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» Sberbank asset management for private clients. Sberbank - asset management, mutual funds for individuals and legal entities. Mutual Funds of Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank asset management for private clients. Sberbank - asset management, mutual funds for individuals and legal entities. Mutual Funds of Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank Asset Management is one of the most productive and significant management companies in Russia. It began its history in 1996 and is undoubtedly the founder of the field of securities management in Russia. Over the impressive period of its existence, the organization has overcome many crisis situations and was able to maintain and strengthen its leading position in this industry. At the moment it can provide its clients wide range investment services. Such a high position was achieved thanks to the professionalism of the employees, each of whom has at least ten years of experience in this industry. An article on the site will tell you what assets are in Sberbank and how they are managed.

From 1996 to 2012 the company was independent organization Troika Dialogue. During its existence, it developed rapidly. In 2001, it began offering its clients all major groups of mutual funds. In 2003, the organization was chosen to control the funds of the Russian Pension Fund. From 2004 to 2007, Troika Dialog achieved leadership in the field of regulation of mutual funds. In 2009 and 2010, during the market recovery after the crisis, he completed frozen projects and implemented new ideas. In 2011 and 2012, the organization begins to operate under a new name in connection with the acquisition by Sberbank of 100% of the company's shares.

Sberbank asset management - mutual funds

The abbreviation PIF stands for “Mutual Investment Fund”. This is a more profitable alternative to bank deposits, one of the methods of increasing your funds. Its essence is that the money of all investors is pooled into a specially created fund, after which he can purchase securities. In order to become an investor, you need to buy fund shares (shareholder's share). Accordingly, in order to get out of it, you need to sell these shares.

The company's mutual funds operate stably and generate income. These include classic (stocks, bonds) and specialized (sector, country).

Everyone who decides to increase their capital by investing money chooses the mutual fund that is suitable for them, based on the ratio of the desired profit and the expected risk. If you cannot make a choice, financial specialists are always ready to help you.

Open Investment Fund "Residential Real Estate" - specializes in increasing capital through the sale of apartments purchased while they have not yet been completed. The emphasis here is on price changes in the real estate market. The investment mechanism is as follows: after the construction company receives a construction permit apartment building, The mutual fund acquires the rights to participate in the construction, then after completion of construction it sells these apartments at a more favorable price. Residential real estate in Moscow and the Moscow region comes under attention; investments are made for a period of one to two and a half years.

Sberbank asset management - Ilya Muromets

This is the largest Russian market Mutual Fund specializes in making a profit justified by changes in the exchange rate of securities offered by domestic issuers and having a clearly defined profitability and low probability of risk. It invests in bonds only from domestic issuers with adequate credit quality and above-average payment stream terms. Bonds that have the potential to increase in value are taken into account. The initial purchase can be made in the amount of 15,000 rubles, additionally - from 1,500, while the profit will be 1.5% of the average annual rate, the possibility of losses is low.

Specializes in making a profit from investing in shares owned by domestic communications companies. As is the case with other issuers, shares of telecom operators, enterprises specializing in information technology etc. have a high degree of risk of reduction in value. Therefore, experts carefully study everything possible options changes in their prices, on the basis of which further investment occurs. The minimum initial cost of shares is 15,000 rubles, additional - from 1,500, profit - 3.2% of the average annual price, the probability of capital loss is above average.

Open investment fund "Balanced" - bonds have a low risk of depreciation, but at the same time low yield. Stocks, on the contrary, provide high returns with a high degree of risk. The Balanced Mutual Fund is aimed at generating profit from transactions with both those and other securities of domestic issuers, which ensures a balance between risk and profitability. Funds are optimally distributed between investments. The ratio of securities in the fund's portfolio may change depending on the market situation. Initially, you can purchase shares in the amount of 15,000 rubles, additionally - from 1,500, the profit is 3.1% of the average annual rate, the possibility of losses is average.

Specializes in long-term profit generation from transactions with shares of domestic issuers that provide services of Internet portals, online stores, and also provide Internet access. This market area is constantly evolving, so investing in it can be very profitable business, and what is more important - long-term. The fund's portfolio may include securities of small and large companies that have established themselves as leaders in their market spectrum. The initial purchase of shares is made in the amount of 15,000 rubles, additional - from 1,500, the profit is 3.2% of the average annual cost, the possibility of losses is high.

Open Investment Fund "Money Market Fund" is specialized in generating income from investing in bonds with a short duration, owned mainly by domestic issuers with a good credit history. This path is recommended for investors aimed at long-term investment with low income. The initial purchase of shares is made in the amount of 15,000 rubles, additional - from 1,500, the income is 0.5% of the average annual price, the probability of capital loss is low.

UK Sberbank asset management - trust management

Investing is a difficult task and requires full dedication and certain skills. Otherwise, the possibility of losing invested capital increases and the effectiveness of investments decreases. To ensure a stable high income, you can entrust your financial transactions to a specialist from an organization that has been providing these services since 1996 and is a leader in its field.

Sberbank asset management - pension savings

In 2003, the Russian Ministry of Finance selected the most suitable organization that could provide trust management of pension savings. The winner was Sberbank Asset Management. At the moment, it is one of the leaders in the number of pension savings under control. The activity is aimed at increasing finances in the long term. This is achieved through careful selection of securities for the portfolio that have top quality and potential for exchange rate growth. You can always find out about the situation with investing your pension savings at the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence.

Asset management - mutual funds of Sberbank of Russia - is carried out by the Sberbank Asset Management company, formerly known as the Troika Dialog company. This company is the founder of the investment industry in our country, possessing enormous experience and statistical data on fund returns collected over a more than 20-year period.

Sberbank mutual funds and their features

under the control of Asset Management, have different returns. It completely depends on what shares are included in the portfolio, so Sberbank offers to select an individual portfolio, depending on our expectations, the amount invested and risk appetite. The bank is ready to offer already formed portfolios that have confirmed a stable level of profitability. Profit directly depends on the size of assets and exchange rates.

We have the right to buy any number of mutual fund shares (except for closed-end funds). Shares can be issued as a gift or specified in a will. The main advantage of shares is diversification, i.e. The invested funds of the shareholder are invested not in one company, but in several at once. This allows you to significantly reduce the level of risk: when some shares fall in price, others rise. Thus, we can conclude that there are different degrees of risk and return for different stocks. Risky stocks with maximum profitability increase income, while stable but less profitable stocks cover the risks of the former if they do not make a profit.

Advantages of investing in mutual funds at Sberbank

Investing in Sberbank mutual funds involves:
  • individual approach to portfolio formation;
  • the opportunity to invest in finished products, which is offered by Asset Management - Mutual Funds of Sberbank of Russia;
  • Fund management is carried out by high-class professionals. The Sberbank Asset Management team includes: economists, lawyers, analysts, financial experts who are ready to provide their clients with maximum assistance in increasing the return on assets;
  • the ability to constantly monitor stock price fluctuations, access to current data on quotes and statistics, including online;
  • the ability to manage mutual funds remotely using special services.

Types of mutual funds of Sberbank

Today Sberbank offers a choice of more than 20 mutual funds of various types. The funds differ from each other in their degree of reliability, but they all assume an increase in profitability indicators only in the long term.

One of the most popular mutual funds is Ilya Muromets - the oldest fund of Sberbank, founded back in 1996. It includes government bonds of Russian state-owned companies with a minimal level of risk and high profitability. The funds also include in small shares some bonds that have upward trends, but have a certain degree of risk. The selection of a specific portfolio is made on the basis of careful analysis, which allows you to make investments as profitable as possible.

Operating funds in Sberbank

Asset management - mutual funds of Sberbank of Russia in in this case- structured and includes securities of companies operating in the following industries:
  • finance - 21,9 % ;
  • state - 17,9% ;
  • oil and gas - 10,1% ;
  • mechanical engineering - 9,4% ;
  • transport - 7,3% ;
  • real estate - 7,3% ;
  • metallurgy - 6,9% .
Sberbank Asset Management recommends forming a portfolio with a larger share of bonds of companies operating in profitable areas of business. Preference can also be given to those companies that operate in rapidly developing industries, such as trade, manufacturing, and mobile communications. At the same time, the portfolio is formed only by companies focused on the domestic market:
  • retail trade (retailing) - 73 % ;
  • Common consumption goods - 25 % ;
  • financial resources - 1 % .

Which investment sectors are the most profitable?

A promising mutual fund that can be used since 2013 is the Eurobond. This portfolio consists of securities of Russian companies and enterprises of CIS countries. The profitability of this mutual fund is stated in foreign currency, and the increase in profitability is significantly higher than for foreign currency bank deposits.
The mutual fund is diversified by including securities with different market value growth. The structure of the Eurobond fund is as follows:
  • finance - 39,6% ;
  • telecommunications - 27,2% ;
  • oil and gas - 13,5% ;
  • cash - 10,2% .

Mutual Fund Biotechnology in Sberbank

Another promising fund that Asset Management can recommend is the mutual funds of Sberbank of Russia Biotechnology, associated with investing money in an actively developing industry. Analysts believe that this industry is little exposed to economic risks; its products in the form of pharmacological and biotechnological drugs are always in demand.
Funds are invested in the iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF. Asset Management specialists advise choosing this fund as the most promising and reliable. One of the fastest-growing ones is the Global Internet Mutual Fund, which includes shares of companies operating on the Internet. This direction is assessed today as very promising.

How to buy mutual funds at Sberbank?

To purchase mutual funds at Sberbank, you must personally come to any bank branch and inform the employee of your intention. It is better to notify about your arrival in advance so that an appropriately qualified specialist will be on site. The purchase of shares occurs as follows:
  1. Consultation with a Sberbank specialist. Expressing your wishes and expectations regarding the level of profitability, acceptable risks, etc.
  2. Selection of securities or selection from the presented mutual funds.
  3. Filling out an application for the purchase of shares.
  4. Depositing funds. This can be done by transferring from the account or depositing cash. A commission of 1% is charged for the operation - when investing less than 3 million rubles; 0.5% - over 3 million rubles.

As of today, Sberbank has reduced the limit on the purchase of shares. You can become a shareholder by investing from 15 thousand rubles. It is permissible to deposit funds into the account as needed. The minimum contribution is 1000 rubles.

Sberbank offers the following mutual funds

The mutual funds offered by Sberbank are very diverse:
  • Ilya Muromets;
  • Eurobonds;
  • Prospective bonds;
  • Telecommunications and Technology;
  • Natural resources etc.
You can control your investments in your Personal Account. You must access it in advance.

You can close your account and withdraw your savings at a bank branch.

Accounts can be closed at any time by at will. When withdrawing funds, a commission is charged in the amount of 1-2% , depending on the investment period. When closing an account after 2 years, no commission is charged.

How to properly manage video assets

Sberbank Asset Management is one of largest companies trust management in the Russian market. The company has developed many investment strategies that differ in the ratio of profitability and risk.

Sberbank mutual funds are an opportunity to start investment activities even with a small amount. A mutual fund participant receives passive income without performing any actions and without having special knowledge in investing and risk management.

The minimum amount for participation in Sberbank mutual funds is 15,000 rubles. At the same time, you can buy, sell or exchange your share at any time without any restrictions. Operations with mutual fund assets are carried out by Sberbank Asset Management JSC.

Today, Sberbank Asset Management occupies a leading position in the market of trust management services, owning the most a large share market of open and interval mutual funds.

Sberbank UA works with private and institutional investors. Private investors include individuals who have made an investment in one of the mutual funds. Institutional investors are brokerage companies and fiduciaries who operate in the securities market.

A mutual investment fund is a form of collective investment of funds, which are subsequently directed to the trust management of the company. Depositors' funds are used to carry out transactions on the securities market (stocks, bonds) and other assets.

The purpose of investing is to generate income by increasing the market value of these assets.

Which mutual fund to choose?

Today, Sberbank UA manages 19 open-end mutual investment funds and 3 closed-end real estate mutual funds, including the Ilya Muromets Bond Fund, Risky Bond Fund, Global Internet Fund and others.

All mutual funds offered by Sberbank Management are divided into groups according to the ratio of profitability and risk:

  • conservative segment;
  • balanced segment;
  • aggressive segment.

Mutual funds of the conservative and balanced segments offer moderate profits with a high degree of protection of the deposit from losses. Mutual funds of the aggressive segment can bring the unit owner a rapid increase in profitability with a high risk of profitability drawdown.

On the official website of Sberbank UA you can use special form to select an investment fund based on knowledge of financial instrument management, investment period and investment goals of the investor.

Profitability of funds managed by Sberbank UA JSC

The returns of the funds are reflected on the official website of Sberbank Asset Management and depend on the management strategy of a specific mutual fund. It is worth noting that past performance does not determine future returns. Profitability may vary depending on the state of the market and the economy as a whole. Sberbank UA JSC does not guarantee the return on investments, since such a guarantee is prohibited by law.

Advice: Don't invest all your money in one mutual fund. Distribute them in order to diversify risks across several areas of investment.

An investment share is a valuable registered security that confirms the owner’s right to a share of the mutual fund’s property. The share exists in a non-documentary form, that is, ownership of the share is based on an electronic entry in the register of share owners. Confirmation of share ownership is an extract from the register indicating the number of shares purchased and their value. The value of a mutual fund's assets may decline, thus the returns of the funds in certain periods may be negative.

It is important to understand that investing in mutual funds is a long-term investment of available funds. Therefore, if the profitability of a mutual fund decreases during a certain period, this is not a reason to sell the unit. Returns on mutual funds are calculated for the future.

The average return on mutual funds is 8-10% per annum with minimal risks. The cost of one share is calculated daily, based on the value of the mutual fund’s property.

By purchasing a share, an investor becomes the owner of investment shares. An upward change in the value of shares will mean the owner's potential opportunity to make a profit.

The owner of a share in an investment unit cannot receive interest or dividends from his investment. You can make a profit (loss) only when you sell your share. Profit is calculated based on the difference in the value of the share at the time of its purchase and sale.

Is it worth investing in Sberbank Asset Management mutual funds?

Most people believe that investing is only possible if you have a large amount of money, special knowledge and constant monitoring of the economic situation. Many Russians, taught by the bitter experience of the 90s, are in no hurry to part with their money and invest it in mutual funds. Only a few open in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, and other banks participate in

Coming soon.

Enables new and existing clients to buy, redeem and exchange units of mutual investment funds (UIFs), and receive detailed information about all components of your investment portfolio (mutual fund shares, funds in trust management and on an individual investment account), as well as reports on investment results, independently change your personal data as the owner of mutual fund shares and see the entire history of your transactions ( approx. editors: on IIS, in the management company “Sberbank Asset Management” today, you cannot buy shares of mutual funds).

This service can be used by users who have an account on the federal government services portal.

Coming soon in personal account The client will have the opportunity to remotely transfer shares of closed mutual funds to the account of the nominal holder, which will make their subsequent sale on the exchange possible. A service for remote opening of an individual investment account, a service for choosing a trust management strategy and concluding an agreement will also become available. In the first half of this year, it is planned to introduce a personal financial planning service.

What other companies operate online?

Recently, one of the VTB Group companies announced the launch of remote purchases of mutual funds. Starting from December 29, 2016, purchase, exchange and redeem shares of open and interval mutual funds managed by VTB Capital Asset Management JSC. It is also known that Alfa Capital Management Company has implemented a service for purchasing mutual funds in one click, however, this is currently available only to Alfa-Bank clients ( approx. editorial staff: IISs in Alpha have been opened remotely for a long time).

Today, very few management companies work with online account registration services. It is known that in addition to the companies mentioned above, remote identification is carried out by LLC Management Company “Ingosstrakh - Investments”, in which you can open an IIS, but so far without mutual funds. The only company through which you can buy mutual funds on IIS is Aton. An agreement with IC “ATON”, and she uses the IIS to buy mutual funds of MC “Aton - Management”. They also have an online opening.

JSC Management Company Sberbank Asset Management

LLC Management Company “Sberbank Asset Management” has been operating in its current form since November 2012, after the acquisition of the largest private investment company “Troika Dialog” by the Sberbank holding company and its merger with the asset management business of the state bank. The company is one of the largest on the market. Below are some data to evaluate the scale of the business.

There is no data on open IIS and on them.

What tools does the Sberbank management company offer for private investors?

“Sberbank Asset Management” has a lot of interesting products in its arsenal. These are 20 mutual funds, 2 strategies for individual investment accounts and many proposals for trust management of money, both for very large and medium amounts.

We will focus on the first two options. About the “Dollar Bonds” strategy ( approx. editors: for IIS), we recently wrote in, where we chose foreign exchange products on the stock market, but nothing has been said about mutual funds for a long time. After studying the situation, we found several good entrances. By this term, we mean the presence of a significant drawdown in the profitability chart of an asset that has historical data for at least 3 years. Also, when making recommendations, we correlate them with our own understanding of market dynamics and beliefs. There are 7 mutual funds in total that are in a decent (12-20%) drawdown from the highs, but we have identified 3 of the most interesting, from our point of view, instruments.

The management company Sberbank Asset Management is one of the leaders in the investment market. The company manages pension savings in non-state pension funds, assets of insurance companies, mutual investment funds, assets of banks and individuals, funds federal budgets.

Sberbank Management Company offers services to investors

  • Asset management through mutual funds;
  • Financial planning;
  • Maintaining IIS.

Sberbank Asset Management is considered the strongest team with unique knowledge that allows it to use several management strategies - from balanced to aggressive.

Sberbank management statistics:

  • The company manages more than 523 billion rubles;
  • 95,000 private clients;
  • Market share of open-ended mutual investment funds – 24.8%;
  • Reliability rating – AA+ (the highest, according to Expert RA);
  • The company manages 20 open mutual funds.

The company cooperates with foreign and Russian brokers, which allows it to obtain good price conditions for executing transactions. Own analytical team with great experience management of state assets and money of organizations will help you increase your savings through smart investing in mutual funds.

Asset management through mutual funds

Sberbank Management Company offers a wide range of funds - from classic to sector and country:

  • Open-end bond funds (Ilya Muromets, Advanced Bond Fund, Eurobonds, Global Debt Market);
  • Open-end equity funds (Dobrynya Nikitich, Natural Resources and Electricity, etc.);
  • Open fund mixed investments(Balanced);
  • Open mutual fund of Sberbank funds (asset management of the fund America, Europe, Emerging Markets, Global Engineering, Gold Biotechnology);
  • Real estate EPIPHS (Residential, Commercial, Rental business).

Most mutual funds demonstrate high annual returns:

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