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» The most effective aerosols and sprays against bedbugs. Which spray and aerosol to choose against bedbugs

The most effective aerosols and sprays against bedbugs. Which spray and aerosol to choose against bedbugs

  • Sprays are strong concentrates, packaged in 60-100 ml bottles (for household use) or large canisters (for industrial enterprises). Sprays require preliminary preparation for use - before disinfection, the concentrate is diluted with water and poured into a container with a sprayer. In SES these are special installations and fog generators, at home - ordinary spray bottles from under household chemicals;

Concentrated emulsions against insects are good for their efficiency and strong toxic effect

  • Aerosols are ready-made insecticidal agents, diluted to the required concentration and filled into containers with a special valve that allows easy spraying.

Most sprays against bedbugs are professional preparations - they are used in SES, agriculture and domestic insect control services. They are more effective because they contain powerful insecticides. But aerosols, manufactured with maximum safety for a lay person, are classified as household products.

Advantages of sprays and aerosols

Sprays and aerosols against bed bugs have a number of very important advantages:

  • Ease of use;
  • Economical consumption - one can or bottle is enough for disinsection of 40-70 sq. m.;
  • Reasonable price - the cost of most of these products ranges from 250 to 400 rubles;

  • Efficiency - uniform spraying allows you to treat absolutely all areas and ensures maximum results. A thin and almost invisible film appears on the treated surfaces, which is dangerous for bedbugs;
  • Low degree of toxicity - almost all sprays and aerosols are suitable for disinfestation of residential premises.

Sprays against bedbugs - a review of the best brands

In stores you will find a huge range of different insecticides. To avoid making a mistake in your choice, remember important rule– The most effective bed bug sprays contain fenthion, malathion, tetramethrin, chlorpyrifos, piperonyl butoxide, permethrin, delmethrin and cypermethrin. These chemical substances have a negative effect on the nervous system of insects, cause paralysis of all muscles and lead to rapid death. Now let's talk about the most common and good drugs.


German concentrate for spray, the main active ingredient of which is fenthion. For traditional studio apartment You will need about 20 bottles. The contents of each of them must be dissolved in 0.5 liters of water and poured into a spray bottle.

Margarita: “The executioner was recommended to me by a friend who works at the SES. It is not too expensive and can be found in any hardware store. I diluted it with water, as indicated on the package, and sprayed the whole house. Of course, I had to tinker with the processing, but I was pleased with the result. After a few days, the bedbugs died out.”


It is one of the most powerful insecticides intended for professional disinfestation. Tetrix is ​​consumed very economically - for an apartment of 2 rooms only 1 bottle or 250 ml will be needed.

Advice! This drug has a persistent and very unpleasant odor, so it requires longer ventilation of the room. You need to use Tetrix spray very carefully - it is intended for professional use.

Svetlana: “The first time I encountered bedbugs was while on vacation with my parents in the village. What’s interesting is that they didn’t notice the problem at all, but for me the bedbugs became a real punishment. In order not to completely ruin my vacation, I bought Tetrix in the store and sprayed it on all the mattresses, baseboards, carpets and cracks. The smell was very strong; literally everything in the house was saturated with it. It took a long time to ventilate and rewash everything, but after such a severe attack there were no more bedbugs. I recommend Tetrix to everyone – it’s a very good product.”


An analogue of the previous version, adapted for domestic purposes. True, this did not prevent it from retaining a very pungent aroma.

Marina: “I’ve always used Tetrix to remove insects, but in Lately it is not so easy to find on sale. At the market they advised me to take Cucaracha spray and assured me that it works just as well. I’ll say right away that I was not mistaken with the purchase. Of course, the apartment smelled very unpleasant. I even had to go to relatives for a few days. But the effect is simply amazing! Upon returning home, we did not notice the same bug nest, and we ourselves stopped waking up in red dots. Don’t hesitate to buy, you won’t regret it!”

A well-known microencapsulated spray based on chlorpyrifos. He has double action and kills even those insects that simply run across the treated surface. Afterwards it remains active for about 3 weeks. The product is easy to use and has virtually no odor.

Antonina: “I have always trusted this brand, so I am very glad that Get did not let me down this time. My daughter brought bedbugs from her student dormitory. At first we didn’t notice them at all, but then the bites began to recur every day. After searching the entire bedroom, we found a small nest of insects under the mattress. Immediately I remembered Get and processed everything I could get my hands on. A week later there was no trace of the bedbugs left. What’s especially pleasing is the absence of an unpleasant odor.”


An effective drug created for professional baiting of insects. Its only drawback is that it is very bad smell.

Pavel: “Because of my work, I have to live in a rented apartment for half a month. Having gone on a business trip once again, I was faced with an unpleasant problem - bedbugs infested the house. There was no time for a long fight, and I didn’t really want to sleep, knowing that they would bite you all night! I immediately ran to the supermarket and bought Sinuzan spray. I did everything according to the instructions and went to work. In the evening I ventilated and washed the floors with vinegar - my wife recommended it! There were no problems until the end of the trip. Thanks to the developers for such an effective tool.”


Both products are highly effective, do not harm a person’s well-being and have a very light and pleasant aroma of lemon or mint. One can is enough for disinfestation of 50-70 square meters. m.

Anna: “For me, Combat has always been the best remedy from domestic insects. We live in a high-rise building, so we have to fight either bedbugs or cockroaches very often. Every time I bait them with Combat – it helps without fail for a long time. It’s a pity that not all neighbors understand that insects need to be removed at the same time, otherwise we would already forget about this problem.”


One of the most famous and widespread remedies for domestic insects. Sold in liquid and powder form. It has an excellent contact effect - it kills not only adults, but also their eggs. Karbofos is affordable, but surfaces after its application retain an unpleasant aroma for a long time.

Elena: “When bedbugs appeared at the dacha, there was nothing in the store except Karbofos. I didn’t have much hope for it, but the product helped perfectly! True, the smell lasted for several days, but in the summer it is very easy to ventilate the room. The main thing is that the bedbugs have disappeared and have not appeared for six months!”

Advice! When diluting concentrates for sprays, you must strictly follow the recommendations indicated on the packaging - the success of the entire operation depends on this.

Tips to help get rid of bedbugs:

Aerosols for bedbugs - a list of the most effective

In an aerosol can, insecticide solutions are combined with liquefied gas - this ensures pressure in the can regardless of how full it is. Aerosols are designed for household use, therefore they usually contain flavorings, and from chemicals choose only those that are not harmful to health.

In terms of efficiency, aerosol preparations are not inferior to sprays, but if the apartment is heavily infested with bedbugs, repeated treatment may be necessary.

Don't know which aerosol to choose for baiting house bugs? These brands of drugs are often used.


An effective drug, the active components of which enter the body of the bug through food contact and have a neuroparalytic effect on it. "Carbozol" is not very different persistent odor, which can also be included in the list of its advantages.

Victoria: “My parents fought bedbugs with the help of Carbozol. An inexpensive aerosol, practically odorless, so you don’t have to go anywhere during the treatment. The bugs died out in about a week – there were no larvae or adult insects left.”


One of the latest innovations, which contains chemicals that have a neuroparalytic effect. The aroma is quite strong, so after using Perfos-P the room must be very well ventilated. The active effect of the aerosol lasts for 2 weeks. In some cases, repeated disinfestation is required. The cost of the drug is acceptable, and the consumption is economical.

Galina: “My husband bought Perfos-P for bedbugs. He also poisoned them himself, I just washed the apartment afterwards. He says that he simply sprayed the aerosol on all surfaces, while closing all the windows. The product is very easy to use, but gives very good results. Within a few days the bedbugs disappeared.”


Follower of the famous insecticide "Prima-71". Compared to its predecessor, the toxicity of this aerosol is much lower. The product has a pungent odor, so when using it, all residents are required to leave the premises. The advantages of this product include its affordable cost.

With several treatments of an apartment with Prima-U, the risk of intoxication increases.

Oleg: “Bedbugs appear in our apartment about once a year - there are drunks living next door who don’t really take care of cleanliness. I always bought Prima-71, and then I saw Prima-U aerosol on the shelf. It turned out that it is less toxic, so I decided to use it. I must say that in terms of efficiency it is not inferior to more expensive analogues. Now you can live in peace for a year – bedbugs will no longer appear!”

Dichlorvos-Eco, Dichlorvos-Neo and Dichlorvos Super

Modern "Dichlorvos" contains powerful chemical insecticides - piperonyl butoxide and permethrin. These aerosols do not have a strong aroma and, if sprayed thoroughly, kill bedbugs the first time.

Valentina: “When I bought Dichlorvos Neo, I didn’t even hope that such a cheap product could give such an effect! In fact, it turned out to be a powerful insecticide that left no trace of insects! Very pleased! This aerosol is easy to use and the effect lasts for a long time.”

Bona Forte

A unique development based on natural ingredients. The main active ingredient of Bona Forte is pyrethrum, Persian chamomile powder, which has been used for a long time in the fight against domestic insects. When pyrethrum enters the body of a bug through contact, it causes paralysis and instant death. "Bona Forte" is odorless and has a low degree of toxicity.

Nadezhda: “For me, health safety comes first, so when choosing a remedy for bedbugs, I chose natural Bona Forte. I was satisfied - no pungent odor, low toxicity, good results. By the end of the week, no new bites appeared. Feel free to use this drug!”


Contains three chemical components at once - 0.5% piperonyl butoxide, 0.2% cypermethrin and 0.2% tetramethrin. They have a neuroparalytic effect and lead to rapid death. The poison penetrates the insect's body through the chitin shell. At the same time, it is capable of simultaneously infecting other individuals. This mint-flavored product is not at all dangerous for animals and people.

As reviews show, "Raptor" is effective only when the premises are slightly infested. As a rule, two disinsections are required - the aerosol does not destroy egg laying, so repeated treatment will get rid of the hatched larvae.

Yuri: “We always have a can of Raptor in kitchen cabinet– at one time we poisoned cockroaches and ants with it. Now we were faced with bedbugs, but we knew for sure that Raptor would not let us down here either. I would like to note the advantages - it has no smell, is inexpensive, and convenient. The result after it was excellent - the bedbugs died out in just a few days.”

Clean house

The “Clean House” aerosol contains two substances – cypermethrin and tetramethrin. They settle on surfaces, and from there they penetrate into the body of insects. At correct use The product is not toxic, but some safety precautions must be strictly observed. For a small apartment, 1 can is enough.

Lyudmila: “I heard from friends that the Clean House aerosol is one of the best. Having seen a nest of bedbugs in the house, I decided not to experiment, but to immediately use this drug. It is very simple to use - spray it, wait, air it out. The effect comes quickly and lasts for more than one month. Believe me, you simply cannot find a more reliable means!”


Among the disadvantages of “Raid”, users note oil traces left on surfaces and a heavy, pungent odor.

Daria: “I can’t stand all kinds of insects! When bedbugs infested our house, I was ready to immediately run away from it. My husband barely persuaded me not to go anywhere, promising to solve the problem in two days. I know for sure that he used Reid, which he bought at a nearby store. The bedbugs are really gone! Six months have passed and not a single bite has appeared.”

Stay safe!

When using spray and aerosol against bedbugs, you need to adhere to simple but very important rules:

  • Carefully read and strictly follow the instructions printed on the packaging of a particular drug;
  • Make sure that the insecticide does not get into your mouth, nose, mucous membranes or skin;
  • When working, do not forget about protective equipment - a respirator, a cap, goggles, gloves and a long-sleeved robe;
  • There should be no people, plants or pets left in the treated area. Cats and fish are considered especially sensitive - if there is an aquarium in the house, cover it with thick glass and turn off the compressor;
  • Before disinfestation begins, all furniture is moved away from the walls, and carpets, paintings, and photographs must be removed;
  • Treated textiles must be washed well at the highest possible temperature;
  • The exposure time of the insecticide is several hours;
  • After baiting bedbugs with sprays and aerosols, the room is wet cleaned.

If the slightest signs of poisoning appear, see a doctor immediately!

  1. The composition should not contain many chemicals. substances, because it can negatively affect human health.
  2. Smell. Often after treatment it does not erode for a long time, causing great inconvenience.
  3. Mode of application. Some products are ready to use immediately, while others require a solvent or spray bottle.
  4. Release form. The speed of room processing and human safety depend on it.

We have chosen the most effective means, different in type, consistency, shape, cost. Products from the best domestic and foreign manufacturers are presented here.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best inexpensive bed bug repellents

Anti-bedbug products are in particular demand. They contain special substances that have an irreversible effect on insects. Most often, their action is based on a component that paralyzes bedbugs and then causes their death. When purchasing a pest control product, it is important that it has an effective composition. We have presented the best inexpensive bed bug treatments.

2 Dichlorvos-neo

The most popular
Country Russia
average price: 80 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8


  • convenient use;
  • effective composition;
  • control of several types of insects;
  • best price;
  • tested in a German laboratory;
  • availability;
  • harmlessness to humans;
  • doesn't smell.


  • does not destroy larvae.

Type of product




Very effective

Kills bedbugs after first use

Destroys eggs and larvae

Strong smell

May be harmful to humans

Often toxic


Easy to spray

Quick to apply

Does not require evacuation of animals or people from the house

Ready to use immediately

Sometimes requires several processing procedures

Less efficient


High concentration of active ingredients


Economical consumption

Sometimes it is necessary to dilute the product in liquid

Requires purchase of a spray bottle

1 Executioner

Best economy
Country: Germany
Average price: 90 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The remedy against bedbugs “Executioner” is considered one of the best in terms of effectiveness. One 5 ml tube can get rid of insects over a fairly large area - about 5 sq.m. "Executioner" is used on various surfaces: furniture, floor, walls. To achieve results in the fight against bedbugs, you need to spray the solution on corners, baseboards, wallpaper, sofas and other large objects. It has a slight chemical smell that dissipates fairly quickly. After use, it is recommended not to stay in the room for about 8 hours. “Executioner” is quite easy to dilute (one bottle per 0.5 liters of water).


  • inaccessibility;
  • you need to buy a spray bottle for spraying.

The best insecticides for bedbugs

3 GreenBelt Karbofos

Reliably protects
Country Russia
Average price: 80 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6


  • low cost;
  • enough for several uses;
  • ease of operation;
  • fights insects well.


  • toxic;
  • a sharp unpleasant odor that takes a long time to disappear;
  • dangerous for pets and people.


Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 16 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The drug for combating several types of insects is presented in the form of special tablets that must be dissolved in liquid. “Fas” is an insecticidal agent that not only protects the room well from insects, but also secures the result for a long time. The drug is quite economical, so one package will last for a long time. It is used indoors, on land plots. One package contains 100 tablets. They cope well with both bedbugs and other pests (for example, Colorado potato beetle, cockroaches). During treatment, it is important to evacuate pets and household members from the premises.


  • excellent value;
  • easily dissolves in water;
  • protects against pests;
  • versatility;
  • valid for several months.


  • harmful to people.

1 Dust Clean House

Effective fighting in hard-to-reach places
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The “Clean House” insecticidal product has a powdery consistency and is available in 50 g bags. One package is intended for treating a surface area of ​​10 sq.m. The drug differs from similar methods of application. It does not need to be diluted with liquid, but should be used in its original form. Thanks to this, bedbugs die even in hard-to-reach places, because the powder is easy to sprinkle absolutely everywhere. Like any insect control product, it is important to take precautions when using this dust. During treatment, animals, food, hygiene products should be removed, windows should be kept open and the powder should not come into contact with the skin.


  • it is necessary to leave the premises for several days after treatment;
  • toxicity.

The best liquid bedbug repellents


Great price
Country: India
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6


  • protects from insects for a long time;
  • quickly copes with its task;
  • destroys adults and larvae;
  • low price;
  • availability.


  • unpleasant odor;
  • requires the purchase of a spray bottle;
  • unhealthy.

2 Medilis-anti-BLOPS

The best safe composition
Country Russia
Average price: 390 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8


  • reliable protection;
  • good composition;
  • safety;
  • works for several months;
  • convenient way to use.


  • not detected.


The best liquid product against bedbugs
Country Russia
Average price: 790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The “GET” tool is one of the most popular on domestic market. Despite high cost, it is often purchased by both professional services and ordinary people. The main advantage is the long validity period (about 6 months). It is presented as a white concentrated liquid with a pleasant odor, which is very atypical for this type of product. One package is enough to treat a room of 20 sq.m. During the procedure, there is no need to remove animals or people from the apartment, because the drug is safe for health. Another advantage is the complete destruction of even bedbug larvae.


  • kills adults, as well as insect eggs;
  • has no pungent odor;
  • harmless to humans;
  • effective composition;
  • does not leave marks after drying;
  • maintains the result throughout the year.


  • high price.

The best aerosol treatments for bedbugs

A separate category of the rating should be allocated to this type of product, such as aerosol. They are especially popular in situations where a finished product without a chemical odor is needed. Thanks to the special shape of the packaging, they are easy to apply to a wide variety of hard to reach places. Excellent fight against bacteria, mold and flying insects. Sometimes they are inferior in effectiveness to liquid and insecticides. Another advantage is the quick processing of the room. To achieve results, it only takes a few seconds to spray the drug onto the infected area.

2 Raid "Lavender"

The optimum ratio of price and quality
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
Average price: 240 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7


  • quick application;
  • convenient tube shape;
  • large volume;
  • optimal price;
  • destroys bedbugs and other insects;
  • can be bought everywhere.


  • Strong smell;
  • the need for long ventilation.

1 RAPTOR “Destruction of bedbugs”

Most convenient to use
Country Russia
Average price: 360 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8


  • fast spray;
  • convenient packaging;
  • enough for large area;
  • kills larvae;
  • good feedback.


  • requires repeated use;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • high price.

Aerosol against bedbugs is considered one of the most convenient drugs in terms of use. There is no need to prepare the solution strictly according to the instructions, or look for a container, spray bottle or spray bottle. Just shake the can and remove the fixative. Anti-bedbug aerosol is produced by domestic and foreign companies. How effective is the product? Which drug should I choose?

The active components of aerosols against bedbugs are insecticides of contact-intestinal action. Substances block nerve impulses and disrupt the functioning of the system. Muscle paralysis occurs, then death. The insecticide penetrates the body of insects, to a large extent, through the chitinous cover. A small portion ends up in the stomach. To increase the effectiveness of the drug, not one, but two or three insecticides are included in the aerosols. This combination is associated with the ability of bedbugs to adapt to poisons. If a small amount of poison enters the insect's body, death does not occur. The substance acts like a vaccine. Then subsequent disinfestation with a drug with an identical active ingredient will be meaningless. To exclude similar situation Manufacturers included several insecticides in the composition at once, adding a catalyst substance to accelerate the effect.

The greatest activity of any aerosol against bedbugs is achieved in the first 2-3 hours. Residual the effect can last from 2 weeks to 6 months. Depending on this, the price of the drug changes. Under the influence sun rays And room temperature the aerosol gradually loses its properties; after 12-14 days it is recommended to re-treat the room. The exception is new generation drugs with microcapsules. The improved composition of the product allows you to maintain the potency of poisons for up to 6 months without the need for re-processing. However, the cost of such funds is high. The drugs are not widely used against bedbugs.

All aerosols are relatively safe for the health of people and warm-blooded animals. Before use, you must take care of personal protective equipment. And after disinfestation, ventilate the room for 2 hours. Below is a ranking of bed bug sprays based on effectiveness.

The Raptor company became known to the citizens of our country about 15 years ago. When she won the hearts of the planet's inhabitants with mosquito repellent plates. Currently the company produces several types of products from different insects, including anti-bedbug aerosol. The product contains 2 active components – cypermethrin, tetramethrin. And the catalyst substance is piperonyl butoxide. One
a bottle with a capacity of 350 ml is enough to treat a room of 50 square meters. m. The greatest activity of the drug is observed in the first 2 hours after treatment. Repeated disinfestation is recommended after 14 days. In case of severe infection, the premises must be treated a third time 21 days after the first disinfestation.

The drug has a specific odor that quickly disappears. Raptor leaves no marks on the surface and does not damage furniture. If the rules of disinfestation are followed, 100% efficiency is achieved in 2 treatments with a break of 10 days. In just a month, there will be no trace left of past nightmares. The cost of one bottle of Raptor for bedbugs is about 350 rubles.


The insecticidal preparation in the form of an aerosol has not received much recognition from buyers. Today it is very difficult to buy it, if desired. Not available on the Internet full information about this tool. You can order the aerosol from the manufacturers on the official website. One of the disadvantages is the inaccessibility of the product. In terms of effectiveness, Prima-U is classified as a drug of average quality. However, this is dictated by the form of release itself. It is active only 2 hours after treatment. Destroys adults, larvae of different generations except eggs. Repeated treatment is required after 2 weeks, and if the room is heavily infested, it is better to use a different drug altogether. Regarding the price, it is also difficult to answer this question. Within 300 rubles for 1 bottle.

Domestic product. You can buy it at any hardware store, departments household chemicals in the supermarket, in veterinary pharmacy. The active substance of Carbozol is the insecticide malathion. The substance has a nerve-paralytic effect. Penetrates into the body of insects mainly through the chitinous cover. Like other aerosols, it has a low residual effect. Shows effectiveness 2 hours after treatment. Malathion rapidly loses its properties under the influence of light. But in a room where there are small children and animals, it is better to use Carbozol than cypermethrin-based products. The drug does not affect bedbug eggs. Repeat the treatment after 7 days, despite the instructions in the instructions - after 14 days. Ineffective in case of severe contamination of the premises. The drug contains a flavoring agent, which masks the pungent odor of the insecticide. Treats the surface with care - does not damage fabric, wood, plastic, and does not corrode varnish. Packaged in 300 ml cans. The average price of the drug is 100 rubles. In general, an affordable product with a different composition can become very effective in case of preliminary unsuccessful disinfestation of bedbugs with preparations based on cypermethrin and tetramethrin. Malathion will put the final finishing touch on the bedbug population.


There are different opinions and gossip about this drug. Dichlorvos has been familiar since Soviet times. Associated with a pungent odor but great effectiveness. There are even jokes among people - it’s better to throw away the sofa right away than after treating it with Dichlorvos. However, at present, modern Dichlorvos is far from being the remedy it once was. Only the name remains identical. There are several manufacturers. You can find products with prefixes named Neo, Cobra, Varan, Super, Eco and others. They all act similarly, because active substance identical -
dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate. A small proportion of cypermethrin is present. Main part - ethanol. Contains different flavors. Dichlorvos smells of citrus, lavender, and flowers. exotic fruits. After treatment, the smell lingers in the room for quite a long time. Airing for 2 hours does not completely eliminate the aroma. In terms of effectiveness, the drug is not particularly different from previous aerosols. The insecticide is active for 2 hours. A certain part of it dissolves in the air without reaching the surface. There is no residual effect as such. Poisoned insects that received a dose of poison during treatment die gradually over the course of a week. After 10 days, repeated disinsection is required. The main advantage of the aerosol called “Dichlorvos” is its low cost. For 1 bottle of 180 ml you will have to pay less than 100 rubles. The products are produced in larger containers of 440 ml. Enough to process a 3-room apartment. Or for 3 disinsections in one room.


Aerosols without odor

Such preparations always contain one or another insecticide, which by its nature has a strong, unpleasant odor. It's quite difficult to get rid of it. Often, when manufacturers indicate “odorless” on their products, they mean the absence of an unpleasant aroma. They simply disguise it under the pleasant smells of flowers and fruits. This category includes all of the above aerosols. Moreover, most manufacturers try to add fragrances to their spray. With a sharp unpleasant aroma of insecticides, only concentrated emulsions for preparing solutions can be used. But with extremely high efficiency. Microencapsulated products do not contain any odor, since the active substance is enclosed in special capsules.

Sanitation workers must deal with insects in one go, so the anti-bedbug spray works on both adults and their larvae. Insecticides of this form have both pros and cons.

  • high efficiency,
  • action on both insects and larvae,
  • One bottle is enough for a large treatment area.


  • severe toxicity,
  • persistent unpleasant odor
  • processing should be carried out in personal protective equipment,
  • the drug must be prepared before use,
  • You need to purchase a spray bottle for the spray.
  • ease of use,
  • low toxicity,
  • no unpleasant odor.


  • low efficiency,
  • the drug has no effect on larvae,
  • Aerosols are often sold in very small packages, so you have to buy a lot of cans.

Which brand should you choose?

When choosing a product, keep in mind that general rule There are exceptions: you can find a bedbug spray for household needs or an aerosol for professionals. Don't always believe just the title, read the entire text. For example, “Combat Spray” and “Combat Super Spray” can be purchased in aerosol packaging. Read the instructions carefully and decide whether you can do everything correctly.

Or aerosols:

  • "Raptor"
  • "Clean house",
  • "Dichlorvos-Neo"
  • "Combat".

Sprays also include Intavir tablets, which are diluted with water and sprayed with a spray bottle.

Do you consider yourself an expert in safe processing premises - purchase more effective sprays. Will have to spend more time on preparatory work and protective measures, but repeated disinfestation will not be required: both adults and eggs will die in one go.
Work well:

  • "Tetrix"
  • "Shinzuan"
  • "Klopoveron".

The latter drug is so dangerous that it is prohibited for free sale. This powder must be diluted in water and then sprayed. If you get hold of this product, be extremely careful.

When and which drug to choose?

If you poison insects in an apartment where people constantly live, you need to choose an odorless aerosol or spray. “Get” is perfect; it kills bedbugs for several weeks after treatment. When young insects hatch from the larvae, they will die if they step on the treated surface. Don’t be afraid to repeat the treatment - use the “Clean House” or “Raptor” aerosol.

If you use a special device for cold fog, you don’t have to look for nests; the fumes will penetrate into all the cracks. In this case, all surfaces will be covered toxic composition. This method is best used in non-residential premises and apartments from which residents have been evicted. When the room is filled with things, washing all the rags and washing every little thing will be very tedious.

When purchasing a product, pay attention not only to the price, but also to the area that can be treated. An expensive bottle can be enough for the whole apartment; it will be more profitable than a cheap bottle that empties after one corner.

If you are going to treat a building that no one will use in the next week, you can use a product with a strong odor, for example, Sinuzan. After treatment, only a person with a very severe runny nose will be able to enter the living room for several days. In non-residential buildings, the smell will not bother anyone for several days, but try to do disinsection a few days before the building is used.

Even for a one-room apartment you need at least 5 “Clean House” or “Raptor” cylinders; the aerosol runs out very quickly. When treating a large cottage you will need a huge number of aerosol cans; for this purpose it is more convenient to purchase a bottle of household spray. To process a single item, such as one purchased from thrift store sofa, there is no point in purchasing a concentrate that is enough for an entire barracks. A can of Dichlorvos-Neo will be enough for you. If you choose an odorless product, after a few hours you can safely bring the furniture into the apartment.

Both sprays and aerosols are airborne agents that are sprayed into an infected room and act with air. However, a bedbug spray is usually a concentrated substance that must be used before use. dilute with water. It can be sold in small bottles or canisters.

Aerosols for bedbugs are ready-made preparations placed in disposable cans under pressure. Their use does not require any preliminary preparation.

Aerosols for bedbugs

- contains three active ingredients at once, thanks to which a high degree of damage is achieved. It is safe for animals and children. According to reviews, this product gives good results only with a low degree of infection and generous spraying.

Photo of Raptor aerosol:

- contains cypermethrin as an active ingredient. It is safe for children and animals, however, if it enters the human body it can cause poisoning. The effectiveness is confirmed by reviews of people who were able to destroy all bedbugs using the substance.

Photo of aerosol Clean House:

- produced in two types: only for crawling insects, or for crawling and flying ones. It has a good smell and is not dangerous to people.

Photo of aerosol Combat:

- a universal drug for controlling insects, can also be used for bedbugs. Reviews report good effectiveness with a low degree of infection. However, it has an unpleasant odor and leaves behind stains.

Photo of Reid aerosol:

"Dichlorvos"- a well-known and accessible aerosol. When processing, be sure to remove all people and animals from the premises. Many people often ask “Does Dichlorvos help against bedbugs? Is it possible to kill bedbugs with Dichlorvos? Indeed, this remedy does not always work effectively. Therefore, if Dichlorvos did not help you, pay attention to other sprays and aerosols.

Photo of Dichlorvos aerosol:

Bona Forte- a preparation made from natural ingredients. It has almost no odor, so immediately after airing you can return to the apartment.

Photo of Bona Forte aerosol:

"Antiklop"- a substance based on three active components. Non-toxic, retains strength for several months. According to reviews, it successfully destroys bedbugs.

Photo of Antiklop aerosol:

Bedbug sprays

A large number of sprays are intended only for professional use, and they cannot be found for sale in stores.

- one of the most popular means, produced in Germany. It is distributed in small bottles - for a large apartment you may need 15-20 of them.

Photo of the Executioner:

- an effective substance intended for professional use. One bottle is enough to treat two rooms. It has a very strong toxic odor, so after use you need to thoroughly ventilate the room.

Photo of Tetrix:

- an analogue of "Tetrix", designed for independent use. Retained the unpleasant smell of its predecessor.

Photo of Cucaracha product:

- a product in microcapsules that is effective for several weeks after use. In addition, one of the few has a contact effect against bedbugs running over it. Has no smell.

Photo of the Get tool:

"Sinuzan"- a professional substance reminiscent of Tetrix. Highly effective, however, also has a strong unpleasant odor.

Photo of Sinuzan product:

- a well-known drug against bedbugs. Available in the form of powder, concentrate, emulsion or finished product. Affects all types of insects, including eggs. It has an unpleasant odor that lasts for a long time.

Photo of Karbofos product:


The most popular and affordable remedies for bedbugs are sprays and aerosols. They differ in the order of application - aerosols are placed in cans and are immediately ready for spraying, while sprays must first be dissolved in water.

Many non-toxic, Safe for children and animals, however, ventilation after use is mandatory. Among aerosols, the most effective are:. Sprays work best