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» Where does order begin? Where to start renovations in a rough apartment: installation work

Where does order begin? Where to start renovations in a rough apartment: installation work

Where does order in the house begin? Keep your bedside tables and closet in order. With order in places hidden from view. When every thing takes exactly its place. When there is no excess junk in the house, which simply takes up living space and creates clutter there.

One might argue: The main thing is that the outside is clean and tidy. And what’s going on inside is not particularly important, because those around you won’t see it anyway. But this is a position of bringing superficial shine, where it is visible. And everything looks clean and beautiful, unless of course you look behind the closed door...

This is neither good nor bad - he takes care of external cleanliness and order, putting everything indecent out of sight and away in the closet. This is simply the housewife’s way of maintaining cleanliness, which is quite acceptable and convenient for her. It is much sadder when we treat our own lives in this way. Caring more about meeting the demands of society, the needs of family and relatives, and the desires of loved ones, we sometimes put our real selves out of sight. We hide our true thoughts and feelings under the guise of courtesy and good manners. And so, time after time, instead of throwing it away, we accumulate and accumulate everything obscene within ourselves, without giving it a way out. Until the closets of our soul are filled with junk to the brim...

Where does order begin in Life? The same place where order in the house begins - with cleaning and organizing the space inside the cabinets and pantry. From creation and maintenance internal order, then the natural continuation will be order outside. At the same time, there will be order in the house almost always, without requiring any extra effort and regardless of whether there are guests in the house.

So it is in our lives. When we begin to pull into the light the rubble of our previous disappointments and grievances, unfulfilled hopes and unjustified expectations, past ambitions and dreams, we become cleansed from within. Let’s free our heart, mind and soul from the oppressive heaviness.. Yes, it’s painful, unpleasant and scary.. But if you really want “real” changes, and not superficial temporary results, you’ll have to look inside, get to know your real self, live, let it all pass through yourself that was once buried inside. And at first these will not be the best experiences, but everything that gave rise to fears, disappointments and pain..

When we turn towards and accept our fears and pain, then they lose their former strength and power over us. We begin to recognize ALL of our states and feelings without exception. After all, it’s natural to laugh when you’re funny, to feel pain when you’re in pain, to feel fear when you’re afraid... The opposite is unnatural and abnormal - to claim that everything is fine when everything inside screams about pain, to try to relax and act at ease when You are driven by fear inside! It turns out that our true motive is sometimes the fear of losing what is dear and important, being rejected, or experiencing past disappointments and pain..

And if in life, stories are repeated with frightening accuracy, then it’s time to look inside yourself and clean it up. Clear all the accumulated rubble, let go of expectations and grievances, admit fears and live through the once suppressed pain.. Release EVERYTHING, and learn to no longer fold it inside yourself as before. And gradually, after that, a state of harmony with yourself will come. Understanding your internal states, accepting your emotions, feelings and desires.

When we begin to change inside, then natural changes occur outside and in the world around us.

Today’s selection of letters, at first glance, is about completely different everyday situations. But if you take a closer look, it becomes obvious: the appeals are united by one important topic- how to make our life better? Where does order begin? Let's think together...

The exact address

Deep disappointment - this is how my situation can be briefly described. Since 1992, when I suffered a heart attack, I have been feeling worse and worse. It became simply unbearable. I turned to the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Cardiology” for help with a request to perform heart surgery. Thank you, I quickly receive a response indicating where to contact. I started to act. First with everyone necessary analyzes and with information I went to the Brest Cardiac Dispensary, where they performed an ultrasound of my heart and a cardiogram and gave me a referral to the regional clinic. There is a recording, a queue. When I arrived there with incredible difficulties (I can’t walk more than 50 steps without pain), it turned out that I had to go through the same procedures. But now I have a direction to Minsk in my hands. Again I return to Stolin and call the capital. The appointment date is more than a month away. Previously it was impossible. And I’m already feeling really bad! What should I do, I go to the Stolin clinic again, I am ordered to go again to Brest for coronary angiography. In Minsk I couldn’t do anything on my own, well, my grandson helped, he literally carried me to the reception on his shoulders. Again the same procedures. Then return to Brest... As a result, there were 5 trips! For me in my condition this is unbearable. Is it really impossible to make sure that all these procedures are carried out in one place? Why did each authority conduct the same surveys again? They don't trust each other, or what?

Stepan DOBRINETS, Stolin.

Everything must be touched with your hands...

Major housing repairs are an everyday, economic and social problem. After all, its quality determines the quality of our life. Every month each apartment owner transfers a certain amount to the housing and communal services, and those who have a small pension pay their entire monthly income for these services throughout the year. The state also helps keep housing in order by allocating significant subsidies. Therefore, every plan, every project must be thought out and calculated down to the smallest detail. A superficial pre-repair inspection is wasteful and wrong! Unfortunately, it happens, and often, that the main problems during the current overhaul are not eliminated, which means they are postponed until the next one - for 20 years or more. The residents of our building also encountered something similar. It was necessary to organize a meeting, invite the deputy chairman of the district executive committee, and take her to the house so that everyone on the spot could be convinced of the validity of our claims: the repairs were done poorly! I am sure that managers find themselves in such situations because they do not have true information about what is happening at a particular facility. Sometimes a visit is limited to a quick assessment of the situation from a company car. 20 years have passed, but I remember the words of one gray-haired general who did this himself and taught us how to make sure that we know everything thoroughly about our farm: “See everything with your eyes, walk everywhere with your feet and touch it with your hands!”

I propose that all regional housing and communal services structures periodically organize a “day without a tie.” Then there should be a minimum of office work and meetings, so that bosses in work clothes can go down to the basement, go up to the roof, go around water intakes or wastewater treatment plants. I am sure there will be much more order: internal network engineering and shut-off valves will be well insulated, heat loss will be reduced, and residents' complaints will be nipped in the bud. If you are a boss, then he must be a real master!

Vladimir BOROVKO, Postavy.

What is needed is not reports, but actions!

The family of Mikhail Gerasimovich Marshin, Hero, addresses you Socialist Labor, former chairman of the collective farm named after Kirov, Zhlobin district. His whole life was connected with agriculture. He was elected chairman in 1947, and for more than thirty years he led the collective farm. Over the years, the Kirov collective farm has become the best in the republic in many respects. Mikhail Gerasimovich was awarded orders and medals both for selfless work and for military merits. He passed away in 2004.

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus, the Alley of Heroes was opened in Zhlobin. And what did we see? The portrait of our father and grandfather was made very poorly and was hanging loose. But most of all we were outraged by the date of death - 1996! We contacted the district executive committee. With some dissatisfaction, they promised to correct the mistake, which they did. 1996 was transferred to 2006. But we need 2004! And again promises that everything will be fixed. It’s not clear, is this really just to report?

Family of Hero of Socialist Labor Mikhail Marshin, Zhlobin.

P.S. As SB was informed in the Gomel Regional Executive Committee, inaccuracies in the biographical data of Mikhail Gerasimovich Marshin have been eliminated.

Papers live their own lives

Today, a lot is being done to eradicate callousness and rudeness on the part of officials, paperwork, unsubscribes... Shifts in better side obvious. But the bureaucrat is tenacious!

I'll soon be 85. Seniority- 40 years old, pensioner - 28. A 17-year-old boy sniffed a lot of gunpowder. He fought in reconnaissance on many fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Was injured. Shell-shocked. I am a war invalid. Not a day goes by without the front-line wounds reminding us of themselves with unbearable pain. Recently I was lucky enough to receive a trip to a sanatorium. But how I had to run through the authorities! Certificates, certificates... I can’t understand who and why needs a certificate that I am a war invalid and need sanatorium treatment, and its validity is six months. As if later I would cease to be a war invalid! Why do we need a document on the amount of pension for Last year? After all, it doesn’t change every month. Why such meticulousness and what does all this have to do with my health?

Here is another example from the same series. At the beginning of August, the elevators were turned off in three entrances of our building 55 on Kuibyshev Street. The goal is good - to replace old equipment with new ones. But the problem is that work is being carried out only in one entrance. In the other two, in fact, they haven’t started yet. “Why then,” I ask, “did they turn off the elevators in the whole building?” “This is the project repair work", they answer me. A bureaucrat at work! The main thing is that everything is smooth on paper: the replacement will begin in August and be completed at the end of the year. But how it really is is of no interest to anyone. Has any official ever been to that house? Otherwise, I would have known that the old people did not have enough strength to climb to the 9th floor. Old women were basking in the sun at the entrance, now they are no longer there - they are under “house arrest.” But repairs are underway, the office writes...

We veterans have seen a lot, and in general we need little - just a little more attention and care. Haven’t they really deserved it, haven’t they earned it in their lives? Old age is something that no one can escape. Neither officials nor bureaucrats. So you will still have to enter the “old man’s position”. Sooner or later...

Vladimir VOROBYEV, Minsk.

" - M.: Alpina Publisher, 2013

Leo Babauta is one of America's most successful bloggers, journalist, and author of many best-selling books. He runs one of the 25 most popular blogs in the world, “Zen Habits,” with 200 thousand subscribers. The world's most famous “fighter against procrastination.”

In his publications, he writes about how to find simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. About how to get rid of the clutter so you can focus on what really matters, create something amazing and find happiness.

Leo Babauta's book “How to Stop Procrastinating in Life” is much deeper than it might seem at first glance. It's about how to act.

And action is our present, this is our life. After all, life is what happens to us here and now.

Don't put off reading a book, don't put off your real life until later!

Create an optimal workspace

First of all, a word of caution: as a procrastinator you are likely to try to use this advice as a reason to give in to your habit and continue to put things off, fiddling with little things, or inspecting the workplace in detail.

“I'll get started as soon as I clear my desktop and download the latest software!”

No. Don't let thoughts like these and the advice I've offered get in the way business. Preparing an ideal space free from clutter is not so important that it is preferred action. I'll give you some recommendations.

Start getting rid of anything that might distract your attention as soon as possible.

Do this before your scheduled work time (if you want to start work at 8:00 a.m., start cleaning at 7:45 a.m.). Remove everything from the table and put it on the floor or in a drawer. You can figure this out later.

Drag icons from your computer desktop into a new folder (you will sort them later). Turn off all notifications and close your browser if you can do without the Internet. Turn off your mobile phone and/or mobile devices. This is quite enough for now.

Only after you have completed the work, proceed to putting things in order in your workplace.

Gradually organize your belongings, devoting about 30 minutes a day, until you have a great, clutter-free place. workplace.

If you can't follow this plan, go to a library or tea/coffee shop that doesn't have internet. Put on your headphones, turn on the music and start working.

Putting order in the workplace

Collect all the papers

Is your desk littered with papers? Did you look at the floor? Collect them in one pack and process them in one go. This may take time if there are a lot of papers.

But believe me, this time will not be wasted. Most of these papers can be thrown away, but the important ones should be put in a folder, adding significant dates to the calendar and reminders of to-dos to your list.

Make it a rule to deal with papers immediately. Don't hesitate to throw them away or forward them to the appropriate people. Start paperwork. Take the first document from the stack, decide what to do with it, and do it without delay. Don't put it off until later. Avoid paper accumulation. Dedicate 20-30 minutes a day to this until you finish.

Clean the walls

Look what's on the walls. Which of these is really needed? Perhaps nothing. We hang all sorts of nonsense on the walls to remind ourselves of something, to inspire ourselves, to amuse ourselves, but this only distracts us. Remove everything except artwork, if you have any, and maybe a nice calendar. If there is something that reminds you of a goal or a weakness, leave it.

For some time I had a sticker on my monitor with the words: “ do it now" It was a distraction that kept me from other distractions.

Little things

Perhaps you have a bunch of small things on your desk. These could be photographs, small animal figurines, candlesticks, small stationery, small icons with funny phrases etc. Get rid of everything except one or two photos. Pens, paper clips and other office supplies should be in a desk drawer or neatly collected in a pencil case. Most of the other things can be thrown away or found somewhere else. These things are nothing more than an excuse to get distracted.

Find another place for things

If there are things that should be on hand, find them appropriate place.

There should be nothing directly on the desk other than a tray for incoming papers and the devices you need for work, such as a phone and a monitor. Everything else can be placed in drawers. The point is to find things permanent place, where you will put them now. This way they can be easily found if necessary. Put the things you use most often in the closest drawer

Empty the drawers

You can do this later when you have free time. Check the contents of each drawer, throw out anything unnecessary and keep only what you need. Put things in order, find a place for each item. Get into the habit of putting things back in their place.

Bring document processing into the system

Do you file your documents regularly? Can you quickly find the papers you need? If yes, then you are fully equipped. If not, make it a habit to store things properly. File your documents in a timely manner! Your document drawer should be within easy reach so that you don't have to throw papers around, but still have the ability to quickly find what you need. Or do what I did and go paperless.

Getting your computer in order

If the computer is your main working tool, then I recommend freeing it from all unnecessary things that can distract you.

Transform your PC

Most people have their entire desktop covered in icons. This is not only distracting, but also makes it very difficult to find what you need. I did the following: in “My Documents” I created four folders:

1) “Inbox”;

2) “Working”;

3) “For reading”;

4) "Archive".

Everything downloaded goes into my inbox, which I empty at least once a day.

Working documents are mainly concentrated in the “Working” folder. The names of the other folders speak for themselves.

You can do the same: remove everything from your desktop and put it in several folders. Put everything that is relevant, what you are working on, in the “Work” folder. If there are programs or files that you need to access regularly, you can place them in the Start menu or in a separate dock. Dock» - a quick launch panel located at the bottom of the screen, panel-like tasks (taskbar), to which the user can independently add icons, which helps him navigate among the most frequently used programs, folders and documents. Installed on a PC and configured like any other software).

You can also use Launchbar or program special keyboard shortcuts to quickly launch programs or documents using the Autohotkey program. (A program for setting up a keyboard and mouse and assigning “hot” keys. The user can make any key (or combination of them) “hot” and assign any task or function to it. Link given by the author:www. autohotkey. com ).

Then remove the icons from your desktop and choose a beautiful, peaceful picture for your wallpaper.

No internet

If you can give up the Internet while performing important tasks, then you should definitely do so. Close your browser. Turn off the Internet. Or go somewhere where there is no internet access.

If you need to find some information on the Internet, do it before the appointed time for work. Save the data you need, and you won't need to go online when you start doing important tasks. If necessary, you can use the Freedom internet blocker.

No calls or messages

Turn off any alerts that tend to appear just when you are trying to concentrate. Alerts from Facebook. Twitter, new email notifications, instant messages, calendar reminders, etc. - all these features should be disabled in advance.

One program

It is not necessary to have many open programs on your desktop. Work on one task, and have a window open with the program needed for that particular job.

Use simple tools

Some people need complex software such as InDesign or Photoshop, or music and video editing software. But for most people, simpler programs are enough to work with.

If you are writing text, you can use, for example, regular text editor: vim, TextWrangler, TextEdit, NotePad or an editor that does not contain anything superfluous - WriteRoom, OmmWriter, Q10.

Or use pen and paper, there are no distractions at all and they do their job just fine.

Don't be smart with your work tools. There's no need to choose the best text editor or search for the perfect notepad and pen. These are just maneuvers of procrastinators. Use simple tools, what you have on hand right now, and don't fall into the trap of perfectionism.

The word “repair” immediately evokes negative emotions. This feeling is due to the fact that this is a very labor-intensive, lengthy and expensive process. Especially if the work is done independently. This article describes in detail where to start renovating an apartment, depending on its type, what materials to choose and in what sequence to carry out the work so that the renovation proceeds without problems, and the result exceeds all expectations.

The stages of apartment renovation and the cost of work depend on the condition of the premises, the type of repair and the size of the area covered, i.e. it can be the entire apartment or its individual premises. There is a major, cosmetic and European-quality renovation. Each of them has its own clear sequence of actions, the correct execution of which determines the final result and the duration of the operating period.

Major repairs are considered the most large-scale and labor-intensive, which will require not only a lot of effort, but also significant financial costs. It involves a complete reconstruction of the apartment with possible redevelopment, replacement of windows, doors, engineering communications, ceiling, wall and flooring. This usually starts from scratch.

How to legalize an apartment redevelopment that has already been done. How to obtain permission to redevelop your own home.

Interior design selection

Where to start renovating a room or apartment as a whole? From the choice of room decoration style. Properly selected interior design will help create comfortable and stylish housing. His choice depends on the taste, character and outlook on life of the owner of the apartment. Today there is a variety of interior styles with distinctive features, which should be studied before making repairs in order to be able to successfully implement the chosen direction.

All existing style directions designers are divided into certain groups:

  • classic, which includes Provence, Empire, Baroque, English and antique styles;
  • ethnic style covers Japanese, Egyptian, African, Scandinavian and Chinese styles;
  • modern style combines country, modern, classicism and minimalism.

Classic interior design remains the most popular. Characteristic Features directions are considered pomp, grandeur, functionality, evoking aristocracy and noble grace. All interior elements indicate the high status of the apartment owners.

The premises are decorated in discreet pastel colors. The visiting card is massive expensive furniture with hand-carved patterns. There is an unusual painting on the ceiling. IN classic style Large-sized apartments are often designed in which there is no need to save on free space.

Today's youth prefer to decorate their premises in a modern style. This is especially justified for apartments with small area. Everything here should be simple, restrained and concise. The premises contain a minimum amount of furniture, which should be compact, mobile, functional and modern. Dilute the calm palette decorative finishing rooms can be decorated with bright decorative elements.

The ethnic direction reflects the owner’s predisposition to a certain culture, the main features of which are embodied in the interior design. With help modern technologies and finishing materials, you can make your dreams come true and create an imitation of your favorite country in your apartment. This direction chosen by out-of-the-box thinking people with a great love of adventure and travel. You can see each style more clearly in the photos of renovated apartments.

Where to start renovating an apartment: basic strategy

After the design project of the apartment has been developed and the question of what sequence to carry out the repairs has been decided, you can begin to carry out the work, which consists of the following stages:

  • preparatory stage;
  • rough work;
  • finishing of the room.

Where to start renovating an apartment with your own hands? WITH preparatory stage, which consists of performing a complex of dismantling work. This applies to both new buildings and old apartment. Regardless of what kind of repair is planned, cosmetic or major, all surfaces must be cleaned of old decoration. At this time, window units are dismantled with the subsequent installation of higher quality products. The front door also needs replacing. Here you may need to expand or reduce the doorway. Based on the project, partitions are dismantled and erected, sealed or installed doorways for installation interior doors or creating arches.

Helpful advice! Repairing a room with your own hands should begin with dismantling the interior doors.

Surface preparation is one of the most important stages DIY repairs. Where to start the process depends on the condition of the foundation. This stage includes cleaning the walls, ceiling and floor of the old coating and eliminating all defects on the surface of the structures using building materials. It is the quality of work at this stage that will determine how firmly and neatly the new finishing coating will adhere.

First of all, the ceiling is cleared of the old coating. The whitewash is washed off with a brush dipped in water. Old putty is removed using a grinder with an iron brush.

Take off regular wallpaper from the walls you can use a spatula, having previously moistened them with water. Vinyl wallpapers They are quite resistant to moisture, so they can be removed using a steam generator or ironing. If such a device does not exist, you can use regular iron with a steaming function, which is brought to the wall at a distance of 10-15 cm. Under the influence of steam, the wallpaper easily comes off the wall. You can remove the paint using a sander with a special attachment or construction hair dryer. Next, you need to remove the old floor covering.

Helpful advice! If the project involves the installation of a mounted or stretch ceiling, the old coating does not need to be removed. It is enough to treat all problem areas with a strengthening primer and antiseptic.

Where to start renovating an apartment with rough finishing in a new building

Where to start decorating an apartment depends on its condition structural elements. Typically, the developer performs the required minimum of work, without strictly adhering to the technology for their implementation and without using high-quality building materials. Therefore, all elements of the room require rough rough finishing of the apartment with your own hands or with the help of specialists, which consists of performing the following activities:

  • dismantling old and building new non-load-bearing structures based on a new layout;
  • window replacement;
  • preparing holes in the walls for laying new utilities according to the developed scheme;
  • electrical wiring;
  • installation of technological communications: water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, inter-block air conditioning line;
  • leveling all concrete surfaces;
  • installation of insulation and sound insulation;
  • floor screed.

After completing the rough repair work in the apartment, finishing of the premises is carried out. The solution to the question of how to plan repairs at the final stage will depend on the type of finishing material and the method of its installation. For example, if the walls and ceiling are painted or covered with wallpaper, then the finishing work begins with the ceiling, then the walls are tiled and the flooring is laid. In case of suspended ceiling installation work carried out after finishing the walls.

If parquet is installed, the work is carried out before finishing the walls and ceiling, so as not to damage the surface. Doors can be installed both before and after finishing the walls. If there is no casing, then installation door leaf runs until finishing to be able to seal the joint between the wall and door frame. In the case of a platband, the gap is filled with foam, and the platband is attached to the wall after finishing the walls.

After completing all finishing works begin installation of baseboards, sockets, switches, trim, lighting and plumbing fixtures. Then it is produced spring-cleaning, after which you can begin arranging furniture and decorative elements. This is the sequence in which repairs are carried out on your own.

Where to start renovations in a rough apartment: installation work

The list of installation work when performing repairs from scratch includes:

  • construction of non-load-bearing partitions;
  • replacement of windows and doors;
  • work related to the installation of electrical wiring and other communications.

Construction of non-structural interior partitions carried out on the basis of a previously developed plan. For installation of structures, gas, foam concrete blocks, brick or metal carcass with plasterboard finish.

Concrete blocks create a durable structure that can withstand significant cantilever load. Therefore this is the most suitable option, if there is a TV or wall cabinet hanging on the wall. The surface needs basic plaster for further decorative finishing.

Much less often, partitions are erected from building bricks. This is explained by the fact that the structure occupies a significant part of the free space. After all, in order for it to be stable, the thickness of the partition must be at least 170 mm. In addition, this design creates a significant load on the base.

The most popular option is to create a partition from a metal frame, which is covered with plasterboard. The design has good sound insulation and does not create a significant load on the supporting element of the building.

Helpful advice! IN plasterboard partitions it is necessary to provide for the installation of embedded parts that will withstand the load from possible suspended structures .

Window installation and entrance doors should be entrusted to specialized organizations, the quality of whose work will determine the nature of the apartment’s protection from the cold and the likelihood of burglars entering.

Features of installation of communications

Where to start with your own repairs after remodeling your apartment? From execution electrical wiring and laying other utilities. First, all plumbing work must be completed. New radiators are installed and the pipelines are connected to the general heating system. Pipes are laid out to connect faucets, toilets, washing machine, sinks, bathtubs, shower stalls, water heaters and dishwasher. Before installation, you should clearly know the location and connection details of all devices.

Hot and cold water supply pipes can be hidden in wall niches or mounted in plasterboard or plastic boxes. It is recommended to use polypropylene as a material for pipes, which has high strength and performance characteristics.

Helpful advice! Gasket Hole Size plumbing communications should be twice the diameter of the pipelines, which is due to the high coefficient of thermal expansion of the material.

Electrical wiring is usually done hidden. All cables and wires are laid in wall grooves, above a suspended or suspended ceiling, or in the floor under a screed.

Important! When performing repairs panel apartments Wall gating for future electrical wiring is performed only vertically. Horizontal sections are mounted at the junction of the wall and floor or under the ceiling.

Work must begin with markings, which are carried out on the basis of the developed apartment plan. Using this marking, the walls are chipped. The size of the holes is determined by the number and thickness of the cables being laid. In new buildings, all electrical wiring is installed from scratch, starting from the electrical panel. In old apartments, when performing major renovations, you can also completely change electrical cables, or install its individual sections necessary for connecting electrical appliances based on a new design project.

On at this stage It is necessary to provide for the laying of cables for the intercom, TV, telephone and Internet, which can also be hidden.

Where does ceiling repair begin in an apartment?

Where to start renovating a rough apartment? All renovation work in an apartment is usually carried out from top to bottom. This means you need to start from the ceiling. In new buildings it is presented in the form of a monolithic concrete slab, the surface of which must be cleaned, plastered, primed and covered with decorative finishing. If the renovation is being carried out in an old apartment, then at the first stage the surface should be cleaned of old finishing material.

The further plan of action depends on the chosen ceiling design option. If the surface is perfectly flat, then the simplest and cheapest option is to whitewash or paint it. If the base requires preliminary elimination of defects using plastering work, then this option will be very labor-intensive and costly.

Another budget, but not so labor-intensive option is installation ceiling tiles which even a beginner can perform. The base surface does not require preliminary leveling. The main thing is to choose the right quality finishing material and glue.

A more acceptable, but expensive solution is to create a suspended structure made of plasterboard, which can be of any shape and have several levels, which determines the cost and time of the work. Thanks to this solution, you can get free space between the ceiling and the structure for laying and installing spotlights.

A modern solution today is to create a stretch ceiling from PVC fabric. The result is a perfectly smooth base of any texture and shade. Installation is carried out in a matter of hours by a specialized team. Before carrying out work, you should first prepare the wall structures. Because the process of installing a stretch ceiling involves making edging from baguettes. In addition, it is necessary to complete all dirty work in the room so that dust and possible contaminants do not settle on the clean ceiling.

Finishing of wall structures

Leveling walls is an important undertaking, the quality of which determines the durability and aesthetic appearance future decorative finishing. Usually, when renovating apartments with a rough finish, they are faced with fairly smooth concrete walls, which only need light adjustments using plaster mixtures. However, if the walls are made of expanded clay blocks, gas silicate or brick, quite labor-intensive and costly work is required to level them.

Before you begin leveling the walls, you must thoroughly clean the surface of the old coating. This is a mandatory stage for carrying out major repairs of old apartments. Any cracks or other defects found need to be repaired. To do this, problem areas need to be embroidered, primed and sealed. cement mortar, putty or sealant. Wide gaps and cracks in corners can be filled with polyurethane foam.

Wall alignment can be done in two ways:

  • plastering walls with building mixtures;
  • finishing of walls with gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets.

The first option involves the use of plaster mixtures based on gypsum or cement. If the wall has minor unevenness, visual alignment is performed using building level. If the surface has a significant difference, then it is advisable to perform leveling using beacons. This is especially important when the walls will be painted. When installing furniture along a flat wall, the likelihood of cracks occurring is eliminated.

Along with leveling the wall surfaces, finishing of door and window openings. To do this, you can use plaster, drywall or plastic panels.

The second option is preferable when the walls are made of brick or have significant unevenness. Using plaster turns out to be an unreasonably costly and time-consuming undertaking. GKL or GVK sheets are mounted on a previously installed metal frame. As a result of this finishing, a gap is formed between the wall and the cladding, into which various communications can be hidden. This process is characterized by the absence of dirty work and low labor intensity. The walls do not require further plastering before finishing with decorative material.

The main disadvantage of this design is its fragility. Therefore, if hanging furniture or appliances will subsequently be placed on the surface, you should take care of the embedded parts that are installed before performing the leveling layer.

Where does floor repair begin?

The apartment begins with a screed, which is used to eliminate significant damage and unevenness of the base relative to the horizon. This occurs by backfilling or filling the floor with a special compound that forms an ideal flat surface necessary for further installation of the floor covering. In addition, the screed serves to strengthen the surface of the concrete slab and increase its strength characteristics. Before performing it, you need to create a sound and thermal insulation layer. For this purpose, expanded clay is often used, which is laid with a thickness of at least 5 cm. Due to the leveling layer, you can raise the floor level or perform a technological slope.

Helpful advice! In the bathroom, it is advisable to set a certain floor slope for water drainage in case of a flood, which will prevent flooding of the entire apartment.

The floor screed can be:

  • concrete;
  • cement-sand;
  • self-leveling;
  • dry;
  • semi-dry.

The traditional method for adjusting the floor surface is the use of concrete or cement-sand mortars, which are advisable to use to eliminate significant unevenness and damage to the surface. They are used when installing heat and sound insulation.

The most practical and modern solution is the use of self-leveling compounds consisting of two mixture options: leveler and leveler. The first is used to eliminate significant unevenness in the base, the second is finishing layer, creating a flat and smooth surface without defects.

However, despite less labor-intensive process When using these compositions, their cost is significantly higher than traditional mixtures. Therefore, it is advisable to use self-leveling compounds when the difference in height relative to the horizon does not exceed 4 cm.

The semi-dry or dry version is used to level the base when the height difference reaches more than 3-5 cm. This is a good alternative to traditional compositions, however, the new layer will create much less pressure on concrete slab. Therefore, this method is recommended when renovating apartments in old houses and installing carpet and laminate flooring.

The procedure for floor screeding

First you need to prepare the base of the floor. To do this, the old floor structure is opened with the dismantling of baseboards, flooring and old screed. Next, the surface is cleaned of construction debris and dust. If cracks, potholes and chips are detected, it is necessary to carry out repair work using sealing mixtures. To eliminate deep damage, a jointing method is used, which consists of making cuts perpendicular to the crack with a depth of 20 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. Next, all damage must be repaired with concrete mortar.

Floor leveling begins with its marking, namely determining the lowest and highest points relative to the horizon. A level is indicated on the walls, which indicates the thickness of the future filling layer. Beacons and guides are installed based on the markings. Pouring the mixture begins from the far corner of the room. The solution is distributed and leveled using a metal rule.

The concrete screed must dry for three weeks. After 24-30 hours after completion of work, it is necessary to wet the surface once a day.

Helpful advice! To get a durable and quality foundation it is not recommended to violate natural process evaporation of moisture using heating devices and ventilation of the room.

In a similar way, the floor surface is leveled with a semi-dry solution, which is evenly distributed and compacted using a regular shovel. After complete drying, the surface must be treated with wooden grout. The process is carried out until the floor surface is perfectly flat.

Dry screed involves laying a layer of expanded clay with a fraction of 1-5 mm, on top of which gypsum fiber boards are mounted. They are connected to each other using self-tapping screws with coating of the end edges special glue. This is the easiest way to level the floor, which allows you to obtain a coating of increased strength. After the floor screed has been completed, you can begin installing the selected floor covering.

Turnkey apartment renovation. Price per square meter

Regardless of what kind of renovation you plan to do in your apartment, you can do it yourself or use the services of professionals. You can also hire specialists to carry out specific types or stages of work in the entire apartment or in a specific room.

Included in price cosmetic repairs includes the following list of works:

  • dismantling old finishing from room elements;
  • painting or whitewashing the ceiling;
  • partial leveling of walls;
  • gluing non-woven or paper wallpaper;
  • laying flooring;
  • partial replacement of electrical and plumbing;
  • laying tiles.

The cost of such a list of works starts from 2500 rubles/m², which depends on the labor intensity of the process. The renovation will cost 85 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment - 110 thousand rubles, a three-room apartment - 120 thousand rubles. This is all without taking into account the cost of materials.

If it is necessary to perform rough work, which includes installation and dismantling of wall structures, alignment of all elements of the room and electric installation work, the price for services averages 3500-4000 rubles/m².

When it is necessary to complete all turnkey electrical work in a new building, the price of the work will be for studio apartment 25 thousand rubles, two-room - 35 thousand rubles, three-room - 45 thousand rubles.

The cost of a turnkey overhaul is on average 5,500 rubles/m². It all depends on the condition of the apartment and total area premises. Many experts offer premium-class repairs, which include the development of an individual design project. The price of such repairs is about 7,500 rubles/m².

Turnkey apartment renovation price with materials

The cost of repair work, taking into account materials, depends on many factors: the area of ​​the apartment, its current condition (new or secondary housing), the volume and labor intensity of the work stages and the quality of the building materials used. You can approximately calculate the cost of repairs using an online calculator, which is located on specialized websites. Here it is taken into account average cost apartment renovation for square meter area. More accurate information can be obtained only after drawing up an estimate in each individual case.

Yes, the cost budget renovation an apartment in a new building with materials will cost an average of 6-6.5 thousand rubles/m². If more expensive ones are used Construction Materials to renovate an apartment, the price of work will be about 11-12 thousand rubles/m². Those wishing to decorate their home with exclusive finishing products must prepare at least 20 thousand rubles/m². The price of repairing secondary housing will be 10-15% lower, which is determined by the condition of the apartment.

Also the cost of repairs with materials is affected functional purpose premises. So, renovating a living room will cost 6,000 rubles/m², a corridor - 6,500 rubles/m², a kitchen - 8,500 rubles/m², a bathroom - 8,000 rubles/m², a loggia or balcony - 5,000 rubles/m².

When deciding where to start renovating a house or apartment, you need to study each process in detail. Especially when we're talking about about doing the work with your own hands. If you are not confident in your own capabilities, it is better to entrust all the work or a specific stage to professionals who will offer a clear plan for renovating the apartment. As a result, the work will be completed efficiently and in a short time.

Do-it-yourself apartment renovation. Video story

Ideal order in the house - myth or reality? No debris or dust on the shelves, perfect cleanliness, every thing is in its place - why do some manage to keep it under control and others not? As it turned out, keeping your apartment in order is quite simple, you just need to stop making thoughtless unnecessary purchases and storing old things.

Minimalism is gaining popularity every year. This is a style and philosophy of life in which freedom is placed above material wealth. The absence of unnecessary items allows you to free up space for better circulation of energy and its accumulation. At the same time, consciousness is released, it becomes calm. Thus, order in the head begins with putting things in order in the room (workplace, home).

To maintain cleanliness and order, it is enough to follow simple rules:

Do not accumulate paper trash (unnecessary documents; checks; coupons with an expired warranty; leaflets; newspapers; magazines; catalogs, etc.) It is necessary to have a basket in which you can put unnecessary correspondence. After accumulation, this waste paper may be taken to a special collection point. For receipts and other documents, it is best to allocate a box in the closet (do not forget about constant reconciliation; documents that have lost their relevance should be thrown away immediately).

Wash dishes immediately after eating. Humans are characterized by natural laziness, and after a heavy lunch an irresistible desire to rest arises. A few unwashed dishes after lunch, and soon after dinner, turn into a mountain of dirty dishes. And now, just by looking at it, your mood spoils, you give up, you don’t want to do anything further. In addition, dried food particles are difficult to wash off dishes. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a useful habit of washing dishes in a timely manner (it is more rational to spend 4 times for 5 minutes than to stand at the sink for 20 minutes once).

After sleep, make the bed. The central place in the room is given to sleeping place. Consequently, if the bed is not made, then everything in the room looks untidy.

Clean up the kitchen table. People spend a huge amount of time in the kitchen. In order for a meal to turn into a pleasant activity, you need to keep kitchen table absolutely empty (down with papers, receipts, fiction, vitamins, spices). For related items, you need to allocate space in the kitchen cabinet.

Every thing should have its place. Books have a place on a bookshelf, toys should be in a special box, clothes should be stored in a closet, etc. Every evening you need to look around the apartment and see which thing is out of place. A little time will be spent on cleaning, but in the morning, you will see a clean, tidy apartment in front of your eyes.

Don't make thoughtless purchases. Before purchasing a thing, think about whether this thing is really necessary, or whether it’s 3 beautiful saucepans on the shelf.

Shake out closets full of things. Don't be afraid to throw away unnecessary things.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. In order for thoughts to circulate freely, it is necessary to free up space. But people often clutter it up because they don’t want to do anything (laziness). It is necessary to take out the trash in a timely manner, wash things, put away the dishes - and then order in the house will become not a myth, but a reality.