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» Download projects in dhow. Project activities in kindergarten. Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. Ready-made projects in kindergarten

Download projects in dhow. Project activities in kindergarten. Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. Ready-made projects in kindergarten

Unfortunately, in modern society Many parents leave the upbringing, education and development of their children to the mercy of general educational institutions. Often, parents have little interest in the success of their children. It is very difficult to interest them, and it is almost impossible to attract them to joint activities. But it is in joint activities that the child’s full development occurs. Preschool age is a period very susceptible to everything that happens around. Everything, absolutely everything that happens to a child under 5 years old leaves its mark for the rest of his life. It is during this period that children especially need the attention of their parents. What was lost during this time will never be made up.
Each child has his own Zone of Proximal Development - this is what the child already knows how to do together with an adult, but is not yet able to do on his own. It is these skills that the child is ready to master in the near future. In order to teach a child something, you need to do it with him. And do it several times. At first he will just watch, then he will make his minimal contribution, and then he will be able to do it himself. And in this the main role belongs to parents.
It is very difficult to convey to modern, educated and very, very busy parents the idea that a child must not only be fed, clothed, put to bed, but also communicate with him, teach him to reflect, think, empathize. How great it is to do everything together - play, walk, talk different topics, share secrets, invent different stories, do crafts, read books and even watch cartoons. For a child aged 3–4 years, an adult is a whole world, so mysterious and unknown. He is interested in everything that mom and dad do, what they talk about, etc. And if the parents do what the baby needs and is useful, then the baby will perceive this as the norm. This is also useful for developing adequate self-esteem in children. After all, when a child receives praise from a significant adult, he feels truly important and valuable, and understands that his efforts were not in vain. And when his mother helps and guides him a little in the process of joint creativity, he understands that nothing is impossible, if only he has the desire.
Working in kindergarten with children, I came to the conclusion that one of the main stages of a teacher’s activity is to find mutual understanding with parents.
Working with parents is one of the conditions for the development of creative abilities in children preschool age. Creative tasks for parents, organization of competitions, participation in project activities, joint events aimed at developing the creative abilities of children - all this helps to establish trusting relationships between the kindergarten and the family, and also opens up opportunities for parents to participate in the educational process. That is why I decided to create long-term project"We are together".
The project is ultimately aimed at solving one main problem– Involving parents in joint activities with children and participation in the educational process.

Relevance of the project creation
Often, modern parents don’t know what to do with their child, much less what to do with a 3-4 year old child. Most parents do not want or are afraid to participate in joint activities in kindergarten. Many people do not understand why, for what purpose and for whom this is needed. But it is they and their children who need this, because what older child, the further in his interests he becomes from his parents, who did not take part in his “garden” life. And how confident is a child in himself and his abilities, whose mother or father will always come to the rescue. How nice it is for a child to see and feel the support of a loved one.
Employees educational institutions must clearly convey this information to parents and conduct a sufficient number of activities with the involvement of parents so that parents understand from experience the importance of joint activities with their children.
That is why the development of the “We are together” project is becoming relevant.

Raising a modern child and his cognitive abilities is a priority, the most important task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions, since any country needs knowledgeable, confident in themselves and their abilities, constantly developing people who will be successful in business, diversified and, in a word, interesting personalities.

Goals, objectives, expected results and products

Strategic goal: Strengthening the relationship between parents and children through joint creativity in a preschool institution.
Tactical goals:
1. Creating a plan for conducting master classes with sample topics.
2. Creating conditions for parents to attend events at the preschool.
3. Formation of the correct attitude among parents towards the upbringing and education of their child.
4. Organizing events for parents to participate in together with their children.
1. Involve parents in the educational process.
2. Promote parents' desire to interact with their child.
3. Encourage parents to support children's interest and curiosity.
4. Involve parents in joint activities with children.
5. Increase parents’ readiness for development creative potential child.
6. Develop the literacy of parents as educators of the child’s cognitive activity.
7. Develop skills and abilities to organize joint activities with children.
8. Develop communication between an adult and a child, the ability to find common interests.
Expected results:
1. Increasing pedagogical literacy among parents.
2. Participation of parents in the educational process and in educational activities.
3. Strengthening the relationship between parents and children.
4. Establishing trusting relationships between the kindergarten and the family.
1. Presentation-report on the results of the events.
Ways to solve the project:
Draw up a plan for conducting creative master classes and events with the involvement of parents.
Take into account the requirements and opinions of parents regarding the time period for conducting master classes (day of the week, time of holding).
Take account age characteristics children when preparing for events and taking notes.
The project implementation is expected to last 9 months: from September 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017.
No. Stages Goal Time frame
1. Preparatory and design stage
Draw up an event plan, think through the tasks to be solved for each event.
Select materials for creating notes. 01.09.2016 – 01.10.2016
2. Practical stage
Conducting master classes, achieving the objectives set at the first stage. 01.10.2016 – 15.05.2017
3. Project presentation
Report on the work performed. 05/15/2017 – 05/31/2017

Event plan.
No. month Direction Topic of the event Form of delivery
1. October “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Golden Autumn” (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative works by children and parents
November “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Plate for Grandma” (drawing in non-traditional ways on a paper plate) Master class for parents with children
December “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Winter patterns” (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative works by children and parents
December “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Coming soon” New Year» (production of gift packaging in the form of candy from a sleeve from toilet paper) Master class for parents with children
January “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Drawing while playing” (drawing with grains and pva) Master class for parents with children
January “Physical development” “Come on, mommies!” (sports competitions) Participation in the interdistrict stage
February “Physical development” “Visiting Tuzik” Open lesson By physical culture for parents
February “Physical development” “February 23” Leisure activities with the participation of pupils’ fathers
February “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Gift for Dad” (making a boat from cleaning materials: rags, sponges) Master class for parents with children
February “Social and communicative development” “Sweet fantasies” (exchange of experience on how to create tasty and healthy dish for a child) round table
March “Physical development” “Come on, mommies!” (sports competitions) Competitions between families of gymnasium students
March “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Spring mood” (making flowers from colored napkins, creating a collective composition) Master class for parents with children
April " Cognitive development» “Trip on the Magic Train” Open lesson on FEMP for parents
April “Artistic and aesthetic development”
“Social and communicative development” “Landscape” (drawing using non-traditional methods) Master class for parents with children
May “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Victory Day!” (co-creation of parents and children) Competition-exhibition of creative works of children and parents

Dear Colleagues! We bring to your attention a project template for filling with any content. The project has long been part of the kindergarten’s work system. There is probably not a single teacher who has not used at least once in his pedagogical activity this wonderful method.

A template (or sample design) will help you quickly collect and organize information on your chosen project topic. Of course, the proposed sections can be supplemented at your discretion.

Project name

Project Description

Program content:

  • expand children's knowledge about...
  • develop a feeling in children...
  • forming a belief about...
  • bring up …
  • expand knowledge about...
  • teach...

Relevance of the project

Reveal the relevance of the need to consider this issue. It is advisable to end with a statement of contradiction.

Thus, the contradiction that arose, on the one hand, the importance and need to familiarize children with ..., the formation of children ..., and on the other hand, the lack of targeted, systematic work led to the choice of the project topic.

Project object : …

Subject of the project : …

Objective of the project : to expand children’s knowledge about ..., to form children’s feelings ..., to form ..., to educate ....

Project objectives :

  • to familiarize educators with modern methodological literature on...;
  • conduct a series of classes and events on the topic;
  • organize an exhibition of children's drawings;
  • introduce children to literary, artistic and musical works on the topic;
  • develop information sheets for parents with recommendations for introducing children to...;
  • prepare through the joint efforts of children and parents...;
  • systematize literary and illustrated material on the topic...:
  • hold the final event….

Execution term : indicate how many weeks (months).

Project participants : children, teachers, music director, parents.

Necessary materials : … .

Intended product of the project : event …; exhibition of children's creative works; presentation ... (compiled jointly by children and their parents); developed recommendations for teachers on introducing children to...; systematized literary and illustrated material on the topic...; developed recommendations for parents.

Bibliography: …

Project content

Project implementation stages

Preparatory stage

Main stage

The final stage

– setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project;– selection methodological literature for project implementation (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.);

– selection of visual and didactic material; fiction, reproductions of paintings; organization of a developmental environment in the group.

– introducing children to fiction;– conducting conversations;

− examination of pictures and conversations based on their content;

− conducting classes;

− holding an event;

− listening and discussion musical works;

− drawing with children on ... topics;

− creation and presentation.

– analysis of project results.

Work plan




Preparatory stage


1. Setting goals, determining the relevance and significance of the project.2. Selection of methodological literature for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts, etc.).

Educators senior group

Senior teacher (methodologist)




1. Selection of visual and didactic material; fiction; didactic games, development of conversations.2. Development of recommendations for teachers of the senior group.

4. Selection of reproductions of art paintings on ... topics.


1. Organization of a developmental environment in a group of older preschoolers (placement of reproductions of paintings, WWII posters)

Main stage


1st half of the day:1) reading and discussion literary works;

2) examination of paintings and posters on ... topics.

2nd half of the day:

1) conversation “Children about...”;

Children, parents, teachers

Senior group teachers


1st half of the day:1) reading and discussing literary works about ...;

2) lesson “...”.

2nd half of the day:

1) listening to songs about...;

2) examination of paintings and posters.

Children, teachers

Senior group teachers

Project information support

detailed information, which can be useful when preparing a project, when working with parents, teachers and children.

Key Concepts

Reveal the basic concepts of the project.

Methodological support for the project

  • Materials for conducting interviews
  • Educational event «…»
  • Indicative plan classes "… "
  • Recommendations for educators and parents
  • Questionnaire for parents "..."


Books for children

Visual works for viewing and discussion with children

Sazonova A.

Projects are divided by type of activity:

  • Creative and research projects that allow children to experiment and display the results visually in the form of wall newspapers, stands, etc.
  • Role-playing projects that allow game form solve assigned tasks in the form of characters.
  • Information projects that make it possible to collect information, analyze and display it on stands, stained glass windows, etc.

Finished projects

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Projects to improve the territory of kindergartens
  • Traffic regulations, road traffic, traffic lights. Projects, plans, reports

Showing publications 1-10 of 42963.
All sections | Projects. Project activities in kindergarten

Project “Global Scientist” Introduction…………………………………………………………………….… 3 Main part……………………………………………………………… ………….4- I. Biography of Rameev Bashir Iskandarovich………4- 7 II. Outstanding invention of the scientist Rameev. 5-III. Chief designer Uralov…………………………………… IV. Memory.……………………………………………………… 6-7...

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Project for children and parents of the middle group: “Good Blanket”

For educators and parents
Compiled by: teacher: Kondratyeva T.V.

Project type: communicative and creative.
Project implementation: August – September 2014.
Participants: children of the middle group and their parents.
Problem: Middle-aged children are characterized by high emotional sensitivity to everything that surrounds them. The more sense organs are involved in the process of raising and developing a child, the more fully the picture of the world is revealed to him. The child actively perceives and masters everything new through movement, because movement for him is a way of cognition. Children learn about the world with their hands, which is proven by many researchers who note the role of fine movements of the hand and establish a connection between the development of fine motor skills and speech. Modern children, unfortunately, experience a lack of movement and sensory sensations...Parents do not spend enough time with their children, their constant busyness affects the children’s mood and affects their health. Children really miss their parents when they are in kindergarten, this project will help preschoolers reduce emotional tension, help children and parents feel a positive emotional connection with each other.
- strengthening emotional contacts between children and adults;
- development of sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills hands
- quality improvement educational process,
- development of creativity, increasing the competence of teachers
- development of psychomotor functions and communication skills in children;
- relieving emotional and muscle tension;
- involving parents in creating a “house scarf” at home;
- use of a “house handkerchief” in children’s joint and independent play activities;
- development of game exercises with lacing exercise machines;
- establishing trust and mutual understanding between children and adults;
- development of children's creative abilities.
Project development.
- Communicate to project participants this problem.
-Select methodological and fiction, materials on this topic.
- Select materials, toys, attributes for play activities.
- Select material for productive activities.
- Compose long-term plan events. Preparatory stage

Cycle of creative tasks
Goal: to give the child the opportunity to participate together with their parents in the implementation of creative ideas, to show parents the importance of joint activities with the child in making crafts.
Provide an opportunity to show your individuality, creativity, put forward unconventional ideas and implement them.
Stage 1:
Project presentation
Goal: uniting participants in educational relations into a team of like-minded people. Unity through joint interesting activities of parents, children and educators, building partnerships between participants in educational relations. Implementing collaborative pedagogy.
Creative task for parents (methodological leaflet)
Goal: show parents the basics of implementation creative work Together with the children, offer to select materials and sketches for completing the task according to your own ideas.
Consultations for parents
Purpose: to show significance of this project involving both independent and joint activities of all its participants.
Stage 2 Creation of an art object
Goal: complete a creative task together with the child, using materials and sketches according to your own plans at home.
Stage 3 Art object in activity
Goal: use of an art object during the child’s stay in kindergarten, as an attribute of a good start to the day and continuous communication with the family.
Stage 4 Final. “Good Blanket” campaign.
Goal: uniting and uniting participants in educational relations into a team of like-minded people, building partnerships between educators, children and parents.

Practical part of the project:
A series of creative tasks for parents
1. Creative task “Toys from a pillow.” Prepare the base for the toy: a small pillow rectangular shape, filled with synthetic padding. With the help of laces and ribbons, you can create different toys - familiar to the child and fantastic ones, invented by him. Tie the pillow at the top with two ribbons to create ears, use laces to designate paws, and a long lace at the back to create a tail. The kitten toy is ready! Don't forget that cats love to play with bows on a string.
2. Creative task “Toys from scrap materials.” For example, you can make a bird of happiness from fabric. The bird of happiness is a symbol of good news. The bird of happiness is made from calico fabric, a cotton or padding polyester ball and thread.
Stage 1: making the bird of happiness: “making feathers.”
We remove the threads from the fabric along the contour to get a fringe, a bird of happiness without using a needle.
Stage 2: Making the bird of happiness: fold the fabric in half, then in half again, and then into a triangle
Stage 3: Tie the tip of the triangle with thread. This is the bird's "nose".
Stage 4: Unroll the fabric, put a ball of cotton wool in the middle. Tie the ball of cotton wool into the fabric.
Stage 5: We say kind things sweet words, prayer, parting words... We tie a ball of cotton wool with a thread to make the “head” of the bird. We fold the corners of the bird together.
Stage 6: make wings, pull together one corner of the fabric, then the other to make wings.
Campaign “Collecting a good blanket”
Individual stage carried out with the direct participation of the family. Parents need: a positive and friendly attitude, the ability to negotiate with the child and discuss everything new, a creative approach, but most importantly, the family’s interest in innovations in the child’s life. Recommendations for parents: It is important to treat the tasks and requests of teachers responsibly and not be afraid to offer your own creative ideas.
Quite often, children bring their favorite toy with them to kindergarten. For them, this is a familiar object and a piece of home, a memory of their mother. There is no doubt that a home handkerchief, decorated together with the mother, will help the child to be distracted, cope with fears and uncertainty, and relieve psycho-emotional stress. When decorating a home handkerchief, parents are reminded of its versatility, so that they can play with it, study, examine and transform it. It is important that activities with a handkerchief contribute to the development of fine motor skills, as well as ropes and laces attached to the corners of the handkerchief and on its surface.
Communication stage The child is already accustomed to the new environment and new surroundings. Friends appeared. We need to help kids take their first steps towards friendship.
“Interaction in pairs” - the teacher can invite the children to show their handkerchiefs to each other. Then they can exchange handkerchiefs and examine, examine, and compare them. You can discuss with the children what is depicted on different handkerchiefs, what is common, what is the difference. Simple tasks are recommended: “In which handkerchief does the color red live?”, “Who has a name on the handkerchief?”, “Whose lace is the longest?”, “What is in the pocket?” and etc.
“Interaction in small groups” - we repeat previous tasks and move on to new, more complex ones. For example, we create a common path from “household scarves” by tying the laces and ribbons of five to six scarves. From four scarves you can make a blanket for a doll or a festive tablecloth for the table. If it is still difficult for kids to tie their shoelaces, it is enough to simply lay out the handkerchiefs like puzzles. The main thing is to fantasize, come up with interesting tasks, maintain the child’s interest and not stop there!
“Group interaction” - the child feels like part of a large team and understands that he is together with all his different peers. One of the tasks is “Islands” - making handkerchiefs with different names: “Girls” and “Boys”, “Funny Animals”, “Colorful Islands”, “The Most big Island", etc. Children are accustomed to the kindergarten, group room, teachers and peers. Fears have been mostly overcome, it’s time to combine the scarves into one common group “Cozy Blanket for Babies”.
The event was timed to coincide with this event and parents were invited. The event took place within 50 minutes. The main event is the joining of handkerchiefs into the “Good Blanket”. To do this, each “home scarf” had laces or ribbons sewn into the corners for easy tying. First, 2-3 scarves were combined, the laces were tied, then they were connected into paths, and then into a single cloth. So, the “Good Blanket” is ready!
The entire event took place in a festive atmosphere. Free communication between the participants of the action helped create a team of like-minded people, uniting the children's team and the parents of the group.
It is very important that the art object “Good Blanket” unites children and parents. And if the child wants to be alone, then the relaxation effect of the “blanket” comes in handy.
Each participant received the creative task “Handkerchief” - to design a piece of fabric (15x15 cm) as an individual “Home Handkerchief”.
Materials for decorating a scarf were offered: multi-colored laces, ribbons and strings, beads from waste material, buttons, floss threads, colored braid of various widths, beads, synthetic padding, pieces of fabrics of various textures.
The action “Collecting a Good Blanket” was carried out - compiling a common blanket from individual fragments - individual “handkerchiefs”.
Children have the skills of making toys and have the primary skills of cooperation in making joint crafts.
Participants in educational relations unite and unite into a team of like-minded people, positive partnerships are built between educators, children and parents
1. Preschool pedagogy, ed. V.I. Loginova, P.G. Samorukova M., Education 2001
2. Karalashvili E.A. Art. “Implementation of the project “Cozy blanket for babies” within the framework of a scientific and practical conference. Directory of senior educator preschool No. 4, 2014
3. Koskina N.M. Art. “Traditional forms of working with parents”, Journal Preschool teacher No. 4, 2012.

Project activities in kindergarten.


One of the main tasks modern system education, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, is to reveal the abilities of each child, to educate an individual with creative thinking, ready for life in a high-tech information society, with the ability to use information Technology and lifelong learning. Only such an individual can become successful in life. In the context of the implementation of a project in a preschool educational institution, each child independently strives for active activity, and an adult expects a positive, unique creative result from him. Therefore, it is in project activities in preschool educational institutions that education is possible creative personality with creative thinking, it is possible to fully develop the cognitive activity of preschool children.

Project method

According to the definition of the American educator, the founder of the project method, William Hurd Kilpatrick, a project is any action performed with all the heart and with a specific purpose. A project is a set of actions specially organized by teachers and carried out by children and adult participants in the project. Children, teachers, and families take part in project activities in preschool educational institutions. Project activity, like no other, supports children's cognitive initiative in kindergarten and family settings, and it is project activity that allows this initiative to be formalized in the form of a culturally significant product.

The project method is a teaching system in which children acquire knowledge in the process of planning and performing increasingly complex practical tasks - projects. The project method always involves students solving some problem. This way of working is suitable for children aged four years and older.

Methods for developing projects in preschool educational institutions

1. System web according to the project

All types of children's activities and forms of joint activities during the project are listed. All of them are distributed according to educational areas, clause 2.6. GEF DO:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Also, the system web indicates forms of interaction with family and social partners during project activities, forms of joint activities within the project during sensitive moments.

2. Model of three questions WHAT DO I KNOW? WHAT DO I WANT TO KNOW? HOW TO FIND OUT?

WHAT DO I KNOW? - PROBLEM. Find out what children already know about the topic.

WHAT DO I WANT TO KNOW? - DESIGN. Plan for the project topic.

HOW TO FIND OUT? - SEARCH FOR INFORMATION. Sources of new knowledge, i.e. funds for the project.

3. The image “We are seven” (according to Zair-Bek)

We are concerned... (a fact, a contradiction, something that attracts attention is formulated).

We understand... (a conscious problem to solve and guiding values ​​are presented).

We expect... (a description of the expected goals - results is given).

We assume... (ideas, hypotheses are presented).

We intend... (context of actions planned in stages).

We are ready... (a description of the available resources of various types is given).

We are asking for support... (the justification for the necessary external support for the implementation of the project is presented).

Classification of thematic projects in preschool educational institutions

1. By dominant activity in the project:

Research - creative

Rolevo - gaming


Informational (practice-oriented)

2. By subject area:

Mono-projects (one educational area)

Integrative (two or more educational areas)

3. By the nature of coordination:



4. By the nature of contacts:

With pupils of the same group

With students from several groups

With pupils from all preschool educational institutions

5. According to the duration of the project (depending on the level of interest of the children, determined by the teacher):

Short-term (1 – 3 weeks)

Medium duration (up to a month)

Long-term (from a month to several months)

Types of projects in preschool educational institutions (according to L.V. Kiseleva)

1. Research - creative. Children experiment and present the results in the form of newspapers, dramatization, children's design(layouts and models).

2. Rolevo - gaming . Elements used creative games, children enter into the image of the characters in the fairy tale and solve the problems posed in their own way.

3. Informational (practice-oriented) . Children collect information and implement it, focusing on social interests (group design and design)

4. Creative. Presentation of the work result in the form children's party, children's design, etc.

What is a "project"?

Every project has “five Ps”:


Design (planning)

Search for information;



But in fact, every teacher organizing a project in a preschool educational institution should have the sixth “P” of the project - this is his Portfolio, i.e. a folder in which all work materials are collected, including drafts, daily plans, notes and others teaching materials, used during project activities.

At the end of the project, each preschool teacher organizing project activities must prepare a report on the project, which often causes difficulties. Using the proposed approximate structure for preparing a report on a project carried out at a preschool educational institution, you, dear colleagues, can easily do this.

An approximate structure for teachers to prepare a report on a project carried out in a preschool educational institution using the project’s system web

1. Title page - project name, project type, project time frame, project author.

2. Project topic and its origin.

3. Project objectives (educational, developmental and educational): for children, for teachers (not only for educators, but possibly also for music directors, physical education directors, speech therapists, etc.), for family members.

4. System web of the project.

5. Expected results of the project: for children, for teachers, for family members.

6. Brief summary of the project:

* Preparatory stage – actions of children, actions of teachers, actions of family members

* Activity stage – actions of children, actions of teachers, actions of family members

* The final stage - the actions of children, the actions of teachers, the actions of family members

7. Project Product Description : for children, for teachers, for family members

8. Project presentation – demonstration of the project products to others (it is appropriate to place photographs of the project product here).

Dear colleagues, I wish you creative success in project activities with preschoolers!