Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Recreational activities at school scenarios. What interesting activities can be held at school

Recreational activities at school scenarios. What interesting activities can be held at school


Smarties and smarties

Cognitive and entertaining event for younger students


social educator

Amelina G.P.

GBU SO SRC "Nadezhda"


Target: to form the ability to use knowledge in a non-standard situation, to increase learning motivation;

Tasks :

  1. develop cognitive interests;
  2. to form a comradely benevolent attitude towards team members and rivals, to teach tolerance;
  3. develop a sense of empathy for the results of work,develop a sense of humor, speed of reaction.

Host: Dear children!

The first quarter is over. I hope you have learned a lot during this time, unless, of course, you were lazy and did not sleep in class.

You go to school to acquire knowledge. It's your main work just like your moms and dads. Only your parents earn money, and you

while accumulating a store of knowledge. And your future life largely depends on what this baggage will be like.

I wish you success and congratulations on the upcoming holidays!

And now I invite you to compete and complete tasks.

I hope you enjoy working on them.

Let the guys divide into 2 teams to complete the tasks: "Clever" and "Clever". Teams, take your seats.

The competition will be judged by a jury.

All tasks, as you understand, are designed for ingenuity and ingenuity, so let's warm up a little, do exercises for the mind.

Warm up. "Yes or no?"

There are 7 colors in the rainbow.(Yes.)

Humans have 10 fingers.(No, 20.)

Fish lay eggs.(No, caviar.)

A small horse is called a calf.(No, a foal.)

Fly agaric is a poisonous mushroom.(Yes.)

Birds fly south in autumn.(Yes.)

The polar bear lives in the forest.(No, at the North Pole.)

Raisins are made from grapes.(Yes.)

The water in the Black Sea is black, and in the Red Sea it is red.(No.)

A tomato is the same as a tomato.(Yes.)

There are 10 months in a year.(No, 12.)

The trolleybus does not need gasoline.(Yes.)

Competition I. Mathematics.

Let everyone know
Who is the best at calculating?
I have to read the puzzles
You have to think and count!

Joke tasks.

1. An old woman was walking to Moscow, and three old men were meeting her. How many people went to Moscow? (1 old woman).

2. 9 cars were driving along the road. One car stopped. How many cars are on the road?(9)

3 . Autumn has come. Masha brought 5 snowdrops from the forest. She gave three flowers to her mother, one to her grandmother, and kept the rest for herself. How many snowdrops did Masha leave for herself?(There are no snowdrops in autumn.)

4. Sharik from Prostokvashino went hunting. He fired four shots from a photogun. How many animals did Sharik shoot?(Photoguns don't kill.)

5 . Standing on two legs, the poodle weighs 6 kg. How much will he weigh if he gets up on all fours?(6 kg.) -

6. There was an apple on the table. It was cut into 4 pieces. How many apples are
on the table?

Brought by mother goose

Six children to walk in the meadow.

All goslings are like balls.

Three son, how many daughters? 3)

There are 7 plums on a plate,

Their appearance is very beautiful.

Ate 4 plums Pavel

How many plums did the boy leave? 3 )

Two big jackdaws

Went home from fishing.

Each one in a bag

Five carried large herrings.

How many herring jackdaws

Brought back from fishing?(10)

Two nimble piglets

They are so cold and shivering.

Count and say:

How many boots to buy them? ( 8 )

Collect the figure

Each team needs to assemble a person from geometric shapes Whoever completes it the fastest wins.

Captains competition
Guess the words written in rebuses (4 points for guessing the rebus).

K O 100 P K A

S V I 100 K

Competition II. Russian language.

1. "Polubukovka"

The letters were broken, leaving only pieces. What were those letters?

Add them. (Answer: A, N, I, D, L)

2. "Funny misunderstandings."

Presenter: Listen to the verses and find the mistakes in them.

At the top of the tower they scream day and night doctors.

And what are they shouting about, you ask doctors

They say that one fisherman caught a shoe in the river,

But then he got hooked house.

3. "Dictionary words"

Presenter: the letters have scattered, you need to collect them and name dictionary words.

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Rukic dashkaran


1 . How are the names and surnames of people, nicknames of animals written?

2. What letter is the first word in a sentence?

3. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

4. How many vowels are there in Russian?

5. How to find out how many syllables are in a word?

6. How should a word be transferred?

7. How are the combinations ZhI, SHI written?

8. How are the combinations CHA, SCHA spelled?

9. Words that designate objects and answer questions: who? What? are called ... (nouns).

10. Words that designate a sign of an object and answer the questions: Which one? Which? Which? Which? (adjectives)

5. "Verbal shootout".

Who will name the most words with the letter "D".

6. "Guess, make no mistake!"

Quickly answer the question: “Who is this? What is this?"

Green, oblong, juicy- ... (cucumber).

Small, gray, shy- ... (mouse).

Branchy, green, prickly ... (spruce).

Interesting, new, library- ... (book).

White-trunked, tall, slender... (birch).

yellow, red, autumn- ... (leaves)

Cold, white, fluffy- ... (snow).

Red, ripe, sweet- ... (apple).

Fan Contest "Riddles"
Solve riddles about the school.

I'm in my school bag
I'll tell you how you learn. (Diary)

On one leg
Turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans. (Globe)

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles. (Compass)

The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board. (Chalk)

The house is worth
Who will enter it
That mind will gain. (School)

The wise men settled
In glazed palaces
In silence alone
Reveal secrets to me. (Books)

Competition III. natural history

1. The game "Running, jumping, flying"

Guys, now you have to demonstrate your knowledge of natural history. I propose to play the game "Run, jump, fly."

The host calls the animal and throws the ball to the child. The child answers how this animal moves.

sparrow flies

frog jumping

The snake is crawling

cow walking

hare jumping

The tit flies

already crawling

dog running

2. "Phraseologisms"

Presenter: Guys! And now let's remember phraseological units or "winged" expressions about animals and answerwhat animals are they talking about?
hungry like...
stubborn as ... donkey
prickly like ... a hedgehog
crafty as...
inflated like ... a turkey
healthy as ... a bull
(wolf, donkey, hedgehog, already, turkey, bull)

3. "Paws and tails"

Guess the animal by its paws and tail.

4. "Name the baby"

Presenter: - You need to determine the name of the baby animal

A dog is a puppy, a goat is a goat,

cat - kitten, goose - gosling,

cow - calf, duck - duckling,

horse - foal, turkey - turkey,

pig, - piglet, chicken - chicken,

a sheep is a lamb, a rabbit is a rabbit.

5. "Recognize and name"

Presenter: And the task is this: to identify animals by their voices.

  1. Competition "Guess who lives where"

Presenter: name who lives where.

The bird is in the nest

Squirrel - in the hollow,

The bear is in the den

A snail is in a house - a shell, which he wears on himself,

Ant in an anthill

The fish is in the pond.

fan competitionIs this what nature lovers do?

- They destroy bird nests.(No.)

- Destroy inedible mushrooms.(No.)

- Hang out birdhouses and feeders.(Yes.)

- Tearing flowers in bunches.(No.)

Planting trees. (Yes.)

- Protect springs.(Yes.)

They set traps. (No.)

- Collect birch sap.(No.)

- Breaking tree branches.(No.)

- Ants destroy.(No.)

- Flowers are planted in flower beds and balconies.(Yes.)

Litter in the forest. (No.)

- Burning last year's grass.(No.)

- Participate in the cleanup of waste from water bodies.(Yes)

Competition IV. Literary reading.

1. Quiz . You have to listen to an excerpt and say what work it is from.

  1. “Alyonushka burst into tears, sat down under the stack - she cries, and the little goat jumps near her.”(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.”)

2. “An old man lived with his old woman

By the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years ... "(A. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.")

3. “The fox carries me For the dark forests,

For fast rivers

For high mountains! .. "(Cockerel - golden comb.)

4. “The donkey is walking - screaming like a donkey, the dog is walking - barking like a dog, the cat is walking - meowing like a cat, the rooster is walking - crowing.” (Br. Grimm. The Bremen Town Musicians.)

5. “- Here's what, sons, take an arrow, go out into the open field and shoot: where the arrows fall, there is your fate”

("Princess Frog".)

  1. "Catch, fish, and small and large, Catch, fish, and small and large."("The Fox and the Wolf"

2. "Fabulous animals"

Presenter: what are the names of these fabulous animals
1. Poodle Malvina. (Artemon)
2. Who did Emelya catch? (Pike)
3. Dog of Uncle Fedor. (…?)
4. The dog that helped grandfather and grandmother to harvest. (Bug)
5. A cat from the village of Prostokvashino. (Matroskin?)
6. The fly that gave everyone tea to drink. (Tsokotuha)
7. Turtle from the fairy tale "Golden Key". (Tartila)
8. Who broke the golden egg? (Hen Ryaba)

3. Riddles.

Mixed with sour cream

It's cold on the window

Round side, ruddy side,

Rolled ... (kolobok).

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name own.

Well, tell me her name!(Little Red Riding Hood.)

The nose is round, patchy,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?(Three piglets.)

Heals young children

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit.)

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all.(Carlson.)

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?(Three Bears.)

My father had a strange boy

Unusual wooden.

But the father loved his son.

What a strange wooden man

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key?

It has a long nose everywhere.

Who is this? ... (Pinocchio.)

She is beautiful and sweet

Ash gave her name.(Cinderella.)

Together with Carlson

Jumped from rooftops

Our naughty ... (Baby.)

Presenter: while the jury is summing up

fan competition"A little confused."

Get to know the hero of the story.

Red Scarf.(Little Red Riding Hood.)

Idiot. (Dunno.)

Cross-Pooh. (Winnie the Pooh.)


Rylchik. (Piglet.)

Telnyashkin. (Matroskin.)

Skeleton Eternal. (Koschei the Deathless.)

Kruglyashok. (Kolobok.)

Beloldinka. (Snow White.)

Cheburek. (Cheburashka.)

Summarizing. Nomination awards:

"The cleverest"
"Most friendly"

Presenter: Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition

Ensuring success.

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short:

We say goodbye

Until happy new meetings!

The strongest link

extracurricular activity

For primary school subjects

Teacher primary school

Higher qualification

Goals: improve knowledge in primary school subjects, develop memory, logical thinking, ingenuity, attentiveness, to cultivate a culture of behavior during extracurricular activities.

Equipment: presentation for the last round, alarm clock or timer, soundtracks of songs.

Event progress

Introduction by the teacher.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests!

Today we decided to play a game similar to the one on television called "The Weakest Link" but called it differently.

The order and conditions of the game:

The game is attended by students of grade 4, in the amount of 7 people. The topics of the rounds were chosen based on the subjects taught in primary school.

The game consists of 6 rounds;

In each of the rounds, the player who made the most mistakes is selected. If, as a result of one of the rounds, there are participants with the same number of incorrect answers, then they are asked additional questions until one of them answers incorrectly, and he leaves. Thus, in each of the rounds, one player is eliminated, and as a result, one winner remains.

If the participant does not know the answer, he says “pass”, thus the question is asked to the next player.

Round duration:

1-2 rounds - 5 minutes, 3-4 rounds - 4 minutes, 5-6 rounds - 3 minutes each.

1 round.


  1. What is the name of the first day of the week?
  2. How much is 3 x 7?
  3. What is the name of a figure in which all 4 sides are equal? (square)
  4. What is 0 x 35?
  5. What is the name of a triangle in which all sides are different?
  6. 1 kg butter costs 80 rubles. How much does 2 kg of oil cost?
  7. How much is 72:9?
  8. What is the name of the tenth month of the year?
  9. What is the sum of the lengths of the sides called in one word?
  10. How much will it be if 20 is multiplied by 3?
  11. How many mm in 1 cm?
  12. How many m in 1 km?
  13. How is the area of ​​a rectangle calculated?
  14. How many legs do three cows have? (12)
  15. How many legs do three roosters have? (6)
  16. What is the name of a mathematical operation whose components are a multiplier, multiplier, product?
  17. What is the number that follows the number 249.
  18. What is the name of a triangle in which all sides are equal?
  19. How much will 36x1 be?
  20. How much more is 15 than 3?
  21. How much will it be if 10 is multiplied by 3?
  22. How much will it be if 100 is doubled?
  23. How many times is 2 less than 20?
  24. How many hours are there in a day?
  25. Which month ends the year?
  26. What is the quotient of the numbers 50 and 25 (2)
  27. How many kilograms is 1 ton?
  28. What is 99:11?
  29. How many days in a week?
  30. How is called a figure in which there are 5 angles?
  31. How many grams in 1 kg?
  32. What is a single digit number called?
  33. What number precedes the number 280?
  34. How much is 42:7? (6)
  35. What century are we living in?
  36. How many years in one century? (100)
  37. How many minutes are in one hour? (60)
  38. How many centimeters are in 3 meters? (300)
  39. How many months in a year? (12)
  40. What is the name of a triangle that has a right angle?
  41. How many meters are in 4 kilometers?
  42. The length of two halves of a football match? (90 minutes)
  43. How much is 18 x 3?
  44. How many kilograms are in 1 centner?
  45. How many ends does a straight line have?
  46. What is a two digit number called?
  47. What is the name of a mathematical operation, the components of which are dividend, divisor, quotient?
  48. How many minutes are in 2 hours? (120)
  49. What is the name of the fourth day of the week?
  50. Which number is less: two digits or unambiguous?
  51. What is 150:5? (thirty)
  52. 4 eggs boiled in 4 minutes. How many minutes did it take to cook 1 egg?
  53. What is the sum of the numbers 250 and 250? (500)
  54. Should the remainder be greater than the divisor? (No)
  55. How much is 60 x 60?
  56. What is lighter than 2 kg of cotton wool or 2 kg of nails?
  57. How much will 23:0 be?
  58. Name the largest three-digit number. (999)
  59. What is larger than 6 dm or 60 cm? (=)
  60. What is the next number after 999? (1000)
  61. What is the number preceding the number 400? (399)
  62. What is the difference between the numbers 100 and 30? (70)

2 round.

The world.

  1. Will rabbits be born blind or sighted? (sighted)
  2. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (asleep).
  3. Does a chick breathe in an egg? (yes, through the pores of the shell).
  4. Where does the snow melt earlier - in the forest or in the city? (in the city)
  5. Which flower has masculine and female names? (ivan - yes - Marya)
  6. How many wings does a beetle have? (four: two pairs)
  7. Which month has 28 days? (in any)
  8. Which ocean is the largest? (Quiet)
  9. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (uphill)
  10. The biggest monkey? (Gorilla)
  11. The smallest ocean? (Arctic)
  12. What does the word "fauna" mean? ( Animal world)
  13. Sea predator? (shark)
  14. What goes without moving? (time)
  15. Where can you find dry stone? (in water)
  16. What grows upside down? (icicle)
  17. What kind of snow melts: clean or dirty? (filthy)
  18. What animal loves raspberries? (bear).
  19. Who has ears on their feet? (grasshopper)
  20. Which animal sleeps upside down all winter? ( bat)
  21. How do frogs and toads catch food? (Language.)
  22. Does a bear hibernate fat or skinny? (Tolstoy.)
  23. Is the frog a pet? (No.)
  24. Is it true that the buds on the trees open immediately after the leaf fall. (No.)
  25. Is it true that the wolf, fox, lynx are predators. (Yes.)
  26. Name the satellite of the earth. (Moon.)
  27. The closest star to us. (Sun.)
  28. What do frogs breathe underwater? (Skin.)
  29. What are these birds called: turkey, chicken, rooster? (home.)
  30. What is the name of the bird that flies to our area in the spring, when it is still cold, chilly. (Finch.)
  31. Who flies to us earlier - swifts or swallows? (swallows).
  32. What is the outer layer of an egg called? (Shell).
  33. Which bird's chicks do not know their mother? (Cuckoos).
  34. Which bird dives into the water and gets its food? (Dipper).
  35. Which bird is the smallest in the world and can fly backwards? (Hummingbird).
  36. Birds of prey: friend or foe of man? (Friends).
  37. Who is called the forest doctor? (woodpecker).
  38. Which bird has bird's milk? (at the dove).
  39. Which bird has two toes? (for an ostrich).
  40. Animals are covered with wool, and birds ... (feathers).
  41. Which bird is a symbol of peace and purity? (pigeon).
  42. What city is named after the bird? (eagle).
  43. Name the European capital that the geese saved? (Rome).
  44. What do birds fear cold or hunger? (hunger).
  45. What animal's footprint is similar to a human's? (bear).
  46. What does a toad eat? (does not eat - she sleeps).
  47. Natural resources located in the depths of the earth, which man uses in national economy? (fossils).
  48. What is the substance found on earth in 3 states? (water).
  49. What is the name of the top fertile layer of the earth on which plants grow? (the soil).
  50. What tree is considered the beauty of the Russian forest? (birch)
  51. Who has the longest tongue? (woodpecker)
  52. What animal is called the orderly of the forest? (wolf)
  53. Who picks apples with his back? (hedgehog)
  54. What are the berries that look like raspberries, only black (blackberries) called?
  55. What color is forget-me-not? (blue).
  56. Who can drink with their feet? (frog).
  57. What is the favorite food of storks? (frogs).
  58. What is the name of precipitation in the form of frozen raindrops? (deg).
  59. What is the name of the underground part of the plant? (root).

3 round.

Russian language.

  1. Is the noun a part of speech or a part of a sentence?
  2. What questions do nouns answer?
  3. Finish the proverb: “To be afraid of a wolf is ...” (do not go into the forest).
  4. What is underlined in a sentence?
  5. Boots - is it a dictionary word or not? (Yes)
  6. Finish the proverb: The day is boring until evening ... (if there is nothing to do).
  7. How do day and night end? (soft sign)
  8. How many cases are there in Russian? (6)
  9. What case follows Dative case? (V.p.)
  10. What is another name for changing entities in cases? (declension)
  11. Decline the noun metro. (indeclinable)
  12. Is the predicate a part of speech or a member of a sentence?
  13. What is the name of the game on ice skating with a small ball or puck. (Hockey.)
  14. Road lined with trees. (Alley.)
  15. A place where tickets are sold. (Cash register.)
  16. A person who travels by train, steamboat, or other form of transport. (Passenger.)
  17. Road covered with asphalt. (Highway.)
  18. What is the name of the ancient script created by the brothers Cyril and Methodius? (Glagolitic, Cyrillic)
  19. On the bark of which tree did people write in ancient times?
  20. Choose a synonym for the word "Fatherland" (Motherland)
  21. What is the name of a conversation between two people? (dialogue)
  22. Continue the proverb: patience and work ... (everything will grind)
  23. What member of the sentence is the noun in I. p?
  24. What questions does R. p. of nouns answer? (who? what?)
  25. How do you understand the phraseologism "an eyesore"? (bother)
  26. Choose an antonym for the word "tomorrow" (yesterday).
  27. What are bound sheets of clean paper in a cover (notebook) called?
  28. What is another name for a school student? (student)
  29. What part of the word comes before the root?
  30. What is the part of the word that is changed called? (ending)
  31. What is the name of a sentence that ends with a period?
  32. What punctuation marks are placed between homogeneous members?
  33. What punctuation mark is used at the end of an imperative sentence? (!)
  34. What part of the sentence are verbs?
  35. What part of speech is used to connect words in a sentence? (pretext)
  36. Is this a preposition or conjunction?
  37. Do I need to put a comma before the conjunction but?
  38. What is the name of a slice of bread with butter, cheese sausage? (sandwich)
  39. Choose a synonym for the word "work"?
  40. Can you name an antonym for the word labor?

Musical pause.

4 round.

Literary reading.

  1. In which of the fairy tales are the main characters the girl Gerda and the boy Kai?
  2. The bird is the heroine of many fairy tales and fables. (Crow).
  3. What remedy helped Carlson get rid of high temperature? (Jar of jam).
  4. From what plant Eliza wove shirts for her brothers in the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen's "Wild Swans" (From nettle).
  5. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's sister? (Barbara).
  6. Crocodile Gena's strongest desire? (to find a friend)
  7. How many piglets were outwitted in the fairy tale by Mikhalkov the wolf? (3)
  8. What was the name of the cat Matroskin's cow? (Murka)
  9. How many robbers did Ali Baba outsmart? (40).
  10. The name of Pope Pinocchio in Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"? (Papa Carlo)
  11. Which bird did Thumbelina help? (Martin)
  12. In which fairy tale did the cat manage to defeat the Ogre? (Puss in Boots).
  13. How many coins did Karabas - Barabas Pinocchio give? (5).
  14. In which fairy tale does the princess, having bitten off an apple, fall asleep in a dead sleep?
  15. Where is Kashchei's death kept? (chest-hare, duck-egg-needle).
  16. Name the Russian heroes. (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich)
  17. What words are spoken in fairy tales when going to bed? (The morning is wiser than the evening).
  18. What words does Ivanushka - the fool Sivka - burka call? (Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass).
  19. What is the name of a children's comedy film magazine? (jumble)
  20. From which work are these lines: "Three girls under the window ..."?
  21. About whom in question in the line "Everything goes around the chain"? (scientist cat)
  22. What words usually begin fairy tales?
  23. Remember the words at the end of fairy tales
  24. Who owns the words “What a charm these fairy tales are! Each is a poem"? (to Pushkin)
  25. From which work is the line “At the seashore, a green oak”?
  26. Continue the poem “A sad time! Eye charm "
  27. Who wrote the poem "Falling Leaves"? (Bunin)
  28. With what words did the queen address the magic mirror?
  29. In whom does the swan princess turn Gvidon Saltanovich for the first time? (in a mosquito)
  30. What words does the old man use to address the goldfish? ("Have mercy, madam fish")
  31. How many times did the old woman send the old man to the goldfish? (5)
  32. From what work are the lines “And behind him mosquitoes on balloon"("Cockroach")
  33. In what work of Chukovsky did the dishes re-educate their mistress? "Fedorino grief"
  34. Which hero of Chukovsky was a terrible hero, and then re-educated? (Barmaley)
  35. What horned beast were the tailors afraid of from the poem "The Braves"
  36. Who is the author of the Dunno stories? (N. Nosov)
  37. What did they ask Dr. Aibolit for a hare? (gloves)
  38. Who owns the words "It is necessary, it is necessary to wash in the mornings and evenings"? (Moydodyr)
  39. Who swallowed the Sun in Chukovsky's work? (crocodile)
  40. How does Pushkin's poem begin? Winter morning"? (Frost and sun wonderful day)

5 round.


  1. What instrument did Sadko play? (gusli)
  2. Name the President of the Russian Federation
  3. What is the name of the square where all the celebrations take place
  4. Who painted the painting "Ship Grove?"
  5. Where was Shishkin born?
  6. How many ears do 3 mice have? (6)
  7. How many paws does 2 cubs have? (8)
  8. 3 people were waiting for the train for 3 hours. How long did each of them wait for the train? (3)
  9. There were 3 glasses of berries on the table. Yura ate 1 glass of berries and put it on the table. How many glasses are on the table?
  10. What is the name of the image of a person in a picture or photograph? (portrait)
  11. What is the name of the state where we live?
  12. Riddle: one leg and a hat, but no head. What it is? (mushroom)
  13. Name of the month in 3 letters. (May)
  14. Why is it necessary to dust the leaves indoor plants? (so they can breathe).
  15. Guess a riddle. A little thief in a gray Armenian coat darts across the field, collecting food. (Sparrow).
  16. What is the name of the device for measuring air temperature? (thermometer).
  17. What color is the flag of our republic? (green, white, red)
  18. Who is depicted on the coat of arms of Tatarstan?
  19. Name the President of our Republic
  20. Is it true that the city of Kazan is over 1000 years old?
  21. Who is a poet - a patriot of our republic, who died during the Great Patriotic War in prison at the hands of executioners? (Musa Jalil)
  22. Who wrote the fairy tales "Shurale", "Water"?
  23. An insect that can have multiple eyes. (dragonfly).
  24. What is the name of the device for determining the sides of the horizon? (compass).
  25. Does a tree grow in winter? (No).
  26. Do lilacs bloom in spring or summer? (in summer).
  27. How many rays does a snowflake have? (six).
  28. What happens on February 31st? (There is no such number.)
  29. What year lasts only one day? ( New Year.)
  30. How many months in a year have 28 days? (12)

6 round.

questions on slides.

Summing up the game. Thanks to the participants. Rewarding the players and the winner.

Presentation of certificates and gifts


Slides captions:

What is the name of the person who flies the plane? captain machinist cab driver pilot driver

What shape and color are the prohibition signs? red circle red triangle blue circle blue rectangle

Which tree is missing? spruce birch pine fir

Which of these expressions is called an equation? a + 2; 7 + 30; a + 2 = 5; a - in.

It is convenient to pour one liter of milk into: a jar; barrel; bucket; can.

The two played checkers for four hours. How many hours did each of them play? two; six; four; eight.

How many humps does a single humped camel have? zero; two; one; three.

What time is New Year's Eve? twelve o'clock; one hour; six o'clock; twenty four hours.

How many tin soldiers were given to the boy? ten; fifteen; twenty; twenty five.

How many gold coins did Pinocchio have? three; five; four; six.

What art genre does this painting belong to? Landscape Still Life Portrait

Who is the founder of the city of Petersburg? A. Nevsky A.V. Suvorov Peter I

What is the best delicacy for moose, deer, roe deer? Grass. Mushrooms. Salt.

What is the length of the tunnel that a mole can dig in one night? 10 m. 60 m. 40 m.

How many sorties per day for insects can birds make while feeding chicks? 400. 200. 100.

What is the name of a beaver's home? Nora; Lair; Hut.

What is a mainland? lowland, upland, land surrounded by water.

What is the smallest continent? Antarctica, Australia, Africa.

Whose portrait is this? A.S. Pushkin L.N. Tolstoy E.N. Uspensky

Who owns these words: "What a charm these fairy tales ... Each is a poem"? L.N. Tolstoy K.I. Chukovsky A.S. Pushkin


To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in:

Slides captions:

The ABC of safe driving

Who are you on the street? P e s h e n o s? P e sh e v o z s? Hiking? P e w e l o t s?

Every child should know from the cradle!!! P.D.D. traffic rules

The first traffic light in Russia.

Let the children remember firmly: The one who only walks through the street at the green light does the right thing!

Who will help you cross the road? cow? horse? zebra? crosswalk

How should you cross the road? 1. Come to the road and stop. 2. Look to the left. 3 . Look right. 4. If there are no cars - go!

It is forbidden on the carriageway: 1. Riding bicycles and scooters. 2. Play games. 3. Play with the ball. 4. Run across the road.


What could be the consequences?

If there was trouble on the road - Urgently call - 02 03

The oldest of all road signs are distance markers.


First road signs

No entry

prohibition signs

warning signs

Mandatory signs Pedestrian path Bicycle path

Information signs Road for cars Tram, bus or trolley bus stop Motorway

Service marks

Priority signs

Additional Information Signs




Connoisseurs of music ... horns ... gossip ... licioner ... ry velo ... ped cross ... drive ... drove the cross ... move to re mi re si si she fa

Make words street li u tsar ro doha road walk shepe pedestrian art sidewalk pavement bo o na chi roadside fort sve traffic light

? . « : - + = * ; () , >= , ? : &) ! [-&* ! . ? + : , * : \ Who knows the rules of the movement, That honor and respect!

Young Pedestrian Reminder Before crossing a street or road, make sure the crossing is completely safe. Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles, do not allow others to do this. Do not play games on the roadway. Do not cling to passing traffic. Be attentive to others: if a person has fallen, help him get up, help the elderly to cross the street. Walk only on the sidewalk or footpaths keeping to the right side. If there is no sidewalk, then walk along the side of the road towards the vehicle (on the left side). Strictly obey the traffic lights. Cross the road only where the sign "pedestrian crossing" and only at the green traffic light. Taking advantage public transport Please follow the order of entry and exit.

You will be attentive on the road, Your arms and legs will be intact!


"The ABC of safe traffic"

Extracurricular activity according to traffic rules

Event goals:

  1. introduce students to the types of traffic lights and road signs; remember how to cross the road correctly; talk about the meaning of signs for drivers and pedestrians; to form in students a system of knowledge on traffic rules.
  2. develop observation, attention, imagination, curiosity, safe behavior on the roads, creativity;
  3. to educate in children a culture of behavior on the roads, collectivism, the ability to empathize.

Characters:Baba Yaga, Traffic light, Leading, Wolf, Bear, Goat, Goats, Raven.

Equipment: presentation, road signs, rectangular stripes (white - according to the number of children), rectangles (gray 3x6 pcs, yellow, red, green 3x1 pcs.), costumes for Baba Yaga and a traffic light, a wolf, a bear, a crow, a goat, kids, soundtracks of songs “Let them run clumsily”, “The Bremen Town Musicians”, “Plasticine Crow”.

Guests: representatives of the traffic police, parents of students.


Leading. Guys! Today we will have a lesson on the rules of the road and it is called "The ABC of safe traffic."

slide 1.

Guys, look carefully at the screen and tell me who you are when you go out into the street? (pedestrians)

Slide 2.

Why are people walking down the street called that? (walk on foot)

What roots can be distinguished in the word "Pedestrian"?

Leading. We live today in the age of speed, in the age of scientific and technological progress. High-speed cars rush along modern roads, supersonic airliners fly in the air and spaceships, high-speed ships sail on the seas and oceans. Everyone around is in a hurry, in a hurry ...

One second... Is it a lot or a little? For a pedestrian, one second is a trifle, a step to step. And for the driver, a second is a very serious thing. In 1 second, a car traveling at a speed of 60 km / h travels more than 16 m, and at a speed of 80 km / h - 22 meters. Therefore, guys, on the roads you need to be very careful, careful, do not rush, especially when riding bicycles, try to choose a safe path.

Song to the melody "Plasticine Crow"

When you hurry to school

You are very late

Or maybe not very

Or maybe a little bit

One thing you must remember:

Among all the roads in the world 2 times

You choose, of course

Only the safe way.

(Suddenly, Baba Yaga appears around the corner. She is disheveled and very angry.)

Baba Yaga. Ugliness! Always the same story!

Leading. What's wrong with you Yaga?

Baba Yaga. Fined! Don't you see I'm crossing the street. She flew on a broom, they whistle again! “It is not allowed, they say, to travel in this type of transport in the city.” I explain to them: I am Baba Yaga! It's just right for me on a broomstick.

Leading. And they?

Baba Yaga. Go, they say, to the forest. There, please, fly as much as you like and on anything.

Leading. Well, then you would have flown over the street in another place, in another section.

Baba Yaga. On another? You know how many of these ... how are they ... such a tricky word.

Leading. What are the inspectors?

Baba Yaga. Exactly. If these are not there, then signs on the roads were hung up, traffic lights, signs. Self-respecting Baba Yaga has nowhere to fly!

Once in a big and noisy city
I'm lost, I'm lost!
Around cars and trams,
Then suddenly the bus is on the way.
To be honest - I don't know
Where can I cross the road?
Guys! You help me!
And if possible, please tell...
How to cross the road
So as not to please the tram!

Leading . Don't worry. Stay with us. We will help you learn traffic rules!

Slide 3.

Baba Yaga. (is reading) SDA! What does it mean?(Turns to the boys.)Ah, hello guys! Help me decipher this inscription. What is traffic rules?

Children. Traffic Laws!

Baba Yaga. What, again about the rules?! I already know everything.

Leading . Okay, let's check it out! Can you play on the road?

Baba Yaga. For example, in chess - it is impossible.

Leading. Why?

Baba Yaga. Cars knock down all the figures, but in football - you can.

Leading . Do you guys agree with Baba Yaga? (No.) I would advise you to play with us, repeat the rules of the road. Look guys in t-shirts three different colors, respectively, we have 3 teams competing.

Answer me, granny, who do you think is called the "wizard guard"?

Baba Yaga. Policeman.

Leading . No, I didn't guess. Guys, help Baba - Yaga, guess the riddle.

He blinks his eyes
Relentless day and night.
He helps cars.
And he can help pedestrians.

Children. It's a traffic light!

Traffic light. Yes, it's me, traffic light -
Wizard - sentry.

Baba Yaga. How can you help?
With using what?

Traffic light. To help you
The path is dangerous
Stand guard day and night
Green, yellow, red.

The most severe is the red light,
If it's on fire, stop!
There is no more road!
The path is closed for everyone

So that you calmly pass
Heed my advice
- Wait!
See you soon yellow
Light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light
Flashes ahead.
He will say:
"There are no obstacles
Feel free to go!"

Traffic light. Do you know why a traffic light is called a traffic light? This word is composed of two parts “light” and “for”. “Light” is clear to everyone, “for” is from the Greek “foros”, which means “carrier”, carrier. And together “traffic light” means “carrier of light”, “carrier of light”. It carries three different lights... (red, yellow, green).

Traffic light: And now we begin competitive program. Are the Red, Yellow, Green teams ready? I will check how attentive pedestrians you are and play a game of “Traffic Light” with you. The rules are simple:

  1. If I show a red signal, you take a step back
  2. If yellow - stand still,
  3. If green, take one step forward.

Those who make mistakes are out of the game. The team whose member remains last wins. Be careful!

Leading . Thank you, Traffic Light, sit down with the guys and listen to what else they know about you.

Slide 4.

1 student: The first traffic light appeared in 1868 in England in London. And in our country, the first traffic light was installed in 1929 in Moscow. The traffic light looked like a clock with a round dial divided into sectors of red, yellow and Green colour. The traffic controller turned the pointer manually. Then electric traffic lights appeared, which are still in operation, although outwardly they have changed.

Leading . Guys, why do you think these colors were chosen?

Slide 5.

  1. Red color is clearly visible in the dark, fog. Red is a danger signal, an alarm signal. It is the most noticeable, visible from afar, it is difficult to confuse it with another. Therefore, it is chosen for the most stringent traffic prohibition signal.
  2. The yellow color is also highly visible in any weather. In the fog, it can be mistaken for red. But it will still warn the driver.
  3. Green color cannot be confused with red or yellow.

Leading . There are traffic lights visors so that the signals are clearly visible in bright sunlight.

There are emergencies, or when the traffic light is not working for some reason. Who helps to follow the traffic rules?(adjuster)

Choose from the presented colors of the traffic light, the one that gives the right to cross the road.

Slide 6. Traffic signals

Leading . Baba Yaga, do you understand how important a traffic light is? Will you follow his signals?

Baba Yaga. You have to listen, no doubt.
Traffic light indications.
Need traffic rules
Perform without objection!

Slide 7.

Leading . Read the output and remember:

Let the children remember firmly:
He does the right thing,
Who only by the green light
It's coming across the street!

Well done! The traffic light is standing, giving signals and we can easily cross the street to the green light. Let's sing a song to the traffic light.

Song to the melody "Let them run clumsily"

Let run clumsily
puddle walkers,
But you can't run on the roads.
Sidewalk for pedestrians
And the car is the road
Everyone should know this rule.

If red - the path is dangerous.
If yellow - wait,
Green means you can
We have to cross the road.

The game "Collect a traffic light" (p. 162)

The teams are given a baton and the task is explained: each team member must participate in assembling a traffic light from rectangles. The winner is the team that completed the assembly of the traffic light earlier and without errors. The boxes contain six gray rectangles and one color: red, yellow and green. On a signal, team members run up to the boxes, take out rectangles from the boxes, return to their place, passing the wand to the next one, each next participant takes another rectangle from the box, continuing to assemble the traffic light. Rectangles are placed one on top of the other in the following sequence: gray, gray, red, gray, yellow, gray, green, gray, gray.

Leading . Well done! Guys, who else obeys traffic lights? Do you know what cars can pass freely with a green signal for pedestrians?

slide 8.

You will immediately recognize them by the loud alarm they emit and the blue or yellow beacons on the roof. These are ambulances medical care, police, fire brigade and emergency service, they rush to save people in trouble, so there is always a “green light” for them on the roads. And if, crossing the road on a zebra, you see such cars in the distance, stop and let them through. Don't run and don't be afraid.

Leading . - Who will help you cross the road?

slide 9.

What is another word for "zebra"?(crosswalk)

What other transitions do you know?

Children. Crosswalk.

Underground pedestrian crossing.

Overhead Ped Crossing.

Leading . Listen to the verses about crosswalk signs and find the signs that represent them.(children show).

Slide 10.

Children. 1. Black and white stripes
The man walks boldly.
Knows: where he goes, -

2. A person is in a hurry somewhere -
The road blocked the run
The traffic light is red.
Pedestrian dives in
In the underground light passage.
Free! Safely!

3. That they ford the river,
Everyone knows about it.
A pedestrian crossing
And it happens above the ground.
This sign is quite simple -
The pedestrian goes to the bridge.
He got up here - he went there,
Safe, good!

Leading . How should you cross the road?

Slide 11.

Practical lesson. Game: “Teach yourself, teach a friend”

  1. We all learn together. Let's go. We looked to the left. We looked to the right. Let's go.

2) Lay white strips of paper near the board so that you get a pedestrian crossing.

(Each child gets a white stripe)

2) 1 student - at the blackboard tells and shows 2 to the student, he repeats.

3) 2 account. shows 3 accounts, he repeats.

Etc. 3 - 4, 4 - 5.

Leading . Well done! We think you will always follow the rules for crossing the carriageway.

Look at the picture and find the correct markup.

slide 12.

Baba Yaga. And why do I need this markup? I'll sit on a broomstick and fly.

Leading . Oh, and you stupid Baba Yaga. So many years have lived, but the mind has not acquired. Life is given once, so you need to know the traffic rules.

For those who don't know the rules
For those who do not follow them
We will tell and show
Fairy tale "The wolf and the seven kids".

Wolf: This is not an easy story...

It contains both a joke and a hint:
Hidden somewhere in our fairy tale
Good fellows lesson.

Goat: I have seven kids

That's my family.
What are their names, I will say
I'll tell you in order.
Here is Umeika - he is skillful
Here Bodayka is very brave,
Here is Teaser, here is Toptushka,
Here is Mazilka, here is Chatterbox.
I have one daughter
He loves to chat
Can't keep quiet.
I have one goat
Fidget, shooter.
I love him the most
I call him baby.

The goat turns to the kids, and they all sit down on a bench near the house.

Goat: I'm going to the market again

To buy you all updates
It didn't happen to dashing,
Sit quietly here.

The goat takes the basket and leaves. The goats immediately jump up, leave the house, play catch-up. They sing songs (to the tune of the song of the three little pigs):

We don't need traffic lights!(3 times)
Let's do without it!
(3 times)
We go where we want!
(3 times)
We don't look at him!
(3 times)
Let any light burn for us!
(3 times)
We don't care about him!
(3 times)
We won't wait!
(3 times)
Follow these rules!
(3 times)

Goats are dancing on the roadway. Car signals.

Bear: Why are you rushing under the wheels, wet-nosed goats?

After all, trouble could happen!
You guys need to study
How he walks down the street
To please the doctors.

The wolf runs out (whistles the whistle).

Wolf: You are not in the circus, here is the road!

Well, who will you surprise?
Turn the steering wheel a little -
Please get under the car!
Isn't it clear to you?
It's dangerous to be on the road!
Violators, follow me!

The wolf takes the kids to the traffic police. A goat appears with a full basket, approaches the house.

Goat: I bought new things for everyone

Forgotten nothing
You come to the window
Look at the basket:
Quick, don't waste your time
Try on all new things.

Oh, trouble, goats - where?
Don't see goats anywhere.

Crow: I flew far

I've seen everything, I've seen everything
And your goats are with the wolf in the traffic police.

Goat: Wolf-top, give me the kids,

Invisible youngsters.
I beg you very much
Eat me then.
I can't live without them
My children are precious.

Wolf: You don't read newspapers

You don't know the news at all.
I keep order
I serve in the traffic police.
To be called a good mother,
Children need to be dealt with.

Goat: Is this what I don't do?

Is it a little I try?
I put things in order in the house,
All day I cook, wash,
I sweep, I pick up.
There is no moment to rest
No time to take a nap at night
I feed them very well.
Whatever they ask, I will buy everything.
I dress, I dress
They are the only ones I live on.
From the market I go again,
Here is the basket - do not lift!
All new things for the guys -
My dear goats.
All goats love chewing gum
I buy them a pack
Here are Swedish shirts,
Turkish jeans,
Sneakers "Adidas"
Everything will be just right
All things from abroad
After all, we are not good enough for us.

Wolf: Is that all your sadness?

I feel sorry for your goats.
Tears so as not to shed later,
The mind must be taught.
Very important science
Traffic rules.
And they must comply
All without exception.
For the first time I will forgive your kids,
And the second time, let them not fall.

Leading: To traffic rules

Adults, children know for sure
Need traffic rules
Repeat constantly.

Goat: Study, study

Traffic rules
And always follow them.
All without exception.

Goats: It's not in vain at the traffic lights

The lights are on -
Red, yellow and green.
They want to help us.

Leading: Very important science

Traffic rules
And they must comply
All without exception.

Wolf: You look at the signs

And thank them.
Learn, Respect
Don't yawn on the road.

All characters sing a song.

So that you don’t have misfortunes, friend,
Do not play you never on the roadway.
This rule to remember
Required - Required:
On the road, on the road
Always be careful!

Leading. Thanks to the heroes of the fairy tale. Guys, let's conclude: It is impossible on the roadway ...

We argue - we check on the slide.

slide 13.

And in winter?

- Why are roads especially dangerous in winter?

slide 14.

And what could be the consequences?

slide 15.

What if there was a problem on the road?

slide 16.

Baba Yaga. So you say I'm stupid, and you are all smart.Recently, I saw how in one city a 2nd grade student rode a scooter along the road. He was hit by a car. The boy was taken to the hospital in critical condition. I would like to know why there are so many accidents involving children?

(children's statements)

Reading a poem by Yu. Mogutin "The case on the pavement"

Trucks buzz around
Cars are rolling fast,
And suddenly a boy
In full spirit
Flying on a scooter.
It pops up around the corner
Over the car
Then suddenly rush like an arrow,
Right in the middle.
The traffic light is red:
Riding is dangerous - no move!
But the mischievous one rushes on.
And with the look of a winner
Almost got hit by a truck
Scared the driver.
And again the boy heard
The engine roaring menacingly,
Managed to spot a dump truck
But it was too late.
Eyes closed in fear
The brakes screech.
On the subdued pavement -
Hastens to the poor guard.
So on the road
There was a misfortune.

Traffic light. Do you guys do that too? (No.) Do you follow traffic rules? (Yes.) - Do you know where traffic lights are installed? (crossroads)

What is an intersection?

Leading. Crossroads where traffic lights are installed are calledcontrolled pedestrian crossing. And what will help a pedestrian when there is no traffic light, for example, in villages and towns?

Children. Road signs.

slide 17.

Leading. Road signs have their own history. The oldest of all road signs are distance markers. People set up stone pillars to mark the road; at the crossroads they put stone or wooden crosses built chapels.

slide 18.

More than 300 years ago, high poles appeared in Russia on the road every verst (1 km 67 m), they began to be called versts. Later, they began to install poles at intersections and make inscriptions on them, where which road leads. The roads on which the poles were placed became known as pole roads.

slide 19.

Previously, each country had its own road signs. An attempt to introduce uniform road signs was made in 1909 in Paris. Four international road signs have been adopted, these signs have symbols that are almost identical to modern road signs.

In 1968, 126 international road signs were adopted, and in 1978 new standard who installed 7 groups of traffic signs.

Baba Yaga. Think ... signs. Why do I need them? This is such nonsense!

Leading . What about no signs?So tell me, what is this sign?

slide 20.

Baba Yaga. This? The kids are running away from class.

Leading .Wrong. This is a sign - "Beware of children" and it is installed in front of the school, kindergarten and other children's institutions. And this one?

Slide 21.

Baba Yaga. This is "Be careful, a brick will fall on your head."

Leading . Well well! And he wants to go to the thirtieth kingdom. There is no way for you to go there. Guys, do you know this sign? What does it mean?

And now let's sing a song about road signs.

Song based on the motive from the cartoon "The Bremen town musicians"

There is nothing better in the world
Than friends wander around the world.
For those who know the rules of the road
Neither injury nor anxiety threatens - 2 times.

Learning the multiplication table
Don't forget about traffic rules.
If the signs warn us
So - they protect us - 2 times.

And now let's remember the groups of road signs.

Slides 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.

Consolidation. A game. Solving riddles.

Now listen to what the signs could tell about themselves if they came to life.

slide 28.

Into our urban wilds
A miracle ran - zebras.
Zebra will not kick with a hoof,
Zebra doesn't wag its tail
Stretched out curious
Bridge across the street.(Crosswalk)

slide 29.

On the roads for pedestrians
It became easier with the transition.
Under the ground even the area
Going is much easier.(Underground crossing)

slide 30.

Where can I see this sign?
I better turn around
To not mess with me
No chance.(No Pedestrians)

Leading. Well done boys! And in order to be not only strong and agile, but also smart pedestrians, and in the future, drivers, we will check how you have learned the rules of the road, we will hold contests.

Game "Road signs"

The game is played in the form of a relay race. Each team member in turn approaches (with a quick step) to the table and chooses the sign that was assigned to the team: for example, one team takes only prohibition signs, the other - warning signs, etc. When the relay is over, each student shows his sign and says what this sign means.

Musical chair game

Leading . Listen to the rules of the game: the loser must answer the question about the rules of behavior on the roads. And Baba Yaga will help us set musical pauses.(game in progress)

Baba Yaga. Oh, guys, I'm tired of something, because I'm already old. I learned a lot at your holiday about traffic rules.Now everything is clear to me. Thank you very much Guys! Goodbye!

Leading . Thank you too for good words. Guys, say goodbye to Baba Yaga? What do you wish her? Bon Voyage!

And we will continue game program.

The game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Leading: We answer in chorus if we agree:“It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!” If you don't agree: keep quiet.

Leading: Which of you goes forward Only where the transition is?


Presenter: Who flies forward so soon, What does not see the traffic light?

Children are silent

Leading: Which one of you, going home, Keeps his way along the pavement?

The children are silent.

Leading: Who knows that the red light - This means - there is no move?

Children: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Leading. Now for the commands.

"Say a word"

If you are in a hurry on your way
Pass through the street
Go where all the people
Where is the inscription ... (transition).

If you're in a hurry to get home.
Don't run across the pavement.
Don't Cling to the Tram
And others ... (do not allow).

If you are in a hurry on your way
Pass through the street.
Remember guys when you move
What to look for ... (to the left).

How do you get to the middle
That's half from here
Remember guys
What to look for ... (to the right).

You hurry to the stadium
Don't cling to the wagon.
Don't chase the car
From injury ... (beware)!


What a miracle - the blue house!
There are a lot of kids in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it feeds on gasoline.


I'm standing on the edge of the street
In long boots
Three-eyed scarecrow
On one leg.

(Traffic light.)

It has two wheels
And a seat on a frame.
There are two pedals below
Spin them with their feet.


Not alive, but walking;
Motionless, but leading.


I'm running, holding on to the wires
I will never get lost.


There are two rows of houses -
Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.
And square eyes
They look at each other.


"Connoisseurs of Music"

Leading. Who will solve the riddle:

Seven guys on the ladder
They played songs. (Notes.)

slide 32.

Game "Make words"

slide 33.


The guys from the school of traffic light science gave you a letter. Decode it.

slide 34.


Who knows the rules of the road
So honor and respect!

Leading. Guys, you are all great! They coped well with tasks, competitions, showed good knowledge, excellent skills. While the jury will sum up the results of our competitions, we will play a game:

"Yes" or "No" (answer in chorus)

What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes)

What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (No)

Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, then run in front of the transport? (No)

Whatever you want - say, we always go forward only where the transition is? (Yes)

What do you want - say, we are running forward so fast that we do not see a traffic light? (No)

What do you want - say, on round signs red means "it's forbidden here"? (Yes)

What do you want - say, a person is drawn on the sign "there is no passage here"? (No)

Outcome. Guys! So that parents do not worry every day,

So that drivers can drive safely

We give you a warning

Obey the rules of the road!

slide 35.

Memo for a young pedestrian

  1. Before crossing a street or road, make sure the crossing is completely safe.
  2. Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles, do not allow others to do this.
  3. Do not play games on the roadway. Do not cling to passing traffic.
  4. Be attentive to others: if a person has fallen, help him get up, help the elderly to cross the street.
  5. Walk only on sidewalks or footpaths, keeping to the right. If there is no sidewalk, then walk along the side of the road towards the vehicle (on the left side).
  6. Strictly obey the traffic lights. Cross the road only where the sign "pedestrian crossing" and only at the green traffic light.
  7. When using public transport, follow the order of boarding and exiting.

Word to the traffic police inspector.

slide 36.



The game "Clever and clever" in elementary school

Objectives: to form the ability to solve problems with ingenuity, to consolidate knowledge of the Russian language, to activate the cognitive activity of children, to expand and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons of the outside world, to develop logical thinking, attention, quick wit.

Form: intellectual quiz.

Methods: collective creative activity.

Equipment: cards with tasks of different colors: red - with tasks in mathematics; yellow - in Russian; green - for reading; blue - around the world; orange - from the field of art; white - general knowledge; a cube whose faces are painted in the same colors.

Event progress

The students divided into teams and chose a name. The captain of the 1st team goes to the leader's table. Cards with tasks are laid out on the table with the colored side up. The player rolls the die and then chooses one of the cards of the same color as the face of the die. Reads the assignment. Team members think and respond. If the answer is complete and correct, the facilitator evaluates it and writes down the result. If incorrect, then the right to answer passes to another team.

The world.

Are trams standing at a stop being bypassed from the front or from the back? (front)

What human organ is called a "motor"? (heart)

The honey plant is ... (linden)

Is a bus or trolleybus standing at a bus stop being bypassed in front or behind? (behind)

What does a moose lose every winter? (horns)

With the arrival of which birds do they believe that spring has come? (rooks)

What colored seas do you know? (Black, Red, Yellow, Marble, White)

Which lake is the deepest? (Baikal)

Does the tree grow in winter? (no, it freezes)

Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)

What substance on our planet exists in three states? (water)

What is the name of the month of spring primroses? (April)

Which bird can fly tail first? (hummingbird)

Who sleeps upside down? (bat)

What device can be used to navigate in any weather? (compass)

What human organ is called a command post? (brain)


What is a vernissage? (exhibition of paintings)

In what country and in what city does the famous heroine of the fairy tale meet us? (The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Where did the great composer Johann Strauss live? (Vienna, Austria)

Which tower is called "falling"? (Leaning)

What is a palette? (board for mixing paints)

What is the Colosseum? (a building in the center of Rome, it was built almost 2000 years ago. In the center of it there was an arena, around which there were rows for spectators)

What is a landscape? (picture depicting nature)

Name the composers.

What is the name of the artist who depicts animals? (animal painter)

Where is the museum of the one and only ship "Vasa"? (Stockholm, Sweden)

How are the streets in the city of Kostroma? (in the form of a fan)

In which city is the museum of I.I. Levitan? (ples)

What is enamel and in which city is it made? (In Rostov, it's very beautiful jewelry with enamel - brooches, bracelets, earrings)

In which city is the cathedral that took 600 years to build? (Cologne, Germany)

What is the largest building in Egypt? (pyramids)

What building is in Athens? (The Parthenon is a temple built in honor of the goddess Athena)

Russian language.

Explain how you understand the expression: "language is braided."

The word "piglet" has several meanings. Name them.

What can run away?

The word "leg" has several meanings. Name them.

Explain how you understand the expression: "the apple has nowhere to fall."

What proverb can express the meaning of the following sentence: do not talk. (keep your mouth shut)

Explain how you understand the expression: "hang on the phone."

Find the word that is hidden in the word darkness.

Finish the saying: live a century - ... (learn a century)

Explain how you understand the expression: "only the heels sparkle."

Find the word that is hidden in the word boat.

Finish the saying: what is written with a pen ... (you can’t cut it out with an ax)

Which word is superfluous: joyful, cheerful, gloomy?

How do you spell the word v(i,e)n(e,i)gret? (the vinaigrette)

Name a proverb about a book.

What sound could not be pronounced by the characters of V. Dragunsky's story "The Enchanted Letter"? (W)


When we look at the number 3 and say 15?

Two daughters, two mothers, and a grandmother and granddaughter. How much? (three)

If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect it to be sunny in 72 hours? (after 72 hours, i.e. exactly after three days, it will be night, which means sunny weather will not be)

We often use the word kilometer. Meter in French means measure. What does the word kilo mean in French? (thousand)

How many years did the old man from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin fish before he caught a goldfish? (exactly 30 years and 3 years)

The children went to the dining room in pairs. Yura counted 3 pairs in front of him and the same number of pairs after him. How many children went to the canteen in total? (14)

Seven brothers have one sister. How many children? (8)

The table top has 4 corners. One of them was sawn off. How many corners does the lid have? (5)

Two boys found 100 rubles in the yard. How much money will 5 of the same boys find? (100)

From city A to city B the plane flies 80 minutes, and back 1 hour 20 minutes. Why? (80 minutes=1h20min)

This figure can be straight, blunt, sharp. (corner)

A simple tool for drawing a straight line. (ruler)

When can a person race at the speed of a racing car? (in car)

Birds flew across the sky: a sparrow, a dragonfly, a swallow and a bumblebee. How many birds flew in total? (2)

There are 15 students in the ranks. How many students stand between the third and twelfth? (8)

The wheel has 10 spokes. How many spaces between the spokes?


What is the literature about the future called? (fantastic)

How did Ellie get to the magical land? (she was blown away by a hurricane)

The sorceress from Andersen's fairy tale "The Flint" (witch)

The object with which the princess pricked her finger from the fairy tale “The Sleeping Beauty” by Ch. Perrault? (spindle)

The word that Kai tried to put together from ice floes in Andersen's fairy tale " The Snow Queen"? (eternity)

The nickname given to the young king by the arrogant and mocking princess from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. (Thrushbeard)

The name of one of the sisters of the heroine of Perrault's fairy tale "Cinderella". (Javotta)

The place where the little robber girl from Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" kept animals. (menagerie)

The name of the beauty - the bride of the young man Joringel, who was turned into a nightingale by a sorceress in the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. (Jorinda)

The surname that the hero of the fairy tale Ch. Perrault "Puss in Boots" came up with for the owner. (Karabas)

The document that the water rat demanded from the hero of Andersen's fairy tale "The Steadfast tin soldier". (passport)

Down jackets on which the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" slept. (featherbed)

A delicacy of plums bought from the merchant Hans from the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale "The Brave Tailor". (jam)

The name of the sister of the eleven princes who were turned into birds by the evil queen in Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans". (Eliza)

Who did the eleven princes from Andersen's fairy tale turn into? (in swans)

Who brought Gerda to the prince and princess? (Crow)

General knowledge.

Women's sleeveless dress. (sundress)

Homeland of the first Olympic Games. (Ancient Greece)

People who go to bed late at night. (owls)

Russian folk hero puppet shows. (Parsley)

Place of performances in the circus. (arena)

Single-celled fungi used for baking bread. (yeast)

Treasures hidden in the ground. (treasure)

Tropical palm fruit. (coconut)

What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)

Which wheel does not spin in a car while driving? (spare)

A break between acts of the performance, sections of the concert. (intermission)

The contours of which country on the map resemble a boot? (Italy)

Smooth, shiny surface that reflects. (mirror) B) ball C) Artemon D) Druzhok

2. What hero was not in the Bremen town musicians?

A) a cat B) a rooster C) a goat D) a donkey

3. What tree sheds needles for the winter?

A) spruce B) cedar C) pine D) larch

4. Which month has the fewest days?

A) May B) July C) February D) October

5. A heron standing on one leg weighs 10 kg. How much does a heron stand on two legs weigh?

A) 5 kg B) 10 kg C) 15 kg D) 20 kg

6. What animal did man tame first?

A) a dog B) cow C) cat D) horse

7. What lulled the Christmas tree in the New Year's song?

A) winter B) frost C) blizzard D) blizzard

8. According to the saying, how many hares should not be chased?

A) one B) two C) three D) five

9. In the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” there was a milky river, and what banks?

A) sour B) cottage cheese C) oily D) shortbread

10. Which of these birds cannot fly?

A) swallow B) penguin C) woodpecker D) nightingale

11. In kindergarten, 12 mittens are dried on a radiator. How many pairs is this?

A) 3 pairs B) 6 pairs C) 10 pairs D) 12 pairs

12. What full name at Rita?

A) Regina B) Arina C) Maria D) Margarita

13. Both the river and the brand of the car

A) "Volga" B) “Moscow” C) “Tom” D) “Amur”

14. These mushrooms grow in a friendly family on a stump

A) mushrooms B) boletus C) mushrooms D) mushrooms

A) the Grimm brothers B) Charles Perrault C) Andersen D) Pushkin

16. What is not related to nature?

A) raspberry B) bear C) basket D) land

17. What is the name of the picture of a person?

A) still life B) landscape C) illustration D) portrait

18. Which of the Russian heroes possessed not strength, but ingenuity?

A) Ilya Muromets B) Dobrynya Nikitich B) Alyosha Popovich D) Nikita Kozhemyaka

19. Name musical instrument Papa Carlo

A) hurdy-gurdy B) harp C) button accordion D) double bass

20. How many ends do two and a half sticks have?

A) 4 and a half B) 5 C) 5 and a half D) 6

Themes for the players of the final, who scored from 20 to 10 points

  • Puzzles
  • mathematics
  • Russian language
  • proverbs
  • Mushrooms
  • professions
  • writers and poets
  • dwelling
  • Animals
  • general knowledge
  • color
  • cartoons


They gave the brothers a warm house for the five of us to live. The big brother did not agree and settled separately. (mittens)

Children love ice packs very much. Chill, chill, let me lick you once (ice cream)

Erosha stands shaggy, disheveled. He will dance around the hut - waving twigs. For a dashing dance girded with a bast. (broom)

I will walk a little hot, and the sheet will become smooth. I can fix the imperfections and put arrows on the trousers. (iron)

He stands on one leg, twists, turns his head. It shows us countries, rivers, mountains, oceans. (globe)

Under the feet of the board, and in the hands of the rope. On the board under the clouds we take off deftly. (swing)

What is the table among the birches under open sky? He treats birds with grain and bread in frost. (feeder)

It slips away like a living thing, but I won't let it out. It foams with white foam, it is not lazy to wash hands. (soap)

Appeared in a yellow coat, goodbye two shells. (chick)

The green house is cramped: narrow, long, smooth. In the house, round children sit side by side. (peas)

2. Mushrooms:

I'm growing in a red cap among aspen roots. You will see me a mile away - my name is ... (boletus)

What kind of guys on a stump crowded in a tight bunch. And they hold umbrellas in their hands, caught in a cloud. (honey agarics)

Very friendly sisters. They wear red-haired berets, they bring autumn to the forest in summer. (chanterelles)

I was born on a rainy day under a birch, young, round, smooth, beautiful, with a thick and straight leg. (boletus)

Along the forest paths there are many white legs, in multi-colored hats, conspicuous from a distance. Collect, do not hesitate! This is ... (russula)

But someone important on a little white leg. He is in a red cap, with polka dots on his hat. (fly agaric)

On the edges, on the clearings in the fir-trees and pines, as if after the rain, their hats always shine. (butter)

Pink girlfriends grow on the edges, and their name is ... (waves)

Dense, strong, stately in a brown and elegant hat. This is the pride of all forests, the real king of mushrooms. (White mushroom)

Translate to French word mushroom. (champignon)

3. Animals:

* Ears are sensitiveupright, tail disheveled with a hook. I won’t let a stranger into the house, I’m sad without a master. (dog)

* Less tiger more cat, above the ears brush-horns. He is gentle in appearance, but do not believe: this beast is terrible in anger. (lynx)

* What birds breed chicks in winter? (crossbills)

* He loves sweets very much, and when autumn comes, he climbs into a hole until spring, where he sleeps and dreams. (bear)

* She takes juice from flowers and accumulates sweet honey in honeycombs. (bee)

* I settle down cleverly: I have a closet with me. Where is the closet? For the cheek! Here I am cunning! (hamster)

* What kind of animal, tell me, brothers, can climb into itself? (mink)

* Who jumps on his hind legs, hides his son in a warm bag? Who, standing up to his full height, leans on his tail? (kangaroo)

* She lives in the reeds, her house is among the swamps, where there are frogs, tsap! - and there is not one wah! (heron)

* The beast is the biggest in the jungle, marching ahead - believe! It shines menacingly with tusks, deliciously crunches with leaves. (elephant)

4. Mathematics:

* A kitten ran across the grass, and a puppy ran after him. And behind them is their master. How many feet ran there? (10)

* He has been my friend for a long time, every corner in him is straight. All four sides are the same length. (square)

* Cunning little brothers live in a difficult book. Ten of them, but these brothers will count everything in the world. (numbers)

* Important for health, friends, vitamins! And Irina certainly eats apples. There were 12 of them in a vase - look, and after dinner there were only 3 left. How many apples did Irina eat?

* Grandfather Ignat said to a neighbor: “I’m already a hundred years old by dinner time!” - “You have added 30 years”, - the neighbor objected to him. Please ... count how long grandfather Ignat lived?

* Two rings, but without end, there is no nail in the middle. If I turn over, I won't change at all.

* Once, in a dense forest, under a birch bush, forest mushrooms gathered, all the handsome men are daring: two chanterelles, two waves, two milk mushrooms and two nigella.

* There is such a bird at school: if it sits on the page, then I return home with a bowed head.

* A mustachioed old catfish lived in a quiet river under the bridge. He has a wife somikha and 14 somyats. Who will count them all? There will be catfish, of course glad.

* Mom has a helper. Look, children, for yourself: I washed 6 plates, 8 spoons, 5 cups. Help me count the washed dishes!

5. Professions:

* We must fight fire - we are brave workers, we are partners with water. Everyone needs us very much, so who are we? (firefighters)

* His work is in depth, at the very bottom; his work in darkness and silence. Let his work not be easy and not simple, like an astronaut he swims among the stars. (diver)

* He clicked the scissors loudly, waved the comb once or twice, cut a lot of hairs from the back of the head to the temples (hairdresser)

* At work day-to-day he controls his hand. He stretched out his long arm forward and everything that is asked is given upstairs. Raises that hand a hundred pounds under the clouds. (crane operator)

* At seven o'clock he started the business, at ten the bag lost weight. And by twelve o'clock everything was smashed to the addresses. (postman)

* Sits, leaning over the table for an hour, and two, and three. And leads with a thin pen to dawn. (writer)

* Here on the edge with caution, he paints iron with paint. He has a bucket in his hands, he himself is painted colorfully. (painter)

* Tell me, who cooks so tasty cabbage soup, fragrant cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes, all breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

* Who sits at the bedside of the patient? And how to be treated, he tells everyone; whoever is sick - he will offer to take drops, whoever is healthy - will be allowed to take a walk. (doctor)

6. General knowledge:

* How many syllables are in the word AIST? (2)

* Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (kolobok)

* Who is driving the train? (driver)

* How many nuts are in the empty glass? (0)

* In summer, a hare is a hare, and in winter a hare -? (hare)

* Boxing ground? (boxing ring)

* This southern delicious fruit is very similar to a cone with a crown on top. (a pineapple)

* From a branch to a path, from grass to a blade of grass, a spring jumps, a little green back. (grasshopper)

* What is the result of subtraction called? (difference)

* Name the third note. (mi)

7. Russian language:

* This vowel can never be at the beginning of a word. (s)

* How many sounds in a wordelk? (3)

* The part of speech that denotes the subject? (noun)

* With the letter U - they sit on it, with the letter O - they sit behind it. (chair table)

* With a deaf - she cuts the grass, with a sonorous - she eats the leaves. (spit - goat)

* Name always solid consonants. (w, w, c)

* Main Member sentences that answers the question What does it do? (predicate)

* How many vowels are there in the alphabet? (10)

* How many syllables in a wordgreen? (4)

* How many pairs of consonants are there in the alphabet? (6)

8. Writers and Poets:

* Who told us about Uncle Styopa? (S. Mikhalkov)

* Say the name of Barto. (agnia)

* Who invented babies: Dr. Pilyulkin, Dunno, Donut? (N. Nosov)

* Who wrote the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (L. Tolstoy)

* Whose heroes are these: Barmaley, Fly-sokotuha? (K. Chukovsky)

* What plush character did Alexander Milne create? (Winnie the Pooh)

* What are the names of the fairy tales that the people composed? (Russian national)

* What is the name of the poet Samuil Yakovlevich ... (Marshak)

9. Color:

* A goat who lived with his grandmother? (grey)

* Grasshopper sitting in the grass? (green)

* Killing grandfather with a shovel? (ginger)

* Does the car that runs sway? (blue)

* The headdress of a girl who carried pies to her grandmother? (red)

* The color of the bear, which is found in Siberia? (brown)

* Bathrobe, from the one who sat under the tree and treated animals? (white)

* Name the third color of the rainbow. (yellow)

* The color of the flower that looks like a bell? (blue)

* With what ink did the four grimy imps draw the drawing? (black)

10. Proverbs:

* The morning is wiser than the evening)

* Always learn to read and write .... (useful)

* Labor feeds, and laziness ... (spoils)

* No friend - look, but found ... (take care)

* Do not be hasty, but be ... (patient)

* Do not rush with your tongue, hurry up ... (by deed)

* Do not learn to destroy, but learn ... (build)

* Seven nannies have a child without ... (eyes)

* Do you like to ride, love and ... (carry sledges)

11. Residence:

* Where did the frog, cockerel, mouse and hedgehog live? (in the tower)

* Home of the beaver. (hut)

* Workers came without axes, cut down a hut without corners. (anthill)

* Winter bear rookery. (den)

* A house without windows, without doors, a room full of people. (cucumber, watermelon)

* Strong wooden house with a round small window. It stands on a long leg so that cats do not climb. (birdhouse)

* Along a narrow path - head and horns. Who crawls so slowly, carries his house on himself? (snail)

* Tourist accommodation. (tent)

* Log house. (hut)

* The home of the fox. (Nora)

12. Cartoons:

* What was the name of the cow from Prostokvashino? (Murka)

* What words did Ali Baba say to open the cave? (“Sim-Sim, open up”)

* And what did Mowgli say when he needed help? (“We are of the same blood. You and I”)

* Names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)

* What was the name of the giant who married Princess Fiona? (Shrek)

* Who did you visit? Winnie the Pooh and Piglet? (to Rabbit)

* Kid's Friend. (Carlson)

* Where was the field of miracles? (in the country of Fools)

* The old woman who had the rat Lariska? (Shapoklyak)

* In which fairy tale were snowdrops collected in December? ("Twelve months")

3 students who have reached the superfinal choose a question for 1 point, 3 points or 5 points in turn.

Questions for 1 point:

* Who did Winnie the Pooh want to convince that he was a cloud, not a bear? (bees)

* Is it believed that insects die from this fungus? (from fly agaric)

* What berry is black, red and white? (currant)

* You and I, yes we are with you. How many of us? (two)

* What kind of insects clap their hands? (mosquitoes, moths)

* On whom did Thumbelina make her journey to the warm lands? (on swallow)

Questions for 3 points:

I've been wearing them for many years, but I don't know how to count them. (hair)

The day before today? (yesterday)

Circus venue for performances (arena or arena)

One father-mother's child, but no one's son? (daughter)

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And again about love...

(philosophical round table)

Target: invite the 9th to reflect on love, its significance in the life of every person; contribute to the development of one's own clear position on the issue under discussion and the formation of moral values ​​and correct life guidelines; develop a sense of responsibility for their actions.

Equipment: computer presentation, love cards, picture of a flower, note-sheets, pens

Class time course:

1. Organizational moment

Good afternoon, dear guests, guys, I am glad to see you today at our lesson. And I hope that you came to the class with a good mood, a desire to work actively and express your thoughts openly.

I ask each of you to come to me and take any of the proposed squares: red, yellow, green or blue. And now those who have red squares sit at table number 1, yellow ones sit at table number 2, green ones - at table number 3, blue ones - at table number 4. Please fold your squares in such a way that the letters written on them form a sentence. Who is ready to read it?

1. Love is the language of God that sustains our soul.

2. Love is a terrible, but very desirable feeling, a willingness to devote your life to another.

3. Real love- this is a miracle, since the life of another person becomes more important for us than our own.

4. If we love, then we double our life, because we live, as it were, two lives: our own and the one we love.

Well, let these wise sayings become epigraphs for our lesson, which we will hold in the form of a round table, the theme of which is: "And again about love ...". And I want to remind you the rules of the round table:

1. Before arguing, think about what you will talk about, what to prove.

2. Do not distort the words and thoughts of your comrades, do not interrupt, learn to listen.

3. Starting to argue, clearly express your positions, which you will prove.

4. Remember that the best way to prove is the exact facts, convincing arguments, clear logic of statements.

5. If your opinion is proven wrong, have the courage to admit that your opponent is right.

2. Creating an emotional mood.

The fact that the topic of our round table is interesting to you is evidenced by a sociological survey conducted in the classroom. And here is what the students of our school think on this topic, let's read the statements.

What do these statements say? (Love has its own meaning for each of us, depending on what is important in life, what values ​​were laid down in the family)

Quite right, the statement of the Russian writer A.P. Chekhov can serve as confirmation of your thoughts:Until now, only one indisputable truth has been said about love, namely, that this is a great mystery.

And now I want to introduce you to one parable, which will serve as the beginning of our dialogue and, perhaps, help answer the question: What does love bring to a person?

About love (parable)

They say that once all gathered in one corner of the earth human feelings and quality. When Boredom yawned for the 3rd time, Madness suggested: "Let's play hide and seek!" Feelings rejoiced at this proposal. Sloth hid first, she took cover behind the nearest stone on the road. Faith ascended to heaven, and Envy hid in the shadow of Triumph, which on their own managed to climb to the top of the tall tree. Nobility could not hide for a very long time, since every place it found seemed ideal for its friends: a crystal clear lake for Beauty, a tree crevice for Fear, a butterfly's wing for Joy, a breath of breeze for Freedom! So, it camouflaged itself in a ray of sunshine. Egoism, on the contrary, found only a warm and cozy place for itself. Lies hid in the depths of the ocean, and Passion hid in the mouth of a volcano.

When Madness counted to 999,999, Love was still looking for somewhere to hide, but everything was already taken. But suddenly she saw a marvelous rose bush and decided to hide among its flowers.

A million, - Madness said and began to search. First, of course, it found Len. Then it heard how Vera argues with God, and it learned about Passion by the way the volcano trembles. Then Madness saw Envy and guessed where Triumph was hiding. There was no need to look for selfishness, because the place where he hid was a hive of bees who decided to drive out the uninvited guest. So, everyone was found… But they couldn't find Love. Madness searched behind every tree in every stream, on the top of every mountain, and finally he decided to look in the rose bushes. As it parted them, it heard a scream. Sharp thorns of roses hurt Love's eyes. Madness did not know what to do, began to apologize, wept, prayed, asked for forgiveness and, in expiation of its guilt, promised Love to become its guide. And since then, when for the first time they played hide and seek on the earth, Love is blind and Madness leads her by the hand ...

3. The main part of the classroom.

- What feelings from the parable can you correlate with the concept of love?

All feelings from joy, happiness to envy, hatred and lies can be experienced by a person in love. After all, love is a mystery that no one has fully unraveled ... But it rules the world. Governs it in different ways... Let this statement be the center of our conversation for round table. May it unite optimists and skeptics (distribution of roles: 2 tables - optimists, 2 - skeptics)

The realm of love is boundless, but in order not to get lost in them, not to lose your bearings, I suggest that you from time to time check your path with the sages who have comprehended something in this life.

Approval, refutation of the opinions proposed for reflection.

So, first opinion: “Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world”(Gabriel Marquez)

Dear participants of the round table! Prove or disprove this statement. Give examples known to you that confirm its right to exist. It takes 5 minutes to write an abstract to defend or refute this statement.

(Participants of the round table present their position to those present, after which the opponents express their opinion on what they heard)

Student's message "About those who became the whole world for each other"

Second opinion: “The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom” (A. Bret)

Student's message "Luxury gifts and reckless deeds"

Third opinion: “If you cherish love, if you are afraid to spend it in vain, then it will atrophy from inaction. And even when the opportunity presents itself, you will get your love from the far shelf, shake off the dust from it ... and there is almost nothing left of it ”(K.G. Paustovsky)

Fourth opinion: “A man who loves one woman all his life should be sent to a doctor ...” (B. Shaw)

Fifth opinion: “If you didn’t love, then you didn’t live and didn’t breathe.” (V. Vysotsky)

Summing up our conversation, I suggest you guys choose from several options the one that seems right to you:

A. To love for me means to be loved.

B. To love means, first of all, to give, not to take.

C. To love is to be interested in the life of the one you love.

Some of you believe that the main thing in love is the ability to give, caring not for yourself, but for the other, the ability to sacrifice yourself.What can you give to a loved one than to donate?

I suggest that you draw up a kind of moral code for lovers. Do you agree?

Write down on sheets of paper briefly those laws, rules that lovers must comply with. (There is a statement on the board: “Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world, the highest moral value.” Below it is a figure of a flower (heart), on which students stick their statements, saying them out loud)

4. The final part of the round table.

Our round table discussion is coming to an end… thank you for an interesting exchange of views, in which each of you was honest with yourself and correct in relation to others. One priest said: "Times are coming when only love will save us, learn to grow love in yourself, because we will be lost without love ...". Let's heed the advice of the wisest.

In addition to the mandatory training sessions in educational institutions other activities are organized that are voluntary. These classes are aimed at satisfying the creative and cognitive needs of schoolchildren. Such forms of activities in the school are called extracurricular or extracurricular activities.

The name speaks for itself: classes are held outside the schedule of compulsory lessons at school. In them own will students from different parallels and classes can participate. Extra-curricular activities in the school are divided into several types depending on the goals, and for each there are many options for the form of conduct.

Goals and objectives of extracurricular activities at school

One of the priority tasks for today in the context of reforming the system Russian education- improving the quality of social education of children and the development of their creative abilities. Extra-curricular activities as one of the forms of school activity successfully meet these requirements, combining the functions of education, training and development of the student's personality.

Extra-curricular work, wisely organized in an educational institution, helps the socialization of the younger generation, increases the student's motivation for learning in general or contributes to the development of interest in a particular academic subject, develops individuality, independence, promotes self-realization of the individual.

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Extracurricular activities differ from lessons in new forms of mastering knowledge and skills, a psychological attitude towards the creativity of students and active involvement in the educational process, productive assimilation without the need to memorize material and observe strict discipline.

Three types of extracurricular activities at school

All extracurricular activities can be classified according to the goals that are achieved during their implementation. So, there are three types of extracurricular activities at school:

  • teaching and educational;
  • leisure;
  • sports and recreation.

Teaching and educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of students, expanding the range of their interests, deepening knowledge, and forming the student's civic position.

The leisure type of extracurricular activities is aimed at acquiring new skills and abilities by students, the need for which arises outside of traditional educational activities. Entertaining events help to diversify school everyday life and unite students outside of school.

Sports and recreational extracurricular activities contribute to the physical development and health promotion of schoolchildren, the development of healthy competition and personal ambitions, and teaches interaction with a team of like-minded people and rivals.

Forms of extracurricular activities at school

The type of extracurricular activity predetermines the choice of the form of the event and the place of action: at school or outside it.

Educational and educational extracurricular activities have such forms of execution as a conversation, a quiz, a meeting with interesting people, discussion, training, visiting the theater, organizing a conference, excursion, olympiad, review, competition.

Conversation as one of the forms of extracurricular activities at school involves a dialogue between the teacher and students. Conversation activates mental work, develops speech, maintains interest, and concentrates attention. Each question of the conversation is a task that the students solve. In high school, students can independently direct and moderate the discussion. In elementary school, the line of conversation is determined by the teacher, asking the children leading questions.

Conversations are of several types: preparatory, heuristic (where the teacher teaches reasoning to find the truth), reporting, reproducing (fixing the studied material), generalizing (conducted at the end of extracurricular activities), repetition.

Olympiads, competitions, exhibitions of children's creativity are designed to stimulate the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, to develop the desire for competition in the study of such disciplines as foreign and Russian languages, mathematics, physics, literature and chemistry.

Such forms of extracurricular activities at the school are planned in advance, the best students are selected for participation. They give a great impetus to the development of the abilities and inclinations of students in various fields of knowledge. In addition, holding such events makes it possible to evaluate the creative nature of the work of teachers, their ability to find and develop children's talents.

Another form of extracurricular activities that will be interesting for both elementary school students and teenagers is an excursion. Allows you to make observations, study various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions, expand the horizons of schoolchildren of any age. In didactic terms, the tour can be used at any stage: to introduce a new topic, to consolidate the material or to deepen existing knowledge.

Excursions can be held in almost all school subjects, with students of all ages. In the lower grades, excursions are simply necessary when studying natural history and getting to know the outside world. For high school students and middle school students, excursions are held at geography and history lessons.

Leisure extra-curricular activities have more applied goals - teaching new skills and abilities. Their implementation can take place in the form of a workshop (cutting and sewing, cooking, drawing, photography, modeling), a master class, in the open air, in the format of a theater studio, a competition or an intellectual game.

Circles, creative associations, electives, workshops - the leading form creative activity students. The system-forming component in carrying out this type of extracurricular activities at school is children's creativity directed and developed by the teacher.

Conduct structure different forms leisure extracurricular activities is different, but we can distinguish common elements. When preparing workshops, circles or extracurricular activities, all work is divided into three parts: theoretical, critical-analytical and creative-practical activities. Classes can be complex, or they can be dedicated to one specific type of activity.

Sports and recreation open events at school are held in the form of competitions, competitions, sports games or hikes.

To identify the range of interests of students, it is advisable to conduct a survey in order to find out what students would like to do after school. It must be remembered that any type of extracurricular activity in which children are included must have a social and socially significant orientation.

The age characteristics of school students are of decisive importance when choosing the form of extracurricular activities. Thus, visual demonstration of information and mobile forms of extracurricular activities are more important for primary school students. It is easier to involve younger schoolchildren in classes with elements of physical activity, competitions, games, and excursions.

High school students are capable of a longer, static perception of the material. For them, theatrical performances, KVN, hiking trips, brain ring, career guidance excursions are relevant.

When conducting extra-curricular activities in elementary school, it is necessary to take into account a small practical experience students. The lesson should contribute to the formation of children's basic knowledge, their skills and abilities, while in middle and high school extracurricular activities may be used to consolidate past material.

Stages of preparing extra-curricular activities at school

For successful Extracurricular activities of each type and in any form must be followed to follow the sequence of four stages:

  1. constructing an event;
  2. Preparation;
  3. holding an event;
  4. analysis (self-analysis) of the lesson.

Looking for ideas for a joint event, family evening or group date? The new site has taken care of that.

You are sitting in a presidency meeting with two agenda items left: (1) ideas for several future activities together, and (2) ways to connect with Taylor, who has been away from the Church for months. Now look again at these two points. Perhaps the answer to one question is related to the second: getting together might be just what you need to help Taylor and others feel welcome.

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find out good ideas Learn how to use your events more effectively with the step-by-step planning feature Plan with Purpose.

You change the world for the better

You may feel that community and other youth activities are not really for you, as you will learn a lot about the Church in seminary and through personal and family study. Have you ever thought that you can help those who need you? Youth activities are an excellent way to build friendships with less active and non-members of the Church. They can also help a person resist temptation strongly as they see examples and gain strength by being around others—including you—who live gospel standards.

You are in the driver's seat

Elder Stanley G. Ellis of the Seventy said: “One of the strengths of this site is that it puts young people in the driver's seat. He not only encourages quorum and class presidencies to take the lead in planning activities, but also makes the needs, interests, and abilities of the youth the focus of this planning. Quorum and class presidencies are encouraged to learn about the youth they lead—What are their interests? What can they offer? How do they need to grow? – and use events as a way to bless their lives. This is true service."