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» The most expensive camp in the world. Which camp would be better for children? Feel like a Hollywood stuntman

The most expensive camp in the world. Which camp would be better for children? Feel like a Hollywood stuntman

If it allows you family budget and a thirst for adventure, you'll have plenty to choose from on this list. Camps mainly for teenagers

One of the most unusual children's camps on the planet is located in the vicinity of the North American mountain plateau of the Missouri Ozarks. This is where children come every summer and are taught by experienced specialists how to safely handle explosives such as plastic, dynamite and TNT. Explosives Summer Camp is headed by Pavel Worsi, a professor at the Institute of Scientific Technology in Rolla, who is spoken of very warmly by those who have already visited his premises. Children from 12 to 16 years old are accepted into the camp, and older ones are already invited to training courses as students.

In the company of toothy monsters

On the island of Fiji, in the zone of the controlled and protected reserve “Shark Reefs”, there is a children’s camp, which is more often called “Shark”. Here, teenagers and high school students are offered a dubious but very exciting pleasure - swimming in a water area infested with sharks. This camp is a kind of preparatory point for admission to various colleges of a special focus. Naturally, all children are under the supervision of diver instructors, and in addition to the water extreme, they are offered an excursion to the island with the Beka volcano.

Feel like a stuntman from Hollywood!

Hollywood Stunt Camp

Not far from Los Angeles, enterprising American businessmen built the Hollywood Stunt Camp, where every child can master the skills of a real Dream Factory stuntman. It’s interesting that the instructors here are real Hollywood stuntmen, who have more than one serious film behind them. Among other things, your child will be taught how to correctly fall from a 10-meter tower to the ground, dance, somersault and perform complex combinations that have long been used in the film industry. A two-week vacation for one child in this camp costs from 2 to 10 thousand dollars, depending on the complexity and intensity of the program.

Exclusive holiday on Rocket Lake

In the Adirondack Mountain Range of the Appalachian Mountains in New York State, there is a camp located on the shores of crystal clear Rocket Lake. It was founded back in 1916 for children of wealthy parents. The official website of the camp does not indicate the cost of the tour. It is determined individually for each child; on average, a month costs about $12,000. Up to 500 children aged 6 to 16 years can relax in the camp at the same time. Each child, among other things, is assigned a personal teacher. They teach horse riding, tennis, kayaking and canoeing, playing musical instruments, and have their own theater troupe with Broadway curators who, if desired, give children individual vocal lessons and acting lessons.

Embracing pandas

Many experienced tourists call the Chinese 360 ​​Student Travel the world's best children's camp. Here the recreation program includes excursions to the Forbidden City, the city of tigers and bears, a visit to the legendary Tiananmen Square, as well as a bicycle ride along the Great Wall of China. However, what children value most about 360 Student Travel is direct communication with pandas in the nursery located directly on the camp grounds. Plus, the children are taught daily the basics of rafting, rock climbing, acrobatic stunts and ancient martial arts. The cost of living is about $7,000 per month.

“And we don’t dream about the roar of the cosmodrome...”

In North American Alabama, there is a space camp in Huntsville, which, however, accepts only high school students. The entertainment and recreation program is as close as possible to the real conditions of training for cosmonauts/astronauts. Except scientific theory, teenagers have the opportunity to train in zero gravity conditions, as well as participate in serious missions: for example, flight and exploration of the Moon.

School for Future Cowboys

The original camp, which will give your child an unforgettable experience with horses, is located in the South of England. Here, children are offered daily cross-country riding lessons, horse games, competitions and demonstration shows, as well as luxurious pools with water slides and practical lessons in caring for animals. Five days of a child's stay, so to speak, all inclusive, will cost you just under 600 pounds sterling.

Camp for ladies and gentlemen

Another children's camp, distinguished by its unique atmosphere, is located in the American South Carolina, in the city of Charleston. Every year, boys and girls aged 11 to 15 years come here to learn the basics of social activity, the ability to position themselves in society, success, development of leadership and business qualities, as well as etiquette. Professional teachers teach children to speak in the correct tone and behave carefully in in social networks, express and mask your emotions, dance and speak competently. At the end of each shift there is a demonstration ball for parents, where children demonstrate everything they have learned in a relaxed atmosphere.

Film Academy in the Alps

In the Swiss town of Leisen, there has been a camp for quite some time, where children learn in detail all the stages of creating a film. After careful preparation and training in storyboarding, editing, and filming, each child is given the chance to create their own masterpiece. In addition, children have the opportunity to visit Geneva, Bern and Montreux on excursions, as well as participate in various sports competitions. The price of a two-week trip per child is about 3.5 thousand euros.

The mysterious world of archeology

Rounding out our top ten most unusual holiday camps is the Irish Dig It Up Kids, which is divided into two parts. The main one is located on the outskirts of Dublin, and the second, more compact one, is in the town of Trim, which is 40 km from the capital. Here children aged seven to fourteen years have a unique opportunity to plunge into the world archaeological excavations. During the two-week shift, the pioneers will become closely acquainted with Irish culture, comprehend the intricacies of ancient crafts, and also try to decipher mysterious ancient codes and secrets. The cost of a shift is from 55 to 150 euros.

The review was prepared especially for the Father's Club by Daniil Vladimirsky

The spring months are the time when many parents think about where to send their children for the summer holidays. Out of town to visit your grandmother or to the glorious Artek since Soviet times (a trip there, as it became known the other day, costs 65 thousand rubles)? In an attempt to answer this question, studied world experience and chose the most interesting options for children's recreation.

All children's camps are needed to keep children occupied and, if possible, to teach them something in the summer. All of them, like schools and institutes, are different. Some focus on the educational program - a kind of continuation of school classes with excursions, after-school activities and entertainment events. In others, most of the time is devoted to physical training and the development of sports skills; in others, children are taught foreign languages ​​in an entertaining way.

Study, study and study again

Do you feel like your child doesn’t spend enough time on school lessons? Or, on the contrary, you can’t tear him away from textbooks and tests? Then you should take a closer look at summer camps where the main focus is on academics.

For example, the American summer school BizSmart. At the camp, organized with the support of Stanford University, teenagers learn business, finance and document management. The best students are offered internships at companies such as Microsoft or Google.

The United Nations also has its own international camp. Here young people are taught the basics of global diplomacy. Teenagers are given lectures by professors from leading universities, former Peace Corps volunteers (a humanitarian organization that provides assistance to distressed countries) and UN employees.

A child who dreams of becoming an astronaut can be sent to a NASA camp located in the US state of Alabama. Here, future space explorers can communicate with real astronauts, scientists and technical specialists. In addition, much attention is paid to physical training.

There is a similar, though not as large-scale, project in Russia. At a space training camp for children located in the Leningrad region " Shumgam", the younger generation is taught astronomy, astronautics, as well as the basics of piloting aircraft. As part of physical training, classes are held at the climbing wall, as well as on the “Lunar Gravity” and “Centrifuge” simulators.

This year there are two shifts in the camp - from July 8 to 28 and from August 3 to 10. The cost of a trip starts from 29 thousand rubles.

Other summer educational events for children are also held in Russia. The largest of them, perhaps, can be called “Summer School”. In July-August it attracts more than a thousand participants. These are mainly students, but there are also several areas for schoolchildren. For example, departments of journalism, medicine, psychology, social sciences, natural sciences, as well as the geographical workshop “Geo-geo”.

No need to talk. Squat until you drop

There are even more physical training-oriented children's camps than educational ones. Every summer, many sports clubs take their young students out of town, where the children continue to train. However, usually only club members are accepted there. Although there are exceptions.

For example, football camps of Real Madrid or Barcelona, ​​where they take children from 6 to 18 years old, regardless of gender. In addition to football training itself, language courses are held here, and excursions to Spanish attractions are also organized. The cost of a two-week shift in these projects starts from two thousand dollars.

In Missouri, an annual bombing camp is organized for teenagers. Children are taught how to handle explosives, explaining, of course, how not to get hurt from them themselves.

Summer, sea, beach

But most of all there are entertaining children's camps. Here you are not forced to participate in grueling training or sit for hours at desks in mathematics or physics lessons. The main focus is on teenagers' leisure time.

China Camp 360 Student Travel offers dozens of excursions and fun trips. In just a few weeks, children will be able to visit the Great Chinese wall, explore the Forbidden City and Tananmen Square. At the camp, children will be taught rock climbing, rafting, calligraphy, ancient dances and martial arts. But the most interesting thing is communicating with pandas. There is a nursery on the camp grounds, and children become volunteers during their shifts, who are supposed to feed and care for the animals. The only thing that confuses us is the price of such a vacation - for a month of living with pandas you will have to pay about 6.1 thousand dollars.

At a shark camp in Fiji, children are taught diving and allowed, under the supervision of instructors, to swim in the waters where sharks are found. The project is considered one of the preparation programs for admission to various colleges of a special direction, but they try not to overload the children with their studies. The main thing is the warm sea and bright sun.

If bourgeois comfort is closer to you, you can send your child to a camp near Rocket Lake in New York State. Here children are provided with sports equipment that only Olympic champions can boast of and are taught canoeing. The camp area is guarded. The camp's theater troupe is supervised by Broadway stars. In the evenings, of course, there are discos - popular performers provide the music. Children live in comfortable rooms and are fed by famous chefs. Each child is assigned a personal assistant and curator. The cost of such a vacation is discussed with each candidate individually and is not publicly disclosed, but it is known that minimum price for a month of stay in the camp - 12 thousand dollars. Maybe it’s better to go to Artek?

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 19 minutes


The school year is over and summer holidays are ahead. Most parents wonder how to organize their child’s leisure time. Remembering my childhood, many want to send their children to camp, where children can not only have fun, but also improve their health, acquire new friends and useful skills. But on the territory of our country there are a huge number of children's complexes.

Which camp would be better for children?

The best children's camps in Russia

  1. All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" is the best children's health center in Russia. The camp is located near Tuapse on the Black Sea coast. Krasnodar region - perfect place for children's recreation - fresh air, subtropical climate, golden beaches. There are 7 independent camps with various programs on the territory of the complex active rest for children aged 11-16 years. During holidays for children entertainment: sports competitions, concerts, hikes, various clubs, excursions, visits to a water park, attractions, etc.

Shift duration: 21 days.

The cost of a trip varies from 33 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the camp and shift.

  1. All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" is the best camp in Russia, which is located in Primorsky Krai, on the shore Pacific Ocean. The camp is divided into 4 squads. For each shift, the best teachers and counselors develop an individual thematic program. Therefore, children will not be bored during the 21-day period; various events, competitions, and excursions await them. In addition, the complex has a gym, internet club, library, dance hall, stadium and much more.

Age: 11-17 years.

The cost of the trip is from 25 thousand rubles.

  1. The Rescue Ministry base is an ideal option for those who want their child to not only have a rest, but also acquire additional skills. Here the child will be able to learn video editing, computer literacy, provide first aid, try extreme sports, and learn more information about the profession of a rescuer. This wonderful children's camp is located just 10 km. from Moscow Ring Road to oak grove.

Age: 10-17 years;

Shift duration: 13 days;

Cost of the trip: 39.5 thousand rubles.

  1. Children's camp "Smena" - winner of the nomination "Best children's health resort" . The complex is located near Anapa in an ecologically clean area Black Sea coast. An individual thematic program is developed for each shift. In addition, on the territory of the camp there is a mini-water park, a library, a gym and dance hall, an equestrian base, a tennis court, a swimming pool, and a museum. Just 200 meters from the camp there is a comfortable children's beach.

Age: 6-15 years;

Cost of the tour: from 25 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the date of arrival.

  1. Children's health resort named after. Yu.A. Gagarin is a real world of fun and laughter. Here, far from the city in Petrovo village (Moscow region) children will not only be able to have fun, but also improve their health before a new academic year.

The entertainment program is aimed at developing the creative and intellectual abilities of children. The camp hosts various clubs (folk and decorative arts, cutting and sewing, dancing, astronomy, computer, hairdressing, etc.). Various competitions and sports competitions are held for children.

Age: 7-15 years.

Cost of the trip: 38.85 thousand rubles.

  1. , thanks to its developed infrastructure and large number of vacationers, has become ideal option for teenage children (9-16 years old).

The complex is located in the forest 20 km. from Moscow along Yaroslavskoye Highway . Every shift, children are offered an exciting entertainment program: sports competitions, competitions, concert programs and dance parties.

On the territory of the camp for children there are: dance and cinema and concert halls, an indoor swimming pool, a fire pit and sports grounds, and a football field. Excursions, horse riding, and paintball games can be organized for an additional fee.

Shift duration: 21 days;

Cost of the trip: 29.35 thousand rubles.

  1. Camp "Nano Camp" is a unique children's complex with an innovative scientific and entertainment program. This is an ideal place for intellectual children (8-15 years old) who are interested in robotics, programming, economics and other studies. During the rest, the children will be able to improve their knowledge in the field of the latest information technologies.

In addition to the rich educational program ( interesting experiments, exciting research "field" practice), for children are carried out entertainment activities, sports competitions, swimming pool, paintball, tennis court.

Shift duration: 14 days;

Cost of the trip: 38.6 thousand rubles.

  1. DOL "Energetik" is the winner of the award "Best Children's Health Resort 2010". This children's recreational complex is located in a picturesque juniper grove. near Anapa.

Throughout the shift, the guys will enjoy an exciting game, during which they will light the stars of friendship, improve their health, and conquer new heights of sports. The camp has various hobby groups (dancing, design, acting, homemade souvenirs, vocals and much more).

Age: 7-16 years;

Shift duration: 21 days;

Cost of the trip: 28.9 thousand rubles.

  1. Camp "Volna" is a children's complex located in the resort town of Anapa on the first coastline. An interesting program has been developed for children, during which they will be able to learn navigation, professional photography, modern dancing, and also develop their creative abilities.

For active recreation of children, the camp has a tennis court, a sports ground, a football field, a club with cinema equipment and a stage, a dance floor, a club room and a library.

Age: 7-16 years;

Shift duration: 21 days;

Cost of the trip: 28.5 thousand rubles.

  1. — a camp for those who want to improve their knowledge during the summer holidays in English. The complex is located in a beautiful forest near the city of Naro-Fominsk.

During their holidays, children can enjoy daily English lessons in game form, interest clubs and master classes, games, shows, competitions, sporting events, visits to the pool.

Age: 7-16 years;

Shift duration: 14 days;

Cost of the trip: 38.2 thousand rubles.

  1. Children's camp "Mandarin" is 17 days of unforgettable experiences among the picturesque nature of Crimea. Camp life is organized according to modern system Terra Unique, the child can independently plan his time: time spent at sea, activities and entertainment, within the framework of the meal schedule, time of arrival at the dining room.

Here children can feel independent and free. During the holidays, a varied, multifaceted program awaits them here: presentations, animator shows, various sport games, dance evenings, carnival, aqua show and much more.

The complex has its own children's beach, 2 swimming pools, fitness and gyms, dance floor, sports grounds, etc.

Age: 8-16 years;

Cost of the tour: 33.8 – 44.6 thousand rubles, depending on the time of arrival.

  1. Modern children's camp “I&Camp”, located in Crimea, in the village. Sandy , will satisfy all the requirements for a comfortable stay for little vacationers.

The complex has everything a child could want: swimming pools with sea ​​water and slides, a football field, a spa center, creative studios and much more. During their stay at the camp, children are expected most interesting events: hit parades, fashion shows, foam parties, concert program, sports competitions and more. The children's complex has its own beach, equipped with sun loungers, canopies and showers.

Age: 8-16 years;

Shift duration: 17 days;

Cost of the tour: 50 – 58 thousand rubles, depending on the time of arrival.

  1. Children's camp "Vita" is one of the best children's sanatorium-resort complexes in Anapa. Developed infrastructure with its own sandy beach, sports and dance floor, cinema and concert hall, dance hall, summer stage will provide your child with a good rest.

Throughout the entire shift, children will play the role-playing game “The Republic of Vitalia” is a state in which children can be elected to different positions (mayor, deputy of parliament, etc.). There is also its own labor exchange (sections, clubs, studios), where everyone can find a job to their liking, and spend the money they earn in a children's cafe or on attractions.

Age: 8-15 years;

Shift duration: 21 days;

Cost of the tour: 36.5 – 37.5 thousand rubles, depending on the time of arrival.

  1. Children's health camp "Artek" is located on south coast Crimea near the village of Gurzuf. Here your child will be able to fully relax and restore health.

Children can expect not only medical procedures, but also a rich entertainment program in the form of hobby groups, sports sections, and various festivals. The camp consists of several structural units of different directions.

Age: 9-16 years;

Shift duration: 21 days;

Cost of the trip: 35 – 60 thousand rubles, depending on the time of arrival and structural unit.

  1. Children's camp "Ogonyok" is located in a picturesque place in Sergiev Posad, not far from Lake Torbeevo.

"Ogonyok" is a modern children's camp with a tennis court, an indoor swimming pool, several sports fields, a dance floor and a cinema and concert hall. The camp program is divided into two areas (sports and science), which alternate daily. Children are expected not only sports achivments, but also scientific discoveries, interesting discussions and discussions where everyone can show their talents and skills.

Age: 9-16 years;

Shift duration: 20 days;

Cost of the trip: 31.5 thousand rubles.

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Organizing children's holidays is very important. It is important that during the summer holidays the younger generation has the opportunity to have a lot of fun, improve their health and gain strength before the new school year. The best camps in Russia provide all the opportunities for a bright children's holiday.

All-Russia Children's Center "Orlyonok"

One of the best camps in Russia is the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok", which works year-round to improve the health of students in grades 5-10 (that is, teenagers aged 11-16 years). It is located in the Tuapse region Krasnodar region, in the village of Novomikhailovka, which is 45 km from Tuapse. The total area of ​​the camp is more than 220 hectares, and the length of its own coastline is almost 4 km. IN summer time 4,500 children can relax here at the same time, and 1,200 in winter.

All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" consists of several divisions. Namely:

  • Year-round camp "Star" is a four-story building that resembles a ship. It can accommodate up to 400 people per shift. Cost - about 48,000 rubles.
  • Year-round camp "Spiritual" - the building is conveniently located next to the stadium, the palace of culture and other infrastructure facilities. The building can accommodate 420 children per shift. Cost - about 48,000 rubles.
  • Year-round camp "Storm" - the building is located in close proximity to the sea and operates in a marine concept. Up to 150 people rest here every shift. Cost - about 50,000 rubles.
  • Summer camp"Dozorny" - located on a mountainous hill surrounded by forest. Up to 100 people can relax here per shift. Cost - about 50,000 rubles.
  • Summer camp "Komsomolsky" - located away from the central part in a secluded corner of the territory. Up to 50 people can relax here per shift. Cost - about 50,000 rubles.
  • The Olympic Village cottage camp is the newest in the center's structure. This is a huge hull, reminiscent of a cruise ship. Cost - about 50,000 rubles.
  • Summer camp "Olympic" is a two-story dormitory building located at a distance from the center of the territory. Up to 250 people can relax here per shift. Cost - about 47,000 rubles.
  • Summer camp "Solnyshko" is an institution designed for recreation of children 7-10 years old. It can accommodate up to 200 people per shift. Cost - about 50,000 rubles.


About the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok", one of the best camps in Russia, you can hear the following positive feedback:

  • a huge beautiful territory on the Black Sea coast;
  • good medical center on site;
  • The work of the security service is well organized;
  • bed linen is changed once a week;
  • fairly varied meals five times a day;
  • there are about 2000 workers in the camp who take their duties very seriously;
  • good infrastructure and many interesting events.

And these negative ones:

  • in most buildings, a toilet and shower are not in each room, but on the floor;
  • the furniture in the rooms is simple and quite old;
  • children are taken away at night Cell phones;
  • high prices for vacations.

Camp "Foma"

Among them, the Foma Children's Center, located in Birobidzhan on Sovetskaya Street, 72E, is quite popular. This establishment is designed for children from 6 to 16 years old. Clean air, five meals a day, numerous sports activities - this is not all that DOL has to offer. The following thematic sessions are held here:

  • popular children's books ("The Chronicles of Narnia", "Harry Potter" and so on);
  • psychological change aimed at developing social qualities;
  • educational local history and regional studies shift;
  • change for leaders.

Reviews from vacationers

You can hear the following positive comments about DOL "Foma":

  • convenient location near the city;
  • a lot of interesting entertainment;
  • good food.

And these negative ones:

  • small area with a small amount infrastructure facilities;
  • food could be more varied;
  • The number of rooms requires updating.

Children's health resort named after Yuri Gagarin

The children's health resort named after Yuri Gagarin is rightfully considered one of the best camps in Russia. The establishment, located in the ecologically clean Stupinsky district of the Moscow region, in the village of Petrovo, has been operating since 1953, and the last reconstruction was completed in 2016. Camp all year round accepts children aged 5-17 years on holiday. The peculiarity of the establishment is the pioneer traditions that have been preserved since Soviet times.

The camp infrastructure includes the following facilities:

  • 6 dormitory buildings;
  • medical building;
  • club-dining room with a dining room, library, film and sound recording studio, classrooms;
  • summer amphitheater for 600 people;
  • indoor pool;
  • open pool;
  • sports and games room for exercise therapy, rhythmic gymnastics, ballroom dancing, as well as for game programs;
  • indoor gym;
  • table tennis;
  • sports stadium;
  • roller skating track;
  • a tourist town with a fire pit and an archery field;
  • museum of the history of the camp;
  • observatory;
  • sculptural compositions;
  • children attractions.

The cost of a 21-day trip is about 39,000 rubles.

Reviews about the health resort

You can hear the following positive reviews about the health resort named after Yuri Gagarin, as one of the best children's camps in Russia:

  • I am glad that the camp administration is trying to preserve the old pioneer traditions;
  • beautiful nature and clean air;
  • Lots of interesting entertainment and sports activities for children.

And these negative ones:

  • employees are not very attentive to children (they practically do not help them in matters of personal care);
  • buildings and infrastructure facilities are outdated;
  • 14 children live in each room, which is not entirely comfortable;
  • food could be better;
  • The procedure for visiting the first-aid post is complicated by the fact that the child must be brought there by a counselor.

Camp NanoCamp

Perhaps the best camp in Russia for intellectual children. This is an excellent opportunity to combine relaxation with educational and educational programs. Here's what we mean:

  • acquaintance with nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in a playful way;
  • conducting scientific experiments;
  • introduction to robotics;
  • teaching children computer literacy;
  • training in computer painting and web animation;
  • scientific role-playing games on the topic of electronic currencies; study of anatomy.

The camp is located in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region in the village of Polushkino. Children live in double and triple rooms. Three meals a day are served according to a fixed menu with buffet elements. The cost of a two-week shift is about 39,000 rubles.

Reviews about the camp

It’s not for nothing that NanoCamp is among the top best camps in Russia. This is confirmed by the following positive reviews:

  • convenient organization of accommodation - 4 people per room;
  • a rich program including scientific experiments, master classes and much more;
  • Teachers are involved in the training programs educational institutions;
  • in free time from educational classes, there is a lot of active entertainment;
  • beautiful well-groomed territory and many infrastructure facilities;

But there were some negative aspects: for example, on parent’s day it takes a long time to get to the camp due to traffic jams.

DOL "Energetik"

In search of the best camp in Russia at sea, you should choose the Energetik DOL. It is located in the picturesque village of Sukko on Vinogradnaya Street, 1. It is 12 km from Anapa. The institution can offer the following opportunities for high-quality and eventful children's recreation:

  • The territory of 10 hectares is surrounded by a juniper grove and is literally surrounded by greenery.
  • Modern buildings with rooms of various categories of comfort.
  • for active entertainment and sports competitions.
  • Outdoor sports grounds for playing football, basketball, volleyball, tennis and so on.
  • Spacious dining room with balanced five meals a day.
  • Specialized health care at the treatment center.
  • Convenient location relative to a well-maintained beach. The path to it runs along a picturesque shady road. Going out to sea is usually twice a day, subject to weather conditions.
  • Creative activities on interests, courses, concerts and fairs.

The cost of a 21-day tour is about 29,000 rubles.

Reviews about holidays in "Energetika"

The fact that Energetik is deservedly included in the list of the best camps in Russia is evidenced by the following positive reviews:

  • tasty and nutritious food;
  • comfortable conditions for accommodation;
  • fairly recent renovations in buildings;
  • carried out three to four times per shift interesting excursions;
  • very good staff of counselors;
  • excellent sports grounds.

But there are also negative points:

  • sick children are not isolated, so infections spread quite quickly;
  • upon arrival you have to wait about three hours to be assigned to groups;
  • Children have a very busy schedule of activities and practically no free time;
  • the water in the shower is either too hot or too cold;
  • the rooms are very stuffy;
  • the road to the sea takes more than a quarter of an hour.

Camp "Volna"

In the ranking of the best camps in Russia, the Volna children's complex takes pride of place. It is located in Anapa at 265 Pionersky Prospekt. For a complete children's holiday, the following opportunities are provided:

  • Landscaped area of ​​10 hectares.
  • Accommodation in cozy cottages with all amenities.
  • First line location with its own park area and well-maintained beach.
  • Full five meals a day.
  • Video surveillance system on site.
  • Rich animation program on the beach.
  • Daily classes in creative clubs and sports sections.
  • Show of Holi colors, soap bubbles and other popular entertainment among teenagers.
  • Evening entertainment program with shows from animators and competitions between squads.

The cost of a 21-day tour is about 28,000 rubles.

Reviews about holidays in "Volna"

It is fashionable to hear the following positive comments about the Volna camp:

  • convenient location in close proximity to the sea;
  • active and friendly counselors;
  • rich entertainment program;
  • fairly affordable prices for travel packages;
  • high professionalism of the medical center staff;
  • large and beautiful area.

And these negative ones:

  • the furnishings in the buildings are somewhat outdated and need updating;
  • the menu in the dining room is not the most delicious;
  • monotonous entertainment and clubs.

Camp "Mandarin"

One of the best for teenagers. It is located in the Bakhchisaray district of Crimea in the village of Peschanoye on Naberezhnaya Street, 11. The institution operates in accordance with the unique concept of Terra Unique, which involves children independently planning their time. Thus, they feel free and independent, but at the same time constantly busy with something.

The establishment offers the following recreational benefits:

  • interesting creative clubs, hobby studios, as well as master classes;
  • responsibility for the safety of life, health and personal property of children;
  • show programs, contests, competitions;
  • tasty and healthy five meals a day in a buffet format;
  • modern resort infrastructure.

The cost of a 17-day tour is about 40,000 rubles.

The world's first camps for children appeared in the 19th century; America became their homeland: it was in this country that the first boys from wealthy families were organized into groups for comprehensive harmonious development and the first departure from the family. They were sent to the forests and taught to survive in conditions wildlife. Today, the camp is a whole range of exciting events and a mass of highly qualified employees working day and night for educational, educational and entertainment purposes. Camps at the sea stand apart - this is quite an expensive pleasure, but the cost of the vouchers is completely compensated by the delight and children's happiness.

Today there are many types of children's camps and sanatoriums, best option The most picky citizens will be able to choose. The most popular are specialized institutions in which children's holiday skillfully combined with recreational and sports activities, interesting specialized classes and clubs that combine all the age and pedagogical needs of children.

Medical and health-improving and sanatorium-type camps

Camps in these areas focus on improving the health of campers. In addition to walks and fresh air children often attend various safe but extremely useful procedures: salt caves, paraffin therapy, mud therapy. If your child has serious medical conditions, it is best to consult with your doctor to get approval for certain procedures.

Sports camps

The main feature of this type of camp is a lot of physical activity. As a rule, children are put into groups based on the sport they play: basketball, swimming, judo, football. In addition to simple exercises, vacationers go to training and devote 2-3 hours a day exclusively to their physical fitness. The rest of the time, children, like their peers, communicate, go to events, sunbathe and have fun.

Fitness camps are considered to be a type of sports camp: the physical activity here is not so intense and is not designed for future athletes. Children are simply instilled with a love for an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and a positive attitude towards sports.

Creative camps

Creative camps develop children's abilities and help instill in them a sense of beauty. Some of the most popular destinations are dance and art camps. They organize master classes for children and expand knowledge about the creative discipline, organize various competitions and even evenings with invited celebrities in the field of bias.

Language camps

In the modern world you cannot do without knowing at least one foreign language, learning it no worse than your native one helps greatly by immersion in the language environment and mastering a complex program through the game. This concept is fully implemented in camps: as a rule, a certain topic is chosen for the period of the shift and daytime competitions and evening performances are created on its basis, during which children learn a huge layer of vocabulary without much effort.

Adventure camps

Adventure camp will be excellent option for active children who do not like to sit still. Horseback riding, hiking with tent accommodation, scuba diving, kayaking and rope courses - everyone will find something to their liking. The organizers tried to cover all possible children's entertainment, making it safe and accessible to everyone.

Rating of the best camps at sea

In order to make it a little easier to decide on a camp from a huge number of offers, a rating of the best institutions was compiled: it included only certified organizations with highly qualified staff, excellent reviews and developed infrastructure. By choosing one of the options for your child, you can be sure of have a great holiday and the child’s good mood and not worry about his safety.

Camp "Art-Quest" - Crimea, Saki.

1 shift lasts 20 days.

Type of camp: sea, creative, fitness camp.

Located on the Black Sea coast, the camp boasts not only a rich swimming program. On the contrary, the main task of the employees is to reveal the creative potential of vacationers and help in self-determination through games. By going through multi-level quests, individual and group, Art Quest students hone their logical and inventive skills, learn to work in a team, build muscle, and learn to better understand their own interests and preferences.

In addition to an extensive educational program, the camp boasts its own sandy beach, sports grounds for playing basketball, volleyball, football and even tennis, a mini-water park with water slides, a climbing wall and even an area for playing paintball. Here every child can find something to their liking.

The cost of a trip for 1 person is 46,200 to 52,900 rubles excluding transfer.


  • Availability of well-developed infrastructure;
  • Interesting program;
  • For a group of 15 people, 2 highly qualified teachers are allocated;
  • The entire territory is guarded around the clock and equipped with video cameras;
  • Availability of medical workers 24 hours a day;
  • Own water park;
  • Pupils go on excursions.


  • The cost of travel increases during the high season.

Video about the camp:

Camp "Smena" - Anapa, Sukko

Age of vacationers: from 6 to 16 years.

1 shift lasts 21 days.

Type of camp: sea, creative, recreational, sports.

Children's sanatorium and health camp Smena is located just 14 km from Anapa, on the shores of the gentle Black Sea. There are mountains next to it, which makes the climate especially favorable: soft air, low windiness, moderate humidity. Together with regular wellness procedures, the children gain health for the year ahead; the climate has a particularly favorable effect on children with diseases of the respiratory system.

In addition to exceptional benefits, the camp offers an exciting program that will not be repeated from shift to shift: it is always unique. The program for a child can be chosen individually: a huge variety allows you to satisfy any needs; the cost of the trip will depend on the chosen direction.

In any case, the “Smena” camp includes master classes and dance evenings, trips to the oceanarium and dolphinarium, a mini-water park and stables right on the camp grounds, a tennis court and championships in various sports. For children who are not inclined to active species recreation, there is a library and a room for board games. Don’t forget about your own beach, where lifeguards are on duty, making your vacation completely safe.

The cost of a trip for 1 person is 40,000 to 60,000 rubles excluding transfer.


  • Great variety of programs;
  • Comfortable rooms for 4-6 people with private facilities;
  • Developed camp infrastructure;
  • Availability of stables;
  • A large number of excursions to Anapa;
  • Individual approach to each child;
  • Qualified personnel.


  • You need to walk 20 minutes to the sea;
  • Many people note a fairly monotonous diet.

Video walk around the camp:

Children's recreation center "Start", Tuapse

  • Age of vacationers: 7-17 years;
  • Shift duration: 21 days;
  • Type of camp: sports and recreational.


  • Rooms, amenities in the room;
  • Nutrition: complete, healthy, beneficial for the child’s body;
  • Rich pedagogical program;
  • Your own beach;
  • A large area with numerous areas for active games;
  • Organized railway transfer with escort from Moscow and St. Petersburg.


  • Excursions organized by the camp are available for an additional fee;
  • High cost of travel.

Video about DOL “Chaika”:

DOL "Golden Ear" - Tuapse district, village. Novomikhalovsky

  • Shift duration: 21 days.
  • Type: health.

The Golden Ear is a sanatorium and health complex with a powerful therapeutic base. It is located in an ecologically clean area near the Black Sea; on the other hand, an area of ​​14 hectares is surrounded by a picturesque mountain range. The healing effects of air are supported by a good medical base. It is held here Spa treatment diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs. There is a hydropathic clinic with bath departments, a department of therapeutic showers, and a healing sauna. There is a mud bath, as well as physiotherapy rooms. A visit to a speleoclimatic chamber made of natural potassium-magnesium salts will be useful in the prevention of respiratory and bronchopulmonary diseases.

As for leisure activities, this is, of course, swimming on its own section of the beach, which is organized twice a day. There is an outdoor swimming pool, a football field, sports grounds for volleyball, basketball, badminton or tennis. The buildings have table tennis tables. The teaching staff organizes a variety of clubs, walks and hikes. When the weather is appropriate, concert programs and various shows are held. open air. There is the possibility of going on excursions.

The area where children live is guarded 24/7, and video cameras are installed everywhere. Children are accommodated in three-story buildings; amenities can be equipped in the room, in the block or on the floor. The room accommodates from 2 to 5 people. There are buildings designed for children to stay with their parents. Meals are five times a day.

Cost and more information can be obtained.