Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Inspection hatch. Types and purpose of inspection hatches and their scope. Sewer hatch

Inspection hatch. Types and purpose of inspection hatches and their scope. Sewer hatch

Sewer hatches are a mandatory component for any underground communications. Along with protective functions, they perform a number of other, no less important tasks.

Models for external sewerage differ in a variety of types and forms. In order to choose the right hatch, you need to know its operational properties.

Installation of sewer hatches is mandatory - proper installation is impossible without them.

If the main line has one or more inspection (inspection) wells, then the operation of such systems is prohibited without insulating their necks. Used for arrangement autonomous sewerage, stormwater, drainage.

Structurally, hatches consist of a mounting rim (shell), which is installed on the well neck and cover.

The main purpose is to provide access and protection from external factors inspection wells.

But in addition to this, they also serve the following purposes:

  • safety. Their installation prevents a person from accidentally falling into the well;
  • protection against pollution. Prevents contamination of the structure and clogging of the inspection shaft;
  • ensuring normal passage for transport. If the well is located on the roadway, then it is necessary to install a special hatch model with appropriate strength indicators.

The selection of a certain type of protective structure directly depends on the system parameters and operational parameters of the well - diameter, material of manufacture, functional purpose.

These parameters are determined at the design stage and are strictly observed.

Types by material of manufacture

One of the determining factors in choosing a sewer hatch model is the material of manufacture. It is this that directly affects the further characteristics of the design and scope of application.

Currently, several types of materials are used, which must meet the following requirements:

  • mechanical strength. Depending on the expected loads, the product must withstand maximum mechanical impact without damage;
  • do not change its characteristics under the influence of external weather factors;
  • during operation, do not influence the material of manufacture and the structure of the well in a negative (destructive) way.

Several types of materials meet these conditions. Before that, you need to decide on the choice of manufacturing material.

Cast iron hatch

Cast iron is traditional material for the manufacture of protective structures for external sewerage. The material for their manufacture is an alloy of cast iron with the addition of lamellar graphite. Often, a grade no lower than SCH20 is used for this.

Such models are installed in cases where heavy loads are likely to occur on them - on highways, access roads.

They are characterized by good strength and long service life. In some cases it can reach 100 years.

Cast iron structures have the following characteristics:

  • the ability to withstand heavy loads (up to 90 tons) without damaging the surface;
  • the low coefficient of thermal conductivity makes it possible to use them in heating mains. Even in the event of a break, the hatch will be able to serve as a protective screen for a long time;
  • durability;
  • heavy weight. It is an advantage and at the same time a disadvantage. Dismantling a cast iron structure requires significant physical effort. But at the same time, the possibility of theft is indirectly prevented.

For cast iron hatches, they are installed only in places where vehicles can pass. In other cases, it is recommended to use less heavy models made of other materials.


Appearing relatively recently, polymer sewer manholes have become a worthy alternative to cast iron models.

If the site does not provide for the passage of large freight vehicles, then the best way insulate the neck sewer well There will be installation of polymer hatches.

Photo: polymer sewer manholes

Despite the seeming unreliability of the manufacturing material, some models can withstand loads of up to 5 tons.

In addition, they have a number of unique advantages:

  • small specific gravity. Because of this, in some cases it is recommended to install a locking lock. It will prevent the hatch from falling off as a result of a gust strong wind or being moved by a car;
  • low cost. Compared to cast iron models, the price is polymer hatches an order of magnitude lower;
  • wide range of colors. It is possible to choose a design of the appropriate color to create landscape design Location on.

This best option for arranging external sewerage in a private house. In addition to polymer hatches, there is another type - polymer-composite hatches.

In addition to plastic, they are made from polyester resins and fiberglass. They are stronger than polymer models, but have a higher cost.


A rare type of protective structure that can only be used in extremely rare cases, it is often not standard sizes sewer wells.

Photo: concrete sewer hatches

In the sewer networks of a private home, they can be used to seal a septic tank from concrete rings. Since the mounting rim is also made of concrete, the installation and size matching allow the installation of hatches made of this material on almost all reinforced concrete rings.

In large networks, concrete hatches are also installed in case of non-standard sizes inspection wells. At the same time, production desired design made to order, according to the specific project data.

Types by shape

The shape of the sewer hatch depends on geometric dimensions necks of inspection wells. Traditionally, round structures are installed, but in Lately there was a choice from several options.


Installation round designs necessary for repair or cleaning work in a sewer well. This form is used more often than others due to the structure of the inspection shaft.

For safety purposes and to improve air exchange, the well shaft is made of a cylindrical shape.

As a result, the optimal solution would be to install it on top part round protective hatch.

Important! When choosing a particular model, you should start not only from its performance characteristics, but also on size.

Hatch diameter

Round designs have basic dimensional characteristics, according to which the optimal design option is selected.

Photo: hatch device

Using the example of a hatch general purpose consider the main dimensional characteristics of the structure.

They are determined by the following data:

  • outer and inner diameters of the shell. It should be installed on the upper end of the manhole, and its parameters should correspond as closely as possible to the dimensions of the neck - base area and internal diameter;
  • cover size. It is slightly larger than the inner diameter of the shell.

There are standard sizes according to which round sewer manholes are made. GOST 3634 99 contains data on regulatory overall characteristics, depending on the area of ​​application of the hatch.

Photo: standard sizes of round hatches

These data regulate the dimensions for standard hatches. In practice, cast iron structures are produced with an internal opening diameter from 380 to 810 mm. The range of plastic models is much larger - from 315 mm to 1 m.


If the maintenance well has rectangular shape, then it is impossible to install a round model on it.

These are rare cases that are typical for autonomous sewage systems in private homes. GOST 3634-99 describes rectangular models for storm sewers (storm inlets) and sealed structures.

Photo: square hatches


Restrictions on standard sizes There are no square sewer manholes. Manufacturers make them with a certain step - 50 mm. The minimum size may be 300 mm, and the maximum – 800 mm.

The mounting area of ​​the mounting rim has the same overall dimensions as for round structures. The covers can be solid (sealed) or with special slots; the latter are used for storm drainage, both in civil engineering and private construction.


The material of manufacture determines not only the operational properties of sewer manholes, but also their weight.

Full description of characteristics in regulatory documents given only for cast iron structures. According to them, the recommended weight should correspond to the data in the table:

Photo: weight of the manhole

Concrete structures can weigh up to a ton, depending on overall dimensions. In contrast, plastic models have a maximum weight of about 20 kg, which is a definite advantage when installing them on summer cottage or a country house.


The main factor in choosing a hatch is its further area of ​​application.

For this purpose, a special nomenclature marking has been developed that displays this parameter:

  • B - installed in water mains;
  • PG, G – serves to protect a fire hydrant (underground or above ground);
  • K – sewer structures for domestic and industrial purposes;
  • D – rainwater (storm) sewerage;
  • TS – arrangement of a heating network;
  • GS - mounted for gas networks;
  • T, MTS, GTS - underground telephone communications;
  • MG – main gas pipeline.

This marking is applied to the front part of the structure and subsequently helps employees of the relevant services. But besides this, there is a division by load class.

The summary table shows all the characteristics of sewer manholes, according to GOST:

Photo: marking of sewer manholes

Hatches with lock

To protect the structure from theft and limit access to the inspection well, hatches can be equipped with special locking mechanisms - locks. Since the shell is rigidly attached to the outer end of the shaft, it acts as a kind of frame.

Photo: sewer manholes with a lock

The main mechanism is located on the lid and can be of various designs.

The simplest and most reliable are:

  • flag connection. By using rotary mechanism the locking element fits into the groove on the shell body;
  • threaded connection of the lid and body;
  • various types of spacer mechanisms;

Such devices are installed in in public places(theft prevention). In private homes they serve as protection against accidental opening.


You can install sewer hatches yourself. The technology depends on the material used to make the well and the protective structure.

For plastic models, special mounting grooves are usually provided into which the shell is placed. Additional fastening can be done using screws or adhesive joints.

Photo: installation of a sewer hatch

Cast iron structures are mounted on concrete or plastic wells.

Their installation technology is somewhat more complicated:

  • installation of a ring on the well cover. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the correspondence between the internal diameter of the hatch and the shaft;
  • pouring concrete;
  • installing the cover and checking the entire structure.

It is not recommended to remove the lid until the solution dries (from 2 to 7 days).


The cost of sewer manholes depends on their material and load class. The table shows prices depending on these parameters:

Photo: price table

The most expensive ones are cast iron. Their price is determined by the complexity of production and the cost of the material. Plastic models are considered affordable.

Important! Cast iron ones are necessary only when you are installing a sewer system with your own hands, passing through access roads (entering a garage).

Manhole cover

The main component of a manhole design is its cover. It is this that serves as a protective element for the inspection shaft shaft. Its dimensions must completely coincide with the dimensions of the mounting ring.

The lid should fit tightly to the shell and not protrude in height. There are several types of construction, ranging from standard sewer ones to special ones, which provide a container for filling with concrete.

This is necessary to ensure the proper level of structural resistance to external influences. When a large truck is in motion, the weighted cap fits tightly to the ring, and a layer of concrete gives it additional mass.

Decorative covers

Sewer hatches have been used as design elements for a long time. Even during the Roman Empire, each city had its own individual models, which were the same " business card", as well as the architecture of buildings.

Nowadays, a common method is to unusual shape or drawing. The latter is used most often, as it does not require any special costs.

How to hide a hatch

Installing standard sewer manholes can negatively affect the appearance of a personal plot.

Even modern plastic models cannot always fit well into the garden landscape. To hide, use special decorative covers.

Photo: hiding the sewer hatch

Most often it is an imitation of natural stone. But there may also be more exotic models - large decorative stumps, sculptural elements and even the famous marker stones from fairy tales.

The choice depends on the landscape design and personal preferences. The main condition for the installation of such structures is to ensure quick access to the sewer hatch.

Cover price

Separately, manhole covers are extremely rare for sale. Their cost differs from the price of the assembled structure by 10-15%. Therefore, if a hatch is lost (stolen), you have to purchase a ready-made structure.

The price of decorative covers also varies. A simple stone imitation can cost from 2,500 to 5,000 rub.. The price for models is larger and more complex can reach 20,000 - 30,000 rub..

Important! To install an external sewer system in a private home, it is best to use standard plastic hatches. If the maximum possible load does not allow this, then cast iron models are installed.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the diameters of the inspection wells and their location.

Sewer hatches are always a topic for active discussion. This is definitely an important component of any communication system. A person is trying to build it in a private house. No one can do without her apartment house. But not everyone understands how to install a hatch correctly. Before starting work, it is worth determining some important features and answer a few simple questions.

What is a sewer hatch for?

Everyone understands that if the length of the pipes is large, then sooner or later repairs and constant maintenance will be required. It is for this reason that it is impossible to do without organizing technological wells. You can use them to get to different directions human activity. These are not only sewage pits, but also gas pipelines, communications, etc. For convenience, a sewer cover is placed on them, which must meet all requirements.

It is in such recesses that locking units and those that are supposed to distribute the load are created. Do not forget that the system must consist of management and control mechanisms. In this case, sewer manholes must have a cover. And it is important in this matter that the protection is as reliable as possible, and no one can open it on purpose or accidentally. Otherwise, animals and even people may end up there.

During the installation process, a heavy, reliable cover is made. And here it must be said that the main purpose of the cover is safety for everyone around. The answer to this question is simple. This is done so that the constituent elements can be applied to any similar structures in different regions. There are characteristics and features that every person should know about. Creating hatches is not that easy. This process is labor-intensive and expensive.

Types of hatches

If we draw a parallel, not so long ago this structure was made only of cast iron. Today everything has changed. But it is worth saying that only reliable materials are used for the work. They must withstand serious loads, including collision trucks. There should be no movement or cracking under the structure. The main sewer manholes are made of cast iron and can withstand loads of up to 25 tons. Today, when using other materials, these conditions are taken into account without fail.

To prevent theft, they began to use polymer materials and rubber for such work. In addition, you can find a sewer manhole made of plastic. But cars cannot be allowed to move along it, so most often they are on the sidewalks. Such materials have their own advantages (for example, they can be painted in a variety of colors).

Using polymers to create round manhole covers

This material is unique because it can withstand loads and last for many years. Such hatches are installed on the roadway, pedestrian paths and even in green spaces. They are easy to make invisible, and it doesn’t matter where they are placed - this feature suits many. As a result, these hatches appear on the plots of private houses.

Installing such a structure is not difficult and is not labor-intensive. Since there is no contact with metal, sparks are completely eliminated. Their features also include chemical compounds added to the composition. They will not allow subsequent processing, which means there is no point in stealing them. The price for such sewer hatches is low (up to a thousand rubles), which means there is no need to overpay.

Are there any markings?

For ordinary people all the hatches on the road are the same, although this is not the case. There is a special marking on the lid, with the help of which a certain understanding occurs. In the process of creating hatches, letters are placed on them:

  • K - sewerage.
  • B - water supply.
  • D - storm drain.
  • G - hydrant.
  • TS - heating network.
  • GS - gas main.
  • GTS - telephone network.

Specialists do not need such indicators, since they have special schemes. They are created when laying any communication, so obtaining permission for any additional work is not so difficult. When made from cast iron, the products can be light or heavy. And the designations are carried out, respectively, by the first letters of words. Moreover, each manhole cover has its own characteristics and is made using special technology.

What does installation work involve?

If you need to install a well on a house plot, then the choice of cover depends on the financial capabilities of the owners. Since there will not be a lot of stress on it, there is simply no need to make it thick. The cost depends on the thickness. If it is a cast iron structure, then it can easily be purchased for two thousand or a little more. Price for sewer manholes from polymer materials and even cheaper.

Great complexity the product will not be installed during installation. The manhole cover is simply placed on the created support rings. They are made of concrete to be reliable and durable. In addition, an important task is to prevent water from getting inside, which means that a slight elevation is created above the lawn. Eat important point: the structure must not be allowed to fall below the required level.

What do you need to know about operation?

Polymer materials and other components are simple to use, but during use it is worth knowing some features:

  • Open the lid carefully, without sudden movements. In order not to harm yourself (since it is heavy), a special tourniquet made of durable metal is used.
  • Gases collect inside. They may ignite if the lid is opened. Therefore, you cannot use fire.
  • Cleaning is always carried out in teams. It is impossible for a person to plunge into a well alone.
  • To carry out processes inside the well, you need a special ladder. It must be the right length.
  • A plastic, cast iron or any other sewer hatch opens only during daylight hours and with a special fence.
  • They descend into sewer wells after ventilation and in special clothing.

It is believed that round sewer manholes are easy to purchase, since this is the most common shape that has existed for many years. They are created according to a single project, so they are the same even in different regions. The demand for such protective structures is always relevant, because there are situations when they are stolen.


Of course, creating special alloys for the hatch is beneficial. But an important task (especially in urban areas) is load bearing. They have a long service life, but the time comes and they need to be replaced. Even owners of private houses should create maximum protection for their septic tank. Sewer hatches are in demand, and they need to be selected depending on the purpose, taking into account the characteristics and features.

When installing water supply and sewerage networks and equipping wells for various purposes, Special attention it is worth paying attention to the choice of parts and structural elements. The serviceability, reliability and durability of the system will depend on their quality. In addition to pipes, connecting elements, shut-off valves great importance have parts designed to protect the water supply from external influences of various nature. In wells, such a detail is a hatch.

Sewer hatch necessary to protect water supply and sewer networks from adverse effects

In addition to serving as a “door” and providing access to important connections and areas of the system, such a cover allows you to reliably protect plumbing and sewer networks from various influences. When choosing a sewer hatch, there are several things to consider: important nuances regarding parameters, characteristics and cost.

Parameters and properties of hatches

As mentioned above, the sewer hatch is important element inspection and inspection shafts of water supply network wells. They are installed on the surface together with a slab, where there is a hole for access to the well.

By structure and appearance the cover is enough simple device. It consists of the following elements:

  1. The stationary part fixed to the plate is the annular neck.
  2. Lid. It can be of two types: completely removable or fixed to the neck with the possibility of tilting.
  3. Sometimes it is practiced to use a reinforced hatch consisting of two covers. The first serves to protect against mechanical influences, the second is designed to restrict access to the well (a lock is mounted in it).

Installing a sewer hatch is not a difficult task. The well cover is most often a special concrete slab with a factory-made “blank” hole for the hatch. The neck fits into it. It can be fixed with a special solution. After installing the neck, the lid is placed on top. Hatches are available in round shape.

The reason for this choice is that the rounded lid cannot fall into the well, while other shapes cannot guarantee this. Round lids are simpler and more convenient to use. The external contour of the hatch is made in a convex or even shape, since a concave configuration will lead to the accumulation of water, snow and dirt.

Key marks are made on hatches during production:

  1. Type marking.
  2. For which utility networks is it used?
  3. Date of manufacture.
  4. Manufacturer or place of production.

The connection between the neck and the lid is made using a variety of locking devices. The lock allows you to avoid arbitrary and intentional opening. Such situations with the absence of covers pose a great danger to pedestrians and vehicles.

The cast iron manhole is heavy

  1. Heavy sewer manholes, made of cast iron and polymer materials, have simple locking structures in the form of small protrusions that fit into grooves on the neck. Such systems are opened using special keys.
  2. Some models have a threaded installation principle, that is, the lid is screwed onto the thread into the neck. This method is not entirely convenient, since due to foreign elements getting into the butt joint of the lid and neck, “sticking” may occur, and this is a problem with access to the well.
  3. Designs with flag, bolt or spacer type locks are used. But the use of such “expensive” structures in water supply and sewerage networks is not rational. Such hatches are more suitable for equipping wells for communication and power supply networks, as they require more high level protection against unauthorized entry by unauthorized persons.

How much does a sewer hatch weigh?

The weight of the hatch depends on two main components: dimensions and type.

Caps have a type classification to facilitate identification and selection of models for specific purposes. The following types of cast iron models are used:

  1. Repair (marked “P”). For temporary use. It has a one-piece body shape without a neck. Weight – 35 kg.
  2. Light ("L"). Weight – 30 kg (lid), 35 kg (body). The hatch is optimal for private areas, green spaces and pedestrian paths.
  3. Heavy (“T”). Weight – 50 and 50 kg. The hatch is optimal for highways.
  4. Heavy mainline (“TM”). Weight – 45 and 50 kg. Used on sections of roads with heavy traffic.

To unify the use of sewer manholes, their dimensional characteristics are fixed in special standards, regulations and rules. The most commonly used models are those with a cover diameter of 645 or 800 mm. This applies to cast iron types. Polymer, plastic and steel hatches can have excellent dimensional parameters. For this reason, it is important to check the dimensions before purchasing. Dimensional parameters of the hatch (diameter 645 mm):

  1. Cover diameter – 645 mm.
  2. Neck diameter – 806 mm.
  3. The entrance opening of the neck is 580 mm.
  4. Cover height – 40 mm.
  5. Neck height – 60 mm.
  6. The total height of the hatch is 100 mm.

Scheme of hatch dimensional parameters

Characteristics of hatches made of various materials

Classification of hatches by material of manufacture:

  1. Cast iron.
  2. Plastic.
  3. Polymeric.
  4. Concrete.
  5. Steel.

The most common type of hatches is cast iron. They are reliable and durable (more than 100 years). Not subject to deformation from prolonged temperature effects. The main disadvantages are the heavy weight and high price. Cost gives rise to another problem - cast iron is an object of theft. Use in unguarded private areas is irrational.

Cast iron products are produced by casting at metallurgical plants. Both the lid and neck are cast. The neck can have a “double” structure - a cast iron rim and concrete base. For the body, cast iron of a grade not lower than SCh 15 (strength index) is used. For the lid, more durable raw materials are used - SCh 45. modern models Additional rubber gaskets are often used between the body and the cover.

In the last few years, plastic and polymer covers have been used on walkways, green areas and private residences. A polymer sewer hatch is made from a mixture based on quartz sand, cement and molten plastic. Heat treatment during the production process allows us to obtain structures with high utility rates.

For dyeing orange, green or Brown color Appropriate pigments are added to the mixture. Color “design” allows you to mask or unmask the location of a sewer well in order to increase safety.

Polymer lids are slightly lighter in weight (up to 45-50 kg) than cast iron ones. But such hatches can withstand a weight several times less than cast iron can “carry” (the figure is 4-20 times lower). That is, polymer and plastic sewer manholes cannot be installed in areas of active traffic.

To enhance strength, some polymer or plastic models add a reinforced frame made of steel rods. Polymer and plastic make it possible to increase the ease of use of well parts several times. The hatches are easy to move, open and close. Such products are characterized by increased tightness and are not susceptible to freezing to the neck in winter cold.

Useful functional characteristics combined with affordable cost make polymer and plastic hatches popular among individuals. Polymer products Outperforms plastic ones. Plastic lids have less “weight endurance” and are sensitive to low temperatures. Low price makes them ideal solution for installation in a country house or on the site of a private house.

Concrete covers are used to temporarily seal the well shaft. They are installed during construction and repair work. Such products are a concrete shield with a reinforced frame and several protruding brackets for movement. Such lids are heavy and inconvenient to use; they do not allow achieving the required tightness. Steel hatches are used extremely rarely. They are used when it is necessary to reliably isolate the well from “prying eyes”; for this purpose they are equipped with reliable locking systems.

As can be seen from the description, depending on the materials, hatches can vary significantly in price.

How much does a hatch cost? is a question that interests many people. Depending on the manufacturer and region of sale, prices can vary significantly. A cast iron hatch can cost from 1,500 rubles per piece to 5,000 rubles. Polymer-sand hatches can be purchased at a price of 500 rubles, but more often the offer is about 1,500 rubles per piece. The cost of cast iron structures depends on the type: the lower the weight, the cheaper the product.





GOST 3634-89


Date of introduction 01.07.89

This standard applies to round cast-iron manholes for inspection wells of water supply and sewerage networks.


1.1. Hatches and repair inserts must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2.Main parameters and dimensions

1.2.1. The types, weight and scope of application of hatches, depending on operating conditions, are indicated in the table.

1.2.2. The main dimensions of the hatches must correspond to those indicated on -.

1.2.3. The hatch symbol must consist of the type designation, name utility network, for which it is intended, and the symbols of this standard. The name of the utility networks for which the hatch is intended is designated: B - water supply; G - fire hydrant; K - domestic and industrial sewerage; D - rainwater drainage.


weight of hatch parts by design, kg

Application area

In green areas and on the roadways

On city roads

On main roads with heavy traffic

In manhole bodies of types T and TM during road repair work (when extending road surface)

Example symbol light hatch on the water supply network:

LV GOST 3634-89;

the same, heavy main hatch for rainwater drainage, version P:

TMD P GOST 3634-89;

the same, repair insert for hatches of types T and TM for all types of utility networks:

R GOST 3634-89.

1.3. Characteristics

1.3.1. Ribs configuration outer surface Manhole covers of types T and TM can have both wavy (version 1) and tangential (version P) shapes.

1.3.2. It is allowed to make the outer contour of the top of the body of hatches of types L and T square, of the same size, with pockets placed under the lid lugs diagonally.

1.3.3. Hatch bodies of all types, covers and repair inserts are cast from cast iron no lower than grade SCh15 in accordance with GOST 1412.

Manhole covers of type TM are cast from cast iron no lower than grade VCh45 according to GOST 7293.

Type L


1 - lid; 2 - frame; 3 - designation of this standard and year of issue; 4 - hatch type designation; 5 - trademark

Type T


1 - lid; 2 - frame; 3 - designation of this standard and year of issue; 4 - hatch type designation; 5 - trademark


5.1. The hatch body is installed horizontally on a prepared concrete base or brickwork and concreted.

When installed, the top of the hatch body must coincide with the level of the road surface.

5.2. Hatches on the roadways of streets are installed with lugs along the main direction of traffic. In this case, the names of the type of hatch and utility network should be located towards moving traffic.

5.3. When building up the road surface, a repair insert should be used.


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees that hatches comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation, storage and operation.

6.2. The warranty period is three years from the date of commissioning of the hatches, but not more than five years from the date of shipment of the product by the manufacturer.



1 - harness; 2 - slinging location


Package weight, kg

The very first manhole of the Moscow city sewer system, the so-called “menazhnitsa”. The letters “GK” stand for city sewerage. A hatch was discovered on the territory of the Botkin Hospital.

The fact that the sewer manholes of the very first stage of the Moscow sewer system had exactly this design, and it was launched in 1898, is shown by the drawing from the “Atlas for the description of the sewerage system of the city of Moscow. 1st stage."

As can be seen from the drawing, there were two types of cast iron hatches for inspection wells: for wells in flooded areas spring water, and for wells in areas not filled with spring water. They were airtight so that rainwater did not mix with fecal waste; the design was the same. In Moscow they were originally designed separate systems domestic and rainwater drainage. It is impossible to find out the manufacturer of the hatches today. The financial report of the Moscow City Government on the construction of the first stage of the Moscow sewer system says that the production of hatches was carried out by different contractors.

The hatch diameter is 64 centimeters.

And one more interesting detail. Wooden segments were inserted into the hatch cavity for, so to speak, safety of horse-drawn movement.

I found direct confirmation of this in a 1912 book published by an engineer at the Sewerage Department of the Moscow City Government, Yakov Yakovlevich Zvyaginsky, “House sewerage, its design and operation”, it is written there exactly - ... in The top cover is made with wooden liners that soften blows, for example, from hooves, and thereby protect the cover from damage. Such a cover is not slippery in winter and does not pose a danger for people to fall.

And here is what Arnold (Adam) Karlovich Ensh, a civil engineer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Society of Architects, one of the authors of the sewerage project for the city of Yaroslavl, said: wooden inserts in the covers, according to the experience of the Moscow sewer system, shrink, crack and jump out of their sockets, although they are comfortable for driving, and asphalt fills soon wear out and, in addition, soften in the sun in the summer.

I showed the boundaries of the 1st and 2nd stages for this reason. If we cannot talk about the complete authenticity of the upper hatch, since it is located outside the boundaries of the 1st and 2nd stages, then the lower hatch lies precisely on the territory of the 1st stage, namely in the courtyards of Bolshoi Kazenny Lane. Inner side of the Garden Ring, territory of the 5th pool. One hundred and twenty years in service!?

Bolshoi Kazenny Lane, building 10 building 1. In the courtyard. There are three of them. The year of construction of the house is 1880.

A couple of hatches lie on the territory of the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki. The territory was not included in either the 1st or 2nd phases of construction.

The territory was part of the 1st stage of the Moscow sewer system, the likelihood that the manholes have been lying here since that time is very high.

Pokrovsky Boulevard, in the courtyard of house 16-18.

Pokrovsky Boulevard, in the courtyard of house 16-18.

Pokrovka, rear of house 4.

The rear of house 17 on Bolshoy Drovyanoy Lane.

The hatch design was used until the end of the 20s, an example of this is