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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» “development of the professional position of pre-school teachers in modern conditions. Management of preschool educational institutions, purposeful activities of the head to improve the quality of preschool education

“development of the professional position of pre-school teachers in modern conditions. Management of preschool educational institutions, purposeful activities of the head to improve the quality of preschool education


In a preschool educational institution (DOU), the head is a key element in its effective functioning and the effectiveness of educational work. The level of control over the quality of management of a preschool educational institution determines opportunities for the professional growth of the manager, improving his knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with state requirements. IN modern conditions, when changes in the life of society and educational institutions occur much faster, a special role is given to management skills. The success of the development of the institution and its social status depend on the professional skills of the leader, his ability to quickly make decisions, and his ability to direct the team towards continuous development and creative growth.

This manual examines the peculiarities of the managerial activities of the head of a preschool educational institution. The process of implementing management activities of a modern head of a preschool educational institution.

Managers need to develop a new approach to management, based on respect, trust and success, focusing primarily on creating comfortable conditions for the creative activities of teachers with children, parents and self-expression in it. At the same time, it is very important to dismantle (creatively destroy) old connections that impede renewal in the team, and then transfer it from one phase of development to another. Considering a preschool institution as an integral, dynamic system, researchers L.M. Denyakina, L.V. Pozdnyak believes that its optimal life support is possible only if the leader is able to plan, organize, control, regulate, coordinate and coordinate the work of the team on a scientific basis. The effectiveness of managing a preschool educational institution directly depends on the manager’s ability to understand himself and his personal goals, correctly distribute time and effort, i.e. from the ability to study and change oneself, therefore it is necessary to create your own management concepts of development. When choosing ways to update the pedagogical process and effectively manage it, a modern leader must take into account the trends of social transformations in society, the requests of parents, the interests of children and the professional capabilities of teachers. For a professional manager, it is very important to master, first of all, the culture of professional management, i.e. a complex of concepts and methods that have been developed in social experience. However, in Lately many managers do not meet the requirements of the time due to low managerial competence. The previous leader, as a rule, showed himself to be a good performer, but education today needs a new type of leader-initiator, creator, capable of creating conditions that ensure the development of the personality of the teacher and the child in accordance with his own needs, as well as the needs of a developing society. Thus, there is a contradiction between new goals, objectives and previous ways of organizing management activities. Resolving this contradiction is one of the most important conditions for updating and managing a preschool institution. The lack of development of this problem in theoretical and practical aspects has led to the fact that many managers experience difficulties in ensuring the stable functioning of the preschool educational institution, its development in accordance with the updating of the content of preschool education and the democratization of society.

Chapter 1. Basics of preschool management
1.1 The management program of the preschool educational institution and its management function

The basis of the institution’s development program is a set of opinions and decisions of the team aimed at implementing joint efforts, actions, activities, as well as a set of measures that provide for the achievement of a single mission and strategic goal, timed to a certain time frame.
The mission is formed as a long-term vision of the purpose of the institution, new high-quality areas of activity. On its basis, goals are developed that serve as criteria for assessing the quality of education.
The manager’s practical activities include a development program that pursues strategic and tactical goals as qualitative characteristics of the predicted result. Of particular importance in design and planning is the goal, understood as an anticipation of the result of management actions, the final stage of numerous management operations, or a specific, qualitatively (quantitatively) image of the desired result.

In the education system, according to M. M. Potashnik, there are three types of goals for the practical activities of a leader:
- goals-tasks emanating from higher organizations with reflection external functions institutions;
- system goals that reflect the objective need and support the integrity of the organization;
- guiding goals expressing the needs of the organization and its customers and consumers.
Objectives determine the main directions in the activities of the head of the preschool educational institution to achieve goals, for example, what and how is planned to change in the content of education, technologies of education, upbringing and development of the child, spatial-subject environment, and the like.
Principles are briefly presented theoretical foundations on which the processes of upbringing, learning, interaction with children and the developmental environment can be built.

The program of practical activities of the head of a preschool educational institution presents a descriptive model of modified content and methods of education, experimental programs, forms of organizing activities and the spatial-subject environment, a holistic model of the pedagogical process.
In this program, the manager includes a system of management activities for himself, that is:
- methods of modeling the educational process;
- employee incentives;
- coordinating the activities and relationships of teachers in making and implementing decisions, ways of delegating individual management functions;
- stages of implementation of the practical activity program by year.

Due to the fact that the preschool educational institution is focused on the course of development, this will require a qualified leader new system management of the educational process.

The organization of management is understood as the integral structure of the following subsystems: personnel, material and technical base, socio-pedagogical conditions, educational process, communication with the family and social institutions of childhood; being in interaction and interrelation in accordance with their place in the management process.

The manager must understand that the management mechanism of a modern preschool educational institution changes the nature of the performance of management functions and gives rise to fundamentally new forms of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process. The most popular in modern times is the democratic management style. In this style, the immediate supervisor manages the heads of subsystem services: the council of specialists, the medical and pedagogical service, the scientific and methodological service, and the socio-psychological service.
With this style, it is quite natural that there is a need to update the priority functions of the manager’s management activities during the period of transition of the preschool educational institution to a new development regime.
These may include the following areas:
- concluding cooperation agreements with various state, cooperative, private and public organizations necessary for the development of preschool educational institutions;
- management of economic and commercial activities related to raising additional funds;
- providing guidance and control over the work of teaching staff and support staff, providing conditions for their personal growth;
- coordination of the activities of all participants in the educational process;

Determination, together with the Council of Specialists, of development prospects, stages of work, monitoring results activities of preschool educational institutions;

Supporting the work of the Council of Specialists in the development and implementation of new programs and methodological support;
- creating conditions for experimental and research activities of members of the teaching staff;
- attracting, as necessary, third-party specialists with the possible organization of their activities on a self-supporting basis;

Communication with scientific and educational institutions, advanced teaching staff, successfully problem solvers preschool education.
If the head of a preschool educational institution successfully interacts with the team, the result will be the development of employees’ ability to self-manage their activities. This approach to management, associated with the delegation of a number of powers and responsibility for the results of work, makes it possible to realize the main function of a manager in an institution that is constantly developing - to be a stimulating source in the creative process of solving the problems of preschool educational institutions.

1.2 Content of practical and managerial activities of the head of a preschool educational institution

The system of management activities that the head of the preschool educational institution draws up for himself may include:
1) Forecasting goals as expected results of activities - quantitative and qualitative characteristics by time frame: short-term, medium-term, long-term.
2) Description of the subjective model of significant pedagogical conditions, such as content, technology, environment, tools, methods.
3) Presentation of an algorithm of executive actions for a certain time period, for example, a plan, management decisions, methods.
4) Description of the system of criteria and indicators for achieving the goal, that is, standardized or regional characteristics.
5) Presentation of forms and methods of control and evaluation of results: meters, degree of deviation from the norm.
6) Methods for correcting the educational and management system of the institution, that is, who will implement the decisions, what activities will become a priority, what are the external environment, the potential capabilities of the organization. Also important is the relationship of the organization to the goals, requirements, services, competitiveness, channels for promoting advertising of educational services, the choice of the optimal variant of the organizational and legal form and type of educational institution, the diagnosis and forecast of the market situation, the choice of the optimal solution.

When implementing the program of his practical and managerial activities, the head of the preschool educational institution draws up an action plan in which the head can use one of three planning categories:
- Outline category, in which the manager outlines the main management actions for the near future that can change, develop, and improve the existing situation;
- Structuring strategy – involves the definition of a strict framework for organizing, motivating, controlling, coordinating, and making decisions;
- The strategy of decision-algorithms is a system of logically justified, systemic management actions that ensure the achievement of a specific goal.
The plan drawn up by the manager is a concretization of the practical and managerial activities designed in the program and reflects short-term or medium-term goals and ways to achieve them.

When drawing up a plan, the leader is guided by the requirements that determine the quality of preschool education:
- purposefulness - compliance with the direction of the activities of the head of the preschool educational institution with the set goal;
- profitability - costs must correspond to the goals set;

Algorithmization - the sequence of implementation of the plan by the management and staff of the preschool educational institution;
- maximum clarity - simplicity and accuracy of drawing up a management action plan and clarification of the tasks assigned to the team;
- unity – coordinated work of preschool services in carrying out their activities;
- continuity – performance of management activities within established time frames;

Differentiation of actions according to significance - performing more urgent and important processes ahead of others.
If the head of a preschool educational institution carries out his practical and managerial activities in accordance with a correctly drawn up plan, then the organization will acquire certainty, individuality, and attractiveness for professional workers in the field of preschool education, prospects will open up, and an area of ​​expanding educational opportunities will be created.
As part of his management activities, the manager carries out the following types of management actions:
- resource allocation – control over the distribution of funds, scarce management talent and technological experience;
- adaptation of the developed activity plan for the management and staff of the preschool educational institution to the external environment;
- internal coordination of management subjects - the correct balance of subjects, consultations and incentive methods;
- organizational and strategic foresight - forms of organizing services under the control of the head of the preschool educational institution.

When carrying out practical and managerial activities, the head of the preschool educational institution must take into account the occurrence of all kinds of errors and develop measures to eliminate them.
Errors may be as follows:

Irrational decomposition of goals;
- shifting goals from result to process;
- lack of installation for differentiation of tasks;
- lack of logical sequence of management decisions and the interconnection of various components of management actions.

The head of a preschool educational institution must take into account when planning his activities that the success of the organization and the unity of goals and the adoption of logical optimal decisions depend on this.

A properly developed activity plan ensures clarity of expectations from people, the effectiveness of the leader, creates the prerequisites for the success of joint efforts to achieve goals, and reveals the mechanisms that determine the management process and personal meanings.

The essence of the managerial activity of the head of a preschool educational institution lies in the implementation of a number of tasks:
1) Development of plans for the activities of the institution, the literacy and correctness of which will determine success, the quality of services provided to the population, the ability to compete in the market for preschool education services, the status and prestige of the institution and its reputation, and also, if these services are paid, its profit.
2) Monitor the implementation of the developed plan, its aspects and articles, that is, ensure the uninterrupted operation of the institution.
3) Maintain relationships with higher-level organizations in order to obtain budget funding in case of a lack of own funds, implementation and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Russian Federation), in carrying out their activities, as well as monitor the compliance of activities with regulations adopted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4) Support and control the creation of a highly professional team through high-quality personnel selection, training, retraining and advanced training of our own existing personnel, organizing personnel training, and exchanging experience with Russian and foreign preschool educational institutions. Create favorable working conditions and a stable psychological atmosphere in the team.
The head manages the institution in accordance with its Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Provides systematic educational (teaching) and administrative and economic (production) work of the institution.
Determines the strategy, goals and objectives of the development of the institution, makes decisions on program planning of its work. Together with the board of the institution and public organizations, it develops, approves and implements development programs for the institution, curricula, courses, disciplines, annual calendar educational schedules, the Charter and internal regulations of the institution, etc.

Determines the management structure of the institution and staffing. Resolves scientific, educational, methodological, administrative, financial, economic and other issues. Plans, coordinates and controls the work of structural units, teaching and other employees of the institution.

Recruits, selects and places teaching staff. Determines the job responsibilities of employees, creates conditions for improving their professional skills.

Encourages and stimulates the creative initiative of employees, maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. Forms contingents of students (pupils), ensures their social protection.

He is the state guardian (trustee) of pupils from among orphans and children left without parental care, protects their legal rights and interests (personal, property, housing, labor, etc.). Takes measures to create conditions to maintain them family ties. Ensures effective interaction and cooperation with local governments, enterprises and organizations, the public, parents (persons replacing them). Promotes the activities of teachers (pedagogical), psychological organizations and methodological associations.
Regulates the activities of public (including children's and youth) organizations permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Ensures the rational use of budget allocations, as well as funds coming from other sources.
Represents preschool educational institutions in state, municipal, public and other bodies and institutions. Ensures accounting, safety and replenishment of the educational material base, compliance with the rules of sanitary and hygienic regime and labor protection, accounting and storage of documentation.
Bears responsibility for the implementation of educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process, for the quality of education of graduates, life and health, observance of the rights and freedoms of students (pupils) and employees of the institution during the educational process in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The leader must know the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation; decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal educational authorities on issues of education and upbringing of students (pupils); Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice; personality psychology and differential psychology; basics of physiology, hygiene; theory and methods of managing educational systems; fundamentals of economics, law, sociology; organization of financial and economic activities of the institution; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
The manager must maintain close ties with parents, as this is directly related to his managerial activities.

Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personality of a child in early childhood.

The state guarantees financial and material support in the upbringing of early childhood children and ensures the availability of educational services in preschool educational institutions for all segments of the population.
For raising children preschool age, protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.
Relations between a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives) are governed by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.
Local governments organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising preschool children at home.
The manager has the right:

Recruit and fire personnel in accordance with your management system, but the recruited personnel must meet the requirements for preschool teachers;

Choose a personal development and improvement program for the preschool educational institution;

Carry out various activities to improve the work of preschool educational institutions;

Develop and apply new methods of the educational process in accordance with the instructions of professionals.

Chapter 2. The modern head of a preschool educational institution: the basics of management.

2.1 Strategy of the head of a preschool educational institution in modern conditions.

One of the necessary conditions for the development of a modern preschool educational institution is the strategic vision of the head of the development of a preschool institution.
The general strategy is set by the state, society, and the founder and is the starting point for determining the strategy of each institution, including kindergartens. Based on the general strategy, the head of the preschool educational institution, taking into account the characteristics of cultural, economic, social development his region, develops specific ways for the development of the institution he heads. What comes to the fore in management activities is the ability of the head of a preschool educational institution to integrate national and regional tasks with his own idea of ​​​​the ways of development of a preschool institution. In this case, strategy is understood as a generalizing model of actions necessary to achieve set management goals based on selected indicators and effective allocation of resources. Strategy is a general program of action that defines the priorities of problems and resources to achieve the main development goal of an institution.
Strategic management presupposes the ability of a manager to clearly formulate development goals, outline general program their achievements, identify the main problems, provide for the possibility of making the necessary adjustments, and use various methods of influence. The main elements of strategic management are sections of strategic management, areas of activity of the institution, stages life cycle institutions, types of development strategies, competitive position in the market, segmentation of educational services. The management strategy is built taking into account both the fundamental principles of federal (state) and regional educational authorities, as well as the specifics of a particular kindergarten and the individuality of its leader.

Acquiring the status of an autonomous institution involving self-financing by a preschool educational institution requires the development and appropriate new strategy development of the institution, which would allow, without violating executive discipline, to stimulate a creative search for development reserves. Strategic planning in this case comes to the fore.

The head of the preschool educational institution must clearly formulate the development goals of the institution, identify and analyze the main problems, determine ways and reserves for achieving the main goals, and predict the socio-economic development of the kindergarten in order to ensure its effective operation in the future.

Thus, the development of a development strategy for a preschool educational institution takes on primary importance in the context of the transition of a kindergarten as a budgetary institution to the status of an autonomous one.
Transition of preschool educational institution to conditions autonomous existence requires appropriate staffing, since not only new staffing positions will be needed, but also a certain reorientation of the actions of the management team, as well as expansion of the functions of each kindergarten employee. It is necessary to consider the creation of a financial and economic structure (an accountant, his deputies, a cashier) and an economic planning department, which plays a special role in the context of strategic planning. In other words, a competent financial service must be created in the institution.

Working in new conditions involves training and retraining of teachers and service personnel, and a certain psychological retooling of them. The entire team of a preschool institution and each of its members must realize that in market conditions an educational service is a product that should become a subject of demand, and this largely depends on the quality of work of both teachers and other employees.
And finally, such an aspect of managing an autonomous preschool educational institution as the creation of a modern material and technical base (MTB) should not be left without attention. Along with the qualitative improvement of the MTB, the issue of allocating separate premises for new staff units must be resolved.

Improving the management of a preschool educational institution in the context of its transition to autonomous status is impossible without self-improvement of the manager himself. A well-thought-out system of self-education for managers child care facility– one of the main directions of all work to improve management. Today, a leader is required not only and not so much knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology (preschool), but legal and economic literacy. This is due to the fact that the director of an autonomous preschool educational institution is entrusted with the functions of managing various financial flows that ensure the life and development of a child care institution in new conditions. To cope with this task, the leader must know well legislative framework Russian Federation, be competent in matters of financial, tax and management accounting, be able to manage finances farsightedly, etc. The need to know the psychological foundations of business relationships and the ability to work in a team is also increasing, and the importance of the practice of delegating responsibilities is increasing.

New conditions for the functioning and development of preschool institutions require new methods of managing these institutions. The final result will depend on the professionalism of the manager. To find out what skills the head of a preschool educational institution needs to prepare himself and prepare the team for inevitable changes, the scheme proposed by Lyulikova E.V. will help, which clearly illustrates the structure of the professional skills of the head of an institution, including a kindergarten, necessary to carry out the most complex type of management activity – carrying out organizational changes.

The range of managerial responsibilities and qualification requirements for a modern kindergarten leader today is extensive. The head of the preschool educational institution is obliged to:

Manage the educational institution in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, the charter of the educational institution;

Ensure systematic educational, administrative and economic (production) work of the educational institution;

Ensure the implementation of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements;

Form a contingent of students, ensure the protection of their life and health during the educational process, respect the rights and freedoms of them and employees of the educational institution in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Determine the strategy, goals and objectives of the development of the preschool educational institution, ensure planning of its work, compliance with the requirements for the conditions of the educational process, educational programs, the results of the activities of the educational institution and the quality of education, participation in various programs and projects, continuously improve the quality of education in the educational institution;

Ensure objectivity in assessing the quality of education of pupils in preschool educational institutions;

Together with the board of the educational institution and public organizations, develop, approve and implement development programs for preschool educational institutions, educational programs, charter and internal labor regulations of the institution;

Create conditions for the introduction of innovations, ensure the formation and implementation of initiatives of preschool educational institutions employees aimed at improving the work of the institution and improving the quality of education, maintain a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team.

Within the limits of his powers, the head of a preschool educational institution must be able to manage budget funds, ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of their use, and also, within the established funds, form a wage fund, dividing it into a basic and an incentive part.

The head of a preschool institution is also obliged to:

Approve the structure and staffing of the educational institution;

Resolve personnel, administrative, financial, economic and other issues in accordance with the charter of the preschool educational institution;

Create conditions for continuous professional development of employees;

Provide a certain level wages employees of an educational institution, including the incentive part (bonuses, additional payments to official salaries, employee wage rates), payment in full of wages due to employees within the time limits established by the collective agreement, internal labor regulations, employment contracts;

Take measures to ensure safe working conditions.

The modern manager is called upon to ensure the development and implementation of measures aimed at increasing the motivation of workers for quality work, including on the basis of their material incentives, increasing the prestige of work in an educational institution, developing the rationalization of management and strengthening labor discipline. He must create conditions that would ensure the participation of employees in the management of the educational institution. The head of the preschool educational institution is obliged to:
- adopt local regulations of an educational institution containing labor law standards, including on the issues of establishing a remuneration system, taking into account the opinion of representative body workers;
- plan, coordinate and control the work of structural units, teaching and other kindergarten employees;
- ensure effective interaction and cooperation with state authorities, local governments, enterprises, organizations, the public, parents (persons replacing them), citizens;
- represent the educational institution in state, municipal, public and other bodies, institutions and organizations;
- promote the activities of pedagogical, psychological organizations and methodological associations, public organizations;
- ensure accounting, safety and replenishment of the material and technical base, compliance with the rules of sanitary and hygienic regime and labor protection, accounting and storage of documentation, attraction of additional sources of financial and material resources for the implementation of activities provided for by the charter of the preschool educational institution, as well as submission of an annual report to the founder receipt, expenditure of financial and material resources and public reporting on the activities of the educational institution as a whole;
- comply with labor safety regulations and fire safety.
Today, the requirements for the qualifications of the head of a preschool educational institution have also changed: he needs a higher professional education in the areas of training “State and Municipal Administration”, “Management”, “Personnel Management” and work experience in teaching positions of at least 5 years, or higher professional education and additional professional training in the field of state and municipal administration or management and economics and work experience in teaching or management positions of at least 5 years.
It is clear that the professionalism of a leader cannot arise on its own: this is a consequence not only of professional education, but also of deep and consistent work on self-development and self-improvement.

Reforming the budget sector also involves changing the development strategy of educational institutions. The market relations in which kindergartens exist today contribute both to the renewal of the institution itself and to the increase in the competence, including strategic, of the manager.

2.2 Making management decisions.

The transfer of a preschool educational institution to the status of an autonomous institution determines fundamental changes in all areas of its activities and, first of all, in the management process. Now each leader himself determines what and how to do. One of the important managerial functions of a leader is competent decision-making. Your decisions - what you chose as important and correct, have a great impact on the life of the teaching staff. These decisions determine your behavior in the present and in the future they become the basis of your value orientations. That is, values ​​are the choice of what you think is important and worthwhile. When modeling the decision-making process, a manager-manager must have a clear understanding of the main elements of the models, namely, what is the essence of the problem situation that requires a decision, the time of decision-making, have reliable information about the object, the resources necessary to implement decisions, and external and internal environmental factors, know alternative solutions to the problem and, finally, have a clear understanding of the criteria for evaluating the results of decisions made. The quality of management decisions made is largely determined by the quality of the organization of the management decision-making process, the basic structure of which is presented in Diagram 1 (developed by V.N. Vinogradov).

Scheme 1. Basic structure of the management decision-making process

Making a management decision

Formulation of the assessment: opportunities, limitations, costs, level of risk

Analysis of external opportunities and risks
Analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses
Identification of alternatives to solve the problem and their evaluation
Evaluation criteria: capabilities, limitations, costs, risk level

Making a management decision is the result of a conscious choice of one of several available options or alternatives for actions aimed at solving a problem, which is a guide to action based on a developed project or work plan (Vinogradov V.N.). It should be emphasized that the key point in the decision-making process is the development of a full range of options for solving the problem.
That is why it is so important to involve as many representatives of various groups whose interests are affected by this problem, for example, parents, educators, children, service personnel, etc., as possible in the decision-making process. This can be done by providing objective information on the issue, both in person and virtually. The basis of an alternative management decision is to identify the dominance of the interests of one group. The next necessary stage is comparison, coordination, search for compromises between options possible solutions and, finally, an unambiguous choice of one of several options based on the evaluation criteria (indicators) accepted at the preschool educational institution.
The decision-making process is very difficult, as it may seem at first glance. In each institution, the development and adoption of management decisions has its own characteristics.
However, there is a general procedure that is characteristic of any management decision-making process, wherever it is carried out. In conditions when an institution independently carries out financial and economic activities, the value bases for making management decisions change. Value bases are determined by the nature of the system within which the director (head) and teaching staff work, educational work is carried out with kindergarten students, and work with parents. And if before it was a pedagogical system, now, in conditions of financial and economic independence, the formation of an educational system is taking place. Let us consider in more detail what each of these systems is.

The pedagogical system was considered as a set of interconnected structural and functional components, subordinated to the goals of upbringing, education and development of the future generation (N.V. Kuzmina). Its elements were the goal, teacher, student, content and teaching methods. This is a system of achieving a goal through the educational process, which underlies the professional activity of a traditional teacher-educator. Such a teacher was characterized by faith in the “high” goals of education and enthusiasm as the basis of pedagogical creativity. The head of the preschool education institution, making management decisions within the framework of the values ​​of this system, acted as a “teacher” acting in accordance with the “higher” goals of the educational process. The leading values ​​for him were service to the state and society, the creativity of the teacher, the development of the student’s personality, the scientific and fundamental nature of the content of education, health-saving teaching technologies and the guarantee of achieving the set goal. The orientation of the head of the preschool educational institution towards these values ​​encouraged him to make management decisions that correspond to the ideals of education, which in modern society are often unclaimed. Hence the inevitable conflict between the leader and the team and the outside world. In such cases, the head and teaching staff talk about the degradation of the external environment, the inability of students to master the necessary content, and most often - about the lack of interest among students in the content of classes offered to them, about the misunderstanding by parents of the “high mission of a preschool educational institution to educate a comprehensively developed and harmonious personality "

The financial independence of a preschool educational institution presupposes the support of the head of a preschool institution on the values ​​of the educational system. According to the Law “On Education” “... the education system of the Russian Federation is a set of interacting:
- continuous educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and orientations;
- networks of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types;
- education management bodies and institutions and organizations subordinate to them.”
The educational system is a set of organizational, personnel, methodological, financial, material and other conditions that ensure the quality of the educational process.
In this system, the goal is not the child or the teacher, but the quality of the educational process. The values ​​of this system are survival, effective operation and development of an educational institution as educational organization. Instead of a manager-teacher managing the implementation of a pedagogical idea, project, program within a preschool educational institution, financial and economic independence presupposes a manager who professionally ensures the effective work and development of the preschool educational institution in the conditions of the existing regulatory legal framework. A manager is a professional manager hired by the founder of a preschool educational institution who is able to provide conditions for organizing the educational process as a production to create a product competitive on the market - an educational service. Such a manager should be a specialist with an economic education who knows pedagogy enough to understand professional teachers and set pedagogical tasks for them.

The values ​​of the educational system are effectiveness as the dynamic production of a variety of educational services, efficiency as the ability to achieve the maximum level of educational services at a minimum of costs, and quality as the high demand for educational services from society. And if the criteria for assessing management decisions in the pedagogical system were relevance, innovation, humanism, scientific character, etc., then in the educational system these are relevance, realism, manufacturability, profitability, etc. In table 2 presents a comparative description of the pedagogical and educational systems.

2.3 Basic elements of personnel management.

The general line and guidelines for working with personnel are determined by the personnel policy implemented by the head of the preschool educational institution. Personnel policy includes such components as personnel selection, assessment, placement, adaptation, and training.

The preschool educational institution team is one of the most important resources ensuring the successful development of the institution. Along with financial and material resources, it is also subject to management, which should be structured in such a way that the achievement of strategic and tactical development goals of preschool educational institutions is supported by adequate and timely measures to change the organizational structure, streamline the responsibilities of department heads and employees, timely professional orientation of teachers and their proper preparation. The condition for the successful development of an institution is the balance of interests of its owner-founders, staff headed by the head of the preschool educational institution and parents, customers and at the same time consumers (clients) of educational services. Therefore, organizational improvement and personnel management, including teaching staff, in a self-financing preschool institution becomes one of the most important functions of the head of a preschool educational institution.
The team management system is determined by whether the preschool educational institution is independent or not. Depending on this, different models of personnel management are used - from the concentration within the education department of a number of general functions and, accordingly, the operational management of work within the department to the “joint-stock” management model, when preschool educational institutions are largely independent, and the education department controls the effectiveness of the work of preschool educational institutions included into his control. These models dictate their requirements for the personnel management system. However, along with specific management elements in each preschool educational institution, there are basic elements of personnel management. These include:

Operational personnel records;

Organizational improvement;

Assessment of professional suitability of teaching staff;
- monitoring labor productivity;

Control of labor discipline.

Let's take a closer look at some of them.
Operational personnel records

Of all the listed management elements, personnel accounting is the most clear and fairly regulated task, since it does not require an expert approach, analysis of many factors and, therefore, processing of a large amount of information. It seems to us that it is impossible to solve these problems without software efficiently and at the lowest cost. It should also be noted that from an information point of view, these elements of team management should be integrated as much as possible. Personnel accounting in conjunction with payroll is the core of the system; it serves as a supplier of information for other management elements.
Organizational improvement

In each time period, the structure of a preschool institution must correspond to the goals of its development. Ideally, when restructuring an institution - transferring from the state “as it is today” to the state “as it will be tomorrow” - it is necessary first of all to carry out reengineering, that is, describe future business processes, determine the functions of departments or new execution chains, and only then proceed to the creation of a new organizational structure. For each stage of restructuring, an appropriate structure of the institution, staffing, and job descriptions are required. Planning an organizational structure based on an analysis of the institution’s business processes and an assessment of the cost of personnel costs are necessary conditions for carrying out each stage of restructuring.
Regulations on departments, as well as job descriptions should, as far as possible, correspond to the business processes of a preschool educational institution. Otherwise all the disadvantages functional model management will be fully realized. Definition job responsibilities and requirements - the most important element of a professional approach to ensuring the successful development of a preschool educational institution. The presence of directories of functions common to the institution, which record all aspects of production activities, goals and objectives of departments, required professions, standard job and qualification requirements, helps to take a creative approach to the process of preparing documents and conduct a variety of analyses.
Analysis of production functions and departments of employees providing certain business processes, and identifying the intersection of these functions by department will allow optimizing the organizational structure.

Assessing the professional conformity of teaching staff Periodic assessment of the business qualities of teaching staff (competence, responsibility, work efficiency, etc.) by conducting certifications, passing tests and exams in professional retraining and advanced training courses allows you to analyze the effectiveness of departments through the prism of personnel quality and optimize its number. The business qualities of personnel can be studied by comparing the qualifications of various specialists within professional groups. The amount of actual knowledge of each employee indicates the level (profile) of his qualifications. The amount of required knowledge given in the job description determines the level (profile) of requirements for the employee. Assessment of the professional suitability of a preschool institution’s staff is based on a comparison of the levels (profiles) of requirements and qualifications of each employee. Assessing the professional suitability of a team within one professional group using the suitability coefficient serves as the basis for the development of current measures aimed at improving its quality characteristics (training, rotation, reduction, etc.).
Having developed a methodology for calculating the employee’s suitability coefficient, taking into account the required quality (measured in points and established in the job description) and actual (obtained from the results of a study of personnel quality), the head of a preschool institution will be able to manage high-quality composition employees in professional groups, divisions, branches.

Comparing the business qualities of different employees of departments throughout the institution as a whole is the basis for making management decisions, such as changing line managers, organizing assistance to management in working with personnel, and strengthening supervisory activities.

Analysis of personnel quality will help assess the effectiveness of the existing organizational structure and management system as a whole.

Thus, the results of assessing the quality of personnel serve as the basis for the following areas of work with personnel:

Professional training. Continuous training of teachers and other preschool specialists, especially in modern dynamically developing areas, will allow the institution to promptly respond to market changes and adjust its business, including the provision of educational services to society. Prompt identification of employees who have an actual grade lower than the required one in certain areas of knowledge will help to correctly formulate a calendar and thematic plan, work on self-education, and determine and justify the training budget. Without an understanding of what and who needs to be taught, it is impossible to conduct training effectively;
- personnel rotation. The main goal of the personnel rotation system is the optimal placement of personnel at various levels throughout the institution and the productive development of the institution. Personnel rotation is an internal reshuffling of personnel in accordance with the career and professional growth of personnel. It serves to improve the work of specific departments that, in terms of their development indicators, do not achieve their goals, whose teachers and other employees do not cope with their responsibilities. The rotation system also makes it possible to solve the problem of career growth for teachers at various levels and provides them with the opportunity to realize their personal and professional potential.
Rotation is based on the selection of candidates who, in terms of qualifications, experience and professional training, meet the requirements defined in the job description;
- formation of a personnel reserve and career planning. Based on the personnel reserve (external or internal), personnel rotation is carried out regarding certain positions. Specialists included in the personnel reserve are ranked by skill level (or suitability coefficients). Thus, at any time you can select an employee whose qualifications best meet the requirements established in the job description.

If the qualification requirements for a position are generally known, career planning can be carried out on the basis of objective criteria and rules known to every teacher.

2.4 Management effectiveness.

Market conditions require the development of appropriate indicators and criteria for assessing management effectiveness. There is a need to introduce several criteria for basic indicators into the preschool educational institution, on the basis of which the effectiveness of the management system is assessed; performance assessment is required across management levels and functional subsystems.
Management efficiency reflects the effectiveness of ensuring the socio-economic development of preschool educational institutions. It is manifested in the achieved performance indicators of all kindergarten activities.
Efficiency as an indicator of effectiveness involves comparing costs with results. The latter is profit as the final result of activity, and the costs are fixed production assets and working capital. However, the result as an economic concept is broader than this interpretation. The result has various manifestations.
A multi-level approach to the problem of labor productivity management, planning, measurement, evaluation, control and increasing the efficiency of living and past labor is described in the monograph by D.S. Sink “Performance Management”, as well as in the work of V.M. Zubova “How labor productivity is measured in the USA.” D.S. Sink considers not only the problem of measuring the productivity of living labor, but also the effectiveness of the entire production system at the firm level, highlighting such result criteria as efficiency, economy, quality, profitability, productivity, quality of working life, and the introduction of innovations. Of course, the priority of each criterion will depend on a number of factors of a particular preschool educational institution and, above all, on its condition: technical, financial, maturity of technology, services and products, position in the educational services market (sales market), staffing, etc. The task of the director of an autonomous institution is to select the most effective actions aimed at increasing the efficiency of the functioning and development of preschool educational institutions.
The effectiveness of preschool educational institution management can be considered beyond its internal boundaries. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account the effect of interaction of the preschool educational institution management system with institutions of science and education, culture and sports, medicine, as well as public organizations and other institutions - suppliers of personnel and material and raw materials, in the case of production of products, as well as society - the consumer of services ( products).

The effectiveness of the educational system is determined by the performance of the leader and the result of management.

The effectiveness of the activities of the head of an educational institution, as noted by the prominent Finnish specialist Timo Santalainen in the book “Management by Results,” is determined by such factors as personal qualities, experience as a leader, education in the field of management, and the desire to work as a leader.
The result of management consists of structural and activating factors. In turn, structural factors are divided into planning, financing (depending on the type of institution: state-owned, budgetary, autonomous), decision-making, guidance, control, and activating management factors (creative approach) - into motivation, information, improvement of the organization, cooperation, management according to the situation. Structural management factors require rational approach, logic, objectivity and systematicity. Mastery of activating factors is expressed in a creative approach, knowledge in the field of human behavior, sense of situation and problem. A good management result is possible only when the manager masters management situations, due to which a balance is achieved in the use of structural and activating factors. Good business management can only ensure effective operations for a short period of time. As practice shows, modern managers quite often and successfully use structural factors and at the same time their readiness to use activating factors is very low.
This is likely due to the fact that enabling factors relate to people management, while structural factors relate to technical skills. As the organizational level of management increases, the share of activating factors may increase due to a reduction in technical skills.

Thus, the basis for the effectiveness of a modern leader heading a preschool educational institution is knowledge in the field of management, marketing and economics of education. The head of the preschool educational institution must know:

What characterizes the current state of the education system and the prospects for its development;
- theory and practice of educational management based on classical and modern management theory;
- education marketing methodology and management methods for this service;

Theory and practice of the fundamentals of economics of an educational institution.
Hence, the urgent need for every head of a preschool educational institution is to constantly improve their professional skills and competence.
But the effectiveness of the preschool educational institution, as well as its image, is determined not only by the head, but also by the entire team. Therefore, along with personal self-improvement, the leader must take care of improving and increasing the competence of each team member and create the necessary conditions for this. Development and advanced training of all team members is a key element of the effectiveness of management activities.
At the same time, the effectiveness of a preschool educational institution also depends on the psychological mood and cohesion of all team members. And here the leading role also belongs to its leader. As a leader, the manager-manager determines the entire climate in the preschool institution. His management style should help create an atmosphere of openness, business cooperation, and trust in the team.
It is also important that the team works in development mode. Necessary conditions for this are the mandatory participation of preschool educational institutions in experimental activities, the introduction of new pedagogical technologies, constant improvement of the educational process, adjustment of educational programs and development programs, monitoring the effectiveness of their implementation, changing the forms and methods of working with society, advertising the institution in the educational services market, etc.

To manage effectively, a manager must be able to resolve management problems. Solving problems is never easy, and it is impossible to learn it just from a textbook. But as practice shows, the relevant skills and abilities can be developed and improved. This is facilitated by: a systematic approach to problem solving, selection and use of solution methods different types problems, attracting people and resources that can help solve the problem.

You can also solve problems step by step, that is, mentally sequentially “work through” several stages of solving a given problem: setting - goals - success criterion - information - planning - actions - analysis of actions, each time summing up the results and adjusting further actions.

The effectiveness of management is also largely determined by the organization of office work in an institution, which can be conditionally divided into personnel and routine administrative.
The manager must clearly think through and delegate the authority to conduct office work to his deputies.
Modernizing the management of a preschool educational institution requires similar management knowledge from the entire administrative apparatus. The success of the manager himself depends on how and how quickly and competently the administrative apparatus acts.


As part of the reform of Russian preschool education, the main direction is the transition from educational and disciplinary to personality-oriented interaction between teachers and children.

A modern head of a preschool educational institution should currently be able to:

Correctly plan the activities of preschool educational institutions;

Be able to carry out the management functions required of the head of a preschool educational institution;

Coordinate the actions of the teaching and general staff;
- develop programs for the development and improvement of the activities of preschool educational institutions;

Implementation of managerial and practical activities of the management of preschool educational institutions.

If the head of a preschool educational institution successfully interacts with the team, the result will be the development of employees’ ability to self-manage their activities. This approach to management, associated with the delegation of a number of powers and responsibility for the results of work, makes it possible to realize the main function of a manager in an institution that is constantly developing - to be a stimulating source in the creative process of solving the problems of preschool educational institutions.
The modern head of a preschool educational institution strives to take into account the trends of social transformations in society, the needs of parents, the interests of children and the professional capabilities of teachers, choosing ways to update the pedagogical process and effectively manage it.
The effectiveness of managing a preschool educational institution directly depends on the manager’s ability to understand himself and his personal goals, correctly distribute time and effort, relieve stress, etc., i.e. from the ability to study and change oneself.

The manager - educator - has a dominant role, so he has a huge social responsibility. After all, the leader is called upon to simultaneously represent both the interests of the state, society, region, and the interests of the teaching and children's team, while harmonizing these, often multidirectional, interests.
The manager is a leader in the management system, therefore the management of various processes in a preschool educational institution will depend to a decisive extent on his personal qualities and professional skills. A leader in a preschool educational institution is a person who, as a rule, knows how and wants to successfully implement the ideas of democratization, optimization and modernization of management. The successful (or slow, incorrect, unsuccessful) implementation of a system of measures to organize the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution depends on his managerial competence and professionalism.

List of used literature:

  1. Absalyamova A. Management of preschool education. Preschool education. No. 4, 2004.
  2. Aromshtam M. Management of preschool education. Preschool education No. 20, 2007.
  3. Belaya K. Yu. Preschool educational institution management: Control and diagnostic function. M., 2005.
  4. Bilichenko G. G. Creation of a preschool educational institution with a priority direction of development. M., 2005.
  5. Denyakina L.M. Head of a preschool institution. Profession or calling? - Minsk, 2007.
  6. Denyakina L.M. New approaches to management activities in preschool educational institutions. Guidelines. M, New school, 2007.
  7. Zebzeeva V. A. Organization of regime processes in preschool educational institutions, M., 2006
  8. Ezopova S.A. Management in preschool education. M.: Academy, 2003.
  9. Korepanova M.V. Development program for preschool educational institutions. M., 2007.
  10. Korepanova M.V., Lipchanskaya I.A. Control of the functioning and development of preschool educational institutions, M.: 2005.
  11. Korepanova M.V., Lipchanskaya I.A. Certification of teachers and directors of preschool educational institutions, M., 2006.
  12. Kolodyazhnaya T.N. Management of a modern preschool educational institution. Vol. I. - Rostov n/a: Teacher, 2012.
  13. A set of measures for the development of preschool education. Preschool education. No. 1, 2007.
  14. Makhaneva M. D. Development management of preschool educational institutions: Problems, planning, prospects. M., 2006.
  15. Petrova S.N., Presnyakova E.B. Modern head of a preschool educational institution: basics of management, Center for Additional Education “Ascension”, 2010.
  16. Pozdnyak L.V. Basics of managing a preschool educational institution. Special course. - M., 2004.
  17. Safonova O.A. Managing the quality of education in a preschool educational institution. M, 2011.
  18. Sokolova I. Implementation of theoretical aspects of pedagogical management in the system of preschool education. Preschool education. No. 2, 2009.
  19. Skorolupova O.A. Preschool education: development prospects. Education administrator. No. 14, 2008.
  20. Troyan A. Marketing in a preschool institution Preschool education. No. 9, 2011.
  21. Tyunikov Yu.S., Maznichenko M.A. Analysis of innovative activities of educational institutions: scenario approach. Standards and monitoring in education. No. 5, 2004.

Project activity as a form of organization

educational activities of preschool children.

Development of cognitive interest in various areas knowledge and activities is one of the components of the success of children's education at school. Preschooler's interest in the world around him. The desire to learn and master everything new is the basis for the formation of this quality.

Intensive changes in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all spheres dictate to the teacher the need to choose more effective means of teaching and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies.

One of the current and effective methods is project method. Based on a personality-oriented approach to training and education, it develops cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge and develops cooperation skills. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills.

Any project is a product of cooperation between children, teachers, kindergarten specialists and parents. The project involves solving problems of a cognitive, creative nature, experimental activities and the development of communication skills.

Project method- a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction between teacher and student, a way of interacting with environment, step-by-step practical activities to achieve the goal.

Basic purpose design method in kindergarten is development of a child’s free creative personality, which is determined by the developmental tasks and tasks of children’s research activities.

Development objectives:

    ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

    development of cognitive abilities;

    development of creative imagination;

    development of creative thinking;

    development of communication skills.

Research objectives specific for each age. At a younger age it is:

    entry of children into problematic game situation(leading role of the teacher);

    activating the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with the teacher);

    formation of initial prerequisites for search activity (practical experiments).

In older preschool age this is:

    formation of prerequisites for search activity and intellectual initiative;

    development of the ability to determine possible methods solving the problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

    developing the ability to apply these methods to help solve the problem, using various options;

    developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

The following types of projects are used in the practice of modern preschool institutions:

Role-playing games(with elements of creative games, when children take on the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problem in their own way).

Research/creative(children research, experiment, analyze, and the results are presented in the form of collections of essays, reports, papers, newspapers or magazines).

Creative(registration of the results in the form of a children's party, children's design - a performance, a fairy tale, a production).

Since the leading activity of a preschooler is play, starting from a young age, role-playing and creative projects are used: “Favorite toys”, “My friends”. And etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

    complex: “Theatre”, “Tales of Grandfather Korney”, “Visiting a fairy tale”;

    intergroup: “Pets and birds”, “Seasons”;

    creative: “My friends”, “In our garden”, “Favorite fairy tales”;

    group: “Winter Tales”, “If you want to be healthy”, “Underwater World”, “Lessons from Moidodyr”, “Our Army is strong”;

    individual: “Me and my family”, “Secrets of my grandmother”, etc.

By duration they are:

    short-term(1-2 weeks);

    long-term(for example, “Birds are our friends” - for three weeks)

The sequence of the teacher’s work on the project:

    the teacher sets a goal based on the needs and interests of the child;

    involves preschoolers in problem solving;

    outlines a plan for achieving the goal (maintains the interest of children and parents);

    discusses the plan with families at parent-teacher conferences;

    together with children and parents, draws up a plan - a scheme for carrying out the project;

    collects information and material;

    conducts classes, games, observations, trips (events of the main part of the project);

    encourages independent creative work of children and parents (searching for materials, information, making crafts, drawings, albums, etc.);

    organizes a presentation of the project (holiday, activity, leisure), compiles a book, album together with children;

    sums up the results (speaks at the teachers' meeting, summarizes work experience).

IN project activities The child’s subjective position is formed, his individuality is revealed, interests and needs are realized, which in turn contributes to the child’s personal development. This corresponds to the social order at the modern level.

The work of parents in the implementation of the project:

Work with parents is organized at the level of cooperation. Parents are active participants in all activities and provide assistance in organizing a developmental environment. During the project activities, parent-child relationships also develop. The child turns out to be interesting to parents because he puts forward various ideas, discovering new things in already familiar situations. The life of the child and parents is filled with rich content.


The project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment and synthesize acquired knowledge. Develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of school learning.


    Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions; from theory to practice. Morozova L.D., Supplement to the journal “Preschool Education Management”, Sfera, 2010.

    Project activities for preschoolers. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.-112 p.

    Project activities with children of senior preschool age. Shtanko I.V. Magazine "Management of a preschool educational institution", No. 4.2004.

    Design technology in preschool educational institutions. Evdokimova E.S. - M.: Sfera shopping center, 2006.

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“Without the inspiration of a teacher’s living thought and passion, the method remains a dead scheme. For from the moment a little person takes his first step on earth, he begins to compare himself with the one who raises him, makes demands on him, invests his spiritual strength in him, wants to see his ideal in him.”* V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Preschool education in Russia is ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of a preschool child from 2 to 7 years old.

Preschool education is usually carried out in preschool educational institutions, institutions general education(preschool), institutions of additional education for children (centers and associations for early child development), but can also be carried out at home in the family. Taking into account the fact that in Russia now more than a third of young families with a child are not provided with preschool institutions, preparing parents for the basics of family preschool education is becoming one of the most important tasks of youth family policy.

The state system of preschool education in our country began after the adoption of the “Declaration on Preschool Education” on November 20, 1917. This document defined the principles of Soviet preschool education: free and accessible public education for preschool children. In 1918, on the basis of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses, on the initiative of Professor K. N. Kornilov, the second Moscow State University was opened, where a pedagogical faculty with a preschool department was organized. An important milestone in the creation of a state system for training preschool teachers was the first All-Russian Congress on Preschool Education, held in Moscow in 1919. The first “Program of the work of a kindergarten” was published in 1934, and in 1938 the “Charter of a kindergarten” was published, which defined the tasks of work, structure and features of the functioning of preschool institutions, and the “Guide for kindergarten teachers”, which contained guidelines on sections of work with children. In 1937, by a special resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, departmental kindergartens were introduced; in 1939, standard staffing levels were established for kindergartens of all types and departments

Since 1928, the monthly scientific and methodological magazine “Preschool Education” began to be published. By the 40s of the twentieth century, the network of preschool educational institutions had reached a fairly high level, more than two million pupils were covered by public education

After the war, the development of the system of public preschool education continued, which, according to the thoughts of communist ideologists, was supposed to replace family education. In 1959, a new type of preschool educational institution appeared - a nursery-kindergarten, where, at the request of parents, children could be raised from two months to seven years. This was caused by the need to improve the organization of work of preschool institutions and, in particular, to establish continuity in the education of early and preschool children. In the early 60s, a comprehensive kindergarten education program was created, which became a single mandatory document in the work of preschool institutions in the country. Leading research institutes of preschool education of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and leading departments of preschool pedagogy worked on the program. And in 1978, after making further changes, the program was named Standard. It existed until 1984, when it was replaced by the Model Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten.

In connection with the reform of the education system on the threshold of the 80s-90s, the “Concept of Preschool Education” arose (authors Vasily Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky). It outlines four basic principles that are fundamental for expert assessments of preschool education in Russia: humanization - education of the humanistic orientation of the preschooler’s personality, the foundations of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for family, Motherland, nature; the developmental nature of education - focus on the child’s personality, preservation and strengthening of his health, focus on mastering ways of thinking and activity, speech development, differentiation and individualization of upbringing and training - development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities; de-ideologization of preschool education - the priority of universal human values, rejection of the ideological orientation of the content of kindergarten educational programs.

Since the mid-1980s. In our country, radical changes have occurred in all aspects of society, including in the education system. These changes are both positive and negative.

In 1983, the Education Law was adopted. It formulates new principles of state policy in the field of education and secures the rights of teachers, parents, students and preschoolers in this area. The law approved the right of teachers to freely choose the content of education and its methodological research. He formulated the principles of a variety of types of school (school with priority implementation, compensated school, school, etc.). The law enshrines the right of parents to choose an educational institution.

Since the 1980s, many comprehensive and partial educational programs have been created and tested. Intensive work is underway to create methodological programs. At the same time, a negative trend is observed in the preschool education system: a decrease in the number of child care institutions and the number of children in them. In January 2000, the All-Russian meeting of public educational institutions was held, which proves that not only the number of preschool educational institutions, but also their occupancy rates have decreased significantly. In general, according to the indicators of 2000-2001. The preschool education system covers approximately 60% of children. The number of departmental gardens transferred to municipal authorities has sharply decreased. Child support fees have increased significantly. Preschool institutions are insufficiently funded by the state and authorities. The salary level for teachers is low.

1. Characteristics of control levels

The preschool institution has a managed and control system. The management system consists of interconnected teams: teaching, medical and service. The organizational structure of management in a preschool institution is a combination of all its bodies with their inherent functions. It can be represented in the form three levels.

On the first level The directorate is the head of the kindergarten, who supervises and monitors the activities of all structures. The instructions and orders of the head are binding for all participants in the educational process. The general management of the institution is carried out by the pedagogical council, which includes all teachers. The Pedagogical Council resolves issues of its activities at meetings. The pedagogical council is authorized to:

adopt the Charter, amendments and additions made to the Charter;

approve the class schedule;

determine the direction of educational activities of the institution;

approve the annual work plan of the State Educational Institution;

adopt educational and training programs in the institution;

consider issues of advanced training and retraining of personnel;

consider and approve methodological directions for working with children in various groups, as well as all other issues of the content, methods and forms of the educational process;

On the second level management is carried out by the senior teacher, caretaker, and head nurse, who interact with the relevant management objects. At this level, the head carries out direct and indirect implementation of management decisions through the distribution of responsibilities between administrative employees, taking into account their training, experience, as well as the structure of the preschool institution.

Third level of management carried out by educators, music director, physical education teacher. At this level, the object of control is children and their parents.

The organization of the pedagogical process is considered as a complex system - goals, objectives, means, forms and methods, subject, object of management, principles and functions that determine its activities.

The goals that determine the activities of the subjects of management are adequate to the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process: the development of the child’s personality, the formation of his need to know the world and himself, therefore the main condition in the activities of the preschool educational institution is the recognition by all members of the team of the uniqueness of the child’s personality.

The task of forming the personality of a preschool child is most successfully implemented when the managerial actions of the head of a preschool educational institution are combined with the desire of teachers to provide the child with pedagogical support in his development and formation, improve working methods, and implement the own management concept of the educational institution.

2. Management principles and their relationships

The implementation of such a concept largely depends on the totality management principles.

“The principles of management are understood as the basic provisions that guide the management entity in its activities, carrying out its activities in certain socio-economic conditions.”

Analysis of specialized literature and experience in organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions allowed us to identify the following management principles:

Goal-setting, complexity, democratization, psychologization of training and education models.

All these principles are a guide to action in a developing and developing preschool educational institution and are the basis for updating its activities. In the model, we highlight management functions that reflect the course and sequence of management actions and their completeness:

Information-analytical, control-diagnostic, planning-prognostic, regulatory-corrective, motivational-target.

A special feature of these control functions is their relationship:

the information and analytical function involves increasing the efficiency of management activities in conditions of democratization based on the selection of information, which must be complete in scope and specific; as a result of pedagogical analysis of information about the activities of each link of the educational institution, managerial actions of the leader are formed;

the motivational-goal function presupposes the desire to achieve the desired result (this function helps ensure that all team members perform work in accordance with the responsibilities delegated to them and the plan, correlating the needs for achieving their own and collective goals);

the planning and forecasting function provides a combination of long-term forecasting and current planning of preschool educational institutions;

the organizational and executive function relates to each management cycle and involves the implementation of a person-oriented model for organizing activities in a preschool educational institution; practical distribution of responsibilities, rational organization of work;

the control and diagnostic function involves a combination of administrative and public control within the preschool educational institution with self-analysis of the members of the teaching staff (mutual visits when organizing various types of children's activities among teachers, Day open doors, questioning parents, etc.);

The regulatory-corrective function involves making adjustments to the management of preschool educational institutions using operational lines.

Managing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions on a scientific basis actualizes the problem of management methods that ensure coordination of the activities of the teaching staff in achieving their goals.

Analysis of work experience in preschool educational institutions allows us to highlight the following management methods:

Organizational-administrative, psychological-pedagogical, social impact:

organizational and administrative methods of management are implemented in the development and approval of annual plans, the long-term development program of preschool educational institutions, decisions of the pedagogical council, when instructing performers in the form of instructions, instructions, orders. With the help of this group of management methods, the preschool educational institution maintains the internal regulations provided for in the Charter, selects and places personnel, creates conditions for the rational organization of affairs, the exactingness and personal responsibility of each employee;

psychological and pedagogical methods guide the staff of preschool educational institutions to creatively solve problems; on the basis of these methods, the social development of the team is designed, a favorable psychological climate is established, positive, socially significant motives for pedagogical activity are formed;

the method of social influence is characterized by the participation of teachers in the management of preschool educational institutions on the basis of healthy competition, cooperation, organization methodological work and the development of democratic principles in management.

The task of the head of a preschool educational institution is to help each teacher find strength and unrealized opportunities to improve their professional skills.

The named management methods differ from each other, but “in the complex they represent an inextricable and complementary unity of ways to achieve set goals and implement management functions” (A.N. Orlov).

At the same time, analysis of experience practical work shows that the leading line of a leader in managing a preschool educational institution is the presence of his own concept, professional thinking, and individual style of management activities.

The manager’s work style, his business and personal qualities have a significant impact on the mode and order of work of the preschool educational institution, on the efficiency and effectiveness of its activities. Therefore, management in this institution should be based on the personal principle, since the final results of management activities are achieved not by the leader himself, but by all members of the team.

“The leadership style also creates and reproduces a special atmosphere in the team and gives rise to its own etiquette, a certain type of behavior and relationships,” note V. Lazarev, T. Afanasyeva.

The unity of teachers into a team is facilitated by events in which teachers can realize their creativity, for example, pedagogical advice on the topic: “Being a member of a team means...”, “Pedagogy of cooperation - as I understand it,” discussions “My pedagogical profession" etc. Creating a team of like-minded people is the result of effective management and at the same time the key to an effectively organized pedagogical process.

The changes taking place in the education system, the existing Concept of preschool education, have led to the emergence of new characteristics of the pedagogical process, which are derived from new principles, such as the principle of value orientations, subjectivity and givenness (V.A. Slastenin, N.E. Shchurkova).

The main functions of a preschool educational institution at this stage are to create conditions for preparing children for adaptation in society and self-determination in present and future life. We see the following pedagogical tasks:

development of the child's individuality;

establishing the child’s relationship with the objective world and society;

preserving the identity of the children's team during the interpenetration and interaction of adult and children's subcultures;

assistance in personal self-organization.

3. Problems of managing a preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation

The idea of ​​decentralization of management, defined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” has necessitated the development of new management schemes for preschool educational institutions.

Let's look at how the management structure is changing using a specific example: Kindergarten No. 183 in Moscow.

The kindergarten has existed for more than 45 years. The institution was one of the first in Moscow to switch to financial independence, began to provide paid educational services, entered experimental activities, opened short-term groups and received the status of a Child Development Center.

At the same time, the kindergarten management system also changed, going through three stages of development from the traditional management of a preschool educational institution (Appendix 1) through a structural-functional management model to a functional-target model.

As a result of the transformation of the kindergarten into a Child Development Center (CDC), that is, into a preschool educational institution of a new type and status, additional divisions, new staffing units and positions, including management ones, appeared. The process of managing a kindergarten has become more complex and multifaceted. According to the existing regulations on the educational center, social partnership with various state and public organizations in the field of education is expanding. Thus, interaction with families means working not only with families of preschool children, but also with families living in the neighborhood and having preschool-age children who do not attend kindergarten.

In the current situation, it became necessary to transfer some of the specific management functions from the manager to the heads of structural units (for example, the heads of psychological, pedagogical and administrative services). For this purpose, a new structural and functional model for the management of the CRR was developed (Appendix 2).

With the introduction of amendments and additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” on the basis of Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ “On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, some legislative acts of the Russian Federation were declared invalid in connection with the adoption of laws “On Amendments and amendments to the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Legislative and Executive Bodies of State Power of the Subjects of the Russian Federation” and “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, significant changes have occurred in the field of preschool education. A massive transition of preschool educational institutions to financial independence has begun, the scope of social partnership of preschool educational institutions has expanded, and the requirements for the quality of education of preschoolers have increased.

The number of programs and technologies being implemented at the CRR increased, work continued in experimental mode, and the Social Partnership Center appeared. At the same time, the volume of work performed and the load on structural units have sharply increased, and the interaction between them has become more complicated. At the same time, in the process of developing new educational programs and technologies, the innovative potential of the teaching staff increased, activity and creativity in solving common problems of preschool educational institutions increased.

When improving the mechanism of work of the teaching staff of a kindergarten, it is necessary, first of all, to rely on professional self-government, which makes it possible to distribute or delegate part of the management functions, including temporarily, to team members.

In order to strengthen the cohesion of the kindergarten staff and involve its most active part in the management of the preschool educational institution, it was necessary to change the management structure. In the process of work, a new model has emerged, which includes temporary and permanent functional groups consisting of representatives of different structural divisions, including ordinary employees (Appendix 3). Temporary groups are created to solve specific problems (for example, as part of an experiment or to plan a specific work). Permanent groups monitor teaching work, examine educational programs, including experimental ones, identify innovations and determine ways to implement them. This work is carried out during the academic year.

In accordance with the CRR charter, the following functional groups have been created:

Duty administrators;

Analytical and diagnostic;




Each group draws up a work plan, keeps minutes of meetings and other documentation. For example, administrators on duty maintain information tables of indicators of the functioning of the institution, which make it possible to identify patterns or accidents in individual shortcomings and ways to eliminate them. The analytical and diagnostic group maintains a control and analytical journal for monitoring the quality of education. Experts draw up professional profiles of educators, a summary review of new teaching literature, and evaluate the innovations of kindergarten teachers. The planning group designs and coordinates the work on strategic and current planning of the activities of an educational institution. The experimental research group coordinates and monitors the activities of services within the framework of an experiment or innovation.

The work of creative groups is aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of education, forecasting the development trends of the institution, increasing the professional unity of teachers and creating a creative atmosphere in the team.

The ways to achieve these goals are:

Assessing the effectiveness of measures to stimulate the creative personality of the teacher and the formation of a pedagogical culture in preschool educational institutions;

Comprehensive analysis of the behavioral culture of the teaching staff;

Compliance with local regulations (Charter, collective agreement, internal labor regulations);

Testing of both work colleagues and children;

Determining the value orientation of CRR employees;

Assessment of teachers’ self-education and growth of professional skills.

The Methodological Council coordinates the activities of four groups (analytical-diagnostic, expert, innovation-experimental and planning group). In addition, temporary groups of teachers are created under the methodological council, whose activities are determined by the need that arises. For example, a group of mentors works when new, inexperienced teachers come to the institution; an initiative group of young specialists is created when at least three young specialists work for the institution; creative groups are created to solve specific problems (participation in projects, grants, competitions, seminars, exhibitions...). The interaction of the innovation-experimental group with structural divisions is determined by the topic of the experiment.


management preschool pedagogical educational

So, a management system is a combination of a managed object (people and activities) and a control device (a set of means for collecting, processing, transmitting information and forming management decisions), an action that is aimed at maintaining or improving the operation of the object.

Based on the above, the management system created in the preschool educational institution is based on the interaction of valeo-pedagogical monitoring systems - the basis of the control device and pedagogical management and provides the opportunity:

* making management decisions based on objective accurate information about the managed object;

* planning and organizing the achievement of intended goals based on accepted internal standards (criteria for assessing the results of educational activities);

* determining the growth rate of various indicators of child development over a certain period of time, which is more preferable and reliable than the average statistical indicators.

* long-term observation of each individual child, group, preschool educational institution as a whole, which allows you to more accurately determine the effectiveness of the educational institution, take timely actions to regulate and correct pedagogical system to maintain it at a programmed level and achieve set goals;

Prompt implementation of the above work on a preschool scale requires software and hardware, expert systems, and the creation of a computer version of an automated information and analytical management system.

Mastering a new management technology - results-based management - also requires a transformation of the organizational management structure:

1. Structural orderliness, hierarchy of management levels. We have identified three levels of pedagogical management of people:

1st ( senior management department) - head, scientific supervisor (consultant), head of the monitoring service;

2nd (middle management) - senior educator, methodologist; at these levels, leaders create a developing space for professional self-development, the teaching staff as a whole and each teacher individually;

3rd (lowest level of management) - organizational and activity services (MO, blocks: medical and rehabilitation, correctional and developmental, educational) etc. specialists, teachers who organize developmental activities separately.

The essence of managing people is to create a developing space in which the self-development of a person - a teacher and a child - will take place.

List of used literature

1. Certification and accreditation of preschool educational institutions: Sat. regulatory documents / Ed. R.B. Sterkina. - M., 1997.

2. Bolotina L.R., Komarova T.S., Baranov S.P. Preschool pedagogy: Textbook for secondary students. ped. textbook establishments. - M., 1998.

3. Preschool pedagogy / ed. V. I. Yadeshko, F. A. Sokhina. - M.: Education, 1978. - 429 p.

4. Preschool education in Russia in documents and materials: Collection of current regulatory documents and scientific and methodological materials. - M., 2001.

5. History of preschool pedagogy / M. F. Shabaeva, V. A. Rotenberg, I. V. Chuvashev / ed. L. N. Litvina. - M.: Education, 1989.

6. Kopylova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V. Regulatory and legal framework for the activities of a preschool educational institution. - M., 2004.

7. Krulekht, M. V. Expert assessments in education: textbook. aid for students fak. preschool education higher ped. textbook institutions / M. V. Krulekht, I. V. Telnyuk. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. - 112 p.

8. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. Guidelines and requirements for updating the content of preschool education: Methodological recommendations. - M., 1993.

9. Pozdnyak L.V. The Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow Pedagogical State University is 80 years old / L.V. Pozdnyak // Strategy of preschool education in the 19th century: problems and prospects: material. scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University (1921-2001). - M.: MPGU, 2001. - P. 3.

10. Approximate general education program education, training and development of children of early and preschool age / Ed. L.A. Paramonova. - M, 2004.

11. Programs of preschool educational institutions: Methodological recommendations for workers of preschool educational institutions / Comp. O.A. Solomennikova. - M, 2003.

12. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions: Textbook for students. ped. universities and colleges / Ed. T.I. Erofeeva. - M., 1999.

13. Falyushina L.I. Managing the quality of the educational process in a preschool educational institution: a manual for preschool educational institutions managers. - M., 2003.

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Due to the brevity of life, we do not have the luxury of wasting time on tasks that do not lead to new results.

L. D. Landau

Features of managing a preschool organization

in modern conditions.

The main goal of the development of education in Russia is to improve its quality, accessibility and efficiency. The domestic education system is an important factor in maintaining Russia’s place among the leading countries of the world, its international prestige as a country with a high level of culture, science, and education. The goal of modernization of education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system.

Preschool education and training is the first level of lifelong education, creating a developmental environment for the full formation of a competitive generation.

Turning preschool organizations towards the child, with his needs and individual development, is possible only with the implementation of new management principles and a high level of professionalism of its leaders.

Such requirements are imposed on a modern preschool organization that increasing the level of management becomes an objective necessity and an essential aspect of its further functioning and development.

Researchers consider a preschool organization as a complex socio-pedagogical system, therefore management should be systemic in nature.

A system is a set of elements that are in connections and relationships with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. The system has a number of characteristics and presupposes differentiation and integrity of interconnected components that have a special connection with the environment and are part of a higher order system.

A systemic vision of reality, notes T.M. Davydenko, this is a special cognitive management technology that focuses on studying management process as systems of functions. The level of system integrity draws special attention to T.I. Shamov, will depend on the completeness of the set of elements, the relationship between them, the presence of goals for all elements and their connection with the goal of the system.

The purpose of the preschool organizationas an educational system– create conditions for the full harmonious development, education and training of each child at the level of his individual capabilities. A preschool organization is part of the society in its microdistrict, it is connected with it, experiences its influence and itself influences it.

The head of a preschool organization must be able to see:

Connections between parts of the system, be able to characterize them as: internal and external, general and particular, direct and inverse, direct and indirect, permanent and temporary, essential and insignificant, deep and superficial, dominant and non-dominant;

Be able to consider a preschool organization as a system and see all the richness of connections between parts;

Be able to select those connections that would allow you to achieve your goal with a minimum number of connections.

There are driving forces of the system, sources of its development. These include objective contradictions between parts of the system (tasks, content, forms, methods), as well as between the connections that exist between them, between different structures of the system; process dynamics; structure optimization.

Thus, we see that a preschool organization is a multi-layered systemic education, each component of which needs to be managed and the construction of an optimally functioning control system.

What are the basics of building a management system in a preschool organization? In management literature, the concept of “management” is interpreted from three positions: 1. Management is considered as a purposeful activity of all subjects aimed at ensuring the formation, stabilization, optimal functioning and mandatory development of a preschool organization.

Such definitions, as noted by T.I. Shamova and T.M. Davydenko, are important from the point of view of identifying management as one of the types of social activity that has as its goal obtaining a certain result.

Researchers identify the main goals of management activities.

The first goal is the formation, creation of managed and control systems (creation of an optimal, holistic, original author's pedagogical system for specific circumstances and conditions).

The second goal is to maintain all the properties of the system, its ordering and stabilization.

The third goal is to ensure optimal functioning of the system.

The fourth goal is the development of the system, its transfer from the existing one to a new, qualitatively higher state.

Second position. Researchers view management as the “impact” of one system on another, one person on another.

Third position. Management is the interaction of subjects. This understanding of interaction presupposes the mutual change of managers and managed, and the process of interaction itself as a change in its states, which corresponds to real management practice.

The properties of management include: purposefulness, openness, awareness, systematicity, cyclicality, a combination of science and art.

The essence of management, as noted by many authors (V.S. Lazarev, M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova), is expressed through its functions, which define the range of activities, its content, types, purpose and role.

Currently, a number of scientists believe that the composition and sequence of functions that make up the control process are the same for all self-governing systems.

N.V. Kuzmina defines management as a set of five functions:

Design, which involves formulating goals and objectives, changing various plans and objectives;

Constructive – the essence of which is to model various situations;

Organizational, in which the manager’s executive activities are carried out;

Communicative – aimed at building the necessary relationships and connections between management subjects.

Management activity can also be considered as a process. Management as a process, notes V.Ya. Yakunin, represents a sequence of stages, states, stages of development, a set of actions of a leader to achieve a goal. He identifies the following management functions:

collection of information;



organization of execution;

∙ communication;

∙ control;

∙ correction.

There are different points of view on the functional composition of management, so it is advisable to have each approach to determining the functional composition. The functional approach to management allows practitioners to holistically represent their activities in the form of a management cycle.

Situational approach to management – ​​its basis is a specific situation, so the manager must be able to correctly interpret the situation; anticipate the likely consequences of using specific methods; be able to link specific methods to specific situations.

The optimization approach to management is to achieve the maximum possible final results with a rational expenditure of time on management activities.

The main approaches to control optimization are reflected in the works of researchers V.P. Simonova, R.L. Krichevsky, T.I. Shamova. They give specific advice to the manager:

1. Definition of a methodological approach to solving problems (vision of the model, systematicity, specificity, measure)

2. Optimal approach. It performs diagnostic, explanatory, constructive, dynamic, methodological, heuristic, and prognostic functions.

Principles of the methodological approach:

Systematicity (optimality, harmony, integrity);

Specificity (the head takes into account the traditions of the preschool educational institution, its contingent, the characteristics of the teaching staff);

Measures (saving time, increasing effect).

Optimization is the selection of the best option from the possible ones, the one that most corresponds to certain conditions and tasks.

To optimize the management of a preschool organization means to choose or design a system of measures that, when applied, in the conditions of a particular educational institution, transforms the structure and management process in such a way that not just any, but better than before, maximum possible final results are achieved.

In modern conditions, the role of scientific management of a preschool organization has increased. This is due to the development of variability in the content of preschool education; with extension scientific knowledge in the field of upbringing, teaching children and managing these processes; with the inclusion of preschool in the system of continuous education; with increasing requirements for the level of qualifications of teaching staff; with the strengthening of the role of the subjective factor in the preschool education system.

Without targeted and scientifically based management today it is impossible to provide favorable conditions for creative activity preschool organization team.

Scientists believe that managing scientifically means identifying patterns, progressive trends in the pedagogical process and planning it in accordance with these trends and taking into account objective possibilities.

Management of a preschool organization is understood as purposeful activity that ensures consistency in the work of the teaching staff; scientifically based impact on educators, service personnel, children, parents and the public in order to optimally solve the problems of raising and educating preschool children.

Knowledge about the features of socio-pedagogical systems and their patterns makes it possible to ensure the successful management of a preschool organization in modern conditions.


1. Rozanova V. Psychology of management. M., 1996.

2. Pozdnyak L.V. Management of a preschool educational institution

As a socio-pedagogical system. Preschool management

An educational institution. Zh. 2006, No. 4. P.8-14.

3. Kolodyazhnaya T.P. Management of modern preschool educational

Institution. Part 1. M., 2002.

4. Kolodyazhnaya T.P. Management of modern preschool educational

Institution. Part 2. M., 2003.

Now we move from the essence of management as a process to the essence of management activities in a preschool educational institution. Let us consider in detail the activities of management.

As S.A. Ezopova notes, management is increasingly viewed as a nonlinear interactive multifunctional activity of participants social process, equally interested in both obtaining high results from the organization’s work and in preserving and developing the people participating in this process, their relationships and unique subjectivity. Modern researchers define management as follows:

specialized activities aimed at streamlining relationships between people in the process of their joint work and achieving goals (A.V. Tikhonov);

activities to coordinate complex hierarchical relationships between the manager and the managed (V.Yu. Tikhonov);

active interaction between the heads of the educational institution and other participants in the educational process to streamline it and transfer it to a new qualitative state that is more consistent with the fulfillment of the assigned tasks (T.I. Shamova).

What is common in various definitions is that management is an activity to achieve certain goals, which is based on the interaction of people and the coordination of their actions.

Activity is a specific human form of relationship to the surrounding world, the content of which is its purposeful change and transformation in the interests of people. It has its own structure: motive - goal - object - action - result.

A.F. Pelenev gives the following definition of activity:

Activity- this is an active interaction with the realities of the world, during which a person acts as a subject purposefully interacting with an object and thereby satisfying his needs.

The subject here is the head, the object, as mentioned above, is the entire system of life activity of a preschool educational institution (the educational process, interpersonal relationships of all its participants, advanced training of teachers, creation of the necessary material and technical conditions). The “realities of the world,” most likely, will be the state of affairs in the functioning of a preschool educational institution, knowledge about which was obtained by the head during the collection of information (observations, control, analysis). As for satisfying his needs, the manager really satisfies his material, social, and professional needs. How significant the professional needs are depends on the educational and professional level leader. L.V. Pozdnyak and L.M. Volobueva note that the current state of preschool education calls for the need to transfer the management of a preschool educational institution to a new paradigm, constituting a “managerial philosophy”, which is based on a motivational-systemic approach and personality-oriented goals for its implementation. The priority in it is the focus on the person and his needs, the creation of conditions that ensure the comprehensive development of the personality of each child and teacher, the motivation of collective and individual activities of all participants in the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

The main directions of work of the head (head) of a preschool educational institution are determined by four components of management activity (according to Kuzmin):


constructive and design;



The organizational component is both administrative activity and organizational activity itself.

The administrative activities of the modern head of a preschool educational institution must provide material, organizational, legal and socio-psychological conditions for the functioning of the kindergarten, and in accordance with current regulations and the Charter of the preschool educational institution.

To implement this component of the activity, using his powers, the manager:

together with employees, develops and implements personnel policies, i.e. staffs, selects, places, moves personnel, prepares their certification;

establishes, in accordance with the labor law of the Russian Federation, internal regulations and qualification requirements, the range of responsibilities of employees;

ensures compliance with the labor law, internal labor regulations, job descriptions, sanitary and hygienic regime, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, labor protection and safety regulations;

organizes the promotion of pedagogical knowledge among parents, manages the work of the parent committee;

acts on behalf of the preschool educational institution, representing it in all organizations and institutions, is the manager of loans and property of the preschool educational institution, resolves issues regarding the creation and liquidation of divisions and various services under it;

issues orders within the competence of the preschool educational institution, gives instructions that are mandatory for execution by all employees of his preschool educational institution;

reports on the work of the kindergarten to the staff and authorities (RUO).

All this work of the manager in this direction should ensure the creation of conditions necessary for joint activities, for purposeful and coordinated actions of subordinates to establish a normal educational process, establish normal relationships in the team, a favorable moral and psychological climate, proper labor discipline, and a creative atmosphere. The manager is a spokesman for the interests of the team of employees, a defender of the rights of each child, i.e. All organizational and administrative activities are directly aimed at ensuring the comprehensive development of the personality of each child.

The actual organizational activity of the head is the ability to find various types of interaction between employees of a preschool educational institution so that the results of their joint activities correspond to the goals and objectives facing the preschool institution, notes L.V. Pozdnyak. The director, focusing on the social order and the implementation of the functions of a preschool educational institution, together with the teaching staff, selects programs for working with children, controls the work of teachers and medical staff in their implementation, and organizes advanced training for teachers.

The constructive and design component in the work of the head of a preschool educational institution includes an analysis of the state of functioning of the kindergarten, which is preceded by the collection of information, planning of the organizational and pedagogical activities of the entire team, planning of the manager’s own activities, drawing up estimates, tariff lists and other financial planning documents, distribution of work in time and between team members, taking into account experience, skill level and interpersonal relationships employees. This includes the work of the manager in self-education, developing a leadership style and planning educational influences on the team.

The communicative component in the activities of the head of a preschool educational institution involves the establishment of correct relationships between employees in the team, taking into account their individual and age characteristics (character, type of temperament, work experience, style of teaching, communication). It is worth noting that the manager herself must correlate her activities with the requirements that are presented to the manager (reflection is a very necessary quality for a manager).

The Gnostic component includes the study of the content and methods of influencing other people, taking into account their individual characteristics, various styles management activities, communication, features of the educational process and the results of one’s own activities, its advantages and disadvantages, study of literature on management, on management theory. Based on this, work on adjusting and improving the individual style of activity.

So, the modern head of a preschool educational institution:

defines goals;

forms the organizational structure;

carries out distribution function;

manages financial resources;

makes management decisions;

selects personnel;

controls the execution of management decisions, orders, instructions.

Like any activity, management activity in a preschool educational institution has its own goal, methods, means and end result.

V.Yu. Krichevsky emphasizes that management goal consists in coordinating subject-subject relations and actions of participants in the management process, ensuring the achievement of the organization’s performance results.

With this definition of the goal, the managerial activity of the leader is to establish agreement in the institution, create an atmosphere of cooperation as the key to successful activity and achieving quality results.

The goal of management activities in preschool educational institutions is to ensure the optimal functioning of all systems, high efficiency of the educational process with the least expenditure of time and effort.

This is a complex process consisting of the correct choice of goals and objectives, study and in-depth analysis of the available level of educational work, a system of rational planning; identifying and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience and using the achievements of pedagogical science in preparing teachers to work with children; implementation of organic unity in the upbringing and teaching of children in the classroom and in Everyday life; effective control and verification of the implementation of decisions.

When the purpose of management is indicated, it is necessary to clarify its subject. In various approaches to management, the subject is a person, or a management process, or information, or the relationship of management subjects. According to V.Yu. Krichevsky, the subject of management is complex hierarchical relationships between management subjects. Such an understanding of the subject, on the one hand, removes a certain impersonality from management (which happens when information is considered as a subject), and on the other hand, management activity does not turn into manipulation of people (when the subject of management is a person). Thus, this subject allows you to build an algorithm for management activities in the following form: “person - information - relationships - person”.

The next component of management activities in preschool educational institutions is content, i.e. actions, operations, thanks to which the subject of control and a certain result are transformed.

In modern theory, there are still no unified approaches to determining the content of a manager’s activity, but three approaches can be traced - functional, substantive, and integrative.

The functional approach assumes that the management process is the performance by the subject of an activity of a number of sequential operations.

Proponents of this approach (V.G. Afanasyev, A.I. Kitov, B.F. Lomov, M. Meskon, G.H. Popov, A.M. Omarov, P.I. Tretyakov, etc.) emphasize the interdependence of functions management and the focus of their consistent implementation to achieve management goals.

More details about management functions as a type of activity will be described below. It should be noted here that when defining the content of management from the perspective of a functional approach, one may encounter a number of difficulties.

These difficulties lie in the fact that the endless fragmentation of the management process (in some classifications up to 15-20 management functions are distinguished) does not provide a holistic perception of the management process, and exaggeration of the importance of a particular function for achieving the results of management activities leads to a distorted perception.

The substantive approach is based on the classification of the main areas of activity of the manager (objects of management). The content of the manager’s activities can be structured in the following areas: technical (production management), personnel (institutional personnel management), financial (financial resource management), legal (legal support management), etc., depending on the specifics of the institution’s activities. M.I. Kondakov identified the following areas in the activities of a school leader from the perspective of a substantive approach: political, pedagogical, administrative and economic. This approach is also implemented in structuring the management process in preschool educational institutions. So, S.V. Savinova in her research defines the main areas of activity of the head of a preschool educational institution as: protecting and promoting the health of children, staffing, methodological support for the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution, information and logistical support.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to clearly define the specifics of the institution.

An integrative approach is a combination of functional and substantive approaches. This approach allows us to consider the activities of a manager multidimensionally, revealing its diversity and complexity. A. Fapol first tried to apply this method at the beginning of the 20th century. He outlined the main substantive directions (operations) of the manager’s activities and the management functions that ensure their implementation.

The integrative approach is revealed in the description of the managerial activities of the head in the education system E.P. Tonkonogovoi, V.Yu. Krichevsky (1977), A.K. Bondarenko, L.V. Pozdnyak, V.I. Shkatulla (1980), V.I. Bondarem (1987), Yu.V. Vasiliev (1990), T.I. Shamova (1991), M.M. Potashnik (1991).

Considering the activities of the head of a preschool educational institution, A.K. Bondarenko and co-authors highlight the areas of activity of the head of a preschool educational institution (ideological and political, methodological, administrative and economic, work with parents and the public) and designate the procedural functions (stages) of management: decision-making and planning, organization, regulation and control.

Method (from the Greek methodos - path of research, theory, teaching) - a way to achieve a goal; a set of certain rules and techniques.

Each manager in a preschool educational institution uses certain methods in his management activities.

Management methods are ways of implementing goals and principles in the process of interaction between the control and managed systems. The methods perform different functions, for example, stimulating. The manager must be able to create a work spirit that would facilitate the work of each team member with full dedication.

In studies (V.I. Zvereva, K.A. Nefedova, V.S. Pikelnaya, T.I. Shamova), methods of managing an educational institution are divided depending on the nature of the relationships that determine the essence and level of interrelation between the managed and control systems. There are five groups of methods: administrative, organizational, legal regulation, economic, psychological.

In the group of organizational methods, three independent groups are distinguished: organizational-stabilizing methods, methods of administrative influence, methods of disciplinary influence.

A system of various methods, their various combinations, and their complex application is one of the elements of the control mechanism.

Management methods organize, mobilize, coordinate and coordinate the actions of the team. The task of the leader is to include each teacher in active activities.

Having considered the principles, purpose, subject and content of the managerial activities of the head of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to determine its result.

As a result of managing any organization or institution, it is legitimate to consider profit, the desire of employees to work, their loyalty, the quality of management decisions made, and consumer satisfaction with the results of the work (of the organization or institution).

However, as noted by S.A. Ezopov, when defining the subject of management activity - the relationships of participants in the management process, it is advisable to designate as its key result - the consistency of these relationships. It is this result that will lead to the creation of a favorable socio-psychological microclimate in the preschool educational institution; to the development of the team, its cohesion, organization; to effective communication both within the preschool educational institution and with its environment; to the successful coordination of the activities of teachers and other employees in achieving goals.

Management activities in a preschool educational institution must be considered as a communication activity, as a purposeful interaction between the leader and all participants in the educational process to streamline it and transfer it to a new qualitative state.

Democratization of management in a preschool educational institution, as a method, involves:

pedagogical cooperation at all levels of management in kindergarten;

creating a team of like-minded people;

delegation of powers by the manager to subordinates, reserving the functions of the main coordinator;

issuing a task in the form of an idea (without excessive detail);

providing subordinates with the opportunity to prove themselves, etc.

The effectiveness of management activities in a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the compliance of the individual traits of the leader with the social roles and functions that he is called upon to perform. It is also necessary to include such important means of successful management activities as professional ethics and management style (communication style).

Ethics is, as we know, a set of principles of behavior. Spreading this definition on the activities of the head of a preschool educational institution, it can be argued that professional ethics is a set of principles of behavior in the process of communicating with one’s colleagues and subordinates, or, more precisely, in the process of managing a preschool educational institution.

One of the indicators that determines the degree of professionalism of the head of a preschool educational institution is the style of his management activities.

Some researchers believe that the management style includes features of methods and techniques of working with the entire team and its individual members, features of the behavior of the leader himself, and the organization of his activities. At the same time, R.Kh. Shakurov emphasizes that the personality traits of a leader should be considered in their unity with style, although there are significant differences between them. The main thing is that “qualities are only individual facets of a personality, while style is a characteristic of activity, acts as a synthetic expression of the entire personality, its qualities, knowledge, skills. Thus, the style of management activity is manifested through a system of the most characteristic and stable traits (qualities) of behavior of the head of a preschool educational institution.

The management style of the head of a preschool educational institution greatly influences the creation of a psychological microclimate in the team. One can endlessly list the qualities that distinguish good leader from “just” a leader. Performing his functions (organizational, planning, expert, arbitration, innovative, controlling, buffer, etc.), the head of a preschool educational institution realizes his personal qualities through the style of management activities, and it is in this (style) that his relationship with employees and subordinates.

We can talk about several styles of management activities.

K. Levin identifies three management styles:



Blake, Mouton a few more:

task orientation,


people- and task-oriented;

administration protégé;

conformist style;


As noted by R.H. Shakurov, in domestic and foreign social psychology there are various options for multi-parameter classifications of management style. Shakurov identifies five groups of personality traits necessary for such a classification.

The democratic style of management activities is most consistent with the performance of the functions of the head of a preschool educational institution. The leader provides an atmosphere in which each team member feels involved in solving the main tasks. The main business qualities of a leader of this style of activity (conditionally the first group) “consults with teachers, relying on their experience and knowledge”, listens to critical comments and suggestions”, “makes sure that his demands find support in the team”, “can admit his mistake , apologize." Business traits are complemented by the personality traits of the leader, which determine relationships in the team: objectivity, fairness towards subordinates, the ability to notice their achievements. Practice shows: where the head of a preschool educational institution properly evaluates the work of teachers, the kindergarten staff is more active in discussing current problems of preschool education, the life of the kindergarten, and is more likely to find mutual understanding with the administration.

The second group of properties that determine relationships in a team includes: “the sensitive human attitude of the leader towards teachers, i.e. what is called “respect for a person.”

The third group of traits of a humane and democratic leader combines those business qualities that characterize his personal pedagogical skills. This is the ability to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a teacher’s pedagogical activity, to advise, suggest, show; the ability to clearly set a task for each teacher and the entire team.

The fourth group of qualities also characterizes the business orientation and pedagogical skills of the leader. This includes creativity (creative attitude to work), interest in the achievements of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience, the ability to evaluate and adopt something new from other people’s experience for implementation in one’s preschool institution. It is this group of traits that determines the degree of innovation. A leader with such qualities is able to organize innovative activities in a preschool institution, create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation in a team, which is practically impossible with an authoritarian style of management.

The fifth group of qualities or the emotional-volitional aspect of communication between a leader and subordinates is demandingness, the ability to control the implementation of tasks and management decisions, confidence, and determination when necessary.

All these groups of qualities are interconnected, but in the management activities of each leader they are refracted through the properties of his temperament, individual characteristics character.

Authoritarian style management activities. Its signs: the leader makes decisions himself, sets tasks and controls their implementation; For instructions and tasks, he mainly uses directive form. Orders and prohibitions sound laconic and sometimes threatening. He shows disrespect for people, indifference to their needs and interests. Moreover, these are not episodic signs of a leader’s activity, but constant ones.

of a rigid nature, which are used constantly. This style of management is incompatible with the principles of humanism, although the directive method of instruction is not a feature of the authoritarian style only. Sometimes such a method may turn out to be an appropriate, disciplinary means within the framework of a democratic style, occasionally and under certain circumstances.

A.F. Pelenev, as a result of his research, identified the main signs of the influence of authoritarian and democratic heads of educational institutions on subordinates.

Table. The main signs of the influence of authoritarian and democratic heads of educational institutions on subordinates


Leadership Focus

Maintaining discipline and order, understood as strict adherence to management requirements

Creating favorable conditions for the productive activities of the institution’s staff and each teacher

Separation of powers in the organization

Autonomy, concentration of all power in the hands of the director, subordinates only fulfill his demands

Possession by all employees and collegial bodies of power sufficient to independently perform their functions

Use of administrative power

Monitoring the fulfillment of the requirements by subordinates. Imposition of penalties for non-fulfillment

Organization of joint activities of teachers. Delegation of power to subordinates for the development of self-government

Leading methods of influencing subordinates

Orders, instructions. Criticism at teacher councils, meetings, weekly planning meetings

Convincing the business need to meet requirements. Encouraging success, supporting teacher initiative and independence

Preferred forms of business interaction with subordinates

Official, general collective: weekly planning meetings, teachers' councils, meetings with the director

Individual and group: discussion of issues and coordination of actions in a working manner and in an informal setting

The nature of interpersonal relationships with subordinates

Demonstration of the superiority of the leader’s position in all positions, suppression of attempts to discuss one’s actions

Collaboration in solving complex problems of managing the activities of the team and individual teachers. Respect for the dignity of people

Advantages of style

Efficiency of decision making. Quickly restore order, strengthen executive discipline

Ensuring the development of a system of interpersonal relationships in the team, the formation of conscious discipline and cooperation

Style Disadvantages

Blocking team development. Unresolved strategic management problems. Manager overload

Low efficiency of decision-making, remoteness of results. Contradiction with the existing “traditional” management system

Necessary personality traits of a leader

Developed will and strength of character, high performance and self-esteem

High pedagogical and managerial qualifications, moral and communicative culture

Liberal style and close to him laissez faire style management activities is that the manager tries to interfere as little as possible with the socio-psychological processes in the team of the preschool educational institution. In this way, he supposedly creates conditions for employees to exercise independence. Research shows that a leader with liberal style activities does not require subordinates to take responsibility for failure to complete tasks and lets the work take its course. He tries to avoid performing the organizational, expert, buffer functions of management activities; he prefers to work in an office. Under such conditions, the psychological climate and the level of the educational process depend on the culture, professionalism and responsibility of the team members.

This is how three traditional management styles are characterized, but in practice, most often we are dealing with the so-called mixed management style. And this is understandable. After all, becoming a leader is a rather complex process.

What influences the formation of the management style of the head of a preschool educational institution? What determines his leadership style?

Research has shown that the formation of a manager’s management style is influenced by:

Properties nervous system and temperament. If we take the components of management activity according to Kuzmin (gnostic, communicative, organizational, constructive-oriented), then a pronounced choleric person has an organizational component, he becomes an enthusiastic leader and this affects the style of his management activity. A melancholic person has a constructive and communicative component; phlegmatic is constructive and organizational, but somewhat inert; sanguine - organizational and communicative.

Accentuation of character.

Dominant motives of behavior, worldview, value orientation (to oneself, to a task, to other people, etc.). The motives of a positive attitude towards a person, acceptance by the group, and the need for self-realization have a positive influence on the formation of the management style of the head of a preschool educational institution.

Intelligence. If a leader’s creative thinking prevails, he produces a fountain of ideas and approaches many issues creatively.

Situational component. Situations are different. This includes emotional state, well-being and much more.

The effectiveness of management activities in a preschool educational institution is largely determined by the compliance of the individual traits of the leader with the social roles and functions that he is called upon to perform.

L.V. Pozdnyak, L.M. Volobueva give an overview of publications on management theory, which highlight the social roles and functions inherent in the head of a preschool educational institution.

I. Ansoff, G. Kunz, S. O'Donnell and others identify four social roles of a leader: leader, administrator, planner, entrepreneur.

The role of a leader is seen as the ability to be an informal leader with high authority and the ability to influence other people. The head of a preschool educational institution in his management activities must be not only a manager, capable of basically optimizing the existing situation, but also a leader, capable of making decisions about significant changes, being a strategist, a person with ideas. According to the classification of other authors, the roles of a thinker, staff worker, and organizer are similar to the role of a leader.

Administrator role. In this role, the head of the preschool educational institution, through his activities, ensures the functioning of the preschool institution in accordance with current regulations, develops and implements personnel policies, the Charter, controls the educational process, implementation of the educational program, unites the team and much more. (According to another classification: personnel officer, organizer, diplomat, controller).

The role of the planner. In this role, the activities of the management of the head of a preschool educational institution are aimed at the development strategy of the preschool institution, at developing a concept and development program, at creating plans for organizing the activities of the team for the short and long term (improving the educational process, advanced training, etc.). the planner has an analytical mind, is methodical in his work, and is focused on the future (innovator, educator).

The manager plays the role of an entrepreneur in his activities by being an experimenter who finds new types of activities and non-standard solutions. He is ready to take risks and is capable of making decisive changes in a preschool educational institution. A reformer is essentially aimed at success, stubborn, persistent.

The social roles of the leader are detailed and manifested in his specific functions.

In the literature, there are various classifications of managerial functions. V. Pugachev, based on the developments of E.P. Hollander, P. Schetgen, I. Heintze and others highlight the functions of a leader that are inherent in the head of a preschool educational institution. These include:

assessment of the situation, development, justification (finding out how realistic, understandable and controllable the goals are) and setting goals;

identifying and preparing activities to achieve goals;

coordinating the activities of employees in accordance with common goals;

control of personnel and compliance of the results of their activities with general objectives;

organization of employee activities, i.e. use of existing and creation of new organizational structures to manage personnel and their activities;

informing employees;

interactive, contact interaction (communication) - business conversation to obtain information, advice, assistance, etc.;

formation of a system of employee incentives and their motivation;

delegation of tasks, competence, responsibility;

conflict prevention and resolution;

distribution of values ​​and norms specific to a preschool educational institution;

caring for subordinates and ensuring their loyalty;

forming a cohesive team and maintaining its capacity;

reducing the feeling of uncertainty in the actions of personnel and ensuring organizational stability.

The head of a modern preschool educational institution in his management activities must not only put forward ideas, but also constantly strive for their implementation, believe in success and achieve results, leaving the focus of his activities on the person (child or adult), focusing on respect and trust in people.

Thus, the essence of the activity of managing a preschool educational institution is expressed through its functions, its content, types (styles), purpose and role. She is characterized by such essential features as purposefulness, planning, and systematicity. Like any activity, preschool management has all its components. It has motives, purpose, subject, action (content) and result.