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» Repairing the inside of a flat metal roof. Description of modern methods for repairing dilapidated flat roofs. How to repair a flat roof

Repairing the inside of a flat metal roof. Description of modern methods for repairing dilapidated flat roofs. How to repair a flat roof


Perhaps many residents apartment buildings faced such problems as leakage, as well as the insufficiently reliable condition of the roof. This includes such disadvantages as poor-quality coating, roof collapse in an old house, etc. That is why major repairs to the roof of an apartment building are one of the most pressing issues for many residents.

Very often, many citizens, turning for help to various authorities involved in the maintenance of houses, are faced with their complete inaction, as a result of which they collect funds for roof repairs in an apartment building on their own.

However, before contacting such bodies and paying for the services of specialists in roofing work, it is necessary to understand the reason itself. Next we will talk about what types of roofs exist in apartment buildings, as well as the problems arising in connection with them and ways to solve them.

Types of roofing in apartment buildings

Since the types of roofs in multi-storey buildings There are several, it is important to understand the features of each of them, since renovation work may differ significantly.

According to the design and shape of the roof, they are divided into:

  • single-pitched (with different inclined angles);
  • gable;
  • multi-slope;
  • pitchless (standard flat roofs);
  • complex (more typical for modern buildings than for old houses).

The roof structure includes an outer covering and an internal support (this can be a rafter system or a reinforced concrete slab). Also mandatory elements are the drainage system, as well as layers of insulation and waterproofing. One way or another, when carrying out a major overhaul of the roof of an apartment building, it is imperative to take into account everything design features roofs.

Roof repair methods

Work on the restoration of roofs of buildings with many apartments is usually divided into two large groups: current, or temporary, and capital, or complete.

Thus, current repairs to the roof of an apartment building are carried out if any defects in the roofing system are discovered. Very often all work comes down to replacing the old and damaged roofing, which is usually roofing felt, to a new one, eliminating cracks and crevices that have appeared. Based on the need, the new coating can be laid in either one or two layers. Upon completion of the repair work, all seams and joints of the roofing sheet are completely sealed with special substances.

Regarding finances, this type of repair is not too expensive, so it is more common. However, there is another type current repairs when laying a new roofing sheet is not necessary. At the site of the defect, after a preliminary incision, the edges are folded back and the internal space is carefully cleaned. Next, it is dried using and treated with a layer of construction mastic, both the coating and its base. The edges are returned to their place, after which they must be pressed tightly against each other, waiting for complete adhesion.

Places where rot has appeared are completely cut out, and the roof is cleaned. All defective areas are filled with the same mastic, and then a new piece is glued to the area being treated, close to the old material. Of course, this method of repair is far from the highest quality, but nowadays it is quite common, especially on the roofs of old houses.

A major renovation of the roof of an apartment building involves a complete remodeling of the roof. The old covering is removed from it, after which a fresh screed is poured in and a new roofing carpet is laid in two layers. Such repairs should only be carried out by specialists, since during the work the interior decoration of the apartments located on the upper floors may be damaged.

If the roof of an apartment building is leaking, this may be a consequence of improperly performed work. The main work during a major overhaul consists of fusing roofing material with a special gas burner (read: ""). The underside of the roofing carpet is heated from below, after which the material is carefully pressed against the base of the roof. It is very important to control the temperature of the fire, since its incorrect indicator can lead to the destruction of the material. The covering must be laid according to the overlap principle, and all seams must be treated with construction sealant.

Factors causing roof leaks in apartment buildings

There is only one way to avoid leaks - by performing a major roof repair. The reasons for the occurrence of these unpleasant defects can be very different, but most often they appear after heavy rains or during a period of massive melting of the snow cover.

Thus, the causes of roof leaks in apartment buildings may be the following:

Roof leak detection

Before submitting an application for execution overhaul you need to clearly identify the place that is damaged. Most often, this involves comparing the location of the leak and then locating the source of damage on the roof. On soft bitumen roofs This is very easy to do - air bubbles form at the defect site.

In this case, the carpet should be replaced completely, and the necessary area should be thoroughly dried. You should not carry out this work yourself; it is better to entrust the work to specialists. But if there is a desire, detailed descriptions The entire progress of work with videos and photos can always be found in our articles on roofs and their repair.

Sometimes it happens that the problem of leaks on pitched roofs can also be complicated by rotting wooden rafter legs. In this case, not only the roofing covering, but also the individual elements designs.

Roofs based on the fusing principle

As has already become clear, the essence of a major overhaul comes down to the installation of weldable materials. According to existing standards, planned repairs with replacement (if necessary) of individual sections of the coating must be carried out by special services twice a year.

The whole process involves fusing roofing felt and other overlapping materials with a gas burner. Such repairs should be carried out for flat roofs, which are the majority today (read: ""). This material is resistant to moisture, temperature changes, and direct ultraviolet rays.

What to do if the roof is leaking, see details in the video:

The process of repairing pitched roofs

The covering for pitched roofs is usually a different material. Often these are sheets of metal, treated with zinc or simply painted. Repair work in this case consists of finding damaged coating elements, competent replacement and monitoring the condition of the roof base under the covering. To do this, the material must be removed and necessary work for the restoration of the rafter and sheathing system, as well as the base itself located under the covering.

Sometimes it is impossible not to complete such an important part of the work as replacing the waterproofing layer and installing additional high-quality insulation. If the damage is insignificant, you can simply apply patches and treat all joints with sealant.

Any cracks and crevices should be filled with polyurethane-based sealant and covered with special polyurethane adhesives. It is important that the area of ​​damage to be repaired is degreased and treated with a primer before all work. After the restoration is completed, it is customary to coat the roof with a paint specially designed for a specific roof, the functions of which are to give the coating greater strength and increase its service life.

Flat roofing is the most common type of roof arrangement. However, it also has a limited service life. The Atelier Roofing company provides a wide range of roof carpet maintenance services, including current and major repairs flat roof in Moscow and Moscow region at a competitive price.

Types of repairs

  • In the case of a local nature of the work, partial replacement of the defective coating is carried out, as well as the elimination of peelings and swellings.
  • When overhauling a flat roof, it is assumed complete replacement insulation layer and carpet material, including preparing the surface for subsequent installation of a new covering. The reason for a major overhaul may be damage of more than 40% total area roofing covering. Due to high labor and material costs this type works are much more expensive than the current one.

What does the cost depend on?

Repair begins with a specialist visiting for inspection. current state flat roof and assessment of the necessary labor and material costs. After this, the terms and estimated cost of materials and other consumables are agreed upon with the customer.

The final price for flat roof repairs is formed from the following cost items:

  • costs for the purchase of basic and draft materials;
  • fare;
  • waste of time for craftsmen.

The final estimate is drawn up only after a thorough inspection of the flat roof, selection of an effective technical solution customer problems and taking into account all third-party factors.

How we are working

Leave a request on the website or by phone

At a certain time you will meet our specialist

We agree on technical details

We conclude a contract with a guarantee

We carry out installation work within the approved time frame!

Ready! You accept and pay for the work

When is repair needed?

Problems with roof covering flat type, as a rule, arise due to water stagnation on the surface, wetting of the thermal insulation layer or evaporation of moisture from the roofing carpet. For the reasons described, the following damage to the coating may occur:

  • surface swelling;
  • delamination roofing pie;
  • formation of depressions and funnels with rainwater;
  • formation of bubbles or cracks;
  • germination of various vegetation through the inner layers;
  • destruction of the coating around chimneys.

Periodic preventive examination will help you limit yourself exclusively to current local repairs. Otherwise, after some time you will have to not only completely replace the coating, but also spend money on restoration of the premises. It is recommended to carry out work only on warm days and in dry weather.

Our services

To repair a flat roof of proper quality, our specialists carry out all work according to a specific plan:

  • a specialist visits the site;
  • the coating is inspected, all necessary measurements are taken and the required calculations are performed;
  • if necessary, the old coating is dismantled;
  • a project for the future roof is being prepared;
  • installation of the base and roofing material is carried out;
  • Final work on the installation of the drainage system is underway.

Flat roofing has a number of advantages, which is why it is very popular. Roofing felt and sheets with folded edges are often laid in violation of technology, which leads to leaks and loss of strength. At the nearest strong wind it will be noticeable. If the surface has become unusable, our company will be able to perform high-quality repairs. Our main distinctive feature in the market for the provision of these services is a specialized focus. We deal only with roofs, without trying to do a little in all areas. Therefore we offer the most best repair flat roofing in Moscow.

Flat roof repair

How the work is carried out

Let's look at the progress of work for each option:

  • Ruberoid. We first need to use a special proprietary method to determine the leakage areas, then the damaged areas are eliminated, and in their place new material is laid over the entire plane. Typically, one or two business days are enough for such repairs.
  • Seam roofing. Craftsmen use specialized tools to embroider the folds, remove damaged sheets, and then replace them with new material. For clamping, we use only special frame pliers that provide sufficient force to create reliable connection. Also, do not forget about specialized fasteners, which will provide protection from hurricane winds and strong gusts.
  • PVC membrane. This is a polymer, the sheets of which are held together using a specialized soldering iron. We can eliminate holes, tears, seam divergences and roofing errors.

Work is carried out only after an estimate has been drawn up on the basis of a bilateral agreement.

Our advantages

People contact us for the following reasons:

  • The work is carried out without intermediaries. Therefore, the price per m2 of repair soft roof Ours is at a minimum level. We do not allow anyone to profit from our clients.
  • We are the official representative of the Grand Line company, so we can supply the required roofing elements at the best price in the capital.
  • Our team is Slavic in composition and does not abuse alcohol. Therefore, working with us is pleasant and easy.
  • Over the years, we have already covered more than 1000 houses, so we can solve the problem in the best possible way.
  • While creating new roof you can receive a long-term official warranty from the manufacturer, because we do not violate the prescribed technologies.

Flat roof repair in Moscow

from 100 rub. sq.m.

Mauerlat installation
from 400 rub. linear m

Installation of the rafter system
from 450 rub. sq.m.

Installation of internal lathing
from 77 rub. sq.m.

Vapor barrier device
and waterproofing
from 60 rub. sq.m.

Laying 150 mm insulation.
from 180 rub. sq.m.

Arrangement and repair of flat roofs is done by two types of materials: soft or self-leveling. They provide excellent sealing of roofing layers, protecting the house from damaging influences environment and long service life. There are typical damage to roofs made of soft materials that occur periodically regardless of the quality of the materials used.

Types of damage

You can find out whether there is a need for roof reconstruction by carefully examining its surface. You can detect defects in the roof of a house if you simply walk on it. Damaged areas may crunch, sag, and swell.

Roof Condition Assessment

Types of flat roof damage:

  • separation of the “pie”: complete or partial;
  • swelling of the coating;
  • the appearance of bubbles;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • the formation of depressions and funnels filled with rainwater;
  • peeling of the coating around chimney pipes;
  • germination of all kinds of vegetation inside the coating layers.

If you periodically carry out a preventive inspection of the roof of your house for defects, then minor routine repairs to the surface can be done with your own hands. But if this is not done in time, the defects will gradually progress and the roof may begin to leak. In this case, you may need not only a major repair of the roof of the house, but also restoration interior decoration premises.

Roofing defect

Consequences of untimely roof repairs:

  • the growth of moss and other vegetation;
  • the appearance of mold;
  • deformation wooden walls and floors of the house;
  • violation of interior decoration;
  • occurrence of leaks;
  • icing of house walls and ceilings in winter period;
  • the appearance of multiple cracks,
  • peeling finishing materials, accelerated destruction due to rotting.

Deformed covering area
  • in early autumn, so that there are no problems with a leaking roof;
  • in the spring, after the snow melts - to eliminate damage after winter;
  • in summer it is necessary to remove leaves and clear the roof of moss;
  • In winter, you need to clear the snow on time.

This will help reduce the cost of ongoing home repairs.

How to repair a flat roof

Depending on the size and nature of surface defects, two types of repair can be noted:

  • small current;
  • capital.

Partial replacement of roofing

There are two effective methods repair a flat roof:

  • sticking to mastic;
  • fusing using high temperature exposure.

Membrane roof installation

PVC membranes are soft material for roof repairs, with which you can carry out repairs easily and quickly. The big advantage of such coatings is that installation can be done in one layer directly on the previous roofing felt coating. The only requirement is that the surface must be clean (no stones, debris, old greasy stains, puddles of water).

Membrane roof structure

To carry out the work you will need:

Work technology

The rolls are rolled out on the roof surface and the required pieces of sheets are cut off. The canvases are overlapped by 12 cm. The edges of the canvases are fixed with dowel nails every 40 cm. The edges are connected with heated air from a welding machine. In this case, a stream of hot air is directed under the canvas and immediately rolled with a roller. This method is justified when repairing large areas.

Application of euroroofing felt

This repair technology is much more economical, but the surface must be perfectly clean. The material is laid in two layers. The first is the main one, and the second is decorative. Thanks to a special powder, decorative roofing felt is not afraid of the sun, frost, does not crack or dry out, is chemical-resistant and has a long service life (about 30 years). The material is produced in rolls.

Deposition of material

Materials and tools for work:

  1. Two types of euroroofing felt;
  2. Gas-burner;
  3. Special scissors;
  4. Hook.

Fused technology

Strips of the required length are measured and rolled again for convenience. Each canvas is heated using a gas burner and rolled out, holding it so as not to get burned with an iron hook.. In this case, the material is firmly attached to the surface. A decorative layer is placed on top of the bottom layer using the same algorithm. The two layers are then melted simultaneously, ensuring a secure adhesion and long-lasting coating.

other methods

Minor repairs to the soft roof of a house can be done using ordinary roofing felt. It, of course, does not have all the advantages of modern analogues, but in case of minor roof defects, you can use pieces of roofing felt, laying them on molten bitumen. The material can even be laid on top of iron or slate surfaces.

Elimination of small defects

For small cracks in the slate plane, scraps of fabric in oil paint– they can repair minor damage.

Large fragments of damage must be replaced or the roof completely covered with new material.

How to correctly calculate reconstruction costs

The technology for carrying out minor routine repairs does not require such preparations; it can be carried out spontaneously without any preliminary preparation.

When planning a major roof repair, it would be quite reasonable to make a preliminary calculation of the costs of repairing a roof made from roll materials.

You must first calculate the material consumption

Procedure for planning repairs:

1. Carrying out measurements of the territory within which it is planned to replace the coating.

2. Compiling a list of all required materials, taking into account the nature of the defects.

3. Adding to the list of materials for the manufacture of cement-sand mortars if it is planned to update such areas of the roof.

4. Add 10-20% excess consumption of materials to the result obtained.

5. Consider offers from various building materials stores, take note of promotions and conditions for delivery of materials.

Major renovation

Major roof repairs require large expenses and a lot of time, but the procedure itself can be done with your own hands, provided you have some skills.

Complete replacement of old coating

Event technology:

  1. Dismantle the roofing pie and check the condition of all insulating layers.
  2. If damaged coatings are identified, the entire area should be replaced.
  3. Make a cement-sand screed, following the instructions on the mixture packaging.
  4. Pour the solution in a layer of 2-4 cm and wait until the surface dries.
  5. Prime with bitumen emulsion.
  6. Treat the entire roof area with mastic.
  7. Lay the pre-heated parts of the solid sheet on the roof surface, pressing with a stick. The procedure is easier to do with two people.
  8. Lay all the strips overlapping, maintaining 15-20 cm of overlap.
  9. Seal seams, joints and hard-to-reach places.
  10. If desired, you can make an additional layer of soft roofing by rolling out the roll in a perpendicular direction.

In order for a major roof repair to produce results and save you from carrying out such events for the next ten years, you must follow all the rules when laying the covering. You should also take into account the fact that the condition of the coating will depend on the quality of the selected material. It is better to choose products from reputable manufacturers.

The coatings used for flat roofs have a long service life. However, most roll and membrane materials have to be changed before the stated service life has expired. This is largely due to the occurrence of various types of damage that form on the roof during its operational life.

Types of roofing damage

The main reason for damage to roofing carpet is poor quality installation work and the use of cheap materials, the quality of which does not correspond to current operating conditions. Lack of regular maintenance also leads to both minor and critical damage that requires immediate repair.

The most common types of flat roof damage include the following:

In order to prevent the condition of the roofing covering, it is recommended to carry out a routine inspection front surface roofs. If problems are discovered, a decision must be made on how to proceed with repairs to prevent further damage.

Flat roof repair methods

Depending on the type of defects and the area affected by the damage, restoration and repair work on flat roofs is usually divided into the following groups:

  • current repairs are local work performed when minor defects and damage are detected in the roofing system. Basically, the damaged roof covering is partially replaced, peeling and swelling are eliminated;
  • major repair - is a complete replacement of the current insulating layer and roofing material, including a full cycle of preparing the working surface for further laying of a new coating.

The basis for major repairs is the presence of damage of various types on more than 40% of the total area of ​​the flat roof. Unlike local work, major repairs require the investment of a significant amount, which is comparable, and in most cases exceeds the cost of laying a new roofing cover.

What material to use for repairs

The technology for installing and repairing flat roofs involves the use of various materials. The use of a particular material is determined by the current condition of the roof and the coating that was laid or applied previously.

Major repairs of a flat roof are carried out in all cases when more than 40% of the total roof area is damaged

In general, the following technologies are used to repair flat roofs:

  • repair with screed - used in cases where the concrete floor slab is severely damaged and a full-fledged thermal insulation pie is required. In this case, for repairs it is used vapor barrier membrane, mineral or foam insulation, fine-grained expanded clay, concrete mortar, primer and insulating coating. To mix the solution, it is recommended to use sand concrete M300, produced under trademarks"Polygran", "Master Harz" and BESTO;
  • repair using roll coverings - used for restoration of flat roofs of various configurations. Various analogues of roofing felt or PVC membrane are used as roll coverings. Among the bitumen roll coatings, one can note the products of the TechnoNIKOL corporation under the brands Stekloizol KhPP-2.5, Technoelast KhPP and Uniflex EPP. As a roofing polymer membrane it is better to use coatings under the Ecoplast V-RP or Logicroof V-RP brand. To work with roofing felt derivatives, you must have a gas burner, and to lay PVC membranes - adhesive composition And construction hair dryer;
  • repairs using liquid rubber - most often performed when servicing multi-story residential buildings, since the material applied is light in weight and does not weigh down the floor slab. For use, we can recommend waterproofing under the brand name “Technoprok R”, Euromast Plus and Tremproof 250. Liquid rubber is applied using a special industrial sprayer. Besides insulating material vapor barrier is used, thermal insulation coating and deviation.

When repairing a roof with a screed, it should be taken into account that to mix a sufficient volume of concrete you will need a concrete mixer and a large number of containers for transferring concrete mixture. To distribute concrete, it is necessary to set linear guides. Leveling the solution is done using a steel rule.

In order to understand in more detail the technology of working with various materials, we will consider the process of repairing each type of flat roof separately. A more general technology describing the process of current and major repairs will be discussed below.

Repair of roll roofs

Roll coatings under the trademarks Stekloizol KhPP-2.5, Tekhnoelast KhPP and Uniflex EPP, which were mentioned above, are modern bitumen roll materials. For their production, a binder composition based on bitumen and filler is used, which is applied to fiberglass on both sides. Asbagal is used as a protective front layer - a coarse-grained coating applied to a special polymer film.

TechnoNIKOL Corporation produces a wide range of roll-bitumen coatings for roofing

As a rule, Stekloizol, Tekhnoelast and other bitumen roll coatings are used to protect flat roofs with preliminary installation concrete screed. The main problems of this coating are the formation of local damage in the form of cuts and cracks resulting from improper use roofs. If the operating technology is violated, air and water bubbles may form.

To eliminate local defects, patch repair is used, when the damaged area is completely covered with a new canvas. The size of the patch directly depends on the area of ​​damage.

Repair of cracks, breaks and other surface damage is carried out as follows:

If you need to eliminate blisters and bubbles on the surface roll covering that arise due to seasonal temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to carefully cut through the damage crosswise.

Next, you need to bend the corners of the coating so that you can dry the inner surface. After drying, the surface is cleaned and treated bitumen mastic, and the bent edges are pressed back. Then patch repairs are performed using the technology described above.

Repair of membrane roofs

PVC membranes are a specialized waterproofing coating designed to protect roofs and concrete foundations. The extrusion method is used in the production of membranes. This ensures that the final material will have zero water absorption.

Mechanical damage and depressurization of seams are two main problems that arise during improper use of a flat membrane roof. For example, when removing snow carefully with an iron shovel.

A special welding machine is used to lay the PVC roofing membrane

To repair mechanical damage, you will need to perform the following work:

  1. The damaged area of ​​the membrane fabric is cleaned and treated with an organic solvent.
  2. A patch is cut out of a single membrane sheet, the size of which will cover the gap or other damage on the surface of the roofing carpet by 5–10 cm.
  3. The patch is laid on the prepared area of ​​the roof and soldered using a welding machine. While heating, the patch is gradually smoothed with a roller.

Depressurization of seams occurs due to a violation of the technology for laying PVC membranes. As a rule, the membrane is poorly heated or placed “under tension” to hide irregularities.

To repair it will require processing inner surface peeled seams using a solvent. If necessary, they should be cleaned using available means. Next, the seams are soldered welding machine. If the length of the peeled seam exceeds 5–7 m, then it is additionally taped with Eternbond repair tape.

Video: installing a patch on a membrane roof

Repair of mastic roofs

Liquid rubber, unlike bitumen roll coatings and roofing membranes, allows you to create a seamless roofing carpet. This is especially true for flat roofs of old buildings, where preliminary installation of a concrete screed is impossible due to the load it places on load-bearing elements building.

Liquid rubber for roofing is a two-component composition that is mixed before application to the surface.

The main damage to a mastic roof is cracks that occur during long-term use of the roof. To repair them, liquid rubber of a similar composition to that previously applied is used. For example, liquid rubber “Slavyanka” for roofing is a two-component composition that is applied using a unit high pressure and spray nozzle.

The technology of roof repair using liquid rubber is a combination of next operations:

If there is extensive damage to the roof surface, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate local holes in the roof. After the restored areas have dried, a second layer 3–4 mm thick is applied. If necessary, laying fiberglass and arranging a finishing layer of liquid rubber.

Video: spraying liquid rubber on the roof

How to make an estimate correctly

Before carrying out any repair work, you should calculate its cost. To do this, you will need to draw up an estimate in electronic or paper form. This will avoid shortages or overspending. building materials necessary for carrying out repair work. Especially if major renovations are planned.

If there are swellings in the roofing covering, a cross-shaped incision is made with further processing of the damaged area

In order to create an estimate, you must complete the following steps:

  • measure the working surface - using a tape measure and other tools, measure and inspect the working surface. Based on the data obtained, the total surface area in need of repair is calculated;
  • calculate quantity and cost Supplies- based on the current condition of the flat roof, the type of repair that is planned to be carried out is selected. Taking this into account, consumables and tools necessary to carry out this work are selected;
  • calculate the roofing covering - according to measurements and technical condition, the covering will be selected to be used for repairs. Based on this, its quantity and cost are calculated;
  • draw up a work plan - at this stage it is necessary to think about how the material will be delivered to the site and the sequence in which the work will be carried out repair activities;
  • adjust the amount of consumables - the previously obtained volume of consumables must be increased by 15 to 20%. This will allow you to make a reserve for errors in cutting and accidental damage during repair work;
  • choose hardware store- monitoring of prices for construction markets and in stores in your region. If possible, you can contact the store directly with your estimate. The costs of delivery and unloading of the material should be added to the final cost.

If repair work will be carried out by qualified workers, then the corresponding item should be included in the estimate. It is not recommended to purchase specialized tools for performing work for personal use. It is more rational to rent it. Especially if a major overhaul is planned in compliance with technology.

Current flat roof repairs

Routine repair of a flat roof includes work aimed at eliminating local damage in the form of cuts, breaks, cracks and blisters. In essence, these works allow you to quickly eliminate local damage without affecting entire sections of the roof.

Basically, current repairs are carried out in case of damage to the soft roof, for the construction of which bitumen or membrane coatings were used. You can perform routine repairs yourself without turning to specialists - you will need a minimum of tools.

For the construction of soft roofs, roll material is most often used. bitumen based, which is called “Stekloizol”

As an example, we can consider the technology of current repairs for various local damages. To perform the work, you will need bitumen waterproofing material (glass insulation, euroroofing felt, bikrost), a gas or gasoline burner, a sharp knife, a rolling roller, and cold bitumen mastic.

General technology Repairing extensive damage to the surface of a flat roof consists of the following:

When using roll coatings with a welded surface, the installation technology is similar to that described above, with the exception that installation of the patch will require a construction hair dryer. The working surface of the cut patch is heated with a hairdryer until the bitumen layer becomes soft. Then the canvas is carefully laid over the gap and ironed with a roller.

The technology for eliminating cracks and minor damage to the canvas (15–20 cm) is similar - the damaged area is cleaned of protective coating, after which mastic is applied and a covering patch is glued. In this case, there is no need to cut out the damaged fabric.

Video: Installing a Fused Patch

Major flat roof repairs

Major repairs, as specified in the section above, are advisable to carry out when damage and defects are present on more than 40% of the total area of ​​the flat roof.

The essence of a major overhaul is to completely replace the current roofing material. If necessary, a complete replacement of the roofing pie can be carried out, including steam and thermal insulation, as well as screed.

Dismantling of the roof covering is carried out using special equipment

As an example, consider a major repair of a flat roof with further installation of a weld-on roll coating. To complete the work you will need a seam cutter, a chipper, a concrete mixer, gas-burner, shovel, laser level, metal rule.

The overhaul technology consists of the following:

  1. Performed complete dismantling damaged roll covering, PVC membrane or liquid rubber. For this, a grinder, a wall chaser and a sharp ax with a metal handle are used.
  2. The working surface is cleaned using stiff brushes, shovels and grinding machines. The removed roofing felt is cut into small sheets and then stored in a separate place. Where possible, the dismantled material is transported to a landfill.

    After dismantling, the old roofing covering must be taken to a specialized landfill

  3. A visual inspection of the working surface is carried out, during which its technical condition is determined. If the surface is represented by a concrete screed, then in most cases it must be dismantled.
  4. The concrete screed is being dismantled. For this concrete surface marked using a seam cutter. To remove the concrete layer, special bumpers are used.
  5. Construction debris is removed and the roof surface is prepared for pouring concrete screed. Shovels, brooms and other equipment are used for this. After cleaning, the surface is wetted with water.
  6. Linear guides are being installed. For this purpose, special steel beacons are used, which are mounted on dowels or cement-sand mixture. During installation, a slope (3–5%) is maintained from the center to the edges of the roof or vice versa.

    The roof screed is carried out along pre-arranged guides

  7. A concrete mixture based on M300 cement is being prepared. If possible, it is better to use ready-made dry mixtures from the manufacturer. As reinforcement, so as not to weigh it down concrete slab overlapping, microfiber is used, which is added to the solution during mixing.
  8. The concrete screed is being poured. To do this, the mixture is supplied in portions starting from the center of the roof. A steel or wooden rule is used for distribution. During work, the screed is checked by level to ensure that the required slope is maintained.
  9. After pouring and spreading, the concrete screed is covered with polyethylene. In this condition, the roof surface must be moistened with water 2-3 times a day for 7 days. The complete drying time of the concrete layer is 28 days.
  10. After 2 weeks from the moment of pouring, the linear guides can be dismantled. The resulting voids are cleaned and rubbed with a similar composition concrete mixture.

    Laying a roll or membrane covering is carried out only after the concrete screed has completely dried

  11. After the screed has dried, the surface is cleaned of abrasive particles. After this, a vapor barrier diffusion membrane is laid. The vapor barrier is laid with an overlap of 10–15 cm relative to the adjacent row.
  12. Laying in progress thermal insulation material in the form of mineral or basalt slabs. If you plan to install a serviceable roof, it is recommended to lay wool in slabs with a density of at least 50 kg/m3.

    Insulation made of mineral or basalt wool

  13. Thermal insulation boards are laid end to end. If necessary, the second layer is laid staggered so that the joints of the first layer do not coincide with the joints of the second.
  14. A thin-layer concrete screed (3–4 cm) with fiberglass is poured. The preparation and pouring technology was described above (see paragraph 8). After the second layer of concrete screed has dried, they begin laying the roofing.
  15. 2–3 layers of lining are laid roll material. To do this, the canvas is carefully rolled out as the working surface is heated using a propane or gasoline torch.

    A gas or gasoline burner is used to lay the welded roof covering.

  16. Roofing material, like the lining, is mounted in a running pattern with an overlap on the sides of the roof. If a roll coating is used, which is laid on mastic, then the surface is first lubricated with a primer, and only then the material is laid.

At the final stage, install roof aerators, gutters, junctions, cornices and other accessories and devices.

It is worth keeping in mind that major repairs of a flat roof in each case may have certain features. This is largely due to operational condition roofing, previously laid waterproofing material, etc. But in general, any major repair consists of dismantling, cleaning and preparation work old surface, laying underlying and roofing materials.

Video: laying roofing on a flat roof

Flat roof storm drain repair

Drainage system a private or apartment building is designed and calculated long before the construction of the house. During the construction of private buildings (garages, one-story houses), as a rule, external organized drainage is used. During the construction of apartment buildings multi-storey buildings internal drainage system is designed and constructed.

Before repairing the roof of private buildings, it is recommended to perform preliminary dismantling storm sewer. After repairs, the storm drain is reinstalled. If repairs are required, then during installation, damaged funnels, gutters, brackets and other products are replaced with new ones.

The roof funnel is installed during the installation of the roofing pie

Repair of internal storm drainage is carried out in next sequence:

  1. The internal channel is cleaned using a flexible cable with a nozzle in the form of a metal brush.
  2. At the stage of installing linear guides for the screed, a slope is formed towards the technological hole in the roof structure.
  3. After the concrete screed has dried, a roof funnel is installed in the technological hole on cement mortar.
  4. After drying mounting solution the surface near the funnel is treated with a bitumen primer.
  5. Next is the installation roll waterproofing in 2 layers. After this, the crimp ring is mounted and a hole is cut in the funnel.

Features of flat roof repair in winter

Routine and major repairs of flat roofs in winter are carried out only in exceptional cases when repair work is necessary to maintain the integrity of the ceiling.

Laying roll coverings in winter should be carried out with extreme caution.

When carrying out work in winter, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is advisable to carry out repair work on a clear day - this will avoid problems when laying roofing material;
  • when laying materials, moisture should not be allowed to get between the different layers of the roofing cake;
  • if the winter is snowy, then frame-tent shelters are used for repairs, which help prevent precipitation from getting on the roof surface.

To provide thermal regime petrol or gas are used heat guns. The roofing material must be kept at room temperature for 24–36 hours.

How much does it cost to repair a flat roof?

Flat roof repairs are complex work, so their final cost consists of the cost of the material, the cost of its delivery, labor costs, etc. At the same time, the cost of a major repair is difficult to estimate without a preliminary inspection of the flat roof.

On average, the cost of current repairs, which you can do yourself, will cost no more than 200 rubles/m2. The total costs mainly consist of the cost of the material and the rental of tools if they are not available. Major work costs approximately 2–2.5 times more than local repairs of minor damage. If repairs are carried out with the involvement of specialists, then the final cost increases by about 2 times.

To estimate the cost of repairing a flat roof, you can use the table below. The data in the table is compiled based on price lists from three specialized companies performing repairs in the central region of Russia.

Table: Cost of Repairing an Existing Flat Roof

Name of works Unit change Price (work + materials), rub./m2 Price (work only), rub./m2
Repair of an existing flat roof made of fused materials
Roof repair in 1 layer, including repair of old roofing carpet (opening and gluing of swellings and other defective places) m 2 500 350
Roof repair in 2 layers, including repair of old roofing carpet (opening and gluing of swellings and other defective places) m 2 800 530
Roof repair in 2 layers, including complete removal of the old roofing carpet and screed repair m 2 900 560
Installation of a flat roof during capital construction and repairs
Installation of roof covering in 2 layers on the finished base m 2 750 430
Installation of a new lightweight roof (vapor barrier, 150 mm mineral wool insulation, 2 layers of fused material) m 2 1700 570
Installation of a new roof (vapor barrier, 150 mm mineral wool insulation, reinforced cement-sand screed, 2 layers of welded material) m 2 2400 800
Installation of a new roof with a screed and slope (vapor barrier, mineral wool insulation 150 mm, expanded clay slope with an average thickness of 100 mm, reinforced cement-sand screed, 2 layers of fused material) m 2 2700 910
Repair of existing flat roof made of polymer membranes
Repair old roof using a PVC membrane covering (removing bubbles on old carpet, laying geotextiles, installing a 1.2 mm membrane covering) m 2 850 350
Installation of a roofing carpet made of PVC membrane on a finished base with mechanical fastening m 2 750 250
Installation of a new lightweight roof (vapor barrier, insulation with 150 mm thick mineral wool slabs, installation of a roofing carpet made of 1.2 mm PVC membrane) m 2 1750 420
Installation of a new roof with a screed and slope (vapor barrier, insulation with mineral wool slabs 150 mm thick, expanded clay slope, cement-sand screed up to 50 mm thick, installation of a roofing carpet made of 1.2 mm PVC membrane) m 2 3000 1000

Major roof repairs are expensive work, the quality of which determines the comfort and coziness inside the living quarters of the house. Therefore, when constructing a house, you should perform all the work efficiently and not skimp on materials. In order not to bring the roof to a critical condition, it is recommended to carry out routine inspections and local repairs, if the need arises.