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» A Russian scientist has created an engine based on UFO technology. Russian scientist created an engine based on UFO technology UFO technologies are available

A Russian scientist has created an engine based on UFO technology. Russian scientist created an engine based on UFO technology UFO technologies are available

In the comments under one of the previous videos, you asked to tell us about SpaceX. Well, let's figure it out. Let's start with the official legend.

In 2001. Elon Musk suddenly gets the idea to colonize Mars. After that, he comes to Russia, where he tries to find a cheaper rocket for himself. In Russia, nothing works, but an insight comes - you need to make the launch vehicle yourself, because it will cost 10% of the existing government price tag!

In 2002, driven by this brilliant idea, Musk created SpaceX. She hires a talented guy, Tom Muller, who, as the media claimed, spent all his evenings and weekends constructing a liquid-propellant jet engine in his garage. Nothing special, because each of us has a friend who collects something similar in the garage, rocket engine, satellite, mini-nuclear power plant, or, at worst, a cold nuclear fusion installation.

Well, in 2006, Musk got a Merlin jet engine, intended for use on Falcon family rockets. Immediately, Musk has access to the launch complex, located at Cape Canaveral, with all his property. Then a successful launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Just a fairy tale: the rocket flies, the first stage lands, the world applauds. But let's figure out what is not included in this fairy-tale version.

Let's start with the fact that the cycle of creating a jet engine for a launch vehicle in reality takes much longer. Not a single private company “from scratch”, without experience, groundwork and technology, will be able to create it within the time frame announced by Musk under any conditions and money.

Even Elon himself recently reproached American companies for using the Russian RD-180 engine, while simultaneously calling its design flawless. “It’s a shame that Lockheed Martin and Boeing are forced to use a Russian engine on the Atlas. But his design is impeccable,” he wrote on Twitter.

The Russian enterprise Energomash supplies the United States with RD-180 engines for Atlas III and Atlas V launch vehicles. In 2014, the US Congress banned their use, but eventually a year later the ban was lifted due to the lack of domestic engine production in the country. So creating rocket engines is not easy, even if you turn on the dollar printing press at full power. It takes years of development, hundreds of prototypes, cyclic testing and much more. And Musk simultaneously got his own engine, his own carrier, his own control system, which is fully integrated and interfaced with the control systems of the Cape Canaveral spaceport and Vanderburgh base. But that doesn't happen. Control systems are not reconfigured for new media. The entire carrier interface is rigidly connected through pipelines, pneumatics, and control signals. These are hundreds of control channels connecting the earth with the rocket... And we see the following picture: 5 years after the moment of “epiphany,” Musk takes the finished rocket out of his pocket and says: “Here is a rocket that is already connected in all respects to the Canaveral and Vandenberg launch complexes.” " Where could he get these parameters from? Where did he get the entire interface for connecting the carrier to the launch complex? There is only one answer - all this came in finished form from somewhere else. It gets even more interesting: Musk started with a small Falcon 1 rocket, the first two launches of which were paid for by the US Department of Defense as part of the DARPA program for evaluating promising launch vehicles. For those not in the know, DARPA is responsible for developing new technologies for use by the military, is independent of conventional military research institutions, and reports directly to the Pentagon's top brass. It was DARPA that was responsible for sponsoring the development of the ARPANET network, which later became the Internet... So, a super-closed, super-cool office, which immediately includes our inventor-innovator Musk. Another miracle is that Elon not only immediately finds full support in the Pentagon and DARPA, but also manages to hire people from already working teams. Who is Tom Mueller, hired by Musk? From open English-language sources it follows that, firstly, Tom Muller did not use his garage at all for the test bench for the Merlin engine, but a testing ground former factory for the production of aviation ammunition, located in his home state of Texas. And this is logical. Anneal, i.e. It is impossible to test a new running engine in a garage; this is done at sensitive facilities. And Musk has access to them.

UFO technology

Secrets of aliens

With this, we can finish the story of Lazar’s background and move on to the most interesting thing - UFO technology. Describing extraterrestrial technologies in their public speaking, the scientist was targeting people who did not have special scientific training, and therefore painted a rather simplified picture of what he was doing. At the same time, he made a reservation that he did not consider it possible to bring a certain part of the information to the general public.

The first question is: how can you travel vast distances in space without crossing the speed of light threshold? Or: how is it possible, within a reasonable time frame and taking into account real economic opportunities, to travel between objects that are many light years apart?

Remember that the speed of light is about 300 thousand kilometers per second or 1.1 billion kilometers per hour. A light year is the distance a ray of light travels in one year. To reach, for example, the closest star to us, Proxima Centauri, it is necessary to fly to it at the speed of light for more than 4 years. But to do this, we first need to solve the question of how to achieve the speed of light or close to it. This will entail problems of engines, navigation and the required amount of fuel, and even if we take into account the relativistic effects during space-time transition, that is, time dilation, increase in mass, decrease in length and a number of other phenomena, it will quickly become clear that such a journey requires a level that Humanity has not yet reached. Overcoming interstellar distances requires technologies that modern science does not yet have.

It is known that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. And science proceeds from the axiom that the fastest way to get from point A to point B is by moving in a straight line at the speed of light. According to Lazar, this axiom can be violated: in space-time, the fastest way to get from A to B is by “bending” with the help of an induced gravitational field space-time line, as a result of which points A and B will approach each other. For example, let's draw two points A and B on a piece of paper. The line segment between them will represent the shortest distance between them. But if you crumple (roll, fold, transform) a sheet of paper in a certain way, you can ensure that these points are very close or even touching. And then the time transition between them will take moments. A similar folding, says Lazar, can be done with the “sheet” of space-time. The main thing is to learn to control the force of gravity, which “bends” the space-time line.

One of the options for the curvature of space-time during the movement of a UFO

The greater the gravitational force, the stronger the curvature of space-time and the shorter the distance between points A and B. When it comes to space-time, most of us imagine a kind of emptiness, or nothingness. But remember, not so long ago a person was sure that the air in the atmosphere was also nothing. However, over time, we still learned the composition and properties of atmospheric air.

Spacetime is actually an entity, and one of its properties is that it can be curved by a gravitational field. Lazar says that gravity bends spacetime and light. The possibility of such curvature is inherent in Einstein’s theory of relativity and there is nothing unusual here. An example is that we see some stars located directly behind the Sun, and if the light traveled strictly in a straight line, they would not be visible. The heavy mass of the Sun, creating a powerful gravitational field around itself, bends the rays of light passing nearby from the stars. This is confirmed by numerous observations during total solar eclipses.

Gravity also distorts time. If you take two identical atomic clocks and place one at sea level and the other at a higher altitude, when they are returned back they will show different times. This is explained by the fact that the force of gravity weakens as it moves away from its source. That is, atomic clocks raised to a higher altitude experience less gravitational force than clocks at sea level. Modern science can observe the influence of the gravitational field on space-time, but it is practically impossible to reproduce gravity in laboratory conditions. The only sources of sufficiently noticeable gravitational force known to us are large masses of matter, such as stars, planets, and the Moon. Just as a gravitational field around a large mass (planet) bends space-time, in exactly the same way any gravitational field bends space-time, regardless of whether it has natural origin or created artificially.

The big advantage of the artificial gravitational field is that it can not only be turned on, but also turned off. By creating a gravitational field of sufficient intensity, we can bend space-time and thereby change the distance between the point we are at and the point we want to go to. We move ourselves to the desired point and after that we stop inducing the artificial gravitational field, as a result of which space-time again takes its previous shape. Thus, by reducing distances by curving space-time, we are able to overcome long distances with less linear motion. It turns out kind of like “the mountain is coming to Mohammed” - we attract our destination to us, actually remaining in place.

Next, we will consider how, according to Lazar, one can quickly overcome vast interstellar distances without exceeding the speed of light. This is achieved by creating a powerful gravitational field that bends space-time and thereby allows distances of many light years to be covered in a short time or instantly without the need for rectilinear motion at near-light speed. But how to create a gravitational field? To understand how the force of gravity is created or increased, you must first know what this force actually is.

There are two main theories: the wave theory, according to which the force of gravity is a wave phenomenon, and the quantum (generally accepted) theory, which speaks of gravity as a flow of subatomic particles - quanta-"gravitons". According to Lazar, the quantum theory of gravity is complete nonsense. Gravity is a wave phenomenon. There are two specifically different types of it - let's call them gravitational force "A" and gravitational force "B". The gravitational force "A" acts in the microcosm, and the gravitational force "B" in the macrocosm. The force of gravity "B" is well known to science: it is a powerful force that holds the Earth and other planets in their orbits around the Sun, and the Moon and man-made satellites in their orbits around the Earth.

The force of gravity "A" is unknown to us. This is a small gravitational wave, which is the main component of the force that prevents protons and neutrons from flying away. The manifestation of the gravitational force "A" in traditional physics is denoted by the concept " strong interaction"Gravitational force "A" is a wave that must be created and amplified in order to obtain the curvature of space-time necessary for interstellar flights. Gravitational force "A" acts at the atomic level, and gravitational force "B" - at the level of stars and planets .

However, one should not draw a direct relationship between the magnitude of these waves and their strength, because the gravitational force “A” is much more powerful than the gravitational force “B”. On Earth, the "B" force can be "turned off" for a short time by simply jumping up. So it's not that big. It is not difficult to detect the force “A”, since it acts in the nucleus of any atom, be it here on Earth or somewhere in the vastness of the Universe. It is almost impossible to break the bond between protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom - this shows how powerful the “A” force is.

However, there is a big problem, as soon as we try to apply the action of the gravitational force “A” to the macrocosm. Lazar says that science does not yet know of a way that would allow the force of gravity "A" to be observed and recorded in natural or laboratory conditions using simple, publicly available means. The reason for this lies primarily in the fact that the gravitational force "A" is the main integral part forces acting inside the atomic nucleus, between protons and neutrons. It does not go beyond the boundaries of the atom. This means that the gravitational wave “A”, which we want to create on the scale of the macrocosm, is practically uncreated, since it is contained “inside” matter, inside an atom - at least inside the matter that exists on Earth.

As Lazar says, all matter in our Universe cannot be judged by the Earth. The excess matter formed during the emergence of a stellar system directly depends on the factors determining this process. The formation of excess matter is influenced by two main factors: the amount of electromagnetic energy and the mass of matter involved in the process of the emergence of a stellar system. Our star system has one star - the Sun. But the majority, in our Galaxy, called Milky Way, constitute binary (double) and multiple (multiple) star systems. Many similar systems have stars in comparison with which our Sun is just a dwarf. Obviously, when a large single-star system, binary or multiple star systems emerged, there was more substance and electromagnetic energy than was necessary. This should lead to the natural formation in these systems of a large range of elements, including elements that do not occur on Earth.

Scientists have concluded that there must be combinations of protons and neutrons that form stable elements with atomic weights greater than the maximum weights of elements in the periodic table, although none of these heavy elements are found on Earth. 88 of the 92 elements of the periodic table exist in nature. We determine some of the heavy elements only from barely noticeable traces, while many are artificially created in laboratories. As atomic weight increases, the stability of elements decreases. But laboratory experiments on the study of heavy ions, carried out in Germany, showed that this law is valid only up to a certain limit, since the half-life of the element in periodic table numbered 108, shorter than element 109, although theoretically it should have been the other way around. For Lazar it is a fact that there are heavy stable elements with higher atomic weights and having more protons, neutrons and electrons than any element on Earth.

According to Lazar, the most important property such a superheavy stable element is that the gravitational forces “A” in its core are too “many”, so that their action extends beyond the boundaries of the atom. Thus, these elements have around them a natural field of gravitational force "A" in addition to the field of force "B" inherent in all elements without exception. Not a single natural element on Earth has enough protons and neutrons so that the wave of the gravitational force “A” can escape the boundaries of the atom and become available for its recording by instruments.

The gravitational force wave "A" extends its action over a negligibly small distance around the atom, but its properties can be measured. It has an amplitude, wavelength, and frequency just like any other wave on the electromagnetic spectrum. According to Lazar, a gravitational wave is actually part of the electromagnetic spectrum. If the gravitational force wave “A” can be registered, then it, like any electromagnetic wave, can be amplified. As the wave intensifies, the amplitude of its oscillations increases. Thus, it is possible to strengthen the wave of gravitational force “A” in order to then use it for the necessary purposes - to bend space-time necessary for interstellar travel. The power of the amplified wave of force “A” can only be compared with the gravitational force of a “black hole”, which can also strongly bend space-time.

This brings us back to the old question: how to create a gravitational field? To do this, Lazar says, you need an element that is heavy enough for the gravitational force wave "A" to propagate beyond the atom. In this case, it could be strengthened and used to bend space-time.

Obviously, to bend space-time sufficiently for space travel, it is necessary to have very a large number of energy. But how can one place on board a small “disk” that is compact, lightweight and at the same time very powerful source energy? And what should this source be? Remember that we create heavy elements primarily in particle accelerators and that their stability decreases as atomic weight increases. What does it mean? First we synthesize heavy, unstable elements in an accelerator. Then we bombard them with various atomic and subatomic particles. As a result of bombardment, one element is transformed into another, heavier one. This new element has a higher atomic weight. Atomic weight shows how many protons are contained in the nucleus of an atom. When the atomic weight of an element increases, it means that the number of protons in its nucleus has increased. What does "stability decrease" mean? The stability of an element is determined by the time it lasts until it decays. Atoms of some elements decay faster than atoms of others. The faster an element decays, the more unstable it is considered. When an atom decays, it releases, or emits, subatomic particles and energy, similar to the radiation detected by a Geiger counter. Geiger counter detects radioactive radiation uranium, more precisely, it traps subatomic particles released, or emitted, by the uranium nucleus at the moment of decay. Elements that emit continuously are called radioactive.

As is known, heavy elements produced in accelerators are radioactive; they quickly decay. Since we can only synthesize small amounts of them and since they decay very quickly, we cannot learn very much about them. Nevertheless, Lazar argues that elements with high atomic weights that remain stable exist, although they are not found on Earth, and science has not yet learned how to synthesize them in particle accelerators. These are elements 114-115, missing from the periodic table. Following number 115 are again unstable elements, for example element 116 decays in a fraction of a second.

Finally, we come to the question of the energy source itself. The energy source is element 115. It is bombarded with protons in a small particle accelerator. When a proton is captured by the nucleus of atom 115, its atomic weight increases, an atom of element 116 appears, which immediately decays. When element 116 decays, a particle of antimatter is released, or emitted. What it is? Antimatter (or antimatter) is the exact opposite of matter. The charge and spin (rotational) characteristics of elementary particles of matter and antimatter are opposite. When particles of antimatter and matter come into contact, they annihilate, that is, mutually destroy each other. This releases a very large amount of energy. When sufficiently large masses of matter and antimatter collide, a powerful explosion will occur. To imagine the explosive power of antimatter, Lazar suggests comparing it to the power of an atomic bomb. For example, when a bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, the radius of the zone of complete destruction was approximately 3.5 kilometers. This is the result of a chain reaction in which, according to Lazar, less than one percent of the substance is converted into energy.

By that time, Dr. Edward Teller had calculated the possibilities of creating a hydrogen bomb. In it, during the decay of the same amount of matter, more energy should have been released, that is, a more powerful explosion should have occurred. When dropping a hydrogen bomb equal in mass to the one that destroyed Nagasaki, the zone of complete destruction will reach 35 kilometers. And this, again, is when less than one percent of the nuclear material is converted into energy. The remaining 99% in this type of bombs dissipate without taking part in nuclear reaction. Now let’s imagine that, for example, a bomb with antimatter equal in quantity is detonated in Baghdad atomic bomb, dropped on Nagasaki. The zone of complete destruction would cover part of Africa, Europe and Asia - it is not possible to calculate more precisely for obvious reasons.

According to Lazar, this would be the result of annihilation, in which the antimatter is completely converted into energy. In such a bomb, 100% of the nuclear charge must react. Currently, science does not know real ways, how antimatter can be used in a bomb. We can obtain and hold it only for a short time and only in a particle accelerator.

So, in a flying saucer reactor, element 115 is bombarded by an accelerated proton, which, penetrating the nucleus of atom 115, turns it into element 116. It immediately decays, emitting a small amount of antiparticles. The antimatter is diverted into a special vacuum tube to avoid its contact with matter. At the exit it is sent to gaseous substance(matter). Annihilation occurs. Matter and antimatter are completely converted into energy. The thermal energy released as a result of this reaction is converted into electrical energy with 100% efficiency using a thermoelectric generator. This is one of the methods for directly converting thermal energy into electrical energy. Many man-made satellites and interplanetary vehicles use thermoelectric generators, but their productivity is still very, very low. All reactions and processes occurring in the reactor must be carefully calculated and linked with each other, like a ballet, and then the reactor will be able to produce huge amounts of energy.

"Diagram of the device that drives the flying saucer"

Thus, the source of energy for the “flying saucer” is a reactor using element 115 as fuel and complete annihilation. This turns it into a compact and lightweight energy source that can be successfully used on board spaceship. For those interested, Lazar provides some Additional information about element 115. This substance orange color, refractory (melting point 1740 degrees Celsius) and very heavy (31.5 g/cm3): the Americans' stock of 200 kilograms will barely fill half of an average-sized "diplomat". Where did the Americans get it from? Apparently - from crashed alien disks or through other channels, but also connected with extraterrestrial technologies. Element 115 in the reactor is consumed very slowly, and 223 grams of this element (one third of a matchbox) can provide energy for 20-30 years. By the way, in January 1999, at an accelerator in Dubna (Russia), scientists were able to obtain the 114th element for the first time in the world. Already in his first experiments, he lived for an unprecedentedly long time for superheavy elements - 30 seconds! This confirms the theory of the existence of a “transuranium island of stability” or, in other words, stable superheavy elements, which Bob Lazar spoke about as a fact back in 1989, when the 114th element on Earth was not yet known.

So, now we know, thanks to Lazar, how space-time is curved under the influence of a gravitational field, how a gravitational field is created and where the energy comes from for this. Now it’s time to combine this information and consider the device in which all these technologies will be applied. This is a disk, colloquially called a “flying saucer”. At Site S-4, Lazar saw nine different "flying saucers." Lazar worked directly with one of the discs, which he called the "sports model" for its surprisingly smooth surface. Alas, he was not lucky enough to fly such a device himself. The height of the “sports model” was approximately 5 meters, and the diameter was more than 12 meters.

"Sports model" in flight

According to Lazar, the outer covering of the disk was metallic, the color of an unpolished of stainless steel. When not working, he lay on his belly. Inside, the disk is divided into three levels. At the bottom there are gravitational field amplifiers and their control panel. They amplify and direct the waves of gravitational force "A".

"Sports model" Bottom and side view

On the second level, directly above the three amplifiers and exactly in the center between them, there is a reactor. It is a small hemisphere mounted on a stationary platform. The reactor performs two functions:

1) produces with 100 percent efficiency the electricity necessary for the operation of the “disk” (electricity is produced in huge quantities and is essentially a by-product of the reactor);

2) in interaction with the 115th element, it produces a gravitational wave (the main function), which is transmitted further along the waveguide to the amplifiers.

Element 115 is loaded into triangular containers and placed in the reactor. It is the source of the gravitational force "A", and also the source of antimatter, after being bombarded with accelerated protons, as discussed earlier.

Lazar says the reactor does not have a "start button." It begins to work automatically as soon as element 115 is placed inside. In this case, a gravitational field is formed around the hemisphere of the reactor, and the waveguide directs the gravitational wave from the reactor to the amplifiers at the bottom of the “disk”. The "flying saucer" waveguide is very similar in design to the waveguides that are used in modern microwave technology, such as microwave ovens. Lazar spoke about his impressions when he first saw the reactor in action. His partner Barry placed the 115th element inside, closed it - and instantly a gravitational field formed around the hemisphere. "Feel it!" - said Barry. Lazar brought his hand to the hemisphere and felt it being pushed back, as if he were trying to bring two single-pole magnets together. “It was so unusual and exciting!” - says Lazar. He remembers how he and Barry "played" with the reactor, throwing golf balls at it, and they bounced back, repelled by the gravitational field.

"3D model of the reactor"

Readers may have a question: how is the electrical energy produced by the reactor related to the strengthening of the gravitational field? How is this energy transferred to the amplifiers at the bottom of the device? Lazar says that electricity in the ship is transmitted without the participation of any wires, similar to the inventions of the brilliant Nikola Tesla. He believes that the transmitting components in the "disk" are tuned to the operating frequency of the reactor. The principle is similar to the transfer of energy through a Tesla coil and a fluorescent camera.

On the central level there are also tables with control devices and the seats are too narrow and low for a normal adult. There were draped niches in the walls of the central level. At some point, during the start of the disk, one of the shutters moved aside, and behind it everything that was happening outside became visible, as if through a window. The surface of the damper became transparent for some time, and something in the form of an inscription appeared on it, but appearance it did not resemble any alphabet, nor did it resemble any mathematical or other symbols. Lazar was never invited to the top level, so he cannot provide any significant information about him.

Lazar was one of the members of the restoration engineering group. Reconstructive engineering meant that scientists had a ready-made product that they needed to figure out how it worked and whether the extraterrestrial technology it embodied could be recreated using terrestrial materials.

The hangar at facility S-4, in which the “sports model” stood, was a regular hangar for aircraft, only it was located inside a mountain with a gate located at an angle of 60 degrees and disguised as the color of the mountain, so that the texture of the mountain smoothly transitions into the texture of the desert soil . The hangar was equipped with conventional instruments and a very large amount of electronic equipment. In addition, there was a device with the symbol “radiation” printed on it and a tall crane with a lifting capacity of 9 tons. All hangar equipment was marked with the number 41 inside a white circle. Lazar observed the tests of the “sports model” outside the hangar. Before this, we looked at how a “flying saucer” makes interstellar travel by bending space-time. While in outer space, the dish tilts to its side, using three amplifiers turned on at full power, focuses the gravitational wave at the destination point, then, changing the parameters of the induced gravitational field, “pulls” the point, bringing it closer to itself. The field generator turns off, “releasing” the curved space-time and the ship, “fixed” at the destination point, returns with it to its original position.

Meanwhile, the time practically did not change, since the super-powerful gravitational field was turned off. This, according to Lazar, is the general principle of interstellar flights of “flying saucers.” But if the vehicle flies in close proximity to a large natural source of gravity, such as a planet or its satellite, it uses a different method of movement.

"Flight modes"

When the "plate" flies in the Earth's atmosphere, waves "A" diverging from it interact with waves of gravitational force "B" emanating from the Earth. This creates lift. The ship "balances" on the Earth's gravitational field, moving like a cork on an ocean wave. In this flight mode, the saucer is very unstable and sensitive to weather fluctuations. This instability is clearly manifested when the ship hangs in the air, when it seems to sway from side to side. In this flight mode, the ship creates a low-power gravitational field underneath itself using all three amplifiers.

The ship does not create an "anti-gravity field" as many believe. “It’s the same gravitational field, only in antiphase to the Earth’s field,” says Lazar. “It’s a gravitational wave with a varying phase from 180 degrees to zero.” The “dish” gravitational field amplifiers are configured independently of each other and do not operate continuously, but in pulses. If all three amplifiers are needed for a flight, they are turned on in the “delta” configuration. If only one amplifier is used for flight, it is in the "omicron" configuration. In this case, the other two amplifiers remain free.

"Gravitational field amplifier"

As the gravitational field around the “plate” increases, the curvature of space-time around it also increases, and if the curvature of space-time could be seen with the naked eye, it would look like this: when an intense gravitational field is induced by amplifiers, the space-time around the “dish” “bends, and at maximum curvature it does not just bend upward, but takes on a sort of folded, amplitude shape. The curvature of space-time occurs 360 degrees around the plate. If you looked at the plate from above, the curvature of space-time around it would look like the edges of a pancake. When the gravitational field around the plate is so strong that the curvature of space-time around it reaches a maximum, that is, takes the form of an amplitude curve, the plate cannot be seen from any angle - it becomes invisible. All that can be seen is only the sky surrounding her.

By talking about the effects associated with the curvature of space-time, Lazar took a fresh look at the nature of those unusual UFO maneuvers that were observed by thousands of eyewitnesses. "When discs make right-angle turns at seven thousand miles, it doesn't mean they are actually turning. This kind of illusion is created by gravitational curvature... and it may appear as if the disc is changing shape, stopping, or flying. .." The distortion of space around the “flying saucer” can also explain other unimaginable properties of UFOs: sudden appearance and disappearance, slow “manifestation”, invisibility for radars, “multiplying” the number of UFOs, “dividing” them into separate parts or “merging” into one whole...

Lazar says that the research program in sector S-4 consisted of three projects:

1) project "GALILEO" (GALILEO);

2) project "SIDEKICK";

3) project "MIRROR" (LOOKING GLASS).

The Galileo project dealt with gravity propulsion for flying saucers. Bob Lazar worked on this project. Project Side Impact was developing beam weapons that use neutrons as their energy source, guided by special gravitational lenses. Project "Mirror" was engaged in the science of looking back in time, into the past. Bob Lazar cannot talk about the details of the last two projects because he was not involved with them. At the beginning of the article it was already stated that while Lazar was being introduced to the activities at the S-4 facility, he worked in a small room where there was a chair and a table with instructions in blue folders. There he was left alone to read instructions for varying periods of time, on average half an hour. The instructions contained information mainly relating to extraterrestrial technology and creatures. This took the form of a review of “extraterrestrial information”, intended to familiarize scientists in various branches of science not only with their special field and tasks, but also with the general scope of the project. The overview of the Galileo project was very condensed. Lazar read it and later became convinced that it was accurate. In the instructions, Lazar read that the technologies described above belong to beings from the star system Zeta Reticulum 1 and 2. These stars are located in the constellation Reticularis, visible only from the Southern Hemisphere. Zeta Reticuli is a binary system, meaning it has two stars, and is 37 light years away from Earth. The creatures came from Reticuli-4, the fourth planet of Zeta Reticuli-2. This is exactly what is said about star systems in the messages that Lazar read. They simply indicate the star and the number of planets around it, from closest to the star to furthest away from it. For example, our Sun would be designated as "Sol" and the Earth as "Sol-3", since it is the third planet from the Sun. A day on Reticuli-4 lasts 90 Earth hours. The height of the creatures is 1.2-1.5 meters, weight 11-22 kilograms. They have grayish skin and large heads with large almond-shaped eyes, long and thin limbs. There is no hair. All data in messages concerning these creatures was marked with a 6-digit number starting with 1623... The creatures said that they had been periodically visiting the Earth for a long time, and as evidence they presented photographs that, according to them, were more than 10,000 years old.

Until 1979, in central Nevada, materials and information were exchanged between government representatives and aliens, until a conflict occurred that sharply slowed down the project. The instructions stated that the creatures had left Earth but were to return at a point in time designated as 1623. Lazar does not know what date this is. Having at its disposal the material objects, devices and devices left from the aliens, as well as the information transmitted by them, the US government began to implement a program of “restorative engineering”.

The aliens provided information about how the human mind could be influenced to put the body to sleep (anesthetize). This can be done without physical contact, from an external source. For sleep to be complete, the brain must be in a relaxed state, as in hypnosis. In the presence of external stimuli, such as stimulants or loud music, manipulation of nervous system turn out to be ineffective. The creatures reported that man is a product of externally regulated (controlled) evolution. According to them, humanity as a race has already undergone 65 genetic changes. They call people "vessels", but it is unknown what these vessels are intended for. Lazar says that he cannot make any statement regarding the alien-related information, noting that he is presenting it as he read it in the instructions at the S-4 base. Obviously, if the information is reliable, the implementation of secret projects and relationships with our “distant guests” that Lazar spoke about will have far-reaching consequences for all of Mankind, and you don’t need to be a nuclear physicist to understand this.

To summarize what was described in the article, I would like to note that the information provided by Bob Lazar can rightfully be considered the most plausible and meaningful contribution to the issue of UFO technology today. However, in the United States there are a large number of people who are almost foaming at the mouth trying to prove that Lazar is a shameless deceiver and fabricator. Such statements are heard from official means mass media and from the lips of some influential ufologists. Moreover, the same people ten or twenty years ago argued in a similar way that the Roswell disaster of 1947 was an absurd fiction. But now, when hundreds of witnesses, including former high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Defense and the government, spoke about their participation in the evacuation of the crashed “disk” and even the FBI, by court order, published official documents confirming those distant events - after this, the “screamers” why- then they became quiet. Despite all the efforts of the intelligence agencies to hush it up, the story of the Roswell disaster came out and became proof of the defiant shamelessness with which the authorities had deceived people for decades. And they continue to deceive: the leading media, especially television, behave as if nothing is happening, showing only endless political leapfrog, in which little can be understood from the standpoint of common sense. How can you even trust television that shows half-truths? Perhaps those researchers who warn of a worldwide conspiracy and the approach of a NEW WORLD ORDER are right. The fact that they tried to slander Lazar is not surprising. They could not physically eliminate him for obvious reasons, so mass propaganda had to come into play with the goal of at least presenting his revelations in an implausible light, sowing doubt and distrust in Lazar. Apparently this is what happened.

From a technological point of view, Lazar's revelations fit very well with eyewitness accounts. The curvature of space-time using a gravitational wave describes the principle of "flying saucer" motion much better than other existing theories. For example, widespread theories about “parallel worlds” and “dematerialization” practically do not go beyond the scope of science fiction hypotheses and receive practically no experimental confirmation.

As we have already noted, by bending space-time, “plates” can not only instantly cover vast distances in space, but also create for third-party observers such optical effects as right-angle turns, “stepping” or jerking movements, sudden appearance and disappearance, “multiplying” the number of UFOs, “dividing” them into separate parts or “merging” into a single whole, changing the shape of the ship and even its invisibility. Lazar says that when flying in the Earth’s atmosphere, the device “relies” on one amplifier, and the other two remain free - with them it can perform various operations, for example, lifting objects, animals, people from the surface. There is an analogy here with the “abducted”, who tell how an unknown force lifted them up to the object, but they could not do anything about it.

Perhaps, having mastered the curvature of space, the “plates” can easily pass through any material obstacles, walls, the earth’s firmament, etc. Thus, the famous Russian ufologist Vadim Chernobrov says that during expeditions to the Medveditskaya anomalous zone in the west of the Saratov region, they often observed luminous objects landing behind the hills or behind the forest, but when they approached the place of the intended landing there was nothing there, as if they were passing through the ground fell through. There are a lot of legends about some underground caves in that area. The presence of a whole system of strange underground passages in the area of ​​the Medveditskaya Ridge was confirmed by dowsing and geological exploration methods. But what is most amazing is that these caves are about seven meters wide, absolutely straight, with smooth walls and go into different sides to an indefinite distance. That is, these are not even caves, but real tunnels underground. A whole system of wide, absolutely straight tunnels is a good reason to think about it! The expedition made many attempts to find the entrances to these caves or to penetrate them from above using special vehicles, but all attempts ended in failure. Each time some supernatural, almost mystical “forces” prevented these attempts. Thus, if underground “plates” have some kind of their own structures and communications, then, taking into account their technical capabilities, described by Lazar, they do not necessarily have open entrances to their underground world. By controlling the forces of gravity, the “plate” can easily form a “gap” under itself in the surface of the earth and, having passed through this gap into an underground passage, “slam” it behind itself, simply turning off the guidance of the gravitational field. At the same time, one involuntarily recalls fairy tales about wizard heroes who can get through anything.

In conclusion of the article, we note once again that in addition to the most valuable technical data, Lazar’s revelations carry another warning to all of us: the authorities are hiding vital information, associated with the presence of aliens on Earth and their intentions. Extraterrestrial technology is being used by the military to develop new types of weapons mass destruction, capable of destroying entire continents and influencing human consciousness. Who or what is behind this? And most importantly - what can all this lead to?!

Maybe it's worth thinking about?..

You will be surprised to read these materials, but the technology necessary to create UFOs has existed for more than 50 years. I will give you some existing technologies similar to those used by the mysterious aircraft.

For example Biefeld-Brown effect

The effect was discovered in 1922 by Thomas Brown, and described even earlier. This is not anti-gravity technology, it is the levitation of an object due to strong electric fields. Even now, most scientists simply do not know about the Biefeld-Brown effect, because The experiment was only successful experimentally, but it has not yet been possible to substantiate it theoretically, which is why they do not write about it in textbooks.

UFO technology, levitation of a wooden frame covered with foil.

The Biefield-Brown Effect is that an electrical capacitor will move towards the positive pole and will maintain this movement until it discharges. This movement does not contradict the law of physics that every action causes a similar reaction. The counterforce is present, but, in the case of gravity, it is not clearly expressed.

Biefeld-Brown effect, UFO technology, levitation, experiment carried out by Moscow inventors

Using this technology, Brown built a 24-foot-diameter disk-shaped apparatus that supposedly reached velocities of 17 ft/s in his laboratory. The disks were a variation of a simple capacitor consisting of two plates charged at a constant voltage of 50KV. When the disks were charged, they began to move in a circular path. To maintain their flight, only 50W of energy was required, which corresponds to the consumption of a small light bulb.

History of research >>

He early showed great interest in space flight, which was considered pure fantasy at a time when even the successes of the Wright brothers were viewed with skepticism. His youthful fascination with the seemingly naive knowledge of radio and electromagnetism later served him in invaluable service, giving him basic information in these areas of science. In the process of his “experimentation,” he once obtained a Coolidge tube (American physicist and chemist William Coolidge proposed an X-ray tube with a thermionic cathode made of a thin tungsten spiral, the so-called Coolidge tube), which then led him to an amazing discovery. Brown was not interested in X-rays per se. He wanted to determine whether the rays emanating from the Coolidge tube could have a beneficial effect.

He did what no scientist of his time had ever thought of: he mounted the Coolidge tube on a sensitive balance beam and began testing his device. However, no matter which way he turned the apparatus, he could not establish any measurable effect of the X-rays. But suddenly his attention was attracted by the strange behavior of the tube itself: every time he turned on the tube, it made a kind of forward movement, as if the device was trying to move forward. It took him a lot of effort and time before he found an explanation. The newly discovered phenomenon had nothing to do with X-rays; it was based on high voltage, used to form rays.

Brown conducted a series of experiments to establish the nature of these new “forces” he discovered, and in the end he managed to construct a device that he called a “gravitor.” His invention looked like a simple bakelite box, but as soon as it was placed on a scale and connected to a 100 kilovolt power source, the device gained or lost approximately one percent of its weight, depending on the polarity.

Brown was convinced that he had discovered a new electrical principle, but didn't know how to really use it. Despite the fact that some newspapers reported on his work, none of the prominent scientists showed interest in his invention, which, however, was not surprising - then Brown was just finishing high school.

In 1922 he entered the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. But no one there attached any importance to his work.

Without giving up, Brown in 1923 moved to Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, spent one year there, and then went to Denison University in Granville, also in Ohio, where he studied electronics in the physics department. His teacher was Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld, professor of physics and astronomy and one of the eight former classmates A. Einstein in Switzerland.

Unlike his Pasadena colleagues, Biefeld took a keen interest in Brown's discovery, and both professor and student experimented with charged electrical capacitors and developed the physical principle that became known as the Biefeld-Brown effect. The essence of this effect was the tendency of charged electric capacitor to movement in the direction of its positive pole - the same movement that Brown once discovered at the Coolidge tube.

After completing his education, Brown worked for four years at the Swasey Observatory in Ohio, and in 1930 he left it to work as a specialist in field physics and spectroscopy at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington.

Despite the fact that in the 1930s he had to change his occupation, Brown continued to engage in physical research in his free time, in particular the Biefeld-Brown effect. Over time, the gravitor has undergone numerous improvements.

In 1939, Brown became a lieutenant in the Navy Reserve and was appointed officer in charge of magnetic and acoustic mine countermeasures research for the Bureau of the Ships. Shortly after this appointment, Brown came into contact with the first phase of the project that probably later culminated in the Philadelphia Experiment.

It is impossible to say with certainty whether Brown was actively working on the Philadelphia Experiment, since much of the work of his scientific team concerned the area close to the demagnetization of ships. In addition, he was engaged, in his own words, in “one terribly expensive job on deep vacuum.”

In any case, his activities in the Bureau of Ships, where he had, as it turned out, 50 million dollars for scientific purposes and a dozen employees with academic education, could be considered exemplary. True, it did not last very long, because in the terrible confusion that followed Pearl Harbor, he was transferred, now with the rank of captain second rank, to Norfolk, where, while continuing his research work, he simultaneously headed the Radar School of the Atlantic Fleet of the Navy . In December 1943, he was sent home to rest, and soon, at the insistence of doctors, he was dismissed. Here it seems interesting that some researchers believe that Brown’s disease is directly related to the Philadelphia experiment. In 1944, Brown went to Hawaii and continued his research.

During these same years, he was captivated by the increasing number of UFO sightings. Closely following the debate between the military and science in the late 40s and early 50s, he expresses the opinion that the question of the driving force of UFOs could perhaps be resolved on an international basis. Brown hinted that in his studies of electrogravity he may already have found a clue to this problem.

In 1952, having moved to Cleveland, he outlined one project, which he called “Winter Harbor,” which, after appropriate development, he hoped to offer to the military. He managed to increase the lifting force of his gravitor so much that the device was able to lift a weight significantly exceeding its own.

Theoretically, Brown tried to explain his results in terms of the Unified Field Theory. He firmly believed in the existence of a demonstrable coupling effect between gravity and electricity. What his device demonstrates is precisely this very effect. Brown designed a disk-shaped capacitor and observed the Biefeld-Brown effect in action by applying various voltages of direct current. With the appropriate design and electrical voltage, the disc-shaped “air films” were set into independent flying motion, while emitting a faint hum and emitting a bluish electric glow.

In 1953, Brown was able to demonstrate in the laboratory the flight of such a 60-centimeter “air disk” along a circular route with a diameter of 6 meters. The aircraft was connected to the central mast by a wire through which a constant electricity voltage of 50 thousand volts. The device developed a maximum speed of about 51 m/s (180 km/h).

Brown worked with almost superhuman determination and high financial costs. He soon managed to surpass his own success. During the next show, he demonstrated the flight of a whole set of 90-centimeter disks in a circle with a diameter of 15 meters. Everything was immediately classified. However, most of the scientists present at the demonstration did not hide their skepticism, inclined to attribute this Brownian driving force to what they themselves called an “electric wind,” although it would have required a truly “electric hurricane” to produce such a force. Only very few believed that the Biefeld-Brown effect could represent something new in physics... Now the experiment has been repeated by Moscow scientists, so perhaps a new vehicle will appear in our lifetime

You will be surprised to read these materials, but the technology necessary to create UFOs has existed for more than 50 years. I will give you some existing technologies similar to those used by the mysterious aircraft.

For example Biefeld-Brown effect

The effect was discovered in 1922 by Thomas Brown, and even earlier described by Tesla. This is not anti-gravity technology, it is the levitation of an object due to strong electric fields. Even now, most scientists simply do not know about the Biefeld-Brown effect, because The experiment was only successful experimentally, but it has not yet been possible to substantiate it theoretically, which is why they do not write about it in textbooks.

UFO technology, levitation of a wooden frame covered with foil.

The Biefield-Brown Effect is that an electrical capacitor will move towards the positive pole and will maintain this movement until it discharges. This movement does not contradict the law of physics that every action causes a similar reaction. The counterforce is present, but, in the case of gravity, it is not clearly expressed.

Biefeld-Brown effect, UFO technology, levitation, experiment carried out by Moscow inventors

Sokolniki. Youth Research Laboratory, under the leadership of: Mikhail Mikhailovich Lavrinenko.
Biefeld-Brown effect

Using this technology, Brown built a 24-foot-diameter disk-shaped apparatus that supposedly reached velocities of 17 ft/s in his laboratory. The disks were a variation of a simple capacitor consisting of two plates charged at a constant voltage of 50KV. When the disks were charged, they began to move in a circular path. To maintain their flight, only 50W of energy was required, which corresponds to the consumption of a small light bulb.

History of research >>


He early showed great interest in space flight, which was considered pure fantasy at a time when even the successes of the Wright brothers were viewed with skepticism. His youthful fascination with the seemingly naive knowledge of radio and electromagnetism later served him invaluablely, providing him with basic information on these areas of science. In the process of his “experimentation,” he once obtained a Coolidge tube (American physicist and chemist William Coolidge proposed an X-ray tube with a thermionic cathode made of a thin tungsten spiral, the so-called Coolidge tube), which then led him to an amazing discovery. Brown was not interested in X-rays per se. He wanted to determine whether the rays emanating from the Coolidge tube could have a beneficial effect.

He did what no scientist of his time had ever thought of: he mounted the Coolidge tube on a sensitive balance beam and began testing his device. However, no matter which way he turned the apparatus, he could not establish any measurable effect of the X-rays. But suddenly his attention was attracted by the strange behavior of the tube itself: every time he turned on the tube, it made a kind of forward movement, as if the device was trying to move forward. It took him a lot of effort and time before he found an explanation. The newly discovered phenomenon had nothing to do with X-rays—it was based on the high voltage used to produce the rays.

Brown conducted a series of experiments to establish the nature of these new “forces” he discovered, and in the end he managed to construct a device that he called a “gravitor.” His invention looked like a simple bakelite box, but as soon as it was placed on a scale and connected to a 100 kilovolt power source, the device gained or lost approximately one percent of its weight, depending on the polarity.

Brown was convinced that he had discovered a new electrical principle, but did not know how to properly use it. Despite the fact that some newspapers reported on his work, none of the prominent scientists showed interest in his invention, which, however, was not surprising since Brown was just finishing high school.

In 1922 he entered the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. But no one there attached any importance to his work.

Without giving up, Brown in 1923 moved to Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, spent one year there, and then went to Denison University in Granville, also in Ohio, where he studied electronics in the physics department. His teacher was Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld, professor of physics and astronomy and one of A. Einstein's eight former classmates in Switzerland.

Unlike his Pasadena colleagues, Biefeld took a keen interest in Brown's discovery, and both professor and student experimented with charged electrical capacitors and developed the physical principle that became known as the Biefeld-Brown effect. The essence of this effect was the tendency of a charged electrical capacitor to move towards its positive pole - the same movement that Brown had once discovered in the Coolidge tube.

After completing his education, Brown worked for four years at the Swasey Observatory in Ohio, and in 1930 he left it to work as a specialist in field physics and spectroscopy at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington.

Despite the fact that in the 1930s he had to change his occupation, Brown continued to engage in physical research in his free time, in particular the Biefeld-Brown effect. Over time, the gravitor has undergone numerous improvements.

In 1939, Brown became a lieutenant in the Navy Reserve and was appointed officer in charge of magnetic and acoustic mine countermeasures research for the Bureau of the Ships. Shortly after this appointment, Brown came into contact with the first phase of the project that probably later culminated in the Philadelphia Experiment.

It is impossible to say with certainty whether Brown was actively working on the Philadelphia Experiment, since much of the work of his scientific team concerned the area close to the demagnetization of ships. In addition, he was engaged, in his own words, in “one terribly expensive job on deep vacuum.”

In any case, his activities in the Bureau of Ships, where he had, as it turned out, 50 million dollars for scientific purposes and a dozen employees with academic education, could be considered exemplary. True, it did not last very long, because in the terrible confusion that followed Pearl Harbor, he was transferred, now with the rank of captain second rank, to Norfolk, where, while continuing his research work, he simultaneously headed the Radar School of the Atlantic Fleet of the Navy . In December 1943, he was sent home to rest, and soon, at the insistence of doctors, he was dismissed. Here it seems interesting that some researchers believe that Brown’s disease is directly related to the Philadelphia experiment. In 1944, Brown went to Hawaii and continued his research.

During these same years, he was captivated by the increasing number of UFO sightings. Closely following the debate between the military and science in the late 40s and early 50s, he suggests that the question of the driving force of UFOs could perhaps be resolved on an international basis. Brown hinted that in his studies of electrogravity he may already have found a clue to this problem.

In 1952, having moved to Cleveland, he outlined one project, which he called “Winter Harbor,” which, after appropriate development, he hoped to offer to the military. He managed to increase the lifting force of his gravitor so much that the device was able to lift a weight significantly exceeding its own.

Theoretically, Brown tried to explain his results in terms of the Unified Field Theory. He firmly believed in the existence of a demonstrable coupling effect between gravity and electricity. What his device demonstrates is precisely this very effect. Brown designed a disk-shaped capacitor and observed the Biefeld-Brown effect in action by applying various voltages of direct current. With the appropriate design and electrical voltage, the disc-shaped “air films” were set into independent flying motion, while emitting a faint hum and emitting a bluish electric glow.

In 1953, Brown was able to demonstrate in the laboratory the flight of such a 60-centimeter “air disk” along a circular route with a diameter of 6 meters. The aircraft was connected to the central mast by a wire through which a direct electric current of 50 thousand volts was supplied. The device developed a maximum speed of about 51 m/s (180 km/h).

Brown worked with almost superhuman determination and high financial costs. He soon managed to surpass his own success. During the next show, he demonstrated the flight of a whole set of 90-centimeter disks in a circle with a diameter of 15 meters. Everything was immediately classified. However, most of the scientists present at the demonstration did not hide their skepticism, inclined to attribute this Brownian driving force to what they themselves called an “electric wind,” although it would have required a truly “electric hurricane” to produce such a force. Only very few believed that the Biefeld-Brown effect could represent something new in physics... Now the experiment has been repeated by Moscow scientists, so perhaps a new vehicle will appear in our lifetime

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

A colleague of the famous designer Sergei Korolev, under the leadership of his great predecessor, studied unidentified flying objects for a long time before making his sensational discovery.

Silent and ultra-fast alien vehicles were of serious interest to world governments back in the first half of the 20th century. And one of the first UFO researchers was Sergei Korolev. In 1948, Stalin summoned him. Korolev was provided various materials concerning research into unidentified flying objects. The Secretary General was interested in whether a UFO could be a weapon of a potential enemy.

The results of the information obtained showed that nothing like this had been created on Earth. Study of the obscure technical means The chief Soviet missile designer instructed his assistant Burdakov. The main mysteries that the researcher faced were the absence of sound, super-fast movements and the ability to instantly disappear.

Years later, thanks to observations of UFOs, Burdakov developed a unique engine, with the help of which domestic astronautics can take great strides forward.

Valery Burdakov, professor of Moscow aviation institute: “Here are new principles of movement. That is, the machine rises to a small height, to the height of its diameter, due to electromagnetic forces, due to superconductivity."

What Burdakov proposes will allow the rocket to first take off and only then fire the engines that will take it into Earth orbit. The professor attributes his discoveries solely to aliens, who, according to the researcher, do not hunt people, but teach us progress and help technical development.

Valery Burdakov: “The conclusion suggests itself is that someone is telling us what shape of aircraft we can make.”

Why are aliens constantly watching us? Why do they need a civilization that is lagging behind in development? Why is Professor Burdakov sure that aliens are teaching us? The largest investigation and the most stunning discoveries are in the Mysterious Russia program.

Unidentified flying objects, ships of extraterrestrial civilizations...

Is this a huge hoax or the truth? The film crew of “Mysterious Russia” traveled to several dozen regions of our country and collected a unique database of evidence, artifacts, videos and photographic documents.

In the next issue of the project: pilots, military personnel, physicists and historians - the most frank stories about what has always been considered incredible!

Mysterious Russia - UFO. Guests from a neighboring planet? (TK "NTV", 10/28/2012)