for the finished product

Look at your products through the eyes of the consumer. Therefore, you must clearly know the answer to the question: “How to choose the right tiles from crumb rubber?”

When choosing crumbs for production, the manufacturer must take into account its composition. Mixed crumbs from different types should not be allowed into production different types rubber and plastic. Despite the fact that mixed rubber is 30% cheaper, it is necessary to use raw materials only from shredded car tires. Any other type of tire is not acceptable. Otherwise, the service life of the finished product will be significantly lower due to the properties of the rubber in the raw material. It's no secret that the rubber in car tires is very resistant to any external influences– your products will have the same properties.

The tiles should not crumble, should not break into fractures in one direction or the other due to manual human force.

The shapes of the finished product must be even and when laying tiles there should be no gaps between the joints. Choose molds without chamfers. All fractions in one layer must be the same size. If necessary, it is better to sift and calibrate the raw materials. This is important for two reasons:

  1. The glue should evenly envelop all small particles of the fractions.
  2. The dye pigment must also cover the surfaces of the fraction evenly in order to maintain the same color tone on all crumb rubber tiles.

High quality is the best competitive advantage.

Car tires as raw materials for recycling

More and more more countries Lately pay attention to the problems of using waste in production, including used tires, which are one of the largest volumes of polymer waste.

Tires that are already out of service are brought great harm ecological environment, since the places where they accumulate only contribute to the habitat of a number of rodents and insects. Rubber has high resistance to impact external factors and there is no point in burning such valuable material in the economy. The process of recycling tires by burning pollutes for a long time environment. As you know, rubber, when burned, releases toxic and harmful components that have a destructive effect on the environment.

It is much more rational to grind tires into small fractions and use them as raw materials for the production of useful and durable building materials. In modern life there are many areas where crumb rubber is used - it has proven itself well and is becoming increasingly popular. The demand for this product is growing from year to year. Crumbs are used in many industries, for example:

  1. used in construction highways and linings for rails;
  2. when improving areas around municipal and commercial facilities;
  3. in the construction of children's and sports facilities, as well as for many other suitable needs.

Another problem to use worn tires is an economic factor, since the cost of farm needs is constantly increasing. In addition, after the elimination of waste tire dumps, significant areas of land occupied by them will be freed up for their intended use.

Rubber tiles are the know-how of the last few years. She's just starting to conquer construction market, but already claims to become the number one coating in the near future for landscaping suburban areas. But how can an entrepreneur benefit from this trend?

The production of this building material is a new, low-competitive, but promising area of ​​production. A guarantee of business success is the advantages of manufactured products over other types of coatings. Crumb rubber tiles:

  • safe from injury;
  • durable (its service life is at least 20 years);
  • has anti-slip properties.

In addition, it does not chip or crack at low temperatures, and, due to the elasticity of the material, ice chips off very easily. The tile is capable of passing water through itself, and therefore correct installation There are no puddles on its surface. The range of rubber tiles is wide: they are made in different colors, sizes, and can vary in thickness, shape and even the pattern with which the surface is decorated.

All this allows you to use the coating:

  • on children's playgrounds;
  • in kindergartens;
  • on sports grounds;
  • upon registration country paths;
  • for arranging areas near ponds, fountains, swimming pools;
  • in garages;
  • in car services;
  • in areas where animals are located.

Potential buyers of the products are:

Stages of rubber tile production

  1. Preparation of a mixture including crushed rubber crumbs, coloring pigment and glue in mixers.
  2. Pouring the finished mixture into molds.
  3. Pressing and molding in a hydraulic press.
  4. Heat treatment that gives products the necessary specifications.
  5. Unloading molds.
  6. Quality control and packaging.
  7. Shipment to warehouse.

Minimum equipment package to start a business

The best option to start a business for the production of rubber tiles from crumbs - purchase the entire line of equipment from one supplier, for example, from the EcoStep company, which is the largest supplier of crumb rubber in Russia, which offers several modifications of mini-plants that differ in productivity and the number of types of products.

To launch a full-fledged business, the company recommends purchasing an EcoStep mini-plant as standard. It includes the following types equipment:

The total cost of the equipment set, including VAT and commissioning works, is 1,970,000 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of rubber tiles at the EcoStep mini-factory

Although the equipment set provides the ability to produce 14 types of products, the most popular product is EcoStep rubber tiles 500 mm x 500 mm, 40 mm thick.

In the total volume of orders, it takes up 70%, and therefore the calculation of the cost, and subsequently, the profitability of production, is most correct to do based on the costs of producing tiles of the specified format.

Product characteristics

Name: safety rubber tile EcoStep 500*500*40 mm.

Material characteristics:

  • size 500*500*40 mm
  • tile weight - 7 kg.
  • weight 1m2 - 28 kg.
  • number of pieces in one m2 - 4 tiles

Mini-plant operating parameters

  • Work is carried out in 2 shifts.
  • Shift duration is 8 hours.
  • Capacity of 1st shift - 45 m2.
  • The plant produces 90 m2 of finished products per day.
  • The average monthly productivity of the plant when working in 1 shift is 990 m 2 of finished products (with 22 working days).
  • The average monthly productivity of the plant when working in 2 shifts is 2,500 m 2 of finished products (with 22 working days).

Payroll fund

To operate the site, 4 people will be required: three workers and a shift supervisor. Their salary will be 17,000 rubles and 20,000 rubles, respectively. Thus, the wage fund for working in 1 shift is 71,000 rubles per month, in 2 shifts - 142,000 rubles per month.

Labor costs per 1 m 2 of products are 71,000/990 = 71.71 rubles

UST (Unified Social Tax) - 34%, which is 24.38 rubles. in the cost of 1 m 2 of finished products.

Requirements for production and warehouse space

To accommodate an EcoStep mini-factory, you will need a heated room with an area of ​​at least 100 m2 with a ceiling height of at least 3 meters. To place a warehouse, you need a room with an area of ​​100 m2, possibly unheated.

At a rental rate of 150 rubles/m2, the cost of renting premises per month will be 30,000 rubles, which is 15.15 rubles. per 1 m 2 of finished products.

Consumables costs

  • Rubber crumbs - 16 RUR/kg
  • Polyurethane binder - 149 RUR/kg
  • Coloring pigment - 80 rub./kg.

Cost calculation

Calculation of the cost of materials for the production of 1 m 2 of EcoStep 500 x 500 rubber tiles, 40 mm thick.

Name of material

price, rub.

Consumption, kg

Cost, rub.

Rubber crumb

Taking into account other costs of carrying out activities, we can determine the cost of 1 m2 of rubber tiles.

cost of 1 m2 of rubber tiles EcoStep 500 x 500, 40 mm thick.

Business profitability for the production of rubber tiles at the EcoStep mini-factory using the example of the production of EcoStep tiles 500 x 500 with a thickness of 40 mm *

* Please note that all calculations presented in the table are conditional in nature and are given as an example of the potential profitability of this type of activity. The Moneymaker Factory recommends that before starting a particular activity, you independently calculate the payback of the project.

One of the types of materials actively used in landscaping today is rubber tiles - a fairly durable and easy-to-use paving surface. Having appeared in stores, it almost immediately gained a good position among other types of paving coverings.

Such tiles have many advantages, among which there is also an anti-slip feature; it is thanks to this unique advantage that this type of tile can be used all year round. And even if a crust of ice appears on such a coating during icy conditions, it can be easily removed using a regular crowbar.

A profitable and long-lasting material is all rubber tiles

The service life of rubber paving slabs is several years; the material is highly durable, even in the presence of frequent mechanical influences, this coating does not deteriorate or wear off. Another great advantage of this coating is the absence of puddles on it; even after heavy rainfall, there will be no even small accumulations of water on the surface of the rubber tile. The disappearance of puddles occurs due to the fact that all tiles have high porosity, which is why they have a drainage effect.

In addition to the fact that such material will almost always be dry, despite the abundance of rainfall, it can be used as a coating on any type of base. It doesn’t matter what this type of tile is laid on, gravel or asphalt, this tile will hold up perfectly for a long time, and even after years it will not lose its advantages. It is precisely because of such serious advantages that this type of tile is only increasing in popularity. Of course, the cost of such material does not always make it possible for those who wish to purchase it, but this does not mean that one can only dream of a good paving surface near their home.

You don’t have to buy it, you can make it yourself

In fact, you can make rubber tiles with your own hands, and the manufactured material will have no worse appearance and quality than similar manufactured materials sold on the market. For self-made This durable tile uses crumb rubber and is made from recycled car tires. Since natural or artificial rubber is present in the manufacture of tires, due to their processing, the manufactured crumb rubber, like the original products, is wear-resistant to various mechanical influences.

The ability to process the original product into a secondary one allows not only the production of new durable material, but also the safe disposal of deteriorated material, such as tires, at the same time. And although it is indeed possible to make rubber tiles with your own hands, it is still worth knowing that to achieve what you want you need special equipment, the cost of which is too high, therefore, purchase it for production small quantity tiles doesn't make sense.
To make the material you will have to prepare well.

Easier to purchase required quantity such material on the market, but if you plan to open your own business producing such high-quality coating, then you can rent the necessary equipment for the first time. To produce such material, it is necessary to prepare such elements as a heating cabinet, a mixer, Hydraulic Press, forms, tables. The process of manufacturing rubber tiles begins with the removal of steel elements present in rubber tires. Then the rubber products are crushed, maximum size one particle should not exceed 4 mm.

A polyurethane mixture and pigment are added to the crushed rubber, after which all these components are thoroughly mixed. The finished mixture is poured into molds and subjected to vulcanizing pressure. Tile production can take place in two pressing methods. During the hot pressing method, processing takes only 15 minutes at a temperature of 140 degrees. Cold pressing lasts as long as 4 hours at a temperature of 80 degrees. But, despite the existing differences in temperatures and processing times, the end result is no different and has the same characteristics.

But it’s worth considering a small nuance: making rubber tiles with your own hands will be much cheaper when using the hot pressing method, but if production has already started and an increase in productivity is needed, then in this case it is better to use the second cold pressing method.

Fractional crumb rubber is the basic raw material for the manufacture of tiles and rubber coatings. This raw material is actually taken from waste; more precisely, it is extracted by recycling old worn-out car tires. Car tires are made from fairly expensive components. High Quality(various oils, synthetic rubber, fillers), since these products must withstand enormous loads for a very long period of time.

Of all existing species Tire rubber, by its structure, is distinguished by its high strength and durability. Such rubber easily tolerates acid and alkaline solutions on its surface, is very elastic, does not stretch, does not bend and can withstand temperatures from -45 to + 60 degrees.

raw materials:
Automotive crumbs (or crushed rubber - RD) - are obtained by processing worn-out tires of other rubber goods. Its price depends on such indicators as: quality, manufacturing method, dimensions, place of manufacture and sale. In Russia, the retail price for crumbs ranges from 6-15 rubles per kilogram.

Places where crumb rubber is produced:
- factories that process car tires into crumbs as the main raw material;
- for by-product production at rubber goods factories
- factories that retread tires by roughening them (tread treatment), as a production waste.

Crumb rubber fractions used:
Fractions of crumb rubber vary from 0.1 mm to 10 mm and directly depend on their purpose. Thus, small fractions (0.1 - 4 mm) are mainly used in the production of colorless (black) or colored single-layer products. In the manufacture of lower colored layers, mainly larger fractions (2-10 mm) are used. Most often, they are cheaper in comparison with smaller fractions, so they may contain textile or metal inclusions. The production of tiles with two layers (an upper thin colored layer, a lower dark layer with larger fractions of crumbs) is acceptable and relevant when the initial thickness of the product exceeds 1.5 cm.

Layering allows you to reduce the cost of the product due to the following points:
. Inclusion of crumbs into the cheap coarse fraction. Such crumbs may contain textile or other inclusions.
. Save on paint - the bottom layer remains black.
. Larger crumb fractions require a smaller amount of binder for crosslinking, which is carried out by enveloping the surface of the crumb particle
. The absence of a dye allows you to use less binder to crosslink the particles, since the mixture dries out in the colored crumbs.

Equipment and raw materials (prices)

The line that produces rubber coatings has the following set of equipment:

Volcanic press with a capacity of up to 100 m² per day. Price - approximately 350 thousand rubles;

Pressing forms. Cost - 30 thousand rubles apiece;

Drying chamber(for a mini business, it is possible to make it yourself), price from 100,000 rubles.

Raw materials:

Crumb rubber - black (17 thousand rubles per ton), colored (from 23 to 35 thousand);
. polyurethane glue - 140 rub/kg;
. dyes - 7 rubles per kg;

Electricity consumption by the line is 15 15 kW/h.

Coatings can be made:
- both soft and hard in density;
- waterproof, or with water passage (drainage);
- thin and thick;
- as colorless (black), colored, or black with inclusions different color;
- with good grip and more slippery;
- with or without a pattern;
- single-layer or with several layers;
- for laying on a soft base (ground) or hard;
- with or without connections (sleeve, lock).

Rubber paving slabs are often laid parallel to regular paving slabs. It is for this combination that rubber coatings of similar sizes and shapes are created as regular tiles for the sidewalk.

Premises for a mini tile production workshop.
The criteria by which rubber coatings are produced (provided that the equipment is optimal and has an average level of productivity):

1. The area occupied by the technical line is 70-100 m² (not counting the warehouse);
2. Shift of workers, which consists of 4-5 employees (1 senior per shift);
3. Power consumption:
- standard - 52 kW;
- average - 13 kW/hour (explained by the cyclical operation of the equipment);
4. Average level of productivity (taking into account possible stoppages and defects).

Equipment and materials are located by sectors:
§ Raw materials warehouse for storing crumb rubber, its dyes and glue;
§ Preparation sector, where the material is used for dosing, mixing, weighing processes
§ Molding sector, with installed pressing equipment and tables;
§ Warehouse with finished products, where manufactured tire crumb products are stored.
The presses begin to operate prematurely, 30-50 minutes before start-up, in order to warm up the press mechanisms.

General axioms:

1. Glue consumption.
§ The amount of binder is inversely related to the crumb fraction. The smaller the crumb, the more binder is needed for crosslinking. The larger, the smaller.
§ Dyes dry out the glue. Because of this, its amount in the black coating is smaller.
§ The higher the density of the product, the less glue is needed.
2. Average consumption glue for making various coatings from 4 to 12% depending on the presence/absence of dye, density of materials, quality of glue, and size of tire chips used.

For example, to make a colored coating Mat 500*500*16mm (from fine crumbs) you need 6% dye and 5% glue from the amount of rubber crumbs.
a) Black coating (crumb size - 4-10mm) - 4% glue.
b) Black coating (crumb size - 2-3 mm) - 5% glue.
c) Black coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 6% glue.
d) Color coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 7-9% glue.
3. Water resistance increases, the smaller the fraction of rubber crumb and the higher the pressure.
4. The larger the crumb, the faster the color of the product will be lost due to abrasion.
5. The larger the chips, the stronger the coating, but the thickness of the coating must be maintained.
6. Thick coatings (2 cm or more) are best made in two layers. For the upper part, use fine-fraction crumbs; for the lower part, use cheaper coarse-fraction crumbs (5-12 mm) with possible foreign inclusions. Each layer has its own proportions of glue. Each layer is mixed in different containers.
7. It is recommended to produce products of the same thickness on one pressing mechanism, regardless of the configuration, since thickness affects the operating time of the press (the thinner the product, the faster its formation).

Additional accessories for production.

Trolley for transporting raw materials (crumbs, dye).
- A trolley with a special tripod to transport containers with glue.
- Scales to weigh components (50 kg electronic scales are best).
- Trowels for uniform laying of coatings.
- Special mugs and scoops for measuring, depending on the standard of the product.
- Mixing glue and dye drill with attachments.

Price for selling rubber plates:

One pack
100 tiles - 57 thousand rubles.

Cost of 1 m² - 1,584 rubles.
Price of 1 slab - 570 rub.
The minimum quantity is 100 slabs (25 m²).

Sales of products.

To cover on technological lines production, in warehouses, or as rubber covering for garages;
- used in areas near skating rinks, locker rooms, playgrounds;
- in combination with paving slabs;
- as a covering for various sports complexes or children's playgrounds;
- on farms, livestock production facilities;
- on roofs, terraces
- in baths and other places.

As we can see, the production of such products is part of the ecosystem, producing high-quality safety products - rubber tiles or crumb coating.

Production of tiles from rubber crumbs: