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» Wiring diagrams for solid fuel boilers. Kinds. Operating principle. How to piping a solid fuel boiler Trimming a solid fuel heating boiler Cooper diagram

Wiring diagrams for solid fuel boilers. Kinds. Operating principle. How to piping a solid fuel boiler Trimming a solid fuel heating boiler Cooper diagram

  1. What is harnessing, its tasks and types
  2. Tying according to the scheme with natural circulation
  3. Heating system with forced circulation
  4. Piping using a backup boiler

The heating system, in addition to the solid fuel boiler, contains many more elements. Correctly connecting and setting up all elements of this system is not an easy task. In this article we will look at various schemes connections, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, analyze various nuances and subtleties. I hope this article will help you safely and effectively tie up a solid fuel boiler with your own hands.

What is harnessing, its tasks and types

So what is a harness? This is the name for the process of most efficiently and safely connecting a solid fuel boiler to the home heating system.

To extend the service life and ensure safe operation of a solid fuel boiler, it is necessary to control parameters such as pressure and temperature to avoid overheating. Steel heat exchangers, among other things, are sensitive to the temperature of the coolant in the return line, which should not be lower than 50-65 degrees Celsius. Using more cold water in the return line is fraught with condensation, which shortens the service life of the heat exchanger.

So, how to properly tie a solid fuel boiler? There are several basic schemes:

  • with natural circulation;
  • with forced circulation;
  • using a backup heating source.
Photo 1: Wiring of a solid fuel boiler and a spare electric boiler

Let's take a closer look at each of them, determine the list of devices necessary to organize each of the circuits, as well as the pros and cons inherent in these circuits.

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Tying according to the scheme with natural circulation

The easiest way is to piping a solid fuel heating boiler - a scheme with natural circulation. It does not require power supply. Water circulation is carried out by gravity. That is why it is also called gravitational.

Photo 2: Gravity-type strapping diagram

The solid fuel boiler is located at the lowest point of the circuit, and the heating device (for example, a radiator) is at the top. The boiler heats the water, which rises through pipes to the radiator, where it transfers part of its heat to the room and at the same time cools. The cooled coolant goes down and the circle closes. Specific gravity There is more cooled coolant than hot fluid, so it tends downward. This creates pressure and circulates water in the heating system.

The more the temperatures in the forward and return lines differ, the higher the speed of water movement along the circuit. But unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve a big difference since the temperatures in the supply and return lines are limited, as well as safe conditions its operation. Therefore, to ensure better circulation, larger diameter pipes are used.

To protect against overheating, a special circuit is used, which ensures circulation of the coolant and heat consumption in any case.

Protection from education overpressure provides an expansion tank. There are two types of them: open and membrane type. The disadvantage of using open tanks is that the water in it is enriched with oxygen, which in turn causes corrosion of the steel parts of the solid fuel boiler. That is why, most often, open tanks are used in conjunction with cast iron boilers and radiators. When using a membrane tank, it becomes necessary to connect additional equipment, such as: an air vent, relief valve and a pressure gauge to monitor pressure.

Photo 3: Self-piping of a solid fuel boiler

To provide hot water supply, a heating tank is used. For safety reasons, at the exit hot water it must be equipped with a thermostatic mixer. The function of the mixer is to bring the water temperature to values ​​that prevent scalding. The requirements for the location of the heater are the same as for other heating devices - i.e. above the level of the solid fuel boiler.

The main advantages of such a scheme are the simplicity of its design and energy independence. The main disadvantage is that during a cold start, until all the water in the circuit is completely warmed up, the temperature in the return line will be below the permissible level. This negatively affects the service life, for example. Disadvantages also include poor controllability and low energy efficiency.

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Forced circulation heating system

The coolant circulation is carried out using a circulation pump. This solves the problem of low return temperature by adding hot water from the supply line. More are also achieved comfortable conditions heating, thanks to the ability to adjust the temperature in heating devices. However, there are also significant disadvantages:

  • There is an increased chance of overheating if heating devices the room is set to low heat consumption.
  • If there is no power supply, the circulation pump will no longer be able to perform its function, and therefore the movement of the coolant will stop. This can also lead to overheating.

For example, in order to reduce the risk of an emergency increase in temperature in the heating system, they are equipped with external or built-in emergency heat exchangers.

The inclusion of storage tanks in the piping scheme allows you to accumulate excess heat and release it into the heating system as needed. This solves several problems:

  • In case of low heat consumption, excess hot coolant is accumulated for later use.
  • With low heat consumption, the solid fuel boiler still operates at rated power.
  • Allows the use of higher power devices.

The figure shows the wiring of a solid fuel boiler with a heat accumulator and a circulation pump:

Photo 4: Piping according to the forced circulation scheme

Many owners of private houses designing a heating system are interested in the question: is it possible to piping a solid fuel boiler with polypropylene? The use of polypropylene pipes imposes certain requirements on the temperature of the coolant. Experts advise that when using polypropylene pipes in a heating system, the first 1-1.5 meters of the supply line should be made of metal, and also use a larger pipe diameter and thermostatic valve. Naturally, overheating of a solid fuel boiler should be avoided in every possible way.

When performing this type of piping, it should be taken into account that the cost of additional equipment can be equal to or even exceed the cost of the solid fuel itself. heating device. This is not suitable for those who decide to buy a TT boiler for home heating, focusing on its relatively low price.

When installing a heat generator heat generator in a boiler room, the piping of a solid fuel boiler most closely resembles the same circuit for a diesel unit. Why? Because, as you know, there are no wall-mounted TT boilers, just like diesel ones. All other heat generators - gas, electric, etc., are wall-mounted.

Accordingly, in many cases, heating piping can be implemented in the same way as for other floor-standing boilers. At the same time, the connection diagram for a solid fuel heating boiler still differs in a couple of points. About them - below.

Main options for connecting a TT boiler

So, let's see. Before connecting a solid fuel heating boiler, you need to prepare the boiler room to “receive” it. Misha Vokhmyanin will write about what kind of room this should be, he has material for this, he recently wrote an article for a construction magazine, collected all the parameters.

I will only say that the installation diagram of a solid fuel boiler implies a reinforced base for some models. Is not separate foundation as for a heating stove made of brick, yet not a single household TT boiler weighs 5-7 tons.

But you can’t just place a heat generator weighing 300-450 kilograms on the floor wooden joists in any room of a residential building. And that’s exactly how much a good one weighs in its entirety – both the firebox and the fire-tube heat exchanger.

Moreover, large mines with a large volumetric firebox, for example, also weigh a lot, even steel ones.

So, regarding our question, let's look at connecting a solid fuel boiler using several options. The connection diagram for a solid fuel heating boiler to CO can be implemented in the following forms:

  • TT boiler in open system heating with EC and radiators.
  • TT boiler in a closed heating system with a PC with radiators.
  • TT boiler with heat accumulator in a closed system with a PC with radiators.
  • TT boiler with heat accumulator in a closed system with a PC with heated floors.
  • Combined diagram for connecting a solid fuel boiler in a heating system with radiators and heated floors.

Let's immediately make a reservation that any low-temperature heating systems, which include a system with a TP, will require additional devices, who will be responsible for the security of the system and for its smooth functioning.

The piping of a solid fuel boiler will have to include the following additional elements:

  1. Thermal accumulator or buffer tank - they have different volumes.
  2. Three-way valve for a solid fuel boiler - allows for the addition of cold water.
  3. Mandatory thermostat in the control system of a solid fuel boiler.

If we talk about a simple heating system with radiators, then you can connect it directly, through the security group. However, in order to prevent the system from boiling and to mitigate surges during thermal expansion of the system when the boiler reaches full power, the piping circuit of the solid fuel boiler includes a buffer tank.

The buffer tank is not a heat accumulator. Although the heat accumulator can be used as a buffer tank. The buffer tank, also called a capacitive hydraulic separator, has a minimum volume selected on the basis that for every 1000 watts of boiler thermal power there are 10 liters of tank.

That is, on a 20 kW boiler you need to install a container with a volume of 200 liters. It will not work to use a buffer tank as a heat accumulator. The minimum volume of an effective heat accumulator for small house starts from 800-1000 liters.

TT boiler piping diagram

Proper piping of a solid fuel boiler with your own hands can only be done if the rules for such work are fully observed. I already wrote about it - it has its own characteristics.

Let's start with the return, that is, with the entrance of cold water into the heat generator. A circulation pump is installed on the return line if a closed CO with forced circulation is used. The pump is placed precisely on the return line; it pumps water into the boiler. If the central heating unit is installed on the supply from the boiler, then it will not last long there.

Why? Because the coolant output from the boiler heat exchanger is high temperature.

If diesel or gas boilers give at the output from 40 to 65 degrees, set by the boiler automation, then at the output of the boiler TT - from 60 to 90 degrees in normal mode.

The cold water supply pipe is connected to the boiler inlet pipe. It is usually located at the bottom of the boiler.

The hot water supply pipe from the boiler is connected to the boiler outlet. Typically this pipe is located at the top of the boiler. This arrangement allows the use of .

The hot water outlet pipe from the boiler has a normal temperature of 60 to 90 degrees Celsius. In abnormal mode, the pipe can have a superheated steam temperature of 105-110 degrees Celsius on the inner surface, and up to 200-350 degrees Celsius on the outer part near the boiler pipe - from the superheated boiler itself.

Therefore, it must be made of metal, preferably copper. But steel pipe will also cope with its responsibilities properly.

The basic rule that is established by the piping diagram of a solid fuel boiler is between the heating system and expansion tank There should be no shut-off valves.

What is included in the boiler safety group

The safety group of a solid fuel boiler includes three elements:

  1. A pressure gauge showing the pressure in the system at the boiler outlet.
  2. Emergency pressure relief valve, set to the upper value of the permissible pressure in the CO.
  3. Automatic air vent.

For ease of use, the safety group pressure gauge has an additional manually installed arrow, which shows the limit of permissible coolant pressure in the heating system.

The emergency pressure relief valve is configured to release the coolant when the set pressure limit is exceeded. Usually operating pressure in the heating system is 1.5-2 atm, the reset valve is adjusted to 3 atm.

The air vent removes air when the heating system is filled with coolant. When the operating level is reached, the air vent valve closes.

The safety group of a solid fuel boiler should be installed at the outlet of the boiler heater, at the hot water supply to the heating system. Only such a scheme for piping a solid fuel boiler using a safety group is correct.

It happened to me that it was installed on the return line of the heating system. In this case, the boiler could explode, the pipes of the heating system will melt, and the safety group will still not work.

Adding cold water to the heating system with a TT boiler

To carry out the admixture of cold water with the heating system, it is used three-way valve for a solid fuel boiler. This device allows you to maintain the set temperature in the following systems:

  • Heating system with heat accumulator.
  • Low temperature heating system with heated floors.

A three-way valve for a solid fuel boiler mixes cold water from the return into the hot water supply from the boiler, thereby regulating the overall supply temperature. If the supply temperature to the heated floors is set at 45 degrees Celsius, and at the outlet from the boiler, for example, 70 degrees Celsius, the three-way valve will mix hot water from the supply and cooled water from the return to the desired value.

To effectively use a three-way valve for a solid fuel boiler, you need to install it after the heat accumulator. In this case, the water will be heated in thermal battery, and the three-way valve will interfere with hot water from the heat accumulator cold water from the return line.

Solid fuel boiler wiring diagram:

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We have long secured our position as reliable and high-quality devices. The operating efficiency and service life directly depend on how correctly the piping of the solid fuel boiler is done. In this regard, wood and coal heat generators differ from other heating devices, and they have their own approach to this issue.

In the article we will look at what the piping of a solid fuel boiler is and note distinctive features this procedure.

Piping of the hydraulic heating system

Purpose of the TT boiler piping

Correctly performed piping of a solid fuel boiler has a number of advantages:

  1. In systems with natural circulation, its uniform movement through all pipes will be ensured. In everything related to forced circulation, it is responsible for the movement of the coolant circulation pump.
  2. Work becomes safer - this is especially true in cases where the water pressure in the system increases sharply. If you do not take any measures to eliminate this problem, the boiler and the piping itself may be damaged. And if at this moment there are people near the device, then they too may suffer.
  3. Air is removed from the system. This is very important function, because air jams in the pipes can cause some part of the radiator to not warm up and remain cold. This means that the heat will be distributed unevenly throughout the room.

Do not forget that the package of any solid fuel boiler, unlike units operating on other types of fuel, does not include a circulation pump, expansion tank and other piping attributes. Therefore, they will have to be installed separately.

Rules for piping a solid fuel boiler

When carrying out a procedure such as piping a solid fuel boiler, you must follow several rules:

  • the temperature difference in the supply and return pipes should not exceed 20°C. This is a mandatory condition; if it is neglected, condensation will begin to form;
  • The water pressure should not be higher than the specified norm. In order to control these parameters are mounted pressure gauges;
  • It is important to ensure that all connections are tight, because... they affect the efficiency of the system. For the greatest compaction, paronite is suitable;
  • Under no circumstances should flammable materials be used for strapping. If you decide to choose polypropylene, then when purchasing it, pay attention to the quality, because... you can “run into” a fake;
  • Be sure to check the cleanliness of the coolant, because the service life of the boiler and the entire system as a whole depends on this;
  • It is better to install a system with natural coolant circulation in small-sized ones one-story houses;
  • When piping, take into account the off-season, when you will have to frequently adjust the coolant.

Wiring diagram for a solid fuel heating boiler

Let's start with two simple positions:

  1. The first concerns the design of the solid fuel unit itself. As already noted, neither model has an expansion tank and circulation pump. They must be purchased separately. The pump is selected based on the power of the heating device and the heating area. The tank is based only on the volume of coolant.
  2. Connecting the boiler is simple, through two pipes, one of which is connected to the supply circuit of the heating network, and the other to its return circuit.

The second position, as a rule, sets connection tasks for specialists. This is the most simple circuit TT boiler piping.

Those users who decide to install a solid fuel boiler with their own hands prefer this option according to the principle: why put in the effort if there is a simple and yet efficiently working circuit?

However, the above option is not the only one. There are also more complex options that are based on one important rule. By the way, most manufacturers indicate it as a warning in the operating instructions for heating units.

This rule is that the temperature of hot water in the return circuit at the entrance to the boiler should not be lower than 60°C.

These strict restrictions are due to the following:

  1. Firstly, only in this way can a large temperature difference in the heat exchanger itself be avoided, which increases its service life.
  2. Secondly, this way you won’t have to deal with condensation of wet vapors in the boiler furnace. The formation of even a few drops of water on the walls of the combustion chamber can lead to the appearance of tar on the walls of the combustion chamber. Soot and humidity lead to such negative consequences.

In order to avoid all these unpleasant moments and ensure the desired temperature, there are several ways.

First option

The simplest method is to insert a mixing unit into the heating system. By and large, a mixing unit is an ordinary pipe jumper that connects two heating circuits to each other - supply and return.

Usually it is cut at one end into the area between circulation pump And expansion tank, and the second - to any part of the supply circuit.

This jumper acts as a mixer, where heated water from the supply circuit enters and enters the return. Thus, if necessary, it is possible to increase the temperature of the coolant in the return section of the heating system. A shut-off valve must be installed on the jumper.

It turns out that the heating operates normally until the temperature in the return begins to decrease. As soon as it reaches a critical point, the automation system is activated and the jumper opens. If your house is simplest model solid fuel boiler without a complex automation system, then you will have to independently control the temperature of the coolant and manually mix the media by opening and closing the shut-off valve.

That is why prerequisite is to install a thermometer at the inlet to the solid fuel boiler.

Second option

What is the usual operation of a TT boiler if it does not have an automatic fuel supply option? It is necessary to manually load firewood, coal, peat, etc. into the combustion chamber. This means that you are completely tied to the heating device. If you do not lay it in time, the temperature in the house will immediately decrease. In order to solve this problem, experts suggest installing a buffer tank.

Let's look at this procedure in more detail.

Wiring diagram for a solid fuel boiler with a heat accumulator

A buffer tank is a unit that acts as an intermediary between the boiler and heating devices. This element is used as a hydraulic arrow.

Purpose of the buffer tank:

  1. When the boiler operates at low power (the air damper closes), the combustion of remaining fuel occurs in the firebox with a small amount of oxygen. This is a consequence of what appears a large number of carbon monoxide in the smoke. In this regard, it is better if the boiler operates at high or at least medium power throughout the entire time, and it transfers excess heat to the heat accumulator.
  2. As you know, in solid fuel boilers it is necessary to constantly add fuel. It is not always possible to do this on time, especially in cases where loading is done manually. In this case, the firewood in the combustion chamber will gradually begin to burn out, the amount of heat and energy will decrease, and the temperature in the room will begin to decrease. In order for a new portion of fuel to ignite and the boiler to start functioning, you will have to wait a certain period of time. To avoid such moments, a buffer tank with accumulated heat is installed.

As already noted, one of the options for a buffer tank is a heat accumulator. The wiring diagram for a solid fuel boiler with a buffer tank is shown in the figure.

Piping the boiler with a heat accumulator

When the combustion chamber burns as intensely as possible, it accumulates in the buffer tank. thermal energy, and after attenuation, it is sent to the heating system. In order to control the temperature of the coolant entering the radiators, a three-way mixing valve and a second pump are placed on the other side of the storage tank. This way you won't have to go to the boiler every four hours. After all, after the firebox goes out, heat will flow into the house from the buffer tank. How long the heat from the container will last depends on its volume and heating temperature.

As practice shows, the capacity of a heat accumulator is determined as follows: for a private house with an area of ​​200 m², you need a tank with a volume of at least 1 m³.

There are a number of nuances that are worth paying attention to. In order for the connection between a solid fuel boiler and a battery tank to function successfully, a TT boiler is needed, the power of which will be sufficient for simultaneous heating and loading of the buffer tank. This means that twice the rated power is required. The next point is to select the pump performance so that the flow rate in the boiler circuit exceeds the amount of water flowing in the heating circuit.

Strapping diagram with hydraulic arrow

Hydroarrow is another option for a buffer tank. The connection is made according to the same principle as in the case of a heat accumulator. The exception is that the hydraulic separator does not accumulate heat.

It redirects coolant flows to various heating circuits (warm floors, radiators, boiler indirect heating). In each of the circuits, the individual required temperature regime.

Wiring a solid fuel boiler with an indirect heating boiler

Wiring diagram for a solid fuel boiler with an indirect heating boiler

All elements are shown in the figure: 1 – the boiler itself; 2 – temperature sensor; 3 – three-way valve of the boiler circuit; 4 - membrane tank; 5 – buffer capacity; 6 – batteries; 7 – heating circuit pump; 8 – three-way valve of the heating circuit; 9 – three-way valve of the heating circuit; 9 – temperature controller, installed indoors; 10 – BKN (indirect heating boiler); 11 – DHW circuit pump; 12 - security group.

This option is considered suitable for any system with a closed/open type of coolant circulation. In this case, it is connected to the boiler in parallel, along with other hot water consumption devices.

In order for the operating efficiency of the solid fuel unit to be greater, it is necessary to place a valve at the boiler outlet, which will shut off the water drainage when it has not yet heated up.

Connecting a solid fuel boiler to an electric boiler

Often, heaters operating on wood and coal become a second heating device in the furnace room, where gas or electrical installation. It is very important here to connect them correctly, so that one device serves as a safety net for the other. This is very convenient, for example, when all the coal in one of them burns out. Then, in automatic mode, the electric or gas water heater.

Connecting the TT boiler with an electric

A typical wiring diagram for a solid fuel and electric boiler is shown in the figure. It is assumed that the electric unit has its own circulation pump.

Tying a solid fuel boiler with polypropylene

Plastic pipes are widespread. This is due to their reasonable cost, as well as versatility. Thanks to polypropylene pipes, you can avoid any troubles and complete a circuit of any complexity. The pipes are fastened using a soldering iron and fittings.

Try to connect them in such a way that there are as few connections as possible.

This is due to the fact that often in the soldering areas the internal diameter becomes narrower, and because of this, unnecessary hydrostatic stress is formed and the boiler performance drops. If the design allows, then it is better to use bends with a smooth transition, so you will eliminate sudden changes. Modern polypropylene can easily withstand coolant temperatures up to 95°C, its service life reaches 50 years without the need for any serious maintenance.

To summarize all of the above, it is worth noting that the described piping schemes for a solid fuel boiler are very popular today. This is due to their simplicity and reliability. In order to select the most suitable option for a specific case, it is better to use the help of specialists.

It often happens that in a private house there is no possibility of connecting to central communications due to the great distance from them. This problem is especially relevant for new cottage villages that are actively populated, but communications are planned to be completed in the next couple of years. If you find yourself in such a situation and want to live in your own home this coming winter, the best solution for you is to install an autonomous heating system with your own boiler room.

In most cases, cottage owners prefer solid fuel boiler models that burn wood, coal, and pellets. Solid fuel is familiar, effectively copes with its task and is inexpensive.

In this article we will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different connection schemes for boiler equipment operating on solid fuel, and we will tell you how to properly install the boiler so that the building’s heating system functions smoothly, efficiently and safely.

The procedure for installing a solid fuel boiler in a private house

The installation procedure traditionally includes 3 stages, including:

There are several strapping options, below we will talk about them in detail.

One of the most important stages, which should be taken as seriously as possible - the arrangement of the boiler room (furnace) - the room in which the boiler is supposed to be installed. The boiler room must be equipped in accordance with all fire safety requirements, including:

Also, in order to ensure fire safety, it is necessary to leave as much free space around the boiler as possible and not install it close to the wall.

Boiler piping diagrams

Owners of private houses who install their own heating system, as a rule, choose the simplest piping scheme. This option involves connecting boiler equipment to the heating system on both sides - to the supply pipeline and to the return pipeline - through a pair of pipes.

This wiring scheme is good because it is completely autonomous in relation to the power grid. Even in the event of power outages, the system will function properly.

The main and very significant drawback is that it is not possible to regulate the temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the heating equipment, which can ultimately lead to such adverse consequences as the appearance of rust on the surface of the pipes and boiler.

This connection option is quite popular due to the fact that even a non-specialist can do it. However, there are more complex circuits piping, which provides the ability to adjust the temperature of the coolant, which should not fall below 60 °C, and, at the same time, boiling is also extremely undesirable. Compliance with this condition allows us to eliminate the following adverse events:

  • a regularly occurring large temperature difference in the heat exchanger, which contributes to a reduction in the service life of the equipment and its maintenance-free operation;
  • condensate formed on the inner surface of the combustion chamber.

The latter is especially important, since condensate is nothing more than weak solutions of low concentration acids that can corrode the walls of the boiler.

Basic strapping scheme

When choosing a method for connecting a solid fuel boiler to the heating system, Special attention Care should be taken to install the mixing unit, as well as the safety group. The latter is the first element of the system encountered on the path of the heated coolant. The security group includes:

  • a pressure gauge that monitors the pressure in the system;
  • safety valve - discharge of excess coolant and steam;
  • an air vent that eliminates the occurrence of air jams;

Such equipment is presented in the “Related Products” section of our online store under the name “Security Group”. Its main purpose is to ensure trouble-free operation of the heating system. The pressure gauge, air vent and valve are mounted on a single manifold made of of stainless steel. It allows you to reduce the pressure in the system automatically.

We advise you to read our article Types of safety automation for gas boilers on our Zen channel.

Installation of the mixing unit

After installing the safety group, you can begin installing the mixing unit - a return jumper connecting the supply circuit of the heating system with the return circuit. During operation of the system, the liquid, bypassing the heating devices, gives off heat and returns to the boiler for heating.

If this circuit operates correctly, when the coolant temperature drops below 60 °C, the jumper will open automatically, a small volume of hot water will enter the return circuit and the temperature will return to the desired value.

Solid fuel boilers "Kupper" are universal heating equipment capable of operating in open and closed types, where forced or natural circulation coolant. Such a boiler can act either as an independent source of heat energy, or as an additional one - as part of an existing heating circuit, in tandem with another boiler running on gas, electricity or liquid fuel.

An additional advantage of purchasing a Kupper boiler from the Teplodar company is that a thermometer for temperature control is included with the heating equipment.

Connecting a solid fuel boiler with a heat accumulator

If the boiler does not have the option of automatic fuel supply, you will have to monitor the amount of fuel in the firebox yourself and periodically load a new portion into the flame. The more actively the boiler is heated, the more intensively it works heating system. This is not very convenient, because to maintain desired temperature indoors, a lot of time is spent on the above manipulations.

This inconvenience can be partially overcome by a buffer tank - a kind of heat accumulator, which is a tank of water, which is heated from the supply circuit of the heating system. The list of advantages of installing it is:

  • the ability to reduce the elevated coolant temperature at the peak of boiler operation;
  • heat transfer to the cooled coolant when the temperature of the liquid in the system decreases.

It takes quite a long time for such a heat accumulator to cool down. When choosing a buffer tank, assume that for a house with an area of ​​150 m2 or more you will need a tank with a volume of at least 1 m3.

Additional mixing unit

An additional mixing unit is mounted in the area between the buffer tank and heating radiators. This element of the system connects the return and supply circuits and allows you to avoid strong temperature differences when the coolant almost begins to boil at the peak of the boiler operation.

By the way, for solid fuel boilers “Kupper” with an automatic pellet burner, an additional mixing unit is not needed and when installing them, you can safely limit yourself to primitive circuit strapping.

In the Kupper OVK 10 model, an automatic pellet burner (APG) is installed in place of the ash door of the boiler, and the container into which pellets are loaded and the built-in control panel are installed on the boiler itself, which saves space in the room. Before starting the work process, the operating parameters of the heating system are set on the remote control. Using an automatic remote control, you can control the ignition, combustion process and maintain a balanced coolant temperature without the participation of additional mixing units, complicating installation. Another advantage of this model is that the ash is partially removed under the influence of a built-in high-power fan.

This boiler is suitable for installation in rooms up to 100 m² and can be used in a residential building, country house, garage, and other places. The equipment can be easily included in heating systems different types. A nice bonus is the presence of a stove with a hob.

Emergency circuit connection diagram

One of the obvious and most common problems that occurs in heating systems with solid fuel boilers is overheating of the coolant. It is extremely undesirable to allow hot water to be converted into steam and to cool it down to the required levels in a timely manner.

There are three simple and effective methods coolant cooling:

  1. In addition to the main one, an additional heat exchanger is installed in the firebox. The first will work to heat the coolant, the second will provide cooling of the liquid. The inlet pipe is connected to the water supply, and the opposite pipe is connected to the sewerage system. If you urgently need to cool the coolant, simply unscrew the valve on the pipe and cold water will flow into the second heat exchanger.
  2. During the process of arranging the system, one heat exchanger is mounted inside another, which ensures a rapid decrease in the temperature of the working fluid if necessary.
  3. Two pipes are connected to the heat exchanger pipes, the first is connected to the water supply system, and the second to the sewerage system. Next, a valve is installed to supply cold water to the system. Excess coolant is discharged into the sewer.

All three methods are equally effective and achieve the same results.

Additional connection diagrams for a solid fuel heating boiler

We recommend that you pay attention to such an important circumstance that directly affects the choice of piping scheme for solid fuel boilers, such as interruptions in the electrical network that occur from time to time. This is fraught with a sudden boiling of the coolant with all the ensuing consequences. Decide this problem You can install a bypass, which will isolate the circulation pump from the heating circuit.

Bypass (emergency path) is a backup pipeline through which coolant can be supplied bypassing some section of the main pipe or in parallel. One end of it is connected to the inlet pipe, the other to the outlet pipe. Bypass is often used to install on it additional devices, for example, shut-off valves, with the help of which, if necessary, they block the water flow in the main line, redirecting it to the spare one. To completely shut off the system, the outlet pipe is equipped with a tap. Shut-off valves can also be mounted on the bypass, on the inlet pipe.

Combination boilers

IN Lately Combination boilers, which provide continuous heating of the coolant regardless of external circumstances, are gaining increasing popularity. The system can be supplemented with another boiler, gas or electric. The connection diagram for an electric boiler to a solid fuel boiler is carried out in a parallel way. Equipment with insertion into the supply and return circuits is added to the piping. Shut-off valves must be installed at the junction of two connections. In the case of an automated system, a 3-way valve with a thermal head is used.

The assortment of our online store includes boiler models that can be used in similar schemes, for example, “Kupper Praktik 20”. This equipment is designed to heat rooms with an area of ​​130-200 m2 and can operate on both coal and wood. Thanks to its compact size, it takes up little space. Another option, “Kupper Praktik 8”, is intended for small rooms from 40 to 80 m2. Thanks to the presence of a heating element block, the coolant temperature is maintained for some time after the fuel has burned out.

Despite the variety of heating equipment, solid fuel boilers are still in great demand, especially in places where gas supply is difficult, there are difficulties in organizing the storage of liquid fuel, and power outages often occur. Let's consider the principle of operation and piping diagrams of solid fuel boilers.

Features of solid fuel boiler operation

This heating system generates heat by burning solid fuel (wood, coal, peat, pellets). It is distinguished by its features, which directly affect its effectiveness and safety:

  • Inertia. A solid fuel boiler cannot be stopped immediately. After the oxygen supply is stopped, the system continues to operate until the oxygen inside the firebox runs out, or until the fuel burns out. This can lead to overheating of the coolant and the formation of a large amount of steam. The result is destruction of the boiler body or parts of the heating system.
  • Condensate. Appears when the boiler is connected directly, low-temperature coolant passes through the boiler tank. Leads to corrosion of the steel walls of the fuel tank. At the same time, when mixed with ash, it turns into a sticky mass that is difficult to clean off.

To eliminate the problems listed above, it is necessary to properly organize the boiler piping with the obligatory inclusion of a safety group in it. Let's take a closer look at why the piping of a solid fuel heating boiler is needed and the basic installation diagrams.

Piping of a solid fuel heating boiler. Purpose. Elements

The most important purpose of the piping is to ensure efficient, safe, economical operation of the boiler. This means:

  • protect equipment from overheating, sudden pressure changes, maintain the most acceptable temperature;
  • control the amount of coolant in the system, remove excess liquid, excess steam;
  • remove air from the system;
  • distribution function - to divide the coolant between all heat consumers in the system.

Solid fuel boiler piping elements and their correct installation in one way or another they work to ensure the safety of heating equipment. The main ones include:

  1. safety group (pressure gauge, air vent, safety valve);
  2. expansion tank;
  3. heat accumulator;
  4. three-way mixing valve.

Heating boiler

Wiring rules that must be followed when independently connecting a solid fuel heating system:

  • to avoid the appearance of condensation, the temperature difference between the supply and return should not exceed 20 ⁰C;
  • protective devices should be installed that will regulate the coolant pressure throughout the entire circuit;
  • It is also recommended to include automatic devices in the piping that are responsible for regulating power and fluid temperature in the system.

These rules work best in systems with forced coolant movement. Let's briefly look at the wiring diagrams for solid fuel boilers. But before that, a few words about the safety group in the heating system.

Security group

Includes elements:

— pressure gauge (shows the pressure level in the system)
— safety valve (automatically relieves pressure if it exceeds the permissible value of 2 Bar, usually triggers at 3 Bar),
— automatic air vent (removes air from the coolant).

Heating scheme

It is installed on the supply pipe of the boiler itself, immediately at the outlet. It is important to remember that no locking mechanisms should be installed between the safety group and the boiler. These devices must be installed in any heating system piping circuit.

Open type with natural circulation

The simplest wiring with a minimum number of devices, complete independence from electricity. The movement of fluid through the system occurs naturally due to the general arrangement of the pipes at a slight slope. The boiler is installed half a meter below the level of the radiators. Minimum number of locking mechanisms, control devices, etc.

This type of harness is effective for small house With a small amount heat energy consumers. An open type expansion tank is installed as high as possible, in the attic, for example.

In this case, the coolant temperature cannot be adjusted. And air often enters through an open expansion tank, which has a detrimental effect on inner surface pipes

Closed type with natural circulation

Also a fairly simple strapping scheme with a small number heat consumers. The diagram is very similar to open type. It is distinguished by the inclusion of a closed expansion tank with a membrane, which is installed on the return pipe. In addition, do not forget about the security group. Some models are already equipped with it in production.

The expansion tank is designed for a volume of more than 10% of the total coolant volume.

There are several here important points when piping a heating boiler with polypropylene. Pipe from heat generator up to the safety group it is made of metal, then it is laid from polypropylene. Also, the section of the return pipe with an installed three-way valve and sensor is made of metal. Polypropylene has low thermal conductivity. If you install a three-way valve on it, it will respond with a delay to an increase in temperature, and the sensor will provide information incorrectly.

In general, the polypropylene piping system for a heating boiler is beneficial and quite practical.

Closed type with forced circulation

A simple circuit with a circulation pump that moves coolant throughout the system. The slope as such is no longer required to be observed. The pump, as well as a temperature sensor (controls the operation of the pump) are installed on the return line (between the expansion tank and the boiler) and connected to the electrical network.

This harness is more productive due to the use of the device thermoregulatory. Can be used where the power supply is stable. Otherwise, if there is a power outage, the heating system will stop.

Manifold piping with forced circulation

Circulation pump + collectors. This is a characteristic difference collector system strapping.

The pump moves liquid through the pipes. Collectors (so-called combs) are connected to the heating system. They are pipes with a large cross-section. They have one common input and several outputs for connecting the required number of heating elements (for example, radiators, underfloor heating system, heated towel rail). Connect to the supply and return pipes of the system.

The specificity of such a connection is characterized by a separate supply of coolant to each element of the system with the same temperature and pressure. It features more efficient regulation of the heating system.

It should be borne in mind that such a harness will take a lot of time, effort, material costs(high pipe consumption, financial expenses).

Harness with hydraulic arrow

The piping system uses a large-section vertical pipe - a hydraulic arrow. This element is connected to the boiler by supply and return pipes. It is installed in the same place as the collectors: after the expansion tank, in front of the heating elements (radiators, heated towel rail, etc.).

It differs from collectors in that it can be connected to the hydraulic arrow different heights. This directly affects the temperature of the coolant, and with it the temperature of each heating element in the house. Thus, using a harness with a hydraulic arrow, you can create an optimal thermal regime for each device separately.

Connecting a solid fuel boiler with heat accumulator

For equipment operating on solid fuel, it is recommended to install heat accumulator. It is a buffer tank for accumulating and then storing the heat generated by the boiler.

A very profitable device, because it allows you to increase the efficiency of solid fuel equipment and at the same time save heating material.

The wiring diagram for a solid fuel boiler with a buffer tank is as follows. Inlet and outlet pipes heat generator are connected to the heat accumulator, and from it to the heating elements. Now two contours are formed at once:

  1. between the heat buffer and the boiler;
  2. between the buffer and the heating devices of the house.

As the coolant passes through the heating system, it fills the buffer tank. In this case, cooled liquid from the heating elements passes below, and hot liquid from the boiler passes above. The buffer accumulates heat when the firebox is operating at full power. After the fuel burns out, the accumulated heat from the tank is released through the heating system for a certain period of time. After the storage buffer, a pump and a three-way valve are installed to adjust the temperature of the heating fluid.

The wiring diagram of a solid fuel boiler with a battery tank saves fuel, allowing you to add coal and firewood much less frequently. It must be taken into account that with such piping, the boiler power should be sufficient for heating and warming up the buffer tank.

Wiring a solid fuel and gas boiler (electric boiler)

This harness is relevant and in demand among residents country houses. It allows you to organize year-round comfort in the house, including several heating sources in the overall system. As a rule, pairs of gas boiler heating with a solid fuel device, as well as solid fuel equipment with an electric boiler.

Solid fuel boiler+electric

Gas and gas piping diagram electrical devices with wood is the same, is quite simple because it uses heat accumulator at the same time and as a hydraulic gun. This allows you to efficiently supply heat to a large number of heating points at once (radiators, heated floors, boiler, heated towel rail, etc.). In this case, the heat from the gas heating boiler (electric) and wood-burning boiler charges the buffer tank, and then it supplies thermal energy to the heating end points.

There is also another option for connecting a gas heating boiler (electric boiler) and a solid fuel boiler together, without using a buffer tank, because it is quite expensive. Here the main source of heating is a wood-burning boiler, with a gas boiler as an auxiliary one.

Operating principle. After burnout solid fuel the air temperature decreases. This detects the sensor installed in the room and immediately starts the gas boiler. When the main boiler cools down, it switches off automatically. The gas one operates until the wood-burning unit begins to process the next portion of fuel. Now in reverse order sensor room temperature disables gas device heating

The scheme with such a harness is simple, you can install it yourself.

Piping with connection of an indirect water heater

The wiring diagram for a solid fuel boiler with a boiler is quite common due to its efficiency, efficient work. This is especially relevant during the heating season, when you can save a significant amount on electricity.

This piping is designed in such a way that the heated liquid is supplied simultaneously to the boiler and radiators. In this case, the boiler circuit is connected to the heat exchanger of the water heater, which heats the water indirectly.

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