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» Hidden radiators in the wall. How and with what to close heating radiators in an apartment or private house. Hinged metal screen

Hidden radiators in the wall. How and with what to close heating radiators in an apartment or private house. Hinged metal screen

Heating radiators cannot always serve as interior decoration. Therefore, they have to be hidden, decorated with all possible ways. Let's try to figure out how to do this beautifully and correctly.

Features and Requirements

Decorating heating radiators is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary not only to hide the unsightly radiator, but also to preserve comfortable temperature in room. Obviously, closed batteries provide much less heat, and access to them becomes difficult.

In order to properly close the radiators and not reduce heat transfer (or at least reduce it slightly), you need to understand how radiators heat the room and on what principle they work. And choose the decor so that it represents minimal interference when the batteries perform their functions.

Removable or attached screens that do not have solid fastenings are well suited for this. This is necessary so that the radiator can be accessed at any time. Such a need may arise unexpectedly, and if the battery is mounted into a wall, a plasterboard box, or covered with a screen “tightly” attached to the wall, the structure will have to be broken. It will not be possible to dismantle it without damage.

Another important criterion when choosing decor is how much it will affect heat transfer. Heating of the room occurs due to the release of infrared radiation (it heats objects) and convection (it directly heats the air).

Solid screens, devoid of gaps at the bottom and top, will become a serious obstacle for both the first and the second. The best option There will be perforated, carved or lamella screens that do not cover the battery either from above or from below. Or closing slightly.

In order for the air to warm up evenly, it must be able to freely enter from the bottom of the battery, pass through it and exit from the top already warm. A tightly “sealed” radiator does not give it this opportunity, which is why the temperature drops. As for IR radiation, it simply cannot pass through a solid, impenetrable screen, which provides almost one hundred percent thermal insulation of the battery.

IN Lately You can see that batteries are often covered with glass screens with photo printing. Of course, such a solution has high decorative properties, however, the temperature in a room equipped with such decor drops significantly.

The optimal solution for any interior would be a wooden perforated or carved screen. The main thing is that it has as little continuous surface as possible and as many holes as possible to allow air to circulate freely. In addition to the fact that wood fits harmoniously into almost any interior style, it is also necessary to highlight its environmental friendliness. When heated, it will not release any harmful substances. On the contrary, when exposed to heat, wood releases essential oils that have a positive effect on human health (of course, we are talking about natural wood).

Economical ways

To hide old heating batteries, it is not at all necessary to use expensive materials and designs. There are many budget-friendly ways to close unsightly radiators while maintaining high heat transfer rates and easy access to the system.

These methods include:

  1. Coloring. Even old, Soviet models of batteries can be turned into a stylish element of the interior by painting them to match the walls or, conversely, in a contrasting color. The costs are minimal, and the benefits are obvious: quick access to the radiator is maintained, convection is not hampered in any way, and the room remains at a comfortable temperature. Such radiators will fit into any interior, from modern loft to classic, the main thing is to choose the right color.
  2. Textile. The simplest thing is to cover the radiators with curtains that go down to the floor. The main thing is to ensure that there is no possibility of the fabric catching fire from too hot batteries. Or - if the option with curtains is not entirely acceptable - you can stretch a fabric over a wooden frame that matches the color of all the other textiles in the room, and cover the radiators with this screen. Air easily passes through the fabric; it does not present any obstacle to this, which means that heat transfer will not decrease.
  3. The use of materials such as plastic, MDF panels, and drywall will also be inexpensive. However, they also have a significant drawback - a decrease in heat in the room. And from the point of view of environmental friendliness, these materials leave much to be desired. The same plastic, for example, is better used in the bathroom to turn off the tap, in the kitchen, that is, in rooms with high humidity, where the same wood, the same metal will quickly become unusable due to external factors. Boxes made of MDF panels or plasterboard have good thermal insulation properties, which in this case absolutely not necessary. And it will be difficult to get close to the system.

Of course, low cost is a significant advantage of the material, and for many it is decisive. However, we should not forget that its main function is to provide not only the aesthetic appeal of the heating system, but also warmth in the apartment. Therefore, you should not focus solely on price.

Good combination Wooden structures have accessibility, aesthetics, environmental friendliness and the ability to transmit heat. A simple lattice made of narrow slats, which are sold in any hardware store, can effectively hide radiators and will not interfere with their normal operation. In addition, such a solution will look natural in any interior. It is not for nothing that wood has been used since ancient times to decorate houses. Its unique natural aesthetics, the warmth and comfort that it brings to the home are still appreciated and in demand.

If you choose a metal sheet - copper or aluminum - as a background for a carved wooden panel, this solution will bring double benefits. Wood will take on a decorative function, and thanks to metal, the temperature in the room will not only not drop due to closed battery, but may even increase.

Popular solutions

Currently, there are many ways to hide old cast iron radiators under the window. Screens from a wide variety of materials, niches, painting, mounting into the wall - options for every taste. But if it’s quite simple to decorate heating radiators in the living room, bedroom or children’s room, you just need to choose a solution that will be in harmony with general style interior - then in rooms with characteristic conditions (for example, in the kitchen, bathroom) - this is more difficult to do.

For these rooms it is necessary to select a material that will withstand and high humidity , and temperature changes, and possible exposure to steam, chemical substances. And with all this it will be non-toxic. The best option would be to paint the radiators to match the walls or in a contrasting color. This method of decorating pipes is the most common in bathrooms.

As for the other rooms of the house, everything depends solely on the imagination and budget of the owners. But the basic requirements for radiator screens must be met in any case. After all, their main task is to hide unsightly heating elements without compromising heat transfer. Therefore, any screen must provide free air circulation and IR radiation. At least create minor obstacles to this.

The now popular glass screens, of course, are highly decorative, look great in the interior, but they significantly reduce heat transfer, which means they help lower the temperature in the room. This decor can be used if heating is carried out in some other way, for example, using heated floors.

Quite often you can find such a solution - radiators are mounted inside the wall, and a small window (or two) is left behind a grill for the passage of heat. Not only does the temperature in the room drop significantly in this case, but also access to the system becomes almost impossible - to do this you will have to break the wall in the literal sense of the word.

The same applies to boxes made of plasterboard, plywood, MDF, chipboard and other similar materials. Reduced heat transfer, difficult access to the system versus decorativeness. Everyone makes a choice for themselves.

Screens made of metal – copper or aluminum – are now gaining popularity. Such models not only will not lower, but may even increase the temperature in the room. Heated by the radiator, such screens themselves act as a battery and additionally heat the room.

If the room is covered with wallpaper, the heating elements can be decorated using leftovers. By cutting them into strips and gluing them onto radiators (with heat-resistant glue, of course), you can get a wonderful decorative element that will harmoniously fit into the interior at minimal cost.

In a children's room, you can generally give free rein to your imagination, or you can involve the inhabitants of the room in the process. Children will happily take on the decoration own home and they themselves will tell you how they would like to decorate the batteries. Favorite cartoons, fairy tales, your own imagination, in which the room is not a room at all, but a ship, a tank or a racing car. All this can be used when decorating radiators.

To decorate old heating radiators, it is not necessary to spend a large amount of money, effort and time. You can simply paint them. Freshly painted batteries will look good in a modern interior, such as a loft, or in a classic or soft pastel room. The main thing is to choose the right color.

The same loft - industrial style, and its color scheme is appropriate. The most commonly used color is black or white. One of them can be used to color batteries. Elements painted in a contrasting color - black on white or white on a black background - will look especially impressive.

This is unlikely to be suitable for more prosaic, calm interiors - after all, it still emphasizes the heating system, highlights it, and does not hide it. In an industrial loft this is what you need. But, for example, in a classic interior this would be inappropriate. Here it is better to paint the batteries to match the walls so that they blend into the background.

Heating radiators can be decorated with paintings. Such elements will look good in a nursery and will emphasize the dynamic, active, unusual atmosphere inherent in this room.

In the bathroom, you can put the pipes in a plastic box. It would be irrational to use wood or metal in this room - the materials will quickly become unusable, and the design will have to be changed. And plastic can easily withstand the high humidity of this room. However, plastic is not suitable for the kitchen; here it is better to give preference to traditional materials.

The decor of a heating system implies not only the camouflage of its elements, but also the possibility of easy and quick access to any of its components. This is one of the most important criteria choices that need to be followed when choosing the design of radiators.

Another important factor is heat transfer. But here you can resort to a little trick. A foil foam insulator hung on the wall behind the radiator will reduce heat loss by twenty times.

But it must be attached to the wall, and not just put the battery. In this case, a distance of at least two to three centimeters should remain between it and the piece of insulator.

It is not advisable to cover the elements of the heating system with boxes, hide them in niches or mount them in walls. If another option is not possible, it is necessary to provide the box with a door to ensure the fastest and easiest access to the system at any time.

Modern industry produces heating radiators that are significantly different from Soviet models, which everyone is so eager to hide or change. These are not only strictly geometric white radiators. These can be models of almost any shape and size. Such batteries do not have to be hidden or covered; on the contrary, it is customary to put them on public display, hang them in the center of the wall and show them to guests as a bright, unusual accent.

Modern radiators are a spectacular decorative element that is attractive in itself. Even simple white models have their own aesthetics. They don't have to be hidden at all. They will cope perfectly with the role of discreet, but stylish elements decorations that also perform a practical function - they heat the room.

Examples in the interior

To decorate or hide radiators in a room beautifully so that they are not a “fly in the ointment” and do not spoil the entire appearance of the room, not so difficult task. Modern materials allow us to solve this issue with minimal costs.

Vertical, horizontal, sectional, copper, cast iron - the modern market offers a wide variety radiators for every taste.

A battery with a bright, cheerful color, for example, yellow, will look good in a children's room - it has a positive effect on the nervous system and emotional state person.

New models, unusual for the eyes - vertical radiators. They are located vertically on the wall and can occupy the entire height from floor to ceiling. This element looks quite stylish and does an excellent job of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room.

Excellent interior design can be seriously compromised by the appearance of radiators. After all, most of them are not at all aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, apartment owners often have a question: how to cover it. There are many methods of camouflage. But before choosing one of them, you should carefully analyze how feasible such a decision is. After all, any errors in the installation of the structure can seriously reduce heat transfer.

Decor for radiators

Before you start looking at the best options to close, consider the alternative proposals presented by the designers:

  1. Using curtains. An ordinary curtain made of cotton fabric will cover the radiator perfectly. But this method can only be used if the battery is located in a niche. Blinds can be an excellent alternative to curtains.
  2. Painting. A radiator can become a real highlight of the interior. Of course, the painting method can only be used for modern aluminum products. Old cast iron ones, even if painted, will stand out against the general background. You can design the radiators in one color scheme that matches the overall tone of the design. The drawings look great. If you don't have artistic talent, it doesn't matter. You can always use stencils.
  3. Decoupage. This method will not require you to make major investments. All you need is PVA glue plus beautiful napkins. Cutting out original elements from the selected material, cover the surface of the radiator. A special one is applied on top of the decor in several layers.

If decorating radiators is not possible, then consider how to cover radiators. The photos posted in the article will allow you to get acquainted with some of the options offered by specialists.

Important Terms

When thinking about how to cover radiators, you need to consider several points:

  1. The air flow should circulate freely. This will ensure uniform heating of the room and protect windows from fogging.
  2. All adjustment parts must remain accessible for sudden repair work. To do this, you can create a removable structure or provide windows at the threaded connections.

Hinged screen

This is the simplest method. When planning how to close the radiator in a room, you can experiment with a hanging screen or use a regular grille. Such structures are most often made of metal.

This battery masking tool has a number of advantages:

  1. A hanging screen or grille does not interfere with heat transfer at all. Air currents can circulate freely.
  2. The design is easy to install. The screen just needs to be hung on the battery.
  3. The grilles are completely safe, because their corners are usually rounded.

But, unfortunately, the hanging screen is not without its drawbacks. The most important disadvantage of such camouflage is the lack of aesthetics. In other words, the appearance of the screen is far from the concept of “beauty”. To remedy the situation, you can paint and paint the structure.

Glass screens

This is an excellent solution for those owners who are interested in how to beautifully close radiators. Fireproof thick glass will be an original option for a modern interior. Such a screen is often decorated with stained glass patterns or photo printing.

Installing the structure is completely easy. It is secured using special screw holders that provide elastic gaskets to protect the glass surface. To fix the screen, it is enough to make just a couple of holes in the wall.

Glass screens can be purchased at design workshops. But the disadvantage of such disguise is high price material.

Wooden frame

How to cover radiators? Wooden frames look great. They can become a harmonious addition to any interior. They will fit especially organically into a room furnished wooden furniture. The ideal solution there will be a frame that matches the headset in texture, shape and color. In this case, it will be one piece with all the furniture.

Masking a battery out of wood has a significant advantage. Such a frame, depending on the design, can become an excellent rack, shelf, table, or stand for various utensils. If it is small in size, it can be equipped with an additional seat, such as a bench. In addition, using all your imagination, you can create a completely unique frame for the radiator.

However, wooden structures are not without their disadvantages. Impact high temperatures may have a detrimental effect on the shape of the frame. Wood can become deformed.

Built in furniture

This is very original solution. Heating radiators can be disguised with furniture. A chest of drawers or a small closet would look great. Such furniture is often made to order. But if you have at least basic woodworking skills, you can easily complete this design yourself.

In this case, you can use any other material. It can be plasterboard, MDF, laminate, chipboard or plywood.

Many owners are happy to use plastic to make the frame. This is a simple, cheap material that can fit perfectly into the interior. But when planning plastic structures, it is necessary to take into account the following disadvantage of the material. When heated, some species are capable of releasing quite toxic fumes into the air.

How to cover radiators and pipes with plasterboard

But the most popular coating remains plasterboard. Installation of such material is simple and not labor-intensive. Drywall is affordable and does not cause any special problems in purchasing. But at the same time, it opens up wide opportunities for implementing the most daring design solutions.

So, let's look at how to cover a heating radiator with plasterboard. Designers offer some great ideas:

  1. Continuation of the window sill or false wall. But remember that for free air circulation it is necessary to provide several small windows. When choosing drywall for such purposes, be sure to choose a heat-resistant material. It should be noted that most varieties can withstand fairly high temperatures. The design is completely easy to complete. Initially, it is necessary to install metal guides. The drywall itself is attached to them. Be sure to provide windows into which original grilles are inserted.
  2. Making a fireplace. The appearance of the room will greatly benefit from such a piece of furniture. A false fireplace will fill the room with extraordinary homely atmosphere and will give him comfort. Moreover, the design can be made in any style.


When you are faced with the acute question of what to do with standard heating radiators and disguise boring batteries, be sure to analyze several solutions. Consider what options designers offer. And only then choose the method you like best. Perhaps your batteries would benefit greatly from an original paint job? Or, by creating a frame made of plasterboard, you can create a wonderful shelf for your favorite trinkets.

Before you start masking, you need to know a few important nuances:

  • The first thing you need to understand is that with any method there will be heat loss.
  • Convection air flows should not be blocked by anything; this is the only way to maintain uniform heating of the room, and the windows will not fog up.
  • For various emergencies, it is worth considering in advance free access to threaded connections and the radiator - this can be a window or a removable structure, for example, a door with hinges.
  • For repairs, the faucet, thermal head and other elements of the heating system must remain in good accessibility.

The best ways to beautifully hide radiators

There are several ways to hide batteries; in this section we will look at the most popular and effective ones.

It is by far the most practical and popular method; most often this design is made of metal and has its advantages:

  • simple installation;
  • heat exchange remains the same;
  • can be made with rounded corners, which reduces the risk of injury.

Glass screens

A screen made of glass will become interesting and stylish solution, especially for those who choose minimalism or modern style in interior design. Photo printing or various patterns can be applied to the glass, but this method is not budget option. Installation is carried out on a screw holder, but you will have to drill holes in the wall. However, the heating radiator will be stylishly protected. This option will fit into any interior.

Box screens

Box screens are an excellent option for decorating radiators.

  • They will help to completely hide the battery.
  • The box can become a piece of furniture.
  • Erans are easy to install and easy to care for.
  • Protect from burns or other injuries.

The photo shows an original green wooden box in the children's interior.

Let’s not forget about the most popular way to hide batteries - simply hang them with opaque or translucent curtains. Using this method, over time you will even forget that there are pipes and a radiator behind the curtains. The main thing is to choose curtains that will look harmonious and not show everyone that there is something behind them.

Painting the walls in color

How to hide a heating radiator on the wall if other designs are “prohibited”. There is only one way to paint it the same color as the wall.

Wood frame

Wood will create coziness and warmth in the apartment, and the camouflage of the battery will be elegant and beautiful. This option is for those who are furnishing their home in eco-style using natural materials. These ways to hide batteries can be used as a stand for home decor.

In the photo they are normal wooden blocks stylishly hide the battery in the kitchen.

Built in furniture

Another common way to cover a radiator is custom-made furniture or built-in furniture (shelves, cabinets, folding tables, seating).

Hide the radiator with furniture

Arrange furniture, such as an armchair or desk, so that it covers the battery. A cast iron radiator is not attractive to many, but pieces of furniture can hide it.

Replace with designer model

For those who don’t want to invent anything, unique designer ways to hide batteries have been developed that already initially have a beautiful appearance and you simply don’t want to hide them.

Original ideas

There are many creative ideas that can turn batteries into a decorative element:

  • Forged products

  • Painting and decoupage of batteries

In the photo, with the help of a beautiful painting, the battery has merged with the wall.

Hide with drywall

Separately, I would like to talk about how you can hide batteries using drywall. It is immediately worth noting that the material has its disadvantages, however plasterboard construction still very popular for renovations.

  • The material is environmentally friendly and is not subject to combustion.
  • You can find several varieties of this material on the market.
  • This camouflage option is budget-friendly, and installation can be carried out in different ways, in a way that is convenient for you.
  • Also, it is drywall that will allow the apartment owner to come up with any design, which will help not only close the pipes and radiator, but also make additional elements decor.

The downside is that drywall is afraid external influence, with careless actions, it is quite easy to break or pierce it. And if a breakdown or leak occurs, the entire finish will have to be replaced again, but this material is cheap.

Do-it-yourself installation of a plasterboard box

In order to close the battery, you need to measure it, and then buy metal profiles and other additional products.

  • What materials are needed: plasterboard sheet 12 millimeters, metal profiles 27x28 and 60x27, self-tapping screws for plasterboard and metal, dowel-nails size 6x40, construction sickle, perforated corners.
  • Tools: screwdriver, hammer drill, metal scissors, stationery knife, construction stapler, pencil, tape measure, construction level.

Attention, for the construction of a plasterboard box there is an important requirement: the window sill must extend beyond the radiator by at least 3 centimeters.

Work order:

Masking heating pipes

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an apartment or a house, a bedroom or a kitchen, I would like to have it everywhere good repair. Questions immediately arise: how to beautifully hide heating pipes and how can this be done with minimal cost and maximum efficiency? At the same time, the method of disguise should be truly invisible and unnoticeable, fitting into the room.

The pipe can be hidden inside the wall, or it can also be closed into the floor. Remember that the old heating system should not be hidden in this way; this option is possible after a complete update of all elements.

Box on frame

It is best made from wood, plastic or plasterboard. Do not place the heating pipes close together; there should be at least three centimeters between the box and the pipe.

Hide behind decor

Pipe decoration various options, for example, wrap it with jute rope. But remember that this reduces heat transfer. Many owners decorate pipes with flowers; this can be done using bamboo with leaves. Only imagination should work here; even an old pipe can look completely different.

Painting to match the color of the walls

The easiest and most practical method is to paint the radiators or riser in the same color as the walls, but the heat generation will not be reduced.

In the photo in the kitchen interior, the pipes are painted to match the blue walls.

Hide under the floor plinth

A good invention was the floor plinth, in which you can easily hide batteries located horizontally and low to the floor.

Photos in the interior of the rooms


Kitchen is perfect room, in which all ways to hide batteries will become practical and convenient. If the room is small, then you can hide the battery using beautiful table top or make a folding table, which will fold out when convenient.

Factories of metal-plastic structures offer big choice beautiful window sills large sizes, which imitate stone, wood and other materials. A modern window sill does not break under weight, is not afraid of external factors, is easy to care for, wipe clean, is not afraid of scratches, and so on. You can hide any type of battery in this way, including cast iron.

In the photo, wooden boxes are used to disguise the radiators.

Living room

If the radiator is in a niche, then wide window sill will help create a work area.

You can place souvenirs, vases or potted flowers on the constructed wooden box. You can also cover unsightly radiators in the living room with thick curtains.

The photo shows a modern living room. In order to hide the radiators, a wooden structure was installed, which also serves as a place for rest, storage and decoration.

Bedroom and children's room

In the interior of a bedroom and children's room, batteries can be used as another place to relax, a tabletop for decorative elements or a workplace.

We hide heating radiators using wooden, glass or plastic screens.

On the picture


For radiators in hallways, glass screens or wooden boxes are suitable. In a small room, covering the battery is only necessary from a practicality point of view. This could be a locker for storing shoes, or the battery will become a small coffee table where keys and other necessary items will be stored.

Examples in different interior styles

Modern style

For modern style or high-tech and minimalist style, any material made of wood, glass (glass panels) or metal is suitable.

Classic style


In the loft style, old radiators and pipes are most often not covered; they are left on display or replaced with interesting design options.

Photo gallery

Below are photo examples of masking batteries in rooms for various functional purposes.

You also need to close the radiators correctly. Aesthetics are, of course, important, but cold room you will have no time for beauty. Therefore, all options must also be considered from a technical point of view. This will be discussed below: how to close a heating radiator without significantly reducing its efficiency. The task is not easy, but doable.

How to properly close the battery from a maintenance point of view

Radiators, like heating pipes, require periodic maintenance. They sometimes start to leak, become clogged, require bleeding from time to time, etc. And all because a far from ideal coolant flows in our networks. In addition, the quality of some modern heating devices is far from standard. All this leads to leaks appearing sooner or later.

More often they appear in places where sections of radiators are joined, or where pipes are connected. To ensure the tightness of the joints, there are gaskets; over time, they lose elasticity or collapse. All these places must be freely accessible.

From all that has been said, it follows that you need to close the battery in such a way that you can quickly access it. The best option- an attached structure that is not “tightly” fixed to the wall. If you are concerned about safety, make a locking mount: you can install a bracket on the wall on which the heating screen will be hung. Any other fastening that will ensure quick dismantling will do.

How to slightly reduce heat transfer when installing a screen

The purpose of the batteries is to transfer heat to the air. And this happens in two ways:

Heat transfer by convection occurs when air passing by a heated section heats itself up. To improve air movement on modern heating devices, special fins-air ducts are made. But their presence is not a guarantee of good heat transfer. We also need free access and outflow of air. This is the only way air will flow normally and spread heat throughout the room. This means that you need to close the radiator in the room so that nothing interferes with the outflow of air from above. Ideally, there should be no obstruction from above. There is already a window sill there. The second obstacle will immediately reduce heat transfer. But if there is still some kind of horizontal cover, it should be with big amount holes. And the holes should occupy at least 40% of the surface, and preferably 50-60%.

But that's not all. There should also be a sufficiently large distance from the floor to the screen below. It should pass through this gap cold air and rise up along the battery section, heating up along the way. The size from the floor to the top edge of the screen is 8-12 cm. The best option is to have legs. Worst, but acceptable - holes big size or significant perforation (many small holes).

Thermal radiation occurs in the infrared range. For him, any obstacle is already a loss: the rays are reflected and scattered, never reaching the middle of the room. Therefore, it is advisable to install the screen in front of the radiator again with a large number of holes.

Even if all these requirements are met, the heat transfer from the batteries will decrease. And you need to be prepared for this. If you are just planning a system, take this into account and take a couple of extra sections. They will make up for the losses.

Using all the same properties of thermal radiation, heat transfer can be increased. The first remedy is to attach a layer of foil, or better yet, a foil foam insulator, behind the radiator. If you hang only foil on the wall, the amount of heat going into the wall will decrease by a factor of 5. It will be reflected towards the room, where it will actually become warmer. But if you attach a thin heat insulator to the wall, on which foil is applied (the surface should be smooth and shiny), then heat loss will be reduced by 20 times. And this is just from a piece of thermal insulation. But just one caveat: just putting it down won’t do any good. Needs to be attached to the wall. And at the same time between the wall and back wall The distance between the radiator and the radiator should be at least 2-3 cm. Then the reflection of thermal radiation will be effective.

The second remedy is also simple, but effective. We know that dark matte surfaces absorb heat well. And this can be used. Paint the back of the screen on the battery in a dark color. Part of the thermal radiation will be absorbed by it and then transmitted to the air in the room. If you still cover the battery with a screen, then you need to do it correctly with least losses heat.

And there's more design features, which will help during installation to increase heat transfer rather than reduce it. To do this you need to position it correctly. How, look at the diagram.

What to close and how

From all that has been said above, it follows that a plastic material with a good heat transfer coefficient is needed. Metal immediately comes to mind. And indeed it is. If done correctly, it may not lower the temperature in the room, but increase it: the heat transfer area increases. But copper (silver doesn’t count) and aluminum have the best heat transfer. If you cover the radiators with perforated screens made of these materials, you will definitely not freeze. Metal screens fit best into kitchen interiors, can also be suitable for rooms, but decorated in high-tech style.

Metal screen - not the most attractive, perhaps, but with the best heat transfer

If forging fits into the style of the room, then you can make a forged grille, and use the battery itself as a contrasting background. Cast iron standard sections are not an option, but modern ones, which are almost flat, are an excellent background. In this design, the heating device will become a decorative element. This option is suitable for rooms or hallways. Such decor will look much more harmonious if there is at least one more item, also decorated with forging.

Very attractive and... But not from the point of view of heat transfer - it is very poor, but from the point of view of plasticity. You can make beautiful patterns from wood. Even a completely ordinary grille or slats already look good. In this case, there is no hope for an increase in heat transfer - it will certainly decrease, but if the holes are large enough, then only a little.

Wood radiator grille - timeless classic

Screens for radiators made of MDF, fiberboard, and OSB are also attractive. But already because of the relatively low price. You can also use them to beautifully close the battery. There are some good ones ready-made options, but if you are comfortable with a jigsaw and know how to use it well, you can get a spectacular screen. If you make large enough holes, then heat transfer will be normal. You just need to use materials with an emission class of at least E1, and better yet, E0. They are more expensive, but when heated they will not emit harmful substances (and will remain warm throughout the heating season).

A very good option could be a combination of two materials. For example, on a perforated sheet of metal (at best, aluminum) decorative panel made of wood or the same MDF. The option is very good. Both from the point of view of thermal engineering and from the point of view of design. The metal transfers heat well, and the decorative panel distracts attention from the battery.

It’s not a good idea to hide radiators under drywall. This material is an excellent heat insulator. Good property, but not for this case. In addition, when it dries out, it begins to crumble and become dusty. The situation can be improved a little. To do this, you will need to pre-treat the drywall with an aqueous solution of PVA glue. First, go over the surface with a special spiked roller and make holes. Then coat the sheet with the aqueous polymer solution several times. After drying, its thermal conductivity will increase, and it will not generate dust even when it dries out.

But even with such drywall, it is not worth covering the battery completely with drywall. If you really need a niche, make it from a processed sheet, and a grate, for example, from wood or steel. But it must be removable. This will ensure at least some access to the radiator. In general, it is better to make a structure that can be disassembled and assembled. For example, do not putty the corners, but cover them with corners that are fastened with self-tapping screws. It can be disassembled, although not very quickly, but it is not a monolith, which, if something happens, you will simply have to break.

Even less successful ideas are to close the battery in PVC room or other plastics. Their thermal conductivity is no better than that of drywall, but nothing can help the matter. This option is most suitable in the bathroom or kitchen. Here both wood and metal will not feel the best. Therefore, if you cover the battery with plastic, then only there. The requirements are the same: there are as few obstacles as possible at the top and bottom, the plane is heavily perforated, and there is maximum free access for repairs and maintenance.

There is another very modern and non-standard approach - a glass screen with photo printing. From a heat transfer point of view, this is a very bad option. Unless you make it from glass lamellas.


When wondering what and how to close the radiator, do not forget about technical requirements and heat transfer. Firstly, you need to ensure free convection, and secondly, good heat transfer. And it is necessary to have access to service the battery in case of leakage or emergency situations. To do this, all surfaces must be perforated to the maximum, and the screen itself should not be tightly attached to the wall.