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» Rift - A rift between worlds. Index Required Supplies

Rift - A rift between worlds. Index Required Supplies

What is Rift?

Simply put, Rift, aka Fault, is a location outside of the world of Aden.

There are three ways to get into it.

The first is if you are registered in the catacombs, for the fight of the seven seals. Approach anyone To the Priest of the Dawn or Priest of Dusk/Down and teleport to Oracle of Dawn/Dusk, and then from any NPC actually into the Rift itself.

The second is from the catacombs themselves, talk to the statue at the entrance, near the inner Gatekeeper Ziggurat.

Third - if you are not registered for the fight against seals. You get to any catacombs, go down and talk to the external Gatekeeper. He can teleport you to the Rift for adena and special items - Fragment of Dimension (FoD).

There are quests associated with the rift:

When riding in the catacombs , they fall to you Fragment of Dimension, necessary for passage into the Rift. The quest is taken from the same article, the required level is 20+. Stones fall into the party for everyone, regardless of whether you killed a mob or another party member.

A quest to get into the rift itself. As with other quests, the inventory should not be more than 80% loaded, and 1 quest slot should be free. The quest can be taken from the statue, level 20+.

How does the Rift itself work?

First, all players find themselves in a peaceful zone, the first room. There are 6 NPCs there. They can either teleport you back to the world of Aden, or send you on an “exciting” journey through the rooms of the Rift itself. Each NPC sends you to rooms with mobs of different levels 30+, 40+, 50, 60, 70, 80+. Only a party of at least 2 people can get into rooms with mobs. When each person enters these rooms, a certain amount is taken from their inventory. Fragment of Dimension, if someone does not have enough of them, the entire party remains in the first room, teleport does not occur. If the teleport is successful, the party ends up in a room with mobs (sometimes they can also come across RBs), and there they fight off them for 10 minutes. After 4 rooms (40 minutes) the party will return to the starting, peaceful room.

The party in the rift is completely controlled by the Party Leader. It is he who speaks to the NPC to teleport to the first room with mobs, he can return the party to a peaceful room or skip one (!) room with mobs. The Rift is a very dangerous place, and there is absolutely no need for amateur performances here - all party members must listen to the PL’s rooms.

If during downloading in rooms with mobs you use Scroll of Escape or use a similar skill - then the character will find himself in the first, peaceful, room. However, scrolls and teleportation skills do not work from there - the only way out is through an NPC. If you accept a new member into a party at a time when the party is in rooms with mobs, the party will be teleported to a peaceful room. If the party gets into a room with a Raid Boss, they must start beating him within two minutes, or the party will be teleported to a peaceful room. The time to kill a RB is not limited to 10 minutes.

The mobs in the rooms are almost all aggressive. As for health, mobs here come in 1/4 (a quarter of normal HP), 1/2, x3 (the amount of HP is tripled) and x6. There are also chests. The tactics for killing mobs are simple - after the party appears in the room, it is full of mobs. The party runs back to one corner, and from there begins to aggro the mobs, so you don’t take over the entire room at once.

The process of pumping in the Rift.

After clearing the room, a simple quality level begins. Mobs appear again, with normal time resp. There are two types of rooms in the Rift - large and small. Best quality in large rooms- in small ones, it only makes sense to spoil certain mobs. The reason is simple - the mobs in small rooms are only x3, and this is clearly not enough for a normal, full party.

Set of mobs in the Rift:

  • “dolls” are small, aggressive, and explode after death;
  • “ninjas” - small mobs with debuffs - reduction in a.spd, accuracy, etc.;
  • "simple magic mobs
  • archers - rooms with archers are dangerous for magicians, as they often crit and aggro specifically against magicians first of all

In large rooms:

  • 4 regular mobs x6 and many 1/4 and 1/2.
  • room with magicians - 4 magicians, 8 simple mobs, all with x6 health. Mages are not aggressive - but they are social towards simple mobs. You must either kill them outright or throw a slip on them.
  • a room with chests, there are 2 types of them - 4 chests + 8 mobs, or 6 chests + 6 mobs with x6 health.

The chance of a drop/spoil in the rift is much higher than in simple locations, which makes it an excellent place to upgrade and obtain recipes, pieces, and resources. There are no bots, no wars in the Rift, there are always free locations.

→ Rift in Lineage 2

The Rift is a special location in Lineage 2. It appeared after the Seven Seals. When a rift arose between the worlds, evil began to pass into the world of Lineage 2 through special place. This is exactly what the Dimensional Rift, or simply the Rift, became.

For Rift La2 players, first of all. This location is different from others in many ways. For example, you cannot attack other players in it. Because of this feature, the quality there is quite safe, however, in order for the process to occur more efficiently, you need to know some subtleties. The features of the La2 rift will now be discussed.

How to get to the Rift

As a rule, they go to the rift to farm adena la2 and effectively pump. The mobs there are very complex, so it is very difficult to cope with them alone. To avoid such problems, the developers introduced several restrictions:

  • In Lineage 2, the rift can only be passed in groups. You can create a party of two people, and they will let you through. But it’s better to go there with a clan.
  • Inventory should be no more than 20% occupied.
  • You must complete a special quest.

Now about the quest. To enter the lineage 2 rift you need to have at least one Fragment of Dimension. You can get it by completing the quest In searching of Fragment of Dimension. It is taken from the statue in the catacombs after level 20.

Once you have obtained the Fragment of Dimension, go to the catacombs and go down under the water (near the entrance to the catacombs themselves). There you will find Ziggurat, to whom you will need to give Fragment of Dimension and .

You will be sent to the starting room. In it you will meet 6 NPCs, each of which can send you to mobs of 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70 and 80+ levels. It is in this room that you need to gather a party. You will also need Fragment of Dimension, and all party participants should have them. If someone has few of them, the whole group will not be allowed into the shooting gallery room la2.

After you form a party and fulfill all the requirements, you will be sent to the first room. You can stay there for 10 minutes, after which you will be transferred to another room. Total time rift lineage 2 - 40 minutes. But sometimes this time can be significantly increased. The fact is that in some rooms you can meet not mobs, but a raid boss. You need to start attacking him within two minutes, otherwise you will be sent to a peaceful zone. But you will be given an unlimited amount of time to kill the boss himself. If you “didn’t like” a certain room, you can skip it. But only one.

Now about organizing the party. There are a number of restrictions here too. Firstly, you can expel or accept a new member to the party at any time. But then you will be sent to the starting room. Secondly, if you don’t like the raid boss, just don’t attack him for the first 2 minutes. He himself will not aggro, and you will also be sent to the beginning of the rift.

As for the composition of the party, I can offer you the following option: a couple of damage dealers (daggers or tier 2 are best), 1 Shilen Elder and 1 death dancer. This is the bare minimum. If you are more serious and want to earn not only a lot of money, but also experience, gather a big party. Take a healer, a buffer, a warcraer/overlord, damage dealers, a dancer or singer, and at least one tank. In Lineage 2, with a stable heal, you can quickly clear rooms and move on to new ones. And any raid boss won't be a big problem for you.

What will we get and what will we spend?

Mobs most often drop either recipes for armor/weapons or enchantments. Especially often, enchantments fall from mage mobs. Accordingly, in addition to farming Adena, you can also sell sharpenings and make good money on them. La2 Rift is a very useful and profitable place.

You can also find chests in the rooms. This is another reason why you should definitely take a dagger with you.


This is the only thing I didn't mention from the 7 Seals Event. If you read various descriptions rift, then you already know that the rift is located “outside the world of Aden”. This is a special separate zone with its own rules and nuances that differ from other places. Unlike the Festival of Darkness, you can swing well in the rift. Here you will not have to fight with clans hostile to you, the likelihood of suffering from RK is very small, only if he does not appear in your group. Here is actually one of the best spoilers in the game, increased chances of monsters dropping all sorts of useful and necessary things, including things.

The main thing you will need if you want to get into the rift is Fracture Particles. They are taken through the quest "Particles of the Rift" from the statue "Guardian of the Rift", which can be found in any of the necropolises or catacombs. It is located inside, immediately to the right after teleporting inside. Particles for the quest fall immediately - i.e. in dungeons, and indeed nowhere else except dungeons, they do not fall. You can also purchase them from players who sell them in cities and often in the rift itself.

There are several ways to get into the rift. First - approach the Priest in the city and express a desire to participate in the Festival of Darkness. After he has transferred you to the Oracle corresponding to you, approach any npc and select the option “Move to the Rift Between Worlds”. The second way is to go to the rift from any of the statues in the dungeons from which the quest for Particles is taken. Talk to her, select the option “I want to fight for world peace.” Just keep in mind that you must have at least one particle in your inventory. The third way is from the Guardian of the Ziggurat Portal, who is located outside the dungeons and teleports into them. His teleport is carried out using adena, and at least one particle must also be present in the inventory. And the fourth way - any character who has this skill can add you to the rift.

All characters can visit the rift, regardless of the period of the event, whether you are the losing or winning side, or whether you did not register at all. The only limitation is that you must be above level 30. And there will be slight restrictions on the methods of movement into the rift. Unregistered people can only get in by the third and fourth methods, regardless of the state of the event, registered ones - during the Fight Stage by any of the methods, during the Victory Stage - the winning side by any method other than the first, the losing side - only by the third or fourth.

After any of the above methods, you will find yourself in the reception area of ​​the rift. This is a peaceful zone where everyone who wants to get inside the rift, or those who have recently left it, are located. There you can freely select parties (groups), reassemble them, change the leader, etc. You can stay in the waiting room for as long as you want, even if you live there. Regular teleport scrolls do not work there, they only teleport to the castle/fortress/clan hall. You can exit from there to the outside world by talking to any npc. If you read a regular teleport scroll, or use the teleportation skill (if your class has it) inside the rift, it will take you to the reception area, and since this is a rift, then soon the entire party will be transferred automatically.

The Rift is a party zone only. Although you can get into the reception area without any problems solo, you will only be allowed into the rift in a party. There are no restrictions on the number of party members, i.e. from 2 to 9 characters inclusive. In principle, if you are confident in your abilities, you can get into the rift alone - just the rest of the party members should not be near you, you should be the leader of the party. Then you will go in alone, and the others will remain where they were.

To enter the rift, several conditions must be met, and these conditions must be met by all party members, without exception, who are going to the rift. Even if you are going to go alone, Fracture Particles are confiscated from all party members, regardless of location, and all points listed below are verified. So, you are required to:

  • each party member must have Fracture Particles in an amount from 21 to 33 pieces (depending on the rift level) or more;
  • there should not be an advantage, i.e. loading more than 50%;
  • there must be 20% or more free slots in the inventory;
  • the number of quests taken should not be the maximum possible.

You can get inside the rift through several npcs, the differences between them - they lead to monsters of different levels. You can teleport inside from any of them, there is no limit on your level, but I don’t think it would be wise, for example, at level 43 to go to 70+ monsters. Below are the correspondence between the names of npcs and the levels to which they are sent:

  • Rift Guardian Recruit - 30+ levels
  • Rift Guardian Private - 40+ levels
  • Rift Guardian Officer - 50+ levels
  • Rift Guardian Commander - 60+ levels
  • Rift Guardian Warlord - 70+ levels
  • Rift Guardian Hero - ~80 levels

After moving inside the rift you will have 40 minutes. Inside you will find yourself in a room with monsters, large or small. Every 10 minutes there will be a random change of room, you will find out about this in a few seconds, I won’t tell you how, but you won’t miss it :) The rooms are different, and there are more than 4 of them, so you won’t visit them all in one visit. They contain completely different monsters, some have 0.5 of normal HP, some have x6 of normal HP, there are massive attacks, some explode, etc., i.e. There's enough variety for you. 90% of monsters are aggro, 100% of monsters are social. After 40 minutes, you will be thrown back into the rift reception area. If you wish, you can come back again (if there are free rooms), or go your separate ways.

In each of the rooms in the middle there is a Border Defender; only the party leader can communicate with him. If desired, he can either change the room, i.e. leave the one you are currently in for a random other one, or even go out to the waiting room even if the time has not yet ended. In principle, the Oracle of Eve also has the last opportunity, with her party teleport ability. :) And keep in mind that changing rooms is only available once per visit.

Once inside the rift, you should be very careful in terms of partying. If you can change the leader of the party without fear, then any change in the party, plus or minus, will lead to relegation to the waiting room. The only thing is that if someone leaves and you manage to get him back within 5 seconds, then you will remain in the rift.

While jumping inside the rift, you can get into a room with a RB. RB single, without retinue. Not ag. Unlike other rooms, in the room with RB there are no time limits; you can hit at least an hour. However, if you haven’t touched it for 2 minutes, then the RB disappears and your path will lie in the rift’s reception area or in the next room. RB, compared to his comrades from the ordinary world, is weaker, so you shouldn’t be too afraid of him. After killing him, if your time in the rift has not passed, you will move to the next room. If it ends, you will find yourself in the waiting room. RB does not have a revival time; he “comes out of the darkness” as soon as someone appears in his room.

At all levels of the rift, the RBs are of the same type and correspond to the rift level itself. With one exception. In the Heroes' Room, at the local RB, there is one bun - you can use it to upgrade SA (Soul Crystals) from level 12 to 13. The chance is really not very high - 5%, but it varies for the whole party. To swing, you must meet several conditions:

  • must take the quest "Strengthening the Soul";
  • must have CA level 12 in inventory;
  • There should be only 1 SA in the inventory.

It only goes up from level 12 to 13, no more levels go up. There is no need to activate it in any way on the RB, as for example when leveling from 0 to 10 on monsters. As I already said, there is a 5% chance for the whole party, or it will swing for everyone, or for no one. On the other rift RBs the SA does not swing, not at all, and in general this is the only case in the rift regarding SA.

And a few educational points:

  • The main tactic in large rooms is to immediately run to the nearest right corner when they appear; as a rule, monsters do not have time to aggro. From there, clear the edge, then the entire room.
  • Only in small rooms there are magicians with mass attacks, be careful. Some pretend to be samurai and beat everyone very painfully.
  • There is not an infinite number of rooms in the rift, and sometimes they are all occupied. In this case, you just have to wait. But no more than 40 minutes;)
  • 100% of all monsters in the rift are vulnerable to holy attacks, even if they themselves are not undead.
  • Dimension invaders are just rift monsters.
  • When you gain a level inside the rift, your HP and MP will not be restored, although you will get an animation.
  • If a person flies out of the party in the rift, the party will quickly be thrown into the reception area, and the “flying squirrel” will appear there.
  • The party may include those registered for different sides, and generally unregistered.
  • The difference in party levels does not affect the ability to get inside the rift.

The theory of exping in a confined space or everything in a rift.

What is a rift?

Figuratively speaking, a place outside of space, outside the world of Aden.

How to get into it?

  • If you are signed up for the 7 Seals quest:
    • From the city: Priest of Dawn/Dusk teleports to Oracle of Dawn/Dusk, and there from any NPC to the rift.
    • From the catacombs: through the statue in the first room of the catacombs (next to the inner Ziggurat GC).
  • If you are not signed up for the 7 Seals quest:
    • You get to any catacombs, go down under the water and at the outer Ziggurat main complex you are teleported to the rift for a certain amount in adena, you must have at least 1 Fragment of Dimension (FoD) in your inventory.

Rift related quests

How does a rift work?

First, the player enters the starting room. This is a peaceful zone. There are 6 NPCs in it, from whom you can return to the ordinary world or go into battle with demons, of certain levels for the corresponding NPCs: 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+, 70+, 80+. Only a party can go into battle, i.e. minimum 2 people. During teleportation, a certain amount of FoD is taken from each party participant; if someone does not have enough of them, the teleportation of the entire party does not occur.

After teleportation, the party finds itself in a room with mobs and stays there for 10 minutes. Then the party teleports to the next room for 10 minutes, etc. After 40 minutes the party returns to the peaceful zone. The next room could be a room with RB.

Features, party management

The party in the rift is led by PL. He teleports the party to the first room (at the corresponding NPC), he can skip the room or return the party to the peaceful zone (at the GK in the room). You can only skip a room once per visit.

Amateur activity is highly undesirable in the rift; PL's instructions must be followed. Failure to comply often results in the PL being forced to abort the campaign, returning the party to a peaceful zone. Where the brawler is thrown out of the party and the expo continues without him. If you restart/do SoE in the room, the player will find himself in a peaceful rift zone. SoE in a peaceful zone does not apply (the player remains there). If a new member is added to the party while she is in the room, the entire party ends up in a peaceful zone.

Once the party is in the room with RB, it must be attacked within 2 minutes or the party will end up in a peaceful zone. There is no time limit for killing RBs.

Features, mobs and rooms

Almost all mobs in the rift are aggressive (with the exception of mages). There are only certain levels of mobs in the n0+ rift: n0, n3 and n5. By the amount of HP there are mobs x1/4, x1/2, x3 and x6; plus chests. x3 exist only in small rooms (and they are the only ones in them), the rest in large ones.

All mobs in the rift have a sacred attack weakness and therefore buffs/skills work against them, increasing the holy attribute of attacks (buff Holy Weapon (BP/PP/EE), Dance of Light (BD), reduced Blessing of Sanctity, toggle paladin and SwS).

Each room can be divided into 2 stages:

  • Stripping- immediately after the party appears, the room is full of mobs. In order not to aggro everyone, the entire party immediately after appearing runs to the corner (the right one, if you look at the wall of the large room opposite from the appearance). Some mobs, of course, still aggro, they are killed, and then the rest are gradually aggroed.
  • Exping- after the initial clearing there is a normal exploratory process in the room, the appearance of mobs is limited to respawn. But, with a small party, she may not be able to keep up with the respawn and then everyone remains in the corner and there is a careful exploration.

There are 2 types of rooms in the rift - small and large. Usually they only swing in large rooms; they go to small rooms only for the sake of spoiling or fun. The reason is that there are 3 mobs in small rooms, which is not enough for a large party. But a small one may not be able to cope, because when clearing, all the mobs in the room will aggro, and the sets of mobs in these rooms are very specific:

  • "dolls": hello Diablo 2 and Mephisto's dungeons. Small, evil and exploding upon death;
  • “ninja” - melee mobs with a set of debuffs: paralysis, -Aspd, -accuracy, etc.;
  • ordinary magicians. Firebolts, hydroblasts, etc.;
  • AoE mages. Fireballs, mass hydroblasts, etc.;
  • archers. A very dangerous room for magicians because of their crits, and archers attack magicians first of all.
  • "crazy b@tches": 4 ordinary mobs x6 n3 level and a bunch of x1/4 n5 level and x1/2 n0 level. The latter are notable for their behavior pattern - they run chaotically around the room and randomly become aggressive. The room is usually skipped. But in a 60+ rift with x6 mobs there is a good spoiler (recipes for low A weapon with a high chance);
  • room with magicians: 4 mages of level n3, 4 mobs of level n0 and 4 mobs of level n5, all x6. Mages are not aggro, but they are social towards others. They should either be killed first or stuck together.
  • rooms with chests, 2 types: 4 chests + 4 mobs x6 n3 level +4 mobs n5 level and 3 chests + 3 “mimics” (mob x1, looking like a chest, attacks the Persian when you try to open it with a key) +6 mobs x6 n5 level .

Types and compositions of parties

The main 3 types are exping, farming and RB party. The first two species are distinguished by the presence of HD. When exping/farming, the party only swings suitable rooms, the rest are skipped or the party returns to the peaceful zone and goes on a new approach.

The distribution of mobs by level - n0, n3, n5 imposes a limit on the levels, n6+ players will have fines for a third of mobs, n9+ players for two-thirds of mobs.

RB in rift n0 level (n-1)8, i.e. when going to RB, the DD should preferably be no more than level n0.

For rifts 40+, 50+, 60+ valid general rule on the selection of parties related to grades. If the Persians are at the level and equipment of the previous grade (i.e., for example, at 50+ 48-50 levels in C), then the party needs a large one - a couple of healer-buffers, a BD, a tank, several DDs. And such a party can either swing normally in large rooms or overwhelm RB (which is exactly their level).

If we're talking about about the Persians in the next grade, high level(I remind you that up to x6 level in the corresponding rift the quality is high without any penalties), then a large party is not needed, it is redundant, and will usually wait for respawn in a cleared room. The composition of the mini-party is SE (if they give you a VR off-party, then you can use PP) and 2-3 DD. At 60+ BD is very desirable, because dancing on Aspd gives a very noticeable increase to the party's DPS, not to mention other dances. In mini-parties, spam suppression is required in most cases (see Appendix 2)

In small parties, each class should work to the maximum; excuses like “why do this, it will do” are not acceptable. Exploring in a small but competent party is much more effective than in a large and stupid one. Read Appendix 1 about class roles.

As you know, attacking a mob in the “rear hemisphere” increases the likelihood of critical hits. If there is a tank in the party, i.e. the mob attacks him most of the time, everyone else should attack from the back. If there is no tank and the mob is constantly over-aggressive, you need to strive to attack so that the players are distributed among equal angles around the mob. That is, two fighters are opposite each other, an angle of 180 degrees. Three - 120 degrees each, etc. Then, regardless of who the mob is attacking at the moment, the maximum possible number of players will attack from behind and crit.

Field party

  • 40+: duo with SE, in FP set and with Orcish Poleaxe (SA is not important), without any problems.
  • 50+: 49-52 field with SE 48+ and EE/PP.
  • 52+ field is normal with PP and taken off-party VR 3-4. Duo with SE 52+ is possible, but quite difficult.
  • Another option is with SE and BD, also with the field.


Mobs in the rift have noticeably higher drop/spoil chances than regular mobs, so a well-organized leveling in the rift is quite profitable. Although the chances of a regular drop are still not high enough to focus on them (excluding RB), the main thing is a spoiler.


Rift - perfect place for swing. There are no bots, no PvP, there are always free rooms. You can make good money in the rift, on spoil and on RB.

Roles of classes in the rift


The tank should spam hate. All. Infusing MP as needed and treating only the SE tank is much more convenient than treating everyone, rooting mobs running after archers and nukers, sitting without MP in anticipation of a rebuff/new room, and all the while listening to unflattering comments addressed to you.

What happens in practice: I will throw one hate at a mob, mass hate - and what is this, I will have fun draining MP on the shield stun right and left, and in general, I don’t teach you how to heal, and you don’t teach me how to tank .


The dagger's place is at the mob's ass (or wherever it could be). And only there! The dagger's task is to distribute crits and generally justify his proud title of DD. Spam abilities are welcome. If you don't want to waste MP on them, turn on accuracy/vicious stance. Being with full MP when the whole party confidently tends to zero is not cool, dear.

Truth of life: hit from behind? Crits more often? This is the first time I’ve heard about this (TX 60+). Bers? Aah, I don’t need bers, my Pdef falls with it, I’ll die.

Hm. If I had accurate information on Eva, I would consider it very possible that the additional damage from Bers + VR exceeds the losses of Pdef and Eva. But even if not. You are a DD, get the most out of your dps (damage per second). Safety is the task of the tank and healers. And one more thing - throw away the Karebir NM and dress in DC


In relation not to the rift, but in general - an archer leecher in a melee party. With an archer, the overall dps drops due to the archer constantly over-aggravating mobs with crits and the rest of the party running after them. Plus extra headache tank and healers. In the rift, this is especially true because the mobs are thick, and the archer will not kill him with a couple of crits. In general, when you go to a mile-party in the rift, put the bow on the shelf, take the dagger.


Elders have too many tasks in the rift to properly recharge nukers. Therefore, there is no need to boldly and whoopingly drain MP in the first two minutes in the room and then sit and flood. Figure out at what speed and what skills you need to use in order to restrain the entire party. Skills with overhit, mass slip, paralysis - we actively use them, the party will thank you very much.


Dance of Light increases physical attack against mobs in the rift (by 10% against demons, by 20% against Undead). With CT1, the DoL effect stacks with Holy Weapon. If there is not enough mana to hold all the necessary dances, then the choice between Dance of Warrior and DoL depends on the rift, or rather on the prevailing mobs. If it is 5x, 6x, then the mobs are demons, and DoW will give a slightly greater effect (+12% Patk) than DoL (+10% PAtk).

In rift 7x and in hero the mobs are already Undead, and DoL is better (+20% PAtk). In a party with a recharger, it is often better to use both. It’s easier for Elder to fill in the missing MP every 2 minutes for a full set of dances, with which the party will normally experience and clear the entire room, than to spend large quantity mana for healing and crowd control.

Shot aka bottles

The rift is a dangerous place, people come to the rift to swing hard, and in the rift it’s not at all out of place to drink before or during a fight.

Rift - Rift between worlds- as you can understand from the name, it does not belong to the territory of any city, but is located somewhere between our world and some other one, from which invaders are constantly coming to us through the rift, whom we will successfully stop.

Well, without any lyrics, the rift is really not tied to any location; if you open the map in it, you will see that you are somewhere in the sea-ocean in the upper left corner. In the rift there is no such thing as “at what level is one allowed into a particular rift.” You can enter the 80th rift at least at level 20, so choose a rift that suits your level. In each rift, mobs are strictly ranked by level, that is, in the 60th rift, mobs will only be level 60, 63 and 65, that is, N+0, N+3 and N+5, where N is the rift level, and the raid boss will be N -2, which for the 60th rift corresponds to the 58th level.

What is interesting about the rift? In the rift there are no monsters with unique drops and spoils, that is, everything that we get there can be knocked out from ordinary mobs, but as a rule, the chances are much higher in the rift. Just one example: keys on . Usually we either knock out the keys on the BV gloves or spoil them, that is. There is a spoil on the farm, but you need to feed the mobs, look for exactly the chicken that these kei will spoil with, but in the rift there are as many as two mobs with this spoil, and no unnecessary actions. And there’s no need to remember about Y-grade weapons at all - there are a lot of mobs with their spoils, and the chances are great. There are also several raid bosses, on one of which you can level up your SA from level 12 to level 13.
You can also swing in the rift without fear of wars, more on that below.

What is a rift? The central room is a peaceful zone. It has 6 NPCs through which you can go to 6 zones that differ from each other in the level of mobs. You can choose any zone, even go for high levels on level 30 mobs, but this, of course, will be uninteresting and unproductive. Therefore, we choose a zone according to our level. The zones are: 30-35, 40-45, 50-55, 60-65, 70-75, and finally lvl 80. Each zone is divided into several large and small rooms, only one party can be in the same room, so the wars in the rift never meet together and can swing without any obstacles.

The rooms are small and large, like in the catacombs. In the center of each room there is an NPC in the form of a teleport, with its help you can skip the room you don’t like (once per raid) or go to the peaceful waiting area.

You can get into the rift either from the statue, which is located inside at the entrance of all catacombs and necropolises (this is the statue from which the quest for Dimensional fragments is taken), or from the priest in any city (only during the week of the struggle), you need to select the item from the priest, that you want to attend the festival of darkness, and when you are transferred to the festival, you can choose from any NPC to move to the rift. In order to be transferred from the catacombs to the rift, you must have at least one dimensional fragment in your inventory. All of these methods are tied to registration in the seven seals, that is, you need to get inside the catacombs or to the festival in order to further enter the rift. Previously, it was possible for any player to enter the rift through the external gatekeeper Ziggurat for regular adena, but now this item in the teleporter’s menu has been removed, I don’t know why, I couldn’t find any.

Only a party is allowed into the rift combat zone, with at least two characters per party. Each party member must have a certain number of dimensional fragments, this is the price for entering the combat zone, so make sure that each party member has about 40 fragments. When you gather in a peaceful zone, go up to the NPC who provides access to the rift you need, buff yourself, then the party leader talks to the NPC and teleports you all to an empty room in the combat zone. After a few seconds the room is filled with mobs and we can start kicking them.

If someone from a party in a combat zone crashes, disconnects, or simply leaves the party, the entire party will be moved to a peaceful zone, and everything will have to start over. When using COE and BSOE, it also moves to the peaceful rift zone. In order to get from the peace zone to mainland, you need to use either SOE in the city or castle, or targeted SOE in cities, or from the NPC, first return to the catacombs, and then use SOE.

You can enter the combat zone of the rift with one spell, for this you need to not bring all the other party members to the NPCs in the rift, but put them in the far corner.

Mobs in the rift:
All mobs, except for the 50th and 60th rifts, are undead, so you can expend on bishes and EEshki, preferably bishams, and EE and SHE will pour mana. Mobs of different xness, from x1/2 to x6. Many mobs cast poison, paralyze and other vile things, so keep antidotes, purifi, cure poison, vitalize and other spells that treat abnormal statuses at the ready. There are a lot of magicians, a lot of archers, it may happen that you won’t succeed the first time, especially if you want to spoil the windows alone. But it's still worth trying.

You spend a certain amount of time in each room, after which you are teleported to another room. You will be able to understand this at the moment when the walls shake, but you will no longer be able to collect the drops, so someone alone must collect the drops; a wark is best suited for this role, since in general there is nothing for him to do between buffs. Don’t delay the rebuff and try to get the rebuff immediately after you have cleared the room of mobs and you see that the buff is about to wear off.
If you came to the rift only to farm RB, after you are teleported to new room, and this is not a room with a raid boss (and the RB rooms all have a red floor, they are not difficult to guess), immediately stand in a corner and wait to be moved to another room. Mobs may or may not aggro, as it turns out. After farming, the RB will not teleport to the room with the raid boss for the next 9 minutes, so if you see that time is already running out, and you have just failed the RB, you can safely return to the peaceful zone. The time to farm the raid boss is not limited, until you defeat the RB, he will not teleport you to another room, but the RB must start hitting within 2 minutes, if you enter and just stand there, you will be thrown out.

I will tell you about each rift separately - which mobs are the most interesting in terms of drops and spoils, and how to distinguish them from each other (this is relevant, since there are many mobs in the rift with the same names, but with different drops and spoils).

Recrutes Rift- lvl 30-35 (undead)

Privates Rift- lvl 40-45 (undead)

Officers Rift- lvl 50-55

Captains Rift- lvl 60-65

RIFT [English] rift - gorge] - linearly extended for several hundred km (often over 1000 km), slit-like or ditch-like of deep origin. The width of most continental and oceanic rifts is 30-70 km, but narrower ones are known (5-20 km, for example, R. Dead Sea) and wider (200-400 km, Krasnoye) rifts. R. was described by Gregory (Gregory, 1921) using the example of the graben system of East Africa. Rocks usually form narrow extension zones characterized by volcanism with a predominance of the main types of alkaline rocks (olivine basalts, analcime basalts, picrites) with a subordinate presence of acidic rocks (phonolites, trachytes). Within the river, axial grabens can often be traced, to which significant gravity maxima correspond. Rifts differ: 1) intracontinental, gravitating towards early weakened zones in the earth’s crust (for example, the East African rift); 2) intercontinental in areas where it is absent (for example, the Red Sea River and the Gulf of Aden); 3) intraoceanic rift gorges with ocean-type crust (with probable protrusions on the bottom, composed of mantle material) within mid-ocean ridges or georifts(Udintsev, 1967). There are several hypotheses for the origin of rocks: 1) differentiated movement of blocks - in the uplifts of the marginal parts of large blocks along ancient faults, blocks appear that lag behind these blocks in their movement and create zones of rocks; 2) sliding - recesses are formed by horizontal movement of blocks; 3) two-stage, combining the first two hypotheses - in initial stage In the formation of a river, an arched uplift occurs, within which tensile forces lead to the collapse of its center and parts, and in the final stage, the blocks move apart in one or two directions from the river.

Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. - M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengoltz et al.. 1978 .

(a. rift; n. Rift; f. rift; And. rift), rift zone, is a large strip-like (in plan) horizontal stretch of the earth, expressed in its upper part in the form of one or several. contiguous linear grabens and block structures associated with them, limited and complicated primarily. longitudinal faults such as inclined faults and thrust faults. The length of P. is many hundreds and more than a thousand km, the width is usually tens of km. In the relief of P., as a rule, they are expressed by narrow and deep elongated basins or ditches with relatively steep slopes. Rocks during periods of their active development (rifting) are characterized by seismicity (with shallow earthquake foci) and high heat flow. During the development of P., thick strata of sedimentary or volcanic-sedimentary rocks can accumulate in them, which contain large deposits of oil, gas, coal, salts, ores of various metals, etc. The top is abnormally heated and characterized by reduced viscosity. part of the mantle under the developing P. usually experiences uplift (the so-called mantle) and some spreading to the sides, and the overlying crust experiences a certain arch-like bulging. Some researchers consider these processes to be the main ones. the reason for the formation of P., others believe that local uplift is the top. the mantle and crust only favors the emergence of P. and predetermines its localization (or even is its consequence), while the main. The cause of rifting is regional (or even global?) stretching of the crust. With particularly strong horizontal stretching, the ancient continental crust within P. undergoes complete rupture between its separated blocks, in this case due to the input from the top. igneous mantle material of basic composition, a new thin oceanic crust is formed. type. This process, characteristic of P. oceans, is called. spreading.
According to the nature of the deep structure of the crust in P. and the zones that frame them, the chapters differ. categories P. - intracontinental, intercontinental, pericontinental and intraoceanic (Fig.).
sediments; 2 - syn-rift deposits; 3 - syn-rift volcanics and; 4 - pre-rift volcanics; 5 - continental crust (upper brittle and lower more plastic part); 6 - oceanic crust (upper brittle and lower more plastic part); 7 - suprasthenospheric part of the upper mantle; 8 - athenosphere and mantle diapirs; 9 - deep; 10 - directions of stretching in the cortex; 11 - directions of movement of matter in the asthenosphere">
Schematic sections of the deep structure different types rifts: 1 - intracontinental epiplatform (intracratonic) rift of dome-volcanic type; II - the same, non-volcanic slot type; III - intracontinental post-orogenic rift system; IV - intercontinental rift; V - intraoceanic rift (mid-ocean rift ridge); VI - pericontinental rift system (Mesozoic, buried under the Cenozoic cover). 1 - post-rift deposits; 2 - syn-rift deposits; 3 - syn-rift volcanics and intrusions; 4 - pre-rift volcanics; 5 - continental crust (upper brittle and lower more plastic part); 6 - oceanic crust (upper brittle and lower more plastic part); 7 - suprasthenospheric part of the upper mantle; 8 - athenosphere and mantle diapirs; 9 - deep faults; 10 - directions of stretching in the cortex; 11 - directions of movement of matter in the asthenosphere.
Inland P. have continental-type crust, thinner compared to the surrounding regions. Among them, according to tectonic features. positions are distinguished by P. ancient platforms (epiplatform or intracratonic) domed-volcanic. type (eg Kenyan, Ethiopian, Fig. 1) and weakly or non-volcanic. slot type (for example, Baikal, Tanganyika) (Fig. 2), as well as P. and rift systems of mobile belts, which periodically arise and then transform during their geosynclinal development and ch. arr. are formed at post-geosynclinal stages of their evolution (for example, the rift system of the Basins and Ranges in the Cordillera, Fig. 3). The scale of extension in inland P. is the smallest compared to their other categories (several km - the first tens of km). If the continental crust in the P. zone undergoes complete rupture, intracontinental P. turn into intercontinental (P. Red Cape, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of California; Fig. 4). Intraoceanic P. (so-called mid-ocean ridges) have an oceanic crust. type both in their axial zones (zones of modern spreading) and on their flanks (Fig. 5). Such rift ridges can arise either as a result further development intercontinental P., or within more ancient oceanic. regions (for example, in Texas approx.). The scale of horizontal expansion in the intraoceanic P. - the largest (up to the first thousand km). These rifts are characterized by the presence of transverse faults (transform faults) intersecting them, as if displacing neighboring segments of these rift zones relative to each other in plan. All modern intraoceanic, intercontinental, as well as a significant part of intracontinental P. are directly interconnected on the surface of the Earth and form Rifts world system. Pericontinental P. and rift systems characteristic of the Atlantic margins. And Indian Oceans, have a greatly thinned continental crust, which replaces the oceanic crust towards the interior. parts of the ocean (Fig. 6). Pericontinental rift zones and systems formed in the early stages of the evolution of secondary ocean basins. Intercontinental and intraoceanic. P. arose at least from the middle of the Mesozoic, and possibly in earlier eras. Inland P. within the ancient platforms were formed starting from the Proterozoic and subsequently often experienced regeneration (the so-called Aulacogens). Rift-like linear zones of extension, later subjected to compression, arose already in the apxee (greenstone belts). Literature: Milanovsky E. E., Rift zones of continents, M., 1976; by him, Riftogenesis in the history of the Earth (on ancient platforms), M., 1983; his, Riftogenesis in the history of the Earth. Riftogenesis in mobile belts, M., 1987; Grachev A.F., Rift zones of the Earth, Leningrad, 1977. E. E. Milanovsky.

Mountain encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .


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