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» The best ceiling for the kitchen. Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen? How much does the ceiling cost?

The best ceiling for the kitchen. Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen? How much does the ceiling cost?

Stretch ceilings are no longer a luxury item. This is one of the modern and durable species finishing. Due to the variety of materials used in different rooms, including in the kitchen. But due to specific conditions, not all materials and textures are suitable. In this article we will talk about the nuances that you need to know in order to make the right choice.

Types of suspended ceilings

Structurally, a stretch ceiling is a canvas stretched over a profile that is attached to the walls. The material used is:

  1. Polyvinyl chloride film.
  2. Fabric (polyester) impregnated with polyurethane for durability.

Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Film ceilings are easier to clean from dirt. They are waterproof. If the neighbors cause a flood, the film will retain the water. After it is drained, the ceiling will return to its previous appearance.

There is no need to worry that the thin film will deform or sag due to high temperatures. PVC is heated to 70°C during installation. The temperature in the kitchen, even in the cooking area, is lower, so the film will not stretch or melt.

Vinyl sheets have a fairly wide range of colors, including dark, light and bright tones. PVC ceilings are cheaper than fabric ceilings.

The film is not without its drawbacks. The canvas is easily damaged when hit with a sharp object. Often such ceilings are damaged by a sharply ejected champagne cork. They also cannot tolerate negative temperatures: they lose elasticity and crack. The width of the canvas is relatively small: a little more than 3 meters. In a small kitchen this size is enough. And for large ones, especially those combined with dining rooms, strips have to be welded. In this case, .

PVC does not allow air to pass through. If there is insufficient ventilation, the room becomes stuffy.

The fabric is more durable and also transfers negative temperature. The width of the canvas is up to 5 meters, which allows you to make seamless ceilings. It is more environmentally friendly and breathable.

But fabric ceilings are less resistant to leaks. They cannot be washed, dry clean only. The range of colors is noticeably lower (about 20). Another difference is the cost. Price per square meter fabric cloth is approximately 2-3 times higher.

In the kitchen of an apartment or private house for permanent residence It's never as cold as it is outside. But grease and dirt accumulate on the ceiling. Therefore, a more practical choice is film. And the fabric is suitable for country house, in which they live during the warm season.

Pros and cons of suspended ceilings in the kitchen

The advantages are as follows:

  • no need to prepare the base (leveling, filling cracks, etc.);
  • durability (warranted service life - 10-15 years, real - 20-30 and even more);
  • waterproof and protected from flooding by neighbors above;
  • ease of cleaning from grease and soot (this is especially important if the kitchen has a gas stove);
  • speed of installation (a single-level ceiling is installed in 2-3 hours);
  • minimum amount of construction waste;
  • a variety of colors, the possibility of applying a pattern or image;
  • non-toxic (manufacturers for whom reputation is important are ready to confirm the safety of the material with certificates);
  • no need to tint or otherwise renew (the surface does not turn yellow).

Disadvantages include:

  • reducing the height of the room;
  • airtightness (for film);
  • higher price compared to plastered, painted or suspended ceilings (for fabric ones).

Consumer Reviews

In general, opinions about kitchen stretch ceilings are positive. A big plus is that the canvas protects from flooding by neighbors. They note such advantages as durability and ease of use.

Negative reviews arise if the installation was performed poorly. Then the canvas can stretch and sag or melt (when lighting too powerful or at insufficient distance). Therefore, you need to choose only reliable and trusted manufacturers.

Another potential cause of problems is improper care. The ceiling should not be cleaned with abrasive products. Near the surface, you need to be careful with piercing and cutting objects.

Glossy or matte - which is better?

Another classification of ceilings is based on the texture of the canvas. She may be:

  1. Matte. It scatters light and looks like a plastered surface.
  2. Glyantseva. Also called varnish or mirror. Light and furnishings are reflected in the ceiling.
  3. Satinova. Occupies an intermediate position between the previous two.

Rarely seen. The surface of the canvas is covered with a pattern or embossing, often imitating another finishing material. A textured ceiling is not suitable for a kitchen, as particles of grease, dust and soot accumulate in micro-recesses. It is more difficult to clean such a surface. Satin ceilings They also have a slight relief. Therefore, satin is not recommended for the kitchen.

The first two types of textures remain. To understand which suspended ceilings for the kitchen are better - glossy or matte, let's compare their pros and cons.


Varnish sheets are made only from PVC; the advantages and disadvantages of the material are preserved. In addition, the mirror surface is the smoothest. To clean it, you just need to wash it with a non-aggressive product. But due to the shine of the material, stains and traces of dirt are more noticeable.

A glossy ceiling in the kitchen makes it lighter and visually enlarges the space. Used in small rooms. The style is more suitable for modern interiors.


Matte ceilings are made from both fabric and film. The surface is smooth, but less smooth than a mirror. Film ones are cleaned of dirt, but are a little more difficult than gloss. But dust and stains on them are not so noticeable. But fabric sheets are not suitable - they can only be cleaned dry.

Matte stretch ceilings in the kitchen are combined with classic style interior They look more cozy and traditional. A white surface is difficult to distinguish from a painted one.

Of all the textures in the kitchen, it is preferable to use smooth and matte film. The first is better suited for a modest-sized kitchen or with gas, since combustion produces soot that is difficult to clean. The second is for a large one with an electric stove. A combination is also possible.

How to choose a suspended ceiling for the kitchen

In this case, not only practicality and texture matter. To make your home beautiful, you need to follow general style interior The ceiling covering is selected so that it matches the floor, walls and furniture. It is important to consider the size of the room.


Stretch ceilings do not have to be flat. They can consist of several levels, which are located on different heights. This is how the space is divided into separate zones. For example, for a dining room and a place for preparing food.

Multi-level ceilings Suitable only for large kitchens. Each tier takes away the height of the room. In addition, an overly complex design looks outdated and does not fit into the interior of a small room. Most often, two-level ceilings combine different textures and colors.

In low kitchens (up to 2.7 meters), only single-level structures are installed. The room is not overloaded and does not lose volume.


They do it traditionally, but tension ones can be more original. Polyvinyl chloride film is available in more than 150 shades. When choosing a color, consider the following features:

  • the darker the surface, the more strongly the environment is reflected;
  • warm colors “warm up” the kitchen, but the ceiling is visually closer and seems lower;
  • with cool colors the room appears more spacious;
  • Light colors also expand the volume, while dark colors reduce it.

Beige and yellowish tones are often chosen for kitchens. So the pollution is practically invisible.

Another way to make the ceiling unusual is photo printing. Any pattern or design is applied to the film. Over time, the image does not fade or wear off.


Incandescent lamps are not suitable for suspended ceilings. When heated strongly, the film melts. Therefore, lighting devices are used that do not emit a large amount of heat. The temperature should not exceed 60°C. Mount LED strips, fluorescent or energy-saving lamps. But even for them it is necessary to maintain a certain distance to the canvas.

Based on the type of location, kitchen lighting is divided into recessed and surface-mounted. The power of each lamp is no more than 40 W. The glass should be frosted so that the canvas does not burn out from the direct light flux.

In a small kitchen, one chandelier in the center is enough. On large spaces It is better to place the light source in each zone. They can be the same or different, the main thing is that they fit into the overall style.

Installed in the kitchen:

  • chandeliers (with energy-saving lamps);
  • Spotlights;
  • LED strips (along the edge or the entire perimeter of the ceiling);
  • fluorescent lamps.

If the ceiling is dark, especially matte, more devices will be needed. Several types are often combined. For example, a central chandelier, spotlights above the stove and worktop and LEDs along the walls. Ribbons can be colored and even change shade. The lighting mode is selected on the remote control. They should not be installed near open fire or sources of moisture (they will quickly become unusable).

Spot lighting is placed in a row, in groups or randomly. The lamps can be rotating. This allows you to more accurately regulate the light output.

The size of the chandelier is selected to suit the kitchen. In a small one, a large one will look too bulky; on the contrary, it will give little light.

Stretch ceilings produced in China, Russia and European countries are presented on the market. The former are much cheaper, but much inferior in quality. The material may even release toxic substances. It is better to choose canvases from famous manufacturers and check certificates. This is a confirmation of safety.

Among the companies producing suspended ceilings, the following have proven themselves well:

  • Clipso;
  • NewMat;
  • Barrisol;
  • Extenzo;
  • Carre Noir.

Rules for caring for suspended ceilings

The canvas needs to be cleaned when it gets dirty. IN living rooms such a need arises about twice a year or even less often. And in the kitchen, the ceiling gets more dirty, and cleaning is required more often.

Before starting work, remove all jewelry from your hands. Stone or metal can damage the canvas. This is especially dangerous for PVC film.

The method depends on the material. Only dry is suitable for fabric. Use a soft brush to gently sweep away the dirt. There is no need to press hard on the ceiling.

Vinyl is washed:

  • soapy water;
  • liquid for plastic windows;
  • other detergents without acetone and abrasive particles.

For cleaning, use a soft sponge and a cloth (preferably without lint or at least short). After washing, the ceiling is wiped dry to avoid streaks. The glossy one is additionally polished with a solution of ammonia (it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9). The dried ceiling is blotted with a napkin. After this procedure, it shines like new.

It is not difficult to care for a stretch ceiling. But the hassle can be reduced by installing a hood in the kitchen. Less splashes of grease and soot settle on surrounding surfaces. Cleaning will be needed less often.

In order to decide which ceiling is best for the kitchen, you should carefully understand the properties of each material and find out all the pros and cons of its use. At the moment, there are many materials suitable for finishing kitchen ceilings. This includes wood, the ever so popular PVC, drywall and even metal. It is especially worth paying attention to the flammability of the materials used and their resistance to humidity, as well as to temperature changes - these are the most common conditions in kitchen areas. The service life plays a significant role - it determines how long a particular coating will last.

One of the cheapest and most proven options for finishing kitchen ceilings is plaster. Decorating the ceiling in the kitchen with plaster helps prevent damage to the coating due to changes in humidity. Among the additional advantages of this finish it is worth highlighting:

  1. The plaster is not afraid of temperature changes - severe frosts, as well as suffocating heat, do not affect the coating in any way.
  2. The plastered ceiling in the kitchen can be washed countless times - this will not cause the surface the slightest harm.
  3. The low cost of this coating is also quite a significant advantage.

Plaster is the most affordable and common option for finishing the ceiling surface.

However, plaster, with quite large quantities has many advantages, in particular:

  1. Plaster gets very dirty and also has the ability to absorb grease, so such ceilings in the kitchen will have to be washed quite often.
  2. It does not protect against flooding from above, from which even a small flood will result in stains on the kitchen ceiling, or even worse - peeling plaster.
  3. Another rather significant disadvantage is that this finish strongly absorbs odors.

Plaster is a good budget option for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen. Cheap, reliable, without special effort– this option looks quite decent. However, if you plan to make the ceilings in the kitchen more aesthetic and practical, it is better to give preference not to ordinary, but to decorative plasters.


Finishing with plasterboard is an excellent option for solving the problem of how to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen, provided that it has a hood. One of the main advantages is the ability to create multi-level structures, thanks to which you can emphasize the overall design of the room. Also, due to the design features of plasterboard kitchen ceilings, the surface does not need leveling, which can significantly reduce costs.

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings - affordable and beautiful

This kitchen ceiling also has disadvantages - it cannot be washed, and if there is no hood in the room, it will quickly lose its appearance. This option is very popular due to its aesthetics, comparative budget, and the ability to significantly diversify the design.

Finishing from PVC panels is a fairly popular option due to the variety of textures, as well as ease of installation. This type of ceiling decoration in the kitchen has many advantages, in particular:

  • low cost;
  • water resistance;
  • durability;
  • ease of care.

Plastic panels - a budget option for finishing kitchen ceilings

Moreover, similar look Finishes can be easily replaced if damaged. Moreover, the damaged area is replaced, and not the entire coating, which significantly reduces the cost of repairs.

The ceiling in the kitchen made of plastic also has its drawbacks. One of them is high sensitivity to damage. Any blow, even a light one, can cause the coating to break. In addition, plastic is easily flammable, and during the combustion process it releases toxic gas, which is especially important for such a fire-hazardous room as a kitchen.

When deciding which finish to use, we must not forget about metal ceilings in the kitchen. They are quite popular due to their high strength and low cost. At the same time, there are various options execution, in particular from aluminum or other metal. Among the additional advantages of such a ceiling it is worth highlighting:

  • long service life;
  • the coating is not afraid of humidity and temperature changes;
  • This kitchen ceiling is easy to clean;
  • the material is not subject to combustion;
  • not afraid of flooding.

It is worth noting that the last point is applicable exclusively for finishing - water will not affect it in any way. But it will get into the room, so protect the interior from the consequences of flooding metal ceiling can not.

Metal panels– a practical option for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen

This choice of ceiling for the kitchen is truly reliable and practical. Metal or aluminum coatings do their job perfectly, are easy to clean, and are completely unaffected by time. However, it is quite difficult to call this type of ceiling covering environmentally friendly.

When choosing a ceiling for the kitchen, tension structures are in great demand - and for good reason. Their appearance can safely be called impeccable, and the cost has long since become affordable. The structure consists of decorative profile, to which the fabric or film is attached. Which material to choose is up to you. We will dwell in more detail on each of the types.

Fabric ceilings in the kitchen are initially considered more durable than film ceilings. Among the features of fabric options it is worth highlighting:

  1. High resistance to mechanical damage.
  2. Partial passage of water during flooding.
  3. Necessity complete replacement canvases when forced to dismantle ceilings in the kitchen.

The film version has the following characteristics:

  1. Susceptible mechanical impact, easily breaks from contact with a sharp object.
  2. It holds water, so you don’t have to worry about leaks when flooded from above.
  3. Can be removed and re-stretched many times without replacing the material (for example, to drain water and dry).

In addition, both film and fabric tension options can be matte or glossy, satin or transparent. This ceiling decoration in the kitchen has many advantages:

  • resistance to changes in humidity;
  • ease of installation;
  • possibility of installing spot lighting;
  • possibility of combination with other designs;
  • easy care.

Stretch ceilings also have their disadvantages:

  • the structure cannot be installed independently;
  • the material is exposed to sharp objects;
  • heating contributes to the deformation of ceilings, including sagging, which is especially important for the kitchen area, where temperature changes are common;
  • If the structure is severely deformed, it must be completely replaced; simply applying a patch will not work.

Painting ceilings

Many types of ceilings in the kitchen, including plaster or plasterboard, need painting. That is why the question of how to paint the ceiling in the kitchen is also quite relevant when decorating this room. You can answer it based on the requirements that are put forward. If you are not in danger of flooding, regular water-based paint will do. This ceiling covering easy to clean and, if necessary, simply refresh by applying a coat of paint. But experts advise using for kitchen premises more stable facade painting compositions that can easily withstand constant temperature changes and even a small flood.

Paint for kitchen ceilings must withstand temperature changes and wet cleaning

Other finishing options

There are quite a lot of options for finishing the ceiling at the moment. In addition to the common ones listed above, there are also exotic designs – including those made from laminate. However, such a ceiling in the kitchen is susceptible to moisture, mildew and mold and is created more for the purpose of impressing than for practical reasons. At the same time, such options are quite expensive and often do not justify their cost.

It is also worth noting whitewashing as a finishing option and polystyrene foam. But such materials can hardly boast of special aesthetic properties. Reliability and durability similar design are also small, which makes them not very popular, but, nevertheless, very affordable option. Their use can be well justified if you need temporary finishing before carrying out more extensive renovation work.

The choice of ceiling for the kitchen should be made based on the characteristics of the room, the requirements put forward for it, and, of course, the budget. Today, there are quite a lot of options for designing kitchen ceilings that correspond to both aesthetic and practical requirements, and do not require large expenses. However, it is worth remembering that for best quality installation of the finishing, it is better to entrust its installation to professionals, who will also tell you how to finish the ceiling in the kitchen in your case in the most optimal way.

To do best ceiling in the kitchen, first of all, it is necessary to take into account its practicality, for example, resistance to humidity and elevated temperatures.

Which ceiling is better to make in the kitchen - suspended, painted or plastered? What materials are preferable to use? In this article we will try to figure out how practical and durable this or that option is. Of course, it is up to the owner of the room to choose the best ceiling, but it is worth considering the features of the kitchen, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of all options.

Features of the kitchen area

The characteristics of the room influence which ceiling is best. What are they? Even though installed ventilation, in the kitchen it is impossible to avoid getting caught small quantity splashes of fat. Much more soot can accumulate if cooking is done with gas. In the kitchen, the air temperature always rises during the cooking process, while a hot stream first forms above the stove and gradually moves throughout the entire space of the room.

A properly installed hood and switched on at the right time will ensure uniform heating of the ceiling and make the air much cleaner.

High humidity is also present in the kitchen. Cooking is always associated with high air humidity, since steam is generated during cooking and never immediately escapes through ventilation.

The presence of a sink and drainage system in the kitchen also influences how practical and better it is to finish the ceiling. This means that it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a flood. From a clog that has formed in the sewer, you can find only a small puddle under the sink; no one is safe from this either. That is why, based on the ability of the finishing material for the ceiling to withstand natural disasters and other troubles, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of the best option.

Plastering, whitewashing and painting

Plaster and whitewash are not afraid of high humidity in the room from cooking. If we remember the distant past, when all buildings were whitewashed and plastered, and they served for several decades, without ever suffering from seasonal precipitation, fluctuations in humidity and air temperature.

A plastered ceiling is fireproof, but it will not save you from the possibility of a flood. At best, flooding can cause large yellow spots, and in the worst case – fallen layers of plaster. It is difficult to wash and clean plastered ceilings because they absorb all the odors and drops of grease that have fallen into them. But with the help of putty and painting, you can make the ceilings easy to clean and smooth, not absorbing moisture and other substances.

The best option for painting the ceiling surface today remains a water-based emulsion based on acrylic or silicone. In this case, the painted ceiling can be easily washed without fear of scuffs appearing on it. However, for the kitchen it is best to choose a special facade paint - it is much more resistant to any fluctuations in temperature and air humidity in this room. It is best to paint the ceiling using a roller so that the paint is distributed over the entire surface in an even layer.

Wallpapering a kitchen ceiling

An equally popular design solution nowadays is pasting with washable wallpaper. If you cover it with other hygroscopic materials, they will lose their former attractiveness after a couple of months.

  • ease of finishing;
  • cheap material;
  • the density of the canvas will hide minor surface imperfections.

If you cover the kitchen ceiling plain wallpaper, then first you need to align it perfectly. If you need to disguise uneven areas, then it is best to choose a coating with a contrasting pattern or design that does not contain symmetrical details.

Vinyl wallpaper can be washed with plain soapy water. The disadvantages of ceiling wallpaper include the fact that washable fabrics are quite heavy and very dense. As practice shows, even if you use high-quality glue and properly prepare the surface with a primer, the wallpaper will still begin to peel off after some time.

Since hot steam and air humidity are always present in the kitchen, when choosing a material for the ceiling it is also worth considering the likelihood of a flood. If such a disaster happens, water from the ceiling will flow along the joints of the panels, rendering the wallpaper unusable, which will subsequently hang in ugly rags. Ceiling wallpaper may look special, but it is better not to use them in the kitchen.

Which is better: ceiling tiles or drywall?


Ceiling tiles for the kitchen have become less popular nowadays. It has the following advantages:

  • low cost of material;
  • ease of installation;
  • by using ceiling tiles You can hide noticeable flaws on the surface.

The disadvantages include:

  • surface porosity, which makes it difficult to wash off grease;
  • The tiled ceiling does not have a very presentable appearance.


Suspended plasterboard ceilings allow the designer to be fully realized. It can create both a multi-level structure and one that hides soffits and ventilation, as well as a curved one. As a result, the kitchen ceiling will become slightly lower after installing the plasterboard sheets.

The advantage of this material is complete freedom of creativity. The disadvantages include:

  • The ability to wash drywall directly depends on what it is covered with; for example, water-based paint is very difficult to clean.
  • If flooding occurs from above, it will render the ceiling unusable and will need to be repainted.
  • Temperature changes and humidity in the kitchen often lead to the formation of cracks at the joints of sheets made of plasterboard. However, this problem can be solved by gluing with reinforcing mesh.

Although drywall is not ideal, it makes it possible to create a truly beautiful ceiling in the kitchen.

Slatted ceilings and PVC panels

Slatted ceilings and PVC panels are not very different in the method of fastening and price category. These finishing materials have approximately the same advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include the following:

  • PVC panels are easy to clean using regular detergent household chemicals. Thanks to modern cleaning products, fatty deposits and soot can be removed in a matter of minutes.
  • In the event of a flood, it is enough to wipe the ceiling and it will look like new, since water and high humidity do not cause any harm.
  • Temperature changes will also not damage the panel ceiling.
  • The slats and panels may change slightly in appearance if heated, but after cooling they will return to their original shape.

When installing PVC panels in rooms with high humidity, you should not use wood lathing. It is best if it is assembled from a galvanized profile for drywall.

The disadvantages of slatted ceilings and PVC panels include:

  • complexity of installation;
  • the ceiling loses a few centimeters in height;
  • installation of a galvanized profile as sheathing in the kitchen.

Options for suspended ceilings for the kitchen

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen have ceased to be a luxury item a long time ago. Currently, prices for them do not exceed five hundred rubles per square meter. If you take into account the small area of ​​the kitchen, then the final cost will be quite feasible, even with a modest budget. What does the choice of ceiling for the kitchen depend on? Which is better: fabric or PVC film? To answer these questions, you should first familiarize yourself with their quality in detail.

Fabric ceilings are much stronger - they cannot be damaged accidentally, and even deliberately only with great difficulty. But films made of PVC can be torn from one contact with any sharp object. Fabric ceilings are capable of letting water pass through them, while PVC can easily hold up to 150 liters per square meter.

Fabric stretch ceilings, as a rule, are installed once and cannot be dismantled. PVC structures made using the harpoon method can be repeatedly removed, dried and reinstalled. This type of ceiling for the kitchen is much more suitable, despite the fact that it is less durable.

The ceiling in the kitchen, like the walls or floor, is the background and basis for creating a harmonious interior. If in Soviet times It was difficult to imagine any other finishing method other than whitewashing, but now designers will offer options for any style, for every taste and budget.

What is important to consider when choosing a finishing method?

  1. Ceiling height and kitchen area. In small kitchens in Khrushchev-era buildings, for example, voluminous hanging structures are unlikely to be appropriate. Although already big square combined-kitchen living room in the same standard series houses allows you to make two-level ceiling with a minimum profile distance from the original base.

A multi-level suspended ceiling can be made in a spacious kitchen with a height of more than 2.5 m

On a note! According to the new standards set out in SNiP, the ceiling height should not be less than 2.5 or 2.7 m (depending on the climatic region). In new comfort-class buildings this parameter is 2.7-2.8, in business-class houses and luxury housing it can reach up to 3.2 m.

  1. Microclimate of the room. Humidity level temperature regime will influence the choice finishing materials.

Important! The installed ceiling structure should not interfere with ventilation and free air exchange in the room. If violated, it can change the microclimate in the room, which can lead to troubles such as the formation of fungus and mold.

Which ceiling is better? See this video in detail with an overview of all the advantages and disadvantages of different materials:

1. Whitewash

Long known traditional version, which will require minimal cash outlay. All you need to do is dilute it in the right proportions lime or chalk, water and other auxiliary elements.

Whitewashing is one of the most environmentally friendly ways finishing.

It is believed that whitewashing, from its very name, implies White color. But the solution can be tinted by adding various pigments to it, for example, the usual blue (to give it a blue or blue color).

Despite its availability, such finishing is inferior to other, more optimal ones, both in terms of price-quality ratio and in terms of the effort expended. Whitewashing will not hide unevenness and defects. To obtain desired result, it is necessary to complete a series preparatory stages– cleaning of old coating, removal of dirt and dust. Crevices and other irregularities must be covered with putty solution before whitewashing.

Whitewashing is not practical in terms of service life. You cannot wash a whitewashed surface, and regular contamination with grease and food particles during cooking (which is inevitable) will force you to frequently renew the finish. Lime is also intolerant of moisture.

2. Painting

Compared to the previous option, this one is more durable. Water-based paint is sold in a convenient, ready-made form in plastic buckets. Can be matte or glossy.

The advantage of painting with water-based emulsion is that in most cases such a ceiling can be washed after finishing. Considering that in the kitchen due to high humidity and frequent contamination, the finishing will still quickly lose its attractive appearance, it needs to be updated regularly.

The texture is denser than that of lime or chalk mortar, which allows for a more even application without sagging or streaks, but before painting you still need to go through the same steps as for whitewashing - cover up cracks, level, sand off the old coating, remove dirt and dust, pre-selectively paint over complex, bright spots that may show through after painting the entire surface.

3. Styrofoam tiles (foam plastic)

One of the most common design options, losing relevance in Lately, and at times bordering on bad taste. Expanded polystyrene tiles often have a design that imitates antique-style stucco.

The desire to create an outwardly expensive and exquisite interior using cheap materials and imitations rarely gives a positive result.

Although high-quality and expensive tiles may still be appropriate in country style.

Buyers may be attracted not only by the price, but also by the opportunity to save money on the work of a master and time on repairs. It is simply and quickly attached to the ceiling using special glue and hides bright spots that can show through paint or whitewash.

Attention! Styrofoam tiles can hide small defects in the form of cracks, but they will not disguise unevenness or protrusions, and the design of the material itself will only further emphasize the imperfections of the surface.

Another disadvantage of such tiles is that over time they absorb grease and dirt. Although it can be washed, it is difficult to clean the multiple seams and curves perfectly.

On a note! A quick way to update a ceiling trimmed with foam tiles is to paint or whitewash directly over the material.

4. Stretch ceiling

  • matte. Universal option for any design;
  • glossy. More suitable for interiors in art deco or high-tech style.

The latter is able to visually extend the kitchen space.

Matte stretch ceiling

Ceiling with glossy design

This is acceptable in small kitchens with low ceilings, because... can be installed as close to the base as possible – up to 5 cm.

This option has great design possibilities - you can choose a color, a pattern, make photo printing to order, and arrange lighting without any problems.

In a kitchen with low ceilings and small area it is necessary to use very narrow ceiling borders or do without them altogether.

The most important advantage of this finishing method is that it produces perfect flat surface, masking even the most complex defects.

The most common and most cost-effective material option is PVC film. This ceiling can be washed. Fabric is used less frequently. The price also depends on the design.

5. Suspended ceiling

Attached to aluminum profiles(metal frame). Drywall is used as the main material. Plastic panels and lining can be used for cladding.

Ceiling decoration in a private house

This ceiling can be perfectly combined with other finishing options. For example, there are combinations with tension.

This design method is not limited in design possibilities.

With this design you can do original lighting. Its stepped nature can zone the kitchen-living room space.

You can not bring the lamps outside, but make a glass, stained glass ceiling with lighting.

A suspended structure cannot be installed in a very small kitchen, in a kitchen with low ceiling. The best place to install it is a spacious kitchen-living room.

The material is relatively easy to work with plasterboard, it is environmentally friendly and inexpensive. Ready design Can be painted or wallpapered.

6. Rack and pinion

The materials used are wood, aluminum or plastic.

May be open or closed type. For the kitchen it is necessary to make a slatted ceiling with closed seams.

7. Made from plastic panels

Expensive PVC panels are non-toxic, durable and less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which means they will retain their attractive appearance longer. Can be matte or glossy. The first option is preferable for both practical and aesthetic reasons.

High quality plastic can adequately imitate wood without looking tasteless and cheap.

8. Cassette

The prepared frame is sheathed with cassettes - square slabs of aluminum or galvanized metal, chipboard, glass with dimensions ranging from 300 to 300 mm.

The mirror cassette ceiling looks beautiful. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this design option is more troublesome to maintain.

9. Decorative plaster

The modern composition is excellent for finishing a kitchen space, because... resistant to moisture and protects the surface from fungus. Experienced master maybe with the help decorative plaster create beautiful drawing. Using a master class from a video on the Internet, you can also create a simple pattern yourself.

Concrete plaster

10. Wallpaper

Considering that in the kitchen there will always be accumulation from the stove hot air and evaporation, no guarantee can be given for the long service life of this finishing option. But wallpaper is cheap and easy to apply. Among them big choice both in color and pattern, and in texture.

Better suited for the kitchen vinyl wallpapers that can be washed.

Comparison table for choosing the best option

The following table will help you make your choice.

Finishing method

Affordable price

Low ceiling

DIY finishing

Masking defects

Life time

Can be washed


Foam tiles



Decorative plaster

Do not forget also that the ceiling design should be in harmony stylistically and in color with the overall interior design. A white or milky matte ceiling remains a universal and win-win option.

For many of us, the kitchen is the central room in the house or apartment, where we not only prepare food and eat, but also welcome guests. Traditionally, the kitchen is the face of the home. We are used to assessing the comfort of a home based on the state of the kitchen. The high technology of the kitchen space leaves its mark on the level of design and quality interior decoration. How to do beautiful ceiling in the kitchen, taking into account design features premises, what technology to use - questions to which you often have to look for answers on your own.

The problem is that, from a functional point of view, not every finishing material will behave appropriately in the kitchen. The kitchen ceiling in this aspect has special requirements, taking into account special conditions operation and high technology of kitchen premises. In order to resolve the issues raised, let’s consider the existing options. Which option in each individual case is more economical, practical and will most accurately emphasize the design features.

Technological features of the kitchen

If there are certain restrictions for interior finishing work in an apartment, then in the kitchen they appear in all their beauty. It is not for nothing that the most expensive materials are used to decorate the kitchen, and the emphasis is on using the most reliable technologies. There is always a complex, unique microclimate in the kitchen. The main reason for this situation is the high intensity of use of the kitchen space and the heavy technological load. A working gas stove provides a high temperature, compared to other rooms in the house. Electric stoves They work as heating devices, maintaining a high temperature in the room.

On a note: The temperature in the kitchen is on average 2-3 degrees higher than in the rest of the apartment. The humidity in the kitchen sometimes reaches 100%.

Cooking becomes the reason high level humidity in the kitchen. Evaporation includes not only water vapor, but also a number of microelements that settle on all surfaces and on the ceiling inclusive. Fats and carcinogens become integral elements of the kitchen atmosphere. The ceiling in the kitchen becomes a place where the results of our activities and household activities accumulate. Not all surfaces can withstand such loads, not to mention the physical properties of finishing structures.

In addition to the special physical and climatic processes occurring in the kitchen, this room has the highest technological intensity in the house. Gas and electric heating devices, kitchen Appliances, ventilation equipment and lighting fixtures are concentrated in a small area. Don’t discount the owners’ desire to install a beautiful and comfortable furniture. All these aspects become decisive in terms of choosing an option. Beauty and functionality are key factors that will have to be considered moving forward.

What decorative options for ceilings in the kitchen can be used?

To a greater extent, the quality of finishing of the kitchen space is influenced by financial side. Typically, up to 30% of the total budget allocated for apartment renovations is spent on kitchen equipment. However, if the situation with the flooring and walls looks quite simple and clear, you will have to spend the lion’s amount of the funds allocated for repairs on finishing the ceiling. Traditionally used for finishing ceilings the following types decor:

  • whitewashing or painting;
  • wallpapering the ceiling;
  • suspended ceiling systems;
  • plastic structures;
  • slatted ceilings;
  • stretch ceiling.

All of the listed options for finishing the ceiling part are eligible for implementation and, to some extent, allow solving the main problem. Which ceiling is faster and better to make in your kitchen is a question for the inhabitants of the house. If you have the means, pay attention to expensive finishing options and vice versa. If there is a shortage of finances, you can get by budget options finishing of ceilings in the kitchen, which are no less practical, comfortable and aesthetic.

For the kitchen, the practicality of the ceilings is especially important. Intensive use of this room can turn even the most original and expensive design into something gray, dirty and faceless. The ceiling requires constant care. Ceiling structures must be accessible to regular cleaning and cleaning, thanks to which you can extend the life of the kitchen interior.

For reference: a good ceiling should be cleaned and washed at least once or twice a year. For washing ceilings, ordinary detergents without adding substances and components harmful to human health to the internal atmosphere.

Pros and cons of cheap kitchen ceiling design options

You choose each design option for the ceiling parts for your own kitchen yourself. Here you should not skimp on technology and materials. Each situation brings forward its own technological requirements to the ceilings, so we will consider all possible methods and finishing options.


The easiest way to quickly solve the problem of finishing the ceiling in your own kitchen is to whitewash it. The method is not so popular today due to the lack of high aesthetic properties.

For reference: in countries Western Europe owners of private houses and cottages continue to use whitewash to treat ceiling structures. This is especially noticeable in rural areas, where compliance with sanitary standards and the environment is very important.

To complete the picture, it should be recalled what advantages whitewashed ceilings in the kitchen have. The advantages of this finishing option include:

  • cheapness and availability of material (chalk or lime);
  • simplicity and speed of implementation painting works;
  • environmental safety of the whitewashed surface.

The disadvantages of whitewashing include such properties as the rapid soiling of the whitewashed ceiling and inexpressive aesthetic properties. This processing method is suitable for dacha option.


Along with whitewashing, painting ceilings is also considered the most accessible, fastest and cheapest way to finish ceiling surfaces in kitchen areas. For comparison, a white, painted ceiling in the kitchen will cost three or four times less than plastic structures and even cheaper if we talk about suspended ceiling systems.

A freshly painted ceiling looks fresh and beautiful in the kitchen. For these purposes, water-based or acrylic paints. The latter material is more relevant due to the high manufacturability of the painted surface. Paint and varnish materials for acrylic base durable and easy to maintain. Acrylic painting is easy to clean from soot and grease deposits. If desired, you can always supplement this finishing option with hanging structures or by changing the color of the painted ceiling, add new notes to the kitchen interior.

The disadvantages of painting are its fragility. When exposed to high temperatures and high humidity, almost any (acrylic paints are an exception) painted ceiling will begin to crack.

On a note: Water-based paint fades within a year, losing up to 50% of the brightness of its original color.

In addition, painted surfaces are highly susceptible to water. If the apartment is flooded from above, you will have to repaint the entire ceiling. It will not be possible to repair damaged areas locally. What kind of ceiling to make, whitewashed or painted, is up to you. Both options can be considered temporary solutions. Over time, you can improve the design of the ceiling surface in the kitchen through the use of other finishing materials.

Using wallpaper

In parallel with whitewashing and painting, today you can often find ceilings in kitchens covered with washable wallpaper. It's quite cheap and quick way transform your own kitchen. Surface defects are easily hidden by new wallpaper, but such a surface is very susceptible to contamination. Cleaning vinyl wallpaper is quite simple. For this purpose, ordinary detergents are used.

Important! Wallpaper is necessary in in this case use only detergents vinyl based. Otherwise, your ceiling will soon turn into a dirty stain throughout the entire kitchen.

The disadvantage of this option is the problem of gluing the ceiling itself. Thick wallpaper with glue applied is inconvenient for installation at heights. Constant humidity and heat can cause peeling of wallpaper from the base surface and divergence of seams at the joints.

Summing up the options for cheap finishing of ceilings in the kitchen, we can draw the appropriate conclusion. The listed methods are very convenient for local solution of the problem. Given the normal condition of the base surface and traditional methods of lighting in the kitchen, whitewashing, painting and wallpapering can be considered acceptable options.

Other ceiling design options

The desire to make a real picture out of the kitchen, a business card of your apartment, brings to the fore more complex and expensive types of design of ceiling surfaces. New ceiling to your own kitchen, which is better, which is worse - two-level or tension, depends on the goals and objectives.

Plasterboard ceilings

Suspension systems are the most common today. Using plasterboard for these purposes, you can create the most intricate shapes and configurations on the ceiling. Due to the high technological properties of plasterboard, it becomes possible to implement almost any design solution. There is plenty of room here to decorate the ceilings. By constructing many levels, you can easily solve the problem of zoning the kitchen space and install additional lighting.

Due to suspended structure you can easily hide all the imperfections and defects of the base surface, hide existing communications. This design option is suitable for large kitchen areas.

Important! For suspended ceilings Only moisture-resistant drywall is used in the kitchen.

Slat ceilings

You can sew up an old and ugly ceiling in the kitchen with lamellas. when finishing kitchen ceiling surfaces in cottages and country houses. Commonly used wooden slats or combined systems— wood + plastic panels.

Such designs can be open or closed, with metal, glossy or matte surfaces. If desired, such ceilings can be made mirrored. Today there are all the conditions to implement this option. Ready-to-assemble slatted ceilings are commercially available today.

Plastic panels are the most affordable and beautiful option

PVC panels have become very popular lately. Due to the variety of shapes and colors, you can create very original, simple and at the same time, very reliable, ceiling structures. Plastic ceiling for the kitchen is:

  • stylish and fashionable;
  • convenient and practical;
  • quite cheap and effective.

On a note: plastic ceiling surfaces waterproof and durable. With normal maintenance, plastic can last 10-15 years without visible deterioration in physical and external properties.

The only disadvantage of plastic structures is their high degree of fire hazard. When burned, plastic releases a huge amount of harmful components.

Installation plastic panels can be done with your own hands by installing in parallel in in the right places additional lamps.


Which ceiling is best for the kitchen and for you - decide for yourself. Assess your own financial capabilities and technological need for a particular design option. Tensile structures, despite his visual appeal, are a very expensive pleasure. However, for most residents of large houses and estates, this option is quite feasible. From everything listed and written, the following conclusions can be drawn.