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» Simple crafts from plastic bottles. DIY crafts from plastic bottles step by step for beginners (44 photos). Funny figures of animals and people for the garden from plastic containers

Simple crafts from plastic bottles. DIY crafts from plastic bottles step by step for beginners (44 photos). Funny figures of animals and people for the garden from plastic containers

Plastic bottles are not just containers for water, but also excellent material for creativity and. Some craftsmen manage to make something out of them that is difficult for many to imagine. All you need in this business is the actual material, scissors, sometimes paint, glue and free time. It would also be a good idea to turn on your creativity and stop looking at the container of your favorite soda as an ordinary thing. So let's get started!


This craft is easy to make, so that’s where we start. You can plant flowers in this for the summer or use piglets as a container. This will revive anyone, especially children will be happy with this creation.

Tools and materials:

  1. Five liter plastic bottle. Their number is based on the number of piglets that will be created. 1 container – 1 pig.
  2. A sharp knife, a stationery knife is most convenient.
  3. Bottles - 0.5 l or 1.5 l, 4 pieces for each pig.
  4. Glue.
  5. White enamel and red or pink paint.

Manufacturing sequence

The container should be rinsed and dried, and if there are labels on them, they should be removed as they will get in the way. If you decide to make a flowerpot, then you should cut a hole in the upper part so that there is room to plant flowers and add soil. If you create garden sculpture, we skip this step.

Smaller bottles will be used to create the legs. They need to be cut from the neck by 10-15 cm or to the length that is needed.

Advice! The larger the hooves, the taller the pig will be. Moreover, containers should be selected of the same volume so that the limbs come out smooth and beautiful.

Advice! To make it more convenient to glue the legs, you should cut each neck at the widest point with a fringe and bend the edges.

Now the important task is gluing. For this you can use:

  • Glue "Moment".
  • Glue "Titan".
  • Terpomistolet. It is the most convenient to work with, although hot silicone can deform the plastic, so it should be handled with extreme care.

Advice! It is more convenient to glue two limbs at a time, since after applying the adhesive composition they need to be held for some time for high-quality bonding. Use glue according to the instructions.

After everything has dried, you can cut out the ears; they will be made of the same material as the whole pig. It is convenient to cut them out from the lower parts, since there is a factory bulge there. The shape is natural, the size is arbitrary. For ease of gluing, you can also make a fringe at the bottom - like on the legs.

On a note! It is most convenient to glue if you are making flower pots. In this case, the cuts must be glued to the container from the inside with the same composition.

Now the creative stage - painting. Natural color – pink, but you can use another one if you wish. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to use it, it fits well on plastic and is more durable. You only need to tint the outside, but carefully so that the color of the bottle does not show through. It is very convenient to hold it by the lid-pocket. Don't forget to cut and glue the tail, it is also made of plastic, it is more convenient to paint it before gluing. You can draw the eyes or buy them; these are sold in any sewing store.

Important! If the pig will be used as flower pot, it is necessary to make holes in the lower and side parts for the free outflow of water.

Fly agarics for garden decoration

A detailed master class on making fly agarics from bottles is on video:

  • Trace the outlines of the future creation with a black marker; it is advisable to take one that will not be erased immediately, because you still need to work with the workpiece.
  • Remove the stencil and cut the blank with scissors.
  • The wings should be folded upward along the butterfly's body.
  • Painting is done from the inside out. Since the decoration will be colorful, you should wait for each subsequent layer to dry before applying a new color. In this case, using nail polish is very convenient, because it has a thin brush.
  • Nowadays it has become quite popular to decorate the garden using plastic bottles. The answer to the question is what caused such a stir for garden crafts made from bottles; It can be quite related to the question: what is needed to make crafts from plastic containers. How to make crafts from plastic bottles— 100 photo examples for you, look at our selection and take ideas into your arsenal.

    Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden

    To make these masterpieces you need:

    • plastic bottles,
    • improvised tools (knife, scissors, it is also possible to use a drill, jigsaw, soldering iron, welding machine and so on);
    • possible metal frames(which are easy to do with my own hands from metal tubes or fittings);
    • paint (which is used even less often, and to be honest, I don’t particularly like such crafts);
    • screws;
    • nails;
    • cement;
    • putty;
    • primer.

    It all depends entirely on your idea; in some cases you will only need scissors and the bottle itself. In others, absolutely everything listed above, and even something else.

    Well, and the most important element- this is your imagination and creative approach (in my opinion, without these elements the work will always turn out not particularly well).

    As we can see, the list of components used in manufacturing similar products, does not put your budget at risk; among other things, such crafts are very original.

    Since everyone is trying to add in, it would seem simple crafts, with a completely worked out manufacturing scheme, something of its own. And most importantly, anyone can make crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands, if only they have the desire.

    There are a great variety of such crafts, from simple ones, consisting of only one plastic bottle to... I would even say, ad infinitum, the main thing here is your imagination, patience, perseverance, and the amount of containers collected. In this article I will provide a description of making crafts from plastic bottles.

    How to make crafts from plastic bottles

    Who doesn’t like a variety of figures in the garden, from a gnome to a mushroom? You can create fairy-tale characters for your garden with your own hands from all kinds of materials. Plastic containers are one of the most favorable materials. Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden - photo ideas for your piggy bank:

    The plastic from which the bottle is made is soft, easy to cut and sew, figures made with it are able to retain their shape for a long time, are beautifully painted, and are absolutely not afraid of precipitation.

    Crafts made from a plastic bottle for the garden - the only disadvantage is that they are light, and the wind easily scatters them, or even carries your figures somewhere to neighboring areas. This problem easily solved by falling asleep inside plastic crafts sand, soil, stones and so on.

    I will not give examples of making these figures, since, in my opinion, this is a purely creative matter; just look at at least one of the figures and it will immediately come to your mind to make a completely different figure using the same technology.

    Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden

    Swan flowerpot. To create it you will need:

    • large plastic bottle (five liters),
    • thick wire (you can use fittings),
    • metal mesh for making wings,
    • gauze,
    • paint and putty.

    We cut the plastic container lengthwise (we cut off one of its sides so that we get a container for further planting colors).

    You need to pour wet sand into this container (to give it a more rounded shape, as you probably already guessed, this will be a kind of swan’s body).

    We insert a rod into the lid (before this you need to bend it so that you get something like a swan’s neck).

    Next we take metal mesh with a smaller mesh, cut it in the shape of the wings and tail, make sure that the rods remain at the base of the wings, then make holes in the swan’s body (base) and insert the wings and tail into them, bending the pins inside the base.

    The next stage: take gauze, soak it in putty and cover the entire outer part of the base, wings and tail in one layer.

    Let's wait a day until the putty dries. Next, we remove all the unevenness and cracks with another layer, but this time with a small layer and without gauze or putty.
    We are waiting for it to dry.

    Let's color the swan. It may be difficult to apply paint here, so it can be coated with a primer. The swan flowerpot is ready. All that remains is to pour out the sand, put it on Right place, pour soil and plant flowers. Crafts from plastic bottles, see photos of designs of other animals:

    Craft from a liter plastic bottle

    Ball made from plastic bottles. We select plastic eggplants of the same size and cut off their bottoms.
    Next we will make the frame. Let's weld metal rods (tubes), or even take a thick wire as a basis, make a ball consisting of several links, then using the wire, make it lattice-like (the smaller the mesh, the better).

    Then, using gauze and primer (we also soak the gauze in the primer), we wrap this ball in one layer. Let's wait until it dries.
    Next, using glue (since the craft will be placed outside, it naturally must be waterproof and reliable), we glue the bottoms to the base.

    That's all, you can use bottles different color, to create some image on the ball.

    Many owners personal plots create all kinds of products from plastic bottles to decorate their place of stay. You can create real works of art by spending a minimum of money.

    Not only decorative items are made from plastic, but even furniture. All you need is a knife, an awl and a little imagination.

    In this article we will look in detail at how to make crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands.

    Decorating the site

    Which ones homemade products you won't see on personal plots. There are flowers, animals, and trees. You can create beautiful sculptural compositions that will not only decorate the garden, but will also give great mood.

    Let's look at a couple of instructions for beginners that will help you easily create crafts from plastic bottles. It will be a palm tree and a pig.

    Bottle palm

    To make a palm tree you need to create a frame. Its length should be equal to the height of the tree.

    Take bottles of the same size, cut off their bottoms and place them on top of each other. Then the leaves are cut out. They are attached to the top of the created structure. When everything is ready, the palm tree is painted green.

    Funny pig made from bottles

    The pig will look great anywhere in the garden. To make it you will need:

    • 5 liter bottle;
    • four bottle necks for making legs;
    • one top part from a bottle that is cut into two parts to make ears;
    • wire for tail;
    • two beads for eyes;
    • glue;
    • pink paint.

    The parts are connected and secured with glue. Ready product needs to be painted. You can use oil or spray paint. To prevent the piglet from being blown away by the wind, you need to pour sand into it.

    In addition to its decorative function, the structure can serve as a flower bed. To do this, the top is cut off, filled with soil and flowers are planted.

    Crafts made from plastic bottles for the garden can serve as flower beds, borders or paths. To make a path, bottles are inserted into the ground upside down.

    Both whole and cut plastic are used. It is important to fill the bottles with soil so that they do not become deformed when they are walked on.

    Use of bottles on the farm

    Bottles are used not only for decoration. These can be used to make a dustpan, washbasin, or pest trap.

    Undoubtedly, everyone needs a container for storing some items. To make it, just cut off the neck.

    The washbasin is also very easy to make with your own hands. The bottom of the bottle is cut off and holes are made through which the rope is threaded. The structure is hung in the desired place and water is poured. To wash your face, just unscrew the cap a little.

    To make a trap, you need to cut the container in half. To catch insects, some kind of bait is placed at the bottom. For example, sugar syrup with yeast is suitable for this.

    Will need hot water, in which sugar and yeast will dissolve. The cooled liquid must be poured into the trap. Not only flies and wasps, but also mosquitoes will flock to this delicacy.


    Even a child can make a scoop. First you need to outline its shape and then cut it out.

    Can be made from plastic flower pots, greenhouses or containers for seedlings. Descriptions of such crafts made from plastic bottles can be found on the Internet at large quantities, but to create something unique, you need to show your imagination.

    It is fashionable to build a self-watering device from plastic containers. To do this, cut the bottle, make holes on the sides and insert the hose into the neck. With the help of such a device, the plants will be perfectly hydrated.

    For plants that do not like surface watering, make the following device. The bottom of plastic containers is not completely cut off. A trench is opened on the side of the plant where stones are placed. The bottle is buried upside down.

    Then pour required quantity water for irrigation. You can place the bottles upside down, but in this case you will need to make holes in the container.

    Plastic containers are also used to heat plants. To do this, bottles are filled warm water and place them around the plant.


    For inspiration you can look various photos crafts from plastic bottles. You don’t need to put in a lot of effort to make an original decoration or useful item for your garden that will last for many years.

    Photos of crafts made from plastic bottles


    Plastic bottles have been around for a long time and, in addition to their intended purpose, are used for a variety of purposes. Due to their durability, bottles have been found wide application at the dacha, where they are used to make crafts, vases, furniture and even greenhouses. Fantasy is not limited by anything - after all, the sizes and shapes of the bottles are varied, they bend and cut easily. Bright plastic figures will decorate your summer cottage and reduce the amount of waste.

    General principles for working with plastic bottles

    If you want to decorate your dacha with crafts made from plastic bottles, you need to collect a lot of them: you will need both ordinary ones from water or lemonade, and thicker bottles from shampoo or dish soap. You can take large five-liter and small half-liter bottles - everything will go into use.

    Instead of throwing plastic bottles in the trash, you can use them to decorate your garden.

    First, the plastic must be thoroughly washed with soap or dish soap. This is best done by soaking the containers in a large bowl of hot (60–70 °C) water and then rinsing them with a hose under strong pressure.

    To cut out any parts, you will need sharp, durable scissors or a knife. To decorate the bottles you will need waterproof, quick-drying paints:

    To ensure that the paint adheres well to plastic, you can use:

    • nylon brush (hair streaks may remain, you need to paint in at least two layers);
    • with a foam sponge (using blotting movements, also cover in two layers).

    The best way to paint plastic bottles is from a can of spray paint.

    Decorating a children's playground with crafts made from plastic bottles

    If garden plot it is large and there is the opportunity to organize a children's playground; plastic animals, birds and fairy-tale characters will fit perfectly into its design, because the figures will be bright and durable. Sly cats will chase nimble mice, gnomes will look after the plantings, a red fox will settle next to a cowardly hare, and an elephant will live near a fence with bright sunflowers. Bees, unlike real ones, will not sting, and a bull will not butt. A playground with such figures will be fun and interesting for children.

    Photo gallery: figures made from plastic bottles for the playground

    To make funny gnomes you will need not only bottles Children will not sit in such a train, but they will be able to ride toys Cute cats made from bottles will decorate any playground Bottle mice are well suited for small flowers or greenery
    For crafts, you can also use thick bottles from detergents A touching baby elephant with a flower in its trunk looks beautiful against the backdrop of sunflowers. The frog princess and her friend the frog are comfortably seated among the green grass. With the help of gray, black and white paint, funny little bunny and mouse are obtained. A cunning fox can be planted in a flower garden. A bull from a plastic bottle is not at all scary. If use a little imagination, on the usual summer cottage Exotic penguins will settle in. Children will have fun on the playground with the characters of their favorite cartoons

    How to make a bee from a plastic bottle

    It is no secret that children are often afraid of flying and buzzing insects, although in most cases bees, beetles, and wasps fly about their business and do not bother anyone. In addition, they bring considerable benefits to the garden, pollinating trees and shrubs. To make little summer residents less afraid of bees, you can make them from plastic bottles. The smallest ones are suitable, from 300 ml to 0.5 l. Procedure:

    1. Pour yellow paint into a clean bottle (about a third full).

      After pouring the paint into the bottle, carefully screw the cap on and shake

    2. Carefully screw the cap on, shake and turn over until the paint covers the entire bottle (if that doesn’t work, you can add more paint).
    3. Apply thin black tape (several rows) to the strips of the bottle.

      For stripes we use thin black tape

    4. Cut two wings from a clean bottle and bend the ends with corners at the place where the wing will be attached to the bee.

      To make the wings even, it is better to use a stencil

    5. Insert the wings into the slots on the back.

      In order for the bee's wings to hold well, you need to bend the corners at the tips.

    6. Draw a muzzle on the lid with a thin brush and paint or varnish.

      The bee's face should also be painted with permanent paint.

    Decorating a recreation area using plastic bottles

    Gardeners are hardworking people, but sometimes they also want to relax. Relaxation corners are usually designed with special care: after all, you want it to be beautiful and cozy. As elements landscape design You can use crafts from plastic bottles. In the relaxation zone you can place unusual animals and birds, artificial flowers and palm trees, colorful flower beds and even a plastic house.

    Photo gallery: crafts from plastic bottles for a relaxation corner at the dacha

    It’s not difficult to make such a hedgehog, you just need to cover an old bottle with a net and fill it with soil. An old broom plus a five-liter bottle painted in a bright color - now you’ve got a hive for plastic bees. If you make a house out of bottles and cement, it will be quite strong. To lay out an entire wall of bottle caps. , it will take a lot of time Simple, but bright vases made from bottles can be placed on the porch or veranda Inedible, but very bright fly agarics attract attention Using red and black paint, you can lay out a bright flower bed from plastic bottles Palm trees don’t grow in our area, but why not arrange yourself a paradise island with the help of skillful hands?

    How to make a bird from plastic bottles: ideas and instructions

    To decorate the recreation area, you can make very beautiful fairy-tale birds: a swan, a peacock, a firebird or a flamingo. The basis for all birds is the same, only the color of the feathers and the shape of the head and tail are different.

    Photo gallery: birds made from plastic bottles

    A cheerful cockerel, of course, will not wake you up in the morning, but will create a great mood for the whole day. Romantic swans in the pond are a real masterpiece of plastic art. Hunting lovers will certainly enjoy the capercaillie Pink flamingo looks very bright among the green grass

    To make birds you will need bottles different sizes: large five-liter and liter, as well as wire, corrugated pipe, metal-plastic pipes or rods for legs. It is important to thoroughly wash, degrease and paint all parts before assembling the bird, since this cannot be done in finished form. Procedure:

    Photo gallery: feather options for decorating a bird from a plastic bottle

    To cut such feathers for a swan from a plastic bottle, it will take a lot of time. For a chic peacock tail, feathers are placed on top of each other. To make a plastic multi-colored parrot, feathers will need to not only be cut out, but also painted. Feathers for a peacock tail are usually decorated with characteristic “eyes” to give plastic bird looks more like the original

    Video: swan from a plastic bottle

    Plastic flowers are not a replacement, but a complement to real ones

    Both real and artificial flowers will look harmonious in the relaxation corner. They will last a long time and save money on arranging a summer cottage.

    Making chamomile from plastic bottles: master class

    One of the most popular flowers in Russia - chamomile - is easy to make from white plastic bottles and wire. Procedure:

    1. Cut the bottle into two parts: straight and tapered.
    2. Also cut two or three more bottles into two parts and cut off the necks.

      For the center of the chamomile, use a yellow or orange cap

    3. Pass a wire through the bottom of the chamomile, securing it through the lid.
    4. You can cut petals from a green bottle and attach them to the wire stem using thin wire or a lighter (if heated plastic leaves, they will be firmly attached to the stem).

    Video: chamomile from a plastic bottle

    Among the plastic flowers there are also guests from hot countries, for example, lotus, and the usual lilies of the valley, as well as bright tulips, multi-colored asters and fairy-tale flowers that have no “prototypes” among the real ones.

    Photo gallery: flowers from plastic bottles

    Before the real tulips bloom, you can decorate the flowerbed with plastic ones - you won’t be able to distinguish them in a few steps. You can make a lily of the valley from milk or kefir bottles. Bright sunflowers will create a sunny mood in the area. Red and white bells are in harmony with brick wall Houses
    Plastic lotuses in a vase will serve wonderful decoration summer cottage

    Bright crafts made from plastic bottles are not just decoration. They help brighten up leisure time at the dacha and save family budget, unite the whole family for creative work and reduce waste.

    Plastic bottles, considered common household waste, can be turned into homemade toys and original jewelry for home and yard. Making decorative items from plastic containers has become fashionable direction V . And created by diligent hands crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten They are captivated by the whimsical shapes and bright colors.

    Making crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten: creativity lessons with preschoolers

    Today, they are available in all sorts of shapes, colors and sizes. This property can be exploited to advantage by creating colorful figures from plastic bottles for .

    Bright and funny, they allow you to solve several problems at once: they please the eye, develop creative abilities, and teach children a caring attitude towards nature.

    Features of working with PET bottles:

    • No complicated or dangerous tools needed. You can cut plastic stationery knife or paper scissors; a regular awl, thick needle or safety pin is suitable for making holes.
    • A potential danger of plastic is the sharp edges of the cuts. Creating crafts from bottles for kindergarten , do not forget to melt the sections with the flame of a candle, lighter or heated iron.
    • Bottles for dairy products, water, juices, shampoos, gels and other cleaning products are suitable.

    Children and teachers: we create crafts from bottles for kindergarten together

    Colorful flowers, birds and animals will decorate kindergarten, if adults, along with children, show imagination and ingenuity. They will help you make unusual ones crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten video lessons for different age groups. The best master classes are provided on our website. After familiarizing yourself with them, you will understand the magic of creating hand-made beauty.

    Having set the goal of decorating a kindergarten site from plastic bottles , you can come up with three-dimensional compositions, paintings, panels and other decorative items. Bright bouquet, which does not fade, the smallest pupils can create.

    How to create a simple bouquet from plastic bottles with your own hands:

    1. We paint the inside of a plastic bottle in different colors.
    2. We attach the “vase” to thick cardboard.
    3. We attach several tubes for juice in the form of stems.
    4. Glue colorful caps onto hot glue in the shape of flower petals.
    5. We cut out leaves from paper that complete the original three-dimensional composition.

    Colorful airplane, made using the papier-mâché technique, will become an indispensable attribute of boyish battles.

    Crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten: unusual toys for creativity and sports

    Children really like it homemade shark. You can play with it alone or arrange competitions between friends if you make several identical sea predators. The shark is very cute and not at all scary, but it doesn’t manage to catch a fish every time. The toy lifts your spirits, develops manual dexterity, and with it you can enjoy feeling like an avid fisherman.

    Original crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten obtained from white containers of dairy products.

    • Cut out the bottle in the shape of a shark's head. We treat sharp teeth with an iron or a candle. Now the shark will retain its menacing appearance, but will not become a source of scratches.
    • Use acrylic paint or a marker to paint the mouth.
    • We cut out the fin from the remaining part of the bottle and glue it together.
    • The second part of the toy is made from a Kinder Surprise box. We draw a fish, including imagination.
    • We connect both parts using strong twine.

    You can make a different version for girls - bee who drinks nectar from a flower. A beer bottle with an oblong neck is best. We cut out the bottle in the shape of a flower, melt the petals and bend them over. We draw a bee on a Kinder Surprise box and connect it to the flower blank with twine.

    How to decorate a playground from plastic bottles: ideas and examples

    Wooden animal figurines around the playgrounds and plaster figures in the flower garden. Original crafts for the playground from plastic bottles will allow you to decorate the area no less brightly.

    Create a luxurious flower garden, painting the bottoms of bottles of the same size in several colors. options, how to decorate a playground using plastic bottles in the form of a flower arrangement, there are a great variety.

    An original flower bed can be placed on an old tree, giving it a second youth and a bright appearance.

    Colorful daisies made from yellow and green bottles will help make the area where children walk more bright and cheerful.

    The decoration of the lawn around the pond will be Princess Frog and her friends. Lovely figures from plastic bottles for kindergarten can show off on a large stone or among the bright greenery of a flower garden.

    As you can see, crafts made from plastic bottles for the kindergarten area can be very different: from decorating courtyards and playgrounds to interesting toys.

    While studying similar type creativity, teachers and students learn to give free rein to their imagination, develop the ability to express ideas into concrete embodiments, and find the unusual in everyday things. What to do depends on the amount of containers collected and the imagination of the performers. Create and make the world around you brighter, cleaner and nobler.