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» Cut laminate flooring with a grinder. How to cut laminate: select the appropriate cutting tool. Sawing accessories

Cut laminate flooring with a grinder. How to cut laminate: select the appropriate cutting tool. Sawing accessories

Laminate flooring is laid using the same method as brickwork - in a staggered manner. Thus, the integrity of the coating is achieved. But, in order to do everything correctly, it is necessary to resort to cutting the material more than once.

Laminate planks must be cut with special responsibility and understanding, and therefore at least minimal knowledge of tools and cutting methods is required.

The most common methods of cutting laminate

The laminate is cut in such a way that no torn or protruding parts are formed on the cut plane; naturally, there should be no damage to the material either.

In order to achieve this result it is necessary to use special various instruments, which will be discussed further.

Cutting with saws

Let's look at how and with what saws a laminate is cut at home:

  • Unlike materials similar to chipboard, laminate can be cut well with ordinary hand hacksaw.
  • There should be no rough nicks or other noticeable deformations on the edges of the laminate. In this regard, the saw teeth must be small, and the saw itself can be anything.
  • If you somehow manage to damage the end edge, it’s okay, it can be easily hidden under the baseboard, and it won’t be noticeable.
  • The rule “measure twice, cut once” also applies when cutting laminate flooring. Before cutting off a part, it is necessary to accurately measure everything and apply markings along which the cut will be made.
  • In order to obtain a high-quality edge located on the front side, it is necessary to cut the laminate while holding it with the front side up. In this case, the laminate should be kept horizontal.
  • There is no need to apply much force when pressing on the saw. This may cause the edge of the laminate to break.

Cutting with a jigsaw

Cutting laminate fabric using a jigsaw is the most convenient, fastest and “cleanest” way. If you don't have a jigsaw, you can use a hand saw, but this process is more labor-intensive. Therefore, due to the low price, it is recommended to purchase a jigsaw, because it can provide effective assistance not only when cutting laminate, but also in many other works.

Let's consider a method by which you can cut laminate with a jigsaw:

  • Before cutting laminate, you need to install a blade with a reverse fine tooth on the jigsaw. This is a standard blade, which generally always comes with the tool. If you don’t have one, you need to purchase one, otherwise the coating may be damaged.
  • After the jigsaw is equipped with a suitable blade, it is necessary to mark the strip to be shortened. The markings are applied to the back side of the laminate (not to the front).
  • Then you can proceed directly to cutting. The laminate must be fixed and turned face down so that the marking line is visible. The cut is made strictly along the intended lines.

Cutting with a circular saw

Using a circular cutter to trim laminate flooring will make the process much easier. Therefore, if among the tools there is such a saw, you can safely get down to business.

Consider the instructions for cutting laminate using a circular saw:

  • As in other cases, the saw teeth should be fine.
  • On front side The coating is marked with markings along which the cutting process will be carried out.
  • The bar must be placed horizontally on the machine table, face up. Then, grasping the edge of the plank, carefully and without sudden movements push the laminate away from you onto the rotating saw blade.

When working with a circular saw, you must follow safety rules: the rotating blade must be under a special protective cover, sleeves outerwear of a man working at a machine, buttoned up.

It is also necessary to remove all things that may accidentally fall into the action area of ​​the circular plate, such as bracelets, chains, etc.

What else to use at work

What else do experienced professionals use to cut laminate? They use a machine designed for this purpose. The machine is a rigid structure with a movable sharp blade, which is driven by a handle.

This tool works as follows:

  • The laminate strip is placed horizontally on the machine support;
  • The marking line is aligned with the horizontal projection line of the knife;
  • The handle of the machine, connected to the knife, is lowered all the way, cutting the laminate. The result is an even, neat cut.

Helpful information! This type of machine can help with cutting a large volume of material in a short period of time. And due to the fact that it does not work for electrical energy, it can be used in places where there is no power source.

If you decide to cut and lay laminate professionally, and the job will not be limited to just one time, you can safely buy such a machine for yourself.

Whatever tool you use when cutting laminate plinths, you need to remember that a lot depends not only on the tool, but also on the person who uses it. Do not use too much force when cutting, be careful when making calculations and markings and, of course, follow safety rules.

Correct calculation and applied markings are the key to quality work.

In this article we looked at several methods and tools that can be used to cut laminate flooring. Among the described tools, it is impossible to definitely name the best one - they are all good in their own way, and in the end, their choice comes down to individual preferences.

Some people prefer mechanics, others prefer electrics, etc. To obtain more visual information on cutting methods for laminate flooring, it is recommended to watch the training video.

It is quite possible to trim laminate flooring yourself, the main thing is to properly familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this process Laminate flooring looks very beautiful and is one of the most popular finishing materials however, it cannot be used for wall decoration. The peculiarity of the canvas is durability, affordability, original form, large assortment.

Conduct Finishing work You can do the cutting on the floor with your own hands and even without the help of a specialist. To ensure that the floor lies flat and there is no deformation or swelling of the covering, it is necessary to trim the board correctly and lay it flush against the wall. At home it is much easier to cut soft vinyl laminate, which consists of only 2 layers and is a thin canvas.

This type of coating is better than the usual one, as it has excellent performance properties.

  • Wear resistance class 43;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • Water resistance;
  • Quick installation.

An excellent tool for cutting laminate is a special guillotine

To cut such a laminate, you do not need a special tool and just a ruler, pencil and construction knife. A line for the future cut is drawn, then you need to draw a knife along it and bend the fabric. If necessary, make a shaped cut, you can use large scissors.

To cut a laminate board, you need to take accurate measurements, prepare tools, and follow safety precautions. It is especially important that the canvas needs to be cut so that there is no torn protruding part on the cutting line. In other words, there should be no visual damage. For high-quality cutting, you can use different kind tools. Most often, a saw is used to cut laminate flooring, which can be used at home.

Unlike fabrics such as chipboard, laminate is very easy to handle, and a hand-held hacksaw is suitable for this.

There should be no rough burrs or other types of deformation on the edge, and to prevent their formation, it is best to use a file with fine teeth. If it happens that the coating is nevertheless deformed, then do not despair, since you just need to put the material on this side under the baseboard, and therefore it will not be noticeable. Before making a cut, you need to check several times to avoid inaccuracy, which will later become noticeable in the form of a hole on the floor sticking out from under the baseboard.

How and with what to cut laminate flooring at home

What is the easiest way to cut laminate? It must be neat, correct, thoughtful. The cutting can be done using a jigsaw, especially if it is an electric tool.

To cut laminate, many experts recommend using a jigsaw.

It is with a jigsaw that you can make a cut:

  • Fast;
  • Competently;
  • Purely.

An alternative could be the most common hand saw or a hacksaw, but this process will take much longer. Due to the fact that the cost of such a product as a jigsaw is not too small, and laying the laminate is carried out quite rarely due to the long service life, it is not advisable to purchase it for personal use.

The method of cutting tiles with a jigsaw is unique and requires compliance with safety and operating rules. The laminate is cut with small teeth. This blade is included in the set of every jigsaw and, if necessary, you can buy an additional one.

You cannot work with a damaged blade, as it will not cut, but simply deform the board.

The cut is carried out according to pre-made markings. The markings should be on the back of the laminate. Next, cutting is carried out, but with the board carefully fixed, for which you can use a heavy object or even own hand. It is advisable to carry out the cutting with additional assistance.

Convenient laminate cutter

You can trim a standard laminate board correctly using a machine with a guillotine installed. It is important to remember that the board consists of 5 layers, namely unrefined paper, which prevents the penetration of moisture into the coating, high-density fiberboard, moisture-resistant film, decorative paper, and acrylic resin. They cut the laminate without chipping, so as not to spoil the integrity of the board, and it is advisable not to use a regular knife.

You can quickly and efficiently trim laminate flooring using a convenient cutter

When working with the machine you need:

  • Follow safety rules;
  • Work carefully;
  • Follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

It is strictly forbidden to cut without a pre-marked line along which the disk placed on the cutter is installed. Using the machine, the cutting will be carried out efficiently, quickly and simply, and if the technology is violated, not only the material can be deformed, but also harm your hands.

Laminate Tool Set

What tool can you use to cut laminate flooring when laying it? It is worth noting that there are special requirements for the tool that will be used to cut the laminate.


  • Ease of operation;
  • Maximum efficiency;
  • Quality work;
  • Compactness.

To make small trims, you should not use a grinder, which can be used to saw off a large and thick blade, since a regular hacksaw for metal will do. It is easy to work with and does not require any special professional skills. When cutting laminate, do not put pressure on it, as this may cause the panel to break and create an uneven edge. A damaged panel cannot be restored, and if there are too many boards with defective edges, the floor covering will not look aesthetically pleasing.

Before you start working with laminate, you should prepare in advance necessary tools that will help you get the job done quickly and efficiently

Experienced craftsmen prefer to use an electric jigsaw, as it does not leave dirt and allows the work to be completed as quickly as possible.

It is important that safety precautions are followed and the laminate board is cut on the substrate. For example, on a bedside table or table.

You need to cut the laminate with reverse side so that in case of defects formation, they are not too visible. A machine with a circular saw is no less optimal, but a more dangerous option. With its help, the cut will be completed in just a few seconds, but preliminary marking is also required so that the cut is in in the right place. The circular saw can also be a manual type, and the work also involves marking and cutting.

If you use a special angle grinder, the cutting will be of high quality and correct. It is the grinder that is considered an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any master or ordinary man. To cut laminate, you can use a metal, concrete or ceramic tiles. The most important thing is that the lamella is positioned with the pattern facing up, unlike other cutting methods. By cutting with a grinder, you can not only divide the canvas into 2 parts, but also polish the edge.

As for the type of tool, it is best to use a professional one rather than an amateur one, as it is of higher quality and more effective. Home machines may not give desired result, and they are not safe, but they are much cheaper. It is worth noting that any type of machine must have special supports through which the lamella is attached, which ensures safe cutting.

How to cut laminate (video)

There are an incredible number of varieties of tools for manual or automatic cutting, however, when choosing, you need to be guided by the quality of the cut and the volume of expected work. In this case, it is much easier to select equipment that will fully meet your expectations and will be useful not only for working with laminate, but also with other fabrics.

In order for the laminate flooring to “fit” correctly into the surface area, and for you to get an even pattern, you need to not only follow the installation technique, but also know the best way to cut the laminate flooring.

Naturally, it is better to use a specialized tool for this, but there are other options, which will be discussed in this article.

Tool capabilities

The main characteristics required for a tool for cutting laminated boards:

  1. Light weight and easy to use.
  2. Possibility of smooth cutting without chips and cracks.

Note! The second point for those who decide to install laminate flooring themselves is considered the most important. But if you look from a technical point of view, this value is a little exaggerated. The fact is that small chips (up to 5 mm) can easily be hidden behind the baseboards.

With this tool, thanks to its lightness and convenience, you can achieve best result when cutting material. The main thing is to choose the right file with a special tooth pattern and fine pitch.

A professional tool, in principle, is supplied with a set of different files, but if you don’t have one, then you can use a regular metal file.

Cutting with a jigsaw

To properly cut laminate while maintaining integrity decorative covering, you need to follow some cutting rules.

  1. First, at the incision site with inside you need to draw a line with a pencil.
  2. Then place the panel on a clean table so that the cut area hangs from it.
  3. To ensure proper cutting, press the material against the table and cut through the laminate in the intended location.

Note! To minimize damage to the coating, cutting is carried out at increased speed. If you do everything quickly and confidently, the cut will be smooth and without large chips.

Thanks to the use of this tool, you can quickly and efficiently cut laminate flooring. Only for this purpose a metal cutting disc must be used. Working with such a tool is more difficult than working with a jigsaw.

Before cutting, the material must be laid on a flat surface (with the pattern facing up) and secured. When cutting you need to be extremely careful. The saw is moved with slight pressure, slowly moving the disk along the marked line and not stopping in one place.

This is also very handy tool, which has home handyman. It is used for cutting any material, including laminate. As with other tools, for quality cutting you need to follow some rules.

  1. To ensure that there are no chips left at the cut site, the cut should be made from the front side.
  2. Since there are no special discs for cutting laminate, you can use those that are used for cutting concrete, metal or ceramic tiles.

Note! When working with this tool, you need to take into account one nuance. When cutting, a lot of dust will be generated, so it is better to work on a balcony or outside.

This tool is also well suited for such work. It’s just better to use a hacksaw because it has fine teeth. A wood hacksaw is not suitable for cutting because its teeth will tear out pieces of the decorative surface.

Note! Because cutting laminate with a hacksaw - labor-intensive process, it is better to use it for small amounts of work.

This professional tool allowing for quick cutting of material. It works on the principle of a guillotine, and laminate cutting is carried out quickly, without unnecessary noise or chips. The design of the cutters allows you to cut the material in the transverse direction without applying additional effort.

Note! Considering that such cutters are intended only for working with laminate, it is not worth purchasing it for one-time use. As a rule, they are used by craftsmen involved in professional styling this coating.

This is a backup option that can be used for cutting laminate flooring. It can come in handy if your grinder or jigsaw breaks and you only have a few boards left to lay.

  1. The laminate board must be marked in advance and placed on a clean surface, decorative side up.
  2. You need to apply a ruler to the cut site and make a deep cut with a knife (2-3 times if necessary).
  3. Then, holding one side firmly, you need to press on the other half. The laminate should break at the point of the cut.

There are plenty of laminate cutting tool options. Having good experience, you can cut it off efficiently and quickly with any of them. The difference lies only in the time spent on it.


This video shows the operation of a manual guillotine for laminate flooring.

In appearance, laminate resembles natural wood, although high-strength fiberboard with decorative finishing is used for its manufacture.

Important! In the production of laminate, four-layer technology is used, on the top there is protective film, which protects it from mechanical damage and wear.

Laying laminate flooring is quite simple, like any other flooring, it requires sawing and preparation for installation. If you are new to this business, then you may have problems choosing the right tool. To learn about the technology of sawing laminate using a special tool without chips and scratches, you should read the information below.

Laminate classification

Jigsaw for cutting

Often used for sawing laminate electric jigsaw, this is a popular and versatile tool that requires certain skills to work with. The laminate board will not deform if operated at high rotation speeds. Therefore, for high-quality sawing of laminate, you should choose a jigsaw where you can adjust the speed, most often this is done using a button. To properly cut laminate using an electric jigsaw, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures:

  • On the outside of the laminate board, using a pencil or marker, a mark is made along which the cut will be made;
  • It is necessary to draw along the same line with a knife or other sharp object and apply some force;
  • Lay the laminate board on a flat surface and fix it in a stationary state.

The mark is made with a knife or other sharp object so that the jigsaw does not damage the coating, and the cut is smooth and correct in accordance with the applied markings. Before sawing, the laminate board is placed in such a state that the edge that needs to be cut is suspended. Next, sawing is carried out along the intended line. You need to choose the right saw for sawing with an electric jigsaw; in a special store you can find saws for working with wood and special attachments designed for sawing laminate boards.

If straight cutting is required, you can use a wide nozzle. For more complex sawing, it is better to use a fine-toothed attachment. The blade of such a nozzle should be narrow, this will avoid cracks and chips in the process of sawing the laminate board.

The beauty of curly cuts is achieved when using a narrow nozzle with small teeth, while when using a wide nozzle it will be difficult to carry out turning movements and the figures may be cut out not according to the markings, but with some deviation. Pay attention to the availability of saws with reverse teeth in a specialized store; they are just suitable for accurately and quickly sawing laminate boards.

Circular saw for cutting laminate boards

A circular saw can be used to cut laminate boards, although it is not the optimal tool for this operation. If you have not previously worked with a circular saw, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​sawing laminate boards when using this tool. Most often, a circular saw is used to cut laminate boards lengthwise.

If you need to cut a saw along the entire length of a laminate board, then this tool comes in handy. However, when working with a circular saw when cutting laminate, you may encounter a problem unpleasant odor, this occurs due to the high speed of rotation of the disk, which, when heated, begins to burn out the wood. To properly cut laminate boards using a circular saw, you should use a fine-toothed blade.

Grinder for performing laminate sawing operations

If you have a grinder at hand, then it is also quite suitable for cutting laminate boards. You just need to choose a disc designed for working with ceramics or concrete. Using a grinder, the laminate is cut according to outside, this method allows you to avoid the appearance of chips and cracks. You should pay attention to the fact that when working with an angle grinder, a lot of fumes and dust are released; you can protect objects in the house with the help of film.

Hacksaw for cutting laminate

A hacksaw is not a leader in the ranking of tools for cutting laminate boards. But if this is the only tool at hand, certain rules will help you cope with the sawing task. Do not use a hacksaw with large teeth; it will damage the surface and will not allow you to make an accurate cut. It is recommended to use a hacksaw with fine teeth and first mark with a pencil and a sharp object along the cut line. But when working with a regular hacksaw, you don’t have to count on high speed. A hacksaw is best suited for making small cuts and cross cuts. This tool is not suitable for cutting along the entire length of a laminate board.

Cutter for cutting

The cutter is used quite often in laminate sawing, since guillotines operate on the principle of a burner, as a result, it is possible to create a cut faster. When using this tool, the cut is smooth. It is convenient to work with such a tool because it does not generate dust and does not make noise. The cutter is designed in such a way that it is only suitable for cross cuts, so the scope of this tool is limited.

Laminated board is one of the most popular floor coverings, which is made by pressing a board based on wood fibers or fiberboard. Appearance surface will depend on the design of the top layer - it can be made to look like wood, stone, tile, etc.

Laminate consists of four layers, which are “laminated” on the outside with a special protective film. This is the reason for the name of the material.

It will be helpful to know that due to their design, the products are quite easy to use. In this regard, laminate flooring is available to specialists of various levels, ranging from beginners to experienced professionals.

The nuances of working with laminate also come down to the fact that it is cut right at the installation site. This begs a logical question: how can you get pieces of laminate of equal sizes without damaging the product itself?

If you choose a wood-based floor covering, people often give their preference to natural parquet or a cheaper, but no less visually pleasing option - laminate. This material is characterized by increased durability and features that will even surpass natural solutions in terms of operation.

IN construction stores can be found different designs laminate World-class companies can offer end users a wide variety of textures that will imitate natural surfaces, for example, trees of various types.

This coating has become popular largely due to the fact that laminate flooring is very easy to install using a locking system. Also, such coatings are quite easy to dismantle and reinstall.

The coating is laid in rooms where there is increased traffic. This is largely due to the fact that laminate has increased wear resistance and is not afraid of loads. If you install it in the bedroom or living room, then wood tones warm shades will create cozy atmosphere, and thanks to its resistance to water, you don’t have to worry about fungus or bacteria developing in the kitchen.

How laminate works

Laying laminate flooring in only one piece is almost impossible. Laminate lamellas are most often made rectangular shape. On the surface of the boards there is a thin film of resin that protects the laminate from various types of influences and damage. Under the protective layer there is a layer with a shade, where the formation of a pattern occurs, which in appearance resembles wood of various types.

Next comes a layer of chipboard, which increases rigidity. The last one is a layer of melamine, thanks to which the laminate is resistant to moisture. As a result, it turns out that the thickness of such a coating will be about six to twelve centimeters. If you are sawing such products, it is very important to carefully make the edge. Otherwise, curved chips may form, which will need to be compensated for by valuable centimeters of coating. It may also be necessary to replace faulty elements with new ones.

In order not to waste valuable pieces of coating, which is quite expensive, it is better to prepare tools in advance that will allow you to make even cuts. This way you can protect yourself and install it right away without wasting additional resources.

Laminate cutting tools

When choosing tools for cutting laminate flooring, you should consider a number of features.

  1. It is important that the tools are easy to use. Convenience largely depends on the ability to use the tool and people’s preferences.
  2. If the tools are light and ergonomic, then with their help you can do all the work much faster. When conducting repair work time is a very valuable resource.
  3. An important nuance when choosing a tool and making a cut is that the cut should be smooth, without any cracks or chips. However, there is no need to focus too much on this nuance, since some kind of irregularities can be hidden under other elements.

Electric jigsaw

A very simple tool to use that allows you to cut lamellas is a regular electric jigsaw. The jigsaw operates at very fast speeds. This means that all cuts can be made very straight. An important nuance when working with a jigsaw is the choice of a suitable file for the tool. Today, most of these tools include files for such coatings, which can be easily replaced. If we compare with other types, they have a different shape, size and position of the teeth. One way or another, if special files are not available, you can also use standard ones with small teeth, which are used for cutting metal products.

In order not to damage the layer with the image, you need to make notes and all actions with the tool from the inside out. It is better to place the covering on a table or stool so that the part of the panel to be cut is suspended. Firmly fixing the element with your hand, you need to quickly walk with a jigsaw along the intended cutting line.

Bosch has tools for cutting laminate flooring. Solutions from this German company are perfect for getting the job done. The range includes devices for cutting both straight and figured. There are also tools to make narrow cuts.

Special files for electric jigsaws from the company are presented in a wide range. So, the company has a model in which the teeth are located on the reverse side. Such a file will not harm the coating, and the cuts will be even and smooth.


In addition to sawing laminate, the tool can be used for working with plywood, chipboard and fiberboard.

There is also a model that is perfect for carrying out figure cutting laminate or other wood covering.

Some important points.

  1. A narrow file will make the cut more accurate.
  2. If you need to make a cut in as soon as possible, then a tool with large teeth will be ideal solution, but the risk of material damage will increase.
  3. Always use verified equipment that has all the necessary certificates of authenticity.


To cut the desired pieces of laminate panels, you can use a guillotine. If we draw an analogy with a jigsaw, then a guillotine has a device with a mechanism. Externally, a comparison can be made with large scissors. Such a device will not make noise, and using a guillotine it is easy to cut across the panel. True, it’s not worth purchasing a tool just to make repairs in one room. The guillotine will be more useful for people who constantly lay floor coverings - specialists. It would be better to borrow such a tool for a while.

A circular saw

You can make slicing using professional equipment– a circular saw.

It is important to know that if you use a circular saw, it must have a blade special purpose, suitable for working with metal products. In addition, to operate a circular saw, you need to have a certain level of skill.

When working with a circular saw, the panel is placed face up and firmly fixed. You need to be very careful when working with such a tool. Always remember safety precautions when working with equipment that can cause harm to people. Always button your sleeves and watch your arms.

The most affordable circular saws will cost about forty dollars. It makes no sense to purchase such equipment to cut laminate flooring. In addition, it is quite large, and bringing it into the house is not an option. If you have such a tool, you can use it to perform all manipulations with the laminate. You need to use a disc for working with metal products, although you should have experience so as not to damage the product and harm your health.

Nuances of working with circular paper.

  1. You need to make markings and make cuts along the front side.
  2. It is important to firmly fix the part on flat surface with the picture facing up. It is important that the lamella is installed correctly, and not so that one person holds it with his hands, and the second makes the cut.
  3. If you have a machine with a “circular”, then everything is done in the same way as described above.
  4. If a machine is used, the laminate is not fixed, but is simply carefully brought to the cutting disc. It is important to use protective equipment and protect your eyes.


You can also use a router to cut laminate flooring. It is unlikely that every person has such equipment at home, however, specialists who work with furniture products usually always have a router in stock. With this tool you can make a perfect cut.


A standard knife can also help with cutting laminate flooring. construction purposes. With its help you can cut several panels of covering. It is worth understanding that if there is a lot of work to be done, then you should use another tool.

Hacksaw (saw)

It often happens that when laying a coating, a fairly common tool is used - a hacksaw. One way or another, in order to cut panels quickly and efficiently, you need to choose the right tool. But if there are no other options available, then you can also use a hacksaw, which is used for working with wood. It is worth understanding that under such circumstances it will be much more difficult to do all the work due to the large size of the cloves. Due to this, all cuts may be uneven.

The most the best solution In this case, a hacksaw will be used for working with metal products. Such a tool has many small teeth, and it will be able to make even cuts.

It is important to understand that this solution is worth using if there is not much work to do. Making cuts with non-power tools is much longer and more difficult. That is why specialists use equipment that runs only on electricity.


A tool such as a grinder is used for sawing various parts, including laminate. Working with an angle grinder, you can do quite a lot straight cut. When working with the tool, you need to lay the panel with the top side where the decorations are applied. Do not forget about the use of special discs with small teeth. For example, discs that are designed for working with metal products are excellent for sawing laminate flooring.

Attention! When working with an angle grinder, a characteristic smell is felt, dirt and dust are formed. Carry out all work with the tool outdoors. You should not start working with an angle grinder if you do not have any experience with the tool - it can be very dangerous and lead to serious injuries. You should always remember safety precautions and wear protective elements: special protective glasses and long sleeves to protect your hands.

Cutting vinyl laminate

The type of lamellas that will be used during installation determines in most cases the necessary cutting tools. If you plan to lay the flooring yourself without the help of professionals, then you should take a closer look at soft laminates.

Sawing process at home soft species laminate, for example, based on cork, will not present any particular difficulty. These types of coatings have increased wear resistance and water protection. In addition, this laminate is quickly installed.

To cut these types of coatings, you do not need to use any special tools. You will need a simple ruler, pencil and knife. You need to mark the cut line with a pencil and then just go through it with a knife. Next you just need to bend the laminate. It is also possible to make cuts in the form of shapes - for this you can use ordinary scissors.

However, to cut other types of panels with multiple layers, where there are particularly strong wood fibers or chipboards, special tools may be needed.

How to trim installed laminate?

It happens that you need to trim the laminate that has already been installed on the floor. For an inexperienced person this can be difficult.

If you believe the reviews, then the most in the best possible way under such circumstances, an angle grinder will be used. As advised experienced users, best for such works will do grinder with a diamond-coated disc. While doing all the steps, it is important to be very careful and remember to change the position of the tool without affecting it too much. Don't forget to always keep your finger on the button in case you lose control.

In addition, you can use a not so simple tool, but it is safer - a cutter. There are special cutters that are used for working with wood - just like this fits better just for cutting laminate. As professionals say, you need to make two parallel cuts the width of a chisel with a cutter. After this, you need to use a chisel to select the cut panel.

You can also use a jigsaw. Need to unscrew protective cover so that it is possible to reach the space under the wall, and then carefully cut off what is unnecessary. This method is not the most convenient, but it does not require disassembling the coating.

There is also such a tool as a renovator. The equipment is a grinder that can make cuts in places with difficult access. Such equipment is not cheap, but you can always order a tool from China for about thirty dollars.


How to make cuts without chipping?

To do all the work properly, it is important to properly prepare for it. The first step is to choose the tool that will be used for cutting. You need to choose based not only on the availability of equipment, but also take into account the ability to handle such tools.

Then you need to measure everything so you know how much to cut. This is very important stage, so haste here will be unnecessary, as the coating can be damaged. It is also important to remember the thickness cutting element and take this information into account when taking measurements.

After all the measurements have been taken and the cut area has been marked, you need to draw an even cut line for the laminate panel.

Once everything is finished, you need to move on to sawing the panels.

Which side should you cut from?

In most cases, the laminate flooring is cut crosswise to reduce the length. However, there are times when it is necessary to make a longitudinal cut.

Under such circumstances, it is better to use electrical equipment, since even the cutter special purpose Intended for cross cutting only. The best solution would be an electric jigsaw. Using such a device does not require any specific skills, and it also allows you to cut panels in various ways without much difficulty.

Which tool is best for cutting laminate flooring at home?

If you choose the right tools, you can install the coating quite effectively and in the shortest possible time. Cutting must be done in a separate room.

The nuances of cutting laminate with different tools1. If laying on the floor, it is better to place the sections under the baseboard. It follows from this that chips are not so bad, and you can use an electric jigsaw with a cutting part for any purpose. If chipping is to be avoided, a specific cutting part is required.
2. You can also do cutting using a grinder. You must use a diamond-coated disc. Cutting is done from the scenery side.
3. “Circular” is also used to cut from the face of the panels. It is important to follow safety regulations.
4. Vinyl-based panels can be easily cut with a regular knife.
5. The laid laminate can be cut using a jigsaw or renovator.


Based on the above, we can conclude that there is a wide variety of tools for cutting coatings.

You need to choose depending on the size of the room and financial capabilities.

For example, specialists who professionally lay coatings must be armed with special equipment. However, those who want to install roofing at home can get by with cheaper solutions.

The primary task when installing laminate flooring is to avoid the occurrence of chips and cracks. In this regard, it is important to calculate everything properly.

You can cut laminate flooring using almost any equipment with a cutting part. It is important to do everything carefully. It is worth choosing a tool based on your skills, planned amount of work and funds.

The most optimal solution for cutting coatings is an electric jigsaw, since this tool is universal and does not require any specific skills to work with it.

If you have any doubts about laying and cutting laminate flooring, it is best to trust the professionals. There is only a risk of spoiling the material, which will greatly affect the funds.

Video - About cutting laminate flooring at home