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» Born on the lunar 18th day. Born on a lunar day

Born on the lunar 18th day. Born on a lunar day

1-7 lunar birthdays

1st lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day, as a rule, live to a ripe old age. They are always waiting for something great, but they can live their whole lives without getting it. finest hour. Sometimes inspiration dawns on them, and they accomplish a feat: they must join in the activity unexpectedly and brightly.

2nd lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will grow up prosperously. Undeveloped people of this day may exhibit aggressiveness and greed; never gaining weight, they eat everything indiscriminately, and a greed for things develops.

3rd lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day, in the absence of help from the strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, do not live long.

4th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will grow up to be a big egoist or even a criminal. Parents will have to use all their strength and skill to guide him on the right path. People born on this day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.

5th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day, without outside help, is short-lived. Distinctive feature people of this day are fussy, they do not get fat. They can't eat sauerkraut, salted cucumbers, meat, they should avoid foods containing rotting germs.

6th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will live to old age. People of the sixth lunar day- transformers, conductors of cosmic energy, many of them become psychics.

7th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will have good health. People of this day are “weathervanes”, superficial and irrepressible collectors of gossip.

8th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day is most often deprived of external beauty, but the Moon rewarded him with spiritual beauty in abundance. Intelligence, knowledge, hard work, decency and goodwill - these are the main traits of people born on this day.

9th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day live long and fruitful lives. They are often unhappy and suffer from others’ misunderstanding of them. They need to constantly cleanse themselves - get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.

10th lunar birthday: characteristics

Those born on this day will grow up to be avid travelers; even if they cannot fulfill their blue dreams of distant lands, they will dream about them all their lives. They are romantics and adventurers at heart. They have established good contact with the Cosmos, and they draw their energy from there, and people use them as a source of energy. But among them there are also self-interested people, and then obstacles arise in their path in the form of serious illnesses.

11th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have good mental abilities and live to a ripe old age, surrounded by their many admirers. They are very strong, almost unpredictable.

12 lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have a soul aimed at helping others. They are merciful, peaceful, shy, charming.

13th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are noisy and fussy. They usually live to a ripe old age.

14th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are favored by fate. These are the leaders. They have a calling and go to it through all obstacles. They are characterized by a longing for authority, the ability to disguise themselves, intelligence, the ability to captivate others, and the ease of adaptation to any situation. There is a place for heroic deeds in their lives. Internally they are pure, they are disgusted with deception, even the slightest falsehood.

15th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are very amorous, which can cause them to suffer greatly. They easily succumb to all carnal and astral temptations. They often have a weakened pancreas.

16th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day have good health, live long and fruitfully. They like White color and purity, leaning towards blue and silver. They don't judge others. Their symbol is the “stairway to heaven,” meaning hard way climbing.

At the first stage of their spiritual advancement they hear nothing; at the second and third stages they come to understand the language of plants and animals. They have a strong imagination. They are gentle dreamers.

17th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are very happy in their families. Girls grow up to be faithful spouses and good mothers. They need their "other half". They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of pair polarity, otherwise they will be pathetic and weak in life.

18th lunar birthday: characteristics

If your child was born on this lunar day, then most likely he will be hardworking and efficient. Perhaps wealth awaits him in the future. People of this day, following a high path of development, are capable of self-sacrifice and feat, while they never shout about their merits.

Sometimes they turn out to be healers. If a person follows the lower path of development, then he can become an actor, circus performer, or clown.

These people see the world upside down. Life amuses them. If they are not stopped in time, then they can reach cynicism in their denial of existence, and then their path is pitiful. Confused in their illusions, such people tend to blame the whole world for their failures.

19th lunar birthday: characteristics

On this lunar day people with high moral qualities, selfless, kind, modest, bringing light to the world. But if a child follows the lower path of development, then he may turn out to be an intriguer, a flatterer, an insidious seducer, a loser, or an unrecognized single creator; Such people often become drunkards.

20 lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day live with a constant feeling of flight in their souls. They easily master the science of astral travel and often become psychics.

The best people of this day - ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the cause. At a low level, fate rewards those born on this day with an evil and unyielding character, which parents have to fight from the cradle. Such people become false teachers and dictators.

21st lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day can be, in their lowest version, indomitable proud people, in a blind rush towards the goal, not noticing anything, “tramping” others.

IN highest version- these are pure and honest knights, strong in spirit, defenders of justice. Both in the first and second versions they are distinguished by hard work, efficiency and patience. They show restraint in relationships with parents, loved ones, friends and colleagues.

22nd lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are active and live to a ripe old age. In their highest manifestation, they are the keepers of wisdom and traditions, capable of penetrating the meaning of all things and comprehending any science. In the lowest manifestation, these are conservatives, marked by a lack of dynamics in their worldview, convinced of their monopoly on truth.

23rd lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day is not distinguished by beauty, so much in his life depends on his upbringing, acquired knowledge and human kindness. People of this day are characterized by tenacity and a death grip; they take any task to the absolute. Maturity and completeness are evident in everything.

24 lunar birthday: characteristics

The best people born on this day are creative individuals with enormous energy, although at times they want to withdraw into themselves, close themselves off from people (go into hibernation). As a rule, people of this day are gourmets.

25th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are the favorites of Fortune, happiness accompanies them until their death. Even in their youth they reason maturely. These are wise, unhurried, even sleepy people, but capable of transformation; often seen prophetic dreams.

26th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will experience prosperity, even wealth, but it is also possible that he will often be robbed.

27th lunar birthday: characteristics

A child born on this day will be too soft-bodied, weak-willed; parents should be involved in raising him and strengthening his will. early years. People of this day live in a state of constant change and fluctuation.

These can be travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, tramps, mystics, dreamers, healers.

On top level development are people capable of perfect love, at the lowest - drunkards, drug addicts. The task of these people is to show willpower in order to “weed out” the lower world and master cosmic consciousness.

28th lunar birthday: characteristics

People of this day are very different. At a low level, they are not able to separate good and bad. They are characterized by cynicism, lack of emotions, and attachments. At the highest level - people “with the sun in their blood”, altruists to whom others are drawn. They bring goodness and light to the world. These are people of high moral character.

29th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this lunar day spend their entire lives fighting with someone. As a rule, they are long-lived, but they cannot be called darlings of fate. Going through all earthly temptations, they get into a lot of trouble.

30th lunar birthday: characteristics

People born on this day are beautiful, kind, and wise. Some of them live their whole lives without attachments, and some of them grow up to be altruists, to whom others are drawn. These are people of high moral character.

1ST PHASE (1st-7th lunar birthdays)

1st phase is associated with the element of Earth

Those born under the Moon in the first quarter are people of a virgin soul that has not yet acquired much experience. It is very difficult for such people to awaken from mental slumber, and they are in a kind of mental homeostasis.

A person is often unable to understand external impressions; his soul is truly virgin, having not received the impulse (influence) of the astral world in past life.

Therefore, everything is new to him, he takes everything at face value, as if rediscovering everything emotionally. In the first phase, the human soul collects only the first external impressions, willingly accepting everything. Some 1st Moon phase people may come across as uncouth; at worst, they are characterized by infantilism.

1st - 7th lunar birthdays

There are very few suicides among Phase 1 people. Slowness of perception is accompanied by deep internal resistance in such people. If they allow someone to penetrate their soul, it is only to a certain limit, and then they are able to reject everything that they feel is foreign.

This is, as it were, theirs internal filter. Since the 1st quarter - 1st - 7th lunar birthdays - is associated with the element of Earth, this leaves a lasting and profound imprint on the psyche of those born during this period. In the first phase of the Moon, feminine properties are better expressed.

Such a person takes emotional balance from the Earth: it is easier for him when he is in nature or simply in contact with the Earth. The 1st phase of the Moon gives a person very great potential opportunities that he needs to awaken in order to realize his goal.

In the 1st phase, a person is allowed a lot, because he has not yet reached that degree of knowledge (although he strives for this), which imposes great responsibility.

At the moment of the phase change, the Moon receives the first stressful blow from the Sun - the time of quadrature - the amount of accumulated information transforms into a new quality, which is always painful.

That's why people born at the junction of two lunar phases, - 1st - 7th lunar birthdays - painfully susceptible: they have a lot of stress factors in their lives, i.e. Life provides them with as much material as they need to create stress, because this stage for these people, this is a stage of transition, choice, change in the form of emotional perception.

PHASE 2 (8-15 lunar birthdays)

2nd phase is associated with the element of Water

People born under the Moon in the second quarter have very strong emotional sensitivity - they are subtle conductors and, as a result, they experience a lot of internal changes.

Their inherent insight is a sign of an emotionally sophisticated person who has already experienced in a past life the first stress caused by a square, and this stress awakens a world of emotions, which, however, do not outstrip consciousness, do not break out, do not boil, because the Moon has not yet moved away from Sun to become independent.

Therefore, people of the 2nd phase - 8th - 15th lunar birthdays - are more receptive, subtle, diverse, capable of different manifestations. At the same time, they still do not give themselves complete freedom, they are not yet so seduced, not so tempted as to show everything hidden, to expose the secret (secrets of the psyche).

You won’t always understand them, you won’t always notice them, you won’t always solve them. People whose Moon is in the second phase wash themselves, shake off any dirt (they are like water off a duck's back), but they first accumulate it, they are not yet free in their receptivity.

If people of the 1st phase require, first of all, comfort, as a guarantee of the stability of existence, then for people of the 2nd phase - 8 - 15 lunar birthdays - the need for emotional contact comes first, on which they are very dependent due to their sensitivity.

They perceive a lot intuitively, through suggestion, intercept the emotional impulse and can develop it. Coldness of soul is perceived very painfully. All these are the properties of the awakened soul.

8 - 15 lunar birthdays

People in the middle of the second quarter are especially indicative. Born during the period when the Moon is in eastern trine aspect to the Sun (the most stable and stable), they have the masculine and feminine principles in balance, they are difficult to shake, their emotions are in their place, and their spirit is in its own.

These people receive a lot of new impressions, are able to understand them and at the same time not give themselves away. Among those born closer to the full moon there are many mediums.

In general, the zone within 30 degrees of the full moon is very interesting - it is a zone of rotation, or balance, which is disrupted only by the opposition itself.

A person born on these days constantly experiences emotional turns, constantly experiences the same emotional sensations, as in childhood, returns to the original emotional states, to what I once felt.

People of the 2nd quarter - 8th - 15th lunar birthdays - lack deep reflection and relaxation - qualities that they could find in partners born in the 4th phase.

PHASE 3 (15 - 22 lunar birthdays)

The third phase of the Moon is associated with Air

At the junction of the 2nd and 3rd phases there is a full moon, during which the Moon is maximally freed from the influence of the Sun and becomes most independent.

Independence of the inner world, complete freedom and uninhibited control of his subconscious is acquired by the person whose Moon at the moment of birth is on the so-called Lunar Road (from the first to the last quincunx of the Moon to the Sun, i.e. 30 degrees “before” and 30 degrees "after" the full moon). These people are emotionally free, but also the most sophisticated.

15 - 22 lunar birthdays

They see prophetic dreams, perceive information of a different order, their state changes from phase to phase of the Moon, i.e. they are connected with the Moon directly. They received freedom from the Sun, and the Moon became more important for them, eclipsed the spirit, eclipsed their self-awareness.

They identified themselves already in a past life with astral world, that’s why they are born in this life on the full moon. These people are mystical, superstitious, and often give in to mood.

Their psyche is subtle, plastic, they carry through themselves various influences - both the most vile and the best. At the same time, they can wash away all bad influences with the stronger influence of some bright spirit or bright person.

This freedom will be freedom from dependence: while they perceive the influence, they are connected with it, and as soon as the influence ends, they are freed, separated from any influence.

Therefore, such people - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - are special, people of the Moon Road, Moon Light. They are just guides and nothing more. In order to make the most of their capabilities, to isolate all evil spirits, to perceive only light influences, they need to raise their spirituality.

Otherwise, such a person will be like a blank slate on which any spirits will write whatever they want. There was already preparation for this in the Water phase. The people of the Moon Road are free. Their moon is at its brightest.

That is why they need to work on the Sun, on self-awareness, to develop a spiritual core in themselves, otherwise they can be completely unreliable people and it is better (if you cannot convince them) to stay away from them. But even if you can convince them, they will listen to you only while you influence them. They need to come to a decision on their own.

After the full moon, the Moon begins to suffer - its energy and its impact suddenly and completely change. Not only the phase changes, but also the hemisphere of the Moon: it becomes defective and loses light. The most deluded person, who has achieved complete emotional freedom, must lose longer and consistently give away what he has accumulated.

The first overexpenditure of emotions begins in the third phase. Such people lose more than they gain emotionally. Therefore, people of the third phase - 15 - 22 lunar birthdays - are people with primary emotional waste.

Their emotions are often superficial, they are already seduced, they already have understanding, sophistication, and the ability to maneuver; in the worst case - cunning, deceit; at best - a very strong need for emotional return, a craving for interaction.

During the full moon, the Moon and the Sun are in the phase of greatest confrontation - a rupture of soul and spirit. Hence duality, maximum imbalance and unpredictability of behavior.

People of the third phase, in the worst case, react painfully to every word and cannot calmly perceive anything; verbal abuse, bickering, emotional fussiness, restlessness, talkativeness, instability, sanguine temperament, superficiality begin; a person needs social contacts to compensate for his emotional imbalance.

4TH PHASE (23 - 30 lunar birthdays)

The fourth phase of the Moon is the element of Fire

There is no maximum emotional tension that appears in people after the last quadrature.

The fourth phase begins with the last, western square of the Moon and the Sun - converging, when the Moon is attracted to the Sun and it uncontrollably loses light. A person has gone through a lot in his receptivity earlier, therefore his emotions are mature, sharply manifested, flashes and bursts of subconscious activity appear, stormy, like the flame that was seen on the Moon - this is the human soul drenched in blood.

Such people are capable of emotional overstrain, breakdowns, and unbridled impulses. At times they are unable to control their inner nature; they themselves do not know what they are capable of.

23 - 30 lunar birthdays

The Gorgon goddess is extremely beautiful, with a cold and cruel face. This is the expression of a person who was born in the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - in whom emotional boiling and emotional depression, inferiority are simultaneously triggered (the Moon is forced to obey the Sun).

That is why he can perceive any little thing as stress and, when he is unable to restrain himself, reacts violently to any irritating factor. Moreover, the explosive reaction of such people often precedes the emotional contact itself.

This bias towards everything is a consequence of enormous emotional experience: if a Phase 4 person receives at least a few stressful impulses in childhood, he becomes emotionally mature extremely quickly.

Therefore, there are examples of how, after a violent outburst of passions, such people become emotionally ossified and descend. They lack emotional disinhibition and exaltation.

People of the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - can turn to stone when they succumb to temptation. They are hindered by temptation; they are constantly drawn to “look” into the face of the Gorgon. They need to learn to build a defense that, firstly, will help them correctly assess their nature, and secondly, learn to control it: not lose their minds, self-control, and avoid uncontrollable emotional outbursts.

It is not enough to cut off the head of the tempting snake; it must serve you faithfully. The task of people of the 4th phase - 23 - 30 lunar birthdays - is to master their powers, and turn dragons into stone so that they do not harm. Such people have the opportunity to be magicians, i.e. pass through oneself magical powers and work with the force that leads a person.

People born on the eighteenth lunar day usually quite hardworking, patient, persistent, stubborn and efficient. These people can and know how to achieve their goals. It is not uncommon that these people achieve a good position in society, as well as material well-being. These people can teach, lead and guide other people. It is worth listening to advice from them, as they can be very insightful and often have the gift of foresight. If people born on this day try to constantly work on themselves and develop, then these people will have the ability to see this world in objective colors, they can get rid of their illusions or various misconceptions.

in the 18th
lunar day

Those born on this day become creative, creative personality. He serves a high idea, but at the same time he can remain in the shadows. Such people make healers. Their hard work and high efficiency will subsequently bring wealth. But in order not to deviate from the right path, these individuals need to fight selfishness. There are temptations around them. It is useful for these people to practice asceticism and fast. People who cannot resist temptations, who are overly self-confident and selfish become a “distorting mirror” for others. They make fun of good people, they mock and play dirty tricks. These people risk reaching cynicism and self-destruction. Their life will be miserable. They will become dependent on illusions and will most likely be lonely.

Potential given by nature to those born on the 18th lunar day

  • creative personalities, capable of self-sacrifice and heroic deeds
  • modest and inconspicuous, sometimes have healing abilities
  • hardworking and efficient, by the middle of life they can expect prosperity, even wealth

People born on this day are hardworking and efficient, stubborn and persistent, patient. They know how to achieve their goals, often achieving an enviable position in society and material well-being.

Go to the sea more often, especially if the moon or sun is in your water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio).

Those born on the 18th lunar day are creative individuals, capable of self-sacrifice, heroic deeds, and at the same time can remain modest and unnoticeable, healers. They will be hardworking and efficient. Subsequently, prosperity, even wealth, awaits them. Those born on this day with the talent of an actor (usually a comedian) see the world upside down and take everything to the point of absurdity. These are people without a core who can imagine themselves to be the crown of creation - and then their path will be pitiful and low: they can reach complete destruction and cynicism. Often they become entangled in their illusions and begin to spare neither the right nor the wrong. They need to fight selfishness.

Possible negative qualities of those born on the 18th lunar day

  • people without a core become entangled in their illusions and begin to show no mercy to either the right or the wrong; they can reach complete destruction and cynicism
  • may imagine themselves to be the crown of creation - and then their path will be pitiful and low
  • can show the talent of a comedic actor who is prone to hypocrisy and acting - they take everything to the point of absurdity, imitate and distort everything around

People of the 18th lunar day are able to teach and lead other people. You can listen to their advice; they are often insightful. If these people work on themselves and develop, they gain the ability to see the world objectively. They get rid of misconceptions and realize their own and others’ mistakes. If they follow a poor path of development, their idea of ​​the world and people is distorted, they become entangled in their illusions, and a distorting mirror situation arises. Most great harm brings selfishness, as soon as they start thinking only about themselves, they fall into a streak of failure. It is important for the companions of these people not to infringe on their sense of freedom. They cannot bear obligations, but if you give freedom, then in this way you can force him to take on those very obligations.

If you were born on this day, then contacts mean a lot to you. In communicating with loved ones, you can learn something new about yourself, see yourself from the outside. A person born on the 18th lunar day has every chance of achieving financial well-being. With his hard work and efficiency! But money will not be an end in itself for him; the path he takes and the goals he achieves is much more important. And the path can be very different. Thanks to his many talents, this person is able to realize himself in almost any field. But he can be especially successful as an actor, especially if other characteristics of his personal horoscope indicate this. By the way, this person is not at all drawn to popularity and is not vain. Even if a person on the 18th lunar day does not become an artist, he shows artistry in any work, and indeed in all areas of life. The creative element is very important to him. He needs a job that requires unconventional thinking, intuition, imagination, and flights of fancy. He shows the same qualities in personal relationships, so it is sometimes difficult for friends and partners to understand him. Although in order to understand him, you just need to tune in to his wavelength, to feel how strongly any stereotypes constrain him. He does not accept obligations, but if you give him complete freedom, then you can force him to take on those very obligations. In other words, it is much easier to get what you want from such a person if you use the carrot method rather than the stick method and create the appearance that he makes the choice himself. It turns out that he himself thought of, for example, proposing to his girlfriend, although in fact it was she who led him to this for a long time and systematically. Well, as long as his pride does not suffer and his sense of freedom is not infringed. The greatest harm to people on the 18th day comes from selfishness. As soon as they start thinking only about themselves, they fall into a streak of failure. People born on this day are contraindicated from doing anything serious on their own, because they must overcome pride. If you were born on this day, go to the sea more often. Especially if the Moon (or Sun) is in your water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). Exercise aquatic species sports

ADVICE FOR EVERYONE: what to do on the 18th lunar day of each month.

Try to see yourself from the outside and free yourself from negative manifestations. Look in the mirror more often and try to be critical of yourself. All illusory things, drunkenness, and indulgence of internal impulses are contraindicated. You need to sleep less. Rubbing oils into the skin is indicated. It’s good to swim in a clean pond or go to the bathhouse. Perhaps on this day you will receive help or provide support to someone else.

Horoscope for 2019 is a professional personal horoscope for the current year by date of birth. You yourself can choose one of three semantic text interpretations, in accordance with your interests - business, health or love - family. When forming a horoscope, not only descriptive texts are generated, but also a table of aspects of the planets, where the aspects themselves are shown with colored lines. The color of the lines corresponds to the nature of the aspect: red - tense, green - harmonious. At the same time, tense aspects bring problematic situations and stimulate action, while harmonious aspects bring easy situations and luck. Blue color- describes planetary connections, which can be both tense and harmonious (read the text of the aspects). To view the horoscope for the year for past or future periods, you can use the paid Forecast Horoscope.

Tarot Horoscope is a zodiac horoscope that combines accuracy modern astrology and the centuries-old wisdom of Tarot cards. For a long time it was believed that the images on the cards have a complex interpretation from an astrological point of view, but after analyzing life path many great and famous people, astrologers were able to uncover the mystery of the Tarot cards and draw a parallel between their meaning and the position of the Sun in a person’s birth horoscope. Draw up a free Tarot horoscope and the “secret knowledge” will be revealed: you will find out under the sign of which Tarot card you were born, and what sacred meaning your life path has.

Love horoscope allows you to answer how suitable people are for each other in matters of love and intimacy. Like the compatibility horoscope, the spiritual aspects of human relationships are also considered here. Aspects of sexual compatibility of partners may appear in the texts, or there may be no information at all - such aspects are not present in all horoscopes. There are three planets that determine the sexual compatibility of partners - Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If a couple has connections between these planets, then the couple has what we call "Sexual Aspects", and this is a very reliable indicator of whether this man and woman are suitable for each other. Only one in a thousand couples has three or more of these aspects.

Horoscope by date of birth- it's free accurate horoscope with a psychological portrait, an astrological description of a person’s personality, from the point of view of the location of our planets at the moment of birth solar system. The planets, being in different Zodiac Signs, endow you with certain character traits and thereby lay the foundation of your destiny. More full version– An individual horoscope will also tell you which zodiac houses the planets were in at the time of your birth and what connections (aspects) they formed with each other, thereby creating a unique star pattern of your personality. This drawing, which has the astrological name “natal chart,” is the key to understanding your destiny and purpose.

The 18th lunar day is a mirror reflection of your personality. All the events happening today, all the surprises and oddities help you take a closer look at your inner “I”.

Description of the eighteenth lunar day

Characteristics of the 18th lunar day - hoaxes, deception, passive energy. The day is perfect for analyzing your actions, paying attention to your thoughts and emotional condition. The ability to evaluate yourself from the outside is unusually strong on this day. If you do not suffer from high self-esteem and selfishness, this day will help you find out the cause and effect of your past mistakes. Draw the right conclusions and you will be able to achieve success in business and improve family relationships.

Features and properties of the 18th lunar day

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbols of this day are a mirror, ice, a monkey;
  • Astrologers include spinel and lilac amethysts as talisman stones; opals; white agates;
  • element – ​​fire;
  • the main colors are emerald, all shades of green, malachite.

The main rule of the 18th lunar day is to correctly assess the course of events and look at everything from the outside. What is happening today should make you think about your behavior and reveal the essence of your negative actions. If you have learned this lesson, then in the future you will be able to move in the right direction and achieve significant success.

On the eighteenth day you need to be wary of fraud, gossip, intrigue and deception. Try to be extremely collected, carefully monitor the actions and words of other people, so as not to fall under the influence of people and not to be involved in a bad story.

This is not the easiest day of the lunar cycle. On this day, all energy should be directed to working on oneself. Engage in spiritual practices that help clear your thoughts and strengthen your positive sides. On this day, do not judge anyone harshly, show leniency towards people who are trying to deceive you. Do not wish harm to anyone, step aside, remain reasonable and do not sort things out. Leave it to the universe to deal with those who try to harm others.

Lunar relationships on the 18th day

The eighteenth lunar day is fraught with quarrels in the team, quarrels between lovers, and scandals in the family. Unpleasant and unexpected events may occur in the first half of the day. All aggression and conflict arises out of nowhere; it seems to hang in the air. Do not allow yourself to be provoked, restrain your emotions, show restraint.

On the eighteenth day of the lunar cycle, try not to look like a complete egoist and cynic. Don't look at the world with a arrogant grin. Today you can lose much more than the respect of others. You may lose your job or family. Think about your actions, follow the conversation. Sometimes words do much more damage than actions.

Spend this day in contemplation, reading spiritual literature, and meditation. If privacy is not possible, try to narrow your social circle.

At home, load your household with some important, but individual work. This day is not suitable for joint activities and vigorous games with children. Children will be capricious and annoy you. The other half will argue and be offended over trifles.

Registration of relationships and sex

On the 18th lunar day it is better to refuse marriage. Especially if it is built not on mutual love, but on calculation. Such a marriage will not be happy and long. Deception, betrayal, constant quarrels - this is what awaits the spouses.

Only couples whose feelings have been verified over a very long time can get married. These newlyweds can count on their union being blessed and protected by heaven.

Sex should not be too wild and varied. Give preference to gentle, calm hugs. Astrologers believe that it is worth making sure that during lovemaking you are not reflected in a mirror surface. This will lead to the rebirth of your entire essence into a dissolute astral demon.

Conceiving a child

The 18th day is quite suitable for conception. Despite the fact that the child may not be born very physically strong, he will live a long and prosperous life. Children conceived on this day grow up to be talented, smart and hardworking people. They achieve fame and recognition, are sometimes able to accomplish feats, and often become healers.

The main task of parents is not to let their child feel like an absolute. In this case, he will end his days in poverty and loneliness.

Work on this lunar day

The very passive 18th lunar day is not conducive to too active actions. The day is unpredictable, aggressive and quite difficult. Do not start any important projects, do not make responsible decisions, do not develop far-reaching plans.

On this day, there is a high probability of deception, mistakes and obstacles arising out of nowhere. Continue the work you have already begun, do something that has long been put on the back burner.

Bad day for teamwork. You may make a mistake, but a resourceful colleague who has long dreamed of “having you in” will not miss his chance. Keep communication with your superiors to a minimum. Today is not the time when you can come into his office with a bunch of rational proposals.

In business, it is best to be cautious and not deal with important issues. Do not conduct large financial transactions, do not sign documents, do not enter into promising agreements with partners. This day is not suitable for real estate transactions and trips to banking institutions.

The day is suitable for creative activity– ideas are in the air, inspiration does not leave all day. Today, an amazing work of art can be created, which will display the mirror image of its creator.

Is it worth changing your old job for a new one?

The eighteenth lunar day is not suitable for quitting or changing jobs. You can easily end up in the hands of scammers or deceitful people. They will tell you a whole fairy tale about the advantages and benefits of a new workplace, but the result will be complete disappointment. Therefore, in order to get a job new job choose another lunar day.

Health on a lunar day

On the eighteenth lunar day, pay Special attention for kidneys and appendicitis. Try not to eat spicy, sweet, high-calorie foods. Do not drink store-bought juices or alcoholic beverages. In general, it is better to refuse to eat and only drink water.

Today is not a very favorable day for health. Chronic diseases may worsen or old wounds may become inflamed. It is advisable to spend the day in a calm environment, try to reduce physical activity on the body.

Pay attention to your skin - carry out cleansing procedures, make nourishing and moisturizing masks.

Choosing a new hairstyle or haircut on lunar days

Today, going to the hairdresser is not so simple. On the one hand, this day is a complete sell-out - the hairstyle done today will retain its shape for a very long time. In addition, some astrologers claim that the 18th lunar day is good for changing your image - choosing a new haircut. This will add irresistible charm to your image, and will also have a good effect on the functioning of the excretory and respiratory systems.

The teachings of the Tibetan mystical school prohibit visiting the hairdresser on this day. They claim that today is an extremely bad lunar day for cutting hair. Cut off strands “burn” your energy and harm your physical and mental health. A situation may also arise in which you lose a large amount of money, valuable property or even real estate. In order not to take unnecessary risks, reschedule your trip to the stylist to another lunar day.

Characteristics of people born on the 18th lunar day

Anyone born on this lunar day has many talents. They manifest themselves in creativity, in work, in building career ladder. Often, “twelves” serve high ideals, but at the same time remain in the shadows. The high efficiency and diligence with which they devote themselves to their work bring them recognition and wealth.

However, “twelfth people” should constantly work on themselves and engage in self-development. Self-centeredness, cunning and greed all flourish when they give in to temptation. Anyone who fails to cope with his arrogance and pride will destroy his life and be left without family and friends.

People who were born today must constantly engage in spiritual practices, accept this world and people into their hearts. Compassion and kindness will help them realize their path, their calling, their purpose in life. Often people born on the 18th lunar day become healers, preachers, doctors, and teachers.

Children born on the eighteenth lunar day

Children born today have a very subtle and sensitive organization. They take everything to heart, they care about every little thing that happens to them and their family. Parents should protect their children from severe shocks and avoid overstraining their psyche.

In a family where there are no scandals or stormy showdowns, children are calm and cheerful. Their talents manifest themselves and multiply.

Children born on the eighteenth day are very diligent. They can indulge in their favorite activity for hours, forgetting about everything the world. Adults should teach the child to live life to the fullest, and not become attached to one thing. It is important to teach the “twelve” to relax and rest so that they do not “burn out” and lose interest in what they love.

What do dreams mean on the 18th lunar day

See dreams on the 18th lunar day as a mirror in which your inner world. If your real image does not correspond to how you saw yourself in a dream, it’s time to think about the disturbed harmony within your “I”. You rush between your desires and reality, losing your integrity and peace. If you remember your dream well, take it apart “piece by piece” and perhaps you will be able to determine the cause of your disharmony.

No need great importance give dreams in which you see yourself as a real monster. This may indicate that in life you, on the contrary, lack stubbornness, perseverance and courage.

Rituals of the 18th lunar day

It’s good to carry out rituals related to the theme of the lunar day today. For example, remove all negative energy accumulated on them from mirrors.

Cleaning mirrors

Through the Looking Glass is a whole world into which non-initiates are prohibited from entering. Mystics believe that a mirror can influence a person’s health and destiny. So almost all esoteric teachings advise smiling in the mirror. Do not under any circumstances say: “I look terrible!” Mirrors require respect for what they reflect.

Today is the day to take care of your mirrors. Wipe all the mirrors in your home with holy water. Then, while polishing the mirror “dry,” say the following words: “Just as I wipe the mirror clean, I protect my family from evil.” So you clean out everything negative energy, which could be left in your mirrors by unfriendly and envious strangers.

Then bring a burning church candle to the mirror and say: “The candle burns and the mirror cleanses.” Make it a candle circular movements and “walk” the flame along the contour of the mirror. Perform this ritual every 18th day of the lunar calendar.