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» Weight loss records. The most impressive records in weight loss. John Brown Minnock. The largest man in the world is an absolute record

Weight loss records. The most impressive records in weight loss. John Brown Minnock. The largest man in the world is an absolute record

What about your 5 extra kilos? History knows people who managed to lose up to 300 kilograms. There are absolute champions in gaining, and most importantly, in losing excess pounds, known to mankind. Perhaps the amount of excess weight that they still managed to lose will serve as good motivation for someone.

It will be interesting to see photos of ordinary guys and girls who have completely changed in appearance, having lost a good half of their initial excess weight.

What are your 5-10 kilograms? History has known people who lost 200 kilograms or more. Compared to this weight, your personal goal of 4 kg is a mere trifle. Some lost weight within two years, some took half a year.

The stunning results broke the Internet. For some, the weight returned. All these stories are different. But often they are united by the same result. There are those who could do it forever. But there are also those who, having managed to shock the whole world with enormous weight loss, gain it back after a while.

Why does this happen, what is the reason for overeating? Now let's talk about everything in order.

John Brown Minnock. The largest man in the world is an absolute record.

John Brown Minnock (September 29, 1941 - September 10, 1983) This man holds the absolute record for both weight loss and heaviness. John already weighed 132 kg at the age of 12. The maximum weight in his entire life was 630 kilograms. After turning 35, John developed serious problems with breathing and heart rhythm. With the help of a large number of firefighters and rescue workers, he was taken to the hospital, where he was forced to go on a diet.

As a result of great efforts by doctors, John Brown Minnock's weight reached 215 kg. To do this, he had to ensure that his daily calorie intake did not exceed 1200 for 16 months. And yet, the passion for gluttony took its toll. Within a year he was able to regain the lost 200 kg. He was declared incurable. He lived for 42 years.

David Smith holds the biggest weight loss record of the last decade.

David Smith's photo made the rounds of all the tabloids. The appearance before obesity and after weight loss was simply shocking. David's starting weight is 285 kg. She started gaining weight in her teens. In fact, David Smith began to eat away all his failures and pain. The death of his mother, the ridicule of his friends, the absence of a girlfriend, all of this together rapidly reduces his self-esteem. And, as a result, he eats more and more. It gets to the point that he decides to leave the house only at dusk.

He begins to be manically haunted by thoughts of suicide. But fear and shame for his own body stop him. So, being in colossal depression, David sees several ways out. The first is suicide, and in such a way that it cannot be identified. The second is a bypass operation or gastric banding, and the third is to still seek help from professional nutritionists and trainers. Fortunately, he chooses the third, logically deciding that the first two decisions will definitely not escape him.

At 35, he gives himself a second chance. David turns to television asking for help on the famous American television program “Good Morning Arizona”. David’s excess weight problem was so serious that the coach did not immediately decide to work with him. The journey was expected to be long, at least two years. But, with the help of daily training and proper, stress-free nutrition, David successfully loses 182 kg and, as a result, weighs 83 kg, turning into such a handsome man. He becomes a coach, finds his first love and, it would seem, the whole world is at his feet.

But the end of this story is unfortunately sad. David has now almost regained the weight he lost. In his words, he began to eat, hiding, hiding food. But nowadays it is no longer possible to hide anything.

These stories are excellent proof that in addition to a nutritionist and trainer, a person suffering from obesity desperately needs a psychologist. The roots of overeating lie in the field of psychology. A person uses food as a compensatory mechanism, as a kind of pleasure and encouragement that he is unable to obtain in any other way.

It is extremely important to solve the psychological problem that pushes a person to gain excess weight. Also, a person who has lived 35 years of his life according to the same pattern, enjoying himself and solving his problems in the same way, must necessarily “relearn”, get used to a new healthy lifestyle so much that he changes forever. Often, a few months are not enough for this, and it is very difficult to go through this path alone.

As a result, you can lose excess weight, absolutely anyone, but it is much more difficult to maintain a positive result.

Manuel Uribe is the third record holder in losing excess weight.

Manuel Uribe managed to lose 257 kilograms (June 11, 1965-May 26, 2014). Information about this man can be found on Wikipedia as one of the heaviest people in the world. When his weight was 560 kg, he turned to people for help with the help of television. Manuel was unable to take care of himself, he did not go outside, could not wash himself or cut his nails. By the way, this is how he met his future wife, who was initially his assistant.

People willingly responded to help a person in such an extraordinary and at the same time difficult situation. There were proposals to perform gastric banding and gastric bypass operations. But Manuel refused all surgical methods of losing weight and settled on proper nutrition. So he managed to lose 257 kg and reach a weight of 330 kg. Agree, this is also not an easy figure, but, as they say, everything is learned by comparison. He died in 2014 from complications of the disease.

Photos of people who have completely changed after losing weight.

And now some impressive results among ordinary people.

Yulia Gaidak. She managed to lose 61 kg with the help of the show. Previously I weighed 118 kg, now 57 kg. The girl changed very much, but at the same time she changed her life - she left her authoritarian husband and created a business. She didn't have many fans during the show and wasn't a crowd favorite, but her final weight loss result won her the People's Choice Award in the finale. An example that commands respect.

But the main thing is that she has not gained weight, and continues to remain in excellent shape at the present time.

Marina Vdovenko. She lost 63 kg, now her weight is 64 kg. Before she started losing weight, her scale showed 127 kg. The girl changed amazingly before her eyes, the weight loss seemed to give her wings. Moreover, she continues to confidently maintain her 64 kg. She acquired the profession of a certified nutritionist - consultant, trainer.

To sum up, we can say with confidence that the root of all our evils, including excess weight, is in the head. It is fears and habits from childhood, or acquired in adolescence, that push us to eat something extra, simply “chew”, “drink” and even “smoke”.

It is human nature to set records in a wide variety of areas and spheres of life. Losing weight is no exception. Of course, losing a couple of tens of kilograms is very cool, but there are also heroes in the world who managed to lose from one hundred thirty to four hundred and fifteen kilos! Who are these people, and how did they manage to achieve such impressive results?

Minus 415 kg – American Rosalie Bradford

A resident of Pennsylvania, Rosalie Bradford, was twice among the record holders in the famous Guinness Book of Records. And if the first record had a rather negative connotation, giving her the unflattering title of “the fattest woman,” then the second record was very pleasant - Rosalie received the status of the woman who managed to lose the fattest woman. a large number of extra kilos!
In 1987, the woman weighed 544 kilograms, and absolute promiscuity in nutrition led her to such a deplorable figure: she had to constantly deceive those around her (and her own husband too) in order to eat something again. For example, she could say that the dog stole the previous portion of food, and therefore she urgently needs another portion. As a result, after some time the woman completely lost the ability to move independently.
Richard Simons, an experienced doctor who, thanks to this example, built a effective system losing weight. Mr. Simons argued that obesity is invariably the result of “eating” all sorts of problems, and accordingly, it can safely be equated to drug addiction or no less destructive alcoholism. Simons developed a whole set of exercises for Rosalie, although at that time she could do very little - just clap her hands. Rosalie, who wants to lose weight, began to do this regularly! However main principle her weight loss did not consist of physical activity at all, but of proper nutrition. And her priority now was the balance of proteins and fats with carbohydrates, without any restrictions or “distortions.” Similar changes were made plump woman with great difficulty, because once upon a time she could easily eat three or even four pizzas at once! However, she successfully managed to reach the mark of 226 kilograms, and by 1993 Rosalie set a world record in the difficult matter of weight loss - then she already weighed 136 kilograms! And this result was also far from the last - then the woman lost more weight using Simons’ method, and her weight became 90 kilograms. Of course, on the way to the long-awaited harmony there were breakdowns and crises, but, you see, the result is impressive!

Minus 400 kg – Mexican Manuel Uribe

This huge resident of Mexico, born in 1965 in the Mexican town of Monterrey, also once received the honorary, but far from the most pleasant, title of one of the fattest people in the world - in 2001, when he entered the top three in in this direction, the man weighed 587 kilograms! At that time, the poor fellow not only could not move, but was even unable to get out of bed. And to breathe fresh air on the street, he rode out of the house directly on the bed, thereby shocking numerous passers-by. Nevertheless, people always treated Manuel very kindly and perceived him as a real landmark of their city.
With the onset of 2004, the condition of the man, who was desperate to cope with the illness on his own, was so critical that he decided to turn to television, and the result of this appeal was a report filmed by Televisa that immediately attracted the attention of viewers. And some time later, Manuel also became a hero documentary film entitled "The Most difficult person in the world,” which told about his failed attempts to lose at least a little weight.
Many doctors who heard about Manuel’s situation suggested that the man undergo a special operation to get rid of part excess fat, however, the man always refused to solve his problem surgically. And here tempting offers nutritionists encouraged him - these people developed a special diet for Manuel protein diet, thanks to which his weight dropped to 381 kilograms by 2008!
The fate of the good-natured fat man was followed by all the media without exception, and they were interested not only in Manuel’s struggle with extra pounds, but also his personal life - so, in 2006, the inspiring headline “Fat Man Got Married” appeared in the newspapers. And this was indeed the case - the man formalized his relationship with thirty-six-year-old Claudia Solis, who at that time was his personal hairdresser. And by 2011, thanks to the consumption of protein foods, the man managed to lose weight to 187 kilograms. It should be noted that such a brilliant victory was not easy for him - Manuel was literally on the verge of a nervous breakdown several times, but he still managed to emerge victorious from his difficult situation!

Minus 180 kg – American David Smith

The weight of this record holder in 2003 was 285 kilograms, while David’s obesity was caused solely by psychological problems: at the age of six, the boy was sexually harassed (not from an adult, but from another boy), then they began to bully him at school, and also some time later his mother died. As a result of these misfortunes, David withdrew into himself, stopped communicating with others and began to actively “eat up” his heartache, doing this until his despair reached its peak. The guy became so disgusted with himself that he decided to commit suicide by self-immolation. But literally at the last minute, hope crept into David’s consciousness that he still had a chance to get out of the impasse. Just like the record-breaking Mexican hero Manuel, the desperate American turned to television, and it was there that he met Chris Powel, a fitness trainer who was inspired by David’s story and decided to help at all costs. young man. An enterprising trainer developed an individual system for him, which combined a set of physical exercises and proper nutrition. True, before this he was not too lazy to discuss with his ward all the hardships of the upcoming loads, which did not bother David at all. The only thing is that the guy had a very hard time with one of the dietary restrictions, in particular, giving up fatty foods, to which he was so accustomed that he could not live without them even a day.
After the young man learned to count exact time each meal and the correct portion sizes, he began to lose an average of seven kilograms per month. A little later, he began to easily fit into the driver's seat of a car and successfully mastered the basics of driving. And then David got a job - he decided to become a trainer in the gym, because the guy really wanted to help other people. Since then, the young man has been convinced that nothing is impossible.

Minus 130 kg – British Carol Wright

Carol in 2009 weighed not just a lot, but a lot - as much as two centners, that is, 200 kilograms. She could neither go for a walk nor do basic housework. And she managed to go outside only a few times in four long years, since the woman constantly experienced hellish pain in the lower back, legs, as well as in the stomach and heart. When Carol turned to the doctor, his answer plunged her into a real shock - according to the doctor, the woman did not have long to live at this weight, a couple of years at most. And then Carol really “shook herself up” and began to actively fight for her own life! When the woman came to the weight loss course, her appearance amazed even her fellow sufferers, because any of them looked very good compared to her.
Carol chose balanced nutrition, and she often had to cry from hunger, because before she could afford to eat whatever she wanted, at any time of the day. So getting rid of excess weight cost this woman a lot of effort, but in a couple of years she managed to say goodbye to 130 extra kilos, for which Carol was even awarded the inspiring title “Woman of the Year 2011.” And now, in order to maintain the result, she avoids fast food in every possible way, goes to the pool and is actively involved in fitness. The woman is very glad that from now on she can easily afford to put on her shoes, paint her toenails without much difficulty and literally fly up the stairs!

As practice shows, the main thing in the difficult task of losing weight is to set yourself a clear goal and not for a minute deviate from the chosen path! And, of course, believe in success and in your own strength!

In the United States, 68.5% of adults have excess weight, incl. 35% are accounted for by people with demanding decisive measures morbid obesity. Among children and teenagers, the percentage of fat people is two times less, but will there still be more?

With the so-called, when the BMI body mass index exceeds 40, a person begins to experience significant health problems - in addition to those that led to a catastrophe with his figure. American women are twice as likely to become overweight than male citizens. According to statistics, every twelfth US citizen suffers from morbid and life-threatening obesity.

American women are the main consumers of all the latest weight loss techniques, proprietary diets and special exercise sets. Many are willing to pay for a miracle, but it usually comes without the participation of money - a fat and immense American woman pulls herself together and... not only loses weight, but actually changes her own psychology. At the same time, setting an example for hundreds, or even thousands of envious women - from all continents.

How Eva was afraid to die and lost 68 kg

Name: Eve Parker
Age: 27 years
Height: 163 cm
Weight before weight loss: 154 kg

The difficult legacy of fat parents

In the family where Eve Parker grew up, everyone was obese, and at the same time, food was associated with happiness. A normal household activity was to eat a whole pizza “in one person,” while family breakfasts and dinners were also valued - the only events that could bring members of the Parker family together.

Several times Eva, that is, Eve, gave her mother her word to go on a diet and become a ray of light in the family of gluttons, but secret snacks at school immediately began, which mother found out about, to the mutual regret of Eve. By the age of 17, the girl was already buying not one, but two plane tickets. During the flights, she was tormented by shame, which caused Miss Parker to overeat once again.

At the age of 20, the oversized beauty learned from her doctor that she might not live to see her 40th birthday unless she drastically changed her lifestyle. The news upset Eve, but the American did not draw any conclusions, adding drugs to her excessive food consumption. Three years have passed, and Miss Parker's weight has surpassed 150 kg. On the personal front, rare meetings ended sadly, the pressure did not drop below 190/110, and exhausted kidneys constantly made themselves known. But the love of food, especially the harmful types, prevailed over the fear of death and the need for a diet.

During these critical young years, Eve was preoccupied with caring for her sick father: she changed diapers, gave out 18 tablets of medicine a day, and helped him get out of bed. At some point, it dawned on Miss Parker that she, too, might be expecting “diapers” even before the cherished fortieth anniversary, which the doctor spoke about. And that not a single dream will come true if you don’t start burning your fats.

Weight loss recipe:

Eve Parker began losing weight with daily walks. At first it was just a drive from her house to the street. Then she managed to walk along a couple of neighboring houses. It was painful, but in her mind the girl kept the image of herself in diapers, not living to be forty, alone.

Over time, Parker, who had mastered the entire area on foot, began attending mass five-kilometer races, where the main thing is participation. Having started communicating with like-minded people, I switched from walking to running.

With the transition to active wakefulness, the young American woman decided to change her diet, starting to study dietetics and. The rule is: eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day.

In addition, losing weight Eve said goodbye to drugs, fast food and sweet soda, gradually reducing the portions of other dishes on the menu.

Life after losing weight

In 2013, in San Diego, Parker completed her first sprint triathlon, coming to the finish line in tears. In 2014, having lost 150 painfully extra pounds, Eve weighs 86 kilos. Now the girl is training to participate in a half marathon, and also trains with people like her 7 years ago, who want to live at least longer than 40 and are able to do what seems impossible.


The girl, who inherited a penchant for gluttony from her parents, was helped to come to grips with the fear of ending her life early and unhappily, within four walls and with diaper changes.

Losing weight started small - walking around the yard of my house. This way you can gradually walk to the nearest gathering place for runners or to the gym. At the same time, it is advisable to abandon motor transport.

Vegetarianism and the “rainbow” rule from healthy products, the study of nutritional science.
Refusal of fast food and both pharmacy and illegal ones.

How Tina lost weight twice, becoming 75 kilograms lighter

Name: Tina Henson
Age: 54 years old
Height: 162 cm
Weight before weight loss: 150 kg

How to gain weight up to 150 kilograms

For many young and mature years, the average resident of provincial Texas could not deny herself excitingly unhealthy food. For example, I drank about 8 cans of sweet soda per day, or even more. Mrs. Henson's lifestyle and diet can be described in two (or one and a half?) words: fast food, i.e. “fast food”.

How to lose weight if you are over fifty

In 2011, Tina Henson accidentally listened to an advertisement for the Anytime Fitness club chain on the radio. These are health centers that never close (open 24 hours, 365 days a year). Tina said: “We wish we had a club like this in Gilmer.” And two weeks later the local newspaper reported that Anytime Fitness was about to open its gym in hometown future weight loss record holder.

On the holiday of March 8, 2011, Tina Henson crossed the threshold of the fitness room in Gilmer for the first time and since then nothing could make her miss or abandon her workout. For which Tina herself “blames” the old-fashioned strength of character, who whispered to her about losing weight without strict diets and magic pills, without stomach constrictions and liposuction.

Madame Henson also modified her diet: she sharply reduced her consumption of sweet drinks and sugar in general, replaced beef with turkey meat, and made dietary adjustments to her favorite recipes. Sometimes he allows himself a pie or candy, but only one.

Life after losing weight

The American, who lost half her weight by the age of 54, says that she managed to find the path to slimness that suited her personally.

Housework no longer bores Tina, and a 5-kilometer brisk walk is a pleasure. Nowadays, Henson visits the gym 6-7 times a week, spending his free time on fitness. Classes at the club require money, but they are nothing compared to priceless health.


IN in this case An elderly citizen who loves sweets and fat was helped by the appearance of a 24-hour fitness center not far from her home. She liked physical education classes.

Tina Henson did not adhere to any special diet, changing the recipe of her favorite foods, as well as reducing her intake of sweets and fatty meats.

A lot of overweight people dream of losing weight. They try exhausting diets, starve at times, but then gain even more weight. But there are times when there is nowhere to go and you have to make a choice: either food or a grave. We present to your attention the incredible Top 5 weight loss stories.

One of the most touching weight loss cases. A Mexican from Monterrey, Manuel Uribe, the fattest man in the world, managed to gain weight of 597 kg by 2006. This record was recorded by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records. With such enormous weight, he was constantly bedridden. In the fall of 2006, he appeared on television asking for help, but then refused the proposed surgical operation, since his lymph nodes had previously been damaged as a result of liposuction, which led to the formation of 100-kilogram tumors on his legs.

In March 2007, he set a goal to lose weight and began following a strict diet. By the end of 2008, his weight had decreased to 320 kg. Then, by 2011, he reduced his weight to a record 187 kg! But alas, in 2014 his weight was again 394 kg. On May 26, 2014, Manuel Uribe died in a Monterrey hospital in Mexico from liver failure. At the time of his death he was only 48 years old.

Rosalie Bradford was born in 1943. When she was six months old, her mother abandoned her and the girl lived in a foster family. The baby was plump and by the age of 14 she weighed over 100 kg. Then, during her marriage and the birth of her child, Rosalie developed a blood poisoning that put her to bed. During a year and a half of illness, Rosalie Bradford's weight reached a record 543 kilograms.

The famous American nutritionist Richard Simmons was able to help Rosalie. He developed a special nutrition and physical therapy program for her. From the very beginning, she could only clap her hands, but persistence and the desire to lose weight soon yielded results. Over the course of a year, Rosalie lost 190 kg and then gradually reached 128 kg!

Rosalie Bradford is listed in the Guinness Book of Records twice: as the fattest woman in the world - 543 kg. and as the biggest weight loss record - 416 kg!

Rosalie died on November 29, 2006 at Lakeland Hospital, when she was 63 years old. The cause of death was complications from surgery to remove excess skin during weight loss.

John Brower Minnock was born in 1941. By the age of 12, he already weighed 132 kg. In 1978, Minnock began to weigh 635 kg. He developed heart problems and was hospitalized. After 16 months of a strict diet, John began to weigh 216 kg. It turns out that John Brower Minnock lost 419 kg! This fact indicates that his monthly weight loss was 26 kg.

But, alas, by 1981 he again gained an additional 89 kilograms without following a diet. John Brower Minnock died on September 10, 1983 at the age of 41. His weight was 362 kg.

In 2003, David Smith, weighing more than 285 kilograms, decided to change his life by riding an exercise bike and exercising. After 4 years, he weighed a little over 100 kg - he lost 180 kg. But sagging skin remained on the body. He underwent several surgeries to remove it and now looks like a normal healthy guy.

Rob Cooper was a fat man and weighed about 215 kg. Started losing weight natural method recovery, I started eating only natural products, walking 20 minutes a day. As a result, I lost almost 140 kilos in 2 years. Then he started training in the gym and, burning fat, built up muscle mass. He now lives in Canada and leads healthy image life and goes in for sports.

There is nothing more convincing and at the same time unconvincing than the commercials heard every day on TV about people magically losing weight, thanks to certain medications, medical devices or techniques. The most amazing thing is not the magic of the BEFORE and AFTER numbers, but the fact that all the characters in TV shows and print advertisements could easily join the ghosts of the legendary Spessart Castle. Nobody has ever seen these ghost people; their addresses are never reported by the editors “for ethical reasons.” The sacramental question remains: “Was there a boy?” Journalists constantly ask us this question when it comes to the fattest and thinnest and the ups and downs associated with losing and gaining weight (especially since in the West, journalists constantly announce the fantastic results of a person’s proven victories over himself).


The editors of the Book of Records of Russia, whose competence it is to answer the question of who is the best in Russia, have repeatedly tried to check the domestic “miracle heroes” who are losing weight. To no avail. The latter dissolved in the world ether, as befits literary heroes. That is, fictitious. But a holy place is never empty. In Russia, there was one person who, back in 2004, set out to set an honest record for the fastest non-drug weight loss in one month. This person was 34-year-old Muscovite Alexey Dudinov, a web designer by profession (or, more precisely, chairman of the board of the Union of Webmasters of Russia), who decided to prove with a diet that not only Photoshop can be the cause of rapid weight loss. Personally, the method he developed brought a stunning result - the opportunity to lose 25 kilograms in one month.

The record for myself and for the book of records turned out to be a two-stage one. The first time, Alexey, inspired by the results of weight loss, completely forgot about the evidence. The result is no convincing video, no photos, no competent evidence. It seemed that the hero should retreat, despite the achieved result - 25 kilograms in a month! Or precisely because everything has already been achieved. However, Alexey Dudinov turned out to be a persistent person. A couple of months later, he went for a second try and managed to lose another 22.8 kilograms in just a month (from 108.2 to 85.4 kilograms)! This time the applicant took care in advance of how to prove all this. The editors were presented with video evidence, photographs, independent evidence, and certificates from doctors. Thus, today Alexey Dudinov is the only 100% confirmed record holder in Russia, whose diet in a month allowed him to achieve a record result in the field of weight loss. The editors decided to remember this record because of the media bacchanalia with dozens of “pseudo-heroes” who lost not only their weight, but their conscience.

For more than 20 years of existence of the “Book of Records of Russia”, dozens of pseudo-starving people turned to us (the fashion for “not eating” and “not drinking” became widespread especially in the 2000s, when among savvy Russians easily gaining unprecedented popularity through pseudo hunger strikes became something kind of like the Olympic movement). “I haven’t eaten or drunk for a month!” - one argued. “And I can do two, and I’ll also dance a gypsy song for you in the finale,” retorted another. The “starving people” could give interviews easily and naturally, even after a couple of months of “complete renunciation of food.” In the name of justice, let's draw a bold line under all this - the only fully confirmed Russian record to date for weight loss in a month through diet alone - 22.8 kilograms. And the record belongs to Alexey Dudinov, who received the official Diploma of the “Russian Book of Records” on May 6, 2005.