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» I dreamed of a guy who likes and two children. What is the dream of a young girl with a guy. The man who likes

I dreamed of a guy who likes and two children. What is the dream of a young girl with a guy. The man who likes

Anchor points:

Monday to Tuesday

The dream is dreaming - to meet this guy. Fate shows you that it is worth taking some action, and not hiding your feelings. He also has sympathy for you, but whether it flares up even more or gradually goes out depends only on your further actions.

Tuesday to Wednesday

New relationships are waiting for you, and not necessarily with a dreaming person. The new life stage will be filled with positive emotions and interesting meetings. You will feel the happiest, and it will be true. The person next to you will take care of it.

From Wednesday to Thursday

This dream portends changes in professional life. At school or work, you can show your best side, but all the positive changes will happen only if you yourself want it. Career growth will largely depend on your communication skills.

Thursday to Friday

Thursday to Friday - prophetic dream . The person you like often thinks of you and would not mind continuing to get to know each other in a romantic way. At this point in time, he is afraid to open up and honestly confess his feelings, but very soon he will no longer be able to restrain his emotions.

Friday to Saturday

From Friday to Saturday - so this person is experiencing for you strong feelings. You make him jealous with your behavior, although you don’t think that you can hurt him in this way. You should talk and open up to each other.

Saturday to Sunday

You will be invited to a romantic date or a walk from a person who has long felt sympathy for you. Most likely, this is not at all, but do not rush to refuse. This new experience and pleasant pastime can soon develop into tender love.

Sunday to Monday

This guy is not indifferent to you, moreover, he is counting on long and strong relationships and is already making plans for your union. Expect gifts from him and interesting ideas that will captivate you.

A lot of various dreams can visit us. All of them have a certain meaning. Girls pay more attention, of course, to interpretations. Some of them are bad, others are very pleasant. The latter include a vision where the guy you like had a dream. What does this mean? Should be sorted out.

Esoteric dream book

The guy you like dreamed: what could this mean according to the esoteric book of interpretations? If in life a girl is not connected with him by love or even just a warm relationship, but only by an ordinary acquaintance, then this vision has a rather interesting interpretation. First you need to remember how in a dream a young man treated a girl. It is advisable to remember everything to the smallest detail - starting with manners, ending with speech and its content. If he treats the girl in a dream coolly, as if condescendingly, then this means that very radical changes will soon occur in her personal life. And usually in such cases it all starts with friendship, but then it develops into a relationship.

It can also mean a fateful meeting. Probably, fate will soon bring the girl together with the person who can become her reliable support. In any case, the changes will bring only positive emotions.

Modern dream book

And what does it mean if you dreamed of a guy who likes and is a soulmate for a girl? There are two possible interpretations here. So, the first thing is that soon bad times will come for the girl and the guy. This will manifest itself, most likely, in hiding a betrayal by a young man or in his bad attitude towards his beloved. All this can lead to a noisy scandal. What to do? Astrologers assure that most often the situation is resolved by a break in relations. In rare cases, the girl and the young man "take a break" and rest from each other, after which everything resumes.

bad turn

Another possible variant developments are quarrels, disagreements and disputes. But in a similar way, a dream is interpreted if the guy you like dreamed as if at a distance - that is, not in the immediate vicinity of the girl in her vision. Most likely, the conflict will arise on the basis of a long-standing problem or some important issue.

English book of interpretations

If the guy you like dreamed, you need to stock up on patience and determination - this is what he advises English dream book. Most likely, the girl will soon have problems in her life or obstacles will arise that she will have to cope with on her own. If it was an unfamiliar young man, and the dreamer communicated with him, shared what worries her - this is a sign from above, calling for attentiveness, caution and distrust. Perhaps the girl is too naive and used to trust everyone. It is necessary to get rid of this quality, since it is possible that soon someone will appear in her life who will be able to gain her trust and make her tell him all the most secret. Therefore, if you don’t want to hear “pleasant” things about yourself later, enjoy rumors and see sidelong glances in your direction, you need to be more careful in communicating with people, especially with unfamiliar attractive young men.

The hidden meaning of dreams

To understand the question of what it means if you dreamed of a guy you like, you need to pay attention to the plot and details of the dream. So, if a girl sees that everything is going too well for them, you don’t need to trust this. True, this applies only to those cases when young people meet each other for a short time. It is not necessary to rely on dreams of this kind, otherwise it will be very difficult to recover from disappointments later. In fact, such a dream promises success in other areas and areas of life. Moreover, they have practically nothing to do with the dreamer's personal life. It can be study, work, career - but not her love front. So it is worth using the sign from above! To start something that I have long wanted to, but there was no certainty in the desired result, for example. Or get started new job, start learning something new - in general, do what you want. You can be sure - everything will be as smooth as in a dream, with the same young man.

Details and nuances

To understand what it means if you dreamed of a guy you like, you also need to restore the plot of the vision. This is very important point. So, for example, one should remember what the dreamer had young man mood. Bad, angry, aggressive, the mood for a quarrel and scandal is an excellent sign. So says Miller's dream book, anyway. This means that in real life a girl with this young man will become closer people. To see in a dream a person whom the dreamer deep down considers her rival is also good sign. You can immediately cross her out of the list of girls who, according to the dreamer, want to “take away” her chosen one. He is not at all to her taste - so all sorts of experiences should be brushed aside. But to be disappointed in a young man in a dream means that someone else is interested in the girl in reality. And not far off is the moment when he decides to confess his feelings. Or, in any case, will make itself felt.

sweet bliss

Of course, very pleasant dreams are often dreamed. Sometimes you don't even want them to end. And it is all the more interesting what exactly such visions can mean. It is worth talking about what a kiss with a guy you like was about. Well, this is a very pleasant vision, but there is no need to lose vigilance. A dream may seem as sweet as possible, but in reality it promises only troubles and problems. In any case, this is what Vanga's dream book says. Disappointment, minor losses, deterioration in health - all this can happen. It is advised to try to avoid unnecessary quarrels and empty disputes. It is possible that some trifle can develop into a violent scandal. And it certainly won't end well.

By the way, if the situation in a dream is romantic (lit candles, languid twilight, pleasant smells, etc.) - this is a sign from above, warning the girl that rumors and gossip of a very unpleasant nature have been swirling around her and her chosen one for a long time. Their couple is a persistent object of close attention of rivals, envious people and ill-wishers. It's worth knowing.

Pleasant interpretation

And what pleasant can a dream book tell about such visions? I dreamed of a guy who likes, in the arms of a dreamer - this is good. Probably one of the best dreams ever. First, such a vision will charge positive mood for the whole day, and secondly, it is a symbol of good news and joyful expectation. Most likely, something positive will happen in the near future, something that the girl has wanted for a very long time. In general, the subtext is friendly.

And finally, if in a dream there was a guy who you like, and he really is the girl’s lover, then this is a very good sign. In the event that in the vision everything was fine with them. Hugs, kisses, good times beautiful words- all this, if it appeared to a girl in a dream, means a long and strong relationship with her lover. And if he made her a marriage proposal, maybe everything will develop into something more. Who knows, what if this dream turns out to be prophetic in the future?

In dreams, not only objects and phenomena, which, without a doubt, are always signs and symbols, have meaning, but also people.

A person who comes into a dream never appears just like that! Such dreams are difficult to interpret, often have several interpretations and require special analysis.

Guys are probably the most frequent guests of women's and girlish dreams. A girl invariably dreams of a guy she likes, and even without this, young people, acquaintances and not, periodically look into dreams.

How to understand what a guy is dreaming of - the interpreter says a lot, but it is not easy to find the right meaning. It is worth remembering for a start all the possible details - was he familiar or unfamiliar, beautiful or unpleasant, and also what does he do in his dreams - smiles, is sad, kisses or hugs, or maybe runs away from you as fast as he can?

All this means something, in addition, it is important when a young man deigns to look into a dream - on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Friday - after all, such dreams also differ by day of the week. And the options for dreams involving a young man are as follows:

  • You just saw a certain guy in a dream.
  • You dreamed of a young man.
  • Very handsome, as from the picture, a young man in a dream.
  • The guy attacks or chases you in dreams.
  • He kisses you in a dream.
  • You dream of the one you like.
  • Beloved dreamed.
  • Your chosen one had a dream with another girl.
  • He embraces you in dreams.
  • An acquaintance, a friend dreamed.
  • In dreams was an unfamiliar young man of pleasant appearance.
  • On the contrary, unpleasant, dangerous or repulsive.
  • You run after the guy in your dreams.
  • He smiles at you in a dream.
  • Sad, sad young man in a dream.
  • Naked.

Sometimes such dreams can, of course, reflect the thoughts or hidden desires of the dreamer, especially if the guy you like is dreaming. If you think about him tirelessly, it is not surprising that he breaks into your dreams. But it may be otherwise.

See him in a dream

As the dream book says, a guy in a dream often symbolizes a strong, active part inner world dreamer, indicates your strength and energy, and also often indicates support higher powers and calls to be bolder.

Sometimes a guy can talk about secret feelings and a lack of experiences of a dreamer, but sometimes portends certain events.

1. An ordinary dream in which a certain guy or his image appeared before you is just a direct indication that the dreamer has protection and support from above. That your spiritual inner strength and potential is your support, and you should not be afraid to live and be active.

2. The young man, according to the interpreter, dreams of unexpected profits - this is what such a dream means.

3. As the dream book indicates, a guy of heavenly beauty, as if descended from a picture, this is a very good dream, he portends great happiness in everything!

4. A disturbing dream in which a guy attacks you, or chases, pursues, promises nothing more than just trouble and fuss, but no trouble.

5. If a young man, unfamiliar or familiar, kisses you in a dream, this means that in reality love will soon knock on you!

6. When you dream of a guy you really like, secretly or not, this is either a continuation of your thoughts and dreams about him, or a prediction of a pleasant meeting with him soon.

7. It is curious what the beloved guy is dreaming of - some interpret such a dream as his thoughts about the dreamer, and this has some truth. However, similar dream still more reflects the connection between you and the chosen one.

8. When your beloved dreamed about you with another girl, if he hugs her or even kisses her in these unpleasant dreams, do not be afraid of anything. This dream does not promise you separation, and certainly not a reason to be jealous. All you are terribly afraid of finding him with another girl, and the fear of losing him haunts you.

9. The guy who hugs you in dreams is evidence of the support and reliable shoulder that you have in real everyday life. Perhaps you ignore or do not accept this support - but in vain.

10. Reply to frequently asked question what a familiar guy dreams of is quite simple. Such a dream hints that there is a strong astral connection between you and this person. Perhaps this is a friend sent to you from above, and it is worth holding on to.

11. An unpleasant, scary guy who inspires anxiety or fear in a dream is a warning. The interpreter strongly advises the dreamer not to get involved with dubious people, and, in principle, to avoid new connections and acquaintances for some time.

12. An unfamiliar but pleasant young man in a dream is a harbinger of joy and good news, pleasant surprises and fun.

13. If in your dreams you ran after a guy, know that soon a serious feeling will visit you in reality, which may turn your life upside down.

14. If the guy in the dream smiles openly and sincerely at you, expect good and joyful news.

15. A sad guy, on the contrary, can portend difficulties, and also indicates your weakness, fears and powerlessness. Perhaps you should take advantage of the support of friends, rely on a strong shoulder, wait out an unpleasant period.

16. A naked young man in dreams is a symbol of the fact that some very pleasant and rare offer awaits you in reality.

Do not think that it will be associated with something forbidden, a naked guy is just an allegory. It can be a work, business or any other offer, but the main thing - do not miss it!

When was the dream?

Dreams involving people should also be evaluated by the days of the week, analyzed by this criterion and supplemented with the information received from the interpreter. Only in this way will you be able to put together the most complete and reliable picture.

1. If a guy dreams from Sunday to Monday, you should evaluate this dream from the position of your emotions. Such a dream can be a continuation or reflection of your experiences, or if it portends something specific, then it will have a bright emotional coloring for you.

2. When you dream of a guy from Monday to Tuesday, this may be a hint of your desire for something, or a reflection of your desire.

A girl who dreams of a guy from Monday to Tuesday may also take into account that the events that the dream portends will be connected with her intentions, and everything will be directly subordinate to her desires.

3. From Tuesday to Wednesday, dreams should be interpreted literally, as the dream book indicates.

4. From Wednesday to Thursday, dreams are good because they have the power to come true. If on Thursday you saw a young man in a dream, the interpretation may be different, but in any case, you will be able to achieve the best version of it yourself. Thursday is the day of Jupiter, and on this day the dreamer receives the strength to realize any intention.

5. From Thursday to Friday, special dreams should be taken seriously. Venus - the planet of Friday - rules the sensual sphere, and dreams that have been dreamed since Thursday have great power.

If the young man dreamed on the night of Thursday, then the interpretation will be associated with great emotional experiences.

6. From Friday to Saturday, dreams are advice and guidance, so take the interpretation of your dreams.

7. And from Saturday to Sunday, any interpretation of a dream with a guy gets positive character, and always promises happiness.

It is so difficult to understand the dream in which the guy was present, but make an effort, connect your intuition and fantasy, and you will understand what to expect in reality, in which direction you should confidently move, and what to do to bring great happiness closer! Author: Vasilina Serova

If a guy dreams of a girl, why is your beloved guy dreaming? Why? What does this mean?

You've liked this guy for a very long time. Therefore, you go to any lengths, using every opportunity to make sure that everything is mutual and not in vain.

Your sympathy for this person is so strongly expressed in you that, even in the deepest night, even in the very sound sleep you hope to read or notice the answer to your question.

You sincerely believe that one of the dreams will definitely give you at least some little clue. And how to distinguish and notice it, not knowing the meaning of what is happening in dreams? I can help you a little.

If you dream of a guy you like. What does this mean? What does it mean if you dream of a loved one?

And you go back to sleep, close your eyes again and wait for the dream of the one you really, really like.

If in a dream he gives you a bouquet of white roses, you are planning a meeting that is very close to a date, shrouded in romanticism and warmth. Do you have any sympathy for these flowers? This does not affect the symbolism of this dream in any way.

In a dream, he takes your hand and leads you somewhere. What does it mean? - It is quite possible that soon you will become his girlfriend. Just do not rush things: they must keep up with the times, not otherwise. Let everything take its course. Have patience, do not frighten off luck with your curiosity, which is diligently looking for an answer to the question: “what will happen next?”.

If you dream of a guy you like and at the same time he looks at you and smiles? He wants to give you a lot of compliments and kind words. Perhaps he is a little shy, but you are able to wait out this period. Do you want to personally "push" him to this? Well, try. Only, for starters, think over, as it should, each of your actions.

If you quarrel - in reality, try to do everything so as not to enter into polemics or disputes with each other. If everything can be solved with a joke or a compromise - use the help of these wonderful and faithful "creatures".

If a girl dreams of her boyfriend, but he does not recognize her, he has another, and you should not count on anything. Let him go. Let him go the other way. Even if it doesn't match yours. That happens. You are not alone. It is not necessary, for this reason, to take revenge and be angry. Wish him all the best and try to start life from the very beginning.

He invites you to take a walk or go somewhere with him - he is lost in conjecture and wants to know for sure if you feel anything towards him. What do you feel? Is it true love? You have a topic for your own thoughts.

If you dream of a guy you like and he called you by name, you can be one hundred percent sure: this guy often thinks about you and thinks about you. You bewitched him, charmed him. Just don't get excited, by the way. The easier you will be, the faster he will approach you to become a native person.

You allegedly agreed to meet, and you are waiting for him? He still cannot decide which of the several girls (you or the scolding one) is really dear to him. Jealousy played? Yes, her melody is, of course, unpleasant. But, to the greatest regret, you can’t run away from her anywhere if you tend to be jealous.

If your boyfriend is dreaming and he is rude and rude to you in a dream, you are not a couple with him. Do not torture yourself, your love and your destiny. You have different paths. Here, and walk along them without colliding or intersecting. To do this is not easy. However, in those moments when you realize that the dream has come true - overcome yourself, give it away, from yourself, intentionally, at least in the subconscious. Forget it. Try to forget.

The boy says something to you and doesn't look you in the eye - he can't be trusted: he will deceive himself. Do you need such "happiness"? For such happiness, one should not fight. Do you continue to trust him? Please! Only then do not shed tears on your favorite pillow: the dream tried to warn you. The pillow will be wet with tears repeatedly. And I feel for you, princess. But…. There are things that overtake us unexpectedly, which are extremely inevitable. Humble yourself, fight, do not become limp!

If the guy you sympathize with has lit a cigarette, expect anxiety associated with him. Wait, but why "wind" yourself? Where is your "signature" optimism gone? Oh, he was very useful here too. Find him and don't let go. Actually, I'm talking about optimism, not about your kid. Has the upset come? Drive away! It's not needed here at all!

If your boyfriend is dreaming and he confesses his love to you, it means that he is sitting in the expectation that you will confess to him in her. It remains only to wake up and do it. Do you already have a plan? It's so wonderful! Remember it or write it down so that everything is done clearly and “not defective”. You will do everything right, I know.

You are in the registry office .... And why not, in fact? Maybe he really wants to marry you. Don't faint with joy, dear. You deserve so much good. Your happy wedding day will come. Fate has already determined him.

A note to you, in love: do not take everything very seriously. Everything is fallible. Dreams are no exception. To make it easier for you, you can compare dreams with horoscopes. When you scroll through them, you only believe what you want to believe, right? Well, why don't you do the same with the symbolism of dreams?

Dreams are riddles and puzzles, which, alas, have not yet been fully solved or studied by anyone. So, travel through your dreams with a smile, not with a thoughtful and gloomy expression on your face. In a dream, you should also try to impress your "chosen one". By the way, make up before going to bed. There is no need to sleep in a chic outfit. You understand: in the world of dreams you have your own wardrobe.

The symbolism of dreams does not fluctuate from how much you like to sleep, and in what positions you usually do it. So - sweet dreams, princess in love! Good luck in your search for the correct and long-awaited (preferably detailed) answer to your question.

If things don't turn out the way you expected, don't worry. Remember: you live on the most beautiful planet. And on it lives the one who is sure to meet with you and will be there. Wait for it. Just wait. Where are you in a hurry? You are still so young... You are at a wonderful age! And you are wonderful too. And the word "wonderful" probably comes from the word "notice". Catch the logic chain! Catch and collect like a favorite puzzle. What did you get?


White magic.

attraction technique.

Quite often, the dreams that we see at night have a special, secret meaning. However, what are they up to? To tell us something that we cannot see with our own eyes for some reason.

Dreams are special secret language through which our subconscious communicates with us.

So what does our subconscious want to tell us when we dream of our loved ones? Why and why is a guy dreaming who really likes it, what does it mean?

You've been in love with the 1 guy for quite some time now that you can't approach and confess your feelings to, because you don't know if this confession will lead to the fact that you and him will live happily ever after for the rest of your life, or if he just laugh at you ... You need to know for sure if this feeling is mutual!

In your subconscious, you are trying to find a truthful answer to your question, to analyze his actions and deeds in order to understand his attitude towards you.

That is why you hope that your dreams will help you figure out this difficult matter. A dream can give you this little clue that you cannot decipher without certain knowledge. This is where we will try to help.

If a guy in a dream gives a girl flowers

So, if you dream that the person you really like gives you a bouquet of beautiful white roses, then you will have a meeting in life that resembles a date with all romanticism and is wrapped in warmth. And even if you don’t like the flowers that he gives you, it still won’t affect the meaning of your dream.

The guy touches, takes the girl by the hand

What does the fact mean if in a dream he touches or takes your hand? It is very possible that in the near future you will find yourself in the status of his girlfriend. However, it is not worth rushing things - you need to patiently wait in the wings, keep up with the events that are taking place.

A guy in a dream smiles at a girl

If in a dream your object of adoration smiles very openly at you, then in real life he wildly wants to tell you a lot of affectionate words and compliments. Most likely, only shyness is holding him back, but you must be patient. Soon he will overcome this and express everything that he has accumulated.

you quarrel

If in a dream you quarrel with him, then in real life you need to carefully avoid any quarrels or grindings on both sides. Try to get out of any situation with a compromise or laugh it off. It is a smile that will help you to make amends for the discomfort of a controversial situation.

If a loved one does not recognize a girl in a dream

If in a dream your loved one does not recognize you, then you should let him go in real life. Most likely - he has another, so you don't have to count on something good. You do not have to go one way in life and you will have to come to terms with it. Don't take everything so personally, it happens. Know how to part with the world - without scandals. After all, then only positive memories and emotions will remain in his soul about you, and who knows - perhaps someday these positive emotions will lead him to you again? ..For now, you should learn to live without it.

The guy offers to take a walk or calls for him

If in a dream he calls you for a walk or to go somewhere, then this indicates that he is also terribly interested in what you feel for him. So you are not alone in your quest to get to the bottom of the truth.

He calls you by name

In the event that in a dream the object of your sighing calls you by name, you don’t have to worry about what he feels for you. We can guarantee you that he often remembers you. You must have charmed him somehow. But here it is very important not to go too far. Even if you are sure that he likes you, you need to be able not to become proud, but to be as natural as possible, because the speed of his confession to you about his feelings depends on this.

You agree that you will meet soon

If in a dream you agreed to meet, and you are waiting for him, then there is some problem in life - he has several girls from whom he cannot choose. So it's in your best interest to show yourself off the best side, and not rush to extremes and be jealous before you even start dating him.

Why dream that a guy is rude to a girl?

If in a dream your chosen one is rude and rude to you, behaves unworthily with you, then you simply do not approach each other. You are destined to go different ways, so do not torture yourself and your feelings. The sooner you say goodbye, the sooner fate will lead you to your true destiny.

He talks in his sleep, but does not look into your eyes

If in a dream a guy does not look into your eyes, telling something, it is worth considering - most likely he is deceiving you, so you cannot trust him. Of course, the choice depends only on you, but then you should not shed tears if the truth comes out. All you have to do is forget nightmare and go through life with your head held high. And even if it's hard, don't give up. Let the comforting feeling that the deceiver - let him be deceived.

Confesses in Love

Your chosen one himself confesses his love to you in a dream - which means that in real life he expects the same from you. Well, carefully work out a plan for a declaration of love and go for it. The crown will not fall from you. Why not, if you can bring the sweet moment of reunion closer?

But one very important thing you need to take into account– remember that everything in this world can be wrong. Don't trust your dreams 100%. After all, very often we perceive what we want as real. Perhaps your subconscious gives you not what exists in reality, but what you would like. After all, quite often people perceive in dreams only what they want to see in them. So be sure to compare dreams with reality.


For example, if in a dream your loved one smiles timidly and gives you flowers, but in life he treats you like garbage - well, where are his positive feelings for you? No, this relationship has no future.

And don't be discouraged if things don't turn out the way you want them to. Always console yourself with the fact that you are alive and you are young! Six billion people live on our planet, so is there really not one among them that will belong only to you? You just need to be patient and wait for it. Actually, where are you in a hurry? Engage in building a career for now or have fun. And just be vigilant and attentive - perhaps the one you need is already nearby, and you just need to notice him.

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How to understand if -